Application Brief Negative Mutual Inductance in 2-D Extractor Sometimes 2-D Extractor (a capability within ANSYS Q3D Extractor) returns an inductance (L) matrix with entries that cause concern. Some users are surprised to see a negative off-diagonal term in the inductance matrix (mutual inductance) because these entries are often all positive. These results are correct and not a cause for worry. Explanation Negative mutual inductance is quite common in field solvers (like the 3-D inductance solver in Q3D Extractor) that compute partial inductance. To generate a negative partial mutual inductance, the current/voltage reference is reversed in direction in one of a parallel set of conductors, perhaps by swapping the source and sink terminals. Negative mutual inductance can also occur in field solvers like 2-D Extractor that compute loop inductance, but the reasons for this may be less clear. Figure 1. Three-conductor coupled microstrip geometry To better understand how this can happen, consider a common threeconductor coupled microstrip configuration as shown in Figure 1. The thickness of the FR4 epoxy substrate is 50 microns. The copper signal conductors are 15 microns thick, 50 microns wide, and they are spaced 100 microns apart. The copper ground plane below is 15 microns thick and 1,000 microns wide. When the loop inductance matrix is computed in 2-D Extractor at 1 GHz, all of the entries of the inductance matrix are positive (Figure 2). However, if a frequency sweep analysis is set up and solved down to a low frequency like 1 Hz, a significant negative mutual inductance value between conductor 1 and conductor 3 is observed (Figure 3). Figure 2. Inductance matrix at 1 GHz If the mutual inductance versus frequency is plotted, values transition from negative to positive at about 2.5 MHz (Figure 4). To better understand why this happens, you must understand the basic definitions of self and mutual inductance in terms of electromagnetic fields. Figure 3. Inductance matrix at 1 Hz When a current flows, it produces a magnetic field. This field has an associated energy density at each point in space. By integrating the energy density over all space, you can compute the total energy stored in the magnetic field. The total energy stored in an inductor can also be computed from circuit theory. By equating the circuit theory energy to the magnetic field energy, you can obtain a formula for the self inductance of a current path m in terms of the magnetic field Hm: Lmm = ∫ μHm ∙ HmdS in which the integral is taken over all space, and we have assumed that the total current is 1 Amp. It is helpful to recast this expression using the 1 Negative Mutual Inductance in 2D Extractor vector potential Am and the current distribution Jm associated with the magnetic field. It is possible to show that an equivalent formula for self inductance is Lmm= ∫ Am · Jm dS The advantage of this expression is that the integrand is only non-zero in conducting regions, because the current density Jm goes to zero elsewhere. In fact, we need to look only at the conductors in the current path m of interest (signal line and return) to evaluate it. So the integral becomes: Figure 4. Plot of mutual inductance L13 versus frequency Lmm = ∫S Am · Jm dS + ∫S Am · JmdS m g Here Sm denotes the cross section of conductor m, and Sg denotes the cross section of the ground return conductor. Note that the current density Jm within the signal conductor will be positive, while the current density in the ground conductor will be negative because it is flowing in the opposite direction. The expression for mutual inductance Lmn is similar to the above formula for self inductance, with one modification: Lmn =∫S Am · JndS +∫S Am · JndS n g The integrand is now “mixed up” because it uses the vector potential from current path m multiplied by the current density from path n. The current density for signal path n is non-zero only over the cross section Sn of signal conductor n (where it is positive) and the cross section of the ground return conductor (where it is negative.) Figure 5. Plot of vector potential at 1 GHz This formula shows that for a mutual inductance to be positive, the integrand Am · Jn must be positive over most of the cross sectional area of the signal and return conductors. If the sign of the current and the vector potential differ over a large part of these conducting regions, then the mutual inductance will be negative. A plot of the vector potential at 1 GHz is shown in Figure 5. The field is concentrated in the region surrounding the active line (conductor 1) and drops off rapidly over distance. The physical reason for this is that the current on the ground plane is bunching up beneath conductor 1 to minimize the impedance of the loop, which is dominated by the loop’s self inductance at high frequency. Figure 6. Plot of vector potential at 1 Hz The vector potential is positive everywhere and trends toward zero at the ground plane. Therefore, regardless of the position of the conductors (and their associated current), the first term in the mutual inductance equation will be positive and the second term will be zero, resulting in a mutual inductance that is positive overall. When plotting the vector potential at 1 Hz, the plot looks quite different (Figure 6). The magnetic fields now fully penetrate the conductors, and the 2 Negative Mutual Inductance in 2D Extractor fields are non-zero over a much larger region. This more dispersed magnetic field is due to the ground plane. The ground plane is carrying the return current for conductor 1. At low frequency, this current is free to spread out uniformly over the entire ground plane to minimize the self resistance of the current loop. Figure 7. Plot of vector potential at 1 Hz using much wider (3,000 um) ground plane The same plot illustrates that the vector potential becomes negative in the region around conductor 3. As usual, the current density in the signal conductor is positive, so this means that the first term of the mutual inductance equation will be negative for conductor 3. This is because the negative vector potential is the ground plane that is carrying a negative current density and is closer to conductor 3 than is conductor 1, so the ground plane has a greater influence over conductor 3 than the active signal line. In the ground plane, the vector potential is generally non-zero and positive (with a large magnitude) near the signal line and negative (with a small magnitude) farther away. Because the current density in the ground plane is uniform and negative, this means that the second integral in the mutual inductance equation will be negative too, so negative mutual inductance is observed. Careful examination of the field lines in Figure 6 reveals that the vector potential does not trend toward zero as distance from the excited signal line increases, but it stays negative and actually increases slightly in magnitude. Figure 8. Mutual inductance L13 with 3,000 um ground plane To determine what would happen to the mutual inductance if the ground plane were larger — sufficient to change the sign of the ground plane integral and make the mutual inductance positive once again — the width of the ground plane was increased from 1,000 microns to 3,000 microns and resimulated. The resulting vector potential is plotted in Figure 7. The region of negative vector potential is pushed much farther out from the signal lines. The resulting mutual inductance is now positive for all frequencies, as shown in Figure 8. Clearly, the low-frequency mutual inductance between the lines is strongly affected by the size of the ground plane used. To get some idea about how important this effect is, a parametric sweep of the ground plane width was performed in 2-D Extractor from widths of 1,000 microns to 3,000 microns in steps of 500 microns. Figure 9 shows the results for the mutual inductance L13. Figure 9. Mutual inductance L13 vs. frequency for different ground plane widths 3 The plot shows that the mutual inductance is positive as long as the ground plane width is about 1,500 microns or greater. Therefore, it appears from this example that a reasonable guideline to follow to avoid negative mutual inductances is to make the ground plane at least five times wider than the maximum horizontal extent of the signal traces (350 microns in this example.) You might be tempted to make it huge (perhaps 50 times wider than the signal line extent), but this would waste computation time. The low-frequency mutual inductance will always be a strong function of the Negative Mutual Inductance in 2D Extractor ground plane size, because the ground plane controls the extent of the low-frequency current loop. For frequencies of 10 MHz or higher, the ground plane size has little effect on the result. This is expected, because at high frequencies the fields concentrate strongly in the region surrounding the signal line to minimize the inductive impedance. Figure 10. Mutual inductance L12 vs. frequency for different ground plane widths The low-frequency mutual inductance L12 to the nearest neighbor line is also affected by the width of the ground plane, as shown in Figure 10. The variation is less than that for L13 but is still significant. Even the self inductance has a significant dependence on the ground plane width (again only at low frequency), as shown in Figure 11. However, an analysis of the fundamental electromagnetic definition for mutual inductance shows that this is not a bug in the field solver but a physically reasonable result. Negative mutual inductance is observed only at low frequencies, and only when a relatively narrow ground return conductor is present. Figure 11. Self inductance L11 vs. frequency for different ground plane widths ANSYS, Inc. Southpointe 275 Technology Drive Canonsburg, PA 15317 U.S.A. 724.746.3304 © 2013 ANSYS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 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