WEEKLY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday worship at 8:00 am & 10:30 am Monday worship at 6:30 pm CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday | 8:00 am—2:00 pm Sunday | approx. 9:00—10:30 am Phone numbers & emails to reach our staff: Pastor Joshua Errer 492-9835 (cell) or 965-0795 ext. 207 JErrer@new.rr.com Vicar David Walsh 965-0795 ext. 204 FaithVicarGB@gmail.com Paul Heiser | Director of Music 965-0795 ext. 203 PHeiser@new.rr.com Alex Wright | Director of Christian Education 965-0795 ext. 206 or (224) 343-1467 (cell) FaithDCEGB@gmail.com Angela Stiles | Administrative Assistant 435-5524 CFaithLutheran@new.rr.com Michelle Bader | Business Manager 965-0795 ext. 205 FaithBusMgr@new.rr.com Terry Brennan | Communications Coordinator FaithCommunicationsGB@gmail.com Faith Christian Preschool 965-0795 ext. 216 FaithPreschoolGB@gmail.com Sunday School FaithSundaySchool@wi.twcbc.com Financial Secretary (Offerings) FaithDonations@new.rr.com April 2016 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at Faith Lutheran Church, April showers bring May flowers is a phrase we are likely to hear several times in the next month as we continue to embrace the warming of winter into spring and look forward to the summer months ahead. One of the great parts of this month is how everything seems so fresh and new The trees are growing their leaves, tulips are blooming, and people are still excited to be outside to that their lawns and gardens look the best they will all year. As the summer wears on into August and September, that newness always wears off. All of a sudden, lawns and gardens begin to look tired as do the people tasked with caring for them. It can be hard, even when we begin with such fervor, to maintain the same level of enthusiasm to keep up with all of the outdoor projects we begin this month. This is often the pattern of our life. We begin something new with such excitement that we can’t imagine ever setting it aside and then, one day, we find ourselves surrounded by half-finished projects and the material needed to make a dozen more even though they will never get done. Too often, this pattern seeps into our Christian life as well. We decide to throw ourselves into a new devotion book, resolve to read the Bible cover to cover, pray more often, or attend Bible Study or Church more frequently only to discover that we are surrounded by half read books, prayers that haven’t been said, and “church clothes” that have never been worn and we wonder why we have failed, once again, to keep up a commitment we made with such gusto. When you look at those half-read devotion books, unsaid prayers, and unworn “church clothes,” I would challenge you to see them in a different light; don’t see them as your own personal failure but as evidence that Satan has done as he has promised and tempted (given you reasons/excuses) for not strengthening your spiritual life. He has found ways to keep you too busy or distracted so that you would not focus more on Christ and the blessings and promises he has given his people. In the midst of our failures also remember that God has promised that he is by our side. He reminds us that “thought the grass withers and the flowers fade, the Word of the Lord endures forever.” Even when we are distracted, God remains as focused on us and our salvation as he ever has. He is able to maintain the excitement and fervor of our faith through his Holy Spirit so that we are able to finish our life just as strong as when we had begun. This is the blessing of the shower of baptism; God nourishes and maintains our faith so that we are able to remain in his grace until the end of our season and he calls us to our winter rest. As I close, this month, I want to do so with a thank you to everyone who helped in our celebration of Easter. The choirs, the altar guild, ushers, elders, gardeners, decorators, Easter breakfast participants, Sunday School teachers and students, and all who gathered for worship helped to make our Easter celebrations as jubilant and triumphant as they should be when celebrating the resurrection of our Savior. Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia. Amen. God Bless, Pastor Errer Other Obligations? Missing church? You can still tithe by using your smart phone and scan the box to the right, or by going to our website: flcgb.com Then you just need to click on the green “Online Giving” button, and it Scan to Give ALL-BOARDS & CHURCH COUNCIL MEETINGS Tuesday, April 12 All-Boards at 6:30 pm | Church Council at 7:45 pm The next meeting is on Thursday, April 7 | 12:00 pm. Anyone who knits or crochets is welcome to come and learn about this ministry. For more information please contact Sandi Engebose at 469-6723. SCRIP Fundraising made Easy You purchase gift cards for places where you already shop (or someplace new to you), and a percentage of the gift card’s value (2-13%) is given back to Faith. Stop by the Scrip table today. A variety of gift cards are readily available, or you can place an order. Are you looking for some daytime fun and fellowship? Join us on Wednesday, April 13 at 2:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions, please call Donna Koehler at 339-9229 Tuesday Morning Class When: Tuesdays Time: 9:30—11:00 am Where: Church Lounge The current topic being studied is called “The Purpose of Life— God’s Design for His People.” SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY Sunday|9:20 am Bible study with Pastor Errer in Fellowship Hall is studying the book of Esther. Breakfast Bible Study When: Wednesdays Time: 8:00—9:00 am Where: Village Grille | Located on Hoffman Road (across from Ziggy’s) The current topic being studied is Stewardship. Lead by Pastor Book Club in the Church Lounge Wed., April 1 | 6:45 pm “Killing Lincoln” by Bill O’Reilly Wed., May 6| 6:45 pm “Bel Canto” by Ann Patchett Questions contact: New Member Class! Please see Pastor Errer if you are interested in becoming a member of Faith, or if you know someone who is. The Feast For you and your friends to come together for a devotion and meal. Each month, adults in their 20’s and early 30’s will meet at a different restaurant at 6:00 pm for dinner and fellowship followed by a devotion. The topic of study and location will change monthly, allowing us to explore the Word of God and the local cuisine. We will conclude each evening by 8:00, but do not worry if you come late or leave early; we will be happy to have you with us. Tuesday, April 5| 6:00 pm Vintage Cantina | 119 S. Washington St. | Green Bay THE FAITHFULS Monday, April 11 | 11:30 am Rock Garden—1951 West 1951 Bond St. | Green Bay RSVP to Ginny Fleck at 336-3766 or Birgit Harms at 822-8850. We will no longer have door prizes, but candy treats will still be available. Sun Mon Tue April 2016 3 4 Service 8:00 am Sunday School 9:15 am Bible Studies 9:20 am Service 10:30 am 10 Service 8:00 am Sunday School 9:15 am Bible Studies 9:20 am Service 10:30 am 17 12 18 19 Pancake & Porkie Breakfast 8:00 am—12:00 pm Bible Study 9:30 am Handbells 5:45 pm All Boards’ Meeting 6:30 pm Adult Choir 6:45 pm Church Council 7:45 pm Service 6:30 pm Bible Study 9:30 am Handbells 5:45 pm Adult Choir 6:45 pm 26 24 Service 8:00 am Sunday School 9:15 am Bible Studies 9:20 am Service 10:30 am Bible Study 9:30 am Handbells 5:45 pm The Feast 6:00 pm Adult Choir 6:45 pm 11 The Faithfuls 11:30 am Service 6:30 pm Service 8:00 am Sunday School 9:15 am Bible Studies 9:20 am Service 10:30 am 24 5 Service 6:30 pm Service 6:30 pm Bible Study 9:30 am Handbells 5:45 pm Adult Choir 6:45 pm Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 13 14 Breakfast Bible Study 8:00 am Catechism 6:00 pm Youth Night 7:00 pm 15 16 20 21 Breakfast Bible Study 8:00 am Catechism 6:00 pm Youth Night 7:00 pm 22 23 27 28 Breakfast Bible Study 8:00 am Catechism 6:00 pm Youth Night 7:00 pm 29 30 6 7 Breakfast Bible Study 8:00 am Catechism 6:00 pm Book Group 6:45 pm Youth Night 7:00 pm Prayer Shawl Meeting 12:00 pm May 4—7 & May 31—June 3 Visit our website at www.FLCGB.com or call the church office at 4335-5524 to schedule your photography session today! Piano Upgrade Project For more than twenty years, our grand piano in the sanctuary, a generous gift of the Radtke family, has filled our worship with beautiful music. Other than regular tunings the piano has received very little maintenance work. Over that time and heavy use the felt hammers that strike the strings wear and harden, the wooden parts of the playing action move out of alignment with changes in humidity and the steel strings which are under constant tension stretch and in some cases even break. And just like in your house, after many years, dust finds its way into the most remote corners. We have a proposal to refurbish the piano with a thorough cleaning and a complete replacement of the strings, hammers, sound block pins and other parts to bring the piano back into a "better than new" condition. Many of you have expressed an interest in supporting such a project, and you can now do so by marking any special offerings as PIANO IMPROVEMENTS ACCT. #381. Thank you for any contribution that will keep the beautiful tones sounding for many more years. Paul Heiser | Director of Music Faith Christian Preschool Check out our new website: www.FaithPreschoolGB.com Faith Christian Preschool offers a Christian experience by providing for a child's spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical and social development. These are the building blocks to a solid foundation for a preschooler's development. Our teachers are very nurturing, compassionate and make learning fun! We have openings for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year in the Tuesday/Thursday three-year-old class and in the Monday/Wednesday/Friday four-year-old class. Share the news about our website and preschool with friends, coworkers or neighbors! Share our info on Facebook or shout it from your roof top! Faith is blessed to have a quality preschool and we want to remind families that the opportunity exists right here! 2016 UNIFIED OFFERINGS YTD—$131,552.66* Required—$162,060.47 DEBT REDUCTION FUNDS $10,098.50* SCRIP $2,003.06** *YTD as of March 29, 2016 **YTD as of March 20, 2016 Mortgage Information Principal Remaining as of March 31, 2016 $842,485.96 APRIL BIRTHDAYS 2 Perry Welnetz 3 Jeff Wettstein 4 Dan Briski Tiffany Hoffman 5 Anna Baeb Jack Ristow 6 Evelyn Bonk Theodore McGee Cheri Mitchell Jameson Boersma Chase Nguyen 7 Dennis Dewsnap Aubrey Bushkie 8 Ginny Gleck Miles Koldeway 9 Angeline Dobratz Marilyn Ebert David Helpap Jessica Janssen Britney Kulow 10 Robin Petasek Alex Wright 11 Steve Gatewood Roland LaPlante Paul Barkow 11 Mathew Zellner Leah Grygleski Brayden Mongin Connor Nissen 12 Sandy Gage Mia Crowell 13 Shirley Mitchell 14 Eleanor Mohr Daniel Potts 16 Nancy Krueger Marian Kovach Jordan Adrians Ben McKeag Hailey VohwinkelBoivin 17 Zachary Wendt Hayden Wilke Amanda Baneck Zachary Lorbeck 18 Lawrence Hoffman Kathy Cornell Mark Zehren Irelynne Paul 19 Erica Larsen 20 Bernard Murray 20 Aleah Butterbrodt Adrea Butterbrodt 22 Samantha Blackman 23 Linda Just Scott Bushkie Joe Brozek 24 Reg Muhl Kayla Baneck 25 Steve Beylon Maxwell Hanna Ryan Wettstein 26 Dennis VanGruensven David Cornell 27 Jim Schantz Nancy Hauswirth Gregg Marweg Garrett Boeck 29 Trever Kulow Ethan Marach Hailey Huget 30 J. Robert Koch Elain Hendricks Cindy Volz APRIL WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES 1 4 6 14 16 17 Jenifer & Mark Tillmann Michelle & Lance Laabs Tara & Jason O’Leary Jeanette & William Jenkel Marilyn & John Ebert Frances & Eugene Feldhausen Nancy & Scott Behnke 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 Ann & Jason Koldeway Sandy & Gary Engebose Phillis & Ronald Rhoads Carolyn & Tim Boeck Paulette & James VandeHey, Jr. Carol & Terry Krieser Sandy & David Stirdivant Address Service Requested Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 22 De Pere WI