1DQR&OHDUIRU,QGXVWULDO$SSOLFDWLRQV 3URGXFW1&, Test Data 1DQR&OHDULVDRQHFRPSRQHQWLQGXVWULDOJUDGHIRUPXODWLRQWKDWFXUHVUDSLGO\LQWKHSUHVHQFHRI DWPRVSKHULFPRLVWXUH1DQR&OHDUIRUPVDQH[WUHPHO\FURVVOLQNHGILOPZLWKIDUVXSHULRUVFUDWFK DEUDVLRQFKHPLFDODQG89UHVLVWDQFHRYHUDQ\OHDGLQJWZRFRPSRQHQWLQGXVWULDOFOHDUFRDWLQJ 6XLWDEOHIRUXVHRYHUfreshlySDLQWHGRUKLJKO\R[LGL]HGWRSFRDWLQJVLQFOXGLQJtwo-component HSR[y, polyurethane, powder coatings andSRO\HVWHUWRSFRDWV ƌLJĨŝůŵƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJΎ 3HQFLO+DUGQHVV EĂŶŽͲůĞĂƌ dĞƐƚDĞƚŚŽĚ + $670' ! $670' PJ $670' ,PSDFW6WUHQJWK NJFP ! $670' :DWHULPPHUVLRQWHVW KRXUV#& 3DVV ,62 &$66#& 3DVV 3HQGXOXP +DUGQHVV3HUVR] $EUDVLRQ5HVLVWDQFH &6NJ F\FOHV Kr. -,6+ *ORVVUHWHQWLRQ !KRXUV489 ! $670' *ORVVUHWHQWLRQ !KUV;HQRQ:20 ! $670* 0(.UHVLVWDQFH ! $670' 6DOW6SUD\ 3DVV 4hr. Testing performed by Nippon Paint Singapore $670% Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization SINo Characteristics Test Results Polyurethane White without Nano-Clear NCI Polyurethane White with Nano-Clear NCI Method of Tests 1 Gloss at 60° 80 (Good) 92.0 (Excellent) SASO 2833 2 Scratch Hardness 1500 gm. (Good) 2500 gm. (Excellent) SASO 2833 3 Abrasion Resistance (Loss in weight) 20.6 mg (Good) 8.5mg (Excellent) SASO 2833 4 Impact Strength 100 kg-cm (Good) 145 kg-cm (Excellent) ASTM D4060 5 Mar Resistance 2.0 kg (Good) 5.0 kg (Excellent) ASTM D5178 6 Alkali Resistance Good Excellent SASO 2833 7 Acid Resistance Good Excellent SASO 2833 8 MEK Resistance 200 cycles (Gloss decreased -Fair) > 1000 cycles (No effect on gloss - Excellent) ASTM D4752 9 Flexibility Passed 3mm mandrel test (Good) Passed 1mm mandrel test (V. Good) SASO 2833 10 Adhesion (Metal Surface) 1.5 Mpa (Good) 3 Mpa (Very Good) ASTM D4541 11 Pencil Hardness 3H (Good) 5H (Excellent) SASO ISO 15184 12 Cross Cut Adhesion Rating 7 (Good) Rating 10 (Excellent) SASO ISO 2409 13 Flexibility Cylindrical Mandrel 5 mm Passed (Good) 3 mm Passed (Excellent) SASO ISO 1519 14 Impact Resistance 1kg – 120cm (Good) 1kg – 160cm (Excellent) SASO ISO 3248 15 Flammability: Retardant / Flame Spread Class 4 (Fair) Class 1 / Class A (Excellent) BS476 / ASTM E84 16 Salt Spray Resistance 500 hours (Passed) 4000 hours (Passed) SASO ISO 11997 17 Accelerated Weathering (1000 hours) Fair (Change in color and gloss >10%) Excellent (Change in color and gloss <2%) SASO ISO 16474-2 Testing performed by: Musarrat Husain Jafri, Consultant Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization Nano-Clear NCI for Industrial - Ammon Painting Restoration & Abatement SummaryofBridgeTesting,MoDOT ChemicalLaboratory - 2014 TestPanels TestConditions Test Method Testing Time TestResults NanoͲClearNCI Coatingapplied overexistingpaint system UVExposure/ Condensation ASTMG154 2000hr. NoWeathering Observed Coating applied overexistingpaint system SaltFogExposure/ CorrosionResistance ASTMB117 2000hr. NoWeathering orCorrosionObserved Coating applied overexistingpaint system UV Exposureon MoDOT Laboratory Roof NONE 4000hr. NoWeathering Observed Test Results ConventionalTopcoat PASS Fail PASS Fail PASS KitBondBridgeͲ KansasCity,MO Fail Lewis&ClarkViaductͲ KansasCity,MO Before Before Afterw/NCI After Test / Validation Testing performed by Alcoa Aluminum Test / Validation Testing performed by Nippon Paint Mr. Thomas Choate Nanovere Technologies 4023 S. Old US 23 Suite 10 Brighton, MI 4811 We have completed 4,000 hour weatherometer (WOM) testing of your Nano-Clear. It was compared to PPG’s CeramiClear product and an OEM clearcoat from DuPont. In all categories tested, the NanoClear product performed better than or equivalent to the PPG and DuPont products. Nano-Clear performed exceptionally well after 4,000 hours of WOM exposure. Refer to Table 3 for detailed test results. Table 1 details the clearcoats that were tested along with their physical properties. All tests were performed on the Nano-Clear and PPG clearcoats (A & B) and some additional tests were performed on the DuPont OEM clearcoat (C). Table 1: Clearcoats A Sample Clearcoat Nano-Clear Manufacturer Nanovere Technologies B C D8126/D8226 CeramiClear Acrylic Silane PPG Industries DuPont % Non-Volatile (Weight) % --- % Non-Volatile (Volume) --- 49.8% Volatile Organic Content less Exempts Mix Ratio (by Volume) o o Solvents are VOC Exempt 2.01 lbs/gal 1 2:1 Potlife @ 68 F / 20 F 1R3RWOLIH Recommended Dry Film Thickness 2 mils 2 - 2.5 mils 30 minutes 30 minutes 4 hours 4 hours 30 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour Dry Times: Dust-Free @ 68-72 oF o F Dry-to-Handle @ 68-72 Dry-to-Handle @ 150 STS #306_1C o F Clearcoats A and B were mixed according to their directions and applied to coated steel panels, within 15 minutes of mixing, using wire wound applicator method. They were allowed to flash off for 3 – 5 minutes prior to baking for 30 minutes at 150oF. They were aged for 24 hours under ambient conditions prior to testing. Total clearcoat thickness for both clearcoats was 1.9 – 2.1 mils. Table 2 details the test panels that were prepared. Table 2: Test Panels B C Nano-Clear D8126/D8226 CeramiClear RK8010A DuPont 542AC301 White 542AC301 White 542AC301 White Primer None None None E-Coat ED6060 B952 P60 DIW: Unpolish ED6060 B952 P60 DIW: Unpolish ED6060 B952 P60 DIW: Unpolish Panel ID Clearcoat Basecoat Code Pretreatment Substrate ACT Labs Product ID No. A Cold Rolled Steel Cold Rolled Steel Cold Rolled Steel APR45582 APR45582 APR44364 Panels were tested for appearance, mechanical and durability properties similar to those required of BMW. Descriptions of test methods can be found at the end of this report. The Nano-Clear showed superior cold temperature chip resistance, direct and reverse impact resistance compared to the CermiClear and OEM clearcoats. It showed slightly more haze than the CermiClear product. Both Nano-Clear and CeramiClear showed no breakthrough of clearcoat after exposure to 100 liters of sand via the Falling Sand Abrasion Test. The OEM clearcoat failed after 100 liters. The initial 20o gloss of the OEM clearcoat was slightly higher than the other clearcoats, but the NanoClear (A) showed the best gloss retention (100%) after 4,000 hours of WOM exposure. It had similar color change than the DuPont OEM and PPG CeramiClear clearcoats. The CeramiClear showed better gloss retention than the control with little color change. Table 3 details the test results. Please call me should you have questions or comments at (810)750-0040. Thank you for the opportunity to perform the above work for Nanovere Technologies, Inc. We look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, Debora L. Hense Consultant STS #306_1C Table 3: Detailed Test Results Sample Clearcoat A B C Nano-&OHDU CeramiClear Acrylic Silane PPG DuPont Manufacturer o o 30' @ 150 F 30' @ 150 F OEM 2.0 +/- 0.1 2.0 +/- 0.1 2.0 +/- 0.1 Scratch 0.25 Kg 0.10 Kg Gouge > 11 Kg > 11 Kg Cure Schedule Clearcoat DFT (mils) Scrape Adhesion per ASTM D2197 Chip Resistance Per ASTM D3170 * o Room Temperature (23 C) o Cold Temperature (-29 C) 7A 6A 6A 7B 5B 5B Pass Pass Fail Direct (inch-pounds) 50P / 60F 30P / 40F 40 P / 50F Reverse (inch-pounds) 20F / 10P 5F 5F 500 Hours - Blistering per ASTM D714 No Effect No Effect No Effect 500 Hours - Appearance No Effect No Effect No Effect Haze (%) 1.29 1.09 Total Luminous Transmittance (%) 89.18 89.91 Diffuse Transmittance (%) 1.15 0.98 o 82.0 82.4 87.8 o 88.0 86.8 88.0 o 95.0 91.0 95.0 o 83.5 79.9 84.0 o 83.4 77.9 82.4 20 Gloss - 4,000 Hours 83.1 78.4 80.8 % Gloss Retention - 4,000 Hours 100% 95% 92% ǻE - 500 Hours 0.35 0.27 0.61 Falling Sand Abrasion per ASTM D968 (100 Liters) o Impact Resistance per ASTM D2794 at -18 C Humidity Resistance per ASTM D4585 Transmission & Haze per ASTM D1003 WOM Resistance per SAE J1960 20 Gloss - Initial 20 Gloss - 500 Hours 20 Gloss - 1,000 Hours 20 Gloss - 2,000 Hours 20 Gloss - 3,000 Hours o ǻE - 1,000 Hours 0.41 0.35 0.44 ǻE - 2,000 Hours 0.55 0.48 0.32 ǻE - 3,000 Hours ǻE - 4,000 Hours 0.57 0.48 0.30 0.63 0.48 0.41 Rating 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 No. of Chips 0 1-4 5-9 10 - 24 25 - 49 50 - 74 75 - 99 100 - 150 151 - 250 > 250 Chip Size A = <1 mm B = 1-3 mm C = 3-6mm D = >6mm * Number & Letter Categories for Chip Ratings: STS #306_1C DESCRIPTION OF TEST METHODS Chip Resistance – Per ASTM D3170. This method covers the determination of the resistance of coatings to chipping damage by stones or other flying objects. One pint of standardized road gravel (~ ½” diameter) was projected by means of controlled air blast (70 +/- 5 psi) at the panels. One set was tested under ambient conditions and another set tested at -29oC +/- 2oC. After gravel blast, tape is applied and removed from the surfaces. The panels are rated using visual standards in the test method. They are summarized below: Rating 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 No. of Chips 0 1-4 5-9 10 - 24 25 - 49 50 - 74 75 - 99 100 - 150 151 - 250 1 > 250 Chip Size A = <1 mm B = 1-3 mm C = 3-6mm D = >6mm Delta E (ǻE) – Per SAE J1545. This method measures the color of the exposed samples and the color of the unexposed samples and calculates a color difference (ǻE) by the square root of the sum of the squares of the delta L*, a* and b* values obtained from the color measurements. Falling Sand Abrasion – Per ASTM D968 Method A. This method covers the determination of the resistance of organic coatings to abrasion produced by abrasive sand falling onto coatings applied to a plane, rigid surface. A specified amount of sand was allowed to fall from a specified height through a guide tube onto the panels until a minimum of 4mm area of clearcoat was removed. This is the end point. Gloss – Per ASTM D523. This method covers the measurement of specular gloss of non-metallic specimens for glossmeter geometries 20o, 60o and 85o. Humidity Resistance – Exposure per ASTM D4585. This practice covers basic principles and operating procedures for testing water resistance of coatings using controlled condensation. A vapor temperature of 60oC was maintained for the duration of testing. Immediately upon removal from the humidity chamber, the panels were observed for defects including blisters, blushing, color change, rust, water spots, etc. If no defects were observed, the panels were rated as PASS. Impact Resistance – Per ASTM D2794. This method covers a procedure for rapidly deforming by impact a coating film and its substrate. A standard weight is dropped a distance so as to strike an indenter that deforms the coating and the substrate. The indentation can be either an intrusion (direct impact) or extrusion (reverse impact). Films generally fail by cracking. The results are reported as the maximum number of inch-pounds of force applied to the coating and substrate at which the coating does not crack (P for pass) or when the coating cracks (F for fail). STS #306_1C Scrape Adhesion – Per ASTM D2197. This method covers the determination of the adhesion of organic coatings when applied to smooth, flat (planar) panel surfaces. The adhesion is determined by pushing the panels beneath a rounded stylus or loop that is loaded in increasing amounts until the coating is removed from the substrate surface. Two measurements were recorded, the first the load at which marring of the surface was observed, and the second the load at which the clearcoat was removed by the stylus. Transmission & Haze – Per ASTM D1003. This method covers the evaluation of specific lighttransmitting and wide-angle-light-scattering properties of the planar sections of materials. The clearcoats were drawn down over glass panels, cured and measured. Weatherometer Resistance – Exposure per SAE J1960. This method covers the practices and procedures for the simulated weathering of coated panels. Table 3: Detailed Test Results Sample Clearcoat Manufacturer A B C 1DQR&OHDU CeramiClear SB Acrylic Silane Melamine OEM Nanovere PPG DuPont o o 30' @ 150 F 30' @ 150 F OEM 1.8 - 2.0 1.8 - 2.0 2.1 - 2.0 Gloss per ASTM D523 (20 /60 ) 86.0 / 92.2 85.8 / 92.0 88.1 / 94.1 Adhesion per ASTM D3359 Method B to White (A1 & B1) 5B / 100% 5B / 100% 5B / 100% Adhesion per ASTM D3359 Method B to Silver (A2 & B2) 0B / 0% 0B / 0% --- Pencil Hardness - Scratch per ASTM D3363 H F 4H Pencil Hardness - Gouge per ASTM D3363 + 3B 2B Pencil Hardness - Gouge per ASTM D3363 After 24 Hr. Recovery + 3B 2B 19.85 36.20 52.20 150 Fail / 140 Pass 90 Fail / 80 Pass 50 Fail / 40 Pass 160 Pass 120 Fail / 100 Pass 10 Fail / 5 Pass 70 Fail / 60 Pass 60 Fail / 50 Pass 20 Fail / 10 Pass Reverse (inch-pounds) 5 Fail 5 Fail 5 Fail Flexibility per ASTM D522 Pass 1/4 n/a Fail 3/4" / Pass 1" ** 10% Sulfuric Acid No Effect No Effect No Effect 10% H ydrochloric Acid No Effect No Effect No Effect 10% Sodium Hydroxide No Effect No Effect No Effect 10% Ammonium Hydroxide No Effect No Effect No Effect Isopropyl Alcohol No Effect No Effect No Effect Xylene 1R(IIHFW Slight Softening Slight Swelling Xylene (24 hour recovery) No Effect No Effect No Effect MEK No Effect No Effect No Effect No Effect No Effect No Effect > 1,500 260 > 1,500 Cure Schedule Clearcoat DFT (mils) o o Taber Abrasion per ASTM D4060 (mg lost per 1,000 cycles) Impact Resistance per ASTM D2794 - Initial Direct (inch-pounds) Reverse (inch-pounds) o Impact Resistance per ASTM D2794 - After 48 Hrs. @ F (250n/lbs) Direct (inch-pounds) Chemical Spot Resistance per ASTM D1308 Skydrol 500 Fluid Resistance per ASTM D6943 Method A MEK Resistance per ASTM D4752 (Double Rubs) Test / Validation Test / Validation Industrial Case Study Leading US Tank Car Manufacture / Leasing Company Technical Challenge ¾ Reduce Material Cost ¾ Reduce Labor Cost ¾ Reduce Energy Cost ¾ Extend In-Service Life ¾ Reduce VOC ¾ Improve UV Resistance Technical Solution: Nano-Clear for Industrial Applications was chosen to replace epoxy 2K black. NanoClear 1K restores oxidized paint, enhances underlying black color, dramatically improves surface hardness and prevent further UV degradation of underlying paints. Nano-Clear Coating Benefits: ¾ Material Savings - 5 gal of Nano-Clear vs. 30 gal of Epoxy ¾ Energy Savings - No Heat Required to Cure ¾ Environmental - Lower VOC per Facility ¾ Higher Production Throughput with Nano-Clear ¾ 2X ([WHQGHGService Life of Tank Car ¾ Savings -$25 per Tank Car using Nano-Clear Interested?Questions? ContactNanovereTechnologiesdirectlyat (810)227Ͳ0077orquestions@nanovere.com orvisitusathttp://www.nanocoatings.com NanovereTechnologies,LLC. 4023S.OldUS23,Suite101 Brighton,MI48114USA (810)227Ͳ0077