H. Jenny Su, ScD Professor of Environmental Health Sciences National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Sustainable Campus Program in Taiwan 2.Eco Campus and Sustain Building 1. Environ Education Layered greenery design Open Teaching plan Teaching module Learning outcom es More than 600 schools throughout Taiwan have been funded for the TSCP Permeable surface Purification of recycled water Improving surface soil Reduced C emission by water saving 1,527 Reduced C emission by regenerated energy 80,220 kgCO2e kgCO2e 44,976.337 kg CO2s Rainwater reuse Water-saving apparatus Application of regenerated energy Energy-saving design Health Sustainable Campus performace Disaster prevention capacity Improving indoor environment Natural and healthy materials Energy-saving/ low carbon/ efficiency 1. 2. 3. Taking the data from one school and extrapolating for the national statistics: Fixed C by increasing greenery coverage Carbon fixation Teaching record Low carbon energy use Eco-networking syste Resource recycling system Life support system for the greater community 4. Combining fundamental and applied education 5. Regionalized shared learning 6. Support for safety and disaster prevention 7. Accumulation of culture and history 8. Recognition of local identity 9. Networking of diverse sectors 10. Platform for integrated technology village commu nity Campus education Carbon saving/year 0.38 M Ton Equivalence of c-fixation by the area of green coverage 0.21 M Ton Satisfactory response rate after the program Efficiency/ fulfillment http://www.esdtaiwan.edu.tw/ curriculum technology Local industry concept Energy saving LEED certified「Magic School」at NCKU Energy use intensity (EUI) means the annual electricity consumption per square meter of the floor area in the building(kWh / m2.yr). Office building at USA、Thailand、Japan、China of it will be 390、226、150、 111kwh/(m2.yr),respectively, compared to 43kwh/(m2.yr) at Magic School. 中庭浮力通風塔BuoyancyDriven Ventilation in Atrium 2009 Taiwan EEWH「Diamond level certification」 崇華廳二次反射照明設計 Green Tech 2011 U.S. Green Building Council) 「platinum level certification EUI: 43kWh/(m2.yr),Energy saving 65% (bench marking: 125kWh/(m2.yr) for office building of similar scale) 「屋頂花園」(Roof Greenery)降低室內溫度 「透水性鋪面」(permeable pavement) 高達三層樓的「雨撲滿」( Harvested Rainwater Systems) 「光電板」(photovoltaic panel) 角度控制台 http://www.msgt.org.tw/ 塔樂禮宣言(The Talloires Declaration) Composed in 1990 at an international conference in Talloires, France, this is the first official statement made by university presidents, chancellors, and rectors of a commitment to environmental sustainability in higher education. The Talloires Declaration (TD) is a ten-point action plan for incorporating sustainability and environmental literacy in teaching, research, operations and outreach at colleges and universities. It has been signed by over 400 university leaders in over 50 countries.(http://www.ulsf.org/talloires_declaration.html) University ACTION PROGRAM 1. Increase Awareness of Environmentally Sustainable Development 2. Create an Institutional Culture of Sustainability 3. Educate for Environmentally Responsible Citizenship 4. Foster Environmental Literacy For All 5. Practice Institutional Ecology 6. Involve All Stakeholders 7. Collaborate for Interdisciplinary Approaches 8. Enhance Capacity of Primary and Secondary Schools 9. Broaden Service and Outreach Nationally and Internationally 10. Maintain the Movement within outreach 1. Capacity building 2. Teaching, Research and Service 1. Living laboratory of significance 2. Engine for regional sustainable development NCKU→sustainable outlook Base Action 1. Declaration 2. Integration of comprehensive discipline 3. Ultimate sustainability 1. Carbon footprint characterization 2. Full-scale environment al management 3. Enhanced resource efficiency 4. Serving the greater community 5. Participatory action studies and contribution 6. Forming alliance of various entities 7. Changing policy and directing new agenda 8. Setting new standard of practice 9. Promoting values of next generation 10. Building global consensus through education