Decision Notice - Planning

Mr Tim Coleman
79 Dulverton Avenue
Application No.
Registered on
: ADV/2011/1071
: 13/07/2011
: Mr Tim Coleman
Re Site at
:The Bridge Second Floor Broadgate House
Description of Development: Banner sign
Delegated Decision on 01/09/2011
Coventry City Council, as Local Planning Authority, CONSENT TO the display
of the advertisement(s) proposed in your application, subject to the following
condition(s): CONDITIONS
A] No advertisement is to be displayed without the permission of the owner of
the site or any other person with an interest in the site entitled to grant
B] No advertisement shall be sited or displayed so as
Application Number ADV/2011/1071
Despatched on 01/09/2011
DNECAPP (feb2011)
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Group Manager Planning &
Building Control
Endanger persons using the highway, railway, waterway, dock harbour
or aerodrome (civil or military);
obscure, or hinder the ready interpretation of, any traffic sign, railway
signal or aid to navigation by water or air; or
hinder the operation of any device used for the purpose of security or
surveillance or for measuring the speed of a vehicle
C] Any advertisements displayed, and any site used for the display of
advertisements, shall be maintained in a condition that does not impair the
visual amenity of the site.
D] Any structure or hoarding erected or used principally for the purpose of
displaying advertisements shall be maintained in a condition that does not
endanger the public.
E] Where an advertisement is required under these Regulations to be
removed, the site shall be left in a condition that does not endanger the public
or impair visual amenity.
F] The consent shall remain valid for a period of 5 years from the date of
consent in compliance with Paragraph 7(b) of the Town and Country Planning
(Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007.
For the avoidance of doubt, this decision relates to the following drawings,
letters or associated documentation that may have been submitted with
the application.
Location Plan;
Location Plan with banner position;
Broadgate House floorplan with banner position;
Broadgate House pic 1;
Broadgate House pic 2;
Email dated 09 July 2011;
RP007 Banner Detail
Application Number ADV/2011/1071
Despatched on 01/09/2011
DNECAPP (feb2011)
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Group Manager Planning &
Building Control
You are advised that if your proposal involves works covered by the Party
Walls etc Act 1996. You are recommended to seek independent advice.
Booklets are available from the Planning Advisory Desk & HMSO.
Appeal Rights:
You have a right of appeal to the Department of Communities and Local
Government against any condition subject to which consent is granted.
There are two appeal procedures and the Planning Inspectorate will cooperate with you, or your agent, in enabling your appeal to be processed and
considered in the appropriate way. There may however be occasions when
the Inspectorate are required to use a procedure, which is not of your
choosing to ensure that all aspects of the appeal are thoroughly, and fairly
considered. When this occurs the Inspectorate will provide an explanation.
Precise grounds of appeal should be given to enable the City Council in their
written statement to answer the relevant points and thus avoid unnecessary
delays. You will be given the opportunity to respond to their representations.
The two appeal procedures are:
1] by written representations by you the City Council followed by (a) an
unaccompanied site inspection of the appeal site by a Planning Inspector; or
(b) no site inspection, but with consideration of photographs of the appeal site,
provided you and the City Council both agree in advance to this arrangement;
2] by hearing of the party’s oral representations by a Planning Inspector and
(usually) an accompanied site inspection of the appeal site.
All advertisement appeals have to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate
within 8 weeks of the receipt of this decision notice. To appeal you should
complete the official appeal form, DOE 1407B, which is a specially designed
3-part appeal form. Please read the notes for guidance carefully before
completing. Form DOE 1407B can be obtained from this address.
Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/17 Temple Quay House, 2 The Square,
Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN or you can access their website on
The telephone number, if you need more information or advice is 01179
Application Number ADV/2011/1071
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DNECAPP (feb2011)
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Group Manager Planning &
Building Control
Completed forms should be returned as follows: * The white copy to the Planning Inspectorate at the address shown above.
* The yellow copy to the City Council at the following address;Director of Legal & Democratic Services,
Council House,
Coventry CV1 5RR
The blue copy is for your retention.
An advertisement may continue to be displayed after expiry of an
express consent unless the consent is subject to a condition requiring removal
the advertisement after expiry of the consent or the local planning authority
serves a notice requiring discontinuance of the advertisement.
Application may be made for the renewal of the consent herein granted at
anytime within a period of 6 months before it’s expiry.
Where the display of advertisements in accordance with this consent involves
the development of the land on which they are displayed, permission for that
development is deemed to be granted, and no separate application for such
development is necessary.
If one or more of the conditions listed in this decision notice require you to
submit further information to the City Council for approval then in all instances
those details are to be submitted to; City Services & Development Directorate
Planning Highways & Transportation
Development Management
Application Number ADV/2011/1071
Despatched on 01/09/2011
DNECAPP (feb2011)
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Group Manager Planning &
Building Control
Civic Centre 4,
Much Park Street,
Coventry CV1 2PY.
The receipt of such details will be acknowledged and a further decision notice
will be issued following full consideration
Application Number ADV/2011/1071
Despatched on 01/09/2011
DNECAPP (feb2011)
Page 5
Group Manager Planning &
Building Control
Application Number ADV/2011/1071
Despatched on 01/09/2011
DNECAPP (feb2011)
Page 6
Group Manager Planning &
Building Control