Stochastic Parametrisation and Model Uncertainty Hannah Mary Arnold Jesus College University of Oxford A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Trinity Term 2013 Stochastic Parametrisation and Model Uncertainty Hannah Mary Arnold, Jesus College Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Trinity Term 2013 Abstract Representing model uncertainty in atmospheric simulators is essential for the production of reliable probabilistic forecasts, and stochastic parametrisation schemes have been proposed for this purpose. Such schemes have been shown to improve the skill of ensemble forecasts, resulting in a growing use of stochastic parametrisation schemes in numerical weather prediction. However, little research has explicitly tested the ability of stochastic parametrisations to represent model uncertainty, since the presence of other sources of forecast uncertainty has complicated the results. This study seeks to provide firm foundations for the use of stochastic parametrisation schemes as a representation of model uncertainty in numerical weather prediction models. Idealised experiments are carried out in the Lorenz ‘96 (L96) simplified model of the atmosphere, in which all sources of uncertainty apart from model uncertainty can be removed. Stochastic parametrisations are found to be a skilful way of representing model uncertainty in weather forecasts in this system. Stochastic schemes which have a realistic representation of model error produce reliable forecasts, improving on the deterministic and the more “traditional” perturbed parameter schemes tested. The potential of using stochastic parametrisations for simulating the climate is considered, an area in which there has been little research. A significant improvement is observed when stochastic parametrisation schemes are used to represent model uncertainty in climate simulations in the L96 system. This improvement is particularly pronounced when considering the regime behaviour of the L96 system — the stochastic forecast models are significantly more skilful than using a deterministic perturbed parameter ensemble to represent model uncertainty. The reliability of a model at forecasting the weather is found to be linked to that model’s ability to simulate the climate, providing some support for the seamless prediction paradigm. The lessons learned in the L96 system are then used to test and develop stochastic and perturbed parameter representations of model uncertainty for use in an operational numerical weather prediction model, the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS). A particular focus is on improving the representation of model uncertainty in the convection parametrisation scheme. Perturbed parameter schemes are tested, which improve on the operational stochastic scheme in some regards, but are not as skilful as a new generalised version of the stochastic scheme. The proposed stochastic scheme has a potentially more realistic representation of model error than the operational scheme, and improves the reliability of the forecasts. While studying the L96 system, it was found that there is a need for a proper score which is particularly sensitive to forecast reliability. A suitable score is proposed and tested, before being used for verification of the forecasts made in the IFS. This study demonstrates the power of using stochastic over perturbed parameter representations of model uncertainty in weather and climate simulations. It is hoped that these results motivate further research into physically-based stochastic parametrisation schemes, as well as triggering the development of stochastic Earth-system models for probabilistic climate prediction. ii Acknowledgements I have benefitted from the help and advice of many over the course of my D.Phil. Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisors, Tim Palmer and Irene Moroz, for all their insightful comments, support and guidance over the last three years. I have been very fortunate to have such excellent supervisors. I have really enjoyed working at AOPP, and have never had far to go for advice. Thank you in particular to Andrew Dawson for being a first-rate office-mate, and for his help with all things computational. Thanks to Peter Düben, Fenwick Cooper and Hugh McNamara for many interesting conversations, and thanks to Laure Zanna and Lesley Gray for their useful comments during my transfer and confirmation of status vivas. Thanks also to Ed Gryspeerdt and Peter Watson, for many hours of excellent discussion on life, the universe and The Simpsons. I would like to thank everyone at ECMWF for their support. In particular, I am grateful to Antje Weisheimer for all her time and patience spent explaining the details of working with the IFS. I want to thank Paul Dando for his help with running the IFS from Oxford, and for all his work which made it possible. I also want to thank Alfons Callado Pallares for providing me with his SPPT code, and Martin Leutbecher for many useful discussions about SPPT and advice on developing Alfons’ work. Thanks to Sarah-Jane Lock for running the high resolution experiments for me, and to Heikki Järvinen, Pirkka Ollinaho and Peter Bechtold for providing me with the parameter uncertainty information for my perturbed parameter scheme. Thanks also to Glenn Shutts and Simon Lang for many helpful discussions on stochastic parametrisation schemes. I want to thank Paul Williams for his continued interest in my work — I always come away from our meetings with an improved understanding and with lots of new ideas. I want to thank Jochen Bröcker, Chris Ferro and Martin Leutbecher for teaching me about proper scoring rules, and Cecile Penland for teaching me about stochastic processes. I have also enjoyed many statistical discussions with Dan Rowlands, Dan Cornford and Jonty Rougier, for which I am very grateful. Thanks must go to everyone who has helped me improve my thesis by commenting on various chapters: Tim Palmer, Irene Moroz, David Arnold, Peter Düben, Fenwick Cooper, Sarah-Jane Lock, Heikki Järvinen, Antje Weisheimer and Andrew Dawson. On a personal note, thank you to my parents for always supporting my latest endeavour, and for always being there for me. Thanks to all the people who have made my time in Oxford a happy one: to friends from Jesus College, AOPP, Aldates and Caltech. In particular, a big thank you to Nicola Platt, and to Benjamin Winter, Matthew Moore and Duncan Hardy for being excellent flatmates. Finally, thank you Nikolaj, for your limitless encouragement, love and support. I truly couldn’t have done it without you. Abbreviations 1DD 1 Degree Daily YOTC dataset A Additive noise stochastic parametrisation used in Chapters 2 and 3 ALARO Aire Limitée Adaptation/Application de la Recherche à l’Opérationnel AMIP Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project AR(1) First Order Autoregressive BS Brier Score BSS Brier Skill Score, usually calculated with respect to climatology. CA Cellular Automaton CAPE Convectively Available Potential Energy CASBS Cellular Automaton Stochastic Backscatter Scheme CCN Cloud Condensation Nuclei CIN Convective Inhibition CMIPn Climate Model Intercomparison Project, Phase n CONV IFS Convection parametrisation scheme CONVi CONV perturbed independently using SPPT CRM Cloud Resolving Model DEMETER Development of a European Multimodel Ensemble system for seasonal to inTERannual prediction ECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts EDA Ensembles of Data Assimilation ENSO El Niño Southern Oscillation EOF Empirical Orthogonal Function EPS Ensemble Prediction System EUROSIP European Seasonal to Interannual Prediction project GCM General Circulation Model GLOMAP Global Model of Aerosol Processes GPCP Global Precipitation Climatology Project IFS Integrated Forecasting System — the ECMWF global weather forecasting model IGN Ignorance Score IGNL Ignorance Score calculated following Leutbecher (2010) IGNSS Ignorance Skill Score, usually calculated with respect to climatology IPCC AR4 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fourth assessment report ITCZ Intertropical Convergence Zone KL Kullback-Leibler Divergence KS Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistic LES Large Eddy Simulation LSWP IFS Large Scale Water Processes (clouds) parametrisation scheme LSWPi LSWP perturbed independently using SPPT L96 The Lorenz ’96 System — the second model described in Lorenz (1996) M Multiplicative noise stochastic parametrisation used in Chapters 2 and 3 MA Multiplicative and Additive noise stochastic parametrisation used in Chapters 2 and 3 MME Multi-Model Ensemble v MOGREPS Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System MTU Model Time Units in the Lorenz ’96 system. One MTU corresponds to approximately five atmospheric days. NAO North Atlantic Oscillation NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction NOGW IFS Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Drag parametrisation scheme NOGWi NOGW perturbed independently using SPPT NWP Numerical Weather Prediction PC Principal Component pdf Probability Density Function PPT Precipitation RDTT IFS Radiation parametrisation scheme RDTTi RDTT perturbed independently using SPPT REL Reliability component of the Brier Score RMS Root Mean Square RMSE RMS Error RPS Ranked Probability Score RPSS Ranked Probability Skill Score, usually calculated with respect to climatology SCM Single Column Model SD State Dependent additive noise stochastic parametrisation used in Chapters 2 and 3 SKEB Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter SME Single-Model Ensemble SPPT Stochastically Perturbed Parametrisation Tendencies SPPTi Independent Stochastically Perturbed Parametrisation Tendencies TCWV Total Column Water Vapour TGWD IFS Turbulence and Gravity Wave Drag parametrisation scheme TGWDi TGWD perturbed independently using SPPT THORPEX The Observing-System Research and Predictability Experiment T159 IFS spectral resolution - triangular truncation of 159 T850 Temperature at 850 hPa U200 Zonal wind at 200 hPa U850 Zonal wind at 850 hPa UM Unified Model — the U.K. Met Office weather forecasting model WCRP World Climate Research Programme WWRP World Weather Research Programme YOTC Year of Tropical Convection Z500 Geopotential height at 500 hPa vi Contents Abstract i 1 Introduction 1.1 Why are Atmospheric Models Useful? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 The need for parametrisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Predicting Predictability: Uncertainty in Atmospheric Models . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 Multi-model Ensembles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Multiparametrisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.3 Perturbed Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Stochastic Parametrisations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Proof of concept: Stochastic Parametrisations in the Lorenz ’96 System 1.4.2 Stochastic Parametrisation of Convection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.3 Developments in operational NWPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Comparison with Other Representations of Model Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Probabilistic Forecasts and Decision Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Evaluation of Probabilistic Forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.1 Scoring Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.2 Other Scalar Forecast Summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.3 Graphical Verification Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 Outline of Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 Statement of Originality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 13 22 26 27 30 30 35 36 38 38 40 2 The Lorenz ’96 System: Initial Value Problem 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 The Lorenz ’96 System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Description of the Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 “Truth” model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Forecast model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Weather Forecasting Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Representation of Model Uncertainty . . . . . . . 2.6 Perturbed Parameter Ensembles in the Lorenz ’96 2.6.1 Weather Prediction Skill . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Lorenz ’96 System: Climatology and Regime Behaviour 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Climatological Skill: Reproducing the pdf of the 3.2.1 Perturbed Parameter Ensemble . . . . . 3.3 Climatological Skill: Regime Behaviour . . . . . vii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 41 43 43 44 45 52 56 57 59 62 . . . . . . . Atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 63 65 70 71 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 3.3.1 Data and Methods . . . . . 3.3.2 The True Attractor . . . . . 3.3.3 Simulating the Attractor . . 3.3.4 Simulating Regime Statistics Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 78 79 85 93 4 Evaluation of Ensemble Forecast Uncertainty: The Error-Spread Score 95 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 4.2 Evaluation of Ensemble Forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 4.3 The Error-Spread Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 4.4 Propriety of the Error-Spread Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 4.5 Decomposition of the Error-Spread Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 4.6 Testing the Error-Spread Score: Evaluation of Forecasts in the Lorenz ’96 System102 4.7 Testing the Error-Spread Score: Evaluation of Medium-Range Forecasts . . . . 103 4.8 Evaluation of Reliability, Resolution and Uncertainty for EPS forecasts . . . . 109 4.9 Application to Seasonal Forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 4.10 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 5 Experiments in the IFS: Perturbed Parameter Ensembles 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 The Integrated Forecasting System . . . . . . 5.2.1 Parametrisation Schemes in the IFS . . 5.3 Uncertainty in Convection: Generalised SPPT 5.4 Perturbed Parameter Approach to Uncertainty 5.4.1 Perturbed Parameters and the EPPES 5.4.2 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Experimental Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5.1 Definition of Verification Regions . . . 5.5.2 Chosen Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Verification of Forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.1 Verification in Non-Convecting Regions 5.6.2 Verification in Convecting Regions . . 5.7 Discussion and Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Convection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 121 122 124 125 127 127 129 133 135 136 137 137 139 149 6 Experiments in the IFS: Independent SPPT 6.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Global Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Effect of Independent SPPT in Tropical Areas 6.4 Convection Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.1 Precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.2 Total Column Water Vapour . . . . . . 6.5 Individually Independent SPPT . . . . . . . . 6.6 High Resolution Experiments . . . . . . . . . 6.6.1 Global Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6.2 Verification in the Tropics . . . . . . . 6.7 Discussion and Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 155 157 160 169 169 171 175 179 182 184 186 7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 viii A Skill Score Significance Testing A.1 Weather Forecasts in the Lorenz ‘96 System A.2 Simulated Climate in the Lorenz ‘96 System A.3 Skill Scores for the IFS . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3.1 Experiments in the IFS . . . . . . . . B The B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 205 206 210 210 Error-spread Score: A Proper Score Derivation of the Form of the Error-Spread Score . Confirmation of Propriety of the Error-spread Score Decomposition of the Error-spread Score . . . . . . Mathematical Properties of Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 217 219 222 226 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 ix x 1 Introduction Det er svært at spå, især om fremtiden. (It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future) – Niels Bohr 1.1 Why are Atmospheric Models Useful? Mankind has always wanted to understand and predict the weather. In 650 B.C., the Babylonians recorded the weather, and predicted the short term weather using the appearance of clouds (Nebeker, 1995). In 340 B.C., Aristotle wrote Meteorologica which included his theories of the formation of winds, cloud, mist and dew. However, the earliest forecasts were not based on theoretical descriptions of the weather, but were deduced by making records of observations, and identifying patterns in these records. With the birth of meteorological instruments in the 17th Century, these records became quantifiable, and scientists such as Edmond Halley proposed theories for the observed weather, such as the cause of the trade winds so important for shipping (Halley, 1686). However, even up until the 1960s, pattern forecasting (or “analogues”) was promoted as a potential way to produce weather forecasts out to very long lead times. Weather patterns are identified where the large-scale flow evolves similarly with time. If a long enough historical record of the state of the atmosphere is maintained, the forecaster has the (relatively) simple job of looking through the record for a day when the atmospheric state looks the same as today, and then issuing the historical evolution of the atmosphere from that state as today’s forecast. To allow this, catalogues were prepared of different weather regimes, 1 such as the Grosswetterlagen (Hess and Brezowsky, 1952). These qualitatively describe the different major flow regimes of the atmosphere and their associated weather conditions. Nevertheless, the atmosphere is inherently unpredictable, so such methods are doomed to fail. The origin of this unpredictability is the chaotic nature of the atmosphere. Chaos theory was first described by Lorenz in his seminal paper “Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow” (Lorenz, 1963). Chaos is a property of certain non-linear dynamical systems which exhibit a strong sensitivity to their initial conditions. Two states of such a system, initially very close in phase space, will diverge, making long term prediction impossible in general. The Lorenz (1963) model is a set of three coupled equations which exhibit this chaotic behaviour, derived as a truncation of Rayleigh-Bénard convection for a plane layer of fluid heated from below. Lorenz did not agree with the notion that analogues would provide a way to predict the weather months in advance, and successfully discredited the theory with his 1963 paper. By showing that the behaviour of a simple deterministic system with just three variables could not be predicted using analogues, he argued that neither could the atmosphere. Given that the atmosphere is chaotic, more accurate weather forecasts can be derived by acknowledging that the atmosphere is a fluid which obeys the Newtonian equations of motion. By bringing together observations and theory the weather can, in principle, be predicted with higher accuracy than by using analogues. This theoretically based approach was first proposed by Vilhelm Bjerknes in 1903, and first attempted by Lewis Fry Richardson during the first world war, who solved the relevant partial differential equations by hand (Richardson, 2007). Richardson’s six hour forecast took six weeks to compute, but due to the sparseness and noisiness of the observations used to initialise the forecast, the result was very inaccurate, predicting pressure changes of 145 mb over the duration of the forecast (Nebeker, 1995). It wasn’t until the 1950s and 1960s with the birth of the electronic computer that numerical weather prediction became practical and computational atmospheric models became indispensable. A numerical weather prediction system provides a forecaster with a framework for using all of his or her knowledge about the atmosphere to make a forecast. The atmospheric model uses theoretical knowledge from fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, radiation physics, and numerical analysis to predict the future state of the atmosphere. Data from satellites, radiosondes and ground based measurements are incorporated into the model using data assimilation and provide the starting conditions for the forecast. By using data assimilation to combine our 2 observations with our theoretical knowledge of the atmosphere, we ensure that the models are initialised from physically reasonable initial conditions, smoothing out the errors in the observations. With better starting conditions, Richardson’s forecast would have been significantly improved, since high frequency gravity waves would not have been excited from imbalances in the starting conditions (Lynch, 1992). The use of atmospheric models has unified the three main fields of meteorology, with observationalists, theorists and forecasters all using atmospheric models to further their science and focus their research efforts (Nebeker, 1995). 1.2 The need for parametrisation The Navier-Stokes equation (1.1), combined with the continuity equation (1.2) and equation of state (1.3), describes the evolution of a fluid flow and forms the basis of all atmospheric models: ! ∂u ρ + u · ∇u = −∇p − ρg k̂ + µ∇2 u, ∂t ∂ρ = −∇ · (ρu), ∂t p = Ra T ρ, (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) where u is the fluid velocity, ρ is the fluid density, p is pressure, g is the gravitational acceleration, k̂ is the vertical unit vector, µ is the dynamic viscosity, T is the temperature, and Ra is the gas constant per unit mass of air. In general, the Navier-Stokes equation cannot be solved exactly. Instead, an approximate solution is obtained by discretising the equations, and truncating scales below some scale in space and time. However, this leaves fewer equations of motion than there are unknowns: the effect of the sub-grid scale variables on the grid scale flow is required, but not explicitly calculated. This is the closure problem. Unknown variables must be approximated in terms of known variables in order to complete the set of equations and render them soluble. In atmospheric models, closure is achieved through deterministically parametrising the sub-grid scale processes as a function of the grid scale variables. The representation of these processes often involves a conceptual representation of the physics involved (Jakob, 2010). For example, convection is often represented by the mass-flux approximation, in which the 3 spectrum of clouds within a grid cell is represented by a single mean cloud. The grid cell is assumed to be large enough to contain an ensemble of clouds but small enough that the atmospheric variables are fairly constant within the grid box (Arakawa and Schubert, 1974). This ensures the statistical effect of the cloud field on the grid scale variables is well represented by the mean. In fact, this condition of convective quasi-equilibrium is rarely met in the atmosphere, and deterministic parametrisations provide no way of estimating the uncertainty due to such deficiencies. The source of the problem can be found by considering (1.1). The Navier-Stokes equation is scale invariant: if u(x, t), p(x, t) is a solution, then so too is: x t uτ (x, t) = τ u 1/2 , , τ τ x t , pτ (x, t) = τ −1 p 1/2 , τ τ −1/2 (1.4) (1.5) for any τ > 0 (Palmer, 2012)1 . This scaling symmetry implies a power law spectrum of energy in the flow, as observed in the atmosphere. Figure 1.1, taken from Nastrom and Gage (1985), shows the atmospheric energy spectrum estimated from aircraft measurements of wind and temperature. At smaller spatial scales (high wavenumbers, k) the spectral slopes are approximately − 35 , while at larger scales the spectral slopes are close to −3. The − 35 spectral slope is as expected for a three dimensional turbulent flow (Kraichnan and Montgomery, 1980). At larger scales, the rotation of the Earth inhibits velocity variations with height, resulting in a quasi-two-dimensional turbulent flow (Kraichnan and Montgomery, 1980), which indeed predicts the k −3 slope observed at large spatial scales. Importantly, Figure 1.1 shows a continuous spectrum of energy in the atmospheric flow; there is no scale with a low observed energy density marking the boundary between small and large scales at which we should truncate. Whatever the truncation scale, there will always be motion occurring just below that scale, so the statistical assumptions of Arakawa and Schubert (1974), which form the basis of deterministic parametrisation schemes, will break down. An alternative approach is to use stochastic parametrisation schemes. These acknowledge that the sub-grid scale motion is not fully constrained by the grid scale variables, so the effect of the sub-grid on the grid scale cannot be represented as a function of the grid scale variables. Instead, random numbers are included in the equations of motion to represent one possible 1 This scaling symmetry is only strictly true in the absence of gravity. 4 Figure 1.1: Power spectrum for wind and potential temperature near the tropopause, calculated from aircraft data. The spectra for meridional wind and temperature are shifted to the right. c American The plotted lines have slopes -3 and − 35 . Taken from Nastrom and Gage (1985). Meteorological Society. Used with permission. evolution of the sub-grid scale. An ensemble of forecasts is generated to give an indication of the uncertainty in the forecasts due to the simplifications and approximations made when developing the atmospheric model. Furthermore, by using spatially and temporally correlated noise, the effects of poorly resolved processes occurring at scales larger than the grid scale can be accounted for, going beyond the traditional remit of parametrisation schemes. The coupling of scales in a complex system means a successful parametrisation must represent the effects of sub-grid scale processes acting on spatial and temporal scales greater than the truncation level. Stochastic parametrisations are therefore more consistent with the power law scaling observed in the atmosphere than traditional deterministic schemes. 1.3 Predicting Predictability: Uncertainty in Atmospheric Models There are two main sources of error in atmospheric modelling; errors in the initial conditions and errors in the model’s representation of the atmosphere (Slingo and Palmer, 2011). A single 5 deterministic forecast is of limited use as it gives no indication of how confident the forecaster is in his or her prediction. Instead, an ensemble of forecasts should be generated which explores these uncertainties, and a probabilistic forecast issued to the user. The first source of uncertainty, initial condition uncertainty, arises in part from measurement limitations. These restrict the accuracy with which the starting state of the atmosphere may be estimated2 . The atmosphere is a chaotic system which exhibits a strong sensitivity to its initial conditions (Lorenz, 1963): the non-linearity of the equations of motion describing the atmosphere results in error growth which is a function of the flow, and makes long term prediction impossible in general (Lorenz, 1972). This uncertainty can be quantified by initialising the ensemble of forecasts from perturbed initial conditions. These aim to represent the probability density function (pdf) of initial error, and can be generated in such a way as to capture the finite time linear instabilities of the flow using, for example, singular vectors (Buizza and Palmer, 1995). The second major source of uncertainty is model uncertainty, which stems from limitations in the computational representation of the equations of motion of the atmosphere. The atmospheric model has a finite resolution and, as discussed above, sub-grid scale processes must be represented through schemes which often grossly simplify the physics involved. For each state of the resolved, macroscopic variables, there are many possible states of the unresolved variables, so this parametrisation process is a significant source of forecast error. The largescale equations must also be discretised in some way, which is a secondary source of error. If only initial condition uncertainty is represented, the forecast ensemble is under-dispersive, i.e. it does not accurately represent the error in the ensemble mean (e.g. Stensrud et al. (2000)). The verification frequently falls outside of the range of the ensemble; model uncertainty must be included for a skilful forecast. In this study, stochastic parametrisations are investigated as a way of accurately representing model uncertainty. However, before existing stochastic schemes are discussed in Section 1.4, alternative methods of representing model uncertainty will be considered here. 2 In fact, there can also be a significant model error component to initial condition uncertainty. At the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, the Ensembles of Data Assimilation (EDA) system is used to estimate the initial conditions for each forecast. The EDA system requires both measurements and a forecast model, so limitations in both contribute to initial condition uncertainty. 6 1.3.1 Multi-model Ensembles There are many different weather forecasting centres, each developing its own Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model. Initial condition perturbations allow for an ensemble forecast to be made at each centre which represents the initial condition uncertainty. In a multi-model ensemble, several centres’ ensemble prediction systems are combined to form one super-ensemble. The different forecasts from different NWP models allow for a pragmatic representation of model uncertainty. This representation of model uncertainty is particularly common for climate projections. Since the mid 1990s, the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) has organised global climate model intercomparisons. Participating centres perform experiments with their models using different suggested forcings for different emission scenarios. These are then compared, most recently in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5 (CMIP5) (Taylor et al., 2012), which contains climate projections from more than 50 models, run by more than 20 groups from around the world. Multi-model ensembles (MMEs) perform better than the best single model in the ensemble if and only if the single-model ensembles are over-confident (Weigel et al., 2008). An overconfident (under-dispersive) single-model ensemble (SME) is penalised by the forecasting skill score (Section 1.7) for not sampling the full range of model uncertainty. Since different models are assumed to have different errors, combining a number of over-confident models allows the full range of uncertainty to be sampled, improving the forecast performance of the MME over the SMEs. MME seasonal predictions were made at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) as part of the Development of a European Multimodel Ensemble system for seasonal to inTERannual prediction (DEMETER) project (Palmer et al., 2004). Seasonal predictions of the MME have higher skill than the ECMWF SME, which is mainly due to an improvement in the reliability of the ensemble. This supports the use of MMEs as a way of representing model uncertainty. The DEMETER project has evolved into EUROSIP (European Seasonal to Interannual Prediction), a joint initiative between ECMWF, the U.K. Met Office and Météo-France, which produces multi-model seasonal forecasts out to a lead time of seven months. An advantage of using MMEs to represent model uncertainty is that they represent un7 certainty due to assumptions made when designing the dynamical core, not just due to the formulation of the parametrisation schemes. Different centres use different discretisations for the dynamical core (e.g. ECMWF use a spectral discretisation method whereas the U.K. Met Office use a grid point model), and may also implement different time stepping schemes. An ensemble that only perturbs the models’ parametrisation schemes will not explore this aspect of model uncertainty. A major disadvantage of using MMEs is that they have no way of representing systemic errors common to all models. In addition, MMEs are “ensembles of opportunity” (Masson and Knutti, 2011) which have not been designed to fully explore the model uncertainty. Furthermore, it can be shown that the individual models in a MME are not independent. Masson and Knutti (2011) use the Kullback-Liebler divergence applied to temperature and precipitation projections to construct a ‘family tree’ of model dependencies for the 23 ensemble members in the Climate Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 3 (CMIP3) MME. They found that different models from the same institution are closely related, as well as different models with (for example) the same atmospheric model basis. This leads to the conclusion that the number of independent models is far smaller than the total number of models. This result was supported by a similar study (Pennell and Reichler, 2011), which proposes that the effective number of climate models in CMIP3 is between 7.5 and 9. This lack of diversity adversely affects how well a MME can represent model uncertainty. 1.3.2 Multiparametrisation A large source of forecast model error is the assumptions built into the physical parametrisation schemes. The model error from these assumptions can be explored by using several different parametrisation schemes to generate an ensemble of forecasts. This is called multiparametrisation (or multiphysics). Ideally, the different parametrisation schemes should give equally skilful forecasts. Houtekamer et al. (1996) use the multiparametrisation approach to represent model uncertainty in the Canadian Meteorological Centre General Circulation Model (GCM). This was the first attempt to represent model uncertainties in an ensemble prediction system. The parametrisations which were varied were the horizontal diffusion scheme, the convection and radiation code, the representation of orography and including a gravity wave drag scheme. An ensemble 8 of eight models was run with different combinations of these schemes, together with initial condition perturbations. Analysis of the ensemble showed that the spread improved with the addition of the multiparametrisation scheme, but that the ensemble was still under-dispersive. It was proposed to include a “more dramatic” perturbation to the model in a future study to increase this spread further. The Meteorological Service of Canada operationally use this multiparametrisation strategy to represent model uncertainty in their Ensemble Kalman Filter. They create a 24 member ensemble by altering the parametrisation schemes used for deep convection, the land surface, and for calculating the turbulent mixing length (Houtekamer et al., 2007). The use of a multiparametrisation scheme requires several different parametrisations to be maintained as operational. This is costly for a single centre to do, but could be shared between multiple centres. Additionally, multiparametrisation schemes, like multi-model ensembles, are ensembles of opportunity. It is unclear whether such an ensemble represents the full model error, resulting in under-dispersive ensembles. To overcome this limitation, new parametrisations must be systematically designed to span the full range of uncertainty in the model physics, further increasing the cost of this approach. 1.3.3 Perturbed Parameters A simple alternative to MMEs or multiparametrisation schemes is using a perturbed parameter ensemble. When developing a parametrisation scheme, new parameters are introduced to describe unresolved physical processes. Many of these parameters are poorly constrained as they cannot be measured directly (they often represent complex processes) and there are only limited available data. Uncertainty due to the approximations in the parametrisation scheme can therefore be represented by varying these uncertain parameters within their physical range. The largest perturbed parameter experiment is ‘’ (Stainforth et al., 2005). This is a distributed-computing experiment which uses the idle processing time on the personal computers of volunteers across the world. Model uncertainty is probed by varying the parameters in the physical parametrisation schemes. Each parameter can be set to one of three values — standard, low or high — where the range is proposed by an expert in the parametrisation scheme. For each set of parameters, an initial condition ensemble is generated, and the spread of the “ensemble of ensembles” used as an indicator of uncertainty in climate 9 change projections. Perturbing parameters gives a greater control over the ensemble than multi-model or multiparametrisation approaches, but the final results of the ensemble depend on the choice of parameters perturbed as well as the choice of base model. It is very expensive to run a GCM many times with different parameter perturbations. However, a statistical emulator can be constructed to allow interpolation away from the tested parameter sets (Rougier et al., 2009). Lee et al. (2012) use emulation to construct a large perturbed parameter experiment for eight parameters in the Global Model of Aerosol Processes (GLOMAP) system. By considering cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations and performing a sensitivity analysis, they are able to deduce which parameters (and therefore which processes) contribute the most to the CCN uncertainty at different global locations. This is a powerful tool which can be used to identify weaknesses in the model, and focus future research efforts. There are several drawbacks to the perturbed parameter approach, including the inability to explore structural or systemic errors as a single base model is used for the experiment. Additionally, some combinations of parameter perturbations may be unphysical, though this can be avoided by identifying “good” parts of the parameter space, and the different climate projections weighted accordingly (Rodwell and Palmer, 2007). However, this constraint further limits the degree to which the perturbed parameter ensemble can explore model uncertainty. 1.4 Stochastic Parametrisations The equations governing the evolution of the atmosphere are deterministic. However, the process of discretising these equations in a GCM renders them undeterministic as the unresolved sub-grid tendencies must be approximated in some way (Palmer et al., 2009). The unresolved variables are not fully constrained by the grid-scale variables, so a one-to-one mapping of the large-scale on to the small-scale variables, as is the case in a deterministic parametrisation, seems unjustified. A stochastic scheme, in which random numbers are included in the computational equations of motion, is able to explore other nearby regions of the attractor compared to a deterministic scheme. An ensemble generated by repeating a stochastic forecast gives an indication of the uncertainty in the forecast due to the parametrisation process. A stochastic parametrisation must be viewed as a possible realisation of the sub-grid scale motion, whereas a deterministic parametrisation represents the average sub-grid scale effect. 10 1.4.1 Proof of concept: Stochastic Parametrisations in the Lorenz ’96 System There are many benefits of performing proof of concept experiments using simple systems before moving to a GCM or NWP model. Simple chaotic systems are transparent and computationally cheap, but are able to mimic certain properties of the atmosphere. They also allow for a robust definition of “truth”, important for development and testing of parametrisations, and verification of forecasts. The Lorenz ’96 system was designed by Lorenz (1996) to be a “toy model” of the atmosphere, incorporating the interaction of variables of different scales. It is therefore particularly suited as a testbed for new parametrisation methods which must represent this interaction of scales. This study will begin by testing stochastic parametrisation schemes using the second model proposed in Lorenz (1996), henceforth, the L96 system (Chapter 2). This system describes a coupled set of equations for two types of variables arranged around a latitude circle (Lorenz, 1996): kJ X dXk hc = −Xk−1 (Xk−2 − Xk+1 ) − Xk + F − Yj , dt b j=J(k−1)+1 hc dYj = −cbYj+1 (Yj+2 − Yj−1 ) − cYj + Xint[(j−1)/J]+1 , dt b k = 1, ..., K; (1.6a) j = 1, ..., JK; (1.6b) where the variables have cyclic boundary conditions; Xk+K = Xk and Yj+JK = Yj . The Xk variables are large amplitude, low frequency variables, each of which is coupled to many small amplitude, high frequency Yj variables. Lorenz suggested that the Yj represent convective events, while the Xk could represent, for example, larger scale synoptic events. The interpretation of the other parameters is outlined in Chapter 2 (Table 2.1), where the L96 model is used to test stochastic and perturbed parameter representations of model uncertainty. A particular subclass of stochastic parametrisations are data driven schemes, which use a statistical approach to derive the form of the parametrisation. In such models, the stochastic parametrisation is conditioned on data collected from the system. While these do not necessarily aid understanding of the physical source of the stochasticity, they are free from a priori assumptions and have been shown to perform well. Parametrisation schemes designed and tested in the context of the L96 system are often of this form, firstly because there is no physical basis from which to develop a deterministic parametrisation scheme, and secondly because it is computationally feasible to perform the very long “truth” integrations required 11 to condition such a statistical scheme. Wilks (2005) uses the L96 system as a testbed to explore the effects of stochastic parametrisations on the model’s short term forecasting skill and climatology. The full set of coupled equations was first run to define the “truth”. The forecast model then used a truncated set of equations in which the effect of the Y variables on the grid-scale motion was parametrised. The parametrisation used was a quartic polynomial in X, with a first order autoregressive additive stochastic term. The magnitude and degree of autocorrelation in the stochastic term were determined through measurements of the true sub-grid tendency. The climatology of the stochastically parametrised model was shown to improve over the deterministic model, and the inclusion of temporally autocorrelated noise resulted in improvements over white additive noise. Wilks then studied the effects of stochastic parametrisations on the short term forecast skill. Ten thousand perturbed initial condition ensembles of approximately 900 members were generated. Studying the root mean square error (RMSE) indicated that the stochastic parametrisations improved over the deterministic parametrisations with an ensemble size of 20, while the accuracy of single member stochastic integrations was worse than the deterministic integrations. The stochastic parametrisation scheme resulted in an improvement in the reliability of the ensemble forecast. Crommelin and Vanden-Eijnden (2008) used Markov processes, conditional on the resolved X variables, to represent the effects of the sub-grid scale Y variables on the X variables. The closure they proposed was also determined purely from data with no knowledge of the physics of the sub-grid scales. The sub-grid tendency, Bk , was modelled as a collection of Markov chains. Bk (t2 ) is conditional on Bk (t1 ), Xk (t2 ) and Xk (t1 ). This parametrisation is local, i.e. the tendency for the kth X variable, Xk , is dependent only on that variable. Secondly, including Xk (t2 ) in the conditions for Bk (t2 ) gives a directionality to the parametrised tendency; Bk (t2 ) depends on the direction in which Xk is moving. The Markov chains are generated by splitting the (Xk , Bk ) plane into (16 × 4) non-overlapping bins, and the transition probability matrix between these bins is calculated. This conditional Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme is more sophisticated than the Wilks (2005) scheme, and performs better when reproducing the pdf of Xk . The model’s performance in weather forecasting mode was also analysed for perturbed initial condition ensembles of 1, 5 and 20 members. Improvements in the forecast’s RMSE, anomaly correlation (AC) and rank 12 histograms were observed for the proposed parametrisation when compared to Wilks (2005) and deterministic schemes. Kwasniok (2012) proposed an approach which combines cluster weighted modelling (Gershenfeld et al., 1999) with conditional Markov chains (Crommelin and Vanden-Eijnden, 2008). The sub-grid tendency is conditional on both Xk (t) and δXk (t) = Xk (t) − Xk (t − 1). The closure model, referred to as the cluster weighted Monte Carlo (CWMC) model, is determined purely from the initial “truth” dataset. Firstly, the three dimensional dataset (Xk , δXk , Bk ) is mapped onto a series of discrete points (s, d, b) by binning the (Xk , δXk , Bk ) space into NX by NδX by NB bins. The set of possible sub-grid tendencies is given by the average value of Bk in each bin. A local Markov process dictates which of the NB values of the sub-grid tendency is used for a given (Xk , δXk ) pair. The joint probability density p(s, b, d) is modelled as a sum over M cluster states (Gershenfeld et al., 1999). The parameters of the sub-grid model are fitted using an expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm. This model makes no a priori assumptions about the form of the stochastic parametrisation. The only parameters to be set by the user are the number of clusters, M , and the fineness of the discretisation. The CWMC closure shows improvement over the Wilks (2005) scheme in representation of the long term dynamics (the pdf) of the system. Kwasniok then studied the CWMC model in ensemble forecasting mode. Reliability diagrams indicate little improvement over the Wilks (2005) scheme for studies with and without initial condition perturbations. However, the forecast skill of the CWMC scheme shows a significant improvement over a simple first order autoregressive (AR(1)) additive noise; this increase in skill must be due to an increase in forecast resolution (see Section 1.7). 1.4.2 Stochastic Parametrisation of Convection An important process in the atmosphere is convection. Convection is important for vertical transport of heat, water and momentum, and occurs at scales on the order of a few kilometres — smaller than the 10 km grid scale in NWP models, and far smaller than the 100 km grid scale in GCMs. In order to capture the convection dynamics realistically, a grid scale of 100 m is needed (Dorrestijn et al., 2012). Convection must therefore be parametrised in both weather and climate models. Representing moist convection in models is challenging because convection links processes 13 on vastly different scales. For example, the interaction between clouds and aerosol particles on the micrometer scale alters the radiative forcing of the climate system on a global scale through the aerosol direct and indirect effects (Solomon et al., 2007). Convection is also coupled to the large scale dynamics of the atmosphere, as precipitation leads to production of latent heat. Through its importance in the Hadley and Walker circulation, variability in convection is linked to the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (Oort and Yienger, 1996), affecting the coupled ocean-atmosphere system on an interannual time scale. Therefore, a realistic convective parametrisation must also take a wide variety of scales, and their interactions, into account. At the longest time scales, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fourth assessment report (IPCC AR4, Solomon et al., 2007) confirmed that cloud feedbacks are the main cause for differences in predicted climate sensitivity between different GCMs. Climate sensitivity is defined as the change in global mean surface temperature from a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration, and is sensitive to internal feedback mechanisms in the climate system. Some estimates suggest that up to 30% of the variation in climate sensitivity can be attributed to uncertainty in the convection parametrisation schemes, for example due to uncertainty in the entrainment coefficient which governs the turbulent mixing of ambient air into the cloud (Knight et al., 2007). In order to produce reliable probabilistic forecasts, it is therefore imperative that we represent the uncertainty in models due to the representation of convective clouds. Current state-of-the-art deterministic convection schemes are designed to simulate the mean (first-order moment) of convective ensembles, following the assumptions of Arakawa and Schubert (1974). Higher order moments, which indicate the potential variability of the forcing for a given resolved state, are not calculated. However, there is evidence that the unresolved forcing for a given resolved state can show considerable variance about the mean (Xu et al., 1992; Shutts and Palmer, 2007; Peters et al., 2013), so a given large scale forcing could result in a range of small scale convective responses. It is not clear how much of this variability feeds back to the larger scales. However, in current (deterministically parametrised) GCMs, the high-frequency convective variability is underestimated when compared with observations, there is too little power in high frequency modes, and the spatial distribution of variability shows significant deviations from the true distribution (Ricciardulli and Garcia, 14 2000). Stochastic convection parametrisation schemes provide a way to represent this sub-grid scale variability and thereby aim to improve the variability and distribution of forcing associated with convective processes, which is likely to result in improved tropical dynamics in the host GCM. There has been much interest in recent years in developing stochastic convection parametrisation schemes for two reasons: the importance of convection, and the shortcomings of current deterministic schemes. In this study, we will develop and compare a number of representations of model uncertainty in the ECMWF convection parametrisation scheme (Chapter 5). In preparation for this chapter, and as an example of the breadth of possible stochastic parametrisation schemes, current research into stochastic parametrisation of convection will be discussed here in detail. Lin and Neelin (2002) describe two generalised approaches for stochastic parametrisation of convection: 1. “Directly controlling the statistics of the overall convective heating by specifying a distribution as a function of the model variables, with this dependence estimated empirically” 2. “Stochastic processes introduced within the framework of the convective parametrisation, informed by at least some of the physics that contribute to the unresolved variance” Stochastic convection parametrisation schemes following each of these approaches will be discussed below. Statistical Approaches As in the L96 system, there has been interest in developing statistical parametrisations of convection following the first approach outlined above. These are free from a priori assumptions, so can explore the full range of uncertainty associated with convection. They are statistical emulators, and are able to reproduce the sub-grid scale effects measured from observations or high resolution simulations. However, they are only able to reproduce behaviour similar to that in their training data-set, which may not be very long for the case of atmospheric simulations. LES derived clusters: The approach taken by Dorrestijn et al. (2012) follows the method used by Crommelin and Vanden-Eijnden (2008) using the L96 system. A Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is used to provide realistic profiles of heat and moisture fluxes due to shallow cumulus convection. The profiles are clustered, and the parametrisation scheme is formulated 15 as a conditional Markov chain, which uses the cluster centroids as its states. Cluster transition probabilities are estimated from the LES data and conditioned on the large scale state. The parametrisation was tested in a single column model (SCM) setting, and produced a realistic spread of fluxes and a good distribution of cloud states. It was not tested whether the fluctuations at the grid scale were able to cascade up to the larger scales. Since the parametrisation scheme did not include explicit spatial correlations (the Markov chain was not conditioned on neighbouring states), the lack of mesoscale structures might prevent this cascade. However, the implicit correlations imposed by the conditioning on the large scale state could be sufficient (Dorrestijn et al., 2012). In Dorrestijn et al. (2013), a similar approach was used for deep convection. However, instead of using clustering to determine the states for the Markov chain, five physically motivated cloud types were defined according to their cloud top height and column rain fraction (ratio of rain water path to cloud top height): clear sky, shallow cumulus, congestus, deep, and stratiform, following the work of Khouider et al. (2010). As before, data from a LES was used to derive the transition matrices for the Markov chain, and both conditioning on the large scale variables and on neighbouring cells (stochastic cellular automata) was considered. Dorrestijn et al. (2013) found that conditioning the Markov chain on convective available potential energy (CAPE) and convective inhibition (CIN) gave reasonable fractions of different clouds, but the variability in these fractions was too small when compared to the LES data. The variability improved when a stochastic cellular automata was considered. Combining both methods to produce a conditional stochastic cellular automaton gave the best results, highlighting the importance of including spatial correlations and information about the large scale in a parametrisation. Empirical Lognormal Scheme for Rainfall Distribution: Lin and Neelin (2002) test the first generalised approach for stochastic parametrisation by developing a parametrisation scheme which captures the rainfall statistics obtained by remote sensing, aiming to simulate both the observed variance and distribution of precipitation. The model’s deterministic convection parametrisation scheme is assumed to represent the relationship between the ensemble mean sub-grid scale precipitation and the grid scale variables correctly. The convective heating output by this deterministic scheme, Qdet C , defines a mixed-lognormal probability distribution for precipitation with mean equal to Qdet C , and a constant shape factor estimated from obser16 vations3 . The parametrised value of convective heating is drawn from the defined lognormal distribution and follows an AR(1) process. There was a large impact on intraseasonal variability, though the impact on the pdf of daily mean precipitation was poorer than when using the stochastic CAPE scheme described in the following section. The authors conclude that the impact of a stochastic scheme on the climatology of a model can be very different from its impact on the model’s variability. The interactions between heating and large-scale dynamics result in an atmosphere that selectively modifies the input stochasticity, making offline calibration difficult. Nevertheless, the effects of higher-order moments of convective motions have an important impact on the climate system, and should therefore be included in atmospheric models. Physically motivated schemes There are benefits to following the second approach outlined above. Physically motivated schemes make use of the intuition of the scientist developing the scheme, in contrast to datadriven stochastic parametrisation schemes, which offer no insight as to the reasons for including stochastic terms. Physically motivated schemes can also be developed to make use of existing deterministic convection schemes, and can therefore benefit from the years of experience accumulated for that deterministic scheme. At a recent workshop at ECMWF (Representing model uncertainty and error in numerical weather and climate prediction models, 20–24 June 2011), the call went out to establish a firm physical basis for stochastic parametrisation schemes, and ECMWF was urged to develop future parametrisations which are explicitly stochastic (Recommendations of Working Group 1). This section will discuss examples of such physically motivated stochastic schemes. Stochastic CAPE Closure: Lin and Neelin (2000) propose a simple stochastic modification to a CAPE-based deterministic parametrisation scheme. In the deterministic scheme, the convective heating Qc is set proportional to C1 , a measure of CAPE. In the stochastic scheme, an AR(1) random noise term is added to C1 . The standard deviation of the noise term is estimated from observations to be 0.1 K, and three autocorrelation time scales are tested. The noise has a mean of zero, so the mean of Qc is not strongly affected by the stochastic term, 3 A constant shape factor in the lognormal distribution implies that the standard deviation of the rain rate increases proportional to the mean. 17 but the variability of Qc is increased. In Lin and Neelin (2003), the stochastic modification to the CAPE closure is justified by considering the link between CAPE and cloud base mass flux. They show that the stochastic CAPE closure is equivalent to assuming the presence of random variations in the mass flux at cloud base, which could represent the effects of small scale dynamics on the convective cloud. The scheme was tested in a model of intermediate complexity (Lin and Neelin, 2000). Precipitation was found to be strongly affected by the stochastic scheme, with the longest time scale scheme producing a distribution that closely resembles the observations. The variance of precipitation was also much higher and had a more realistic spatial distribution for the longer time scale than for the shorter time scale cases — it is clear that the autocorrelation time scale is an important parameter in the stochastic parametrisation, and has a large impact on the efficacy of the scheme. Zonal wind at 850 hPa shows an improved variability at longer time scales of 10–40 days. This highlights the importance of capturing unresolved, short time scale (hours–days) variability in convection as it can impact variability in the tropics at intraseasonal time scales. The scheme was also tested in a climate model (Lin and Neelin, 2003), and showed an improvement in both the variance and spatial distribution of daily precipitation. Stochastic Vertical Heating Structure: The stochastic CAPE closure described above assumes the vertical structure produced by the deterministic parametrisation scheme is satisfactory, and perturbs only the input to the deterministic scheme. However, there is also uncertainty associated with the vertical structure of heating due to, for example, varying levels of detrainment for different convective elements or due to differences in squall line organisation in the presence of vertical wind shear (Lin and Neelin, 2003). In order to probe uncertainty in the parametrised vertical structure of heating, Lin and Neelin (2003) propose a simple additive noise scheme for the temperature, T , at each vertical level k: T = T̃t + ξt − ∆pk hξt i , ∆ptot (1.7) where T̃t is the grid scale temperature at time step t after the convective heating has been applied, ξt is the stochastic noise term, and the mass weighted vertical mean of the noise, hξt i has been subtracted to ensure energy is conserved. The scheme is tested in a GCM, and precipitation variance is observed to increase, though the placement of precipitation is not 18 improved. Since the scheme does not directly affect precipitation at a given time step, the stochastic term must feed through the large scale dynamics before impacting on precipitation. This scheme could therefore be used to identify large scale features which are sensitive to the vertical structure of convective heating. Stochastic Convective Inhibition: A model for stochastic CIN was proposed by Majda and Khouider (2002). There is significant CAPE over much of the western Pacific warm pool, yet deep convection only occurs over a small fraction of the area. A reason for this is the presence of negative potential energy for vertical motion which inhibits convection: CIN (Majda and Khouider, 2002). CIN has significant fluctuations at scales much smaller than the grid scale due to turbulent motion in the boundary layer, so the authors propose a stochastic model to account for the effect of this sub-grid scale variability on convection. They model CIN using an integer parameter, σI , where σI = 1 indicates a site with CIN, and σI = 0 indicates a site without CIN where deep convection may develop. The interaction rules governing the state of the parameter at different sites are derived following a statistical mechanics “spin-flip” formulation. The macroscopic value of CIN acts as a “heat bath” for the local sites, and the spin-flip probabilities are defined following intuitive rules. This stochastic CIN formulation can be coarse-grained and coupled to a standard mass-flux convection scheme to give a stochastic convection parametrisation scheme. This parametrisation was tested in a local area model: the scheme is shown to significantly alter the climatology and improves the variability when compared to the deterministic scheme (Khouider et al., 2003). Stochastic Multicloud Model: The deterministic convection parametrisation scheme proposed by Khouider and Majda (2006, 2007) is based on analysis of observations, and theoretical understanding of tropical dynamics. They propose a parametrisation scheme centred around three cloud types observed over the warm pool and in convectively coupled waves: shallow congestus, stratiform and deep penetrative cumulus clouds. The model emphasises the dynamic role of each of the cloud types, and avoids introducing many of the ad hoc parameters common in convection parametrisation schemes. The parametrisation reproduces large-scale organised convection, and was tuned to reproduce the observed tropical wave dynamics. However, in some physically motivated regions in parameter space, the model performs very poorly, and simulations show reduced variability when compared to the model which has been tuned away 19 from these physical parameter values. This multicloud scheme was used as the basis for a stochastic Markov chain lattice model for use in GCMs with a grid box of ∼ 100 km (Khouider et al., 2010), with the aim of accounting for the unresolved sub-grid scale variability associated with convective clouds. Each GCM grid box is divided into n × n lattice sites, where n ∼ 100. Each lattice point is assumed to be occupied by one of the three cloud types, or by clear sky, and is assumed to be independent of its neighbours. A given site switches from cloud type to cloud type following a set of probabilistic rules, conditioned on the large scale state. The transition time scales are tuned to set the cloud coverage at equilibrium to the desired level. The stochastic multicloud model produced the desired large degree of variability in single column mode. The model was tested in a GCM using physically motivated regions in parameter space (Frenkel et al., 2012), and was found to produce a mean circulation and wave structure similar to those observed in high resolution cloud resolving model (CRM) simulations: including stochastic terms into the deterministic model corrected the bias in the deterministic model. Furthermore, the stochastic parametrisation was shown to scale well from a medium to a coarse resolution GCM grid, preserving the high variability and the statistical structure of the convective systems. Stochastic Cellular Automata: A cellular automaton (CA) is a set of rules governing the temporal evolution of a grid of cells, each of which can be in a number of discrete states. The rules can be probabilistic or deterministic. This provides an interesting option for a convection parametrisation, as it already includes the self-organisation, horizontal communication and memory observed in mesoscale convective systems (Palmer, 2001). Bengtsson et al. (2013) describe a convection parametrisation scheme which uses a CA to represent sub-grid variability. The CA is tested in the Aire Limitée Adaptation/Application de la Recherche à l’Opérationnel (ALARO) limited area model, using a grid scale of 5.5 km. The CA is defined on a 4 × 4 finer grid than the host model resolution, and both deterministic and probabilistic evolution rules are tested. The size of the CA cells was chosen to represent the horizontal scale of one convective element. The fractional area of active CA cells acts as an input to the deterministic mass-flux convection scheme. At each time step, variability is generated by randomly seeding new CA cells in grid boxes where the CAPE exceeds some threshold value. Forecasts made with the CA parametrisation scheme were compared to a control deterministic forecast. The CA scheme is able to reproduce mesoscale convective systems, and captures 20 the precipitation intensity and convective organisation observed in a squall line in summer 2009 better than the deterministic model. A time lagged ensemble is constructed for the deterministic and CA cases — a 10% increase in spread is observed when the CA is used, improving the reliability of the forecasts, though the ensembles remain under-dispersive. Insights from Statistical Mechanics: Convective variability can be characterised mathematically in terms of large scale properties of the atmosphere if a number of simplifying assumptions are made (Craig and Cohen, 2006). Firstly, the equilibrium case is considered, i.e., the forcing is assumed to vary slowly in time and space such that a grid box contains a large ensemble of clouds that have adjusted to the environmental forcing. Secondly, the ensemble is assumed to be non-interacting: individual convective clouds interact with each other only through the large scale flow. These two assumptions are reasonable in cases of weakly forced, unorganised convection. Starting from these assumptions, and assuming that the large scale constrains the mean total convective mass flux, where the mean is taken over possible realisations of the ensemble of convective clouds, Craig and Cohen (2006) derive an expression for the distribution of individual mass fluxes, and for the probability distribution of total mass flux. The distribution is also a function of the mean mass flux per cloud, which some studies indicate is independent of large scale forcing (Craig and Cohen, 2006). The variance of the convective mass flux scales inversely with the number of convective clouds in the ensemble. In the case of a large grid box, or a strong forcing, the number of clouds will be large and an equilibrium convection parametrisation scheme will be at its most accurate. The variability about the mean becomes increasingly important as the grid box size is reduced, and in cases of weak forcing. The predictions made by this theory were tested in CRM simulations (Cohen and Craig, 2006). The distribution of individual cloud mass fluxes closely followed the predicted distribution. The simulated distribution of total mass flux was also close to the predicted distribution, but showed less variance, though this deficit was somewhat corrected for when the finite size of simulated clouds was taken into account. Simulations with imposed vertical wind shear produced organised convection, which also followed the theory. The theoretical distribution predicted by Craig and Cohen (2006) characterises the observed convective distribution, so appears suitable for use in a stochastic convective parametrisation scheme. Plant and Craig (2008) describe such a stochastic parametrisation scheme. The theoretical 21 distribution of Craig and Cohen (2006) is assumed to represent the equilibrium statistics of convection for a given atmospheric state. The distribution of convective mass fluxes for a grid box is drawn from this distribution at each time step, and used to calculate the convective tendencies experienced by the resolved scales. The scheme follows the assumptions of Arakawa and Schubert (1974), namely that the observed ensemble of convective clouds is determined by the large-scale properties of the environment. Since this large-scale region could be larger than the size of a grid box, the atmospheric state is first averaged over neighbouring grid boxes to ensure that the region will contain many clouds. This also introduces spatial correlations into the parametrisation scheme. Temporal correlations are introduced by assuming that clouds have a finite lifetime. An existing deterministic parametrisation scheme is required to link the modelled distribution of cloud mass fluxes with a vertical profile of convective heating and moistening. The scheme is tested in the single column version of the U.K. Met Office Unified Model (UM), and the results show many desirable traits; the mean temperature and humidity profiles approximate those observed in CRM integrations, and in the limit of a large grid box the parametrisation scheme approaches a deterministic scheme, though further work testing the variability introduced into the model by the stochastic scheme would be beneficial. The scheme was later tested in a regional version of the UM (Keane and Plant, 2012). The resultant mean vertical profiles were similar to conventional schemes, and the statistics of the mass flux of convective clouds followed the predictions of the underlying theory (Craig and Cohen, 2006). 1.4.3 Developments in operational NWPs Two complementary approaches to stochastic parametrisation have been developed at ECMWF in collaboration with the U.K. Met Office. The Stochastically Perturbed Parametrisation Tendencies (SPPT) scheme aims to represent random errors associated with model uncertainty from the physical parametrisation schemes, and so perturbs the parametrised tendencies about the average value that a deterministic scheme represents. In contrast, the Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter (SKEB) scheme (usually called Spectral stochastic Back-Scatter — SPBS — at ECMWF) aims to represent a physical process absent from the parametrisation schemes (Palmer et al., 2009). 22 Stochastically Perturbed Parametrisation Tendencies SPPT involves multiplying the tendencies from parametrised processes by a random number. The first version of SPPT was incorporated into the ECMWF ensemble prediction system (EPS) in 1998 (Buizza et al., 1999). Prior to this, the EPS was based on the perfect model assumption, i.e. it was assumed that the only uncertainty in the forecast is due to errors in the initial conditions. However, the reliability of the forecast could not be made consistent over a range of lead times by altering the initial condition perturbations. Including SPPT accounted for errors in the model and significantly improved the reliability. In this first version of SPPT, the perturbed tendencies, Xp , of the horizontal wind components, temperature and humidity were calculated as Xp = (1 + rX )Xc , (1.8) where rX is a uniform random number between −0.5 and 0.5, and Xc is the deterministic parametrised tendency. Different random numbers are used for the different variables. Spatial correlations were imposed by using the same random numbers over a 10◦ by 10◦ area, and temporal correlations by holding the random numbers constant for six model time steps (3 hours and 4.5 hours for T399 and T255 respectively). The amplitude of the stochastic term and the degrees of correlation were determined by evaluating the forecast skill when using a range of values, though this tuning process implied that these parameters were poorly constrained. Nevertheless, including this scheme into the ECMWF EPS resulted in a significant improvement in the reliability of the forecasts. This scheme was revised to remove the unphysical spatial discontinuities in the perturbations. The new scheme (Palmer et al., 2009) uses a spectral pattern generator (Berner et al., 2009) to generate a smoothly varying perturbation field. All variables are perturbed with the same random number: Xp = (1 + rµ)Xc , where r = P mn r̂mn Ymn (1.9) and Ymn denotes a spherical harmonic of zonal wavenumber m and total wavenumber n. The spectral coefficients, r̂mn , evolve in time according to an AR(1) process. The constant µ in (1.9) tapers the perturbation to zero close to the surface and in the stratosphere. This is because large perturbations in the boundary layer resulted in numerical instabilities, and radiative tendencies are considered to be well known in the stratosphere. 23 The improved scheme was tested and its performance compared to the old version of SPPT and to a “perturbed initial condition only” ensemble. The upper air temperature predicted by the improved scheme showed a slight improvement over the old scheme in the extra-tropics and a very significant improvement in the tropics in terms of the ranked probability skill score. The effects on precipitation were also considered: the Buizza et al. (1999) version of SPPT showed a significant wet bias in the tropics, which has been substantially reduced in the new version of the scheme. The main criticism against SPPT is that it is ad hoc in the form of the stochastic perturbations — the spatial and temporal time scales have no physical motivation and have simply been tuned to give the best results. However, the magnitude and type of noise were retrospectively justified using coarse graining studies. Shutts and Palmer (2007) defined an idealised cloud resolving model (CRM) simulation as truth. The resultant fields and their tendencies were then coarse grained to the resolution of a NWP model to study the sub-grid scale variability which a stochastic parametrisation seeks to represent. The effective heating function for the nth coarse grid box, Q˜n , was calculated by averaging over nine fine grid boxes. This was compared to the heating calculated from a convective parametrisation scheme, Q1 = Q1(X), where X represents the coarse grained CRM fields. The validity of the multiplicative noise in the SPPT scheme was analysed by studying histograms of Q̃ conditioned on different ranges of Q1. The mean and standard deviation of Q̃ is observed to increase as a function of Q1, providing some support for the SPPT scheme. The histograms also become more asymmetric as Q1 increases. It is interesting to note that the mean and standard deviation are both non-zero for Q1 = 0, which is not represented by a purely multiplicative scheme. Explicit measurements of standard deviation of Q̃ as a function of the mean of Q̃ and its dependency on grid box size could be included in a future parametrisation scheme. Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter Kinetic energy loss is common in numerical integration schemes and physical parametrisations (Berner et al., 2009). For example, studies of mesoscale organised convective systems indicate that convection acts to convert CAPE to kinetic energy on the model grid; Shutts and Gray (1994) showed that up to 30% of energy released by these systems is converted to kinetic energy 24 in the large scale balanced flow. However, most convection parametrisations do not include this kinetic energy transfer, and instead focus on the thermodynamic effects of deep convection (Shutts, 2005). The loss of kinetic energy is common in other parametrisation schemes, such as the representation of sub-grid orography and turbulence. It was proposed that upscale kinetic energy transfer could counteract the kinetic energy loss from too much dissipation, and that this upscale transfer could be represented by random streamfunction perturbations. The Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter (SKEB) scheme proposed by Berner et al. (2009) builds on the Cellular Automaton Stochastic Backscatter Scheme (CASBS) of Shutts (2005). In CASBS, the streamfunction perturbations were modulated by a pattern generated by a CA, as such patterns exhibit desirable spatial and temporal correlations. The SKEB scheme uses a spectral pattern generator instead of CA to allow for easier manipulation of these correlations. Each spherical harmonic, ψ, evolves separately in time according to an AR(1) process: √ ψnm (t + ∆t) = (1 − α)ψnm (t) + gn αǫ(t), (1.10) where (1 − α) is the first order autoregressive parameter, gn is the noise amplitude for zonal wavenumber n, and ǫ is Gaussian zero mean white noise with standard deviation σz . Including the SKEB scheme resulted in an improved ensemble spread, and more importantly, a number of diagnostics indicated the overall skill of the forecast increased over much of the globe. Palmer et al. (2009) investigated incorporating both SPPT and SKEB into the ECMWF EPS — including SKEB results in a further improvement in spread and skill when compared to SPPT alone. In a recent study, Berner et al. (2012) show that including the SKEB scheme in the ECMWF model at a typical climate resolution (T95) results in a reduction in a systematic bias observed in the model’s Northern Hemisphere circulation. A reduction in the zonal flow and an improved frequency of blocking was observed. Increasing the horizontal resolution significantly to T511 gave a comparable reduction in model bias in the Northern Hemisphere, implying it is the poor representation of small-scale features which leads to this bias. Stochastic Physics in the U. K. Met Office EPS In addition to using a version of SKEB, “SKEB2”, (Shutts, 2009) in the Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System (MOGREPS), the Random Parameters (RP) scheme is 25 used at the Met Office to represent uncertainty in a subset of the physical parameters in the UM (Bowler et al., 2008). The uncertain parameters describe processes in the convection, large scale cloud, boundary layer and gravity wave drag parametrisation schemes in the UM. The parameters are varied globally following a first order autoregressive process. The parameters are bounded, and the maximum and minimum permitted values of the parameters are set by experts in the respective parametrisation schemes. The stochastic parametrisation schemes were found to have a neutral impact on the climatology of the UM, but have a significant impact on individual forecasts in the ensemble (Bowler et al., 2008). 1.5 Comparison with Other Representations of Model Uncertainty Several methods of representing model uncertainty have been discussed. The question then follows: which is best? Following on from the work of Doblas-Reyes et al. (2009), Weisheimer et al. (2011) compared the forecast skill of three different representations of model uncertainty: the multi-model method, the perturbed parameter approach and the use of stochastic parametrisations. For the MME, five different models, each running nine member initial condition ensembles were run. The perturbed parameter ensemble consists of one standard control model and eight versions with simultaneous perturbations to 29 parameters. The nine member stochastic physics ensemble used the SPPT and SKEB parametrisation schemes, including initial condition perturbations. A set of control forecasts with the ECMWF model without stochastic physics was also generated. The stochastic parametrisation ensemble performed the best for lead times out to one month in terms of the Brier skill score. For longer lead times of two to four months, the multi-model ensemble achieved the highest Brier skill score for surface temperature. At these lead times the stochastic ensemble has higher forecast skill for precipitation events, apart from dry December/January/February, where the perturbed parameter ensemble performs the best. In none of the situations studied does the control ensemble, without representation of model uncertainty, perform the best. The forecast skill was studied for different land regions; at lead times of one month, the stochastic parametrisation ensemble performed the best in the majority of cases, while at lead times of 2–4 months there was no clear “winner”. The reliability of the 26 ensembles was studied through comparison of the RMSE and ensemble spread. The MME performed extremely well, and showed an almost perfect match between RMSE and spread at all lead times. The stochastic ensemble also performed well for lead times of 1 to 4 months. However, the control experiment and perturbed parameter ensemble showed a substantial difference between the RMSE and ensemble spread, indicating these forecasts were unreliable. 1.6 Probabilistic Forecasts and Decision Making There are many different frameworks for including a representation of uncertainty in atmospheric models, some of which have been discussed above. However, why is it important to calculate the uncertainty in a forecast? Probabilistic forecasts enable users to make better informed decisions. In this way, probabilistic forecasts are economically valuable to the end user of the forecast, and it also allows the benefit of probabilistic forecasts to be quantified. The value of a weather forecast can be understood using the framework of the “cost-loss ratio situation”, commonly used to discuss decision making in meteorology (Murphy, 1977). The situation consists of a user who must decide whether to take protective action against some weather event, such as crops being destroyed by a drought, or a home being destroyed by a flood. Taking the protective action costs the decision maker C, but if the protective action is not taken and the destructive event does occur, the user suffers a loss L. Table 1.1 summarises the outcomes of such a situation, for the example of insuring a property against flood damage. The cost of insurance is independent of whether the event occurs or not, but the loss is only incurred if the flood happens, where p is the probability of a flood occurring. The economically logical choice for the decision maker is to insure the property if C < pL. The only estimate of p available to the decision maker is from a probabilistic forecast. Therefore, the user should act to take out protection if the forecast probability p > C/L and should not protect otherwise. The user requires a probabilistic forecast to make his or her decision. An important quality of a probabilistic forecast is that it is reliable. This refers to the consistency, when statistically averaged, of the forecast probability of an event and the measured probability of an event (Wilks, 2006). For example, if all the occasions when a flood was forecast with a 10% probability were collected together, the observed frequency of floods should be 10%. If the perfect deterministic forecast could be generated, issuing this forecast would be of greatest value to the user as they would only take out protective action if a guar27 Flood Cost of Insurance C Cost of No Insurance L Probability p No Flood Expected Cost C Cp + C(1 − p) = C 0 Lp + 0(1 − p) = Lp (1 − p) Table 1.1: Decision making using the cost-loss scenario. Should a decision maker insure his property against flood damage if the cost of insurance is C and the expected loss is L given that the forecast probability of a flood is p? anteed flood was on its way (Murphy, 1977). Since the goal of perfect deterministic forecasts is unattainable, a well calibrated probabilistic forecast should be the central aim for forecasters. In reality, probabilistic forecasts are not perfectly reliable. For example, consider a flood that was forecast with probability p, but due to shortcomings in the forecast model, the actual probability of a flood occurring was q. The forecaster will take out protective action or not based on an incorrect forecast probability, increasing the expected cost to the user. An example of a perfectly reliable forecast, if a sufficiently long time window is used for verification, is the climatological forecast. This forecast is not particularly useful as it contains no information about the flow dependency of the forecast probability. However, it serves as a useful baseline for considering the value of a forecasting system, as all users are assumed to have access to the climatological information. Therefore, the economic value of a forecast system to a user should be calculated with respect to the economic value of the climatological forecast. The economic value, V , of a forecasting system is defined to be: V = Eclimate − Ef orecast , Eclimate − Eperf.det. (1.11) where Ei indicates the expected cost of the climatological forecast, the perfect deterministic forecast or the forecast system under test (Wilks, 2006). The maximum economic value of 1 is obtained by the perfect deterministic forecasting system, and negative economic values are obtained if following the forecast system will result in costs to the user which are greater than following the climatological forecast. It should be stressed again that, while the perfect deterministic forecast would have the highest economic value, this forecast is an idealised theoretical construct. Uncertainty in forecasts arising from initial conditions, boundary conditions and from model approximations will never be eliminated, so the perfect deterministic forecast is an unattainable goal. In general, using an imperfect deterministic forecast results in higher costs to the user than using 28 a probabilistic forecast, even if the probabilistic forecast is not perfectly reliable. For example, Zhu et al. (2002) evaluate the economic value of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) ensemble forecast compared to a higher resolution deterministic forecast and to a reference deterministic forecast of the same resolution. The ensemble forecast was shown to have a higher economic value for most cost-loss ratios at a range of lead times. The above analysis has assumed that decision makers are rational, and will make a decision based on the current forecast and their cost-loss analysis. However, forecast users are not perfectly rational. They can have a low tolerance to occasions when the forecast probability indicated they should act, but subsequently the event did not occur (“false alarm”), and similarly to occasions when they chose not to act based on the forecast, but the event did occur (“miss”). These events occur even if the forecast is perfectly reliable, but a low tolerance to these events can affect the user’s confidence in the forecast and alter their behaviour. For example, Roulston and Smith (2004) consider the case of Aesop’s fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”, where a shepherd boy alerts the villagers to a wolf attacking their sheep twice, but when the villagers come to protect their sheep they find no wolf. The third time he cries “wolf”, the villagers do not believe him, so do nothing to protect the flock from the wolf which then appears. The villagers intolerance to false alarms affects how they interpret the forecast: their cost-loss ratio, based on the value of their sheep, is estimated to be 0.1, so logically they should act if the probability of wolf attack is just 10%, but in reality they cannot tolerate the associated 90% probability of a false alarm. In fact, if users are intolerant to false alarms and only act on the warning with some probability proportional to the false alarm rate, the optimal warning threshold should be set higher, and is shown to be closer to 60% (Roulston and Smith, 2004). This is considerably higher than the 10% threshold predicted by cost-loss analysis, but is close to the threshold used by the U.K. Met Office for its early warning system. The example of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” highlights the importance of effective communication of probabilistic forecasts to decision makers. The producers of forecasts should engage with users to assist their interpretation of the forecasts, and to discover both the clearest and most useful way to present forecasts and what forecast products will be of greatest economic value to the user (Stephens et al., 2012). 29 1.7 Evaluation of Probabilistic Forecasts Section 1.6 outlined the importance of developing reliable probabilistic forecasts. The additional property that a probabilistic forecast must possess is resolution. Resolution is the property which provides the forecaster with information specifying the future state of the system (Bröcker, 2009). It sorts the potential states of the system into separate groups (Leutbecher, 2010). In order to have a high resolution, the forecast must be sharp, i.e. localised in state space. Gneiting and Raftery (2007) consider the goal of a probabilistic forecast to be maximising the sharpness while retaining the reliability. Having produced a probabilistic forecast, how can we evaluate the skill of this forecast? More specifically, how can we test whether this forecast is reliable, and has resolution? There are many different methods for forecast verification that are commonly used (Wilks, 2006). Graphical forecast summaries provide a lot of information about the forecast, but it can be difficult to compare many forecasting models using them. Instead, it is often necessary to choose a scalar summary of forecast performance allowing several forecasts to be ranked unambiguously. Different scores may produce different rankings, so deciding which is appropriate for the situation is important, but not obvious. Some of the more common verification techniques will be discussed in this section. 1.7.1 Scoring Rules Scoring rules provide a framework for forecast verification. They summarise the accuracy of the forecast by giving a quantitative score based on the forecast probabilities and the actual outcome, and can be considered as rewards which a forecaster wants to maximise. Due to their ability to rank several forecasting systems unambiguously, scalar summaries of forecast performance remain a popular verification method for probabilistic forecasts. Scoring rules must be carefully designed to encourage honesty from the forecaster: they must not contain features which promote exaggerated or understated probabilities. This constitutes a proper score, without which the forecaster may feel pressurised to present a forecast which is not their best guess (Brown, 1970). For example, a forecaster may want to be deliberately vague such that their prediction will be proved correct, regardless of the outcome. Alternatively, the user may demand that the forecaster backs a certain outcome instead of providing the full probabilistic forecast. It can be shown that a proper skill score must eval30 uate both the reliability and the resolution of a probabilistic forecast (Bröcker, 2009). All the scores used in this thesis are proper, and are some measure of the difference between the forecast and verification, so small values indicate better forecasts. Following Gneiting and Raftery (2007), let P be the probability distribution predicted by the forecaster, and x be the final outcome, or ‘verification’ (Bröcker et al., 2009). The scoring rule S(P, x) takes the forecast as its first argument and the verification as its second. Let S(P, Q) represent the expected value of S(P, x) where Q is the verification distribution. A forecaster seeks to minimise S(P, Q), so will only predict P = Q (i.e. predict the true result) if S(P, Q) ≥ S(Q, Q) with equality if and only if P = Q. Such a scoring rule is strictly proper. If the inequality is true for all P and Q, but S could also be optimised for some P not identical to the verification distribution, the scoring rule is referred to as proper. A score is local if it depends only on the probability forecast for the actual observation. A score dependent on the full distribution, such as the Continuous Ranked Probability Score, is not local. It is useful to consider the improvement in the predictive ability of a forecast with respect to some reference forecast. The reference forecast is often chosen to be the climatology, although other choices such as persistence or an older forecasting system can be used instead (Wilks, 2006). Thus, the score (S) is expressed as a skill score (SS): SS = (S − Sref ) . (Sperf − Sref ) (1.12) For many scoring rules, the perfect score, Sperf , is zero, so the skill score can be expressed as: SS = 1 − S . Sref (1.13) A perfect forecast has a skill score of one. A forecast with no improvement over the reference forecast, Sref , has a skill score of zero, and a forecast worse than Sref has negative skill. All the scores discussed below may be converted into a skill score in this way. The Brier Score The Brier Score (BS) (Wilks, 2006) is used when considering dichotomous events (e.g. rain or no rain). It is the mean square difference between the forecast and observed probability of an 31 event occurring. For n forecast/observation pairs, the Brier score can be written as BS = n 1X (yk − ok )2 , n k=1 (1.14) where yk is the kth predicted probability of the event occurring; ok = 1 if the kth event occurred and 0 otherwise4 . The Brier score can be decomposed explicitly into its reliability and resolution components (Murphy, 1973). Assume that forecast probabilities are allowed to take one of a set of I discrete values, yi , and that Ni is the number of times a forecast yi is made in the forecast-verification data set. For each of the I subsamples, sorted according to forecast probability, the observed frequency of occurrence of the event can be evaluated, oi , as oi = p(o|yi ) = 1 X ok , Ni k∈Ni (1.15) This is equal to the conditional probability of the event given the forecast. The climatological frequency can also be defined as o= 1X ok n k (1.16) where n is the total number of forecast-verification pairs. The Brier score may then be written as: I I 1X 1X 2 BS = Ni (yi − oi ) − Ni (oi − o)2 + o(1 − o), n i=1 n i=1 (1.17) where the first term is the reliability and the second term is the resolution. The decomposition includes a third term: uncertainty. This term is inherent to the forecasting situation and cannot be improved upon. It is related to the variance of the climatological distribution, and therefore to the intrinsic predictability of the system. The BS is linked to the economic value of a forecast, given by (1.11): the integral of V with respect to the cost/loss ratio is equivalent to using the BS to evaluate the forecasts (Murphy, 1966). In other words, BS is a measure of the average value of the forecast assuming that the users have cost/loss ratios distributed evenly between zero and one (Richardson, 2001). The BS is also closely linked to the reliability diagram (Wilks, 2006). This is a graphical 4 Note that this formulation is different to that originally proposed by Brier (1950), which summed over both the event and non-event 32 Temperature / ◦ C Forecast A Forecast B Verification 18–20 0.3 0.3 1 20–22 0.6 0.2 0 22–24 0.1 0.1 0 24–26 0.0 0.4 0 Table 1.2: An illustrative example: Comparing two different temperature forecasts with observation. diagnostic which summarises the full joint distribution of forecasts and observations, so can be used to identify forecast resolution as well as reliability. It consists of two parts. The calibration function shows the conditional distribution of observations given forecast probabilities, oi , plotted against the forecast probabilities, yi . The refinement distribution shows the distribution of issued forecasts. Reliability and resolution, as defined in (1.17), can be identified using the reliability diagram. The Ranked Probability Score The Ranked Probability Score (RPS) is a scoring rule used to evaluate a multi-category forecast. Such forecasts can take two forms: nominal, where there is no natural ordering of events and ordinal, where the events may be ordered numerically. For ordinal predictions, it is desirable that the score takes ordering into account - for example in Table 1.2, Forecast A and Forecast B both predict the true event, a temperature of 18–20◦ C, with a probability of 0.3. However, it might be desirable to have Forecast A score higher than B as its forecast distribution was clustered closer to the truth than B. The RPS is defined as the squared sum of the difference between forecast and observed probabilities, so is closely related to the BS. However, in order to include the effects of distance discussed above, the difference is calculated between the cumulative forecast probabilities, Yi and the cumulative observations Oi (Wilks, 2006). This means that the RPS is a non-local score. Defining the number of event categories to be J, Ym = m X yj , m = 1, 2, ..., J, (1.18) m X oj , m = 1, 2, ..., J, (1.19) j=1 and Om = j=1 33 then RPS = J X m=1 (Ym − Om )2 , (1.20) and the RPS is averaged over many forecast-verification pairs. Ignorance and Entropic Scores The Ignorance Score (IGN) was proposed by Roulston and Smith (2002) as a way of evaluating a forecast based on the information it contains. As for the RPS, define J event categories and consider N forecast-observation pairs. The forecast probability that the kth verification will be event i is defined to be f (k)i (where i = 1, 2, . . . , J and k = 1, 2, . . . , N ). If the corresponding outcome event was j(k), define Ignorance to be IGN = − N 1 X log f (k)j(k) , N k=1 2 (1.21) where the score has been averaged over the N forecast-verification pairs. Ignorance is particularly sensitive to outliers, and heavily penalises situations where the verification lies outside of the forecast range. Over-dispersive forecasts are not as heavily penalised. Unlike the RPS, the value of IGN depends only on the prediction at the verification value; it is a local score. To calculate IGN, Roulston and Smith (2002) suggest defining M + 1 categories for an ensemble forecast of M members, and approximating the pdf as a uniform distribution between consecutive ensemble members. An alternative way to calculate Ignorance has been proposed by Leutbecher (2010). It assumes the forecast distribution is Gaussian, and calculates the logarithm of the probability density predicted for the verification value. This results in the following expression for Ignorance; 1 IGNL = ln(2) ! √ (z − m)2 + ln s 2π , 2s2 (1.22) where m and s are the ensemble forecast mean and standard deviation respectively, and z is the observed value. Information theory is also useful for evaluating the predictability of a system. The difference between the forecast distribution and the climatological distribution should be evaluated. The greater the difference between the two distributions, the greater the predictability. If the 34 two are equal, the event is defined to be unpredictable (DelSole, 2004). The difference between the two distributions (and therefore, the degree of predictability) can be evaluated using information theoretic principles. The information in a forecast is defined to be a function of both the forecast distribution and the verification, and is closely related to IGN. Entropy, E, is defined to be the average information in the forecast, weighted according to the probability of the event occurring: E= Z p(x) log p(x) dx. (1.23) One measure of the difference between the forecast and climatological distributions is the difference in entropy between the two distributions (DelSole, 2004). 1.7.2 Other Scalar Forecast Summaries Bias The bias of a forecast is defined as the systematic error in the ensemble mean: BIAS = hm − zi (1.24) where z is the verification and m is the ensemble mean, and the average is taken over the region of interest and over all start dates. This can be scaled by comparing to the root mean squared value of the verification in that region (allowing for the verification to take positive and negative values). This diagnostic tests only the ensemble mean, and is suitable for both probabilistic and deterministic forecasts. Root Mean Squared Error The Root mean squared error (RMSE) indicates the typical magnitude of errors in the ensemble mean: RM SE = q h(m − z)2 i (1.25) where the average is taken over the region of interest and over all start dates, as for the bias. This diagnostic also tests only the ensemble mean, so is also suitable for deterministic forecasts. 35 1.7.3 Graphical Verification Techniques While skill scores are a useful tool as they allow for the unambiguous ranking of different forecasts, they also have their limitations. A single scalar measure cannot fully describe the quality of a forecast. For example, Murphy and Ehrendorfer (1987) show that reducing the Brier score does not necessarily correspond to increasing the economic value of a forecast (an example of why the appropriate score for a situation should be chosen with care). Moreover, skill scores give no indication as to why one forecast is better than another. Is the source of additional skill improved reliability, or better resolution? Graphical verification techniques provide a way to identify the shortcomings in a forecast so that they can be targeted in future model development. Error-spread Diagnostic The full forecast pdf represents our uncertainty of the future state of the system. The consistency condition is that the verification behaves like a sample from that pdf (Anderson, 1997; Wilks, 2006). In order to meet the consistency condition, the ensemble must have the correct second moment. If it is under-dispersive, the verification will frequently fall as an outlier. Conversely, if the ensemble is over-dispersive, the verification may fall too often towards the centre of the distribution. The reliability of an ensemble forecast can be tested through the spread-error relationship (Leutbecher and Palmer, 2008; Leutbecher, 2010). The expected squared error of the ensemble mean can be related to the expected ensemble variance by assuming the M ensemble members and the truth are independently identically distributed random variables with variance σ 2 . Assuming the ensemble is unbiased, this gives the following requirement for a statistically consistent ensemble: M M estimate ensemble variance = squared ensemble mean error, M −1 M +1 (1.26) where the overbar indicates that the variance and mean error should be averaged over many forecast-verification pairs. For a relatively large ensemble size, M & 50 , we can consider the correction factor to be close to 1. This measure can be assessed in two ways. Firstly, the root mean square (RMS) error 36 Figure 1.2: RMS error-spread graphical diagnostic for predictions of 500hPa geopotential height between 35-65◦ N for forecasts from February–April 2006. Forecasts have a lead time of (a) two days, (b) five days, and (c) ten days. The bins are equally populated. Taken from Leutbecher and Palmer (2008). and RMS ensemble spread can be evaluated for the forecast as a function of time for the entire sample of cases, and the two compared. This gives a good summary of the forecast calibration. However, (1.26) can be used in a stricter sense — the equation should also be satisfied for subsamples of the forecast cases conditioned on the spread. This diagnoses the ability of the forecasting system to make flow-dependent uncertainty estimates. This measure can be assessed visually by binning the cases into subsamples of increasing RMS Spread, and plotting against the average RMS Error in each bin. The plotted points should lie on the diagonal (“the RMS error-spread graphical diagnostic”). Figure 1.2 shows ECMWF forecast data for the 500hPa geopotential height between 3565◦ N. All three cases show that the spread of the ensemble forecast can be used as an indicator of the ensemble mean error. At longer lead times of 5-10 days (Figures b and c), the ensemble is well calibrated, and the average ensemble spread is a good predictor of RMSE. However at shorter lead times, the forecast is under-dispersive for small errors, and over-dispersive for large errors. There are other standard ways to evaluate the reliability of an ensemble forecast, such as reliability diagrams (briefly discussed in Section and verification rank histograms (Wilks, 2006), which will not be elaborated on here. However, all of these standard verification techniques involve a visual aspect, making comparison of many different forecast models difficult. This motivates the development of a new proper scalar score, which is particularly sensitive to the reliability of the probabilistic forecast (Chapter 4). 37 1.8 Outline of Thesis As discussed above, it is important to represent model uncertainty in weather forecasts, and there is a growing use of stochastic parametrisations for this purpose. This study seeks to provide firm foundations for the use of stochastic parametrisation schemes as a representation of model uncertainty in weather forecasting models. In Chapter 2, idealised experiments in the L96 system are described, in which the initial conditions for the forecasts are known exactly. This allows a clean test of the skill of stochastic parametrisation schemes at representing model uncertainty. This study also analyses the potential of using stochastic parametrisations for simulating the climate, an area in which there has been little research. In Chapter 3, this is considered in the context of the L96 system. The link between the skill of the forecast models for weather prediction and climate simulation is also discussed in this chapter. In Chapters 2 and 3, the skill of stochastic parametrisation schemes is compared to a deterministic perturbed parameter approach. While studying the L96 system, it was found that there is a need for a proper score which is particularly sensitive to forecast reliability, and which could be used to summarise the information contained in the RMS error-spread graphical diagnostic. A suitable score is proposed and tested in Chapter 4. The final aim of this study is to use the lessons learned in the L96 system to test and develop stochastic and perturbed parameter representations of model uncertainty for use in the ECMWF EPS. In Chapter 5, the representation of model uncertainty in the convection parametrisation scheme in the ECMWF model is considered. A perturbed parameter representation of uncertainty is compared to a stochastic scheme, and to forecasts with no representation of uncertainty in convection. In Chapter 6, a generalised version of SPPT is developed and compared to the existing version. In Chapters 2–6, important results will be emphasised to aid the reader. In Chapter 7, some conclusions are drawn, limitations of the study are outlined, and possible future work is suggested. 1.9 Statement of Originality The content of this thesis is entirely my own work, unless stated below. 38 Chapter 4: The Error-Spread Score Antje Weisheimer (ECMWF, University of Oxford) ran the System 4 seasonal forecasts, and calculated the seasonal forecast anomalies. Chapters 5 and 6: Experiments in the ECMWF Model The experiments in the ECMWF model required a number of code changes. These built on changes developed by Alfons Callado Pallares (La Agencia Estatal de Meteorologı́a). Alfons Callado Pallares (ACP) made the following changes to the model, which have been used or developed further in this thesis: 1. Generalisation of SPPT to allow the SPPT perturbation for a particular scheme to be switched off. The changes to SPPT perturb the individual parametrisation tendencies sequentially, before each tendency is passed to the next physics scheme. 2. Generalisation of the spectral pattern generator code to allow more than one multiscale spectral field to be generated and evolved. This allows tendencies from different parametrisation schemes to be independently perturbed. I made the following additional changes: 1. Generalisation of SPPT following (1) above. However, significant changes were made such that the SPPT perturbations are not made sequentially. If the ACP code is used, when SPPT is switched off for one physics scheme, that scheme will still be subject to stochasticity in its input tendencies. Perturbing the parametrisation tendencies once they have all been calculated removes this problem. A new subroutine (SPPTENI.F90) was written which ensures that the perturbations in the new “independent SPPT” scheme are truly independent, removing correlations introduced by sequentially perturbating the tendencies. 2. Code development for fixed perturbed parameter scheme. 3. Code development for varying perturbed parameter scheme. This used ACP code (2) to generate and evolve four new spectral fields. In Chapter 5, the Ensemble Prediction and Parameter Estimation System used to estimate parameter uncertainties was developed and tested in the IFS by Peter Bechtold (ECMWF), 39 Pirkka Ollinaho (Finnish Meteorological Institute) and Heikki Järvinen (University of Helsinki). Bechtold, Ollinaho and Järvinen provided me with the resultant joint probability distribution, which I used to develop the fixed and varying perturbed parameter schemes described in Chapter 5. Sarah-Jane Lock (ECMWF) carried out the T639 high resolution integrations presented in Chapter 6. 1.10 Publications The work presented in this thesis has resulted in the following publications. Chapters 2 and 3: Experiments in the Lorenz ’96 System Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, Section 3.2, are based on a paper published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (Arnold et al., 2013). Chapter 3, Section 3.3, considering regime behaviour in the L96 system, is based on a paper currently in preparation. Chapter 4: The Error-Spread Score This chapter is based on a paper presenting the Error-Spread Score, which has been accepted for publication in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, pending minor corrections. The decomposition of the Error-Spread Score (Sections 4.5 and 4.8, and Appendix B.3) is in preparation for submission to Monthly Weather Review. Chapters 5 and 6: Experiments in the ECMWF Model It is expected that the results presented in Chapters 5 and 6 will be published as two papers. 40 2 The Lorenz ’96 System: Initial Value Problem Before attending to the complexities of the actual atmosphere ... it may be well to exhibit the working of a much simplified case. – Lewis Fry Richardson, 1922 2.1 Introduction The central aim of any atmospheric parametrisation scheme must be to improve the forecasting skill of the atmospheric model in which it is embedded and to better represent our beliefs about the future state of the atmosphere, be this the weather in five days time or the climate in 50 years time. One aspect of this goal is the accurate representation of uncertainty: a forecast should skilfully indicate the confidence the forecaster can have in his or her prediction. As discussed in Section 1.3, there are two main sources of error in atmospheric modelling: errors in the initial conditions and errors in the model’s representation of the atmosphere. The ensemble forecast should explore these uncertainties, and a probabilistic forecast should then be issued to the user (Palmer, 2001). A probabilistic forecast is of great economic value to the user as it allows reliable assessment of the risks associated with different decisions, which cannot be achieved using a deterministic forecast (Palmer, 2002). The need for stochastic parametrisations has been motivated by considering the requirement that an ensemble forecast should include an estimate of uncertainty due to errors in the forecast 41 Parameter Number of X variables Number of Y variables per X variable Coupling Constant Forcing Term Spatial Scale Ratio Time scale Ratio Symbol K J h F b c Setting 8 32 1 20 10 4 or 10 Table 2.1: Parameter settings used for the L96 system (1.6) used in this experiment. model. In this section, the ability of stochastic parametrisation schemes to skilfully represent this model uncertainty is tested using the Lorenz ’96 system. The full, two-scale system is run and defined as “truth”. An ensemble forecast model is then developed by assuming the small scale ‘Y ’ variables are unresolved, and by parametrising the effects of these small scale variables on the resolved scale. Initial condition uncertainty is removed by using perfect initial conditions for all ensemble members. Therefore the only source of uncertainty in the forecast is due to model error from imperfect parametrisation of the ‘Y ’ variables, and from errors due to the time stepping scheme. The spread in the forecast ensemble is generated purely from the stochastic parametrisation schemes, so the ability of such a scheme to represent model uncertainty can be rigorously tested. The ability to distinguish between model and initial condition uncertainty can only take place in an idealised setting. However, this work differs from Wilks (2005) and Crommelin and Vanden-Eijnden (2008), where model uncertainty is not distinguished from initial condition uncertainty in this way, so the ability of stochastic parametrisations to represent model uncertainty is not explicitly investigated. The performance of the different stochastic parametrisation schemes are compared to an approach using a perturbed parameter ensemble. This is a commonly used deterministic representation of model uncertainty, so serves as a useful benchmark (Stainforth et al., 2005; Rougier et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2012). In Section 2.2, the Lorenz ’96 System used in this experiment is described, and the different stochastic schemes tested are described in Section 2.3. Sections 2.4 and 2.5 discuss the effects of the stochastic schemes on short term weather prediction skill and reliability respectively. Section 2.6 discusses experiments with perturbed parameter ensembles and Section 2.7 draws some conclusions. 42 Figure 2.1: Schematic of the L96 system described by (1.6) (taken from Wilks (2005)). Each of the K = 8 large-scale X variables is coupled to J = 32 small-scale Y variables. 2.2 The Lorenz ’96 System The Lorenz ’96 (L96) simplified model of the atmosphere was used to test the ability of stochastic parametristation schemes to skilfully represent model uncertainty. The L96 system consists of two kinds of variables acting at two scales, as described by (1.6). The high frequency, small scale Y variables are driven by the low frequency, large scale X variables, but also affect the evolution of the X variables. This interaction between small and large scales is observed in the atmosphere (see Section 1.2), and is what makes the parametrisation problem non-trivial. The values of the parameters have been chosen such that both X and Y variables are chaotic. The values and interpretation of the parameters are shown in Table 2.1. The L96 model is an ideal model for testing parametrisation schemes as it mimics important properties of the atmosphere (interaction of scales and chaotic motion), but by integrating the full set of equations, it allows for a rigorous definition of “truth” against which forecasts can be verified. 2.3 Description of the Experiment A series of experiments is carried out using the L96 system. Each of the K = 8 low frequency, large amplitude X variables is coupled to J = 32 high frequency, small amplitude Y variables, as illustrated schematically in Figure 2.1. The X variables are considered resolved and the Y variables unresolved, so must therefore be parametrised in a truncated model. The effects of different stochastic parametrisations are then investigated by comparing the truncated forecast model to the “truth”, defined by running the full set of coupled equations. 43 Two different values of the time scale ratio, c = 4 and c = 10, are used in this experiment. The c = 10 case was proposed by Lorenz (1996), and was also considered by Wilks (2005). This case has a large time scale separation so can be considered “easy” to parametrise. However, it has been shown that there is no such time scale separation in the atmosphere (Nastrom and Gage, 1985), so a second parameter setting of c = 4 is chosen, where parametrisation of the sub-grid is more difficult, but which closer represents the real atmosphere. By comparing the error doubling time of the model to that observed in atmospheric GCMs, Lorenz (1996) deduced that one model time unit in the L96 system is approximately equal to five atmospheric days. This scaling gives an error doubling time of 2.1 days in the L96 system, as was observed in GCMs. However, since 1996, the resolution of GCMs has improved significantly, and the error doubling time of GCMs has reduced due to a better representation of the small scales in the model (Lorenz, 1996; Buizza, 2010). For example, the error doubling time for the ECMWF NWP model at T399 resolution was measured to be between 0.84 and 1.61 for perturbed forecasts at lead times of 1–3 days (Buizza, 2010). This is substantially less than the estimate used by Lorenz to scale the L96 model. Reducing the time scale ratio to c = 4 (and assuming the same scaling of 1 MTU = 5 days) reduces the error doubling time in the L96 model to 0.80 days, which is closer to the error doubling time in current operational weather forecasting models. Instead of independently re-scaling the model time units such that the error doubling time in the c = 4 and c = 10 cases are both equal, the standard scaling of 1 MTU = 5 days is used for both cases. The c = 4 case is therefore a more realistic simulation, both due to the closer scale separation and the more realistic error doubling time. 2.3.1 “Truth” model The full set of equations (1.6) is run and the resultant time series defined as “truth”. The equations are integrated using an adaptive fourth order Runge-Kutta time stepping scheme, with a maximum time step of 0.001 model time units (MTU). Having removed the transients, the 300 initial conditions on the attractor are selected at intervals of 10 MTU, corresponding to 50 “atmospheric days”. This interval was selected to ensure adjacent initial conditions are uncorrelated — the temporal autocorrelation of the X variables is close to zero after 10 MTU. A truth run is carried out from each of these 300 initial conditions. 44 Subgrid Tendency, U 20 (b) Udet = − 0.000223 X3 − 0.00550 X2 + 0.575 X − 0.198 20 Subgrid Tendency, U (a) 10 0 −10 −20 −15 −10 Udet = − 0.00235 X3 − 0.0136 X2 + 1.30 X + 0.341 10 0 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 −20 −10 20 −5 X 0 5 10 15 X Figure 2.2: Measured sub-grid tendency, U , as a function of the X variables (circles) for the (a) c = 4 and (b) c = 10 cases. For each case, the data was generated from a long “truth” integration of (1.6). The figure shows a time series of 3000 MTU ≈ 40 “atmospheric years” duration, sampled at intervals of 0.125 MTU. The solid line on each graph is a cubic fit to the truth data, representing a deterministic parametrisation of the tendencies. There is considerable variability in the tendencies not captured by such a deterministic scheme. 2.3.2 Forecast model A forecast model is constructed by assuming that only the X variables are resolved, and parametrising the effect of the unresolved sub-grid scale Y variables in terms of the resolved X variables: dXk∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ = −Xk−1 (Xk−2 − Xk+1 ) − Xk∗ + F − Up (Xk∗ ); k = 1, ..., K, dt (2.1) where Xk∗ (t) is the forecast value of Xk (t) and Up is the parametrised sub-grid tendency. The forecast model (2.1) is integrated using a piecewise deterministic, adaptive second order Runge-Kutta (RK2) scheme. A forecast time step is defined, at which the properties of the truth time series are estimated. The stochastic noise term in Up is held constant over this time step1 . Such a stochastic Runge-Kutta scheme has been shown to converge to the true Stratonovich forward integration scheme, as long as the parameters in such a scheme are used in the same way they are estimated (Hansen and Penland, 2006, 2007). This was verified for the different stochastic parametrisations tested. The parametrisations Up (Xk∗ ) approximate the true sub-grid tendencies, kJ X hc Yj , U (Xk ) = b j=J(k−1)+1 1 (2.2) At the start of a new time step, a new random number is drawn for each X variable tendency. All RK2 derivatives are calculated using this random number until the next time step is reached, which may involve several RK2 iterations because of the adaptive time stepping. 45 which are estimated from the truth time series as ! Xk (t + ∆t) − Xk (t) U (Xk ) = [−Xk−1 (Xk−2 − Xk+1 ) − Xk + F ] − . ∆t (2.3) The forecast time step was set to ∆t = 0.005. The L96 system exhibits cyclic symmetry, so the same parametrisation is used for all Xk . This estimated ‘true’ sub-grid tendency, U , is plotted as a function of the large-scale X variables for both c = 4 and c = 10 (Figure 2.2). This can be modelled in terms of a deterministic parametrisation, Udet , where U (X) = Udet (X) + r(t), (2.4) Udet (X) = b0 + b1 X + b2 X 2 + b3 X 3 , (2.5) for and the parameter values (b0 , b1 , b2 , b3 ) were determined by a least squares fit to the (X, U ) truth data, to minimise the residuals, r(t). However, Figure 2.2 shows significant scatter about the deterministic parametrisation — the residuals r(t) are non-zero. This variability can be taken into account by incorporating a stochastic component, e(t), into the parametrised tendency, Up . A number of different stochastic parametrisations are considered. These use different statistical models to represent the sub-grid scale variability lost when truncating the Y variables. The different noise models will be described below. Additive Noise (A) This work builds on Wilks (2005), where the effects of white and red additive noise were considered on the skill of the forecast model. The parametrised tendency is modelled as the deterministic tendency and an additive noise term, e(t): Up = Udet + e(t) 46 (2.6) 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0 5 10 Lag / forecast timesteps φ= 0.998 (b) (c) 1 1 Spatial Autocorrelation Temporal Autocorrelation Temporal Autocorrelation (a) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0 5 10 0.5 0 0 Lag / forecast timesteps 0.993 0.985 0.939 1 2 3 4 Spatial Separation c=4 c = 10 Figure 2.3: Temporal and spatial autocorrelation for the residuals, r(t), measured from the truth data (1.6). Figures (a) and (b) show the measured temporal autocorrelation function for c = 4 and c = 10 respectively as grey triangles. Also shown is the temporal autocorrelation function for an AR(1) process with different values of the lag-1 autocorrelation, φ (grey dot– dash, dash, solid and dotted lines). The fitted AR(1) process is indicated by the darker grey line in each case. Figure (c) shows the measured spatial correlation for the residuals measured from the truth data. The spatial correlation is close to zero for spatial separation 6= 0. The stochastic term, e(t), is designed to represent the residuals, r(t). The temporal and spatial autocorrelation functions for the residuals are shown in Figure 2.3. The temporal autocorrelation is significant but the spatial correlation is small. Therefore, the temporal characteristics of the residuals are included in the parametrisation by modelling the e(t) as an AR(1) process. The stochastic tendencies for each of the X variables are assumed to be mutually independent. It is expected that in more complicated systems, including the effects of both spatial and temporal correlations will be important to accurately characterise the subgrid scale variability. A second order autoregressive process was also considered, but fitting the increased number of parameters proved difficult, and the resultant improvement over AR(1) was slight, so is not discussed further here. A zero mean AR(1) process, e(t), can be written as (Wilks, 2006): e(t) = φ e(t − ∆t) + σe (1 − φ2 )1/2 z(t), (2.7) where φ is the first autoregressive parameter (lag-1 autocorrelation), σe2 is the variance of the stochastic tendency and z(t) is unit variance white noise: z(t) ∼ N (0, 1). φ and σe can be fitted from the truth time series. 47 State Dependent Noise (SD) A second type of noise is considered where the standard deviation of additive noise is dependent on the value of the X variable. This is called state dependent noise. It can be motivated in the L96 system by studying Figure 2.2; the degree of scatter about the cubic fit is greater for large magnitude X values. The parametrised tendency Up = Udet + e(t), (2.8) where the state dependent standard deviation of e(t) is modelled as σe = σ1 |X(t)| + σ0 . (2.9) As Figure 2.3 shows a large temporal autocorrelation, it is unlikely that white state dependent noise will adequately model the residuals. Instead, e(t) will be modelled as an AR(1) process: e(t) = σe (t) φ e(t − ∆t) + σe (t)(1 − φ2 )1/2 z(t), σe (t − ∆t) (2.10) where the time dependency of the standard deviation and the requirement that e(t) must be a stationary process have motivated the functional form. The parameters σ1 and σ0 can be estimated by binning the residuals according to the magnitude of X and calculating the standard deviation in each bin. The lag-1 autocorrelation was estimated from the residual time series. Multiplicative Noise (M) Multiplicative noise has been successfully implemented in the ECMWF NWP model using the SPPT scheme, and has been shown to improve the skill of the forecasting system (Buizza et al., 1999). Therefore it is of interest whether a parametrisation scheme involving multiplicative noise could give significant improvements over additive stochastic schemes in the L96 system. The parametrisation proposed is Up = (1 + e(t)) Udet , 48 (2.11) where e(t) is modelled as an AR(1) process, given by (2.7). The parameters in this model can be estimated by forming a time series of the truth “residual ratio”, Rk , that needs to be represented: Rk + 1 = U / Udet . (2.12) However whenever Udet approaches zero, the residual ratio tends to infinity. Therefore, the time series was first filtered such that only sections away from Udet = 0 were considered, and the temporal autocorrelation and standard deviation estimated from these sections. For multiplicative noise, it is assumed that the standard deviation of the true tendency is proportional to the parametrised tendency, such that when the parametrised tendency is zero the uncertainty in the tendency is zero. Figure 2.2 shows that multiplicative noise does not appear to be a good model for the uncertainty in the L96 system as the uncertainty in the true tendency is large even when Udet is zero. In the case of the L96 system, the uncertainty when Udet is zero is likely to be because the deterministic parametrisation has not fully captured the behaviour of the Y variables. Time stepping errors may also contribute to this error. Nevertheless, multiplicative noise is investigated here. Multiplicative and Additive Noise (MA) Figure 2.2 motivates a final stochastic parametrisation scheme for testing in the L96 system, which will include both multiplicative and additive noise terms. This represents the uncertainty in the parametrised tendency even when the deterministic tendency is zero. This type of uncertainty has been observed in coarse-graining studies. For example, Shutts and Palmer (2007) observed that the standard deviation of the true heating in a coarse gridbox does not go to zero when Q, the parametrised heating, is zero. This type of stochastic parametrisation can also be motivated by considering errors in the time stepping scheme, which will contribute to errors in the total tendency even if the sub-grid scale tendency is zero. When formulating this parametrisation, the following points were considered: 1. In a toy model setting, random number generation is computationally cheap. However in a weather or climate prediction model, generation of spatially and temporally correlated fields of random numbers is comparatively expensive, and two separate generators must 49 Abbreviation Functional Form A Up = Udet + e(t) e(t) = φ e(t − ∆t) + σ(1 − φ2 )1/2 z(t) State Dependent SD Up = Udet + e(t) σt e(t) = σt−∆t φ e(t − ∆t) + σt (1 − φ2 )1/2 z(t) where σt = σ1 |X(t)| + σ0 Multiplicative M Up = (1 + e(t)) Udet e(t) = φ e(t − ∆t) + σ(1 − φ2 )1/2 z(t) Additive Multiplicative & Additive MA Up = Udet + e(t) e(t) = ǫ(t) (σm |Udet | + σa ) where ǫ(t) = ǫ(t − ∆t)φ + (1 − φ2 )1/2 z(t) Measured Parameters c=4 c = 10 φmeas = 0.993 σmeas = 2.12 φmeas = 0.986 σmeas = 1.99 φmeas = 0.993 (σ0 )meas = 1.62 (σ1 )meas = 0.078 φmeas = 0.989 (σ0 )meas = 1.47 (σ1 )meas = 0.0873 φmeas = 0.950 σmeas = 0.746 φmeas = 0.940 σmeas = 0.469 φmeas = 0.993 (σm )meas = 0.177 (σa )meas = 1.55 φmeas = 0.988 (σm )meas = 0.101 (σa )meas = 1.37 Table 2.2: Stochastic parametrisations of the sub-grid tendency, U, used in this experiment, and the values of the model parameters fitted from the truth time series. 50 Full Name be used if two such fields are required. It is therefore desirable to use only one random number per time step so that the parametrisation can be further developed for use in an atmospheric model. 2. The fewer parameters there are to fit, the less complicated the methodology required to fit them, the easier it will be to apply this method to a more complex system such as an atmospheric model. This also avoids overfitting. The most general form of additive and multiplicative noise is considered: Up = (1 + ǫm ) Udet + ǫa = Udet + (ǫm Udet + ǫa ), (2.13) where ǫm is the multiplicative noise term, and ǫa is the additive noise term. This can be written as pure additive noise: Up = Udet + e(t), (2.14) e(t) = ǫm (t) Udet + ǫa (t). (2.15) where Following point (1) above, it is assumed that ǫm (t) and ǫa (t) are the same random number, ǫ(t), e(t) = ǫ(t) (σm Udet + σa ) , (2.16) where ǫ(t) has been scaled using the standard deviations of the multiplicative and additive noise, σm and σa respectively. In the current form, (2.16) is not symmetric about the origin with respect to Udet . The standard deviation of the stochastic tendency is zero when σm Udet = −σa . Therefore, Udet in the above equation will be replaced with |Udet |: e(t) = ǫ(t) (σm |Udet | + σa ) , (2.17) ǫ(t) = ǫ(t − ∆t)φ + (1 − φ2 )1/2 z(t). (2.18) where This does not change the nature of the multiplicative noise as ǫ(t) has mean zero, but the additive part of the noise will act in the same direction as the multiplicative. ǫ(t) is modelled as a AR(1) process of unit variance. The parameters are fitted from the residual time series. 51 (a) RPSS, c = 4 (b) IGNSS, c = 4 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.1 φ (c) RPSS, c = 10 (d) IGNSS, c = 10 2.5 0.7 0.82 0.8 0.74 0.72 0.76 0.78 2.0 0.3 0.10 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 0.5 φ 0.969 0.882 0.607 0.998 0.992 0.969 0.882 0.0 0.607 0.0 0.000 1.0 0.000 0.5 0.8 0.998 1.0 0.3 1.5 0.992 σ / σmeas σ / σmeas 1.5 0.998 φ 2.5 2.0 0.993 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 0.969 0.000 0.998 0.993 0.0 0.969 0.0 0.882 0.5 0.607 0.5 0.882 0.64 0.607 1.0 0.5 0.52 0.54 0.64 0.56 0.58 0.6 0.62 σ / σmeas 1.5 0.000 σ / σmeas 2.0 2.5 φ Figure 2.4: Weather Skill Scores (RPSS and IGNSS) for a forecast model with an additive AR(1) stochastic parametrisation for (a) and (b) the c = 4 case, and (c) and (d) the c = 10 case. The skill scores were evaluated as a function of the tuneable parameters in the model; the lag-1 autocorrelation, φ, and the standard deviation of the noise, σ. The black crosses indicate the measured parameter values. The contour interval is 0.01 for (a) and (c), and 0.1 for (b) and (d). All skill scores are calculated at a lead time of 0.6 MTU (3 atmospheric days). The possibility of using an additive and multiplicative noise scheme in the ECMWF NWP model is discussed in Section 5.3. The different stochastic parametrisations used in this experiment are summarised in Table 2.2, together with the parameters measured from the truth time series. 2.4 Weather Forecasting Skill The stochastic parametrisation schemes are first tested on their ability to predict the “weather” of the L96 system, and represent the uncertainty in their predictions correctly. An ensemble of 40 members is generated for each of the 300 initial conditions on the attractor. Each ensemble member is initialised from the perfect initial conditions defined by the “truth” time series. Each stochastic parametrisation involves two or more tunable parameters which may be estimated from the “truth” time series. In addition to the measured parameter values, many other parameter settings were considered, and the skill of the parametrisation evaluated for each setting using three scalar skill scores. The RPS (Section was evaluated for a 52 (b) M, c = 4 1.0 0.66 0.58 0.82 2.5 0.82 0.82 φ 1.0 0.998 0.992 0.969 0.882 2.0 0.82 0.5 0.0 σ1 / (σ1)meas 1.5 0.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 2.5 0.8 1.5 2.0 0.72 0.76 0.5 1.0 0.8 0.74 0.72 0.76 0.78 1.5 0.82 0.607 2.5 2.0 1.5 0.998 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.993 2.0 0.5 0.82 (f) AR(1) MA, c = 10 0.0 0.82 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 σm / (σm)meas σa / (σa)meas 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.5 0.000 1.5 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.8 1.5 (e) M, c = 10 0.7 σ / σmeas σ0 / (σ0)meas 2.0 2.0 φ (d) AR(1) SD, c = 10 0.72 0.54 0.52 0.56 0.58 0.6 0.62 0.64 0.0 0.969 0.607 0.000 2.5 2.0 0.66 0.62 0.5 0.6 σ1 / (σ1)meas 2.5 σa / (σa)meas 1.5 0.882 σ / σmeas 0.64 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.0 0.62 0.64 0.0 2.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 σ0 / (σ0)meas 0.5 0.52 0.54 0.56 2.0 0.58 0.6 1.5 0.62 0.64 1.0 (c) AR1 MA, c = 4 2.5 0.5 (a) SD, c = 4 2.5 σm / (σm)meas Figure 2.5: Comparing the RPSS for the c = 4 and c = 10 cases for the different stochastic parametrisations. For c = 4, (a) the skill of the state dependant (SD) additive parametrisation is shown for different values of the noise standard deviations, σ1 and σ0 , with the lag-1 autocorrelation set to φ = φmeas . (b) The skill of the pure multiplicative (M) noise is shown for different values of the lag-1 autocorrelation, φ, and magnitude of the noise, σ. The parametrisation scheme was found to be numerically unstable for high σ > 2σmeas . (c) The skill of the additive and multiplicative (MA) parametrisation is shown for different values of the noise standard deviations, σm and σa , with the lag-1 autocorrelation set to φ = φmeas . The equivalent figures for c = 10 are shown in (d)–(f). In all cases, the measured parameters are indicated by the black cross. The contour interval is 0.01 for each case. The skill scores were evaluated at a lead time of 0.6 model time units (3 atmospheric days). ten-category forecast, where the categories were defined as the ten deciles of the climatological distribution. IGN (Section was evaluated using the method suggested by Roulston and Smith (2002). The BS (Section was evaluated for the event “the X variable is in the upper tercile of the climatological distribution”. The BS is mathematically related to the RPS (Wilks, 2006), and gave very similar results to the RPS, so is not shown here for brevity. A skill score was calculated for each score with respect to climatology. Forecasts were verified at a lead time of 0.6 units, equivalent to 3 atmospheric days. Figure 2.4 shows the calculated skill scores for a forecast model with an additive AR(1) stochastic parametrisation, for both the c = 4 and c = 10 cases. There is a broad peak in forecasting skill according to each skill score, with a range of parameter settings scoring highly. The shape of peak in forecasting skill is qualitatively similar in each case, but is lower for the 53 (b) 0.8 0.5 IGNSS RPSS (a) 0.7 0 −0.5 0.6 −1 Deterministic White Add. AR1 Add. White SD. AR1 SD. White M. AR1 M. White MA. AR1 MA. Deterministic White Add. AR1 Add. White SD. AR1 SD. White M. AR1 M. White MA. AR1 MA. 0.5 c=4 c = 10 Figure 2.6: The skill of the different parametrisations according to (a) RPSS and (b) IGNSS are compared for the c = 4 and c = 10 cases. The parameters in each parametrisation have been estimated from the truth time series. In each case, “White” indicates that the measured standard deviations have been used, but the autocorrelation parameters set to zero. c = 4 case. The closer time scale separation of the c = 4 case is harder to parametrise, so a lower skill is to be expected. IGNSS shows a different behaviour to RPSS. Ignorance heavily penalises an underdispersive ensemble, but does not heavily penalise an overdispersive ensemble. This asymmetry is observed in the contour plot for IGNSS — the peak is shifted upwards compared to the peak for RPSS, and deterministic parametrisations have negative skill (are worse than climatology). The very large magnitude and high autocorrelation noise parametrisations are not penalised, but score highly, despite being overdispersive. The RPSS may be decomposed explicitly into reliability, resolution and uncertainty components (Wilks, 2006). This decomposition (not shown) demonstrates that the deterministic and low amplitude noise parametrisations score highly on their resolution, but poorly for their reliability, and the converse is true for the large amplitude, highly autocorrelated noise parametrisations. The peak in skill according to the RPSS corresponds to parametrisations which score reasonably well on both accounts. A number of important parameter settings can be identified on Figure 2.4. The first corresponds to the deterministic parametrisation, which occurs on the x-axis where the standard deviation of the noise is zero. The second corresponds to white noise, which occurs on the y-axis where the autocorrelation parameter is set to zero. In particular, (φ, σ/σmeas ) = (0, 1) corresponds to additive white noise with a magnitude fitted to the truth time series. The third setting is the measured parameters, marked by a black cross. Comparing the skill of these 54 three cases shows an improvement over the deterministic scheme as first white noise, then red noise is included in the parametrisation. The RPSS calculated for the other stochastic parametrisation schemes is shown in Figure 2.5. The contour plots for IGNSS are comparable, so are not shown for brevity. The forecasts are more skilful for the c = 10 case, but qualitatively similar. This result is as expected: the closer time scale separation for the c = 4 case is harder to parametrise, so the forecast models perform less well than for the c = 10 case. For both cases considered, for all parametrisation schemes, including a stochastic term in the parametrisation scheme results in an improvement in the skill of the forecast over the deterministic scheme. This result is robust to error in the measurement of the parameters — a range of parameters in each forecast model gave good skill scores. This is encouraging, as it indicates that stochastic parametrisations could be useful in modelling the real atmosphere, where noisy data restrict how accurately these parameters may be estimated. The results are summarised in Figure 2.6. For each parametrisation, the value for the measured parameters is shown when both no temporal autocorrelation (“white” noise) and the measured temporal autocorrelation characteristics are used. The significance of the difference between pairs of parametrisations was estimated using a Monte-Carlo technique. See Appendix A for more details. For example, there is no significant difference between the RPS for AR(1) MA noise and for AR(1) SD noise for the c = 10 case, but AR(1) M noise gave a significant improvement over both of these. The stochastic parametrisations are significantly more skilful than the deterministic parametrisation in both the c = 4 and c = 10 cases. For the c = 4 case, the more complicated parametrisations show a significant improvement over simple additive noise, especially the multiplicative noise. For the closer time scale separation, the more accurate the representation of the sub-grid scale forcing, the higher the forecast skill. For the c = 10 case, the large time scale separation allows the deterministic parametrisation to have reasonable forecasting skill, and a simple representation of sub-grid variability is sufficient to represent the uncertainty in the forecast model; the more complicated stochastic parametrisations show little improvement over simple additive AR(1) noise. Traditional deterministic parametrisation schemes are a function of the grid scale variables at the current time step only. If a stochastic parametrisation needs only to represent the sub 55 −3 RMS Error (a) x 10 (b) 10 (i) 10 5 5 10 (ii) 0 Deterministic White Add. AR1 Add. White SD. AR1 SD. White M. AR1 M. White MA. AR1 MA. RMS Error 0 5 RMS Error 0 10 (iii) 5 c=4 c = 10 0 0 5 10 RMS Spread Figure 2.7: (a) RMS error-spread graphical diagnostic for the c = 4 case (Section For (i) a deterministic forecast model, (ii) the parametrisation scheme using additive white noise, and (iii) the parametrisation scheme which includes the measured temporal autocorrelation in the stochastic term. (b) The skill of the different parametrisations according to REL for the c = 4 and c = 10 cases. The smaller the REL, the more reliable the forecast. The parameters in each parametrisation have been estimated from the truth time series. In each case, “White” indicates that the measured standard deviations have been used, but the autocorrelation parameters set to zero. grid- and time-scale variability, the white noise schemes would be adequate. However, for both time scale separations, the skill of stochastic parametrisations which include a temporal autocorrelation is significantly higher than those which use white noise. This challenges the standard idea that a parametrisation should only represent sub-grid scale and sub-time step variability: including temporal autocorrelation accounts for the effects of the sub-grid scale at time scales greater than the model time step. In the L96 system, the spatial correlations are low. However in an atmospheric situation, it is likely that spatial correlations will be significant, and a stochastic parametrisation must account for the effects of the sub-grid at scales larger than the spatial discretisation scale. 2.5 Representation of Model Uncertainty In this idealised experiment, the forecast integrations are initialised from perfect initial conditions, leaving model uncertainty as the only source of error in the forecast. The forecast ensembles use stochastic parametrisations to represent this uncertainty. The RMS error-spread graphical diagnostic (described in Section is a useful test of reliability, and therefore 56 a good indicator of how well the forecast model represents uncertainty. Figure 2.7(a) shows this diagnostic for a selection of the parametrisation schemes tested for the c = 4 case. For a well calibrated ensemble, the points should lie on the diagonal. A clear improvement over the deterministic scheme is seen as first white, then red additive noise is included in the parametrisation scheme. Visual forecast verification measures are limited when comparing many different models as they do not give an unambiguous ranking of the performance of these models. Therefore, the reliability component of the Brier Score (1.17), REL, is also considered. This is a scalar scoring rule which tests the reliability of an ensemble forecast at predicting an event. The event is defined to be “in the upper tercile of the climatological distribution”. The smaller the REL, the closer the forecast probability is to the average observed frequency, the more reliable the forecast. The results are summarised in Figure 2.7(b). The REL score indicates that the different AR(1) noise terms all perform similarly. A significant improvement is observed when temporal autocorrelation is included in the parametrisation, particularly for the c = 4 case. This improvement between white and red stochastic models is much greater than the difference between deterministic and white stochastic models, whereas the RPSS indicated a similar improvement as first white then red noise schemes were tested. This indicates that while overall forecast skill can be improved to a reasonable extent using a white noise stochastic scheme, for reliable forecasts it is very important that the stochastic parametrisation includes temporally correlated noise as this captures the behaviour of the unresolved sub-grid scale variables better. 2.6 Perturbed Parameter Ensembles in the Lorenz ’96 System It is of interest to determine whether a perturbed parameter ensemble can also provide a reliable measure of model uncertainty in the Lorenz ’96 system. The four measured parameters ) defining the cubic polynomial are perturbed to generate a 40 member , bmeas , bmeas , bmeas (bmeas 3 2 1 0 ensemble. The skill of this representation of model uncertainty is evaluated as for the stochastic parametrisations. Following Stainforth et al. (2005), each of the four parameters is set to one of three values: 57 Subgrid Tendency, U 20 (b) Udet = − 0.000223 X3 − 0.00550 X2 + 0.575 X − 0.198 20 Subgrid Tendency, U (a) 10 0 −10 −20 −15 −10 Udet = − 0.00235 X3 − 0.0136 X2 + 1.30 X + 0.341 10 0 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 −20 −10 20 −5 X 0 5 10 15 X Figure 2.8: The ensemble of deterministic parametrisations used to represent model uncertainty in the perturbed parameter ensemble (solid lines), compared to the measured sub-grid tendency, U , as a function of the grid scale variables, X (circles), for both the (a) c = 4 and (b) c = 10 cases. The degree to which the parameters are perturbed has been estimated from the truth time series in each case (S = 1). bmeas 0 σ(bsamp ) 0 meas b1 σ(bsamp ) 1 meas b2 σ(bsamp ) 2 meas b3 σ(bsamp ) 3 c=4 -0.198 0.170 0.575 0.0464 -0.00550 0.00489 -0.000223 0.000379 c = 10 0.341 0.146 1.30 0.0381 -0.136 0.00901 -0.00235 0.000650 Table 2.3: Measured parameters defining the cubic polynomial, (bmeas , bmeas , bmeas , bmeas ), and 0 1 2 3 samp the variability of these parameters, σ(bi ), calculated by sampling from the truth time series, for the c = 4 and c = 10 cases. 58 low (L), medium (M) or high (H). The degree to which the parameters should be varied is estimated from the truth time series. The measured U (X) is split into sections 3 MTU long, and a cubic polynomial fitted to each section. The measured variability in each of the parameters is defined to be the standard deviation of the parameters fitted to each section σ(bsamp ). The measured standard deviations are shown in Table 2.3. The low, medium and i high values of the parameters are given by: L = bmeas − Sσ(bsamp ) i i M = bmeas i H = bmeas + Sσ(bsamp ), i i (2.19) where the scale factor, S, can be varied to test the sensitivity of the scheme. There are 34 = 81 possible permutations of the parameter settings, from which a subset of 40 permutations was selected to sample the uncertainty. This allows for a fair comparison to be made with the stochastic parametrisations, which also use a 40 member ensemble. The selected permutations are shown in Table 2.4. The same “truth” model is used as for the stochastic parametrisations, and the forecast model is constructed in an analogous way: only the X variables are assumed resolved, and the effects of the unresolved sub-grid scale Y variables are represented by an ensemble of deterministic parametrisations: Upp (Xk ) = bp0 + bp1 Xk + bp2 Xk2 + bp3 Xk3 , (2.20) where the values of the perturbed parameters, bpi , vary between ensemble members. The scale factor, S, in (2.19) is varied to investigate the effect on the skill of the forecast. The ensemble of deterministic parametrisations is shown in Figure 2.8 where the degree of parameter perturbation has been measured from the truth time series (i.e. S = 1). The truncated model is integrated using an adaptive second order Runge-Kutta scheme. 2.6.1 Weather Prediction Skill The skill of the ensemble forecast is evaluated using the RPSS and IGNSS at a lead time of 0.6 model time units for both the c = 4 and c = 10 cases. The results are shown in Figure 2.9. 59 Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 b0 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H M M M M M M Selected Permutations b1 b2 b3 Number b0 H H H 21 M H H L 22 M H M M 23 M H L H 24 M H L L 25 M M H M 26 M M M H 27 L M M L 28 L M L M 29 L L H H 30 L L H L 31 L L M M 32 L L L H 33 L L L L 34 L H H M 35 L H M H 36 L H M L 37 L H L M 38 L M H H 39 L M H L 40 L b1 M M L L L L H H H H H M M M M L L L L L b2 b3 L H L L H M M H M L L M H H H L M M L H L L H M M H M L L M H H H L M M L H L L Table 2.4: Chosen permutations for the perturbed parameter experiment. H, M and L represent the High, Medium and Low settings respectively. 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.68 (d) RPSS, c = 10 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.6 0.58 0.56 (a) RPSS, c = 4 0.1 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 0.1 −1 0 0 −0.2 (e) IGNSS, c = 10 −0.4 (b) IGNSS, c = 4 −0.6 Scale Factor, S −0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Scale Factor, S −1 −1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 (f) REL, c = 10 0.001 (c) REL, c = 4 0.003 Scale Factor, S 0.005 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Scale Factor, S 0.009 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Scale Factor, S Scale Factor, S Figure 2.9: Weather forecasting skill scores for the perturbed parameter model as a function of the scale factor, S. The skill of the c = 4 forecasts according to (a) RPSS, (b) IGNSS and (c) REL. The equivalent results for c = 10 are shown in (d)–(f). The contour interval is 0.01 in (a) and (d), 0.1 in (b) and (e), and 0.001 in (c) and (f). The skill scores are calculated at a lead time of 0.6 MTU in each case. 60 RMS Error (a) c = 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 10 RMS Spread 0 0 5 10 0 5 10 RMS Spread RMS Spread 5 5 0 0 5 10 RMS Spread 0 0 0 5 10 0 5 10 RMS Spread RMS Spread 5 5 Increasing s RMS Error (b) c = 10 5 0 0 0 5 RMS Spread 5 0 0 5 RMS Spread 0 5 RMS Spread 0 0 0 0 5 RMS Spread 0 5 RMS Spread 0 5 RMS Spread Increasing s Figure 2.10: RMS Spread vs. RMS Error plots for the perturbed parameter ensemble as a function of the scale factor, S. The separate figures correspond to S = [0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0]. The measured parameter perturbations are indicated with a black cross in each case. Both RPSS and IGNSS indicate that the measured perturbed parameter ensemble is significantly less skilful than the stochastic ensemble for both the c = 4 and c = 10 case. Figures 2.9(c) and (f) show the reliability component of the Brier Score calculated for the perturbed parameter ensembles. Comparing these figures with Figure 2.7(b), REL for the perturbed parameter schemes is greater, indicating that the perturbed parameter ensemble forecasts are less reliable than the stochastic parametrisation forecasts, and the ensemble is a poorer representation of model uncertainty. The significance of the difference between skill scores for the measured stochastic parametrisation schemes and the perturbed parameter schemes with the measured perturbations (S = 1) are shown in Appendix A. The reliability of the forecast ensemble is also considered using the RMS error-spread diagnostic as a function of the scale factor (Figure 2.10). For small-scale factors, the ensemble is systematically underdispersive for both the c = 4 and c = 10 cases. For larger scale factors for the c = 10 case, the ensemble is systematically overdispersive for large errors, and underdispersive for small errors. Comparing Figure 2.10 with Figure 2.7(a) shows that none of the perturbed parameter ensembles are as reliable as the AR(1) additive stochastic parametrisation, reflected in the poorer REL score for the perturbed parameter case. 61 2.7 Conclusion Several different stochastic parametrisation schemes were investigated using the Lorenz ’96 (L96) system. All showed an improvement in weather forecasting skill over deterministic parametrisations. This result is robust to error in measurement of the parameters — scanning over parameter space indicated a wide range of parameter settings gave good skill scores. Importantly, stochastic parametrisations have been shown to represent the uncertainty in a forecast due to model deficiencies accurately, as demonstrated by an increase in the reliability of the forecasts. A significant improvement in the skill of the forecast models was observed when the stochastic parametrisations included temporal autocorrelation in the noise term. This challenges the notion that a parametrisation scheme should only represent sub-grid scale (both temporal and spatial) variability. The coupling of scales in a complex system means a successful parametrisation must represent the effects of the sub-grid scale processes acting on spatial and time scales greater than the truncation level. Stochastic representations of model uncertainty are shown to outperform perturbed parameter ensembles in the L96 system. They have improved short term forecasting skill and are more reliable than perturbed parameter ensembles. The L96 system is an excellent tool for testing developments in stochastic parametrisations. These ideas can now be applied to numerical weather prediction models and tested on the atmosphere. 62 3 The Lorenz ’96 System: Climatology and Regime Behaviour I believe that the ultimate climatic models ... will be stochastic, i.e., random numbers will appear somewhere in the time derivatives. – Ed Lorenz, 1975 3.1 Introduction There is no formal definition of climate. The climate of a region can be defined in terms of the long term statistics of weather in that region, including both the mean and the variability. The World Meteorological Organisation defines thirty years as a suitable period of time for calculating these statistics. The calculated “climate” will be sensitive to this selected period, especially if the climate is not stationary. Lorenz (1997) proposes several definitions of climate motivated by dynamical systems theory, including suggesting that “the climate [can be identified as] the attractor of the dynamical system”. Whereas weather forecasting is considered to be an initial value problem, climate is often considered to be a boundary condition problem (Bryson, 1997), with climate change occurring in response to changes in the boundary conditions. As well as being difficult to define, it is difficult to verify climate projections. Probabilistic weather forecasts can be verified since many forecast-observation pairs are available to test the statistics of the forecast. This is not possible for climate predictions as there is only one evolution of the climate, and we must wait many years for new data to become available. However, 63 the strong coupling between different temporal scales (Section 1.2) has motivated investigation into “seamless prediction”, whereby climate projections are evaluated or constrained through study of the climate model’s ability to predict shorter time-scale atmospheric events (Palmer et al., 2008). This is possible due to the non-linearity of the atmosphere, which allows interactions between different temporal and spatial scales. Fast diabatic processes on day-long time scales (such as radiative and cloud effects) can ultimately affect the cryosphere and biosphere with time scales of many years. In fact, most of the uncertainty in our climate projections has been attributed to uncertainty in the representation of cloud feedbacks, which operate on the shortest time scales (Solomon et al., 2007). There are several different methods which use this idea to verify climate projections. Rodwell and Palmer (2007) use the initial tendencies in NWP models to assess how well different climate models represent the model physics. Through studying the six hour tendencies, Rodwell and Palmer were able to discount results from perturbed parameter experiments since they resulted in unphysical fast scale physics, allowing the associated climate projections to be proven false. Palmer et al. (2008) use the reliability of seasonal forecasts to verify and calibrate climate change projections. They argue that it is a necessary requirement that a climate model is reliable when run in weather prediction mode. The requirement is not sufficient as NWP models do not include the longer time scale physics of the cryosphere and biosphere which are nevertheless important for accurate climate prediction. Errors in representations of small-scale features, testable in a numerical weather prediction model, will manifest themselves as errors in large-scale features predicted by a climate model. Having analysed the reliability of members of a MME, Palmer et al. (2008) calibrate the climate change projections to discount unreliable models. The Transpose-Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (Transpose-AMIP) uses climate models to make weather forecasts. The source of systematic errors in climate simulations is identified and corrected using these short term forecasts, which results in improvements across all scales (Martin et al., 2010). In the L96 system, the hypothesis of “seamless prediction” can be rigorously tested. The same deterministic, stochastic and perturbed parameter forecast models can be used to make weather and climate predictions, and the skill of these forecasts verified by comparison with the full “truth” model. In the L96 system, the boundary conditions are held constant, and very long integrations 64 can be used to define the climate. We consider two definitions of “climate” in the L96 system. The first is that the climate of L96 can be described as the pdf of the X variables calculated over a sufficiently long time window. This will include information about both the mean and the variability, as required for the conventional definition of climate outlined above. The second definition will consider the presence and predictability of regime behaviour in the L96 system. This is a dynamics-driven definition of climate as it includes information about the temporal statistics of weather. It uncovers some of the characteristics of the system’s attractor, following Lorenz’s definition of climate given above. In Section 3.2, the forecast models outlined in Chapter 2 are evaluated according to their skill at reproducing the pdf of the atmosphere. The “seamless prediction” hypothesis is tested by comparing the climatological skill with the weather prediction skill, evaluated in Chapter 2. In Section 3.3, atmospheric regime behaviour is introduced, and a subset of the L96 forecast models are tested on their ability to reproduce the regime behaviour of the L96 system. For each definition of climate, the performance of stochastic and perturbed parameter models will be compared with the results from the full “truth” system. 3.2 Climatological Skill: Reproducing the pdf of the Atmosphere The climatology of the L96 system is defined to be the pdf of the X variables, averaged over a long run (10,000 model time units ∼ 140 “atmospheric years”), and the forecast climatology is defined in an analogous way. The skill at predicting the climatology can then be quantified by measuring the difference between these two pdfs, which may be evaluated in several ways. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic, Dks , has been used in this context in several other studies (Wilks, 2005; Kwasniok, 2012), where Dks = max |P (Xk ) − Q(Xk )| . Xk 65 (3.1) (a) Hellinger Distance, c = 4 (b) KL. Divergence, c = 4 2.5 2.5 2.0 φ 0.998 φ (c) Hellinger Distance, c = 10 (d) KL. Divergence, c = 10 2.5 2.5 2.0 σ / σmeas 2.0 σ / σmeas 0.993 0.000 0.998 0.0 0.993 0.0 0.969 0.5 0.882 0.5 0.607 0.008 1.0 0.969 0.042 1.0 0.006 1.5 0.882 0.038 0.607 σ / σmeas 0.034 1.5 0.000 σ / σmeas 2.0 0.03 1.5 1.0 0.038 0.5 0.004 1.5 0.004 1.0 0.006 0.5 0.008 φ 0.998 0.992 0.969 0.882 0.607 0.000 0.998 0.992 0.969 0.882 0.0 0.607 0.000 0.0 φ Figure 3.1: Comparing the Hellinger distance and the Kullback-Leibler divergence as measures of climatological skill. The measures are shown for the additive AR(1) noise parametrisation, as a function of the tuneable parameters, for both (a) and (b) the c = 4 case, and (c) and (d) the c = 10 case. The crosses indicate the measured parameters. Here P is the forecast cumulative pdf, and Q is the verification cumulative pdf. A second measure, the Hellinger distance, DHell , was also calculated for each forecast model: 2 DHell (p, q) 1Z = 2 q p(x) − q 2 q(x) dx, (3.2) where p(x) is the forecast pdf, and q(x) is the verification pdf (Pollard, 2002). Similarly, the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence (Dkl ), is defined as Dkl (p, q) = Z ! p(x) p(x)ln dx. q(x) (3.3) This measure is motivated by information theory (Kullback and Leibler, 1951), and is equivalent to the relative entropy between the two distributions (Section For all these measures, the smaller the measure, the better the match between forecast and verification climatologies. The Hellinger distance was found to be a much smoother measure of climatological skill than the KS statistic as it integrates over the whole pdf. Therefore, the KS statistic has 66 1.5 2.0 2.0 0.03 1.0 0.034 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.03 1.0 0.5 φ 2.5 2.0 1.5 0.0 0.998 0.993 0.882 0.607 0.000 2.5 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.038 0.03 1.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.0 (c) AR(1) MA, c = 10 2.5 0.034 1.0 σm / (σm)meas 2.5 0.969 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.034 1.0 0.0 0.038 0.0 σa / (σa)meas σ / σmeas σ0 / (σ0)meas 1.0 (b) M, c = 10 0.038 0.03 σ1 / (σ1)meas 1.5 0.5 (a) AR(1) SD, c = 10 1.5 0.03 φ 2.5 2.0 0.038 0.998 0.000 2.5 2.0 1.5 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 σ1 / (σ1)meas 0.03 1.0 0.5 σa / (σa)meas 2.0 0.993 0.038 2.0 0.969 1.0 2.5 0.882 1.5 2.5 0.607 σ / σmeas 0.03 0.0 σ0 / (σ0)meas 2.0 (c) AR1 MA, c = 4 (b) M, c = 4 (a) AR1 SD, c = 4 2.5 σm / (σm)meas Figure 3.2: The climatological skill of different stochastic parametrisations for the c = 4 and c = 10 cases, as a function of the tuneable parameters in each parametrisation. The crosses indicate the measured parameters in each case. For the SD and MA cases, φ is set to φmeas . The Hellinger distance was calculated between the truth and forecast probability density function (pdf) of the X variables. The smaller the Hellinger distance, the better the forecast pdf. not been considered further here. Figure 3.1 shows that the Hellinger distance and KullbackLeibler divergence give very similar results, so for these reasons only the Hellinger distance will be considered. Pollard (2002) shows that the two measures are linked, so this similarity is not surprising. The Hellinger distance is evaluated for the different stochastic parametrisations for the two cases, c = 4 and c = 10. Figures 3.1 and 3.2 shows the results for c = 4 and c = 10 when the tuneable parameters were varied as for the weather skill scores (Section 2.4). The climatology of the c = 10 case is more skilful than for the c = 4 case, as indicated by smaller Hellinger distances. The larger time scale separation for the c = 10 case is easier to parametrise, so the forecast models perform better than for the c = 4 case. The peak of skill is shifted for the c = 4 case compared to the c = 10 case, towards parametrisation schemes with larger magnitude noise. Qualitatively, the shape of the plots is similar to those for the equivalent weather skill scores. This suggests that if a parametrisation performs well in weather forecasting mode, it performs well at simulating the climate. The peak is shifted up and to the right compared to the RPSS, but is in a similar position to IGNSS and REL. 67 0.04 0.035 0.03 Deterministic White Add. AR1 Add. White SD. AR1 SD. White M. AR1 M. White MA. AR1 MA. Hellinger Distance 0.045 c=4 c = 10 Figure 3.3: The Hellinger distance for the different parametrisations is compared for the c = 4 and c = 10 cases. The smaller the Hellinger distance, the better the climatological “skill”. The parameters in each parametrisation have been estimated from the truth time series. In each case, “White” indicates that the measured standard deviations have been used, but the autocorrelation parameters set to zero. The climatological skill for the different parametrisations is summarised in Figure 3.3. As for the weather forecasting skill, a significant improvement in the climatological skill is observed when temporal autocorrelation is included in the parametrisations. This is demonstrated in Appendix A.2, which shows the significance of the difference between the parametrisation schemes tested when white or red noise is used. The white noise climatologies do not show a significant improvement over the deterministic climatology for both the c = 4 and c = 10 case. The red noise schemes are all significantly better than both the deterministic and white noise stochastic parametrisation schemes, with the red multiplicative scheme performing significantly better than all schemes for both the c = 4 and c = 10 case. The climatological skill, as measured by the Hellinger distance, can be compared to the weather skill scores using scatter diagrams (Figure 3.4). This is of interest, as the seamless prediction paradigm suggests that climate models could be verified by evaluating the model in weather forecasting mode. Figures 3.4(a) and 3.4(d) show the relationship between RPSS and the Hellinger distance. For the c = 10 case, there appears to be a strong negative correlation between the two. However, the peak in RPSS is offset slightly from the minimum in Hellinger distance giving two branches in the scatter plot. The c = 4 case can be interpreted as being positioned at the joining point of the two branches, and shows how using the RPSS as a method to verify a model’s climatological skill could be misleading. Figures 3.4(b) and 3.4(e) compare IGNSS with the Hellinger distance. The upper branch in 68 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.03 0.02 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 0 5 10 REL (d) c = 10 (e) c = 10 (f) c = 10 0.04 Hellinger Distance IGNSS 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.7 0.8 W. SD. 15 x 10 −3 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 −1 RPSS AR1 Add. 0.04 RPSS 0.08 0.02 0.6 (c) c = 4 Hellinger Distance Hellinger Distance 0.04 0.02 0.4 Hellinger Distance (b) c = 4 Hellinger Distance Hellinger Distance (a) c = 4 −0.5 0 0.5 0 IGNSS AR1 SD. 2 4 REL AR1 M. W. MA. 6 x 10 −3 AR1 MA. Figure 3.4: Scores (RPSS, IGNSS, REL) calculated when the forecast model is in weather mode are compared to the climatological skill of the forecast model, as measured by the Hellinger distance. Figures (a)–(c) are for the c = 4 case, and Figures (d)–(f) are for the c = 10 case. The greater the forecast skill score (RPSS, IGNSS), the better the forecast. The lower the reliability score (REL), the more reliable the forecast. The lower the Hellinger distance, the closer the match between the forecast climatology and the true climatology of the system. Each point in the scatter diagram corresponds to a forecast model with each of the tested sets of parameters, (σ, φ). The symbols represent the different parametrisations - the legend below corresponds to all figures. 69 (e) corresponds to the large magnitude high temporal autocorrelation parametrisations which have a high IGNSS, but a poor climatological skill. This makes IGN unsuitable as an evaluation method for use in seamless prediction. Figures 3.4(c) and 3.4(f) show the results for REL. For the c = 10 case, there is a strong correlation between REL and the Hellinger distance. For the c = 4 case, a small Hellinger distance is conditional on having a small value for REL, but a small REL does not guarantee a small Hellinger distance. This indicates that reliability in weather forecasting mode is a necessary but not a sufficient requirement of a good climatological forecast, as was suggested by Palmer et al. (2008). The results indicate that REL is a suitable score for use in seamless prediction. It is not surprising that the REL is well suited for this task, as it is particularly sensitive to the reliability of an ensemble, which is the characteristic of a weather forecast which is important for climate prediction (Palmer et al., 2008). The other weather skill scores studied put too much weight on resolution to be used for this purpose. 3.2.1 Perturbed Parameter Ensemble The climatology of the perturbed parameter ensemble was evaluated for each value of the scale parameter, ‘S’, which determines the degree to which the parameters are perturbed following (2.19). The climatology of the perturbed parameter ensemble must include contributions from each of the 40 ensemble members. Therefore, the climatology is defined as the pdf of the X variables, averaged over the same total number of model time units as the stochastic parametrisations (10,000); each of the 40 ensemble members is integrated for 250 model time units. The Hellinger distance between the truth and forecast climatologies can then be calculated as a function of the scale factor (Figure 3.5). For the c = 10 case, the climatology of the measured perturbed parameter ensemble is significantly worse than all red noise stochastic parametrisations (see Appendix A.2). This is as predicted by the “seamless prediction” paradigm; the perturbed parameter ensembles are less reliable than the stochastic parametrisations, and so predict a less accurate climatology. However, for the c = 4 case, the pdf of the measured perturbed parameter ensemble is not significantly different to the red noise stochastic parametrisation schemes; reliability is not sufficient for a good climatological forecast according to the Hellinger distance. 70 0.036 0.036 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.040 0.048 0.048 0.048 (b) Hellinger Distance, c = 10 0.036 0.038 0.044 (a) Hellinger Distance, c = 4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Scale Factor, s Scale Factor, s Figure 3.5: The Hellinger distance between the truth and forecast climatologies of the perturbed parameter model as a function of the scale factor, S. The smaller the Hellinger distance, the better the predicted climatology. The S > 2.4 and S > 1.2 forecast models for the c = 4 and c = 10 cases respectively are numerically unstable over long integrations, so a climatology could not be calculated. 3.3 Climatological Skill: Regime Behaviour The presence of regimes is a characteristic of non-linear, chaotic systems (Lorenz, 2006). In the atmosphere, regimes emerge as familiar circulation patterns such as the El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Scandinavian Blocking events. More generally, a regime can be defined as “a region of state space that is more populated than neighbouring regions” (Stephenson et al., 2004). Identifying this localised clustering in state space is a non-trivial statistical problem (Stephenson et al., 2004), but can be achieved using a clustering algorithm such as k–means clustering1 (Dawson et al., 2012; Pohl and Fauchereau, 2012; Straus et al., 2007) or by estimating the pdf of the distribution and searching for multiple maxima (Corti et al., 1999). In recent years there has been much interest in the problem of identifying and studying atmospheric regimes (Palmer, 1993, 1999). In particular, there is much interest in how these regimes respond to an external forcing such as anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. An attractor with regime structure could respond to a forcing in two possible ways. Hasselmann (1999) discusses the climate attractor in terms of a field with several potential wells, each of which represents a different atmospheric regime. The first possible response to an external forcing would be a change in the relative depths of the potential wells. This would lead to changes in both the relative residence times in the wells, and to the transition frequencies between regimes. Studying 20th Century reanalysis data indicates greenhouse gas forcing leads, in part, to this response in the climate system. Corti et al. (1999) observed changes in the frequency of Northern Hemisphere intraseasonal–interannual regimes between 1949 and 1 K-means clustering partitions n datapoints into k clusters such that each observation is assigned to the cluster with the nearest mean. This is performed by an iterative procedure, which minimises the sum of the squared difference between each data point and the mean of the cluster it belongs to. The resultant clusters may be dependent on the initial clusters chosen at random, so the clustering process is repeated a large number of times and the optimal clusters are selected. 71 1994, though the structure of the regimes remained unchanged over this time period. The second possible response to an external forcing is a change in regime properties, such as centroid location and number of regimes (i.e. the position and number of potential wells). In addition to observing changes in frequency of regimes over the time period 1948–2002, Straus et al. (2007) observe this second type of response in the reanalysis data; the structure of the Pacific trough regime is statistically significantly different at the end of the time period than at the beginning. The importance of regimes in observed trends over the past 50–100 years indicates that in order to predict anthropogenic climate change, our climate models must be able to accurately represent natural circulation regimes, their statistics and variability. Dawson et al. (2012) show that while NWP models are able to capture the regime behaviour of the climate system with reasonable accuracy, the same model run at climate resolution does not show any statistically significant regime structure. However, the model used in this study has no representation of model uncertainty; a single deterministic forecast is made from each starting date. It is now well established that representing model uncertainty as well as initial condition uncertainty is important for reliable weather forecasts (Ehrendorfer, 1997). Many possible methods for representing model uncertainty have been discussed in Section 1.3. It is possible that including a representation of model uncertainty could enable the simulator to explore larger regions of the climate attractor, including other flow regimes. This section seeks to investigate the effect of including representations of model uncertainty on the regime behaviour of a simulator. A deterministic parametrisation scheme will be compared to stochastic parametrisation approaches and a perturbed parameter ensemble (please refer to Chapter 2 for experimental details). A simple chaotic model of the atmosphere, the L96 system, will be used to study the predictability of regime changes (Lorenz, 1996, 2006). 3.3.1 Data and Methods The Lorenz (1996) simplified model of the atmosphere was used in this investigation, as described in Chapter 2. Firstly, it needs to be established whether the L96 two–scale model exhibits regime behaviour. Lorenz (2006) carried out a series of experiments using the one-scale Lorenz ’96 system (hereafter L96 1D), which describes the evolution of the L96 Xk variables, 72 Figure 3.6: The time series of total energy for the L96 1D system, where total energy is defined P as E = 12 Xk2 . The labels [4.95–5.25] indicate the value of the forcing, F , in (3.4). Taken from Lorenz (2006) (Fig. 3). 73 Total Energy 300 200 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time / MTU. 140 160 180 200 Figure 3.7: The time series of total energy for the L96 system, c = 4 case, where total energy is P defined as E = 21 Xk2 . Total energy is not conserved as the system is forced and dissipative. The time series for total energy does not appear to show regime behaviour for the c = 4 case with forcing F = 20. without the influence of the smaller scale Yj variables (Lorenz, 1996): dXk = −Xk−1 (Xk−2 − Xk+1 ) − Xk + F dt k = 1, ..., K (3.4) Lorenz defines a dynamical system as having regime behaviour if: 1. The phase space of the dynamical system has two separate regions, A and B. 2. Both transitions A–B and B–A are observed. 3. For both modes, the average length of time between transitions must be long compared to some other significant oscillation of the system. He performed extended numerical runs and examined the resultant time series of total energy. E= K 1X X2 2 k=1 k (3.5) Figure 3.6 shows the time series for the L96 1D system for different values of the forcing parameter, F . From his criteria, Lorenz identified regimes in the time series for F = 5.05−5.25. Figure 3.7 and Figure 3.8(a) show the time series of total energy for the c = 4 and c = 10 cases for the L96 system respectively. The c = 4 case does not appear to have regimes as defined by Lorenz (2006) for F = 20. However, the c = 10 case shows drops in the total energy of the system which persist for a few model time units, which could indicate the presence of regimes. The time series for c = 10 looks qualitatively similar to the series for F = 5.25 in Figure 3.6, for the L96 1D system. Lorenz also considers the spatial distribution of the X variables as a test for the presence of regimes. Figure 3.9 (a) shows profiles of the L96 system Xk at 6 hour intervals taken from 60 MTU after the start of the dataset in Figure 3.8, when the total energy of the system tends to 74 Total Energy (a) 200 150 100 Covariance diagnostic 0 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time / MTU. 140 160 180 200 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time / MTU. 140 160 180 200 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time / MTU. 140 160 180 200 (b) 10 0 −10 −20 0 Regime (c) A B 0 Figure 3.8: (a) The time series of total energy for the L96, c = 10, F = 20 case, where total P energy is defined as E = 12 Xk2 . (b) The covariance diagnostic evaluated for the data shown in (a). If the diagnostic is positive, a wave–2 pattern dominates the behaviour of the X variables, whereas if it is negative, a wave–1 pattern is dominant. See text for details. (c) The same data set, interpreted in terms of two regimes — A and B — defined using the covariance diagnostic. If the diagnostic is positive, the system is interpreted as being in Regime A. be higher with large oscillations. Figure 3.9 (b) shows profiles from 50 MTU after the start of the dataset, when the total energy of the system has dropped to a lower, more quiescent state. The two sets of profiles are different: since these two samples are characterised by physically different states, it is reasonable to interpret them as coming from two different regimes. The difference in structure between the two regimes is most clearly revealed by consideration of the covariance matrix of the X variables, shown in Figure 3.10. It is convenient to define Regimes A and B in terms of this covariance matrix C, calculated using samples of the time series 1 MTU long, where C(m, n) represents the covariance between Xm and Xn : Regime = A ⇐⇒ (C(1, 5) + C(2, 6) + C(3, 7) + C(4, 8)) > 0 Regime = B ⇐⇒ (C(1, 5) + C(2, 6) + C(3, 7) + C(4, 8)) < 0 (3.6) In other words, the system is defined to be in Regime A if opposite X variables are in phase for K = 8, and in Regime B if opposite X variables are out of phase. The time series of this “covariance diagnostic” and the resultant identified regimes are shown in Figure 3.8 (b) and 75 (a) (b) 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 Xk 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 Xk 5 6 7 8 Figure 3.9: Profiles of the K = 8 X variables for the L96 c = 10 case. The profiles are taken from (a) 60 MTU and (b) 50 MTU after the start of the time series shown in Figure 3.8. The labelling on the Y-axis indicates the number of “atmospheric days” since the first profile. The profiles from Regime A show a wave–2 type behaviour, while those from Regime B show a dominant wave–1 pattern. (a) (b) 0 0 0 7 −10 0 −10 −10 6 20 30 Xn 10 −10 −10 0 0 0 10 2 0 2 1 1 4 0 0 Xm 5 6 7 10 0 −10 0 10 20 30 2 4 0 10 3 0 −10 3 10 20 0 −10 5 0 −10 3 −20 0 0 10 20 40 −10 −10 6 −10 −10 10 0 7 10 0 5 8 10 Xn 8 1 8 1 −10 −20 −10 10 0 2 3 4 Xm 5 0 6 7 8 Figure 3.10: The covariance matrix, C(m, n), for the covariance between Xm and Xn calculated from a 1 MTU sample, (a) 60 MTU and (b) 50 MTU after the start of the time series shown in Figure 3.8. (a) The dominant feature is a wave–2 pattern, with the ‘opposite’ X variables in phase with each other. (b) The dominant feature is a wave–1 pattern, with the ‘opposite’ X variables out of phase with each other. (a) 0.45 0.1 (b) 0.4 0.08 Frequency Density Frequency Density 0.35 0.06 0.04 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.02 0.05 0 0 10 20 30 40 Duration / MTU 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Duration / MTU Figure 3.11: The probability distribution function (pdf) for the duration of (a) Regime A and (b) Regime B. Regime A events are observed to be longer lasting on average than Regime B events. 76 Magnitude 0.5 0 −0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X EOF 1 EOF 2 EOF 3 EOF 4 Figure 3.12: The first four Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) calculated from the c = 10 truth time series. Due to the symmetry of the system, the EOFs correspond to the leading harmonics. (c) respectively. Lorenz’s third criterion for regimes requires their duration to be longer than some other significant oscillation of the system. In the L96 system for the c = 10 case, the dominant oscillation of the X variables has a time period of approximately 0.5 MTU. Figure 3.11 shows a pdf of the duration of each regime. The average duration of Regime A is 5.08 MTU, and the average duration of Regime B is 2.06 MTU. The average duration of both regimes is greater than 0.5 MTU, so we can conclude that, for the c = 10 case, the L96 system does indeed exhibit regime behaviour, and is a suitable model for use in this investigation. The predictability of the regime behaviour of the L96 system, c = 10 case, will be studied using the same techniques used for atmospheric data. Firstly, it has been suggested that the time series should be temporally smoothed to help identify the regimes (Straus et al., 2007; Stephenson et al., 2004). For example, consider the well–known Lorenz (1963) system (the “butterfly attractor”): the system clearly has two regimes corresponding to the two lobes of the attractor, but these regimes are only apparent in a pdf of the system if the time series is first temporally averaged (Corti et al., 1999; Stephenson et al., 2004)2 . In the L96 system, the modal residence time in Regime B is ∼ 0.4 MTU (Figure 3.11), so a running time average over 0.4 MTU will be used to smooth the time series. When studying atmospheric data sets, the dimensionality of the problem is usually reduced using an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis on the temporally smoothed data series 2 The time series must not be too heavily smoothed as this will cause the pdf to tend towards a Gaussian distribution (following the central limit theorem). 77 (Straus et al., 2007). Due to the symmetry of the L96 system, Figure 3.12 shows that the leading EOFs of the L96 system are simply the dominant harmonics. The first two EOFs are degenerate, and are π 4 out of phase wavenumber two oscillations, i.e. are in phase quadrature. The third and fourth EOFs are similarly in phase quadrature, and are π 2 out of phase wavenumber one oscillations. Consideration of Figure 3.12 shows that EOF1 and EOF2 are likely to dominate in Regime A, whereas EOF3 and EOF4 dominate in Regime B. The principal components (PCs) were calculated for each EOF. Due to the degeneracies of the EOFs, the magnitude of the principal component vectors, ||[P C1, P C2]|| and ||[P C3, P C4]||, will be considered and the pdf of the system plotted in this space.3 The corresponding eigenvalues show that EOF1 and EOF2 account for 68.7% of the variance, while EOF3 and EOF4 account for a further 14.4%. 3.3.2 The True Attractor The full set of c = 10 L96 equations is integrated forward for 10,000 MTU ∼ 140 “atmospheric years” to ensure the attractor is fully sampled. The time series is temporally smoothed with a running average over 0.4 MTU. For comparison, the raw, unsmoothed time series is also considered. An EOF decomposition is carried out on each of the truth time series (raw and smoothed), and the PCs calculated. The dimensionality of the space is further reduced by considering only the magnitude of the PC vectors [P C1, P C2] and [P C3, P C4] as a function of time. The state vector pdf for the full “truth” model is shown in Figure 3.13 for (a) the unsmoothed time series and (b) the smoothed time series. Temporally smoothing the time series helps to identify the two regimes. The maximum of the pdf is located at large [P C1, P C2] and small [P C3, P C4], corresponding to the more common wave–2 “Regime A” state of the system. However, in (b) the pdf is elongated away from this maximum towards large [P C3, P C4] and small [P C1, P C2], where there is a small but distinct subsidiary peak; this corresponds to the less common “Regime B”. Figure 3.13(a) does not have a distinct second peak, so does not indicate the presence of regimes. Figures 3.13(c) and (d) show the mean residence time of trajectories within local areas of phase space. For each point in PC space, a circular region with radius R is defined, and the 3 This is equivalent to considering complex EOFs, which are used to capture propagating modes. A Hilbert transform is applied to the time series X to calculate H(X), which includes information about the first derivative of the data, and indicates the presence of the orthogonal sine/cosine signals necessary for a propagating signal. A standard EOF analysis is then performed for the modified time series: X + H(X). In this study, EOF1 and EOF2 together represent the first complex EOF, and EOF3 and EOF4 represent the second complex EOF. 78 average residence time of trajectories within that region is calculated, following Frame et al. (2013). Here R = 2, and the displayed circle indicates the size of the region for comparison. For both (c) the unsmoothed and (d) the smoothed time series, two regions of high residence time can be identified. The longest residence times occur at large [P C1, P C2] and small [P C3, P C4], corresponding to Regime A. There is a further peak in residence time at large [P C3, P C4] and small [P C1, P C2], corresponding to Regime B. These two distinct peaks provide further evidence for the regime nature of the L96 system: there are two regions in phase space which the system preferentially occupies for extended periods of time, and transitions between these regions are more rapid. This diagnostic confirms that Regime A is more persistent than Regime B, as expected from Figure 3.11. Figures 3.13(e) and (f) show the mean velocity of the system’s motion through phase space. The colour indicates mean speed, and arrows indicate mean direction. A region with radius 0.5 is defined centred on each point in phase space, and the net displacement of trajectories starting within this region is calculated over 0.05 MTU. The average magnitude and average direction of displacement is then calculated. Both Figures (e) and (f) show two centres of rotation in phase space corresponding to the two regimes. On average, trajectories circle these centres, resulting in persistent conditions (cf. the Lorenz ’63 ‘butterfly attractor’). The structure of the flow field is somewhat different for the smoothed time series — the second centre is less clearly defined, but coincides with a maximum in the average magnitude of displacement. In fact, trajectories are observed to oscillate vertically about this centre during a persistent Regime B phase, resulting in the large average magnitude, but small average displacement vector. Nevertheless, both Figures 3.13(e) and (f) provide conclusive evidence of the existence of regimes in the L96 system, which can be detected in both the raw and smoothed data. 3.3.3 Simulating the Attractor Having demonstrated that the full L96 system exhibits regime behaviour, the skill of each of the truncated L96 forecast models at reproducing this regime behaviour will be evaluated. Each forecast model is integrated forward for 10,000 MTU as for the full L96 system. For the perturbed parameter experiment, each of the 40 deterministic models is integrated for 250 MTU. While regime behaviour can be detected in both the raw and smoothed truth time series, the results in Section 3.3.2 indicate that it is easier to detect the presence of regimes in 79 (a) (b) 0.03 15 0.02 0.015 0.01 5 0 0 5 10 15 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || || [PC 3, PC 4] || 0.025 10 0.08 12 0.06 8 0.04 6 4 0.005 2 0 0 0.02 0 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 5 10 || [PC 1, PC 2] || (c) (d) 15 12 0.4 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 0 0.1 10 0.05 5 0.35 0.3 8 0.25 6 0.2 4 0.15 0.1 2 0 0 5 10 15 0 0 0.05 0 || [PC 1, PC 2] || (e) 10 (f) 4 15 2 12 10 3 || [PC 3, PC 4] || || [PC 3, PC 4] || 5 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 10 2 5 1.5 8 1 6 4 1 0.5 2 0 0 5 10 15 0 0 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 0 5 10 0 || [PC 1, PC 2] || Figure 3.13: Regime characteristics of the full L96 system. Both the raw and temporally smoothed time series are considered, where the smoothing is a running average over 0.4 MTU. Each diagnostic is shown in the space of pairs of leading EOFs, [EOF 1, EOF 2] and [EOF 3, EOF 4]. See text for details. (a) Raw and (b) smoothed pdfs. (c) Raw and (d) smoothed mean residence times (MTU): the mean length of time a trajectory remains within 2 units of each location. A circle of radius two is indicated. (e) Raw and (f) smoothed magnitude (colour) and orientation (arrows) of the average displacement in phase space over 0.05M T U , averaged over trajectories passing within 0.5 units of each position in phase space. 80 the smoothed time series pdf, as was suggested by Straus et al. (2007). Therefore, the time series are temporally smoothed with a running average over 0.4 MTU. The four leading order truth EOFs are used to calculate the PCs of the forecast models to ensure a fair comparison (Corti et al., 1999). The dimensionality of the space is further reduced by considering only the magnitude of the PC vectors [P C1, P C2] and [P C3, P C4] as a function of time (equivalent to considering the first two complex EOFs). The state vector pdfs for each of the forecast models considered are shown in Figure 3.14; the pdf for the full “truth” model has also been reproduced for ease of comparison. Panel (a) in Figure 3.14 corresponds to the full “truth” equations (1.6), reproduced from Figure 3.13, and shows two distinct peaks corresponding to the two regimes, A and B. None of the forecast models are able to accurately capture the second subsidiary peak, corresponding to Regime B. The white noise stochastic models and the deterministic (DET) parametrisation scheme all put too little weight on this area of phase space. However, the AR(1) stochastic models show a large improvement — Regime B is explored more frequently than by the deterministic or white stochastic models, though not as frequently as by the full truth system. The attractor of the perturbed parameter model, Figure 3.14(c), shows a distinct peak for Regime B, unlike the other forecast models. However, the attractor has a very different structure to that for the truth time series — Regime B is visited too frequently. In fact, it is surprising how reasonable the perturbed parameter attractor looks! It consists of an average of 40 constituent members, shown in Figure 3.15. The contour colours are consistent with Figure 3.14. Many of the 40 different perturbed parameter ensemble members show vastly different regime behaviour to the true attractor. While some ensemble members (for example, numbers 8, 13, 18 and 38) look reasonable, many spend all their time in Regime A and do not explore Regime B at all (for example, numbers 1–4, etc), while some predominantly inhabit Regime B (e.g. numbers 5, 37, 39). Perturbed parameter ensembles are often used for climate prediction. However, if individual members only explore one region of the true climate attractor, how can the effect of forcing on the frequency of different regimes be established? For ease of comparison, the 2D Figure 3.14 has been decomposed into two, 1D pdfs for each of the forecast models (Figure 3.16). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistic (3.1), Dks , and Hellinger distance (3.2), DHell , have been calculated as measures of the difference between the true pdf and the forecast pdf for each case. For both Dks and DHell , the smaller the measure, 81 || [PC 3, PC 4] || (a) TRU 10 0.08 8 0.06 6 0.04 4 0.02 2 0 0 0 5 10 15 || [PC 1, PC 2] || (c) PP 10 8 8 || [PC 3, PC 4] || || [PC 3, PC 4] || (b) DET 10 6 4 2 0 0 5 10 6 4 2 0 15 0 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 8 8 6 4 2 0 5 10 4 2 0 15 0 (f) WM 10 15 (g) AR1M 10 8 8 || [PC 3, PC 4] || || [PC 3, PC 4] || 5 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 10 6 4 2 0 15 6 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 0 10 (e) AR1A 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || || [PC 3, PC 4] || (d) WA 10 0 5 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 5 10 6 4 2 0 15 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 0 5 10 15 || [PC 1, PC 2] || Figure 3.14: Ability of different parametrisation models to reproduce the true attractor (top left). The pdf of the state vector for the c = 10 L96 system is plotted in the space of pairs of leading EOFs. See text for details. Six different forecasting models are shown. (b) Deterministic parametrisation scheme; (c) perturbed parameter scheme; additive stochastic parametrisation with (d) white and (e) AR(1) noise; multiplicative stochastic parametrisation with (f) white and (g) AR(1) noise. The degree of perturbation of the perturbed parameters, and the standard deviation and autocorrelation in the stochastic parametrisations have been estimated from the truth time series (see Chapter 2 for more details). The same EOFs determined from the full truth data set are used in each panel, and the colour of the contours is also consistent. 82 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 0 5 10 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 15 0 5 10 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 15 0 5 10 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 15 0 5 10 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 15 0 5 10 15 || [PC 1, PC 2] || Figure 3.15: Ability of the perturbed parameter scheme to reproduce the true attractor. The pdf of the state vector for the L96 system is plotted in the space of pairs of leading EOFs, [EOF 1, EOF 2] and [EOF 3, EOF 4] for each of the forty perturbed parameter ensemble members (numbered). The attractors of individual ensemble members appear very different to the true attractor, with some members only exploring one of the two regimes present in the full system. The figure numbers correspond to the numbering of the ensemble members in Table 2.4. The same colour bar is used as in Figure 3.14. Note that many of the ensemble members saturate this colour bar. 83 (b) 0.3 0.3 0.25 0.25 Probability Density Probability Density (a) 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 5 10 15 0 0 || [PC1, PC2] || TRU 2 4 6 8 10 || [PC3, PC4] || DET AR1 A AR1 M PP Figure 3.16: Ability of different parametrisation models to reproduce two of the dimensions of the true attractor, shown as two 1–dimensional plots. The pdf of the state vector for the L96 system is plotted for (a) the magnitude of [P C1, P C2] and (b) the magnitude of [P C3, P C4]. Four different forecasting models are shown on each panel (coloured lines) together with that for the truth data. White noise, whether additive or multiplicative, is indistinguishable from the deterministic case, so has not been shown. Parametrisation Deterministic White Additive Stochastic AR(1) Additive Stochastic White Multiplicative Stochastic AR(1) Multiplicative Stochastic Perturbed Parameters [PC1,PC2] Dks Dhell 0.083 0.125 0.084 0.125 0.037 0.062 0.083 0.121 0.040 0.052 0.072 0.110 [PC3,PC4] Dks Dhell 0.112 0.117 0.114 0.118 0.049 0.055 0.110 0.115 0.028 0.035 0.040 0.048 Table 3.1: The skill of different parametrisation schemes at reproducing the structure of the Truth attractor along each of two directions defined by the dominant EOFs. The KolmogorovSmirnov distance Dks , and Hellinger distance Dhell , are used to measure the similarity between the true and forecast pdfs. The smaller each of these measures, the closer the forecast pdf is to the true pdf. The best forecast model according to each measure is shown in red. 84 the closer the forecast is to the true pdf. The results are shown in Table 3.1. The AR(1) multiplicative stochastic forecast is the most skilful for each case according to the Hellinger distance. The AR(1) additive scheme also scores well for both cases, and is the most skilful representation of [P C1, P C2] according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance. The perturbed parameter ensemble greatly improves over the deterministic and white stochastic forecasts for the [P C3, P C4] case, but does not greatly improve over the deterministic scheme for the [P C1, P C2] pdf. However, a perturbed parameter ensemble must be interpreted carefully. Since each member of the ensemble is a physically distinct model of the system, the forecast climatology of each member should be assessed individually. The 1D pdfs of [P C1, P C2] and [P C3, P C4] were calculated for each ensemble member, and the Hellinger distance between the forecast and true pdfs evaluated for each case. For comparison, the deterministic and stochastic forecasts were also split into 40 sections, each 250 M T U long, and the Hellinger distance evaluated for each section as for the perturbed parameter ensemble. This allows the effect of sampling error to be considered. The distribution of Hellinger distances for each case is shown in Figure 3.17. The spread of skill is largest for the perturbed parameter ensemble, with some members showing very poor climatologies, while others are more skilful. The white additive and multiplicative schemes do not show a significant difference from the deterministic forecast, while the AR1 additive and AR1 multiplicative schemes are consistently better than the other schemes. 3.3.4 Simulating Regime Statistics While reproducing the pdf of the true system is important for capturing regime behaviour, it is also necessary for a forecast model to represent the temporal characteristics of the regimes well. This is evaluated using the distribution of persistence of each regime (Dawson et al., 2012; Pohl and Fauchereau, 2012; Frame et al., 2013), and will be considered using two different techniques. Firstly, the behaviour of the system in PC space is used to examine the temporal characteristics of the system. The mean residence time of trajectories in phase space is calculated. For each point in PC space, a circular region with radius R is defined, and the average residence time of trajectories within that region is calculated, as for Figure 3.13(c) and (d). Figure 3.18 shows the mean residence time of trajectories when R = 2 PC units, and Figure 3.19 shows the same diagnostic when R = 4 PC units. For each case, the circle in panel (a) indicates the size 85 (a) [PC1, PC2] Distribution of Hellinger Distances Distribution of Hellinger Distances 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 DET WA AR1A WM AR1M PP Forecast Scheme 0.4 (b) [PC3, PC4] 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 DET WA AR1A WM AR1M PP Forecast Scheme Figure 3.17: The distribution of Hellinger distance calculated for the difference between forecast and observed EOF climatologies. The pdf for the magnitude of (a) [P C1, P C2] and (b) [P C3, P C4] is calculated. For the deterministic and stochastic models, the time series is split into 40 sections, 250 M T U long, and the pdfs calculated for each. For the perturbed parameter ensemble, the pdfs are calculated for each ensemble member separately. The Hellinger distance between each forecast pdf and the true pdf is evaluated, and the distribution of Hellinger distance represented by a box and whisker plot. The median value is marked by a horizontal red line. The 25th and 75th percentiles are indicated by the edges of the box, and the whiskers extend to the minimum and maximum value in each case, unless there are outliers, which are marked by a red cross. An outlier is defined as a value smaller than 1.5 times the inter–quartile range (IQR) below the lower quartile, or greater than 1.5 IQR above the upper quartile. of the region. For both R = 2 and R = 4, two regions of comparatively high residence time can be identified in the truth simulation shown in panel (a). The longest residence times occur at large [P C1, P C2] and small [P C3, P C4], corresponding to Regime A. There is a smaller peak in residence time at large [P C3, P C4] and small [P C1, P C2], corresponding to Regime B. Figures 3.18 (a) and 3.19 (a) are qualitatively similar, except that the peaks have a more equal depth for the R = 2 case than for the R = 4 case. The forecast models are able to capture the temporal characteristics of the true system. They show two distinct peaks in residence time of approximately the correct magnitude. However, there are subtle differences between the different forecast models. In Figure 3.18, the DET, PP, WA and WM forecast models have regimes that are too persistent — the two peaks in residence time are too high, particularly for Regime A. The red noise stochastic schemes perform better, with the AR1M scheme capturing the average residence time for Regime B particularly well. In Figure 3.19, all models predict too high residence times for Regime A. However, the AR1M scheme performs the best, with a good representation of residence times in the tail of the pdf, and a lower and more accurate peak residence time for Regime A. 86 || [PC 3, PC 4] || (a) TRU 10 0.5 8 0.4 6 0.3 4 0.2 2 0.1 0 0 5 10 0 15 || [PC 1, PC 2] || (b) DET (c) PP 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 8 6 4 2 0 8 6 4 2 0 5 10 0 15 0 || [PC 1, PC 2] || || [PC 3, PC 4] || || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 8 6 4 2 8 6 4 2 0 5 10 0 15 0 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 5 10 15 || [PC 1, PC 2] || (f) WM (g) AR1M 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 15 (e) AR1A 10 8 6 4 2 0 10 || [PC 1, PC 2] || (d) WA 0 5 8 6 4 2 0 5 10 0 15 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 0 5 10 15 || [PC 1, PC 2] || Figure 3.18: Mean residence time in model time units. The mean length of time trajectories remain within 2 units of each position in PC space. A circle of radius 2 units is shown for comparison in panel (a). 87 (a) TRU 5 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 4 8 3 6 4 2 2 1 0 0 5 10 0 15 || [PC 1, PC 2] || (b) DET (c) PP 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 8 6 4 2 0 8 6 4 2 0 5 10 0 15 0 || [PC 1, PC 2] || || [PC 3, PC 4] || || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 8 6 4 2 8 6 4 2 0 5 10 0 15 0 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 5 10 15 || [PC 1, PC 2] || (f) WM (g) AR1M 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 15 (e) AR1A 10 8 6 4 2 0 10 || [PC 1, PC 2] || (d) WA 0 5 8 6 4 2 0 5 10 0 15 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 0 5 10 15 || [PC 1, PC 2] || Figure 3.19: Mean residence time in model time units. The mean length of time trajectories remain within 4 units of each position in PC space. A circle of radius 4 units is shown for comparison in panel (a). 88 As for the pdf of the state vector, it is important to recall that the PP ensemble consists of 40 physically distinct representations of the system. The residence time pdfs are plotted for each perturbed parameter ensemble member in Figure 3.20 for the R = 2 case. The individual ensemble members have vastly different temporal characteristics. Some members show very persistent regimes with very few transitions, and some (e.g. 8, 13) indicate the presence of a third regime. The same colour scale is used as for Figure 3.18, but has saturated for several panels. For example, the maximum residence time of Regime A for ensemble member 1 is 1.08 MTU, which is more than double the maximum residence time observed in the full system. Similarly, the maximum residence time of Regime B for ensemble member 5 is 2.04 MTU, more than six times greater than that observed for Regime B in the full system. Considered individually, the PP ensemble members are a poor representation of the regime behaviour of the true system. The second technique used to study the regime statistics uses the definition of Regimes A and B given by (3.6). The definition is used to determine the regime at each time step, and the pdf of persistence of each regime calculated as for Figure 3.11. Figure 3.21 compares the persistence pdfs for the full L96 system with that of the truncated forecast models. The AR(1) stochastic parametrisation schemes (red and magenta lines) improve significantly over the white stochastic schemes (blue and cyan) and the deterministic scheme (green) — the distribution of regime durations more closely matches the true distribution for the AR(1) noise cases. The proportion of time spent in each regime also improves (Table 3.2); the deterministic and white noise schemes visit Regime B too rarely, whereas the proportion of time spent in Regime B by the AR(1) stochastic schemes is close to the truth. The perturbed parameter scheme (grey lines) appears to perform very well. Table 3.2 shows that averaged over all ensemble members, the proportion of time spent in each regime very accurately represents the true system. Figure 3.21 shows that the frequency and duration of the modal persistence match the truth time series well for both Regime A and Regime B. However, this figure is misleading. The tail of the perturbed parameter pdf extends well beyond the X–axis limit for both Figures (a) and (b), as some ensemble members showed very persistent regimes with only rare transitions, as indicated in Figure 3.20. The members with only one or two transitions only contribute one or two persistence values to the data set, so affect the modal height and position very little. Nevertheless, it is interesting to see how, while each individual 89 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 || [PC 3, PC 4] || 10 1 2 3 4 5 0.4 5 0.2 0 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 0 10 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 0 10 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 0 10 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 0 10 || [PC 1, PC 2] || 0 10 || [PC 1, PC 2] || Figure 3.20: Mean residence time in model time units for each member of the perturbed parameter ensemble. The mean length of time trajectories remain within 2 units of each position in PC space. The figure numbers correspond to the numbering of the ensemble members in Table 2.4. 90 Regime A (a) 0.5 0.08 Frequency Density Frequency Density 0.1 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 Regime B (b) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 10 20 30 40 0 0 2 Duration / MTU TRU DET 4 6 8 10 Duration / MTU WA AR1 A WM AR1 M PP Figure 3.21: Predicting the distribution of persistence of (a) Regime A and (b) Regime B. The true distribution is shown in black, and the six different forecast models shown as coloured lines. ensemble member represents the regime statistics relatively poorly, when averaged together they perform very well. A perturbed parameter ensemble where the selected parameters vary in time would allow each ensemble member to sample the parameter uncertainty, allowing each individual ensemble member to capture the regime behaviour. Such a stochastically perturbed parameter ensemble is tested in the ECMWF NWP model in Chapter 5. As before, it is helpful to consider the climatology of each perturbed parameter ensemble member separately. The Hellinger distance between the truth and each perturbed parameter persistence pdf was calculated. For comparison, the deterministic and stochastic forecasts were split into 40 sections as before, and the pdfs of persistence calculated for each section. Figure 3.22 shows the distribution of Hellinger distance for each of the forecast schemes. The white additive and white multiplicative schemes improve slightly over the deterministic scheme — the median Hellinger distance improves in each case, though the spread in skill also increases. The AR(1) stochastic schemes are significantly more skilful at predicting the regime statistics than both the deterministic and white stochastic schemes, with consistently higher skill. The skill of the perturbed parameter ensemble shows the greatest variability. While the median score is only slightly greater than the median for the deterministic ensemble, some perturbed parameter ensemble members score a Hellinger distance of one, indicating the forecast and truth distributions are mutually exclusive. 91 Regime A (b) Distribution of Hellinger Distances Distribution of Hellinger Distances (a) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 DET WA AR1A WM AR1M PP Forecast Scheme Regime B 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 DET WA AR1A WM AR1M PP Forecast Scheme Figure 3.22: The distribution of Hellinger distance calculated for the difference between forecast and observed distributions of regime persistence. The pdf for the forecast durations of (a) Regime A and (b) Regime B is calculated. The Hellinger distance between each forecast pdf and the true pdf is evaluated, and the distribution of Hellinger distance represented by a box and whisker plot (see caption to Figure 3.17 for more details). Parametrisation Truth Deterministic White Additive Stochastic AR(1) Additive Stochastic White Multiplicative Stochastic AR(1) Multiplicative Stochastic Perturbed Parameter Scheme p(Regime A) p(Regime B) 0.7904 0.2096 0.9057 0.0943 0.9051 0.0949 0.8268 0.1732 0.9039 0.0961 0.8002 0.1998 0.7898 0.2102 Table 3.2: Predictability of regime frequencies by different forecast models. The deterministic and white stochastic schemes all underpredict the proportion of time spent in the rarer Regime B, while the AR(1) stochastic and perturbed parameter scheme explore this region of phase space with the correct frequency. 92 3.4 Conclusion The same stochastic parametrisation schemes presented in Chapter 2 are tested for their ability to reproduce the climate of the Lorenz ’96 (L96) system. Two definitions of climate are considered. The first defines the climate to be the pdf of the X variables, and the difference between the forecast and true climate is evaluated using the Hellinger distance. According to this measure, including white noise into the parametrisation scheme does not significantly improve the climatology over that of a deterministic parametrisation scheme. This result is observed for all noise models tested in both the c = 4 and c = 10 L96 cases. However, a large, highly significant improvement in skill is observed when temporally autocorrelated noise is used in the stochastic parametrisation schemes for both the c = 4 and c = 10 case. It was found that the climatological skill of the forecast models is correlated with the performance of the forecast model in weather prediction mode, in particular, with the reliability of short-range forecasts. The correlation between the short term predictive skill of the forecast model and its ability to reproduce the climatology of the L96 system provides support for the “Seamless Prediction” paradigm. This provides a method of verifying climate predictions: the climate model can be evaluated in weather forecasting mode to indicate the potential for climatological skill. The climate of the perturbed parameter forecast models described in Chapter 2 was also tested. For the c = 10 case, the measured perturbed parameter model showed an improved climatology over the deterministic and white noise stochastic models, but a significantly poorer climatology than the red noise stochastic models, when the climate of the L96 system is defined as the pdf of the X variables. However, for the c = 4 case, the perturbed parameter model is not significantly different to any of the red noise stochastic models, and has a significantly improved climatology over the deterministic and white noise schemes. Regime behaviour, commonly observed in the atmosphere, is also observed in the L96 system. It is argued that the L96 system has two regimes for c = 10 and F = 20 — the system is in Regime A 79% of the time, while the less common Regime B occurs 21% of the time. The regime behaviour of this system makes it a useful testbed for analysing the ability of different forecast models to reproduce regime behaviour. Three types of models were considered: a deterministic parametrisation scheme, stochastic parametrisation schemes with additive or multiplicative noise, and a perturbed parameter ensemble. 93 Each forecasting scheme was tested on its ability to reproduce the attractor of the full system, defined in a reduced space based on an EOF decomposition of the truth time series. None of the forecast models accurately capture the less common Regime B, though a significant improvement is observed over the deterministic parametrisation when a temporally correlated stochastic parametrisation is used instead. The stochastic parametrisation enables the system to explore a larger portion of the attractor, in the same way in which a ball–bearing in a potential well will explore around its equilibrium position when subjected to a random forcing. The regime statistics describing the persistence of the regimes and their frequency of occurrence were also improved for the stochastic parametrisations with AR(1) noise compared to the deterministic scheme, and multiplicative noise was found to be particularly skilful. The attractor for the perturbed parameter ensemble improves on that forecast by the deterministic or white additive schemes; it shows a distinct peak in the attractor corresponding to Regime B, though this peak is more pronounced than in the truth attractor. The ensemble is also very skilful at forecasting the correct statistics for the regime behaviour of the system. However, the 40 constituent members of the perturbed parameter ensemble differ greatly from the true attractor, with many only showing one dominant regime with very rare transitions. It is interesting that, while each individual ensemble member models the regime behaviour poorly, when averaged together, the ensemble performs very well. Using regime behaviour to study the climate of a system provides considerably more information than studying the pdf of the system. The pdf of the perturbed parameter ensemble, while not as skilful as the red noise stochastic parametrisations, shows skill for the c = 10 case. The pdfs of individual ensemble members are also all skilful, with a mean Hellinger distance of 0.06 ± 0.03 (not shown) — all perturbed parameter ensemble members have a reasonable pdf. However, the regime behaviour of the individual perturbed parameter ensemble members varies widely. In order to correctly simulate the statistics of the weather (for example, the duration of blocking events over Europe), a climate simulator must accurately represent regime behaviour. It is therefore important that climate models are explicitly tested on this ability. The results presented here indicate that while the average of a perturbed parameter ensemble performs well, individual ensemble members are at risk of failing this test. 94 4 Evaluation of Ensemble Forecast Uncertainty: The Error-Spread Score It is far better to foresee even without certainty than not to foresee at all. – Henri Poincare 4.1 Introduction The first and arguably most important lesson in any experimental physics course is that a physicist must quantify the uncertainty in his or her measurement or prediction. Firstly, this allows for comparison of measurement with theory: a theory can only be discounted if it predicts a value outside of the “error bars” of a measurement. Additionally, a theory does not necessarily predict a single value. For example, for the famous experiment in which electrons are fired one at a time through a double-slit, the theory of quantum mechanics predicts the probability of an electron striking a screen behind the slit at any given point. The statistical reliability of the forecast pdf can only be verified by repeated measurements which then provide evidence for the validity of the theory; many individual electrons were passed through the double slit, and an interference pattern observed as predicted (Donati et al., 1973). The same lesson is valid in the atmospheric sciences. A weather or climate prediction should include an estimate of the uncertainty of the prediction. In weather forecasting, Ensemble Prediction Systems (EPS) are commonly used to give an estimate of error in a forecast; the ensemble of forecasts is assumed to sample the full forecast uncertainty. As outlined in 95 Section 1.3, there are two main sources of uncertainty which must be represented in a weather forecast, initial condition uncertainty and model uncertainty (Palmer, 2001). Having attempted to represent the errors in our prediction, the accuracy of the forecast pdf must be verified. In the same way that Donati et al. (1973) measured the location of many electrons, many forecast-observation (or -verification) pairs must be used to evaluate how well the forecast ensemble represents uncertainty. Ideally, the ensemble forecast should behave like a random sample from the forecast pdf (the hypothetical pdf representing the uncertainty in the forecast). The consistency condition is that the verification also behaves like a sample from that pdf (Anderson, 1997; Wilks, 2006). If this condition is fulfilled, the ensemble is perfectly capturing the uncertainty in the forecast. In this chapter, techniques for evaluation of the predicted uncertainty in a forecast are considered in the context of predicting the weather. In Section 4.2, the problems with current methods of forecast verification are discussed, and the need for a new scoring rule, the Errorspread Score, is motivated, which is defined in Section 4.3. The new Error-spread Score is shown to be proper in Section 4.4, and in Section 4.5 the decomposition of the score into reliability, resolution and uncertainty components is discussed. In Section 4.6 the Error-spread Score is tested and compared to existing diagnostics using forecasts made in the Lorenz ’96 system. In Section 4.7 the Error-spread Score is tested using operational ensemble forecasts from ECMWF. The decomposition of the score is evaluated for the ECMWF forecasts in Section 4.8, which gives a more complete understanding of the new score. Finally, in Section 4.9 the score is used to evaluate forecasts made using the ECMWF seasonal forecasting system, and some conclusions are drawn in Section 4.10. 4.2 Evaluation of Ensemble Forecasts Section 1.7 outlined some of the different methods commonly used for forecast verification. All the methods discussed are sensitive to the two properties which a probabilistic forecast must have to be useful: reliability and resolution. Graphical forecast diagnostics provide a comprehensive summary of the forecast, including an indication of reliability and resolution. However, they do not produce an unambiguous ranking of forecasts, so it is difficult to use them to compare many models. Scoring rules are useful as they provide a quantitative indication of forecast skill, allowing many different forecasts to be compared. Bröcker (2009) showed that all 96 strictly proper scores can be explicitly decomposed into a component which tests reliability and a component which tests resolution. The decomposition also includes a third term, uncertainty, which depends only on the statistics of the observations. Currently, many scoring rules used for forecast verification, such as the Continuous Ranked Probability Score, CRPS (Wilks, 2006), and the Ignorance Score, IGN (Roulston and Smith, 2002), require an estimate of the full forecast pdf. This is usually achieved using kernel smoothing estimates or by fitting the parameters in some predetermined distribution, both of which require certain assumptions about the forecast pdf to be made. Alternatively, the pdf must be discretised in some way, such as for the Brier Score, BS and Ranked Probability Score, RPS (Wilks, 2006), which were both originally designed for multi-category forecasts. On the other hand, the RMS error-spread graphical diagnostic used in Chapter 2 is an attractive verification tool as it does not require an estimation of the full forecast pdf, and instead is calculated using the raw ensemble forecast data. However, being a graphical diagnostic, it is very difficult to compare many forecast models using this tool (for example, comparing the many different forecasts generated by changing the tunable parameters in a stochastic parametrisation scheme). A new scoring rule is proposed designed for ensemble forecasts of continuous variables, that is particularly sensitive to the reliability of a forecast and which seeks to summarise the RMS error-spread graphical diagnostic. In a similar way to the RMS error-spread graphical diagnostic, it is formulated with respect to moments of the forecast distribution, and not using the full distribution itself. These moments may be calculated directly from the ensemble forecast, provided it has sufficient members for an accurate estimate to be made. The new score proposed does not require the forecast to be discretised, and acknowledges the inability of the forecaster to fully specify a probability distribution for a variable due to the amount of information needed to estimate the distribution. This limitation has been recognised by other authors and forms the basis for the development of Bayes Linear Statistics (Goldstein and Wooff, 2007). The new score will be compared with a number of existing proper scores: the Brier Score, BS (1.14), the reliability component of the Brier Score, REL (1.17), the Ranked Probability Score, RPS (1.20) and the Ignorance Score, IGN (1.21). Each score is converted into a Skill Score by comparison with a reference forecast following (1.12). 97 4.3 The Error-Spread Score Consider two distributions. Q(X) is the truth probability distribution function for variable X which has moments mean, µ, variance, σ 2 , skewness, γ, and kurtosis1 , β, defined in the usual way: µ = E[X], (4.1) σ 2 = E[(X − µ)2 ], " 3 # X −µ , σ " # X −µ 4 β=E , σ γ=E (4.2) (4.3) (4.4) where E[·] denotes the expectation of the variable. The probabilistic forecast issued is denoted P (X), with mean, m, variance, s2 , skewness, g, and kurtosis, b, defined in the same way. The perfect probabilistic forecast will have moments equal to those of the truth distribution: m = µ, s2 = σ 2 , g = γ, and b = β, etc. The proposed Error-spread Score, ES, is written ES = (s2 − e2 − esg)2 , (4.5) where the difference between the verification, z, and the ensemble mean, m, is the error in the ensemble mean, e = m − z, (4.6) and the verification, z, follows the truth probability distribution, Q. The mean value of the score is calculated over many forecast-verification pairs, both from different grid point locations and from different starting dates. A smaller average value of the score indicates a better forecast. The first two terms in the square of the right hand side of (4.5) are motivated by the errorspread relationship (1.26): for a reliable ensemble, it is expected that the ensemble variance, s2 , will give an estimate of the expected squared error in the ensemble mean, e2 (Leutbecher, 1 Note that kurtosis is used not excess kurtosis. The kurtosis of the normal distribution, βN = 3. 98 m s pdf (X) A B C D X Figure 4.1: Schematic illustrating how the Error-spread Score accounts for the skewness of the forecast distribution. The hypothetical pdf shown as a function of X is positively skewed, and has mean (m) and standard deviation (s) as indicated. See text for more details. 2010). However, with these two terms alone, the score is not proper. Consider the trial score, EStrial = (s2 − e2 )2 (4.7) It can be shown that the expected value of this score is not minimised by predicting the true moments, m = µ, s = σ. In fact it is minimised by forecasting m = µ + s2 = σ 2 1 + 2 γ 4 γσ 2 and s2 → s2 1 + (see Appendix B.1). The substitutions m → m + gs 2 and g2 4 transform the trial score into the Error-spread Score, (4.5), which can be shown to be a proper score (Section 4.4). The third term in the Error-spread Score can be understood as acknowledging that the full forecast pdf contains more information than is in the first two moments alone. This term depends on the forecast skewness, g. Consider the case when the forecast distribution is positively skewed (Figure 4.1). If the observed error is smaller than the predicted spread, e2 < s2 , the verification must fall in either section B or C in Figure 4.1. The skewed forecast distribution predicts the verification is more likely to fall in B, so this case is rewarded by the scoring rule. If the observed error is larger than the predicted spread, e2 > s2 , the verification must fall in either section A or D in Figure 4.1. Now, the forecast pdf indicates section D is the more likely of the two, so the scoring rule rewards a negative error e. The Error-spread Score is a function of the first three moments only. This can be understood by considering (4.7). When expanded, the resultant polynomial is fourth order in the verification, z. The coefficient of the z 4 term is unity, i.e. it is dependent on the fourth power of the verification only, so the forecaster cannot hedge his or her bets by altering the kurtosis 99 of the forecast distribution. The first term with a non-constant coefficient is the z 3 term, indicating that skewness is the first moment of the true distribution which interacts with the forecaster’s prediction. The forecast skewness is therefore important, and should appear in the proper score. If the score were based on higher powers, for example motivated from (sn − en )2 , the highest-order moment required would be the (2n − 1)st moment2 . 4.4 Propriety of the Error-Spread Score A scoring rule must be proper in order to be a useful measure of forecast skill. The ES can not be strictly proper as it is only a function of the moments of the forecast distribution — a pdf with the same moments as the true pdf will score equally well. However, it is important to confirm that the ES is a proper score. To test for propriety, we calculate the expected value of the score, assuming the verification follows the truth distribution (refer to Appendix B.2 for the full derivation). 2 E [ES] = (σ 2 − s2 ) + (µ − m)2 − sg(µ − m) + σ 2 (2(µ − m) + (σγ − sg))2 + σ 4 (β − γ 2 − 1) (4.8) In order to be proper, the expected value of the scoring rule must be minimised when the truth distribution is forecast. Appendix B.2 confirms that the truth distribution falls at a stationary point of the score, and that this stationary point is a minimum. Therefore, the scoring rule is proper, though not strictly proper, and is optimised by issuing the truth distribution. Appendix B.2 also includes a second test of propriety, from Bröcker (2009). 4.5 Decomposition of the Error-Spread Score It is useful to decompose a score into its constituent components, reliability and resolution, as it gives insight into the source of skill of a forecast. It allows the user to identify the strengths of one forecasting system over another. Importantly, it indicates the characteristics of the forecast which require improvement, providing focus for future research efforts. Many of the existing scoring rules have been decomposed into their constituent components. The BS (Brier, 1950) 2 2 Scores based on the magnitude of the error were also considered, for example, (|s| − |e|) , but a proper score could not be found. 100 has been decomposed in several ways (e.g. Sanders, 1963; Murphy, 1973, 1986). Similarly, the CRPS can be decomposed into two parts scoring reliability and resolution/uncertainty (Hersbach, 2000). Tödter and Ahrens (2012) show that a generalisation of IGN can also be decomposed into reliability, resolution and uncertainty components. In each of these cases, the decomposition allows the source of skill in a forecast to be identified. It is desirable to be able to decompose the ES into its constituent components as has been carried out for the BS and CRPS. Appendix B.3 shows that the ES score, as a proper score, can be decomposed into a reliability, resolution and uncertainty component: 2 J I X si gj e2i,j + Gi,j 1X 2 2 2 ES = Ni,j (si − ei,j ) + 2 | n i=1 j=1 {z } e i,j a {z } | b 2 } J I X G2i,j 1X G − (e2i,j − e2 )2 + e2i,j Ni,j − 2 2 n i=1 j=1 {z } e ei,j | c + n 1X G 2 (e − e2k )2 + e2k n k=1 e2 {z | e {z | !2 d − 2e3k G . 2 e (4.9) } The first term evaluates the reliability of the forecast. This has two components, a and b, which test the reliability of the ensemble spread and the reliability of the ensemble shape respectively. Term a is the squared difference between the forecast variance and the observed mean square error for that forecast variance. For a reliable forecast, these terms should be equal (Leutbecher and Palmer, 2008; Leutbecher, 2010). The smaller the term a, the more reliable the forecast spread. Term b is the squared difference between the measured shape factor, Gi,j , and the expression the shape factor takes if the ensemble spread and skew are accurate, −si gj e2i,j (B.41). If the forecast skewness, or ‘shape’, of the probability distribution is a good indicator of the skewed uncertainty in the forecast distribution, this term will be small. For both terms a and b, the sum is weighted by the number of forecast-verification pairs in each bin, Ni,j . The second term evaluates the resolution of the forecast. This also has two components, c and d, testing the resolution of the predicted spread and the resolution of the predicted shape respectively. Both terms evaluate how well the forecasting system is able to distinguish between 101 situations with different forecast uncertainty characteristics. Term c is the squared difference between the mean square error in each bin and the climatological mean squared error. If the forecast has high resolution, the spread of the forecast should separate predictions into cases with low uncertainty (low mean square error), and those with high uncertainty (high mean square error), resulting in a large value for term c. If the forecast spread does not indicate the expected error in the forecast, term c will be small as all binned mean squared errors will be close to the climatological value. Therefore a large absolute value of term c indicates high resolution in the predicted spread. This is subtracted when calculating the Error-spread Score, contributing to the low value of ES for a skilful forecast. Similarly, term d indicates the resolution of the skewness or shape of the ensemble forecast, evaluating the squared difference between the binned and climatological shape factors. If this term is large, the forecast has successfully distinguished between situations with different degrees of skewness in the forecast uncertainty: it has high shape resolution. Again, for both terms c and d, the sum is weighted by the number of forecast-verification pairs in each bin. The last term, e, is the uncertainty in the forecast, which is not a function of the binning process. It depends only on the measured climatological error distribution, compared to the individual measurements. Nevertheless, unlike for the Brier score decomposition, this term is not independent of the forecast system, and instead provides information about the error characteristics of the forecast system: a system with larger errors on average will have a larger uncertainty term. The term is reduced by reducing the mean square error in the forecast. 4.6 Testing the Error-Spread Score: Evaluation of Forecasts in the Lorenz ’96 System The experiments carried out in the L96 simplified model of the atmosphere described in Chapter 2 can be used to test the ES. Forecasts made using the additive stochastic parametrisation scheme are evaluated at a lead time of 0.9 model time units (∼ 4.5 atmospheric days). The other experimental details are identical to Chapter 2, including the details of the parametrisation scheme, and the number of ensemble members. The tunable parameters in the forecast model, the magnitude of the noise term (σn ) and the temporal autocorrelation of the noise term (φ), are varied, and the forecasts for each evaluated using three techniques. Figure 4.2(a) 102 shows the graphical error-spread diagnostic (Section The forecast-verification pairs are binned according to the variance of the forecast. The average variance in each bin is plotted against the mean square error in each bin. For a reliable forecast system, these points should lie on the diagonal (Leutbecher and Palmer, 2008). Figure 4.2(b) shows the reliability component of the Brier Score, REL (1.17), where the “event” was defined as “the Xk variable is in the top third of its climatological distribution”. Figure 4.2(c) shows the new Error-spread Skill Score (ESS), which is calculated with respect to the climatological forecast. The difficulty of analysing many forecasts using a graphical method can now be appreciated. Trends can easily be identified in Figure 4.2(a), but the best set of parameter settings is hard to identify. The stochastic forecasts with small magnitude noise (low σn ) are under-dispersive. The error in the ensemble mean is systematically larger than the spread of the ensemble, i.e. they are overconfident. However, the stochastic parametrisations with very persistent, large magnitude noise (large σn , large φ) are over dispersive and under-confident. Figure 4.2(b) shows REL evaluated for each parameter setting, which is small for a reliable forecast. It scores highly those forecasts where the variance matches the mean square error, such that the points in (a) lie on the diagonal. The ESS is a proper score, and is also sensitive to the resolution of the forecast. It rewards well calibrated forecasts, but also those which have a small error. The peak of the ESS in Figure 4.2(c) is shifted down compared to REL, and it penalises the large σn , large φ models for the increase in error in their forecasts. The ESS summarises Figure 4.2(a), and shows a sensitivity to both reliability and resolution as required of a proper score. 4.7 Testing the Error-Spread Score: Evaluation of MediumRange Forecasts The ESS was tested using ten day operational forecasts made with the ECMWF EPS. The EPS uses a spectral atmospheric model, the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) (described in detail in Section 5.2). The EPS is operationally run out to day ten with a horizontal triangular truncation of T6393 , with 62 vertical levels, and uses persisted sea surface temperature (SST) 3 The IFS is a spectral model, and resolution is indicated by the wave number at which the model is truncated. For comparison, a spectral resolution of T639 corresponds to 30 km resolution, or a 0.28o latitude/longitude grid at the equator. 103 (a) σ / σm 40 2.5 20 0 40 2.0 20 0 40 1.5 20 0 40 1.0 20 0 40 0.5 MS Error 0.0 20 0 40 20 0 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 MS Spread φ 0.000 0.882 0.969 (c) 2.5 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.005 1.0 0.007 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.94 0.92 0.9 φ 0.998 0.993 0.000 0.998 0.993 0.969 0.882 0.0 0.607 0.000 0.0 0.94 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.003 0.005 0.009 0.92 1.5 0.92 0.969 0.5 0.998 0.76 0.78 0.8 0.82 0.9 0.882 1.5 2.5 2.0 0.94 σ / σmeas σ / σmeas 2.0 0.993 0.607 (b) 0.607 φ Figure 4.2: (a) The Mean Square (MS) Error-Spread diagnostic, (b) the Reliability component of the Brier Score and (c) the Error-spread Skill Score, evaluated for forecasts of the L96 system using an additive stochastic parametrisation scheme. In each figure, moving Left–Right the autocorrelation of the noise in the forecast model, φ, increases. Moving Bottom–Top, the standard deviation of the noise, σn , increases. The individual figures in (a) correspond to different values of (φ, σm ). The bottom row of figures in (a) are blank because deterministic forecasts cannot be analysed using the MS Error-Spread diagnostic: there is no forecast spread to condition the binning on. 104 T 850 295 (a) EPS: 4oN 295 (b) DD: 4oN 300 (c) EPS: 53oN 300 294 294 290 290 293 293 280 280 292 292 270 270 291 291 260 260 290 290 250 250 289 0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 Longitude 289 0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 Longitude (d) DD: 53oN 13.3 20 26.7 33.3 40 46.7 13.3 20 26.7 33.3 40 46.7 Longitude Longitude Figure 4.3: The 4DVar analyses (black) of temperature at 850 hPa (T850) are compared to the ten-day ensemble forecasts (grey) at 11 longitudes at 4o N for (a) the EPS and (b) the DD system, and at 11 longitudes at 53o N for (c) the EPS and (d) the DD system. The forecasts are initialised on 19th April 2012 for all cases. The horizontal black dashed lines correspond to the deciles of the climatological distribution of T850 at this latitude. anomalies instead of a dynamical ocean model. The 50 member ensemble samples initial condition uncertainty using the EDA system (Isaksen et al., 2010). The perturbations prescribed by the EDA system are combined with perturbations from the leading singular vectors to define an ensemble which represents the initial condition uncertainty well (Buizza et al., 2008). The EPS system uses stochastic parametrisations to represent uncertainty in the forecast due to model deficiencies. The 50 ensemble members differ as each uses a different seed for the stochastic parametrisation schemes. Two stochastic parametrisation schemes are used: SPPT (Section and SKEB (Section Ten day forecasts are considered, initialised from 30 dates between April 14th and September 15th 2012, and separated from each other by five days. The high resolution 4D variational (4DVar) analysis (T1279, 16 km) is used for verification. Both forecast and verification fields are truncated to T159 (125 km) before verification. Forecasts of temperature at 850 hPa (T850 — approximately 1.5 km above ground level) are considered, and the ES evaluated as a function of latitude. For comparison, a perfect statistical probabilistic forecast is generated based on the high resolution T1279 operational deterministic forecast. This is defined in an analogous way to the idealised hypothetical forecasts in Leutbecher (2010). The error between the deterministic forecast and the 4DVar analysis is computed for each ten day forecast, and the errors grouped as a function of latitude. Each deterministic forecast is then dressed by adding a 50 member ensemble of errors to the deterministic forecast, where the errors are drawn from this latitudinally dependent distribution. The error distribution does not include spatial or temporal correlations. This dressed deterministic (DD) ensemble can be considered a “perfect statistical” forecast as the error distribution is correct if averaged over all time. However, the error 105 (b) 2 1 0 0 (c) 1.2 6 1 5 RMS Error 3 RMS Error RMS Error (a) 0.8 0.6 0.4 1 2 3 3 2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 RMS Spread 4 1 RMS Spread 1.2 1 2 4 6 RMS Spread Figure 4.4: RMS error-spread plot for forecasts made using the EPS (pale grey) and the DD system (dark grey). Ten day forecasts of T850 are considered for latitudes between (a) 18o S and 10o S, (b) 0o N and 8o N , and (c) 50o N and 60o N . The ensemble forecasts are sorted and binned according to their forecast spread. The standard deviation of the error in the ensemble mean in each bin is plotted against the RMS spread for each bin. For a reliable ensemble, these should lie on the diagonal shown (Leutbecher and Palmer, 2008). distribution is static: it does not vary from day to day as the predictability of the atmospheric flow varies. A useful score should distinguish between this perfect statistical forecast and the dynamic probabilistic forecasts made using the EPS. An example ten day forecast using these two systems is shown in Figure 4.3 for 11 longitudes close to the equator, and for 11 longitudes at mid-latitudes. The flow dependency of the EPS is evident — the spread of the ensemble varies with position giving an indication of the uncertainty in the forecast. The spread of the DD ensemble varies slightly, indicating the sampling error for a 50 member ensemble. Figure 4.4 shows the RMS error-spread diagnostic for three different latitude bands. On average, the DD is perfectly reliable — the mean of the scattered points lies on the diagonal for each case considered. However, the spread of the forecast does not indicate the error in the ensemble mean. In contrast, the EPS forecasts contain information about the expected error in the ensemble mean. The spread of the ESS is well calibrated, though at latitudes close to the equator it is slightly under-dispersive (Figure 4.4(b)). At a lead time of ten days, the RMS error between the deterministic forecast and the verification is higher than the RMS error in the ensemble mean for the lower resolution EPS. This difference is greatest at mid-latitudes, and can be observed in Figure 4.4(c). Figure 4.5 shows the skill of the EPS forecasts calculated using three different proper scores: ES, RPS and IGN. For each, the smaller the score, the better the forecast. The BS was also calculated, but the results were very similar to the RPS and so are not shown here. All scores agree that the skill of the EPS forecast is lower in mid-latitudes than at ±20o . However, they disagree as to the skill of the forecast near the equator. The RPS and IGN 106 6 5 Score 4 3 2 1 0 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 Latitude 40 60 80 Figure 4.5: Forecasting skill of the EPS as a function of latitude using the ES (solid); IGN calculated following Roulston and Smith (2002) (dot-dash), for ten events defined with respect to the deciles of the climatology; RPS dash, for ten events defined with respect to the deciles of the climatology. The ten day forecasts are compared with the 4DVar analysis for T850 and averaged over 30 initial dates in Summer 2012. The scores have been scaled to allow them to 1 , and the RPS by a factor of 5. be displayed on the same axes: the ES by a factor of 300 indicate a reduced skill at the equator, whereas ES indicates a higher skill there than at midlatitudes. The cause of this difference is that at the equator the climatological variability is much smaller than at midlatitudes, so the climatological deciles are closer together. This affects the scores conditioned on the climatological percentiles (RPS, IGN), which do not account for the spacing of the bins. At the equator, even if the forecast mean and verification are separated by several bins, the magnitude of the error is actually small. It seems unreasonable to penalise forecasts twice near the equator when calculating a skill score — the first time from the closer spaced bins, and the second time by calculating the skill score with respect to a more skilful climatological forecast. The ES score is not conditioned on the climatological percentiles, so is not susceptible to this. It rewards forecasts made close to the equator for their small RMS error when compared to forecasts made at other latitudes. Figure 4.6 shows skill scores for the EPS forecast calculated with reference to the DD forecast, using three different proper scores, ESS, RPSS and IGNSS. In each case, the skill score SS is related to the score for the EPS, SEPS , and for the DD, SDD by: SS = 1 − SEP S . SDD (4.10) The higher the skill score, the better the scoring rule is able to distinguish between the dynamic probabilistic forecast made using the EPS, and the statistical forecast using the DD ensemble. 107 1 Skill Score 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −100 −50 0 Latitude 50 100 Figure 4.6: Skill scores for the EPS forecast as a function of latitude. Three proper skill scores are calculated using the dressed deterministic forecast as a reference: the ESS (solid), IGNSS (dot-dash), RPSS (dash). The ten day T850 forecasts are compared with the 4DVar analysis and averaged over 30 initial dates in Summer 2012. Figure 4.6 indicates that the Error-spread Skill Score is considerably more sensitive to this property of an ensemble than the other scores, though it still ranks the skill of different latitudes comparably. All scores indicate forecasts of T850 at the equator are less skilful than at other latitudes: the ESS indicates there is forecast skill at these latitudes, though the other scores suggest little improvement over the climatological forecast — the skill scores are close to zero. It has been observed that the deterministic forecast has a larger RMS error than the mean of the EPS forecast. This will contribute to the poorer scores for the DD forecast compared to the EPS forecast. A harsher test of the scores is to compare the EPS forecast with a forecast which dresses the EPS ensemble mean with the correct distribution of errors. This dressed ensemble mean (DEM) forecast differs from the EPS forecast only in that it has a fixed (perfect) ensemble spread, whereas the EPS produces a dynamic, flow-dependent indication of forecast uncertainty. Figure 4.7 shows the skill of the EPS forecast calculated with respect to the DEM forecast. The ESS is able to detect the skill in the EPS forecast from the dynamic reliability of the ensemble. Near the equator, the EPS forecast is consistently under-dispersive, so has negative skill compared to the DEM ensemble, which has the correct spread on average (in Chapter 6, a new stochastic parametrisation scheme is proposed which substantially improves the spread of the ECMWF ensemble forecasts at equatorial latiudes). The skill observed when comparing the EPS to the DD forecast is due to the lower RMS error for the EPS forecast at equatorial latitudes. The other skill scores only indicate a slight improvement of the EPS over the DEM — compared to the ESS, they are insensitive to the dynamic reliability of a forecast. 108 0.5 0.4 Skill Score 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 Latitude 40 60 80 Figure 4.7: Skill Scores for the EPS forecast evaluated as a function of latitude. Three proper skill scores are calculated using the dressed deterministic forecast as a reference, where the ensemble mean is used as the deterministic forecast: the ESS (solid), IGNSS calculated following Roulston and Smith (2002) (dot-dash), RPSS (dash). The ten-day T850 forecasts are compared with the 4DVar analysis and averaged over 30 initial dates in Summer 2012. 4.8 Evaluation of Reliability, Resolution and Uncertainty for EPS forecasts The source of skill in the EPS forecasts can be investigated further by calculating the decomposition of the ES as a function of latitude and longitude. Operational ten-day forecasts made using the ECMWF EPS are considered, initialised from 30 dates between April 14th and September 15th in 2010, 2011 and 2012 respectively, and 10 dates from the same period in 2009: a large sample is required since the forecast is binned in two dimensions. As before, the high resolution 4D variational (4DVar) analyses (T1279, 16 km) are used for verification. Forecast and verification fields are truncated to T159 (125 km) before verification. Forecasts of T850 are considered. The bias (expected value of the error) in these forecasts is small (< 0.25% at any one latitude, < 0.05% globally), so the approximations made in deriving the decomposition are valid. To perform the decomposition, the forecast-verification pairs are sorted into ten bins of equal population according to the forecast standard deviation. Within each of these bins, the forecasts are sorted into 10 further bins of equal population according to their skewness. To increase the sample size, for each latitude-longitude point the forecast-verification pairs within a radius of 285 km are used in the binning process, which has the additional effect of spatially smoothing the calculated scores. The number of data points within a bin varies slightly depending on latitude, but is approximately 20. The average standard deviation and 109 skewness are calculated for each bin, as are the average error characteristics required by (4.9). The EPS is compared with the dressed ensemble mean (DEM) forecast described above. The decomposition of the ES should distinguish between this perfect statistical forecast and the dynamic probabilistic forecasts made using the EPS, and identify in what way the dynamic probabilistic forecast improves over the perfect statistical case. Figure 4.8(a) shows the forecasting skill of the EPS evaluated using the ES. The lower the value of the score, the better the forecast. A strong latitudinal dependency in the value of the score is observed, with better scores found at low latitudes. This can be attributed largely to the climatological variability, which is strongly latitudinally dependent. At high latitudes variability is greater, the mean square error is larger so the ES is larger. This is explained in more detail in Section 4.7 above. Figure 4.8(b) shows the forecasting skill of the EPS evaluated using the ES, where the ES has been calculated using the decomposition described in (4.9). The results are similar to using the raw ES, confirming the decomposition is valid. The small observed differences can be attributed to two causes. Firstly, the decomposition assumes that spread and skew are discrete variables constant within a bin, which is not true. Secondly, the decomposition uses neighbouring forecast-verification pairs to increase the sample size for the binning process, which is not necessary when the ES is evaluated using (4.5). Figure 4.8(c) shows the Error-spread Skill Score (ESS) calculated for the EPS with reference to the DEM forecasts following (4.10). A positive value of the skill score indicates an improvement over the DEM forecast whereas a negative value indicates the DEM forecast was more skilful. The results overwhelmingly indicate the EPS is more skilful than the DEM, with positive scores over much of the globe. The highest skill is found in two bands north and south of the equator in the western Pacific Ocean. There are some small regions with negative skill over equatorial land regions and over the equatorial east Pacific. It is these regions which are responsible for the negative ESS at low latitudes in Figure 4.7. To investigate the source of skill in the EPS compared to the DEM forecast, the decomposition of the ES was calculated for both sets of forecasts. Figure 4.9 shows the reliability, resolution and uncertainty terms calculated for the EPS (left hand column) and DEM (centre column) forecasts. Visually, the plots in the two columns look similar. Comparing Figure 4.9(a) and (b) indicates that the reliability term tends to be smaller for the EPS across much of the tropics, and comparing (d) and (e) shows that the resolution term tends to be smaller for 110 (a) 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 (b) 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 (c) 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 Figure 4.8: Forecasting skill of the EPS evaluated using the Error-spread Score. Ten day forecasts of T850 are compared with the 4DVar analysis and averaged over 100 dates sampled from April–Sept, 2009–2012. (a) The score is calculated the standard way using (4.5). (b) The score is calculated using the decomposition in (4.9). (c) The Error-spread Skill Score for the EPS forecast, calculated the standard way, with respect to the DEM forecast. For (a) and (b), the score is plotted on a logarithmic scale — a contour level of “n” indicates a score of 10n . 111 the DEM. The uncertainty term, shown in (g) and (h), is similar for the EPS and DEM. In Figure 4.9(b), the method of construction of the DEM forecast results in a strong horizontal banding across much of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The standard deviation of the DEM forecast is constant as a function of longitude, and the error characteristics are similar, so the reliability term is approximately constant. To ease comparison, Figures 4.9 (c), (f) and (i) show the skill score calculated for the EPS forecasts with reference to the DEM forecasts for the reliability, resolution and uncertainty components of the ES respectively. Figure 4.9(c) shows the ES reliability skill score. High skill scores indicate the EPS is more reliable than the DEM. Very high skill scores of greater than 0.8 are found in two bands north and south of the equator in the western Pacific Ocean, with lower positive scores observed over much of the Pacific Ocean. This indicates that the high skill in these regions, as indicated by the ESS, is largely attributable to an improvement in the reliability of the forecast. At polar latitudes and in the south east Pacific, the reliability skill score is negative, indicating the DEM is more reliable than the EPS. However in these regions, Figure 4.9(f) shows a ES resolution skill score that is large and negative. Because resolution contributes negatively to the total score, a large value of resolution is desirable and negative values of the resolution skill score indicate skill in the EPS forecast. At polar latitudes and in the south-east Pacific, the EPS forecasts have more resolution than the DEM forecasts. Therefore, despite their low reliability at these latitudes, the overall ESS indicates an improvement over the DEM. The improvement in ES in these regions can be attributed to an improvement in resolution of the forecast. At low latitudes, the resolution of the EPS is similar to that of the DEM. Figure 4.9(i) shows the ES uncertainty skill score. This is zero over much of the globe, indicating the EPS and DEM forecasts have very similar uncertainty characteristics. This is as expected, since the forecast error characteristics are near identical. The small deviations from zero can be attributed to sampling: the sample distribution of errors used to dress the deterministic forecast does not necessarily have a mean of zero. The ES decomposition has indicated in what ways the EPS forecast is more skilful than the DEM forecast, and has also highlighted regions of concern. It is of interest to see if this skill is reflected in other diagnostic tools. The calibration of the second moment of the ensemble forecast can be evaluated by constructing RMS error-spread diagrams, which test whether 112 3 (a) (b) (c) 2 1 0.5 1 0 0 −0.5 −1 −2 −1 (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Figure 4.9: Source of forecasting skill evaluated using the ESS, comparing the EPS and DEM forecasts. See text for more details. The reliability component of (a) the EPS forecasts and (b) the DEM forecasts. (c) The reliability skill score: positive values indicate the EPS is more reliable than the DEM forecast. The resolution component of (d) the EPS forecasts and (e) the DEM forecasts. (f) The resolution skill score: negative values indicate the EPS has more resolution than the DEM forecast. The uncertainty component of (g) the EPS forecasts and (h) the DEM forecasts. (i) The uncertainty skill score: positive values indicate the EPS has lower uncertainty than the DEM forecast. The colourbar in (a) also corresponds to figures (b), (d-e) and (g-h). The colourbar in (c) also corresponds to figures (f) and (i). In (a-b), (d-e) and (g-h), the components of the score are plotted on a logarithmic scale — a contour level of “n” indicates a score of 10n . 113 80 60 latitude / o N 40 Region 1 20 Region 2 0 −20 Region 3 −40 −60 −80 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 longitude / o E Figure 4.10: The three regions of interest defined by considering the decomposition of the ES. Region 1 is defined as 10 − 25o N, 120 − 200o E. Region 2 is defined as 0 − 8o N, 220 − 280o E. Region 3 is defined as 35 − 50o S, 200 − 280o E. (1.26) is followed. This diagnostic is a more comprehensive analysis of the calibration of the forecast, and can be used to identify the shortcomings of a forecast in more detail. The forecast-verification pairs are sorted and binned according to the forecast variance, and the RMS error and spread evaluated for each bin. The spread reliability and spread resolution can be identified on these diagrams. A forecast with high spread reliability has scattered points lying close to the diagonal line. If the range in vertical distribution in scattered points is large, the forecast has successfully sorted the cases according to their uncertainty, and the forecast has high resolution. Three regions of interest were defined by consideration of Figure 4.9. The three regions are indicated in Figure 4.10. Region 1 is defined as 10 − 25o N, 120 − 200o E, and covers the region in the north-west Pacific Ocean with a very high reliability skill score. Region 2 is defined as 0 − 8o N, 220 − 280o E, and covers the region in the east Pacific Ocean with very low (negative) reliability skill score. Region 3 is defined as 35 − 50o S, 200 − 280o E, and covers a region in the south-east Pacific Ocean with negative reliability skill score, but also a negative resolution skill score indicating an improvement in resolution. Figure 4.11 shows the RMS Error-Spread diagnostic evaluated for each region for both the EPS and DEM forecasts. This can be compared to the skill score for the ES reliability and resolution components averaged over each region, shown in Table 4.1. Figure 4.11(a) shows the results from region 1. As expected, the reliability of the EPS is markedly better than for the DEM, with the scattered points for the EPS forecasts falling on the diagonal as required for a statistically consistent ensemble forecast. There is a slight improvement in resolution, dominated by the cases with the highest uncertainty. This is reflected in Figure 4.9(f) and 114 (b) 2 (c) 1.5 RMS Error (a) 5 RMS Error RMS Error 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 1 1 2 0 4 3 2 0 1 2 1 1 RMS Spread RMS Spread 2 3 4 5 RMS Spread Figure 4.11: RMS Error-Spread plot for forecasts made using the EPS (pale grey) and the DEM system (dark grey). Ten day forecasts of T850 are considered for three regions: (a) region 1: 10 − 25o N , 120 − 200o E, (b) region 2: 0 − 8o N , 220 − 280o E and (c) region 3: 35 − 50o S, 200 − 280o E. The ensemble forecasts are sorted and binned according to their forecast spread. The RMS error in each bin is plotted against the RMS spread for each bin. For a reliable ensemble, these should lie on the diagonal shown (Leutbecher and Palmer, 2008) Region 1 2 3 RELSS RESSS 0.81 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.93 -1.19 Table 4.1: Skill scores for the reliability and resolution components of the ES (RELSS and RESSS respectively) for the ECMWF EPS forecast compared to the DEM forecast, for each of the three regions defined in the text. Table 4.1, which show an improvement in the region on average. In Figure 4.11(b), the results are shown for region 2. The reliability of the EPS forecast is indeed poorer than for the DEM forecast; the ensemble is consistently under-dispersive. However, the figure indicates an improvement in resolution in this region. This improvement can be traced to a tongue of very low resolution skill score extending north west from the Peruvian coast, visible in Figure 4.9(f). Figure 4.11(c) shows the results for region 3. As for region 2, the EPS forecast is less reliable than the DEM forecast being somewhat underdisersive, though the difference is less great than in region 2. The resolution of the EPS forecast is better than for the DEM forecast, as expected from the ES decomposition. The ES decomposition has correctly identified regions of interest for the ECMWF EPS which have particularly high or low skill with respect to the reliability or resolution of the forecast. Investigating these regions further using more complete, graphical tests of statistical consistency, can then indicate in what way the forecast is unreliable or has poor resolution. 115 Month 2−4: JJA (b) 1 (c) 1 0.5 RMS Error 0.5 RMS Error Month 5−7: SON 1 RMS Error Month 1 : M (a) 0.5 0.5 RMS Spread 0 0 1 1 (e) 1 0.5 RMS Error 0.5 0 0 0.5 RMS Spread 0 0 1 Month 2−4: DJF (d) RMS Error Month 1 : N 0.5 RMS Spread 1 0 0 0.5 RMS Spread 0.5 RMS Spread 1 Month 5−7: MAM (f) RMS Error 0 0 1 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 RMS Spread 1 Figure 4.12: RMS error-spread diagnostic for System 4 seasonal forecasts of SST initialised in (a–c) May and (d–e) November. Forecasts of the average SST over each season are considered, and compared to reanalysis. The upright dark grey triangles are for the Niño 3.4 region, the inverted mid-grey triangles are for the Equatorial Indian Ocean region, and the light grey circles are for the North Pacific region, where the regions are defined in the text. To increase the sample size for this diagnostic, the unaveraged fields of SSTs in each region are used instead of their regionally average value. 4.9 Application to Seasonal Forecasts Having confirmed that the Error-spread Score is a proper score, sensitive to both reliability and resolution, but that is particularly sensitive to the reliability of a forecast, the score can be used to evaluate forecasts made with the ECMWF seasonal forecasting system, System 4. In System 4, the IFS has a horizontal resolution of T255 (∼ 80 km grid) with 91 levels in the vertical. The IFS is coupled to the ocean model, Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO), and a 51 member ensemble forecast is produced out to a lead time of seven months. The forecasts are initialised from 1st May and 1st November for the period 1981–2010. These seasonal forecasts were provided by Antje Weisheimer (ECMWF, University of Oxford). Three regions are selected for this case study: the Niño 3.4 (N3.4) region is defined as 5o S − 5o N , 120 − 170o W , the equatorial Indian Ocean (EqIO) region is defined as 10o S − 10o N , 50 − 70o E, and the North Pacific (NPac) region is defined as 30 − 50o N , 130 − 180o W . The monthly and areally averaged SST anomaly forecasts are calculated for a given region, and compared to the analysis averaged over that region. The forecasts made with System 4 are compared to two reference forecasts. The climatological forecast is generated by calculating the mean, standard deviation and skewness of the areally averaged reanalysis SST for each 116 (a) (b) 1 ES ES 1 0.5 0 M J J A S O N Month 0.5 0 N D J F M A M Month 0.04 0.04 ES (d)0.06 ES (c) 0.06 0.02 0.02 (e) 0.1 (f) 0.1 ES 0 N D J F M A M Month ES 0 M J J A S O N Month 0.05 0 M J J A S O N Month 0.05 0 N D J F M A M Month Figure 4.13: The ES score as a function of lead time for forecasts of monthly averaged sea surface temperatures, averaged over each region. In each panel, the solid line with circle markers corresponds to the System 4 forecast, the solid line is for the climatological forecast, and the dashed line is for the persistence forecast. Panels (a)–(b) are for the Niño 3.4 region, (c)–(d) are for the Equatorial Indian Ocean region, and (e)–(f) are for the North Pacific region. The left (right) hand column is for forecasts initialised in May (November). region over the 30 year time period considered. This forecast is therefore perfectly reliable, though has no resolution. A persistence forecast is also generated. The mean of the persistence forecast is set to the average reanalysis SST for the month prior to the start of the forecast (e.g. April for the May initialised forecasts). The mean is calculated separately for each year, and analysis increments calculated as the difference between the SST reanalysis and the starting SST. The standard deviation and skewness of the analysis increments are calculated and used for the persistence forecast. Figure 4.12 shows the RMS error-spread diagnostic for each region calculated for each season. The spread of the forecasts for each region gives a good indication of the expected error in the forecast. However, it is difficult to identify which region has the most skilful forecasts: the EqIO has the smallest error on average, but the forecast spread does not vary greatly from the climatological spread. In contrast, the errors in the forecasts for the N3.4 region and the NPac region are much larger, but the spread of the ensemble also has a greater degree of flow dependency. Figure 4.13 shows the average ES score calculated for each region for the System 4 ensemble forecasts (solid line with circles), for the climatological forecast (solid line) and for the persist117 ence forecast (dashed line) for the May and November start dates respectively. The System 4 forecasts for the EqIO (panels (c) and (d)) have the lowest (best) ES for the forecast period for both start dates. However, this region shows little variability, so the climatological and persistence forecasts are also very skilful. In the NPac region (panels (e) and (f)), variations in SST are much greater, but show little long term signal: the ensemble is unable to forecast the observed variations, so the ES is higher in this region. The climatological and persistence forecasts are also poorer due to the high variability. System 4 forecasts for the N3.4 region also have a high ES. However, the climatological and persistence forecasts score very poorly, and have considerably higher ES than System 4 at all lead times for the May initialised forecasts, and at some lead times for the November initialised cases. This indicates that there is considerable skill in the System 4 forecasts for the N3.4 region: they contain significant information over that in the climatological or persistence forecasts. For the November start date, the persistence forecast is most skilful at short lead times though very poor at long lead times, and the climatological forecast is most skilful for the longest lead times but very poor at short lead times. The System 4 forecasts perform well throughout the time window. Consideration of Figure 4.13 also indicates how the ES balances scoring reliability and resolution in a forecast. Since the climatological and persistence forecasts are perfectly reliable by construction, the difference in their scores is due to resolution. Figure 4.14 shows the spread of each reference forecast as a function of lead time for all regions and both start dates. The skill of the reference forecasts as indicated by Figure 4.13 can be seen to be directly linked to their spread: the ES scores a reliable forecast with narrow spread as better than a reliable forecast with large spread. The strong seasonal dependency of the variability of SSTs in the N3.4 region explains the high skill of the climatological forecast for March–May, but low skill at other times. Figure 4.13 shows that the ES detects considerable skill in System 4 forecasts when compared to the climatological or persistence forecasts, but that this skill is dependent on the region under consideration and the time of year. The skill in the forecasts indicates that the full forecast pdf gives a reliable estimate of the uncertainty in the ensemble mean, and varies according to the predictability of the atmospheric flow. 118 (e) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 M J J A S O N Month σ σ (c) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 M J J A S O N Month σ σ σ σ (a) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 M J J A S O N Month (b) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 N D J F M A M Month (d) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 N D J F M A M Month (f) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 N D J F M A M Month Figure 4.14: The standard deviation of the climatological (solid line) and persistence (dashed line) reference forecasts for SST, as a function of forecast lead time. The forecasts were calculated using the analysis data over the time period analysed, 1981–2010. Panels (a)– (b) are for the Niño 3.4 region, (c)–(d) are for the Equatorial Indian Ocean region, and (e)–(f) are for the North Pacific region. The left (right) hand column is for forecasts initialised in May (November). 4.10 Conclusion A new proper score, the Error-spread Score (ES), has been proposed for evaluation of ensemble forecasts of continuous variables. It is unique as it is formulated purely with respect to moments of the ensemble forecast distribution, instead of using the full distribution itself. This means that the full forecast pdf does not need to be estimated or stored. It is suitable for evaluation of continuous forecasts, and does not require the discretisation of the forecast using bins, as is the case for the categorical Brier and Ranked Probability Scores. The score is designed to evaluate how well a forecast represents uncertainty: is the forecast able to distinguish between cases where the atmospheric flow is very predictable from those where the flow is unpredictable? A well calibrated probabilistic forecast that represents uncertainty is essential for decision making, and therefore has high value to the user of the forecast. The ES is particularly sensitive to testing this requirement. In a similar manner to other proper scores, the ES can be decomposed into reliability, resolution and uncertainty components. The ES reliability component evaluates the reliability of the forecast spread and skewness. This term is small if the forecast and verification are 119 statistically consistent, and the moments of the ensemble forecast are a good indication of the statistical characteristics of the verification. Similarly, the ES resolution component evaluates the resolution of the forecast spread and shape. This term contributes negatively to the ES, so a large resolution term is desirable. This term is large if the spread and skewness of the ensemble forecast vary according to the state of the atmosphere and the predictability of the atmospheric flow. The spread of a forecast system with high ES resolution separates forecast situations with high uncertainty (large mean square error) from those with low uncertainty. The ES uncertainty component depends only on the measured (climatological) error distribution, and is independent of the forecast spread or skewness. A forecast system with larger errors on average will have a larger (poorer) uncertainty component. The ESS was tested using forecasts made in the Lorenz ’96 system, and was found to be sensitive to both reliability and resolution as expected. The score was also tested using forecasts made with the ECMWF IFS. The score indicates that EPS forecasts, which have a dynamic representation of model uncertainty, are considerably more skilful than a dressed deterministic ensemble which does not have a flow dependent probability distribution. Existing scores are not particularly sensitive to this characteristic of probabilistic forecasts. The ES decomposition attributed the improvement in skill at low latitudes to an improvement in reliability, whereas the skill at higher latitudes was due to an improvement in resolution. The ES decomposition was used to highlight a number of regions of interest for the EPS, and the RMS error-spread diagnostic was calculated for these regions. The results were as expected from the ES decomposition, but also indicated in what way the forecast was reliable or showed resolution. The decomposition shown in this chapter is therefore a useful tool for analysing the source of skill in ensemble forecasts, and for identifying regions which can be investigated further using more comprehensive graphical diagnostic tools. The ESS was used to evaluate the skill of seasonal forecasts made using the ECMWF System 4 model. The score indicates significant skill in the System 4 forecasts of the Niño 3.4 region, as the ensemble is able to capture the flow-dependent uncertainty in the ensemble mean. The results indicate that the ESS is a useful forecast verification tool due to its ease of use, computational cheapness and sensitivity to desirable properties of ensemble forecasts. 120 5 Experiments in the IFS: Perturbed Parameter Ensembles But as the cool and dense Air, by reason of its greater Gravity, presses upon the hot and rarified, ’tis demonstrated that this latter must ascend in a continued stream as fast as it Rarifies – Edmund Halley, 1686 5.1 Introduction In Chapters 2 and 3, the impact of perturbed parameter and stochastic representations of model uncertainty on forecasts in the L96 system was considered. The results from that simple system indicated that the best stochastic parametrisations produced more skilful forecasts than the perturbed parameter schemes. However, the perturbed parameter ensembles were skilful in forecasting the weather of the system, and performed better than many of the sub-optimal stochastic schemes, such as those which used white noise. This chapter will extend the earlier work in the Lorenz ’96 system by comparing the performance of a stochastic and perturbed parameter representation of model uncertainty in the ECMWF convection scheme. Convection is generally acknowledged to be the parametrisation to which weather and climate models are most sensitive (Knight et al., 2007), and it is therefore imperative that the uncertainty originating in the parametrisation of convection is well represented. In Section 5.2, the ECMWF model, the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS), is described, 121 and its parametrisation schemes are outlined. In Section 5.3, a generalisation to SPPT is formulated which allows the stochastic perturbations to the convection tendency to be turned off and replaced with alternative schemes. Section 5.4 describes the perturbed parameter representations of model uncertainty which have been developed for this study. In Section 5.5, the experimental procedure and verification techniques are described, and results are presented in Section 5.6. In Section 5.7, the results are discussed and some conclusions are drawn. 5.2 The Integrated Forecasting System The IFS is the operational global weather forecasting model developed and operated by ECMWF. The following description refers to model version CY37R2, and the configuration which was operational in 2011. The IFS comprises several components (Anderson and Persson, 2013; ECMWF, 2012). The atmospheric general circulation model consists of diagnostic equations describing the physical relationship between pressure, density, temperature and height, together with prognostic equations describing the time evolution of horizontal wind speed (zonal, U, and meridional, V), temperature (T), humidity (q), and surface pressure. The model dynamical equations describe the evolution of the resolved-scale variables, while the effect of sub-grid scale processes is included using physically motivated, but statistically derived, parametrisation schemes. The atmospheric model contains a number of these parametrisation schemes, which will be discussed further in Section 5.2.1. Each scheme operates independently on each atmospheric vertical column. Two stochastic parametrisation schemes can be used to represent model uncertainty: SPPT (Section and SKEB (Section The atmospheric model is numerically integrated using a semi-Lagrangian advection scheme combined with a semi-implicit time integration scheme. Together, these provide stability and accuracy, enabling the use of larger time steps to reduce integration time. Horizontally, the IFS is a dual spectral/grid-point model. The dynamical variables are represented in spectral space to aid the calculation of horizontal derivatives and the time-stepping scheme. The physical parametrisations are spatially localised, so are implemented in grid-point space on a reduced Gaussian grid. The model then converts back and forth between grid-point and spectral space. Vertically, the atmospheric model is discretised using sigma co-ordinates. This is a hybrid co-ordinate system; near the surface, the sigma levels follow the orographic contours whereas higher in the atmosphere the sigma levels follow surfaces of constant pressure. 122 Physics Parametrisation Scheme Radiation Turbulence and Gravity Wave Drag Non-orographic Gravity Wave Drag Convection Large Scale Water Processes Abbreviation RDTT TGWD NOGW CONV LSWP Table 5.1: Physical parametrisation schemes in the IFS atmospheric model The atmospheric model is coupled to a land surface model — the H-TESSEL scheme (Hydrology-Tiled ECMWF Scheme for Surface Exchange over Land). The land within each grid box is represented by up to six different types of surface, with which the atmosphere exchanges water and energy. The atmospheric model is also coupled to an ocean wave model called “WAM”. The coupling allows the exchange of energy between wind and waves in both directions. Persisted SST anomalies are used out to day ten; the atmosphere and the ocean are coupled through exchanges of heat, momentum and mass. Data assimilation is used to calculate the starting conditions for the IFS forecasts. The four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4DVar) system combines information from observations with the physical description of the atmosphere contained in the model. This generates a physically reasonable estimate of the state of the atmosphere. However, this method produces no flow-dependent estimate of the uncertainty in the analysis. To estimate this, an ensemble of data assimilations (EDA) is generated: ten equally likely analyses are calculated at a resolution of T399 (Isaksen et al., 2010). They differ from each other due to the introduction of small perturbations in the observations and SST, as well as perturbations from SPPT. Operationally, the model is used to produce both a high resolution deterministic forecast and a lower resolution ensemble forecast out to a lead time of fifteen days. The deterministic model is run at a spectral resolution of T1279 (16 km) with 91 levels in the vertical and a time step of 10 minutes. A single forecast is made using unperturbed initial conditions from the 4DVar system, without the SPPT and SKEB parametrisation schemes in the forecast model. The EPS is operationally run with a spectral resolution of T639 (30 km) and 62 vertical levels, and with a time step of 20 minutes. The ensemble has fifty perturbed members and one control member. Initial condition uncertainty is sampled using the EDA system, combined with perturbations from the leading singular vectors. The stochastic parametrisations are activated to sample model uncertainty. 123 5.2.1 Parametrisation Schemes in the IFS There are five main parametrisation schemes in the IFS, shown in Table 5.1. The physics tendencies from these five schemes are combined with the dynamical tendencies using a technique called “fractional stepping” (Wedi, 1999). The schemes are called sequentially, and schemes called later use updated variables. This has the disadvantage of introducing intermediate time steps (hence “fractional stepping”) at which the tendencies are updated by each parametrisation scheme in turn. However, it has the advantage of ensuring a balance between the different physical parametrisation schemes. The first scheme to be called is the radiation scheme (RDTT), including both a long- and short-wave radiation calculation. The full radiation scheme is very expensive, so it is calculated on a coarser grid than the other parametrisation schemes, and the resultant tendencies interpolated to the required resolution. Furthermore, the scheme is not run at every time step: for the high resolution forecast, it is run once an hour, and for the EPS it is run once every three hours. The radiation scheme interacts with clouds: incoming short wave radiation is reflected by clouds, and the clouds emit long wave radiation. Since 2007, the Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation (McICA) approach has been used to account for clouds. The grid box is divided into a number of sub-columns, each of which has a cloud fraction of ‘0’ or ‘1’ at each vertical level. Instead of calculating the sum over all columns in a grid box and over all radiation intervals (which would be prohibitively expensive), a Monte Carlo approach is used whereby the radiative transfer calculation is performed for a single randomly selected sub column only. This will introduce unbiased random errors into the solution. The second scheme called accounts for vertical exchange of energy, momentum and moisture due to turbulence and gravity wave drag (TGWD). The scheme accounts for turbulent exchange between the surface and the lowest atmospheric levels. Atmospheric momentum is also affected by sub-grid scale orography. Orography exerts a drag on the atmospheric flow both from blocking the flow in the lowest levels, and due to reflection and absorption of gravity waves. The third scheme is the non-orographic gravity wave drag scheme (NOGW). Non-orographic gravity waves are generated by convection, the jet stream and frontogenesis. They are particularly important in the stratosphere and mesosphere, where they contribute to driving the Brewer-Dobson circulation, and the quasi-biennial and semi-annual oscillations. The convection parametrisation (CONV) is based on the mass-flux scheme of Tiedtke 124 (1989). The scheme describes three types of convective cloud: deep, shallow and mid-level. The convective clouds in a column are represented by a pair of entraining and detraining plumes of a given convective type, which describe updraft and downdraft processes respectively1 . The choice of convective type determines certain properties of the cloud (such as the entrainment formulation). The mass flux at cloud base for deep convection is estimated by assuming that deep convection acts to reduce convectively available potential energy (CAPE) over some specified (resolution dependent) time scale. Mid-level convection occurs at warm fronts. The mass flux at cloud base is set to be the large scale vertical mass flux at that level. For shallow convection, the mass flux at cloud base is derived by assuming that the moist static energy in the sub-cloud layer is in equilibrium. Finally, the large scale water processes (LSWP, or “cloud”) scheme contains the prognostic equations for cloud liquid water, cloud ice, rain, snow and cloud fraction. It builds on the scheme of Tiedtke (1993), but is a more complete description, including more prognostic variables and an improved representation of mixed phase clouds. Whereas the convection scheme calculates the effect of unresolved convective clouds, the cloud scheme calculates the impact of clouds which are resolved by the model. This means that the same cloud could be represented by a different parametrisation scheme if the resolution of the model changed. The IFS also contains parametrisations of methane oxidation and ozone chemistry. The tendencies from these schemes do not affect the variable tendencies perturbed by SPPT, so the schemes will not be considered further here. 5.3 Uncertainty in Convection: Generalised SPPT The operational SPPT scheme addresses model uncertainty in the IFS due to the physics parametrisation schemes by perturbing the physics tendencies using multiplicative noise; the word ‘tendency’ refers to the change in a variable over a time step. SPPT perturbs the sum of the parametrisation tendencies: T = 5 X ∂X Pi . = D + K + (1 + e) ∂t i=1 1 (5.1) Entrainment is the mixing of dry environmental air into the moist convective plume, while detrainment is the reverse. 125 where T is the total tendency in X. D is the tendency from the dynamics, K is horizontal diffusion, Pi is the tendency from the ith physics scheme in Table 5.1, and e is the zero mean random perturbation. The scheme perturbs the tendency for four variables: T , U , V and q. Each variable tendency is perturbed using the same random number field. The perturbation field is generated using a spectral pattern generator. The pattern at each time step is the sum of three independent random fields with horizontal correlation scales of 500, 1000 and 2000 km. These fields are evolved in time using an AR(1) process on time scales of 6 hours, 3 days and 30 days respectively, and the fields have standard deviations of 0.52, 0.18 and 0.06 respectively. It is expected that the smallest scale (500 km and 6 hours) will dominate at a 10 day lead time — the larger scale perturbations are important for monthly and seasonal forecasts. SPPT does not distinguish between the different parametrisation schemes. However, the parametrisation schemes likely have very different error characteristics, so this assumption may not be valid. In particular, this chapter considers alternative, perturbed parameter representations of model uncertainty in convection. In order to test a perturbed parameter scheme in convection, it is necessary to be able to ‘switch off’ the SPPT perturbations for the convection parametrisation tendency. A generalised version of SPPT was developed for this chapter, building on earlier work by Alfons Callado Pallares (AEMET)2 . In this scheme, the multiplicative noise is applied separately to the tendencies from each physics parametrisation scheme, T =D+K + 5 X (1 + ei )Pi , (5.2) i=1 where the stochastic field, ei , for the convection tendency can be set to zero. In order to detect an improvement in the representation of uncertainty in the convection scheme, the uncertainty in the other four schemes must be well represented. In this experiment, SPPT is used to represent uncertainty in the other four schemes, applying the same stochastic perturbation to each scheme. The stochastic perturbations are three-scale fields with the same characteristics as used in operational SPPT. The SKEB scheme (Section represents a process that is otherwise missing from the model, so will be used in these experiments. The results of Chapters 2 and 3 indicate that a multiplicative stochastic parametrisation scheme is a skilful representation of model uncertainty in the Lorenz ’96 system. Using SPPT 2 See Section 1.9 for an outline of the code changes to the IFS which have been incorporated from Callado Pallares, and the changes which have been developed as part of this thesis. 126 to represent convective uncertainty is therefore a good benchmark when testing the perturbed parameter schemes outlined below. The Lorenz ’96 system also indicated that multiplicative and additive noise stochastic schemes produced skilful forecasts. It would be interesting to test an additive noise scheme in addition to SPPT for the convective tendencies. Additive noise represents uncertainty in the convection tendency when the deterministic tendency is zero. This uncertainty could be due to the model discretisation, or from errors in the formulation of the convection parametrisation scheme which cannot be captured by a multiplicative noise scheme. However, additive noise schemes will not be investigated further here. Implementing an additive noise scheme in the IFS is problematic in the context of convection (Martin Leutbecher, pers. comm., 2013). The deterministic convection parametrisation acts to vertically redistribute heat and moisture in the atmosphere, drying some levels, and moistening by an equivalent amount at others. A multiplicative noise term does not disrupt this balance. However, an additive term would disrupt this balance, and developing and implementing an additive scheme which preserves the balance is outside the scope of this thesis. 5.4 Perturbed Parameter Approach to Uncertainty in Convection 5.4.1 Perturbed Parameters and the EPPES When developing a parametrisation scheme, parameters are introduced to represent physical processes within the scheme. For example, in the entraining plume model of convection, the degree to which dry environmental air is turbulently mixed into the plume is assumed to be proportional to the inverse of the radius of the plume, with the constant of proportionality defined to be the entrainment coefficient. This is a simplification of the true processes involved in the convective cloud, and because of this and the sparsity of the required environmental data, physical parameters such as the entrainment coefficient are poorly constrained. However, the evolution of convective clouds and the resultant effects on weather and ultimately global climate are very sensitive to these parameters, and to the entrainment coefficient in particular (Sanderson et al., 2008). Because of this, perturbed parameter models have been proposed to represent the uncertainty in predictions due to the uncertainty in these parameters. In a perturbed parameter ensemble, the values of a selected set of parameters are sampled 127 from a distribution representing the uncertainty in their values, and each ensemble member is assigned a different set of parameters. These parameters are fixed globally and for the duration of the integration. The parameter distribution is usually determined through “expert elicitation” whereby scientists with the required knowledge and experience of using the parametrisation suggest upper and lower bounds for the parameter (Stainforth et al., 2005). No information about the relationships between parameters is included in the ensemble, though unrealistic simulations can be removed from the ensemble later (Stainforth et al., 2005). The poorly constrained nature of these physical parameters can have adverse effects on high-resolution deterministic integrations. Tuning the many hundreds of parameters in atmospheric models is a difficult, lengthy, costly process, usually performed by hand. An attractive alternative is the use of a Bayesian parameter estimation approach. This seeks to provide the probability distribution of parameters given the data, and provides a framework for using new data from forecasts and observations to update prior knowledge or beliefs about the parameter distribution (Beck and Arnold, 1977). One specific proposed technique is the Ensemble Prediction and Parameter Estimation System (EPPES) (Järvinen et al., 2012; Laine et al., 2012), which runs on–line in conjunction with an operational ensemble forecasting system. At the start of each forecast, a set of parameter values for each ensemble member is sampled from the parameters’ joint distribution. The joint distribution is updated by evaluating the likelihood function for the forecast and observations after the verifying observations are available. Note that this may be many days after the forecast was initialised, so other perturbed parameter ensemble forecasts will have been initialised in the meantime. In this way, the EPPES approach differs from a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, which updates the parameter distribution before each new draw. My collaborators, Peter Bechtold (ECMWF), Pirkka Ollinaho (Finnish Meteorological Institute) and Heikki Järvinen (University of Helsinki), have used this approach with the IFS to better constrain four of the parameters in the convection scheme: ENTRORG, ENTSHALP, DETRPEN, RPRCON: • ENTRORG represents organised entrainment for positively buoyant deep convection, with a default value of 1.75 × 10−3 m−1 . • ENTSHALP × ENTRORG represents shallow entrainment, and the default value for ENTSHALP is 2. 128 • DETRPEN is the average detrainment rate for penetrative convection, and has a default value of 0.75 × 10−4 m−1 . • RPRCON is the coefficient for determining the conversion rate from cloud water to rain, and has a default value of 1.4 × 10−3 . The likelihood function used was the geopotential height at 500 hPa for a ten day forecast. The resultant optimised value of each parameter was used in the high resolution deterministic forecast model, and many of the verification metrics were found to improve when compared to using the default values (Pirkka Ollinaho, pers. comm., 2013). This is very impressive, since the operational version of the IFS is already a highly tuned system. The EPPES approach also produces a full joint pdf for the chosen parameters. Since Gaussianity is assumed, this takes the form of a covariance matrix for the four parameters. This information is useful for model tuning as it can reveal parameter correlations, and can therefore be used to identify redundant parameters. However, the joint pdf also gives an indication of the uncertainty in the parameters. I have been provided with this information, which I have used to develop a perturbed parameter representation of uncertainty for the ECMWF convection scheme. 5.4.2 Method The EPPES approach was used to determine the posterior distribution of four parameters in the ECMWF convection scheme at T159. This was calculated in terms of a mean vector, M (i) and covariance matrix with elements Σi,j , where i = 1 represents ENTRORG, i = 2 represents ENTSHALP, i = 3 represents DETRPEN, and i = 4 represents RPRCON. 0.182804e − 02 0.214633e + 01 M = 0.778274e − 04 0.151285e − 02 129 0.9648e − 07 −0.2127e − 04 −0.4199e − 09 −0.1839e − 07 −0.2127e − 04 0.9255e − 01 0.1318e − 05 −0.3562e − 04 Σ= −0.4199e − 09 0.1318e − 05 0.5194e − 10 −0.1134e − 08 −0.1839e − 07 −0.3562e − 04 −0.1134e − 08 0.4915e − 07 By comparison with the default values, the M vector indicates the degree to which the parameters should be changed to optimise the forecast. The off-diagonal terms in the Σ matrix indicate there is significant covariance between parameters. This highlights one of the problems with using “expert elicitation” to define parameter distributions — such distributions contain no information about parameter inter-dependencies. Fixed Perturbed Parameter Distribution The usual method used in perturbed parameter experiments is a fixed perturbed parameter ensemble (Murphy et al., 2004; Sanderson, 2011; Stainforth et al., 2005; Yokohata et al., 2010). Each ensemble member is assigned a set of parameter values which are held constant spatially and over the duration of the integration. Such ensembles are traditionally used for climate–length integrations. It will be interesting to see how well such an ensemble performs at representing uncertainty in weather forecasts. The multivariate normal distribution supplied by Bechtold, Ollinaho and Järvinen in October 2012 was sampled to give N sets of the four parameters, where the number of ensemble members, N = 50. The procedure for this is as follows. N sample vectors, zn (1 ≤ n ≤ N ), are drawn from the four-dimensional standard multivariate normal distribution (M = 1, Σ = I). The Cholesky decomposition is used to find matrix A, such that AAT = Σ: 3.1062E − 4 −6.8490E − 2 A= −1.3518E − 6 0 0 0 2.9641E − 1 0 0 4.1332E − 6 5.7470E − 6 0 −5.9200E − 5 −1.3387E − 4 −1.1492E − 4 1.2048E − 4 130 The samples from the standard multivariate distribution are transformed to samples from the correct parameter distribution, xn , using the transformation: xn = M + Azn (5.3) Two types of fixed perturbed parameter ensemble are considered here. The first uses the same fifty sets of four parameters for all starting dates (“TSCP”). Sampling of the parameters is performed offline: Latin hypercube sampling is used to define fifty percentiles at which to sample the standard multivariate normal distribution, before (5.3) is used to transform to parameter space. This technique ensures the joint distribution is fully explored. The covariance of the resultant sample is checked against the EPPES covariance matrix; 10,000 iterations found a sample whose covariance matrix differed by less than 5% from the true matrix. The sampled parameter values are shown in Table 5.2. The second type of fixed perturbed parameter ensemble uses N new sets of parameters for each initial condition (“TSCPr”). This sampling is performed online, and the samples are not optimised. However, when forecasts from many starting conditions are taken together, the ensemble is sufficient to fully sample the joint pdf. Stochastically Varying Perturbed Parameter Distribution Khouider and Majda (2006) recognise that a problem with many deterministic parametrisation schemes is the presence of parameters that are “nonphysically kept fixed/constant and spatially homogeneous”. An alternative to the fixed perturbed parameter ensemble described above is a stochastically varying perturbed parameter ensemble (“TSCPv”) where the parameter values are varied spatially and temporally following the EPPES distribution. However, the EPPES technique contains no information about the correct spatial and temporal scales on which to vary the parameters. Since the likelihood function is evaluated at day ten of the forecast, the set of parameters must perform well over this time window to produce a skilful forecast; this indicates that ten days could be a suitable temporal scale. The likelihood function evaluates the skill of the forecast using the geopotential height at 500 hPa. The likelihood function will therefore focus on the midlatitudes, where the geopotential height has high variability. A suitable spatial scale could therefore be ∼ 1000 km. The SPPT spectral pattern generator is a suitable technique for stochastically varying the parameters in the convection scheme. It generates a spatially and temporally correlated field of random numbers. 131 Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Selected Permutations ENTRORG ENTSHALP DETRPEN 1.8203e-3 2.4122e-3 1.6561e-3 1.1054e-3 2.0785e-3 1.7574e-3 1.9311e-3 1.6377e-3 1.8987e-3 1.5554e-3 1.4116e-3 1.5061e-3 1.9821e-3 1.9148e-3 2.0575e-3 1.2438e-3 1.4471e-3 1.6914e-3 1.3696e-3 1.5985e-3 2.1007e-3 1.9999e-3 1.7084e-3 2.5506e-3 1.8514e-3 1.8047e-3 1.8358e-3 1.9477e-3 1.7890e-3 1.6740e-3 1.7733e-3 2.3390e-3 1.8828e-3 2.2864e-3 2.1500e-3 1.9647e-3 1.5776e-3 1.6185e-3 2.2445e-3 1.5317e-3 2.0375e-3 2.2090e-3 1.7413e-3 2.1779e-3 1.4782e-3 2.1244e-3 1.3171e-3 1.8671e-3 2.0184e-3 1.7250e-3 2.3121e+0 1.7785e+0 1.9652e+0 2.4199e+0 1.4016e+0 1.8280e+0 2.2220e+0 2.4955e+0 1.9838e+0 2.4064e+0 2.1398e+0 2.2247e+0 2.3726e+0 2.3462e+0 2.3785e+0 2.2379e+0 2.1781e+0 2.6139e+0 1.9646e+0 2.0827e+0 2.7757e+0 1.8012e+0 2.2402e+0 2.0698e+0 2.1935e+0 1.9516e+0 2.1223e+0 2.1125e+0 2.3366e+0 2.1128e+0 2.0756e+0 2.5212e+0 1.9526e+0 1.8812e+0 1.5878e+0 2.6737e+0 2.5651e+0 2.5899e+0 1.6171e+0 1.9515e+0 2.2471e+0 2.3014e+0 2.2027e+0 1.6718e+0 2.5573e+0 1.9506e+0 1.8954e+0 2.1600e+0 2.2348e+0 1.6116e+0 8.7197e-5 6.8076e-5 6.8473e-5 8.0037e-5 7.5603e-5 6.4998e-5 8.9559e-5 7.8693e-5 7.6484e-5 7.5846e-5 6.7459e-5 8.3208e-5 8.0642e-5 8.5138e-5 7.5289e-5 7.3377e-5 8.0664e-5 7.6817e-5 7.4865e-5 7.8839e-5 9.9625e-5 7.8752e-5 8.1817e-5 7.2315e-5 7.3820e-5 7.9388e-5 7.5268e-5 7.7636e-5 7.9808e-5 7.6250e-5 7.1866e-5 8.4617e-5 8.0540e-5 7.4853e-5 7.2808e-5 8.4574e-5 8.6837e-5 8.1101e-5 6.7066e-5 8.3194e-5 7.9687e-5 7.0050e-5 8.2246e-5 5.7394e-5 9.0479e-5 7.9765e-5 8.4434e-5 7.8113e-5 7.7212e-5 6.8595e-5 RPRCON 1.3731e-3 1.5406e-3 1.6606e-3 1.5757e-3 1.4454e-3 1.6689e-3 1.1177e-3 1.4802e-3 1.3189e-3 1.4879e-3 1.7171e-3 1.4336e-3 1.3901e-3 1.3017e-3 1.4298e-3 1.9182e-3 1.5861e-3 1.5926e-3 1.8839e-3 1.8027e-3 9.2852e-4 1.5595e-3 1.4210e-3 1.6063e-3 1.6587e-3 1.6842e-3 1.6807e-3 1.3370e-3 1.5194e-3 1.6079e-3 1.8394e-3 1.1419e-3 1.4474e-3 1.5983e-3 1.6111e-3 1.2773e-3 1.2864e-3 1.3479e-3 1.7770e-3 1.3346e-3 1.3254e-3 1.4242e-3 1.4821e-3 1.6127e-3 1.2180e-3 1.3744e-3 1.6384e-3 1.5982e-3 1.4772e-3 2.1027e-3 Table 5.2: Chosen perturbed convection parameters for the fixed perturbed parameter experiment. 132 In this experiment the standard SPPT settings were used in the pattern generator. A three scale composite pattern is used which has the same spatial and temporal correlations as used in SPPT. The standard deviations of these independent patterns are 0.939 (smallest scale), 0.325 and 0.108 (largest scale) to give a total standard deviation of 1. These settings vary the parameters faster and on smaller spatial scales than the scales to which EPPES is sensitive, as estimated above. However it will still be useful as a first test, and when combined with the fixed perturbed parameter ensemble (varying on an ∞ spatial and temporal scale), it can provide bounds on the skill of such a representation of model uncertainty. The SPPT pattern generator is used to generate four independent composite fields with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. The correct covariance structure is introduced using the transformation matrix, A: xi,j,t = M + Azi,j,t , where the indices i, j refer to latitude and longitude and t refers to time. The parameters do not vary as a function of height since the convection parametrisation is applied columnwise in the model. The resultant four covarying fields are used to define the values of the four convection parameters as a function of position and time. 5.5 Experimental Procedure Parameter estimation was carried out with the EPPES system using IFS model version CY37R3 for 45 dates between 12 May 2011 and 8 August 2011, with forecasts initialised every 48 hours. The same model version is used here for consistency. Different initial dates to those used to estimate the joint pdfs must be selected (an out of sample test), but taken from the same time of the year since the EPPES estimated pdfs may be seasonally dependent. In order to detect improvements in the model uncertainty representation, it is important that initial condition uncertainty is well represented in the ensemble forecast. The best technique possible will be used, which for the IFS involves using hybrid EDA/singular vector estimates for the perturbations. The initial dates used must be after June 2010, when the EDA system became operational. The selected dates for the hindcasts are therefore from Summer 2012. The parametrisation schemes will be tested at T159 (1.125◦ ) using a fifty member ensemble forecast. The schemes are tested using ten-day hindcasts initialised every five days between 14 April and 6 September 2012 (30 dates in total). Persistent SSTs are used instead of a dynamical ocean. The high-resolution ECMWF 4DVar analysis is used for verification. 133 Other Four Tendencies: SPPT Convection: Zero TSCZ Convection: SPPT TSCS TSCP Convection: Perturbed Parameters (constant) Convection: Perturbed Parameters (resampled) TSCPr Convection: Perturbed Parameters (varying) TSCPv Table 5.3: Proposed experiments for investigating the representation of uncertainty in the ECMWF convection parametrisation scheme. Five experiments are proposed to investigate the representation of model uncertainty in the convection scheme in the IFS (Table 5.3). In each experiment, the uncertainty in the other four parametrisation tendencies (radiation, turbulence and gravity wave drag, non-orographic gravity wave drag, large scale water processes) is represented by SPPT (“TS”). In the first experiment, there is no representation of uncertainty in the convection tendency (“CZ”). In the second, SPPT is used to represent uncertainty in the convection tendency (“CS” — equivalent to the operational SPPT parametrisation scheme). In the final three, uncertainty in the convection tendency is represented by a static perturbed parameter ensemble, with and without resampling of parameters for different start dates (“CPr” and “CP” respectively), and by a stochastically varying perturbed parameter ensemble (“CPv”). In order to compare the different representations of convection model uncertainty, the SPPT scheme must correctly account for uncertainty in the other four tendencies. Therefore verification will be performed in a two stage process. Firstly, the calibration of the ensemble will be checked in a region with little uncertainty due to convection, i.e., where there is little convective activity. The five experiments in Table 5.3 should perform very similarly in this region as they have the same representation of uncertainty in the other four tendencies. Secondly, a region where convection is the dominant process will be selected to test the different uncertainty schemes. Given that model uncertainty has been accounted for in the other four parametrisations using SPPT, and that a region has been selected where the model uncertainty is dominated by deep convection, a scheme which accurately represents uncertainty in deep convection will give a reliable forecast in this region, and any detected improvements in forecast skill can be attributed to an improvement in representation of uncertainty in the convection scheme. 134 (a) 90 latitude / o N 60 30 0.6 0 −30 0.5 −60 −90 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 0.4 longitude / o E (b) 0.3 90 latitude / o N 60 0.2 30 0 0.1 −30 −60 −90 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 0 o longitude / E Figure 5.1: Convection diagnostic (colour) derived from the IFS tendencies calculated as part of the YOTC project (see text for details). (a) Regions where the diagnostic is close to zero (bounded by grey boxes), indicating there is little convection. (b) Regions where the diagnostic is large (bounded by grey box), indicating convection is the dominant process. 5.5.1 Definition of Verification Regions The regions of interest are defined using the Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC) dataset from ECMWF. YOTC was a joint WCRP and World Weather Research Programme/The ObservingSystem Research and Predictability Experiment (WWRP/THORPEX) project which aimed to focus research efforts on the problem of organised tropical convection. The ECMWF YOTC dataset consists of high resolution analysis and forecast data for May 2008 — April 2010. In particular, the IFS parametrisation tendencies were archived at every time step out to a lead time of ten days. The 24-hour cumulative temperature tendencies at 850 hPa for each parametrisation scheme are used. Forecasts initialised from 30 dates between 14 April and 6 September 2009 are selected, with subsequent start dates separated by five days. To identify regions where convection is the dominant process, the ratio between the magnitude of the convective tendency and the sum of the magnitudes of all tendencies is calculated, and is shown in Figure 5.1. This diagnostic 135 can be used to define regions where there is little convection (the ratio is close to zero) or where convection dominates (the ratio greater than 0.5). Since the forecasting skill of the IFS is strongly latitudinally dependent, both the regions with little convection and with significant convection are defined in the tropics (25◦ S–25◦ N). Both regions are approximately the same size, and cover areas of both land and sea. Any differences in the forecast verification between these two regions will be predominantly due to convection. 5.5.2 Chosen Diagnostics Four variables of interest have been selected which will be used to verify the forecasts. Temperature and zonal wind at 850 hPa (T850 and U850 respectively), correspond to fields at approximately 1.5 km altitude, and falls above the boundary layer in many places. The geopotential height at 500 hPa (Z500) is a standard ECMWF diagnostic variable. It is particularly useful in the extra-tropics where it shows characteristic features corresponding to low and high pressure weather systems. The zonal wind at 200 hPa (U200) is particularly interesting when considering convection. This is because 200 hPa falls close to the tropopause, where deep convection is capped. Convective outflow often occurs at this level, which can be detected in U200. For each variable, the impact of the schemes will be evaluated using a number of the diagnostics described in Chapter 1: • Bias (Section • RMSE compared to RMS spread (Section • RMS error-spread graphical diagnostic (Section • Forecast skill scores: RPSS, IGNSS, ESS (Sections and, and Chapter 4 respectively) In convecting regions, precipitation (PPT) and total column water vapour (TCWV) will also be considered. PPT is a parametrised product of the convection and large scale water processes parametrisation schemes, so an improvement to the convection scheme should be detectable by studying this variable. The convection scheme effectively redistributes and removes moisture from the atmosphere, so an improvement in TCWV could be indicative of an improvement in the convection scheme. 136 (a) (b) T 850 U 850 0.05 10 0 8 −0.1 % Bias % Bias −0.05 −0.15 −0.2 6 4 2 −0.25 0 −0.3 −2 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 lead time / hrs (c) 100 150 200 lead time / hrs (d) Z 500 U 200 0.05 2 0 −0.05 % Bias % Bias 0 −0.1 −2 −4 −6 −8 −0.15 −10 −0.2 0 50 100 150 200 0 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 5.2: Percentage forecast bias in tropical regions with little convection as a function of time for (a) T850, (b) U850, (c) Z500 and (d) U200. Results are shown for the five experiments: black — TSCZ; blue — TSCS; red — TSCP; magenta — TSCPr; green — TSCPv. The bias is calculated as described in the text, and given as a percentage of the root mean square of the analysis in the region of interest. The red line is obscured by the magenta line in each figure. 5.6 5.6.1 Verification of Forecasts Verification in Non-Convecting Regions Firstly, the impact of the different representations of model uncertainty will be considered in the non-convecting regions defined in Figure 5.1(a). Figure 5.2 shows the percentage bias of forecasts, calculated following (1.24), for regions of little convection. This is a useful diagnostic, as it can indicate the presence of systematic errors in a forecast. A small change is observed in the bias when different uncertainty schemes are used, and in particular the TSCPv scheme (green) performs well for all variables considered. As expected, the TSCP and TSCPr schemes (red and magenta respectively) perform similarly — the bias in the ensemble mean is unaffected by whether the parameter perturbations are resampled for each initial condition. For U850, Z500 and U200, the TSCZ scheme (black) outperforms the TSCS scheme (blue), a result which will be discussed in Section 5.7. The impact of the uncertainty schemes on the calibration of the ensemble can be summarised by evaluating the RMS error in the ensemble mean and the RMS ensemble spread as a function of time within the region of interest, which should be equal for a well calibrated ensemble. 137 T 850 (a) U 850 (b) 3.5 3 RMS RMS 2 1.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 lead time / hrs Z 500 150 200 U 200 (d) 160 8 140 7 120 6 RMS RMS (c) 100 lead time / hrs 100 80 5 4 60 3 40 20 0 2 50 100 150 200 0 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 5.3: Temporal evolution of root mean square ensemble spread (dashed lines) and root mean square error (solid lines) for regions with little convection for (a) T850, (b) U850, (c) Z500 and (d) U200. Results are shown for the five experiments: black — TSCZ; blue — TSCS; red — TSCP; magenta — TSCPr; green — TSCPv. The grey curves indicate the results for the operational (T639) EPS forecasts for comparison. The red line is obscured by the magenta line in each figure. Figure 5.3 shows this diagnostic for the regions with little convection. Forecasts are observed to be slightly under-dispersive for all variables. The underdispersion is large for Z500, but is small for the other variables (note that the y-axes do not start at zero). For comparison, the RMS spread and error curves are also shown for operational ensemble forecasts at T639 (grey). At this higher resolution the ensemble spread is similar, but the RMSE is smaller. The low resolution (T159) used in the five test experiments is responsible for the higher RMSE and therefore contributes to the under-dispersive nature of the ensemble. A more comprehensive understanding of the calibration of the ensemble can be gained by considering the RMS error-spread diagnostic. The forecast-verification pairs are collected for each spatial point in the region of interest for each starting condition. These pairs are ordered according to their forecast variance, and divided into 30 equally populated bins. The RMS spread and RMSE are evaluated for each bin and displayed on scatter plots. Figure 5.4 shows this diagnostic for regions with little convection at lead times of one, three and ten days. The scattered points should lie on the one-to-one diagonal, shown in black, for a statistically consistent ensemble following (1.26). The diagnostic indicates a large degree of flow-dependent spread in the ensemble forecasts, with scattered points lying close to the one-to-one line. The 138 T850 forecasts are particularly well calibrated, and the spread of the U850 and U200 forecasts are also a skilful indicator of the expected error for all five experiments. The Z500 forecasts show little flow dependency at short lead times, but improve when the longer ten-day forecasts are considered. As expected, the results from the five experiments are very similar, and show moderately under-dispersive but otherwise well calibrated forecasts. 5.6.2 Verification in Convecting Regions The previous section indicates that the model uncertainty in the other four tendencies is sufficiently well represented by SPPT. This section considers forecasts for the strongly convecting regions defined in Figure 5.1(b) to evaluate the impact of the new uncertainty schemes. Figure 5.5 shows the percentage bias for forecasts of T850, U850, Z500 and U200 in this region for the five different schemes considered. The bias is similar for all schemes; no one scheme is systematically better or worse than the others. Figure 5.6 shows the RMS error and spread as a function of time averaged over all cases for all points within the region of interest. The RMS error in the forecast is similar for all experiments — the perturbed parameter ensembles have not resulted in an increase in error over the operational scheme, except for a slight increase for T850. However, the fixed perturbed parameter ensemble (red/magenta) has resulted in an increase in spread over the operational TSCS forecast (blue). This is especially large for T850, where the observed increase is 25% at long lead times. Interestingly, the TSCZ ‘deterministic convection’ forecasts of T850 also result in an increase in ensemble spread over TSCS. This is a counter-intuitive result, as it is expected that using a stochastic parametrisation would increase the spread of the ensemble. This result will be discussed in Section 5.7, and motivates the experiments carried out in Chapter 6. For comparison, the results for the operational EPS are also shown in grey. As is the case in regions with little convection, some of the ensemble under-dispersion at T159 is due to an increased forecast RMSE compared to the operational T639 forecasts, though the forecasts are under-dispersive at both resolutions. Figure 5.7 shows the RMS error-spread graphical diagnostic for the five forecast models in regions with significant convection. The impact of the different schemes is slight. However, there is a larger difference than in regions with little convection (see Figure 5.4). All schemes remain well calibrated, and do not show large increases in error compared to the operational 139 (a) (b) (c) 3 2.5 4 1.5 1 2 RMSE RMSE RMSE 2 2 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 1 2 Forecast Spread (d) 0 0 1 2 3 Forecast Spread (e) 5 4 1.5 1 RMSE 3 RMSE 2 2 1 0.5 0 0 (g) 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 Forecast Spread 2 4 Forecast Spread (f) 4 2.5 RMSE 3 0 0 1 2 3 Forecast Spread (h) 2 4 Forecast Spread (i) 300 60 20 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 Forecast Spread (k) 4 8 3 6 RMSE RMSE (j) 2 2 4 Forecast Spread 10 8 4 0 0 100 200 Forecast Spread (l) 2 1 0 0 100 0 0 20 40 Forecast Spread 200 RMSE 0 0 RMSE RMSE RMSE 100 40 6 4 2 2 4 6 Forecast Spread 0 0 5 10 Forecast Spread Figure 5.4: Root mean square error-spread diagnostic for tropical regions with little convection for (a)–(c) T850, (d)–(f) U850, (g)–(i) Z500 and (j)–(l) U200, at lead times of 1 day (first column), 3 days (second column) and 10 days (third column) for each variable. Results are shown for the five experiments: black — TSCZ; blue — TSCS; red — TSCP; magenta — TSCPr; green — TSCPv. For a well calibrated ensemble, the scattered points should lie on the one-to-one diagonal shown in black. 140 (a) (b) T 850 0.05 0 −5 −0.05 % Bias % Bias U 850 0 −0.1 −10 −15 −0.15 −0.2 0 50 100 150 −20 0 200 50 lead time / hrs (c) 100 150 200 lead time / hrs (d) Z 500 U 200 0 20 15 −0.1 % Bias % Bias −0.05 −0.15 5 −0.2 −0.25 0 10 50 100 150 0 0 200 50 lead time / hrs 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 5.5: Percentage forecast bias in tropical regions with significant convection as a function of time for (a) T850, (b) U850, (c) Z500 and (d) U200. Results are shown for the five experiments: black — TSCZ; blue — TSCS; red — TSCP; magenta — TSCPr; green — TSCPv. The bias is calculated as described in the text, and given as a percentage of the root mean square of the analysis in the region of interest. The red line is obscured by the magenta line in each figure. T 850 (a) U 850 (b) 0.9 3.5 0.8 3 RMS RMS 0.7 0.6 2.5 2 0.5 1.5 0.4 0.3 0 1 50 100 150 200 0 50 lead time / hrs Z 500 (c) 100 150 200 lead time / hrs U 200 (d) 7 6 RMS RMS 150 100 5 4 3 50 2 0 50 100 150 200 0 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 5.6: Temporal evolution of root mean square ensemble spread (dashed lines) and root mean square error (solid lines) for regions with significant convection for (a) T850, (b) U850, (c) Z500 and (d) U200. Results are shown for the five experiments: black — TSCZ; blue — TSCS; red — TSCP; magenta — TSCPr; green — TSCPv. The grey curves indicate the results for the operational (T639) EPS forecasts for comparison. The red line is obscured by the magenta line in each figure. 141 TSCS forecasts. The fixed perturbed parameter schemes (red and magenta) have larger spread than the other schemes, which is most apparent for T850 in Figures 5.7(a–c). TSCS (blue) has the most under-dispersive ensemble at long lead times, though is better calibrated than the other experiments at short lead times. The TSCPv experiment has intermediate spread, improving on TSCS but under-dispersive compared to the TSCP experiments. The skill of the forecasts is evaluated using the RPS, IGN and ES as a function of lead time, and the skill scores evaluated with respect to the climatological forecast for the convecting region. The results are shown in Figure 5.8 for each variable of interest. There is no significant difference between the TSCP and TSCPr forecasts according to the skill scores. The TSCP/TSCPr schemes score highly for a range of variables according to each score: they perform significantly better than the other forecasts for T850 according to RPSS and IGNSS, for U850 according to IGNSS and ESS, and for Z500 according to all scores (see Appendix A for details of significance testing). For U200, the TSCS forecasts are significantly better than the other forecasts, and the TSCZ forecasts are significantly poorer. However for the other variables, TSCS performs comparatively poorly, and often produces significantly the worst forecasts. This is probably due to the poorer forecast ensemble spread. Precipitation Forecasts The impact of the different model uncertainty schemes on forecasts of convective precipitation is a good indicator of improvement in the convection scheme. However, it is difficult to verify precipitation forecasts as measurements of precipitation are not assimilated into the IFS using the 4DVar or EDA systems, unlike T, U and Z. One option is to use short-range high resolution (T1279) deterministic forecasts for verification. However, there are known problems with spinup for accumulated fields like precipitation — the model takes a few time steps to adjust to the initial conditions (Kaallberg, 2011). Instead, the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) dataset is used for verification of precipitation forecasts. The GPCP, established by the WCRP, combines information from a large number of satellite and ground based sources to estimate the global distribution of precipitation. The data set used here is the One-Degree Daily (1DD) product (Huffman et al., 2001), which has been conservatively re-gridded onto a T159 reduced Gaussian grid to allow comparison with the IFS forecasts. Figure 5.9 shows the RMS error-spread diagnostic for convective precipitation. All forecasts 142 (a) (b) (c) 2 1.5 1.2 1.5 0.8 0.6 RMSE 1 RMSE RMSE 1 1 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Forecast Spread (d) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Forecast Spread (e) 0.5 1 1.5 Forecast Spread (f) 3 1.5 RMSE 5 2 RMSE RMSE 6 4 2.5 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 0.5 0.5 1 1 1.5 2 2.5 Forecast Spread 1 2 3 Forecast Spread (g) 1 (h) (i) 80 250 200 200 40 150 RMSE 60 RMSE RMSE 2 3 4 5 Forecast Spread 100 150 100 50 20 20 40 60 Forecast Spread 50 20 (j) 40 60 80 100 Forecast Spread 50 100 150 Forecast Spread (k) (l) 5 3 10 5 8 RMSE RMSE RMSE 4 6 4 3 2 6 4 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 Forecast Spread 2 4 6 Forecast Spread 2 4 6 8 10 Forecast Spread Figure 5.7: Root mean square error-spread diagnostic for tropical regions with significant convection for (a)–(c) T850, (d)–(f) U850, (g)–(i) Z500 and (j)–(l) U200, at lead times of 1 day (first column), 3 days (second column) and 10 days (third column) for each variable. Results are shown for the five experiments: black — TSCZ; blue — TSCS; red — TSCP; magenta — TSCPr; green — TSCPv. For a well calibrated ensemble, the scattered points should lie on the one-to-one diagonal shown in black. 143 (a) (b) (c) 0.4 1 0.3 0.98 0.2 0.96 0.6 0.4 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.5 0.1 0.94 0.3 0 0.92 0.2 0 100 −0.1 0 200 lead time / hrs 0.9 0 200 lead time / hrs (d) 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6 (f) 0.95 0.5 0.4 0.2 0 100 200 0.9 0.85 0.3 0.5 200 1 ESS 0.7 100 lead time / hrs (e) 0.9 IGNSS RPSS 100 0.8 0 lead time / hrs 100 200 0 lead time / hrs (g) 100 200 lead time / hrs (h) (i) 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.8 0 0.6 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.4 −0.2 0 −0.4 −0.2 −0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200 0 lead time / hrs 100 −0.2 0 200 lead time / hrs (j) (k) 0.8 100 200 lead time / hrs (l) 0.6 1 0.6 0.5 0.95 0.4 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.7 0.4 0.3 0 0.9 0.2 0.85 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure 5.8: Ensemble forecast skill scores calculated for tropical regions with significant convection. First column: Ranked Probability Skill Score. Second column: Ignorance Skill Score. Third column: Error-spread Skill Score. (a)–(c) T850, (d)–(f) U850, (g)–(i) Z500 and (j)–(l) U200. Results are shown for the five experiments: black — TSCZ; blue — TSCS; red — TSCP; magenta — TSCPr; green — TSCPv. The red line is obscured by the magenta line in each figure. 144 (a) (b) (c) 0.015 0.015 0.005 0.005 0 0 0.01 RMSE 0.01 RMSE RMSE 0.015 0.005 0.01 Forecast Spread 0 0 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.01 Forecast Spread 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Forecast Spread Figure 5.9: RMS error-spread diagnostic for cumulative convective precipitation for the 24 hour window before a lead time of (a) 1 day, (b) 3 days and (c) 10 days. The diagnostic is calculated for tropical regions with significant convection. Results are shown for the five experiments: black — TSCZ; blue — TSCS; red — TSCP; magenta — TSCPr; green — TSCPv. For a well calibrated ensemble, the scattered points should lie on the one-to-one diagonal shown in black. are under-dispersive, and the different uncertainty schemes have only a slight impact on the calibration of the ensemble. Figure 5.10(b) indicates more clearly the impact of the different schemes on the ensemble spread and error. On average, the TSCZ scheme is significantly the most under-dispersive and has a significantly larger RMSE. The two stochastic schemes, TSCS and TSCPv, have significantly the smallest error. TSCS has significantly the largest spread at short lead times, and TSCP and TSCPr have significantly the largest spread at later lead times. Figure 5.10(a) shows the bias in forecasts of convective precipitation. The stochastic schemes, TSCS and TSCPv, have the smallest bias over the entire forecasting window. Figures 5.10(c)– (e) show the forecast skill scores for convective precipitation. TSCS is significantly the best between days three and five according to RPS and ES. TSCZ is significantly the poorest according to RPS, but the other schemes score very similarly. ES and IGN also score TSCZ as significantly the worst at early lead times, but at later lead times, no one scheme is significantly different to the others. It is important for a model to capture the spatial and temporal characteristics of precipitation. The global frequency distribution of rain rate (in mm/day) was considered for the different forecast models and compared to the GPCP 1DD dataset. The results are shown in Figure 5.11. All five forecast models perform similarly well, and no one model performs particularly well or poorly compared to the others. All forecasts under-predict the proportion of low rain rates and over predict the proportion of high rain rates when compared to the GPCP data set (grey), but overall predict the distribution of rain rates well. The spatial distribution of cumulative precipitation (convective plus large scale) was also 145 (a) (b) −3 x 10 6 8 5 7 3 RMS % Bias 4 2 1 6 5 0 −1 0 100 200 0 lead time / hrs (c) 200 (d) (e) 0.6 0.25 −0.05 0.5 0.2 −0.1 0.4 0.15 0.1 0 100 200 ESS 0 IGNSS RPSS 100 lead time / hrs −0.15 0.3 −0.2 0.2 −0.25 0.1 0 100 200 lead time / hrs lead time / hrs 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure 5.10: Summary forecast diagnostics for 24 hour cumulative convective precipitation (prior to the indicated lead time) in tropical regions with significant convection. (a) Percentage bias. (b) Temporal evolution of RMS ensemble spread (dashed lines) and error (solid lines) averaged over the region. (c) Ranked Probability Skill Score. (d) Ignorance Skill Score. (e) Error-spread Skill Score. Results are shown for the five experiments: black — TSCZ; blue — TSCS; red — TSCP; magenta — TSCPr; green — TSCPv. The red line is obscured by the magenta line in each figure. 0 10 −1 10 −2 probability 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 −6 10 −7 10 0 50 100 150 Rain Rate / mm in 24 hours Figure 5.11: Probability distribution of rain rate (mm/24hrs) evaluated globally. The distribution has been normalised to 1, given that rain is observed in each 24 hour window. The observed result from the GPCP dataset (grey) is compared to the five experiments: TSCZ (solid black), TSCS (blue), TSCP (red), TSCPr (magenta) and TSCPv (green). 146 considered for the different forecast models. All schemes performed equally well (not shown). When compared to the GPCP data, all showed too much precipitation over the ocean, and in particular forecast intensities of rain in the intertropical and South Pacific convergence zones that were higher than observed. The results were indistinguishable by eye — the difference between forecast and observations is far greater than the differences between different forecasts. Total Column Water Vapour The impact of the different model uncertainty schemes on forecasts of total column water vapour (TCWV) is also a good indicator of improvement in the convection scheme. Figure 5.12 shows the RMS error-spread diagnostic for TCWV. The forecasts for this variable are poorly calibrated when compared to convective precipitation. The RMSE is systematically larger than the spread, and the slope of the scattered points is too shallow. This shallow slope indicates that the forecasting system is unable to distinguish between cases with low and high predictability for this variable — the expected error in the ensemble mean is poorly predicted by the ensemble spread. The different forecast schemes show a larger impact than for forecasts of precipitation — the TSCS model produces forecasts which are under-dispersive compared to the other forecasts. Figure 5.13 shows (a) the bias, (b) the RMSE and spread as a function of time, and (c)–(e) the forecast skill scores for each experiment. Figure (b) shows that the TSCPv forecasts have significantly the largest spread at lead times of 24 hours and greater. The TSCS forecasts have significantly the smallest spread at later lead times, but also significantly the largest error at all lead times. Figure 5.13 (a) shows the bias is also largest for the TSCS forecasts, and Figure 5.13 (c–e) indicates the skill is the lowest. An early version of SPPT was found to dry out the tropics, and resulted in a decrease in TCWV of approximately 10% (Martin Leutbecher, pers. comm., 2013). This was corrected in a later version. It is possible that TCWV could be sensitive to the proposed perturbed parameter representations of model uncertainty. The average TCWV between 20◦ N and 20◦ S is averaged over all start dates separately for each ensemble member, and is shown in Figure 5.14. Initially, all experiments show a drying of the tropics of approximately 0.5 kgm−2 over the first 12 hours, indicating a spin-up period in the model. The TSCZ, TSCS and TSCPv forecasts then stabilise. However, each ensemble member in the TSCP model has vastly different behaviour, with some showing systematic drying, and others showing systematic moistening over the ten day forecast. 147 (a) (b) 5 (c) 7 6 4 8 2 RMSE RMSE RMSE 5 3 4 3 6 4 2 1 2 1 1 (a) 2 3 4 Forecast Spread 5 2 4 6 Forecast Spread (b) 2 (c) 4 6 8 Forecast Spread Figure 5.12: RMS error-spread diagnostic for total column water vapour for lead times of (a) 1 day, (b) 3 days and (c) 10 days. The diagnostic is calculated for tropical regions with significant convection. Results are shown for the five experiments: black — TSCZ; blue — TSCS; red — TSCP; magenta — TSCPr; green — TSCPv. For a well calibrated ensemble, the scattered points should lie on the one-to-one diagonal shown in black. (a) (b) −1 6 5 RMS % Bias −1.5 −2 4 3 −2.5 2 0 50 100 150 200 0 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs (c) (e) (d) 0.7 IGNSS RPSS 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.95 0.2 0.9 0.1 0.3 0 0.2 −0.1 0.1 0 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs ESS 0.6 −0.2 0 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs 0 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 5.13: Summary forecast diagnostics for total column water vapour in tropical regions with significant convection. (a) Percentage bias. (b) Temporal evolution of RMS ensemble spread (dashed lines) and error (solid lines) averaged over the region. (c) Ranked Probability Skill Score (d) Ignorance Skill Score. (e) Error-spread Skill Score. Results are shown for the five experiments: black — TSCZ; blue — TSCS; red — TSCP; magenta — TSCPr; green — TSCPv. The red line is obscured by the magenta line in each figure. 148 (b) Average TCWV/ kgm−2 Average TCWV/ kgm−2 (a) 41 40.5 40 39.5 39 38.5 0 50 200 40.5 40 39.5 39 38.5 0 40 39.5 39 38.5 0 50 100 150 200 100 150 200 Lead Time/ hrs 41 40.5 40 39.5 39 38.5 Lead Time/ hrs (e) 50 (d) 41 Average TCWV/ kgm−2 Average TCWV/ kgm−2 150 40.5 Lead Time/ hrs (c) Average TCWV/ kgm−2 100 41 0 50 100 150 200 Lead Time/ hrs 41 40.5 40 39.5 39 38.5 0 50 100 150 200 Lead Time/ hrs Figure 5.14: Average total column water vapour (TCWV) between 20◦ S and 20◦ N as a function of time. The spatial average is calculated for each ensemble member averaged over all start dates, and the averages for each of the fifty ensemble members are shown. Results are shown for the five experiments: (a) TSCZ, (b) TSCS, (c) TSCP, (d) TSCPr and (e) TSCPv. The TSCPr model does not show this behaviour to the same extent. Figure 5.15 shows an alternative diagnostic. The TCWV is averaged over the region. The average and standard deviation of this diagnostic is calculated over all ensemble members and start dates. The average TCWV is similar for all experiments. The standard deviation initially decreases for all experiments. However, at longer lead times, the standard deviation increases for both TSCP and TSCPr, indicating differing trends in TCWV for different ensemble members for both experiments. 5.7 Discussion and Conclusion The results presented above show that the perturbed parameter schemes have a positive impact on the IFS, though the impact is relatively small. Introducing the TSCP/TSCPr schemes 149 (a) Ensemble Mean TCWV/ kgm−2 41 40.5 40 39.5 39 38.5 0 50 100 150 Lead Time/ hrs 200 50 100 150 Lead Time/ hrs 200 (b) σ( TCWV )/ kgm−2 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0 Figure 5.15: The total column water vapour (TCWV) is averaged between 20◦ S and 20◦ N as a function of time. The (a) mean and (b) standard deviation are then calculated over all ensemble members and start dates. Results are shown for the five experiments: black — TSCZ, blue — TSCS, red — TSCP, magenta — TSCPr and green — TSCV. 150 (defined in Table 5.3) does not lead to increased bias in T850, U850, Z500 or U200, indicating that systematic errors in these fields have not increased. An increase in ensemble spread is observed when the perturbed parameter schemes are used to represent uncertainty in convection instead of SPPT, and the TSCP/TSCPr forecasts have significantly the largest spread for T850, U850 and Z500 forecasts, which Figure 5.7 indicates is flow-dependent. The perturbed parameter schemes produce significantly the most skilful forecasts of T850, U850 and Z500 as ranked by the RPSS, IGNSS and ESS. These results indicate that using a fixed perturbed parameter ensemble instead of SPPT improves the representation of uncertainty in convection. However, the fixed perturbed parameter ensembles remain under-dispersive. While an increase in spread is observed when the perturbed parameter schemes are used to represent uncertainty in convection compared to SPPT, a substantial proportion of this increase is also observed in Figure 5.6 when SPPT is switched off for the convection scheme (this counter-intuitive result is analysed in Chapter 6). Since SPPT is switched off for convection in TSCP and TSCPr, this indicates that the parameter perturbations are contributing only slightly to the spread of the ensemble, and much of the spread increase can be attributed to this decoupling of the convection scheme from SPPT (see Section 6.5 for further experiments which confirm this “decoupling” hypothesis). The small impact of the perturbed parameter scheme indicates that such schemes are not fully capturing the uncertainty in the convection scheme at weather forecasting time scales. This is surprising as the parameter uncertainty has been explicitly measured and used to develop the scheme. The TSCPv scheme had a positive impact on the skill of the weather forecasts, and significantly improved over the TSCZ and TSCS forecasts for many diagnostics. The impact on spread and skill was smaller than the static perturbed parameter schemes. It is possible that the parameter perturbations vary on too fast a time scale for a significant impact to be observed — if the parameters varied more slowly, a larger, cumulative effect could be observed in the forecasts. It would be interesting to test the TSCPv scheme using a longer correlation time scale to test this hypothesis. The two types of perturbed parameter scheme presented here represent fundamentally different error models. Fixed perturbed parameter schemes are based on the ansatz that there exists some optimal (or “correct”) value of the parameters in the deterministic parametrisation scheme. Even using EPPES, the optimal parameters cannot be known with certainty, 151 so a perturbed parameter ensemble samples from a set of likely parameter values. The fixed perturbed parameter ensembles tested in this chapter were under-dispersive, and did not fully capture the uncertainty in the forecasts. This indicates that fixed parameter uncertainty is not the only source of model uncertainty, and that fixed perturbed parameter ensembles cannot be used alone to represent model uncertainty in an atmospheric simulation. While parameter uncertainty could account for systematic errors in the forecast, the results indicate that some component of the error cannot be captured by a deterministic uncertainty scheme. In particular, perturbed parameter ensembles are unable to represent structural uncertainty due to the choices made when developing the parametrisation scheme, and a different approach is required to represent uncertainties due to the bulk formula assumption. The second error model recognises that in atmospheric modelling there is not necessarily a “correct” value for the parameters in the physics parametrisation schemes. Instead there exists some optimal distribution of the parameters in a physical scheme. Since in many cases the parameters in the physics schemes have no direct physical interpretation, but represent a group of interacting processes, it is likely that their optimal value may vary from day to day, or from grid box to grid box, or on larger scales they may be seasonally or latitudinally dependent. A stochastically perturbed parameter ensemble represents this parameter uncertainty. The stochastically perturbed parameter scheme also underestimated the error in the forecasts. Even generalised to allow varying parameters, parameter uncertainty is not the only source of model uncertainty in weather forecasts. Not all sub-grid scale processes can be accurately represented using a statistical parametrisation scheme, and some forecast errors cannot be represented using the phase space of the parametrised tendencies. The EPPES indicated that the uncertainty in the convection parameters was moderate, and smaller than expected (Heikki Järvinen, pers. comm., 2013). The results presented here also indicate larger parameter perturbations could be necessary to capture the uncertainty in the forecast from the convection scheme. However, the average tropical total column water vapour indicates that even these moderate perturbations are sufficient for biases to develop in this field over the ten day forecast period. The ensemble members with different sets of parameters have vastly different behaviours, with some showing a systematic drying and others a systematic moistening in this region. This is very concerning. The second diagnostic presented indicates that TSCPr also has the problem of systematic drying or moistening for individual ensemble 152 members depending on the model parameters, and suggests that this is a fundamental problem with using a fixed perturbed parameter ensemble. The fact that this problem develops noticeably over a ten day window indicates that this could be a serious problem in climate prediction, where longer forecasts could result in even larger biases developing. This result supports the conclusions made in Chapter 3 in the context of L96, where individual perturbed parameter ensemble members were observed to have vastly different regime behaviour. The TSCPv forecasts did not develop biases in this way, as the parameter sets for each ensemble member varied over the course of the forecast, which did not allow these biases to develop. Therefore, stochastically varying perturbed parameter ensembles could be an attractive way of including parameter uncertainty into weather and climate forecasts. A particularly interesting and counter-intuitive result is that removing the stochastic perturbations from the convection tendency resulted in an increase in forecast spread for some variables. This is observed for T850, U850 and TCWV in both regions considered, and for Z500 and U200 in non-convecting regions. SPPT perturbs the sum of the physics tendencies. It does not represent uncertainty in individual tendencies, but assumes uncertainty is proportional to the total tendency. The increase in spread for TSCZ forecasts compared to TSCS forecasts suggests that convection could act to reduce the sum of the tendencies, resulting in a smaller SPPT perturbation. This is as expected from the formulation of the parametrisation schemes in the IFS, and will be discussed further in Section 6.1. Perturbing each physics tendency independently would allow for an estimation of the uncertainty in each physics scheme, potentially improving the overall representation of model uncertainty. This is the subject of the next chapter. Despite the reduced spread, the TSCS scheme outperforms the TSCZ scheme according to other forecast diagnostics. The error in T850 forecasts is reduced using the TSCS scheme, reflected by higher skill scores for this variable, and TSCS is significantly more skilful than TSCZ at lead times of up to 3 days for U850 and Z500. Additionally, TSCS results in an increase of spread for U200 and convective precipitation compared to TSCZ. At this point, it is important to remember that the parametrisation tendencies are not scalar quantities, but are vectors of values corresponding to the tendency at different vertical levels, and that SPPT uses the same stochastic perturbation field at each vertical level3 . The convection parametrisation 3 The perturbation is constant vertically except for tapering in the boundary layer and the stratosphere. 153 scheme is sensitive to the vertical distribution of temperature and humidity, and it is possible that the tendencies output by the convection parametrisation scheme act to damp or excite the scheme at subsequent time steps. Therefore perturbing the convective (vector) tendency using SPPT could lead to an increased variability in convective activity between ensemble members through amplification of this excitation process. Since both U200 and convective precipitation are directly sensitive to the convection parametrisation scheme, these variables are able to detect this increased variability, and show an increased ensemble spread as a result. In fact, TSCS has significantly the most skilful forecasts out of all five experiments between days three and ten for U200, and between days three and five for convective precipitation. T850, U850 and Z500 are less sensitive to convection than U200 and precipitation. Since in general the total perturbed tendency is reduced for TSCS compared to TSCZ, this could lead to the reduction in ensemble spread observed for these variables. The experiments presented in this chapter have used the IFS at a resolution of T159. This is significantly lower than the operational resolution of T639. Nevertheless, the experiments give a good indication of what the impact of the different schemes would be on the skill of the operational resolution IFS. In Chapter 6, results are presented for T159 experiments which were repeated at T639; the same trends can be observed at the higher resolution. Therefore, the low resolution runs presented in this chapter can be used to indicate the expected results of the models at T639, and can suggest whether it would be interesting to run further experiments at higher resolution. 154 6 Experiments in the IFS: Independent SPPT The only relevant test of the validity of a hypothesis is comparison of prediction with experience. – Milton Friedman, 1953 6.1 Motivation The generalised stochastically perturbed parametrisation tendencies (SPPT) scheme developed in the previous chapter allowed the SPPT perturbation to be switched off for the convection tendency and replaced with a perturbed parameter scheme. However, it also enables one to perturb the five IFS physics schemes with independent random fields. In the operational SPPT, the uncertainty is assumed to be proportional to the total net tendency, whereas this generalisation to SPPT assumes that the errors from the different parametrisation schemes are uncorrelated, and that the uncertainty in the forecast is proportional to the individual tendencies. The standard deviation of the perturbed tendency, σtend , using operational SPPT is given by 2 σtend = σn2 5 X i=1 Pi !2 , (6.1) where σn is the standard deviation of the noise perturbation and Pi is the parametrised tendency from the ith physics scheme. This can be compared to the standard deviation using 155 independent SPPT (SPPTi): 2 σtend = 5 X i=1 σi2 Pi2 . (6.2) If the physics tendencies tend to act in opposite directions, SPPTi will acknowledge the large uncertainty in the individual tendencies and will increase the forecast ensemble spread. A priori, it is not known whether SPPT or SPPTi is the more physically plausible error model for the IFS, though it is very unlikely that uncertainties in the different processes are precisely correlated, as modelled by SPPT. However, the different physics schemes in the IFS have been developed in tandem, and are called sequentially in the IFS to maintain a balance. For example, the cloud and convection schemes model two halves of the same set of atmospheric processes, as described in Section 5.2.1. The convection parametrisation scheme represents the warming due to moist convection, but the cloud scheme calculates the cooling due to evaporation of cloudy air that has been detrained from the convective plume. This means that the net tendency from the two schemes is smaller than each individual tendency, and SPPT represents a correspondingly small level of uncertainty. SPPTi could be beneficial in this case, as it is able to represent the potentially large errors in each individual tendency. On the other hand, if the two schemes have been closely tuned to each other, potentially with compensating errors, decoupling the two schemes by using independent perturbations could reduce the forecast skill and introduce errors into the forecasts. The impact of using SPPTi in the IFS will be tested in this chapter. As a first attempt, each independent random number field will have the same characteristics as the field used operationally in SPPT, i.e. each of the five independent fields is itself a composite of three independent fields with differing temporal and spatial correlations and magnitudes (see Section 5.3). A series of experiments is carried out in the IFS. Four experiments are considered to investigate the impact of the SPPTi scheme, and are detailed in Table 6.1. The impact of the operational SKEB scheme is also considered as a benchmark. The same resolution, start dates and lead time were used as in Chapter 5. Firstly, the impact of SPPTi on global diagnostics is presented in Section 6.2. In Section 6.3, the impact of the SPPTi scheme in the tropics is considered, including differences between behaviour of the scheme in the tropical regions with significant and little convection which were defined in Chapter 5. The impact of the scheme on the skill of convection diagnostics is presented in Section 6.4. A series of experiments are described in Section 6.5, which 156 Experiment Abbreviation TSCS TSCS + SKEB TSCSi TSCSi + SKEB SPPT SPPTi SKEB ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON Table 6.1: The four experiments and their abbreviations considered in this chapter to investigate the impact of independent SPPT over operational SPPT. The impact of the SKEB scheme is also considered for comparison. See Table 5.3 for an explanation of the abbreviations. aim to increase understanding of the mechanisms by which SPPTi impacts the ensemble. In Section 6.6, the results from experiments at operational T639 resolution are presented. In Section 6.7, the results are discussed and some conclusions are drawn. 6.2 Global Diagnostics The representations of model uncertainty considered in Chapter 5 focused on the convection scheme only, so the different schemes were verified in the tropics where convection is most active. The SPPTi scheme discussed in this chapter affects all parametrisation schemes, so has a global impact. It is therefore important to evaluate the impact of the scheme on global forecasts. The global bias, calculated following (1.24) is shown as a percentage in Figure 6.1. Globally, the bias is small for each variable considered. However, for all variables, implementing the SPPTi scheme results in an increase in global bias. The impact is particularly large for U200, where the global bias has more than doubled in magnitude. The impact of SKEB (comparing blue with cyan, and red with magenta) is considerably smaller than the impact of the SPPTi scheme (comparing the warm and cool pairs of lines). Figure 6.2 shows the temporal evolution of the RMS ensemble spread and error respectively, for each experiment considered, averaged over each standard ECMWF region: the northern extra-tropics is defined as north of 25◦ N , the southern extra-tropics is defined as south of 25◦ S, and the tropics is defined as 25◦ S − 25◦ N . In the northern and southern extra-tropics (first and third columns respectively), the impact of SPPTi on the ensemble spread is comparable to, but slightly smaller than, the impact of SKEB, and all experiments have under-dispersive forecasts. The different schemes have little impact on the RMSE. However in the tropics (centre column), SPPTi has a significant positive impact on the spread of the ensemble forecasts. The impact is significantly larger than that of SKEB, and corrects the under-dispersive forecasts for 157 (a) (b) T 850 0 U 850 0.2 0 −0.2 % Bias % Bias −0.05 −0.1 −0.4 −0.6 −0.15 −0.8 −0.2 −1.2 −1 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 lead time / hrs (c) 100 150 200 lead time / hrs (d) Z 500 0 U 200 3 2.5 2 % Bias % Bias −0.05 −0.1 1.5 1 −0.15 0 0.5 50 100 150 0 0 200 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.1: Global forecast bias as a function of time for (a) T850, (b) U850, (c) Z500 and (d) U200. Results are shown for the four experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi; magenta — TSCSi + SKEB. The bias is calculated as described in the text, and given as a percentage of the root mean square of the verification in the region of interest. T850, U850 and U200. While SPPTi has a larger impact on the spread of Z500 forecasts than SKEB, the ensembles remain under-dispersive. A small impact on the RMSE is observed — the T850 and Z500 errors are slightly increased and the U850 and U200 errors slightly reduced by the SPPTi scheme. These results are very positive, and indicate the potential of the SPPTi scheme. Figure 6.2 indicates that SPPTi has the largest impact in the tropics. Figure 6.3 shows the skill of the forecasts in this region evaluated using the RPSS, IGNSS and ESS for the four variables of interest. IGNSS indicates an improvement of skill for all variables when SPPTi is implemented. This is as expected from Figure 6.2: IGNSS strongly penalises under-dispersive ensemble forecasts, so reducing the degree of under-dispersion results in an improved score. RPSS and ESS indicate a slight improvement in skill for the U850 and U200 forecasts, but a slight reduction in skill for the T850 and Z500 forecasts when the SPPTi scheme is used. This could be due to the increase in root mean square error observed for these variables, linked to the increase in bias observed in Figure 6.1. The IFS is such a highly tuned forecast model that it would be very surprising if a newly proposed scheme resulted in an improvement in skill for all variables in all areas. Before operationally implementing a new scheme, the scheme would 158 (a) (b) 3.5 (c) 4 1.6 3 RMS RMS 2 1.2 1.5 1 1 0.8 0 100 RMS 1.4 2.5 2 1 0.6 0 200 lead time / hrs 100 0 200 100 200 lead time / hrs lead time / hrs (d) (e) 8 (f) 3.5 5 3 3 6 RMS 4 RMS RMS 3 2.5 4 2 2 1.5 1 0 100 200 2 0 lead time / hrs 100 200 0 lead time / hrs (g) 100 200 lead time / hrs (h) (i) 200 1000 600 800 400 RMS RMS RMS 150 100 600 400 200 50 0 100 200 200 0 lead time / hrs 100 200 0 lead time / hrs (j) 100 200 lead time / hrs (k) (l) 8 12 10 6 4 4 8 6 4 2 0 10 6 RMS RMS RMS 8 100 200 lead time / hrs 2 0 2 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.2: Temporal evolution of the RMS ensemble spread (dashed lines) and RMSE (solid lines) for each standard ECMWF region. First column: northern extra-tropics, north of 25N. Second column: tropics, 25S–25N. Third column: southern extra-tropics, south of 25S. (a)–(c) T850, (d)–(f) U850, (g)–(i) Z500 and (j)–(l) U200. Results are shown for the four experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi; magenta — TSCSi + SKEB. 159 need to be tuned, and the model re-calibrated to account for the effects of the new scheme. However, the significant improvement in spread observed in the tropics is sufficient to merit further investigation. 6.3 Effect of Independent SPPT in Tropical Areas What is the cause of the improved spread in the tropics when the SPPTi scheme is implemented? As in Chapter 5, let us consider areas in the tropics where there is little convection, and areas where convection is the dominant process. The regions defined in Section 5.5.1 will be used as before. The percentage bias as a function of lead time is shown for areas of little convection in Figure 6.4. The SPPTi forecasts have a larger bias at lead times greater than 24 hrs for T850 than for operational SPPT, and similar bias characteristics for Z500. However, U850 and U200 both show a reduction in the forecast bias when the SPPTi scheme is used compared to the operational SPPT scheme. Figure 6.5 shows the same diagnostic for regions with significant convection. The results are similar for T850 and Z500. U850 shows a slight improvement, but U200 indicates that SPPTi results in a small increase in bias. For operational SPPT, the negative bias in non-convecting regions cancels the positive bias in convecting regions to produce a small globally averaged bias. The SPPTi scheme has effectively reduced the negative bias in non-convecting regions, but has not had a large impact on the bias in convecting regions, resulting in the large increase in magnitude of the bias observed for global U200 in Figure 6.1(d). Considering regionally averaged bias can be misleading due to compensating errors. Figures 6.6 and 6.7 show the evolution of the RMSE (solid lines) and RMS spread (dashed lines) for the tropical regions with little convection and with significant convection respectively. The operational SPPT ensembles (blue lines) are under-dispersive at all times, for all variables, in both regions. The under-dispersion is greater in regions with significant convection. Including SKEB (cyan lines) does not significantly increase the spread of the ensemble. In regions with little convection, using SPPTi results in a moderately large correction to this under-dispersion, approximately halving the difference between spread and error for T850, U850 and U200 when compared to the operational runs. The impact is larger than the impact of including SKEB. The impact on spread is smaller for Z500, but still positive. For regions with significant convection, the improvement in spread is greater than in regions 160 (b) 0.7 0.5 0.6 (c) 1 0.99 ESS 0.6 IGNSS RPSS (a) 0.8 0.4 0.3 100 0.2 0 200 0.97 0.96 0.5 0 0.98 lead time / hrs 100 0.95 0 200 (d) 100 200 lead time / hrs lead time / hrs (e) (f) 1 0.6 0.8 0.95 0.6 0.4 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.7 0.85 0.2 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.8 0 100 0 0 200 lead time / hrs 100 200 0 lead time / hrs (g) 100 200 lead time / hrs (h) (i) 0.8 1 0.4 0.95 IGNSS 0.4 0.2 0 100 0.2 ESS RPSS 0.6 0 0.85 −0.2 0.8 200 0 lead time / hrs 100 200 0 lead time / hrs (j) 100 200 lead time / hrs (k) 0.9 (l) 0.8 1 0.98 0.7 0.6 ESS IGNSS 0.8 RPSS 0.9 0.96 0.4 0.94 0.6 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0.2 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0.92 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.3: Ensemble forecast skill scores calculated for the tropics (25S–25N). First column: Ranked Probability Skill Score. Second column: Ignorance Skill Score. Third column: Errorspread Skill Score. (a)–(c) T850, (d)–(f) U850, (g)–(i) Z500 and (j)–(l) U200. Results are shown for the four experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi; magenta — TSCSi + SKEB. 161 (a) (b) T 850 U 850 0.05 10 0 8 −0.1 % Bias % Bias −0.05 −0.15 −0.2 6 4 2 −0.25 0 −0.3 −2 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 lead time / hrs (c) 100 150 200 lead time / hrs (d) Z 500 U 200 0.05 2 0 −0.05 −2 % Bias % Bias 0 −0.1 −4 −6 −8 −0.15 −10 −0.2 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 lead time / hrs 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.4: Percentage forecast bias in tropical regions with little convection as a function of time for (a) T850, (b) U850, (c) Z500 and (d) U200. Results are shown for the four experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi; magenta — TSCSi + SKEB. The bias is calculated as described in the text, and given as a percentage of the root mean square of the verification in the region of interest. (a) (b) T 850 0.05 0 −5 −0.05 % Bias % Bias U 850 0 −0.1 −10 −15 −0.15 −0.2 0 50 100 150 −20 0 200 50 lead time / hrs (c) 100 150 200 lead time / hrs (d) Z 500 U 200 0 20 15 −0.1 % Bias % Bias −0.05 −0.15 5 −0.2 −0.25 0 10 50 100 150 0 0 200 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.5: As for Figure 6.4, except for tropical regions with significant convection. 162 T 850 (a) U 850 (b) 3.5 2.4 2.2 3 1.8 RMS RMS 2 1.6 2.5 2 1.4 1.2 1.5 1 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 lead time / hrs Z 500 (c) 100 150 200 lead time / hrs U 200 (d) 180 8 160 7 6 120 RMS RMS 140 100 5 80 4 60 3 40 0 2 50 100 150 200 0 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.6: Temporal evolution of RMS ensemble spread (dashed lines) and RMSE (solid lines) for tropical regions with little convection for (a) T850, (b) U850, (c) Z500 and (d) U200. Results are shown for the four experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi; magenta — TSCSi + SKEB. of little convection, whereas the improvement due to SKEB remains small. The spread of the ensembles closely matches the RMSE, and is slightly over-dispersive for U850. Moreover, the temporal evolution of the spread has an improved profile for T850, U850 and U200. For operational SPPT, the increase in spread is a fairly linear function of time, whereas for SPPTi, there is an initial period of rapid spread increase, followed by a reduction in rate, which closely matches the observed error growth. Figures 6.6 and 6.7 also indicate that it is the convectively active regions that are primarily responsible for the observed increase in RMSE for T850 and Z500 for the SPPTi experiments. This increase in error is a concern. The RMS error-spread graphical diagnostic gives more information about the calibration of the forecast, testing whether the ensemble is able to skilfully indicate flow dependent uncertainty. Figures 6.8 and 6.9 show this diagnostic for tropical regions with little and significant convection respectively, for each variable of interest, at lead times of 1, 3 and 10 days. In both regions, Z500 is comparatively poorly forecast by the model. The error-spread relationship is weakly captured, and the ensemble spread is a poor predictor of the expected error in the ensemble mean. For the other variables, ensemble spread is a good predictor of RMSE in both regions. 163 T 850 U 850 (b) 0.9 3.5 0.8 3 0.7 RMS RMS (a) 0.6 2.5 2 0.5 1.5 0.4 0 50 100 150 1 0 200 50 lead time / hrs Z 500 (c) 100 150 200 lead time / hrs U 200 (d) 180 7 160 6 120 RMS RMS 140 100 5 4 80 60 3 40 0 50 100 150 2 0 200 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.7: As for Figure 6.6, except for tropical regions with significant convection. For the regions with little convection in Figure 6.8, the ensembles appear fairly well calibrated, and SPPTi has a small positive effect. The largest effect is seen at a lead time of 10 days for U200, where the operational SPPT ensemble was most under-dispersive. For the regions with significant convection shown in Figure 6.9, forecasts show a large improvement. The increase in spread of the ensembles is state dependent: for most cases, the increase in spread results in an improved one-to-one relationship. One exception is Figure 6.9(e), where the slope of the SPPTi scattered points is too shallow. It is interesting to note that the increase in RMSE for the T850 forecasts appears to occur predominantly for small error forecasts. This results in a flat tail to Figures 6.9(a)–(c) at small RMSE and spread, instead of a uniform increase in error across all forecasts. This tail appears to be unique to T850 out of the variables considered, visible at all lead times, and only in regions where convection dominates. Figures 6.10 and 6.11 show the skill of the forecasts in regions of little and significant convection respectively, according to the RPSS, IGNSS and ESS. The skill scores for these two regions effectively summarise Figures 6.8 and 6.9, and provide more information as to the source of skill observed in 6.3. In particular: • The poorer RPSS and ESS for SPPTi in the tropics for T850 (Figure 6.3) is mainly due to poorer forecast skill in convecting regions, though a small reduction in skill in nonconvecting regions is also observed. The significant improvement in IGNSS in this region 164 (a) (b) (c) 3 2.5 4 1.5 1 2 RMSE RMSE RMSE 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 Forecast Spread (d) 0 0 3 (f) 5 3 1 4 RMSE RMSE 1.5 2 1 0.5 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 Forecast Spread (g) 0 0 1 2 3 Forecast Spread (h) 2 4 Forecast Spread (i) 300 40 100 RMSE RMSE 60 50 20 0 0 100 0 0 20 40 Forecast Spread (j) 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 Forecast Spread (k) 8 3 6 RMSE 4 2 1 10 8 4 2 2 4 Forecast Spread 0 0 100 200 Forecast Spread (l) RMSE RMSE 2 4 Forecast Spread 4 2 RMSE 1 2 Forecast Spread (e) 2.5 RMSE 2 1 0.5 0 0 3 6 4 2 2 4 6 Forecast Spread 0 0 5 10 Forecast Spread Figure 6.8: RMS error-spread diagnostic for tropical regions with little convection for (a)– (c) T850, (d)–(f) U850, (g)–(i) Z500 and (j)–(l) U200, at lead times of 1, 3 and 10 days for each variable (first, second and third columns respectively). Results are shown for the four experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi; magenta — TSCSi + SKEB. The one-to-one diagonal is shown in black. 165 (a) (b) (c) 1.5 2 RMSE 0.5 1.5 1 RMSE RMSE 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 1 Forecast Spread (d) 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Forecast Spread (e) (f) 3 6 3 RMSE RMSE RMSE 4 2 0.5 1 1.5 Forecast Spread 2 1 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 Forecast Spread (g) (h) 80 250 200 20 150 RMSE RMSE 40 100 150 100 50 0 0 50 0 0 20 40 60 Forecast Spread (j) 0 0 50 100 Forecast Spread (k) 3 2 RMSE 8 RMSE RMSE 200 10 6 4 100 Forecast Spread (l) 5 4 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 Forecast Spread (i) 200 60 RMSE 0 0 2 4 Forecast Spread 6 4 2 2 4 Forecast Spread 0 0 2 4 6 Forecast Spread 0 0 5 10 Forecast Spread Figure 6.9: As for Figure 6.8, except for tropical regions with significant convection. 166 (a) (b) (c) 0.6 1 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 ESS 0.7 IGNSS RPSS 0.5 0.3 0.95 0.9 0.2 0.4 0 100 0.1 0 200 100 200 0 lead time / hrs lead time / hrs (d) 100 200 lead time / hrs (e) (f) 1 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.8 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.2 0 100 0 0 200 lead time / hrs 100 0.4 0 200 lead time / hrs (g) 100 200 lead time / hrs (h) (i) 0.6 1 0.8 0.95 ESS 0.6 IGNSS 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0 100 200 −0.2 0 lead time / hrs 0.85 100 0.75 0 200 lead time / hrs (j) IGNSS 0.8 0.7 0.6 100 200 lead time / hrs (k) 0.9 RPSS 0.9 0.8 (l) 0.8 1 0.6 0.95 ESS RPSS 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.85 0.2 0.5 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0.8 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.10: Ensemble forecast skill scores calculated for tropical regions with little convection. First column: Ranked Probability Skill Score. Second column: Ignorance Skill Score. Third column: Error-spread Skill Score. (a)–(c) T850, (d)–(f) U850, (g)–(i) Z500 and (j)–(l) U200. Results are shown for the four experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi; magenta — TSCSi + SKEB. 167 (a) (b) (c) 0.4 1 0.3 0.98 0.2 0.96 0.6 0.4 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.5 0.1 0.94 0.3 0 0.92 0.2 0 100 −0.1 0 200 lead time / hrs 0.9 0 200 lead time / hrs (d) 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6 (f) 0.95 0.5 0.4 0.2 0 100 200 0.9 0.85 0.3 0.5 200 1 ESS 0.7 100 lead time / hrs (e) 0.9 IGNSS RPSS 100 0.8 0 lead time / hrs 100 200 0 lead time / hrs (g) 100 200 lead time / hrs (h) (i) 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.8 0 0.6 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.4 0.2 −0.2 0 −0.4 −0.2 −0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200 0 lead time / hrs 100 −0.2 0 200 lead time / hrs (j) (k) 0.8 100 200 lead time / hrs (l) 0.6 1 0.6 0.5 0.95 0.4 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.7 0.4 0.3 0 0.9 0.2 0.85 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.11: As for Figure 6.10, except for tropical regions with significant convection. 168 indicates an improvement in ensemble spread as observed, so it is likely this reduction in RPSS and ESS is due to the increased RMSE and the flat tail observed in the RMSEspread diagnostic plots. • The significantly improved RPSS and ESS for SPPTi for U850 is due to improved skill in convecting regions. The improvements in IGNSS involve contributions from both regions. • Z500 is not a particularly informative field to study in the tropics as it is very flat and featureless. IGNSS indicates negative skill for lead times greater than 3 days, and RPSS and ESS also indicate little skill for this variable. • The improvement of RPSS and IGNSS for U200 in the tropics is mostly due to an improved forecast skill in the regions with little convection. This improvement was clearly visible in the RMSE-spread scatter diagrams. A small but significant improvement in skill in convecting regions is also observed, especially at later lead times. 6.4 Convection Diagnostics The impact of SPPTi is largest in regions with significant convection. To investigate if this is an indication that convection is modelled better by this scheme, the convection diagnostics discussed in Chapter 5 will be considered here, evaluated for tropical regions with significant convection. 6.4.1 Precipitation Firstly, the skill of forecasting convective precipitation is considered. Convective precipitation is calculated by the convection scheme, and is not directly perturbed by SPPT. Therefore any impact of SPPTi on forecasting this variable indicates a feedback mechanism: the convection physics scheme is responding to the altered atmospheric state. As in Chapter 5, the GPCP data set is used for verification of precipitation. Figure 6.12 shows the RMS error-spread diagnostic for convective precipitation. It indicates that operational SPPT is under-dispersive for this variable, and that SPPTi results in an improved spread in forecast convective precipitation at all lead times. Figure 6.13 shows (a) the bias, (b) the RMSE and spread as a function of time, and (c)–(e) the forecast skill scores for convective precipitation. The bias in the convective 169 (a) (b) 0.015 (c) 0.015 0.005 0 0 0.01 RMSE 0.01 RMSE RMSE 0.015 0.005 0 0 0.005 0.01 Forecast Spread 0.01 0.005 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Forecast Spread 0.005 0.01 0.015 Forecast Spread Figure 6.12: RMS error-spread diagnostic for cumulative convective precipitation for the 24 hour window before a lead time of (a) 1 day, (b) 3 days and (c) 10 days. The diagnostic is calculated for tropical regions with significant convection. Results are shown for the four experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi; magenta — TSCSi + SKEB. The one-to-one diagonal is shown in black. (a) (b) −3 x 10 8 8 7 RMS % Bias 6 4 6 2 5 0 100 4 0 200 lead time / hrs (c) IGNSS RPSS 200 (d) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0 100 lead time / hrs 100 200 lead time / hrs (e) 0 0.7 −0.05 0.6 −0.1 0.5 ESS 0 −0.15 0.4 −0.2 0.3 −0.25 0.2 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0.1 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.13: Summary forecast diagnostics for 24 hour cumulative convective precipitation in tropical regions with significant convection. (a) Percentage bias. (b) Temporal evolution of RMS ensemble spread (dashed lines) and error (solid lines) averaged over the region. (c) Ranked Probability Skill Score (d) Ignorance Skill Score. (e) Error-spread Skill Score. Results are shown for the four experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi; magenta — TSCSi + SKEB 170 precipitation forecasts is higher for SPPTi than for SPPT, but all other diagnostics indicate that the SPPTi forecasts are more skilful than the operational SPPT forecasts. The skill of the precipitation forecasts can also be evaluated by considering the spatial distribution of cumulative precipitation (convective plus large-scale) for the different forecast models. The average 24-hour cumulative precipitation is shown for the GPCP data set in Figure 6.14. The difference between the forecast and GPCP fields is shown in Figure 6.15 for each of the four experiments in Table 6.1. Blue indicates the forecast has too little precipitation whereas red indicates too much precipitation. Figures (a) and (b) show the results for the operational SPPT scheme, with and without SKEB respectively. The results are very similar. Both show too much precipitation across the oceans. Figures (c) and (d) show the results for the SPPTi scheme, with and without SKEB respectively. Again, including SKEB has little impact, but including the SPPTi scheme has slightly increased the amount of precipitation over the oceans, as indicated earlier by the increase in bias in Figure 6.13(a). Using SPPTi does not result in a significant change in the spatial distribution of rain. The skill of the precipitation forecasts can also be evaluated by considering the global frequency distribution of rain rate for the different forecast models and comparing to the observed rain rate distribution in the GPCP dataset. This is shown in Figure 6.16. All four forecast models perform well, though all underestimate the proportion of low rain rates and overestimate the proportion of high rain rates. The operational SPPT scheme is closer to the observations at mid to high rain rates, and the SPPTi scheme is marginally better at low rain rates. Importantly, the diagnostic does not flag up any major concerns for the new SPPTi: when SPPT was originally being developed, such a diagnostic showed that very high rain rates occurred at a significantly inflated frequency, which led to alterations to the SPPT scheme (Martin Leutbecher, pers. comm., 2013). 6.4.2 Total Column Water Vapour Secondly, the skill of forecasting total column water vapour (TCWV) is considered, to which the convection scheme is sensitive. Figure 6.17 shows the RMS error-spread diagnostic for TCWV. As observed in Section, forecasts for this variable are poorly calibrated for all experiments. They have a systematically too large RMSE, and the RMS error-spread diagnostic has a shallow slope. Nevertheless, the SPPTi scheme increases the spread of the 171 0.02 0.018 0.016 0.014 0.012 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 Figure 6.14: Distribution of 24-hour cumulative precipitation (metres) in the GPCP dataset, averaged for each successive 24-hour window between 14th April and 9th September 2012. (a) (b) −3 x 10 5 4 3 2 1 0 (c) (d) −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 Figure 6.15: Difference between forecast and GPCP 24-hour cumulative precipitation (m). Blue indicates too little precipitation in the forecast, red indicates too much. The colour bar corresponds to all figures. Results are shown for the four experiments: (a) TSCS, (b) TSCS + SKEB, (c) TSCSi and (d) TSCSi + SKEB 172 0 10 −1 10 −2 probability 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 −6 10 −7 10 0 50 100 150 Rain Rate / mm in 24 hours Figure 6.16: Probability distribution of rain rate (mm/12hrs) evaluated globally. The distribution has been normalised to 1, given that rain is observed in each 12 hour window. The observed result from the GPCP dataset (grey) are compared to TSCS (blue), TSCS + SKEB (cyan), TSCSi (red) and TSCSi + SKEB (magenta) forecasts. ensemble compared to the operational scheme, improving the calibration. Figure 6.18 shows (a) the bias, (b) the RMSE and spread as a function of time, and (c)–(e) the forecast skill scores for TCWV. These diagnostics indicate a significant improvement in forecast skill of TCWV when SPPTi is used. The forecast bias is reduced, the RMS spread is increased without increasing the RMSE, and the RPSS, IGNSS and ESS all indicate higher skill. It is possible that SPPTi could result in significant changes of TCWV in the tropics as was observed for the perturbed parameter experiments in Chapter 5, so this must be checked. Figure 6.19 shows the average TCWV between 20◦ S and 20◦ N (calculated as described in Section This will diagnose if using SPPTi results in a systematic drying or moistening of the tropics. All experiments show an initial spin-down period where the tropics dry by 0.5 kgm−2 over the first 12 hours, before stabilising. The operational SPPT forecasts in figures (a) and (b) show a slight drying over the 240 hour forecast window, whereas the SPPTi forecasts in figures (c) and (d) have a more constant average TCWV. All four experiments show stable results. 173 (a) (b) 5 6 3 8 5 RMSE RMSE 4 RMSE (c) 7 4 3 2 6 4 2 1 (a) 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 Forecast Spread 2 4 6 Forecast Spread (b) 2 (c) 4 6 8 Forecast Spread Figure 6.17: RMS error-spread diagnostic for TCWV for lead times of (a) 1 day, (b) 3 days and (c) 10 days. The diagnostic is calculated for tropical regions with significant convection. Results are shown for the four experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi; magenta — TSCSi + SKEB. The one-to-one diagonal is shown in black. (a) (b) −1 6 5 RMS % Bias −1.5 −2 4 3 −2.5 2 0 50 100 150 200 0 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs (c) (e) (d) 0.7 IGNSS RPSS 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.95 0.2 0.9 0.1 0.3 0 0.2 −0.1 0.1 0 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs ESS 0.6 −0.2 0 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs 0 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.18: Summary forecast diagnostics for TCWV in tropical regions with significant convection. (a) Percentage bias. (b) Temporal evolution of RMS ensemble spread (dashed lines) and error (solid lines) averaged over the region. (c) Ranked Probability Skill Score (d) Ignorance Skill Score. (e) Error-spread Skill Score. Results are shown for the four experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi; magenta — TSCSi + SKEB 174 (a) (b) 40.5 Average TCWV/ kgm−2 Average TCWV/ kgm−2 40.5 40 39.5 39 38.5 0 50 100 150 40 39.5 39 38.5 200 0 50 Lead Time/ hrs (c) 200 40.5 Average TCWV/ kgm−2 Average TCWV/ kgm−2 150 (d) 40.5 40 39.5 39 38.5 100 Lead Time/ hrs 0 50 100 150 40 39.5 39 38.5 200 Lead Time/ hrs 0 50 100 150 200 Lead Time/ hrs Figure 6.19: Average TCWV between 20◦ S and 20◦ N as a function of time. The spatial average is calculated for each ensemble member averaged over all start dates, and the averages for each of the fifty ensemble members are shown. Results are shown for the four experiments: (a) TSCS, (b) TSCS + SKEB, (c) TSCSi, and (d) TSCSi + SKEB. 6.5 Individually Independent SPPT Independent SPPT assumes that the errors associated with different physics schemes are uncorrelated. It also has the effect of decoupling the physics schemes in the IFS: the random patterns are introduced after all calculations have been made so each physics scheme does not have the opportunity to react to the modified tendencies from the other schemes. The results presented in this chapter show that this assumption results in a large increase of spread, particularly in convecting regions, and for U200 in non-convecting regions. To probe further into the mechanisms of SPPTi, a series of five experiments was carried out. In each experiment, just one of the five physics schemes was perturbed with an independent random number field to the other four (Table 6.2). These “individually independent SPPT” experiments should indicate the degree to which a particular physics scheme should have an independent error distribution from the others. In particular, these experiments aim to answer the following questions: 1. Is it decoupling one particular scheme from the others that results in the large increase in spread, or is it important that all schemes are treated independently? 2. Does decoupling one particular scheme result in the increased error observed for T850? 175 Physics Scheme Experiment Abbreviation if Independently Perturbed Radiation RDTTi Turbulence and Gravity Wave Drag TGWDi Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Drag NOGWi Convection CONVi Large Scale Water Processes LSWPi Table 6.2: The experiment abbreviations for the individually independent SPPT experiments, in which each physics scheme in turn is perturbed with a different pattern to the other four schemes, which are perturbed together. T 850 (a) U 850 (b) 2.5 3.5 3 RMS RMS 2 1.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 1 0 50 100 150 0 200 50 Z 500 (c) 100 150 200 lead time / hrs lead time / hrs U 200 (d) 8 150 7 RMS RMS 6 100 5 4 3 50 2 0 50 100 150 200 0 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.20: RMS error (solid lines) and spread (dashed lines) as a function of time for forecasts in tropical regions with little convection. (a) T850, (b) U850, (c) Z500 and (d) U200. The five individually independent SPPT experiments are shown. Black — RDTTi. Grey — TGWDi. Yellow — NOGWi. Green — CONVi. Magenta — LSWPi. Blue — operational SPPT, and Red — SPPTi are included for comparison. The blue lines are obscured by the yellow and grey lines in each figure. 176 Figure 6.20 shows the RMSE in the ensemble mean and RMS ensemble spread as a function of time for each of the five individually independent SPPT experiments in regions with little convection. The results for SPPT and SPPTi are also shown for comparison. The largest impact is observed for U200, where both CONVi and RDTTi show the same spread increase as SPPTi. This indicates that it is decoupling these two schemes which results in the large spread increase observed for U200 when SPPTi is used instead of SPPT. For the other variables considered, the impact of each individually independent scheme is more moderate, though in each case CONVi and RDTTi result in the largest increase in spread. For T850, RDTTi also results in a reduction in RMSE when compared to forecasts which use the operational SPPT scheme. Apart from for U200, SPPTi has the largest impact in regions with significant convection. Figure 6.21 shows the RMSE and RMS spread as a function of time in these regions. CONVi has the largest impact for each variable — perturbing the convection tendencies independently from the other schemes results in an increase of ensemble spread equal to or greater than independently perturbing all physics schemes. This supports the results from Chapter 5, in which it was observed that decoupling the convection scheme by not perturbing its tendencies resulted in an increase in spread. The next most influential scheme is radiation. For Z500 and U200, perturbing this scheme independently also results in an increase of ensemble spread equal to SPPTi. A large impact is also seen for U850 and T850. For the variables at 850 hPa, LSWPi has a large impact. This is especially true at short lead times, when the impact is greater than that of radiation. Using independent random fields for TGWDi (grey) and NOGWi (yellow) has little impact on the ensemble spread — their RMSE and RMS spread are almost identical to those from the operational SPPT forecasts. This is probably because these two schemes act mainly in the boundary layer (TGWD) or in the middle atmosphere (NOGW), away from the variables of interest. Additionally, the stochastic perturbations to these schemes will be tapered, which will further reduce the impact of SPPTi. Figure 6.21 also indicates which schemes contribute to the observed increase/decrease in RMSE for SPPTi in regions with significant convection. For T850, SPPTi resulted in an increase in RMSE. This same increase is observed for CONVi, and to a lesser extent for the LSWPi forecasts. For the other variables, CONVi shows a similar RMSE to operational SPPT. It is interesting to note that the RDTTi experiment does not result in an increase in error for 177 T 850 (a) 4 U 850 (b) 0.9 3.5 0.8 RMS RMS 3 0.7 0.6 2.5 2 0.5 1.5 0.4 0 50 100 150 1 0 200 50 Z 500 (c) 100 150 200 lead time / hrs lead time / hrs U 200 (d) 180 7 160 6 120 RMS RMS 140 100 5 80 4 60 3 40 0 50 100 150 2 0 200 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.21: RMS error (solid lines) and spread (dashed lines) as a function of time for forecasts in tropical regions with significant convection. (a) T850, (b) U850, (c) Z500 and (d) U200. The five individually independent SPPT experiments are shown. Black — RDTTi. Grey — TGWDi. Yellow — NOGWi. Green — CONVi. Magenta — LSWPi. Blue — operational SPPT, and Red — SPPTi are included for comparison. The blue lines are obscured by the yellow and grey lines in each figure. The black solid line in (a) is obscured by the grey solid line. 178 T850, but does give a substantial increase in spread. The RDTTi experiment also performs well for U850 and Z500, with an increase in spread and no increase in error observed for both variables. For U200, the RDTTi scheme results in a decrease in error. These results imply that much of the spread increase observed with SPPTi could be achieved by perturbing radiation independently from the other physics schemes, which will not result in the increase in RMSE for T850. Figure 6.22 shows the RMS error-spread diagnostic at a lead time of ten days for the individually independent experiments in regions with significant convection. This diagnostic confirms that both CONVi (green) and RDTTi (black) produce forecasts with a similar degree of spread to SPPTi (red). Furthermore, these individually independent schemes improve the one-to-one relationship between RMSE and RMS spread. Figure 6.22(a) shows the results for T850, including the increased error for predictable situations. The inset figure shows the region of interest in more detail, indicated by the grey rectangle. LSWPi results in a significant increase of error and a flatter ‘tail’. CONVi also results in an increase of error for the smallest forecast spread cases, giving an upward ‘hook’ in the scatter diagnostic at smallest spreads. This indicates poorly calibrated forecasts: the forecast spread does not correctly indicate the error in the ensemble mean, and forecasts with the smallest spreads of between 0.4 and 0.5◦ C consistently have a higher error than those with spreads between 0.5 and 0.6◦ C. The results for RDTTi are positive, showing an increase in spread but no associated increase in error. Figure 6.23 shows the skill of the individually independent SPPT forecasts in regions with significant convection, as indicated by the RPSS, IGNSS and ESS. Overall, the RDTTi forecasts are more skilful than forecasts from any other scheme. In fact, RDTTi is more skilful than SPPT for T850, whereas SPPTi was less skilful than SPPT for this variable. RDTTi also performs well for the other variables considered, and has skill equal to or better than the SPPTi scheme in most cases. 6.6 High Resolution Experiments Due to limitations in computer resources, the experiments presented above ran the IFS at a relatively low resolution of T159. The question then arises: does SPPTi have the same impact when the model is run at the operational resolution of T639? I am grateful to Sarah-Jane Lock (ECMWF), who ran two experiments on my behalf to test SPPTi at operational resolution. 179 (b) (a) 2 6 5 RMSE RMSE 1.5 1 4 3 2 0.5 1 0.5 1 1.5 Forecast Spread 1 2 (c) 3 4 5 Forecast Spread 6 (d) 250 10 200 8 RMSE RMSE 2 150 6 100 4 50 2 50 100 150 Forecast Spread 2 4 6 8 Forecast Spread 10 Figure 6.22: RMS error-spread diagnostic for tropical regions with significant convection for (a) T850, (b) U850, (c) Z500 and (d) U200, at a lead times of 10 days. The five individually independent SPPT experiments are shown (triangles): Black — RDTTi, Grey — TGWDi, Yellow — NOGWi, Green — CONVi, and Magenta — LSWPi. For comparison, the operational SPPT (blue circles) and SPPTi (red circles) are also shown. The one-to-one diagonal is shown in black. The tiled figure in (a) is a close up of the region indicated by the grey rectangle. 180 (a) (b) (c) 0.4 1 0.3 0.98 0.2 0.96 0.6 0.4 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.5 0.1 0.94 0.3 0 0.92 0.2 0 100 −0.1 0 200 lead time / hrs 0.9 0 200 lead time / hrs (d) 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6 (f) 0.95 0.5 0.4 0.2 0 100 200 0.9 0.85 0.3 0.5 200 1 ESS 0.7 100 lead time / hrs (e) 0.9 IGNSS RPSS 100 0.8 0 lead time / hrs 100 200 0 lead time / hrs (g) 100 200 lead time / hrs (h) (i) 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.8 0 0.6 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.4 −0.2 0 −0.4 −0.2 −0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200 0 lead time / hrs 100 −0.2 0 200 lead time / hrs (j) (k) 0.8 100 200 lead time / hrs (l) 0.6 1 0.6 0.5 0.95 0.4 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.7 0.4 0.3 0 0.9 0.2 0.85 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.23: Ensemble forecast skill scores calculated for tropical regions with significant convection. First column: Ranked Probability Skill Score. Second column: Ignorance Skill Score. Third column: Error-spread Skill Score. (a)–(c) T850, (d)–(f) U850, (g)–(i) Z500 and (j)–(l) U200. Results are shown for the five individually independent SPPT experiments: Black — RDTTi, Grey — TGWDi, Yellow — NOGWi, Green — CONVi, and Magenta — LSWPi. Blue — operational SPPT, and Red — SPPTi are included for comparison. The blue lines are obscured by the yellow lines in each figure. Additionally, in (j) the grey line is obscured by the magenta line; in (k) the yellow and grey lines are obscured by the magenta line; in (l) the grey line is obscured by the yellow line. 181 Ten-day ensemble hindcasts were initialised every five days between 14 April and 18 June 2012 (14 dates in total). The ensembles have 20 members instead of the operational 50. The two experiments repeated at T639 were “SPPT” and “SPPTi”. A subset of twenty ensemble members is taken from the operational forecasts for these dates to produce equivalent “SPPT + SKEB” forecasts for comparison. 6.6.1 Global Diagnostics Figure 6.24 shows the RMSE and RMS spread for each of the standard ECMWF global regions as a function of time for the variables of interest. At this higher resolution, the spread of the forecasts is well calibrated in the extra-tropics (first and third column). SPPTi has little impact here, so the ensembles remain well calibrated. In the tropics, the T639 forecasts are under-dispersive. Here, SPPTi results in a significant increase in spread, and has a larger impact on ensemble spread than the operational SKEB scheme. These results are similar to those at T159, shown in Figure 6.2. The key difference between T159 and T639 is that the operational T639 forecasts are better calibrated than the equivalent T159 forecasts. This means that when SPPTi is implemented at T639, the ensemble forecasts become over-dispersive for some variables (e.g. U850). There is also a significant increase in RMSE for T850 and Z500 forecasts at T639. The impact of SPPTi on U200 forecasts is an good match between the ensemble spread and RMS error in the ensemble mean. It is important to note that for T850, U850 and U200, the ensemble spread is greater than the RMSE at a lead time of 12 hours for all experiments. This is indicative of inflation of initial condition uncertainty to compensate for an incomplete representation of model uncertainty. Because the ensembles are under-dispersive at longer lead times, the initial condition perturbations have been artificially inflated to increase the ensemble spread. In fact, in the IFS, the initial condition perturbations calculated by the EDA system are combined with singular vector perturbations before they are used. If SPPT is replaced by SPPTi, this artificial inflation could be removed, and the raw initial condition uncertainty estimated by the EDA system used instead. The temporal evolution of the ensemble spread for forecasts of U850 closely matches the evolution of the RMSE (Figure 6.24(e)), and if the initial condition perturbations were to be reduced to the raw EDA output, the results here indicate that SPPTi could produce a forecast that is well calibrated at all lead times for this variable. It would also be interesting 182 4 (a) (b) (c) 4 1.6 1.4 2 3 RMS RMS RMS 3 1.2 1 0.8 1 1 0 100 0.6 0 200 lead time / hrs 0 200 3.5 5 3 4 2.5 2 (e) 100 6 2 200 0 100 200 0 lead time / hrs 100 200 lead time / hrs (h) (i) 800 1000 150 400 800 RMS RMS 600 RMS 4 2 lead time / hrs (g) 200 (f) 1.5 1 0 100 lead time / hrs RMS (d) 3 100 lead time / hrs RMS RMS 6 2 100 600 400 200 50 0 100 200 200 0 lead time / hrs 100 200 0 lead time / hrs (j) (k) 12 10 10 8 6 RMS 6 RMS RMS 200 (l) 8 4 4 8 6 4 2 0 100 lead time / hrs 100 200 lead time / hrs 2 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 2 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.24: Temporal evolution of RMS ensemble spread (dashed lines) and RMSE (solid lines) for each standard ECMWF region. First column: northern extra-tropics, north of 25N. Second column: tropics, 25S–25N. Third column: southern extra-tropics, south of 25S. (a)– (c) T850, (d)–(f) U850, (g)–(i) Z500 and (j)–(l) U200. Results are shown for the three T639 experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi. 183 to test using SPPTi in the EDA system, as it is possible that using SPPTi will impact the initial condition uncertainty estimated using the EDA. 6.6.2 Verification in the Tropics As at T159, SPPTi has the largest impact in the tropics. To investigate the source of the increased spread, the forecasts will be verified in areas in the tropics where there is little convection, and in areas where convection is the dominant process. The areas considered will be those defined in Section 5.5.1. Results are shown in Figures 6.25 and 6.26 for regions with little and significant convection respectively. The operational forecasts are under-dispersive in both regions. As at T159, the under-dispersion is more severe in regions with significant convection. For both regions, SPPTi has the effect of significantly increasing the ensemble spread, whereas the impact of SKEB is more moderate. However, SPPTi also increases the RMSE for T850 and Z500 forecasts in both regions, and results in a slight increase of RMSE for U850 and U200 forecasts in convecting regions. In non-convecting regions, SPPTi results in a slight reduction in RMSE for U850 and U200. The improved temporal evolution of the ensemble spread identified above is observed in convecting regions, but not in non-convecting regions. As at T159, the difference in behaviour between convecting and non-convecting regions indicates that it is convection, and its interactions with other physical processes, that is the key mechanism by which SPPTi affects the ensemble. Figures 6.27 and 6.28 show the RMS error-spread graphical diagnostic at a lead time of ten days for the three T639 experiments for regions with little and significant convection respectively. The forecasts have been binned into 14 bins instead of 30 to ensure the population of each bin is the same as before, and is a sufficiently large sample to estimate the statistics. The impact of SPPTi is small in regions with little convection, though the spread error relationship is improved slightly for U850. The average spread of forecasts is also improved for U200, but the flow dependent calibration is poor — the scattered points do not follow the one-to-one line. In regions of significant convection, the impact is greater. For T850 and Z500 there is an improved error-spread relationship when SPPTi is used instead of SPPT. The spread of the ensemble forecasts has increased, and the forecasts continue to give a flow-dependent indication of uncertainty in the forecast. However, for T850, an increase in RMSE is observed. Unlike at T159, this increase in RMSE occurs for all forecast spreads, not just for the small spread and 184 (a) (b) 2.2 3 2 2.5 1.6 RMS RMS 1.8 1.4 1.2 2 1.5 1 0.8 0 50 100 150 1 0 200 50 lead time / hrs (c) 8 140 7 120 6 100 RMS RMS 160 100 150 200 lead time / hrs 80 (d) 5 4 60 3 40 2 20 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 lead time / hrs 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.25: Temporal evolution of RMS ensemble spread (dashed lines) and RMSE (solid lines) for tropical regions with little convection for (a) T850, (b) U850, (c) Z500 and (d) U200. Results are shown for the three T639 experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi. (b) 4 0.9 3.5 0.8 3 RMS RMS (a) 1 0.7 2.5 0.6 2 0.5 1.5 0.4 0 50 100 150 1 0 200 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs lead time / hrs (c) (d) 7 120 6 RMS RMS 100 80 60 4 3 40 20 0 5 50 100 150 2 0 200 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.26: As for Figure 6.25, except for tropical regions with significant convection. 185 (a) (b) 5 3.5 4 RMSE RMSE 3 2.5 2 1.5 3 2 1 1 0.5 1 2 3 Forecast Spread 1 (c) 2 3 4 Forecast Spread 5 4 6 8 10 Forecast Spread 12 (d) 250 8 RMSE RMSE 200 150 100 6 4 50 2 50 100 150 200 Forecast Spread 2 Figure 6.27: RMS error-spread diagnostic for tropical regions with little convection for (a) T850, (b) U850, (c) Z500 and (d) U200, at a lead times of 10 days for each variable. Results are shown for the three T639 experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi. The one-to-one diagonal is shown in black. error cases. For U850, SPPTi also increases the spread of the forecasts, but by too great an amount. For U200, the SPPTi results follow a shallower slope than the SPPT forecast results. This indicates a reduced degree of flow-dependent predictability, though this is not a problem at earlier lead times (not shown). Figures 6.29 and 6.30 show the skill of the ensemble forecasts in regions with little and significant convection respectively. Despite the improvement in spread, the SPPTi forecasts tend to score poorly due to an associated increase in RMSE. The SPPTi forecasts are more skilful than the SPPT forecasts for U850 and U200 in non-convecting regions, and for Z500 at long lead times in convecting regions according to all skill scores. 6.7 Discussion and Conclusion SPPTi results in a significant increase of spread for all variables at all lead times. In the extratropics, the ensemble forecasts are well calibrated at T639, and moderately under-dispersive at T159. The impact of SPPTi is small in these regions. At T159, a small increase in ensemble spread is observed correcting for the under-dispersion, and at T639 the impact is smaller, and the ensemble forecasts remain well calibrated. The impact of SPPTi is similar to SKEB in these regions. In the tropics, forecasts made with SPPT are significantly under-dispersive at 186 (b) 5 1.5 4 RMSE RMSE (a) 2 1 3 2 0.5 1 0.5 1 1.5 Forecast Spread 2 4 Forecast Spread (c) 6 (d) 10 200 RMSE RMSE 8 150 100 6 4 50 2 50 100 150 Forecast Spread 2 4 6 8 10 Forecast Spread Figure 6.28: As for Figure 6.27, except for tropical regions with significant convection. both T159 and T639. SPPTi has a large beneficial impact in these regions. The forecast spread is significantly larger than when SPPT is used, and the impact is considerably larger than the impact of SKEB. This is observed at both T159 and T639. SPPTi produces skilful, flow-dependent estimates of forecast uncertainty, having a larger impact on forecasts that were more under-dispersive when using SPPT. The impact of SPPTi in tropical regions with significant convection (Figure 6.7) is considerably greater than in tropical regions with little convection (Figure 6.6) for T850 and U850, and to a lesser extent, for Z500. This indicates that convection, together with its interactions with other physics schemes, is a key process by which SPPTi impacts the ensemble. Equation (6.2) indicates that the forecast uncertainty represented by SPPTi will only be greater than SPPT for regions where the model tendencies act in opposite directions, i.e., where the individual tendencies are large but the net tendency is small. In tropical regions with significant convection, this is indeed the case for the IFS. The convection scheme parametrises the effect of convective latent heating on the atmosphere. This scheme interacts directly with the large scale water processes (clouds) scheme: water detrained from the convective plume acts as a source of water for clouds in the LSWP scheme, which then calculates the effect of evaporative cooling on the atmosphere (ECMWF, 2012). This interaction means that a warming due to convection tends to be associated with a cooling from the cloud scheme. The opposing nature of these tendencies results in the significant increase in ensemble spread associated with SPPTi 187 (a) (b) (c) 0.6 1 0.5 0.98 0.4 0.96 0.6 0.5 ESS 0.7 IGNSS RPSS 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.4 0 100 0.92 0.1 0 200 0.94 100 0.9 0 200 lead time / hrs lead time / hrs (d) (e) 0.8 100 200 lead time / hrs (f) 0.5 1 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.3 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.4 0 100 0 0 200 lead time / hrs 100 200 0 lead time / hrs (g) 100 200 lead time / hrs (h) (i) 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.95 ESS 0.8 IGNSS RPSS 1 0.2 100 200 0.85 0.8 0 0 0.9 0 lead time / hrs 100 0.75 0 200 lead time / hrs (j) 100 200 lead time / hrs (k) (l) 0.9 1 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.95 0.5 ESS IGNSS RPSS 0.8 0.4 0.9 0.3 0.5 0 0.2 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0.85 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.29: Ensemble forecast skill scores calculated for tropical regions with little convection. First column: Ranked Probability Skill Score. Second column: Ignorance Skill Score. Third column: Error-spread Skill Score. (a)–(c) T850, (d)–(f) U850, (g)–(i) Z500 and (j)–(l) U200. Results are shown for the three T639 experiments: blue — TSCS; cyan — TSCS + SKEB; red — TSCSi. 188 (a) (b) 0.7 0.6 0.98 0.5 0.4 ESS 0.3 IGNSS RPSS (c) 1 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 0 50 100 150 0.94 0.92 0 0 200 0.96 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 0.9 0 200 (d) (e) 150 200 1 0.6 0.7 0.95 0.5 ESS IGNSS RPSS 100 (f) 0.7 0.8 50 lead time / hrs lead time / hrs 0.4 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.5 0 50 100 150 0.2 0 200 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 0.85 0 200 lead time / hrs (g) 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs (h) (i) 0.8 1 0.4 0.8 IGNSS 0.4 0.2 ESS RPSS 0.6 0.6 0 0.2 0 50 100 150 200 −0.2 0 lead time / hrs 50 100 150 0.4 0 200 lead time / hrs (j) 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs (k) (l) 0.6 1 0.4 0.95 IGNSS RPSS 0.7 0.6 0.5 ESS 0.8 0.2 0.9 0.4 0 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs 0 0 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs 0.85 0 50 100 150 200 lead time / hrs Figure 6.30: As for Figure 6.29, except for tropical regions with significant convection. 189 in these regions. The individually independent SPPT experiments also suggest it is decoupling clouds and convection from each other that results in this large increase in spread for T850 and U850, as both the CONVi and LSWPi experiments showed increases in spread compared to SPPT (Figure 6.21). The impact of the convection scheme on clouds also impacts the radiation parametrisation scheme. As noted in Section 5.2.1, the radiation scheme interacts with the cloud scheme since both short- and long-wave radiative transfer are sensitive to the cloud fraction predicted by the cloud scheme. In particular, low level cloud is often associated with cooling from the radiation scheme (Morcrette, 2012), which opposes the warming from convection. This interaction between radiation and convection could contribute to the increase in spread for the SPPTi forecasts in regions with significant convection. The RDTTi experiment showed that decoupling RDTT from the other parametrisation schemes results in a large increase in spread for T850 and U850 (Figure 6.21), supporting this hypothesis. For U200, the largest increase in spread was also observed in the tropics (Figure 6.2). However, unlike for the other variables, this spread increase is predominantly from forecasts for tropical regions with little convection (Figure 6.6). The individually independent SPPT experiments shown in Figure 6.20 show that independently perturbing just RDTT or CONV gives the same increase in ensemble spread as SPPTi: for U200, it is decoupling RDTT from CONV that results in the large increase in forecast spread. The variable U200 is sensitive to convection as it is located close to the level at which maximum convective outflow occurs. In regions with significant convection, it is expected that there will be thick cloud at this level due to the spreading out of the convective anvil. If the 200 hPa level falls at the top of an anvil cloud, significant radiative cooling will be observed as the cloud efficiently emits longwave radiation to space (Gray and Jacobson, 1977). However if the 200 hPa level falls below an anvil, a radiative warming would be observed due to an increase in trapped longwave radiation. This characteristic warming profile is shown schematically in Figure 6.31, taken from Gray and Jacobson (1977). For this reason, in regions of significant convection the radiation scheme will produce tendencies at 200 hPa which either oppose or enhance the convective warming, reducing the impact of SPPTi when averaged over many cases. In contrast, regions with little convection have reduced amounts of optically thick high level cloud, so the radiation scheme will tend to cool the atmosphere at this level. A large impact is observed in these regions 190 Figure 6.31: Typical radiation induced temperature changes in the tropics for a clear sky region compared to a ‘disturbance’ region with thick high cloud cover. Taken from Gray and Jacobson (1977). when the opposing CONV and RDTT tendencies are decoupled using SPPTi. Decoupling the convective and radiative temperature tendencies affects the horizontal temperature gradients at 200 hPa, which could then affect the zonal wind speed at that level1 . Considering the YOTC tendencies at 200 hPa provides support for this hypothesised mechanism. Figure 6.32 shows the 24 hr temperature tendencies of RDTT, CONV and LSWP at 200 hPa, averaged over 30 start dates between 14 April and 6 September 2009. Each scattered point represents the tendency from two schemes at a particular location. Figure (a) shows that in regions of significant convection, while the temperature tendencies are consistently positive, radiation tendencies can be either positive or negative. In regions with little convection, the convective tendencies remain positive on average, but the radiative tendencies are negative on average. The impact of SPPTi on U200 could also be indicative of an improved variability of convection in the IFS. The upper level wind field is sensitive to waves generated remotely by convective systems (Stensrud, 2013). The improvement in ensemble spread and reduction in error is most apparent at a lead time of ten days (Figure 6.8), which could suggest that this improvement is due to a remote source. Other diagnostics indicate that convection is better represented when SPPTi is used instead of SPPT. The skill of convective precipitation forecasts at T159 improve at all lead times when SPPTi is used; forecasts show an improved ensemble spread and a slight reduction in RMSE, though the wet bias of the model is also increased. Forecasts of TCWV show a significant improvement when SPPTi is used. The bias is reduced, 1 The RDTT parametrisation scheme directly affects the atmospheric temperature only, so the observed impact of RDTTi on U indicates a feedback mechanism 191 (b) ∆ T (RDTT) ∆ T (RDTT) (a) 2 0 −2 −5 0 5 0 5 ∆ T (CONV) 2 0 −2 −2 0 2 ∆ T (LSWP) 4 ∆ T (LSWP) (c) 4 2 0 −2 −5 ∆ T (CONV) Figure 6.32: The 24-hour cumulative temperature tendencies at 200 hPa taken from the YOTC data set for the RDTT, CONV and LSWP parametrisation schemes. The tendencies have been averaged over 30 dates between 14 April and 6 September 2009, with subsequent start dates separated by five days. The scattered points represent pairs of parametrised tendencies from different spatial locations sampled over: the entire globe (grey); regions with significant convection (red); regions with little convection (blue). The regions are those defined in Section 5.5.1. Figure (a) compares the RDTT and CONV tendencies; (b) compares the RDTT and LSWP tendencies; (c) compares the LSWP and CONV tendencies. and the spread of the forecasts improves significantly. The increase in ensemble spread is certainly beneficial. However, is it physically reasonable to decouple the parametrisation schemes in this way? As described in Section 5.2.1, the IFS calls the parametrisation schemes sequentially to ensure balance between the different physics schemes. Additionally, the different schemes in the IFS have been tuned to each other, possibly with compensating errors. An increase of forecast error could be expected on decoupling the schemes. This is indeed the case when SPPTi is implemented, and an increase in forecast bias is observed for many variables. Maintaining balance is particularly important for the cloud and convection parametrisation schemes as they represent two halves of the same process, and because the division of labour between the two schemes is primarily dependent on model resolution (ECMWF, 2012). The convection scheme is in balance with the cloud scheme: the net deterministic tendency for the two schemes is close to zero. It is plausible that the increase in RMSE in the SPPTi, CONVi and LSWPi experiments, most noticeably for T850 and Z500, could be attributed to the decoupling of the cloud and convection schemes, which could remove this balance. At T159, the increase in RMSE for T850 only occurs for predictable forecast situations with small forecast spread. It is possible that the CONV and LSWP schemes 192 have been tuned to be very accurate for these specific cases, so decoupling the two schemes by introducing SPPTi has a detrimental effect on the forecast accuracy. This explanation is supported by the results of the CONVi experiment — the RMS error-spread diagnostic for this experiment had an upward ‘hook’ at small spreads, indicating a significant increase in error for previously accurate forecast situations. At T639, Figure 6.28(a) indicates that the increase in RMSE for T850 forecasts occurs uniformly across forecast cases. It is interesting that the high resolution model behaves differently to the low resolution model, but further experiments are required to diagnose the cause. Despite the increase in forecast error, SPPTi clearly has some merit. It skilfully increases the ensemble spread in under-dispersive regions, which tend to be those with significant convection. The resultant ensemble spread evolves in a very similar way to the RMSE — the scheme appears to represent the uncertainty in the forecast very accurately. In the extra-tropics, forecasts remain well calibrated and SPPTi has little effect. Hermanson (2006) considers the difference between parametrised IFS tendencies at T799 and at T95, using the T799 integration as a proxy for “truth”. He calculates a histogram for the sum of the temperature tendencies from clouds and convection for each model. Both peaks were centred at between -1 and 0K/day. However, the T95 model was observed to have a narrower, taller peak in the histogram than the T799 model. This indicates that the lower resolution version of the IFS is underestimating the variability of the sum of the cloud and convective tendencies — the low resolution model is too balanced. It would be interesting to perform similar experiments using the current model to test this balance hypothesis. If it is the case that the convection and cloud schemes are too balanced, this could justify the use of SPPTi, and explain the source of the increased skill, especially for the convection diagnostics. It would also be interesting to perform further experiments using SPPTi — it is possible that using a common base pattern for the CONV and LSWP perturbations and applying independent patterns to a smaller degree would be beneficial, retaining a large degree of the balance between convection and clouds, but allowing ensemble members to explore the slightly off-balance scenarios observed by Hermanson (2006) in the higher resolution model. The RDTTi experiment also merits further investigation as it resulted in a significant improvement in ensemble spread when tested at T159, but with no associated increase in RMSE. In fact, RDDTi resulted in a reduction of error for U200 in regions with little convection, which 193 is also observed for forecasts using SPPTi in this region — the bias for U200 is reduced in regions with little convection. The reduction in RMSE indicates that the stochastic perturbations to CONV and RDTT should be uncorrelated. The radiation scheme is affected by the convection scheme through the cloud parametrisation. However, this coupling between radiation and clouds is through a Monte-Carlo calculation (the McICA scheme), so unless the cloud fractions are systematically wrong, the correlation between the error from the cloud scheme and the error from the radiation scheme should be reduced. The independent pattern approach could therefore be a physically reasonable model for the errors between the convection and radiation tendencies. It would be interesting to test the RDTTi scheme at T639 to see if a reduction in RMSE is observed and if the forecast skill is improved at operational resolution. In conclusion, modifying the SPPT scheme to allow independent perturbations to the parametrised tendencies has a significant positive impact on the spread of the ensemble forecasts at T159 resolution. The improvement in ensemble spread was also observed at T639, though this was accompanied by an increase in RMSE for some variables. Nevertheless, ECMWF is very interested in performing further experiments using the SPPTi scheme to test its potential for use in the operational EPS. 194 7 Conclusion It seems to me that the condition of confidence or otherwise forms a very important part of the prediction, and ought to find expression. It is not fair to the forecaster that equal weight be assigned to all his predictions and the usual method tends to retard that public confidence which all practical meteorologists desire to foster. – W. Ernest Cooke, 1906 Reliability is a necessary property of forecasts for them to be useful to decision makers for risk assessment, as described in Chapter 1 (Zhu et al., 2002). In order to produce reliable probabilistic weather forecasts, it is important to account for all sources of error in atmospheric models. In the case of weather prediction, the two main sources of error arise from initial condition uncertainty and model uncertainty (Slingo and Palmer, 2011). There has been much interest in recent years in using stochastic parametrisations to represent model uncertainty in atmospheric models (Buizza et al., 1999; Lin and Neelin, 2002; Craig and Cohen, 2006; Khouider and Majda, 2006; Palmer et al., 2009; Bengtsson et al., 2013). Stochastic parametrisations have been shown to correct under-dispersive ensemble spread and improve the overall skill of the forecasts. However, there has been little research in explicitly testing the skill of stochastic parametrisations at representing model uncertainty — existing stochastic schemes have been tested in situations where there is also initial condition uncertainty, so it is hard to determine to what degree the representation of initial condition uncertainty accounts for model uncertainty, and vice versa. Additionally, there has been little research into the impact of stochastic schemes on climate prediction. However, research into the ‘seamless prediction’ paradigm states that in order to predict the climate skilfully, a model should be skilful at 195 predicting shorter time scale events. This ansatz can be used to evaluate and improve climate models (Rodwell and Palmer, 2007; Palmer et al., 2008; Martin et al., 2010). This study has tested stochastic parametrisations for their ability to represent model uncertainty skilfully in atmospheric models, and thereby to produce reliable, flow-dependent probabilistic forecasts. The main aims were: 1. To explicitly test stochastic parametrisations as a way of representing model uncertainty in atmospheric models. An idealised set up in the Lorenz’96 system allows the initial conditions to be known exactly, leaving model uncertainty as the only source of error in the forecast. 2. To test stochastic parametrisations for their ability to simulate the climate of a model. Is it true that, following the seamless prediction paradigm, a model which is unreliable in predicting the weather is likely to be unreliable in predicting the climate? For both of these, the skill of stochastic parametrisation schemes is compared to perturbed parameter schemes. These are commonly used as deterministic representations of uncertainty in climate models. The final aim is: 3. To use the lessons learned in a simple system to test and develop stochastic and perturbed parameter representations of model uncertainty for use in an operational weather forecasting model. The main findings of this thesis are summarised below. Stochastic parametrisations are a skilful way of representing model uncertainty in weather forecasts. It is important to represent model uncertainty in weather forecasts: the forecasts in the L96 system, described in Chapter 2, showed a significant improvement in skill when a representation of model uncertainty was included in the forecast model compared to the deterministic forecasts. The stochastic parametrisation schemes produced the most skilful forecasts. More importantly, the best stochastic parametrisation scheme, using multiplicative AR(1) noise, was shown to be reliable, i.e., the ensemble was able to capture the uncertainty in the forecast due to limitations in the forecast model. This indicates that stochastic parametrisations are a skilful approach for representing model uncertainty in weather forecasts. 196 Using the L96 system to test stochastic parametrisations was advantageous because it allowed initial condition uncertainty to be removed, leaving only model uncertainty. This is not the case for the experiments using the IFS. Nevertheless, the new independent SPPT scheme presented in Chapter 6 seems to be a skilful way of representing model uncertainty in the IFS, improving the reliability of the ensemble forecasts, though resulting in too much spread for some variables. However, the results at T639 indicate that initial condition perturbations are routinely over-inflated to correct for the lack of spread generated by the operational stochastic parametrisation schemes. The proposed SPPTi scheme could make inflation of initial condition perturbations unnecessary in the IFS. The perturbed parameter ensemble forecasts tested in the L96 system were more skilful than a single deterministic forecast with no representation of model uncertainty, but they were not as skilful as the best stochastic schemes (Chapter 2). This is despite estimating the degree of parameter perturbation from the truth time series. The same result was obtained in Chapter 5 when perturbed parameter ensembles were tested in the IFS — a relatively small impact on forecast skill was observed, despite estimating the uncertainty in the parameters using a Bayesian approach. This indicates that parameter uncertainty is not the only source of model uncertainty in atmospheric models. In fact, assumptions and approximations made when constructing the parametrisation scheme also result in errors which cannot be represented by varying uncertain parameters. The stochastically perturbed parameter scheme tested in the IFS also had a small positive impact on skill. However, the temporal and spatial noise correlations were not estimated or tuned for this scheme, and the standard SPPT values were used instead. It is likely that the optimal noise parameters would be different for a perturbed parameter scheme than for SPPT, and using measured noise parameters could result in further improvement in the forecast skill. It is important to represent short time-scale model uncertainty in climate forecasts. Stochastic parametrisations are a skilful way of doing this. In Chapter 3, the L96 forecast model climatology showed a significant improvement over the deterministic forecast model when stochastic parametrisations were used to represent model uncertainty. The climate pdf simulated by the stochastic models was a better estimate of the truth pdf than that simulated by the deterministic model. The improvement in climatology 197 was particularly clear when considering the regime behaviour of the L96 system. The deterministic forecast was unable to explore both regimes, and did not capture the variability of the ‘truth’ model. The stochastic forecast model performed significantly better, and was able to capture both the proportion of time spent in each regime, and the regime transition time scales. Studying the regime behaviour of a system provides much more information than comparing the pdfs: this verification technique should be used when testing climate models. The perturbed parameter ensembles were also tested on their ability to simulate the climate of the L96 system. As each ensemble member is a physically distinct model of the system, ensemble members should be treated independently. The average perturbed parameter pdf is significantly more skilful than the deterministic pdf, though less skilful than the best stochastic schemes. Each individual ensemble member also produces a skilful pdf. The perturbed parameter model was tested on its ability to simulate regime behaviour in the L96 system. While the average of the ensemble members performed well, individual ensemble members varied widely. Many performed very poorly and only explored one regime. A similar result was observed in the IFS in Chapter 5, when forecasts with the perturbed parameter ensemble were considered. Over the ten day forecast time window, significant trends in tropical total column water vapour were observed, with some ensemble members systematically drying and others systematically moistening. Over a climate length integration, it is possible that these biases would continue to grow. The stochastically perturbed parameter ensemble did not develop these biases, so this could be a better way of representing parameter uncertainty in climate models. The results presented provide some support for the ‘seamless prediction’ paradigm: the climatological skill of the forecast models was related to their skill at predicting the weather. The results suggest that it is a necessary but not sufficient condition that a skilful climate model produce reliable short range forecasts. Skilful stochastic parametrisations should have a realistic representation of the model error In Chapters 2 and 3, a significant improvement in weather and climate forecast skill for the L96 system was observed when the stochastic parametrisation schemes included temporally correlated (red) noise. This more accurately reflects the true sub-grid scale forcing from the 198 Y variables, which shows high temporal autocorrelation. In the atmosphere, it is likely that the error in the sub-grid scale tendency (the difference between the parametrised and true tendencies) also has a high degree of temporal and spatial correlation, which a stochastic parametrisation scheme should represent. In the L96 system, the more realistic c = 4 case further demonstrates the importance of realistically representing noise in a stochastic parametrisation scheme: the more accurate stochastic representations of the sub-grid scale forcing (the SD, M and MA schemes — see Chapter 2 for more details) produced significantly more skilful weather forecasts than the simple additive noise case. This is also the case for both the pdf and regime definitions of climate considered. In the IFS, it is not realistic to assume that the errors arising from different parametrisation schemes are perfectly correlated, and relaxing this assumption in Chapter 6 was found to result in a significant improvement in forecast reliability. However, it is unlikely that the errors from different parametrisation schemes are completely uncorrelated, so measuring the degree of correlation would be an important step for producing a realistic representation of model uncertainty in the IFS. Stochastic ensemble forecasts contain information about flow-dependent model uncertainty, which is absent from statistically generated ensembles. A new proper score, the Error-spread Score (ES), was proposed in Chapter 4, suitable for evaluation of ensemble forecasts. The score is particularly sensitive to the dynamic (flow-dependent) reliability of ensemble forecasts, and detects a large improvement in skill for ensemble forecasts compared to a statistically generated ‘dressed deterministic’ forecast. The decomposition of the score indicates that the stochastic EPS forecasts have improved reliability over much of the tropics compared to a statistical approach, and also have an improved resolution. The ES detects skill in probabilistic seasonal forecasts of sea surface temperature in the Niño 3.4 region compared to both climatological and persistence forecasts. The skill of ensemble forecasts at predicting flow-dependent uncertainty is also reflected in an improved RMS error-spread scatter plot: the forecast model can distinguish between predictable and unpredictable days, and correctly predicts the error in the ensemble mean. The stochastic parametrisations tested in the L96 system (Chapter 2), and the SPPTi scheme 199 tested in the IFS (Chapter 6) both showed improvements using this diagnostic. Limitations of Work and Future Research It is important to consider the limitations of this study when drawing conclusions. These limitations also suggest interesting or constructive research projects which could extend the work presented in this thesis. The L96 model was designed to be a simple model of the atmosphere, with desirable properties including fully chaotic behaviour and interaction between variables of different scales. However, it is a very simple model, and so has limitations. It is only possible to test statistically derived parametrisation schemes in the context of this model as opposed to those with a more physical basis. This is true for both the deterministic and stochastic parametrisation schemes analysed in this study. Nevertheless, the L96 system has many benefits. It allows idealised experiments to be carried out, in which initial condition uncertainty can be removed. It is also cheap to run, which allows the generation of a very large truth data set, so that the parameters in the deterministic and stochastic schemes can be accurately determined. It also allows large forecast-verification data sets and very long climate runs to be produced, giving statistically significant results. In Chapter 3, the L96 model was shown to have two distinct regimes, similar to regimes observed in the atmosphere. However, in the L96 system, one regime is much weaker than the other, and describes only 20% of the time series. This is dissimilar to what is observed in the atmosphere. For example, four distinct weather regimes are observed in the North Atlantic in winter, each accounting for between 21.0% − 29.2% of the time series — a relatively even split between the four regimes (Dawson et al., 2012). Nevertheless, the weaker regime in the L96 system is sufficiently robust to appear in several diagnostics, for both the smoothed and unsmoothed time series, and the different representations of model uncertainty tested in this study had a noticeable impact on simulating the regime behaviour. It would be very interesting to further this work by considering atmospheric models. Recent work indicates that stochastic parametrisations can improve the representation of regimes in the IFS (Andrew Dawson, pers. comm., 2013), but there has been no work considering the representation of regimes by perturbed parameter ensembles. We have carried out preliminary experiments testing the regime behaviour of the ‘Weather at Home’ data set, which 200 looks like an interesting route for further investigation. The proposed ES is an attractive score as it uses the raw ensemble output to verify the forecasts, and it is suitable for continuous forecasts. It is also sensitive to the ‘dynamic reliability’ of the forecast, which other scores seem insensitive to. However, it is only suitable for ensemble forecasts with a sufficiently large number of members. This is because of the need to calculate the third order moment of the ensemble, which is particularly sensitive to sampling errors. Poor estimates of the ensemble skewness can result in erroneously large values of the score. The ES decomposition provides useful information about the source of skill in the forecast, as well as aiding an understanding of how the score works. However, this requires a very large forecast-verification sample because of the need to bin the forecast-verification pairs in two dimensions. This makes it unsuitable for small or preliminary studies where only a few dates may be tested. Nevertheless, ECMWF have expressed an interest in including the ES in their operational verification suite, which I will implement over the next few months. This will provide a very large data set which I can use to test the score further, which should help provide a more complete understanding of the score’s strengths and weaknesses. In Chapter 5, precipitation is an important variable to consider for verification. It is produced by the convection scheme, so studying precipitation should detect improvements in the parametrisation of convection. However, verification of precipitation is difficult as measurements of precipitation are not assimilated into the IFS using the 4DVar or EDA systems. In Chapter 5, the GPCP data set was used for verification which includes information from both satellites and rain gauges. This data set is likely to contain errors, particularly in small scale features, which have not been accounted for when verifying the IFS forecasts. It is likely that the regridding process (from a one-degree to a T159 reduced Gaussian grid) introduces additional errors. Spatially averaging the GPCP and forecast fields before verification, e.g. to a T95 grid, should reduce this error, and will be considered in future work. The main limitation of the experiments carried out in the IFS stem from the low resolution of the forecasts. Using a resolution of T159 is computationally affordable, but has a grid point spacing four times larger than the operational T639 resolution. While the T639 forecasts in Chapter 6 showed similar trends to the T159 forecasts, it is apparent that the operational T639 forecasts are better calibrated than the T159 forecasts. This makes it hard to analyse the T159 forecasts, which are significantly under-dispersive, and which amplify the need to increase the 201 forecast spread in the tropics. At T159, the SPPTi scheme results in a well calibrated ensemble, while at T639, it results in a significantly over-dispersive ensemble forecast for some variables. Future research will focus on repeating experiments of interest at operational resolution. In particular, it will be interesting to test the RDDTi scheme, as well as testing a common base pattern for the CONV and LSWP tendencies. Additionally, it will be interesting to consider ensemble forecasts using a reduced initial condition perturbation, specifically, we propose to use the raw EDA output to provide the initial condition perturbations. This could be a more realistic representation of initial condition uncertainty, and could improve the spreaderror relationship when used in conjunction with SPPTi. This work is already scheduled to be done in collaboration with ECWMF. The ultimate aim is to improve the SPPTi scheme, reducing the forecast RMSE while maintaining the improvement in reliability, such that it can be incorporated into a future cycle of the IFS. The results from the L96 system motivate the importance of including accurate spatial and temporal correlations in a stochastic parametrisation scheme. However, this correlation structure has never been studied in a weather forecasting model, and an arbitrary structure is currently imposed in the SPPT scheme. An interesting research direction will be to use coarse graining experiments to physically derive this correlation structure, before implementing it in the ECMWF model. This could significantly increase the skill of the forecast, while increasing our understanding of the limitations of parametrisation schemes. The key assumption in the formulation of SPPT is that one can treat uncertainty from each parametrisation scheme in the same way. In contrast, the SPPTi scheme assumes that the different parametrisation schemes have independent errors, but that multiplicative noise is still a good approach. There has been no research, to my knowledge, which addresses the interaction of uncertainties from different physics schemes, yet it is particularly important that this is understood if a move is made away from schemes such as SPPT which represent overall uncertainty, to using different representations for different schemes. To address this, I propose to use a series of coarse graining experiments, which use high resolution simulations (where, to a large extent, parametrisation schemes are not required) to evaluate how the uncertainties from each parametrisation scheme interact, and how SPPT and/or SPPTi should be adapted if uncertainties from different parametrisation schemes must be treated independently. Finally, the results from the L96 system indicate that stochastic parametrisations could 202 be a powerful tool for improving a model’s climatology. It would be useful to perform experiments which could provide further proof whether stochastic parametrisation in climate models is a direction worth pursuing. Firstly, it would be interesting to carry out a series of experiments using the ECMWF model at longer lead times of one month. At these time scales, initial condition uncertainty becomes less important, and the climatology of the forecast model becomes significant. The seamless prediction paradigm proposes that the skill of the stochastic and perturbed parameter schemes at monthly time scales is linked to their skill at weekly time scales: these experiments would test this hypothesis. Furthermore, perturbed parameter experiments have traditionally been used in climate prediction, whereas stochastic parametrisations have remained confined to weather forecasts. The consideration of monthly forecasts, where validation is possible, will indicate which scheme could produce the most reliable estimates of anthropogenic climate change, which cannot otherwise be tested. I would then move on to apply the insights gained from these experiments to seasonal forecasting. Accurate representation of model uncertainty is crucial at seasonal time scales, and the reliability of seasonal forecasts can be tested through comparison with observations. Because of this, seasonal forecasts provide an excellent way of testing stochastic parametrisations before they are implemented in climate models. The results presented in this study indicate that stochastic parametrisations are a skilful approach to representing model uncertainty in atmospheric simulators. The reliability of weather forecasts can be improved by using stochastic parametrisation schemes, provided these schemes are designed to represent the model error accurately, for example, by using spatially and temporally correlated noise. Furthermore, stochastic schemes have the potential to improve a model’s climatology; testing and development of stochastic parametrisations in climate models should be an important focus for future research. With further development of physically-based stochastic parametrisation schemes, we could have the potential to produce the reliable, flow-dependent, probabilistic forecasts required by users for decision making. 203 204 Appendix A Skill Score Significance Testing A.1 Weather Forecasts in the Lorenz ‘96 System In order to state with confidence that one parametrisation is better than another, it is necessary to know how significantly different one skill score is from another. The simple Monte-Carlo technique used here evaluates how significant the difference is between two skill scores, assuming the null hypothesis that the two parametrisations have equal skill. Take the situation when the significance of the difference between two Skill Scores (SS) must be evaluated. Consider two vectors, A and B, which contain the values of the skill score evaluated for each forecast-verification pair for forecast models A and B respectively. The skill score for the forecast model is the average of these individual scores. The vectors are each of length n, corresponding to the number of forecast-verification pairs considered. If the forecasts have equal skill, the elements of A and B are interchangeable, and any apparent difference in skill of forecast system A over B is due to chance. Therefore, the elements of A and B were pairwise shuffled 4000 times, and the skill of the shuffled vector forecasts calculated. The difference in skill score, D = SS(A) − SS(B) is calculated, and the probability of occurrence of the measured D assuming the null hypothesis is evaluated. The significance of the difference between the skill of the forecast models tested in the L96 system is calculated following the method above. The details of the different models, and the skill of the models at short term forecasts in the L96 system are presented in Chapter 2. The following tables contain the proportion of shuffled forecast skill scores with a smaller difference, D, than that measured (to two decimal places). For the RPSS and IGNSS, if the proportion is greater than 0.95, and Dmeas is positive, forecast A is considered to be significantly 205 Det. WA AR1 A W SD AR1 SD WM AR1 M W MA AR1 MA W A AR1 A W SD AR1 SD W M AR1 M W MA AR1 MA PP 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.94 1.00 0.56 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.07 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 Table A.1: Significance values for improvement of [column heading] parametrisation (C) over [row heading] parametrisation (R), calculated for the RPSS for the c = 4 case. Blue indicates C is significantly more skilful than R at the 95% significance level, while red indicates R is significantly more skilful than C. Det. WA AR1 A W SD AR1 SD WM AR1 M W MA AR1 MA W A AR1 A W SD AR1 SD W M AR1 M W MA AR1 MA PP 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.07 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.88 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.88 0.12 ⋆ 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.55 0.04 ⋆ 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.03 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.03 Table A.2: As for Table A.1, except the significance of difference in RPSS for the c = 10 case. more skilful than forecast B (at the 95% level), and is coloured blue in Tables A.1–A.4. If the proportion is less than 0.05, and Dmeas is negative, forecast A is considered to be significantly worse than forecast B, and is coloured red. For REL a smaller value indicates improved reliability. Therefore if the proportion is less than 0.05, and Dmeas is negative, forecast A is considered to be significantly more skilful than forecast B (at the 95% level), and is coloured blue in Tables A.5–A.6. If the proportion is greater than 0.95, and Dmeas is positive, forecast A is considered to be significantly worse than forecast B, and is coloured red. A.2 Simulated Climate in the Lorenz ‘96 System The significance of the difference between two climatological pdfs is calculated using a similar Monte-Carlo technique. The details of the forecast models are presented in Chapter 2, and 206 Det. WA AR1 A W SD AR1 SD WM AR1 M W MA AR1 MA W A AR1 A W SD AR1 SD W M AR1 M W MA AR1 MA PP 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.21 1.00 0.52 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.66 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.69 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.52 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.81 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 Table A.3: As for Table A.1, except the significance of difference in IGNSS for the c = 4 case. Det. WA AR1 A W SD AR1 SD WM AR1 M W MA AR1 MA W A AR1 A W SD AR1 SD W M AR1 M W MA AR1 MA PP 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.63 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.77 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.12 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 Table A.4: As for Table A.1, except the significance of difference in IGNSS for the c = 10 case. Det. WA AR1 A W SD AR1 SD WM AR1 M W MA AR1 MA WA 0.30 ⋆ AR1 A W SD 0.00 0.63 0.00 0.87 ⋆ 1.00 ⋆ AR1 SD W M AR1 M W MA AR1 MA 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.29 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.23 1.00 0.95 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.06 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.23 1.00 0.95 ⋆ 0.00 0.29 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 ⋆ PP 0.35 0.53 1.00 0.26 1.00 0.52 1.00 0.67 1.00 Table A.5: Significance values for improvement of [column heading] parametrisation (C) over [row heading] parametrisation (R), calculated for REL for the c = 4 case. Blue indicates C is significantly more skilful than R at the 95% significance level, while red indicates R is significantly more skilful than C. 207 Det. WA AR1 A W SD AR1 SD WM AR1 M W MA AR1 MA W A AR1 A W SD AR1 SD 0.94 0.00 0.94 0.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.33 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 ⋆ W M AR1 M W MA AR1 MA PP 0.95 0.055 0.90 0.00 0.43 0.51 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.04 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.73 1.00 0.65 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.09 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.73 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.03 ⋆ 1.00 0.04 0.98 ⋆ 0.00 0.09 ⋆ 1.00 Table A.6: As for Table A.5, except the significance of difference in REL for the c = 10 case. the skill of the different models at simulating the climate of the L96 system is presented in Chapter 3. The significance of the difference between the two climatological vectors XA and XB must be evaluated. Each vector samples 10, 000M T U with a resolution of 0.05M T U . Firstly, each vector is divided into sections 50M T U long. These sections are pairwise shuffled to create two new climatological vectors, XP and XQ . The Hellinger distance between each shuffled vector and the true climatological vector is analysed following (3.2) to give Dhell (XP ) and Dhell (XQ ) respectively. The difference, D = Dhell (XP ) − Dhell (XQ ) is calculated. This is repeated 2000 times, and the distribution of D compared to the improvement in Hellinger distance between the original XA and XB , Dtru = Dhell (XA ) − Dhell (XB ), where each Hellinger distance is calculated by comparing to the true climatological distribution. The proportion of D smaller than Dtru is calculated and shown in Tables A.7 and A.8. The smaller the value of Dhell the better the simulation of the true climatology. Therefore, if Dtru is negative, A has a better representation of the true climatology than B. In this case, if less than 5% of the distribution of D is smaller (more negative) than Dtrue , the climate of A is significantly better than B at the 95% significance level, and is coloured blue in Tables A.7 and A.8. Conversely, if Dtru is positive and the proportion of D smaller than Dtru is 0.95 or greater, the climate of A is significantly worse than the climate of B, and the proportion is coloured red in Tables A.7 and A.8. 208 Det. White A. AR1 A. White SD. AR1 SD. White M. AR1 M. White MA. AR1 MA. W A AR1 A W SD AR1 SD W M AR1 M W MA AR1 MA PP 0.34 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.05 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.031 0.026 ⋆ 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.79 0.00 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.005 1.00 0.39 0.26 ⋆ 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.99 0.91 ⋆ 0.00 0.00 ⋆ 0.32 Table A.7: Significance values for improvement of the climatology of [column heading] parametrisation over [row heading] parametrisation, calculated for the Hellinger Distance for the c = 4 case. “0” indicates that R is better than C with a likelihood of less than 1/2000, while “1” indicates a likelihood of greater than 1999/2000. Blue indicates C is significantly more skilful than R at the 95% significance level, while red indicates R is significantly more skilful than C. Det. White A. AR1 A. White SD. AR1 SD. White M. AR1 M. White MA. AR1 MA. W A AR1 A W SD AR1 SD W M AR1 M W MA AR1 MA PP 0.99 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.44 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.045 0.00 0.011 0.00 0.003 0.00 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.38 1.00 0.0065 1.00 0.28 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.47 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 0.013 1.00 0.39 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.0005 ⋆ 1.00 0.96 1.00 ⋆ 0.00 0.00 ⋆ 1.00 Table A.8: As for Table A.7, except for the c = 10 case. 209 A.3 Skill Scores for the IFS It is necessary to calculate the significance of the difference between the skill of the different IFS model versions to establish if a significant improvement has been made. The technique described in Section A.1 is used. As for the L96 system, the score vectors will be pairwise shuffled. This is because the difference between the skill of forecast system A under predictable flow conditions and under unpredictable flow conditions is likely to be greater than the difference between forecast system A and B for the same conditions. It is therefore important that each shuffled vector contains the same ratio of predictable to unpredictable cases as for the un-shuffled cases. When considering forecasts made using the IFS, it is important to consider spatial correlations as well as temporal correlation. A time series of the thirty initial conditions was constructed, and the spatial correlation estimated as a function of horizontal displacement for the tropical region with significant convection. Figure A.1 shows the correlation for each variable of interest. The time series show significant spatial correlation out to large horizontal separations. For synoptic scales of 1,500–2,000km, the correlations are less than 0.5 for all variables, except Z500, which varies on larger spatial scales. This corresponds to a longitudinal separation of approximately 15◦ at the equator. Therefore, to preserve the spatial correlation in the dataset to a large degree, the skill scores for each forecast will be split into blocks 15◦ × 15◦ in size which will then be treated independently. The tropical region with significant convection is split into sixteen blocks, for forecasts starting from 30 initial dates. There are therefore 480 blocks of scores in total which are pairwise shuffled using the method described in Section A.1. A.3.1 Experiments in the IFS The significance of the difference between the RPS is calculated for experiments using the IFS. The results for IGN and ES are similar, so are not shown for brevity. For each figure, each row of figures corresponds to a different variable. Each column corresponds to a different experiment of interest. The figure shows the likelihood that the experiment of interest had a significantly higher (poorer) score than each of the other four experiments. A likelihood of greater than 0.95 indicates the experiment of interest is significantly worse than the other experiment. A likelihood of less than 0.05 indicates the experiment of interest is significantly 210 1 0.9 0.8 Correlation 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Spatial Separation / km Figure A.1: Spatial correlation between initial condition time series for T850 (red), U850 (green), U200 (magenta), Z500 (black), TCWV (blue) and PPT(cyan). The correlation is calculated by the initial condition time series at some spatial separation. This was calculated for all points within the tropical region of significant convection defined in Figure 5.1(b) as a function of spatial separation. better than the other experiment. The other experiments (to which we are comparing) are distinguished by the colour of the symbols Figure A.2 shows the results for the stochastic and perturbed parameter experiments from Chapter 5: TSCZ, TSCS, TSCP, TSCPr, and TSCPv. Figure A.3 shows the results for the independent SPPT experiments from Chapter 6: TSCS, TSCS + SKEB, TSCSi and TSCSi + SKEB. Figure A.4 shows the results for the individually independent SPPT experiments from Chapter 6: TSCS, TSCSi, RDDTi, TGWDi, NOGWi, CONVi, and LSWPi. Figure A.5 shows the results for the T639 independent SPPT experiments from Chapter 6: TSCS, TSCS + SKEB, and TSCSi. For example: either Figure A.2 (k) or (l) can be used to ascertain the significance of the difference between the RPS for Z500 for the TSCZ and TSCS experiments of Chapter 5. In figure (k), the line with blue crosses indicates that TSCZ was significantly less skilful than TSCS at short lead times, that there was no significant difference at a lead time of 120 hrs, and that at 240 hrs, TSCZ was significantly more skilful. In figure (l), the line with black crosses gives the same information. 211 (b) TS CS T 850 significance (a) TS CZ 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 100 200 significance significance 100 200 0 0 (h) 100 200 0 (i) 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 0 0 (l) 100 200 100 200 0 (n) 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 200 0 0 100 200 (q) (p) 0 0 100 200 100 200 0 (s) 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 100 200 0 0 (u) 100 200 0 0 (v) 100 200 100 200 0 (x) 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 (1) (z) 0 0 100 200 100 200 0 (3) 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 100 200 (4) 1 0 200 0 0 (2) 100 (y) 1 0 200 0 0 (w) 100 (t) 1 0 200 0 0 (r) 100 (o) 1 100 200 0 0 (m) 100 (j) 1 0 significance 0 0 1 0 significance 200 1 (k) significance 100 1 0 TCWV 0 0 (g) 0 PPT (e) TS CPv 1 (f) U 200 (d) TS CPr 1 0 Z 500 TS CP 1 0 U 850 (c) 1 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure A.2: Significance of difference between RPS for each pair of experiments in Chapter 5: TSCZ (black), TSCS (blue), TSCP (red), TSCPr (magenta) and TSCPv (green). Each column corresponds to a different experiment of interest, and the four plotted lines are the significance of the difference between that experiment and the other four, indicated by colour of markers. A value of less than 0.05 indicates the experiment of interest significantly improves on the other experiment, and a value of greater than 0.95 indicates it is significantly poorer. 212 T 850 significance (a) (b) TSCS + SKEB TSCS 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 100 200 significance significance 200 0 (g) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 100 200 0 (k) 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 200 0 0 (m) 100 200 100 200 0 (o) 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 100 200 0 (s) 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 100 200 0 (w) 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 100 200 (x) 1 0 200 0 0 (v) (u) 100 (t) 1 0 200 0 0 (r) (q) 100 (p) 1 0 200 0 0 (n) 100 (l) 1 100 200 0 0 (j) 100 (h) 1 0 significance 100 1 0 significance 0 0 (f) (i) significance 200 1 0 TCWV 100 1 0 PPT 0 0 (e) U 200 (d) TSCSi + SKEB 1 0 Z 500 TSCSi 1 0 U 850 (c) 1 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure A.3: As for Figure A.2, except for each pair of experiments in Chapter 6: TSCS (blue), TSCS + SKEB (cyan), TSCSi (red), and TSCSi + SKEB (magenta). 213 significance T 850 significance significance LSWPi 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 100 200 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 0 0 100 200 100 200 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 significance CONVi 1 0 U 200 NOGWi 1 0 Z 500 TGWDi 1 0 U 850 RDDTi 1 214 TSCSi TSCS 1 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure A.4: As for Figure A.2, except for each pair of ‘individually independent’ experiments in Chapter 6: TSCS (blue), TSCSi (red), RDDTi (black), TGWDi (grey), NOGWi (yellow), CONVi (green), and LSWPi (magenta). T 850 significance (a) TSCS (b)TSCS + SKEB 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 100 200 significance U 850 (e) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 100 200 significance 200 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 100 200 100 200 0 (k) (l) 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 200 0 0 1 0 100 (i) 1 0 200 0 (h) (j) significance 100 1 200 100 0 0 1 100 0 (f) 1 0 0 U 200 200 1 (g) Z 500 100 1 0 0 TSCSi 0 0 (d) (c) 0 0 100 200 lead time / hrs 0 100 200 lead time / hrs Figure A.5: As for Figure A.2, except for each pair of T639 experiments in Chapter 6: TSCS (blue), TSCS + SKEB (cyan), and TSCSi (red). 215 216 Appendix B The Error-spread Score: A Proper Score B.1 Derivation of the Form of the Error-Spread Score The starting point when deriving the Error-spread Score is spread-error relationship; the expected squared error of the ensemble mean can be related to the expected ensemble variance according to (1.26) by assuming the ensemble members and the truth are independently identically distributed random variables with variance σ 2 (Leutbecher, 2010). Consider the trial Error-spread score, EStrial = (s2 − e2 )2 (B.1) Expanding out the brackets, and expressing the error, e, in terms of the forecast ensemble mean, m and the verification, z: EStrial = s4 − 2s2 (m − z)2 + (m − z)4 = (s4 − 2s2 m2 + m4 ) + z(4s2 m − 4m3 ) + z 2 (4m2 − 2s2 + 2m2 ) − 4mz 3 + z 4 217 (B.2) The expected value of the score can be calculated by assuming the verification follows the truth distribution: E [EStrial ] = (s4 − 2s2 m2 + m4 ) + E[z] (4s2 m − 4m3 ) + E[z 2 ] (4m2 − 2s2 + 2m2 ) − 4m E[z 3 ] + E[z 4 ] (B.3) The stationary points of the score are calculated by differentiating with respect to the forecast moments: F := d E [EStrial ] ds (B.4) =4s(s2 − m2 ) + 8sm E[z] − 4s E[z 2 ] G := d E [EStrial ] dm (B.5) = − 4m(s2 − m2 ) + (4s2 − 12m2 ) E[z] + 12m E[z 2 ] − 4 E[z 3 ] Substituting the true moments: E[z] = µ, E[z 2 ] = σ 2 + µ2 , and E[z 3 ] = γσ 3 + 3µσ 2 + µ3 , F = 4s(s2 − σ 2 − (m − µ)2 ) (B.6) G = 4(m − µ)3 + 4(m − µ)(3σ 2 − s2 ) − 4γσ 3 (B.7) s2 = σ 2 + (m − µ)2 (B.8) Setting F = 0 gives Setting G = 0, and substituting (B.8) gives, 4γσ 3 = 4(m − µ)3 + 4(m − µ)(3σ 2 − s2 ) = 8σ 2 (m − µ) ∴ m=µ+ γσ 2 (B.9) 218 Substituting (B.9) into (B.8) gives, γσ s =σ + µ+ −µ 2 ! γ2 = σ2 1 + 4 2 2 2 (B.10) Therefore, the trial Error-spread Score is not optimised if the mean and standard deviation of the true distribution are forecast. Instead of issuing his or her true belief, (m, s), the forecaster should predict a distribution with mean mhedged = m + s2hedged = s2 1 + 2 g 4 gs 2 and inflated standard deviation, in order to maximise their expected score. To prevent a forecaster from hedging the forecast in this way, the substitution m → m + gs 2 and s2 → s2 1 + g2 4 can be made in the trial Error-spread score: EStrial := s2 − (m − z)2 → ES := s 2 g2 1+ 4 ! 2 gs −z − m+ 2 (B.11) 2 !2 ES =(s2 − e2 − esg)2 B.2 (B.12) Confirmation of Propriety of the Error-spread Score It is important to confirm that the Error-spread score is proper. Firstly, expand out the brackets: ES = (s2 − (m − z)2 − (m − z)sg)2 (B.13) = (s2 − m2 + 2zm − z 2 − msg + zsg)2 = (s4 − 2m2 s2 − 2ms3 g + m2 s2 g 2 + 2m3 sg + m4 ) + z(4ms2 + 2s3 g − 4m2 sg − 4m3 − 2ms2 g 2 − 2m2 sg) + z 2 (−2s2 + 2m2 + 2msg + 4m2 + 4msg + s2 g 2 ) + z 3 (−4m − 2sg) + z 4 (B.14) Calculate the expectation of the score assuming the verification, z, follows the truth distri- 219 bution (equations 4.2–4.4). E [ES] = (s4 − 2m2 s2 − 2ms3 g + m2 s2 g 2 + 2m3 sg + m4 ) + E [z] (4ms2 + 2s3 g − 4m2 sg − 4m3 − 2ms2 g 2 − 2m2 sg) h i + E z 2 (−2s2 + 2m2 + 2msg + 4m2 + 4msg + s2 g 2 ) h i h + E z 3 (−4m − 2sg) + E z 4 i (B.15) But E [z] = µ, h (B.16) i E z 2 = σ 2 + µ2 , h (B.17) i E z 3 = σ 3 γ + 3µσ 2 + µ3 , h (B.18) i E z 4 = σ 4 β + 4µσ 3 γ + 6µ2 σ 2 + µ4 . (B.19) Therefore E [ES] = (s4 − 2m2 s2 − 2ms3 g + m2 s2 g 2 + 2m3 sg + m4 ) + µ(4ms2 + 2s3 g − 4m2 sg − 4m3 − 2ms2 g 2 − 2m2 sg) + (σ 2 + µ2 )(−2s2 + 2m2 + 2msg + 4m2 + 4msg + s2 g 2 ) + (σ 3 γ + 3µσ 2 + µ3 )(−4m − 2sg) + σ 4 β + 4µσ 3 γ + 6µ2 σ 2 + µ4 (B.20) Expanding and re-factorising, it can be shown that 2 E [ES] = (σ 2 − s2 ) + (µ − m)2 − sg(µ − m) + σ 2 (2(µ − m) + (σγ − sg))2 + σ 4 (β − γ 2 − 1) (B.21) In order to be proper, the expected value of the scoring rule must be minimised when the “truth” distribution is forecast. Let us test this here. 220 Differentiating with respect to m: d E[ES] = 2 (σ 2 − s2 ) + (µ − m)2 − sg(µ − m) (sg − 2(µ − m)) dm − 4σ 2 (2(µ − m) + (σγ − sg)) =0 (B.22) at optimum. Differentiating with respect to s: d E[ES] = 2 (σ 2 − s2 ) + (µ − m)2 − sg(µ − m) (−2s − g(µ − m)) ds − 2σ 2 g (2(µ − m) + (σγ − sg)) =0 (B.23) at optimum. Differentiating with respect to g: d E[ES] = −2s(µ − m) (σ 2 − s2 ) + (µ − m)2 − sg(µ − m) dg − 2σ 2 s (2(µ − m) + (σγ − sg)) =0 Since d E[ES] dv (B.24) at optimum. = 0 for v = m, s, g, the “truth” distribution corresponds to a stationary point of the score. The Hessian of the score is given by 2 0 2σ γ + 4 2 H = 2σ 2 γ + 4 σγ 0 , 2σ σγ σ2 which has three eigenvalues ≥ 0. This stationary point is a minimum as required. Additionally, a score, S is proper if, for any two probability densities P (x) and Q(x) (Bröcker, 2009), Z S[P (x), z] Q(z) dz ≥ Z S[Q(x), z] Q(z) dz. (B.25) where the integral is over the possible verifications, z. This criterion can be tested for the Error-spread score. The term on the left of (B.25) is the expectation of ES calculated earlier 221 if we identify P (x) with the issued forecast and Q(x) with the “truth” distribution. Z 2 S[P (x), z] Q(z) = (σ 2 − s2 ) + (µ − m)2 − sg(µ − m) + σ 2 (2(µ − m) + (σγ − sg))2 + σ 4 (β − γ 2 − 1) (B.26) Similarly, Z S[Q(x), z] Q(z) = σ 4 (β − γ 2 − 1) (B.27) Therefore, Z S[P (x), z] Q(z) dz − Z S[Q(x), z] Q(z) 2 = (σ 2 − s2 ) + (µ − m)2 − sg(µ − m) ≥ 0 ∀ m, s and g. + σ 2 (2(µ − m) + (σγ − sg))2 (B.28) The Error-spread score is a proper score. B.3 Decomposition of the Error-spread Score In this decomposition, the error between the verification and the ensemble mean, (m − z), is discussed as if it were the verification. Consider that the forecast can be transformed to centre it on the origin, and the same transformation can be used on the verification. The statistics of the measured error are unchanged, and will have an expected value of zero if the forecast was unbiased, i.e. the mean of the forecast and the mean of the truth distribution are identical. This assumption is used in the following — the error can now be thought of as the verification as its value depends only on the measured true state of the atmosphere, assuming the forecast ensemble mean is perfectly accurate. Assume that the predicted spread, sk , can only take I discrete values si where i = (1, . . . , I). Assume the predicted skewness, gk , can only take J discrete values gj where j = (1, . . . , J). Bin the measured errors, ek , according to the predicted spread, si , and the predicted skewness, 222 gj . Defining n= J I X X Ni,j , (B.29) i=1 j=1 e2i,j = 1 X 2 e Ni,j k∈Ni,j k ≈ E[e2k ], (B.30) k∈Ni,j and e2 = J n I X 1X 1X e2k = Ni,j e2i,j n k=1 n i=1 j=1 ≈ E[e2k ], (B.31) where n is the total number of forecast-verification pairs and Ni,j is defined as the number of forecast-verification pairs in bin (i, j). e2i,j is the average squared error in each bin and e2 is the climatological error, both of which represent the sample estimates of the expected value of these errors. The binning is conditioned on the forecast spread and skew only as, for the reasons given above, the forecast mean is unimportant if the forecast is unbiased. The Error-Spread score can be rewritten as a sum over the IJ bins as ES = = = n 1X (s2 − e2k − ek sk gk )2 n k=1 k J I X X 1X (s2 − e2k − ek si gj )2 n i=1 j=1 k∈Ni,j i J I X X 1X (s2 − e2 )2 −2ek si gj (s2i − e2k ) + e2k s2i gj2 n i=1 j=1 k∈Ni,j | i {z k } | {z } A (B.32) B Consider the first term, A, evaluating the spread of the forecast: A= J I X X 1X (s2 − e2k )2 n i=1 j=1 k∈Ni,j i (B.33) J I X X X 1X Ni,j (s2 )2 − 2s2 (e2k )2 . e2k + = i i n i=1 j=1 k∈Ni,j k∈Ni,j Here it has been recognised that si is a discrete variable, constant within a bin, so can be moved outside the summation term. Using the definitions of e2i,j and e2 , the square is completed twice 223 to give: A= J J I X I X 2 2 1X 1X Ni,j s2i − e2i,j − Ni,j e2i,j − e2 n i=1 j=1 n i=1 j=1 + J I X 1X Ni,j (e2 )2 − 2Ni,j e2 e2 + i,j n i=1 j=1 X k∈Ni,j (B.34) (e2k )2 . Recalling the definition of e2i,j , and from Eq. B.30 PI i=1 PJ j=1 Ni,j (e2 )2 = n(e2 )2 = A= Pn 2 2 k=1 (e ) , J J I X I X 2 2 1X 1X Ni,j s2i − e2i,j − Ni,j e2i,j − e2 n i=1 j=1 n i=1 j=1 + J I X J n I X X X 1X 1X 2 X e2k + (e2 )2 − e2 (e2 )2 . n k=1 n i=1 j=1 k∈Ni,j n i=1 j=1 k∈Ni,j k (B.35) Since the ek have not been sorted according to spread and skew, the multiple summation terms can be replaced by a summation over k: J J I X I X n 2 2 2 1X 1X 1X 2 2 2 2 Ni,j si − ei,j − Ni,j ei,j − e A= e2 − e2k + n i=1 j=1 n i=1 j=1 n k=1 (B.36) The first term, A, has been decomposed into a sum of squared terms. Consider the second term, B, which evaluates the shape of the forecast. This can be written in terms of the expectation of the moments of the error ek : B= = J I X X 1X −2ek si gj (s2i − e2k ) + e2k s2i gj2 n i=1 j=1 k∈Ni,j J I X 1X −2Ni,j s3i gj E[ek ] + 2Ni,j si gj E[e3k ] + Ni,j s2i gj2 E[e2k ] n i=1 j=1 k∈Ni,j k∈Ni,j k∈Ni,j (B.37) Assume E[ek ] = 0. This is equivalent to assuming there is no systematic bias in the forecast k∈Ni,j (note that in the decomposition of A, this assumption was not required). The bias of a forecasting system should be checked before this decomposition is applied, and the forecast debiased if necessary. With the assumption of no bias, using Eq. B.47, E[e3k ] k∈Ni,j =γ E[e2k ] k∈Ni,j 2 − (E[ek ]) k∈Ni,j !3/2 !3/2 = γ E[e2k ] k∈Ni,j + 3E[ek ]E[e2k ] + 2(E[ek ])3 k∈Ni,j k∈Ni,j k∈Ni,j (B.38) 224 where γ is the observed (“true”) skewness of the error distribution. Define the measured shape factor, Gi,j = 1 X 3 e ≈ E[e3k ], Ni,j k∈Ni,j k k∈Ni,j (B.39) which is approximately equal to the third moment of the error distribution in each bin, estimated using a finite sample size. Define also the climatological shape factor, J I X n 1X 1X G= e3k . Ni,j Gi,j = n i=1 j=1 n k=1 (B.40) From Eq. 1.26 and Eq. B.38 it can be shown that if our forecast standard deviation, si , and skewness, gj are accurate, the measured shape factor should obey Gi,j = −si gj e2i,j . (B.41) where the negative sign arises because the verification has a negative sign in the definition of error, m − z, so that gj = −γ for an accurate forecast. B can be written in terms of the shape factor, Gi,j as B= = J I X 1X Ni,j s2i gj2 e2i,j + 2Ni,j si gj Gi,j n i=1 j=1 J I X 1X n i=1 j=1 Ni,j si gj e2i,j + Gi,j e2i,j 2 − J I X G2 1X Ni,j 2i,j . n i=1 j=1 ei,j Completing the square by adding and subtracting Ni,j 2Gi,j eG2 − e2i,j B= J I X 1X n i=1 j=1 Ni,j si gj e2i,j + Gi,j n G 1X e2 + k n k=1 e2 e2i,j !2 2 G e2 (B.42) 2 2 J I X G 1X Gi,j Ni,j e2i,j 2 − 2 − n i=1 j=1 e ei,j G − 2e3k 2 . e 225 (B.43) Combining with Eq. B.36, the ES score can be decomposed into 2 J I X si gj e2i,j + Gi,j 1X 2 2 ES = Ni,j (si − e2i,j ) + 2 n i=1 j=1 {z } ei,j | a | {z } b 2 } J I X Gi,j G 1X − Ni,j (e2i,j − e2 )2 + e2i,j − 2 | n i=1 j=1 {z } e2 ei,j c + n G 1X 2 (e − e2k )2 + e2k n k=1 e2 | !2 {z d − 2e3k {z | e G e2 (B.44) } Term a tests the reliability of the ensemble spread, and b the reliability of the ensemble shape. Term c tests the resolution of the predicted spread and d the resolution of the predicted shape. The last term is the uncertainty in the forecast, which is not a function of the binning process. B.4 Mathematical Properties of Moments For a random variable X which is drawn from a probability distribution, P(X), the moments of the distribution are defined as follows. The mean, µ: µ = E[X], (B.45) The variance, σ 2 : σ 2 = E[(X − µ)2 ] = E[X 2 ] − µ2 , (B.46) The skewness, γ: γ=E = " X −µ σ 3 # 1 3 2 3 E[X ] − 3µσ − µ , σ3 226 (B.47) Bibliography E. Anderson and A. Persson. 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