Michele Trenti - CASA - University of Colorado Boulder

Michele Trenti
Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy
University of Colorado
Phone: +1 (303) 492-8490
389 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0389
- Ph.D. Physics, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy), cum laude, 9/2005
- M.Sc. Physics, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy), cum laude, 11/2002
- B.Sc./M.Sc. Physics, University of Pisa (Italy), cum laude, 11/2001
Academic Positions
- From 1/2012: Kavli Fellow, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, University of
Cambridge, UK
- 9/2008-12/2011: Research Associate at CASA, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
- 10/2005-8/2008: Postdoctoral Fellow at Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore,
- 1/2002-9/2005: Graduate Student at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
Honors and Awards
- 2012-2016: Kavli Fellowship [5 years], Kavli Institute for Cosmology and Institute
of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK (5yr salary support at lecturer level and
research/travel funds).
- 2002-2005: Graduate Research Fellowship, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy)
- 2001: Outstanding Graduate Award, University of Pisa (Italy): medal and cash award
equivalent to one year of tuition fees.
- 1997 - 2001: Undergraduate Fellowship (covers tuition fees at University of Pisa plus
room & board) from Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy).
- PI HST Cycle 19 GO (2011): “The Brighest of Reionizing Galaxies Pure Parallel
Survey”, GO/PAR 12572: 260 orbits, budget being approved
- PI HST Cycle 18 Archival theory (2010): “N-body modeling of globular clusters: detecting intermediate-mass black holes by non-equipartition in HST proper motions”,
AR 12156: $109,000
- PI: HST Cycle 17 GO (2008): “Bright Galaxies at z > 7.5 with a WFC3 Pure Parallel
Survey”, GO/PAR 11700: 142 orbits and $420,000
- PI: HST Cycle 16 Archival Theory (2007) “Intermediate Mass Black Holes in Globular
Clusters: Key Photometric fingerprints”, AR 11284: $86,000.
Michele Trenti
Grants [continued]
- PI: HST Cycle 15 Archival Theory (2006) “Dynamical evolution of galaxy bulges: harassment, tidal streams and interactions with globular clusters”, AR 10982: $60,000.
- PI: NCSA-Teragrid Award AST090101 (2009), “Population III star formation at
redshift z < 10”, 1,000,000 Cpu Hours.
- CoI for HST, Spitzer, Swift and NASA ATP grants, including the Hubble Ultradeep
Field with WFC3 (HST-GO 11563: 192 orbits — PI G. Illingworth).
- CoI of Keck and VLT programs for spectroscopic follow-up of z ∼ 8 galaxies.
- Referee for Nature, Nature Physics, ApJ, ApJL, MNRAS, A&A.
- Referee for Subaru Telescope Time Allocation.
- SOC member and LOC co-chair of IAU Symposium 246, “Dynamical Evolution of
Dense Stellar Systems” (2007), Capri-Italy
- SOC member of STScI Spring Symposium: “Black Holes” (2007), Baltimore, MD
Teaching experience
- Co-Instructor, University of Colorado (2010)
ASTR 6000 “Graduate Seminar: High-Redshift Galaxies”
(with Prof. J. Michael Shull)
- Guest lecturer, University of Colorado (2009)
ASTR 5720 “Galaxies” (Prof. J. Michael Shull)
- Guest lecturer, University of Colorado (2008)
ASTR 2000 “Modern Cosmology” (Prof. J. Michael Shull)
- Guest lecturer, The Johns Hopkins University (2008)
ASTR 615 “Galactic Structure and Stellar Dynamics” (Prof. Colin Norman)
Supervision of students
- 2011: Michael Topping, undergraduate student at University of Colorado (astronomy
major); Emily Skrutskie, undergraduate student at Cornell University (summer 2011
REU at University of Colorado).
- 2010-2011: Matthew D. Reisman, undergraduate student at University of Colorado
(astronomy major).
- 2008-2010: Mario Pasquato, astrophysics graduate student at University of Pisa,
Italy; PhD advisor Prof. Giuseppe Bertin.
- 2007-2008: Michael A. Gill, astronomy graduate student at University of Maryland,
College Park; PhD advisor Prof. M. Coleman Miller.
Michele Trenti
Selected Talks
- 2011: “First Galaxies”, Ringberg Castle, Munich Invited talk
- 2010: “Modeling Dense Stellar Systems 10”, Beijing, China: Invited talk
- 2010: “Formation and Evolution of Black Holes”, Aspen, CO: Invited talk
- 2007-2011: Invited seminars and colloquia at ETH Zurich; UCSB; KIPAC, Stanford; U. Maryland, College Park; U. Colorado; Northwestern; U. Nevada, Las Vegas;
Ball Aerospace
- Invited News & Views “Galaxy sets distance mark” 2010, Nature, 467, 924
- Interviews with media on high-z galaxy formation, including National Geographic,
Los Angeles Times, Seattle Times, The Christian Science Monitor, Discovery News.
Other Research Experience
- 6/2003 - 9/2003: Internship at Deutsche Bank, London (UK) whitin the DBAnalytics team. Developed a stochastic volatility model to price fixed income derivatives.
Prof. J. Michael Shull
University of Colorado
389 UCB
Boulder, CO, 80309-0389
+1 303 492 7827
Dr. Massimo Stiavelli
Space Telescope Science Institute
3700 San Martin Dr.
Baltimore, MD 21218
+1 410 338 4835
Dr. Roeland van der Marel
Space Telescope Science Institute
3700 San Martin Dr.
Baltimore, MD 21218
+1 410 338 4931
Prof. Tommaso Treu
Department of Physics
University of California Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-9530
+1 805 893 3503