JENNIE LINDSAY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Kylie Croke SCHOOL PRINCIPAL NICOLE MACKEY BOARD CHAIR NICOLE MACKEY BOARD CHAIR April 2016 Diary Dates: P & C meeting Wednesday 6 April @ 7pm Board meeting Wednesday 11 May @ 5pm Last day of Term 1 Friday 8 April First day of Term 2 Tuesday 26 April Trivia Night Thursday 5 May Queens Birthday Monday 13 June Last day of Term 2 Friday 1 July Inside this issue: Report from Blue Fresh Taste News Trivia Night Ricky Stewart House WENDY ALDER P&C PRESIDENT WENDY ALDER P&C PRESIDENT HER EXCELLENCY LADY COSGROVE PATRON HER EXCELLENCY LADY COSGROVE PATRON Dear Malkara families and friends This newsle er starts with the sad news of the death of one of our long serving Learning Support Assistants, Natalie Mamukic. Many of you will remember Nat, who had worked here since she finished high school un l around 18 months ago—total of around 15 years. She was too young for life to end and we will miss her and remember her o en. The ILPs are on track to be sent home towards the end of next week. However, due to some recent staff sickness, some may be held over un l the start of Term 2. When yours comes home, please review the goals the teacher has set, sign if in agreement and return the whole document to school. A copy of the signed ILP will then be sent home for your reference. Should you wish to discuss the goals, please make an appointment to see your child’s teacher. A highlight of the year so far has been our gorgeous new playground. The children have discovered many new play possibili es and overall the playground is a happy place. There have however been some incidents of students being scratched or bi en by other students whilst playing. Five staff are rostered on duty at all mes in the main area, and some students are supported with one‐to‐one staff for a range of reasons. Despite our best efforts, some incidents have occurred. If you have any par cular concerns about your child on the playground, please don’t hesitate to call in for a chat. The Trivia Night is only a few weeks away—May 5. Please book your place or be er s ll book a table of ten! Look forward to seeing you there! Holiday Program h ps:// Positive partnership workshop Assembly Fridays @ 2:15pm Week 10 Cancelled Week 1 Mauve Week 2 Aqua Week 3 Purple/Lilac Subject to change Jennie Malkara External Review, September 2016: To meet legisla ve requirements, ACT schools and colleges are required to undergo an external review every five years. 2016 marks the end of our current strategic plan and so we will be reviewed this year. We are currently reviewing our progress over the last five years and will prepare a Summa ve Evalua on Report. An External Review panel will visit in September to review, validate and discuss our report, self‐evalua ons, and associated evidence. The panel will provide construc ve feedback to help shape our future plan for school improvement. Parent feedback, is invaluable. If you are interested in par cipa ng please contact the front office. The Blueberries have settled well in their new class and are busy each day. We believe in holistic development of our students. Lumar is making pancakes on the eve of Easter. Seb and Ryan practicing various motor skills in the gym. Brody is learning to make a toasted sandwich. Seb is enjoying painting. In Term 1, we are learning to grow and look after plants. Jeekita, Aujhar and Lumar are watering the plants. Jeekita and Brody are enjoying drumming with our inclusion partners from Red Hill Primary. Ryan is sorting healthy and unhealthy food. In our integrated unit the we are learning about how plants grow. Jeekita and Lumar are growing seeds. “My Plant is 7 cubes high.” Lumar animals. At our excursion to the Farmyard Nursery Aujhar, Seb, Brody and Ryan enjoyed patting and looking at farm Aujhar is measuring table length with his hands. Fresh Tastes – Term 1 Malkara has adopted the Fresh Tastes program, and healthy food is our unit of study this term. Have you noticed that our classes this year have been named after food, and seen the wonderful displays of work on our boards outside classrooms? This term classes have been cooking healthy food, growing food in our garden and in the classrooms and have been working on distinguishing between ‘every day food’ and ‘sometimes food’ choices. Teachers have participated in professional learning, including two teachers attending the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen program. Growing activities in Blue Blueberries Class. Welcome to the Red Apples.. Mauve class talked about fruit. White class write about healthy choices. Green Class made smoothies. Nickie and Yuu thought it tasted “yummy”. Here is a favourite recipe made by a number of classes in the school. FRUIT KEBABS WITH YOGHURT DIP INGREDIENTS (serves 4) o Selection of cut up seasonal fruit o 200g reduced fat Greek yoghurt (small tub) o 2 teaspoons honey o ½ teaspoon vanilla essence EQUIPMENT o Small bowl o Mixing spoon o Tongs o Separate bowls for each fruit or large plate o Wooden ice cream sticks or skewers with sharp ends cut off o Plates o Serviettes METHOD Step 1 Cut up each of the fruit into bite sized portions. Step 2 Put fruit into separate bowls or arrange on a large plate. Step 3 Slide a selection of fruit pieces onto the skewers and place on a plate. Step 4 Mix yoghurt, honey and vanilla in a small bowl. Step 5 Drizzle yoghurt dip over fruit skewers or serve with a dollop of yoghurt dip. Trivia Night! Thursday 5 May 7pm for 7.30pm start Hellenic Club Woden Tickets on sale now for the Malkara Trivia Night. Tickets $25 each or $200 for a table of 10. Bookings online at School Informa on Volunteers for the pool There are many ways to support Malkara students, through fundraising with the P&C or perhaps through offering to support a class or a student in their regular hydrotherapy sessions in our pool. Please call the front office if you are willing to hop in the water and help with hydro. Did you know you can go on the schools website to find out what’s been happening at Malkara, term and holiday dates, learn about our curriculum, philosophy and who the staff are? We update our website regularly so that it carries topical, relevant informa on for exis ng and prospec ve families. Would love your feedback and sugges ons for making it more interes ng and user‐friendly! ILPs Your child’s ILP will be sent home to you for to review and sign. Once received, please indicate your agreement of the goals and priori es by signing and returning to school. RELAY FOR LIFE Last Friday, Malkara students joined students from Sts Peter & Paul and enjoyed a fun filled morning walking for Relay for Life. Thank you to all the families for your wonderful support. Malkara raised over $850 towards this wonderful cause. RickyStuartHousenowopenforshortstays Marymeadisnowacceptingbookingsfor childrenaged5‐12forshortstaysatthe newlybuiltRickyStuartHouseinChi ley. IfyouhaveanNDISplanandwouldliketo bookforthenextschoolholidaysor weekends,pleasecontact: GlendaCadzowon61625800 AlexArlingtonon62854681 Voluntary Contributions 2016 Voluntary Contributions assist the school to purchase supplementary resources and specialised equipment for your child/children. The Voluntary Contribution rates are outlined below: Preschool $60 Primary School $80 Should parents wish to make an additional donation to the school, you can do so by making a separate payment, clearly identified as a donation, to Malkara School. These donations are tax deductible. Your Voluntary Contribution can be made by sending cash/cheque to the school, by credit card from the ‘payment’ tab on Malkara School website, or by direct deposit – see bank details below. We appreciate and thank you for your support. Bank Name BSB Account No Westpac Malkara School 032777 001607 Please reference your payment as one of the following: John Smith Vol Cons John Smith Donation John Smith Vol Cons and Donation If paying by direct deposit or credit card it would be appreciated if you could return the slip below. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Name: _______________________ Class: _____________________________ Payment Date: _______________________ Payment referenced with the following: ____________________________________ The Chris an Educa on in Schools team enable students to seek, ques on and explore Chris an faith and values in interac ve and engaging sessions (these can happen weekly in special schools).