Business Requirements

What’s new in 2014-2?
New developments and enhancements in SAP EHS Regulatory Content
November 2014
General News on SAP EHS Regulatory Content
 Product Overview
 Short Summary of 2014-2 Delivery
Business Requirements (covered with 2014-2)
 Global
 Americas
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General News on …
SAP EHS Regulatory Content
- Reliable and Cost-effective Path to Global Compliance
Product Overview
SAP EHS Regulatory Content
Creation of globally consistent and compliant safety data sheets (SDS) due to
consistent regulatory content packages designed for and integrated with SAP
Environment, Health and Safety Solution
regular consolidated updates to comply with rapidly changing global
extensive and accurate interpretation of regulations from SAP’s global EHS
regulatory experts
continuous product extensions based on new and updated global requirements
and intensive customer exchange to identify best practice approaches
Currently supporting SDS creation for more than 110 countries worldwide
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Delivery 2014-2: Business Requirement View
42 Business Requirements in total:
15 Business Requirements – Global
12 BR to improve and enhance global SDS compliance
3 BR to improve and enhance Transport Classification
14 Business Requirements – EMEA
3 Business Requirements – Americas
8 Business Requirements – APJ
Additional improvements and enhancement from Maintenance and/or
Bug Fixing
© 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Delivery 2014-2: Technical View
Properties and Characteristics
8 new properties (with 63 new characteristics)
4 existing properties – new characteristics were added
24 existing characteristics were enhanced or changed
12 existing characteristics were renamed
4 new property trees assigned to new specification types
Substance Lists and Reference Data
About 16.000 additional assignments of substances to groups
About 20 new lists for Product Safety
About 35 updates of already existing lists for Product Safety and
Dangerous Goods
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Delivery 2014-2: Technical View
Phrase Libraries
Almost 300 new phrases
More than 18.000 additional translations
About 8.000 phrase revisions
More than 1.200 additional phrase set assignments
Expert Rules
6 net new expert rules including 3 GHS expert rules
Update / revision of all already existing 15 GHS expert rules
In total more than 40 expert rule revisions
1 include was removed due to introduction of GHS Malaysia
Adaptation/modification/actualization of nearly all already existing main
templates and includes
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Business Requirements covered with Release 2014-2
Business Requirements - Global
Improvement of BEI data handling
Update of BEI lists concerning “measured as” information
Addition of new phrases to fill the “measured as” information
Addition of new phrases to harmonize the sampling time phrases
Template adaptation to include information in section 8
Output of read-across data on similar substance or mixture on SDS globally
Addition of new phrase to support the output globally
Modification of all templates globally to allow output in section 11 and 12
Revision of translations for “Flammable”/”Combustible”
Review and, if applicable, correction of all phrases containing
“flammable” and “combustible” in all languages to create consistency
in the translations globally
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Business Requirements - Global
Output of available oxygen on SDS
Extension of property “Peroxides”
Template adaptation to display peroxide information in section 9
Addition of corresponding header phrases
Additional output of ACGIH values in selected countries in APJ, EMEA and
the Americas
Extension of different Hazardous Component rules to determine the
ACGIH listed substances for section 3 and 8
Template adaptation to output the ACGIH values generally in addition to
the local values, if available
Output of “Date of previous version” and “Date of first issue” in SDS header
Template adaptation to show the required dates
Pre-condition: Installation of SAP Note: 2043217
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Business Requirements - Global
Improvement of substance/mixture consideration for GHS rules
Implementation of new logic based on “Type of substance”: “Substance” to
improve the GHS rule sets
Revision of GHS rules logic to calculate % of unknowns for aquatic toxicity
Adaptation of the rule set logic to respect now not only the acute aquatic
information, but also the chronic one
Provision of one P statement table for all GHS rules
Creation of an overview which P statements are used in which countries
© 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Business Requirements - General
Update of Product Safety relevant regulatory lists
About 40 identified list updates, about 3/4 of those regulatory lists with
data changes were updated
Online Viewer adaptation to show release data independent from the value
Extension of the provided information: date of the last list change in
addition to the date of the last value change
Revision of list names used in Online Viewer
Additional split of notes to remarks/additional information for several
Realization of split for California Proposition 65 and CMR Classification
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Business Requirements - Global
Integration of ERAP Index Canada
Extension of TDG data with ERAP index value
Harmonization of different aggregate state for pack provision
Creation of two versions of EQ packaging provision for liquids and solids
Assignment to the UN number which fits to the aggregate state
Update of Dangerous Goods regulations
Update of 49 CFR and TDG based on publications from summer 2014
Update of ADN, ADR, ICAO and RID based on pre-publications for 2015
© 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Business Requirements covered with Release 2014-2
Business Requirements - EMEA
Consideration of changes/updates from 6th ATP of CLP
Revision of H and P statements in Croatian
Update of Annex VI of the CLP regulation
Consideration of national regulations concerning safety of youth, mother etc.
Addition of corresponding phrases to output those regulations in section 15
Support of ESComXML exchange for EU SDS annex
Significant enhancement of the property tree, mainly in node “REACH:
eSDS Annex”
Update of ESComXML phrase catalogue
Revision and enhancement of phrase set assignment
Improved output of VOC EU
Adaptation of the template to output information on volatile halogenated
© 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Business Requirements - EMEA
Removal of suppressed output of symbol gas cylinder
Adaptation of GHS EU expert rule so that symbol is no more suppressed
Extension of GHS rules to check specific concentration limits for EUH/AUH
Enhancement of the GHS rules logic for EU, Turkey, and Australia
Revision of Icelandic H and P statements
Phrase revision to 4th ATP of European CLP based on publication from
Icelandic authorities
Revision of phrases for German TRGS 510
Phrase revision based on latest version of the regulation
© 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Business Requirements - EMEA
Integration of classification list for Oil Industry - CONCAWE
New CONCAWE classification list for Oil Industry
Adaptation of expert rule GHS_EU respecting new classification
Output of BEI values for Austria on SDS section 8
Integration of BEI values for Austria
Implementation of GHS Turkey
Integration of new Turkish CLP substance list
Revision of Turkish phrases based on new regulation
New GHS expert rule to calculate classification and labelling
New expert rule to determine hazardous components based on GHS
Adaptation of Reg_Info rule for Turkey
New SDS template for Turkey based on GHS requirements
© 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Business Requirements - EMEA
Addition of Macedonian language to create SDS for Macedonia in Macedonian
Addition of regulatory phrases (e.g. H and P statements, header phrases)
from corresponding regulations
Translation of all additional required phrases in Macedonian
Creation of new generation variant
Improved output of local regulations in section 15 for SDS Romania
Addition of corresponding phrases to output those regulations in section 15
New Reg_Info Romania expert rule
Adaptation of GHS Russia to revision 4
Revision and extension of Russian H and P statements
Adaptation of GHS Russia expert rule and implementation of the reduction
of P statements based on an external table
Adaptation of Hazardous Component rule set for Russia
© 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Business Requirements covered with Release 2014-2
Business Requirements - Americas
Output of all hazardous components in section 8 of an US SDS
Adaptation of Hazardous Component rule for US
Creation of new phrases to display hazardous component without
workplace control parameters
Adaptation of the US templates
Removal of ACGIH carcinogen ratings
Adaptation of Hazardous Component rules for US and LA
Template adaptations to show ACGIH carcinogen ratings no more in
section 2 (OSHA) or section 11 (GHS) of US SDS
Output of technical substance names in section 3 of SDS Brazil
Adaptation of SDS template for Brazil
© 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Business Requirements covered with Release 2014-2
Business Requirements - APJ
Implementation of GHS Malaysia
Revision of H and P statements based on new regulation
Addition of new phrases for section 15
Integration of new list of Classified Chemicals for Malaysia
New GHS expert rule for Malaysia
New Hazardous Component rules replacing the existing one based on R
New GHS SDS template for Malaysia
Adaptation of SDS China to new Chinese SDS Standard
Adaptation of template for SDS China
Addition of new header and sub-header phrases for output on SDS
© 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Business Requirements - APJ
Adaptation of GHS Singapore to UN GHS revision 4
Adaptation of GHS expert rule for Singapore
Adaptation of Hazardous Component rule
Introduction of GHS Indonesia based on UN GHS revision 4
New GHS expert rule for Indonesia
New expert rule to determine the Hazardous Components
Revision and update to Indonesian phrases
Adaptation of SDS template for Indonesia
Output of more than one HSNO Approval Numbers on New Zealand SDS
Adaptation of HSNO rule to determine and write back all necessary
registration numbers
© 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Business Requirements - APJ
Revision of H statement suppression for APJ GHS rules
Definition of new H statement suppression for GHS Japan
De-installation of a suppression introduced with UN GHS revision 3, which
was not respected for GHS Korea
Addition of Korean chemical names
Extension of chemical names identifier functionality by Korean names from
KECI inventory
Enhancement of Online Viewer provision by Korean regulatory lists for
chemical business
Development of more than 10 new regulatory lists for Online Viewer only
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