SECTION 260573 - OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE COORDINATION STUDY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes computer-based, fault-current and overcurrent protective device coordination studies. Protective devices shall be set based on results of the protective device coordination study. B. AIC ratings shown on the Drawings and called out in the specifications reflect the minimum ratings determined. The Contractor shall be responsible for the Coordination Study. C. The Contractor shall have the coordination study done for both the normal and emergency sides of the distribution system prior to ordering materials and /or equipment. The Contractor shall submit the study material along with the shop drawings of the major equipment such as switchboard, panelboards, etc, along with indications of any increases in equipment sizes or breaker sizes due to the study outcome. If the Contractor fails to submit the study and obtain approval prior to ordering materials and/or equipment, then the Contractor shall be held accountable to make the necessary corrections to those deficiencies identified by the study at the Contractor’s expense. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For computer software program to be used for studies. B. Product Certificates: For coordination-study and fault-current-study computer software programs, certifying compliance with IEEE 399. C. Qualification Data: For coordination-study specialist. D. Other Action Submittals: The following submittals shall be made. 1. 2. 3. 4. Coordination-study input data, including completed computer program input data sheets. Study and Equipment Evaluation Reports. Coordination-Study Report. See item 1.2C above for additional submittal requirements. Hancock County, WV Emergency Management / 9-1-1 Center OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE COORDINATION STUDY 260573 - 1 12-2200-0128 CDI Infrastructure, LLC dba L.R. Kimball 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Studies shall use computer programs that are distributed nationally and are in wide use. Software algorithms shall comply with requirements of standards and guides specified in this Section. Manual calculations are not acceptable. B. Coordination-Study Specialist Qualifications: An entity experienced in the application of computer software used for studies, having performed successful studies of similar magnitude on electrical distribution systems using similar devices. 1. Professional, licensed in the state where Project is located, shall be responsible for the study. All elements of the study shall be performed under the direct supervision and control of Professional. C. Comply with IEEE 242 for short-circuit currents and coordination time intervals. D. Comply with IEEE 399 for general study procedures. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 A. COMPUTER SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS Available Computer Software Developers: Subject to compliance with requirements, companies offering computer software programs that may be used in the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.2 CGI CYME. EDSA Micro Corporation. ESA Inc. Operation Technology, Inc. SKM Systems Analysis, Inc. Or Equal as Approved by Professional. COMPUTER SOFTWARE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with IEEE 399. B. Analytical features of fault-current-study computer software program shall include "mandatory," "very desirable," and "desirable" features as listed in IEEE 399. C. Computer software program shall be capable of plotting and diagramming time-currentcharacteristic curves as part of its output. Computer software program shall report device settings and ratings of all overcurrent protective devices and shall demonstrate selective coordination by computer-generated, time-current coordination plots. Hancock County, WV Emergency Management / 9-1-1 Center OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE COORDINATION STUDY 260573 - 2 12-2200-0128 CDI Infrastructure, LLC dba L.R. Kimball PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 A. 3.2 A. EXAMINATION Examine Project overcurrent protective device submittals for compliance with electrical distribution system coordination requirements and other conditions affecting performance. Devices to be coordinated are all circuit breakers in the main distribution switchboard exterior and interior and all downstream distribution panelboards and branch circuit panelboards and the next downstream and upstream devices. POWER SYSTEM DATA Gather and tabulate the following input data to support coordination study: 1. 2. 3. Product Data for overcurrent protective devices specified in other Division 26 Sections and involved in overcurrent protective device coordination studies. Use equipment designation tags that are consistent with electrical distribution system diagrams, overcurrent protective device submittals, input and output data, and recommended device settings. Impedance of utility service entrance. Electrical Distribution System Diagram: In hard-copy and electronic-copy formats, showing the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. 4. Data sheets to supplement electrical distribution system diagram, crossreferenced with tag numbers on diagram, showing the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. Hancock County, WV Emergency Management / 9-1-1 Center Circuit-breaker and fuse-current ratings and types. Relays and associated power and current transformer ratings and ratios. Transformer kilovolt amperes, primary and secondary voltages, connection type, impedance, and X/R ratios. Generator kilovolt amperes, size, voltage, and source impedance. Cables: Indicate conduit material, sizes of conductors, conductor material, insulation, and length. Motor horsepower and code letter designation according to NEMA MG 1. Special load considerations, including starting inrush currents and frequent starting and stopping. Transformer characteristics, including primary protective device, magnetic inrush current, and overload capability. Motor full-load current, locked rotor current, service factor, starting time, type of start, and thermal-damage curve. Generator thermal-damage curve. Ratings, types, and settings of utility company's overcurrent protective devices. Special overcurrent protective device settings or types stipulated by utility company. OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE COORDINATION STUDY 260573 - 3 12-2200-0128 CDI Infrastructure, LLC dba L.R. Kimball g. h. i. j. 3.3 A. Time-current-characteristic curves of devices indicated to be coordinated. Manufacturer, frame size, interrupting rating in amperes rms symmetrical, ampere or current sensor rating, long-time adjustment range, short-time adjustment range, and instantaneous adjustment range for circuit breakers. Manufacturer and type, ampere-tap adjustment range, time-delay adjustment range, instantaneous attachment adjustment range, and current transformer ratio for overcurrent relays. Switchgear, switchboards and panelboards ampacity, and interrupting rating in amperes rms symmetrical. FAULT-CURRENT STUDY Calculate the maximum available short-circuit current in amperes rms symmetrical at circuit-breaker positions of the electrical power distribution system. The calculation shall be for a current immediately after initiation and for a three-phase bolted short circuit at each of the following: 1. 2. 3. Switchboard bus. Distribution panelboard. Branch circuit panelboard. B. Study electrical distribution system from normal and alternate power sources throughout electrical distribution system for Project. Include studies of systemswitching configurations and alternate operations that could result in maximum fault conditions. C. Calculate momentary and interrupting duties on the basis of maximum available fault current. D. Calculations to verify interrupting ratings of overcurrent protective devices shall comply with IEEE 242. E. 1. Transformers: 2. a. ANSI C57.12.10. b. ANSI C57.12.22. c. ANSI C57.12.40. d. IEEE C57.12.00. e. IEEE C57.96. Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers: IEEE 1015 and IEEE C37.20.1. Study Report: 1. Show calculated X/R ratios and equipment interrupting rating (1/2-cycle) fault currents on electrical distribution system diagram. Hancock County, WV Emergency Management / 9-1-1 Center OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE COORDINATION STUDY 260573 - 4 12-2200-0128 CDI Infrastructure, LLC dba L.R. Kimball F. Equipment Evaluation Report: 1. 2. 3. 3.4 For 600-V overcurrent protective devices, ensure that interrupting ratings are equal to or higher than calculated 1/2-cycle symmetrical fault current. For devices and equipment rated for asymmetrical fault current, apply multiplication factors listed in the standards to 1/2-cycle symmetrical fault current. Verify adequacy of phase conductors at maximum three-phase bolted fault currents; verify adequacy of equipment grounding conductors and grounding electrode conductors at maximum ground-fault currents. Ensure that short-circuit withstand ratings are equal to or higher than calculated 1/2-cycle symmetrical fault current. COORDINATION STUDY A. Perform coordination study using approved computer software program. Study shall be in accordance with the latest applicable IEEE and ANSI standards. B. The Coordination Study shall contain time-current curves, centered on conventional full-size log-log forms, graphically indicating the coordination proposed for the system. Include with each curve sheet a complete title and one-line diagram with legend identifying the specific portion of the system covered by that particular curve sheet. Include a detailed description of each protective device identifying its type, function, manufacturer, and time-current characteristics. Tabulate recommended device tap, time dial, pickup, instantaneous, and time delay settings. C. Include on the curve sheets power company relay and fuse characteristics, mediumvoltage equipment protective relay and fuse characteristics, low-voltage equipment circuit breaker trip device characteristics, pertinent transformer characteristics, pertinent motor and generator characteristics, and characteristics of other system load protective devices. D. Include all adjustable settings for ground fault protective devices (If Applicable). Include manufacturing tolerance and damage bands in plotted fuse characteristics. Show transformer full load currents, transformer magnetizing inrush, ANSI transformer withstand parameters, and significant symmetrical fault currents. Terminate device characteristic curves at a point reflecting the maximum symmetrical fault current to which the device is exposed. E. At the stand by generator include phase and ground coordination of the generator protective devices. Show the generator decrement curve and damage curve along with the operating characteristic of the protective devices. Hancock County, WV Emergency Management / 9-1-1 Center OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE COORDINATION STUDY 260573 - 5 12-2200-0128 CDI Infrastructure, LLC dba L.R. Kimball 3.5 A. COORDINATION STUDY REPORT As a minimum the report shall include the following sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.6 A. 3.7 A. Executive Summary including system descriptions, purpose, basis, scope of the study, results and recommendations. Tabulations of circuit breaker, fuse, and other protective device ratings versus calculated short-circuit duties, including narrative description. Protective device time versus current coordination curves, tabulations of relay and circuit breaker trip settings, and fuse selection, including narrative description. Study Printouts. Diagrams. DESIGN PROFESSIONAL APPROVAL Approved copies of the report shall be submitted to the Engineer as specified above. FIELD SETTINGS The Contractor shall perform field adjustments of the protective devices as required to place the equipment in final operating condition. The settings shall be in accordance with the approved protective device Coordination Study. Necessary field settings of devices and adjustments and minor modifications to equipment to accomplish conformance with the protective device Coordination Study and system performance shall be carried out by the Contractor at no additional cost. END OF SECTION 260573 Hancock County, WV Emergency Management / 9-1-1 Center OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE COORDINATION STUDY 260573 - 6 12-2200-0128 CDI Infrastructure, LLC dba L.R. Kimball