2013 Newsletter - Make-A

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Board of Directors
Chair Geoff Glaspie
Vice Chair Julie Dale
Secretary Peter Young
Treasurer Dawn Grenn
Barb Harris
Corey Hevrin
Cari Kelley
Laura Noonan
Leo O’Reilly
Kenneth Thompson
Terrell Titus
Leslie Williams
President & CEO
Wendy Hall
Beth Hammond
Marketing Communications
Mary Jo Sleeper-Lyman
Shawna Wakeham-Smith
Wish Granting
Advisory Board
Marc Heath, Chair
Craig Bond
June Heston
David and Edna Silver
Jim Glanville
Young Professionals
Advocacy Council
Wes Grove
Amelia Grove
James Henley
Heather Hennessy
Marissa Kemler
Sarah Leeuw
Kathleen Rivard
Scott Rivers
David Ryan
Letter from Leadership
It is with great appreciation that I announce Make-A-Wish Vermont won
the “Outstanding Mission Performance Award” at the 2012 National
Conference. The award was given to recognize our chapter for setting
a record of the most wishes granted in its history. David Williams, CEO of
Make-A-Wish America, said, “It takes an entire community to make each
wish special, and the National Office is proud to recognize the Vermont
chapter for exemplifying our mission, vision and values.”
As I reflect back on my first full year, I am in awe of our accomplishments.
This award represents the dedication of the entire Make-A-Wish Vermont
community: volunteers who give selflessly of their time and energy, event
hosts who organize every kind of event from lemonade stands to silent
dinner auctions and golf tournaments, donors large and small who believe
in the power of a wish and make it possible for us to grant the wish of every
eligible Vermont child. Together we fulfill our mission to grant wishes to
Vermont children with life-threatening medical conditions, to enrich the
human experience with hope, strength and joy.
It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations of the office;
paperwork, phone calls, and staff meetings. I knew long ago that I
believed in the Make-a-Wish mission, but recently I had an experience
that touched my heart in a new way. As a first time wish granter, I had
the privilege of meeting a child and her family. The power of a wish
exploded like fireworks on the 4th of July. Painful medical treatments
were forgotten, anticipation of continued trips to the hospital fell away
and for the wish child, her siblings and parents, excitement replaced fear,
joy replaced a sense of discouragement, and hope blossomed. We all
know that a wish makes kids feel stronger, more energetic, more willing
and able to battle their life-threatening medical condition. As I watched
this family transform, I remember saying “the power of a wish” on several
occasions. Now when I use those words, I can see a small child bouncing
up and down, happy, carefree, and anticipating something magical.
Warmest Wishes,
Leslie Williams
CEO Make-A-Wish Vermont
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From northern communities to the southern corners of
our state, Vermont wish granters are important faces of
Make-A-Wish Vermont and we are grateful for each one.
Meet Barb & Judy
Barb Harris, Brattleboro, VT
Wish Granter for 10 years & Board Member
The positive emotions a child feels while waiting for his or her wish is
Barb’s favorite part of the wish granting process. She enjoys seeing
how the excitement and anticipation of a wish can pull a child
through rigorous treatments and the lows of their illness.
Barb shared, “A wish gives children something to look forward to
and work toward. After a child has been told their wish will be
granted, he or she knows they need to remain healthy enough or
get through a round of treatment for the wish to take place... it’s
very powerful. It gives so much hope and strength”.
Memorable moment
Barb describes meeting wish families for the first time as amazing and humbling. She
says, “I’m always taken aback at how welcoming potential families are; their resiliency
is admirable”. Barb enjoys getting to know each family and has shared many meetings
filled with laughter, tears and even hugs.
Judy Moulton, East Charleston, VT
Wish Granter for 14 years
Experiencing the sense of community and generosity from donors and
sponsors is very meaningful to Judy. She has a great deal of gratitude
toward companies and individuals who voluntarily give to be part of
our mission. Judy shared, “We really couldn’t grant so many wishes
without the generosity of Vermont businesses and individuals. Once
people find out I’m working on a wish, they get creative with ways to
help... it’s heartwarming and a lot of fun”.
Memorable Moment
Judy remembers telling a third grader her wish would be coming
true... “We told her in front of her class. Her classmates were so
excited for her. It was a beautiful moment, the kids didn’t pity this
girl at all, in fact they envied her”.
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Adam, 15
“I wish to meet the New York Giants”
Choosing a wish came easily for Adam; he has been a New York Giants
fan for as long as he can remember.
Adam cherishes many moments from his wish and perhaps surprisingly,
they are not all about football. Adam had never flown before so even
his flight to New York was special. Once he arrived, his mother, father,
sister and brother went out to eat at Medieval Times. Adam’s face lights up when he talks about
the fun his family had together. He and his siblings had a good laugh when they discovered
utensils are not used at the restaurant.
The next day, the day he met he New York Giants, Adam said was more amazing than he ever
dreamed. He easily recalls every moment. Adam enjoys sharing how special it was when Chris
Snee knuckled him and the significance of meeting Mark Herzlich, who had bone cancer and is
a great inspiration to Adam.
Adam was sure to point out it meant the world to him having the New York Giants
welcome him as one of their own. Adam concluded saying, “It was really nice to
realize these big, rough players are in fact nicer than you could imagine”.
Wish Granters: Kelley Lawrence & Brittany Tullar
Medical Condition: Burkitt’s Lymphoma
Devin, 3
“I wish to go to Disney World”
Upon arrival at Give Kids the World®, Devin found his gold star to
decorate and hang in the Castle of Miracles. Devin’s mother
Veronica described Give Kids the World as “amazing! You can
get ice cream there from 7am - 9pm! Shockingly, Devin’s banana split
was too big for him to finish”.
Disney train rides, horseback riding, pools, therapy dogs and
character sightings quickly became favorites of Devin’s.
When Devin met Mickey Mouse at GKTW, he patted Mickey’s feet
and gave him the biggest hug and said, “I love you, Mickey, I love you!”
“Make-A-Wish is a fantastic organization”, said Veronica. “It is great for children and families who are
having a hard time. It’s just wonderful.”
Wish Granters: Katy Smith & Marie Flood
Medical Condition: Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
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Betty, 11
“I wish to go to the Disney resort Aulani in Hawaii”
Betty, 11, loves to dance, hike, climb trees and draw. When she was five, she
was diagnosed with ALL leukemia. For three years, Betty endured chemotherapy,
shots, pills and many long in patient stays at FAHC. Betty’s nurses at FAHC referred
her to Make-A-Wish Vermont and planning her future trip gave Betty something to
look forward to. Betty’s wish was to go to the new Disney Aulani Resort in Hawaii.
She got to see all of her favorite characters, celebrate her 11th birthday, go snorkeling
and watch beautiful sunsets with her family. Betty describes her wish as, “the best
time in my life. It was totally amazing and meant so much to me.”
Wish Granters: Jennifer Sokolowski & Marissa Kemler
Medical Condition: Leukemia
Jasmine, 14
“I wish to meet Justin Bieber”
Jasmine’s wish started off right; she and her
family were bumped to first class on her flight
to meet Justin.
Jasmine loved her hotel in the city and enjoyed the view of Justin’s tour bus.
Jasmine was very excited when the time came to meet Justin. He walked into the
room and said “Hey, What’s up” and sat at the table next to her. Jasmine said Justin
was everything she thought he would be and at the end of her wish stated, “I love
him even more now!”
After her meet and greet with Justin, Jasmine and her family sat front and center for
his concert.
Jasmine’s wish also included a trip to the National Museum of Science
and Discovery Center Science Museum.
Wish Granters: Hannah Manley & Tabitha Allen
Medical Condition: Malignant Peripheral Nerve Tumor
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Lexi, 15
“I wish to go to Atlantis”
As Lexi’s mom describes Lexi’s wish, “It was perfect, very
relaxing and the kids had a great time. Lexi said before
we came home that this was the best she has felt since
she got sick. It was the best five days we had in the last
six months. We didn’t have to think or talk about cancer,
Lexi could be a kid and just have fun.
Lexi’s mom continued, “From the bottom of my heart and our family, thank you
for making Lexi’s wish come true. We will always have the great memories and
many pictures of the Bahamas, and when she goes back to the hospital next
week, she will have all her stories and pictures to show the doctors. Lexi’s trip
has re-energized her for what lies ahead.”
Wish Granters: Polly Kurty & Hazel Izzo
Medical Condition: Cancer
Jakya, 12
“I wish to go to Disney World”
Jakya’s wish was to spend her 12th birthday with her family at Disney World. For her special
birthday dinner she chose to take her family to Popeye’s for a fun-filled evening. Her sisters
Jazmyne and Jordynn and brother Tony all had the best week of their lives! When asked
what she thought of the whole wish experience, Jakya shared, “This is the most awesomest
week of my life!”
Jakya’s mom, Naomi, could not believe how friendly and helpful the staff at Give Kids the
World was, they even carried their food trays to the table for them at meal times.
The best part of Jakya’s trip was, for the first time in her life, she woke without coughing or
gasping for breath. The family is seriously considering moving to Florida. The whole family is
looking forward to the move so they can “give back” by volunteering at Give Kids the World.
Wish Granters: Janice Wightman & Mikayla Henderson
Medical Condition: Cystic Fibrosis
Wish Adopted By: Jewelers for Children
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Other Vermont Wishes
Carson, 12
“I wish to visit Disney World”
WG: Andrew Davis & Mikayla Henderson
MC: Cystic Fibrosis
Cassandra, 18
“I wish to meet Cinderella”
WG: Michelle Niklasson & Susan Rogers
MC: Epilepsy
Cole, 5
“I wish to have a sensory room”
WG: Michelle Niklasson & Fran Swanson
MC: Seizure Disorder
Dante, 11
“I wish to go to Disney World”
WG: Patty Rainville & Marsha Larose
MC: Duchene’s Muscular Dystrophy
Jack, 4
“I wish to visit Disney World”
WG: Jim Sadwith & Nerissa Edwards
MC: Tumor
Jacob, 18
“I wish to go to the Caribbean”
WG: Janice Poplawski & Brooke Cote
MC: Leukemia
Kathryn, 15,
“I wish to go to Hawaii”
Katie, 15
“I wish to meet Scotty McCreery”
Katie had recently found out
she had cancer and was
already undergoing extensive
treatment when Make-A-Wish
Vermont met with her and her
mom at the hospital. She was exhausted
but her love for Scotty McCreery was clear.
When Katie was asked if she had decided on a wish she
didn’t hesitate one second. Katie pulled her hospital blanket
away to show her well-loved Scotty t-shirt and said, “I want
to meet Scotty McCreery. I just want to shake his hand… if I
don’t faint first!”
Katie shared, “Meeting Scotty McCreery was the greatest
experience. He is a sweet guy. The concert was stupendous.
Going through cancer is tough, but meeting my idol really
brought my spirits up. Having my best friend there made it
even better. Thank you Make-A-Wish.”
Wish Granter: Jennifer Sokolowski
Medical Condition: Cancer
WG: June Heston & Heather Corneau
MC: Myelodysplasia
Kyleigh, 13
“I wish to go to Disney World”
WG: Barb Harris & Polly Kurty
MC: Congenital Heart Defect
Mackenzie, 4
“I wish to go to Disney World”
WG: Carole Rayl & Kris McDermot
MC: Congenital Heart Disease
Ryan, 5
“I wish to meet creators of online
game World of Midgard”
WG: Dawn Hameline & Carol Shea
MC: Osteosarcoma
Shea, 11
“I wish to meet President Obama”
WG: Janice Poplawski & Brook Cote
MC: Wilm’s Tumor
Wish Assists
Callie, 4
“I wish to see snow”
Jason, 15
“I wish to go skiing”
Mateo, 18
“I wish to go snowboarding in Vermont”
Mia, 15
“I wish to see snow”
Ryan, 14
“I wish to go skiing/snowboarding”
Payton, 6
“I wish to go to Disney World”
Payton enjoyed the sunshine in Florida
and meeting her favorite Disney characters while
visiting the park. Payton’s mom shared, “Every
person we encountered was amazing. Payton
had a huge smile on her face everyday.”
Wish Granters: Kelley Lawrence & Karen Keene
Medical Condition: Rett Syndrome
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On September 15, 2013, please join us to celebrate our 10th annual Walk for Wishes
at Dorset Park in South Burlington. Last year, 27 teams and over 300 people joined us
in raising over $120,000 to help make Vermont wishes come true. This year our goal is
30 teams and $130,000!
Walk for Wishes has grown and changed over the years. It started out as a two-day,
20-mile walk with approximately 30 participants. The Walk is now a three-mile loop
allowing anyone and everyone to participate. After the walk, we come together to
celebrate our wish kids at a Celebration of Hope. This celebration is a time to meet
wish families and our amazing wish kids during an afternoon of fun for people of any
age: bouncy castles, The Big Blue Trunk, face painting, a DJ, magic, and a picnic
We challenge you to start getting your team together now. It is never too early
to start fundraising! For more information about Walk for Wishes 2013, visit
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For World Wish Day 2013, we started a new tradition: a Wish Art Silent Auction.
A group of Vermont Wish Kids created canvas paintings of their wishes and
graciously donated them to our silent auction to help pay for a wish of
another child. Our 2013 World Wish Day event raised over $10,000.
-A-Wish Vermont
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Vermont Kids fo
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lemonade stand
Pie Sale
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Hockey Game
Year 2013 include Erika Rouleau’s Benefit
CVU Family Form
Spotted Pup Perform
chool Benefit
Williston Middle S
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For more inform
r Wish Kids ev
your own Kids fo
us at 802.864.93
please contact
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Donate that rusty old vehicle sitting in the
driveway and eliminate the costs for a car
that rarely if ever gets used. The proceeds
from the sale of donated vehicles go to
Wheels for Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish
Vermont. For more information visit
Vermont kids dream of far off places.
Help their wishes come true by
donating your airline miles.
To donate miles visit
or call the airline directly:
Delta SkyMiles
United MileagePlus
U.S. Airways Dividend Miles
Friends & Family Fundraising
Create a personal fundraising page
as an alternative gift exchange idea
for weddings, showers, birthdays and
many other holidays.
To setup your own page visit
www.friends.wish.org/069-000 or
call us for assistance 802-864-9393.
Make-A-Wish Vermont is able to share the Power
of a Wish® thanks to the support of our generous
donors. Join our donor family today with an online
or mail donation.
Visit www.vermont.wish.org or call us at
Wishes create memories that last a lifetime. You
have the power to make wishes come true for
many years. Make wishes happen by naming
Make-A-Wish Vermont as a beneficiary.
Typical bequest language is:
“I give the sum of (or % of estate) to MakeA-Wish Vermont, 100 Dorset Street, Suite 14,
South Burlington, Vermont 05403, to be used
or disposed of as its Board of Directors deems
appropriate in its sole discretion.”
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Fiscal 2013 Events
(September 2012 - August 2013)
Thanks to the countless hours and dedication of many volunteers, events are held across the state to
benefit Make-A-Wish Vermont. A huge thank you to everyone who supported these events in FY 2013.
For more information about upcoming events, please visit www.vermont.wish.org.
October November
Walk for Wishes
Wallace Golf Tournament Hannah’s Bake and Pie Sale
Poulos Golf Tournament
Needleman's Bridal Show
Scott Thomas Golf Tournament Jiffy Mart Auction
VT Vows Auction
Tree Corner Campground Auction
RiRa Wine Dinner/Auction
Comedy for a Cause
FCS Race for Kids
Needleman's Bridal Show
CVU Family Formal
Duck Race
Miles for a Mission VCM
VAST Event
Dance for a Wish
Champlain Farms Gas Sale
Fortuna Sausage Sale
Ramunto’s Fundraiser
Spotted Pup Performance
Erika Rouleau’s Benefit
Hockey Game
Shelburne Community
School Craft Fair
Vergennes Country Dance
Beat The Winter Blues
Wish Kids Golf Classic
The Waddle
All Star Hockey Classic
LMP Golf Tournament
Crossroads Motorcycle Rally
Williston Middle School
Benefit Dance
All Charity Golf Classic
Thunder Road Event
Barrel Horse Race
A big thank you to Subaru for raising almost $12,000
for Make-A-Wish Vermont!
Make-A-Wish Vermont was included in Subaru’s
“Share the Love” charity list. $250 for every new
Subaru vehicle sold or leased was donated from
November 21 to January 2. Thanks to everyone
who selected us to receive the donation!
This year marked the fifth anniversary of Macy’s
Believe campaign. The campaign invites believers
of all ages to drop off stamped letters to Santa
in specially designated Santa Mail letterboxes at
any Macy’s store.
For each letter received, Macy’s donated $1 to
Make-A-Wish, up to $1 million. Thank you Macy’s!
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Fiscal Year 2012 Financials
(September 1, 2011 - August 31, 2012)
Wish Society
With your annual gift of $1,000 or more,
we will welcome you into the Wish Society.
Your gift will bring hope, strength and joy to
seriously ill children across Vermont.
Wish Benefactor..................... $25,000
Wish Granter........................... $10,000
Star of Joy................................. $5,000
Star of Strength........................ $2,500
Star of Hope............................. $1,000
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Make-A-Wish Vermont Donors
Our appreciation to the following donors who have made contributions to
Make-A-Wish Vermont from September 1, 2011 - August 31, 2012
Wish Benefactors $25,000+
Bond Auto Parts Inc.
Auto Resource Center, Inc.
Burlington Country Club
Concept 2 Rowing
Corvette Club of Vermont
Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC
Dynapower Company LLC
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
Green Mountain Video
Hampton Direct
King Arthur Flour
LinBrooke Inc.
Literati Creative Group, Inc. - Vermont Vows
Mekkelsen Trailer Sales & Rental
Merchants Bank
MVP Health Care
Northfield Savings Bank
Order of the Eastern Star Grand Chapter of Vermont
Paul Frank + Collins P.C.
Pomerleau Properties, Inc.
Poulos Insurance, Inc.
R.H. Schill & Associates, LTD
Sheraton Burlington Hotel & Conference Center
Stabilized Structures
The Farrell Distribution Corporation
The Vermont Country Store
Tipped Cow Company
Corporations/Community Groups
Beat The Winter Blues
FCS Race for Kids
The Great Cookie Dunk
Walk for Wishes
Wish Kids Golf Classic
Wish Granters $10,000 - $24,999
Corporations/Community Groups
PC Construction
New England Dairy Promotion Board, Inc.
The Essex Resort & Spa
Bellows Falls Polish American Club Inc.
David and Edna Silver
All Charity Golf Classic
Miles For a Mission VCM
Celebrity Waiter Dinner
LMP Golf Tournament
Loyer Golf Tournament
Joy $5,000 - $9,999
Corporations/Community Groups
American Meadows
Burlington Area Newspaper Group
Century Partners
Springfield Printing Corp.
Daniel and Lisa Rowell
All Star Hockey Classic
BCC event
CVU Family Formal
Horse Ride For Wishes
Rutland Rotary Raffle
Scott Thomas Golf Tournament
Shea McCaffrey Event
Wallace Golf Tournament
Strength $2,500 - $4,999
Corporations/ Community Groups
Alliance Mechanical Inc.
Baker Distributing Corporation
Black River Design
Carris Corporate Foundation, Inc.
Champlain Oil Company, Inc.
Cumberland Farms
Hanson & Doremus Investment Management, Inc.
IBM Employee Services Center
Larkin Hospitality
Middlebury Rotary
National Life Group Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Pete’s RV Center
Tirey & Associates
Barrel Horse Race
Crossroads Motorcycle Rally
Cumberland Farms
Erika Rouleau Benefit Hockey Game
Needleman’s Bridal Show
Poulos Golf Tournament
RiRa Wine Dinner
Santa 5K
Vermont Poker Classic
Hope $1,000 - $2,499
Corporations/ Community Groups
Roger Crouse
Joseph Devall
William Dunn
Fred Duplessis
David Fisher
Geoff Glaspie
David King
Daniel Leffell
Sherry Pfenning
Elizabeth Steele
Terrell Titus
Janet Wallstein
Champlain Farms Gas Sale
Hardwick Meat Raffle
Spotted Pup Productions
The Challenge
The Gift Ice Show
Thunder Road Event
VAST Raffle
Warner’s Snack Bar
Friends $100 - $999
Corporations/ Community Groups
Acorn Marketing
AIG Matching Grants Program
AM Technical Solutions
Ambrose Welding & Machine Shop
American Legion Post #91
Apollo Diner
AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign
B&L Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Banker & Banker Realty, Inc
Barre Youth Sports Assoc. Inc.
Bates & Murray, Inc.
Benoit Electric
Best Tile Distributors of New England Inc.
Border Hoop League
Bristol American Legion Post No. 19, Inc
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Friends $100 - $999 Cont...
Corporations/ Community Groups
C & S Wholesale Grocers Inc.
Caleidoscope Communications Co.
Capitol Steel and Supply Co., Inc.
Catamount Carpet Cleaning
Collision Works, Inc.
Columbia Forest Products
Community National Bank
D & L Builders, Inc.
Danforth Pewterers, Ltd.
Dimick Excavation
Dubois Construction
Duncan Galvanizing
E & S Electric Co.
East Coast Printers
Engineers Construction, Inc.
Four Seasons Media, Inc.
GE United Way Campaign
Gray Transport
Hoagies Pizza & Pasta
HP Hood, Inc.
Hull Insurance Agency, Inc.
Iroquois Manufacturing
Jac Huntley
Jason Griffin Tattoo
John Leo & Sons Inc.
Killington Pico Rotary Club
Kurrle Fuels
Lake Morey Resort
Lions Club of Middlebury
Lowe’s Home Centers, Inc.
Marko the Magician & Hypnotist
McFeeters Farm
Middlebury Transit
Morgan Stanley c/o Cybergrants, Inc.
Mylan Technologies, Inc.
Newbury Women’s Fellowship
Now and Then Vehicle Club
Offset House
Old Ebbit Grill
O’Shea Insurance Agency Inc.
People’s United Bank
Petra Cliffs
R.L. Vallee, Inc.
Rebekah Assembly of Vermont
Ross Insurance & Co.
Rotary Club of Rutland
Running Room
S.U.R. & R. Auto Parts, Inc.
Santa’s Village
Sea Life Park
Six Gun City
Spa Olakino
Systems And Software Inc.
The Edge
The Switchback Beerworks, Inc
The Tower Management Group
Top Hat Entertainment
Vermont Eastern Star Home, Inc.
Vermont National Country Club
Vermont Turkey and Young Gun Club
Wearth It Inc.
Whitehouse Fuels
Wholesale Grocers, Inc
Willie Racine Inc.
Christopher Abbott
Christopher Adams
Susan Anater
Hans Asoera
Craig Austin
Kelly Austin
Jeffrey Avella
Constance Barber
James Barrett
Paul Barton
James Barton
Bobbi-Jo Bathalon
Linda Bazin
Steven Beauchemin
Nancy Beckett
Michael Bedell
Betsy Beecher
Roland Bellavance
Elizabeth Bianchi
Joe Bilodeau
George Bond
Heather Bourque
Peter Boyle
Cheryl Brayman
Garritt Bresett
Charlie Brush
Mike Bryan
Todd Buffum
Frederick Burnett
Paul Bushey
Keith Carlton
Calvin Carpenter
Allegra Carpenter
Tammy Carroll
H. Wright Caswell
Thomas Chadwick
Elizabeth Christman
Dom Cioffi
Gary and Sherry Clark
Bob Cleary
Deborah Cook
Judie Copping
Thomas and Anne Cosinuke
James Couture
Sharon Crites
Christina Cussimanio
Julie Dale
Jaqueline DeForge
Ricardo Desouza
Pamela Deuso
Kevin Dorain
Wright Dykeman
Vicki Eaton
Joyce Edwards
Karen Endicott
Sara Ethier
Gayle Eustis
Jeffrey Fanelli
Sheila Fanelli
Wendy Fannin
Richard and Elizabeth Fanus
Roland Faucher
Dan Feeney
Sarah Feussner
Jennifer Fitzpatrick
Eric Flegenheimer
Mario Fradette
Lois Frivoll
Boris Funtow
Robert Gagliardi
James Glaspie
Richard Gardner
John Gilbert
Trudy Gilmond
Steven Gordon
William Gorman
Arthur Greenbaum
Tim Hagen
Robin Hall
Joseph Hameline
Leon Hamlin
Barbara Harris
Deborah Hayden
Robert Hazel
James Hedbor
Peter Heininger
Barbara Henry
Mark Hill
Robert Hinshaw
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Paul Holmes
Clarissa Holmes
William Hopkins
Sarah Howrigan
Stephanie Huestis
Gale Hurd
Heather Hutchison
David Jenne
Richard Jenny
Michael Jordan
Carissa Kajenski
Karen Keene
Debra Keller
Matthew Kelly
Ernest Kennedy
Michael Kerbaugh
Ann Kiley
Paula Knight
Steve Knox
Frank Koss
Matthew Kuhlmeier
Margaret Kurt
Kate Labor
Mark Lacroix
Fred Lager
Regina Laraway
Vinny Lazzara
Aaron Lax
Darlene LeClair
Brian Leffler
Louis Lepporoli
Pierre Letourneau
Sam and Patricia Levin
Helen Lewis
Kathleen Liang
Sandra Lipman
Timothy Loucks
Deborah Lowe-Murray
Howard Lyman
Carl Lynde
Mike MacAuley
Tracey MacLellan
David Magida
Matthew Maiberger
Robert Marcotte
Jerry Marmelstein
Charlie and Doris Martin
Donna Martino
Jean Mast
Richard Mattern
Richard Mazer
Corey McCuin
Kate McGinn
Pamela McGough
Patrick McGovern
Larry McMannon
Bette McNabb
Terrence McNabb
William McQuiggan
Aidan McSheffrey
Timothy McSweeney
Rose Meester
Jason Metcalfe
Peter and Karen Moino
Ernest Molle
Thomas Monahan
Angela Moncrieff
Eugene Moore
Linda Moreng
Judith Moulton
Ann Mudgett
Robert Myers
Ann Natario
Doug Nedde
Jennifer Nelson
Michele Nelson
David Nolan
Laura Noonan
Brenda Noonan
Jochen Obert
Patricia Ochs
Peter O’Leary
Thomas Pecue
Francine Perkins
Suzie Petrie
Leslie Pippin
Randall Plimpton
Gary Poff
Catherine Pompei
Lucille Porter
Warren Pratt
Renald Proulx
Lori Pryce
Kerrie Pughe
Scott Redfield
Steve Redmond
Edward Richards
Joanne Richards
J. Kent Riffle
Nancy Riley
Meredith Rogers
Jamie Romano
Andrew Rome
Duncan Rotch
Peter Rotch
Edward Rounds
Gerard Royer
Michael Russell
David Ryan
Robert Ryan
Chuck Sano
Debra Scheer
Mark Schleicher
Rebecca Schneider
David Schoop
T. Semprebon
John Seward
Amy Shea
Carol Shea
Julie Sleeper
Kerry Sleeper
Kevin Sleeper
Mary Jo Sleeper-Lyman
Catherine Smith
Jessie Snyder
Eric Sokolowski
Christine Spaan
Joseph Stack
Sean Starr
Brenda Stewart
Dora Sudarksy
Wendy Svec
Jack Sykas
Richard Tarrant
Paul Tarte
Gregory Teese
Roger Teese
Vincent Tentindo
Dawn Terrill
Brent Tewksbury
Douglas Theobalds
D. Thomas
Rebecca Thomas
Ronni Travers
Holly Turner
Claude Viens
Jennifer Walton
Arthur Warwick
Jennifer Warwick-Sokolowski
Sarah Webster
Gregg Wells
Laurie Wood
Gerald Wood
Marilyn Woods
Bruce Woodward
Lisa Woodward
Jon Yamaguchi
Scott Yeager
David Yetter
Peter Young
99 Restaurant Event
Fortuna Sausage Sale
Halloween Party
SCS Craft Show
Walbridge Family Tractor Pull
YPAC Apres Ski Event
Spring 2013
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100 Dorset Street, Suite 14
South Burlington, VT 05403
Meet the Make-A-Wish Vermont Team!
From left to right Mary Jo Sleeper-Lyman, Development; Beth Hammond, Marketing Communications
Leslie Williams, President & CEO; Wendy Hall, Administration; Shawna Wakeham-Smith, Wish Granting
Spring 2013
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