CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE CHARTER The Corporate Governance Committee is in charge of assisting the board of directors in fulfilling its corporate governance responsibilities. A. B. Membership 1. The Corporate Governance Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members of the Board of Directors, two (2) of whom shall be independent directors, including the chairperson. 2. The Board of Directors shall have the power to remove and replace the members of, and fill vacancies in, the Corporate Governance Committee. Duties and Responsibilities 1. The Committee shall review and evaluate the qualifications of all persons nominated to the Board as well as those nominated to other positions requiring appointment by the Board of Directors. 2. It shall be responsible for ensuring the Board’s effectiveness and due observance of Corporate Governance principles and guidelines. 3. It shall observe the periodic evaluation of the board and its committees and executive management. It shall also conduct an annual self-evaluation of the Board’s performance. The Committee may coordinate with external facilitators in carrying out board assessment, within the frequency approved by the entire board. 1 C. 4. It shall decide whether or not a Director is able to and has been adequately carrying out his/her duties as Director based on its own assessment or the assessment of external facilitators, bearing in mind the Director’s contribution and performance (e.g. competence, candor, attendance, preparedness and participation). Internal guidelines shall be adopted that address the competing time commitments that are faced when Directors serve on multiple boards. 5. It shall make recommendations to the Board regarding the continuing education of Directors, assignment to Board Committees, succession plan for the Board members and Senior Officers, and their remuneration commensurate with corporate and individual performance. 6. It shall decide the manner by which the Board’s performance may be evaluated and propose an objective performance criteria approved by the Board. Such performance indicators shall address how the Board has enhanced long term shareholders’ value. Meeting and Access 1. 1 The Committee shall meet every third Wednesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. at the Bank’s Board Room, Head Office or such other date and time as may be agreed upon by the members. As added by BSP Circular No. 749 Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation. D. Quorum and Voting A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum and every decision of at least a majority of the Committee members present at a meeting at which there is a quorum shall be valid, unless a specific number of votes is required by existing laws and regulations. E. Charter Review The Board shall review and assess the adequacy of this charter annually or as the need arises. Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation. RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE CHARTER I. Background The Board of Directors, as one of their specific duties and responsibilities, must constitute several committees, one of which is a Risk Management Committee. The Board must also draw up a written charter that defines the duties and responsibilities of its committee members. II. Organization The Risk Management Committee will be composed of not less than three (3) members of the Board of Directors, and may have one or more advisors as the Committee may deem proper. Each member and advisor/s shall possess a range of expertise as well as adequate knowledge of the institution’s risk exposures. The Risk Management Unit shall primarily be responsible in assisting the Committee with its responsibilities. III. Review The Board of Directors shall review and assess the adequacy of this charter at least once every year. IV. Authority The Committee shall have the authority to investigate any matter within its duties and responsibilities under the law, rules, circulars, memorandum and/or this charter, full access to and cooperation from management and other units of the Bank, with full discretion to invite any officer or employee to its meetings. The Committee shall have adequate resources to enable it to effectively discharge its functions. V. Duties and Responsibilities 1. 2. Meetings and reports 1.1. Meet at least once every month at the Bank’s Head Office. 1.2. Meet periodically with risk management personnel, internal auditors, compliance personnel, and bank staff, together or separately as the Risk Management Committee may see fit. 1.3. Keep the Board of Directors informed as needed, at least once every year. Responsibilities of the Risk Management Committee 2.1. Responsible for the oversight and development of all the Bank’s risk management functions, including but not limited to market risk, credit risk, and operational risk. 2.2. Estimate the loss for each risk event, and estimate the probability of each risk event occurring. Then calculate the expected loss for each risk event. Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation. 2.3. Develop a written risk management plan appropriate for managing the major categories of risk events and minimizing the magnitude of expected losses, giving priority to the risk events with the largest expected losses. 2.4. Communicate the risk management plan to affected parties. Conduct regular discussions regarding the Bank’s current risk exposure using regular management reports. Ensure the concerned units are directed on how to manage these risks. 2.5. Evaluate the risk management plan to ensure its continued relevancy, comprehensiveness, and effectiveness. Review and revise the plan as needed. 2.6. Oversee the system that manages discretionary authority limits delegated to Management by the Board of Directors; ensure that this system continues to be effective, that the authority limits are observed and that immediate corrective actions are taken whenever breaches occur. Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation. NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE CHARTER I. Introduction The Nominations Committee is a Board Committee created in compliance with the Revised Code of Corporate Governance (SEC Memo No. 6 Series of 2009). II. Composition The Nominations Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members of the Board of 2 Directors , all of whom shall be independent directors. III. Duties and Functions 3 1. Its primary task is to review and evaluate the qualifications of all persons nominated to the Board and other appointments that require Board approval including promotions favorably endorsed by the Promotions Review Committee. That with regard to the nominees to the Board, the Committee is also tasked to identify the quality of the directors nominated aligned with the Bank’s strategic directions. 2. It shall promulgate the guidelines or criteria to govern the conduct of the nomination, and the same shall be properly disclosed in the company’s information or proxy statement or such other reports required to be submitted to the SEC. 3. The nomination of director, more particularly of independent director, shall be conducted by the Committee prior to a stockholders’ meeting. All nominations or recommendation shall be signed by the nominating stockholders together with the acceptance and conformity of the nominees. 4. The Committee shall pre-screen the qualifications and prepare a final list of all candidates and put in place screening policies and parameters that meet at least the minimum requirement of SEC Memo No. 16 and BSP Circular No. 296 Series of 2001 to facilitate its task to effectively review the qualifications of the nominees for directors, more specifically for independent director/s. 5. After the nomination, the Committee shall prepare a Final List of Candidates which shall contain all the information about all the nominees for directors, more particularly for independent directors, as required under Part IV (A) and (C) of Annex “C” of SRC Rule 12, which list shall be made available to the SEC and to all stockholders through the filing and distribution of the Information Statement or Proxy Statement, in accordance with the SRC Rule 17.1 (b) or the SRC or SRC Rule 20, respectively, or in such other reports the company is required to submit to the SEC. The name of the person or group of persons who recommended the nomination of the independent director/s shall be identified in such report including any relationship with the nominee. 6. Only nominees whose names appear on the Final List of Candidates shall be eligible for election as directors, more specifically for Independent Directors. No other nomination shall be entertained after the Final List of Candidates shall have been prepared. No 2 Article VI.C, Amended By-laws 3 Article VI.C.2, Amended By-Laws Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation. further nomination shall be entertained or allowed on the floor during the actual annual stockholders’ meeting, except in the unlikely event that a particular nominee/s make/s a last minute withdrawal of his/their acceptance and conformity, become/s incapacitated or otherwise no longer available for any reason whatsoever. 7. IV. Assess the effectiveness of the Board’s processes and procedures in the election or 4 replacement of directors. Meetings The committee shall meet at least once a year or as necessary at the Bank’s head office. V. Charter Review This Committee shall review this charter at least annually or as necessary. 4 (Article 3.K.ii, a, Revised Code of Corporate Governance) Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation. AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER I. Purpose and Objective The Audit Committee primarily oversees all matters pertaining to audit – the Bank’s internal audit function and performance, the integrity of the Bank’s financial statements, and the Bank’s accounting processes in general, among other things. The Committee likewise provides oversight on the senior management’s activities, as well as the Bank’s internal and external auditors and monitors and evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control system. The Committee also plays an important role in empowering and elevating the status of the internal audit activity throughout the organization as provider of quality and significant assurance and consulting services that adds value to the Bank’s governance, risk management, and internal control processes. II. III. Membership A. The Audit Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members of the Board of Directors, wherein two (2) of whom shall be independent directors, including the Chairman, preferably with accounting, auditing, or related financial management expertise or experience commensurate with the size, complexity of operations and risk profile of the Bank.5 B. To the greatest extent possible, the audit committee shall be composed of a sufficient number of independent and non-executive board members. 6 C. The Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and/or Treasurer of the Bank, or officers holding equivalent positions, shall not be appointed as members of the Audit Committee.7 D. No member of the Audit Committee shall be concurrently designated as a member of the Trust Committee. 8 E. The Board has the power to re-organize committee membership, thus, in case of vacancy the Board of Directors may appoint the replacement in accordance with the Bank’s ByLaws. Voting and Quorum Requirements Majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum; each member is allowed to vote for matters brought to the attention of the committee for action. Every decision of at least a majority of the Committee members present at a meeting at which there is a quorum shall be valid, unless a specific number of votes is required by existing laws and regulations. IV. Authority The audit committee shall have explicit authority to investigate any matter within its terms of reference, full access to and cooperation by management and full discretion to invite any director or executive officer to attend its meetings, and adequate resources to enable it to effectively discharge its functions. The audit committee shall ensure that a review of the effectiveness of the 5 BSP Circular No. 749 ibid 7 ibid 8 Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB), Sec X406.2 6 Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation. institution’s internal controls, including financial, operational and compliance controls, and risk management, is conducted at least annually. V. Duties and Responsibilities The Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities: A. Provides oversight of the Bank’s financial reporting and control and internal and external audit functions. B. Establishes the internal audit function (including in-house and outsource audit services) and appoint qualified Chief Audit Executive as well as the independent external auditor who shall both report directly to the Audit Committee. In cases of appointment or dismissal of external auditors, it is encouraged that the decision be made only by 9 independent and non-executive audit committee members. It shall monitor and evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control system. C. Ensure that the Chief Audit Executive and internal audit function are free from interference by outside parties. D. Ensure that there is an annual review of the effectiveness of the Internal Audit function including compliance with the Institute of Internal Auditors’ International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (IIA-ISPPIA) and Code of Ethics.10 E. Reviews annually the Chief Audit Executive’s performance and concurs with the annual compensation and salary adjustment. F. Establish and maintain mechanism by which officers and staff may, in confidence, raise concerns about possible improprieties or malpractices in matters of financial reporting, internal control, auditing, code of conduct or other issues to persons or entities that have the power to take corrective action. It shall ensure that arrangements are in place for the independent investigation, appropriate follow-up action, and subsequent resolution of complaints.11 G. Evaluate the effectiveness of the system for monitoring compliance with laws and regulations and the results of management's investigation and follow-up (including disciplinary action) of any instances of non-compliance. Obtains regular updates from management and company legal counsel regarding compliance matters.8 Issue certifications on critical compliance matters/issues. H. Evaluate the committee's and individual members' performance on a regular basis. I. Seek professional guidance from independent counsel, accountants, or others to advise and assist the Committee in the effective performance of their duties. 8 J. Keep the members informed and educated of the emerging trends and successful practices in internal auditing. 8 9 Added by Circular No. 749 MORB, Subsection X186.4 (2008 - X164.4) 11 MORB, Section X141.3.c.9.a 8 IIA’s Model Audit Committee Charter 10 Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation. K. Oversight of Financial Reporting and Policies - Review and discuss with management, internal and external auditors the annual audited financial statements before submission to the Board, focusing particularly on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. L. 8 any change/s in accounting policies and practices, standards and interpretations and its related impact; major judgmental areas including reasonableness of estimates and assumptions used in the performance of financial statements; significant adjustments resulting from the audit, error or fraud in financial reporting; going concern assumption; compliance with accounting and auditing standards; compliance with tax, legal and stock exchange requirements; management’s responsibility over the financial statements; material errors and fraud and sufficiency of risk controls; unusual or complex transactions including all related party transactions; assessment of annual and interim financial reports as to completeness, clarity, consistency and accuracy of disclosures of material information including on subsequent events and related party transactions; litigation, claims, contingencies or other significant legal issues that have impact on financial statements; fair and balance review of financial reports; assessment of correspondence between the company and regulators regarding financial statement filings and disclosures; resolution of any disagreements between management and the external auditor regarding financial reporting; 8 management’s competence regarding financial reporting responsibilities including aggressiveness and reasonableness of decisions; and completeness and timeliness of communication with external auditor as the critical policies, alternative treatments, observations on internal controls, audit adjustments, independence, limitations on the audit work set by the management, and other material issues that affect the audit and financial reporting. Oversight of Internal Control - Review and discuss with management, the external auditors and internal audit, as appropriate. 1. management’s assessment of the adequacy of internal controls, including the Report on Internal Control that is filed with the Bank’s Annual Report, which shall state the responsibilities of management for establishing and maintaining an adequate internal control system and contain an assessment of the effectiveness of such system; 2. internal control reports (management letters) submitted by the external auditors in connection with their audit of the financial statements; 3. internal control issues noted during internal audits, together with management’s responses and determine the appropriate actions have been taken to address significant deficiencies and weaknesses; 4. monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the information technology security and 12 control; and 5. understand the scope of internal and external auditors’ review of internal control over 8 financial reporting. IIA’s Model Audit Committee Charter Article 3.K.(i).g of the Revised Code of Corporate Governance Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation. VI. VII. M. Oversight of External Auditors - Select and appoint the external auditors, subject to stockholder ratification. In cases of appointment or dismissal of external auditors, it is encouraged that the decision be made only by independent, non-executive audit committee members. 13 The external auditors are to report directly to the Committee. Approve audit fees and fees for non-audit services, if any. Review and discuss the scope and plan of the annual audit, including coordination of audit effort with internal audit and rotation process of auditor/firm. Review and discuss the annual audited financial statements, management letter, regulatory and accounting issues and developments and their effect on the financial statements. Evaluate the qualifications, performance, competence and independence of the external auditors. N. Oversight of Internal Audit - Review and concur in the appointment and replacement of the Chief Audit Executive (CAE) who shall report directly to the Committee. Review and approve the annual audit plan, extent and scope of work, charter, activities, organizational structure/staffing and budget, including all major changes thereafter and review periodic reports on the status and completion of the plan. Review and discuss the reporting process and internal audit reports, management’s responses and corrective actions on significant audit findings. O. Oversight of Risk Management Function - Provide oversight over Management’s activities in managing credit, market, liquidity, operational, legal and other risks of the Bank. This function shall include regular receipts from Management of information on risk exposures and risk management activities. Meetings and Access A. Date and Time of Meeting: The Committee shall meet every third Wednesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. at the Bank’s Board Room, Head Office or such other date & time as may be agreed upon by the members. B. Meet periodically with management, internal audit and external auditors, together or separately as the Committee may see fit, and C. Report on the Committee’s activities regularly to the Board. Self-Assessment In accordance with the Bank’s Corporate Governance Manual and SEC Memo No.4 (series of 2012), the Committee shall conduct an annual assessment of its performance effectiveness through a self-assessment. VIII. Charter Review The Board shall review and assess the adequacy of this charter annually or as needed, requesting board approval for proposed changes, and ensure appropriate disclosure as may be required by law or regulation.8 8 IIA’s Model Audit Committee Charter 9 Subsection X141.3 (7) (d) (i) of the MORB, as amended Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation. COMPENSATION OR REMUNERATION COMMITTEE CHARTER A. Introduction The Compensation or Remuneration Committee provides oversight over the remuneration of Senior Management and other key personnel, ensuring that compensation is consistent with the Bank’s culture, strategy and control environment14. B. Composition The Compensation or Remuneration Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members of the board, one of whom shall be an independent director. C. D. Duties and Responsibilities 1. Establish a formal and transparent procedure for developing a policy on executive remuneration and for fixing the remuneration packages of all Bank personnel and provide oversight over remuneration of all personnel, ensuring that compensation is consistent with the interest of all stakeholders and the Bank’s culture, strategy and control environment; 15 2. Review and approve amount of remuneration, which shall be in a sufficient level to attract and retain directors and all personnel who are needed to manage the Bank successfully; 3. Develop a form on Full Business Interest Disclosure as part of the pre-employment requirements for all incoming officers, which among others compel all officers to declare under the penalty of perjury all their existing business interests or shareholdings that may directly or indirectly conflict in their performance of duties once hired; 4. Disallow any director to decide his or her own remuneration; 5. Provide in the Bank's annual reports, information and proxy statements a clear, concise and understandable disclosure of compensation of its executive officers for the previous fiscal year and the ensuing year; 6. Review (if any) of the existing Human Resources Development or Personnel Handbook, to strengthen provisions on conflict of interest, salaries and benefits policies, promotion and career advancement directives and compliance of personnel concerned with all statutory requirements that must be periodically met in their respective posts; 7. Or in the absence of such Personnel Handbook, cause the development of such, covering the same parameters of governance stated above. Meetings The committee shall meet at least once a year at the Bank’s head office. 14 Control environment - The control environment includes the integrity, ethical values, policies, actions, management style and competence of the entity's people, which set the tone of firm’s day-to-day activities; control environment is the foundation for all other components of internal control. 15 BSP Circular No. 283 Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION COMMITTEE CHARTER The Related Party Transaction Committee (“RPT Committee”) shall be responsible in reviewing all related party transactions as defined in the existing policies of the Bank, laws, rules and regulations and in ensuring that they are conducted at arm’s length, fair market terms or upon terms not less favorable to the Bank than those offered to others. I. II. Membership 1. The RPT Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) Independent, Non-Executive Directors. The Board of Directors shall appoint/designate the Chairman and the members of this Committee. 2. The members of the RPT Committee shall all be independent, non-executive directors with a range of expertise as well as adequate knowledge of the institution’s risk relating to related party transactions. 3. The Board of Directors shall have the power to remove and replace the members of, and fill vacancies in, the RPT Committee. Quorum and Voting A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum and every decision of at least a majority of the Committee members present at a meeting at which there is a quorum shall be valid, unless a specific number of votes is required by existing laws and regulations. III. IV. Access and Authority 1. The Committee shall have the authority to investigate any matter within its duties and responsibilities under the law, rules, circulars, memoranda and/or this charter, full access to and cooperation from management and other units of the Bank, with full discretion to invite any officer or employee to its meetings. 2. The Committee shall have adequate resources to enable it to effectively discharge its functions. 3. Whenever appropriate, the Committee shall have access to external expert advice, like in relation to proposed strategic transaction, such as mergers and acquisitions. Duties and Responsibilities 1. 2. Meetings and reports 1.1 The RPT Committee shall meet whenever necessary to discuss related party transaction on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Bank’s Head Office. 1.2 Keep the Board of Directors informed as needed, at least once every year. General Responsibilities of the RPT Committee 2.1 Policy 2.1.1 Shall be responsible in ensuring that a policy on RPT is in place and that the said policy is reviewed annually or whenever necessary. Any Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation. changes therein shall be approved by the Board of Directors through the RPT Committee. 2.1.2 The Committee shall determine the Material Interests or the amount of significant transactions that could pose material risk to the Bank. For this purpose, the amount to be considered as ‘Significant’ and to be included in the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) report must be Philippine Peso (PHP) 50 Million (or its foreign currency equivalent) and above. The amount may be changed based on the discretion of the Board of Directors. 2.2 Review of Related Party Transaction 2.2.1 The Committee shall also be responsible in reviewing all related party transactions as defined in the existing policies of the Bank. 2.2.2 The Committee shall evaluate the terms and conditions of the facility or the transaction, to determine whether or not it is fair, conducted at arm’s length, or upon terms not less favorable to the Bank than those offered to others. In determining that a transaction is at arm’s length, it shall consider the pricing, timing of transactions, economic benefit, etc. 2.2.3 V. Any director who has an interest in the transaction shall not participate in the deliberation and shall abstain from the approval of the transaction. Review The Board of Directors shall review and assess the adequacy of this charter at least once every year and/or as deemed necessary. Contains INTERNAL Information These materials are regarded as INTERNAL information of the China Banking Corporation and must be handled in accordance to the appropriate handling guidelines. No part of these materials should be reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system of any nature nor should the materials be disclosed to third parties without prior express written authorization of China Banking Corporation.