A parallel-plate capacitor is an electrical component used to store

A parallel-plate capacitor is an electrical component used to store
energy in an electric field between two charged, flat surfaces.
Identify SI units used to express the ability of capacitors to hold charge
Describe functions of a parallel-plate capacitor
Describe general structure of a capacitor
KEY POINTS [ edit ]
Capacitors can take many forms, but all involve two conductorsseparated by a dielectric material.
All capacitors collect charge on the two, separate conductive surfaces; one side is positive and the
other negative. An electric field is created as charge builds on the opposite surfaces,
storingenergy. The dielectric acts as an insulator, isolating the charged surfaces.
The ability of capacitors to hold charge is measured in Farads (F). Capacitors will typically allow a
small leakage of currentthrough the dielectric, but after a certain voltage, the entire capacitor
breaks down as the dielectric becomes a conductor.
TERMS [ edit ]
A material which contains movable electric charges.
An electronic component capable of storing an electric charge, especially one consisting of two
conductors separated by a dielectric.
An electrically insulating or nonconducting material considered for its electric susceptibility (i.e.,
its property of polarization when exposed to an external electric field).
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A capacitor is an electricalcomponentused
to store energy in an electric field.
Capacitors can take many forms, but all
involve two conductors separated by a
dielectric material. For the purpose of
this atom, we will focus on parallel-plate
capacitors .
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area A
Plate separation d
Diagram of a Parallel-Plate Capacitor
Charges in the dielectric material line up to oppose the charges of each plate of the capacitor. An
electric field is created between the plates of the capacitor as charge builds on each plate.
All capacitors collect charge on the two, separate conductive surfaces; one side is positive and
the other negative. An electric field is created as charge builds on the opposite surfaces,
storing energy. The dielectric between the conductors is meant to act as an insulator,
preventing charge from bridging the gap between the two plates. Such dielectrics are
commonly composed of glass, air, paper, or empty space (a vacuum). In practice, dielectrics
do not act as perfect insulators, and permit a small amount of leakage current to pass through
Capacitors are limited in their ability to prevent charge flow from one conductive surface to
the other; their ability to hold charge is measured in Farads (F), which are defined as 1
ampere-second per volt, one joule per square volt and oneCoulomb per volt, among other
For a parallel-plate capacitor, capacitance (C) is related to dielectric permittivity (ε), surface
area (A), and separation between the plates (d):
C =
Voltage (V) of a capacitor is related to distance between the plates, dielectric permittivity,
conductor surface area, and charge (Q) on the plates:
V =
Depending on the dielectric strength (Eds) and distance (d) between plates, a capacitor will
"break" at a certain voltage (Vbd). This is calculated by:
V bd = E ds d
Parallel Plates and Equipotential Lines
A brief overview of parallel plates and equipotential lines from the viewpoint of electrostatics.