EE342 - Electrical Power Lab Experiment PS2 Interconnected Power Systems and Operation of Transmission Lines I Objectives • • • To investigate the characteristics of interconnected power systems. To investigate the action of Excitation and Speed control in an interconnected system. To investigating the effect of load values at the receiving end on the performance of an overhead transmission line. II Background 2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Interconnection Power systems are usually interconnected since such a scheme has many advantages such as: ¾ Having a higher degree of reliability: If a forced outage occurs inside the system, it can compensate the power deficit from the interconnected system. ¾ Having fewer Stand-by Units: Due to the fact that loads may be supplied from any place in the network, fewer standby units are required in an interconnected system. ¾ Having Lower Voltage Deviations: Loads can be affected too much by voltage variation. For example if a 3φ induction motor is operated at higher voltage, its life is reduced. Also if it operates at lower voltage, its efficiency will be reduced. ¾ Having Lower Frequency Deviations: The variation of frequency may also cause many problems for computer systems, some chemical processes, communication systems, medical equipment, defense critical systems and many other applications which must operate at a certain specified frequency. ¾ Energy can be bought and sold, therefore, it is more cost affective. The main disadvantage of the interconnected system is increasing the short circuit level of the system so that if a short circuit occurs at any point in the system, it may spread through out the whole system, which may lead to a system black-out. 2.2 Synchronization Before two synchronous generators can be connected in parallel, they must have:¾ equal frequency. ¾ equal terminal voltage. ¾ equal phase angle. ¾ same phase sequence. If any of the above four conditions is not satisfied, very large currents can flow in generators which can cause mechanical or electrical damage to both machines. Therefore, these four conditions must be satisfied before parallel connection of generators is attempted. Normally, in power systems, many generators are running and new generators have to be connected to the system during the periods when loads are increasing. Thus, a generator is “synchronized” to the system and then interconnected to it. When we synchronize it, we make sure that the four conditions for parallel operation are met. This operation is achieved with the help of suitable 8 instruments (synchroscope, frequency meter, set of lamps, etc). Figure 1-a, shows the connection of a synchronizing switch. While Figure 1-b demonstrates the phasor diagram that represents this process. Figure 1: Synchronization of Two Systems 2.3 Controllers of Synchronous Machine In large generators, there are two main automatic control circuits. One is responsible to maintain constant terminal voltage, which is known as automatic voltage regulation (AVR). The other is responsible for keeping frequency at constant level by controlling the amount of mechanical power input to the machine. This is called automatic frequency control (AFC). This power system simulator is equipped with a speed (frequency) controller only; i.e. the AVR is not available. To discuss these control systems, the equations of active and reactive power will be discussed in the following section. 2.4 A Synchronous Machine Connected to an Infinite Bus Consider the simple model of a synchronous machine connected to an infinite bus of Figure 2. jXe P Q + E∠δ Figure 2: V∠0 A Synchronous Machine Connected to Infinite Bus 9 Where V∠0 is the Voltage of infinite bus E∠δ is the Machine internal e.m.f Xe is the Equivalent total series reactance Xe = generator reactance + transformer reactance + line reactance It can be shown that active and reactive powers supplied by the machine to the infinite bus are given as: EV (1) P= sin δ Xe V (2) Q= (E cos δ - V) Xe The value of Q depends on the operating condition as follows: E cos δ > V → Q>0 E cos δ = V → Q=0 E cos δ < V → Q<0 Equation (2) shows that the reactive power may be positive, negative, or zero. i.e. Q may flow from the generator to the system, in this case we say the machine is over-excited working at lagging power factor. Alternatively, Q may flow from the system to the generator when it is under-excited and working at leading power factor. The sign (direction) and value of Q depends upon system requirements. 2.5 Characteristics of Interconnected Systems When a single generator is connected to a large power system whose rating is much larger than that of the generator, the voltage and frequency controllers of the small machine can not affect the large system voltage nor its frequency. In this case, the system can be considered as an infinite bus relative to the generator. The equivalent circuit of a single generator connected to the infinite bus is shown in Figure 2 and its e.m.f. is given by E=4.44 k ϕ f. Attempting to change the speed of the prime mover (induction motor in the lab) will not affect the system frequency. But the synchronous generator speed is directly proportional to its frequency; therefore the speed can not change if the frequency can not change. Therefore the speed will return to a constant value which the synchronous speed of the infinite system. Therefore, the magnitude of ‘E’ depends mainly upon ϕ (generator excitation). Also power angle ‘δ‘, i.e. angle of ‘E’ with respect to terminal voltage of the infinite bus, depends upon the prime mover output power; refer to equation (1). Thus, the current ’I’ supplied by the generator to the infinite bus, depends on the active power ‘P’ supplied by the generator to the system, and the reactive power ‘Q’ supplied or absorbed by the generator. 2.6 Modeling of Transmission Lines The main parameters of a line are as follows: 1. The resistance, which depends upon material, length and area of conductor. 2. Series inductive reactance, which depends upon conductor dimensions and distances between lines. 3. Shunt capacitive reactance which depends upon conductor dimensions and distances between lines and distances between lines and ground. 10 The transmission lines can be simulated either by a) R,L (short model), b) R,L,C in form of nominal π or T network, and c) exact model depending on the length of transmission lines. The power flow, the voltage regulation and the efficiency of transmission lines are affected by the line parameters. The relationship between different terminal quantities can be expressed by the following equations: VS = A VR + B IR IS = C VR + D IR Where VS, IS: VR, IR: A, B, C & D : Where are the sending end voltage (line to neutral) & line current respectively. are the receiving end voltage (line to neutral) & line current respectively. are the generalized constants and are functions of line parameters. VS = VS ∠δ, A = D = A ∠α, VR = VR ∠0 B = B ∠β Hence receiving end power PR and QR are given as: PR = VS VR A 2 cos(β − δ) − VR cos(β − α) B B QR = VS VR A 2 sin(β − δ) − VR sin(β − α) B B 2.7 The performance of the Line Two measures are always use to evaluate the performance of a transmission line; the voltage regulation and the efficiency. Changing the load value during the day will change the voltage at receiving end assuming that the voltage at sending end is constant. In case of long line operating al light loads (almost no load), the receiving end voltage may be greater than sending end voltage due to line capacitance. This phenomenon, which is called Ferranti effect, can be shown from the phasor diagram of Figure 3. Figure 3: π - Model for Transmission Line and its Phasor Diagram On the other hand, at heavy loads the voltage at receiving end is less than the sending end voltage by a significant value. The difference between the voltage at no load and at load determines the voltage regulation of the line at the studied load as follows: 11 Line Voltage Regulation % = 100*(|VRnl| –| VR|) / |VR| The efficiency of the transmission line is simply the percentage ratio between the receiving end and the sending end, thus Line Efficiency % = (PR / Ps ) *100 III Experimental Procedure 3.1 Synchroniation of G1 to Grid System This procedure is for connecting Generator 1 to the main, or GRID supply at the GEN 1 Busbar. The synchronizing switch is therefore CB8 that is duplicated in the central control panel. 1) Before switching the supply on, check that the excitation and power pots are on minimum position. 2) Above the Generator 1 Control Panel there is a synchroscope that has two inputs: ‘Reference Bus’ and ‘Incoming Bus’. The synchroscope also has an on-off switch that should be normally in the 'off' position except when synchronizing. 3) To synchronize Generator 1 to the main or GRID supply the Grid red and yellow terminals should be connected to the REF bus terminals of the synchroscope. Similarly the red and yellow terminals of GEN 1 should be connected across to the INCOMING bus terminals of the synchroscope. 4) Link sockets S1 to S3 directly. 5) Switch on the Mains Supply MCB on the left of the Simulator panel. 6) Close circuit breakers CB2, CB3, and CB5. 7) Press the green START button for the motor. 8) Quickly bring up the speed to 1800 rev.min-1 (if you are too slow, the under/over frequency system will trip). 9) Close the circuit breaker CBFb in the Generator 1 Control panel. Increase the excitation to give a voltage equal to that of the Grid supply. 10) Switch on the synchroscope. Watching the synchroscope, gently alter the speed so that the red LEDs of the synchroscope are indicating slow clockwise rotation. Just before top dead centre of the synchroscope (at 11 o'clock), positional indication changes to the green LEDs. Close the duplicate circuit breaker control switch CB8b, in the Generator 1 Control panel when the green LED illumination approaches top dead centre. Circuit breaker CB8 closes to connect the Generator 1 to the GEN 1 BUS. 11) Generator 1 is now synchronized to the Grid supply. Record the values of the speed/power pot and the generator excitation pot in Table 1. The speed/power pot now controls the power output of the generator. Generator excitation pot controls reactive power. 3.2 Effect of Varying Generator Excitation Reference 1) With the generator synchronized to the grid system, ensure that the excitation pot and the speed/power pot are adjusted on the values recorded in Table 1. If not, readjust them. 2) Change the setting of the excitation pot in steps of +5% according to Table 2. For each value take the readings of excitation current ‘If’ (from G1 measurement panel) and the real power ‘P’, the reactive power ‘Q’, the current ‘I’, the power factor ‘pf’ and the frequency ‘f’ from MD. 12 3.3 Effect of Varying Generator Speed/Power Reference 1) With the generator synchronized to the grid system, ensure that the excitation pot and the speed/power pot are adjusted on the values recorded in Table 1. If not, readjust them. 2) Change the setting of the speed/power pot in steps of +5% according to Table 3. For each value take the readings of excitation current ‘If’ (from G1 measurement panel) and the real power ‘P’, the reactive power ‘Q’, the current ‘I’, the power factor ‘pf’ and the frequency ‘f’ from MD. 3) When switching off, reduce the power output and the reactive power to as near zero as possible before opening the circuit breaker CB8. 3.4 Transmission Line Performance 1) Use the routing diagram of figure 4 to route the system shown in Figure 3 on the power simulator. Connect line capacitance#2 to the two terminals of line#2, with the help of two different links. 2) Connect the resistive loads R2 & R3 to obtain different values of loads from 0% to 125% in steps of 25% as shown in Table 4. For each load value take readings of the sending end Ps, Qs, Vs& Is using MD and readings of the receiving end Pr, Qr, Vr& Ir using ML. 3.5 Effect of Load Power Factor on Line Performance 1) For the system of experiment 3.4, adjust the resistive load at 100%. Add the inductive loads L2 & L3 at different values from 0% to 100% in steps of 25% as shown in Table 5. Take readings of the sending end Ps, Qs, Vs& Is using MD and readings of the receiving end Pr, Qr, Vr, Ir in addition to the power factor pfr using ML. 2) Connect capacitive load C2 at 25% to obtain the leading power factor case study. Figure 3: Study system for Experiments 3.4 & 3.5 13 Report Your report should contain the following a- A one-page summary of the objectives and theoretical background. b- The experiment data sheets (Tables and/or graphs). c- The answers to the questions that will follow. d- Comment on results and a general conclusion. 1) Use the data of Table 2 to plot If, V, I, f, P, Q and pf against the variations of the excitation reference. 2) From (1), identify the variables that are effectively changing with increasing Vref, and determine the mode of change (increase/decrease). 3) Use the data of Table 3 to plot If, V, I, f, P, Q and pf against the variations of the speed/power reference. 4) From (3), identify the variables that are effectively changing with increasing Pref, and determine the mode of change (increase/decrease). 5) Comment on the variation of Q in Table 3 with increasing Pref (use equations 1&2) . 6) Complete the data of Table 4; i.e., calculate the values of the line efficiency and line voltage regulation for each case. 7) Comment on the values of Qr as compared to Qs. 8) The load at receiving end is pure resistive, however, the reactive power at receiving end is not equal to zero. Comment. 9) Use the data of Table 4 to plot the voltage regulation of the line against load variations (voltage regulation% against P in W). Comment. 10) Use the data of Table 4 to plot the efficiency of the line against load variations (efficiency% against P in W). Comment. 11) Complete the data of Table 5; i.e., calculate the values of the line efficiency and line voltage regulation for each case. 12) Use the data of Table 5 to plot the voltage regulation of the line against load variations (voltage regulation% against P in W). Comment. 13) Use the data of Table 5 to plot the efficiency of the line against load variations (efficiency% against P in W). Comment. . 14 15 Table 1: References at Synchronization Instant Excitation Reference Pot ‘Vref’ Speed/Power Reference Pot ‘Pref’ Table 2: Effect of Varying Generator Excitation Reference ΔVref % 0 5 10 -5 -10 If V I f P Q pf Table 3: Effect of Varying Generator Speed/Power Reference ΔPref % 0 5 10 15 If V I f P Q pf 16 Table 4: Transmission Line Performance Reasistive Load R2 + R3 Ps Qs Vs Is Pr Qr Vr Ir Voltage Regulation% Efficiency% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Table 5: Effect of Load Power Factor on Line Performance (R2+R3=100%) Inductive Load L2 + L3 Ps Qs Vs Is Pr Qr Pf r Vr Ir Voltage Regulation% Efficiency% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% L2+L3=0%, C2=125% 17