ICAT™ Kit for Protein Labeling (Monoplex Version) Protocol for Modifying Proteins with an Isotope-Labeled, Sulfhydryl-Modifying Biotinylation Reagent Operating Instructions 1 Product Description 1. The ICAT™ Kit for Protein Labeling (Monoplex Version) facilitates quantitative analysis of proteins. The biotinylated peptides, products of the reactions generated by this kit, can be separated by capillary reversed-phase HPLC and analyzed by mass spectrometry. This monoplex kit lets you label a control and a test protein sample for up to three assays (if you purchase the 3-assay starter kit), or up to 10 assays (if you purchase the 10-assay kit). 3. Remove nonderivitized material The ICAT Kit for Protein Labeling complements 2D gel electrophoresis techniques by allowing for quantitation of a wide range of proteins, including membrane and low-abundance proteins. 8. Protocol Overview Separate ICAT Reagent-labeled peptides by capillary reversed-phase HPLC Each ICAT Reagent consists of three moieties: A sulfhydryl-specific reactive group (iodoacetamide) to derivitize cysteine residues • An affinity ligand (biotin) that acts as a specific capture “handle” • A linker region that contains either 8 deuterium atoms (D8) or 0 deuterium atoms (D0) 5. Load the eluted peptides on the affinity column Clean up samples using cation exchange 6. Benefits Label samples with ICAT Reagents 4. Digest the protein samples with trypsin The protein analysis approach described in this kit requires that you provide protein samples and various laboratory materials. Refer to “User-Supplied Materials and Equipment” on page 4 for details. • 2. Denature and reduce the protein samples 7. Elute derivitized peptides 9. Identify and quantify by electrospray, MALDI, or both electrospray and MALDI Figure 1 Steps in the Protocol The protocol in this document is based on the addition of ICAT Reagents to two different protein samples. One reagent, D0, is added to a control sample; the second reagent, D8 (Figure 2), is added to a test sample. After ICAT Reagent is added to the control and test samples, samples are derivitized, combined, then digested with trypsin. Excess reagent and trypsin are removed using cation exchange chromatography. Biotinylated, cysteine-containing tryptic fragments are captured on an avidin affinity column, and labeled peptides are separated from nonlabeled material. After elution from the avidin column, labeled peptides are further separated using capillary reversed-phase HPLC, then analyzed by mass spectrometry. Relative quantitation between the control and test samples is determined from the mass peak ratio of D8labeled peptide to D0-labeled peptide. Protein identification is performed by MS/MS. Contents Page Product Description .............................................................. 1 Materials ............................................................................... 2 Safety.................................................................................... 4 Testing the Protocol .............................................................. 4 Protein Labeling and Tryptic Digestion ................................. 5 Purifying the Biotinylated Peptides ....................................... 7 Analyzing the Fractions and Peptides................................... 8 Technical Support ............................................................... 10 Ordering Information ............................................................11 References...........................................................................11 For additional information on the analysis of proteins using ICAT Reagents, refer to Section 10, "References." Figure 1 outlines the steps in this protocol. 1 Laminin Peptide and ICAT Reagent Reference Information Mass and chemical information relevant to the Laminin Peptide Standard and the ICAT Reagent is provided below. Laminin: • • • • • • • • Sequence: Cys-Asp-Pro-Gly-Tyr-Ile-Gly-Ser-Arg Composition: C40H62N12O14S Average molecular weight: 967.1 Monoisotopic mass: 966.4229 Monoisotopic MH+: 967.4307 CAS: 110590-60-8 Monoisotopic MH+ after D0 dervitization: 1409.6552 Monoisotopic MH+ after D8 dervitization: 1417.7054 Item Volume/Qty. Description Laminin Peptide Standard 2 vials Test peptide for the kit. Trypsin (TPCKtreated) 3 vials Cleaves peptide bonds on the carboxyl side of lysine and arginine residues. Denaturing Buffer (pH 8.5) 1 vial, 1.5 mL/vial Disrupts the hydrogen, hydrophobic, and electrostatic bonds of the proteins. Contains 50 mM Tris and 0.1% SDS. Reducing Reagent 1 vial, 100 µL/vial Reduces the disulfide bonds of the proteins. Contains 50 mM TCEP. Dissolution Buffer (pH 8.5) 1 vial, 1.5 mL/vial Dissolves the laminin in the test phase of the protocol. Contains 50 mM Tris. ICAT Cartridge –Cation Exchange one 200-µL cartridge Contains POROS® 50 HS, 50-µm particle size, 4.0 mm × 1.5 cm. Identified by a white band. Cation Exchange Buffer–Load (pH 3.0) 100 mL Phosphate buffer with acetonitrile that adjusts the pH and lowers the salt concentration. Cation Exchange Buffer–Elute (pH 3.0) 100 mL Phosphate buffer with acetonitrile and salt that raises the salt concentration to elute the peptides. Cation Exchange Buffer–Clean (pH 3.0) 100 mL Phosphate buffer with acetonitrile and high salt concentration that cleans the cation exchange cartridge after peptide elution. Cation Exchange Buffer–Storage (pH 3.0) 100 mL Phosphate buffer with acetonitrile and sodium azide that maintains the proper pH and prevents growth of microorganisms. ICAT Cartridge– Avidin one 200-µL cartridge Purifies biotinylated molecules. Can be regenerated and reused for up to 10 assays. (4.0 mm × 1.5 cm; identified by a black band) Affinity Buffer– Elute 100 mL Conditions the affinity cartridge and elutes ICAT Reagent-labeled peptides. Contains 0.4% trifluoroacetic acid and 30.0% acetonitrile. Affinity Buffer– Load (pH 7.2) 100 mL Phosphate buffer that adjusts the pH to approximately 7.2. Affinity Buffer– Wash 1 (pH 7.2) 100 mL Phosphate buffer that decreases the salt concentration. Affinity Buffer– Wash 2 (pH 8.3) 100 mL Bicarbonate solution with methanol that decreases the salt concentration and reduces nonspecifically bound peptides. Affinity Buffer– Storage (pH 7.2) 100 mL Phosphate buffer with sodium azide that maintains the proper pH and prevents growth of microorganisms. Cartridge holder (available only in Starter Kit) 1 (for 200-µL cartridges) Reusable bayonet-style holder for 200-µL cation exchange and avidin affinity cartridges. Needle-port adapter (available only in Starter Kit) 1 Provides a secure connection for the HPLC syringe needle (while injecting onto the column). ICAT Reagent: • • • • • • • • • Composition: C20H35N4O5SI Average molecular weight (D0): 570.5 Monoisotopic mass (D0): 570.1373 Monoisotopic MH+ (D0): 571.1446 Average molecular weight (D8): 578.5 Monoisotopic mass (D8): 578.1875 Monoisotopic MH+ (D8): 579.1948 Monoisotopic mass added to peptide (D0 reagent): 442.2250 Monoisotopic mass added to peptide (D8 reagent): 450.2752 Figure 2 shows the structure of ICAT Reagent D8. O NH HN H N D D S O D D O D D O O D D I N H Figure 2 ICAT Reagent D8 Structure 2 Materials This section describes: • • • 2.1 Materials in the kits Storage conditions User-supplied materials Materials in the Kits This section describes the materials provided in the: • • 3-Assay ICAT Starter Kit (includes hardware required for the protocol) 10-Assay ICAT Kit (does not include required hardware) Materials in the 3-Assay ICAT Starter Kit The following table lists the materials in the 3-Assay ICAT Starter Kit. Caution: When you receive shipping container #1 of 2, immediately remove the 3-Assay Reagent box from the container and store it at –15 to –25 °C. Store items in shipping container #2 of 2 at 2 to 8 °C. Item Volume/Qty. Description ICAT Reagent D8 4 vials, 1 unit/viala Sulfhydryl-modifying biotinylation heavy reagent, typically used to label the test sample. ICAT Reagent D0 4 vials, 1 unit/viala Sulfhydryl-modifying biotinylation light reagent (hydrogen), typically used to label the control sample. 2 Item Volume/Qty. Description Item Volume/Qty. Description Outlet tubing kit (available only in Starter Kit) 1 1/16-inch O.D. PEEK™ tubing and 10-32 compression screw for connecting to the outlet side of the cartridge holder. Cation Exchange Buffer–Storage (pH 3.0) 100 mL ICAT Kit for Protein Labeling Operating Instructions 1 This document. Phosphate buffer with acetonitrile and sodium azide that maintains the proper pH and prevents growth of microorganisms. ICAT Cartridge– Avidin one 200-µL cartridge ICAT Kit for Protein Labeling Quick Card 1 Purifies biotinylated molecules. Can be regenerated and reused for up to 10 assays. (4.0 mm × 1.5 cm; identified by a black band) Affinity Buffer– Elute 100 mL Conditions the affinity cartridge and elutes ICAT Reagentlabeled peptides. Contains 0.4% trifluoroacetic acid and 30.0% acetonitrile. Affinity Buffer– Load (pH 7.2) 100 mL Phosphate buffer that adjusts the pH to approximately 7.2. Affinity Buffer– Wash 1 (pH 7.2) 100 mL Phosphate buffer that decreases the salt concentration. Affinity Buffer– Wash 2 (pH 8.3) 100 mL Bicarbonate solution with methanol that decreases the salt concentration and reduces nonspecifically bound peptides. Affinity Buffer– Storage (pH 7.2) 100 mL Phosphate buffer with sodium azide that maintains the proper pH and prevents growth of microorganisms. ICAT Kit for Protein Labeling Operating Instructions 1 This document. ICAT Kit for Protein Labeling Quick Card 1 Laminated card that provides a quick reference to the steps in this protocol. Laminated card that provides a quick reference to the steps in this protocol. a. One unit of reagent labels 50 µg (approximately 50 nmol) of laminin. Materials in the 10-Assay ICAT Kit The following table lists the materials in the 10-Assay ICAT Kit. Caution: When you receive shipping container #1 of 2, immediately remove the 10-Assay Reagent box from the container and store it at –15 to –25 °C. Store items in shipping container #2 of 2 at 2 to 8 °C. Item Volume/Qty. Description ICAT Reagent D8 11 vials, 1 unit/viala Sulfhydryl-modifying biotinylation heavy reagent, typically used to label the test sample. ICAT Reagent D0 11 vials, 1 unit/viala Sulfhydryl-modifying biotinylation light reagent (hydrogen), typically used to label the control sample. Laminin Peptide Standard 2 vials Test peptide for the kit. Trypsin (TPCKtreated) 10 vials Cleaves peptide bonds on the carboxyl side of lysine and arginine residues. Denaturing Buffer (pH 8.5) 1 vial, 1.5 mL/vial Disrupts the hydrogen, hydrophobic, and electrostatic bonds of the proteins. Contains 50 mM Tris and 0.1% SDS. Reducing Reagent 1 vial, 100 µL/vial Reduces the disulfide bonds of the proteins. Contains 50 mM TCEP. Dissolution Buffer (pH 8.5) 1 vial, 1.5 mL/vial Dissolves the laminin in the test phase of the protocol. Contains 50 mM Tris. ICAT Cartridge –Cation Exchange one 200-µL cartridge Cation Exchange Buffer–Load (pH 3.0) 100 mL Cation Exchange Buffer–Elute (pH 3.0) 100 mL Cation Exchange Buffer–Clean (pH 3.0) 100 mL a. One unit of reagent labels 50 µg (approximately 50 nmol) of laminin. 2.2 Contains POROS® 50 HS, 50-µm particle size, 4.0 mm × 1.5 cm. Identified by a white band. Phosphate buffer with acetonitrile that adjusts the pH and lowers the salt concentration. Phosphate buffer with acetonitrile and salt that raises the salt concentration to elute the peptides. Phosphate buffer with acetonitrile and high salt concentration that cleans the cation exchange cartridge after peptide elution. 3 Storage Conditions Item Storage Conditions (°C) ICAT Reagent D8 –15 to –25 ICAT Reagent D0 –15 to –25 Laminin Peptide Standard –15 to –25 Trypsin (TPCK-treated) –15 to –25 Denaturing Buffer –15 to –25 Reducing Reagent –15 to –25 Dissolution Buffer –15 to –25 ICAT Cartridge–Cation Exchange 2 to 8 Cation Exchange Buffer–Load 2 to 8 Cation Exchange Buffer–Elute 2 to 8 Cation Exchange Buffer–Clean 2 to 8 Cation Exchange Buffer–Storage 2 to 8 ICAT Cartridge–Avidin 2 to 8 Affinity Buffer–Elute 2 to 8 Affinity Buffer–Load 2 to 8 Item Storage Conditions (°C) Affinity Buffer–Wash 1 2 to 8 Affinity Buffer–Wash 2 2 to 8 Affinity Buffer–Storage 2 to 8 2.3 3.2 Ordering MSDSs You can obtain free copies of MSDSs for chemicals distributed by Applied Biosystems using the contact information below. For chemicals not distributed by Applied Biosystems, call the chemical manufacturer. To order MSDSs ... User-Supplied Materials and Equipment Over the Internet Then ... 1. Go to www.appliedbiosystems.com/ techsupp. Item ~ Volume or Quantity per Assay Disposable gloves As needed Pipettors and tips suitable for 1- to 1000-µL volumes As needed Aluminum foil As needed Syringe (2-inch blunt needle, 18 gauge, 2.5 mL capacity) 1 Fraction collection tubes As needed Control sample 100 µg Test sample 100 µg HPLC-grade water 50 mL Heating block 1 Bench-top centrifuge 1 Vortex 1 1. From the U.S. or Canada, dial 1.800.487.6809, or from outside the U.S. and Canada, dial 1.858.712.0317. Mass spectrometer 1 2. Follow the voice instructions. Capillary reversed-phase HPLC system 1 New Objective, Inc. coated fused-silica spray tip (Cat. #FS360-20-10-CE-20)a 1 4 Tubing fitting from LC Packings (Cat. #TF-250/350)a 1 This section describes: 2. Under the Resource Libraries heading, click MSDSs • If you have the product part number or the keyword(s), select Click Here, enter the part number or keyword(s) in the appropriate field, then click Search. • If you have the MSDS document number or the Document on Demand index number, enter one of these numbers in the appropriate field, then click Search. 3. Open or download a PDF version (using Adobe® Acrobat® Reader™) of the document by selecting it, or choose to have the document sent to you by fax or email. By telephone Testing the Protocol • • a. Required only if using a Protana NanoES source on an Applied Biosystems/MDS SCIEX QSTAR™ Hybrid LC/MS/MS Quadrupole TOF System. See “Choosing a Source for the QSTAR System” on page 8. 4.1 3 Safety 3.1 Chemical hazard cautions and warnings Ordering MSDSs Chemical Hazard Cautions and Warnings To test the kit components, Applied Biosystems recommends that you first run the protocol with the Laminin Peptide Standard supplied in this kit. Testing involves derivitizing the laminin with ICAT Reagents D0 and D8, then analyzing by mass spectrometry. WARNING: Some of the chemicals used with this protocol are potentially hazardous and can cause injury, illness, or death. • • • • • Testing with the Laminin Peptide Standard WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. ICAT Reagents D0 and D8 are harmful if inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or swallowed. Exposure causes eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation. ICAT Reagents D0 and D8 may cause allergic reactions and are considered possible birth-defect hazards. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. This section describes: • • Testing the kit components with the laminin peptide standard Testing the protocol with a known protein Read and understand the material safety data sheets (MSDSs) provided by the chemical manufacturer before you store, handle, or work with any chemicals or hazardous materials. Minimize contact with and inhalation of chemicals. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment when handling chemicals (e.g., safety glasses, gloves, or protective clothing). For additional safety guidelines, consult the MSDS. Do not leave chemical containers open. Use chemicals only with adequate ventilation. Check regularly for chemical leaks or spills. If a leak or spill occurs, follow the recommended cleanup procedures in the MSDS. Comply with all local, state/provincial, or national laws and regulations related to chemical storage, handling, and disposal. Note: Because ICAT Reagents D0 and D8 in the Dissolution Buffer degrade approximately 10% every 24 hours at room temperature, Applied Biosystems recommends that you use the reagents as soon as possible after reconstitution. 1. Resuspend one vial of the Laminin Peptide Standard in 100 µL of the Dissolution Buffer. 2. Repeat step 1 using the second vial of Laminin Peptide Standard. 3. Add 2 µL of the Reducing Reagent to each of the laminin vials. 4. Boil both vials for 10 minutes, then cool. 5. Spin both vials to force all solution to the bottom of the vials. 4 6. For control samples, remove from each vial a 1-µL aliquot for MS analysis. For MALDI analysis, mix each aliquot with an appropriate matrix (for example, alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid) in a 1:1 ratio (v/v). 2. Using the two tubes that contain your known sample, follow the steps in Section 5.1, Section 5.2, and Section 5.3. 3. Complete step 1 in Section 5.4. Then, in place of steps 2 through 4, do the following: 7. From one of the laminin vials, transfer the remaining 99 µL of the laminin solution to an ICAT Reagent D0 vial. a. In one tube, mix a 50-µL aliquot of the D0-labeled sample with a 50-µL aliquot of the D8-labeled sample. (This is your 1:1 sample.) 8. From the other laminin vial, transfer the remaining 99 µL of the laminin solution to an ICAT Reagent D8 vial. b. In a second tube, mix a 25-µL aliquot of the D0-labeled sample with a 50-µL aliquot of the D8-labeled sample. (This is your 1:2 sample.) 9. Vortex the vials, cover the vials with foil, then incubate in the dark for 1 hour at room temperature. c. Dissolve a vial of trypsin in 200 µL of HPLC-grade water. 10. Spin both vials to force all solution to the bottom of the vials. d. Add half of the trypsin solution to each sample tube. 11. Combine both vials and mix. 4. Perform the rest of the protocol (from step 5 in Section 5.4) with the 1:1 and 1:2 protein mixes. 12. Remove a 1-µL aliquot of the laminin-ICAT Reagent solution for MS analysis (test sample). For MALDI analysis, mix the aliquot with an appropriate matrix (for example, alpha-cyano-4hydroxycinnamic acid) in a 1:1 ratio (v/v). This test allows you to qualify the protocol with a sample more complex than the laminin peptide, and to verify that you can use the protocol to quantitate to within 20 to 30% of the expected values. Figure 3 shows representative mass spectra (from a Voyager-DE™ PRO Biospectrometry™ Workstation) of D0- and D8-labeled laminin. The ICAT Reagent-modified peptide has a mass of 1409.7 (D0) and 1417.7 (D8). The excess ICAT Reagent reacts with the reducing reagent (TCEP), resulting in the mass pair at 693.6 and 701.7. Although your spectrum may not show the signals for the reaction products of the ICAT dimer with TCEP and laminin (at 1135.7, 1151.8, 1852.6, and 1867.7), they are shown in Figure 3 for reference. 5 Protein Labeling and Tryptic Digestion This section describes: • • • • • Sample preparation Denaturing and reducing Starting the ICAT Reagent reaction Digesting the proteins with trypsin Cleaning up the peptides using cation exchange 701.7 1151.8 1135.7 1867.7 1852.6 5.2 Denaturing and Reducing the Proteins CAUTION: CHEMICAL HAZARD. Reducing Reagent may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation. Please read the MSDS before handling these products and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. Figure 3 Spectrum for D8- and D0-Labeled Laminin 4.2 Sample Preparation Make sure your samples are dry or concentrated and do not contain high acid or salt concentrations or detergent. Low pH can adversely affect the pH-dependent reaction of the sulfhydryl groups with the ICAT Reagent. High salt concentrations can result in peptides not binding to the cation exchange column. If necessary, clean up the samples using chromatography, dialysis, acetone precipitation, or ultracentrifugation before proceeding. ICAT dimer and Laminin 1417.7 1409.7 ICAT and Laminin ICAT dimer and TCEP ICAT and TCEP 5.1 693.6 1. Add 100 µL of the Denaturing Buffer to a tube containing 100 µg of the control protein sample. (If working with a concentrated sample solution, add Denaturing Buffer to bring the volume up to 100 µL.) Testing with a Known Protein 2. Add 100 µL of the Denaturing Buffer to a tube containing 100 µg of the test protein sample. (If working with a concentrated sample solution, add Denaturing Buffer to bring the volume up to 100 µL.) WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. ICAT Reagents D0 and D8 are harmful if inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or swallowed. Exposure causes eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation. ICAT Reagents D0 and D8 may cause allergic reactions and are considered possible birthdefect hazards. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. 3. Add 2 µL of the Reducing Reagent to both the control and test sample tubes. 4. Boil each sample for 10 minutes, then allow the samples to cool. 5.3 Before you run your complex samples for the first time, Applied Biosystems strongly recommends that you perform this protocol with a well-characterized protein that contains multiple cysteines (e.g., 25 to 50 µg of bovine serum albumin or 100 µg of bovine lactalbumin). Starting the ICAT Reagent Reaction WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. ICAT Reagents D0 and D8 are harmful if inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or swallowed. Exposure causes eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation. ICAT Reagents D0 and D8 may cause allergic reactions and are considered possible birthdefect hazards. Please read the MSDSs and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. 1. Into each of two tubes, add equal amounts of your known protein sample (either a lyophilized sample at a known concentration or a sample in a concentrated stock solution). 5 1. Spin the control and test samples to force all solution to the bottom of the tubes. 2. Transfer the contents of the control sample to a vial of the D0 reagent. 3. Transfer the contents of the test sample to a vial of the D8 reagent. 4. Mix each sample vial thoroughly. 5. Wrap each sample vial in aluminum foil and incubate for 1 hour at room temperature. 5.4 Syringe Digesting the Proteins with Trypsin WARNING! CHEMICAL HAZARD. Trypsin may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation. Exposure may also cause an allergic reaction. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. Syringe needle 1. Spin both vials to force all solution to the bottom of the vials. Needle-port adapter 2. Into one tube, combine a 95-µL aliquot of the control sample and a 95-µL aliquot of the test sample. Mix thoroughly. 3. Dissolve a vial of trypsin in 200 µL of HPLC-grade water. 4. Add the trypsin solution to the sample mixture, then mix thoroughly. 5. Incubate overnight (or 12 to 16 hours) at 37 °C. 5.5 Cleaning Up the Peptides Using Cation Exchange Column holder with cartridge General Injection Guidelines • • • • Fill a clean syringe with the appropriate solution. Insert the syringe needle into the needle-port adapter and tighten the adapter. After each injection, wash the needle and syringe several times with water and once with the next solution before refilling the syringe for the next injection. For washing and conditioning steps, inject solution so that 2 to 3 drops/second flow from the outlet. For eluting and loading steps, inject solution so that approximately 1 drop/second flows from the outlet. Compression screw 1/16-inch O.D. PEEK outlet tubing Figure 4 Column Connection Loading Sample on the Cation Exchange Column Preparing the Cation Exchange Column WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. The Cation Exchange Buffer– Load and Cation Exchange Buffer–Elute contain acetonitrile, a flammable liquid and vapor. Exposure may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation, central nervous system depression, and heart, liver, and kidney damage. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. The Cation Exchange Buffer– Load contains acetonitrile, a flammable liquid and vapor. Exposure may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation, central nervous system depression, and heart, liver, and kidney damage. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. 1. Assemble the reusable column holder. 1. Transfer the sample mixture (from Section 5.4, step 5) to a tube with capacity greater than 3 mL. 2. Slide the PEEK tubing into a 10-32 compression screw, then finger-tighten the compression screw into the outlet end of the column (see Figure 4). 2. Dilute the sample mixture by adding 2000 µL of the Cation Exchange Buffer–Load. 3. Connect the needle-port adapter to the inlet end of the column. 3. Slowly inject (~1 drop/second) the diluted sample mixture onto the cation exchange column and collect the flow-through. 4. Unscrew the bayonet mount to open the column holder, insert the cation exchange cartridge (in either direction), then close the holder. 4. Inject 1000 µL of the Cation Exchange Buffer–Load to wash the TCEP, SDS, and excess ICAT Reagents from the column. 5. To condition the column, inject 2000 µL of the Cation Exchange Buffer–Load. 5. To elute the peptides, slowly inject (~1 drop/second) 500 µL of the Cation Exchange Buffer–Elute. Collect the eluted peptides as a single fraction. 6 Cleaning and Storing the Cation Exchange Column 6.3 WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. The Cation Exchange Buffer– Clean, Cation Exchange Buffer–Load, and Cation Exchange Buffer–Storage contain acetonitrile, a flammable liquid and vapor. Exposure may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation, central nervous system depression, and heart, liver, and kidney damage. Please read the MSDSs and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. Affinity Buffer–Wash 2 contains methanol, a flammable liquid and vapor. Exposure may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation, central nervous system depression, and blindness. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. 1. Inject 500 µL of Affinity Buffer–Load and continue to collect (using the same collection tube). 1. Wash the trypsin from the cation exchange cartridge by injecting 1000 µL of the Cation Exchange Buffer–Clean. 2. Inject 1000 µL of Affinity Buffer–Wash 1, sending the output to waste. (This step reduces the salt concentration.) 2. If you have additional protein samples, repeat the steps in Section 5.5 for each sample. (Start with step 5 in "Preparing the Cation Exchange Column" on page 6.) 3. To remove non-specifically bound peptides and lower the salt concentration, inject 1000 µL of Affinity Buffer–Wash 2. Collect the first 500 µL in a new collection tube; send the remaining 500 µL to waste. 3. To store the cartridge: a. Overnight, inject 2000 µL of the Cation Exchange Buffer–Load. More than one day, inject 2000 µL of the Cation Exchange Buffer–Storage. 6.4 b. Open the bayonet mount of the column holder and remove the cation exchange cartridge. Purifying the Biotinylated Peptides 1. To elute the peptides, slowly inject (~1 drop/second) 800 µL of the Affinity Buffer–Elute. This section describes: • • • • • Activating the avidin affinity column Loading sample on the avidin affinity column Removing non-labeled material Eluting ICAT Reagent-labeled peptides Cleaning and storing the avidin affinity column 2. Discard the first 50 µL of eluate. 3. Collect the next 750 µL of eluate in one tube. 6.5 Note: The affinity column has a maximum recommended load of 8 to 10 nmol for a nominal 1-kDa peptide. 6.1 Cleaning and Storing the Avidin Affinity Column WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. The Affinity Buffer–Elute contains acetonitrile, a flammable liquid and vapor. Exposure may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation, central nervous system depression, and heart, liver, and kidney damage. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. Activating the Avidin Affinity Column WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. The Affinity Buffer–Elute contains acetonitrile, a flammable liquid and vapor. Exposure may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation, central nervous system depression, and heart, liver, and kidney damage. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. 1. Inject 1000 µL of the Affinity Buffer–Elute to clean the cartridge. 2. If you have additional cation exchange fractions, repeat the steps in Section 6.1 through Section 6.5 for each fraction. (Start with step 2 in Section 6.1.) 1. Insert the avidin affinity cartridge (in either direction) into the column holder. 3. Neutralize the column by injecting 2000 µL of Affinity Buffer–Load. 4. To store the cartridge: 2. Inject 1000 µL of the Affinity Buffer–Elute. (This step is critical to the performance of the avidin affinity column.) a. Overnight, inject 2000 µL of the Affinity Buffer–Load. More than one day, inject 2000 µL of the Affinity Buffer– Storage. 3. Inject 2000 µL of the Affinity Buffer–Load. 6.2 Eluting ICAT Reagent-Labeled Peptides WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. The Affinity Buffer–Elute contains acetonitrile, a flammable liquid and vapor. Exposure may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation, central nervous system depression, and heart, liver, and kidney damage. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. c. Cap the ends of the cartridge with the two end caps before storing at 2 to 8 °C. 6 Removing Non-Labeled Material Loading Sample on the Avidin Affinity Column b. Open the bayonet mount of the column holder and remove the cation exchange cartridge. 1. Neutralize the cation exchange fraction by adding 500 µL of the Affinity Buffer–Load. c. Cap the ends of the cartridge with the two end caps before storing at 2 to 8 °C. 2. Place 3 tubes in a rack for collection. 3. Slowly inject (~1 drop/second) the neutralized fraction onto the column and collect the flow-through. 7 7 Connecting the Capillary Reversed-Phase HPLC System to the Mass Spectrometry System Analyzing the Fractions and Peptides • • • • • • • 7.1 Criteria for additional sample separation Quantitation notes Separating by capillary reversed-phase HPLC Analyzing by electrospray Analyzing by MALDI Analyzing by both MALDI and electrospray ICAT Reagent fragments using MS/MS analysis • For complex proteins, Applied Biosystems recommends that you further separate by capillary reversed-phase HPLC (see Section 7.3) before analyzing by electrospray or MALDI. • For standard proteins and non-complex samples, you may be able to directly analyze by MALDI or electrospray (without additional separation by capillary reversed-phase HPLC). • For MALDI analysis, connect to a Voyager-DE™ PRO, STR, RP, or Elite Biospectrometry™ Workstation (via an InterPlate™ Microfraction Collector for MALDI Analysis). For connection details, refer to the Voyager™ Biospectrometry™ Workstation User Guide and to the InterPlate™ Microfraction Collector for MALDI Analysis User Notes. • For simultaneous electrospray and MALDI analysis, connect to an Applied Biosystems/MDS SCIEX QSTAR™ Hybrid LC/MS/ MS Quadrupole TOF System and a Voyager-DE™ PRO, STR, RP, or Elite Biospectrometry™ Workstation (via an Applied Biosystems InterPlate™ Microfraction Collector for MALDI Analysis using a flow splitter). For connection details, refer to the documentation sources cited in the two previous items. Go to the appropriate section: Quantitation Notes • Be aware that ICAT Reagent D8 contains 10 to 20% (total) of D6 and D7 isotopes. Refer to the Certificate of Analysis for actual amounts. • Quantitation for standard proteins or complex samples is typically within 20 to 30% of expected values. 7.3 For electrospray analysis, connect to an Applied Biosystems/ MDS SCIEX QSTAR™ Hybrid LC/MS/MS Quadrupole TOF System. For connection details, refer to the QSTAR System documentation on CD-ROM. Criteria for Additional Sample Separation The complexity of your sample determines if you need to further separate the ICAT Reagent-labeled peptides before analysis: 7.2 • Note: The suggested settings in the table are based on a capillary reversed-phase LC system using an LC Packings Ultimate™ Capillary/ Nano LC System with a Switchos™ Micro Column Switching Device. Column Name Flow Rate Section 7.6, Analyzing by MALDI and Electrospray Analyzing by Electrospray Based on the capillary HPLC column size and its corresponding flow rate, use the following table to select the ESI source for the QSTAR System. Based on the amount of peptide in the sample, use the following table to select the capillary HPLC column size, flow rate, and injection volume. Column Size (I.D.) • Choosing a Source for the QSTAR System Choosing the Capillary HPLC Column and Parameters Injection Volumeb (No Preconcen.) Section 7.5, Analyzing by MALDI This section provides guidelines and suggestions for electrospray analysis of the ICAT Reagent-labeled peptides. In this configuration, the capillary reversed-phase HPLC system is connected to a QSTAR system. Before analyzing by electrospray, MALDI, or by both electrospray and MALDI, perform additional separation of complex peptides by capillary reversed-phase HPLC. Injection Volumea (Preconcen.) Section 7.4, Analyzing by Electrospray • 7.4 Separating by Capillary Reversed-Phase HPLC Estimated Amount of Peptide Per Sample • Column Size (I.D.) Flow Rate ESI Source for QSTAR 300 µm 4 µL/min IonSpray 180 µm 1 µL/min MicroIonSpray 75 µm 200 nL/min Protana NanoESa a. The Protana NanoES source requires that you fit a New Objective, Inc. 360-µm O.D. coated fused-silica spray tip (Cat. #FS360-20-10-CE-20) onto the normal tip holder of the source. To connect the New Objective 360-µm O.D. tip to the 280-µm O.D. HPLC tubing, you need a special Teflon® fitting from LC Packings (Cat. #TF-250/350). 0.2 to 5.0 pmol 300 µm Capillary300 4 µL/ min 75 µL 1 to 10 µL 0.02 to 1.0 pmol 180 µm Capillary180 1 µL/ min 50 µL 1 to 5 µL HPLC Gradient Conditions for QSTAR System Analysis 2 to 500 fmol 75 µm Nano-75 200 nL/ min 50 µL 1 µL The following table provides suggested capillary HPLC gradient conditions for analyzing peptides using a QSTAR system. Note that the length of the suggested gradient depends on the complexity of the sample. Samples that have been further fractionated by cation exchange can use shorter gradients. a. Assumes that preconcentration is performed with the Switchos device immediately before injection onto the capillary LC column. b. Assumes that no preconcentration is performed. Suggested HPLC Gradient Conditions for Electrospray 8 Mobile phase A 0.1% formic acid in 5% acetonitrile, 95% HPLC-grade water Mobile phase B 0.1% formic acid in 95% acetonitrile, 5% HPLC-grade water • Suggested HPLC Gradient Conditions for Electrospray Suggested gradient • For samples not fractionated before affinity column elution 0 to 120 min: 5% to 60% B 120 to 130 min: 60% to 90% B 130 to 131 min: 90% to 5% B 131 to 145 min: 5% B • For samples fractionated before affinity column elution 0 to 30 min: 5% to 60% B 30 to 35 min: 60% to 90% B 35 to 36 min: 90% to 5% B 36 to 50 min: 5% B HPLC Gradient Conditions for MALDI Analysis The following table provides suggested capillary HPLC gradient conditions for analyzing peptides using a Voyager workstation. Note that the length of the suggested gradient depends on the complexity of the sample. Samples that have been further fractionated by cation exchange can use shorter gradients. Suggested HPLC Gradient Conditions for MALDIa QSTAR System Acquisition Method Settings The following table shows suggested QSTAR System acquisition method settings for the analysis. Parameter Refer to the installation chapter in the InterPlate™ Microfraction Collector for MALDI Analysis User Notes for details on setting up and connecting the fraction collector. Suggested Setting Mobile phase A 0.1% trifluoroacetic acidb in 5% acetonitrile, 95% HPLCgrade water Mobile phase B 0.1% trifluoroacetic acidb in 95% acetonitrile, 5% HPLCgrade water Suggested gradient Acquisition Method Window (MS Tab) • For samples not fractionated before affinity column elution 0 to 60 min: 5% to 60% B 60 to 95 min: 60% to 90% B (stop fraction collection) 95 to 96 min: 90% to 5% B 96 to 110 min: 5% B 0 to 30 min: 5% to 60% B 30 to 35 min: 60% to 90% B (stop fraction collection) 35 to 36 min: 90% to 5% B 36 to 50 min: 5% B Experiment 1 Scan type TOF MS Accumulation time 1 second Experiment 2, 3, and 4 Scan type (for Experiments 2, 3, and 4) Product Ion Accumulation Time (for Experiments 2, 3, and 4) 1 second a. These gradient conditions are suggested for 1-µL fraction volumes at 1-min intervals. If your fraction collection conditions differ from these, shorten or lengthen the gradients as required. Do not set fraction-collection conditions that exceed the MALDI target or InterPlate Microfraction Collector capacity (maximum of 100 fractions). CE volts (for Experiments 2, 3, and 4) 45.000 (low end of the mass range) 41.000 (medium part of the mass range) 38.000 (high end of the mass range) b. If you are performing simultaneous MALDI /electrospray analysis (see Section 7.6), substitute 0.1% formic acid for the 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. • For samples fractionated before affinity column elution DDE Selection Criteria Dialog Box Minimum allowed mass 400 amu Maximum allowed mass 1500 amu Minimum required intensity 10 Ion(s) to select Most Intense Isotope exclusion window 5.0 amu Mass tolerance window 1.0 amu Exclusion criteria Selected RT exclusion window 2 min Enable dynamic exclusion Selected 7.5 Voyager Instrument Method Settings Use standard reflector-mode instrument settings for your Voyager-DE PRO, STR, RP, or Elite workstation. 7.6 This section provides guidelines for simultaneous analysis of the ICAT Reagent-labeled peptides using both a MALDI and an electrospray system. In this configuration, the capillary reversed-phase HPLC system is connected to a flow splitter that directs part of the flow to an InterPlate Microfraction Collector (and on to a Voyager workstation), with the remaining flow directed to a QSTAR system. Flow Splitter Output Set up the flow splitter to deliver a flow rate of 0.5 to 1.0 µL/min (optimum range for a 300-µm capillary LC column) to the InterPlate Microfraction Collector. When determining the flow rate, you must consider the total gradient time and the number of MALDI sample plate positions to be analyzed. Analyzing by MALDI This section provides guidelines for MALDI analysis of the ICAT Reagent-labeled peptides. In this configuration, the capillary reversed-phase HPLC system is connected to an InterPlate Microfraction Collector, then on to a Voyager workstation. InterPlate Microfraction Collector Guidelines Refer to the “InterPlate Microfraction Collector Guidelines” in Section 7.5 for details. InterPlate Microfraction Collector Guidelines • • Analyzing by MALDI and Electrospray Based on your capillary HPLC column size, set up the InterPlate Microfraction Collector to collect 0.1- to 2.0-µL fractions. See “Choosing the Capillary HPLC Column and Parameters” on page 8. HPLC Gradient Conditions for MALDI and Electrospray Analysis Optimize the HPLC gradient and the fraction collection according to the total elution time and total collection time for the peptides of interest. For example, if you collect 100 fractions (the InterPlate Microfraction Collector maximum) at 1 sample per minute, you must select a gradient that elutes the peptides of interest within a 100-minute period. Note: For MALDI/electrospray analysis, you must substitute 0.1% formic acid for the 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid in the suggested gradient. For gradient-condition details, refer to the “HPLC Gradient Conditions for MALDI Analysis” table in Section 7.5. 9 Voyager Instrument and QSTAR System Method Settings Region Telephone Fax Use standard instrument settings for your Voyager workstation. For the QSTAR System method settings, refer to “QSTAR System Acquisition Method Settings” in Section 7.4. Middle Eastern Countries and North Africa (Monza, Italia) 39 (0)39 8389 481 39 (0)39 8389 493 7.7 ICAT Reagent Fragments Using MS/MS Analysis Eastern Asia, China, Oceania MS/MS analysis of ICAT Reagent-labeled peptides results in ICAT Reagent-specific fragment ions. The structure below shows the typical fragmentation sites and the corresponding fragment masses of ICAT Reagents D0 and D8 bound to a cysteine residue in a peptide: Peptide Mass + 42 O HN 328 (332) NH NH S (D2) O CO O (D2) O 284 (288) 227 (227) O (D2) S NH (D2) 501 (509) CH NH Cys 403 (411) 61 3 9730 8600 61 3 9730 8799 China (Beijing) 86 10 64106608 86 10 64106617 Hong Kong 852 2756 6928 852 2756 6968 India (New Delhi) 91 11 653 3743/ 3744 91 11 653 3138 Korea (Seoul) 82 2 593 6470/6471 82 2 593 6472 Malaysia (Petaling Jaya) 60 3 758 8268 603 79549043 Singapore 65 896 2168 65 896 2147 Taiwan (Taipei Hsien) 886 2 2358 2838 886 2 2358 2839 Thailand (Bangkok) 66 2 719 6405 66 2 319 9788 477 (485) Europe Figure 5 ICAT Reagent-Specific Fragment Ions 8 Australia (Scoresby, Victoria) Technical Support Applied Biosystems is committed to meeting the needs of your research through enabling technologies such as the ICAT Kit for Protein Labeling. Our dedicated support staff is available to answer questions about using this product to its fullest potential. Contacting Technical Support in North America By telephone: Dial 1.800.899.5858, press 1, then 3 By FAX: Dial 1.508.383.7855 Austria (Wien) 43 (0)1 867 35 75 00 43 (0)1 867 35 75 11 Belgium 32 (0)2 712 5555 32 (0)2 712 5516 Czech Republic and Slovakia (Praha) 420 2 61 222 164 420 2 61 222 168 Denmark (Naerum) 45 45 58 60 00 45 45 58 60 01 Finland (Espoo) 358 (0)9 251 24 250 358 (0)9 251 24 243 France (Paris) 33 (0)1 69 59 85 85 33 (0)1 69 59 85 00 Germany (Weiterstadt) 49 (0) 6150 101 0 49 (0) 6150 101 101 Hungary (Budapest) 36 (0)1 270 8398 36 (0)1 270 8288 Italy (Milano) 39 (0)39 83891 39 (0)39 838 9492 Norway (Oslo) 47 23 12 06 05 47 23 12 05 75 Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia (Warszawa) 48 (22) 866 40 10 48 (22) 866 40 20 Portugal (Lisboa) 351 (0)22 605 33 14 351 (0)22 605 33 15 Contacting the Technical Support Web Site Russia (Moskva) 7 095 935 8888 7 095 564 8787 1. Access the Applied Biosystems Technical Support web site at www.appliedbiosystems.com/techsupp. South East Europe (Zagreb, Croatia) 385 1 34 91 927 385 1 34 91 840 2. Under the Troubleshooting heading, click Support Request Forms. Then select the support region for the product area of interest. Spain (Tres Cantos) 34 (0)91 806 1210 34 (0)91 806 1206 Sweden (Stockholm) 46 (0)8 619 4400 46 (0)8 619 4401 Switzerland (Rotkreuz) 41 (0)41 799 7777 41 (0)41 790 0676 The Netherlands (Nieuwerkerk a/d IJssel) 31 (0)180 331400 31 (0)180 331409 United Kingdom (Warrington, Cheshire) 44 (0)1925 825650 44 (0)1925 282502 All other countries not listed (Warrington, Chesire, UK) 44 (0)1925 282481 44 (0)1925 282509 Japan (Hacchobori, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo) 81 3 5566 6006 Del.A. Obregon, Mexico 305-670-4350 3. In the Personal Assistance form, enter the requested information and your question, then click Ask Us RIGHT NOW. 4. In the Customer Information form, enter the requested information, then click Ask Us RIGHT NOW. Contacting Technical Support Outside North America Region Telephone Fax Africa and the Middle East Africa (English Speaking; Fairlands, South Africa) 27 11 478 0411 27 11 478 0349 Africa (French Speaking; Courtaboeuf Cedex, France) 33 1 69 59 85 11 33 1 69 59 85 00 South Africa (Johannesburg) 27 11 478 0411 Japan 81 3 5566 6505 Latin America 27 11 478 0349 10 305-670-4349 9 Ordering Information To place an order from the U.S. or Canada, dial 1.800.327-3002, then follow the voice instructions. Description Quantity Part Number 3-Assay ICAT Starter Kit for Protein Labeling (Monoplex Version) 1 kit 4326692 10-Assay ICAT Kit for Protein Labeling (Monoplex Version) 1 kit 4326693 ICAT Cartridge Pack–Avidin 5 cartridges 4326694 ICAT Cartridge–Avidin/buffer pack 1 pack 4326740 ICAT Cartridge Pack–Cation Exchange 5 cartridges 4326695 ICAT Cartridge–Cation Exchange/Buffer Pack 1 pack 4326747 Cartridge holder 1 holder 4326688 Needle-port adapter 1 adapter 4326689 Outlet tubing kit 1 kit 4326690 Note: Bulk quantities of ICAT Reagents D0 and D8 are available on request. 10 References Gygi, S.P., Rist, B., Gerber, S.A., Turecek, F., Gelb, M.H., Abersold, R., 1999. “Quantitative Analysis of Complex Protein Mixtures Using Isotope-Coded Affinity Tags," Nat Biotechnol, 10:994–9. 11 © Copyright 2001, Applied Biosystems All rights reserved For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Applied Biosystems assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. This document is believed to be complete and accurate at the time of publication. In no event shall Applied Biosystems be liable for incidental, special, multiple, or consequential damages in connection with or arising from the use of this document. Applied Biosystems and POROS are registered trademarks, and AB (Design), Applera, QSTAR, Voyager-DE, Biospectrometry, MicroIonSpray, and InterPlate are trademarks of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and certain other countries. ICAT is a trademark of the University of Washington and is exclusively licensed to Applied Biosystems Group of Applera Corporation. Headquarters 850 Lincoln Centre Drive Foster City, CA 94404 USA Phone: +1 650.638.5800 Toll Free (In North America): +1 800.345.5224 Fax: +1 650.638.5884 Worldwide Sales and Support Applied Biosystems vast distribution and service network, composed of highly trained support and applications personnel, reaches into 150 countries on six continents. For sales office locations and technical support, please call our local office or refer to our web site at www.appliedbiosystems.com. Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Corporation. PEEK is a trademark of the Victrex Corporation. SpeedVac is a registered trademark of the Thermo Savant Corporation. Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company. Ultimate and Switchos are trademarks of LC Packings – a Dionex Company. All other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. www.appliedbiosystems.com Applera Corporation is committed to providing the world’s leading technology and information for life scientists. Applera Corporation consists of the Applied Biosystems and Celera Genomics businesses. Printed in the USA, 03/2001 Part Number 4324327 Rev. A