Securing Energy Facilities Brochure

Securing Energy Facilities, Seeing Beyond The Fence:
Protecting critical infrastructure from modern threats is paramount for security officers and authorities. Power Generation Stations, often unmanned and located
away from heavily populated areas, Electrical Grid Networks and Distribution Lines are easy targets if not properly protected.
A layered approach to security is recommended. While SCADA lines monitor the health of large scale systems, and video cameras keep a watchful eye within
fences and facilities; recent events prove that “surveillance beyond the fence” is necessary. Thermal, High Definition (HD) and Illumination/Spot Lighting
technology, which allow security personnel to monitor outer perimeters and detect obscure threats, are ideal solutions to safeguard critical infrastructure sites.
System Health and Maintainance Information:
Moog systems can also serve an important role in preventative maintenance of Power and Energy Systems.
Thermal cameras can provide valuable information on a power system’s critical components before they fail,
allowing an opportunity for maintainance instead of downtime and costly repair.
Energy Surveillance Solutions:
• Camera Systems
EXO GeminEye Dual Thermal/HD
EXO Fixed and Stainless Steel Camera
• Illuminators / Spotlights
• Camera Lowering Systems
• Analytics
Auto Detection
Analytics offer a layer of automation to protecting critical infrastructure. Power and Energy sites are often unmanned facilities. Moog surveillance
solutions offer a number of Analytics and Tracking packages that alert remote security personal of potential threats. All EXO systems come with Video
Motion Detection (VMD) capabilities able to detect object movement in a field of view, then send an alert to the monitoring station.
HD vs SD
Image Definition is not complicated. At its most basic level, it comes down
to pixels. What is a pixel? A pixel is the smallest element in a raster image.
Think of a pixel as information. More pixels in an image translate to more
information and therefore more detail in the same field of view. Most
surveillance applications monitoring high-risk, high-value assets would benefit
from HD image quality. Whether the need is to assess threats, or to investigate
a crime, more information will benefit the forensic review.
Thermal Imaging
Thermal imaging, often referred to as “night vision”, allows you to capture video with or without visible light. How does it work? Thermal cameras
incorporate sensors that produce black and white images based on heat radiation sensed in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum,
thereby allowing you to see things outside of a human’s normal visible range. What you actually see is variations in temperature. Humans, objects
and possible threats are clearly identified using thermal imaging technology. With the addition of analytics, tracking activity from a distance is simple.
Daylight Camera
Subject wearing camouflage is barely detectable in daylight hours
Thermal Imaging
Detects the subject day or night and regardless of environmental conditions
Illumination offers multiple benefits. With 12,000,000 CandlePower, Surveillance Illumination is not your average camping flashlight. Illumination allows security
personnel to sweep a wide area, penetrating shadows for general night time surveillance, or target a specific area for further investigation. The ability to illuminate
specific targets and assess threats up to .8 miles away (maximum range over two miles/3500 meters), helps to identify whether a target is a threat, and can serve
as a deterrent. This technology coupled with video offers an important layer of security for high-risk assets. Illumination not only captures evidence of threats, it
also acts as a deterrent.
Additional features:
•A “strobe” can disorient a human threat and deter a breach of the perimeter.
•IR filters offer covert illumination.
475 yards
525 yards
330 yards
* Illumination photos provided by Peak Beam Systems.