ECE 391: Suggested Homework Problems Reflections 1. Multiple digital devices wish to communicate over a shared 50Ω transmission line. Only one driver will be enabled at any time and any receiver may be listening. Each bidirectional driver/receiver pair on the line has an output impedance of (Zout < 2) and an input impedance of (Zin > 200KΩ). The input receivers logic one input threshold is V 2dd and should not see voltages above Vdd. Determine what terminations if any are necessary at locations A,B,C and D, to create a reflection-free network. Show a circuit diagram for your design. Zo=50 Zo=50 B A Rsrc Vsrc + Zo=100 A Zo=50 C D Td=2.5ns B v,i 20 T1 − 2. For the transmission 0.5A PULSE source parameters: 3.3v amplitude,Figure 1: Problem 1 1ns delay to first edge with 100pS tr and tf, 20ns pulse width, line circuit shown in figure 2: 50ns cycle time Rsrc Vs 30V RL 40 Zo=50 A 75 15V 0 Td=250ps 10 20 Zo=75, V B Rg A T open circuit T1 Vg Vs(t)=2V U(t) 50 0 Rg A Figure 2: Problem 2 B Zo=75, Vp=0.66c vA 150 t = 0ns through t = 1.75ns. (a) draw a lattice diagram from T1 Vg RT (b) simulate the circuit in ngspice rising edge at the Vg(t)=30V U(t) for 1.7ns showing the steps at the initial driver end, and at the receiver end of the transmission line. z 0 z r =20m 0 8V 5V 6 TITLE FILE: Rsrc A B 75 Rg A open circuit T1 Vs 3. Consider the transmission line circuit shown in figure 3 with Vg (t) = 30u(t)(VVg ), Rg = 50 150, Vs(t)=2V U(t) Z0 = 75, length zr = 20m, and velocity factor vp = 0.66c. 0 Rg A Vg B Zo=75, Vp=0.66c 150 vA 8V T1 RT Vg(t)=30V U(t) 5V z z r =20m 0 0 Figure 3: Problem 3 (a) Draw a lattice diagram and plot the voltage and current waveforms at z = 0, z = 0.75zr , and z = zr for 0 ≤ t ≤ 430nsec for the cases (i) RT = 0, (ii)RT = 15 , and (iii) RT = 125 . (b) Simulate the circuits in ngspice and compare with your results. (c) What are the final values of voltage and current (i.e., for t → ∞) for the three terminations? 4. An uncharged, lossless coaxial transmission line with r = 4 is short-circuited at its far end (z = zr ). At time t = 0, the near end of the cable (z = 0) is connected through a series resistance Rg to an ideal source of Vg volts. A finite portion of the voltage observed at the input (near end) of the line is shown below. A shorter portion of the corresponding current is also shown. v,i Rg 30V RL 40 0.5A 15V 0 T1 Vg 10 20 30 t (usec) z=0 z=z r Zo=75, Vp=200m/usFigure 4: Problem 4 damage Rg en circuit RT A B Find the numerical values T1 of: 50 Rt Vg (a) velocity of propagation, vp 50 (b) the length of the line, zr (c) the T-line characteristic impedance, Z0 (d) the reflection 0 coefficient atd the generator and termination sides (Zg and Zt ) (e) the series resistance at the source Rg vA (f) the source voltage, V0 . 8V (e) Draw a lattice diagram and complete the voltage and current waveforms up to time t = 25µsec. 5V Specify the explicit numerical values of voltage and current. 0 6 t (usec) 6 (f) Simulate the circuit in ngspice and compare your voltage and current waveforms obtained earlier with the Spice simulation results. (g) What are the final values of voltage and current (i.e., for t → ∞) at the near end and far end? 5. For the following circuit: Rsrc Vsrc + Zo=100 A Td=2.5ns B v,i 20 PULSE source parameters: 3.3v amplitude, 1ns delay to first edge with 100pS tr and tf, 20ns pulse width, 50ns cycle time Rsrc A 30V RL 40 T1 − 0.5A 15V 0 FigureZo=50 5: Schematic Td=250ps 10 Zo=75, V B Rg (a) Draw the lattice diagram75that shows the voltage at points ”A” openand circuit ”B” for 10ns. On your T1 Vs lattice diagram, show the magnitudes of the reflections for both current and voltage and the 50 total Vg Vs(t)=2V voltages at both ”A” and ”B”.U(t) (b) Using your lattice diagram, draw a voltage versus time graph of the voltage waveforms at ”A” and ”B”. (c) Confirm the correctness of your waveforms in part b by running an ngspice simulation. Rg vA A 200Ω. B (d) Repeat all the above with RL = Zo=75, Vp=0.66c Vg 150 20 T1 RT Vg(t)=30V U(t) A T 0 8V 5V z 0 z r =20m 0 6 o=100 Td=2.5ns B v,i Rg 30V T1 h 100pS tr and tf, 6. A losslessR Ltransmission line cable (Z0 = 50, vp = 200m/sec) is suspected to be damaged at an unknown40distance d from the 0.5Ainput. The cable is terminated in a matched resistance RT = 50Ω. 15V Vg In order to find the location of the damaged cable, a step voltage is applied at the input at time t = 0, and the voltage waveform is observed at the input of the cable. The step-voltage generator is matched to the transmission line (RG = 50). t (usec) 0 10 o=50 20 30 z=0 Zo=75, Vp=200m/us Td=250ps B damage Rg A T1 Vg 50 Rt 50 d 0 vA B o=75, Vp=0.66c B T1 open circuit 8V T1 RT 5V z z r =20m 0 t (usec) 6 Figure 6: Schematic and Waveform (a) What are the voltage and current amplitudes of the first outgoing wave? (b) Determine the generator voltage. (c) Determine distance d at which the cable is damaged. (d) Determine the voltage of the returning wave (reflected at the damaged location). (e) What is the reflection coefficient at the location of the damaged cable? (f) How would you model (equivalent circuit model) the damaged section of the cable? TITLE FILE: PAGE REVISION: OF DRAWN BY: T1 z= 7. An engineer started the lattice diagram shown below but was distracted and never finished his work. Given the information below, find: (a) ρL (b) RL (c) Zo (d) td (e) Rs (f) Vs RS Zo=?, td =? Vs RL t=0ns 2.25V 0.03A t=1ns 0.7425V t=2ns −0.3713V t=3ns t=4ns Figure 7: Unfinished Lattice Diagram 8. For each waveform below at point ”A”, circle the correct circuit parameters. Dotted lines extending from a waveform indicate the waveform will continue its present behavior. Figure 8: Reflections at ”A” 9. Consider the circuit and spice waveform for point ”A” below. The generator launches the rising Lossy Coaxial Cable Rs edge at 5ns. Find: (a) The flight time delay tf of the transmission Zo=75 line. 75 High−Powered RL (b) RS T1 Transmitter 200 (c) RL z’ ’ z=0 Rs V1 1V Antenna A Zo=75 T1 RL tf= ? Vsrc 2Vrms Vsrc 1V @10Mhz TITLE FILE: PAGE 10. Consider the circuit below. T1 is a lossless transmission line with Zo = 50Ω td = 5ns. Rs 25 + 1u(t) volt T1 Rt 80 Zo=50 td=5ns − (a) z 1 Zr 0 (b) (a) Determine ρs and ρl . (b) Fill in the numerical voltage and current values for the first three wave components and add the time and length scales in the Rs lattice diagram shown below. Include units as appropriate. a1 a2 z= Zo=75 z/meters 00 1u(t) volts 75 + 1 mystery termination T1 − 2nS matching network 50 vin 25 a2 b1 Zo=50 td1 = 4ns + 2u(t) volts T1 a1 − a1’ T2 b2 Zo=75 td2 = 2ns b1’ a2’ 225 b2’ time/nsec (c) Sketch the voltage at the beginning and end of the line (z = 0) and (z = Zr ) for 0 ≤ t ≤ 15ns. Include voltages and time on the axes. Indicate voltage levels that do not fall on the axis marks. Rs v(z=0,Zr) 2u(t) volts + T1 75 Rt 25 Zo=75 td=5ns − Lt 125nH z t/nsec 0 Zr