eastern municipal water district small sewage lift station guidelines

Last Update: 07/12/16
(951) 928-3777
Prepared by
(951) 684-6900
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Last Update: 07/12/16
Sewage Lift Station Site
Force Main
Lift Station
Electrical and Controls
Emergency Power
Telemetry Equipment
Sample Design Calculations
Table 1
Related District Standard Drawings
Refer to the latest Standard Detailed Provision Sections located at the following web site
Section 01000
Section 01430
Section 02051
Section 02201
Section 02252
Section 02513
Section 03150
Section 03200
Section 03300
Section 04220
Section 09811
General Safety Requirements
Maintenance Manual Requirements
Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
Construction Methods & Earthwork
Control Density Fill
Asphalt Concrete Paving
Formwork for Cast-in-Place Concrete
Cast-in-Place Concrete
Concrete Masonry Units
Chemical Resistant Coatings
Last Update: 07/12/16
Section 11200
Section 11210
Section 13123
Section 15105
Section 16040
Small Submersible Sewage Lift Station with Emergency Standby Power
Small Submersible Sewage Lift Station without Emergency Standby Power
Electrical Panel Sunshade Structure
Plug Valves
Electrical Short Circuit/Coordination Study, Arc Flash Hazard Study, and
Field Testing of Electrical System
Refer to the latest Standard Detailed Provision Sections located at the following web site
Title Sheet
Typical Site Plans
Wet Well Plans, Section, and Detail (120 gpm to 260 gpm capacity)
Wet Well Plans, Section, and Detail (260 gpm to 500 gpm capacity)
Miscellaneous Wet Well Details and Sections
Wet Well Structural Plans, Sections, and Details (120 gpm to 260
gpm capacity)
Wet Well Structural Plans, Sections, and Details (260 gpm to 500
gpm capacity)
Electrical Panel Sunshade Structure Foundation Plan, Elevation, and
Electrical Symbols, Abbreviations, and Lighting Fixture Schedule
Single Line Diagram (With Standby Generator), MCC Plan and
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Single Line Diagram (Without Standby Generator), MCC Plan and
Control Diagrams
RTU Status/Alarm Signal Wiring Diagrams
MCC and Sunshade Grounding Plan and Service Pedestal Detail
Typical Temporary Small Lift Station Demolition Site Plan
Demolition Plan, Section, and Details
Miscellaneous Details
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Last Update: 07/12/16
Sewage collection within the District service area shall be provided by the construction
of gravity sewers, except where it is demonstrated unfeasible and pumping is required.
If a sewage lift station is proposed, it shall be the developer's responsibility to provide
the services of a licensed civil engineer to demonstrate to the District that a sewage lift
station is the most feasible method for sewage conveyance.
These guidelines present basic concepts and general criteria for small sewage lift station
facilities with capacities not exceeding 500 gpm. Each lift station shall be reviewed and
approved by the District from concept through design, construction, and start-up.
Detailed Provision Sections 11200, 11210, and 13123 and the Standard Drawings are
provided to present lift station construction requirements. Detailed Provision Section
02051 and the Standard Drawings are provided to present demolition requirements for
temporary lift stations. The District reserves the right to modify and supplement these
guidelines, specifications, and drawings to require additional facilities, depending upon
the specific project location, limitations, and changes in government regulations and
Prior to the District's approval and acceptance of a temporary or permanent sewage lift
station, developer and developer's engineer shall comply with the following
Design and Construction of Temporary or Permanent Small Sewage Lift Stations
Developer's engineer shall acquire and review these guidelines; Detailed
Provision Sections 11200, 11210, and 13123, and other Detailed Provision
Sections referenced in these guidelines; and the Standard Drawings.
Developer and engineer shall request a concept meeting with District
staff to demonstrate the need for a sewage lift station and to review
requirements, guidelines, criteria, right-of-way, and location of specific
project facilities. District will provide list of approved materials.
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Developer shall submit all documentation requested by the District in
order to demonstrate the need for a sewage lift station, including the
Complete calculations for sewage flows within the entire drainage
area tributary to the lift station.
Preliminary drawings showing planned gravity collection system
within the lift station drainage area, including point(s) of
connection to existing or future gravity interceptor sewers, if any.
Determination whether the proposed lift station will be
temporary or permanent.
Calculations establishing the required lift station capacity for
initial planned development and ultimate development.
Preliminary drawings showing the proposed alignment for the lift
station force main including point of discharge.
If the District concurs that a lift station is required, developer's engineer
shall submit design calculations, drawings, and specifications for District
approval as follows:
Preliminary design calculations and information including required
capacity, hydraulic analyses, pump selections, and system curves,
and preliminary site layout. Sample design calculations are
included in Appendix A. Depending upon location, the District will
establish site improvements such as masonry block wall or chain
link fence, asphalt concrete or concrete pavement, lighting,
access, etc. District will provide specialty specifications to be
Submit 75% complete construction drawings.
Submit legal plat and description for proposed property in fee title
and/or easements for lift station site and force main (if
applicable). Legal plats and description shall conform to EMWD's
standards. Contact District's Right-of-Way Department for details.
Note, final plans will not be signed until this information is
received and reviewed for conformance to site plan.
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Submit final design and 100% complete construction drawings. As
a minimum, construction drawings prepared by the developer
shall include a title sheet and detailed site plan. The title sheet
shall include a summary of project specific requirements and data
(see sample title sheet provided herein). As a minimum, the lift
station site plan shall show the following:
Location of all proposed facilities (referenced to site property
lines or easement boundary).
Location of gravity sewer and manholes. Provide bearings and
distances along each gravity sewer segment shown on the Site
Plan. Provide invert elevations (inlet and outlet) at each
manhole. Gravity sewers shall be labeled with pipe size and
material. Manholes shall be labeled with size and Standard
Drawing reference.
Location of emergency bypass manhole directly adjacent to
wet well. All collection sewers entering the lift station site
shall terminate at the emergency bypass manhole. Emergency
bypass manhole shall be provided with a 36" diameter
fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) manhole cover. Provide
invert elevations at bypass manhole inlet and outlet.
Location of force main and emergency bypass connection.
Provide bearings and distances along each force main
segment shown on the Site Plan. Provide center grade
elevations at each horizontal and vertical point of inflection
(HPI and VPI). Force main shall be labeled with pipe size,
material, and class.
Location of each electrical conduit, pull box, junction box, and
SCE service and transformer. Refer to Conduit Schedule on
Electrical Drawings for conduit destinations. Label all conduits
shown in the Conduit Schedule.
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Location of all site improvements, including site fencing or
masonry block walls and access gate(s). Where masonry block
walls are selected for site security, label top of wall and top of
footing for each wall segment. Walls shall be constructed
level. Walls shall step as required to provide a minimum of 6'0" height from outside finished grade. Provide a construction
detail for masonry block wall and concrete footing showing all
dimensions, reinforcing steel, block type, and grouting
requirements. Provide details for site fencing and access
gates if District standard fencing and gates are not used.
Finished grades for all proposed facilities and site
improvements. As a minimum, grades (elevations) shall be
provided for all concrete slabs and roofs, asphalt concrete
paving (along pavement edges and flow lines, adjacent to
concrete slabs and roofs, etc.), masonry block walls and
footings, and finish grading adjacent to site improvements.
Location of microwave and radio communications antenna
and tower for District SCADA communications. Developer
shall coordinate with District during final design so that
District can survey the site to determine if an antenna tower
will be required based on the site's location. District will
provide required antenna mounting height and details for
antenna tower for developer's engineer to include on
Construction Drawings. Developer will pay all costs for
construction of antenna.
Prior to construction submit signed final design "approved for
construction" SCE service plan to District.
Prior to construction (installation), shop drawing submittals for all
proposed equipment and materials shall be submitted to the District for
Construction of facilities shall be in accordance with approved
construction drawings and District specifications. District will provide
inspection of facilities, witness start-up, and provide final inspection of
facilities. District staff shall receive final operation and maintenance
manuals for all equipment a minimum of 10 working days prior to
receiving training for station operation and equipment operation. A
factory trained equipment manufacturer's representative shall provide
the training.
Last Update: 07/12/16
Demolition of Temporary Small Sewage Lift Stations
Plans for temporary lift stations shall include construction drawings and
demolition drawings. Submittal of demolition documents (drawings and
specifications) for District review shall coincide with submittal of the
corresponding construction documents. Procedures required for District
approval of temporary lift station demolition documents are as follows:
Developer's engineer shall acquire and review Detailed Provision Section
02051 and the Standard Drawings.
Developer and engineer shall request a concept meeting with District
staff to discuss future diversion of sewage flow from the temporary lift
station to a gravity sewer, de-activation and demolition of lift station
facilities, and the anticipated schedule for performing the work.
Submit 75% complete demolition drawings and specifications (if
requested by District).
Submit 100% complete demolition drawings. As a minimum, demolition
drawings prepared by the developer shall include a detailed site plan. A
sample demolition site plan is included herein for reference. . The
demolition site plan shall show the removal of all facilities not addressed
by the Standard Drawings. As a minimum, the site plan shall show
demolition of site improvements including fencing, walls, gates, paving,
driveways, lighting, electrical, and drainage facilities.
Submit 100% complete demolition checklist per Detailed Provision
Section 02051, Exhibit A.
Submit a detailed cost estimate for performing the lift station demolition
Demolition requirements shown on the Standard Drawings, and
contained in Detailed Provision Section 02051 represent minimum
District requirements. Depending upon the proposed re-use of the
temporary lift station site, developer may elect to require more extensive
demolition, including the complete removal of all below grade facilities.
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Raw sewage lift stations shall be designed and constructed in accordance with
District guidelines herein, District standards (drawings and specifications), good
engineering practice, applicable government regulations, Riverside County
Health Services Department and State Water Resources Control Board, Division
of Drinking Water (SWRCB DDW), Cal OSHA, Standard Specifications for Public
Works Construction (Standard Specification), California Building Code, National
Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and as approved by the District.
Facilities shall be designed by a licensed civil engineer, registered in the State of
California, experienced in the design of wastewater lift station facilities. Prior to
commencing design, the Engineer shall submit to the District a statement of
qualifications showing that he has designed a minimum of five sewage lift
stations. The statement of qualifications shall include the name, client, capacity,
and construction cost for each sewage lift station. Drawings and specifications
shall be submitted for review and approval by the District. Soils investigation
shall be performed for the lift station site and related interceptor sewer and
force main. Sewer, force main, and lift station construction drawings shall be
submitted simultaneously; sewer and force main shall include plan (1"=40') and
profile (vertical 1"=4', horizontal 1"=40'), and lift station shall include site plan
and standard drawings showing structural, mechanical, and electrical plans,
sections, and details with project specific requirements. Sewer and force main
plans shall be prepared in accordance with the District's "Guidelines for Sewer
System Plans".
All costs of temporary facilities shall be borne by the developer.
Upon approval and acceptance by the District, facilities shall be owned by the
District. Ownership shall include the lift station site and right-of-way for force
main and gravity sewers. Gravity sewers and force main shall be constructed on
District property, District right-of-way, or within public right-of-way whenever
possible. Easements for gravity sewers and force main will only be considered
under special conditions. All right-of-way and easement documents shall be
submitted and approved by District prior to approval of the construction
drawings. All right-of-way and easement documents shall be conveyed to the
District and recorded prior to acceptance of facilities.
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Prior to completion of the facility and District acceptance, complete records shall
be furnished to the District including:
As-built record drawings.
Final approved shop drawings and submittals for all equipment and
As-built electrical and control diagrams.
Minimum three copies of Operation and Maintenance Manuals for all
District staff training for station operation and equipment operation and
Right-of-way, grant deed, and easement records.
All construction and operating permits.
The theoretical calculated peak flow shall be based on the development to be
serviced with consideration of the entire drainage area and master planned
facilities. The design flow shall be determined by increasing the theoretical
calculated dry weather peak flow determined from entire drainage area by 20%
(i.e. peak flow x 1.20 = design flow). Pumping units and wet well size shall be
selected based on the design flow. Flows shall be provided for initial and
ultimate conditions. If necessary, lift stations shall be located to maximize
sewage collection for the entire drainage area and shall conform to the District's
Wastewater Master Plan. Lift station pumping capacity may be dictated by
minimum acceptable force main size and velocity criteria herein.
Where Master Plan facilities have not been established, the developer shall be
responsible to prepare wastewater flow projections for the drainage area.
Hydraulic calculations and system/pump curves for pump sizing and required
capacity shall be submitted for both initial and ultimate peak flows. System
curves shall be developed for friction coefficients of C=120 and C=140. System
curves shall include minor friction losses (i.e. fittings and valves in discharge
piping at wet well and fittings in force main). Pumps shall be selected based on
friction coefficient of C=140. Developer's engineer shall select a minimum of
three District-approved pump manufacturers and plot C=120 and C=140 system
curves on each pump curve.
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Downstream sewers shall be evaluated to ensure adequate capacity is available
for receiving lift station sewage flow.
Sewage Lift Station Site
Site shall be of adequate size to operate, maintain, and repair the lift station
facilities incorporating access for truck cranes and sewer cleaning trucks (Vactor
All permanent sewage lift station sites require the parcel to be deeded to the
District. Before construction, a Grant Deed with legal description and plat map
must be prepared, approved, and recorded by the District. Refer to District
typical layout drawings for plat map preparation.
As a minimum, site shall be secured by commercial grade 6-foot high chainlink
fence with 3-strand barbed wire or a 6-foot high masonry block wall. Access
gate(s) shall include minimum 20-foot wide double gate for vehicles. Chainlink
fencing and gates shall be provided in accordance with District Standard Drawing
Entire site shall be provided with asphalt concrete pavement or concrete
pavement, and adequate drainage facilities. Access driveway(s) to the site shall
be 20-foot wide (minimum) and constructed of asphalt concrete pavement or
reinforced concrete pavement. Asphalt concrete pavement or reinforced
concrete pavement shall be designed to accommodate AASHTO H20-44 vehicle
If required by the District, based on proximity of the facility to other public
facilities, residences, or buildings, landscaping shall be provided in accordance
with the surrounding area.
Potable water shall be provided to the site by hose bibs with antisiphon devices,
water meter, and a backflow prevention device as approved by the District and
All lift stations shall have a street address sign affixed to the fence at the front of
the station.
Site shall be provided with a lighting system designed to minimize off site
impacts while maintaining functionality for maintenance personnel working on
lift station components. As a minimum, each site shall be provided with an "area
light" activated by a photocell and a 150W "work light" activated by a manual
switch located in the Main Control Panel. "Area light" shall comply with County
of Riverside Ordinance Number 655 - Regulating Light Pollution.
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Odor control components include: concrete slab for emergency shower and
eyewash station, concrete pad for District furnished chemical storage tank, 120v
receptacle for District furnished chemical feed pump, and conduit sleeve from
receptacle stanchion to wet well. Emergency shower and eyewash station slab
shall be located on the side of the chemical tank pad where the chemical
delivery truck will be logically positioned.
If required by the District, based on the location of the facility, a microwave and
radio communications tower shall be provided for District SCADA
communications at developer's expense.
Force Main
Force main size (diameter) shall be based on the following:
Lift station design flow rate (one pump operating) with minimum velocity
of 3 fps and maximum velocity of 6 fps.
Minimum size shall be 4-inch inside diameter. Where 4-inch mains are
required, two (2) parallel pipelines shall be constructed for system
reliability. Each force main shall be provided with the necessary valves
and fittings to allow operation of either force main or both force mains.
Where a single 4-inch force main is inadequate to convey the peak flow
rate (i.e. force main velocity exceeds maximum allowable velocity), the
next larger size pipe diameter shall be used.
Where force main length exceeds 6,000 L.F., two (2) parallel pipelines
shall be constructed for system reliability. Each force main shall be
provided with the necessary valves and fittings to allow for operation of
either force main or both force mains.
Material shall be PVC per ANSI/AWWA C900 (minimum DR-18). Pipeline shall be
constructed using restrained joints per District Standard Drawing B-663.
Pipeline profile shall avoid intermediate high points if feasible. All high points
shall be provided with combination sewage air and vacuum valve installation and
special corrosive resistant pipeline materials.
Onsite pipe cover shall be minimum 36-inches.
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Separation from water lines shall be in accordance with SWRCB DDW.
Additionally, a minimum 10-foot horizontal clearance shall be provided from site
walls, site fencing, electrical facilities, storm drain facilities, and gravity sewer.
Where force main connects to a new or existing discharge manhole, the
discharge manhole shall be lined per Standard Detailed Provision Section 09811
at developer's expense. The District may require multiple manholes be lined at
developer's expense.
Lift Station
Raw sewage lift station shall be the submersible type with 100% redundancy,
electrical service, switchgear, emergency power (if required by the District), and
appurtenances. Standard Drawings M-1A, M-1B, M-2, and ME-1 are provided to
present equipment and piping plans, sections, and details for the lift station.
Raw Sewage Pumps
Number of pumps furnished shall provide complete redundancy.
Minimum of two identical pumps each sized for 100% station capacity
shall be installed. Typically, constant speed pumps will be provided;
however, discharge to the downstream system may require use of
variable speed drives.
Pump Requirements
Raw sewage non-clog submersible pumps. Pump impellers shall
be enclosed single port, recessed vortex, or grinder type. The
specific pump impeller type to be used for the project will be
determined by the District based on application and availability.
Minimum 4-inch discharge.
Ability to pass minimum 3-inch diameter sphere.
Maximum 1800 rpm explosion-proof submersible motor with
moisture and temperature sensors.
Motor and cooling rating suitable to run dry for 15 minutes
without damage to the pump.
UL or Factory Mutual explosion-proof rating without being
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Constructed of corrosion resistant materials and provided with
corrosion resistant factory coating.
Acceptable manufacturers are Essco, Wilo-EMU, Fairbanks-Nijhuis, Wemco Flowserve, Xylem-Flygt, and ABS.
Prior to acceptance, pump tests shall be performed to verify
pump curves and system head curves.
Pump Mounting and Removal
Provide rail-type guide system with intermediate supports to
allow pump removal without removal of discharge piping or
entering the wet well. All materials to be 316 stainless steel.
Provide 316 stainless steel cable or chain fastened to each pump.
The District will utilize their crane truck for removal of pumps.
Electrical cable(s) shall be spliced at a junction box located 30inches above wet well roof and meet all provisions of the NEC.
Spare parts shall include one set of seals and bearings.
Wet Well Requirements
Class IV reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) per ASTM C76 with two circular
reinforcement cages (quadrant or elliptical cages will not be allowed) and
flush bell and spigot joints. Bell and spigot joints shall be provided with
rubber gaskets and shall be suitable for a hydrostatic head of 50 feet per
ASTM C361. Wet well shall also include reinforced concrete base and
cover. Wet well reinforced concrete base shall be placed on a 12-inch
thick mat of crushed miscellaneous base per SSPWC Section 200-2.4, Fine
Gradation. Interior concrete surfaces (including wall and roof) shall be
coated with a field applied 100% solids epoxy lining system by Carboline,
Sauereisen, or Tenemec per District Standard Small Submersible Sewage
Lift Station Specifications. Wet well bottom shall be provided with
concrete fillets sloping towards the pumps.
Wet well shall be sized based on maximum pump motor cycling time of
six starts per hour at 1/2 design capacity and to provide adequate spacing
for installation of two pumping units (see Table on Standard Drawing G-1
for wet well size versus flow capacity).
Last Update: 07/12/16
Concrete roof shall have a hatch opening (one hatch for both pumps) for
pump removal/installation.
Hatches shall be all stainless steel
construction as manufactured by U.S.F. Fabrication, Flygt, Bilco, or equal,
with lockable diamond plate covers, safety chain, spring assisted hinges,
and swing-out interior safety grating. Portable temporary handrail
system (Railguard 200 by Garlock Safety Systems, or equal) shall be
provided around hatch opening.
Discharge piping inside the wet well shall be flanged, Schedule 40 316
stainless steel. All stainless steel piping, fittings, and flanges shall be shop
welded (field welding not permitted except where noted on District
Standard Drawings). All welds shall be pickled and passivated in the shop
(pickling paste shall be applied to District approved field welds).
Discharge piping shall be designed for a maximum velocity of 6 to 8 feet
per second. Discharge piping shall be properly supported with pipe
Pipe supports, brackets, and all other equipment and fasteners within the
wet well shall be 316 stainless steel.
All collection sewers shall join and enter a single manhole just prior to
entering the wet well. Only one sewer shall enter the wet well to allow
the District to plug influent sewer and bypass around wet well for
maintenance and repairs.
Pump Discharge Piping Out of Wet Well
Discharge from each pump shall exit the wet well below grade, then rise
above grade for location of check valves and isolation plug valves.
Each pump shall be provided with 150 lb swing check valve (AWWA C508
with bronze trim) and shut-off valves (eccentric non-lubricated plug
valve). Sewage combination air and vacuum valves shall be provided at
high points.
A bypass connection to the force main shall be provided for station
bypass with portable pumps.
Last Update: 07/12/16
Electrical and Controls
All electrical equipment shall be in accordance with the NEC and, where
applicable, meet all requirements for hazardous locations. Developer shall
coordinate with the electrical utility providing electrical service. Station shall be
provided with a separate utility transformer and metering section with main
circuit breaker. Utility transformer and metering section shall be located in a
separate fenced-in area (see Typical Site Plans). Primary power to the station
shall be 480 volt, 60 Hz, 3-phase service per utility providers' standards. Singlephase 120-volt power shall be provided for lights, controls, convenience
receptacles, and miscellaneous equipment. Provide a minimum of four spare
20A, 120-volt circuit breakers. All conduit shall be run concealed below grade or
in concrete slabs, and shall not impose tripping or maintenance hazards. All
exposed conduit shall be pvc-coated rigid steel pipe.
Electric switchgear shall be mounted in a NEMA 1 gasketed enclosure (with
NEMA 3R wrapper) Motor Control Center with removable buckets, and shall
include, as a minimum, main circuit breaker, motor starters with thermal
overload protection, selector switch (hand-off-auto), run and fail lights, and
elapsed time meter as shown on Standard Drawings E-2A and E-2B. Switchgear
shall be General Electric, Eaton/Cutler Hammer, Allen-Bradley, or Schneider
Electric/Square D (no substitutes). The MCC doors shall face north or east.
Complete controls for automatic pump operation shall be provided per Standard
Drawing E-3.
An electrical panel sunshade structure shall be provided per Standard Drawing S2.
Separate sunshades shall be provided to protect any items that can deteriorate
from exposure to the sun and are not protected by the electrical panel sunshade
An electrical short circuit/coordination study, arc flash hazard study, and field
testing of the electrical system shall be performed.
Emergency Power
If required by the District, lift station facilities shall include permanent emergency power
generation facilities. These facilities shall consist of an engine driven emergency power
generator with integral fuel storage tank and an automatic transfer switch. Lift stations
not requiring permanent emergency power generation facilities shall be provided with a
manual transfer switch that will allow connection of a District portable emergency
power generator.
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Permanent emergency power generation facilities shall conform to the following:
Provide a prefabricated skid-mounted diesel engine driven, radiator-cooled,
automatic emergency standby generator to power the lift station during normal
power failure.
Generator set shall be as manufactured by Olympian (supported by Caterpillar),
Caterpillar, Cummins, or Generac.
Generator set shall automatically start upon failure of normal power and be
sized to operate lighting loads, and both pumping units (duty and standby) with
maximum voltage DIP of 20 percent.
Generator set shall be provided with a weatherproof sheet metal housing.
Exhaust system shall be fully insulated and equipped with a critical grade
Generator set shall be equipped with all sound attenuating equipment,
enclosures, and devices necessary to conform with applicable city or county
noise ordinances. Design Engineer shall supplement the requirements of
Detailed Provisions provided herein (Section 11200) with all generator sound
attenuating measures necessary to comply with the applicable noise ordinances.
Fuel tank for generator shall be base type mounted with unit. Tank shall be
double walled welded steel sized for a minimum of 24 hours of continuous
operation at 100% of generator capacity. Tank shall have secondary containment
and alarm floats for low fuel and fuel in secondary containment area. Facilities
shall meet local fire department criteria. A full tank of fuel shall be provided at
developer's expense at the completion of construction.
Generator set shall be "pre-certified"/"pre-approved" by South Coast Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD) for emergency standby power service, and shall
meet all current SCAQMD air emission regulations.
A Level 3 diesel particulate filter (DPF) verified by California Air Resources Board
shall be provided at the developer's expense if required to meet the emission
requirements of SCAQMD Rule 1470. Developer's engineer shall determine
whether a passive DPF or active DPF will be required. For a passive DPF to be
considered, it must operate at exhaust temperatures that are low enough not to
require a load bank for regeneration. Developer's engineer shall submit the DPF
to the District along with technical data and supporting calculations for review
and acceptance.
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All SCAQMD permits, including payment of fees for the first year of operation
shall be furnished by developer. Permits shall have no less than a 200 hour
annual operating limit with no less than 50 hours for maintenance and testing.
The SCAQMD permit to construct shall be transferred into a permit to operate
prior to acceptance by the District.
Generator shall have the highest available tier rating, in accordance with EPA
Tier Certification requirements.
Automatic transfer switch (ATS) shall be provided to switch from normal utility
power to standby emergency power upon normal power fail, and switch back to
normal power when restored. ATS shall have indicating lights for normal power,
emergency power, and a digital panel indicating volts and amps. Acceptable
manufacturers are Olympian, ASCO, or Russelectric.
If the District requires the developer to provide a standby generator that is
larger than what is necessary to support the proposed lift station equipment
(based on future development flows to the lift station), then the developer shall
provide a load bank sized to provide the difference between the proposed
equipment load and the future equipment load.
Telemetry Equipment
District will furnish, install, and program telemetry equipment system, including remote
telemetry unit (RTU) to transmit alarm conditions to existing SCADA system. Contractor
shall terminate all alarm signals on terminal blocks in the Main Control Panel (MCP) as
shown on Standard Drawing E-4. Contractor shall connect from MCP terminal blocks to
District furnished RTU terminal block.
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Last Update: 07/12/16
Refer to the latest Standard Drawings located at the following web site
Dwg. No.
Trench Backfill (for PVC forcemain)
5/8" Meter Service Connection, 1" Copper Tubing
5/8" Service Connection, 1" Copper Tubing
1" Meter Service Connection, 1" Copper Tubing
1" Service connection, 1" Copper Tubing
Backflow Prevention Assembly Installation Diagram
Location Wire Installation
Standard Restraint (Tee, Dead End, Bend)
Guard & Marker Posts
Chain Link Fence Details
Locking Type Manhole Cover & Frame
Reinforced Precast Shallow Manhole
Precast Reinforced Concrete, 48" & 60" I.D. Manhole
Precast Non-Reinforced Concrete, 48" I.D. Manhole
Manhole Cover & Frame
Pipe Zone Bedding for Sewer Pipe
Trench Backfill for Sewer Pipe
Classification of Pipe Zone Bedding for Sewer Pipe
Sewer Guideline for Manhole Sizing
*Refer to the latest Guideline Standards located at the following web site:
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Revised 07/12/16
Section 02051 – Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
PART 1 - GENERAL ................................................................................................................. 1
1.01 DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................. 1
1.02 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS.............................................. 1
1.03 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS .......................................................................................... 2
1.04 JOB CONDITIONS........................................................................................................... 2
PART 2 - PRODUCTS............................................................................................................... 3
2.01 IMPORTED FILL MATERIAL ............................................................................................ 3
PART 3 - EXECUTION.............................................................................................................. 3
3.01 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................... 3
3.02 POLLUTION CONTROL ................................................................................................... 4
3.03 PROTECTION ................................................................................................................. 4
3.04 EQUIPMENT, PIPING, AND APPURTENANCES............................................................... 5
3.05 CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS .......................................................... 6
3.06 SITEWORK ..................................................................................................................... 7
3.07 EXISTING UTILITIES........................................................................................................ 7
3.08 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS ....................................................................... 8
3.09 PATCHING AND REPAIRING .......................................................................................... 8
3.10 CLEANING...................................................................................................................... 9
3.11 SALVAGE........................................................................................................................ 9
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Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to
perform and complete demolition work specified herein.
The Work includes demolition of existing temporary sewage lift station facilities,
abandonment of existing force main and gravity sewer, and re-construction of
gravity sewer manhole(s). Existing lift station facilities to be removed and
disposed, removed and salvaged, or to remain are summarized in Exhibit A
attached at the end of these specifications.
Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the District, government
agencies, and utilities having jurisdiction over the work, such as, but not limited
to: work in the public right-of-way (if applicable), hours of work, and removal of
Re-construction of gravity sewer manhole(s) may require work to be performed
within the public right-of-way. Contractor shall apply for and procure all permits
and licenses, including encroachment permits required by the City or County
having jurisdiction over the right-of-way. Contractor shall give all notices
necessary and incidental to the prosecution of the work.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to contact the jurisdictional agency and
make himself knowledgeable of their requirements.
Demolition shall include the cost of "Final Disposal" of all debris, waste, and
rubbish in a manner that complies with all local, state, and federal laws,
regulations, and ordinances.
The Work covered under this Section shall comply with current editions of the following
specifications, codes, and standards:
District Detailed Provisions – Section 01000, General Safety Requirements
California Building Code
National Electrical Code
Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
State and Federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA)
Contractor shall provide submittals in accordance with the General Conditions, Section F - Labor
and Construction. Submittals shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
Demolition Schedule
Prior to commencing demolition activities, Contractor shall submit for District's
approval a complete coordination schedule for all demolition work, including
shut-off of lift station pumping units, and deactivation and removal of electric
power service to ensure uninterrupted sewage conveyance.
Encroachment Permit
Where work is required to be performed in the public right-of-way, Contractor
shall submit a copy of the encroachment permit obtained from the City or
County agency having jurisdiction over the right-of-way.
Preconstruction Video
Contractor shall prepare a video recording in the presence of the District's
Inspector showing the existing lift station site, lift station facilities, and condition
of structures and improvements adjacent to areas of demolition and alteration.
Copies of the video recording shall be submitted to the District's Inspector prior
to commencing work.
Insurance Certificates
Contractor shall not commence work until he has obtained all insurance required
under the District's General Conditions, Section F – Labor and Construction.
Contractor shall submit all necessary documents to demonstrate compliance
with the District's insurance requirements, including Worker's Compensation
Insurance Certificate and Certificate of Liability Insurance.
Hot Work Permit
Prior to initiating hot work, Contractor shall submit a Hot Work Permit
application to the District. Hot work includes, but is not limited to, any work
involving grinding, cutting, torching, welding, soldering, brazing,
powder-actuated tools and all other similar applications producing a spark, flame,
or heat that is capable of initiating fires or explosions.
District assumes no responsibility for actual condition of the existing lift station facilities to be
demolished. The Contractor shall visit the site and inspect the existing facilities, to ascertain
their condition and impact on demolition activities.
Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
Existing lift station facilities pump raw sewage from the District's gravity sewer collection
system. Contractor shall assume that all lift station piping, wet well and associated
appurtenances are filled with raw sewage, including grease, grit, and debris. Prior to
commencing demolition of lift station facilities, Contractor shall dewater and clean said
facilities as necessary and as specified herein.
All imported fill material shall be select soil material, non-expansive with an expansion index of
less than 20, free of vegetative matter and other deleterious substances, granular with a Sand
Equivalent (SE) greater than 30, and shall not contain rocks or other irreducible matter with a
maximum dimension greater than 4 inches. Fill material shall be approved by the District prior
to use onsite.
Contactor shall not commence with lift station demolition activities until receipt
of District's written direction to proceed. Contractor shall not interrupt sewage
conveyance at any time during demolition work.
The first demolition work activity shall consist of diverting sewage from the lift
station wet well or onsite bypass manhole to the gravity collection system.
Contractor shall reconfigure the diversion manhole to the lift station or onsite
bypass manhole to block sewage conveyance to the lift station facilities and
open up conveyance to the gravity collection system. Contractor shall maintain
continuous conveyance of raw sewage throughout reconfiguring the manhole
All demolition work shall be completed within 90 days, commencing from the
time the new sewer is placed in-service. Prior to commencing demolition work,
Contractor shall submit a written request to District for additional time if
demolition work is anticipated to take longer than 90 days.
Site grading and compaction shall be performed as specified herein. Relative
compaction of 95% shall mean soil compacted to a dry density exceeding 95% of
the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D1577-12. Compaction
testing will be provided by the District. However, any costs for retesting of
compaction due to the Contractor's negligence shall be paid for by the
Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
Water sprinkling, temporary enclosures, chutes, and other suitable methods
shall be used to limit dust and dirt rising and scattering in the air. Comply with
government regulations pertaining to environmental protection.
Water shall not be used when it creates hazardous or objectionable conditions
such as erosion, flooding, or pollution.
Water contaminated with sediment or hazardous or toxic materials shall not be
allowed to run off into the public storm drain system (including street gutters).
Such runoff shall be intercepted, collected and disposed of according to existing
environmental regulations.
Contractor shall perform his operations so that existing improvements which
have not been designated for demolition are not damaged, including roads and
other paved surfaces adjacent to or in the vicinity of the work site. Contractor
shall repair and restore any disturbed or damaged private or public
improvements which results from his operations (except that which is specifically
a part of the Contract Work) to the satisfaction of the District, or the agency
having jurisdiction over said improvements, all at the Contractor's expense.
Interior and exterior shoring, bracing, or supports shall be provided to prevent
sudden collapse of structures to be demolished and to prevent movement,
settlement or collapse of adjacent facilities to remain.
Existing vegetation, landscaping materials, structures, and appurtenances, which
are not to be demolished, shall be protected and maintained as necessary.
Provide safeguards, including warning signs, barricades, temporary fences,
warning lights, and other similar items that are required for protection of work
personnel and public during demolition and removal operations. Maintain
fences, barricades, lights, and other similar items around exposed excavations
until such excavations have been completely backfilled and no longer constitute
a hazard or dangerous condition. Excavations in the public right-of-way shall be
completely backfilled or covered with vehicle safety plates at the end of each
work day.
During demolition activities, Contractor shall protect all nearby existing
equipment such as the motor control center and main control panel from dust
caused by demolition activities by covering with drop-curtains or other similar
Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
Demolition work involving grinding, cutting, torching, welding, or similar
applications producing a spark, flame, or heat that is capable of initiating fires or
explosions ("hot work") shall be performed in conformance with OSHA 29CFR
1910.252-254 and NFPA 51B at a minimum. Prior to commencing any hot work,
Contractor shall obtain a Hot Work Permit from the District and confirm that all
fire prevention and protection requirements have been implemented.
All mechanical and electrical equipment shall be disconnected and removed.
Mechanical and electrical equipment to be salvaged for the District is designated
in Section 3.11 herein. Equipment and appurtenances not listed therein shall be
considered waste and shall be disposed of by the contractor.
All equipment, piping, and appurtenances inside the wet well shall be removed.
Wet well discharge piping embedded in remaining wet well wall sections (deeper
than 5 feet) shall be abandoned in-place. Contractor shall furnish and install
blind flanges at the end of the remaining pipe spools.
All above grade discharge piping, valves, and appurtenances shall be removed.
Vertical pipe risers shall be removed to below grade transition with horizontal
piping. Below grade horizontal piping runs deeper than 48 inches shall be
abandoned in-place. The appropriate blind flanges, caps, threaded plugs, etc.
shall be provided at the ends of all abandoned piping.
Contractor shall flush the sewage force main piping to be abandoned with water,
and then fill the piping with control density fill per District Detailed Provisions
Section 02252. Contractor shall review the District's as-built drawings for the
existing sewage force main(s) to determine the extent of the filling and
conditions affecting same. Contractor shall plug the end of the sewage force
main(s) at the discharge manhole to prevent any control density fill from
entering the manhole and gravity sewage collection system. Contractor shall
provide observation personnel at the discharge manhole during filling operations
to ensure the integrity of the force main plug is maintained.
All miscellaneous above grade mechanical and electrical appurtenances such as
air valves, pipe supports, electrical receptacles, light fixtures, poles, and
foundations, shall be removed and disposed.
All electrical conductors shall be disconnected from the associated equipment
and removed from the conduit. All above grade conduit shall be removed.
Vertical conduit risers shall be removed to below grade transition with horizontal
conduit. Below grade horizontal conduit runs deeper than 36 inches shall be
abandoned in-place. Conduit caps shall be provided at the ends of all
abandoned conduit.
Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
Voids created by removal of below grade facilities and appurtenances shall be
backfilled with select fill material compacted to 95% minimum relative
Demolition shall proceed in a systematic manner, in accordance with all permits
and approved submittals.
All concrete structures and improvements shall be demolished and disposed. As
a minimum, concrete structures and improvements to be demolished include:
wet well roof, upper 5 feet of wet well shaft, electrical panel foundation slab,
standby generator foundation slab, discharge piping support slab, odor control
chemical tank support slab, SCE transformer support slab, below grade electrical
pull boxes and vaults, and site lighting pole foundations.
At lift station installations where gravity sewage will no longer enter the site, the
onsite bypass manhole shall be demolished, which shall consist of removal of the
manhole roof/cone and the upper 5 feet of the manhole shaft.
Concrete walls and roofs shall be demolished in sections. Contractor shall
provide bracing and shoring as necessary to prevent structure collapse.
Prior to commencing lift station wet well demolition, Contractor shall dewater
and clean the wet well, and remove all equipment and appurtenances.
Contractor shall then remove submersible sewage pumping units, including base
elbows, guide rails and support brackets, access stabilizer, float switches and
ultrasonic level transducer or bubbler system, discharge piping, pipe supports,
and all related items.
Following wet well cleaning and equipment removal, Contractor shall commence
wet well demolition. Contractor shall remove wet well roof and upper wet well
shaft sections to a minimum depth of 5 feet below existing or ultimate finished
grade, whichever is greater. Contractor shall core drill the wet well foundation
in 4 places, equally spaced. Each core drill shall be 12-inch diameter. Contractor
shall fill the remaining wet well shaft with sand (minimum SE of 30) compacted
to 90% relative compaction. The remaining wet well excavation (upper 5 feet or
more) shall be backfilled with select fill material and compacted to 95%
minimum relative compaction.
Unless specified otherwise, footings, foundation walls, below-grade construction
and concrete slabs on grade shall be demolished and removed to a depth which
will not interfere with new construction, but not less than 24 inches below
existing ground surface or future ground surface, whichever is lower. All below
Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
grade boxes, vaults and other underground structures shall be broken up and
Below-grade areas and voids resulting from demolition of structures shall be
completely filled with select fill material compacted to 95% minimum relative
compaction. Prior to filling, below grade areas and voids shall be free of standing
water, trash, and debris.
Select fill material shall be placed in horizontal layers not to exceed 12 inches in
loose depth. Each layer shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% relative
All designated site work shall be demolished and removed.
Where existing concrete slabs or foundations are to be removed adjacent to
remaining improvements, Contractor shall saw concrete to provide square,
straight edges.
Where onsite asphalt concrete pavement is specified to be removed, Contractor
shall remove all asphalt concrete pavement and aggregate sub-base beneath the
pavement. Upon removal of asphalt concrete pavement and sub-base,
Contractor shall import select fill material as necessary to restore the finished
grade to the prior pavement elevations. Fill material shall be compacted to a
minimum of 90% relative compaction.
After site fill and compaction operations are complete, all site surfaces shall be
graded to meet adjacent contours and to provide flow to surface drainage
structures. The final surfaces shall be wheel rolled to a smooth, well compacted
finished surface.
Electrical power service to the lift station facilities will be terminated by the
District. Contractor shall coordinate power service termination with the District
and Southern California Edison (SCE). Contractor shall not commence demolition
activities related to any electrical equipment until Contractor and District jointly
confirm that electrical power to the site has been permanently disconnected.
Contractor shall coordinate with SCE the removal of all SCE owned equipment
and material, including service meter, transformer, and service conductors.
Upon removal of SCE equipment and material, Contractor shall remove the
pre-cast concrete support pad for the SCE transformer. Contractor shall remove
Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
vertical conduit risers and elbows, and cap remaining conduit to be abandoned
in-place at below grade connection with horizontal conduit run.
Water service to the lift station shall be terminated by the District. Contractor
shall coordinate water service termination and demolition with the District.
Contractor shall remove water service appurtenances as directed by the District.
As a minimum, Contractor shall remove service meter, meter box, and reduced
pressure backflow device.
All exposed onsite water facilities shall be removed, including hose bibs and
risers for future water connections. Contractor shall remove vertical pipe risers
and cap remaining piping to be abandoned in-place at below grade connection
with horizontal piping run.
Contractor shall bear all costs, including fees to utility companies and/or other
agencies, resulting from demolition work.
Demolition and removal of debris shall be conducted to ensure minimum
interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used
facilities which shall not be closed or obstructed without permission from the
Debris, rubbish, and other materials resulting from demolition operations shall
be removed and disposed of in compliance with all applicable local, state, and
federal laws and regulations, all at the Contractor's expense. Demolition debris,
rubbish, and other materials shall be removed from the project site as it
accumulates and shall not be stored thereon.
Burning of removed materials from demolished structures shall not be
The Contractor shall provide patching, replacing, repairing, and refinishing of
damaged areas involved in demolition as necessary to match the existing
adjacent surfaces, with materials and procedures approved by the District.
The Contractor shall repair all damage caused to adjacent improvements and
facilities by demolition activities as directed by the District, and at no cost to the
Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
During, and upon completion of work, the Contractor shall promptly remove
unused tools and equipment, surplus materials, rubbish, and debris from the site.
The Contractor shall clean and sweep the affected portions of roads, streets,
sidewalks, and driveways daily. At the completion of demolition work,
Contractor shall return all adjacent areas to their condition prior to the start of
Upon removal of all raw sewage, grit, grease, and other debris from the wet well,
Contractor shall pressure wash clean the wet well walls and floor.
All salvageable and non-salvageable items shall be removed and salvaged by the
Contractor for the District at the Contractor's expense in accordance with
Equipment and material to be salvaged shall be removed in a manner that will
cause the least possible damage to same. Contractor shall thoroughly clean the
interior and exterior of all salvaged items. Contractor shall handle, store, and
protect all salvaged items until they are delivered to the District.
Upon approval of the District's Inspector, Contractor shall deliver all salvaged
items to the District's Operation Yard at 2270 Trumble Road, Perris, California.
Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
[Page Left Intentionally Blank]
Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
Submersible Pumping Units & Appurtenances
Wet Well Discharge Pipe & Fittings
Wet Well Bubbler System or Ultrasonic Level Control System
Wet Well Raw Sewage Bypass (RSB) Pipe & Fittings
Wet Well Access Stabilizer
Wet Well Pipe Supports
Raw Sewage Discharge (RSD) Pipe, Fittings & Valves
Above Grade Pipe Supports
Raw Sewage Force Main (RSF) Piping
Emergency Standby Generator (and Diesel Particulate Filter if
so equipped)
Magnetic Flow Meter and Signal Converter
Odor Control Chemical Storage Tank
Odor Control Chemical Feed Pump
Emergency Eyewash Station
Water Service Meter & Box
Water Service Reduced Pressure Backflow Device
Water Service Hose Bibs & Risers
Bypass Manhole (Cover, Grade Rings, Cone, Shaft – 5' Depth)
Removable Handrail Around Wet Well
Electrical Service Section or Pedestal
Automatic or Manual Transfer Switch
Motor Control Center & Main Control Panel
Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU) Panel
Radio Lightning Arrestor Panel
Radio Antenna & Support Pole
Electrical Conduit (Above Grade & Vertical Risers)
Conductors (Above & Below Grade)
Wet Well Float Switches & Cables
Junction Boxes, Pull Boxes, & Vaults
SCE Transformer Pad
Site Lighting (Fixtures, Pole, & Foundation)
Grounding Electrodes & Conductors
Odor Control Receptacle & Guard Post
Temporary Sewage Lift Station Demolition
Wet Well Reinforced Concrete Roof & Access Hatch
Wet Well Shaft (Upper 5' Minimum)
Reinforced Concrete Support Slab for Discharge Piping
Reinforced Concrete Foundation Slab for Standby Generator
Reinforced Concrete Foundation Slab for Electrical Panels
Reinforced Concrete Foundation Slab for Odor Control
Chemical Tank
Asphalt Concrete Pavement
Concrete Driveway
Chain Link Fencing
Masonry Walls (including Concrete Foundations)
Access Gates (Chain Link or Wrought Iron)
Guard Posts at SCE Transformer
Concrete Drainage Swales
Storm Drain Piping & Appurtenances
Revised 07/12/16
Section 11200 - Small Submersible Sewage Lift Station
with Emergency Standby Power Generation
PART 1 - GENERAL.............................................................................................................................1
1.01 GENERAL DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................. 1
1.02 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................... 1
1.04 SUBMITTALS.............................................................................................................................. 2
1.05 WARRANTY................................................................................................................................ 5
1.06 MAINTENANCE BOND FOR PUMPING EQUIPMENT ................................................................. 5
PART 2 - PRODUCTS ..........................................................................................................................5
2.01 SUBMERSIBLE PUMPING UNITS................................................................................................ 5
2.02 EQUIPMENT ACCESS HATCH ................................................................................................... 12
2.03 UTILITY METERING AND MAIN DISCONNECT ......................................................................... 13
2.04 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER ..................................................................................................... 14
2.05 ELECTRICAL PANEL ENCLOSURES AND HEATING.................................................................... 17
2.06 CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION ..................................................................................... 18
2.07 BASIC CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS ....................................................... 21
2.08 EMERGENCY STANDBY POWER GENERATOR SET................................................................... 40
2.09 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH............................................................................................. 50
2.10 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE WET WELL........................................................................ 52
2.11 STAINLESS STEEL PASSIVATION .............................................................................................. 53
PART 3 - EXECUTION ....................................................................................................................... 54
3.01 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 54
3.02 COORDINATION ...................................................................................................................... 55
3.03 INSPECTION............................................................................................................................. 55
3.04 PREPARATION ......................................................................................................................... 55
3.05 WORKMANSHIP ...................................................................................................................... 56
3.06 GRADING AND SITE WORK...................................................................................................... 56
3.07 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION .................................................................................................... 56
3.08 CONDUIT INSTALLATION......................................................................................................... 57
3.09 CONDUCTOR AND CABLE INSTALLATION ............................................................................... 60
3.10 ELECTRICAL SERVICE INSTALLATION....................................................................................... 62
3.11 ELECTRICAL SHORT CIRCUIT COORDINATION AND ARC FLASH.............................................. 62
3.12 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................................... 62
3.13 PIPE INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................. 63
3.14 PIPE TESTING........................................................................................................................... 63
3.15 FIELD TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF EQUIPMENT......................................................... 63
3.16 IN-SERVICE CHECKS................................................................................................................. 71
3.17 INSTRUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 72
3.18 CLEANING................................................................................................................................ 72
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Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 1
Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to construct a raw sewage lift
(pump) station in accordance with the Small Sewage Lift Station Guidelines, the Standard Drawings and
Specifications, District's Approved Materials List, and Standards and Specifications for Developer
Publications listed below form part of this Specification to extent referenced in the text by basic
designation only. The latest edition of publication governs unless otherwise noted.
American National Standards Institute
American Water Works Association Standards
American Society for Testing and Materials
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
National Electric Code
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Hydraulic Institute
Standard for Centrifugal, Rotary and Reciprocating Pumps
Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction
California Building Code
Design Requirements
Lift station facilities, including materials of construction, pumps, valves and piping,
electrical panels and controls, emergency power generator, and automatic transfer
switch shall be in accordance with requirements specified herein and shown on the
Construction Drawings.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 2
Principal items of equipment and material shall include two submersible centrifugal
sewage pumping units, piping, valves, motor control center, main control panel and
ultrasonic level control system, automatic transfer switch, emergency standby power
generator, and appurtenances.
Performance Criteria
Pumps shall be designed to handle raw, unscreened, domestic sanitary sewage. Pumps
shall be selected to meet the capacity and hydraulic performance requirements
described in the Small Sewage Lift Station Guidelines.
Electrical Power Requirements
Electrical power furnished to the pumping unit motors shall be 3 phase, 60 hertz, 480
volts, maintained within industry standards. Voltage tolerance shall be plus or minus 10
Product Data and Shop Drawings
Prior to commencing construction, Contractor shall submit 6 copies of submittal
data for all proposed material and equipment to the District for review and
approval. Submittals shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of
the District's General Conditions, Section F-Labor and Construction.
As a minimum, submittals shall include product data and shop drawings for the
following: submersible pumping units, emergency standby power generator,
diesel particulate filter (if required), motor control center, main control panel,
ultrasonic level control system, automatic transfer switch, piping, valves, pipe
joint restraints, wet well precast concrete shaft, wet well access hatch, concrete
mix design, and electrical materials.
Product data shall include catalog cut sheets reflecting characteristics,
performance specifications, and selected options for proposed equipment and
Product data for submersible pumping units shall include pump performance
curves showing the design duty point capacity (GPM), total dynamic head (TDH),
net positive suction head required (NPSHr), efficiency, and hydraulic brake
horsepower (BHP).
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 3
Shop drawings shall be provided for all mechanical and electrical equipment
items showing layout of equipment and anchor bolt locations, sizes and minimum
embedment requirements.
Equipment anchorage calculations for the MCC/MCP and emergency standby
power generator set. Equipment anchorage calculations shall be prepared in
accordance with the California Building Code (latest edition) for Category IV
essential facilities. Calculations shall be prepared by a registered professional
civil or structural engineer in the State of California.
Shop drawings shall also include lift station control wiring diagrams and
interconnection diagrams for the motor control center, main control panel,
standby generator, submersible pumping units, automatic transfer switch, and
electrical service switchgear. Wire numbers, terminal numbers, and legend
symbols shall be shown.
Lift station control wiring diagrams (ladder diagrams) shall be prepared in
accordance with District standard format, including sequential rung numbering
located on the left side of the diagram and device, relay, or contact rung number
cross references located on the right side of the diagram.
If a diesel particulate filter (DPF) is required, Contractor shall obtain and submit a
Purchase Order from the manufacturer or installer of proposed generator set
with factory-installed DPF or the non factory-installed DPF. The Purchase Order
shall identify:
The warranty for the generator set with factory-installed DPF or the non
factory-installed DPF.
Procedures for operating and maintaining the proposed generator set with
DPF in accordance with the manufacturer’s maintenance and operation
At least one company with certified technicians to clean and repair DPF
when needed.
Electrical Short Circuit/Coordination Study
The Contractor shall submit for acceptance an electrical short circuit/coordination study
in accordance with District Detailed Provisions, Section 16040 "Electrical Short
Circuit/Coordination Study, Arc Flash Hazard Study, and Field Testing of Electrical
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 4
Arc Flash Hazard Study
Contractor shall submit for acceptance an arc flash hazard study in accordance with
District Detailed Provisions, Section 16040 "Electrical Short Circuit/Coordination Study,
Arc Flash Hazard Study, and Field Testing of Electrical System", except that the Arc Flash
Hazard/Risk Categories of the electrical distribution equipment shall be limited to Level
2 or less.
Operations and Maintenance Manuals
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals shall be provided in accordance
with the requirements of the District's General Conditions, Section F-Labor and
Construction, and Detailed Provision Section 01430. O&M Manuals shall be
submitted to the District for review and approval at least 30 days prior to
equipment startup. Comprehensive instructions supplied at time of shipment
shall enable personnel to properly operate and maintain all equipment supplied.
Documentation shall be specific to the lift station constructed and collated in
functional sections. Each section shall combine to form a complete system
manual covering all aspects of equipment operation and maintenance. Support
data for any equipment shall be provided by those supplying the equipment.
O&M Manuals shall include the following as a minimum:
Functional description of major equipment items.
Complete instructions for operating and maintaining equipment and
Calibration and adjustment of equipment for initial start-up or as required
for routine maintenance.
Support data for commercially available components not produced by the
prime equipment manufacturer, but supplied in accordance with the
Specifications, shall be supported by literature from the prime manufacturer
and incorporated as appendices.
As-built electrical schematic diagrams (control, wiring, and interconnections)
of the pumping units, electrical panels, and emergency standby power
generator. Diagrams shall conform to the requirements specified in Section
1.04.A herein.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 5
As a minimum, Operations and Maintenance Manuals shall be submitted for the
following items:
All electrical components.
Pumping units.
Emergency standby generator.
Diesel particulate filter (if so equipped).
All pumping equipment shall carry an extended warranty for a two-year period from the date of
acceptance. All warranties shall be turned into the District prior to project completion.
For District administered contracts, the Contractor or his Supplier shall provide a maintenance bond
(see EMWD Standard form C-14 or C-14.1 Maintenance Bond) from a bonding company acceptable to
the District equal to 100 percent of the pumping equipment value (including motors, pumps, and pump
assemblies) for a two (2) year term starting when the District has accepted the contracted work.
Equipment and/or components failing within this period due to deficiency in design, workmanship, or
materials shall be removed, replaced, and reinstalled at no cost to the District, and said replacement
shall be guaranteed for two years continuous service from the date of replacement. The maintenance
bond shall be submitted to the District prior to the performance test of the pump(s).
For contracts not administered by the District (e.g. contracts administered by Developer, or
Developer's Engineer), the Developer shall provide the Maintenance Bond for Developer (which is the
same as the above referenced maintenance bond except for the wording of the document) to the
District. EMWD standard form C14D, Maintenance Bond for Developer, is attached at the end of this
Pumps shall be of the vertical, non-clog, single suction, centrifugal type, rated for
continuous duty in a wet-pit environment, and shall be capable of pumping raw,
unscreened sewage with fibrous material, and be capable of passing a minimum 3-inch
solid (unless otherwise specified) at the specified flow ranges with the specified sump
geometry and operating water levels without clogging, surging, cavitation, vibration,
subsurface vortexing, or excessive surface vortexing.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 6
All submersible non-clog sewage pumps shall be the product of a single manufacturer.
Pumps shall be as manufactured by Wilo-EMU, Fairbanks Nijhuis, Wemco, ESSCO,
Flowserve, Xylem-Flygt, or ABS (no substitutes). Proposed pumping units shall comply
with these Specifications and performance requirements provided on Construction
The pumps shall not overload the motors at any point on the pump performance
characteristic curve within the limits of stable pump operation as recommended by the
manufacturer. The service factors for the motors shall not be applied when sizing the
To ensure vibration-free operation, all rotative components of each pumping unit shall
be statically and dynamically balanced. Excessive vibration shall be sufficient cause for
rejection of the equipment.
If the pumping unit does not perform within the requirements specified herein, the
pumping unit shall be removed and repaired or replaced at no cost to the District.
Materials (Unless Otherwise Specified)
Castings, fabrications, machined parts, and drives shall be rated for continuous
duty over the entire operating range. Service factors, where applicable, shall be
assumed to be 1.5.
Volute Casing
Volute casing shall be of close grained gray cast iron ASTM A48 Class 30
(minimum) and shall be of a single piece, non-concentric design with smooth fluid
passages large enough to pass any size solids which can pass through the impeller.
Casings shall be accurately machined to fit the mechanical seal and suction cover
assemblies. Each volute casing shall be subjected to hydrostatic pressure of not
less than 1-1/2 times the maximum shutoff head for two hours without evidence
of leakage or seepage. The volute discharge nozzle shall be of the centerline
design with an ANSI 125 pound flange and be of the minimum size specified
Each impeller shall be a non-clog type cast in one piece of gray cast iron, ASTM
A48, Class 30 (minimum), and shall be statically and dynamically balanced, with
smooth water passage to prevent clogging by stringy or fibrous materials and
other matter found in normal sewage applications. Each impeller shall be keyed to
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 7
the shaft, and the fastening of the impeller to the shaft shall be made by a special
locking device. Impeller shall be sealed from the liquid by means of an "O-ring"
and covered and secured to the end face of the shaft by a single bolt with locking
device to ensure impeller bolt will not back out if pump is operated backwards.
Unless otherwise specified, impellers shall be enclosed single port, recessed vortex
type, or grinder type. Grinder type impellers shall be multi-vane, semi-open with
replaceable cutting heads.
District will predetermine the specific impeller type(s) to be used for each project.
Volute Wear Ring (not applicable to recessed vortex pumps)
The pump suction shall be fitted with a replaceable stainless steel wear ring with a
minimum hardness of 350 BNH.
Impeller Wear Ring (not applicable to recessed vortex pumps)
Each impeller shall be fitted with a replaceable stainless steel wear ring with a
minimum hardness of 300 BNH to provide efficient sealing between the volute and
Discharge Elbows
Each pump shall be provided with a discharge elbow to be permanently installed
with discharge piping in the wet well. The discharge elbow shall be made of close
grained cast iron ASTM A48, Class 30 (minimum). The pump shall automatically
connect to the discharge connection elbow when lowered into place. Pump shall
be easily removed for inspection or service with no need for personnel to enter
the wet well. Sealing of the pump to the discharge elbow shall be accomplished by
a simple linear downward motion of the pump. Connection shall be machined
metal-to-metal, quick disconnect at pump volute, with secondary profile type
Elastomer seal or O-ring element for leak proof seal when the pump is in
Pump Shaft
Pump shaft shall be high strength 416 stainless steel or carbon steel with 416
stainless steel shaft sleeve and of such diameter that it will not deflect more than
0.002-inch with the largest impeller installed while operating at the maximum
design speed, as determined by calculations from the manufacturer.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 8
Pump Seals
Each pump shall be provided with two independent mechanical shaft seals. The
upper seal shall operate in an oil chamber located just below the stator housing.
Upper seal shall contain one stationary tungsten carbide or silicon carbide ring and
one positively driven rotating carbon ring functioning as an independent
secondary barrier between the pumped liquid and the stator housing. The lower
shaft seal shall function as the primary barrier between the pumped liquid and the
stator housing. Lower seal shall consist of a stationary ring and a positively driven
rotating ring both of which shall be silicon carbide. All metal parts, set screws, and
springs of both upper and lower seals shall be 316 stainless steel.
Each interface shall be held in contact by its own spring system supplemented by
external liquid pressures. The seals shall require neither maintenance nor
adjustment, but shall be easily inspected and replaceable.
The shaft sealing system shall be capable of operating submerged to depths of, or
pressures equivalent to, a minimum of 45 feet. No seal damage shall result from
operating the pumping unit in its liquid environment. The seal system shall not
rely upon the pumped media for lubrication.
Guide and Removal System
System shall be designed for pump removal and installation to permit routine
maintenance and repair of pumps. Pump supplier/manufacturer shall furnish a
reliable, operable system and shall provide technical assistance for installation.
Contractor shall demonstrate the use of the system for each pump by removing
and reinstalling each pump with the wet well dry. After start-up of pumps,
Contractor shall again remove and reinstall each pump then operate pumps again
to demonstrate proper installation. The removal system shall be suitable for lifting
the pumps with a crane utilizing a stainless steel cable that will be attached to the
pump motor lifting bail assembly. The complete guide and removal system shall
be furnished with the pumps.
The guide and removal system shall consist of a foot mounted discharge elbow, no
less than two 316 stainless steel guide rails, upper rail support bracket, and
intermediate rail guide brackets for each pump. Each pumping unit shall be
provided with an integral sliding guide bracket. All guide and removal system
components, except pump discharge elbow and pump sliding guide bracket, shall
be constructed of 316 stainless steel, or better. The pump guide and removal
system shall be non-sparking.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 9
Electric Submersible Motors
Each pump shall be driven by a vertical, submersible, squirrel cage, induction, shell
type motor rated 480 volts, 3 phase, 60 hertz, housed in an air-filled, watertight
chamber specifically designed for pumping application as specified herein.
Maximum motor speed shall be 1,800 rpm. Electric submersible motor shall be
explosion-proof and shall be approved by Factory Mutual (FM) or Underwriters
Laboratories (UL) as an Explosion-Proof Unit. The complete unit shall conform to
the NEC, Articles 500, 501, and 502 requirements as explosion-proof and suitable
for use in Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D hazardous locations. Manufacturers
shall coordinate pump motor furnished with electrical switchgear and control
Stator. The stator winding and stator leads shall be insulated with moisture
resistant Class F insulation which will resist a temperature of 155°C, 40°C
ambient plus 115°C rise, and designed for continuous duty, capable of
sustaining a minimum of ten (10) starts per hour. The stator shall be dipped
and baked three times in Class F varnish and shall be heat-shrink fitted into
the stator housing. The use of bolts, pins, or other fastening devices
requiring penetration of the stator housing shall be rejected. Motors shall
be capable of continuous duty operation over the wet well range shown on
the drawings including being partially submerged and capable of operating
for 15 minutes in air at nameplate horsepower, unless specified for
continuous operation in air.
Sensors. Thermal sensors shall be used to monitor stator temperatures.
The stator shall be equipped with bi-metallic thermal switches embedded in
the stator winding. Sensors shall be rated 120 VAC with normally closed
contacts which open upon high temperature. Dual (2) moisture sensing
probes or one positive displacement float activated reed switch and one
hydroscopic sensor shall be provided in the oil chamber located between
the outer and inner seal and are used to detect the presence of moisture
should the outer seal fail. The moisture protection system shall be designed
to detect water in the motor chamber and provide a warning signal prior to
water levels reaching the bearing or wound stator assemblies. Sensor
alarms will be incorporated into the station controls. Control modules, such
as Warrick relays, shall be provided by the pump manufacturer for
incorporation into the MCC controls.
Service Factor. Unless specified otherwise by specific performance
requirements the motor shall be sized to be non-overloading when the
pump is operated at any point on the pump performance characteristic
curve and shall have a minimum service factor of 1.15. Motor service factor
shall not be used in satisfying pumping requirement.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 10
Lifting Assembly. Lifting assembly (lifting eye or lifting bail) shall be provided
on the motor housing and shall be of adequate strength to lift the entire
pumping unit. Lifting assembly shall be 316 stainless steel, or better. Lifting
assembly shall be provided with a 316 stainless steel clevis and lifting cable.
The clevis shall be furnished with a locking mechanism for the clevis bolt,
such as a cotter pin. Lifting cable shall be manufactured in the USA and shall
be tagged with the lifting capacity per ANSI and Cal/OSHA requirements.
Oil Chamber. Each pump shall be provided with an oil chamber for the shaft
sealing system. The oil chamber shall be designed to assure that air remains
in the oil chamber to absorb the expansion of the oil due to temperature
variations. The drain and inspection plugs, with positive anti-leak seals, shall
be easily accessible from the outside.
Bearings. Each pump shaft shall rotate on minimum of two (2) permanently
lubricated bearings. The upper and lower bearings shall be a single row
deep groove ball bearing with the upper bearing providing for radial thrust.
Pump bearings shall be of the anti-friction type designed to give 40,000
hours minimum life by L-10 calculations at maximum speed and operating
load in continuous operation.
Cable. Each pump shall be furnished with one or more pump power and
control cables as necessary for pump operation and protection. Each cable
shall be sheathed in a synthetic jacket suitable for submersible pump
application and be designed to prevent moisture from wicking through the
cable assembly even if cable jacket has been punctured.
Cable ends shall be protected at all times from moisture. Exposure to
moisture shall result in rejection of the cable. The total cable length shall be
of sufficient length for direct connection to pump control and electrical
power system at junction boxes shown on the Construction Drawings,
including an extra 4 feet to be looped around cable supports.
Cable Entry. The cable entry assembly shall be provided to protect the
motor from water entering the motor housing either through the cables or
around the cables, when the unit is submerged and operating. Adequate
strain relief provisions shall be provided to eliminate any mechanical loading
of the cable entry seal. Each individual conductor wire shall be cast in resin
in such a manner that any water leakage in motor through capillary action,
because of external cable damage or other causes, shall be avoided.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 11
Protective Coating for Exposed Ferrous Metal Surfaces
Protective coating shall be manufacturer's standard epoxy coating for severe duty,
unless specified otherwise on the Construction Drawings.
Each pump shall have a Type 316 stainless steel plate permanently attached by
stainless steel screws or rivets to the pump frame into which the following
information shall be impressed, engraved or embossed, manufacturer's name,
pump size, serial number, impeller diameter, capacity, head rating, speed, and
bearing numbers. Nameplates shall also include information unique to each item
of equipment and device to identify its function as described herein. Function
nameplates shall be approximately one inch by 3 inches if made separately.
Letters of function titles shall be not smaller than 1/4-inch high.
External Hardware
All external nuts, bolts, and washers etc. shall be 316 stainless steel.
Pump Spare Parts
Contractor shall furnish spare parts for each pumping unit. Spare parts shall be as
specified herein or as recommended by the manufacturer, shall be undamaged
and packaged in original containers, and supplied to the District at time of final
acceptance of the work.
Contractor shall furnish the following spare parts:
Two spare sets of cable entry grommets and O-rings.
Two spare sets of mechanical seals.
Two spare impellers.
Factory Testing
Tests shall be performed on the actual assembled unit over the entire operating
range on the certified performance curve. Prototype model tests will not be
All pumps shall be factory-tested in accordance with the above specifications.
Certified test results shall be submitted to the District for approval prior to
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 12
Pump curves shall reflect data secured during actual test runs and shall be signed
by a responsible representative of the pump manufacturer. Test reports and
procedures shall conform to applicable requirements of the Hydraulic Institute
Standards, except for testing tolerances for the design condition with one pump
operating as shown on the pumping unit performance on the Construction
Drawings. Testing tolerance for the design condition shall be +5%-0% for the
total dynamic head at the discharge capacity. All other pumping unit
performance conditions shall be within the limits shown on the Construction
The Contractor shall install all pumping equipment in strict accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. Care shall be used in handling to avoid bumping, twisting,
dropping, or otherwise damaging the equipment.
All pump manufacturers shall furnish the services of factory-trained personnel as
required to examine the installation, supervise start-up of equipment installed, and
repair the equipment at no additional expense to the District.
Furnish and install a single or double leaf equipment access hatch with safety grates and integral cable
troughs as shown on the Construction Drawings. The access hatch shall be integrally cast into the
concrete wet well roof. The top of the access hatch shall be flush with the top of the concrete roof.
The minimum clear hatch opening dimensions shall be as shown on the Construction Drawings. The
access hatch shall be pre-assembled from the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall warranty that the
assembled access hatch shall be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of (5) years
from date of project acceptance. The access hatch shall be as manufactured by U.S.F. Fabrication,
Flygt, Bilco or equal.
The access hatch covers, frame, cable trough, components, and hardware shall be constructed of 316
stainless steel. Hatch covers shall be 3/16" (minimum) thickness with a diamond pattern. Safety
grates shall be provided beneath the hatch covers for fall through protection when the covers are
open. The hatch covers and safety grates shall be reinforced to support a minimum live load of 300 psf
with a maximum deflection of 1/150th of the span. Each safety grate shall be provided with a
permanent hinging system that will lock the grates in the 90 degree position once opened. Safety
grate hinges shall be specifically designed for horizontal installation and shall be through bolted to the
safety grate with tamperproof stainless steel lock bolts and shall be through bolted to the equipment
access hatch frame with stainless steel bolts and locknuts. Safety grate openings shall be 5" by 5" to
allow for visual inspection of the wet well while the grating is in place. The hatch frame shall be angle
type and shall be provided with full anchor flange around the perimeter.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 13
Each cover leaf shall be provided with a lift handle that remains flush with the cover when not in use.
A removable exterior turn/lift handle with slam lock shall be provided to open the top leaf. The latch
release shall be protected by a flush, gasketed, removable screw plug. The top leaf shall also be
provided with a recessed padlock clip and cover box. Each cover leaf shall be equipped with a hold
open arm, which automatically locks the covers in the open position.
Main Electrical Service
As shown on the Construction Drawings, main electrical service shall consist of a
commercial pedestal with pull section, service (metering) section, and main disconnect.
The service pedestal shall be rated for a minimum of 200A on 480 volt, 3-phase power.
The service pedestal shall be UL listed with a short circuit current rating of 42 KAIC
(minimum). Equipment shall include a separate, barriered-off, utility metering
compartment complete with hinged sealable door and padlock hasp as approved by the
utility company. Provide Service Entrance Label and provide necessary applicable
service entrance features per NEC, local code requirements, and utility company
Main electrical service shall be as manufactured by Milbank
Manufacturing Co., or Cooper B-Line, no substitutes.
The main electrical service and disconnect enclosure shall be provided in accordance
with these provisions, and as shown on the Construction Drawings. Unless specified
otherwise, the main electrical service enclosure shall be NEMA Type 3R.
Main Disconnect
Main disconnect shall be molded case circuit breaker with provisions to lockout the
main disconnect switch as shown on the Construction Drawings.
Molded case circuit breakers shall provide circuit overcurrent protection with inverse
time and instantaneous tripping characteristics. Circuit breakers shall be operated by a
toggle-type handle and shall have a quick-make, quick-break over-center switching
mechanism that is mechanically trip-free. Automatic tripping of the breaker shall be
clearly indicated by the handle position. Contacts shall be non-welding silver alloy, and
arc extinction shall be accomplished by means of DE-ION arc chutes. A push-to-trip
button on the front of the circuit breaker shall provide a local manual means to exercise
the trip mechanism.
Circuit breakers shall have a minimum symmetrical interrupting capacity matching the
MCC where installed or as shown on the Construction Drawings. Circuit breakers shall
be provided with adjustable continuous current and thermal-magnetic trip units and
inverse time-current characteristics unless otherwise shown on the Construction
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 14
Arc Flash Limit
Main electrical service shall be designed, manufactured, and supplied such that the Arc
Flash Hazard/Risk Categories shall be Level 2 or less within the Arc Flash Protection
Circuit breakers used as a main to disconnect utility power shall be provided with
microprocessor-based RMS sensing trip units.
The electrical equipment manufacturer shall coordinate with the engineer(s) performing
the Short Circuit/Coordination and Arc Flash Hazard Studies per Section 16040 to
comply with the Hazard/Risk Category Level 2 or less.
Motor Control Centers (MCCs) shall be provided as shown on the Construction
Drawings and specified herein. MCCs shall comply with the requirements of
NEMA ICS 2, the NEC, and UL 845. Wiring shall be NEMA Class II, Type B. MCCs
shall be as manufactured by General Electric, Eaton/Cutler Hammer, AllenBradley, or Schneider Electric/Square D, no substitutes.
Structures shall be totally enclosed dead front, free-standing assemblies. They
shall be 90± inches high and 21± inches deep. Each structure shall be minimum
20± inches wide and wider where shown on the Construction Drawings, or where
required to house components shown on the Construction Drawings. Structures
shall contain a horizontal wireway at the top, isolated from the horizontal bus
and shall be readily accessible through a hinged cover. Adequate space for
conduit and wiring to enter the top or bottom shall be provided without
structural interference.
The MCC enclosure shall be provided in accordance with these provisions, Section
2.05 herein, and as shown on the Construction Drawings.
A vertical wireway with minimum of 35 square inches of cross sectional area shall
be adjacent to each vertical unit and shall be covered by a hinged door. Wireways
shall contain steel rod cable supports.
All full voltage motor starter units through NEMA Size 5 shall be of the plug-in
type. Plug-in provisions shall include a positive guide rail system and stab
shrouds to absolutely ensure alignment of stabs with the vertical bus. Plug-in
units shall have a tin-plated stab assembly for connection to the vertical bus. No
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 15
wiring to these stabs shall extend into the bus compartment. Interior of all units
shall be painted white for increased visibility. Units shall be equipped with sidemounted, positive latch pull-apart type control terminal blocks rated 600 volts.
Knockouts shall be provided for the addition of future terminal blocks. All
internal control wire to be 14 gauge minimum.
All plug-in units shall be secured by a spring-loaded quarter turn indicating type
fastening device located at the top front of the unit. Each unit compartment shall
be provided with an individual front door.
An operating mechanism shall be mounted on the primary disconnect of each
starter unit. It shall be mechanically interlocked with the unit door to prevent
access unless the disconnect is in the OFF position. A defeater shall be provided
to bypass this interlock. With the door open, an interlock shall be provided to
prevent inadvertent closing of the disconnect. A second interlock shall be
provided to prevent removal or re-insertion of the unit while in the ON position.
Padlocking facilities shall be provided to positively lock the disconnect in the OFF
position with from one to three padlocks with the door open or closed. In
addition, means shall be provided to padlock the unit in a partially withdrawn
position with the stabs free of the vertical bus.
Each structure shall contain a main horizontal copper tin plated or copper silver
plated bus, with minimum ampacity rating of 400 amperes or as shown on the
Construction Drawings. The horizontal bus shall be rated at 65 degrees C
temperature rise over a 40 degree C ambient temperature in compliance with UL
standards. Vertical busses feeding unit compartments shall be copper and shall
be securely bolted to the horizontal main bus. All joints shall be front accessible
for ease of maintenance. The vertical bus shall have a minimum rating of 300
amperes for front mounted units.
Isolation of the vertical bus compartment from the unit compartment shall be by
means of a full height insulating barrier. This barrier shall be a single sheet of
glass reinforced polyester with cutouts to allow the unit stabs to engage the
vertical bus. Provide snap-in covers for all unused openings.
Busses shall be braced for minimum 42,000 amperes RMS symmetrical, unless
shown otherwise on the Construction Drawings.
MCC Motor Controllers (Combination Starters)
Motor controllers shall consist of combination starter units with motor circuit protectors
and motor starters with thermal bimetallic overload relays. Motor starter control power
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 16
(120V) shall be provided from the lighting panel included in the MCC assembly as shown
on the Construction Drawings.
Combination starter units shall be as specified herein and shall be full voltage nonreversing, rated minimum 42,000 amperes RMS, symmetrical at 480V, unless shown
otherwise on the Construction Drawings. Combination starter units shall conform to the
Motor Circuit Protectors shall be as manufactured by General Electric,
Eaton/Cutler Hammer, Allen-Bradley, or Schneider Electric/Square D, (no
The motor circuit protection shall provide adjustable magnetic protection and be
provided with pin insert to stop magnetic adjustment at 1300 percent motor
nameplate full load current to comply with NEC requirements. All combination
starter units shall have a "tripped" position on the unit disconnect and a push-totest button on the motor circuit protector. Motor circuit protectors shall include
transient override feature for motor inrush current.
Motor starters shall be electrically operated, electrically held, three-pole
assemblies with arc extinguishing characteristics and shall have silver-to-silver
renewable contacts. They shall accommodate a total of eight N.O. or eight N.C.
auxiliary contacts. Overload protection shall consist of thermal bimetallic
ambient compensated type overloads. Sizes shall be determined by the
Contractor based on characteristics of actual motor furnished.
Each starter (unless otherwise shown) shall be equipped with indicating lights,
selector switches, elapsed time meter, and auxiliary contacts, as shown on the
Construction Drawings. Number of auxiliary contacts shall be as required for
specific motor control. In addition, 2NO and 1NC spare contacts shall be
All status and alarm lights shall be push-to-test type, and shall be heavy-duty, oiltight (NEMA 13).
Arc Flash Limit
Motor control centers shall be designed, manufactured, and supplied such that the Arc
Flash Hazard/Risk Categories shall be Level 2 or less within the Arc Flash Protection
Distribution circuit breakers used to disconnect power from motor control centers and
motor control center mains shall be provided with microprocessor-based RMS sensing
trip units.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 17
The electrical equipment manufacturer shall coordinate with the engineer(s) performing
the Short Circuit/Coordination and Arc Flash Hazard Studies per Section 16040 to
comply with the Hazard/Risk Category Level 2 or less.
MCC enclosures shall be as specified on the Construction Drawings and shall be suitable
for the proposed location. Unless noted otherwise on the Construction Drawings, the
specified electrical equipment and switchgear shall be housed in NEMA 1 gasketed
enclosures with NEMA 3R wrappers. Enclosures shall have NEMA 3R wrap roofs sloping
downward towards the rear. Outer sections shall be the same widths as indoor
structures, except each end of the outdoor assembly shall have an end trim. The
enclosures shall be provided with bolt on rear covers for each section.
Enclosures shall be provided with ANSI 61 gray baked enamel exterior, and white baked
enamel interior. As a minimum, each enclosure section shall be furnished with a
convenience receptacle, overhead fluorescent light activated manually by inside
mounted switch, and padlockable door handle.
Nameplates shall be provided for all electrical enclosures, stations, and equipment
furnished by the Contractor. Nameplates shall be engraved laminated plastic, with 1/4"
high white lettering on black background. Nameplates shall indicate equipment and its
function. Nameplates shall be securely fastened with stainless steel drive screws or
escutcheon pins.
MCC enclosures shall be provided with thermostatically controlled space heaters to
prevent condensation. Heating shall be as designed by the manufacturer, unless shown
specifically on the Construction Drawings.
Control power transformers with primary and secondary fuse protection shall be
provided as required for proper operation of the heating equipment, unless shown
otherwise on the Construction Drawings. Supply voltage shall be 120 volts, 60 Hz.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 18
Main Control Panel
The Main Control Panel (MCP) shall be housed in the MCC line up as shown on the
Construction Drawings. The MCP shall consist of all relays, timers, switches,
pushbuttons, lights, and components as shown on the Drawings and specified
herein. The MCP shall control the pumping units in the automatic mode and
provide alarm output to the RTU.
Control power to the MCP shall be 120 volt, 60 Hz, single phase from the lighting
panel and shall be provided with a fuse for short circuit protection. The MCP shall
also be provided with a 120 volt, auxiliary duplex receptacle, protected with a 20A
thermal magnetic breaker within the MCP.
Selection of the "lead" pumping unit shall be controlled by District RTU.
Alarm lights for wet well level alarm conditions shall be located at the MCP. Alarm
lights shall be push-to-test type, and shall be heavy-duty, oil-tight (NEMA 13).
Terminal Blocks
Terminal blocks shall be molded plastic with barriers and box lug terminals, and
shall be rated 15 amperes at 600-Volts. White marking strips, fastened securely to
the molded sections, shall be provided, and wire numbers or circuit identifications
shall be marked thereon with permanent labels.
Signal and Control Circuit Wiring
Wire Type and Sizes. Where conductors are within the control panel, they
shall be flexible stranded copper machine tool wire; these shall be UL listed
Type MTW and shall be rated 600-Volts minimum 14 AWG. Where
conductors are run to MCC sections or to field locations, they shall be
stranded copper minimum 12 AWG of the UL listed Type THWN.
Wire Termination. Conductors from field components or from MCC sections
shall terminate in the MCP at terminal blocks. Control circuit wiring shall
connect from terminal blocks to relays, timers, lights, and switches.
Wire Marking. Each signal, control, alarm, and indicating circuit conductor
connected to a given electrical terminal point shall be designated by a single
unique number which shall be shown on all shop drawings. Status, alarm,
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 19
and control signal (IO) conductors to and from the RTU terminal strips shall
be identified at both ends using the District's labeling designation shown on
Drawing E-4, "RTU Status/Alarm Signal Wiring Diagram" (i.e. 4-6, 5-2, etc.).
These numbers shall be marked on all conductors at every terminal using
white numbered wire markers which shall be permanently marked heatshrink plastic. Font shall be sized to be legible after shrinking.
Ultrasonic Level Control System
Each ultrasonic level control system shall include an ultrasonic level transducer and an
ultrasonic controller. Each controller shall be flush mounted on the MCP door.
The transducer shall be capable of submergence without degradation. Transducer shall
function over an ambient temperature range of -40°F to 200°F, and shall be rated by FM
and CSA for Class I and II hazardous environments.
The transducer shall be provided with integral temperature sensor for speed-of-sound
compensation and shall be Model Echomax XPS-15 as manufactured by Siemens, no
Unit shall operate on 120V, 60 Hz power, unless otherwise specified, and provide 4-20
mA DC output, current isolated, into a maximum of 600 ohms (return to ground).
Controller shall function over an ambient temperature range of 15°F to 122°F. The
controller shall be a single point, three relay type controller with auto-false echo
suppression for fixed obstruction avoidance, Hydro Ranger 200 Series as manufactured
by Siemens, no substitutes.
Interconnecting cable between transducer and controller shall be supplied with unit,
and shall be suitable for a maximum system length of 300'. Contractor shall verify
length of cable required for each specific installation. Cable shall be installed in a single
run with no splices. Cable shall be installed in continuously grounded PVC-coated Rigid
Galvanized Steel conduit. Conduit shall be installed a minimum of 8' from 480V
Wet Well Level Float Switches
Float switches shall be designed for operation in raw sewage and shall be hermetically
sealed in high impact corrosion resistant polypropylene or polyurethane. Cables shall be
minimum 16 gauge multi-strand polyvinylchloride (PVC) jacketed cable (oil and water
resistant) suitable for underwater use and heavy flexing service. Float switches shall be
rated minimum 4 amps at 120 VAC. Float switches shall be provided with stainless steel
clamps and appurtenances suitable for mounting switches to a vertical 3/4-inch pipe.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 20
Float switches shall be as manufactured by Flygt Corporation, Warrick Controls, Anchor
Scientific Inc., Consolidated Electric Co., or equal.
Each float switch shall be provided with an intrinsically safe relay complete with reduced
voltage transformer and contacts. Relays shall be specified for use in NEC, Class I,
Division 1 (hazardous) locations, and shall be Factory Mutual or UL listed for explosion
proof service. Intrinsically safe relays shall be as manufactured by Warrick (no
Magnetic Flow Meter
Contractor shall provide a magnetic flow meter as specified hereinafter.
Meter Design and Construction
The magnetic flow meter shall use characterized electromagnetic introduction to
produce a voltage linearly proportional to the average flow rate. Each magnetic
flow meter shall be microprocessor based, and utilize D.C. bipolar pulsed coil
excitation, automatically re-zeroing after every cycle. The sensor shall be a Type
304 stainless steel tube, carbon steel flanged, and polyurethane lined, with a
nominal diameter as shown on the Construction Drawings.
External surfaces shall be factory finished with a high build epoxy paint or better
for corrosion prevention. The flow meter electrodes and built in grounding
electrodes shall be Type 316 stainless steel. If built in grounding is not provided,
Type 316 stainless steel grounding rings shall be mounted in each end of the
The preamplifier input impedance shall not be less than 10 11 ohms and shall be
capable of operating with a power supply of 24 volts ±10 percent. The sensor
shall be NEMA 4X and certified for use in Class 1, Division 1, Groups B, C, and D.
Accuracy of the flow meter system shall be ±1 percent of rate above 1 fps and
±0.1 percent of full scale below 1 fps. Accuracy shall be verified by calibration in a
flow laboratory traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
The meter shall incorporate an empty pipe detection feature which shall cause the
meter to register zero flow when the sensor is not full.
Signal Converter/Transmitter
Signal converter shall be mounted remotely from the meter in the Main Control
Panel (MCP). Signal converter shall be flush mounted on the MCP door as shown
on the Construction Drawings. Contractor shall provide door cut-out, support
brackets, and bezel as required for flush door mounting.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 21
Signal converter shall provide a 16-character alphanumeric display indicating flow
units as specified herein and total flow in Gallons X 100.
Features allowing menu selection, calibration, and program changes to be made
from outside the housing shall be incorporated.
It shall produce a 4-20 mA DC output signal into a minimum load of 800 ohms,
linear to flow, and a scaled pulsed output.
Magnetic flow meters shall be the product of ABB, Endress & Hauser, or Siemens
(no substitutions).
Manufacturers shall modify or supplement standard
equipment to provide features as specified herein. Manufacturers shall guarantee
equipment against defects in material and workmanship for a period of two years
from date of project acceptance.
Operator Interface Terminal (OIT)
OIT shall have a 5.7" TFT 65,536 color screen with resistive type touch screen and 270
cd/m2 brightness. OIT shall require 24 VDC power and comply with EN50081-2,
EN50082-2, and FCC Class A standards. OIT shall be connected to District's Kingfisher
RTU via 8-conductor flat communications cable and software shall be compatible with
District's RTU. OIT shall be C-More Touch Panel Part No. EA7-T6CL-R as manufactured
by Koyo Electronics (no substitutes).
Specification requirements for basic construction materials and components utilized in
sewage lift station construction are provided hereinafter. Not all construction materials
and components required for lift station construction are included herein. Contractor
shall refer to the District's Approved Materials List, Engineering Standard Detailed
Provision Sections, and the SSPWC for items not included in this Specification.
All interior non-working ferrous surfaces other than stainless steel shall be given
an epoxy coating.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 22
All valve interiors shall be fusion bonded epoxy coated (8 to 12 mils) in accordance
with AWWA C550 (latest). District shall approve epoxy coating materials and
methods before application. Completed coating shall be free from all defects and
shall be inspected by use of low voltage holiday detecting and non-destructive
thickness gauges.
Where the manufacturer demonstrates in writing that it would be impossible to
use the powder epoxy method without causing damage to the valve components,
the use of a liquid epoxy will be permitted upon approval by the District.
Swing Check Valves
Each pump shall be equipped with a full flow type swing check valve, minimum 4"
size, with flanged body and be fitted with external lever and spring. Swing check
valves shall be provided in accordance with AWWA C508. Valves shall be fully
opening, have a flanged cover piece to provide access to the disc, and be designed
for minimum water-working pressure of 150 psi. The valve body and cover shall
be ductile iron or cast iron conforming to ASTM A-126, Class B, with flanges
conforming to ANSI B 16.1, Class 125. The valve disc shall be cast iron, ductile
iron, or bronze conforming to ASTM B 62. Valve seat and rings shall be bronze
conforming to ASTM B 62. The hinge pin shall be of bronze or stainless steel.
Swing check valves shall be the product of a single manufacturer and shall be
APCO, Clow, Mueller, M&H, Kennedy, or Stockham, no substitutes.
Plug Valves
Plug valves shall be of the non-lubricated eccentric type with
cylindrical/rectangular port design. The port area shall be 100% of the standard
pipe area. The valve body and plug shall be constructed of cast iron meeting the
requirements of ASTM A-126, Class B. Valve bearing shall be constructed of
corrosion resistant stainless steel. The entire plug shall be completely
encapsulated with Buna N rubber. The valves shall be flanged with dimensions,
facing, and drilling in full conformance with ANSI B 16.1, Class 125. With the plug
in the full open position, valve shall have no cavities where debris can collect, have
minimal head loss and be capable of passing a clean out pig with the same
nominal diameter as the adjacent pipe. Valves shall be equipped with worm gear
operators conforming to AWWA C504, Section 3.8. All eccentric plug valves shall
have a pressure rating of not less than 150 psi, for bubble tight shut off. Valves
shall be the product of a single manufacturer and shall be DeZurik Corporation
PEF, or equal.
Valves shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's written
instructions and as specified in the District's Detailed Provisions Section 15105,
Part 3.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 23
Combination Sewage Air and Vacuum Valves
Combination sewage air and vacuum valves shall have an elongated body
and be of the type that automatically exhausts large quantities of air during
filling of the system, allows air to re-enter during draining of the system, and
allows accumulating air to escape while in operation and under pressure.
Cast Iron Combination Sewage Air and Vacuum Valves
Each valve unit shall be supplied with isolation valve (solid wedge gate),
blow-off valve, 1/2 inch back flushing shutoff valve, and 5 foot rubber supply
hose with disconnect couplings. The unit shall be designed for an operating
pressure of not less than 125 psi.
The body and cover shall be cast iron, internal float and float guide shall be
stainless steel with Buna N seat, valves shall be gate type of bronze
construction. Seat hardness shall be selected by the manufacturer for
actual operating pressure of the system. Cast iron combination sewage air
and vacuum valves shall be manufactured by Val-Matic Valve, Multiplex
Manufacturing Corporation (Crispin), APCO by Valve and Primer
Corporation, no substitutes.
Stainless Steel Combination Sewage Air and Vacuum Valves
Each valve unit shall be supplied with isolation valve (solid wedge gate).
Backflush shutoff valve and supply hose are not required. The unit shall be
designed for an operating pressure of not less than 125 psi. The body and
cover shall be Type 316L stainless steel. Anti-surge orifice float, upper float,
and lower float assembly shall be high density polyethylene. O-ring seats
shall be EPDM rubber and seat hardness shall be selected by the
manufacturer for actual operating pressure of the system. Stainless steel
combination sewage air and vacuum valves shall be Vent-O-Mat Series RGX,
no substitutes.
Piping and Fittings
Ductile iron pipe shall conform with AWWA C 150 and C 151. Unless specified
otherwise on the Construction Drawings, ductile iron pipe shall be minimum Class
53 thickness.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 24
Flanged ductile iron pipe shall conform to AWWA C 115 and grooved ductile iron
pipe shall conform to AWWA C 606. Flanges shall be ductile iron Class 125, ANSI
Ductile iron fittings shall be Class 250 and shall conform to AWWA C 110. Ductile
iron mechanical joint fittings shall be Class 350 and shall conform to AWWA C104.
All ductile iron pipe and fittings shall have an interior cement mortar lining of
standard thickness in accordance with AWWA C 104.
Below grade ductile iron pipe and fitting shall be provided with an exterior
asphaltic coating in accordance with AWWA C 151 and polyethylene encasement
in accordance with AWWA C 105.
Stainless steel pipe shall conform with ANSI B36.19 and ASTM A312. Unless
specified otherwise on the Construction Drawings, stainless steel pipe shall be
Grade 316, Schedule 40.
Stainless steel fittings 2 inches and smaller shall be ASTM A351, Grade 316, ANSI
B16.3, Class 150, threaded.
Stainless steel fittings 2 1/2 inches and larger shall be ASTM A403 and A774, Grade
316, ANSI B16.9, B36.19. Schedule 40, standard weight, smooth-flow (mitered
fittings are not acceptable).
Stainless steel flanges shall be ANSI A182, Grade 316, slip-on or weld neck ANSI
B16.5, Class 150.
All stainless steel piping, fittings, and flanges shall be shop welded (field welding
not permitted). All welds shall be pickled and passivated in accordance with Part
2.11 "Stainless Steel Passivation".
Unless specified otherwise on the Construction Drawings, all concrete shall be Class AA
per District Detailed Provisions, Section 03300. Cement shall be Type V per ASTM C 150.
Prior to commencing construction, Contractor shall submit the proposed concrete mix
design to the District for review and acceptance.
All concrete construction shall be in accordance with District Detailed Provisions,
Sections 03150, 03200, and 03300.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 25
Miscellaneous Metals
Rolled shapes, plates, and bars shall conform to AISC "Manual of Steel
Construction" and ASTM Specification A-36, latest editions.
Stainless Steel. Unless otherwise designated or approved, Contractor shall
use Type 316 stainless steel alloy conforming to ASTM A-167 and ASTM A276, latest editions, for plates and bars.
Steel Pipe. Material shall conform to ASTM A-53, Grade B seamless
galvanized as required, Schedule 40.
Cast Iron
Material shall conform to ASTM A-48, Class 30, except as specifically designated
Ductile Iron
Material shall conform to ASTM A-536 using grade 60-40-18 or better, except as
specifically designated otherwise.
All plate, pipe, and structural shapes shall be new and shall conform to ASTM
B209 (Plate), B308 (Shapes), B429 (Pipe and Tubing), B211 (Bar Stock), and
applicable Federal Specifications for 6061-T6 alloy, unless otherwise
Aluminum pipe rail shall be of 6061-T6 alloy and be Schedule 40 or greater.
Alloys and tempers for various members where not otherwise designated,
shall be as required for proper forming and fabrication to meet or exceed
structural requirements, and shall be of alloys specially produced to best
achieve specified color anodized finishes. Contractor shall provide supporting
printed recommendations from parent aluminum producer. For sheet
fabricated members, Contractor shall use only homogenous aluminum
products and no clad products.
Contingent upon alloys being welded, Contractor shall use only inert gas
shielded arc or resistance welding process with filler alloys as specified in the
UBC. Contractor shall not use any process requiring a welding flux.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 26
Stainless Steel Bolts
Except as otherwise designated or specified, all bolts, anchor bolts, cap screws,
studs, and fasteners shall be Type 316 conforming to ASTM F-593; nuts shall
conform to ASTM F-594.
Flange Hardware
With the exception of stainless steel flanges, all flange bolts, nuts, and fasteners
shall be A325. Nuts shall be heavy hex cold-press semi-finished steel per ASTM
A194-2,2H. Threads shall be lubricated with an approved anti-seize compound.
Deferred Bolting Devices
Deferred bolting devices are noted on the Construction Drawings as wedge
anchors, expansion anchors, or epoxy anchors. Deferred bolting devices shall be
used in lieu of anchor bolts only where specifically noted or detailed. Unless noted
otherwise on the Construction Drawings, deferred bolting devices shall be 316
stainless steel, shall be installed in accordance with current I.C.B.O. Research
Report Approval, and shall consist of the following:
Wedge anchors or expansion anchors shall be ITW Ramset/Redhead Trubolt
Anchors, Hilti Kwik Bolt II Anchors, Simpson Strong-Tie Strong-Bolt 2 Anchors,
or equal.
Epoxy anchors shall be ITW Ramset/Redhead Epcon C6+ Epoxy Anchors, Hilti
HIT-RE 500-SD Adhesive Anchors, Simpson Strong-Tie Set XP Epoxy Anchors,
or equal.
Wedge anchors or expansion anchors shall not be used inside the wet well or
for anchorage of any vibrating machinery or equipment.
Iron and Steel. Galvanizing shall conform to ASTM A123, with minimum
weight per square foot of 1.25 ounces.
Ferrous Metal Hardware Items. Galvanizing shall conform to A153, with
average coating weight of 1.25 ounces per square foot.
Touch-Up Material for Galvanized Coatings. Galvanized coatings marred or
damaged during erection or fabrication shall be repaired by use of DRYGALV
as manufactured by the American Solder and Flux Company, Galvalloy,
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 27
Galvion, or equal, applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
Electrical Conduit and Conductors
PVC-Coated Rigid Galvanized Steel Conduit. Conduit shall be Schedule 40
steel, pipe size, finished inside and out by hot-dipped galvanizing, and shall
conform with ANSI C80.1 and UL. A PVC coating of 40 mils (minimum)
thickness shall be bonded to the outer galvanized surface of the conduit and
a urethane coating shall be applied to the interior surface of the conduit.
The bond between the PVC coating and conduit surface shall be greater than
the tensile strength of the plastic. A PVC jacketed coupling shall be furnished
with each length of conduit. PVC-coated Rigid Galvanized Steel conduit and
fittings shall be manufactured by Robroy, Occidental, or equal.
Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit. Conduit shall be UL listed, sunlight resistant,
Schedule 40 PVC conduit, rated for 90 degrees C conductors, and
manufactured to NEMA TC-2 standards. Couplings and connectors shall be of
the same manufacturer as the conduit and shall be joined as recommended
by the manufacturer. All PVC conduits shall be terminated with approved
connectors or end bells.
Cables and wires shall be new, stranded conductors, solid copper, not
smaller than #12 AWG (except shielded control wires and internal control
wires in MCCs and control panels) unless otherwise shown on Drawings.
Insulation shall bear manufacturer's trademark, insulation designation,
voltage rating, and conductor size at regular intervals. Each type of cable or
wire shall be the product of a single manufacturer.
Conductors for power service, power feeders, power circuits, and lighting
feeders, lighting circuits, and external control circuits shall be stranded
copper, rated 600 volt, with 75 degrees C THWN insulation, UL approved, for
installation underground, in concrete, in masonry, or in wet locations.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 28
Color Coding
System conductors shall be factory color coded by integral insulation
pigmentation with a separate color as specified herein. Conductors #6
AWG and larger may be color coded with an approved colored marking tape
at all terminations and in all junction boxes, pull boxes, and manholes. Each
voltage system shall have a color coded system that shall be maintained
throughout the project. Approved conductor colors are as follows:
Power System
480V, 3 Phase, 4 Wire
Phase A
Phase B
Phase C
120/208/240V, 3 Phase, 4 Wire
Phase A
Phase B
Phase C
All Equipment
All System
Bare Copper
PLC (Status and Control)
Digital Input
Digital Output
Switched Leg
Not Black, Red or Blue
Switched Leg
Not Brown, Orange, or
Control System
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 29
Device Boxes, Junction Boxes, and Fittings
Device Boxes (Only Permitted for Locations Beyond 20' of Wet Well)
Unless otherwise noted on the Drawings, device boxes shall be malleable iron
constructed with zinc or cadmium plating and enamel finish, minimum single gang
size, deep box type, with treaded hubs and solid gasketed cover. Device boxes
shall be properly sized for required circuitry or splicing. Surface mounted boxes
shall be furnished with mounting lugs. Where located outdoors, device boxes
shall be waterproof. Device boxes shall be Crouse-Hinds FD, Appleton FD, or
Junction Boxes (Only Permitted for Locations Beyond 20' of Wet Well)
Unless otherwise noted on the Drawings, junction boxes shall be malleable iron
constructed, rain tight, dust tight, minimum size 4"x4"x3", drilled and tapped or
field installed with slip holes (alternate hub plates are acceptable). Junction boxes
shall be properly sized for the number and sizes of conductors and conduit
entering the box and required splicing. Provide feet where necessary for surface
mounting. Junction boxes shall be Crouse-Hinds WAB, Appleton RS, or equal.
Device Boxes (Required for Locations Within 20' of Wet Well)
Where specified on the Drawings, device boxes shall be constructed of
316 stainless steel, minimum single gang size, deep box type, with gasket and 316
stainless steel solid cover. Device boxes shall be properly sized for required
circuitry or splicing. Surface mounted boxes shall be furnished with mounting lugs
or feet. Device boxes shall be NEMA 4X as manufactured by BEL Products, Inc.,
Cushing Manufacturing Co., or equal.
Junction Boxes (Required for Locations Within 20' of Wet Well)
Where specified on the Drawings, junction boxes shall be constructed of 316
stainless steel, with gasket and 316 stainless steel solid cover. Junction box
minimum size shall be 4"x4"x3". Junction boxes shall be properly sized for
required circuitry or splicing. Provide feet where necessary for surface mounting.
Junction boxes shall be NEMA 4X as manufactured by BEL Products, Inc., Cushing
Manufacturing Co., or equal.
Conduit fittings shall be provided where shown on the Drawings or required to
facilitate installation of the electrical conduit and equipment.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 30
Conduit fittings shall be PVC coated metallic fittings and furnished by the
same manufacturer as the PVC coated conduit to provide a complete and
compatible protective system. PVC coated fittings and couplings shall have
specially formed sleeves to tightly seal to conduit PVC coating. The sleeves
shall extend beyond the fitting or coupling a distance equal to the conduit
outside diameter or two inches, whichever is greater.
Non-metallic fittings shall be compatible with the non-metallic conduit used
and shall be of the same manufacturer.
Fittings shall be of the shapes, sizes, and types required to facilitate
installation or removal or conductors and cables from the conduit.
Connectors, couplings, locknuts, bushings, and caps used with PVC-coated
Rigid Galvanized Steel conduit shall be threaded and thoroughly galvanized.
All exposed surfaces shall be PVC coated. Bushings shall be insulated and
shall be threaded malleable iron with thermoplastic liner. Insulated
grounding bushings shall be provided with threaded malleable iron body,
insulated thermoplastic liner throat, and "lay-in" ground lug with
compression screw.
Metallic conduit unions shall be "Erickson" couplings, or approved equal.
Running threads are not acceptable.
Channel (Unistrut) Supports
Unless otherwise specified, support channel (Unistrut) shall be single strut type, 1-5/8" x
1-5/8", 12 gauge ASTM A240, Type 316 stainless steel.
Protective Coatings
All coating materials supplied under this provision shall be manufactured by
Tnemec, PPG (Ameron), or Carboline, no substitutes. Products specified
herein are those which have been evaluated and recommended by the
manufacturers for the specific service.
Only replacement product
recommended by said manufacturers will be considered for substitutions.
All materials shall be brought to job site in original sealed containers.
Contractor shall provide coating material name, formula or specification
number, batch number, color and date of manufacture to the District.
Coating materials shall not be used until the District has inspected contents
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 31
and checked information on containers or label. Materials exceeding storage
life recommended by the manufacturer shall be rejected.
All coatings and paints shall be stored in enclosed structures to protect them
from weather and excessive heat or cold. Flammable coatings or paints must
be stored to conform with city, county, state, and federal safety codes for
flammable coating or paint materials. Water based coatings or paints shall
be protected from freezing.
Contractor shall use products of same manufacturer for all coating systems
unless approved in writing by the District.
All coatings shall comply with local, state, and federal air pollution control
regulations including, but not limited to, SCAQMD Rule 1113 and Rule 1107.
These regulations change frequently. If a listed coating does not meet local,
state, and federal air pollution control regulations at the time the work is
actually performed, the Contractor shall provide the manufacturer's
compliant, recommended substitute coating at no additional cost to the
All colors and shades of colors of all coats of protective coating material shall
be as selected by the District.
Finish and Protective Coating
Coatings shall be applied in accordance with the table below:
Exterior Concrete Surfaces
No coating required.
Wet Well Below Grade Exterior
Concrete Wall Surfaces
No coating required.
Wet Well Interior Concrete Wall
Surfaces or Slabs
Coat per Service Condition D.
Concrete Masonry Surfaces
No coating required, unless shown
on Drawings.
Exposed Ferrous Metal Piping,
Valves, Fittings, and Appurtenances
Coat per Service Condition A. Color
coat and label per Specification
Below Grade Ferrous Metal
Coat per Service Condition C.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 32
Equipment and Motors
Factory coating. Touch up where
damaged per manufacturers
Miscellaneous Ferrous Metal
Coat per Service Condition A.
Hot Dipped Galvanized Steel
No coating required.
Stainless Steel
No coating required.
Exposed PVC and CPVC Piping
Coat per Service Condition E.
No coating, except where bearing
against or embedded in concrete.
NEMA 1, 12, or 3R Electrical Panels
Factory coating, baked enamel.
Touch up where damaged.
Electrical Device Boxes
Factory PVC coating.
Pipe Supports
Hot dipped galvanized or stainless
steel as noted.
Exposed Electrical Conduit
No additional coating required.
Below Grade Copper Tubing and
Brass Pipe
25 mil (min.) Aqua Shield or Stream
Line Protec.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 33
Pipe Color Code and Labeling
All exposed and/or unburied pipe, including steel, copper and brass tubing,
galvanized pipe, polyvinyl chloride pipe, fiberglass reinforced pipe, and
stainless steel pipe shall be identified by color to show its use/function.
Color bands of an approved tape type may be used on PVC, FRP, and
stainless steel pipe and all other pipe not readily susceptible to painted
finish. Bands shall be adhesive type with extra strength and suitable for
continuous duty at 250°F. All markers shall have a protective silicone film.
Color shall be as specified in the table below:
Color Code
Air Vent
Air Valve Drain
Four Air
Potable Water
Safety Blue
Raw Sewage Backflush
Raw Sewage Discharge
Raw Sewage Forcemain
Sanitary Drain
Seal Water
Both the direction of the fluid flow and the duty label of the pipe shall be
stenciled on all above grade or exposed pipe (in Safety Yellow) at least once
every twenty-five (25) feet and at every change of direction. Color bands (if
used) shall be spaced at fifteen (15) foot intervals and every change in
direction. The size of the letters and color bands shall be as specified in the
table below:
Outside Diameter of
Pipe or Covering
Height of Label Letters
Width of Color Band
1/4 to 1-1/4
1-1/2 to 2
2-1/2 to 6
8 to 10
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 34
Outside Diameter of
Pipe or Covering
Width of Color Band
Over 10
Height of Label Letters
Stencil Valve Tag Numbers on Piping
After the painting of process piping is complete, the Contractor shall stencil
the tag numbers, as supplied by the District, of all valves on the pipe adjacent
to the valve for pipe 2 inches and over. Characters shall be 1 inch high
minimum and shall be oriented to be visible from the valve operating
position. When the valve has extended operator shaft or chain operator, the
number shall be placed both at the operating position and at the valve, if
practicable. The latter requirement does not apply if the valve is buried or in
a pit. Valves in pipes under 2 inches shall have characters as large as the pipe
will permit or at the District's option, on an adjacent surface. Characters
shall be preferably white; however, if this would not provide sufficient
contrast to the pipe, the District may select another color. Paint used shall
be of the same type and quality as used for painting the pipe.
Service Condition A
Ferrous metals (excluding stainless steel) subject to outdoor exposure such as
outdoor tanks, piping, valves, and equipment, etc. shall receive the following
surface preparation and coating:
Surface Preparation. All surfaces shall be field sandblasted in conformance
with Steel Structures Painting Council Specifications SSPC-SP10 and National
Association of Corrosion Engineers Surface Finish NACE No. 2 (Near-White
Blast Cleaning) to achieve a 1.5-2.5 mil (40-60 micron) blast profile.
Application. Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations. The minimum and maximum required times between
coats shall be per the manufacturer's product data sheet. Written requests
for shop surface preparation and application of the prime coat shall be
reviewed and approved by District on a case-by-case basis. If approved by
District, shop applied prime coat surface shall be field scarified by brushblasting prior to application of intermediate coat.
Coating System. Except as otherwise noted, the prime coat shall have a
minimum dry film thickness (MDFT) of 4.0 mils. The intermediate coat shall
have a MDFT of 4.0 mils and the finish coat shall have a MDFT of 2.0 mils.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 35
The total dry film thickness of the complete system shall be 10.0 mils,
PPG System
Primer - Amerlock 2VOC
Intermediate - Amerlock 2VOC
Finish - Amershield VOC
Carboline System
Primer - Carboguard 890VOC
Intermediate - Carboguard 890VOC
Finish - Carbothane 134 MC
Tnemec System
Primer - Series L69 Epoxyline
Intermediate - Series L69 Epoxyline
Finish - Series 1080 Endurashield
Service Condition B
Ferrous metals (excluding stainless steel) submerged or intermittently submerged
in sewage or similar corrosive liquid, including all ferrous metal located within the
lift station wet well, shall receive the following surface preparation and coating:
Surface Preparation. All surfaces shall be field sandblasted in conformance
with SSPC-SP5 and NACE No. 1 (White Metal Blast Cleaning) to achieve a 3
mil (75 micron) angular anchor blast profile.
Application. Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations. If recoating is required to correct pinholes, holidays or
insufficient coating thickness; surfaces shall be scarified by brush-blasting
prior to recoat.
Coating System. Except as otherwise noted, one or two coats shall be
applied at a MDFT of 30.0 mils.
PPG System
Sigma Novaguard 840
Carboline System
Carboguard 954HB
Tnemec System
Series 435 Perma-Glaze
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 36
Service Condition C
Buried metal surfaces shall receive the following surface preparation and coating:
Surface Preparation. All surfaces shall be cleaned in conformance with
SSPC-SP10/NACE 2 (Near White Blast Clean) with a 2 mil anchor blast profile.
Application. Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations. The minimum time required between coats and prior to
backfilling shall be per the manufacturer's product data sheet.
Coating System. Except as otherwise noted, two or more coats shall be
applied to a minimum total dry film thickness of 30 mils.
PPG System
Sigma Novaguard 840
Carboline System
Carboguard 954HB
Tnemec System
Series 435 Perma-Glaze
Service Condition D
Concrete subject to continuous or intermittent submergence in sewage, including
all interior surfaces of the wet well, shall receive the following surface
preparation and coating:
Surface Preparation.
All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned by
sandblasting in conformance with SSPC–SP13/NACE 6, ICRI CSP 5 surface
preparation of concrete or other approved methods, removing all traces of
previous materials. Remove all loose concrete by chipping, etc. to leave only
sound firmly bonded concrete. All cracks and voids shall be filled with the
specified epoxy filler and surfacer. Final surface shall be smooth and free of
voids, cavities, dirt, dust, oils, grease, laitance or other contaminants.
Application. Application shall be by spray-on and/or trowel method and
shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The
minimum and maximum required times between coats shall be per the
manufacturer's product data sheet. If recoating is required to correct
pinholes or insufficient system coating thickness, surfaces shall be brushblasted prior to recoat.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 37
Coating System. The coating system shall be specifically manufactured for
highly corrosive environments caused by immersion and intermittent
immersion in municipal wastewater. Minimum total dry film thickness of
the coating system shall be 125 mils.
Carboline System
Finish - Plasite 5371
Tnemec System
Filler/Surfacer - Mortar Clad – Series 218
Lining – Perma-Shield H2S – Series 434
Finish – Perma-Glaze – Series 435
Sauereisen System
Filler/Surfacer - Resto Krete No. 209
Epoxy Lining - Sewergard No. 210X
Service Condition E
Exposed PVC and CPVC piping shall receive the following surface preparation and
coating (coating to be used for this category shall be certified by the PVC and
CPVC piping manufacturer to be completely acceptable and non-injurious to the
Surface Preparation
Surface preparation shall consist of hand sanding to remove gloss. All
remaining dust shall be removed with vacuum brushing or tack rag.
Sanded surfaces shall not be washed with either solvent or water.
Application shall be
Coating System
Except as otherwise noted, two coats shall be applied at 2.0 mils per coat
to a total 4.0 mil MDFT for the system.
Carboline System
Carbothane 134 MC
PPG System
Amershield VOC
Tnemec System
Series 80 Endurashield
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 38
Architectural Paint Finishes
Concrete Masonry Paint on Concrete
Frazee Paint System:
First Coat - 203 Duratec II Exterior
100% Acrylic Flat
Second Coat - 203 Duratec II
Exterior 100% Acrylic Flat
Sherwin Williams System:
First Coat – Loxon Concrete
Masonry Primer
Second Coat – Loxon Acrylic
Vista Paint System:
First Coat - Vista 4600 Uniprime II
Masonry Primer
Second Coat- Vista 2000 Duratone
100% Acrylic Flat
Third Coat - Vista 2000 Duratone
100% Acrylic Flat
Dunn Edwards System:
First coat - Eff Stop Premium
Primer (ESPR00)
Second Coat - Evershield 100%
Acrylic (EVSH10)
Third Coat - Evershield 100%
Acrylic (EVSH10)
Aluminum Metal Isolation
All aluminum bearing on, or embedded in, concrete shall be coated with a wash
primer (0.5 mils) followed by one coat (8 mils) of heavy bodied bituminous paint,
Carboline Bitumastic Super Service Black or Tnemec 46-465.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 39
Asphalt Concrete Pavement
Unless specified otherwise on the Construction Drawings, all asphalt concrete pavement
shall be per District Detailed Provisions, Sections 02201 and 02513 and as specified
Asphalt concrete pavement shall be hot placed to 4" thickness minimum placed over 6"
of crushed miscellaneous base (per SSPWC Section 200-2.4) and compacted to 95
percent relative compaction minimum. Pavement shall be placed in two lifts. The first
lift shall be C1-PG64-10 and the second lift shall be D2-PG64-10.
Unless specified otherwise, prior to placing crushed miscellaneous base, the subgrade
shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6" and then compacted to 95 percent relative
Danger and Warning Signs
Equipment Danger Signs and Warning Signs shall be provided as specified herein. Signs
shall be constructed of 40-mil aluminum with rounded corners and mounting holes at
each corner. Signs shall resist fading in direct sunlight and be suitable for temperatures
ranging from -40ºF to 176ºF. Manufacturer shall submit a list of all print and
background color combinations for confirmation by District. Unless noted otherwise,
text size shall be 3/4" tall and signs shall be sized accordingly. Indoor/outdoor signs
shall be Style No. M0719 by Seton, or approved equal.
Typical Danger Sign (sign shall be stenciled directly on access hatch, or mounted to
access hatch with stainless steel rivets, as directed by District):
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
"DANGER" Yellow letters on black background
"CONFINED SPACE" black letters on yellow background
Mount on wet well access hatch
Danger Sign (One (1) required):
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
"DANGER" white letters on red background
"EQUIPMENT" black letters on white background
"STARTS" black letters on white background
"AUTOMATICALLY" black letters on white background
Mount on generator enclosure
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 40
Danger Sign (One (1) required):
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
"DANGER" white letters on red background
"EAR" black letters on white background
"PROTECTION" black letters on white background
"REQUIRED" black letters on white background
Mount on generator enclosure
Danger Sign (Three (3) required):
Graphic Symbol
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Hazmat label in compliance with NFPA No. 704
"DANGER" white letters on red background
"DIESEL" black letters on white background
"FUEL" black letters on white background
Mount on generator enclosure and both gates
Typical Warning Sign:
Line 1
Line 2
"WARNING" white letters on red background
"DO NOT DRINK" black letters on white background
Mount adjacent to each hose bib
Contractor shall furnish and install a 4-cycle, 1800 rpm, diesel engine generator set as manufactured by
Olympian (supported by Caterpillar),Caterpillar, Cummins, or Generac, (no substitutes). Generator set
shall be capable of starting and operating all motor loads and low voltage transformer loads shown on
the Construction Drawings. Maximum allowable instantaneous voltage dip as defined per NEMA MG1
shall be 20 percent. As a minimum, the generator set standby power rating shall be as shown on the
Construction Drawings and shall be based on site conditions noted below.
System Voltage: 480 Volts AC, three phase, four-wire, 60 hertz.
Site Conditions: Altitude 1500 ft. (minimum - Contractor shall confirm for actual project site), and
ambient temperature of 110 degrees F.
Permits and Requirements for South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
A permit to construct and to operate is required from the SCAQMD for any
emergency standby generator set with a rated brake horsepower greater than
50 (>50 bhp). Permit must be obtained prior to construction of the generator
facilities and generator installation. Time is of the essence in providing
generator submittals for District's approval and for the permit applications. The
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 41
emergency standby power system shall conform to all requirements of SCAQMD
for standby generators. Manufacturer shall equip the engine generator with the
necessary devices (such as a Level 3 diesel particulate filter verified by California
Air Resources Board (CARB)) to meet the current SCAQMD regulations for the
operation of a diesel emergency standby generator. Engine generator set shall
be "pre-certified"/"pre-approved" by SCAQMD for emergency standby power
service. Engine generator set shall have the highest available tier rating, in
accordance with EPA Tier Certification Requirements.
Manufacturer shall be responsible for providing all engine data required as part of
the SCAQMD permit process. Contractor shall provide District with application
forms for the SCAQMD Permit to Construct and Operate. Application forms shall
be complete except for District information and signature. District shall execute
application and return same to Contractor to submit to SCAQMD for approval.
Developer shall pay all required permit fees. The genset shall be constructed and
operated in accordance with the conditions of the SCAQMD Permit to Construct
and Operate.
SCAQMD Rule 1470
The generators shall meet all requirements and emissions standards set forth in
SCAQMD Rule 1470.
If required by SCAQMD Rule 1470 to install a diesel particulate filter (DPF), the
generator shall be furnished with a DPF to reduce the diesel PM in accordance
with SCAQMD Rule 1470. The DPF shall meet the following requirements:
The DPF shall utilize active regeneration technology or a low temperature
passive DPF may be used. Please note for a low temperature passive DPF
to be used, it must operate at exhaust temperatures that are low enough
not to require a load bank for regeneration.
The DPF shall be manufactured by Johnson Matthey, Clear Air System,
Miratech, or Rypos Inc.
The DPF shall be at least a California Air Resources Board (CARB) Level 3
verified for the specific make/model engine that will be installed with a
particulate matter (PM) reduction greater than 85%.
The CARB Executive Order for the DPF shall either list compatibility to the
generator engine family name or approval shall be granted by SCAQMD.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 42
The engine must be a certified CI engine that meets the following
PM emission standards specified in SCAQMD
Part (c)(2)(C)(iv) or (c)(2)(C)(v) or (c)(2)(C)(vi).
Emission standards specified in SCAQMD Rule 1470 Part (c)(2)(C)(vii)
for other pollutants.
Regeneration shall be automatic and shall keep the filter cartridges
functioning at low exhaust temperature and generator load level.
Differential pressure sensors to initiate and control regeneration process as a
function of back pressure shall be provided if an active DPF is used. For
active and passive DPFs, back pressure must not exceed 90% of engine
manufacturer's specification and shall be coordinated with other exhaust
system components (e.g. silencers, piping, etc.). A Backpressure monitor
shall be provided for active and passive DPFs to notify District when high
backpressure limit is reached. A N.O. dry contact that closes if the
backpressure limit is reached shall be provided for District use.
If an active DPF is used, an alarm shall be provided if there is no power from
the generator to the DPF. A N.O. dry contact that closes if there is a loss of
power to the DPF shall be provided for District use.
Suitable for horizontal mounting with flanged inlets and outlets.
Housing and flanges shall be stainless steel.
Remote status panel with LED visual indication and dry contact customer
Voltage regulation shall be +/- 1.0 percent for any constant load between no load and
rated load.
An electronic governor system shall provide automatic isochronous frequency
regulation from steady state no load to steady state rated load. Random frequency
variation with any steady load from no load to full load shall not exceed plus or minus
0.25 percent.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 43
The diesel engine-generator set shall be capable of single step load pick up of 100
percent nameplate kW and power factor, less applicable derating factors, with the
engine-generator set at operating temperature.
The engine shall be diesel, 4 cycle, radiator and fan cooled. The horsepower rating of
the engine at its minimum tolerance level shall be sufficient to drive the alternator and
all connected accessories. Two cycle engines are not acceptable. The engine shall be
manufactured by Caterpillar, Cummins, John Deere, or Perkins, no substitutes. Engine
accessories and features shall include:
The engine-generator set shall be mounted on a heavy duty steel base (skid) to maintain
alignment between components. The skid shall incorporate a battery tray with holddown clamps within the rails.
The generator set shall be equipped with a skid-mounted, engine-driven radiator with
blower fan and all accessories. The cooling system shall be sized to operate at full rated
load and 110 degrees F ambient air entering the generator set enclosure. The cooling
system shall be filled with 50/50 ethylene glycol/water mixture by the equipment
supplier. Rotating parts shall be guarded against accidental contact per OSHA
requirements. The generator set supplier shall be responsible for providing a properly
sized cooling system based on the enclosure static pressure restriction.
A DC electric starting system with positive engagement shall be furnished. The motor
voltage shall be as recommended by the engine manufacturer. The electric starter shall
be capable of a minimum of three complete cranking cycles without overheating.
Positive displacement, mechanical, full pressure, lubrication oil pump.
Full flow lubrication oil filters with replaceable spin-on canister elements and dipstick oil
level indicator.
An engine driven, mechanical, positive displacement fuel pump.
replaceable spin-on canister element.
Fuel filter with
Replaceable dry element air cleaner with restriction indicator.
All fuel piping shall be black iron, or flexible fuel hose rated for this service. Flexible fuel
lines rated 300 degrees F and 100 PSI.
Engine mounted battery charging alternator and solid-state voltage regulator.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 44
AC Generator
The synchronous generator shall be a single bearing, self-ventilated, drip-proof design in
accordance with NEMA MG 1 and directly connected to the engine flywheel housing
with a flex coupling. The insulation material shall meet NEMA standards for Class H
insulation and be impregnated in a polyester varnish or vacuum impregnated with
epoxy varnish to be fungus resistant. Temperature rise of the rotor and stator shall not
exceed NEMA class F (130 ºC rise by resistance over 40 ºC ambient). The excitation
system shall be of brushless construction.
The generator shall be capable of delivering rated output (kVA) at rated frequency and
power factor, at any voltage not more than 5 percent above or below rated voltage.
A permanent magnet generator (PMG) shall be included to provide a reliable source of
excitation power for optimum motor starting and short circuit performance. The PMG
and controls shall be capable of sustaining and regulating current supplied to a single
phase or three phase fault at approximately 300 percent of rated current for ten
seconds during a fault condition.
Voltage Regulator
An automatic voltage regulator (AVR) shall be provided to maintain generator output
voltage within +/- 1.0 percent for any constant load between no load and full load. The
regulator shall be a totally solid state design, which includes electronic voltage buildup,
volts per Hertz regulation, over-excitation protection, loss of sensing protection,
temperature compensation, shall limit voltage overshoot on startup, and shall be
environmentally sealed.
Engine-Generator Set Control
Provide a generator set mounted control panel for complete control and monitoring of
the engine and generator set functions. Panel shall include automatic start/stop
operation, cycle cranking, digital AC metering (0.5 percent true rms accuracy) with
phase selector switch, shutdown sensors and alarms with horn and reset, adjustable
cool down timer and emergency stop push-button.
Critical components shall be environmentally sealed to protect against failure from
moisture and dirt. Components shall be housed in a NEMA 1/IP22 enclosure with
hinged door. The panel itself shall be mounted on a separate support stand isolated
from the engine / generator arrangement. Panel / breaker arrangements mounted on
the generator set in such a way that access to the AC Generator terminal box is
restricted in any way whatsoever are not acceptable.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 45
The generator set mounted control shall include the following features and functions:
Generator Set Metering
The generator set shall be provided with a metering set with the following
features and functions:
Engine oil pressure
Coolant temperature
Engine RPM
System DC volts
Engine running hours
Generator AC volts
Generator frequency
Generator AC amps
Local Alarm and Status Indicators
The generator set shall be provided with the following alarm and status indicating
lamps for protection and diagnostics according to NFPA 110, Level 1:
Low oil pressure
High water temperature
Low coolant level
Emergency stop depressed
Approaching high coolant temperature
Approaching low oil pressure
Low coolant temperature
Low voltage in battery
Control switch not in auto position
Low fuel main tank
Battery charger ac failure
High battery voltage
Generator set main circuit breaker open
DPF back pressure (or spare if DPF not required)
Loss of power to DPF (or spare if DPF not required)
One (1) spare
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 46
Control Functions / Interfaces
Provide the following control functions:
Terminals located inside the control panel for REMOTE EMERGENCY STOP
ON / OFF / AUTO control switch
GENERATOR RUN form "C" dry contact set rated 2A @ 30VDC (one N.O.,
one N.C.).
COMMON ALARM form "C" dry contact set rated 2A @ 30VDC to indicate
existence of any alarm or shutdown condition on the generator set (one
N.O., one N.C.).
A fused 20 amp 12VDC power supply circuit shall be provided for customer
use. DC power shall be available from this circuit at all times from the
engine starting/control batteries.
Generator Set Auxiliary Equipment and Accessories
Water Jacket Heater
An engine mounted, thermostatically controlled, circulation type water jacket
heater shall be provided for each engine. The heater shall be sized by the
generator set manufacturer to maintain jacket water temperature at 90 degrees
F, and shall be 120 or 240 volt, single phase, 60 hertz. Provide proper power
supply circuits for the heater as required for the voltage and load of the heater,
connected to a lighting panel circuit as shown on the Construction Drawings.
Space Heater
Provide a generator mounted space heater, 120 VAC, 1 phase.
Vibration Isolation
Provide vibration isolators, pad type, quantity as recommended by the generator
set manufacturer and suitable for mounting to a concrete equipment base that
are IBC Certified for seismic (Zone 4) applications. Generator set manufacturer
shall provide the required type, size, location, and embedment depth of
generator set anchor bolts. Manufacturer shall provide equipment anchorage
calculations prepared by a registered professional civil or structural engineer in
the State of California. Calculations shall be prepared in accordance with the
Uniform Building Code (latest edition) for Seismic Zone 4 essential facilities.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 47
Exhaust System
Engine shall be provided with a properly sized critical or hospital type silencer (or
a diesel particulate filter (DPF) that incorporates a critical or hospital type
silencer, if required), companion flanges, and flexible stainless steel exhaust
fitting. The silencer (or DPF) and exhaust piping shall be factory mounted so that
their weight is not supported by the engine nor will exhaust system growth due
to thermal expansion be imposed on the engine. Exhaust pipe size shall be
sufficient to ensure that exhaust backpressure does not exceed the maximum
limitations specified by the engine manufacturer. The exhaust pipe outlet shall
be provided with a removable rain cap (sized the same diameter as the outlet).
Starting and Control Batteries
A lead-acid storage battery set of the heavy-duty diesel starting type shall be
provided. Battery voltage shall be compatible with the starting system. The
battery set shall be rated no less than 75-ampere hours. All necessary battery
cables and clamps shall be provided.
Battery tray(s) shall be provided for the batteries and shall conform to NEC 4807(b). Battery tray(s) shall be resistant to deterioration by battery electrolyte.
Further, construction shall be such that any spillage or boil-over battery
electrolyte shall be contained within the tray to prevent a direct path to ground.
Battery Charger
A UL listed, current limiting battery charger shall be furnished to automatically
recharge batteries. Charger shall float at 2.17 volts per cell and equalize at 2.33
volts per cell. It shall include overload protection, silicon diode full wave
rectifiers, voltage surge suppressor, DC ampmeter, DC voltmeter, and fused AC
input. AC input voltage shall be 120 volts, single phase. Charger shall be in a
NEMA 1 enclosure and shall be mounted within the generator set enclosure or
the automatic transfer switch panel.
Generator Set Main Circuit Breaker
Provide a generator mounted main circuit breaker, molded case construction, 3
pole, NEMA 1/IP22. Circuit breaker rating shall be as shown on the Construction
Drawings. Circuit breaker shall utilize a thermal magnetic trip unit and DC shunt
trip. The circuit breaker shall be UL listed with shunt trip device connected to
engine/generator safety shutdowns. Circuit breaker shall be housed in a steel
NEMA 1 enclosure. Circuit breaker shall be provided with a N.C. dry contact that
opens when the circuit breaker is open.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 48
Outdoor Sound Attenuated Enclosure
Generator set shall be provided with a weather resistant, sound attenuated
enclosure constructed of HR4P steel. Acoustical foam shall be provided
between all supports and inside doors. Sound baffles shall be provided at
air intake and air discharge openings. The enclosure shall attenuate
generator set sound levels to 75 dBA at a horizontal distance of 23 feet
with the generator set running under full load.
Number of doors on enclosure shall be as required so that all normal
maintenance operations, such as lube oil change, filter change, belt
adjustment and replacement, hose replacements, control panel access,
etc., may be accomplished without disassembly of any enclosure
components. Access doors shall be fabricated of the same material as the
enclosure walls and shall be reinforced for rigidity. Doors shall be
equipped with rubber seals. Door handles shall be key lockable, all doors
keyed alike, and hinges shall be zinc die cast or stainless steel. Fasteners
shall be zinc plated or stainless steel.
Enclosure air handling will be sized and designed by the manufacturer for a
maximum 0.5" static pressure drop through enclosure. Air intake and
discharge openings shall be screened to prevent the entrance of rodents.
The system shall include a cooling and combustion air inlet silencer system,
an equipment enclosure section, and a cooling air discharge silencer
Radiator access shall be through a hinged, lockable cover on the enclosure.
Engine cooling fan and charging alternator shall be fully guarded to prevent
Engine exhaust silencer shall be internally mounted in the enclosure to
maintain the weather resistant integrity and aesthetic appearance of the
system. Externally mounted silencers will not be permitted.
All hinges and latches shall be rust resistant. Fasteners shall be zinc plated
or stainless steel. All sheet metal shall be primed for corrosion protection
and finish painted with the manufacturer's standard color utilizing
electrostatically applied powder baked polyester paint.
Sub-Base Fuel Storage Tank
Provide a UL listed double walled, sub-base fuel storage tank. The double walled
fuel storage tank shall be constructed of corrosion resistant aluminized steel and
shall be provided with over-fill protection and tank rupture and low fuel level
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 49
alarms. The fuel storage tank, as installed, shall meet all local and regional
requirements for above ground diesel storage tanks.
The sub-base fuel storage tank shall contain: drain, baffles, vent, fuel gauge, and
outside filler tube with locking cap. The tank shall be located within the
generator set structural steel support frame and shall be of all welded
construction. Fuel tank shall have sufficient capacity to allow continuous
operation of the generator set for a minimum of 24 hours at 100 percent rated
load. The fuel tank location shall not encroach upon the required electrical stubup area directly beneath the generator set main circuit breaker box.
A full tank of fuel shall be provided at Contractor's expense before final
acceptance of the lift station by the District.
Miscellaneous Accessories
Provide extended lube oil and radiator drains equipped with 316 stainless steel
threaded ball valves, extension piping (to outside of enclosure) and threaded end
Factory Testing
The assembled generator set shall be tested in the factory. The tests shall be
performed at the manufacturer's regular place of business and shall be
conducted on a "resistive load bank". These tests may be witnessed by the
District's representative. Manufacturer shall provide minimum notice of five (5)
working days prior to testing. Three (3) certified copies of the test results shall be
forwarded to the District within five (5) days following the tests. Test results shall
be reviewed and approved by the District prior to shipping generator set to the
project site.
As a minimum, factory testing shall consist of the following:
Perform engine manufacturer's recommended pre-starting checks.
Start engine and make engine manufacturer's after-starting checks during a
reasonable run-in or warm-up period.
Run engine continuously as follows:
Operate the engine for 30 minutes at 1/2 full rated load.
Follow above run immediately for 30 minutes at 3/4 full rated load.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 50
Follow above run immediately for 30 minutes at full rated load.
If safe limits as specified hereunder and recommended by the engine
manufacturer are exceeded during the preceding test, the necessary
changes and adjustments shall be made and the complete test shall
be repeated.
Instrumentation: The following parameters shall be read and recorded at
15-minute intervals throughout the test:
Engine oil pressure, jacket water temperature, engine RPM, and
ambient air temperature.
Generator voltage, amperage, and frequency.
Control test: Demonstrate operation of all local alarms and status
indicators as specified in Part 2.08F.2 herein.
The automatic transfer switch shall be an integral part of power service and motor
control center, and shall be mounted and wired at the factory, including mounting and
wiring of door-mounted accessories. The automatic transfer switch (ATS) shall be as
manufactured by ASCO, Olympian, Russelectric, or equal. The ATS and accessories shall
be UL listed and labeled and tested per UL Standard 1008 and comply with NEMA ICS2447, NFPA 70, NFPA 99, and NFPA 110.
The ATS shall include all necessary control devices and circuitry for a complete and
operable system capable of the following operations:
Supply normal (utility) power to the motor control center when normal power is
available. Supply standby power from the emergency standby power generator
set when normal power fails or is disconnected.
Detect sustained loss or deterioration of "normal" power (power failure), signal
the emergency standby generator to start and run when "normal" power fails, and
when "standby" power from the generator is within proper limits of voltage and
frequency, transfer to supply "standby" power to the motor control center.
Detect sustained restoration of "normal" power within proper limits of voltage and
frequency, and then retransfer to supply "normal" power to the motor control
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 51
Provide dry contacts for connection to control panel to indicate normal power
"on", loss of "normal" power, and "standby" power on.
Ratings and Components
The ATS controls and accessories shall be rated for continuous (24-hour) duty as
installed. The switch shall be an open transition, 3-pole, double-throw, having the
"normal" and "standby" positions mechanically interlocked, with microprocessor
controller to provide automatic operation and shall be suitable for application to a 3phase, 3-wire, 60 Hz, 480-volt system. The minimum continuous current rating at 480
volts shall be as indicated on the Construction Drawings. The ATS shall be rated to
withstand a short circuit current of 50,000 amperes (symmetrical) without parting of the
switch contacts. The ATS shall be capable of manual operation under load.
The transfer switch shall be electrically operated and mechanically held. The electrical
operator shall be a momentarily energized, single-solenoid mechanism. The switch shall
be mechanically interlocked to ensure only two possible positions, normal or
emergency. All main contacts shall be silver composition.
All switch and relay contacts, coils, springs, and control elements shall be serviceable or
removable from the front of the switch enclosure without disconnection of drive
linkages, power conductors, or control conductors.
Automatic Controls
Controls shall be solid-state and designed for a high level of immunity to power line
surges and transients, demonstrated by test to IEEE Standard C62.41 and C62.45.
Solid-state undervoltage sensors shall simultaneously monitor both sources. Pick-up and
drop-out settings shall be adjustable. Voltage sensors shall have field calibration of
actual supply voltage to nominal system voltage.
Automatic controls shall signal the emergency standby generator set to start upon signal
from the normal source sensor. Solid-state time delay start, adjustable from 0.1 to 10
seconds (factory set at 3 seconds) shall avoid nuisance start-ups. Battery voltage
starting contacts shall be silver, dry type contacts factory wired to a field wiring terminal
The switch shall transfer when the emergency power source reaches the set point.
Provide a solid-state time delay on transfer, adjustable from 0.1 to 10 seconds.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 52
The switch shall retransfer the load to the normal power source after a time delay
retransfer, adjustable from 1 minute to 30 minutes (factory set a 5 minutes). Retransfer
time delay shall be immediately bypassed if the emergency power source fails.
Controls shall signal the engine-generator set to stop after a cool down time delay,
adjustable from 1 minute to 30 minutes, beginning on return to the normal power
Power for transfer operation shall be from the source to which the load is being
Provide solid state exerciser clock to set the day, time, and duration of emergency
standby power generator set exercise/test period. Provide a with/without load selector
switch for the exercise period.
Front Panel Devices (Inside MCC NEMA 3R Wrap)
Provide control switches mounted on panel inside door front for:
Test: Simulates normal power loss to control for testing of generator set. Controls shall
provide for a test with or without load transfer.
Retransfer: Momentary position to override retransfer time delay and cause immediate
return to normal source, if available.
Provide LED-type switch position and source available indicator lamps on the front of
the transfer switch cabinet.
Auxiliary Contacts
One normally closed dry contact, which shall open when normal power fails for "power
failure" signal to RTU shall be provided. One normally open dry contact, which shall
close when the ATS is connected to the emergency source for "emergency power" signal
to RTU shall be provided.
Wet well shaft shall be constructed of Class IV reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) per ASTM C76 with two
circular reinforcement cages (quadrant or elliptical cages will not be allowed) and flush bell-and-spigot
joints. Bell-and-spigot joints shall be provided with rubber gaskets and shall be suitable for a
hydrostatic head of 50' per ASTM C361. Prior to backfill of the wet well structure, Contractor shall
perform a field hydrostatic test by filling the wet well shaft with potable water up to the top of the
shaft in accordance with Specification Section 03300, Part 3.17. No visible leakage will be allowed.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 53
Pipe sections (except top and bottom sections) shall be minimum 8' long. Top and bottom section
lengths shall be adjusted to achieve the required wet well and bypass manhole height and to provide
12" minimum clearance between RCP joints and pipe penetrations.
To assist Contractor during installation, RCP may be furnished with 316 stainless steel lifting lugs cast
into the concrete during fabrication. Pipe manufacturer shall be responsible for lifting lug design and
placement. Lifting aids installed after the pipe has been fabricated, by drilling or coring the pipe, will
not be acceptable.
RCP shall be as manufactured by Thompson Pipe Group-Rialto, Ameron, or equal.
All stainless steel sub-assemblies shall be passivated after welding for corrosion resistance and to
provide a superior surface finish. All stainless steel products shall be fabricated in the shop and
passivated at the point of manufacture. Field fabrication or field passivation will not be permitted
except for the outer flanges of the discharge piping through the wet well wall per Construction
Drawings. Field passivation of the field welded discharge pipe flanges shall be accomplished using
pickling paste.
All welds, heated areas of stainless steel parts, and heat affected zones of welds shall be cleaned,
descaled and passivated per ASTM A 380. Passivation by use of pastes or sprays will not be permitted.
Unless specified otherwise, passivation by means of electrochemical treatment, including
electropickling or electropolishing, will not be permitted.
Passivation shall include the following (as a minimum):
The surfaces of all stainless steel products shall be thoroughly degreased and cleaned.
Surfaces shall be free of foreign material contamination (ie. markers, chalk, paint, soil,
grease, or oil). Cleaning solvents shall be non-chlorinated. Water-break testing per
ASTM A 380 shall be performed after cleaning to ensure all foreign material is removed
prior to passivation. No break shall be permitted in the film as it drains from the
vertical surface.
Upon successful completion of the cleaning process, all stainless steel products shall be
glass-bead blasted with clean glass that contains no ferrous materials. All surfaces shall
be uniformly blasted and shall be free of rust, free iron, weld scale, heat tint oxides, arc
strikes, tool marks, gouges, and scratches that occurred in the procurement or
fabrication stage. The finish of all stainless steel surfaces shall be of a high quality and
as a minimum, equal to the milled or hot rolled condition specified by the material
Upon successful completion of the descaling process, all stainless steel products shall
be acid passivated for corrosion resistance and to provide a superior surface finish in
accordance with ASTM A 967. The passivated parts shall exhibit a chemically clean
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 54
surface and shall not show any pitting, etching, or frost. No heat tint or discoloration is
All stainless steel products shall be tested to ensure corrosion resistance prior to
shipment to site. As a minimum, the testing shall include a water immersion test and a
salt water test. Testing procedures shall follow ASTM A 967 and shall be safe for
potable water applications. Prior to shipment, a letter of certification from the
fabricator shall be provided to the District indicating the passivation procedures
performed, test procedures performed including test results, and statements of
certification that all work was performed in accordance with ASTM A 380, A 967, and as
specified herein.
The Contractor shall passivate, or have vendors pickle and passivate, all fabricated stainless steel parts
including pipe sections, straight spools, fittings, piping components, pipe supports, nuts, bolts,
washers, cover plates, equipment and equipment parts and sub components. Stainless steel electrical
panels and enclosures manufactured by regular commodity enclosure manufacturers are exempt from
the submittal requirements, but will be subject to inspection upon delivery as described below.
Contractor shall submit the passivation method for each fabricated stainless steel component to the
District for approval prior to passivation.
Finish requirement: Remove free iron, heat tint oxides, weld scale, and other impurities, and obtain
a passive finished surface.
The District shall have the right to inspect stainless steel parts upon delivery for proper finish. The
District reserves the right to reject deliveries of stainless steel parts with visible signs of improper
passivation at the Contractor's expense. The standard for rejection of stainless steel parts will be the
presence of free iron, rust, heat tint oxides, and/or weld scale that is visible. The Contractor shall
protect stainless steel parts during delivery to minimize the occurrence of nicks and burs. Free iron
and or rust in nicks and burs caused by improper protection during delivery shall also be a reason for
rejection and replacement at the Contractor's expense.
Installation of all equipment and appurtenances shall conform to the requirements of
the manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions.
When code
requirements apply to installation of materials and equipment, the more stringent
requirements, code, or manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions shall
govern the work.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 55
Contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions at the site and cross check details
and dimensions shown on the Structural Drawings with related requirements on the
Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Drawings and Equipment Shop Drawings. Floor and wall
openings, sleeves, variations in the structural slab elevations and other civil, mechanical,
or electrical requirements must be coordinated before the contractor proceeds with
The precise dimensions and locations of all openings shall be determined from
structural, civil, mechanical, electrical, or similar requirements for the actual equipment
being furnished. Shop Drawings with adequate accurate dimensions must be submitted
and reviewed prior to contractor constructing facilities including concrete, wall,
connecting piping or electrical that are affected by said equipment.
The contractor is advised that the work on this project may involve working in a
confined air space. Contractor shall be responsible for "Confined Air Space" Article 108,
Title 8, California Administrative Code.
Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining project site security. Project site shall
remain secured by temporary chain link fence at all times.
Contractor shall clean inside of all new pipelines by flushing after successful passing of
pressure testing.
The Construction Drawings show in a diagrammatic form the arrangements desired for the principal
equipment, piping, and similar appurtenances, and shall be followed as closely as possible. Proper
judgment must be exercised in carrying out the work to secure the best possible headroom and space
conditions throughout, to secure neat arrangement of piping, valves, fixtures, hangers, and similar
appurtenances, and to overcome local difficulties and interferences of structural conditions wherever
The Contractor shall take all measurements for his work at the installation sites, verify all
subcontractor drawings and be responsible for the proper installation, within the available space for
the equipment and material specified and shown on the Construction Drawings, and must secure the
approval of the District for any variations before making any changes.
Inspect each item of equipment for damage, defects, completeness, and correct operation before
installing. Inspect previously installed related work and verify that it is ready for installation of the
Prior to installing equipment, ensure that installation areas are clean and that concrete or masonry
operations are completed. Maintain the areas in a broom-clean condition during installation
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 56
operations. Clean, condition, and service equipment in accordance with the reviewed Instruction
Manuals and requirements in other Sections of these Specifications before installing.
Preparation, handling, and installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's
written instructions and technical data particular to the product specified and/or
approved, except as otherwise specified.
Work shall be furnished and placed in coordination and cooperation with other trades.
Electrical work shall conform to the National Electrical Contractor's Association Standard
of Installation for general installation practice.
Unless specified otherwise on the Construction Drawings, all grading and site work shall be per District
Detailed Provisions, Sections 02201 and 02513 and as specified hereinafter.
Site grading shall be performed in accordance with contract documents, soils report,
and grading code of Riverside County, including any special requirements of the grading
permit. An approved copy of the grading permit and site/grading plan shall be on site
while work is in progress.
Excavated soils may be utilized for selected fill material provided these materials are
free of vegetative matter and other deleterious substances and shall not contain rocks
or irreducible materials with a maximum dimension greater than 8". The final surfaces
shall be wheel rolled to a smooth, well compacted surface at both subgrade and at
finished grade.
Selected backfill material around proposed wet well shall be placed in layers which,
when compacted, shall not exceed 8" in thickness. Each layer shall be spread,
moistened, and compacted uniformly to insure all backfill is properly compacted. After
each layer of backfill has been placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly
compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent.
Structural Fabrications
Conform to the AISC Code and Specification references in Article "Structural Steel
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 57
Conform to reviewed Instruction Manuals. Employ skilled craftsmen experienced in
installation of the types of equipment specified. Use specialized tools and equipment,
such as precision machinist levels, dial indicators, gauges, and micrometers, as
applicable. Produce acceptable installations free of vibration or other defects.
Anchor Bolts
Deliver bolts with templates or setting drawings and verify that bolts are correctly
located before structural concrete is placed.
Base and Bedplate Grouting
Do not place grout until initial fitting and alignment of connected piping is completed.
Level and align equipment on the concrete foundations, then entirely fill the space
under base or bedplates with grout. Grout shall be non-metallic non-shrink type. Bevel
exposed grout at 45 degree angle, except round exposed grout at horizontal surfaces for
drainage. Trowel or point exposed grout to a smooth dense finish and damp cure with
burlap for three days. When grout is fully hardened, remove jacking screws and tighten
nuts on anchor bolts. Check the installation for alignment and level, and perform
approved corrective work as required to conform to the tolerances given in the
applicable Instruction Manual.
Contractor shall install conduit and electrical equipment in locations that will
cause minimal interference with the maintenance and removal of mechanical
equipment. Conduits and connections are shown schematically on the Drawings.
Contractor shall run conduit in a neat manner parallel or perpendicular to walls
and slabs, and wherever possible, installed together in parallel runs supported
with Unistrut type support system. All conduits shall be installed straight and
true with reference to the adjacent work.
Locations of conduit runs shall be planned in advance of the installation and
coordinated with the mechanical work in the same areas, and shall not
unnecessarily cross other conduits or pipe, nor prevent removal of nor block
access to mechanical or electrical equipment.
Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, buried conduit shall be installed with a
minimum of 30" cover. Buried conduit shall be encased in red colored concrete
and mechanical consolidation of concrete shall be used per District Detailed
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 58
Provisions, Section 03300. Conduit trench backfill shall be compacted to a
minimum of 90 percent relative compaction.
Buried conduit shall be installed using approved spacers and cradles, properly
supported/anchored and at sufficient intervals to prevent movement during
encasement operations (maximum spacing of five feet). Where change in
direction is required, long radius PVC-coated Rigid Galvanized Steel elbows shall
be installed for GF, PF, and MSF conduits. Prior to installation of conductors in
underground conduits, a testing mandrel not less than six (6) inches long and with
a diameter 1/4 inch less than the conduit diameter shall be drawn through after
which a stiff bristle brush of the proper size for the conduits shall be drawn
through until the conduits are free of all sand and gravel. Test shall be
accomplished prior to placing concrete.
Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, conduit cast in concrete, under
concrete slabs or footings, or through concrete walls, slabs, or masonry walls
shall be PVC-coated Rigid Galvanized Steel. Unless noted otherwise on the
Drawings, conduits shall be installed beneath concrete slabs, footings, or
trenches, and shall be provided with a minimum of 6" clearance between conduit
and bottom of concrete. Conduit backfill where installed beneath concrete shall
be two (2) sack cement/sand slurry. Conduits shall be cast in concrete only
where specifically shown on the Drawings.
Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, buried conduit shall be PVC Schedule
40 Rigid Non-Metallic. Transition from PVC to PVC-coated Rigid Galvanized Steel
shall be made at the horizontal leg of the buried conduit bend.
Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, exposed or above grade conduit shall
be PVC-coated Rigid Galvanized Steel.
Spare conduits shall be flush with the top of concrete slab or wall, and be
provided with threaded cap and polyethylene pull rope with 100-pound
(minimum) tensile strength.
All conduits shall be tightly sealed during construction by use of conduit plugs or
"pennies" set under bushings. All conduit in which moisture or any foreign
matter has collected before pulling conductors shall be cleaned and dried to the
satisfaction of the District.
Conduits shall be securely fastened to cabinets, boxes, and gutters using locknuts
(one inside and one outside enclosure) and an insulating bushing or specified
insulated connectors. Grounding bushings or bonding jumpers shall be installed
on all conduits terminating at concentric knockouts.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 59
Where conduit is stubbed up through concrete slabs or footings into
MCC/electrical panels, provide a minimum of 1-1/2" clearance between rebar
and conduit and a minimum of 1" clearance between conduits. Adjust rebar
spacing as necessary to a maximum of 1/2 the nominal spacing such that
maximum rebar spacing does not exceed 1-1/2 times that specified. The total
amount of reinforcing steel shall not be reduced.
Conduits shall terminate within the respective MCC/panel section, or in adjacent
section if additional space is required. Contractor shall adjust location of conduit
terminations based on the approved MCC/panel layout.
Underground pull boxes shall be sized and located as shown on the Drawings.
Additional pull boxes shall be provided as necessary for conductor pulling (total
bends between pull boxes shall not exceed 360°). Pull box sizes shown are
minimum sizes. Depending upon the Contractor's duct bank configuration and
pull box knockout area, larger size pull boxes may be necessary. Cost of
additional or larger pull boxes shall be borne by Contractor. Pull boxes shall be
precast concrete with required knockouts and concrete sump (broken out). Pull
boxes shall be set on a minimum of 12" thick of 3/4" crushed rock. Unless noted
otherwise, pull boxes shall be provided with one-piece, HDG steel, bolt downtype traffic covers with lifting holes. Pull boxes and covers shall be as
manufactured by Jensen, or equal.
Contractor shall furnish and install conduit and conductors as shown on the
Drawings, as shown on the control diagrams, and as listed on the "Schedule of
Conduit and Conductors" drawing. Contractor is advised that not all conduit and
conductors are listed in the schedule (particularly 120V lighting and receptacles)
and that not all conduit and conductors listed in the schedule are specifically
shown, labeled, or called out individually on other drawings.
Each and every conduit shall be provided with a 14-gauge brass labeling tag, 1-1/2 inch
diameter, bearing 3/16 inch high die-stamped lettering with conduit designation shown
on the Drawings. Each end of a conduit shall be provided with an identification tag.
Each tag shall be securely attached to its conduit with a #10 single-jack brass chain or
with brass fasteners. Each tag shall be provided with a hole for securing tag with chain
or fasteners.
Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit
Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, PVC conduit shall be used underground. PVC
conduits shall not be run exposed. Risers to exposed or above grade locations shall be
PVC-coated Rigid Galvanized Steel.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 60
PVC-Coated Rigid Galvanized Steel Conduit
Threadless couplings will not be acceptable. Where necessary for connecting conduit,
UL listed PVC-coated couplings shall be used. All ends and joints shall be reamed
smooth after cutting.
Exposed conduit shall be supported with channel supports spaced per NEC
requirements (8'-0" maximum spacing) and within 18" of couplings, bends, boxes, etc.,
unless otherwise shown on the Drawings.
Termination and Joints
Raceways shall be joined using specified couplings or transition couplings where
dissimilar raceway systems are joined.
Conduit terminations exposed at weatherproof enclosures and cast outlet boxes
shall be made watertight using approved connectors and hubs.
Conduit bodies (condulets) are not acceptable as enclosures for splices.
At all conduit terminations and boxes, conductors shall be protected by a fitting
equipped with a plastic bushing having a smoothly rounded insulating surface.
Conductors shall not be installed in conduit runs until all work is completed for
each individual conduit run. Care shall be taken in pulling conductors such that
insulation is not damaged. UL approved pulling compounds shall be used.
Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, all conductors or cables shall be installed
in conduit or electrical enclosures.
All cables shall be installed and tested in accordance with manufacturer's
requirements and warranty.
All field wiring to control panel(s), VFD(s), and to sections of the MCC shall
terminate at terminal strips in the respective panels and buckets.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 61
Contractor is advised that interconnecting wiring within and between lineups
(assembled panels with common interconnecting horizontal wireways) of MCCs,
distribution panels, MCPs, and control panels is not specifically listed or shown on
the Drawings. Contractor is directed to control diagrams and RTU connection
diagrams on the Drawings for these connections, which are subject to change
according to approved shop drawings. Contractor shall install wiring for said
connections within the bottom wireway of MCCs and panels.
No splices unless approved by District.
All branch-circuits shall be securely tagged, noting the purpose of each.
All conductors shall be numbered and labeled with vinyl wrap-around markers.
Where more than two conductors run through a single outlet, each conductor
shall be marked with the corresponding circuit number at the panelboard.
Conductors size #6 AWG and larger shall be color coded using specified phase
color markers and identification tags.
All terminal strips shall have each individual terminal identified with specified vinyl
Inside of all junction box cover plates shall be identified via felt-tip pen or decal
label, denoting the panel and circuit numbers and voltage contained in the box.
All receptacles and switches shall be decal labeled on the plate, denoting the
panel and circuit number.
Connections to Circuit Breakers, Switches, and Terminal Strips; Stranded Copper
#12 through 8 AWG: Conductor shall be terminated in locking tongue style,
pressure type, compression lugs, unless clamp type connection for stranded
conductor is provided with device.
#6 AWG and larger: Conductor shall be terminated in one-hole flat-tongue style,
compression type lugs, or by connectors supplied by the manufacturer.
Enclosures of equipment, raceways, and fixtures shall be permanently and effectively
grounded. A code-sized, copper, insulated green equipment ground shall be provided
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 62
for all branch circuit and feeder runs. Equipment ground shall originate at panelboard
ground bus and shall be bonded to all switch and receptacle boxes and electrical
equipment enclosures. Ground terminals on receptacles shall be connected to the
equipment grounding conductor by an insulated copper conductor.
Status, Alarm, and Control Signal (IO)
Status, alarm, and control signal (IO) conductors to and from the RTU terminal strips
shall be identified at both ends using the District's labeling designation shown on
Drawing E-4, "RTU Status/Alarm Signal Wiring Diagram" (i.e. 4-6, 5-2, etc.).
Ultrasonic Level Control System
Interconnecting cable between transducer and controller shall be supplied with unit,
and shall be suitable for a maximum system length of 300'. Contractor shall verify
length of cable required for each specific installation. Cable shall be installed in a single
run with no splices. Cable shall be installed in continuously grounded rigid Schedule 40
HDG, PVC-coated conduit. Conduit shall be installed a minimum of 8' from 480V
Contractor shall construct power service facilities in accordance with SCE requirements. Contractor
shall furnish and install transformer slab, conduits, and grounding facilities. Contractor shall
coordinate all work with SCE and verify slab and conduit locations with SCE prior to installation. All
service equipment and panels shall be in strict accordance with SCE requirements.
In accordance with District Detailed Provisions, Section 16040, Contractor shall field verify adjustment
of all trip setting with the approved Coordination Study and shall provide arc flash and shock hazard
warning labels.
All concrete construction shall be in accordance with District Specification Sections 03150, 03200, and
03300 and as specified hereinafter.
Formwork, Curing, and Backfill
Cure per specifications. Wet well foundation shall cure a minimum of 7 days and
achieve a minimum compressive strength of 2,500 psi prior to setting wet well
RCP. Test cylinders shall be cured in field.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 63
Suspended Slabs
Cure per specifications. Forms shall remain in place until a minimum of 14 days
and 100 percent of design strength are reached. Test cylinders shall be cured in
Delineate Raised Concrete Slabs
Provide a 6" wide yellow paint stripe along the edge of all concrete surfaces that are
higher than the surrounding finished surface to delineate changes in elevation.
Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, minimum cover on below grade pipe shall be
30 inches.
Where groundwater is encountered, all VCP pipe shall be treated for absorption
resistance per District's Specifications.
All pipe zone bedding and trench backfill shall be per Standard Drawings SB-157, SB-158,
and SB-159.
Pipe shall be installed in trench condition and as shown on District Standard Drawings.
Backfill shall be completed including compaction tests prior to pressure testing. Backfill
in pipe zone shall be compacted to minimum 90 percent compaction. Where pipe is
located under slabs, all trench backfill shall be minimum 95 percent compaction.
Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, piping where stubbed through
slabs/foundations shall be wrapped with building paper or Protecto Wrap tape.
All piping shall be hydrostatically tested per District Standards. Unless specified otherwise, piping shall
be tested under a pressure 1-1/2 times the design operating pressure of the pipe. Testing against
valves is not permitted. Contractor shall provide temporary bulkheads, skillets, and appurtenances as
required for testing. All piping under concrete slabs/foundations shall pass pressure testing prior to
placing concrete. No visible leakage is permitted in exposed piping.
Prior to District's acceptance, calibration and testing, pre-start-up, start-up, and 7-day live test shall be
performed in accordance with these Specifications.
The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and material necessary to perform field testing and
commissioning of equipment, including all related appurtenances. All costs for performing calibration
and testing, pre-start-up, start-up, and 7-day live test shall be included in the Contract Price, and no extra
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 64
payment will be made to the Contractor due to overtime, weekend, or holiday labor costs required to
perform and complete same. Requirements specified in this Article are in addition to the demonstration
and test requirements specified under other Sections of these Specifications.
Pre-start-up, start-up, and 7-day live test shall be performed by the Contractor in
accordance with the approved procedure plans to demonstrate to District's satisfaction
All components of the process systems defined herein and the entire lift station
system are fully completed and operable.
All units, components, systems, and the entire lift station system operate with the
efficiency, repeatability, and accuracy indicated and specified.
All components, systems, and the entire lift station conform to the Contract
Documents and the reviewed shop drawings, samples, construction manuals,
materials lists, and other reviewed submittals.
Prerequisite Conditions
Calibration and testing shall not commence for any equipment item or system until all
related structures, piping, electrical, instrumentation, control, and like work has been
installed and connected in compliance with the pertaining requirements specified
elsewhere in the Specifications.
Pre-start-up, start-up, and 7-day live test shall not commence for any equipment item or
system until calibration and testing has been completed as specified herein.
Demonstration and Testing Materials
Furnish materials, diesel fuel, and electrical power for all tests. Use potable water or
reclaimed water to fill the lift station wet well. Furnish temporary facilities as required
such as by-pass or re-circulation piping, diversions, storage, and similar facilities. Use
procedures that conserve testing materials and avoid wastage, especially with respect
to large quantities of fresh water and electrical power.
Inspection and Supervision by Manufacturers
Perform pre-start-up and start-up under continuous inspection by District. Technical
representatives of the various equipment manufacturers shall be present for the prestart-up and the start-up, shall examine their equipment at least twice, and shall
supervise the start-up and adjustment procedures.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 65
Correction of Defects
Immediately correct all defects and malfunctions disclosed by pre-start-up, start-up, and
7-day live test using approved methods and new materials for repairs as required. Upon
District's recommendation, interruption time necessary for corrective work may be
added to the specified total 7-day live test period.
Satisfactory completion and approval of required operational 7-day live test is one of
the conditions precedent to District's acceptance of the work and does not constitute
final acceptance.
Upon District's approval of required 7-day live test, Contractor shall check all equipment
and confirm proper fluid levels.
Manufacturer's Supervision and Installation Check
Each equipment manufacturer shall furnish the services of an authorized representative
specially trained and experienced in the installation of his equipment during pre-startup and start-up to: (1) be present when the equipment is first put into operation,
(2) inspect, check, adjust as necessary, and approve the installation, (3) repeat the
inspection, checking, and adjusting until all trouble or defects are corrected and the
equipment installation and operation are acceptable, (4) witness and supervise field
testing and commissioning of equipment to the extent specified, and (5) prepare and
submit to the District, upon successful completion of pre-start-up testing, the specified
Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation (see attached Exhibit A) confirming that
all pumping units and emergency standby power generator set have been installed,
inspected, checked, adjusted, and tested in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations and requirements specified herein.
Calibration and Testing
Upon installation of all lift station facilities, Contractor shall perform calibration and
testing. At a minimum, calibration and testing shall include the following for all
Meggering all motors and their conductors.
Meggering all conductors for 3-phase power.
Visually inspecting field wiring against approved shop drawings.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 66
Checking for abnormalities that may have occurred during shipping or installation
of all equipment and components including loose wiring, physical damage, or
insecure mounting of components.
Complete all testing and labeling per Section 16040 prior to energizing any
electrical panels or equipment.
Energizing all panels (only after testing per Section 16040).
Simulate all controls and equipment start, stop, and shutdown, including checking
discrete signals locally at the panel and by jumpering remote devices at the field
end to simulate signals (prior to actually operating equipment).
Testing all interlock and maintenance switches.
Checking analog signals by utilizing loop calibrator as required.
Calibrating all control instrumentation and monitoring equipment (flow, level,
pressure, etc.).
Calibrating panel devices as required including timers and controllers.
Upon successful completion of calibration and testing, Contractor shall schedule
the pre-start-up. A minimum of fourteen (14) days notice shall be provided to
District prior to the pre-start-up. The pre-start-up shall be performed on one (1)
day and Contractor's representative(s), District's Operations representative(s),
Inspector, and Manufacturer's representative(s) shall attend the pre-start-up. The
pumps shall be tested through the force main. Contractor shall provide water for
filling the wet-well, operate the pumps, and assure that the discharge piping and
force main is completely filled prior to pre-start-up. All equipment shall be
operated for a period of 30 minutes unless otherwise specified. All controls and
alarm conditions shall be simulated. If the equipment does not perform in
conformity with Contract Documents requirements, the Contractor will be
required to remove, replace, and restore the equipment to full compliance with
the Contract Documents at his expense.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 67
As a minimum, during pre-start-up the Contractor shall demonstrate a complete
and operational lift station as follows:
Response of equipment to appropriate manual or automatic controls, or
combinations of both automatic and manual controls, shall be
demonstrated to be correct and accurate.
Where applicable, all
components shall be tested for both manual and automatic operation.
Where a component performs more than one function, every function shall
be validated.
Pumping equipment shall respond accurately and reliably to liquid
level from the wet well. Automatic alternation and back-up pump
functions shall also be validated.
Auxiliary equipment items such as alarm signals to remote telemetry,
and like items shall respond accurately and reliably to every condition
for which they are programmed, in the manner specified.
Functionality of all alarm and status lights.
Demonstrating uninterruptable power supply.
Demonstrating all control and monitoring features of all main control
panels, local control panels, and PLCs in conjunction with associated
Measuring and recording voltage and amperage draw readings for all
equipment motors under loaded conditions.
Testing all components of RTUs, including control systems.
Operating all equipment under all conditions and demonstrate all alarms,
shutdowns, and operating modes.
Performance testing of each Pumping Unit through the discharge piping
Operation of Emergency Standby Power Generator Set.
Contractor shall refer to various Technical Specifications herein for additional
specific equipment testing requirements.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 68
Pumping Units
Pre-start-up testing for pumping units shall be performed utilizing potable or
reclaimed water. The wet well shall be filled to pump operating level and
discharge from the pumps shall be through the force main. Pump discharge valves
shall be throttled to simulate the design operating condition. Contractor shall
provide all required testing equipment to perform pumping unit start-up at no
additional cost to the District.
Contractor shall provide all instrumentation to confirm pumping unit and electric
motor performance, including calibrated test gauges for monitoring discharge
pressure, and electrical monitoring equipment to measure current, voltage,
power, kVA, and power factor.
Contractor shall record pumping unit flow, discharge pressure, motor voltage, and
motor amperage, hourly throughout the test period.
The pumping units shall operate as specified without excessive noise, surging,
cavitation, vortexing, vibration, or clogging, and without overheating of the
bearings. Each pumping unit shall operate a minimum of 30 minutes.
All automatic and manual controls shall function in accordance with the specified
The Contractor shall perform the following tasks under the supervision of the
pump manufacturer:
Completed pumping unit (pump and motor) shall receive a final field trim
balance, as may be required, and vibration shall be checked and recorded.
The vibration of all pumps shall be equal or less than the amplitude limits
recommended in the Hydraulic Institute Standards and it shall be recorded
at a minimum of four pumping conditions defined by the Engineer. All
measurements shall be witnessed by the District. Vibration shall be
measured at motor thrust bearing housing and at any other locations on
pumping unit as directed by the District. Vibration shall be measured over
the full range of the pump operating speed.
Each pump's performance shall be documented by obtaining concurrent
readings showing motor voltage and amperage, pump flow rate, pump
suction head, and pump discharge head. Readings shall be documented at a
minimum of three pumping conditions, including the specified design point,
to ascertain the actual pumping curves. Another test shall be run at shut-off
head. Each power lead to the motor shall be checked for proper current
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 69
Pumping units (pump and motor) shall perform substantially in conformance
with the certified pump curves and the factory performance test results as
adjusted for field conditions. Additionally, discharge from pump shall not
exceed the design flow rate by more than 20%. If, in the opinion of the
District, the equipment furnished does not perform in accordance with
these Specifications, Contractor shall promptly make all necessary repairs or
corrections so that the equipment fully complies with these
Specifications. Contractor shall remove, restore, and replace the equipment
if required at his expense. Factory performance tests, pre-start-up, and
start-up testing shall be rerun if necessary at Contractor's expense.
Emergency Standby Power Generator Set
A pre-start-up test shall be conducted on the generator set for the lift station.
Contractor shall be responsible for the proper conduct of the tests and to furnish
all equipment, labor, and material required to perform the tests.
As a minimum, pre-start-up testing shall consist of the following:
Perform engine manufacturer's recommended pre-starting checks.
Interrupt normal electrical service from power utility and verify automatic
starting of generator set and transfer switch operation from "normal" to
"emergency". Adjust ATS time delays for generator set starting and transfer
per manufacturer's recommendations and District preferences.
Operate lift station pumping equipment and control system under standby
generator power for 30 minutes (minimum). During this period, checks shall
be made of generator set operating parameters (e.g. engine oil pressure,
jacket water temperature, RPM, voltage, amperage, and frequency) to verify
generator set is operating properly.
Automatic shutdown of generator set shall be verified by simulating an
engine alarm condition. Contractor shall also verify that the alarm signal is
transmitted to the RTU and the ATS re-transfers to utility power.
If the engine generator set, ATS, control system, and accessories do not
operate in a satisfactory manner, the trouble shall be located, promptly
repaired by the Contractor, and retested at Contractor's expense.
If equipped with a DPF, DPF alarms shall be tested and verified.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 70
Equipment operating hours shall be recorded on a daily basis during all
If the site is located 500 feet or less from a school, Contractor shall comply
with the following applicable limits or in accordance with the latest revision
of SCAQMD Rule 1470, whichever is more stringent:
If the genset is on school grounds, it shall not be operated whenever
there is a school sponsored activity.
If the genset is located 328 feet or less from a school, it shall not be
operated between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on days when
school is in session. If a DPF is installed, the genset shall not be
operated between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
If the genset is located more than 328 feet and less than or equal to
500 feet from a school, it shall not be operated between the hours of
7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on days when school is in session. A genset
that emits particulate matter (PM) at a rate of 0.01 g/bhp-hr or less is
not subject to this restriction.
Upon successful completion of pre-start-up and after receipt of all Manufacturer's
Certificate of Proper Installation by the District, Contractor shall schedule the start-up.
A minimum of three (3) days notice shall be provided to District prior to the start-up.
The Contractor's representative(s), District's Operations representative(s), Engineering
Consultant, Inspector, Design Engineer, and Manufacturer's representative(s) shall
attend start-up.
All testing described for pre-start-up shall be repeated during start-up and the pumps
shall be tested through the force main(s). Contractor shall provide water for filling the
force main, operate the pumps, and assure that the force main(s) are completely filled
prior to start-up.
7-day Live Test
After successful completion of start-up, the Contractor shall participate in a live test of
the lift station that shall encompass a 7-day period of trouble free operation. During the
7-day live test of the lift station, the lift station will be operated continuously under
normal operating conditions. All alarms shall be transmitted to Contractor and District.
The Contractor shall have personnel available within one hour to respond to any
problems, and shall diligently pursue repair of the problem. If the District determines
the problem to be major, then the District may instruct the Contractor to repeat the 7-
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 71
day live test. The District may continue to repeat the test until 7 days of trouble-free
operation are recorded.
Contractor shall provide potable water to fill the wet well at a constant rate as required
to start the pumps 3 times per day (throughout the entire 7-day period) from the hose
bib located at the wet well. All costs for potable water, power, and diesel fuel will be
borne by the Contractor during this test period.
Contractor shall operate standby generator for two 4-hour periods (different days) and
each pumping unit shall be selected in the "lead" position for a minimum of 24 hours
during 7-day live test of the lift station.
Contractor shall maintain, and submit to District at the end of the 7-day live test, a log of
all alarms and problems. The log shall include date of alarm or problem, description of
alarm or problem, date of corrective action, and corrective action to fix alarm or
As a part of the work, an in-service check of each system required to be validation tested shall be
performed twice during the period of the Contractor's guarantee by qualified technical representatives
of the various system manufacturers, including manufacturers of equipment and components within
systems. Checks shall be detailed and complete, requiring not less than 2 hours at the site, and shall
be performed under the observation and to the satisfaction of the District. All costs for in-service
checks shall be included in the Contract Price.
The District shall be notified in writing at least 10 days before the performance of each
in-service check. The proposed dates for checking shall be changed if required by the
District's operations personnel.
At the time of each in-service check, the manufacturer's technical representatives shall
consult with the District to review the Operation and Maintenance Manual and the
pertinent operational and maintenance problems encountered, and shall furnish
technical advice and recommendations to the District.
Initial in-service checks shall be performed approximately 6 months after final
acceptance of the lift station. The second in-service check shall be performed within 60
days of the end of the Contractor's guarantee period.
Submersible Lift Station with Standby Power
Section 11200 – 72
A written report of each in-service check signed by the appropriate manufacturer or his
representative shall be delivered to the District within 10 days following the check. The
report shall describe the checking procedure in detail, and shall state all advice and
After all equipment has been installed, tested, and adjusted, and placed in satisfactory operating
condition, each equipment manufacturer shall provide classroom instruction to District's operating
personnel in the use and maintenance of the equipment. Two (2) hours of instruction shall be
provided unless otherwise specified. Contractor shall give the District formal written notice of the
proposed instruction period at least two weeks prior to commencement of the instruction period.
Scheduled training shall be at a time acceptable to the District and the manufacturer. During this
instruction period, the manufacturer shall answer any questions from the operating personnel. The
manufacturer's obligation shall be considered ended when he and the District agree that no further
instruction is needed.
Upon successful completion of start-up and testing, Contractor shall thoroughly clean all equipment
and piping. Contractor shall remove all traces of dirt, oil, grease, etc. Contractor shall clean all
exposed parts of electrical installations including electrical panel and junction box interiors.
Exhibit A
I hereby certify that the above-referenced equipment/system has been:
(Check Applicable)
Installed in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations.
Inspected, checked, and adjusted.
Serviced with proper initial lubricants.
Electrical and mechanical connections meet quality and safety standards.
All applicable safety equipment has been properly installed.
System has been performance tested, and meets or exceeds specified performance
requirements. (When complete system of one manufacturer)
I, the undersigned Manufacturer's Representative, hereby certify that I am (i) a duly authorized
representative of the manufacturer, (ii) empowered by the manufacturer to inspect, approve, and
operate his equipment and (iii) authorized to make recommendations required to assure that the
equipment furnished by the manufacturer is complete and operational, except as may be otherwise
indicated herein. I further certify that all information contained herein is true and accurate.
By Manufacturer’s Authorized Representative:
(Authorized Signature)
[Page Left Intentionally Blank]
Refer to the latest Standard Drawings located at the following web site
Dwg. No.
Trench Backfill (for PVC forcemain)
5/8" Meter Service Connection, 1" Copper Tubing
5/8" Service Connection, 1" Copper Tubing
1" Meter Service Connection, 1" Copper Tubing
1" Service connection, 1" Copper Tubing
Backflow Prevention Assembly Installation Diagram
Location Wire Installation
Standard Restraint (Tee, Dead End, Bend)
Guard & Marker Posts
Chain Link Fence Details
Locking Type Manhole Cover & Frame
Reinforced Precast Shallow Manhole
Precast Reinforced Concrete, 48" & 60" I.D. Manhole
Precast Non-Reinforced Concrete, 48" I.D. Manhole
Manhole Cover & Frame
Pipe Zone Bedding for Sewer Pipe
Trench Backfill for Sewer Pipe
Classification of Pipe Zone Bedding for Sewer Pipe
Sewer Guideline for Manhole Sizing *
*Refer to the latest Guideline Standards located at the following web site :
[Page Left Intentionally Blank]
(By Developer)
, as Surety, hereinafter
called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Eastern Municipal Water District , hereinafter called
District, in the penal sum of $
, for the payment whereof (Developer) and Surety bind
themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly
by these present.
WHEREAS, Developer has by written agreement, dated
entered into a contract with the District
in accordance with the General Conditions, project drawings and
specifications which contract is by reference incorporated herein, and make a part hereof, and is
referred to as the contract.
NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the obligation is such that, if Developer shall remedy any defects
due to faulty materials or workmanship which shall appear within a period of 2 years from the date the
project is accepted as provided for in the contract, then this obligation is to be void, otherwise to
remain in full force and effect.
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the District shall give Developer and Surety notice of observed defects with
reasonable promptness.
Signed and sealed this
day of
, 20____
00048 Maintenance Bond (by Developer)
Revised 07/12/16
Section 11210 - Small Submersible Sewage Lift Station
without Emergency Standby Power Generation
PART 1 - GENERAL.............................................................................................................................1
1.01 GENERAL DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................. 1
1.02 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................... 1
1.04 SUBMITTALS.............................................................................................................................. 2
1.05 WARRANTY................................................................................................................................ 4
1.06 MAINTENANCE BOND FOR PUMPING EQUIPMENT ................................................................. 4
PART 2 - PRODUCTS ..........................................................................................................................5
2.01 SUBMERSIBLE PUMPING UNITS................................................................................................ 5
2.02 EQUIPMENT ACCESS HATCH ................................................................................................... 11
2.03 UTILITY METERING AND MAIN DISCONNECT ......................................................................... 12
2.04 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER ..................................................................................................... 13
2.05 ELECTRICAL PANEL ENCLOSURES AND HEATING.................................................................... 16
2.06 CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION ..................................................................................... 17
2.07 BASIC CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS ....................................................... 20
2.08 MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH .................................................................................................. 38
2.09 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE WET WELL........................................................................ 39
2.10 STAINLESS STEEL PASSIVATION .............................................................................................. 40
PART 3 - EXECUTION ....................................................................................................................... 41
3.01 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 41
3.02 COORDINATION ...................................................................................................................... 42
3.03 INSPECTION............................................................................................................................. 42
3.04 PREPARATION ......................................................................................................................... 43
3.05 WORKMANSHIP ...................................................................................................................... 43
3.06 GRADING AND SITE WORK...................................................................................................... 43
3.07 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION .................................................................................................... 43
3.08 CONDUIT INSTALLATION......................................................................................................... 44
3.09 CONDUCTOR AND CABLE INSTALLATION ............................................................................... 47
3.10 ELECTRICAL SERVICE INSTALLATION....................................................................................... 49
3.11 ELECTRICAL SHORT CIRCUIT COORDINATION AND ARC FLASH.............................................. 49
3.12 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................................... 50
3.13 PIPE INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................. 50
3.14 PIPE TESTING........................................................................................................................... 51
3.15 FIELD TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF EQUIPMENT......................................................... 51
3.16 IN-SERVICE CHECKS................................................................................................................. 57
3.17 INSTRUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 58
3.18 CLEANING................................................................................................................................ 58
[Page Left Intentionally Blank]
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 1
Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to construct a raw sewage lift
(pump) station in accordance with the Small Sewage Lift Station Guidelines, the Standard Drawings and
Specifications, District's Approved Materials List, and Standard Specifications for Developer Projects.
Publications listed below form part of this Specification to extent referenced in the text by basic
designation only. The latest edition of publication governs unless otherwise noted.
American National Standards Institute
American Water Works Association Standards
American Society for Testing and Materials
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
National Electric Code
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Hydraulic Institute
Standard for Centrifugal, Rotary and Reciprocating Pumps
Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction
California Building Code
Design Requirements
Lift station facilities, including materials of construction, pumps, valves and piping,
electrical panels and controls, and manual transfer switch shall be in accordance with
requirements specified herein and shown on the Construction Drawings.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 2
Principal items of equipment and material shall include two submersible centrifugal
sewage pumping units, piping, valves, motor control center, main control panel and
ultrasonic level control system, manual transfer switch, and appurtenances.
Performance Criteria
Pumps shall be designed to handle raw, unscreened, domestic sanitary sewage. Pumps
shall be selected to meet the capacity and hydraulic performance requirements
described in the Small Sewage Lift Station Guidelines.
Electrical Power Requirements
Electrical power furnished to the pumping unit motors shall be 3 phase, 60 hertz, 480
volts, maintained within industry standards. Voltage tolerance shall be plus or minus 10
Product Data and Shop Drawings
Prior to commencing construction, Contractor shall submit 6 copies of submittal
data for all proposed material and equipment to the District for review and
approval. Submittals shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of
the District's General Conditions, Section F-Labor and Construction.
As a minimum, submittals shall include product data and shop drawings for the
following: submersible pumping units, motor control center, main control panel,
ultrasonic level control, manual transfer switch, piping, valves, pipe joint
restraints, wet well precast concrete shaft, wet well access hatch, concrete mix
design, and electrical materials.
Product data shall include catalog cut sheets reflecting characteristics,
performance specifications, and selected options for proposed equipment and
Product data for submersible pumping units shall include pump performance
curves showing the design duty point capacity (GPM), total dynamic head (TDH),
net positive suction head required (NPSHr), efficiency, and hydraulic brake
horsepower (BHP).
Shop drawings shall be provided for all mechanical and electrical equipment items
showing layout of equipment and anchor bolt locations, sizes and minimum
embedment requirements.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 3
Equipment anchorage calculations for the MCC/MCP. Equipment anchorage
calculations shall be prepared in accordance with the California Building Code
(latest edition) for Category IV essential facilities. Calculations shall be prepared
by a registered professional civil or structural engineer in the State of California.
Shop drawings shall also include lift station control wiring diagrams and
interconnection diagrams for the motor control center, main control panel,
submersible pumping units, manual transfer switch, and electrical service
switchgear. Wire numbers, terminal numbers, and legend symbols shall be
Lift station control wiring diagrams (ladder diagrams) shall be prepared in
accordance with District standard format, including sequential rung numbering
located on the left side of the diagram and device, relay, or contact rung number
cross references located on the right side of the diagram.
Electrical Short Circuit/Coordination Study
The Contractor shall submit for acceptance an electrical short circuit/coordination study
in accordance with District Detailed Provisions, Section 16040 "Electrical Short
Circuit/Coordination Study, Arc Flash Hazard Study, and Field Testing of Electrical
Arc Flash Hazard Study
Contractor shall submit for acceptance an arc flash hazard study in accordance with
District Detailed Provisions, Section 16040 "Electrical Short Circuit/Coordination Study,
Arc Flash Hazard Study, and Field Testing of Electrical System", except that the Arc Flash
Hazard/Risk Categories of the electrical distribution equipment shall be limited to Level
2 or less.
Operations and Maintenance Manuals
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals shall be provided in accordance with
the requirements of the District's General Conditions, Section F-Labor and
Construction, and Detailed Provision Section 01430. O&M Manuals shall be
submitted to the District for review and approval at least 30 days prior to
equipment startup. Comprehensive instructions supplied at time of shipment
shall enable personnel to properly operate and maintain all equipment supplied.
Documentation shall be specific to the lift station constructed and collated in
functional sections. Each section shall combine to form a complete system
manual covering all aspects of equipment operation and maintenance. Support
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 4
data for any equipment shall be provided by those supplying the equipment.
O&M Manuals shall include the following as a minimum:
Functional description of major equipment items.
Complete instructions for operating and maintaining equipment and
Calibration and adjustment of equipment for initial start-up or as required
for routine maintenance.
Support data for commercially available components not produced by the
prime equipment manufacturer, but supplied in accordance with the
Specifications, shall be supported by literature from the prime manufacturer
and incorporated as appendices.
As-built electrical schematic diagrams (control, wiring, and interconnections)
of the pumping units, electrical panels, and manual transfer switch.
Diagrams shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 1.04.A
As a minimum, Operations and Maintenance Manuals shall be submitted for the
following items:
All electrical components.
Pumping units.
All pumping equipment shall carry an extended warranty for a two year period from the date of
acceptance. All warranties shall be turned into the District prior to project completion.
For District administered contracts the Contractor or his Supplier shall provide a maintenance bond
(see EMWD Standard form C-14 or C-14.1 Maintenance Bond) from a bonding company acceptable to
the District equal to 100 percent of the pumping equipment value (including motors, pumps and pump
assemblies) for a two (2) year term starting when the District has accepted the contracted work.
Equipment and/or components failing within this period due to deficiency in design, workmanship, or
material shall be removed, replaced, and reinstalled at no cost to the District, and said replacement
shall be guaranteed for two years continuous service from the date of replacement. The maintenance
bond shall be submitted to the District prior to the performance test of the pump(s).
For contracts not administered by the District (e.g. contracts administered by the Developer or
Developer's Engineer), the Developer shall provide the Maintenance Bond for Developer (which is the
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 5
same as the above referenced maintenance bond except for the wording of the document) to the
District. EMWD standard form C14D, Maintenance Bond for Developer, is attached at the end of this
Pumps shall be of the vertical, non-clog, single suction, centrifugal type, rated for
continuous duty in a wet-pit environment, and shall be capable of pumping raw,
unscreened sewage with fibrous material, and be capable of passing a minimum 3-inch
solid (unless otherwise specified) at the specified flow ranges with the specified sump
geometry and operating water levels without clogging, surging, cavitation, vibration,
subsurface vortexing, or excessive surface vortexing.
All submersible non-clog sewage pumps shall be the product of a single manufacturer.
Pumps shall be as manufactured by Wilo-EMU, Fairbanks Nijhuis, Wemco, ESSCO,
Flowserve, Xylem-Flygt, or ABS (no substitutes). Proposed pumping units shall comply
with these Specifications and performance requirements provided on Construction
The pumps shall not overload the motors at any point on the pump performance
characteristic curve within the limits of stable pump operation as recommended by the
manufacturer. The service factors for the motors shall not be applied when sizing the
To ensure vibration-free operation, all rotative components of each pumping unit shall
be statically and dynamically balanced. Excessive vibration shall be sufficient cause for
rejection of the equipment.
If the pumping unit does not perform within the requirements specified herein, the
pumping unit shall be removed and repaired or replaced at no cost to the District.
Materials (Unless Otherwise Specified)
Castings, fabrications, machined parts, and drives shall be rated for continuous
duty over the entire operating range. Service factors, where applicable, shall be
assumed to be 1.5.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 6
Volute Casing
Volute casing shall be of close grained gray cast iron ASTM A48, Class 30
(minimum), and shall be of a single piece, non-concentric design with smooth fluid
passages large enough to pass any size solids which can pass through the impeller.
Casings shall be accurately machined to fit the mechanical seal and suction cover
assemblies. Each volute casing shall be subjected to hydrostatic pressure of not
less than 1-1/2 times the maximum shutoff head for two hours without evidence
of leakage or seepage. The volute discharge nozzle shall be of the centerline
design with an ANSI 125 pound flange and be of the minimum size specified
Each impeller shall be a non-clog type cast in one piece of gray cast iron, ASTM
A48, Class 30 (minimum), and shall be statically and dynamically balanced, with
smooth water passage to prevent clogging by stringy or fibrous materials and
other matter found in normal sewage applications. Each impeller shall be keyed
to the shaft, and the fastening of the impeller to the shaft shall be made by a
special locking device. Impeller shall be sealed from the liquid by means of an "Oring" and covered and secured to the end face of the shaft by a single bolt with
locking device to ensure impeller bolt will not back out if pump is operated
Unless otherwise specified, impellers shall be enclosed single port, recessed
vortex type, or grinder type. Grinder type impellers shall be multi-vane, semiopen with replaceable cutting heads.
District will predetermine the specific impeller type(s) to be used for each project.
Volute Wear Ring (not applicable to recessed vortex pumps)
The pump suction shall be fitted with a replaceable stainless steel wear ring with a
minimum hardness of 350 BNH.
Impeller Wear Ring (not applicable to recessed vortex pumps)
Each impeller shall be fitted with a replaceable stainless steel wear ring with a
minimum hardness of 300 BNH to provide efficient sealing between the volute
and impeller.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 7
Discharge Elbows
Each pump shall be provided with a discharge elbow to be permanently installed
with discharge piping in the wet well. The discharge elbow shall be made of close
grained cast iron ASTM A48, Class 30 (minimum). The pump shall automatically
connect to the discharge connection elbow when lowered into place. Pump shall
be easily removed for inspection or service with no need for personnel to enter
the wet well. Sealing of the pump to the discharge elbow shall be accomplished
by a simple linear downward motion of the pump. Connection shall be machined
metal-to-metal, quick disconnect at pump volute, with secondary profile type
Elastomer seal or O-ring element for leak proof seal when the pump is in
Pump Shaft
Pump shaft shall be high strength 416 stainless steel or carbon steel with 416
stainless steel shaft sleeve and of such diameter that it will not deflect more than
0.002-inch with the largest impeller installed while operating at the maximum
design speed, as determined by calculations from the manufacturer.
Pump Seals
Each pump shall be provided with two independent mechanical shaft seals. The
upper seal shall operate in an oil chamber located just below the stator housing.
Upper seal shall contain one stationary tungsten carbide or silicon carbide ring and
one positively driven rotating carbon ring functioning as an independent
secondary barrier between the pumped liquid and the stator housing. The lower
shaft seal shall function as the primary barrier between the pumped liquid and the
stator housing. Lower seal shall consist of a stationary ring and a positively driven
rotating ring both of which shall be silicon carbide. All metal parts, set screws, and
springs of both upper and lower seals shall be 316 stainless steel.
Each interface shall be held in contact by its own spring system supplemented by
external liquid pressures. The seals shall require neither maintenance nor
adjustment, but shall be easily inspected and replaceable.
The shaft sealing system shall be capable of operating submerged to depths of, or
pressures equivalent to, a minimum of 45 feet. No seal damage shall result from
operating the pumping unit in its liquid environment. The seal system shall not
rely upon the pumped media for lubrication.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 8
Guide and Removal System
System shall be designed for pump removal and installation to permit routine
maintenance and repair of pumps. Pump supplier/manufacturer shall furnish a
reliable, operable system and shall provide technical assistance for installation.
Contractor shall demonstrate the use of the system for each pump by removing
and reinstalling each pump with the wet well dry. After start-up of pumps,
Contractor shall again remove and reinstall each pump then operate pumps again
to demonstrate proper installation. The removal system shall be suitable for
lifting the pumps with a crane utilizing a stainless steel cable that will be attached
to the pump motor lifting bail assembly. The complete guide and removal system
shall be furnished with the pumps.
The guide and removal system shall consist of a foot mounted discharge elbow, no
less than two 316 stainless steel guide rails, upper rail support bracket, and
intermediate rail guide brackets for each pump. Each pumping unit shall be
provided with an integral sliding guide bracket. All guide and removal system
components, except pump discharge elbow and pump sliding guide bracket, shall
be constructed of 316 stainless steel, or better. The pump guide and removal
system shall be non-sparking.
Electric Submersible Motors
Each pump shall be driven by a vertical, submersible, squirrel cage, induction, shell
type motor rated 480 volts, 3 phase, 60 hertz, housed in an air-filled, watertight
chamber specifically designed for pumping application as specified herein.
Maximum motor speed shall be 1,800 rpm. Electric submersible motor shall be
explosion-proof and shall be approved by Factory Mutual (FM) or UL as an
Explosion-Proof Unit. The complete unit shall conform to the NEC, Articles 500,
501, and 502 requirements as explosion-proof and suitable for use in Class I,
Division 1, Groups C and D hazardous locations. Manufacturers shall coordinate
pump motor furnished with electrical switchgear and control equipment.
Stator. The stator winding and stator leads shall be insulated with moisture
resistant Class F insulation which will resist a temperature of 155 degrees C,
40 degrees C ambient plus 115 degrees C rise, and designed for continuous
duty, capable of sustaining a minimum of ten (10) starts per hour. The
stator shall be dipped and baked three times in Class F varnish and shall be
heat-shrink fitted into the stator housing. The use of bolts, pins, or other
fastening devices requiring penetration of the stator housing shall be
rejected. Motors shall be capable of continuous duty operation over the
wet well range shown on the Drawings including being partially submerged
and capable of operating for 15 minutes in air at nameplate horsepower,
unless specified for continuous operation in air.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 9
Sensors. Thermal sensors shall be used to monitor stator temperatures.
The stator shall be equipped with bi-metallic thermal switches embedded in
the stator winding. Sensors shall be rated 120 VAC with normally closed
contacts which open upon high temperature. Dual (2) moisture sensing
probes or one positive displacement float activated reed switch and one
hydroscopic sensor shall be provided in the oil chamber located between
the outer and inner seal and are used to detect the presence of moisture
should the outer seal fail. The moisture protection system shall be designed
to detect water in the motor chamber and provide a warning signal prior to
water levels reaching the bearing or wound stator assemblies. Sensor
alarms will be incorporated into the station controls. Control modules, such
as Warrick relays, shall be provided by the pump manufacturer for
incorporation into the MCC controls.
Service Factor. Unless specified otherwise by specific performance
requirements the motor shall be sized to be non-overloading when the
pump is operated at any point on the pump performance characteristic
curve and shall have a minimum service factor of 1.15. Motor service factor
shall not be used in satisfying pumping requirement.
Lifting Assembly. Lifting assembly (lifting eye or lifting bail) shall be provided
on the motor housing and shall be of adequate strength to lift the entire
pumping unit. Lifting assembly shall be 316 stainless steel, or better. Lifting
assembly shall be provided with a 316 stainless steel clevis and lifting cable.
The clevis shall be furnished with a locking mechanism for the clevis bolt,
such as a cotter pin. Lifting cable shall be manufactured in the USA and shall
be tagged with the lifting capacity per ANSI and Cal/OSHA requirements.
Oil Chamber. Each pump shall be provided with an oil chamber for the shaft
sealing system. The oil chamber shall be designed to assure that air remains
in the oil chamber to absorb the expansion of the oil due to temperature
variations. The drain and inspection plugs, with positive anti-leak seals, shall
be easily accessible from the outside.
Bearings. Each pump shaft shall rotate on minimum of two (2) permanently
lubricated bearings. The upper and lower bearings shall be a single row
deep groove ball bearing with the upper bearing providing for radial thrust.
Pump bearings shall be of the anti-friction type designed to give 40,000
hours minimum life by L-10 calculations at maximum speed and operating
load in continuous operation.
Cable. Each pump shall be furnished with one or more pump power and
control cables as necessary for pump operation and protection. Each cable
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 10
shall be sheathed in a synthetic jacket suitable for submersible pump
application and be designed to prevent moisture from wicking through the
cable assembly even if cable jacket has been punctured.
Cable ends shall be protected at all times from moisture. Exposure to
moisture shall result in rejection of the cable. The total cable length shall be
of sufficient length for direct connection to pump control and electrical
power system at junction boxes shown on the Construction Drawings,
including an extra 4 feet to be looped around cable supports.
Cable Entry. The cable entry assembly shall be provided to protect the
motor from water entering the motor housing either through the cables or
around the cables, when the unit is submerged and operating. Adequate
strain relief provisions shall be provided to eliminate any mechanical loading
of the cable entry seal. Each individual conductor wire shall be cast in resin
in such a manner that any water leakage in motor through capillary action,
because of external cable damage or other causes, shall be avoided.
Protective Coating for Exposed Ferrous Metal Surfaces
Protective coating shall be manufacturer's standard epoxy coating for severe duty,
unless specified otherwise on the Construction Drawings.
Each pump shall have a Type 316 stainless steel plate permanently attached by
stainless steel screws or rivets to the pump frame into which the following
information shall be impressed, engraved or embossed: manufacturer's name,
pump size, serial number, impeller diameter, capacity, head rating, speed, and
bearing numbers. Nameplates shall also include information unique to each item
of equipment and device to identify its function as described herein. Function
nameplates shall be approximately one inch by 3 inches if made separately.
Letters of function titles shall be not smaller than 1/4-inch high.
External Hardware
All external nuts, bolts, and washers, etc. shall be 316 stainless steel.
Pump Spare Parts
Contractor shall furnish spare parts for each pumping unit. Spare parts shall be as
specified herein or as recommended by the manufacturer, shall be undamaged
and packaged in original containers, and supplied to the District at time of final
acceptance of the work.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 11
Contractor shall furnish the following spare parts:
Two spare sets of cable entry grommets and O-rings.
Two spare sets of mechanical seals.
Two spare impellers.
Factory Testing
Tests shall be performed on the actual assembled unit over the entire operating
range on the certified performance curve. Prototype model tests will not be
All pumps shall be factory-tested in accordance with the above specifications.
Certified test results shall be submitted to the District for approval prior to
Pump curves shall reflect data secured during actual test runs and shall be signed
by a responsible representative of the pump manufacturer. Test reports and
procedures shall conform to applicable requirements of the Hydraulic Institute
Standards, except for testing tolerances for the design condition with one pump
operating as shown on the pumping unit performance on the Construction
Drawings. Testing tolerance for the design condition shall be +5%-0% for the total
dynamic head at the discharge capacity. All other pumping unit performance
conditions shall be within the limits shown on the Construction Drawings.
The Contractor shall install all pumping equipment in strict accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. Care shall be used in handling to avoid bumping, twisting,
dropping, or otherwise damaging the equipment.
All pump manufacturers shall furnish the services of factory-trained personnel as
required to examine the installation, supervise start-up of equipment installed, and
repair the equipment at no additional expense to the District.
Furnish and install a single or double leaf equipment access hatch with safety grates and integral cable
troughs as shown on the Construction Drawings. The access hatch shall be integrally cast into the
concrete wet well roof. The top of the access hatch shall be flush with the top of the concrete roof.
The minimum clear hatch opening dimensions shall be as shown on the Construction Drawings. The
access hatch shall be pre-assembled from the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall warranty that the
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 12
assembled access hatch shall be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of (5) years
from date of project acceptance. The access hatch shall be as manufactured by Flygt, Bilco or equal.
The access hatch covers, frame, cable trough, components, and hardware shall be constructed of 316
stainless steel. Hatch covers shall be 3/16" (minimum) thickness with a diamond pattern. Safety
grates shall be provided beneath the hatch covers for fall through protection when the covers are
open. The hatch covers and safety grates shall be reinforced to support a minimum live load of 300 psf
with a maximum deflection of 1/150th of the span. Each safety grate shall be provided with a
permanent hinging system that will lock the grates in the 90 degree position once opened. Safety grate
hinges shall be specifically designed for horizontal installation and shall be through bolted to the safety
grate with tamperproof stainless steel lock bolts and shall be through bolted to the equipment access
hatch frame with stainless steel bolts and locknuts. Safety grate openings shall be 5" by 5" to allow for
visual inspection of the wet well while the grating is in place. The hatch frame shall be angle type and
shall be provided with full anchor flange around the perimeter.
Each cover leaf shall be provided with a lift handle that remains flush with the cover when not in use.
A removable exterior turn/lift handle with slam lock shall be provided to open the top leaf. The latch
release shall be protected by a flush, gasketed, removable screw plug. The top leaf shall also be
provided with a recessed padlock clip and cover box. Each cover leaf shall be equipped with a hold
open arm, which automatically locks the covers in the open position.
Main Electrical Service
As shown on the Construction Drawings, main electrical service shall consist of a
commercial pedestal with pull section, service (metering) section, and main disconnect.
The service pedestal shall be rated for a minimum of 200 AMPS on 480 volt, 3 phase
power. The service pedestal shall be UL listed with a short circuit current rating of 42
KAIC (minimum). Equipment shall include a separate, barriered-off, utility metering
compartment complete with hinged sealable door and padlock hasp as approved by the
utility company. Provide Service Entrance Label and provide necessary applicable
service entrance features per NEC, local code requirements, and utility company
Main electrical service shall be as manufactured by Milbank
Manufacturing Co., Cooper B-Line, no substitutes.
The main electrical service and disconnect enclosure shall be provided in accordance
with these provisions and as shown on the Construction Drawings. Unless specified
otherwise, the main electrical service enclosure shall be NEMA Type 3R.
Main Disconnect
Main disconnect shall be molded case circuit breaker with provisions to lockout the
main disconnect switch as shown on the Construction Drawings.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 13
Molded case circuit breakers shall provide circuit overcurrent protection with inverse
time and instantaneous tripping characteristics. Circuit breakers shall be operated by a
toggle-type handle and shall have a quick-make, quick-break over-center switching
mechanism that is mechanically trip-free. Automatic tripping of the breaker shall be
clearly indicated by the handle position. Contacts shall be non-welding silver alloy, and
arc extinction shall be accomplished by means of DE-ION arc chutes. A push-to-trip
button on the front of the circuit breaker shall provide a local manual means to exercise
the trip mechanism.
Circuit breakers shall have a minimum symmetrical interrupting capacity matching the
MCC where installed or as shown on the Construction Drawings. Circuit breakers shall
be provided with adjustable continuous current and thermal-magnetic trip units and
inverse time-current characteristics, unless otherwise shown on the Construction
Arc Flash Limit
Main electrical service shall be designed, manufactured, and supplied such that the Arc
Flash Hazard/Risk Categories shall be Level 2 or less within the Arc Flash Protection
Circuit breakers used as a main to disconnect utility power shall be provided with
microprocessor-based RMS sensing trip units.
The electrical equipment manufacturer shall coordinate with the engineer(s) performing
the Short Circuit/Coordination and Arc Flash Hazard Studies per Section 16040 to
comply with the Hazard/Risk Category Level 2 or less.
Motor Control Centers (MCCs) shall be provided as shown on the Construction
Drawings and specified herein. MCCs shall comply with the requirements of
NEMA ICS 2, the NEC, and UL 845. Wiring shall be NEMA Class II, Type B. MCCs
shall be as manufactured by General Electric, Eaton/Cutler Hammer, AllenBradley, or Schneider Electric/Square D, (no substitutes).
Structures shall be totally enclosed deadfront, free-standing assemblies. They
shall be 90± inches high and 21± inches deep. Each structure shall be minimum
20± inches wide and wider where shown on the Construction Drawings, or where
required to house components shown on the Construction Drawings. Structures
shall contain a horizontal wireway at the top, isolated from the horizontal bus and
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 14
shall be readily accessible through a hinged cover. Adequate space for conduit
and wiring to enter the top or bottom shall be provided without structural
The MCC enclosure shall be provided in accordance with these provisions, Section
2.05 herein, and as shown on the Construction Drawings.
A vertical wireway with minimum of 35 square inches of cross sectional area shall
be adjacent to each vertical unit and shall be covered by a hinged door. Wireways
shall contain steel rod cable supports.
All full voltage motor starter units through NEMA Size 5 shall be of the plug-in
type. Plug-in provisions shall include a positive guide rail system and stab shrouds
to absolutely ensure alignment of stabs with the vertical bus. Plug-in units shall
have a tin-plated stab assembly for connection to the vertical bus. No wiring to
these stabs shall extend into the bus compartment. Interior of all units shall be
painted white for increased visibility. Units shall be equipped with side-mounted,
positive latch pull-apart type control terminal blocks rated 600 volts. Knockouts
shall be provided for the addition of future terminal blocks. All internal control
wire will be 14 gauge minimum.
All plug-in units shall be secured by a spring-loaded quarter turn indicating type
fastening device located at the top front of the unit. Each unit compartment shall
be provided with an individual front door.
An operating mechanism shall be mounted on the primary disconnect of each
starter unit. It shall be mechanically interlocked with the unit door to prevent
access unless the disconnect is in the OFF position. A defeater shall be provided
to bypass this interlock. With the door open, an interlock shall be provided to
prevent inadvertent closing of the disconnect. A second interlock shall be
provided to prevent removal or re-insertion of the unit while in the ON position.
Padlocking facilities shall be provided to positively lock the disconnect in the OFF
position with from one to three padlocks with the door open or closed. In
addition, means shall be provided to padlock the unit in a partially withdrawn
position with the stabs free of the vertical bus.
Each structure shall contain a main horizontal copper tin plated or copper silver
plated bus, with minimum ampacity rating of 400 amperes or as shown on the
Construction Drawings. The horizontal bus shall be rated at 65 degrees C
temperature rise over a 40 degree C ambient temperature in compliance with UL
standards. Vertical busses feeding unit compartments shall be copper and shall be
securely bolted to the horizontal main bus. All joints shall be front accessible for
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 15
ease of maintenance. The vertical bus shall have a minimum rating of 300
amperes for front mounted units.
Isolation of the vertical bus compartment from the unit compartment shall be by
means of a full height insulating barrier. This barrier shall be a single sheet of
glass reinforced polyester with cutouts to allow the unit stabs to engage the
vertical bus. Provide snap-in covers for all unused openings.
Busses shall be braced for minimum 42,000 amperes RMS symmetrical, unless
shown otherwise on the Construction Drawings.
MCC Motor Controllers (Combination Starters)
Motor controllers shall consist of combination starter units with motor circuit protectors
and motor starters with thermal bimetallic overload relays. Motor starter control power
(120V) shall be provided from the lighting panel included in the MCC assembly as shown
on the Construction Drawings.
Combination starter units shall be as specified herein and shall be full voltage nonreversing, rated minimum 42,000 amperes RMS, symmetrical at 480V, unless shown
otherwise on the Construction Drawings. Combination starter units shall conform to the
Motor Circuit Protectors shall be as manufactured by General Electric,
Eaton/Cutler Hammer, Allen-Bradley, or Schneider Electric/Square D, (no
The motor circuit protection shall provide adjustable magnetic protection and be
provided with pin insert to stop magnetic adjustment at 1300 percent motor
nameplate full load current to comply with NEC requirements. All combination
starter units shall have a "tripped" position on the unit disconnect and a push-totest button on the motor circuit protector. Motor circuit protectors shall include
transient override feature for motor inrush current.
Motor starters shall be electrically operated, electrically held, three-pole
assemblies with arc extinguishing characteristics and shall have silver-to-silver
renewable contacts. They shall accommodate a total of eight N.O. or eight N.C.
auxiliary contacts. Overload protection shall consist of thermal bimetallic ambient
compensated type overloads. Sizes shall be determined by the Contractor based
on characteristics of actual motor furnished.
Each starter (unless otherwise shown) shall be equipped with indicating lights,
selector switches, elapsed time meter, and auxiliary contacts, as shown on the
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 16
Construction Drawings. Number of auxiliary contacts shall be as required for
specific motor control. In addition, 2NO and 1NC spare contacts shall be provided.
All status and alarm lights shall be push-to-test type, and shall be heavy-duty, oiltight (NEMA 13).
Arc Flash Limit
Motor control centers shall be designed, manufactured, and supplied such that the Arc
Flash Hazard/Risk Categories shall be Level 2 or less within the Arc Flash Protection
Distribution circuit breakers used to disconnect power from motor control centers and
motor control center mains shall be provided with microprocessor-based RMS sensing
trip units.
The electrical equipment manufacturer shall coordinate with the engineer(s) performing
the Short Circuit/Coordination and Arc Flash Hazard Studies per Section 16040 to
comply with the Hazard/Risk Category Level 2 or less.
MCC enclosures shall be as specified on the Construction Drawings and shall be suitable
for the proposed location. Unless noted otherwise on the Construction Drawings, the
specified electrical equipment and switchgear shall be housed in NEMA 1 gasketed
enclosures with NEMA 3R wrappers. Enclosures shall have NEMA 3R wrap roofs sloping
downward towards the rear. Outer sections shall be the same widths as indoor
structures, except each end of the outdoor assembly shall have an end trim. The
enclosures shall be provided with bolt on rear covers for each section.
Enclosures shall be provided with ANSI 61 gray baked enamel exterior, and white baked
enamel interior. As a minimum, each enclosure section shall be furnished with a
convenience receptacle, overhead fluorescent light activated manually by inside
mounted switch and padlockable door handle.
Nameplates shall be provided for all electrical enclosures, stations, and equipment
furnished by the Contractor. Nameplates shall be engraved laminated plastic, with 1/4"
high white lettering on black background. Nameplates shall indicate equipment and its
function. Nameplates shall be securely fastened with stainless steel drive screws or
escutcheon pins.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 17
MCC enclosures shall be provided with thermostatically controlled space heaters to
prevent condensation. Heating shall be as designed by the manufacturer, unless shown
specifically on the Construction Drawings.
Control power transformers with primary and secondary fuse protection shall be
provided as required for proper operation of the heating equipment, unless shown
otherwise on the Construction Drawings. Supply voltage shall be 120 volts, 60 Hz.
Main Control Panel
The Main Control Panel (MCP) shall be housed in the MCC line up as shown on the
Construction Drawings. The MCP shall consist of all relays, timers, switches,
pushbuttons, lights, and components as shown on the Drawings and specified
herein. The MCP shall control the pumping units in the automatic mode and
provide alarm output to the RTU.
Control power to the MCP shall be 120 volt, 60 Hz, single phase from the lighting
panel and shall be provided with a fuse for short circuit protection. The MCP shall
also be provided with a 120 volt, auxiliary duplex receptacle, protected with a 20A
thermal magnetic breaker within the MCP.
Selection of the "lead" pumping unit shall be controlled by District RTU.
Alarm lights for wet well level alarm conditions shall be located at the MCP. Alarm
lights shall be push-to-test type, and shall be heavy-duty, oil-tight (NEMA 13).
Terminal Blocks
Terminal blocks shall be molded plastic with barriers and box lug terminals, and
shall be rated 15 amperes at 600-Volts. White marking strips, fastened securely to
the molded sections, shall be provided, and wire numbers or circuit identifications
shall be marked thereon with permanent labels.
Signal and Control Circuit Wiring
Wire Type and Sizes. Where conductors are within the control panel, they
shall be flexible stranded copper machine tool wire; these shall be UL listed
Type MTW and shall be rated 600-Volts minimum 14 AWG. Where
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 18
conductors are run to MCC sections or to field locations, they shall be
stranded copper minimum 12 AWG of the UL listed Type THWN.
Wire Termination. Conductors from field components or from MCC sections
shall terminate in the MCP at terminal blocks. Control circuit wiring shall
connect from terminal blocks to relays, timers, lights, and switches.
Wire Marking. Each signal, control, alarm, and indicating circuit conductor
connected to a given electrical terminal point shall be designated by a single
unique number which shall be shown on all shop drawings. Status, alarm,
and control signal (IO) conductors to and from the RTU terminal strips shall
be identified at both ends using the District's labeling designation shown on
Drawing E-4, "RTU Status/Alarm Signal Wiring Diagram" (i.e. 4-6, 5-2, etc.).
These numbers shall be marked on all conductors at every terminal using
white numbered wire markers which shall be permanently marked heatshrink plastic. Font shall be sized to be legible after shrinking.
Ultrasonic Level Control System
Each ultrasonic level control system shall include an ultrasonic level transducer and an
ultrasonic controller. Each controller shall be flush mounted on the MCP door.
The transducer shall be capable of submergence without degradation. Transducer shall
function over an ambient temperature range of -40°F to 200°F, and shall be rated by FM
and CSA for Class I and II hazardous environments.
The transducer shall be provided with integral temperature sensor for speed-of-sound
compensation and shall be Model Echomax XPS-15 as manufactured by Siemens, no
Unit shall operate on 120V, 60 Hz power, unless otherwise specified, and provide 4-20
mA DC output, current isolated, into a maximum of 600 ohms (return to ground).
Controller shall function over an ambient temperature range of 15°F to 122°F. The
controller shall be a single point, three relay type controller with auto-false echo
suppression for fixed obstruction avoidance, Hydro Ranger 200 Series as manufactured
by Siemens, no substitutes.
Interconnecting cable between transducer and controller shall be supplied with unit,
and shall be suitable for a maximum system length of 300'. Contractor shall verify
length of cable required for each specific installation. Cable shall be installed in a single
run with no splices. Cable shall be installed in continuously grounded PVC-coated Rigid
Galvanized Steel conduit. Conduit shall be installed a minimum of 8' from 480V
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 19
Wet Well Level Float Switches
Float switches shall be designed for operation in raw sewage and shall be hermetically
sealed in high impact corrosion resistant polypropylene or polyurethane. Cables shall be
minimum 16 gauge multi-strand polyvinylchloride (PVC) jacketed cable (oil and water
resistant) suitable for underwater use and heavy flexing service. Float switches shall be
rated minimum 4 amps at 120 VAC. Float switches shall be provided with stainless steel
clamps and appurtenances suitable for mounting switches to a vertical 3/4-inch pipe.
Float switches shall be as manufactured by Flygt Corporation, Warrick Controls, Anchor
Scientific Inc., Consolidated Electric Co., or equal.
Each float switch shall be provided with an intrinsically safe relay complete with reduced
voltage transformer and contacts. Relays shall be specified for use in NEC, Class I,
Division 1 (hazardous) locations, and shall be Factory Mutual or UL listed for explosion
proof service. Intrinsically safe relays shall be as manufactured by Warrick (no
Magnetic Flow Meter
Contractor shall provide a magnetic flow meter as specified hereinafter.
Meter Design and Construction
The magnetic flow meter shall use characterized electromagnetic introduction to
produce a voltage linearly proportional to the average flow rate. Each magnetic
flow meter shall be microprocessor based, and utilize D.C. bipolar pulsed coil
excitation, automatically re-zeroing after every cycle. The sensor shall be a Type
304 stainless steel tube, carbon steel flanged, and polyurethane lined, with a
nominal diameter as shown on the Construction Drawings.
External surfaces shall be factory finished with a high build epoxy paint or better
for corrosion prevention. The flow meter electrodes and built in grounding
electrodes shall be Type 316 stainless steel. If built in grounding is not provided,
Type 316 stainless steel grounding rings shall be mounted in each end of the
The preamplifier input impedance shall not be less than 10 11 ohms and shall be
capable of operating with a power supply of 24 volts ±10 percent. The sensor
shall be NEMA 4X and certified for use in Class 1, Division 1, Groups B, C, and D.
Accuracy of the flow meter system shall be ±1 percent of rate above 1 fps and
±0.1 percent of full scale below 1 fps. Accuracy shall be verified by calibration in a
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 20
flow laboratory traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
The meter shall incorporate an empty pipe detection feature which shall cause the
meter to register zero flow when the sensor is not full.
Signal Converter/Transmitter
Signal converter shall be mounted remotely from the meter in the Main Control
Panel (MCP). Signal converter shall be flush mounted on the MCP door as shown
on the Construction Drawings. Contractor shall provide door cut-out, support
brackets, and bezel as required for flush door mounting.
Signal converter shall provide a 16-character alphanumeric display indicating flow
units as specified herein and total flow in Gallons X 100.
Features allowing menu selection, calibration, and program changes to be made
from outside the housing shall be incorporated.
It shall produce a 4-20 mA DC output signal into a minimum load of 800 ohms,
linear to flow, and a scaled pulsed output.
Magnetic flow meters shall be the product of ABB, Endress & Hauser, or Siemens
(no substitutions).
Manufacturers shall modify or supplement standard
equipment to provide features as specified herein. Manufacturers shall guarantee
equipment against defects in material and workmanship for a period of two years
from date of project acceptance.
Operator Interface Terminal (OIT)
OIT shall have a 5.7" TFT 65,536 color screen with resistive type touch screen, and 270
cd/m2 brightness. OIT shall require 24 VDC power and comply with EN50081-2,
EN50082-2, and FCC Class A standards. OIT shall be connected to District's Kingfisher
RTU via 8-conductor flat communications cable and software shall be compatible with
District's RTU. OIT shall be C-More Touch Panel Part No. EA7-T6CL-R as manufactured
by Koyo Electronics (no substitutes).
Specification requirements for basic construction materials and components utilized in
sewage lift station construction are provided hereinafter. Not all construction materials
and components required for lift station construction are included herein. Contractor
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 21
shall refer to the District's Approved Materials List, Engineering Standard Detailed
Provisions Sections, and the SSPWC for items not included in this Specification.
All interior non-working ferrous surfaces other than stainless steel shall be given
an epoxy coating.
All valve interiors shall be fusion bonded epoxy coated (8 to 12 mils) in accordance
with AWWA C550 (latest). District shall approve epoxy coating materials and
methods before application. Completed coating shall be free from all defects and
shall be inspected by use of low voltage holiday detecting and non-destructive
thickness gauges.
Where the manufacturer demonstrates in writing that it would be impossible to
use the powder epoxy method without causing damage to the valve components,
the use of a liquid epoxy will be permitted upon approval by the District.
Swing Check Valves
Each pump shall be equipped with a full flow type swing check valve, minimum 4"
size, with flanged body and be fitted with external lever and spring. Swing check
valves shall be provided in accordance with AWWA C508. Valves shall be fully
opening, have a flanged cover piece to provide access to the disc, and be designed
for minimum water-working pressure of 150 psi. The valve body and cover shall
be ductile iron or cast iron conforming to ASTM A-126, Class B, with flanges
conforming to ANSI B 16.1, Class 125. The valve disc shall be cast iron, ductile
iron, or bronze conforming to ASTM B 62. Valve seat and rings shall be bronze
conforming to ASTM B 62. The hinge pin shall be of bronze or stainless steel.
Swing check valves shall be the product of a single manufacturer and shall be
APCO, Clow, Mueller, M&H, Kennedy, or Stockham, no substitutes.
Plug Valves
Plug valves shall be of the non-lubricated eccentric type with
cylindrical/rectangular port design. The port area shall be 100% of the standard
pipe area. The valve body and plug shall be constructed of cast iron meeting the
requirements of ASTM A-126, Class B. Valve bearing shall be constructed of
corrosion resistant stainless steel. The entire plug shall be completely
encapsulated with Buna N rubber. The valves shall be flanged with dimensions,
facing, and drilling in full conformance with ANSI B 16.1, Class 125. With the plug
in the full open position, valve shall have no cavities where debris can collect, have
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 22
minimal head loss and be capable of passing a clean out pig with the same
nominal diameter as the adjacent pipe. Valves shall be equipped with worm gear
operators conforming to AWWA C504, Section 3.8. All eccentric plug valves shall
have a pressure rating of not less than 150 psi, for bubble tight shut off. Valves
shall be the product of a single manufacturer and shall be DeZurik Corporation
PEF, or equal.
Valves shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's written
instructions and as specified in the District's Detailed Provisions Section 15105,
Part 3.
Combination Sewage Air and Vacuum Valves
Combination sewage air and vacuum valves shall have an elongated body
and be of the type that automatically exhausts large quantities of air during
filling of the system, allows air to re-enter during draining of the system, and
allows accumulating air to escape while in operation and under pressure.
Cast Iron Combination Sewage Air and Vacuum Valves
Each valve unit shall be supplied with isolation valve (solid wedge gate),
blow-off valve, 1/2 inch back flushing shutoff valve, and 5 foot rubber supply
hose with disconnect couplings. The unit shall be designed for an operating
pressure of not less than 125 psi.
The body and cover shall be cast iron, internal float and float guide shall be
stainless steel with Buna N seat, valves shall be gate type of bronze
construction. Seat hardness shall be selected by the manufacturer for actual
operating pressure of the system. Cast iron combination sewage air and
vacuum valves shall be manufactured by Val-Matic Valve, Multiplex
Manufacturing Corporation (Crispin), APCO by Valve and Primer Corporation,
no substitutes.
Stainless Steel Combination Sewage Air and Vacuum Valves
Each valve unit shall be supplied with isolation valve (solid wedge gate).
Backflush shutoff valve and supply hose are not required. The unit shall be
designed for an operating pressure of not less than 125 psi. The body and
cover shall be Type 316L stainless steel. Anti-surge orifice float, upper float,
and lower float assembly shall be high density polyethylene. O-ring seats
shall be EPDM rubber and seat hardness shall be selected by the
manufacturer for actual operating pressure of the system. Stainless steel
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 23
combination sewage air and vacuum valves shall be Vent-O-Mat Series RGX,
no substitutes.
Piping and Fittings
Ductile iron pipe shall conform with AWWA C 150 and C 151. Unless specified
otherwise on the Construction Drawings, ductile iron pipe shall be minimum Class
53 thickness.
Flanged ductile iron pipe shall conform to AWWA C 115 and grooved ductile iron
pipe shall conform to AWWA C 606. Flanges shall be ductile iron Class 125, ANSI
Ductile iron fittings shall be Class 250 and shall conform to AWWA C 110. Ductile
iron mechanical joint fittings shall be Class 350 and shall conform to AWWA C104.
All ductile iron pipe and fittings shall have an interior cement mortar lining of
standard thickness in accordance with AWWA C 104.
Below grade ductile iron pipe and fitting shall be provided with an exterior
asphaltic coating in accordance with AWWA C 151 and polyethylene encasement
in accordance with AWWA C 105.
Stainless steel pipe shall conform with ANSI B36.19 and ASTM A312. Unless
specified otherwise on the Construction Drawings, stainless steel pipe shall be
Grade 316, Schedule 40.
Stainless steel fittings 2 inches and smaller shall be ASTM A351, Grade 316, ANSI
B16.3, Class 150, threaded.
Stainless steel fittings 2 1/2 inches and larger shall be ASTM A403 and A774, Grade
316, ANSI B16.9, B36.19. Schedule 40, standard weight, smooth-flow (mitered
fittings are not acceptable).
Stainless steel flanges shall be ANSI A182, Grade 316, slip-on or weld neck ANSI
B16.5, Class 150.
All stainless steel piping, fittings, and flanges shall be shop welded (field welding
not permitted). All welds shall be pickled and passivated in accordance with Part
2.11 "Stainless Steel Passivation".
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 24
Unless specified otherwise on the Construction Drawings, all concrete shall be Class AA
per District Detailed Provisions, Section 03300. Cement shall be Type V per ASTM C 150.
Prior to commencing construction, Contractor shall submit the proposed concrete mix
design to the District for review and acceptance.
All concrete construction shall be in accordance with District Detailed Provisions,
Sections 03150, 03200, and 03300.
Miscellaneous Metals
Rolled shapes, plates, and bars shall conform to AISC "Manual of Steel
Construction" and ASTM Specification A-36, latest editions.
Stainless Steel. Unless otherwise designated or approved, Contractor shall
use Type 316 stainless steel alloy conforming to ASTM A-167 and ASTM A276, latest editions, for plates and bars.
Steel Pipe. Material shall conform to ASTM A-53, Grade B seamless
galvanized as required, Schedule 40.
Cast Iron
Material shall conform to ASTM A-48, Class 30, except as specifically designated
Ductile Iron
Material shall conform to ASTM A-536 using grade 60-40-18 or better, except as
specifically designated otherwise.
All plate, pipe, and structural shapes shall be new and shall conform to
ASTM B209 (Plate), B308 (Shapes), B429 (Pipe and Tubing), B211 (Bar Stock),
and applicable Federal Specifications for 6061-T6 alloy, unless otherwise
Aluminum pipe rail shall be of 6061-T6 alloy and be Schedule 40 or greater.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 25
Alloys and tempers for various members where not otherwise designated,
shall be as required for proper forming and fabrication to meet or exceed
structural requirements, and shall be of alloys specially produced to best
achieve specified color anodized finishes. Contractor shall provide
supporting printed recommendations from parent aluminum producer. For
sheet fabricated members Contractor shall use only homogenous aluminum
products and no clad products.
Contingent upon alloys being welded, Contractor shall use only inert gas
shielded arc or resistance welding process with filler alloys as specified in
the UBC. Contractor shall not use any process requiring a welding flux.
Stainless Steel Bolts
Except as otherwise designated or specified, all bolts, anchor bolts, cap screws,
studs, and fasteners shall be Type 316 conforming to ASTM F-593; nuts shall
conform to ASTM F-594.
Flange Hardware
With the exception of stainless steel flanges, all flange bolts, nuts, and fasteners
shall be A325. Nuts shall be heavy hex cold-press semi-finished steel per ASTM
A194-2,2H. Threads shall be lubricated with an approved anti-seize compound.
Deferred Bolting Devices
Deferred bolting devices are noted on the Construction Drawings as wedge
anchors, expansion anchors, or epoxy anchors. Deferred bolting devices shall be
used in lieu of anchor bolts only where specifically noted or detailed. Unless noted
otherwise on the Construction Drawings, deferred bolting devices shall be 316
stainless steel, shall be installed in accordance with current I.C.B.O. Research
Report Approval, and shall consist of the following:
Wedge anchors or expansion anchors shall be ITW Ramset/Redhead Trubolt
Anchors, Hilti Kwik Bolt II Anchors, Simpson Strong-Tie Strong-Bolt 2
Anchors, or equal.
Epoxy anchors shall be ITW Ramset/Redhead Epcon C6+Epoxy Anchors, Hilti
HIT-RE 500-SD Adhesive Anchors, Simpson Strong-Tie Set XP Epoxy Anchors,
or equal.
Wedge anchors or expansion anchors shall not be used inside the wet well
or for anchorage of any vibrating machinery or equipment.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 26
Iron and Steel. Galvanizing shall conform to ASTM A123, with minimum
weight per square foot of 1.25 ounces.
Ferrous Metal Hardware Items. Galvanizing shall conform to A153, with
average coating weight of 1.25 ounces per square foot.
Touch-Up Material for Galvanized Coatings. Galvanized coatings marred or
damaged during erection or fabrication shall be repaired by use of DRYGALV
as manufactured by the American Solder and Flux Company, Galvalloy,
Galvion, or equal, applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
Electrical Conduit and Conductors
PVC-Coated Rigid Galvanized Steel Conduit. Conduit shall be Schedule 40
steel, pipe size, finished inside and out by hot-dipped galvanizing, and shall
conform with ANSI C80.1 and UL. A PVC coating of 40 mils (minimum)
thickness shall be bonded to the outer galvanized surface of the conduit and
a urethane coating shall be applied to the interior surface of the conduit.
The bond between the PVC coating and conduit surface shall be greater than
the tensile strength of the plastic. A PVC jacketed coupling shall be
furnished with each length of conduit. PVC-coated Rigid Galvanized Steel
conduit and fittings shall be manufactured by Robroy, Occidental, or equal.
Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit. Conduit shall be UL listed, sunlight resistant,
Schedule 40 PVC conduit, rated for 90 degrees C conductors, and
manufactured to NEMA TC-2 standards. Couplings and connectors shall be
of the same manufacturer as the conduit and shall be joined as
recommended by the manufacturer. All PVC conduits shall be terminated
with approved connectors or end bells.
Cables and wires shall be new, stranded conductors, solid copper, not
smaller than #12 AWG (except shielded control wires and internal control
wires in MCCs and control panels) unless otherwise shown on Drawings.
Insulation shall bear manufacturer's trademark, insulation designation,
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 27
voltage rating, and conductor size at regular intervals. Each type of cable or
wire shall be the product of a single manufacturer.
Conductors for power service, power feeders, power circuits, and lighting
feeders, lighting circuits, and external control circuits shall be stranded
copper, rated 600 volt, with 75 degrees C THWN insulation, UL approved, for
installation underground, in concrete, in masonry, or in wet locations.
Color Coding
System conductors shall be factory color coded by integral insulation
pigmentation with a separate color as specified herein. Conductors #6
AWG and larger may be color coded with an approved colored marking tape
at all terminations and in all junction boxes, pull boxes, and manholes. Each
voltage system shall have a color coded system that shall be maintained
throughout the project. Approved conductor colors are as follows:
Power System
480V, 3 Phase, 4 Wire
Phase A
Phase B
Phase C
120/208/240V, 3 Phase, 4 Wire
Phase A
Phase B
Phase C
All Equipment
All System
Bare Copper
PLC (Status and Control)
Digital Input
Digital Output
Control System
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 28
Switched Leg
Not Black, Red or Blue
Switched Leg
Not Brown, Orange, or
Device Boxes, Junction Boxes, and Fittings
Device Boxes (Only Permitted for Locations Beyond 20' of Wet Well)
Unless otherwise noted on the Drawings, device boxes shall be malleable iron
constructed with zinc or cadmium plating and enamel finish, minimum single gang
size, deep box type, with treaded hubs and solid gasketed cover. Device boxes
shall be properly sized for required circuitry or splicing. Surface mounted boxes
shall be furnished with mounting lugs. Where located outdoors, device boxes
shall be waterproof. Device boxes shall be Crouse-Hinds FD, Appleton FD, or
Junction Boxes (Only Permitted for Locations Beyond 20' of Wet Well)
Unless otherwise noted on the Drawings, junction boxes shall be malleable iron
constructed, rain tight, dust tight, minimum size 4"x4"x3", drilled and tapped or
field installed with slip holes (alternate hub plates are acceptable). Junction boxes
shall be properly sized for the number and sizes of conductors and conduit
entering the box and required splicing. Provide feet where necessary for surface
mounting. Junction boxes shall be Crouse-Hinds WAB, Appleton RS, or equal.
Device Boxes (Required for Locations Within 20' of Wet Well)
Where specified on the Drawings, device boxes shall be constructed of
316 stainless steel, minimum single gang size, deep box type, with gasket and 316
stainless steel solid cover. Device boxes shall be properly sized for required
circuitry or splicing. Surface mounted boxes shall be furnished with mounting lugs
or feet. Device boxes shall be NEMA 4X as manufactured by BEL Products, Inc.,
Cushing Manufacturing Co., or equal.
Junction Boxes (Required for Locations Within 20' of Wet Well)
Where specified on the Drawings, junction boxes shall be constructed of 316
stainless steel, with gasket and 316 stainless steel solid cover. Junction box
minimum size shall be 4"x4"x3". Junction boxes shall be properly sized for
required circuitry or splicing. Provide feet where necessary for surface mounting.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 29
Junction boxes shall be NEMA 4X as manufactured by BEL Products, Inc., Cushing
Manufacturing Co., or equal.
Conduit fittings shall be provided where shown on the Drawings or required to
facilitate installation of the electrical conduit and equipment.
Conduit fittings shall be PVC coated metallic fittings and furnished by the
same manufacturer as the PVC coated conduit to provide a complete and
compatible protective system. PVC coated fittings and couplings shall have
specially formed sleeves to tightly seal to conduit PVC coating. The sleeves
shall extend beyond the fitting or coupling a distance equal to the conduit
outside diameter or two inches, whichever is greater.
Non-metallic fittings shall be compatible with the non-metallic conduit used
and shall be of the same manufacturer.
Fittings shall be of the shapes, sizes, and types required to facilitate
installation or removal or conductors and cables from the conduit.
Connectors, couplings, locknuts, bushings, and caps used with PVC-coated
Rigid Galvanized Steel conduit shall be threaded and thoroughly galvanized.
All exposed surfaces shall be PVC coated. Bushings shall be insulated and
shall be threaded malleable iron with thermoplastic liner. Insulated
grounding bushings shall be provided with threaded malleable iron body,
insulated thermoplastic liner throat, and "lay-in" ground lug with
compression screw.
Metallic conduit unions shall be "Erickson" couplings, or approved equal.
Running threads are not acceptable.
Channel (Unistrut) Supports
Unless otherwise specified, support channel (Unistrut) shall be single strut type, 1-5/8" x
1-5/8", 12 gauge ASTM A240, Type 316 stainless steel.
Protective Coatings
All coating materials supplied under this provision shall be manufactured by
Tnemec, PPG (Ameron), or Carboline, no substitutes. Products specified
herein are those which have been evaluated and recommended by the
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 30
manufacturers for the specific service.
Only replacement product
recommended by said manufacturers will be considered for substitutions.
All materials shall be brought to job site in original sealed containers.
Contractor shall provide coating material name, formula or specification
number, batch number, color and date of manufacture to the District.
Coating materials shall not be used until the District has inspected contents
and checked information on containers or label. Materials exceeding storage
life recommended by the manufacturer shall be rejected.
All coatings and paints shall be stored in enclosed structures to protect them
from weather and excessive heat or cold. Flammable coatings or paints must
be stored to conform with city, county, state, and federal safety codes for
flammable coating or paint materials. Water based coatings or paints shall
be protected from freezing.
Contractor shall use products of same manufacturer for all coating systems
unless approved in writing by the District.
All coatings shall comply with local, state, and federal air pollution control
regulations including, but not limited to, SCAQMD Rule 1113 and Rule 1107.
These regulations change frequently. If a listed coating does not meet local,
state, and federal air pollution control regulations at the time the work is
actually performed, the Contractor shall provide the manufacturer's
compliant, recommended substitute coating at no additional cost to the
All colors and shades of colors of all coats of protective coating material shall
be as selected by the District.
Finish and Protective Coating
Coatings shall be applied in accordance with the table below:
Exterior Concrete Surfaces
Wet Well Below Grade Exterior
Concrete Wall Surfaces
Wet Well Interior Concrete Wall
Surfaces or Slabs
Concrete Masonry Surfaces
No coating required.
No coating required.
Coat per Service Condition D.
No coating required, unless shown
on Drawings.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 31
Exposed Ferrous Metal Piping,
Valves, Fittings, and Appurtenances
Below Grade Ferrous Metal
Equipment and Motors
Miscellaneous Ferrous Metal
Hot Dipped Galvanized Steel
Stainless Steel
Exposed PVC and CPVC Piping
NEMA 1, 12, or 3R Electrical Panels
Electrical Device Boxes
Pipe Supports
Exposed Electrical Conduit
Below Grade Copper Tubing and
Brass Pipe
Coat per Service Condition A. Color
coat and label per Specification
Coat per Service Condition C.
Factory coating. Touch up where
damaged per manufacturers
Coat per Service Condition A.
No coating required.
No coating required.
Coat per Service Condition E.
No coating, except where bearing
against or embedded in concrete.
Factory coating, baked enamel.
Touch up where damaged.
Factory PVC coating.
Hot dipped galvanized or stainless
steel as noted.
No additional coating required.
25 mil (min.) Aqua Shield or Stream
Line Protec.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 32
Pipe Color Code and Labeling
All exposed and/or unburied pipe, including steel, copper and brass tubing,
galvanized pipe, polyvinyl chloride pipe, fiberglass reinforced pipe, and
stainless steel pipe shall be identified by color to show its use/function.
Color bands of an approved tape type may be used on PVC, FRP, and
stainless steel pipe and all other pipe not readily susceptible to painted
finish. Bands shall be adhesive type with extra strength and suitable for
continuous duty at 250°F. All markers shall have a protective silicone film.
Color shall be as specified in the table below:
Air Vent
Air Valve Drain
Four Air
Potable Water
Raw Sewage Backflush
Raw Sewage Discharge
Raw Sewage Forcemain
Sanitary Drain
Seal Water
Color Code
Safety Blue
Both the direction of the fluid flow and the duty label of the pipe shall be
stenciled on all above grade or exposed pipe (in Safety Yellow) at least once
every twenty-five (25) feet and at every change of direction. Color bands (if
used) shall be spaced at fifteen (15) foot intervals and every change in
direction. The size of the letters and color bands shall be as specified in the
table below:
Outside Diameter of
Pipe or Covering
1/4 to 1-1/4
1-1/2 to 2
2-1/2 to 6
8 to 10
Over 10
Width of Color Band
Height of Label Letters
Stencil Valve Tag Numbers on Piping
After the painting of process piping is complete, the Contractor shall stencil
the tag numbers, as supplied by the District, of all valves on the pipe adjacent
to the valve for pipe 2 inches and over. Characters shall be 1 inch high
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 33
minimum and shall be oriented to be visible from the valve operating
position. When the valve has extended operator shaft or chain operator, the
number shall be placed both at the operating position and at the valve, if
practicable. The latter requirement does not apply if the valve is buried or in
a pit. Valves in pipes under 2 inches shall have characters as large as the pipe
will permit or at the District's option, on an adjacent surface. Characters
shall be preferably white; however, if this would not provide sufficient
contrast to the pipe, the District may select another color. Paint used shall
be of the same type and quality as used for painting the pipe.
Service Condition A
Ferrous metals (excluding stainless steel) subject to outdoor exposure such as
outdoor tanks, piping, valves, and equipment, etc. shall receive the following
surface preparation and coating:
Surface Preparation. All surfaces shall be field sandblasted in conformance
with Steel Structures Painting Council Specifications SSPC-SP10 and National
Association of Corrosion Engineers Surface Finish NACE No. 2 (Near-White
Blast Cleaning) to achieve a 1.5-2.5 mil (40-60 micron) blast profile.
Application. Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations. The minimum and maximum required times between
coats shall be per the manufacturer's product data sheet. Written requests
for shop surface preparation and application of the prime coat shall be
reviewed and approved by District on a case-by-case basis. If approved by
District, shop applied prime coat surface shall be field scarified by brushblasting prior to application of intermediate coat.
Coating System. Except as otherwise noted, the prime coat shall have a
minimum dry film thickness (MDFT) of 4.0 mils. The intermediate coat shall
have a MDFT of 4.0 mils and the finish coat shall have a MDFT of 2.0 mils.
The total dry film thickness of the complete system shall be 10.0 mils,
PPG System
Primer – Amerlock 2VOC
Intermediate – Amerlock 2VOC
Finish - Amerishield VOC
Carboline System
Primer – Carboguard 890VOC
Intermediate – Carboguard 890VOC
Finish - Carbothane 134 MC
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 34
Tnemec System
Primer - Series L69 Epoxyline
Intermediate - Series L69 Expoxyline
Finish - Series 1080 Endurashield
Service Condition B
Ferrous metals (excluding stainless steel) submerged or intermittently submerged
in sewage or similar corrosive liquid, including all ferrous metal located within the
lift station wet well, shall receive the following surface preparation and coating:
Surface Preparation. All surfaces shall be field sandblasted in conformance
with SSPC-SP5 and NACE No. 1 (White Metal Blast Cleaning) to achieve a 3
mil (75 micron) angular anchor blast profile.
Application. Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations. If recoating is required to correct pinholes, holidays or
insufficient coating thickness; surfaces shall be scarified by brush-blasting
prior to recoat.
Coating System. Except as otherwise noted, one or two coats shall be
applied at a MDFT of 30.0 mils.
PPG System
Sigma Novguard 840
Carboline System
Carboguard 954HB
Tnemec System
Series 435 Perma-Glaze
Service Condition C
Buried metal surfaces shall receive the following surface preparation and coating:
Surface Preparation. All surfaces shall be cleaned in conformance with
SSPC-SP10/NACE 2 (Near White Blast Clean) with a 2 mil anchor blast profile.
Application. Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations. The minimum time required between coats and prior to
backfilling shall be per the manufacturer's product data sheet.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 35
Coating System. Except as otherwise noted, two or more coats shall be
applied to a minimum total dry film thickness of 30 mils.
PPG System
Sigma Novaguard 840
Carboline System
Carboguard 954HB
Tnemec System
Series 435 Perma-Glaze
Service Condition D
Concrete subject to continuous or intermittent submergence in sewage, including
all interior surfaces of the wet well, shall receive the following surface preparation
and coating:
Surface Preparation.
All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned by
sandblasting in conformance with SSPC–SP13/NACE 6, ICRI CSP 5 surface
preparation of concrete or other approved methods, removing all traces of
previous materials. Remove all loose concrete by chipping, etc. to leave only
sound firmly bonded concrete. All cracks and voids shall be filled with the
specified epoxy filler and surfacer. Final surface shall be smooth and free of
voids, cavities, dirt, dust, oils, grease, laitance or other contaminants.
Application. Application shall be by spray-on and/or trowel method and
shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The
minimum and maximum required times between coats shall be per the
manufacturer's product data sheet. If recoating is required to correct
pinholes or insufficient system coating thickness, surfaces shall be brushblasted prior to recoat.
Coating System. The coating system shall be specifically manufacturer for
highly corrosive environments caused by immersion and intermittent
immersion in municipal wastewater. Minimum total dry film thickness of
the coating system shall be 125 mils.
Carboline System
Filler - Plasite 5371
Tnemec System
Filler/Surfacer - Mortar Clad – Series 218
Lining – Perma-Shield H25 – Series 434
Finish – Perma-Glaze – Series 435
Sauereisen System
Filler/Surfacer - Resto Krete No. 209
Epoxy Lining - Sewergard No. 210X
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 36
Service Condition E
Exposed PVC and CPVC piping shall receive the following surface preparation and
coating (coating to be used for this category shall be certified by the PVC and
CPVC piping manufacturer to be completely acceptable and non-injurious to the
Surface Preparation
Surface preparation shall consist of hand sanding to remove gloss. All
remaining dust shall be removed with vacuum brushing or tack rag.
Sanded surfaces shall not be washed with either solvent or water.
Application shall
Coating System
Except as otherwise noted, two coats shall be applied at 2.0 mils per coat
to a total 4.0 mil MDFT for the system.
Carboline System
Carbothane 134 MC
PPG System
Amershield VOC
Tnemec System
Series 80 Endurashield
Architectural Paint Finishes
Concrete Masonry Paint on Concrete
Frazee Paint System:
First Coat - 203 Duratec II Exterior
100% Acrylic Flat
Second Coat - 203 Duratec II
Exterior 100% Acrylic Flat
Sherwin Williams System:
First Coat – Loxon Concrete
Masonry Primer
Second Coat – Loxon Acrylic
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 37
Vista Paint System:
First Coat - Vista 4600 Uniprime II
Masonry Primer
Second Coat- Vista 2000 Duratone
100% Acrylic Flat
Third Coat - Vista 2000 Duratone
100% Acrylic Flat
Dunn Edwards System:
First coat - Eff Stop Premium
Primer (ESPR00)
Second Coat - Evershield 100%
Acrylic (EVSH10)
Third Coat - Evershield 100%
Acrylic (EVSH10)
Aluminum Metal Isolation
All aluminum bearing on, or embedded in, concrete shall be coated with a wash
primer (0.5 mils) followed by one coat (8 mils) of heavy bodied bituminous paint,
Carboline Bitumastic Super Service Black or Tnemec 46-465.
Asphalt Concrete Pavement
Unless specified otherwise on the Construction Drawings, all asphalt concrete pavement
shall be per District Detailed Provisions, Sections 02201 and 02513 and as specified
Asphalt concrete pavement shall be hot placed to 4" thickness minimum placed over 6"
of crushed miscellaneous base (per SSPWC Section 200-2.4) and compacted to 95
percent relative compaction minimum. Pavement shall be placed in two lifts. The first
lift shall be C1-PG64-10 and the second lift shall be D2-PG64-10.
Unless specified otherwise, prior to placing crushed miscellaneous base, the subgrade
shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6" and then compacted to 95 percent relative
Danger and Warning Signs
Equipment Danger Signs and Warning Signs shall be provided as specified herein. Signs
shall be constructed of 40-mil aluminum with rounded corners and mounting holes at
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 38
each corner. Signs shall resist fading in direct sunlight and be suitable for temperatures
ranging from -40ºF to 176ºF. Manufacturer shall submit a list of all print and
background color combinations for confirmation by District. Unless noted otherwise,
text size shall be 3/4" tall and signs shall be sized accordingly. Indoor/outdoor signs
shall be Style No. M0719 by Seton, or approved equal.
Typical Danger Sign (sign shall be stenciled directly on access hatch, or mounted to
access hatch with stainless steel rivets, as directed by District):
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
"DANGER" Yellow letters on black background
"CONFINED SPACE" black letters on yellow background
Mount on wet well access hatch
Typical Warning Sign:
Line 1
Line 2
"WARNING" white letters on red background
"DO NOT DRINK" black letters on white background
Mount adjacent to each hose bib
The manual transfer switch shall be an integral part of power service and motor control
center, and shall be mounted and wired at the factory, including mounting and wiring of
door-mounted accessories. The manual transfer switch (MTS) shall be as manufactured
by ASCO, Olympian, Russelectric, or equal. The MTS and accessories shall be UL listed
and labeled and tested per UL Standard 1008 and comply with NEMA ICS2-447, NFPA
70, NFPA 99, and NFPA 110.
The MTS controls and accessories shall be rated for continuous (24-hour) duty as
installed. The switch shall be a 3-pole, double-throw, having the "normal" and
"standby" positions mechanically interlocked, and shall be suitable for application to a
3-phase, 3-wire, 60 Hz, 480-volt system. The minimum continuous current rating at 480
volts shall be as indicated on the Construction Drawings. The MTS shall be rated to
withstand a short circuit current of 35,000 amperes (symmetrical) without parting of the
switch contacts. The MTS shall be capable of operation under load.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 39
Control and Accessory Features
The MTS shall be provided with the following control, accessory and additional features,
which shall be fully wired at the factory:
The transfer switch shall be actuated by a single local electrical operator,
momentarily energized and connected to the transfer mechanism by a simple
overcenter-type linkage.
The normal and emergency contacts shall be positively interlocked mechanically
and electrically to prevent simultaneous closing. Main contacts shall be long life,
high pressure, silver alloy designed to resist burning and pitting. Contacts shall be
mechanically locked in position in both the normal and emergency positions
without the use of hooks, latches, magnetics, or springs. Separate arcing contacts
designed for rapid and reliable arc quenching and equipped with magnetic
blowouts shall be provided. Interlocked molded case circuit breakers or contactors
are not acceptable.
The transfer switch shall be capable of transfer successfully in either direction with
70 percent of rated voltage applied to the switch terminals.
The transfer switch shall be equipped with a safe manual operator designed to
prevent injury to operating personnel and capable of switching under load. The
manual operator shall provide the same contact-to-contact transfer speed as the
electrical operator to prevent a flashover from switching the main contacts slowly.
All switch and control elements shall be serviceable or removable from the front
of the switch enclosure without disconnection of drive linkages, power
conductors, or control conductors.
Front Panel Devices (Inside MCC NEMA 3R Wrap)
Provide control switches and indicator lights mounted on panel inside door front for:
Transfer - Selector switch to cause transfer to normal source or emergency source.
Provide LED-type switch position and source available indicator lamps on the front of
the transfer switch cabinet.
Wet well shaft shall be constructed of Class IV reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) per ASTM C76 with two
circular reinforcement cages (quadrant or elliptical cages will not be allowed) and flush bell-and-spigot
joints. Bell-and-spigot joints shall be provided with rubber gaskets and shall be suitable for a
hydrostatic head of 50' per ASTM C361. Prior to backfill of the wet well structure, Contractor shall
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 40
perform a field hydrostatic test by filling the wet well shaft with potable water up to the top of the
shaft in accordance with Specification Section 03300, Part 3.17. No visible leakage will be allowed.
Pipe sections (except top and bottom sections) shall be minimum 8' long. Top and bottom section
lengths shall be adjusted to achieve the required wet well and bypass manhole height and to provide
12" minimum clearance between RCP joints and pipe penetrations.
To assist Contractor during installation, RCP may be furnished with 316 stainless steel lifting lugs cast
into the concrete during fabrication. Pipe manufacturer shall be responsible for lifting lug design and
placement. Lifting aids installed after the pipe has been fabricated, by drilling or coring the pipe, will
not be acceptable.
RCP shall be as manufactured by Thompson Pipe Group-Rialto, Ameron, or equal.
All stainless steel sub-assemblies shall be passivated after welding for corrosion resistance and to
provide a superior surface finish. All stainless steel products shall be fabricated in the shop and
passivated at the point of manufacture. Field fabrication or field passivation will not be permitted
except for the outer flanges of the discharge piping through the wet well wall per Construction
Drawings. Field passivation of the field welded discharge pipe flanges shall be accomplished using
pickling paste.
All welds, heated areas of stainless steel parts, and heat affected zones of welds shall be cleaned,
descaled and passivated per ASTM A 380. Passivation by use of pastes or sprays will not be permitted.
Unless specified otherwise, passivation by means of electrochemical treatment, including
electropickling or electropolishing, will not be permitted.
Passivation shall include the following (as a minimum):
The surfaces of all stainless steel products shall be thoroughly degreased and cleaned.
Surfaces shall be free of foreign material contamination (ie. markers, chalk, paint, soil,
grease, or oil). Cleaning solvents shall be non-chlorinated. Water-break testing per
ASTM A 380 shall be performed after cleaning to ensure all foreign material is removed
prior to passivation. No break shall be permitted in the film as it drains from the
vertical surface.
Upon successful completion of the cleaning process, all stainless steel products shall be
glass-bead blasted with clean glass that contains no ferrous materials. All surfaces shall
be uniformly blasted and shall be free of rust, free iron, weld scale, heat tint oxides, arc
strikes, tool marks, gouges, and scratches that occurred in the procurement or
fabrication stage. The finish of all stainless steel surfaces shall be of a high quality and
as a minimum, equal to the milled or hot rolled condition specified by the material
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 41
Upon successful completion of the descaling process, all stainless steel products shall
be acid passivated for corrosion resistance and to provide a superior surface finish in
accordance with ASTM A 967. The passivated parts shall exhibit a chemically clean
surface and shall not show any pitting, etching, or frost. No heat tint or discoloration is
All stainless steel products shall be tested to ensure corrosion resistance prior to
shipment to site. As a minimum, the testing shall include a water immersion test and a
salt water test. Testing procedures shall follow ASTM A 967 and shall be safe for
potable water applications. Prior to shipment, a letter of certification from the
fabricator shall be provided to the District indicating the passivation procedures
performed, test procedures performed including test results, and statements of
certification that all work was performed in accordance with ASTM A 380, A 967, and as
specified herein.
The Contractor shall passivate, or have vendors pickle and passivate, all fabricated stainless steel parts
including pipe sections, straight spools, fittings, piping components, pipe supports, nuts, bolts,
washers, cover plates, equipment and equipment parts and sub components. Stainless steel electrical
panels and enclosures manufactured by regular commodity enclosure manufacturers are exempt from
the submittal requirements, but will be subject to inspection upon delivery as described below.
Contractor shall submit the passivation method for each fabricated stainless steel component to the
District for approval prior to passivation.
Finish requirement: Remove free iron, heat tint oxides, weld scale, and other impurities, and obtain
a passive finished surface.
The District shall have the right to inspect stainless steel parts upon delivery for proper finish. The
District reserves the right to reject deliveries of stainless steel parts with visible signs of improper
passivation at the Contractor's expense. The standard for rejection of stainless steel parts will be the
presence of free iron, rust, heat tint oxides, and/or weld scale that is visible. The Contractor shall
protect stainless steel parts during delivery to minimize the occurrence of nicks and burs. Free iron
and or rust in nicks and burs caused by improper protection during delivery shall also be a reason for
rejection and replacement at the Contractor's expense.
Installation of all equipment and appurtenances shall conform to the requirements of
the manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions.
When code
requirements apply to installation of materials and equipment, the more stringent
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 42
requirements, code, or manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions shall
govern the work.
Contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions at the site and cross check details
and dimensions shown on the Structural Drawings with related requirements on the
Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Drawings and Equipment Shop Drawings. Floor and wall
openings, sleeves, variations in the structural slab elevations and other civil, mechanical,
or electrical requirements must be coordinated before the contractor proceeds with
The precise dimensions and locations of all openings shall be determined from
structural, civil, mechanical, electrical, or similar requirements for the actual equipment
being furnished. Shop Drawings with adequate accurate dimensions must be submitted
and reviewed prior to contractor constructing facilities including concrete, wall,
connecting piping or electrical that are affected by said equipment.
The contractor is advised that the work on this project may involve working in a
confined air space. Contractor shall be responsible for "Confined Air Space" Article 108,
Title 8, California Administrative Code.
Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining project site security. Project site shall
remain secured by temporary chain link fence at all times.
Contractor shall clean inside of all new pipelines by flushing after successful passing of
pressure testing.
The Construction Drawings show in a diagrammatic form the arrangements desired for the principal
equipment, piping, and similar appurtenances, and shall be followed as closely as possible. Proper
judgment must be exercised in carrying out the work to secure the best possible headroom and space
conditions throughout, to secure neat arrangement of piping, valves, fixtures, hangers, and similar
appurtenances, and to overcome local difficulties and interferences of structural conditions wherever
The Contractor shall take all measurements for his work at the installation sites, verify all
subcontractor drawings and be responsible for the proper installation, within the available space for
the equipment and material specified and shown on the Construction Drawings, and must secure the
approval of the District for any variations before making any changes.
Inspect each item of equipment for damage, defects, completeness, and correct operation before
installing. Inspect previously installed related work and verify that it is ready for installation of the
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 43
Prior to installing equipment, ensure that installation areas are clean and that concrete or masonry
operations are completed. Maintain the areas in a broom-clean condition during installation
operations. Clean, condition, and service equipment in accordance with the reviewed Instruction
Manuals and requirements in other Sections of these Specifications before installing.
Preparation, handling, and installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's
written instructions and technical data particular to the product specified and/or
approved, except as otherwise specified.
Work shall be furnished and placed in coordination and cooperation with other trades.
Electrical work shall conform to the National Electrical Contractor's Association Standard
of Installation for general installation practice.
Unless specified otherwise on the Construction Drawings, all grading and site work shall be per District
Detailed Provisions, Sections 02201 and 02513 and as specified hereinafter.
Site grading shall be performed in accordance with contract documents, soils report,
and grading code of Riverside County, including any special requirements of the grading
permit. An approved copy of the grading permit and site/grading plan shall be on site
while work is in progress.
Excavated soils may be utilized for selected fill material provided these materials are
free of vegetative matter and other deleterious substances and shall not contain rocks
or irreducible materials with a maximum dimension greater than 8". The final surfaces
shall be wheel rolled to a smooth, well compacted surface at both subgrade and at
finished grade.
Selected backfill material around proposed wet well shall be placed in layers which,
when compacted, shall not exceed 8" in thickness. Each layer shall be spread,
moistened, and compacted uniformly to insure all backfill is properly compacted. After
each layer of backfill has been placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly
compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent.
Structural Fabrications
Conform to the AISC Code and Specification references in Article "Structural Steel
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 44
Conform to reviewed Instruction Manuals. Employ skilled craftsmen experienced in
installation of the types of equipment specified. Use specialized tools and equipment,
such as precision machinist levels, dial indicators, gauges, and micrometers, as
applicable. Produce acceptable installations free of vibration or other defects.
Anchor Bolts
Deliver bolts with templates or setting drawings and verify that bolts are correctly
located before structural concrete is placed.
Base and Bedplate Grouting
Do not place grout until initial fitting and alignment of connected piping is completed.
Level and align equipment on the concrete foundations, then entirely fill the space
under base or bedplates with grout. Grout shall be non-metallic non-shrink type. Bevel
exposed grout at 45 degree angle, except round exposed grout at horizontal surfaces for
drainage. Trowel or point exposed grout to a smooth dense finish and damp cure with
burlap for three days. When grout is fully hardened, remove jacking screws and tighten
nuts on anchor bolts. Check the installation for alignment and level, and perform
approved corrective work as required to conform to the tolerances given in the
applicable Instruction Manual.
Contractor shall install conduit and electrical equipment in locations that will
cause minimal interference with the maintenance and removal of mechanical
equipment. Conduits and connections are shown schematically on the Drawings.
Contractor shall run conduit in a neat manner parallel or perpendicular to walls
and slabs, and wherever possible, installed together in parallel runs supported
with Unistrut type support system. All conduits shall be installed straight and true
with reference to the adjacent work.
Locations of conduit runs shall be planned in advance of the installation and
coordinated with the mechanical work in the same areas, and shall not
unnecessarily cross other conduits or pipe, nor prevent removal of nor block
access to mechanical or electrical equipment.
Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, buried conduit shall be installed with a
minimum of 30" cover. Buried conduit shall be encased in red colored concrete
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 45
and mechanical consolidation of concrete shall be used per District Detailed
Provisions, Section 03300. Conduit trench backfill shall be compacted to a
minimum of 90 percent relative compaction.
Buried conduit shall be installed using approved spacers and cradles, properly
supported/anchored and at sufficient intervals to prevent movement during
encasement operations (maximum spacing of five feet). Where change in
direction is required, long radius PVC-coated Rigid Galvanized Steel elbows shall
be installed for GF, PF, and MSF conduits. Prior to installation of conductors in
underground conduits, a testing mandrel not less than six (6) inches long and with
a diameter 1/4 inch less than the conduit diameter shall be drawn through after
which a stiff bristle brush of the proper size for the conduits shall be drawn
through until the conduits are free of all sand and gravel. Test shall be
accomplished prior to placing concrete.
Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, conduit cast in concrete, under concrete
slabs or footings, or through concrete walls, slabs, or masonry walls shall be PVCcoated Rigid Galvanized Steel. Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, conduits
shall be installed beneath concrete slabs, footings, or trenches, and shall be
provided with a minimum of 6" clearance between conduit and bottom of
concrete. Conduit backfill where installed beneath conduit shall be two (2) sack
cement/sand slurry. Conduits shall be cast in concrete only where specifically
shown on the Drawings.
Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, buried conduit shall be PVC Schedule 40
Rigid Non-Metallic. Transition from PVC to PVC-coated Rigid Galvanized Steel shall
be made at the horizontal leg of the buried conduit bend.
Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, exposed or above grade conduit shall be
PVC-coated Rigid Galvanized Steel.
Spare conduits shall be flush with the top of concrete slab or wall, and be provided
with threaded cap and polyethylene pull rope with 100-pound (minimum) tensile
All conduits shall be tightly sealed during construction by use of conduit plugs or
"pennies" set under bushings. All conduit in which moisture or any foreign matter
has collected before pulling conductors shall be cleaned and dried to the
satisfaction of the District.
Conduits shall be securely fastened to cabinets, boxes, and gutters using locknuts
(one inside and one outside enclosure) and an insulating bushing or specified
insulated connectors. Grounding bushings or bonding jumpers shall be installed on
all conduits terminating at concentric knockouts.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 46
Where conduit is stubbed up through concrete slabs or footings into
MCC/electrical panels, provide a minimum of 1-1/2" clearance between rebar and
conduit and a minimum of 1" clearance between conduits. Adjust rebar spacing
as necessary to a maximum of 1/2 the nominal spacing such that maximum rebar
spacing does not exceed 1-1/2 times that specified. The total amount of
reinforcing steel shall not be reduced.
Conduits shall terminate within the respective MCC/panel section, or in adjacent
section if additional space is required. Contractor shall adjust location of conduit
terminations based on the approved MCC/panel layout.
Underground pull boxes shall be sized and located as shown on the Drawings.
Additional pull boxes shall be provided as necessary for conductor pulling (total
bends between pull boxes shall not exceed 360°). Pull box sizes shown are
minimum sizes. Depending upon the Contractor's duct bank configuration and
pull box knockout area, larger size pull boxes may be necessary. Cost of additional
or larger pull boxes shall be borne by Contractor. Pull boxes shall be precast
concrete with required knockouts and concrete sump (broken out). Pull boxes
shall be set on a minimum of 12" thick of 3/4" crushed rock. Unless noted
otherwise, pull boxes shall be provided with one-piece, HDG steel, bolt down-type
traffic covers with lifting holes. Pull boxes and covers shall be as manufactured by
Jensen, or equal.
Contractor shall furnish and install conduit and conductors as shown on the
Drawings, as shown on the control diagrams, and as listed on the "Schedule of
Conduit and Conductors" drawing. Contractor is advised that not all conduit and
conductors are listed in the schedule (particularly 120V lighting and receptacles)
and that not all conduit and conductors listed in the schedule are specifically
shown, labeled, or called out individually on other drawings.
Each and every conduit shall be provided with a 14-gauge brass labeling tag, 1-1/2 inch
diameter, bearing 3/16 inch high die-stamped lettering with conduit designation shown
on the Drawings. Each end of a conduit shall be provided with an identification tag.
Each tag shall be securely attached to its conduit with a #10 single-jack brass chain or
with brass fasteners. Each tag shall be provided with a hole for securing tag with chain
or fasteners.
Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 47
Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, PVC conduit shall be used underground. PVC
conduits shall not be run exposed. Risers to exposed or above grade locations shall be
PVC-coated Rigid Galvanized Steel.
PVC-Coated Rigid Galvanized Steel Conduit
Threadless couplings will not be acceptable. Where necessary for connecting conduit,
UL listed PVC-coated couplings shall be used. All ends and joints shall be reamed
smooth after cutting.
Exposed conduit shall be supported with channel supports spaced per NEC
requirements (8'-0" maximum spacing) and within 18" of couplings, bends, boxes, etc.,
unless otherwise shown on the Drawings.
Termination and Joints
Raceways shall be joined using specified couplings or transition couplings where
dissimilar raceway systems are joined.
Conduit terminations exposed at weatherproof enclosures and cast outlet boxes
shall be made watertight using approved connectors and hubs.
Conduit bodies (condulets) are not acceptable as enclosures for splices.
At all conduit terminations and boxes, conductors shall be protected by a fitting
equipped with a plastic bushing having a smoothly rounded insulating surface.
Conductors shall not be installed in conduit runs until all work is completed for
each individual conduit run. Care shall be taken in pulling conductors such that
insulation is not damaged. UL approved pulling compounds shall be used.
Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, all conductors or cables shall be installed
in conduit or electrical enclosures.
All cables shall be installed and tested in accordance with manufacturer's
requirements and warranty.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 48
All field wiring to control panel(s), VFD(s), and to sections of the MCC shall
terminate at terminal strips in the respective panels and buckets.
Contractor is advised that interconnecting wiring within and between lineups
(assembled panels with common interconnecting horizontal wireways) of MCCs,
distribution panels, MCPs, and control panels is not specifically listed or shown on
the Drawings. Contractor is directed to control diagrams and RTU connection
diagrams on the Drawings for these connections, which are subject to change
according to approved shop drawings. Contractor shall install wiring for said
connections within the bottom wireway of MCCs and panels.
No splices unless approved by District.
All branch-circuits shall be securely tagged, noting the purpose of each.
All conductors shall be numbered and labeled with vinyl wrap-around markers.
Where more than two conductors run through a single outlet, each conductor
shall be marked with the corresponding circuit number at the panelboard.
Conductors size #6 AWG and larger shall be color coded using specified phase
color markers and identification tags.
All terminal strips shall have each individual terminal identified with specified vinyl
Inside of all junction box cover plates shall be identified via felt-tip pen or decal
label, denoting the panel and circuit numbers and voltage contained in the box.
All receptacles and switches shall be decal labeled on the plate, denoting the
panel and circuit number.
Connections to Circuit Breakers, Switches, and Terminal Strips; Stranded Copper
#12 through 8 AWG: Conductor shall be terminated in locking tongue style,
pressure type, compression lugs, unless clamp type connection for stranded
conductor is provided with device.
#6 AWG and larger: Conductor shall be terminated in one-hole flat-tongue style,
compression type lugs, or by connectors supplied by the manufacturer.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 49
Enclosures of equipment, raceways and fixtures shall be permanently and effectively
grounded. A code-sized, copper, insulated green equipment ground shall be provided
for all branch circuit and feeder runs. Equipment ground shall originate at panelboard
ground bus and shall be bonded to all switch and receptacle boxes and electrical
equipment enclosures. Ground terminals on receptacles shall be connected to the
equipment grounding conductor by an insulated copper conductor.
Status, Alarm, and Control Signal (IO)
Status, alarm, and control signal (IO) conductors to and from the RTU terminal strips
shall be identified at both ends using the District's labeling designation shown on
Drawing E-4, "RTU Status/Alarm Signal Wiring Diagram" (i.e. 4-6, 5-2, etc.).
Ultrasonic Level Control System
Interconnecting cable between transducer and controller shall be supplied with unit,
and shall be suitable for a maximum system length of 300'. Contractor shall verify
length of cable required for each specific installation. Cable shall be installed in a single
run with no splices. Cable shall be installed in continuously grounded PVC-coated Rigid
Galvanized Steel conduit. Conduit shall be installed a minimum of 8' from 480V
Contractor shall construct power service facilities in accordance with SCE requirements. Contractor
shall furnish and install transformer slab, conduits, and grounding facilities. Contractor shall
coordinate all work with SCE and verify slab and conduit locations with SCE prior to installation. All
service equipment and panels shall be in strict accordance with SCE requirements.
In accordance with District Detailed Provisions, Section 16040, Contractor shall field verify adjustment
of all trip setting with the approved Coordination Study and shall provide arc flash and shock hazard
warning labels.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 50
All concrete construction shall be in accordance with District Specification Sections 03150, 03200, and
03300 and as specified hereinafter.
Formwork, Curing, and Backfill
Cure per specifications. Wet well foundation shall cure a minimum of 7 days and
achieve a minimum compressive strength of 2,500 psi prior to setting wet well
RCP. Test cylinders shall be cured in field.
Suspended Slabs
Cure per specifications. Forms shall remain in place until a minimum of 14 days
and 100 percent of design strength are reached. Test cylinders shall be cured in
Delineate Raised Concrete Slabs
Provide a 6" wide yellow paint stripe along the edge of all concrete surfaces that are
higher than the surrounding finished surface to delineate changes in elevation.
Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, minimum cover on below grade pipe shall be
30 inches.
Where groundwater is encountered, all VCP pipe shall be treated for absorption
resistance per District's Specifications.
All pipe zone bedding and trench backfill shall be per Standard Drawings SB-157, SB-158,
and SB-159.
Pipe shall be installed in trench condition and as shown on District Standard Drawings.
Backfill shall be completed including compaction tests prior to pressure testing. Backfill
in pipe zone shall be compacted to minimum 90 percent compaction. Where pipe is
located under slabs, all trench backfill shall be minimum 95 percent compaction.
Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, piping where stubbed through
slabs/foundations shall be wrapped with building paper or Protecto Wrap tape.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 51
All piping shall be hydrostatically tested per District Standards. Unless specified otherwise, piping shall
be tested under a pressure 1-1/2 times the design operating pressure of the pipe. Testing against
valves is not permitted. Contractor shall provide temporary bulkheads, skillets, and appurtenances as
required for testing. All piping under concrete slabs/foundations shall pass pressure testing prior to
placing concrete. No visible leakage is permitted in exposed piping.
Prior to District's acceptance, calibration and testing, pre-start-up, start-up, and 7-day live test shall be
performed in accordance with these Specifications.
The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and material necessary to perform field testing and
commissioning of equipment, including all related appurtenances. All costs for performing calibration
and testing, pre-start-up, start-up, and 7-day live test shall be included in the Contract Price, and no extra
payment will be made to the Contractor due to overtime, weekend, or holiday labor costs required to
perform and complete same. Requirements specified in this Article are in addition to the demonstration
and test requirements specified under other Sections of these Specifications.
Pre-start-up, start-up, and 7-day live test shall be performed by the Contractor in
accordance with the approved procedure plans to demonstrate to District's satisfaction
All components of the process systems defined herein and the entire lift station
system are fully completed and operable.
All units, components, systems, and the entire lift station system operate with the
efficiency, repeatability, and accuracy indicated and specified.
All components, systems, and the entire lift station conform to the Contract
Documents and the reviewed shop drawings, samples, construction manuals,
materials lists, and other reviewed submittals.
Prerequisite Conditions
Calibration and testing shall not commence for any equipment item or system until all
related structures, piping, electrical, instrumentation, control, and like work has been
installed and connected in compliance with the pertaining requirements specified
elsewhere in the Specifications.
Pre-start-up, start-up, and 7-day live test shall not commence for any equipment item or
system until calibration and testing has been completed as specified herein.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 52
Demonstration and Testing Materials
Furnish materials, diesel fuel, and electrical power for all tests. Use potable water or
reclaimed water to fill the lift station wet well. Furnish temporary facilities as required
such as by-pass or re-circulation piping, diversions, storage, and similar facilities. Use
procedures that conserve testing materials and avoid wastage, especially with respect
to large quantities of fresh water and electrical power.
Inspection and Supervision by Manufacturers
Perform pre-start-up and start-up under continuous inspection by District. Technical
representatives of the various equipment manufacturers shall be present for the prestart-up and the start-up, shall examine their equipment at least twice, and shall
supervise the start-up and adjustment procedures.
Correction of Defects
Immediately correct all defects and malfunctions disclosed by pre-start-up, start-up, and
7-day live test using approved methods and new materials for repairs as required. Upon
District's recommendation, interruption time necessary for corrective work may be
added to the specified total 7-day live test period.
Satisfactory completion and approval of required operational 7-day live test is one of
the conditions precedent to District's acceptance of the work and does not constitute
final acceptance.
Upon District's approval of required 7-day live test, Contractor shall check all equipment
and confirm proper fluid levels.
Manufacturer's Supervision and Installation Check
Each equipment manufacturer shall furnish the services of an authorized representative
specially trained and experienced in the installation of his equipment during pre-startup and start-up to: (1) be present when the equipment is first put into operation,
(2) inspect, check, adjust as necessary, and approve the installation, (3) repeat the
inspection, checking, and adjusting until all trouble or defects are corrected and the
equipment installation and operation are acceptable, (4) witness and supervise field
testing and commissioning of equipment to the extent specified, and (5) prepare and
submit to the District, upon successful completion of pre-start-up testing, the specified
Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation (see attached Exhibit A) confirming that
all pumping units and emergency standby power generator set have been installed,
inspected, checked, adjusted, and tested in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations and requirements specified herein.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 53
Calibration and Testing
Upon installation of all lift station facilities, Contractor shall perform calibration and
testing. At a minimum, calibration and testing shall include the following for all
Meggering all motors and their conductors.
Meggering all conductors for 3-phase power.
Visually inspecting field wiring against approved shop drawings.
Checking for abnormalities that may have occurred during shipping or installation
of all equipment and components including loose wiring, physical damage, or
insecure mounting of components.
Complete all testing and labeling per Section 16040 prior to energizing any
electrical panels or equipment.
Energizing all panels (only after testing per Section 16040).
Simulate all controls and equipment start, stop, and shutdown, including checking
discrete signals locally at the panel and by jumpering remote devices at the field
end to simulate signals (prior to actually operating equipment).
Testing all interlock and maintenance switches.
Checking analog signals by utilizing loop calibrator as required.
Calibrating all control instrumentation and monitoring equipment (flow, level,
pressure, etc.).
Calibrating panel devices as required including timers and controllers.
Upon successful completion of calibration and testing, Contractor shall schedule
the pre-start-up. A minimum of fourteen (14) days notice shall be provided to
District prior to the pre-start-up. The pre-start-up shall be performed on one (1)
day and Contractor's representative(s), District's Operations representative(s),
Inspector, and Manufacturer's representative(s) shall attend the pre-start-up. The
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 54
pumps shall be tested through the force main. Contractor shall provide water for
filling the wet-well, operate the pumps, and assure that the discharge piping and
force main is completely filled prior to pre-start-up. All equipment shall be
operated for a period of 30 minutes unless otherwise specified. All controls and
alarm conditions shall be simulated. If the equipment does not perform in
conformity with Contract Documents requirements, the Contractor will be
required to remove, replace, and restore the equipment to full compliance with
the Contract Documents at his expense.
As a minimum, during pre-start-up the Contractor shall demonstrate a complete
and operational lift station as follows:
Response of equipment to appropriate manual or automatic controls, or
combinations of both automatic and manual controls, shall be
demonstrated to be correct and accurate.
Where applicable, all
components shall be tested for both manual and automatic operation.
Where a component performs more than one function, every function shall
be validated.
Pumping equipment shall respond accurately and reliably to liquid
level from the wet well. Automatic alternation and back-up pump
functions shall also be validated.
Auxiliary equipment items such as alarm signals to remote telemetry,
and like items shall respond accurately and reliably to every condition
for which they are programmed, in the manner specified.
Functionality of all alarm and status lights.
Demonstrating uninterruptable power supply.
Demonstrating all control and monitoring features of all main control
panels, local control panels, and PLCs in conjunction with associated
Measuring and recording voltage and amperage draw readings for all
equipment motors under loaded conditions.
Testing all components of RTUs, including control systems.
Operating all equipment under all conditions and demonstrate all alarms,
shutdowns, and operating modes.
Performance testing of each Pumping Unit through the discharge piping
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 55
Operation of Emergency Standby Power Generator Set.
Contractor shall refer to various Technical Specifications herein for additional
specific equipment testing requirements.
Pumping Units
Pre-start-up testing for pumping units shall be performed utilizing potable or
reclaimed water. The wet well shall be filled to pump operating level and
discharge from the pumps shall be through the force main. Pump discharge valves
shall be throttled to simulate the design operating condition. Contractor shall
provide all required testing equipment to perform pumping unit start-up at no
additional cost to the District.
Contractor shall provide all instrumentation to confirm pumping unit and electric
motor performance, including calibrated test gauges for monitoring discharge
pressure, and electrical monitoring equipment to measure current, voltage,
power, kVA, and power factor.
Contractor shall record pumping unit flow, discharge pressure, motor voltage, and
motor amperage, hourly throughout the test period.
The pumping units shall operate as specified without excessive noise, surging,
cavitation, vortexing, vibration, or clogging, and without overheating of the
bearings. Each pumping unit shall operate a minimum of 30 minutes.
All automatic and manual controls shall function in accordance with the specified
The Contractor shall perform the following tasks under the supervision of the
pump manufacturer:
Completed pumping unit (pump and motor) shall receive a final field trim
balance, as may be required, and vibration shall be checked and recorded.
The vibration of all pumps shall be equal or less than the amplitude limits
recommended in the Hydraulic Institute Standards and it shall be recorded
at a minimum of four pumping conditions defined by the Engineer. All
measurements shall be witnessed by the District. Vibration shall be
measured at motor thrust bearing housing and at any other locations on
pumping unit as directed by the District. Vibration shall be measured over
the full range of the pump operating speed.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 56
Each pump's performance shall be documented by obtaining concurrent
readings showing motor voltage and amperage, pump flow rate, pump
suction head, and pump discharge head. Readings shall be documented at a
minimum of three pumping conditions, including the specified design point,
to ascertain the actual pumping curves. Another test shall be run at shut-off
head. Each power lead to the motor shall be checked for proper current
Pumping units (pump and motor) shall perform substantially in conformance
with the certified pump curves and the factory performance test results as
adjusted for field conditions. Additionally, discharge from pump shall not
exceed the design flow rate by more than 20%. If, in the opinion of the
District, the equipment furnished does not perform in accordance with
these Specifications, Contractor shall promptly make all necessary repairs or
corrections so that the equipment fully complies with these
Specifications. Contractor shall remove, restore, and replace the equipment
if required at his expense. Factory performance tests, pre-start-up, and
start-up testing shall be rerun if necessary at Contractor's expense.
Upon successful completion of pre-start-up and after receipt of all Manufacturer's
Certificate of Proper Installation by the District, Contractor shall schedule the start-up.
A minimum of three (3) days notice shall be provided to District prior to the start-up.
The Contractor's representative(s), District's Operations representative(s), Engineering
Consultant, Inspector, Design Engineer, and Manufacturer's representative(s) shall
attend start-up.
All testing described for pre-start-up shall be repeated during start-up and the pumps
shall be tested through the force main(s). Contractor shall provide water for filling the
force main, operate the pumps, and assure that the force main(s) are completely filled
prior to start-up.
7-day Live Test
After successful completion of start-up, the Contractor shall participate in a live test of
the lift station that shall encompass a 7-day period of trouble free operation. During the
7-day live test of the lift station, the lift station will be operated continuously under
normal operating conditions. All alarms shall be transmitted to Contractor and District.
The Contractor shall have personnel available within one hour to respond to any
problems, and shall diligently pursue repair of the problem. If the District determines
the problem to be major, then the District may instruct the Contractor to repeat the 7day live test. The District may continue to repeat the test until 7 days of trouble-free
operation are recorded.
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 57
Contractor shall provide potable water to fill the wet well at a constant rate as required
to start the pumps 3 times per day (throughout the entire 7-day period) from the hose
bib located at the wet well. All costs for potable water, power, and diesel fuel will be
borne by the Contractor during this test period.
Contractor shall operate standby generator for two 4-hour periods (different days) and
each pumping unit shall be selected in the "lead" position for a minimum of 24 hours
during 7-day live test of the lift station.
Contractor shall maintain, and submit to District at the end of the 7-day live test, a log of
all alarms and problems. The log shall include date of alarm or problem, description of
alarm or problem, date of corrective action, and corrective action to fix alarm or
As a part of the work, an in-service check of each system required to be validation tested shall be
performed twice during the period of the Contractor's guarantee by qualified technical representatives
of the various system manufacturers, including manufacturers of equipment and components within
systems. Checks shall be detailed and complete, requiring not less than 2 hours at the site, and shall
be performed under the observation and to the satisfaction of the District. All costs for in-service
checks shall be included in the Contract Price.
The District shall be notified in writing at least 10 days before the performance of each
in-service check. The proposed dates for checking shall be changed if required by the
District's operations personnel.
At the time of each in-service check, the manufacturer's technical representatives shall
consult with the District to review the Operation and Maintenance Manual and the
pertinent operational and maintenance problems encountered, and shall furnish
technical advice and recommendations to the District.
Initial in-service checks shall be performed approximately 6 months after final
acceptance of the lift station. The second in-service check shall be performed within 60
days of the end of the Contractor's guarantee period.
A written report of each in-service check signed by the appropriate manufacturer or his
representative, shall be delivered to the District within 10 days following the check. The
Submersible Lift Station without Standby Power
Section 11210 – 58
report shall describe the checking procedure in detail, and shall state all advice and
After all equipment has been installed, tested, and adjusted, and placed in satisfactory operating
condition, each equipment manufacturer shall provide classroom instruction to District's operating
personnel in the use and maintenance of the equipment. Two (2) hours of instruction shall be
provided unless otherwise specified. Contractor shall give the District formal written notice of the
proposed instruction period at least two weeks prior to commencement of the instruction period.
Scheduled training shall be at a time acceptable to the District and the manufacturer. During this
instruction period, the manufacturer shall answer any questions from the operating personnel. The
manufacturer's obligation shall be considered ended when he and the District agree that no further
instruction is needed.
Upon successful completion of start-up and testing, Contractor shall thoroughly clean all equipment
and piping. Contractor shall remove all traces of dirt, oil, grease, etc. Contractor shall clean all
exposed parts of electrical installations including electrical panel and junction box interiors.
Exhibit A
I hereby certify that the above-referenced equipment/system has been:
(Check Applicable)
Installed in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations.
Inspected, checked, and adjusted.
Serviced with proper initial lubricants.
Electrical and mechanical connections meet quality and safety standards.
All applicable safety equipment has been properly installed.
System has been performance tested, and meets or exceeds specified performance
requirements. (When complete system of one manufacturer)
I, the undersigned Manufacturer's Representative, hereby certify that I am (i) a duly authorized
representative of the manufacturer, (ii) empowered by the manufacturer to inspect, approve, and
operate his equipment and (iii) authorized to make recommendations required to assure that the
equipment furnished by the manufacturer is complete and operational, except as may be otherwise
indicated herein. I further certify that all information contained herein is true and accurate.
By Manufacturer’s Authorized Representative:
(Authorized Signature)
[Page Left Intentionally Blank]
Refer to the latest Standard Drawings located at the following web site
Dwg. No.
Trench Backfill (for PVC forcemain)
5/8" Meter Service Connection, 1" Copper Tubing
5/8" Service Connection, 1" Copper Tubing
1" Meter Service Connection, 1" Copper Tubing
1" Service connection, 1" Copper Tubing
Backflow Prevention Assembly Installation Diagram
Location Wire Installation
Standard Restraint (Tee, Dead End, Bend)
Guard & Marker Posts
Chain Link Fence Details
Locking Type Manhole Cover & Frame
Reinforced Precast Shallow Manhole
Precast Reinforced Concrete, 48" & 60" I.D. Manhole
Precast Non-Reinforced Concrete, 48" I.D. Manhole
Manhole Cover & Frame
Pipe Zone Bedding for Sewer Pipe
Trench Backfill for Sewer Pipe
Classification of Pipe Zone Bedding for Sewer Pipe
Sewer Guideline for Manhole Sizing *
*Refer to the latest Guideline Standards located at the following web site:
[Page Left Intentionally Blank]
(By Developer)
, as Surety, hereinafter
called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Eastern Municipal Water District , hereinafter called
District, in the penal sum of $
, for the payment whereof (Developer) and Surety bind
themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly
by these present.
WHEREAS, Developer has by written agreement, dated
entered into a contract with the District
in accordance with the General Conditions, project drawings and
specifications which contract is by reference incorporated herein, and make a part hereof, and is
referred to as the contract.
NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the obligation is such that, if Developer shall remedy any defects
due to faulty materials or workmanship which shall appear within a period of 2 years from the date the
project is accepted as provided for in the contract, then this obligation is to be void, otherwise to
remain in full force and effect.
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the District shall give Developer and Surety notice of observed defects with
reasonable promptness.
Signed and sealed this
day of
, 20____
00048 Maintenance Bond (by Developer)
[Page Left Intentionally Blank]