HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH, LCMS 1720 E Minnehaha Parkway Minneapolis MN 612 722-1083 www.holycrossmpls.org facebook.com/HolyCrossMPLS Keith Meyer, Pastor Email pastor.meyer@holycrossmpls.org Office phone 612 722-1083 Cell phone 507 573-1818 Home phone 612 367-4574 June 2015 FROM THE DESK OF PASTOR KEITH UPCOMING Summer Worship Sundays at 9:30 am. Summer Worship Wednesdays at 7 pm June 28th Pledge Sunday June 28th Annual Voter’s Meeting June 28th Installation of Ryan Guthrie with Potluck following 9:30 am service July 28, 29, 30 Vacation Bible School from 6-8 pm with Light Dinner provided Bible Verse of the Month: Ephesians 5:15-20 “Be very careful then how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Prayer of the Month: Dear Lord Jesus, stay on my side and in all my daily needs, be my guide. Grant me good health for that I do pray, to carry on my work from day to day. Keep pure my mind, my thoughts, my every deed, let me be kind, unselfish in my neighbor’s need. Spare me from fire, from flood, malicious tongues, from thieves, from fear, and evil ones. If sickness or an accident fall on me, then humbly Lord, I pray hear my call. And when I’m feeling low or in despair, lift up my heart and help me in my prayer. Yet, I have no fear because I feel Your presence ever near. Amen. Prayers for our Staff: Shelley Kivipelto, Julie Wright, Wendy Kofoot, David Hinrichs, Tony Engen (Ryan Guthrie), and Pastor. Prayers for our Members: Diane Reyes and Alex; Kathy Riley; Jack and Marilyn Risser; Gerald and Carol Rusk; June Russell; Harold and Evelyn Sand; James and Linda Scanlon; David and Barbara, Caitlin, Michael Schlueter; Julie Shelstad; Bev and Terry Shingledecker; Errol and Judy Sorenson; Grant, Melissa, Lucas and Leo Sorenson; Marlette Steinke; Vivian Struffert. HOLY CROSS ANNIVERSARY TIMELINE On June 11, 1940 Holy Cross was received into membership of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). On June 16, 1940 Holy Cross celebrated its first Communion Service as a congregation. Thought for the Month: Get the giggles in the morning. One minute of comic relief can set your mood for the whole day. Build friendships with people who are funny. A friend you can laugh with is a treasure. Try to incorporate good natured humor in meetings and conversation. Take some time each day to read or listen to something silly. Share a joke. When you hear or read something amusing, pass it along and chuckle all over again. Get in the habit of laughing at yourself every day. Make the extra effort. Rather than wait for humor to find you, be observant and look around for comic offbeat people and situations. More Thoughts: A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing. He who kneels before God can stand before anyone. In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma but never let him be the period. Don’t put a question mark where God puts a period. Are you wrinkled with burden? Come to the church for a face-lift. When praying, don’t give God instructions, just report for duty. Don’t wait for six strong men to take you to church. Quiz (answers below) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name the one sport where no one knows the score or the leader until the contest ends. What famous US landmark is constantly going backwards? What fruit has its seeds on the outside? What are the only two perennial vegetables? How does the pear get into the bottle of pear brandy? What are the three words that begin with ‘dw’? Name the 14 punctuation marks in the English language. What is the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form except fresh? 9. Name six things you can wear on your feet, Answers: 1 boxing 2 Niagara Falls 3 strawberry 4 asparagus and rhubarb 5 It grew in the bottle 6 dwarf, dwell, dwindle 7 period, comma, colon, semicolon, dash, hyphen, apostrophe, question mark, exclamation point, quotation mark, brackets, parenthesis, braces, and ellipses 8 lettuce 9 shoes, socks, sandals, sneakers, slippers, skis, skates, snowshoes, stockings, stilts. We pray in the Lord's Prayer for daily bread, and the Small Catechism teaches that "Daily bread includes everything that has to do with the support and needs of the body, such as food, drink, clothing, shoes, house, home, land, animals, money, goods, a devout husband or wife, devout children, devout workers, devout and faithful rulers, good government, good weather, peace, health, self-control, good reputation, good friends, faithful neighbors, and the like." This is a pretty comprehensive list of what God provides for our daily bread. But all of this, eventually, and finally, will be taken away from us - not because God is punishing us, but because this is not the goal of life. There is more to life than these things. In fact, we will truly live when all these things are taken away, and we no longer need to pray for daily bread. For God our Father in heaven is calling us home to Himself. We are just sojourners here, on a journey in the wilderness of this world toward our true home, the land of promise, in heaven. Everything that we have in this world and this life will be left behind. But as much as we long for heaven, as much as we eagerly await that time when our Lord will take us from this vale of tears to Himself in heaven, we still struggle with letting go of what we have in this world. We still suffer the temptation to hold on to this life and this world and the things of this life and this world. But this is not our true home. And as good as this life is, and it is often by God's grace very good, the life to come in His kingdom far exceeds it. And giving, stewardship, is a practice that teaches us to look to, long for, and trust in the eternal realities rather than the earthly. It teaches us to loosen our hold and let go of those things that keep us earthly minded, so that we may look what our Father in heaven has in store for us for all eternity. It teaches us to concentrate on what God has done, is doing, and will do for us instead of the constant work-a-day world and noise that we have here. It teaches us to long for that better country, the heavenly one. For God is not ashamed to be called our God. And He has prepared for us a city, His city, not made with hands. Thus we give generously to the church, to our family, to those in society. We release our grasp on what would keep our focus on the here and now, so that we are free to receive and rejoice in what our future shall be in heaven. We invest where moth and rust will not destroy. We put our treasures so that our hearts will follow them (Matt 6:21; Luke 12:34). For we are only of any earthly good when we are truly heavenly minded. Make this your practice for your own good eternally and your neighbors' good temporally. DCE INTERN RYAN GUTHRIE My name is Ryan Guthrie, and I am a 22 year old redeemed man in Jesus Christ! He is my Treasure, as I am His. I am grateful to be known and loved by a God who infinitely cares for me and for all of his created people. I am originally from Esko, MN, a small town of about 2,500 people 15 minutes south of Duluth. I’m the oldest of three siblings, and the only boy of the bunch. My two younger sisters are 18 and 7 years old, very different but each loads of fun to be around! I have been engaged since October 2014 and will be getting married on June 5th this year. I am so excited to be united with my fiancé, Samantha, in the bond of marriage. She is an incredible woman who loves and fears the Lord. She inspires me to grow closer to Christ, and I cannot wait to see how God works in our lives as a married couple. We both attend the University of Concordia St. Paul, and we are both currently Juniors in the Christian Ministry program there. My favorite sport is Ultimate Frisbee, and I ran three years of Track and Field in college. My favorite movie is Robin Hood, and my favorite food is pizza. I love to learn, so any time I have the opportunity to learn more about something I try to jump on it right away. In my spare time I dance, write poems, explore around town, hang out with family and friends, and do any and all outdoor activities. I love meeting new people because I believe everyone is uniquely created in the image of God. Therefore, our lives all have value and purpose in the eyes of God, yet we all desperately need the love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness found only in Jesus Christ. I can’t wait to meet everyone at Holy Cross, thank you for inviting me into your congregation and family, I pray blessings for all as we begin this journey together! Ryan Guthrie Baptized May 2, Odin Albert Anderson, born April 4th 2015 to Parker and Danielle Anderson. Odin’s sponsors are Kelsi Klaers and Christopher Bischke. We are grateful for our Holy Cross Children and Youth, and for their parents and everyone who generously gives by teaching and supporting our children. Thanks for doing such a good job! There will be two positions opening on our Holy Cross Board of Deacons this summer, if you’d like to apply please tell Gail Klatt. Our Annual Voter’s Meeting will be June 28. Ministry in Action will be hosting a potluck for Ryan Guthrie, who will be our new DCE Intern on June 28th after worship service. Please mark the date on your calendar and plan to bring a dish to share. The Altar Guild has openings on the schedule during July and November. If you can help, please contact Jean Anderson. Thanks. Our Holy Cross Anniversary Committee will meet next on June 11, 12-2 pm. Bring back the music - please bring your choir music in, Doris will collect it in the choir loft and get it filed safely in its place in the music room. Thank you for your donations to the Capital Fund drive. Here’s what the trustees have been working on regarding getting projects done: Tuckpointing the parsonage chimney – Complete, still working on parsonage front steps. We are getting bids on a new roof for the parsonage, which has storm damage. We are changing lights in the church offices to save on electric bills. We’re waiting for the final soil samples so we can move forward on the Watershed Program project. Judy Sorenson, Head Trustee Make it easy on yourself. Check with your bank to set up automatic payment for your Holy Cross offering; many members use this time-saving method. Your gift of $139.50 to Feed My Starving children will provide 634 meals for those who need it most, this is an incredible and precious blessing. Thank you for putting their needs first, you made a huge difference in the lives of His children. Mark Crea, Director Congratulations to our graduates for your hard work and determination! Eliott Brooks graduates from the University of Minnesota this spring with a degree in Psychology . Apryl Bernard is graduating from Washburn High school this year, we’ll stay tuned as she decides what happens next. Alex Reyes also graduates from Washburn. Alex will be attending St Thomas University in the fall. He was a four year Washburn student who achieved a 3.7 GPA and lettered in baseball, basketball and hockey. He was awarded the Washburn “Miller of the Year” in recognition of his achievements. Way to go, Alex. Bob and Vicky Dean have moved! Their new address is The Waters 6300 Colonial Way Apt 312 Edina MN 55436 952 929-9990 HOLY CROSS GARDENS 2015 Hope you’ve already signed up to help with the watering and weeding the flower beds, planters and flower pots this summer, if not, there’s still time! During your week try to come once or twice (or more) to water, especially if we’ve hit a dry stretch of weather and then spruce everything up and water again – so it looks great on Sunday morning. If you’re new to the process or you’re considering volunteering for the first time, here’s all you have to do: Pull out the hose from the southeast corner of the church and water the flower bed in front of the sign by the steps and the hostas behind the sign. Next water the planters on either side of the front steps along with the new forsythia and crabapple tree to the right. Then head down the hill and water the planter in front of the sign. Then head back up the hill and water the Memorial Garden including the grasses in the corners. When you’re done with the front of the church, pull the hose back to the starting point and continue along the side of the church. Water the two round pots by the bench. Oh, and don’t forget the hostas up by the bench. Then coil up the hose back in its spot. If you’ve been weeding while watering, having a bag along for the debris is a good idea. You’re done! If you’re signed up this summer but a conflict comes up, please call the next person on the list and see if they can switch with you. The weekly gardener’s name will be posted on the church calendar and in the bulletin. With all of us working together, we can keep our beautiful grounds looking that way. We need someone to sign up each week between now and mid-September. Feel free to take more than one week! Thanks so much for your help! Questions? Comments? Call Sally Gorski or Carol Horrmann. Below is your pledge card for 2015-2016. Pledge Sunday will be June 28 this year. Stewardship via Pledge Sunday is our annual reminder about our commitment, worship and faith toward God and to Holy Cross. It should be a time of reflection and renewal and it is a part of our Christian responsibility. Your pledge, your commitment of faith, will help move the Gospel message. Thank you. This pledge is made to HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH July 1 to June 30 For CURRENT EXPENSES CAPITAL BUILDING FUND $_________weekly $_________weekly For MISSIONS: Synod $_________weekly Trinity First $_________weekly __________________ Other $_________weekly Signed __________________________________ Please cut this card out to make your pledge, thank you! STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT HOLY CROSS YELLOW PAGES Boats, campers, RVs, etc. Call Andy Tatham (651) 552-162 CUSTOM TRIP PLANNING for your next vacation in Britain. Customized small group tours of “Off-the-beaten-path” Britain. Please contact us to talk over your needs. Any level of detail from general advice to detailed itineraries, transportation and accommodation bookings. Black Swan Explorations Andy Tatham 651 755-2577 or Info@BlackSwanExplorations.com. BABYSITTING OR DOG WALKING Responsible and reliable, please call Anneliese Tatham. I live in West St Paul, my phone number is 651-552-1625 PIANO LESSONS in your home, ages 7 – adult. Steve Brooks 612 825-9050, or stevebrooks@bunsonmars.com. COPELAND PIPE ORGAN SERVICES Tuning and repair of all types of pipe organs. We also offer piano tuning at reasonable rates. Quick response time, service contracts available, no organ too small. Let us take care of your needs! Krumet.bade@gmail.com 651 399-7858 FINANCIAL CONSULTANT 25 years of experience helping clients achieve their financial goals Among Twin Cities Five Star Wealth Managers Awarded in “Twin Cities Business” 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 Peter Klatt Financial Consultant Wells Fargo Advisors 651 229-7020 KITCHENS BATHROOMS ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS OUTDOOR FURNITURE TRIM WORK All built to meet your needs. Call for more information or to discuss your next project! Black Swan Cabinetry Andy Tatham 651 755-2577 or APTatham@yahoo.com WEDDINGS COUNTERS Jon and Denitsa Woltmann Steven and Roberta Brooks Jack and Marilyn Risser Roger and Jan Holland 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/5 6/10 6/10 6/11 6/16 6/16 6/21 6/23 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/28 6/29 6/30 6/30 USHERS 9:30 Worship Service 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 Blomberg and Horrmann Oolman and Klatt Woodraska and Klatt Horrmann and Woodraska GREETERS BIRTHDAYS Karen Dibble Tena Ubl Katie Dennis Linda McConley Judy Sorenson Kalin Woltmann John Protzner Madeleine Carlson Lucas Sorenson Julie Brammer Sommer Bernard Erick Horrmann Carrie Yeager Jasmine Witt Barbara Schlueter David Bristol Mike Dennis Janell Trapp 6/2 6/8 6/9 6/25 M&J Blomberg Oolman and Tatham Udomah and Lange Phelon and Horrmann 7 14 21 28 Pastor Meyer Judy Sorenson Trish Meyer Ryan Guthrie DEACONS Keith Lange and Peter Klatt ALTAR GUILD Judy Sorenson and Sheila Platt GARDENERS 8 15 22 29 Available Available Jean Anderson Available It’s hard to believe that another school year is almost behind us. Students are finishing up group projects and presentations in their final couple weeks of classes. Seniors are “enduring” as they anticipate graduation. Be praying for them as they finish well and prepare to walk the stage! We are saying goodbye to a class of students who have a special place in our heart – they were freshmen when we first came to UWSP. We’ve watched them grow into men and women who love Jesus and are about to make huge steps for the kingdom. Together we are sending out seven men and women we’ve discipled and mentored for years. We thank God for them and are incredibly excited for how the Lord will use them as social workers, police officers, teachers and ministers of the Gospel in various contexts. As we write this to you, we are getting ready to leave for our mission trip to Brisbane, Australia. We are humbled by the opportunity to direct and lead a team of 27 students and staff, pray for us. Pray we’re willing and eager to serve our team; that we walk deeply with Jesus and draw our strength and wisdom from the Spirit. Pray we equip and prepare our team well, and pray for sharp minds as we have to make many decisions in the coming weeks. We have eleven students from UW Stevens Point joining us this summer, we’re so excited about that. This is one of the largest groups UWSP have ever sent to one global location. This group of students is special – to link arms together across the globe to bring the hope of the Gospel to a spiritually dry and hurting nation is such a unique opportunity. Sam and Anna will be serving as student staff on our team. Pray for them as they accept this unique role and that they would lead their peers will. Each student on the mission must raise $6,100 to cover the cost of airfare, housing, ministry expense, food and local travel needs. This group of Pointers, as well as the other twelve students on the trip, have all been taking bold and courageous steps as they trust the Lord’s provision for their financial need. Continue to pray for them as they do and that their faith would increase. Please also continue to pray for us as we trust the Lord for our remaining financial support for our mission, as well as our monthly ministry. The ministry God has entrusted us with such a privilege and we are beyond thankful and blessed to labor full time for the glory of His name. Praising God for you, your prayers, and your partnership, Erick and Courtney Horrmann JUNE 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9:30 am Worship Service 1 6:00 pm Craft Group 2 7 pm Deacons Meeting 3 10:30 Bible Class 4 5:30 pm Weight Watchers Meeting 7 pm Worship Service 7 Mite Offering 9:30 am Worship Service 8 9 10:30 Prayer Group 10 10:30 Bible Class 5-9 pm Lifetime Fitness Meeting Fellowship Hall 6:30 ICAN 7:00 pm GA 7 pm Worship Service w/Comm Friday 5 Saturday 6 3-5 GA Intergroup 7:00 pm AA Meeting 11 12-2 Anniversary Book Meeting 12 13 19 20 26 27 1-6 pm GA Event in Fellowship Hall (if rained out outdoors at Nokomis) 2-4 pm Hands in Ministry 5:30 pm WW Meeting 7:00 pm AA Meeting 14 9:30 am Worship w/Comm Service 15 DCE Ryan Guthrie starts 16 7:00 pm GA 21 9:30 am Worship Service 22 23 9:30 am Worship Service w/Communion VOTER’S MEETING INSTALLATION OF DCE AND POTLUCK LUNCHEON 7:00 pm GA 7 pm Worship Service 7:00 pm AA Meeting 24 10:30 Bible Class 25 5:30 pm Weight Watchers Meeting 7 pm Worship Service w/Comm 7:00 pm GA 28 PLEDGE SUNDAY 17 10:30 Bible Class 20 7 pm Trustees Meeting 18 5:30 pm Weight Watchers Meeting 7:00 pm AA Meeting 30 10:30 Bible Class 5:30 pm Weight Watchers Meeting 7 pm Worship Service 7:00 pm AA Meeting