7/06 Electric Fields and Energy Part ASome standard electric field

Electric Fields and Energy
Part ASome standard electric field and potential configurations
About this lab:
Electric fields are created by electric charges and exert force on charges. Electric potential gives an
alternative description. You will study some simple cases illustrating how the field geometry is
related to the potential geometry and to the charge distribution geometry..
Electric fields also store energy (as do magnetic fields). You will consider how and where the
energy is stored, and how it can be dissipated.
Some important electric field geometries:
Besides the fundamental single point charge (monopole) field configuration (field directed
radially out or i, depending on charge sign), there are some important special and simple
electrostatic cases: plane parallel, coaxial cylindrical and dipole (oppositely charged points).
> For infinite parallel conducting plates (in approximation, plates with separation << linear
dimensions), the field is uniform and perpendicular to the plates, of strength
> For the dipole field (two opposite point charges) the field lines become circular close to the
charges (<< separation distance) and form a distinctive pattern in general. (The simplest pattern
for magnetic field lines is the dipole pattern – there are no magnetic monopoles in the present
cosmological epoch.)
Electric Fields and Energy
Figure 1 Electric Potential and Field Mapping Arrangement
From bottom up:
Oppositely charged parallel electrodes with intermediate circular shielded
Two oppositely charged points (dipole);
Oppositely charged parallel electrodes
The experimental arrangement for simulating the electric field between two point charges is shown
below in Figure 2.. A DC power supply set just under 20 volts is connected across the two conductors.
A digital multimeter set to read DC voltage on the 20V scale (if the applied voltage exceeds 20V the
DMM will always read 1) has its negative lead fixed to the negative electrode; the positive meter lead
may be touched to any point on the high-resistance conducting sheet (centimeter grid) to measure the
electric potential at that point.
Figure 2
Electric Fields and Energy
Field map board, power supply and digital meter
Electric charges flow from one electrode to the other through the conducting sheet; this situation
simulates very closely that of two charged electrodes in electrostatic equilibrium.
1. Choose an electrode configuration and print outa graph page of Electric Maps Report.sxw, which
are the graph grids for Dipole, Parallel Plates, Ring & Plates. Every time you identify an equipotential
point (you will seek out the 4V points, then the 8V points, etc), mark it with pencil on the graph grid
(not on the conducting paper).
2. For your electrode configuration (Dipole, Parallel Plates, Ring & Plates) locate on the conducting
paper and plot on the graph four equipotential lines, at 4V, 8V, 12V, and 16V. (All points of one
conductor are at 0V; all points of the other at (just under) +20V. Check it!) Indicate on the field plot
the polarity of each electrode, (+ or -). (Put scale numbers on your plot axes.) The plot need not
necessarily be exactly to scale; we are interested in shapes.) Take enough points so that you can draw
fairly accurate equipotential lines, but not so many as to make it needlessly tiresome. For the parallel
strip electrodes measure potential beyond and to the sides of the electrode region. For the circular
electrode between parallel strips make measurements inside the ring to test shielding. For the two point
electrode configuration, measure behind the points as well as between, to map the dipole (two-pole)
shape. In all cases be careful to take sufficient additional data to define the shape of the equipotential
lines and corresponding E field lines close to the conducting electrodes.
To simplify plotting it is a good idea to scan along grid lines of the conductor. If one scan direction
gives slow variation, try the perpendicular direction. If time permits, do the entire conducting sheet; if
time is short it will be sufficient to measure one side (left or right) and to sketch the other side
symmetrically. Lift the probe to move it; don't gouge the black paper. Please do not write on or
scratch the paper. Replacement is very costly.
Electric Fields and Energy
3. Draw a smooth line among points at the same potential. Label all equipotential line with voltage.
 . The E
 field lines
Then draw associated electric-field lines distinctively (use dashed lines for E
should be everywhere perpendicular to the equipotential lines, from the defining relation between E
and V, and should enter conductors at right angles (mobile charges very quickly readjust to make this
 is toward decreasing potential V. Indicate on your plot the direction of the
so). The direction of E
 field lines.
Part B Electric energy storage and dissipation
Figure 3
Capacitor charging-discharging setup
About this section:
Capacitance ("C") is a numerical property of a particular electrode geometry. It specifies the
relation between electrode charge and electrode potential difference.
Resistance ("R") is a process involving electrical (organized) energy dissipation into (random)
energy (heat).
Electric Fields and Energy
Electrostatic energy stored in a capacitor arrangement is dissipated in circuit resistance when
current is allowed to flow. The discharge voltage vs. time curve is characteristically exponential
with time
R equivalent C equivalent
If the current is reversed with an EMF (battery or power supply), the charging voltage curve vs. time
involves the same time constant
[ 1−e
Figure 4
Requivalent C equivalent
] .
Charging/discharge curves with the same time constant ReqCeq = 15 seconds
Recording and fitting such experimental curves determines the "time constant" product
R equivalent C equivalent , where "equivalent" denotes the net electrical effect of combinations of C's or
Electric Fields and Energy
(Warning: The Graphical Analysis Analyze: Curve Fit function has standard forms like these.
However, GA uses a parameter C which is the inverse of the time constant product.)
The volume energy density (joules/cubic meter, in mks units) stored in an electric field is proportional
to E . (A similar relation involving B2 holds for magnetic energy storage.) For a fixed conductor
geometry the E fields, corresponding charges +/- q and corresponding voltages V are all proportional.
Thus the stored energy is proportional to the square of applied voltage V, to the square of charges q on
conductors, and also to the space average of E (space integral) .
The field strength representation of stored energy is the most fundamental, as traveling electromagnetic
waves are kinetic, not electrostatic, and there is no applied voltage or charge to relate them to.
Voltage is an energy concept, defined reciprocally (space derivative and space integral) to the
corresponding electric field:
 = - dV
(dl = path element in direction of the max V increase), and
 , where the dot indicates the cosine between the two vectors.
 dl
V = - ∫ E⋅
Apparatus: RC (Resistor-Capacitor) circuit box, voltmeter, power supply, cables; additional resistors
Capacitors are devices for storing electric field energy. They exist commercially in myriad forms and
with varied properties. Depending on intended use, one property or another may be most desirable –
high voltage operation, compactness, low loss in AC operation, cost etc. They can serve to isolate one
voltage level from another (an ideal capacitor does not pass DC current), as part of a timing circuit, as
part of a voltage ripple filter, etc.
Capacity occurs by virtue of electric field lines between the charge on two surfaces. It is sometimes
undesired but unavoidable, as in electronic chips or other circuits, and designers must cope with the
consequences of “stray” capacitance. Whether these are of major consequence or not may depend on
the frequency of operation. (Similar considerations are involved in the presence of stray “inductance”,
the analogous magnetic energy storage element.)
The unit of capacitance is the farad , obviously named for Michael Faraday. A farad of capacitance is
a very large amount; milli-, micro-, nano-, or picofarads are much more common as discrete
commercial devices. Stray capacitances may be even smaller.
Electric Fields and Energy
Resistors are energy dissipating devices. As circuit elements, they involve a voltage drop iR, where i
is the current. In series with a capacitor, they delay the charge or discharge when a switch is opened or
closed., producing (for discharge) an exponential variation of the voltage across the capacitor. (See
discussion below of charging and discharging.)
But, air can be also considered to be resistive (dissipative) when it is ionized in an electrical discharge.
Heat is produced and, when the air discharge is explosive, thunder also results.
Getting the stored energy out of (or into) a capacitor
Think of the capacitor as a cubical detention pond with a valved outflow pipe. When the valve is
opened, the rate of fall of the water height (voltage) depends on the size of the pipe (resistance). And if
two ponds are cross connected with a very large pipe (connected in parallel by a very low resistance),
with a single small outflow pipe, the common level falls more slowly – capacitors in parallel “add”.
Discharging For discharge
V =V 0e
−t /
where  is the product RC . V = 0 as t –> infinity. The voltage decreases by a factor 1/e every
 seconds. (This exponential decay is similar to that of a radioactive sample which is not being
(Note once again: Graphical Analysis has a Curve Fit function of the form: exp(-Cx). Here, the
GA x is our time t, and the GA C is our inverse  : C GA = 1/τ . (GA's C is obviously not a
capacitance.) So, our  = RC has dimensions of time, but GA's C has units of inverse time.)
It is frequently easier to observe T 1
starting value. The relation is
on a graph, the time for the voltage to reduce by half of
T 1 =  ln2 = 0.693
( ln 2 because we want the half
time; if we wanted the 1/3 time, ln 3 would be involved, etc.)
For charging, the same time constant is involved
Electric Fields and Energy
V = V 0 ( 1−e
- 
V approaches V0 as t –> infinity.
The larger the time constant, the slower the charging or discharging.
For various combinations of circuit elements, single equivalent values may be used by following
these rules:
> Resistors in series (same current through all) add directly:
R series = R1 + R2 + R3 + --> Resistors in parallel (same voltage across all) add reciprocally:
1 1
= + +
+ --R R1 R 2 R3
(Your calculator 1/x function will handle this nicely. Don't forget the final inversion to get the
equivalent R)
> Capacitors in parallel (same voltage across all) add directly:
C parallel = C 1 + C 2 + C 3 + ---
> Capacitors in series (same charge (magnitude) on all plates) add reciprocally:
= + +
+ --C series C 1 C 2 C 3
The rules for equivalent resistors and capacitors thus interchange.
Electric Fields and Energy
The schematics below represent charging/discharging circuits in which a capacitor and resistor are
connected in series with a battery or power supply.
+ -
Figure 5
Charge/discharge circuit
When the switch S is placed in position A, the battery charges the circuit, i.e. charge flows from the
battery thru the resistor into the capacitor, until the capacitor is fully charged. When the switch is
placed in position B, the capacitor (which stores charge and energy) discharges through the resistor
(which dissipates charge energy). You will investigate how quickly this charge enters and leaves the
capacitor by measuring the voltage across it as a function of time and fitting the data. You will also
connect capacitors in series (end to end) and parallel to measure the equivalent capacitance.
Capacitance is the capacity to store charge, measured in farads, defined by:
q = CV
where q (Coulombs) is the charge on the capacitor and V (Volts) is the voltage across it. The electrical
energy stored in the capacitor is given by
stored energy = CV or, equivalently
How to connect the RC circuit
1 q2
Electric Fields and Energy
Two capacitors and one resistor are already wired into a single box with
connection jacks. You need only connect the box to the power supply
(which acts as the battery in the circuit) and the voltmeter.
The capacitors in the box are polarized and will only work if
connected in one direction; Ground (black) on the power supply
should only be connected to black on the box, red on the power
supply should only be connected to red on the box.
By connecting to different jacks (which are labeled A, B, C, etc) using
the supplied cables, you can create various circuits as shown below:
Figure 6
Power Supply
Plug into +20V to
Charge Capacitor
Unplug from +20V to
Discharge Capacitor
Figure 7
Single capacitor discharge through a resistor:
Electric Fields and Energy
Power Supply
Plug into +20V to
Charge Capacitor
Unplug from +20V to
Discharge Capacitor
Figure 8
Parallel Capacitors dischare through a resistor
Figure 9
Single capacitor charging through a resistor:
A. Single capacitor discharge
Use your wristwatch to record voltage vs. time every five seconds, on scrap. Enter into Graphical
Electric Fields and Energy
Analysis: Electric Fields and Energy, decide what theoretical function should describe the data and
Analyze: Curve Fit to obtain the value of  . Predict the time constant  from the values of the
resistances and capacitances in your circuit, using equivalent values as discussed above. Remember the
warning that CGA is different than C cap.
B. Parallel capacitors discharge
Proceed as above.
C. Series capacitors discharge
Note that there is no diagram for two capacitors in series. Design the experiment and hook up the
cables according to what you think the circuit should be connected but have your instructor check
the connection before performing the experiment.
Then proceed as above.
D. Single capacitor charge
Proceed as above.
(Series and parallel resistors)
Only if so directed, apply a known voltage to series and parallel resistor combinations and observe the
current through the power supply. Sketch the circuit. Calculate and record the expected current from
i calculated
the circuit parameters and form the ratio
i measured
Submit potential/field maps. Print composite charge/discharge graph. Show on each your calculation
of the time constant ReqCeq, in terms of the given component values. Show ratio τfit /τcalculated .