THE JOURNAL OF ACOUSTICAL THE SOCIETY Volume 32 OF Number MARCH AMERICA 3 ß 1960 Electronic Music Synthesis H. F. OLSON,H. BELAR,ANDJ. TI•ENS* RCA Laboratories, Princeton,New Jersey (ReceivedDecember9, 1959) Themodern systems ofcommunication havebeenapplied to theelectronic synthesis of musicin theform of theelectronic musicsynthesizer. Theelectronic musicsynthesizer is a machine whichprovides means forproducing a tonewithanyfrequency, intensity, growth, duration, decay, portamento, timbre,vibrato, anddeviations. If theseproperties ofa tonearespecified, thetonecanbeproduced by thesynthesizer from a codedrecord.For implementing the electronic synthesis of musican improved andenlarged electronic musicsynthesizer Mark II hasbeendeveloped andbuilt.Thenewelectronic musicsynthesizer andtheuse of the new synthesizer by professional musicians will be described. INTRODUCTION ing,soundmotionpictures,andtelevisionuponthe dis- seminationof information, art, HEREaretwomaincategories ofcommunicating information in the form of sound waves in which and culture has been tremendous.The reproductionof sound in these fields mentofknowledge the ear is the ultimateusefuldestination,namely,the hasbeenasimportantto theadvance as the printingpressand the printed page. The new systemsof communication involvingthe originalspeechor musichasbeenextendedby the reprocesses of analysis, encoding, coding, decoding, and productionof sound.The reproductionof soundis the are beginningto play an importantpart process of pickingup soundin onelocationand repro- synthesizing information in all forms.In thispaper ducingat the samelocationor someotherlocationeither in communicating will be that of the application at the sametime or somesubsequent time. The most the main consideration to the commonsoundreproducingsystemsare the telephone, of new elementsand systemsof communication phonograph, radio,soundmotionpicture,andtelevision. production of music. The radio, phonograph,soundmotion picture, and PRODUCTION OF MUSIC televisionhavemadeit possible for all thepeopleof the Musicisbothanart anda science. In scientific terms, world to hear famousstatesmen,artists, actors,and musicis the art of producingpleasing,expressive, or musical aggregationswhere only a relatively small intelligible combinations of tones. The sounds of original number had been able to hear them first hand. It is musicareproduced by thehumanvoiceor by an instruevidentthat the reproductionof soundhasproducedin ment actuated by a musician.Most music is recorded a relativelyshort time a great changein the education andtranslatedinto sounds by meansof a symbolicnoand entertainment of this and other countries. The tation on paper.The ultimateobjectivedestinationof impactof the telephone,phonograph, radiobroadcastall musicalsounds is thehumanear.Thus,theproducof the followingprocesses: the * Associated with the RCA Laboratoriesduringthe electronic tion of musicconsists synthesisof musicdescribedin this paper. symbolicnotationuponpaperby the composer, the human voice and music. The direct transmission of the 311 Copyright•) 1960 by the AcousticalSocietyof America. Downloaded 18 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see 312 OLSON, j OO IOOOO 1,50 FREOUENCY (PITCH) :50 IJO BELAR, ! IOOO FREQUENCYIN CYCLES PER SECOND TIMMENS translationof thesymbolic notationintomusicalsounds by the musician employing eitherhis ownvoiceor a musicalinstrumentor both, and the actuationof the humanhearingmechanism by themusicalsounds. The 120 •-• medium of transmissionfrom the musician and musical instrument to the listener is sound waves. These sound øIm INTENSITY AND wavescarry the musicaltones.The propertiesof a (LOUDNESS) musical tone will be described in the section which follows. F GROWTH STEADY STATE DuRATIO N •/ PROPERTIES STEADY STATE OF A TONE AND ELECTRONIC SYNTHESIS OF MUSIC DECAY The propertiesof a musicaltone are frequency (pitch),intensity(loudness), growth,duration,decay, DURATION TIME IN SECONDS z • portamento (frequency glide),timbre(waveform), and • vibrato. There are in addition,in someinstances,vari- PORTAM ENTO • ous deviations in these characteristics. These characTIME IN sECONDS teristicsof a tone are depictedin graphicalform in Fig.1. Thedefinition andrelation of thesetermsto the electronicsynthesis of musichave beenoutlinedin TIMBRE , I !,,, Ioo Jooo •obdo FREQUENCY IN CYCLES PER SECOND VUVVVV AMPLIT UDE FR EQUE NCY MODULATION MODULATION Fro. 1. The characteristics of a tone. detail in a previouspublication) An electronicmusicsynthesizer was developedand builtbased upontheproduction oftonesin termsof the fundamental properties of a tone as outlinedabove. The electronic musicsynthesizer hasbeendescribed in detail in reference1. In this connection,an improved modelof the electronicmusicsynthesizertermedthe Mark II hasbeendeveloped andbuilt. It is the purpose RECORD •M UTTER COI•ED PAPER DRUM __ RECORD L OTO. R TURNTABLE GENERATOR OI,JENCY i )u tASTER I ,I' MOTOR • •,, IIõV AC CU•TER DRUM CODED PAPER RECORD Fro.2. Schematic blockdiagram of theelectronic musicsynthesizer Mark II. xH. F. OlsonandH. Belar,J. Acoust. Soc.Am.27, 595-612(1955). Downloaded 18 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see TURNTABLE ELECTRONIC MUSIC SYNTHESIS 313 o 5 7 I tl I I I I i I I I i :•-:'•"-'•"'--'-•,•: •:-•,,•:•!i•:-g:-:'.-?:g:'.-"•c.:'•*• -• •'<:•*'•:•-•?-"."-•:'%/.•½: ::• •i::•::•::•:: "•::•ggi•:• )..": ....... t5 •-:'"'"•: •:-•.•.• .....-....... .{ I i I I RELAYS •:::'•: •" •2.7• '• • :%•?.•"•c::'..::: •-v• •.:•:•.,•--•..-.-.-,•:::.•::. •.-•..: .:•::•:::•f•.•-•-•-• • •:.:,:'•:• • .:.• ..,•??• 6'::?•...."'"::•-• ;••,•:.: •'"•:..:::'-::•:,," •:•::•':, . •..".. ;•%:.:•.-:,-:::•:'.•: '::;::::•'::.:•.•{.:•5::::•:•:'•::.•::::}..-:'::•::• : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,-,, ..':'?:::: .::•::..:'" ::• ::•,. Fro. 4. Binary conversionsystemconsistingof the paper drum, paper record,brushes,and relay tree. •.:.• ::::':::::•:' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:•:::::G:• .... ========================:.."•.•:•:::::::::..F•.••...:.•:.:•:.:.::::.::.:::.:•.:::::•: Fro. 3. Electronic music synthesizerMark II. of the section which follows to describe electronic music synthesizer lX{arkII. ELECTRONIC MUSIC SYNTHESIZER MARK II consistof twelvefixedfrequency,tuningfork controlled, vacuumtube oscillatorstuned to the frequenciesin one octave of the equally tempered scale and associated ¾ARIABL[ FREQUENCY VARIABLE FREOUENC¾ FIXES FREOUENC¾ OSCILLATORS OSCILLATORS OSCILLATORS SET 2 MULTIPLIERS SET I A schematicblockdiagramof the completeelectronic musicsynthesizer l•lark II with meansfor producing all the characteristicsof a musical tone, as outlined in the precedingsectionand depictedin Fig. 1, is shown in Fig. 2. Photographs of the electronic musicsynthesizerMark II areshownin Figs.3 (a) and (b). Referring to Fig. 2, it will be seenthat thereare four complete channels,two paper records,and two recordingturntables.Employingfour completechannels makesit possible to record four series of tones at one time. The two paper recordsand the two recordingturntablesare electricallyand mechanically interlockedthroughthe motorsandgenerator drivenfroma mastermotorwhich insuresabsolutesynchronism betweenthe paperrecords and the recordingturntables. In order to simplify the operationof the electronic musicsynthesizer and reducethe numberof rowsof holesin the paperrecord,a binary codesystemis used for all the operations employingthepaperrecord.Relay OUTPUT trees are usedfor the binary conversionsystem.The relaytreesystems usedin the electronic musicsynthesizerare shownin Fig. 4. Usingfour rowsof holesin the paperrecord,it is possibleto selectsixteendifferent TO PAPER R ECORD DRUM Fro. 5. Schematicblock diagram of the fundamental frequency operations. sourceconsistingof the variableand fixedoscillators,switchboard, The soundsourcesfor the master frequencysource and relay tree. Downloaded 18 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see 314 OLSON, BELAR, AND TIMMENS quencyis a functionof the direct currentinput. The output is fed to an amplifierand pulsegenerator.The INPUT outputof the pulsegeneratoris oppositeto that of the DIVIDERS pulseof theincomingsignal.The systemis a comparison ililllll!1111111 systemin whichthe frequencyof the oscillatoradjusts itself to the input frequency.If the input frequency OUTPUT changes from onefrequencyto a differentfrequencyin a discontinuousstep, the direct current oscillator TO PAPER changesfrom this frequencyto the new frequencyin a RECORD DRUM continuousmanner.The comparisonsystemcan be adFro. 6. Schematic blockdiagramof the octaverconsisting of the justed so that the glide is accomplished in a smooth frequencydivider and relay tree. transition or in a series of approximationsby the amountof amplificationbetweenthe oscillatorand the FREQUENCY Ce TO Be scaleof four multipliers.Thereare alsotwo setsof secondpulsegenerator. twelvevariablefrequencyoscillators and a noisegenThe glidesystemwill executea singletype of glide erator,as shownin Fig. 5. The twelvefixedfrequency withoutany outsidecontrol.However,if it is desiredto sources makeit possible to operatein the equallytem- havethe glidechangein any part of a musicalselection peredscale.The useof the twosetsof twelvevariable beingsynthesized, the changesmay be controlledby frequency oscillators makesit possible to usethe just scaleaswellasanyotherscaleby pretuning thevariable INPUT[ ELECTRONIC I OUTPUT frequencyoscillatorsto the desiredfrequency.For FREQUENCY I GLIDER [FREQUENCY example,all threesetsof oscillators canbe usedtoset up a micro-scale of up to 36 tonesto the octave.Still RELAY TREE finer graduationsare possibleby retuningbetween separate takes.The tunableoscillators alsopermitthe useof anyarbitraryreference frequency insteadof the IIIIIII1'1111111 t TO PAPER RECORD ORUM standard A-440. The random noise source is useful in providinga largenumberof variouseffectsin theper- z..J cussioncategories. Thefundamental frequency sources providethetones TIME IN SECONDS I• TIME IN SECONDS in oneoctave.The octaverdepicted in Fig. 6 consists of frequency dividers for providing frequencies fromCoto B9,inclusive. Thecombination of thesystem of Figs.5 ,.o,o I •z a::z and6 makesit possible to selectanyfrequency in the C TIME IN SECONDS D TIME IN SECONDS, rangefromCoto B9,a totalof 120separate frequencies by meansof eightcircuits, eightbrushes, andeightrows Fro. 8. Schematicblock diagramof the electronicglider, relay tree, and typical frequencyglides. of holesin the paperrecord.This showsthe advantage of a binarycodingsystemin reducing the numberof rowsofpunched holesrequired in thepaperrecord.For meansof a relay tree actuated by contactsand a row example, in the eighty-eight noteplayerpiano,eighty- of holes,as shownin Fig. 8. eightrowsofholesin thepaperrecordareusedto select A few typical glidesare shownin Fig. 8. The frethe frequency. quencyglideof Fig. 8(A) depictsa relativelyrapidand A blockdiagramof a frequency glidesystem isshown smoothtransitionfrom one frequencyto anotherfrein Fig.7.Whentheinputfrequency issuddenly changed quency.The frequencyglideof Fig. 8(B) depictsa relafrom onefrequencyto anotherfrequency,the output tively slow and smoothtransitionfrom one frequency glidesin frequency in a continuous mannerfromone to anotherfrequency.The frequencyglidesof 8(C) and frequency to the otherin the following manner.The (D) showthat the secondfrequencyis approachedin a incoming signalis amplified andconverted intoa series seriesof approximations. Normally the glider is not connectedto a paper of negative pulses. Thepulses aresentthroughan inteto usefour gratoranda lowpassfilter.Theresultantdirectcurrent recorddrum,(Fig. 2). However,it ispossible is amplified andfed to an oscillator in whichthe fre- circuitsin the codingsystemand therebyprovidesixteendifferentglidesfrom a presetcondition.Of course, A Fro. 7. Schematicblockdiagramof the frequencyglider. an infinite numberof glidesare possiblein presetting the systemof Figs. 7 and 8. Means are alsoprovidedin the frequencyglider to flattenor sharpenits outputby about-} toneunderthe controlof thepaperrecord.Thisis usefulwhenthe glide itselfshouldbe relativelyrapidbut the final approach Downloaded 18 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see ELECTRONIC MUSIC to the exactfrequencyvery slow.This facility has also beenusedto generatemicro-scales. An electronicsystemis usedfor the growth, duration, and decaycharacteristics. The block diagram of Fig. 9 shows that it is possibleto obtain sixteen different growth, duration,or decaycharacteristics from a preset condition.Of course,it is possibleto obtain an infinite number of preset growth, duration, and decay characteristicsin the systemof Fig. 9. In an electronicsystem it is possibleto obtain growth and decay characteristics which are exponentialfunctionsas well as all manner of other functions. A few of the typical growth and decaypatternsare shownin Fig. 9. The graphA of Fig. 9 depictsa growth and decay characteristicdescribedby exponential functions. The growth and decay are moderatewith respectto time. The graph B of Fig. 9 depictsa very rapid growth characteristic.The decay characteristicis an exponentialfunctionwith a sudden SYNTHESIS 315 ELECTRONIC l OUTPUT INPUT VOLUME CONTRL I ' IIIl'111111111111 RELAY TREE FIG. 10. TO PAPER RECORD DRUM Schematic block diagram of the electronic volume con- trol system and relay tree and typical input vs output characteristics and the output vs time characteristics. 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 INPUT 9 I0 II 12 13 14 STEPS 'l TIME IN SECONDS •[•T[M ELECTRONIc Sy GROWTH INPUT OUTPUT DURATION DECAY ting the over-all volume range. A few of the typical output vs time characteristics are shownin Fig. 10(B). As thesecharacteristicsshow, the volume may remain constantor may vary during the soundingof a tone. A low frequencymodulator is provided as shown in Fig. 2 for producinga vibrato or tremolo.The modulation frequencymay be varied over the frequencyrange of from 5 to 10 cyclesper sec. The output of the octaverproducesa sawtooth wave RELAY TREE Fro. 9. Schematic TO PAPER block diagram of the electronic growth, duration, and decay RECORD system andrelaytree andtypicalgrowth, duration, anddecay characteristics. DRUM which contains the fundamental ,., A C TIME TIME IN SECONDS IN SECONDS O TIME IN SECONDS TIME IN SECONDS decreasein the decayrate during the decayperiod. The graph C of Fig. 9 depictsdiscretechangesin both the growthand decaycharacteristics duringthe growthand decay cycles.The graph D of Fig. 9 depictsrelatively long growth and decay characteristics. The growth, duration, and decaysystemperformsa doublefunction, namely, it opensand closesthe synthesizerchanneland controlsthe growth,duration,and decay.That is, all the elementsof a synthesizerchannel are establishedbefore the systemis unblockedby the growth system. An electronicsystemis usedfor the volume control systemdepictedin the block diagramof Fig. 10. The amplificationof a pentagridconvertertube with variable transconductanceis a function of the bias voltage appliedto the controlgrid. The controlvoltageis supplied by the relay tree from a direct current power supply. Typical input vs output characteristicsare shownin Fig. 10(A). Controlsare providedfor preset- and all the overtones. The spectrumof a saw tooth wave having a fundamental frequencyof 440 cyclesis shownin Fig. 11. The timbre controlsystemshownin Fig. 12 employingfilters and resonatorchainsprovidesa meansfor changingthe timbre or overtonestructure. Practically any overtone structurewhatsoevermay be obtainedby meansof the frequency discriminating systems employed in the timbre control system. A few typical examplesof the overtone structures which may be obtained by the timbre control systemare shownin Fig. 12. The paper record is punched by means of the key- o '40 4 8 IO s FREQUENCY IN CYCLES PER 5 ECOND 4 e •oø F•G. 11. The frequencyspectrumof a saw tooth wave with a fundamental frequencyof 440 cyclesper sec. Downloaded 18 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see 316 OLSON, BELAR, LOWP•SS F-'--'• H ,GH pASS ]i--•l'"'2"'-'tF • INPI•IT I m J-...-4 SWITCH • I"' [::::1RESONATOR J• • JZZZ•JRELAY OUTPUT "' • I l:=:q c.,•,.• F=:tl=:qt TO PAPER RECORD DRUM I FR EOUENCY I FR EOUE N CY AND TIMMENS speed of 4 in. per sec was chosenfor this selection. The correspondingmeasuresin conventional musical notationare alsoshownin Fig. !4. The rowsof holesare numberedlike the keys of Fig. 13 in the binary code numbering.Referring to Fig. 14, it will be seenthat the codingof the left half is for onesynthesizerchanneland the codingon the right for the othersynthesizerchannel. Referringto the growth,duration,and decaycoding,it will be seenthat the notesare executedalternately by the first and second channel. Figure 14 shows the changesin growth, decay, and volume which are the synthesist'sinterpretation of this musical selectionas called for in detail by the coded information shown below the conventional I music notation. [ 11,, When the two paperrecordshave beenpunchedand œRœOU!•NCY FREOUENCY the settingsof the various elementsof the synthesizer have beenestablished,the next step is the recordingof Fro. 12. Schematicblock diagram of the timbre control system The two diskphonograph consistingof switchboards,low and high pass filters, resonator the output of the synthesizer. chains,and relay tree. recordersare shownin Figs. 2 and 3. The synthesizerispurposelylimited to the production boardpunchingsystemshownin Fig. 13. The keys are of four simultaneous tones. The reason will be evident coloredto facilitatethe operationof punchingthe codes. in the descriptionwhich follows.In general,becauseof The note-selecting groupof 1, 2, 4, and 8 are red. The the buildup and decay characteristicsof most musical octave group is yellow. The growth, duration, and sounds,the systemis actually limited to two musical decay group is blue. The timbre group is gray. The tones.That is, each codedpaper recordcan producea musicalsequenceof tones.Thus, it will be seenthat if volumecontrol groupis black. Referringto Fig. 13, it will be seenthat the punched more than two musical tones are required that some recordconsistsof rowsof holes.Each row of holespasses meansmust be providedfor combininga large number under a brush.When the brushpassesover a hole, the of musicaltoneswhichare soundedsimultaneously.The brush makes contact with the drum, and as a result sixteen-inch disk record can accommodate six three- havebeen closesthe actuatingcircuitin the relay tree. Each brush minuterecords.After sixcompleterecordings is equippedwith severalspringsarrangedso that the made, the six recordingsof one recordcan be combined brush never breaks contact With the drum before into a singlerecordingby meansof the two turntables making contactat the adjacenthole. Thus, a row of and the arrangementshownin Fig. 15. The two turntablesare electricallyand mechanically holeswill provide continuouscontact and at the same time give the sameresultas a slot in the paper.Slots interlockedthiough the motorsand generatordriven cut in the paper will resultsin a very weak recordthat from a master motor which insures absolute synchronismbetweenthe two turntables.The recordcontaining can be easilytorn and with poorlateral rigidity. A simple punchedrecord for playing a phrase of the six programsis reproducedby meansof six pickups "Obelin" is shownin Fig. 14. The record is drawn to and the output of the pickupsfed to a mixer amplifier. The mixer providesmeans for adjusting the balance scaleand has the length indicated in inches.A paper amongthe six recordings.The output of mixer amplifier is fed to the recordingamplifier.The output of the recordingamplifier is fed to the cutter. In this way six original recordscan be combinedinto one record.This processcan be carried on and practically any number of musical tones can be combined. The final completeselectionis recordedon magnetic tape. If there are twelve or lessmusicaltonesthe two recordscan be reproducedfrom the two turntablesand recordedon magnetictape without any additional disk recordingprocess. PRODUCTION OF MUSIC MUSIC Fro. 13. The keyboardpunchingsystem. BY MEANS OF ELECTRONIC SYNTHESIZER The electronicmusicsynthesizerdescribedin the proceding sectionprovidesmeans for producingall the characteristics of a tone' namely,frequency,intensity, Downloaded 18 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see ELECTRONIC as FREQ. MUSIC OG"rAVE ENVEL as 112481 248 TIMBRE I 248 VOLUME 8 I 2• lß ß ß0 .. , 1.*** * . :*. : * ., O0 0 --* . -*. -:: ß I •4 SYNTHESIS :1: FRœQ. 317 OOl'AVE ENVEL. 8 1241811•[4B TI.MBRE I 248 124 VOLUME ß 8 1248 ß ß ß ß ß . s . I DUR. asO 0 0 ': * ** * ß '- : ß TIMB ' I VOL. O..•: II ß I * ß ** :. = ,, ... .: ,, . ß ß . . t .* ** 818 I O TIME I IENV. FIG. 14. A copy of the paper record containinga phrase of ' * *' ** * * :1 * , ,, , , , '** , IITIM8 0uR' '• IVOL iß • 3 "Obelin". l, , ,, , ,,. ,. * * ** ,, ß , ,',. ,*, ** ,, ., *ß *: ,, ti '* : ** ß ** * ,, ** --, * . . , ß , ,, .** ** -** --** ,, : ** * * --** ** * * ,,, , , * ,* I**, :: ** ß ** ** , ** ø o. oo oo ß o, ß *, ** * * ** * * * * * ** * :': ß * IT•Ug ' IENV.3 i IDURt IO ITIMB.I mOO O0 ß ß ß ß ::: :1 : . . . !¾0L. 6>4•1) 4 growth,duration,decay,frequencyglide,waveform, the musicalscorewith the specificnotationshas been andvibrato.Whenthesynthesizer isusedby musicians, completed,as shownin Fig. 16, the next step is the these are the characteristics of the tone which must be transfer from the musical score to the code. specified. At firstglanceit wouldappearthat theuseof Any musicalscoreis itselfa codedpresentationof the the electronic musicsynthesizer for the production of cornposer's work which, before it can becomemusic, music would be a very complexand cumbersomerequiresfurtherinterpretation. Many factorsincluding process. On the contrary,the useof the synthesizer is a simpleand straightforwardprocedure.It is the purposeof this sectionto describe the productionof recordedmusicfrom a musicalscoreby meansof the electronicmusicsynthesizer. The first stepin the electronicsynthesis of musicis theevolution of themusical scoreby the composer or arranger.The composeror arrangerdeterminesthe RECORD õ RECORD PICKUPS '• varioustonestructures whichwill be employed to pro- URNTABLE ducethe first product.He writes the musicalscorefor each of these series of tones. The musical score carries the specific information on the scale,frequency, and duration of the tone. The musician indicates on the MOTOR :'• GE•• 115¾ AC.• MASTER MOTOR MOTOR Fro. 15. A schematicdiagramof a systemconsisting of two musicalscorethe growthanddecayandthe timbre.He synchronized turntables,records,pickups,mixer, amplifier,and alsoindicatesglidesandvibratoif theseareused.When cutter for combiningseveralrecordingsinto onerecording. Downloaded 18 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see 318 OLSON, BELAR, SCRATCHER x-x xxx: x .............. x x xx x x x x x x x x •, •, •,; x •, • , , ,,,, BUNGO PNEUMATICO ß ,x ,x •x • AND TIMMENS pletedexperiments weremadewith shortsections trying differentenvelopes of sounds in thepercussion category, that is, envelopeswith rapid growth followedimmediately by a periodof decay.After selectingresonators and filters which gave the desiredresult, the next task was the determinationof an envelopenormally associated with a lip reed instrumentbut still usingthe soundsourceand timbre quality selectedfor the percussive sound. The result is a nonexistent instrument BASS , • ff • h, , ONE OCTAVE LOWER CONGA Y Ix ß " • • Ix .x which was dubbedBongoPneumatico.The resultant soundsuitedthe genreof the selection;soit wasdecided to use it. Having establishedin similar manner various otherinterpretations, a schedule wasmadeshowingthe generalclassification of the soundcategories by which the scorewasinterpreted. The classificationscheduleis depictedin Fig. 17. The numberof setupsandpartsare determinedfrom the schedule of Fig. 17. The procedure CLAVlS SECONDS 10 0 Fxc. 16. Excerpt from musicalscorefor "Obelin" composedby Jim Timmens. artistic considerationsenter into the problem of interpretation making this the most difficult part of synthesis,but alsothe most rewardingfrom the viewpoint of the unlimitedpossibilities offered.Oncethe interpretation is made, the rest of the work canbe donesystematically as will be shown.Returning to the example, of which scorean excerptis shownin Fig. 16, it was decided to synthesizea rhythm section in the Latin Americanstyle which would soundplausible,but not a copy of any existinginstrumentexactly?The aim was to performan experimentin creatingmusicwhichwould be commericalin today'smarket, not too differentyet still possessing novelty.Beforethe scorehad beencom- 20 40 30 50 60 I 1 I 1 CLAVI $ PT. 2[ I I I PLUCKED STRING CONGA I I I I 8ASS 8ASS pNEuMATICO BONGO I I I I I I I0 20 30 I 40 I 50 60 TIM E { S ECONDS • Fzc. 18. Organizationof the parts for "Obelin." X X is carried out by consideringthe number of different sounds which must appear simultaneouslyin the finishedselectionandthe resultantsetupsrequired.The organizationof the parts for the sample selectionis shownin Fig. 18. The writing of the individual parts is the next step. Techniqueswere developedto set forth the specifica- X X tions in both conventional -- o • o ,-,o • • g • •, CLAVIS X X X CONGA X X X X 8ONGO X X X X BUN'GO PNEUMATICO X BELL X BASS X SCRATCHER X X X X X X X X X musical and coded technical X terms.The latter includesthe desiredinterpretationand PLUCKED STRINGS X X X X follows in a more detailed manner the precept of the MELODY X X X X X performancescore developedby Carl E. Seashore. a Fro. 17. General classificationof nine sound categoriescalled Figure 19 showspage one for part 6 which carriesthe for in the musicalscorefor "Obelin" by Jim Timmensas arranged melodyfor "Obelin." for the electronicmusicsynthesizer. Referringto Fig. 19, the bars denotingthe measures 2 Except from a purely scientificviewpoint there is no interest and no desireto create musicwhich can be producedby conventional means.The added effort and the new employmentof musicians capable to perform synthesisis warranted only if it can producesomethingnew or better in the art of music. in conventional notation are numbered. The distance betweenbars represents16 rows of holesin the paper a C. E. Seashore, Psychologyof Music (McGraw-Hill Book Company,Inc., New York, 1938). Downloaded 18 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see ELECTRONIC MUSIC 319 SYNTHESIS recordinto whichthe informationis to be punched.At a paperspeed of 4 in. persecandwitha normalhole spacing of fourto theinch,thismeans16holespersec willpassunderthebrushes in theplayingof thispart. Thenormallengthfor a quarternoteis thenfourholes or oneinchin orderto play at a metronome speedof 240quarternotesto theminute.Thetimeat whichthe growthof a noteis to beginis interpreted in thefirst 3 tabulationunder the staff.Thus, any deviationdesired canbespecified. Thenextcodespecified istheenvelope. In the examplegiven,it was decidedthat this part shouldbe of sustained tonescapableof beingvariedin GLIDE GLIDE TIME• 7 3UR 6 I0 TIMB. I -,,' 6 3*/,61/,9112/314V, I '• I0 2 VOL.8(14>10<14>8:>I 8<14•8•11 .•#--'• _ loudness duringthe sounding of a noteandhavedifferentdegrees of attack.Accordingly, a setupwasmade providing fordifferent ratesofgrowth according to the I• ß ,•> ,• 'p : L__• LD number called for in the schedule.The decay inherent TIMEI ENV. DUR. 8I in the instrumentwasarrangedto be alwaysaboutthe samein time constantbut the durationbetweengrowth GLIDE • 7 • .... r i ,- • 2 I I 6 8• 8<•8(, 8 8 6>4 I' I i 2 i F r , p • I0 8 • r- 14 r , • t • :GLIDE II 121315 1311.3 124 TIMB. I '-*'4• VOL 8<10>8• 4• 6•8<12 56 7 II 15 I 3114 I 3 • 38I 3 4•6t10>t2•10>8,8 9 2I 4 4 10>8,8<14>8,8<11 anddecaywasmadeunlimited. Theduration itselfwas specified in thethirdrowof thecodetabulation. It may be noted that the duration of similarnotesis not always specified to beof thesamelength. Thesedeviations are oneof the aspectsof interpretation. For the duration of the four measuresshown in Fig. 19,the timbrewasthe sameandspecified ascode1. The actualtimbrefor that portionwasproducedwith Fzc. 19. Synthesizer codesheetfor Part 6, page1, of "Obelin". MM' quarter note= 240. a harmonic spectrum containing allharmonics diminishingwiththeirorderbutwiththehigherorders reduced similarorderandfinally all recordedon differentbands moredrastically.The last tabulationof codesconcerns of a 16-in.lacquerrecord.Reverberation wasthenprovolume.The volumeis nearly alwayschangingas it grammed for the partsselected, finaladjustments were wouldwith a lip reedor bowedinstrumentwith some made,andthe overallcombined on tape.Copiesof the taperecordhavebeendemonstrated to manyaudiences expression. Figure14shows howthedirections outlined on the both in Princetonand during varioustalks given on part of Fig. 18 werecarriedoutin punching out the RCA Laboratoriesactivities all over the country and papertaperecord. Timenowbecomes a longitudinalhave receivedmany favorablecomments. dimensionmeasuredin inchesor in holes.The frequency of eachnote is determineddirectlyfrom the musicno- tationwhichis easilylearned.The onlydifference be- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Acknowledgments areduemanywhocontributed to tween the notation and the suggested"American the work describedduring the time coveredin this Standardfor Subscripts TMis that in orderto makeall paper.RichardMaltby,thewell-known bandleaderand relaytreeshavethesame numbering, Co=16.352 cycles recordingartist then with RCA Victor, contributed is denoted by C•; but sinceoctaves canbe switched at originalcompositions and arrangements; Mr. R. A. will manually,this is no greathandicap. Lynn followedthe designand construction of the Otherspartsthanthe oneshownwereproduced in Mark II electronicmusic synthesizer;L. Buttefloss did much of the construction;and G. M. Schmelz, 4H. F. Olson,MusicalEngineering (McGraw-HillBookCommuch of the encoding. pany,Inc., NewYork, 1952). Downloaded 18 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see