Class meetings : Natural Sciences Building, room 112
M-W-F: 10:00 - 10:50 a.m.
Instructor : Dr. Sergio B. Mendes, Professor of Physics
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
Contact info :, (502) 852-0908
Office hours : Monday and Wednesday: 11:00 a.m. – noon, or by appointment
(through email or phone call). Office location: Shumaker Research Building
(SRB), room 240.
Goals: To introduce basic concepts and methods of mechanics, heat, and wave motion.
Textbook : Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics, 13th Edition, by Hugh
D. Young and Roger A. Freedman, publisher: Pearson Addison Wesley, volume
1, ISBN 978-0-321-73338-2.
Lectures : MWF lectures will discuss the major and more crucial points described in the textbook. Students are highly recommended to read the material before class to facilitate comprehension.
Instructor’s Website:
Access to the WWW is essential for this course. By accessing the instructor’s website (address above) you will find links to this course syllabus, homework assignments, test solutions, class announcements, and other useful information.
Please note that the website for this course is not Blackboard. Only this Syllabus will be posted on Blackboard.
Evaluation :
2 mid-term tests = 2 × 25% = 50%
1 comprehensive final exam = 35%
Average of homework assignments = 10%
Average of quizzes = 5%
Test Dates :
Mid-Terms: September 25 and Oct 30
Final Exam: Dec 09, 8:00 – 10:30 am.
Grading :
A + = 100% - 95%
A = 94% - 89%
A = 88% - 83%
B + = 82% - 77%
B = 76% - 71%
= 70% - 65%
= 64% - 59%
C = 58% - 53%
= 52% - 47%
= 46% - 41%
D = 40% - 35%
D = 34% - 29%
F = 28% and below
The instructor reserves the right to lower the grade limit.
Homework Assignments:
Homework Assignments will be posted on the instructor’s website (see address above) approximately on a weekly basis. No print-outs (hardcopies) of the homework assignment will be distributed. The instructor will attempt to announce in class every time a new homework assignment has been posted on the instructor’s website.
Your solutions to the assigned homework problems will be collected in class at the due date stated in the assignment. Typically, you will be given approximately one week to work on each homework assignment.
A small and random set of the assigned problems (for instance, 3 or 4 out of 10) will be graded from each assignment and tabulated towards the average of your homework assignments.
In addition to the MWF class meetings, you are required to attend one recitation section each week. Recitations will be used primarily for discussions of homework problems and demonstration of solutions to additional problems. Periodically a quiz will be given in the recitation sections.
You are strongly advised to attend your assigned recitation section to gain experience in solving problems. The ability to solve problems is essential to a complete understanding of the subject as well as the key to successful test performance.
You must attend the recitation section that you are registered for.
The instructor for the recitation lectures will be Mr. Jaffar Ghithan.
Section 01 Section 02 Section 03 Section 04 Section 05
10:00 am –
10:50 am
NS 128
General Education:
01:00 pm –
01:50 pm
12:00 pm –
12:50 pm
NS 128
01:00 pm –
01:50 pm
NS 128
11:00 am –
11:50 am
NS 128
This course satisfies part of the Natural Sciences general education requirement. Natural Sciences (7 hours: lecture and lab in a single discipline; an additional 3 hours in a second discipline) are concerned with understanding the physical world through the scientific method. Students who satisfy this requirement will demonstrate that they are able to do all of the following:
1. Relate everyday observations of the world to physical principles;
2. Apply scientific principles to construct explanations of natural phenomena;
3. Communicate an understanding of scientific explanations of natural phenomena.
Title IX/Clery Act Notification
Sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual/dating/domestic violence) and sex discrimination are violations of
University policies. Anyone experiencing sexual misconduct and/or sex discrimination has the right to obtain confidential support from the PEACC
Program 852-2663, Counseling Center 852-6585 and Campus Health
Services 852-6479.
Reporting your experience or incident to any other University employee (including, but not limited to, professors and instructors) is an official, non-confidential report to the University. To file an official report, please contact the Dean of Student’s Office 852-5787 and/or the
University of Louisville Police Department 852-6111. For more information regarding your rights as a victim of sexual misconduct, see the Sexual
Misconduct Resource Guide: