9lil.5 I Tg pgea-rs]u oqry fsrllf :yl_ _ _ ix nnar:drnr'a;il:cnaurirrodorrirrtnruaiTo'ud.:d E t. n:onrruurirra qfl.5 E z. luoqrgrnfl'r{ru ufoudrrur E g. ilfif, oYu:0.:nr:drrvrtn:andol$ an:uriru E E +. r,rri.rf,orfiuvrrtfisioolu vtsA trariuudr ratoludr6'rydudoqjuarludr6'rgrJ:;o'rn'enusirrdrr vr$oudrrur s. luYu:aruuyrti d.:iu:ovjrfrrohilfluunnainaoBnfi6nf,urflouhiauil:cnou trifil:n#ou irul:ntu:crrs6'un:ra e i "tu:euc a[5fitYr1g'r{ U:tngorni:duufluvroi'rrfir.,ouria-rnu I:nfioarraufiohiTvrrgadrrfruu:r 1:nfiuq:rr{air uac 1:n0fl6atu:cucfi g 0rirfiu r r6ou) E E E o. ron arrn ru rt ouls,ii ritau prtutu auru,r nu'rmu ( rirfi ) z. rari.rf,ououdruroornnusir.rdmfirJ.nruurr{t 1o ulvr uacdrrurfo:rj:csrsuro.rffiuuautiruro a. eirrurfin:U:c{r{us,ourudrr (nulua) ratorirruTtuoun;rmlirtruroruradrr (nusirrdrr) ronar:il:ynaunr:fior:arnrurj:vunilrorfiont:'rudrs t. aaruU:cnounl:[ongu r.r rirrurraritdoYu:o.in1:{FrvruLfiuufio^qnnatuu uravr.iryfi:ru{io(fr0{u fuirfiu o r6ou) z ra6ofifiqnnarird'rakiiirrur E E luauryrmrJ:vnolq:fiotornuriT r6'rr vriolrad'ngrunr:drriuornrirril:srilflr?ir:ll{druluil:vuyotuu r.z uaottrirlurwnr:tiu (flrirqn) n.u.30 (: un'ou) rfiom::nudreirdu uay;irru1 n.{.0.90 raBo 91 ro.:rrurirs6'rrflriran I:r risu uon $u t Am.iilAlilfua,nllU. E z. tiirrurr,rfirfior,rrir#tngr,r6o{aou v,rioua-ryryr6'rr/ Nil.2iafl.2{flLutau\itwns:+titftaf_ulrrs_qsnJ4-1i?a_qru_ua-0. 0.ty-nn-idnyfi nlt.Iagzu.:4dananitvha-ehuatls.$afi fl-tlvJ.tatiliwuit z.ztrrJ :v n ouitr fi v'r n : u n riu ol'r rur,nir n a ou ryfi z. J J 3. z.z rir uurluorlryr nt#6'n n&rI:w'uu/ uilratru:rgnr: E a.r rarilf;oYl:otorndru:rtnr:/:-giatafio/orrinr::ryrru/rrrlnr:6nur-n:I:rituui5rra:ru6onusirrdrr !d :susutardrrrtu J z.z n:fi n;J:rrEuuYoualriuranrtlrj:vnouitrfi vrnT! unu{urirur,rrjrffi .--'.-- --d naou u d - '- '+. qafiB rlioaurnu E rarirf;oYr:orfim'qnrnatorqaflB,a:.nnl isrnrJ:va.rri' r,,riourirpfi:rudonrurn::unr: l4tJ1UrUA ---..-----T (t) uonar:firflunrurrirtil:suuounr{unt*rdtnqr*lrfr0-nlirriruurJau{lunrurtiluutavYu:ornru4n6'or (2) $ nid drrurronar:r4narit6'osararufiodoiu:ol - tonal:?lo.luru6'rl lri{'fiti'tu1oa{u1r.r,,Jnrn'uararufiofiouavil:yri'rlrr:rlirivr - ro fl a 1 r fl o { Fr u ri r r 6'r': lfr n u qi r r 6'r r a r a r u fi o 6 o ra n 6tlrnril 3hu yi o rT:-u u o tdrfil uia{Yuuoldruro r dr u.r o ilfllt fl f, ,tl slu 3 fuvlr nl' wp.doe.go.th [nz. o-2245-27 45, o-2245-2s33, 0-2245-230 6, 0-2248-7 20 2 oiruyilwru W.P.5 (WORK PERMIT RENEWAL) THE MIAN DOCUMENTS REQUIRED Ptease arrange documents in the fottowing order: 1. Compteted Form WP.5 2. Work Permit and a copy. 3. FORM OF THE EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATION dul.y fitl.ed out. 4. Passport and a copy or Certificate of Permanent Residence and Certificate of Atien with a copy. 5. Medical certificate showing that the appticant is not insane or mentatly sick, suffer from Leprosy, 6. 7. 8. Tubercutosis, Drug Addiction, Atcohotism, Etephantitus and Tertiary Syphil.is (lssued within 1 month). Documents as stated in the conditions of work in the Work Permit. (lf any) Power of Attorney made by appticant with t0 Baht duty stamp affixed and a copy of grantee's l.D. card. A copy of emptoyer's l.D. card (Thai emptoyer) or a copy of emptoyer's Work Permit (foreigner empLoyer). Supported Documents as category of emptoyer 1. Company 1.1 A copy of Thai Company Registration and a copy of recent sharehotders' tist. (Updated within six months). Or foreign juristic person needs to submit a copy of Business Operation License of such foreigner and document about money impofr. 1.2 A copy of Batance Sheet (tast yead, VAT Payment; Phor Por 30 (3 months) and a copy of Work Permit hotder's Tax payment; Phor Ngor Dor 91 or 90 (tast year) 2. P rivate sc h oo t / P..riu.a Ip.. U'n lve r.s i ty. 2.1 A copy of letter of teacher or Instructor assignment and emptoyment contrac/ Pf!U.qte..L).ni.u.erSLy.hgS..tO..Shpw..the. eefificate.l*te$ra m.the. prsqn! zs1 p n.of.Mlni s.try. pl.E du ca7p n. 2.2 A copy of teacher license, in case of trainer/instructor is excepted. 2.3 Acopy of the license of the school estabtishmen7 s.qppy.Af.the.licerse.pf.the.uri.v.e$tty.estahlshment docaments.shpw.the.nsme.af.employilhas.he.rtghtf.q.sisnnspn.the.h?hp!f snd.s.cqpy,pf.the. .of.the.tfiiuersu. 3. Government organization 3.1 A certificate letter from the government organization/ Ministry of Education and schoot, which shows appticants, name, position and work period. 3.2 ln case of teacher of government schoot, a copy of teacher license (as Law of The Counci[ of Teacher and Education Personat) is need. The trainer is not inctuded. 4. Association,/ organization/ foundation License of association/ organization/ foundation estabtishment (ptus the l.ist of managing director) Remark (1) Any documents in foreign tanguage other than Engl.ish must be transtated into Thai and certified by an academic Thai native speaker. Al.i the Forms have to be fitted in Thai. (2) Every page of the documents betongs to the company need to be certified by the authorized person or the appointee with company seat. Every page of the documents betongs to appticant need to be certified by the appticant himsetf or the appointee. After fie application is completed, the prooess will finish within 3 working days. wp.doe.go.th T el. o-2245-27 45, 0-2245-2533, 0-2245-230 6, 0-2248-7 202 ILUUF}YI.d 9gtd tail1v[Q114u1vl FORMWP.5 FOROFFICIAL USEONLY I a.t d ta?r:1rvr I c{ aJ c../ ?uvr51 | I rirt asioor g'[uaun'lFrdr.:ru d llJ e) flail:1 | U qa, I 6r.j tl lauflrlnra?rvl Fl'111il19151 b6n n5iln'1T09t14'l{'lu 9 e., qCr-4 APPLICATION FORA RENEWAL OF A WORKPERMIT aafl LUL:Ja a{u'lo UNDER SECTION 23 OF DEPARTMENT a.t EMPLOYMENT a./ 141r'r utnt | : vqirfr'rnurir r 6'rr nSvvt:?{t[:{{1u OF LABOUR MINISTRY ' 9r U L. toilanun'l{41? U Atien's lnformation It 4Y4o 11 u'tFt/u1t/ursar': fla tJFluFt'l'ltF) lJ Name of appticant Mr./Mrs./Miss t aaJ4{ #nrtrfi NalionaLity LflO-)UVt al Fr il Date of birth Ase Years l ir t , t 4 1 2 frarilur l:vrvrolvrrrraqrfi U in Thailand No. Address fluu Th an on a-t et '! 1,,1:-lVll611Ft'15 ?16tFI frlooZg,ilding S oi girr ralllqt':..] o1Lfla/mtn T a m b o n /K hw aeng Amphoe/Khet :#alr l:r+fiei a{ u?o Changwat Tvr:dr,'irri Postcode Tu:ar: Tel.ephone h ,cd d a d a 6 Ll |5lqni Frfl rn fl il5altfl A Facsimite E-mailaddress 1.3 ranal:[[an{nr:16'irorlcyrsrtrioulu:'rrorrurd'n:odrflerodrrvfi{r1-reiolild Document showinga permissionto stay in the Kingdom as follows: (i)n uu-rf,orfiuurr [] Passport ronar:Wurvruvrirfiornuvrr{................., Documentin lieu of passport i6 ra?rvr aanl#fi No. r l::urue't Country ls su e da t 6l g,ru 6t s4 i frafl tv?uvl y4 ar -i L?l 1O fl .,1111V1 Date of issue Va[id until j 6l Fl5 ?q ra{n511 l: v m v r ta?ryl Type of visa N o. gJaJ q 6] aaf^lL?1?uvl -i yd 6l a fl L14Vl l s s u e da t s,n v4 a-r ; L?ltOflt'lllvt Date of issue V a l i du n t i L c{ rF u vr1..rrJ'rfl-t: r ?fa''lfu'r fr'n: 4J a) tt|Ft?lrvl Date of arrival at the Kingdom q va y a w A y a ! . t9r:u0u[u1F]11ny!1Jn.i1utQ'i14u1iln:?Qnurfl'ttl.l0.t tu ytil'tn't:rl:?anut1J1t3J0.i........... Havingreceiveda permissionfrom an immigrationofficerat the immigrationcheckpoint qv 6) o < v ! tlr6tFltu:l?f 41tu1{rn: fl .111_lvr f o O u a b l e to sta y in th e Kin g d o m u n til Ooq./acJl Q Luarerryfluvtoq Certificateof permanent residence I qv4 <J ta?rvl e, lssuedat No. 61 9.t../ a, a{u?o 6tfln Luvl Changwat q*1 ; ?td at d aan L?l?lrvl Lfl [Afl{']1_lvl Date of issue Val.iduntil (3) turirnTcyil:v drd'rnurixffrr A[ien identificationcard j 4' flan'l#fi tn?rvl No. lssuedat qYe) Changwat i q I *1 9.t4 c{ e,t 616tfltlr?l_lvl [9fLnn{1l]vl Date of issue Vatiduntit q *,4 , _ 1 4 1,rraunrlw{l{.rrutd q aanLuvl (a{ilia) e) lssued(Changwat) WorkpermitNo. 6I gt q.t A' a{u?01 q L \v< ; oon Lu?uvl et 4 L?tLAn{?UVl Date of issuedat Vatid until g., 4t 1 5 ?ta il'l Ffq]1..1 Name of emptoyer i '^ j t vtou U uufi/arnr:.... U tn?Jvl A d d r e s s No . fvloo/Buitding cluu .sirun/LttJ?.1 fhanon 2. .....qtou Soi eirmo/rqla Amphoe/Khet Tambon/Khwaeng {'rrnin :ri'atil:ufid lvr:d'vrd..... Changwat Postcode Tetephone .......Ivr:fi'1T... Facsimite It toilan'l:1,0 0un,19l q, qe, AppticationInformation qrariaatrtrr oufl |1srvirrru ir Appty for a renewatof a work permit for Year(s) ge., I 4 to6tll Month(s) ,a.,, ; Y d .r i Fl{ ttFt?uv1 411fl..111M from to 3. tonfi1:[tavuan fr1u d9 D o c u m e n ts a n d Evid e n ce s nSourirrofrtrnufr'LdEuronar:uavydngru6'lria'Lr.lfr Together with this appLication,I have attached herewith the fottowing documents and evidences. 5.7 LJ 6f rUoUru1gl Work Permit 3.2 n ririuryrftf,orduyx uia Copyof passport, or n airrurronar:Wuvrurarirfiorfiuyrr uio Copy of document in lieu of passport,or n r{rrurtuiir6'rgri: sdrefrnueirrrirrracdrrurh ;{r6'rgfr udoqi Copies of Atien identificationcard and Certificateof permanent residence. 3.3 n eiruurud'norunr:oqryrnbfrniurlu:rrorrut6'n: Copy of evidence of permissionto enter into the Kingdom, Q' ?u DaY(s) ruuu uf.riloiu :ornr :{'rt FORM OFEMPLOYMENT CERTIFICAT1ON gdr{ EMpLoyER's TNFoRMATToN t. riolaur U_ r' r - E f f q n n a tvru o rrvrvrfU u d o '.u atd.........' ....ytuom vlfuu PERSON REGISTERED ON THAIJURISTIC f-l I aa u PAID-UP CAPITAL NO. .i a o a d o e |Jijfunnagi1{'|,1?anwt[Uitijo..........................,irulutiufurrc]ri1a1nsi1{d:vtf...........'...... THEAMOUNTOF MONEYIMPORTAT]ON ON FORIENJURISTICPERSONREGISTERED ryn:d:vt'rsuhrf E qnnao::ia"r ........ NO. NATURALPERSON ID.CARD WORKPERMITNO. 1.2aaruspirunlTfiu lu:ouilfiniT uil'r rHEFTNANcTAL srArusoFrHELAsrvEAR fiuvr:?Iu :1u16' tiuan/rturJrnfiu1n1: riilz/tt'lptTu tl n.fl. aqr d YEAR INCOME A55ET :ruki flaqriu CASH/DEPOSIT 4 a (l, t"t119U:t9yl PROFIT/LOSS TAX ............rt'rvr lutix:sucr']a1................................ r6ou THERECENTLY INCOME BAHT THEDURATION t-l lJ ilan1nl:a{oon rHEVALUE oF EXPORT........... e l-raro I i qd, e MONTH ..............U',tyt BAHT LJ !9tU1nUn',t{U:utUr,lt?'tu'tvto.llylu?lu50uuYt9.l'tulJ1............................nu THEAMOUNTOFTRAVELLER IMPORT FORTHELASTYEAR l-ld lJ PERSON q v 3JV{Ufl{lUnUtylg THEAMOUNT PERSON OFTHAIWORKERS........................nU I l-la v e o I e e o d THEAMOUNTOF WORKPERMffHOLDERS WORKPERMIT NO, rHE AMOUNT OF ROOMS..........,...140{ ROOMSlJ n1uluufl$tlu Q1U?U1,10{L:UU lfoe< gla |J z. dolanr:dr{ THEAMOUNT OFsTUDENTS...............nU PERSON TNFoRMATToN oF EMpLoyMENT wv , a9r v A d n ,{ do I do I v i" I a ' To sPEgFypLAcE Suudoluylyll{"ru 6t'ltJ'lnn?'lr4u{$14{ oF woRKtFMoRETHAN oNEPLACE....... I PERIOD OF CONTRACT YEAR MONTH DAY CONTRACT VALIDUNTIL r ir dr q a 6 o :,r a1diuay/t6ouav.......... . ' . . ' . ' U1 y |r. ra rJ : v I Ug d d u iu a v / t 6 o u a v . ' . ' . ' . . . . . ' .. . . ' . ' . . . ' . U 1 PERDAY/ MONTH BAHTOTHERBENEFIT WAGEOR INCOMEPERDAY/ MONTH :sdunr:finurd{da.............. !r THEHIGHEST EDUCAT1ON rh BAHT ..............rj:vaun1:nhi1{1u................fl ao1un1T,r E Tan E al:a JOBEXPERIENCE YEARSTATUS SINGLE MARRIED g rHE REAsoN wHy Nor ro HIRE THAIpERsoN a. naqruafitridrn4nnadrgtrfilvrsnhd'r,{r'ru - ry nSoliild*uuud'nilud:snouruEfiad{nrirrd'rer u v {'lillal?Jo:u:o{?'l v e v 6'qdrer'rcr-ose HERn,vITH IHEolro,vrNrc DocrlIENrs FoRsJpporrlhc IHEABCA/E FEAscfs 3a, THEABovE ton'l1u$'l{9luu[uun?13Jat{4nu:sfl11 | HEREBY STATEMENT ARE TRUE tNEVERY RESPECT CERnFv uil1r,n4E urJ:snounr: raiot6':'uloudrurqbh{1nr:uvru {r{tarhdaiu:osdnvoiocr{Ju{fio"ruroaodoqnr{uaa, REMARKTHEPERSON DIRECTOR REPRESENTATION SIGNTHISFORMMUSTBETHEAUTHORIZED ORAUTHORIZED Duty Stamp 10 Bath Power of Attorney jyAO ?tuff,oilaua1u'lq a'ln?uuRnrurJ oo UlYl Writienat O .ri yl'lyl Date q/d ?uvl Mr./Mrs./Miss. at presentworking hereby authorizeand appoint Mr./Mrs./Miss. o 9v . v 9 in the position of 6l o at the office of oI a1ttfiu{ Tel. u Soi/Lane Located on Yt , ,ti lvr:..................... n\tAUtnSYl Rd. Sub-District Province to be lawfuland legalattorneyfor the purposeconcerningwith work permit, {rnio firirumsl'rrfiunr:rfiurrYunrrraoqcprnvrh'nu o.:u'rruluranor:rl:snaunr: .. 30U g District sign any documents on behalf of myself includingchangingwords on the related documents. uuurJa.:ufilrfi ?ooqrulnrrvru{trr{rl6qnauiu:urvhuJfi onrrx"luroncr:el-.:n6imdru What has been done by ., will remain in full force A !s cl Osa 4 , and effect as it has been done by myself. {tr r{rlfi n: vdrm.r4nil:vn''r? Signed Grantor d- n{ro............ $ilauCI1u'te ( Signed Grantee .us., d o 0..f:Uu0UA1U1a ...........e IU fi\:t0 ( Signed a fl{to... Witness ytu'lu ( Signed Witness ?rilTrrlrqnrn{rauriruroil:vc':d'ov.frrYrrlsunr:uoudrurorfluadr.:6u aiounrydrld loslildo,ildrdanrusrud Remark In case grantorperfer to limit the authorizationgivingto the granteeit could be done by usingthe other forms of power of attorney. 3.4 ,rarirdoiu:ornr:6'xto14'6rovr{Juu,ru6'r$oro:vrpuqzuafilii6'rqnrnraa'rytrfitvrud'xru X , Z' fl :ailil{uan61uu:vfl 01Jr14E ilan{na1x to raror(together reasons fornotemptolnga personofThainationatity Workrecommendation of a prospective emptoyer describing with supporting evidences. 3.5 n:niursdr{rfluunaaor:ila1 t In casethe emotoyeris a NaturalPerson il60 iirrurr.in:rJ:vdT 6'rrj:vsrsuttavdlrulvrs[fiaurirutorei6rost{Juuru6'1t U n emptoyer,or Copiesof ldentification cardand houseregistration of a prospective v€o a{rrutarirdorduyrtrorrifi.:ovrtjuuru6'1r tr Copyof Passportof a prospectiveemptoyer,or n iiriurluiirdcufi ufiodrorriQi{ovr{Juulu6r{ u!{ Copy of Certificateof permanent residenceof a prospective emproyer. nrfiurs{TtflufiBr1nna In casethe emptoyerisJuristicPerson n driurronar:iu:orro.rciru:1{n1rfirfiu?dorrrarx'irfionlrro{ri6{ourfluurEJ6'rrt6'nnilvLfiuu r,r€oli'Yror1ryrsrlfr'o-onerravsirrfiu.rrulnuQn6'0{Fnilnflvil1u lnBranrl:vmvfionr:6'ru Copy of Certificateof a retevantGovernmentagencystatingthe businessof a prospectiveemployerhasLegattybeen registeredor granted a ticense to estabtishand operate, and the type of businesshas been specified. y d a ao 4 d d n:6uu'1 uo1{ilRxla1tu1fi :oauila uuan51go1fu10n: !U In casethe emptoyer has permanentresidenceoutside the Kingdom n iirrurd'ryrpri'xLyxrluSa Copy of serviceand/or operation contract, or n u6o ririur#ryrprd'0fllu Copyof satecontract,or n drrurronar:6ufiuanvjr{6un"T tofinrrilsl"rr{lud'orr?ilurdrvrulu:rro1ru1i'n: (:vq)............. Copy of other documents showing that an appl.icanthas a necessityto work in the Kingdom. (specify) n:aitilfiursdrr In case of without an emptoyer n .i ;irrurronar:fruaon'jrfr'6urirtor{Jue1'fin?'rxriravil:vaun1:rfiruillsdilniu{1ufifloiuluourX (:vq))........... Copyof documentshowingthat an appticanthasa properknowtedge for engaging and experience the work. (specify) n eirru'r#cycyr6'r.:ryal1u6o Ll Copyof serviceand/oroperationcontract,or & alru1a6u6u1{011u uto Copyof satecontract,or n drrurtonar:6ufrurarx'irfr'durirrafinrrrsirr{lu6'oldru'nr"rtru1u:rro1il1i'n: (:vq)............. Copyof otherdocuments showingthat an appticanthasa necessity to workin the Kingdom. (speci!) tl rirrurluorlcg'rerrJ:u no!D':fionu ngrau'r u'irpirunr:rJ:vnarq:fraro.rFruei'r{eirrtun:fifirtlurru pir fioqjnr uld'rir6'rL nXvl'r u'jr ernr : r-I: vnouq: naflo{ nusix pirr Copyof Business operatinglicenseunderthe taw on alien businessin casethat the work apptiedfor is undersuch[aw. 3.6 n tuit:a.tto.lfr'rJ:vnouitrfiilr'rrn::usrun4ulru'jrd'ruimfivrnrn::u fiir:ovjr{tlurfrro6irflu unnainaoinvtofi6ntXurfiauh.iarurJ:vnouuavhir{JuI:nsr'tlrfiriruuorlflunqn:v nttilluiltsr:t .o Certificate from medicalpractitioner underthe law on medicattreatmentprofessional statingthat an appticant is not a personof unsoundmind or sufferingfrom mentatinfirmity,andis free from any defectsas prescribed in Ministerial Regutation issuedundersection10. rl'rnr{'rr oiu : oqdr {orrr ru{r .:ri'utlrflun?1}Joi rqnil : vn1: U It a.t I herebycertifuthat the inforrnation givenaboveis true in everyrespect. 4dctJo nl uilouo.. gunt"rta .......zu JJ Signature a-t i ?u?1 Date AppLicant ,t I d tail1v[Q114u1yl FOROFFICIAL USEONLY n1:?IQ-l:fu'ln1t0 d |V ., 9,, j n { lU LQ',ll4u"lyl 0.11^lU o. Ft?1lt [14U1J I tonffl:ua'norun:u#?u f n?liluiu d'l