THE COHOMOLOGY OF ku ROBERT R. BRUNER Recall that H ∗ HZ = A/ASq 1 . We wish to show that H ∗ ku = A/A(Sq 1 , Q1 ). I don’t have my copy of Adams’ blue book handy, but this is what he does. 1. The k-invariant We start with the (co)fiber sequence of spectra v Σ2 ku −→ ku −→ HZ which follows from the ring structure of ku and π∗ ku = Z[v]. Iterating, we get the Postnikov tower of ku, with first k-invariant the top row in the diagram Σ−1 HZ / Σ2 ku Σ2 ( / Σ2 HZ v ku / HZ We have to determine this k-invariant in H 2 Σ−1 HZ = hQ1 i To do this, recall that ku = (BU ×Z, U, BU, SU, BSU, SU h5i, BU h6i, . . .). Restricting to the 3rd spaces, Ω∞ Σ3 (X), we have the diagram K(Z, 2) / SU h5i Σ2 ( / K(Z, 5) / K(Z, 3) v SU The top row here is no help because H 5 K(Z, 2) = 0, but we can detect more by looking instead at the boundary map for the fibration SU h5i −→ SU −→ K(Z, 3): H 6 K(Z, 3) ←− H 5 SU h5i ←− H 5 K(Z, 5) If we let x5 ∈ H 5 SU h5i and ι3 ∈ H 3 K(Z, 3) be the fundamental classes, then in total degree 5, the Serre spectral sequence for this fibration has two generators, Sq 2 ι3 and x5 . The only way that H 5 SU can be one dimensional is for d5 (x5 ) = ι23 , giving the k-invariant: Q1 (ι3 ) = ι23 ←−[ x5 ←−[ ι5 1 2 ROBERT R. BRUNER x5 x5 Sq 2 ι3 x5 ι23 x5 ι3 · · · · 1 · · ι3 · Sq 2 ι3 ! ι23 Figure 1. Low degree classes in the E2 term of the Serre spectral sequence H ∗ K(Z, 3) ⊗ H ∗ SU h5i =⇒ H ∗ SU . Alternatively, we could look at the fourth spaces, K(Z, 3) −→ BSU h6i −→ BSU , and compute H 6 K(Z, 3) ←− H 6 BSU h6i ←− H 6 K(Z, 6) In this fibration, we must have d3 (ι3 ) = c2 , and hence d5 (Sq 2 ι3 ) = Sq 2 c2 = c3 . This leaves ι23 ∈ H 6 K(Z, 3) as the image of the generator of H 6 BSU h6i, giving the k-invariant: Q1 (ι3 ) = ι23 ←−[ x6 ←−[ ι6 THE COHOMOLOGY OF ku # ι23 Sq 2 ι3 3 # ι23 c22 ι23 c2 ι23 c3 # Sq 2 ι3 c2 Sq 2 ι3 c3 # Sq 2 ι3 c22 ι3 c2 ι3 c3 ι3 c22 · ι3 · · 1 · · · #c 2 · c3 · # c22 Figure 2. Low degree classes in the E2 term of the Serre spectral sequence H ∗ BSU ⊗ H ∗ K(Z, 3) =⇒ H ∗ BSU h6i. (Not all classes are shown.) ι23 ι23 c3 Sq 2 ι3 Sq 2 ι3 c3 · · · · 1 · · · · · !c 3 · · Figure 3. Low degree classes in the E4 term of the Serre spectral sequence H ∗ BSU ⊗ H ∗ K(Z, 3) =⇒ H ∗ BSU h6i. 4 ROBERT R. BRUNER 2. The long exact sequence in cohomology From the k-invariant Q1 ∈ H 3 HZ for ku we get a diagram / Σ2 ku / ku / HZ / Σ2 HZ / F Q1 / HZ Σ−1 HZ Q1 Σ−1 HZ / Σ3 ku Q1 / Σ3 HZ Q1 Factoring the homomorphism H ∗ HZ ←− Σ3 H ∗ HZ we get A//E(1) ee p Σ3 A//E(1) gg x i x A//E(0) o Σ3 p Σ3 i Σ6 A//E(1) w w Σ3 A//E(0) Q1 To see the exactness claims here it is simplest to induce up from E(1)-modules, where the epi-mono factorization of Q1 : Σ3 E(1)//E(0) −→ E(1)//E(0) and the short exact sequence are easy. This allows us to factor the restriction H ∗ ku ←− H ∗ HZ as H ∗ ku o c A//E(1) o o p A//E(0) = H ∗ HZ This makes the left square below commute. The right outer square commutes because it is induced by maps of spectra. Inserting the factorization of the restriction Σ3 H ∗ ku ←− Σ3 H ∗ HZ, the rest of the diagram commutes because Σ3 p is an epimorphism. H ∗O ku o A//E(0) o Σ38 HO ∗ ku Σ3 c c i A//E(1) o o p Σ3 A//E(1) x ff x A//E(0) o Σ3 p Q1 A//E(0) We have finally constructed the map of exact sequences which allows us to inductively show that c A//E(1) −→ H ∗ ku is an isomorphism. H ∗ Σ2 ku o H ∗O ku o H ∗ HZ o q Σ3 c c A//E(1) o o H ∗ ΣO 3 ku o p A//E(0) o i o Σ3 A//E(1) OO Σ3 p A//E(0) o Q1 Σ3 A//E(0) H ∗ Σku o THE COHOMOLOGY OF ku 5 Suppose that c is an isomorphism in degrees less than or equal to n. Then Σ3 c is an isomorphism in degrees ≤ n + 3 and hence c is a mono in degrees ≤ n + 3, as follows. For i ≤ n + 3, suppose x ∈ (A//E(1))i has c(x) = 0. Then x = p(x0 ) for some x0 ∈ (A//E(0))i so c(p(x0 )) = 0 and thus x0 = q(y). Since i ≤ n + 3, y = Σ3 c(z) for some z ∈ (Σ3 A//E(1))i . Then x = pi(z) = 0. Similarly, c is an epi in degrees ≤ n + 2: for i ≤ n + 2, suppose x ∈ H i ku. Then its image x0 ∈ H i Σ2 ku = H i+1 Σ3 ku is Σ3 c(y) for some y ∈ (Σ3 A//E(1))i+1 . But i(y) = q(x0 ) = 0 by exactness of the top row. Since i is mono, y = 0, so x0 = 0. This shows x comes from H ∗ HZ, so is in the image of c. The induction starts, trivially, so c is an isomorphism in all degrees. References [1] Frank Adams, Blue book, UofC Press.