Curriculum Vitae of Dr. B.N. Meera Name: Dr. B. N. Meera Associate Professor Department of Physics Bangalore University Contact details: Tel: 080-2296 1487 (O) E-mail: Educational qualification: Other exams passed: M.Sc. Ph.D. Joint UGC-CSIR exam Details of education and professional experience: Associate Professor Lecturer (Senior scale) Lecturer Post Doctoral fellow at Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education, Bombay. 2007 onwards 2002-2007 1998-2002 1994-1996 Post doctoral fellow at IUCDAEF Bombay 1992-1993 PhD from Indian Institute of Science 1992 MSc – Karnatak University 1984-85 BSc – Karnatak University 1981- 84 Responsible for setting up the physics laboratory and development of experiments at the center to train students participating in the International Physics Olympiad. Worked on the high Q diffractometer at Dhruva on the neutron scattering studies of chalcogenide Glasses. Title of thesis: MASNMR and Raman studies in binary and ternary borate glasses. MSc with distinction (electronics specialization) BSc with distinction (Physics, Maths and Chemistry) List of publications: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Raman study of lead borate glasses - B.N. Meera,A.K.Sood, N. Chandrabhas and J. Ramakrishna, Journal non-crystalline solids, 126, (1990),224. Raman spectral studies of borate glasses - B. N. Meera and J. Ramakrishna, Journal of non-crystalline (1993, 1). solids, of 159, Experimental study of oscillations of a spring with mass correction. - B.N. Meera and H.C. Pradhan, Physics Education, Oct-Dec 1996, 248. Oscillations of a spring with non-negligible mass. - H.C. Pradhan and B.N. Meera, Physics Education, July-Sept 1996, 189. Study of stationary longitudinal oscillations on a soft spring - Rajesh B. Khaparde, B.N. Meera and H.C. Pradhan, Physics April-June 1997, 13. Education, 6. An inexpensive technique of interfacing photo gates with digital stop clocks and its applications. - Rajesh B. Khaparde, B.N. Meera and H.C. Pradhan, Physics Education, July-Sept 1997, 131. 7. Contributed to the problem section in IAPT bulletin. 8. Submitted paper titled “A case study of the results of national level examination in Physics mirroring students’ understanding of Physics” Proceeding of International Conference on Physics Education held in Aug 2005, Delhi, . 9. Paper titled “Analysis of Conceptual framework and Problem Solving Abilities” by Balasubramanya Hegde, B N Chandrika and B N Meera published in the Proceedings of The International Conference on Physics Education 2006, 172173. 10. Paper titled “MCQ and interview as a combined tool for unraveling students’ cognitive processes in Physics”. Proceedings in Episteme-4 an international conference to be held in Jan 2011, HBSCE, Bombay, page 132 . 11. Paper titled “Exploring the structure of knowledge organization in Physics learning” Proceedings in Episteme-4 an international conference to be held in Jan 2011, HBSCE, Bombay, page 106. Paper titled “How do they solve it? An insight into the learner’s approach to the mechanism of physics problem solving” Phys. Rev. ST Physics Ed. Research 8, 010109 (2012). 12. Conferences attended: 1. Delivered invited lecture on “Misconceptions in physics” in the two day IAPT-IPA workshop, August 28-29, 2003, Bangalore. 2. Attended Seminar on Physics Education, Basic Research and NewTechnologies, November 6-8, 2003, Mumbai. 3. Attended the conference and chaired a session in the State Level Seminar on Recent Advances in Nanotechnology and Smart Materials, 30th Sept-1st Oct, 2004, Bangalore. 4. Presented paper titled “Lateral thinking as a tool for knowledge construction” in the Seminar-cum-workshop on Knowledge construction in Physics, February 17-19, 2005, Mysore. 5. Presented paper titled “Teaching and learning of Physics – Is there a synergy?” at the 19th national convention of IAPT, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, Oct 29th –Nov1, 2004. 6. Presented poster titled “A case study of the results of national level examination in Physics mirroring students’ understanding of Physics” at the International Conference on Physics Education held in Aug 2005, Delhi. 7. Invited to attend a discussion meeting on “Research Innovations in Physics Education” held at Miranda House, University of Delhi in December 2005. 8. Academic Advisor and Attended two day national level workshop on “Space physics and Atmospheric Science” held at Sheshadripuram College in Association with IPA Bangalore Chapter and Department of Physics in April 2010. International Conferences: 1. Presented paper titled “A case study of the results of national level examination in Physics mirroring students’ understanding of Physics” at the International Conference on Physics Education held in Aug 2005, Delhi. 2. Presented a paper titled “Physics Education Research in India - An overview” at the Arkansa-Okalhoma-Kansas (AOK) meet at Emporia State University, USA November 2006. 3. Presented a paper titled “Homotopy Perturbation solution for classical oscillator problems” by B N Meera, Pradeep G Siddeshwar and B Hameeda Nabu Begum at the 54th congress of ISTAM – An international meet held December 2009, New Delhi. 4. Presented a paper titled “Study of non linear dynamical processes leading to anharmonic effects using Homotopy perturbation Method” by B N Meera and Pradeep G Siddheshwar at the 54th congress of ISTAM – An international meet held December 2009, New Delhi. 5. Presented paper titled “A homotopy method for solving Darcy-BrinkmanForcheimer equation” by B Hameeda Banu Begum, B N Meera and Pradeep Siddheshwar at the international conference on Mathematical Modeling and non linear equations held at BNMIT Bangalore in Jan 2010. 6. Presented paper titled “A homotopy based technique for the solution of the van der Pol Oscillator” by B N Meera and Pradeep Siddheshwar at the international conference on Mathematical Modeling and non linear equations held at BNMIT Bangalore in Jan 2010 7. Attended the “PHYSWARE 2012” The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) workshop on “A Collaborative Workshop On Low-Cost Equipment and Appropriate Technologies that Promote Undergraduate Level Hands-on Physics Education Throughout the Developing World” held in Miranda House, University of Delhi from 26th November to 7th December, 2012. Invited talks delivered: 1. Delivered an invited talk on “Popularization of Science and Science Education” to the students of Iowa university doing a Semester in South India Program at Mysore in September 1999. 2. Delivered a invited talk on “Problem solving techniques in Physics” in the IISc-NCBS-Infosys High School Teachers organized by Infosys Foundation, IISc, Bangalore, June, 2000. 3. Delivered an invited talk on ““Popularization of Science and Science Education” to the students of Iowa university doing a Semester in South India Program at Mysore in September 2000. 4. Delivered invited talk on “Science and technology – The chicken and the egg story” in Brahmi foundation Bangalore. 5. Delivered an invited talk on “Nobel prize in Physics – 2003” at the Bangalore Science Forum, National College Basavanagudi, Nov 16th, 2003. 6. Delivered an invited talk on “Noble prize in Physics – 2003” in the Sir M. Vishvesvaraya Institute of Technology, April 2004. 7. Delivered an invited talk on “The art of doing Science” in S.J.R. college for women, on 21/12/2004, Bangalore. 8. Delivered a talk titled “Fiber Optic Communication” in Popular Science Lectures ,B.V. Jagadish Science Centre, 22/01/2005, Bangalore. 9. Delivered invited talk on “Art of doing Science” at the VVS first grade college for women, Bangalore on 15th July, 2005. 10. Delivered a talk titled “Lateral thinking as tool for Physics Instruction” at the Department of Physics Kansas Sate University USA, Feb 7th 2007. 11. Invited to deliver a set of 15 lectures for REAP (Research Education Advancement Programme0 students at Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium 12. Delivered invited talk on “Teaching electrostatics – Pedagogy of teaching” at teacher refresher course for PGT Central School Kendriya Vidaylaya NAL 11th June 2007. 13. Invited to deliver a talk on “Art of doing Physics” at the National Workshop on “Strengthening of Physics Teaching at Undergraduates level” held at Hubli on Dec 28th 2005. 14. Delivered invited talks titled: i) Review of Physics Education Research ii) Problem solving in Physics – What? Why and How? iii) An interactive session on “The Art of doing Physics” at the Jawahar Navodaya Leadership Institute for PGTE teachers at Hyderabad, 3-5th Aug 2006 15. Invited to deliver a talk on “Reflection on innovations in Learning” at the R N S institute of Technology in Aug 2009. 16. Invited to deliver a talk on “Overview on Physics Education Research” at the Workshop for students at V V S First Grade College for Women. 17. Invited to deliver four lectures in Refresher course with theme Physics Education Research withy lectures titled: “i. Physics Education Research– AN Overview” ii. Problem solving in Physics: Why, what and how? Iii) Reflections on initiatives in learning iv. Methodology of Physics Education Research, organized by the Physics Department and academic staff college Himachal Pradesh University Shimla 2008. 18. Resource person for “The XXII refresher course in Experimental Physics held in the Department of Physics Bangalore University July 2010”. 19. Delivered two talks and Resource person for “The 43rd Refresher Course in Experimental Physics” held by the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore between 15th to 30th November, 2012. Conferences/workshops organized: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Organized and conducted a Physics Quiz for under graduate students organized by IPA (Bangalore Chapter), February 28th, 2005, Bangalore. Organized and conducted guest lecture series on Special aspects of Classical Mechanics’, November 3-4, 2004, Department of Physics, Bangalore. Organized as a Member of Local Organizing committee and resource person for the XXII refresher course in Experimental Physics held in the Department of Physics Bangalore University July 2010. Member of organizing committee for the “ “ held in Bangalore University Coordinator for the three day lecture series sponsored by KSTA (Karnataka Science and Technology on “Frontier Areas of Research” for the students of the post graduate students of the BUB, held between 26th to 28th September 2013. Activities: 1. Selected as content developer for the VTU-EDUSAT programme to develop Web based Physics content for Engineering Physics in 2005. 2. Invited as a judge at the Intercollegiate Physics Exhibition held at Vijaya college on Sept 16th 2005. 3. Invited to a Physics Educators meet held at New Delhi in Dec 2005 to present the Research Initiatives in Physics Education at the Department of Physics, Bangalore University. Recognitions: 1. Recipient of APS-KR (American Physical Society-Kilambi Ramavataram) fellowship for the year 2006. Invited as a visiting faculty to Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA for a period of two semesters. Was involved in research and teaching during 2006-2007. 2. Recipient of Fulbright fellowship (Tata-Fulbright travel fellowship) for the year 2006. Positions held 1. Member of Editorial board, IAPT, South Zone. 2. Life member of IAPT 3. Secretary, IPA, Bangalore Chapter (2005-2006) and 2010-till to date. 4. Invited teacher Fellow of Indian Science Academy, Bangalore. 5. Associate member of NIAS. 6. Member of task group for the National Initiative for Research and Innovation in Physics Education. Member of BOE and BOS 2004-2005 1. 2. 3. 4. Member of BOE Member of BOE (Technical Education) Bangalore University 2005 onwards Member of Board of Studies for the PG department of Physics, Yuvaraja College Mysore from 31-1-1010. Member of BOE Department of Physics 2009-2010