www.osram-os.com CONFIDENTIAL Optical Basics Christine Rafael | Horst Varga | 6 June 2014 | Istanbul Sarnikon Agenda • Luminance – Definition – Spot lighting • Radiation characteristic – fundamentals • FWHM – full width at half maximum • cumulated flux • Fresnel reflections – applications • CRI • Panel lighting 2 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL LED selection Optical relevant project specifications 3 1. Brightness requirements i.e. system luminous flux 1. Fv = 3000lm = 25 • 120lm = 75 • 40lm 2. Mechanical restrictions i.e. size of luminaire 2. Size of LES is limited luminance requirement OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 CONFIDENTIAL Optical considerations Luminance Fundamentals Luminous flux per solid angle and per area Luminance as well as etentue are conserved i.e. no increase of luminance or decrease of etendue is possible LV FV lm A m 2 sr Etendue Example: Spotlight 200lm and 12° opening angle, 50mm reflector diameter Luminance of spotlight Area • solid angle Et A mm 2 sr n 2p sin 2 A 4 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 Lv,spot = 200lm/(25mm2 p)/0.07sr = 1.45cd/mm2 CONFIDENTIAL Optical considerations High Power LED FV=200lm 1x OSLON Square – LED size 3x3mm² area: A=2.1²p = 14mm² Low Power LED FV=200lm 5x DURIS E5 – LED size 5.6x3mm² area: A=6.8²p = 145mm² – Solid angle FWHM 120° ≈ “lambertian” emission =p Y X Z 3D Layout LCW CQAR.PC - Osram sample file 11/23/2011 OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH Confidential – Solid angle, lambertian emission of LED =p LCW_CQARpc_011211_sample_Zemax.ZMX Configuration 1 of 1 Luminance of source Lv = 200/14/3.14 = 4.5cd/mm² >> LV, spot 5 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 Luminance of source Lv = 200/145/3.14 = 0.44cd/mm² << LV, spot CONFIDENTIAL Light Intensity Distribution: What are the appl. limits? Peak intensity I max L source source p *) Areflector Areflector A I < Imax: source *) for lambertian sources – Reflector height restriction – Light mixing – special beam-shaping / spot smoothing FWHM viewing angle Relations Larger source luminance Larger peak intensity Smaller LES size Smaller FWHM viewing angle Sources for intensive spots High lumen package Small light emitting area (LES) 6 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 The law of Etendue: the limiting relationship between light source, reflector size and radiation angle! CONFIDENTIAL ELED Esystem LED Light φLED Source ALED 7 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 φsystem System Ap CONFIDENTIAL SOLERIQ Optical considerations How Source LES determines system CBCP System example 100mm reflector diameter 12deg FWHM 2000lm In a given system, a smaller source LES delivers, higher CBCP In narrow beam, spot applications Cd/W, not lm/W count 8 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 LED fundamentals CONFIDENTIAL Radiation characteristic definition of the LED emission normally by FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) or luminous intensity plots c.f. datasheet: radiation characteristic 100% 90% 80% FWHM is just one point in the radiation characteristic normalised intensity 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% LCW CQAR.EC 10% LCW CR7P.EC LCW CRDP.EC 0% -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 angle [°] wide radiation characteristic most suitable for reflector optics 9 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 narrow radiation characteristic most suitable for secondary lenses Optical fundamentals Cumulated flux CONFIDENTIAL Optical Concepts 100% 90% cumulated luminous flux 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% LCW CQAR.EC 10% LCW CR7P.EC LCW CRDP.EC 0% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 angle [°] Reflector optics, high efficient when: most of emitted light hits reflector cumulated flux curve should increase slowly 10 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 Lens optics, high efficient when: most of emitted light hits lens cumulated flux curve should increase rapidly Optical fundamentals Fresnel equations Definition CONFIDENTIAL Consequences, e.g. in streetlighting The Fresnel equations describe the behaviour of light when moving between media of differing refractive indices. The reflection of light that the equations predict is known as Fresnel reflection. (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresnel_equations) • angles obey Snell’s law • Quantification given by Fresnel Equations Fresnel reflections can lead to a "destruction" of the bat wing shape of a light distribution suitable for streetlighting 11 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 LED CONFIDENTIAL High power LED setup Primary optics Conversion layer for generation of white light Chip Substrate 12 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 LED CONFIDENTIAL Chiptechnology Surface emitter Emission only on top side of the chip 13 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 Volume emitter Emission on five sides of the chip wide radiation characteristic LED radiation characteristic CONFIDENTIAL Radiation characteristic Cumulated flux 100% 100% relativer kumulierter Lichtstrom relative Lichtstärke Unusable light 50% 50% Lambertsche Abstrahlung Nicht-Lambertsche Abstrahlung Lambertsche Abstrahlung Nicht-Lambertsche Abstrahlung 0% -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Winkel [°] 14 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 0% 0 30 60 90 Winkel [°] 120 150 180 Application example 1 Single-LED Light emitted at angles > 90° hits the PCB Losses at low PCB reflectivity With scattering PCB reflection use of light gets difficult Reduced freedom of design 15 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 CONFIDENTIAL Application example 2 TIR Optics TIR optics combine the properties of lenses and reflectors and enable compact optical solutions Light emitted at angles > 90° is hardly usable Work around push LED „deeper“ into TIR lens shallow angles on buttom side of lens required size and costs of lens will increase 16 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 CONFIDENTIAL Application example 3 LED cluster CONFIDENTIAL Light emitted within full-width-at-halfmaximum is emitted without problems Depending on LED to LED distance light hits the adjacent LED Refraction/Reflexion Scattering within the package High reflective packages can minimise losses 3mm 4mm 17 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 Light emitted at angles > 90° hits - the adjacent LED package - the solder interface - the PCB usage difficult Why do colors look different under different lighting scenarios? CONFIDENTIAL You go into a shop and select a shirt with your favorite colour … … but at home you realize that the colour of the shirt may look different than in the shop! WHY? 18 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 What is colour? … It’s all in the mind Relative photoreceptor cell absorption CONFIDENTIAL Sensitivity of the human eye Color • Our brains’ interpretation of the response of the photoreceptive cells (rods and cones) in our eyes to a defined band of electromagnetic radiation. • ‘Colour’ only exists in our brains and is not a physical phenomena. • Our brains will influence what we ‘see’ based on a variety of factors including experience. 19 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 The best colour illusion of all … WHITE light! CONFIDENTIAL Sunlight RGB BY Flourescent lamp All these spectral power distributions are perceived as ‘white’! 20 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 CONFIDENTIAL The color rendering index Ra (1974) Calculate the coordinates of the test color samples illuminated by reference and test illuminant: reference light source: Black Body Radiator: color temperatures in the range of 2300K … < 5000K Daylight Spectrum: color temperatures in the range of 5000K … 25000K Test color samples: R8 R7 R1 R2 R6 R3 R4 R5 R14 are calculated and stated separately. 21 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 CIE Publication 13.3 (1995) R13 Chromatic adaption: Von Kries adaptation R9 transformation R12 R11 R10 Calculate the color differences in 1964 U*V*W* color space colorrendering samples indices have been but– are not used for CRI Ra calculation. The 8 +additional 6 special color (Ri): defined, Ri = 100 4,6Ei (red) and R13 (skin tone) areRa often seen R9General Color Rendering Index: = 1/8 Rias significant for interior lighting and CONFIDENTIAL Conclusion on Color Rendering Index The existing CRI is a number that measures how good the test light source reproduces the same colors like the reference light source There will always be a tradeoff between – color fidelity, i.e. how good can you reproduce a color – color preference, i.e. how much do you emphasize colors – customized spectral power distribution for specific applications and – efficacy Some applications, e.g. Street lighting, do not need a high CRI at all! 22 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 LCW CRDP.CC datasheet Frontpage of datasheet CONFIDENTIAL OSLON SSL White versions overview Sophisticated versions for every kind of lighting requirement – in both 80° and 150° Product target CCT range Typ. CRI LCW .CC LCW .EC LCW .PC (color champ) (eco champ) (power champ) Warm/neutral white Warm/neutral white Maximized light quality 2700-4500K 95 LUW Best compromise CRI and flux neutral white Cool white Maximized flux Maximized flux 2400-5000K 4000 – 5700K 5700 – 6500K 82 70 various Indoor Lighting, e.g. Office Outdoor Lighting Industrial Lighting 70 $$$ Applications Premium Indoor Lighting, e.g. Shop 23 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 Outdoor Lighting Industrial Lighting Office Panel lights Simulation input CONFIDENTIAL Definitions Top view Side view diffusor h PCB d LED pitch d symmetrical in x and y direction 24 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 Homogeneity on diffusor plane independent of diffusor performance. When looking into the luminaire you will see hot spots if there is no diffusor. Office Panel lights Illuminance plots CONFIDENTIAL 20mm distance from PCB to diffusor plane Large LED pitch Small LED pitch line of evaluation • Most inhomogenious illumination is diagonal line with respect to LED grid 25 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 • Total homogeneity is achieved if LED pitch << PCB-diffusor distance Office Panel lights Illuminance line plots CONFIDENTIAL 20mm distance from PCB to diffusor plane Heading • average illuminance on diffusor plane • Peak-to-Valley deviation from average value i.e. “visible” hot spots • Evaluation – Peak-to-Valley deviation relative to average illuminance i.e. (Max-Min)/Avg 26 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 Average illuminance Office Panel lights Results CONFIDENTIAL Absolute scaling Relative scaling • 20mm distance PCB to diffusor plane • Saturation effect below 20mm due to numerical noise • Approximately 23mm LED pitch suitable to achieve homogeneity better than 20% • Evaluation for different LEDs hardly differ • Up to about 120% LED pitch with respect to distance PCB to diffusor appear suitable for homogenious illumination of diffusor 27 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014 Sarnikon CONFIDENTIAL Summary • Luminance – Definition – Spot lighting • Radiation characteristic – FWHM & cumulated flux – applications • CRI • Panel lighting 28 OS SSL AE LC | Roland Schulz | Christine Rafael | Horst Varga Sarnikon | 06-Jun-2014