Noise Assessment Memo (PDF file)

2655 North Sheridan Way, Suite 300
Mississauga, ON Canada L5K 2P8
t: 905.823.8500
f: 905.823.8503
Halton Region
Dundas Street (Regional Road 5) Transportation Improvements
(from Neyagawa Blvd to Oak Park Blvd)
Class Environmental Assessment Study
Cristina Lizarazo, E.I.T., MRC
April 12, 2013
Katherine Jim, P.Eng., MRC
W.O. 3212082
Dundas Street Class EA Study
Noise Assessment
1. Introduction
Halton Region is undertaking a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study for road
improvements along the Dundas Street (Regional Road 5) corridor from Neyagawa Boulevard to
Oak Park Boulevard, within the Town of Oakville. The road improvements include the
implementation of curb lane High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)/ transit operations in the interim
(2021) and the long term goal for higher order transit use (i.e. dedicated transit lane) by 2031.
Dundas Street will be reconstructed to a 6 lane cross-section. Dundas Street currently operates
with a posted speed limit of 80 km/hr but will be reduced to 60 km/hr in the future as the road
transitions from a rural corridor to a pedestrian and cyclist friendly urban road.
As part of the Class EA Study, a noise assessment was conducted to assess the potential increase
in noise level to noise sensitive areas as a result of the proposed improvements to Dundas Street.
Existing land uses south of Dundas Street are mainly residential (River Oaks community) and
north of Dundas Street, lands are being developed for future residential uses with some
neighbourhood commercial areas. The noise assessment was undertaken based on a selection of
several existing homes within the corridor (south side of Dundas Street). These residential
houses located adjacent to Dundas Street were selected to represent the potential noise impact to
residential houses in proximity to Dundas Street.
Early on in the EA process, a noise analysis was carried out for this section of Dundas Street and
the findings of this noise analysis indicated that the projected noise increase from the widening
of Dundas Street would be less than 5 dBA, and therefore would not warrant the consideration of
noise mitigation as per the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) / Ministry of Environment (MOE)
April 12, 2013
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Halton Region
Dundas Street Improvements (from Neyagawa Blvd to Oak Park Blvd)
Class Environmental Assessment Study
Noise Assessment
Technical Memorandum
Noise Protocol (see Section 2). However, the Region recognized that existing noise levels at
several residential houses within the River Oaks community exceeded 60 dBA, which is the
threshold for sound level criteria in the Halton Region Noise Abatement Policy. In addition, the
noise impact studies carried out as part of the development application process for the River
Oaks community was undertaken when Dundas Street was under the jurisdiction of MTO, and
assumed Dundas Street to be ultimately at 4 lanes. The criteria assumed at the time would have
been different from what Halton Region required in a noise impact study for development
application. In response, the Region retained MRC to carry out on-site sound level measurements
along with an additional noise analysis in the River Oaks community. Based on findings of the
analysis, the Region is committed to replacing the existing developer walls for the houses
directly adjacent to Dundas Street, including those separated by an intervening local road with a
noise wall (approximately 3.5 m in height) in order to provide sufficient noise attenuation.
The most recent noise assessment (2013) uses the updated traffic data and compared scenarios of
Dundas Street without improvements for the future 2021 / 2031 horizon years and with
improvements for the interim year 2021 (HOV/transit lanes) and future year 2031 (dedicated
transit lanes).
In addition, it should be noted that future residential development north of Dundas Street will
have to carry out noise assessment as part of the development application process where planned
improvements in the transportation network will have to be taken into consideration. Therefore,
noise assessment for future development is not included as part of the noise analysis carried out
for this Class EA Study.
2. Methodology
Noise levels are predicted in decibels in the A-weighted dBA scale, which best approximates the
human perception of sound over a specified time period. An increase of 2 – 3 decibels in noise
levels is considered to be just perceivable to the average person. It should be noted that a 3 dBA
increase in noise equates to a doubling of traffic volumes.
Ministry of the Environment Guidelines
Since roadway sound levels vary over time, the noise descriptor used in Ontario to assess noise is
the “equivalent sound level” (Leq). Leq is identified as the continuous sound level, which has the
same energy as a time varying sound level over a specified time period. For the purposes of
assessing municipal roadway noise, Leq is calculated on the basis of the 16 hour daytime period,
7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Based on the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO)/Ministry of the Environment (MOE)
Noise Protocol, where an existing roadway is proposed to be modified / widened adjacent to a
Noise Sensitive Area (NSA), MOE requires that the future noise levels without the proposed
improvements be compared to the future noise level with the proposed improvements. The
assessment is done at the outdoor living area (typically backyards) of each NSA. The provision
of noise mitigation is to be investigated should the future noise level with the proposed
April 12, 2013
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Halton Region
Dundas Street Improvements (from Neyagawa Blvd to Oak Park Blvd)
Class Environmental Assessment Study
Noise Assessment
Technical Memorandum
improvements result in a greater than 5 dBA increase over the future noise level without the
proposed improvements. If noise mitigation is provided, the objective is a minimum 5 dBA
reduction. Mitigation will attempt to achieve levels as close to, or lower than, the objective level
as is technically, economically and administratively feasible.
The STAMSON 5.0 computer modelling program, which is approved for use in Ontario by the
MOE, was used to assess existing and future noise levels on Dundas Street. This program is
used to predict noise levels generated from the road at the outdoor living areas (typically
backyards) of NSA’s.
3. Analysis
Three scenarios were calculated:
future noise levels without improvements to Dundas Street (Year 2021 / 2031)*
future interim noise levels with HOV / transit lane on Dundas Street (Year 2021)
future noise levels with dedicated transit lane on Dundas Street (Year 2031)
The following table summarizes the main assumptions and factors used in the analysis.
Table 3-1 - Factors Used In Noise Analysis
Noise Descriptor
Posted Speed
Traffic Volumes
Truck Percentages
(Medium / Heavy)
Receptor Height
Noise Barrier
Leq (16 hr)
Dundas Street between Neyagawa Blvd and Oak Park Blvd
- 80 km/h (existing)
- 60 km/h (future)
Dundas Street (Between Neyagawa Blvd and Oak Park Blvd)
- Existing (2011) –– 38279
- Future Interim (2021) – 43200
- Future (2031) – 54200
Medium truck – 8 %
Heavy truck – 5 %
1.5 m above the ground
Existing developer barriers (2.2 m high) were taken into consideration in noise
* It should be noted that existing (2011) traffic volumes on Dundas Street were used to represent
the future without widening of Dundas Street scenario as Dundas Street is currently operating at
or near capacity.
4. Noise Sensitive Areas
There are existing residential houses abutting Dundas Street within the study limits on the south
side. Several were selected to be included in the noise calculations as representatives to these
April 12, 2013
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Halton Region
Dundas Street Improvements (from Neyagawa Blvd to Oak Park Blvd)
Class Environmental Assessment Study
Noise Assessment
Technical Memorandum
residential houses on the south side of Dundas Street. The selected receiver locations are listed
in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1 – Receiver Locations
Receiver #
Characteristic of Property in
Relation to Dundas Street
2533 Longridge Crescent
Side Lot
2541 Gill Crescent
Side Lot
2509 Capilano Crescent
Side Lot
2636 Ironwood Crescent
Side Lot
2636 Blackcombe Crescent
Side Lot
2564 Harman Gate
Side Lot
2624 Castle Hill Crescent
Side Lot
2628 Devonsley Crescent
Side Lot
2624 Andover Road
Side Lot
130 Westfield Trail
Frontage to Dundas Street
(separated by Westfield Trail)
5. Results / Conclusion
Noise levels were calculated at the selected receiver locations for the future with and without
improvements on Dundas Street (interim condition with HOV/transit lanes in 2021, and ultimate
condition with dedicated transit lanes in 2031). Table 5-1, along with Exhibits 1a and 1b,
summarize the predicted daytime noise levels at Receivers 1 to 10 with the existing 2.2 m
developer barrier under the existing (2011) / future without improvements scenario and future
with HOV/transit lanes (2021) and dedicated transit lanes (2031) scenarios. The change in noise
level as a result of the Dundas Street improvements is predicted to be less than 5 dBA.
Therefore, the consideration of noise mitigation is not warranted under the MTO/MOE Noise
Protocol. Overall, the receiver locations are expected to experience a decrease in noise levels,
which can be attributed to Dundas Street being widened on the north side (i.e. the distance
between the noise source and receiver increased) and the decrease in the posted speed limit from
80 km/h to 60 km/h.
STAMSON output sheets for existing and future noise levels for Receivers 1 to 10 for the
alternatives are on file with MRC.
However, the noise impact studies submitted as part of the development applications for the
River Oaks Community assumed an ultimate 4-lane Dundas Street under the jurisdiction of
MTO; therefore, the approval of the noise impact studies was based on criteria different from
what Halton Region would use in their current standard.
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Halton Region
Dundas Street Improvements (from Neyagawa Blvd to Oak Park Blvd)
Class Environmental Assessment Study
Noise Assessment
Technical Memorandum
Based on recommendations from a previous noise assessment in 2010 and commitment from the
Region, the Region will provide a noise wall (replacement of existing develop barrier,
approximately 3.5 m in height) at properties directly adjacent to Dundas Street in the River Oaks
Community between Sixth Line and Neyagawa Boulevard, including those that are separated by
an intervening local road. The Region would be responsible for the cost of construction and
maintenance of the new noise barriers. The details of the noise barrier (e.g. type, colour,
aesthetics, etc.) will be determined during detail design and in consultation with the affected
residents through individual / group meetings.
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Halton Region
Dundas Street Improvements (from Neyagawa Blvd to Oak Park Blvd)
Class Environmental Assessment Study
Noise Assessment
Technical Memorandum
Table 5-1: Dundas Street Class EA – Summary of Calculated Noise Levels
Project Noise Level dBA Leq (16)
Distance from Receiver Location to Noise Source (m)
Future With Improvements and 2.2 m Developer Barrier
Receiver Location
(see key plan)
Future with Improvements
Existing (2011) /
Future Without
(with 2.2 m
Developer Barrier)
Future With
HOV / Transit
Lanes (2021)
Change in Noise
Level between
Future with
HOV / Transit
Lanes and
Future without
Future With Improvements and 3.5 m Noise Wall
Future With
Transit Lanes
Change in Noise
Level between
Future with
Dedicated Transit
Lanes and Future
Future With HOV / Transit
Lanes (2021)
Future With HOV / Transit
Lanes (2031)
Existing or Future
EB – 44.5 m
WB – 54.5 m
EB – 46.0 m
WB – 59.0 m
EB – 40.0 m
WB – 65.0 m
60.2 dBA
58.2 dBA
-2.0 dBA
58.9 dBA
-1.3 dBA
54.4 dBA
55.1 dBA
EB – 32.5 m
WB – 42.5 m
EB – 35.5 m
WB – 49.0 m
EB – 30.0 m
WB – 54.5 m
59.7 dBA
57.3 dBA
-2.4 dBA
58.1 dBA
-1.6 dBA
55.4 dBA
56.2 dBA
EB – 28.5 m
WB – 39.5 m
EB – 33.0 m
WB – 46.0 m
EB – 27.0 m
WB – 52.0 m
59.3 dBA
56.7 dBA
-2.6 dBA
57.5 dBA
-1.8 dBA
55.0 dBA
55.7 dBA
Receiver 4
2636 Ironwood
Receiver 5
2636 Blackcombe
Receiver 6
2564 Harman Gate
EB – 29.5 m
WB – 38.5 m
EB – 33.0 m
WB – 46.5 m
EB – 27.5 m
WB – 51.5 m
60.2 dBA
57.6 dBA
-2.6 dBA
58.4 dBA
-1.8 dBA
55.3 dBA
56.0 dBA
EB – 27.0 m
WB – 39.0 m
EB – 31.5 m
WB – 45.0 m
EB – 26.0 m
WB – 51.0 m
61.9 dBA
59.2 dBA
-2.7 dBA
60.0 dBA
-1.9 dBA
55.6 dBA
56.3 dBA
EB – 33.0 m
WB – 45.0 m
EB – 37.5 m
WB – 51.0 m
EB – 32.0 m
WB – 56.5 m
62.0 dBA
59.5 dBA
-2.5 dBA
60.2 dBA
-1.8 dBA
56.9 dBA
57.7 dBA
Receiver 7
2624 Castle Hill
Receiver 8
2628 Devonsley
Receiver 9
2624 Andover Road
EB – 28.0 m
WB – 40.5 m
EB – 32.5 m
WB – 46.0 m
EB – 26.5 m
WB – 51.5 m
59.8 dBA
57.3 dBA
-2.5 dBA
58.0 dBA
-1.8 dBA
54.4 dBA
55.2 dBA
EB – 30.0 m
WB – 40.0 m
EB – 33.5 m
WB – 47.0 m
EB – 28.0 m
WB – 52.5 m
60.7 dBA
58.3 dBA
-2.4 dBA
59.1 dBA
-1.6 dBA
56.2 dBA
57.0 dBA
EB – 50.0 m
WB – 60.5 m
EB – 52.0 m
WB – 65.5 m
EB – 46.0 m
WB – 71.0 m
59.7 dBA
57.7 dBA
-2.0 dBA
58.5 dBA
-1.2 dBA
55.0 dBA
55.7 dBA
Receiver 10*
130 Westfield Trail
EB – 68.0 m
WB – 80.0 m
EB – 70.5 m
WB – 83.5 m
EB – 65.0 m
WB – 89.5 m
56.2 dBA
54.3 dBA
-1.9 dBA
55.0 dBA
-1.2 dBA
54.3 dBA
55.0 dBA
Receiver 1
2533 Longridge
Receiver 2
2541 Gill Crescent
Receiver 3
2509 Capilano
* Note: This property is frontage to Dundas Street, therefore the assumptions of noise wall do not apply; the noise calculation did not include the 2.2 m developer barrier.
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Page 6
Ne ya g a w
a B o u l ev
Dundas Street (Reg. Rd. 5)
R1-2533 Longridge Crescent
R2-2541 Gill Crescent
R3-2509 Capilano Crescent
R4-2636 Ironwood Crescent
58.2 dBA / 58.9 dBA
57.3 dBA / 58.1 dBA
56.7 dBA / 57.5 dBA
57.6 dBA / 58.4 dBA
60.2 dBA
59.7 dBA
54.4 dBA / 55.1 dBA
Gill Crescent
Logan Avenue
Long ridg e Cres cent
55.3 dBA / 56.0 dBA
Capilano Crescent
55.0 dBA / 55.7 dBA
55.4 dBA / 56.2 dBA
60.2 dBA
59.3 dBA
Towne Blvd.
Ironwood Cres.
Receiver Location
Projected Future Noise Level
without Widening of Dundas Street
xx.x dBA
56.7 dBA / 57.5 dBA
Projected Future Noise Level with 2.2m Developer
dBA / xx.x d
xx.x dBA / xx.x dBA 2021 Widening of Dundas Street (HOV Lanes) /
2031 Widening of Dundas Street (Dedicated Transit Lane)
55.0 dBA / 55.7 dBA
Projected Future Noise Level with 3.5m Noise Wall (by Region)
dBA / xx.x dB
xx.x dBA / xx.x dBA 2021 Widening of Dundas Street (HOV Lanes)xx.x
2031 Widening of Dundas Street (Dedicated Transit Lane)
Gro veh ill Ro ad
Neyagawa Boulevard to Oak Park Boulevard
Developer Barrier to be replaced by Noise Wall (Halton Region)
Dundas Street (Reg. Rd. 5)
H ar m o n
55.0 dBA / 55.7 dBA
57.7 dBA / 58.5 dBA
54.3 dBA / 55.0 dBA
59.7 dBA
54.3 dBA / 55.0 dBA
R9-2624 Andover Road
56.2 dBA / 57.0 dBA
Blackcombe Cres.
Ga t e
sc e n t
Ironwood Cres.
59.5 dBA / 60.2 dBA
54.4 dBA / 55.2 dBA
56.9 dBA / 57.7 dBA
62.0 dBA
58.3 dBA / 59.1 dBA
56.2 dBA
And ov er Roa
55.6 dBA / 56.3 dBA
55.3 dBA / 56.0 dBA
57.3 dBA / 58.0 dBA
R6-2564 Harman Gate
60.7 dBA
R10-130 Westfield Trail
Wes tfi eld Tr
59.2 dBA / 60.0 dBA
59.8 dBA
R8-2628 Devonsley Crescent
Devonsley Crescent
61.9 dBA
60.2 dBA
57.6 dBA / 58.4 dBA
R7-2624 Castle Hill Crescent
R5-2636 Blackcombe Crescent
H ill C r e
R4-2636 Ironwood Crescent
Ca s tle
Sixth Lin
Red Maple Lane
Receiver Location
xx.x dBA
Projected Future Noise Level
without Widening of Dundas Street
xx.x dBA / xx.x dBA
Projected Future Noise Level with 2.2m Developer Barrier
2021 Widening of Dundas Street (HOV Lanes) /
2031 Widening of Dundas Street (Dedicated Transit Lane)
xx.x dBA / xx.x dBA
Projected Future Noise Level with 3.5m Noise Wall (by Region)
2021 Widening of Dundas Street (HOV Lanes) /
2031 Widening of Dundas Street (Dedicated Transit Lane)
Developer Barrier to be replaced by Noise Wall (Halton Region)
Neyagawa Boulevard to Oak Park Boulevard