Design of Gyro Based Roll-Stabilization Controller for a Concept Amphibious Commuter Vehicle IOANNIS KARAGIANNIS Master’s Degree Project Stockholm, Sweden June 2015 XR-EE-RT 2015:010 Design of Gyro Based Roll-Stabilization Controller for a Concept Amphibious Commuter Vehicle Ioannis Karagiannis Master Thesis Department of Automatic Control KTH Royal Institute of Technology Supervision First Supervisor Karl Henrik Johansson Second Supervisor Ivan Stenius Stockholm, Sweden, June 2015 Abstract In this master thesis the gyroscopic stabilization of a two-wheeled amphibious concept vehicle is investigated. The key idea is to neutralize external torques applied on the vehicle by the countertorque produced from the two gyroscopes attached on the vehicle. Here the gyroscopes are used as actuators, not as sensors. When a torque is applied in order to rotate a gyroscope whose flywheel is spinning, then the gyroscope precesses and it generates a moment, orthogonal to both the torque and the spinning axis. This phenomenon is known as gyroscopic precession. As the vehicle leans from its upright position we expect to generate sufficient gyroscopic reaction moment to bring the vehicle back and get it stabilized. We first derive the equations of motion based on Lagrangian mechanics. It is worth mentioning that we only consider the control dynamics of a static vehicle. This is the so called regulator problem where we try to counteract the effects of disturbances. The trajectory tracking (servo problem) and the water-travelling can be considered as an extension of the current project. We linearize the dynamics around an equilibrium and we study the stability of the linearized model. We then design an LQG controller, a Glover-McFarlane controller and a cascade PID controller. Regarding the implementation part, we only focus on the cascade PID controller. The results from both simulations and experiments with a small-scale prototype are presented and discussed. i Acknowledgements I could not start acknowledging anyone else first before my beloved parents, Makis and Ntina, for bringing me into this world. It is them who supported me both psychologically and financially during my unforgettable stay in Stockholm. Then of course my brother Panagiotis and his wife Christina (poupe), who never stopped encouraging me, even when things were getting hard some times. They are my soul-mates, my buddies. I would also like to acknowledge my cousin Kostas, the teacher who introduced me to the fascinating and adventurous world of mathematics. He taught me the importance of methodology. With respect to my home-university, I would like to thank prof. Anthony P. Tzes for his recommendation letter and for his invaluable advice when I left the Automation and Robotics laboratory, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Patras, Greece in 2013. He kind of passed me the ticket to this lovely academic-journey in Sweden. Thanks for trusting me professor. Regarding KTH, there are a number of people I would like to acknowledge: • My supervisor Ivan Stenius for sharing his passion about this project, and for his constant feedback and support, especially with respsect to the mechanical and hardware part of the project. • Prof. Karl Henrik Johansson for giving me inspiration and encouragement. With his optimistic perspective and very precise directions I very soon realized what the path I should follow was, which I have to admit, it was not a path paved with roses. • Prof. Magnus Jansson, for always having time for me whenever a “signal-processing”-nature problem was knocking my thesis door. • My teachers Cristian Rojas, Dimos Dimarogonas, Elling Jacobsen and Alexandre Proutiere who helped me to build a solid background in Control Theory. • Antonio Adaldo for supervising the control theory part of my project and for sharing some nice ideas. Throughout my work on this thesis there were also colleagues, with whom we became close friends, who stood by me and facilitated my efforts. Johan (Mr Phi) and Dirk, the restless minds as I call them, never stopped shooting me with brilliant ideas. I would also like to thank Robert for his valuable tips during my thesis. I could not forget my friend Alekos. Thanks for helping me with the rehearsals of my presentation. Last but not least, I would like to thank my uncle Elias for being a true mentor throughout my entire life. I truthfully thank you all! iii Contents Abstract i Acknowledgements iii Contents vi 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . 1.2 The NEWT Project . . . . 1.3 Problem Definition . . . . . 1.3.1 Strategic Objectives 1.4 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 3 3 4 4 2 Preliminaries 2.1 The Gyroscopic Effect . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Systems Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Linear Time Invariant System . . . 2.2.2 Impulse Response and Convolution 2.2.3 State Space Model . . . . . . . . . 2.2.4 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 FIR Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 7 7 8 8 9 9 3 Equations of Motion 3.1 The Concept Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Rigid Body Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Reliability Test of The Model . . 3.2.2 Linearized Model of Rigid Body 3.3 DC Motor Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Full System Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Open-loop Transfer Function . . . . . . 3.6 Discretized System . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.1 Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 13 14 18 19 20 22 23 23 24 4 Controller Design 4.1 Cascade Control Design . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 LQG Design for the Discretized LTI System 4.2.1 Kalman Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 LQR Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3 LQG Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.4 Further Tuning of the Parameters . 4.2.5 Penalize Change in Control Signals . 4.3 Glover-McFarlane Controller . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Constant Gain Precompensator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 25 28 29 31 34 36 38 39 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 4.3.3 Lead-lag Precompensator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two-degrees of Freedom Controller with Lead-lag Precompensator . . . . . 5 Controller Implementation 5.1 Revised Equations of Motion . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Acceptable Range of Initial Roll Angle 5.2 Cascade PID Control - Implementation . . . 5.2.1 Discrete-Time PID Controller . . . . . 5.3 Cascade PID Control - Tuning . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Disturbance Rejection Test . . . . . . 5.4 Enhanced Model with Asymmetry Included . 44 48 . . . . . . . 53 53 54 55 56 57 59 59 6 Experiments with the Prototype 6.1 Servo-Parameters Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Filtering of the Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Validation of the C++ code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 61 64 66 7 Conclusions and Remarks 7.1 Modelling and design-based considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Hardware considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Future Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 69 70 70 Bibliography 74 A Hardware 75 B Simulink Models 79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 1 Introduction “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein, 1879-1955 1.1 Motivation The problem of gyroscopic stabilization is attached with two particular names; Louis Brennan [5] and Pyotr Shilovsky [19],[18], who each built large-scale prototypes in the early of the twentieth century. Despite the plethora of efforts, the gyro monorail and the gyro car were never developed beyond the prototype stage. Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2 illustrate some of these prototypes. Figure 1.1: The Brennan’s Monorail. 1 2 1.1. Motivation Figure 1.2: The Shilovsky’s Gyrocar. The active gyroscopic roll-stabilizer for vehicles made its appearance again back in the 60s when the single-seat Gyro-X was created by Alex Tremulis, who was working for Gyro Transport Systems in California. Unfortunately, the company bankrupt and the Gyro-X never had the chance to be taken into production. The particular prototype vehicle is shown in Figure 1.3 Figure 1.3: The Tremulis Gyro-X Prototype. Mathematical analysis of the problem was first made by [7]. Significant attempts have been made the last two decades into both analytically formulating the problem and finding gyro-based stabilizing controllers [8],[21],[3],[1],[12]. Although most of the simulations based on the mathematical models performed quite well, the results from the experimentation with the physical systems were not so breathtaking. The last decade the problem of identifying a gyro-based stabilizing controller has become again popular. The LIT-Motors company from San Francisco has been conducting significant research on the field since 2010. Figure 1.4 illustrates the LIT-motor C1 prototype [14]. Chapter 1. Introduction 3 Figure 1.4: The LIT-Motors C1 Prototype. 1.2 The NEWT Project The last decades there have been plenty of gyro-stabilizer applications, mainly for boats and yachts, and recently for cars [14]. This project is part of the ongoing NEWT project. The objective of the NEWT project is to merge the water-mode and the land-mode into one amphibious commuter vehicle. A short-cut across water not only will reduce the travel-distance, but it will also enable the use of roads outside the often highly congested main routes and it will offer the flexibility to explore and enjoy new coastal areas. Figure 1.5 illustrates the design of the NEWT concept amphibious commuter vehicle. Figure 1.5: Land (left) and water (right) mode 1.3 Problem Definition In this project, which is part of the NEWT project, we will focus on the design of an active gyrobased roll-stabilizer for the land-mode. In particular we will investigate the case where the vehicle is standing still, and we will try to keep it in its upright position. So, the challenge is both to bring the vehicle on its upright position starting from some tilted position, and to attenuate possible disturbances. This is the regulator problem (track zero reference-signal). Our aim is to neutralize any external torque applied on the vehicle by exploiting the counter 4 1.4. Outline torque the gyroscopes can produce when they precess. More on the gyroscopic effect can be seen in chapter 2. The biggest challenge of this task is to deal with the delays coming from the hardware limitations, and the noise introduced by the sensor-measurements. Due to power limitations the servo motors can only generate a bounded torque. Furthermore, the servo motors cannot rotate fully. They usually operate within the range (−60o , 60o ). This is a physical constraint which bounds the angles that the gyroscopes we are using can take. Considering all these limitations, we must come up with control signals that make the vehicle stand on its upright position within a specified error band. 1.3.1 Strategic Objectives (i) Derivation of vehicle’s mathematical model (ii) Development of control strategy (iii) Controller design and optimization (iv) Test and evaluation of controller numerically in Simulink (v) Implementation of the controller in C++ (to be loaded on an Arduino board) (vi) Test and evaluation of controller experimentally on the small scale prototype It should be clarified at this point that, although we design three different controllers, we do not compare them. We only investigate how each and one of them behaves in isolation. For this reason, we adjust accordingly the model of the system to meet the purposes of each strategy. Our aim is to implement the controllers and find the one-to-one correlation between the simulated controllers and the ones which will be translated and implemented in C++. Since the time frame of the project was not long enough to implement them all, we only proceed with the implementation of the cascade PID controller. 1.4 Outline The particular master thesis is organized as follows. In chapter 2 we introduce the basic concepts a reader should be aware of to follow the rest chapters. In chapter 3 we present the concept vehicle we will be working with, and we derive the respective equations of motion. Furthermore, we linearize around an equilibrium, we develop the mathematical state space model and we analyze the stability of the open loop system. In chapter 4 we design a Cascade controller, an LQG controller and a Glover-McFarlane controller. In addition, we evaluate their performance via simulations. In chapter 5 we implement the cascade PID controller. In chapter 6 we present the experimental results and we analyze the behaviour of the true system. Some critical parameters are identified in this process. Finally, in chapter 7 we summarize and discuss the conclusions together with a list of potential future research and extensions to the current work. Chapter 2 Preliminaries “To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of the true knowledge.” Socrates, 470-399 BC In this chapter, we provide all the necessary theory, so the reader can go through the next chapters. Above all, we consider that the most important thing to be explained is the gyroscopic effect. Lacking this knowledge, the reader will not be able to understand what we are dealing with, and what the challenge of this project is. Then, according to the strategic objectives, defined in chapter 1, it might be useful to present some mathematical foundations upon which the following chapters are built. Given that we want to derive the analytical model of the system and also design controllers, it is essential to include some basics on Systems Theory. Moreover, we present the FIR filters, which will be used in chapter 6, in order to deal with the high frequency noise coming with the measurements. 2.1 The Gyroscopic Effect In Figure 2.1 a simple gyroscope is presented. There are two requirements for the gyroscopic effect to be observable. One is that the gyroscope is spinning around an axis and the second is that an external torque is applied forcing it to rotate with respect to one of the other two perpendicular axes. Let us take it step by step though. Based on Figure 2.1 assume that the flywheel inside the gyroscope is spinning around z-axis with a spinning velocity Ω. According to Newton’s second law, the angular momentum created by the spinning gyroscope will be given by (2.1) T = IG33 Ω, where IG33 is the moment of inertia of the gyroscopic flywheel around the z-axis, and it is described by IG33 = 1 2 mG RG , 2 (2.2) where mG is the mass of the flywheel and RG is its respective radius. From Figure 2.1 we can notice that the precession axis is locked. Now the τcontrol comes to rotate the gyroscope around its precession angle. From Newton’s third law we know that every action has its reaction, and therefore the gyroscope tries to resist on the applied torque. The result of this reaction is a rollopposing torque (τprec ) that tries to rotate the gyroscope in the opposite direction with an angular velocity ωprec . The outcome is the gyro torque τgyro and it is described by ~τgyro = T~ × ω ~ prec . (2.3) 5 6 2.1. The Gyroscopic Effect The torque of Equation 2.3, while being the cross product of ωprec and T , it will be orthogonal to both of them. This is the key idea of gyroscopic stabilization. So, the generated counter-torque will be orthogonal to both the spinning axis and the applied control-torque. This is how the gyroscopes can be used to roll-stabilize a vehicle. Figure 2.1: The Gyroscopic Control System. If we introduce αprec to be the precession angle of the gyroscope, then it apparently holds that ωprec = dαprec /dt. Hence, the balancing torque generated by the gyroscope can now be expressed by τstab = 1 dαprec 2 mG RG Ω cos(αprec ). 2 dt (2.4) For αprec = 90o the balancing torque with respect to the roll-axis is zero. Therefore, it is only meaningful to discuss about gyroscopic stabilization within some precession boundaries, e.g.: ±60o . If we take the above-mentioned gyroscopic mechanism and place it on a vessel as shown in Figure 2.2, then by applying proper torque-signals on the gyroscope we can control the vessel’s orientation. In this particular project the role of the vessel can be played by the vehicle which we try to rollstabilize. Figure 2.2: The Gyroscopic Control System on a Vessel. Chapter 2. Preliminaries 7 In general, the larger this gyroscopic torque τgyro is, the more control we have on the orientation of the vessel with respect to the rolling x-axis. Usually this is more like a trade off, because very large torques make the system hard to stabilize. Thus, should one want to design a gyro based roll stabilizer, one should focus on the following four parameters: (i) mass of the gyroscopic flywheel (mG ) , (ii) radius of the flywheel (RG ) , (iii) spinning velocity of the flywheel (Ω) , (iv) precession rate (ωprec ) . The last two are highly depended on how much power we can supply the gyroscopes with. In this project we will be working with two kinds of actuators. The first one is the servo motor responsible for rotating the gyro-gimbal, and the second one is the DC motor responsible for spinning the gyro-flywheel. The power we can supply our system with is specified and limited from the characteristics of those two actuators. Apparently, larger mass and radius of the flywheel results in larger balancing torque. However, the size and the weight of the flywheel is restricted from the size of the vehicle one wants to attach it on. More on the gyroscopic precession can be found in [23]. 2.2 Systems Theory For the purposes of this project we will only consider the discrete time systems which can be seen as the discretized version of a continuous time system. A similar analysis hold for the continuous time systems. Assume we can represent a system by an operator S{·} as shown in Figure 2.3. A discrete time system accepts an input signal x(k) and produces an output signal y(k). That would be y[k] = S{x[k]}. Figure 2.3: Generic Input-Output Model. 2.2.1 Linear Time Invariant System A discrete time system is characterized as linear time-invariant (LTI) when the following properties hold: linearity and time-invariance. Linearity Linearity consists of homogeneity and superposition. If we assume that y1 [k] and y2 [k] are the outputs of the system S, excited from the inputs u1 [k] and u2 [k] respectively, then the system S is linear when the following holds S{a1 u1 [k] + a2 u2 [k]} = a1 S{u1 [k]} + a2 S{u2 [k]} = a1 y1 [k] + a2 y2 [k] 8 2.2. Systems Theory Time-Invariance Given that y[k] = S{u[k]} the system S system is time-invariant if it obeys the following time-shift invariance property y[k − N ] = S{u[k − N ]} for any integer N . 2.2.2 Impulse Response and Convolution The behaviour of an LTI system is described by Equation 2.5. y[k] = x[k] ∗ h[k] = ∞ X x[k]h[n − k] = k=−∞ ∞ X x[n − k]h[k] (2.5) k=−∞ where h[n] is the impulse response of the system and ∗ denotes the convolution operator. Since the transfer function of the system is the Z-transform transform of its impulse response, we take H(z) = ∞ X h[m]z −m . (2.6) m=−∞ The convolution that gives the output of the system can be transformed to a multiplication in the transform domain. So, Equation 2.5 would become y[k] = x[k] ∗ h[k] = Z −1 {X(z)H(z)}. (2.7) It is now easier to analyze systems and gain insights into their behaviour through the frequency domain. 2.2.3 State Space Model All systems can be expressed by a set of differential equations. The state variable represents the entire state of the system at any given time. The minimum amount of state variables required to represent a system is usually equal to the order of the system’s defining differential equation. If we consider x[k] ∈ Rn to be the state vector of the system, u[k] ∈ Rp to be the input in the system and y[k] ∈ Rq to be the output of the system then the state space model of the LTI system can be written as x[k + 1] = Φx[k] + Γu[k] (2.8) y[k] = Cx[k] + Du[k]. The matrix Φ is known as the state-transition matrix and it can be used to derive the general solution of linear dynamical systems. It also contains information with respect to the stability of the open loop system. The solution of the above mentioned system given some initial conditions x[0] is given by Equation 2.9. x[k] = Φk x[0] + k−1 X Φk−j−1 Γu[j] (2.9) j=0 The relation between the state-space model described above and the transfer function of the system is given in Equation 2.10. H(z) = C(z1n − Φ)−1 Γ + D (2.10) Chapter 2. Preliminaries 2.2.4 9 Stability The solution x∗ [k] of x[k + 1] = f (x[k]) is Lyapunov stable if for all > 0 there exists δ = δ() such that for all solutions x[k] kx[0] − x∗ [0]k< δ ⇒ kx[k] − x∗ [k]k< , k = 0, 1, .... The solution is asymptotically stable if it is stable and it also holds that kx[0] − x∗ [0]k< δ ⇒ lim (kx[k] − x∗ [k]k) = 0. k→∞ A linear time invariant system having the state space form described in Equation 2.8 is asymptotically stable if and only if |λi (Φ)|< 1, i = 1, ...n, where n is the length of the state vector and λi denotes the eigenvalues of the system which can be calculated from the characteristic polynomial det(λ1 − Φ) = 0 In general the eigenvalues of the transition-matrix coincide with the poles of the transfer function described in Equation 2.10. Controllability Another important property of LTI systems is controllability. That is to test whether we can drive the internal state of the system from any initial state to any other final state within a finite time interval. An nth -order system described by Equation 2.8 is controllable if and only if its controllability matrix (Cd ) ,described by Equation 2.11, has full row rank. Cd (Φ, Γ) = [Γ ΦΓ Φ2 Γ ··· Φn−1 Γ] (2.11) Controllability is a very conservative criterion and that is why in most cases it is fair enough to have a stabilizable system. That is a system whose unstable eigenvalues can be driven to the stability region (unit circle). Further analysis of this goes beyond the scope of the current project. Observability A system is observable when we can estimate in finite time the states of the system using only the outputs of the system. There is similarly an easy way to test this via the observability matrix (Od ). An nth -order system is observable if and only if its observability matrix Od , described by Equation 2.12, is full rank. Od (Φ, C) = 2.3 C CΦ CΦ2 .. . CΦn−1 (2.12) FIR Filters In this section we will explain how an FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter performs. In the particular project we are interested in the low pass filters for cancelling out the high frequency noise from our signals. 10 2.3. FIR Filters For a causal FIR filter of N th order, each value of the filtered (output) signal is a weighted sum of the most recent input values and it can be written as y[n] = N −1 X (2.13) h[k]x[n − k], k=0 where N is the order of the filter, x[n] is the input signal, y[n] is the output signal and h[k] is the values of the impulse response of the N th order FIR filter at the k th instant for 0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1. Apparently this is a convolution in the discrete time, which corresponds to a multiplication in the frequency domain. For time optimization reasons, which are out of the scope of the current thesis, a rule of thumb is to select symmetric FIR filters. Unless we increase significantly its order, the FIR filter is just an approximation of the ideal low pass filter, and as such, it cannot attenuate the high frequency noise in the way the ideal one does. In general the ideal low pass filter is described 1 |f |≤ fc H(f ) = F{h[n]} = 0 otherwise sin(2πf n) c n 6= 0 πn h[n] = 2fc , n=0 (2.14) where |f |≤ 1/2 is the normalized frequency. Figure 6.7 illustrates how much closer to the ideal filter we get as we increase the order of the FIR filter. The impulse response of an ideal filter has a sync shape which is non-causal and infinite in duration. If we consider a sampling frequency fs = 200Hz and a cut-off frequency fc = 10Hz then in the normalized frequency we would expect to suppress all the frequencies above fc /(fs /2) = 0.05. Apparently FIR(96) approximates the ideal low pass filter with high accuracy. In general there exist four types of FIR filters. For more details see [15]. If we consider a linear phase N th order symmetric low pass filter, with N being even number, then we have the well known Type-I FIR filter. Its impulse response can be written as: h[n] = {h0 , h1 , · · · hN } = {bN/2 , · · · , b1 , b0 , b1 , · · · bN/2 } The transfer function of the filter can be now written as its Z-transform: H(z) = +∞ X k=−∞ N/2 h[k]z −k = X h[k]z −k = bN/2 z N/2 + · · · + b1 z 1 + b0 + b1 z −1 + · · · + bN/2 z −N/2 k=−N/2 Given that z = ejω with ω = 2πf we take: N 2 −1 X N 2h[k]cos(2kπf ) H(f ) = b0 + 2b1 cos(2πf ) + · · · + 2bN/2 cos( 2πf ) = h[N/2] + 2 k=0 Nevertheless, given that the FIR filter will be used for on-line filtering, we need to hold the delay introduced by the filter relatively small. For instance, although we succeed a descent noiseattenuation with the 96th order filter, the introduced delay will cause significant problems to our control signal later on. Therefore, there is always a trade off between the noise attenuation and the introduced delay. Chapter 2. Preliminaries 11 FIR(6) FIR(12) 0.3 0.2 0.25 0.15 h[n] 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0 -4 -2 0 2 4 0 -10 h[n] FIR(48) -5 0 5 10 FIR(96) 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0 0 -0.02 -0.02 -20 -10 0 10 20 -50 0 50 Figure 2.4: Filter Comparison in Time Domain. Figure 2.5 illustrates how the previously described low pass FIR filters attenuate the noise in frequency. FIR(6) 10 0 |H(f)|(dB) 10 0 10 -2 10 -4 10 -5 -0.5 10 0 |H(f)|(dB) FIR(12) 0 0.5 FIR(48) 10 -6 -0.5 10 0 10 -2 10 -2 10 -4 10 -4 10 -6 -0.5 0 normalized frequency 0.5 10 -6 -0.5 0 0.5 FIR(96) 0 0.5 normalized frequency Figure 2.5: Filter Comparison in Frequency Domain. Before closing the filtering chapter it is worth-mentioning that there exist some window-techniques with which one can suppress the side lobes which can be observed in Figure 2.5. Some very well known are the Hamming window, the Chebyshev window, the Kaiser window which is used in Figure 2.5, etc. Each and one of them has a different impact on suppressing the side lobes and on the final resolution of the filtered signal. In particular the Kaiser window we have used is associated with a non-negative parameter which determines the shape of the window. In the frequency domain, 12 2.3. FIR Filters it determines the trade-off between main-lobe width and side lobe level, which is a central decision in window design. For more details on the FIR filters and on the window-techniques one could start from [15]. Chapter 3 Equations of Motion “Science is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and passion.” Stephen Hawking In this chapter we first present the concept vehicle we will be working with throughout this project, together with the parts it consists of. Then, the vehicle’s equations of motion are derived based on Lagrangian mechanics. Furthermore, the non-linear state space model will be calculated together with its linearized version. In addition, the linearized rigid body dynamics together with the DC motors dynamics are merged into one unified state space model. A similar approach for the derivation of the equations of motion was made by [21], [12], [1] and [22], [11]. Finally, the stability and controllability of the open loop system are studied. 3.1 The Concept Vehicle The real prototype with which we will be working throughout this project is shown in Figure 3.1. The basic parts this vehicle consists of are the following (i) base of the vehicle (ii) front and rear wheel (iii) two gyroscopes (iv) two servo motors to rotate the gyroscopes (v) two DC motors to spin the gyroscopic flywheels (vi) an Ardupilot board (vii) encoders to measure the precession angle of the gyroscopes (viii) battery for autonomy of the vehicle (ix) remote controller 13 14 3.2. Rigid Body Dynamics Figure 3.1: The Concept Amphibious Commuter Vehicle. Given the dynamics and the size of the vehicle, we approximated the necessary balancing torque required to stabilize the vehicle. We could do it in two ways. Either with one or with two gyroscopes. The reason we preferred to use two gyroscopes instead of one was in order to have mass properties half of those corresponding to the single gyroscope case. By using smaller sized gyroscopes we affected less the symmetry of our system. For instance, the greater the radius of the gyroscope is, the more effect it will have on the vehicle’s roll motion when the vehicle deviates a lot from its upright position. Although the title of this project mentions the property of the commuter vehicle to treat land and waterways as equal options, we will only focus on the land case and in particular we will investigate the control dynamics of the static vehicle. This is known in the control-literature as the regulator problem where we try to track the zero reference-signal and counteract the effect of the disturbances. Consequently, the wheels of the vehicle should be seen only as the touching points with the ground. The trajectory tracking (servo problem) and the water-travelling can be considered as extensions of the current project. The reader can find more details on the technical characteristics of the above mentioned parts in Appendix A. 3.2 Rigid Body Dynamics There are two approaches to derive the equations of motion of a system: the Newtonian approach and the Lagrangian approach. The Newtonian approach considers each individual component of a system separately. Therefore, the calculation of interacting forces resulting from connections among these sub-parts is required. These connections lead to kinematic constraints. In most cases these interacting forces can be eliminated by the equations of motion. In this study we prefer to use the Euler-Lagrange approach instead, which considers the system as a whole. Two key terms in this process are the generalized variables and the generalized forces. The central idea of this procedure is to find an expression for the total kinetic energy (T ) and total potential energy (V ) of the system. Then, the equations of motion will be determined by solving the generalized equations of motion d ∂L ∂L − = Qi , (3.1) dt ∂ q̇i ∂qi where qi are the generalized coordinates, Qi are the generalized forces, and L = T − V is the Lagrangian. In our case the generalized coordinates are the roll angle (q1 = φ) of the vehicle and Chapter 3. Equations of Motion 15 the precession angle (q2 = α) of the gyroscopes. Hence, we obtain a set of two 2nd -order differential equations described by h d ∂T ∂T i h d ∂V ∂V i − − − = Q1 dt ∂ q̇1 ∂q1 dt ∂ q̇1 ∂q1 h d ∂T ∂T i h d ∂V ∂V i − − − = Q2 . dt ∂ q̇2 ∂q2 dt ∂ q̇2 ∂q2 (3.2a) (3.2b) Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3 illustrate the side and the back view of the vehicle respectively, inspired by [21]. Figure 3.2: Concept Vehicle - Side View Schematic. Figure 3.3: Concept Vehicle - Back View Schematic. If we assume that the vehicle is composed of the main body (B), the gyro-cages (C), the gyrobases (GB), the gyro-wheel (G) and the servo motors, then the total kinetic energy and the total potential can be expressed as T = TB + TC1 + TGB1 + TG1 + TC2 + TGB2 + TG2 + 2Tservo (3.3a) V = VB + VC1 + VGB1 + VG1 + VC2 + VGB2 + VG2 + 2Vservo . (3.3b) Before defining the kinetic energy of each part we shall first list the parameters of the static vehicle (see Table 3.1). 16 3.2. Rigid Body Dynamics Parameter Vehicle mass & height of COG Servo mass & height of COG Gyro-base mass & height of COG Gyro-cage mass Gyro-flywheel mass Vehicle inertia Servo inertia Gyro-base inertia Gyro-cage inertia Gyro-flywheel inertia Gravity constant Flywheel spin velocity Symbol mB & hB ms & hs mGB & hG mC mG IBx Isx IGBx [ICx , ICy , ICz ] [IGx , IGy , IGz ] g Ω Table 3.1: Parameters of Static Vehicle. Furthermore, the following variables shall be introduced ω1 = φ̇ ω2 = ψ̇sin(φ) ω3 = ψ̇cos(φ) ω4 = φ̇cos(α) − ψ̇cos(φ)sin(α) ω5 = ψ̇sin(φ) + α̇ ω6 = φ̇sin(α) + ψ̇cos(φ)cos(α) where ω1 is the roll rate of the vehicle, ω2 is the pitch rate of the vehicle, ω3 is the yaw rate of the vehicle, ω4 is the precession rate of the gyroscope, ω5 is the angular velocity of the gyroscope with respect to the y-axis and ω6 is the angular velocity of the gyroscope with respect to the zaxis. There is a significant assumption we make at this point which simplifies our calculations and analysis. The vehicle will only be able to rotate around the x-axis. That means the translational motion will be neglected throughout our analysis. Therefore, the yaw rate (θ̇) and the pitch rate (ψ̇) of the vehicle are considered to be zero. Hence, the above angular velocities become ω1 = φ̇ ω2 = 0 ω3 = 0 ω4 = φ̇cos(α) ω5 = α̇ ω6 = φ̇sin(α) Chapter 3. Equations of Motion 17 The kinetic energies of each part can now be expressed by Equation 3.4. 1 2 ω IBx (3.4a) 2 h i 1 (3.4b) TC1 = ω42 ICx + ω52 ICy + ω62 ICz 2 h i 1 TG1 = ω42 IGx + ω52 IGy + (ω6 + Ω)2 IGz (3.4c) 2 1 TGB1 = ω12 IGBx (3.4d) 2 h i 1 (3.4e) TC2 = ω72 ICx + ω82 ICy + ω92 ICz 2 h i 1 TG2 = ω72 IGx + ω82 IGy + (ω9 − Ω)2 IGz (3.4f) 2 1 TGB2 = ω12 IGBx (3.4g) 2 1 Tservo = ω12 Isx (3.4h) 2 where ω7 , ω8 and ω9 are the respective angular velocities of the second gyroscope which is supposed to be the mirrored version of the first one so they can both generate a double total gyroscopic momentum compared to the single gyroscope case. Ω represents the spinning velocity of the gyroscopic flywheels. In order to achieve double counter-torque they gyroscopes should spin in opposite directions. Therefore TB = ω7 = φ̇cos(α) ω8 = −α̇ ω9 = −φ̇sin(α) The potential energy of the system is described by V = N X mi ghi = [hB mB + 2hG (mG + mC + mGB ) + 2hs ms ]gcos(φ). (3.5) i=1 If one would like to be coherent with the schematic we presented above, one should introduce the asymmetry the servo motors induce in the system. So, the precise potential energy is described by V = N X mi ghi = [hB mB + 2hG (mG + mC + mGB )]gcos(φ) + 2hs ms gcos(φ + φs ), (3.6) i=1 where φs is the angle of the servos with respect to the yaw axis when the vehicle stands on its upright position. While being on the upright position the center of gravity of the servos is not aligned with the yaw axis. Nevertheless, since the servo motors constitute only one source of asymmetry among many, we prefer to keep our model as simple as possible and make all the necessary modifications later on, at the implementation stage. Therefore, for our theoretical analysis we stay with Equation 3.5. By applying the derived kinetic and potential energies of the system on the Lagrange’s equations of motion described in Equation 3.2, we obtain the two coupled nonlinear differential equations φ̈[h2B mB + 2h2G (mG + mC + mGB ) + 2h2s ms + IBx + 2IGBx + 2Isx + + 2cos2 (α)(ICx + IGx ) + 2sin2 (α)(ICz + IGz )]− − 4φ̇α̇cos(α)sin(α)[ICx + IGx − ICz − IGz ]+ + 2Ωcos(α)α̇IGz − [hB mB + 2hG (mG + mC + mGB ) + 2hs ms ]gsin(φ) = Q1 (3.7) 18 3.2. Rigid Body Dynamics 2α̈(ICy + IGy ) + 2φ̇2 cos(α)sin(α)[ICx − ICz + IGx − IGz ] − 2φ̇cos(α)ΩIGz = Q2 . (3.8) For the sake of economy of space we can assume the following: cos → c sin → s k1 = 2(ICx + IGx ) k2 = 2(ICy + IGy ) k3 = 2(ICz + IGz ) k4 = IBx + 2IGBx + 2Isx k5 = k1 − k3 k6 = hB mB + 2hG (mG + mC + mGB ) + 2hs ms k7 = h2B mB + 2h2G (mG + mC + mGB ) + 2h2s ms where k7 represents the extra terms that have to be included according the Parallel Axis Theorem (Huygens-Steiner Theorem [16]) due to the fact that the respective bodies rotate around the reference roll axis, which is defined to be the axis between the two touching points of the wheels with the ground. Thus, the equations of motion can now be written as φ̈[k4 + k7 + k1 c2 α + k3 s2 α] − 2k5 φ̇α̇cαsα + 2Ωcαα̇IGz − k6 gsφ = Q1 2 k2 α̈ + k5 φ̇ cαsα − 2φ̇cαΩIGz = Q2 (3.9a) (3.9b) where Q1 = hB Fd cφ, Q2 = Mu are the non-conservative generalized forces. Fd represents the horizontal disturbance applied on the side of the vehicle as well as unmodeled dynamics, and Mu denotes the torque generated by the servos. 3.2.1 Reliability Test of The Model To ensure the reliability of the above calculated non-linear model we can perform two preliminary tests. In both tests the spinning velocity of the gyroscopic flywheels are considered to be zero. For the first test we set the roll angle of the vehicle to zero and we assume there is no input to the system, so we set the initial conditions to x0 = [0o 0 0 0]T . If our model is correct, then no movement should be produced. The respective simulation verified our predictions (Figure 3.4). In the second test we release the vehicle with a non-zero roll angle and according to physics we should expect an oscillating behaviour compared to that of a pendulum. We assume initial conditions x0 = [20o 0 0 0]T . We have not specified any physical constraints yet and we completely neglect the friction between the air and the vehicle. Thus, while having an isolated system, we expect to observe an oscillating behaviour between the roll angles φ = 20o and φ = 340o , according to the law of conservation of energy. Figure 3.4 verifies our predictions. Since the non-linear model passed successfully the tests, we can claim that it can describe with high accuracy the true system. Chapter 3. Equations of Motion 19 Vehicle released vertically (φ(0) = 0o , Ω=0 rpm) - Test1 1 Vehicle released tilted (φ(0) = 10o , Ω=0 rpm) - Test2 350 φ φ 340o 20o 300 250 degrees degrees 0.5 0 200 150 100 -0.5 50 0 -1 0 1 2 3 0 4 1 2 3 4 time (s) time (s) Figure 3.4: Reliability Test. 3.2.2 Linearized Model of Rigid Body First we define the state-vector x = [φ α φ̇ α̇]T with x1 ∈ (−π/6, π/6) and x2 ∈ (−π/4, π/4). Thus, we take the nonlinear state space equations described in Equation 3.10. ẋ1 f1 (x) ẋ2 f2 (x) ẋ3 = f3 (x) ẋ4 f4 (x) = x3 x4 2k5 x3 x4 cx2 sx2 −2Ωcx2 x4 IGz +k6 gsx1 +hB Fd cx1 k4 +k7 +k1 c2 x2 +k3 s2 x2 −k5 x23 cx2 sx2 +2x3 cx2 ΩIGz +Mu k2 (3.10) By assuming there is no input (Mu = 0) and no disturbance (Fd = 0) in our system, we take that the equilibrium points are x∗ = [0 x∗2 0 0]T . That means that the gyroscopes could have any kind of orientation at the equilibrium point of the vehicle. For the sake of simplicity we will now linearize about x∗ = [0 0 0 0]T to gain some intuition on the behaviour of the system. In the following chapters we will explain the necessity of the gyroscopes having horizontal orientation at the equilibrium. Based on [9], the respective Jacobians can now be calculated ∂f1 ∂f1 ∂f1 ∂f1 0 0 1 0 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x4 ∂f2 ∂f2 ∂f2 ∂f2 0 0 0 1 ∂f ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x4 1 2ΩIGz A= x=x∗ = ∂x gk6 ∂f3 ∂f3 ∂f3 ∂f3 x=x∗ = 0 0 − ∂x u=u∗ ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x4 u=u∗ k1 +k7 +k4 k1 +k7 +k4 2ΩIGz ∂f4 ∂f4 ∂f4 ∂f4 0 0 0 k2 ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x 1 ∂f B= x=x∗ = ∂u u=u∗ ∂f1 ∂u ∂f2 ∂u ∂f3 ∂u ∂f4 ∂u 2 3 4 0 0 x=x∗∗ = 0 u=u 1 k2 So, the linearized state-space model is described by 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 x(t) + 0 Mu 2ΩIGz ẋ(t) = gk6 k +k 0 0 − 0 k1 +k7 +k4 1 7 +k4 1 2ΩIGz 0 0 0 k2 k2 y(t) = 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 x(t). (3.11) 20 3.3. DC Motor Dynamics The non-linear Simulink model is illustrated in Figure 3.5. sin u2 Trigonometric Function Math Function k3 cos u2 Trigonometric Function1 Math Function1 x1dot 1 x1 1 s Gain2 Roll angle roll Integrator k1 2 x2dot x2 1 s Gain1 Gimbal angle .. Integrator1 Add k4+k7 Constant sin 3 2*k5 Roll rate ... x3dot Trigonometric Function2 Product6 Divide cos x3 1 s Gain3 Integrator2 Product cosinus 2*Omega*I_G33 x4dot Gain4 1 s x4 Integrator3 4 Product1 _ Gimbal rate sin sin5 k6 g Constant2 Gain7 Product2 Add2 d1 Constant1 Disturbance 2 _. cos Product3 Trigonometric Function4 Nonlinear Model of the Vehicle u2 Math Function2 k5 1/k2 Product4 1 Gain8 . Input (Mu) cos Trigonometric Function5 Gain15 Add3 2*Omega*I_G33 Gain9 Product5 Figure 3.5: Simulink Model of the Concept Vehicle. 3.3 DC Motor Dynamics In the state space model of Equation 3.11, the input is the torque we apply on the gyroscopes. But, this torque is generated when we apply a certain voltage to the DC motors. Therefore, it is more intuitive if we can directly consider the input of the whole system as the voltage applied to the DC motors. For this reason we introduce the dynamics of the DC motor, which we will later merge with the state space model of Equation 3.11 to derive the full mathematical model of the vehicle. It is common to model the DC motor as a second order LTI and stable system. The dynamics governing the DC motor shown in Figure 3.6 can be summarized in Vin (t) = i(t)R + di(t) L + Ve (t), dt (3.12) where Vin is the terminal voltage of the motor, i(t) is the current through the motors windings, R is the terminal resistance, L is the armature inductance and Ve is the back-emf of the motor. Chapter 3. Equations of Motion 21 Figure 3.6: The DC Motor and its respective bond-graph. If we assume that the relation between the produced torque and the current in the motor’s windings is linear, then we obtain Ve (t) = Ke ω(t) (3.13a) M (t) = Km i(t), (3.13b) where Ke is the back-emf constant, Km is the torque constant and M is the torque generated from the DC motor. The angular velocity of the inertia connected to the motor is given by dω(t) 1 = MJ (t), dt J (3.14) where MJ is the torque applied on the inertia. In our problem this MJ is the torque applied on the gyroscopes. According to the respective bond graph in Figure 3.6 it holds: MJ (t) = M (t) − MR (t) = Km i(t) − γω(t) where γ is the mechanical damping. So the equation describing the angular velocity of the inertia, which in our case will be the gyroscope, is dω(t) 1 = (Km i(t) − γω(t)). dt J If we now consider the state vector x̃(t) = [x̃1 (t) x̃2 (t)]T = [i(t) ω(t)]T and taking into account Equation 3.12 and Equation 3.14 we obtain the state space model of the DC motor ˙ x̃(t) = y(t) = −R L Ke J 0 1 − KLm − Jγ x̃(t) + 1 L 0 Vin (t) (3.15) x̃(t), where Vin is the voltage we feed the motor with in order to produce the desired torque and y = ω is the measured output of the DC-motor. 22 3.4. Full System Dynamics 3.4 Full System Dynamics Before proceeding with the state space model of the full-system, which will include both the linear dynamics of the servo and the linearized dynamics of the rigid body, there is a property of basic mechanics and physics which shall be reminded at this point. Two bodies which are connected in series must share the same angular velocity. In our case the servos are connected with the gyroscopes. Thus, the angular velocities of the DC-motors must be equal with the respective precession rates of the gyroscopes. That said, the following holds ω(t) = α̇(t). Therefore, the torque that will be applied on the gyroscopes will be Mu (t) = MJ (t) = Km i(t) − γω(t) = Km i(t) − γ α̇(t) and the Equation 3.12 becomes di(t) dα(t) L + Ke dt dt The new state vector will be x = [φ α φ̇ α̇ will be described by Vin (t) = i(t)R + ẋ(t) = y(t) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gk6 k1 +k7 +k4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2ΩIGz k2 0 0 0 0 1 2ΩI z − k1 +k7G+k 4 − kγ2 − KLm i]T and the state space model of the full system 0 0 0 Ke k2 −R L x(t) + 0 0 0 0 1 L Vin (t) (3.16) x(t). From now on x1 : x2 : x3 : x4 : x5 : roll angle of the vehicle precession angle of the gyroscope roll rate precession rate current in the motor’s armature So, the generic closed loop system, without specifying the control strategy for the time, will look like the one illustrated in Figure 3.7. Figure 3.7: The Generic Closed-loop System. Chapter 3. Equations of Motion 3.5 23 Open-loop Transfer Function Given that we have identified the state space model of the system we can now explicitly calculate the transfer function of the open loop system by (3.17) G(s) = C(s15 − A)−1 B + D. Thus, the input-output relation can be written as y(t) = G(p)u(t) ⇒ y1 (t) y2 (t) = G1 (p) G2 (p) u(t), where p denotes the time shift operator for continuous-time LTI systems. There are only two minors and from the least common denominator (LCD) we can identify the poles of the open-loop system which is unstable (one pole in the right half plane). It is worth mentioning that the poles of the system coincide with the eigenvalues of the transition matrix A shown in Equation 3.16. Although unstable, it can be verified that the system is controllable (full rank controllability matrix). 3.6 Discretized System Depending on the control technique one would like to investigate, one would prefer to work either with the continuous time system, or with its discretized counterpart. Since measurements (y) can only be taken at certain instances, the system has to be discretized, so the computer can interpret how the states evolve in discrete time. If we assume that the input is piece-wise constant between two sampling intervals, then the deterministic case of the discretized system will be described by x[k + 1] = Φx[k] + Γu[k] (3.18) y[k] = Hx[k], where Φ = eATs Z Ts Γ= eAτ dτ B 0 H=C and Ts is the sampling period. Φ and Γ can be easily calculated at once by: e A 0 B 0 Ts = Φ 0 Γ I Figure 3.8 shows how the sampling interval affects the position of the poles in the open loop system. 24 3.6. Discretized System Open-loop Zero-Pole Map 1 0.5π/T 0.6π/T 0.4π/T 0.8 0.6 0.8π/T Imaginary Axis 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 T=1 T=0.5 T=0.25 T=0.1 T=0.05 T=0.01 0.1 0.3π/T 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.2π/T 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.1π/T 0.8 0.9 0.7π/T 0.9π/T 1π/T 1π/T 0.9π/T 0.1π/T -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1 0.8π/T 0.2π/T 0.7π/T 0.3π/T 0.6π/T 0.4π/T 0.5π/T -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Real Axis Figure 3.8: Root Locus of Discretized Open-loop System for Several Sampling Intervals. 3.6.1 Stability Analysis Apparently, in all cases there will be one pole outside the unit circle and that pole is associated with the unstable pole of the continuous-time system. So, according to the stability section in chapter 2, the discretized system is also unstable. If we want to be more precise on this statement, it is the equilibrium associated with the upright position of the vehicle which is unstable. The mapping of continuous time poles to their discretized counterparts is given by zi = epi Ts , (3.19) where Ts is the sampling interval. A general rule is that a sampled system is controllable if the underlying continuous time system is controllable. The sampling interval plays a crucial role in this. It can be confirmed that this rule holds for Ts ≤ 1s. Given the fast dynamics of this unstable vehicle, we expect to sample faster than Ts = 1s. Therefore, the system is controllable and we will reasonably search for proper controllers to drive the poles of the system inside the stability region (unit circle). Moreover, the observability matrix has also full rank, so with proper observers we can estimate the states only from the system’s outputs. It can be verified that the controllability and observability matrices described by Equation 2.11 and Equation 2.12 respectively are invertible. In order for the reader to get a better intuition, we take the extreme scenario where Ω = 0rpm. Without spinning, the gyroscopes cannot generate any balancing torque. Therefore, it would be impossible to control the system. Theory coincides with our intuition, and the controllability matrix for Ω = 0rpm is not full rank. Thus, the system would be uncontrollable. Chapter 4 Controller Design “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.” Richard P. Feynman, 1918-1988 In this chapter three different control techniques are studied. For the purposes of each control strategy, the mathematical model describing the physical system is accordingly adjusted. Since the cascade PID controller is thoroughly studied in chapter 5, we only explain the basics of the cascade control here. We also provide a comparison of the cascade PID closed-loop performance, based in the analytical model we derived in chapter 3 and the SimMechanics model we have developed. The LQG and the Glover-McFarlane controllers, although promising, they are only studied from a theoretical perspective as the time frame of the project was not long enough to implement them as well. 4.1 Cascade Control Design In this section the design of the cascade PID controller both for the SimMechanics model and the mathematical model is presented. Regarding the mathematical model, we have merged the equations of motion (EOM) described in Equation 3.9 together with the DC motor dynamics described in Equation 3.15. The servo dynamics are neglected in this section as more emphasis is given on the comparison of the two models describing the mechanical system. A brief introduction in the cascade PID logic might be necessary at this point. What is important to understand here is the variables we are trying to control. In control problems where we have one input and multiple measurement signals, cascade control is a reasonable choice. Given that the true system has asymmetries, we do not know in advance the roll angle φ associated with the equilibrium. On the other hand, it is a fact that on the equilibrium the roll-rate has to be zero. So, the roll-rate φ̇ will be the first control variable. Since we want our vehicle to be able to compensate disturbances, it seems reasonable that we should keep the precession angles as close to zero as possible, so the gyroscopes will have enough space to precess and generate the stabilizing counter-torque. Therefore, the precession angle α is the second control variable. The inner loop, which is also called slave loop, is responsible for attenuating possible disturbances in the roll rate φ̇. An external force (e.g., side wind) could yield back a sudden change in the roll rate and the vehicle would change roll angle rapidly, thus, making it hard to get stabilized. By letting the inner loop being faster than the outer one, we achieve the desired disturbance rejection. The outer loop, which is also called master loop, is responsible for controlling the precession angle 25 26 4.1. Cascade Control Design which is a slower process. By guaranteeing that the disturbance of the inner loop will not be propagated to the outer loop we achieve better control of the precession angle. In order to verify that the mathematical model of the previous chapter and the SimMechanics-based model behave in a similar manner, simulations under the same initial conditions and disturbances will be presented. Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2 illustrate the respective Simulink models. torque.mat kg-cm To File1 -KNm --> Torque generated by the servos x1 (roll angle) rad to degrees roll 0 PID(s) PID(s) Roll reference PID Prec PID Roll -K- input precession Gain5 x2 (precession) roll angle (yellow) precession angle (purple) roll rate Group 1 Fd Signal 1 disturbance precession rate disturbance Signal Builder2 Non-linear Vehicle Vehicle roll rate feedback -K- Gyro precession feedback Gain2 nonlinearPID.mat To File x Figure 4.1: The Mathematical Model with Cascade PID. -K- Servo sign (rad) q_vehicle Error w_vehicle T_GyroCage1 w_spin_G2 q_precession_G2 Actual q Vehicle roll angle (deg) -KActual w w_precession_G2 1 Vehicle roll velocity (deg/sec) w_spin_G1 Gain1 DistForce_GyroBase q_precession_G1 Gyro spin velocity (rpm) w_precession_G1 Group 1 q q sin Square Reference Roll PID(s) PID(s) Controller Prec Controller Roll a_vehicle Servo sign (rad) q_fw_swing -KGain2 q_rw_swing T_GyroCage2 Group 1 t_torque_G1 t_torque_G2 Square1 ScaleModelAssembly Reference Gyro -K- Gyro precession angle (deg) Actual G1 q -KActual G2 q Gyro precession velocity (deg/sec) -KActual G1 wp Swing angle (deg) -KActual G2 wp Vehicle roll rate feedback -K- Precession torque (kg cm) Output plots q fw swing -Kq rw swing Gyro precession feedback Ivan_angles.mat To File -Kt torque G1 -Kt torque G2 Figure 4.2: The SimMechanics Model with Cascade PID. We now consider initial conditions x0 = [10o 0 0 0], Ω = 10000rpm ≈ 1047.19rad/sec. For the mathematical model we assume a disturbing wind-force which is approximated as a force applied on the center of mass of the vehicle (roughly 16N). The formula to calculate the wind force is Chapter 4. Controller Design 27 described by Fd = 1 ρCd Av 2 , 2 (4.1) where ρ ≈ 1.2041kg/m3 is the density of air at 20o , A is the exposed cross section, Cd ≈ 1 is the drag coefficient and v ≈ 16m/s is the wind velocity (roughly 7 Beaufort). This equation is based on fluid dynamics. For more details see [4]. Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4 reveal that the two models perform in a similar manner. Mathematical Model Simulation 20 deg φ 0 -20 deg/sec 0 2 4 6 8 10 100 φ̇ 0 -100 0 2 4 6 8 10 deg 50 αG1 αG2 0 -50 0 2 4 6 8 10 time(s) Figure 4.3: Mathematical Model Performance. Sim-Mechanics Simulation 20 deg φ 0 -20 0 2 4 6 8 10 deg/sec 100 φ̇ 0 -100 0 2 4 6 8 10 deg 50 αG1 αG2 0 -50 0 2 4 6 8 10 time(s) Figure 4.4: SimMechanics Performance. Our analytical model behaves in a similar manner compared to the SimMechanics model. The main difference is the equilibrium roll-angle, which in the SimMechanics model is not exactly zero. That is because we have introduced some asymmetry to mimic the asymmetry coming from the servo motors. Since we wanted to keep our analytical model as simple as possible, we neglected that detail. At this stage we have neglected the servo motors. In chapter 5 one can find the complete design and implementation of the cascade controller. From now on, we will only be working with the analytical model for our control analysis. The SimMechanics model can be used to visualize the performance of the closed loop system based on a CAD model. 28 4.2. LQG Design for the Discretized LTI System 4.2 LQG Design for the Discretized LTI System In this section LQG controllers will be designed, based on the analytical model described in Equation 3.16. Given that we do not have full access to the state vector, but only on the measurable states, we need an observer to estimate the state vector. The Kalman filter is used for the LQG design, which exploits the Kalman gain in stationarity. Then, after having estimated the complete state vector, we can apply the standard LQR approach. The control nodes of this approach are the weighting matrices of the respective cost function, with which we try to penalize the control effort and the control error. Based on Equation 3.18 consider that the stochastic case of the discretized system can be described by Equation 4.2. x[k + 1] = Φx[k] + Γu[k] + Gw[k] (4.2) y[k] = Hx[k] + v[k] where the process noise w[k] and the measurement noise v[k] are considered to be zero mean white Gaussian random sequences (see Figure 4.5). That is: w[k] ∼ N (0, Rw ) v[k] ∼ N (0, Rv ) and where Rw = σx21 0 0 0 0 0 σx22 0 0 0 0 0 σx23 0 0 0 0 0 σx24 0 0 0 0 0 σx25 and Rv = Φ .. _ K*u 1 z σy21 0 0 σy22 Γ u[k] 1 x[k] x[k+1] K*u 2 x[k] u[k] . ._ C w[k] K*u Process noise Gain4 K*u Random Number y[k] ... 1 y[k] .1 D K*u Measurement noise v[k] K*u Gain3 Random Number1 .... Figure 4.5: Open Loop of Discrete-Time LTI System. where σxi is the standard deviation of the ith state and σyj is the standard deviation of the j th measurement. These can be seen as design variables that need tuning. Our encoders have an accuracy of ±0.0573o ≈ ±0.001rad (included in the specifications), hence it is reasonable to choose Chapter 4. Controller Design 29 σyj = 0.001. We consider that the process noise and the measurement noise are independent, so T the cross spectrum between w and v is constant and equal to zero (Rwv = Rwv = 0). Having said this, we can stabilize the system by using the control law u[k] = −K x̂[k|k − 1] + Kr r[k], (4.3) where K is the gain derived by the LQR method such that there is an optimal balance between system errors and control effort, and Kr r[k] is the feed-forward control, which can be neglected as we consider zero reference roll signal. If we want to track a constant roll-reference signal other than r[k] = 0 some slight modifications shall be done in the following analysis. A convenient property of linear systems is the separation principle according to which we first estimate the state vector, and we then use it to derive the linear quadratic regulator (LQR). More on the separation principle can be seen in the following sections. 4.2.1 Kalman Filter As stated before we only have access to the measurable states φ and α. Therefore, if we want to stabilize the closed-loop system with the LQG method we need to estimate the state vector beforehand. This can be done via observers. The LQG process uses the Kalman filter, which is the optimal observer for systems interrupted by white Gaussian noise. Based on the state space model described in Equation 4.2 we present the following Kalman filter algorithm. Kalman Filter Algorithm Prediction Step x̂k+1|k = Φx̂k|k + Γuk Pk+1 = ΦQk ΦT + GRw GT Update Step Mk+1 = Pk+1 H T [HPk+1 H T + Rv ]−1 x̂k+1|k+1 = x̂k+1|k + Mk+1 (yk+1 − H x̂k+1|k ) Qk+1 = Pk+1 − Pk+1 H T [HPk+1 H T + Rv ]−1 HPk+1 In the particular problem we have assumed that the matrix G in front of the process noise is the identity matrix. Lk = ΦMk represents the Kalman gain and Qk , Pk denote the error covariance. Actually, the difference (Pk+1 − Qk+1 ) represents the reduction in mean squared error (MSE ) of the state estimate due to the information in yk+1 . The update equation for P is known as the Riccati difference equation. The difference (yk+1 − H x̂k+1|k ) is known as the innovation of the measurement signal. The Kalman filter algorithm converges asymptotically when the system is detectable and that is why many prefer to use the Stationary Kalman gain directly instead. That is we solve the Algebraic Riccati equation described by P̄ = ΦP̄ ΦT + GRw GT − ΦP̄ H T [H P̄ H T + Rv ]−1 H P̄ ΦT for the stationary error covariance matrix P̄ = lim E[(x̂(k + 1|k) − x(k + 1))(x̂(k + 1|n) − x(k + 1))T ] k→∞ (4.6) 30 4.2. LQG Design for the Discretized LTI System and then we obtain the Kalman gain by L = ΦP̄ H T [H P̄ H T + Rv ]−1 . (4.7) The only thing required for the above algorithm to run properly is some initial conditions for the estimate of the state vector x̂(0|0) and for the error-covariance Q(0). We usually have some basic knowledge and intuition on the system whose states we try to estimate. Given that we expect a smooth and linear behaviour only around the equilibrium of the non-linear system, it would make sense to consider the initial estimate of the state being on the vicinity of the equilibrium. Given that this is only a guess, a large error covariance should be considered so the estimates could easily “escape” from the possibly erroneous initial guess. That is o 10 0 0 0 0 5 0 10 0 0 0 0 and Q(0) = x̂(0|0) = 0 0 0 10 0 0 . 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 In order to get a better intuition on how the Kalman filter algorithm behaves depending on the Rw and Rv see Figure 4.6. It is clear that it is the ratio Rv /Rw that controls the trade-off between the tracking ability and the noise rejection capability of the filter. Kalman Filter for Rv /Rw ≫ 1 20 15 φ φ̂ 15 10 degrees 10 degrees Kalman Filter for Rv /Rw ≪ 1 20 φ φ̂ 5 5 0 0 -5 -5 -10 -10 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 time (s) 1 2 3 4 5 time (s) Figure 4.6: Estimate of Kalman Filter for Different Rv /Rw Ratios. Therefore, the following rule holds: (i) Rv /Rw 1 ⇒ good tracking but noise sensitive (ii) Rv /Rw 1 ⇒ bad tracking but less noise sensitive So, the milestone of the Kalman filter is to find the “golden ratio” Rv /Rw such that not only we trust the developed model, but we also take into account the information coming from the measurements. By assuming Rv /Rw ≈ 100, with σyi ≈ 0.001, we obtain the stationary Kalman gain 0.0920 0.0265 0.0327 0.1097 0.0027 L∞ = 0.0057 . 0.3609 0.0916 −0.0476 −0.0122 Simulations verified these results. Figure 4.7 illustrates some indicative Kalman gains for comparison. Chapter 4. Controller Design 31 Kalman Gains for Rv /Rw ≈ 100 1 Kalman Gains for Rv /Rw ≈ 100 8 L(1, 1) L(1, 2) L(5, 1) L(5, 2) 7 0.8 6 0.6 5 4 0.4 3 0.2 X: 0.756 Y: 0.02648 2 X: 0.9 Y: 0.09195 1 X: 0.918 X: 0.774 Y: -0.0476 Y: -0.01158 0 0 -0.2 -1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 time (s) 0.6 0.8 1 time (s) Figure 4.7: Convergence of the Kalman Gains. It is worth-mentioning that, by using directly the steady state Kalman gain, our estimations will be slightly off in the first steps of the process. For instance L(5, 1) takes very large values in the first steps. That means that the respective sub-innovation (y1 [k] − x̂1 [k]) would be multiplied with a very large number and the correction at the measurement update step of the Kalman filter algorithm would be significant. Thus, we can claim that the on-line Kalman filter performs better for the first iteration steps, and it tracks the states better than the stationary one. Due to computational complexity though, we prefer to use the steady state Kalman gain which can be calculated off-line. Figure 4.8 compares the roll-tracking quality of the Kalman estimator when we use the time-varying and the stationary Kalman gain respectively. Time-varying Kalman Filter for Rv /Rw ≫ 1 20 φ φ̂ 15 φ φ̂ 15 10 degrees 10 degrees Stationary Kalman Filter for Rv /Rw ≫ 1 20 5 5 0 0 -5 -5 -10 -10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 time (s) 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 time (s) Figure 4.8: Time-varying vs. Stationary Kalman Gain Roll-Estimate. 4.2.2 LQR Controller Now that we have estimated the states via the Kalman filter we can use Equation 4.3 to stabilize the discretized LTI system described in Equation 4.2. At this point we shall introduce the criterion that is to be minimized using the LQ theory for discrete time systems. So the quadratic criterion is described by Equation 4.8. min(kxk2Q1 +kuk2Q2 ) = min ∞ X k=1 subjected to the state dynamics x[k + 1] = Φx[k] + Γu[k] xT [k]Q1 x[k] + uT [k]Q2 u[k] + 2xT [k]Q12 u[k] (4.8) 32 4.2. LQG Design for the Discretized LTI System For the purposes of this project we can neglect the cross product part, that is Q12 = 0. The control design will be such that the minimization will be a trade off between the control error (e = y − r) and the control effort (u). Q2 has to be a positive definite matrix and Q1 positive semi-definite, and like Rw and Rv from the Kalman filter algorithm these are also parameters that need tuning. In order for the above mentioned optimization problem to have a solution, the system (Φ, Γ) has to be stabilizable and the system (Φ, H) has to be detectable. In chapter 3 we have proved that the system is both controllable and observable. Therefore, both stabilizability and detectability, which are weaker conditions, are satisfied. As stated in [10], the controller which is derived from this process is assumed to be causal and it contains a time delay (i.e., u[k] may only depend on y[k − 1], u[k − 1], y[k − 2], u[k − 2], ...). Having said these, the cost function is given by min(kek2Q1 +kuk2Q2 ) = min ∞ X eT [k]Q1 e[k] + (u[k] − u∗ [r])T Q2 (u[k] − u∗ [r]) , (4.9) k=1 where u∗ [r] is considered to be a well-defined constant control signal which in stationarity and absence of disturbances yields e[k] = 0. Then, the control gain K from Equation 4.3 is described by (4.10) K = (ΓT SΓ + Q2 )−1 ΓT SΦ, where S is the unique, positive semi-definite, symmetric solution to the matrix equation S = ΦT SΦ − ΦT SΓ(ΓT SΓ + Q2 )−1 ΓT SΦ + H T Q1 H. (4.11) We can easily verify that (Φ − ΓK) has all its eigenvalues inside the stability region (unit circle). In this particular project we want to stabilize the vehicle around its vertical orientation. That means we try to force the roll angle φ to track the zero reference signal. As explained in Section 4.1 of the present chapter, we should keep the precession angles as close to zero as possible. Simultaneously we must keep the input signal (in Volts) less than an upper bound (e.g.,|Vmax |≤ 8V ). Bryson’s rule [6] can be used to tune Q1 and Q2 . Although Bryson’s rule sometimes gives good results, often it is just the starting point to a trial-and-error iterative design procedure aimed at obtaining desirable properties for the closed-loop system. Bryson’s Rule: Select Q1 and Q2 diagonal with Q1 (i, i) = 1 ||xi ||2∞ i ∈ {1, 2, · · · , N1 } Q2 (j, j) = 1 ||uj ||2∞ j ∈ {1, 2, · · · , N2 }, which corresponds to the following criterion Z JLQR := 0 ∞ N1 X i=1 Q1 (i, i)x2i (t) + N2 X Q2 (j, j)u2j (t) j=1 At this point we should consider what each state represents and what a reasonable maximum value for |xi (t)| would be. An acceptable range for vehicle’s roll angle would be (−30o , 30o ) which can be translated into radians |φ|= |x1 |≤ 0.6981rad. In order to have the desired gyroscopic effect from the gyroscopes, their precession angles should lie in (−45o , 45o ), or |α|= |x2 |≤ 0.7854rad. Chapter 4. Controller Design 33 Moreover, the input is the voltage fed in the DC motors and according to their specifications we have |V |= |u|≤ 7.4V . Thus, Q1 , Q2 would be 2.0518 0 Q1 = and Q2 = 0.0183. 0 1.6211 What needs to be taken into consideration at this point is what we try to penalize in our cost function. By using large penalties for x1 = φ and x2 = α we achieve the desired convergence of the respective states close to zero. Simultaneously the small Q2 relative to the large values in Q1 implies low penalty on the control effort and therefore the optimal control u[k] can be large. Solving Equation 4.11 for S we derive the following control gains − 8.7573 K = [−21.3656 − 0.3552 0.0110 0.0173]. Figure 4.9 illustrates the input-output sequences following the Bryson’s rule for sampling period Ts = 0.018s. (Ts = 0.018, Q2 = 0.018, Q1 (1, 1) = 2.05, Q1 (2, 2) = 1.62) V Volts 4 2 0 -2 0 1 2 3 4 deg 40 φ α 20 0 -20 0 1 2 3 4 time (s) Figure 4.9: Response of the Discretized LTI System with LQG-controller (Bryson’s rule). We can verify that the eigenvalues of (Φ − ΓK) are inside the stability region −0.7104 + 0.3620i 0.7973 −0.7104 − 0.3620i 0.7973 ⇒ |λi (Φ − ΓK)|= 0.0027 0.0027 λi (Φ − ΓK) = 0.9838 + 0.0145 0.9839 0.9838 − 0.0145 0.9839 However, as stated above, Bryson’s rule is only used to give us a basic intuition and it rarely yields back the optimally performing controller. In fact the input only reaches a peak of 4V while there is plenty of space up to 8V . That is why it takes longer to converge to the equilibrium. So, this is not the optimal control effort. Trying to stay within the range of each signal we focus on fast convergence of the roll and precession angles at zero. Simultaneously we try to keep the control effort below the allowed maximum voltage of the DC motor. Keeping this in mind we come up 34 4.2. LQG Design for the Discretized LTI System with the following Q1 , Q2 Q1 = 7500 0 0 4000 and Q2 = 1, which apparently lead to better closed-loop performance. Solving Equation 4.11 for S we derive the control gains − 33.4308 K = [−60.4333 − 0.6870 − 0.0148 0.0699]. Indeed the eigenvalues of (Φ − ΓK) are inside the stability region (unit circle) with λi (Φ − ΓK) = −0.6224 + 0.2080i −0.6224 − 0.2080i 0.0188 0.8142 0.9436 0.6562 0.6562 0.0188 0.8142 0.9436 ⇒ |λi (Φ − ΓK)|= , and they are faster compared to the ones derived from Bryson’s rule. Figure 4.10 illustrates the input-output sequences for sampling period Ts = 0.018s. (Ts = 0.018, Q2 = 1, Q1 (1, 1) = 7500, Q1 (2, 2) = 4000) 8 V Volts 6 4 2 0 -2 0 1 2 3 4 φ α deg 20 0 -20 0 1 2 3 4 time (s) Figure 4.10: Response of the Discretized LTI System with LQG-controller. 4.2.3 LQG Controller Figure 4.11 which is taken from [17], illustrates the closed loop system with the LQG controller. Based on the analysis that is conducted above we can now determine explicitly the linear controller that minimizes the quadratic criterion described in Equation 4.8. The controller will be described by Chapter 4. Controller Design 35 Figure 4.11: The LQG controller Scheme [17]. (4.12) u[k] = −F (q)y[k], where q is the discrete time shift operator, F (q) is the transfer function of the LQG regulator and, given that we reconstructed the states of the system based on the Kalman filter, it can be calculated from F (q) = K(q15 − A + BK + LC)−1 L. (4.13) By using Equation 4.13 we calculate the stable proper transfer matrix 5.606q 5 +3.8586q 4 −3.609q 3 −3.952q 2 +0.2447q F1 (q) q 5 −0.2721q 4 −0.8727q 3 +0.02312q 2 +0.2476q−0.00504 = F T (q) = 5 4 3 2 4.904q +3.151q −3.5q −3.613q +0.2245q F2 (q) 5 4 3 2 q −0.2721q −0.8727q +0.02312q +0.2476q−0.00504 Finally, the control input u[k] can be expressed by u[k] = θT ξ[k] where θ are the parameters depended directly on the numerator and denominator of the transfer function F (q) of the LQG regulator, and ξ[k] is the vector containing the corresponding regressors y1 [k − n] ξ[k] = y2 [k − n] , n = 1, 2..., 5 , u[k − n] where y1 is the measurement corresponding to the roll angle φ of the vehicle, and y2 is the measurement corresponding to the precession angle of the gyroscopes. So, the input signal can be described by h 1 −0.2476u[k−1]+0.2447y1 [k−1]+0.2245y2 [k−1]−0.02312u[k−2]−3.952y1 [k−2]− 0.00504 − 3.613y2 [k − 2] + 0.8727u[k − 3] − 3.609y1 [k − 3] − 3.5y2 [pk − 3] + 0.2721u[k − 4]+ i + 3.858y1 [k − 4] + 3.151y2 [k − 4] − u[k − 5] + 5.606y1 [k − 5] + 4.904y2 [k − 5] u[k] = 36 4.2. LQG Design for the Discretized LTI System Closed Loop System The closed-loop system with the developed LQG controller is described by (4.14a) (4.14b) x[k + 1] = Φx[k] + Γu[k] + w[k] y[k] = Hx[k] + v[k] u[k] = −K x̂[k|k − 1] (4.14c) x̂[k + 1|k] = Φx̂[k|k − 1] + Γu[k] + L(y[k] − H x̂[k|k − 1]). (4.14d) If we introduce x̃[k] = x[k] − x̂[k|k − 1] to be the error between the true and the estimated state vector, the closed-loop system can be described by x[k + 1] Φ − ΓK ΓK 0 Φ − LH = x̃[k + 1] x[k] 15 + x̃[k] 0 w[k] + 15 v[k]. (4.15) −L Now it can be easily verified that the dynamics of the system are described by (Φ − ΓK) and (Φ − LH) separately. This is the so called separation principle. Of course the dynamics in this case are of order 2n. 4.2.4 Further Tuning of the Parameters As shown in the previous sections there are five parameters requiring tuning. These are the sampling period Ts , the Kalman filter noise variances Rw , Rv and the weighting matrices Q1 , Q2 from the discrete-time loss-function. In this project we can make some strong assumptions with respect to the measurement noise, given that we know the specifications of the encoders we are using. So, we know that the accuracy of the encoders is roughly ±0.05deg ≈ ±8.7 · 10−4 rad. That is σy1 ≈ σy2 ≈ 8.7 · 10−4 . Regarding the uncertainty coming to our process, we tried to show some more trust in our model, so, we assumed less process noise. That would be σx1 = σx2 = 4.3 · 10−4 , σx3 = σx4 = σx5 = 8.7 · 10−5 . Keeping that in mind we can try several combinations of sampling period and weighting matrices to investigate the response of the closed-loop system. However, before doing so, we determine four measures of quality which make a closed-loop response adequate. (i) Asymptotic stability (ii) Overshoot (|φ|< 30o , |α|< 45o ) (iii) Settling time (tset ≤ 5s) (iv) Law frequency control signal with |V |< 8V Figure 4.12-4.14 illustrate the optimal responses of the closed loop system for several sampling intervals. Each case required its own tuning of the weighting matrices in order for the cost function to get minimized. Chapter 4. Controller Design 37 (Ts = 0.5, Q2 = 0.01, Q1 (1, 1) = 6000, Q1 (2, 2) = 200) (Ts = 1, Q2 = 0.1, Q1 (1, 1) = 600, Q1 (2, 2) = 30) V 0 0 -2 -2 0 20 40 60 0 80 200 φ α 5 10 15 20 φ α 100 100 deg deg V 2 Volts Volts 2 50 0 0 -100 0 20 40 60 80 0 5 10 time (s) 15 20 time (s) Figure 4.12: Optimal Response for T = 1 and T = 0.5. (Ts = 0.25, Q2 = 0.01, Q1 (1, 1) = 2500, Q1 (2, 2) = 900) V 4 Volts Volts (Ts = 0.1, Q2 = 0.01, Q1 (1, 1) = 250, Q1 (2, 2) = 370) V 2 0 2 0 -2 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 80 φ α 60 40 20 0 0 -20 2 4 6 8 2 3 4 5 φ α 20 -20 0 1 40 deg deg 0 10 0 1 2 time (s) 3 4 5 time (s) Figure 4.13: Optimal Response for T = 0.25 and T = 0.1. (Ts = 0.01, Q2 = 0.3, Q1 (1, 1) = 600, Q1 (2, 2) = 330) (Ts = 0.05, Q2 = 0.01, Q1 (1, 1) = 80, Q1 (2, 2) = 65) 6 8 V 2 0 4 2 0 -2 -2 0 1 2 3 4 40 0 5 φ α 1 2 3 4 φ α 20 20 5 deg deg V 6 Volts Volts 4 0 0 -20 -20 0 1 2 3 time (s) 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 time (s) Figure 4.14: Optimal Response for T = 0.05 and T = 0.01. In order to meet the above-mentioned specifications one could choose any sampling period below 0.1s. We shall not forget the time required for computations, so, the sampling period cannot be arbitrarily small. It is worth-mentioning that our CPU should be powerful enough to calculate and yield back the control signal in less time than the sampling period. So, for the time, since we have not determined the specifications coming from our hardware, any sampling period below 0.1s seems to meet our specifications. 38 4.2. LQG Design for the Discretized LTI System 4.2.5 Penalize Change in Control Signals Usually LQG controller generates high frequency control signals. One way to deal with such kind of problems is to try to penalize the change in the control signals by including this requirement in the loss function. If we introduce ∆u[k] = u[k] − u[k − 1], then the loss function becomes min(kx̄k2Q1 +k∆uk2Q2 ) = min ∞ X x̄T [k]Q̄1 x̄[k] + ∆uT [k]Q̄2 ∆u[k] (4.16) k=1 subjected to the new state dynamics x[k + 1] Φ Γ x[k] Γ = + ∆u[k] u[k + 1] 0 1 u[k − 1] 1 with Q1 0 Q̄1 = ( and 0 Q̄2 = Q2 penalty for changes in control 0, conventional LQG problem . A conclusion that can be drawn from this analysis is that the LQG control is very similar to the pole placement approach. The only difference is that in the LQG case, it is the cost function described by Equation 4.9 that decides where the poles of the closed loop should be placed, in order for the cost function to be minimized. Given that we consider sampled systems, the closedloop poles cannot be placed anywhere arbitrarily. Figure 4.15 illustrates the poles of the closed loop system for each of the above mentioned cases. The basic drawback of this controller is that we cannot guarantee for robustness of the closed loop system, even if we have chosen the optimal Kalman gain L and the optimal feedback gain K seen in Equation 4.15. The stability margin may in principle be arbitrarily poor. Therefore, if the true system is slightly different than the modelled one, then there are no guarantees neither for the performance nor for the stability of the closed loop system. For this reason, we proceed with the analysis of a robust controller based on the Glover-McFarlane analysis. Closed-loop Zero-Pole Map 1 0.6π/T 0.8 0.5π/T 0.4π/T 0.6 0.8π/T 0.4 Imaginary Axis 0.9π/T 0.2 0 T=1 T=0.5 0.1 0.3π/T T=0.25 0.2 T=0.1 0.3 T=0.05 0.2π/T 0.4 T=0.01 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.1π/T 0.8 0.9 0.7π/T 1π/T 1π/T -0.2 0.9π/T 0.1π/T -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 0.8π/T 0.2π/T 0.7π/T 0.3π/T 0.6π/T -1 -1 -0.5 0.5π/T 0.4π/T 0 Real Axis 0.5 1 Figure 4.15: Root locus of discretized closed loop system for several sampling intervals. Chapter 4. Controller Design 4.3 39 Glover-McFarlane Controller Before proceeding with the design of the particular controller we have to assure that we are using the minimal realization of the system; that is a system with the minimum number of states. It can be confirmed from the state space model developed in chapter 3 that the second column of the transition matrix A of the system is a zero-column. That means that the second state, which corresponds to the precession angle of the gyroscopes, does not affect the dynamics of the linearized system. Therefore, the particular state can be removed, thus reducing the order of the system. The only drawback of this model-reduction is that we cannot any longer control this variable. The reduced-order model then is given by the state space model in Equation 4.17. 0 ẋ(t) = y(t) = 1 0 gk6 k1 +k7 +k4 2ΩIG33 k2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 where xT (t) = [φ φ̇ α̇ 0 G33 − k12ΩI +k7 +k4 γ − k2 − KLm 0 0 Ke k2 −R L 0 x(t) + 0 Vin (t) 0 1 L (4.17) x(t) i] is the new state vector. For convenience we write the system described in Equation 4.17 in the form shown in Equation 4.18. ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) y(t) = Cx(t) (4.18) This system has three stable poles and one unstable pole. Though unstable, the system is controllable according to the controllability analysis that is made in chapter 2. Before proceeding with the derivation of the Glover-McFarlane controller, we shall first define our specifications. If we want our closed loop system to attenuate high frequency noise, we have to define a cut-off frequency. During the following analysis we consider fc = 1Hz. Having defined this, the desired crossover frequency of the loop gain can be approximated to be ωc ≈ 6.28rad/s. In order for the reader to get a better intuition, according to [10], the sensitivity function S, the complementary sensitivity function T and the sensitivity to input disturbances Gwu are defined as S = (I + GF )−1 T = (I + GF )−1 GF S+T =I Gwu = −(I + F G)−1 F The challenge of the loop shaping process is the so called water-bed effect. We make each sensitivity function small at a certain frequency-range, but at the cost of having a peak somewhere else. With small S, disturbances and model errors have little impact on the output. Respectively, with small T measurements disturbances (usually high frequency noise introduced by the sensors) have insignificant impact on the output. For the sake of completeness we present the method (taken from [10]) we use to derive our robustified controllers. In this method, the reason we reduced the order of our system is revealed in the first step. 40 4.3. Glover-McFarlane Controller Robust Controller Algorithm 1. Solve the Riccati equations AZ + ZAT − ZC T CZ + BB T = 0 AT X + XA − XBB T X + C T C = 0 for positive definite matrices X and Z. Each equation has a unique solution as long as Equation 4.18 is a minimal realization. 2. Let λm be the largest eigenvalue of XZ 3. Introduce p (1 + λm ) 1 R = I − 2 (I + ZX) γ L = BT X γ=α K = R−1 ZC T Here α is a scaling factor, slightly larger than 1. The controller is now given by x̂˙ = Ax̂ + Bu + K(y − C x̂) u = −Lx̂ or in input-output form F (s) = L(s1 − A + BL + KC)−1 K Based on [10] and on the algorithm described above, we derive the controller that stabilizes the system in a “maximally robust way”. F (s) = s4 −201.2s3 − 18120s2 − 1.2 · 106 s − 5.7 · 107 + 170.6s3 + 1.345 · 104 s2 + 7.847 · 105 s + 2.379 · 107 The optimal gamma that we take when applying the Glover-McFarlane technique is γ = 2.74. If we take the infinity norm of the closed loop transfer function we verify that ||Gec ||∞ = 1.758 ≤ γ where Wu (s)Gwu (s) Gec (s) = −WT (s)T (s) WS (s)S(s) Since the above inequality holds, it also follows that |WS (iω)S(iω)|≤ γ, ∀ω |WT (iω)T (iω)|≤ γ, ∀ω |Wu (iω)Gwu (iω)|≤ γ, ∀ω where WS , WT , Wu are weighting functions and S, T , and Gwu denote the sensitivity function, the complementary sensitivity function and the sensitivity of the system in input-disturbances Chapter 4. Controller Design 41 respectively. For more details see [10]. Figure 4.18 illustrates the sensitivity functions and the loop-gain characteristics. The cross-over frequency of the loop-gain is ωc = 1.38 rad/s. Sensitivity Functions and Loop-Gain Magnitude (dB) 50 0 S T L -50 -100 -150 Phase (deg) 180 0 -180 -360 -540 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 Frequency (rad/s) Figure 4.16: Sensitivity Functions without Compensation. Figure 4.17 shows the response of the closed loop system for different initial conditions. Input Input 0.4 Volts Volts V 0.2 0 -0.2 0 2 4 6 8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 10 V 0 2 4 6 8 10 Output 15 10 5 0 -5 20 φ deg deg Output φ 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 time (s) 6 8 10 time (s) Input Volts 1 V 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 deg Output 30 20 10 0 φ 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (s) Figure 4.17: Closed-loop response with Glover McFarlane for Different Initial Conditions without Compensator. Apparently the controller stabilizes the system in all three cases, but the settling time is too large. In order to deal with this we should try to increase the bandwidth of the loop-gain. An easy way to do so, without increasing the complexity of the controller, is to introduce a constant pre-compensator gain. 42 4.3. Glover-McFarlane Controller 4.3.1 Constant Gain Precompensator Assume W (s) = 3. The Glover-McFarlane controller then becomes F (s) = s4 −193.8s3 − 17450s2 − 1.172 · 106 s − 5.508 · 107 + 224.5s3 + 1.87 · 104 s2 + 1.147 · 106 s + 4.148 · 107 Figure 4.18 illustrates the sensitivity functions and the loop-gain characteristics. The cross-over frequency of the loop-gain is now ωc = 2.448 rad/s. Sensitivity Functions and Loop-Gain Magnitude (dB) 100 0 S T L -100 -200 -300 Phase (deg) 180 0 -180 -360 -540 -2 10 10 0 10 2 10 4 Frequency (rad/s) Figure 4.18: Sensitivity Functions with compensation W1 = 3. Figure 4.19 shows the response of the closed loop system for different initial conditions. Input Input Volts 0.4 Volts 1 V 0.2 0 V 0.5 0 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 4 5 Output 15 10 5 0 -5 20 φ deg deg Output 3 φ 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 time (s) 3 4 5 time (s) Volts Input V 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 deg Output 30 20 10 0 φ 0 1 2 3 4 5 time (s) Figure 4.19: Closed-loop response with Glover-McFarlane and Constant Compensator W1 = 3. If we want to shape a faster loop gain without increasing the complexity of our robust controller, we can just use a constant pre-compensator with larger gain, i.e.: W2 = 10. The sensitivity functions Chapter 4. Controller Design 43 are illustrated in Figure 4.20. The loop gain indeed becomes faster with crossover frequency ωc = 6.1 rad/s, but at the cost of allowing for more high frequency noise. This interpretation can be verified from the complementary sensitivity function T which is responsible for the high frequency noise. On the other hand, we suppress more aggressively the input-disturbances, which are low frequency signals. This can be seen from the sensitivity function S. The fact that we cannot suppress both T and S around the same frequencies is known in the literature as the water-bed effect. Sensitivity Functions and Loop-Gain Magnitude (dB) 100 0 S T L -100 -200 -300 Phase (deg) 180 0 -180 -360 -540 10-2 100 102 104 Frequency (rad/s) Figure 4.20: Sensitivity Functions with Compensation W1 = 10. The closed-loop response corresponding to this controller is presented in Figure 4.21. Input Input V Volts Volts 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 -1 5 V 0 1 2 Output 4 5 Output 6 20 φ 4 deg deg 3 2 φ 10 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 time (s) 3 4 5 time (s) Volts Input V 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 deg Output 30 20 10 0 φ 0 1 2 3 4 5 time (s) Figure 4.21: Closed-loop response with Glover-McFarlane and Constant Compensator W2 = 10. If we discretize the above mentioned controller with a sampling period Ts = 0.01s, then controller 44 4.3. Glover-McFarlane Controller will be implementable as a filter by our CPU. The discrete time controller is shown below F (z) = z4 −1.112z 3 − 2.14z 2 − 1.65z − 0.4533 − 1.84z 3 + 1.451z 2 − 0.4134z + 0.015 For the sake of completeness we present the response of the discrete-time robustified controller for the three cases, assuming that we have a pulse reference signal to track (see Figure 4.22). Apparently the third controller tracks the reference signal better. Input Input 0.4 Volts Volts 0.2 0 V -0.2 0.2 0 V -0.2 -0.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Output 4 2 0 -2 -4 φ rφ φ rφ 2 deg deg Output 0 -2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 time (s) 15 20 25 30 time (s) Input Volts 1 0 V -1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Output φ rφ deg 2 0 -2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 time (s) Figure 4.22: No compensation (upper left), W1 = 3 (upper right), W2 = 10 (lower center). So, with the third Glover-McFarlane controller we achieved good response and we forced the closed loop system to have ||Gce ||∞ = 1.12 ≤ γ ≈ 1.62. That was easily done by just using a precompensator W , without having to tune separate weighting functions for each sensitivity function, a process which usually leads to conflicts. However, the steady state error is not zero. Moreover, although the controllers with the constant gain pre-compensator increase the crossover frequency, and thus the speed of the loop gain, they on the other hand, do not have satisfactory performance with respect to the sensitivity functions. In particular, the sensitivity function S is not suppressed significantly in the low frequencies, which means that the closed loop system will not be able to reject disturbances robustly. A lead compensator could yield better results, but at the cost of increasing the order of the controller. 4.3.2 Lead-lag Precompensator We introduce the lead-lag pre-compensator Wp = 10 (s + 5) (s + 2) (s + 10) s We deliberately selected a lag term with pure integral, so we can drive the steady state error of the system to zero. We focus on the desired crossover frequency ωc ≈ 6rad/s. That way, Chapter 4. Controller Design 45 we can compare the performance of this controller with the one derived above for the W2 = 10 compensator. Figure 4.23 illustrates how the control scheme we work with looks like. Figure 4.23: Robust Control Scheme - One Degree of Freedom. Following the algorithm described above, we derive the robust controller F (s) = s6 −424.6s5 − 4.261s4 − 2.96 · 106 s3 − 1.473 · 108 s2 − 1.277 · s − 9.521 · 108 + 413.9s5 + 4.201 · 104 s4 + 2.906 · 106 s3 + 1.365 · 108 s2 + 9.603 · 108 s + 1.339 · 109 Apparently, the complexity of the controller increased, but the performance of the closed-loop system gets improved accordingly. In order to make the controller implementable, we could discretize it similarly to the constant pre-compensator case. Figure 4.24 presents the sensitivity functions, the step response of the closed loop system, the response with initial roll-angle φ(0) = 25o , and the tracking ability of our controller. We achieved a crossover frequency ωc = 5.92rad/s. Furthermore, we achieved an optimal γ = 1.72 with better suppression of the sensitivity functions in the desired regions. The characteristics of the step response can be seen in Table 4.1. Input Sensitivity Functions and Loop-Gain Volts Magnitude (dB) 100 0 S T L -100 0 V -0.1 -0.2 -200 0 2 4 -300 0 -180 10 1 φ rφ 0.5 0 -360 -540 10-2 100 102 0 104 2 4 6 8 10 time (s) Frequency (rad/s) Input Input 6 4 2 0 1 V Volts Volts 8 1.5 180 deg Phase (deg) 360 0 V -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 5 10 Output 15 20 25 30 Output 30 20 10 0 -10 φ φ rφ 2 deg deg 6 Output 0 -2 0 1 2 3 time (s) 4 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 time (s) Figure 4.24: Sensitivity functions (upper left) step response (upper right), initial roll angle response (lower left) and tracking ability (lower right). 46 4.3. Glover-McFarlane Controller Left Coprime Factorization The controller derived above can stabilize a family of systems. Here we will see how 1/γ defines a measure of how large the set of stabilizable systems can be. Having used the parameters shown in table.4.2, at the end of this chapter, we evaluate the transfer function of the system. −1.807 · 105 s4 + 89.37s3 + 5987s2 + 2.8 · 105 s − 1.875 · 105 G(s) = The system G can be represented in its factored form as shown in Equation 4.19. G(s) = Ml−1 (s)Nl (s) MlT (−s)Ml (s) + (4.19a) NlT (−s)Nl (s) (4.19b) =I Therefore, we derive the stable transfer functions Ml (s) = Nl (s) = s4 + 89.37s3 + 5987s2 + 2.8 · 105 s − 1.875 · 105 s4 + 90.95s3 + 6129s2 + 2.895 · 105 s + 2.604 · 105 s4 + 90.95s3 −1.807 · 105 + 6129s2 + 2.895 · 105 s + 2.604 · 105 The controller we derived for the lead-lag compensator can guarantee stability for the family of systems written in the form Gp (s) = (Ml (s) + ∆M (s))−1 (Nl (s) + ∆N (s)) where ∆M and ∆N are stable transfer functions such that k[∆N ∆M ]k∞ < 1 γ We will now test 4 cases with different perturbing functions ∆N , ∆M . It will be verified that as k[∆N ∆M ]k∞ approaches 1/γ, the system reaches its stability margins. Case 1: ∆N = 0.3/(s + 2), ∆M = 0.2/(s + 3) k[∆N ∆M ]k∞ = 0.16 < 1/γ ≈ 0.5795 In this case the perturbed system Gp became a nonminimum phase system, having a zero in the right half plane. We expect to see that the gain of the system for rapid inputs (like step), has opposite sign than the static gain. So, as we notice in Figure 4.25, the output does not track the reference signal for a very short time in the beginning. The characteristics of the step response can be seen in Table 4.1. Input Bode Diagram 0.1 nominal perturbed -50 Volts Magnitude (dB) 0 -100 0 V -0.1 -0.2 -150 0 2 4 0 -90 -180 10 -2 6 8 10 Output deg Phase (deg) -200 90 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 Frequency (rad/s) 10 3 10 4 1.5 1 0.5 0 φ rφ 0 2 4 6 time (s) Figure 4.25: Case 1 - Bode diagram (left) step response (right). 8 10 Chapter 4. Controller Design 47 Case 2: ∆N = 0.5/(s + 2), ∆M = 0.4/(s + 3) k[∆N ∆M ]k∞ = 0.2833 < 1/γ ≈ 0.5795 In this case the perturbed system Gp became a nonminimum phase system as well. Since the respective infinite norm is slightly larger, but still within the robustness limits, we expect to observe a worse response compared to the one in the previous case (see Figure 4.26). From the bode diagram we can also notice that the perturbed system differs more than the nominal one, compared to the previous case. The characteristics of the step response can be seen in Table 4.1. Input Bode Diagram nominal perturbed -50 Volts Magnitude (dB) 0 -100 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -150 V 0 2 4 -200 90 6 8 10 Output deg Phase (deg) 2 0 -90 -180 10 -2 1 φ rφ 0 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 0 10 4 2 4 6 8 10 time (s) Frequency (rad/s) Figure 4.26: Case 2 - Bode diagram (left) step response (right)). Case 3: ∆N = 0.5/(s + 1), ∆M = 0.4/(s + 3) k[∆N ∆M ]k∞ = 0.5174 < 1/γ ≈ 0.5795 In this case the perturbed system Gp became a nonminimum phase system also. Since the respective infinite norm is very close to the robustness limits, the response of this case is expected to be even worse compared to the previous two cases (see Figure 4.27). The characteristics of the step response are also presented in Table 4.1. Input Bode Diagram 0.2 nominal perturbed -50 -100 Volts Magnitude (dB) 0 V 0 -0.2 -150 0 5 10 15 20 Output 2 0 deg Phase (deg) -200 90 -90 -180 10 -2 1 φ rφ 0 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 Frequency (rad/s) 0 5 10 15 20 time (s) Figure 4.27: Case 3 - Bode diagram (left) step response (right). Case 4: ∆N = 0.58/(s + 1), ∆M = 0.4/(s + 3) k[∆N ∆M ]k∞ = 0.5951 > 1/γ ≈ 0.5795 In this case we exceed the stability margins, thus, we expect to have an unstable behaviour. In Figure 4.28 we observe the unstable oscillations. 48 4.3. Glover-McFarlane Controller Input Bode Diagram 1 nominal perturbed -50 Volts Magnitude (dB) 0 V 0.5 0 -0.5 -100 -150 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Output 0 deg Phase (deg) -200 90 -90 -180 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 φ rφ 4 2 0 -2 -4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 time (s) Frequency (rad/s) Figure 4.28: Case 4 - Bode diagram (left) step response (right). Table 4.1 illustrates the step response characteristics of each case described above for the lead-lag precompensator. We denote with tr the rising time, which is the time it takes for the output to reach from 10% to 90% of its final value. We denote with tset the settling time, which is the time required for the output to enter and remain within a specified error band, here ±5% of its final value. Finally, we denote with M the overshoot, which is the occurrence of the output exceeding its final value, expressed in percentage. System G Gp case 1st Gp case 2nd Gp case 3rd Gp case 4th Closed Loop stable stable stable stable unstable tr (s) 0.213 0.3 0.356 0.613 - tset (s) 2.2 2.15 3.3 8.87 - M (%) 19.5 33 57.5 68.6 - Table 4.1: Step Response Characteristics for Robust Controller 4.3.3 Two-degrees of Freedom Controller with Lead-lag Precompensator One way to improve even more the performance of the robustified controller designed above is to increase its degrees of freedom. So far, we had a one-degree of freedom controller. By introducing a pref-filter as shown in Figure 4.29, we improve the response of the feedback system to changes in the reference signal we try to track. Figure 4.29: Robust Control Scheme with Pre-filter. If we choose Fr = 3 s+3 Chapter 4. Controller Design 49 to be the low-pass pre-filter, then we reduce the overshoots in the response. Figure 4.30 illustrates the response of the closed-loop system with one-degree of freedom controller and two-degrees of freedom controller respectively. Input Input 0.2 Volts Volts 1 0 V 5 10 15 20 25 V -0.2 -1 0 0 30 0 5 10 15 Output φ rφ 0 -2 30 φ rφ 0 -2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 time (s) 15 Volts 0 V -0.2 2 4 25 30 Input -0.1 0 20 time (s) Input Volts 25 2 deg deg 2 6 8 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 10 V 0 2 4 Output 6 8 10 Output 1.5 1.5 1 deg deg 20 Output φ rφ 0.5 φ rφ 1 0.5 0 0 0 2 4 6 time (s) 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (s) Figure 4.30: Tracking ability with lead-lag precompensator without prefilter (upper left) and with prefilter (upper right) and step response without prefilter(lower left) and with filter (lower right). We notice that the overshoot is significantly reduced when we use the pre-filter (M ≈ 13%), but at the cost of slightly increasing the rise time and the settling time of the output. It depends on what is more important for each case. Sometimes we want to penalize overshoots, whereas some others we prefer to have a fast response with larger overshoots. In this particular project our task is to stabilize the static vehicle starting from some initial rollangle. The aim is not to track a reference signal, but instead to reject disturbances and stabilize the vehicle given some initial conditions. However, we present the above for the sake of a more thorough analysis. We have already revealed the necessity of driving the precession angles of the gyroscopes to zero. Although we designed the controller based on the reduced order system, we can freely apply it on the complete 5th -order system described in Equation 3.16. So, we only feed back the roll angle, but we still have two outputs. Figure 4.31 illustrates the response of the system for two different initial conditions. 50 4.3. Glover-McFarlane Controller Input Input V V 4 Volts Volts 2 1 0 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 Output 8 10 Output 40 20 φ α 10 deg deg 6 0 φ α 20 0 0 2 4 6 time (s) 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (s) Figure 4.31: Glover-McFarlane for φ(0) = 10o (left) and φ(0) = 20o (right). It is noteworthy that the gimbal angle is also driven to zero even though we do not directly control it with the stabilizing controller we derived above. The full system is a SIMO system whose transfer function is described by Equation 3.17. Figure 4.32 illustrates the control scheme for the Glover-McFarlane controller for the full system case. Figure 4.32: Glover-McFarlane for full SIMO system. The closed loop transfer function associated with the roll angle of the vehicle φ is H1 (s) = G1 (s)F (s)W (s) , 1 + G1 (s)F (s)W (s) whereas the closed loop transfer function with respect to the gimbal angle α is H2 (s) = G2 (s)F (s)W (s) . 1 + G1 (s)F (s)W (s) The real part of all poles of H1 is strictly negative. It also holds that kH1 k∞ ≈ 1.24. Therefore, the roll angle φ will asymptotically converge to zero for this regulator problem. H2 has the same poles as H1 plus one pole at zero. So, we have marginal stability for the the closed loop system H2 . Nevertheless, under the regulator-problem circumstances, H2 behaves in a stable manner. Hence, the gimbal angle α converges to zero as well. Further investigation is required for the servo problem, which is out of the scope of this thesis. In order to evaluate the sensitivity of the closed loop system, we disturbed the input with two consecutive disturbances. Figure 4.33 illustrates the response of the system under two different input-disturbances. We can claim that the vehicle under the Glover-McFarlane controller is insensitive to input-disturbances. Further investigation is required with respect to the robustness in perturbation of the nominal SIMO system described by Equation 3.17. Chapter 4. Controller Design 51 Input Input 5 V Volts Volts 5 0 -5 V 0 -5 0 5 10 15 0 5 Output 20 deg deg φ α 0 -20 5 15 Output 40 0 10 10 15 time (s) 40 20 0 -20 -40 φ α 0 5 10 15 time (s) Figure 4.33: Glover-McFarlane sensitivity for different disturbances. If one would like to have a direct access in controlling the gimbal angle, one could use a nonlinear switching controller. By determining a condition for which the alternative control signal, dedicated to the gimbal angle, is applied, we guarantee that the gimbal angle converges to zero in the way we want it to. The system then becomes hybrid, and it has two discrete states, each one describing the same system, but under different control signals. The condition that tells us which discrete state we are in, is known in the literature as guard, and it can take the form Guard = (|φ|≤ + 1 AN D |φ̇|≤ + 2 ). If this condition is satisfied, then we can apply a controller of the form u = −Kα sign(α), where the factor Kα regulates how slowly we will drive the gimbal angle back to zero. The particular guard we have used guarantees that in case the roll rate of the vehicle would drastically change (disturbance occurrence), the controller would instantaneously switch to the Glover-McFarlane, before it would be too late for the roll angle to react. Further research is required for this switching controller, but it goes beyond the scope of the current analysis. Finally, in order for our simulations to be repeatable, we provide the values of the parameters we used for our simulation setups (see Table 4.2). Parameter [mB , ms , mGB , mC , mG ] [hB , hs , hG ] [IBx , Isx , IGBx ] [ICx , ICy , ICz ] [IGx , IGy , IGz ] g Ω Value [1.82, 0.074, 0.053, 0.112, 0.276] [7, 9.2, 12] [135.97, 0.527, 0.725] [1.288, 1.288, 2.534] [1.56, 1.56, 3.12] 9.81 4000 Unit [kg] [cm] [kg · cm2 ] [kg · cm2 ] [kg · cm2 ] [m/s2 ] [rpm] Table 4.2: Parameter Values of Static Vehicle for Simulation Setups 52 4.3. Glover-McFarlane Controller Chapter 5 Controller Implementation “Failed plans should not be interpreted as a failed vision. Visions don’t change, they are only refined. Plans rarely stay the same, and are scrapped or adjusted as needed. Be stubborn about the vision, but flexible with your plan.” John C. Maxwell, 1831-1879 In this chapter we will explain how the cascade PID controller described in chapter 4 can be implemented. The whole approach is based on our effort to link the simulated in Matlab cascade PID controllers with the ones we will implement in C++. For this reason, we accordingly modify the model describing our system. Different PID setting are investigated and the influence of each gain is studied thoroughly. Moreover, the simulated controller appears to reject successfully different kind of disturbances. 5.1 Revised Equations of Motion Although the equations of motion have already been presented in chapter 3, we now present a different reasoning which will simplify our calculations and will also be proven very useful for the cascade loop analysis and implementation. For the sake of convenience we re-write the vehicle’s equations of motion. φ̈[k4 + k7 + k1 c2 α + k3 s2 α] − 2k5 φ̇α̇cαsα + 2Ωcαα̇IG33 − k6 gsφ = hB Fd cφ (5.1) The above equation can be written as in Equation 5.2 which is first expressed in this form in [24]. φ̈ = k6 gsφ + hB Fd cφ 2k5 φ̇cαsα − 2ΩcαIG33 + α̇ k4 + k7 + k1 c2 α + k3 s2 α k4 + k7 + k1 c2 α + k3 s2 α (5.2) Note at this point that the precession angle (α) of the gyroscopes is entirely depended on the PWM signal we are feeding the servo motor with. So, the precession rate (α̇) can be considered as the input of the system we are trying to describe, and the precession angle its integral. Remember from chapter 2 that the higher the precession rate is, the larger the generated stabilizing torque from the gyroscopes becomes. Therefore, the model summarizing the system dynamics can be described by the nonlinear control-affine system shown in Equation 5.3. φ̈ = f (φ, α) + g(φ̇, α)u (5.3a) y = [φ, α] (5.3b) 53 54 5.1. Revised Equations of Motion where u = α̇ and: f= k6 gsφ + hB Fd cφ k4 + k7 + k1 c2 α + k3 s2 α g= 2k5 φ̇cαsα − 2ΩcαIG33 k4 + k7 + k1 c2 α + k3 s2 α Here Fd represents the disturbance and the unmodeled system dynamics. 5.1.1 Acceptable Range of Initial Roll Angle In order to estimate the range of the initial roll angle within which we can stabilize the vehicle we shall do the following. First, we have to approximate the maximum stabilizing torque the gyroscopes can produce. For the sake of convenience we re-write the equation describing the stabilizing torque in Equation 5.4. τstab = 1 2 mG RG Ωα̇ cos(α) 2 (5.4) We have assumed α̇max ≈ 5rad/s (see A) and RG = 4.75cm. Thus, the maximum stabilizing torque generated by the two gyroscopes together is τstabmax ≈ 1.3N m. Now, consider that the vehicle is leaned with a roll angle φ(0). The analogous of the vehicle is the inverted pendulum as shown in Figure 5.1. Figure 5.1: The Inverted Pendulum Analogous. If we assume that the center of mass of the vehicle can be represented by the mass mtot in Figure 5.1, then the torque produced by the weight of this mass is given by Equation 5.5. (5.5) Tp = mtot g sin(φ)l where l denotes the length of the pendulum, and it represents the distance between the center of mass of the vehicle and the ground. We have considered l = 0.1m and mtot ≈ 3kg. In order to be able to neutralize the weight-torque, the following should hold. φ(0) ≤ arcsin τ stabmax mtot gl Therefore, |φ(0)|max ≈ 26o . Chapter 5. Controller Implementation 5.2 55 Cascade PID Control - Implementation The developed Simulink model describing the cascade PID strategy is shown in Figure 5.2. For more details on what the block KTH-Vehicle consists of see Appendix B. Figure 5.2: Block Diagram of the Cascade PID controller. Assuming that our mathematical model represents with satisfactory accuracy the physical system, the most important thing to be determined is the spinning velocity of the gyroscopic flywheels. We have to assure that the one we use in simulations is very close to the one we apply in reality. This parameter affects massively the gains of the PID controllers, especially the inner one. The higher the spinning velocity, the smaller the P gain of the inner loop has to be. This coincides with the theory presented in chapter 2. To achieve certain gyroscopic momentum we can either use high spinning velocity and smaller precession rate or vice versa. Although we do not have an encoder to measure the spinning velocity of the gyroscopic flywheels, it is fair enough to consider in our analysis that Ω ≈ 4000rpm. For more information on this choice see Appendix A. Our aim at this stage is to establish a one-to-one relation between the Simulink model and the C++ code we develop in parallel. In other words we try to find the relationship between the PID gains we identify in Simulink and the ones that should be used in the C++ code. The sensor loop of the C++ code takes approximately 10ms to get executed. Thus, we consider a 10ms transport-delay for the measurements in our Simlink model. Due to the particular spinning velocity of the gyroscopic flywheels, we can only attenuate short disturbances, and only after the gyros have returned close to their horizontal orientation, so they can have enough space to rotate and generate the necessary balancing counter-torque. For better performance we should be able to apply larger spinning velocities. Figure 5.3 illustrates the response of the system given two different spinning velocities, Ω1 = 4000rpm and Ω2 = 8000rpm respectively. Different tuning of the PID controllers was required for each case, as Ω is a parameter that affects directly the whole system. For a fair comparison we initialize our vehicle from φ(0) = 15o , and we also apply two consecutive disturbances. 56 5.2. Cascade PID Control - Implementation Cascade PID Response (Ω = 8000 rpm) 20 φ α1 α2 deg deg Cascade PID Response (Ω = 4000 rpm) 40 20 0 -20 -40 φ α1 α2 0 -20 0 5 10 15 0 5 Input 15 Input 20 10 rad/s α̇ rad/s 10 0 -20 α̇ 0 -10 0 5 10 15 0 time (s) 5 10 15 time (s) Figure 5.3: PID-Response for Ω = 4000rpm(left) and Ω = 8000rpm(right). Should one want to test how the system reacts in disturbances, one should first let it get stabilized at its upright position, with the gyroscopes having almost horizontal position, and then apply a disturbance. Apparently, with higher spinning velocity the precession angles do not have to be that large in order for the gyroscopes to produce sufficient balancing torque. Thus, we can get a more robust response for larger initial tilt-angle and while perturbing the system more aggressively. Unfortunately, the motors we use are not powerful enough to yield back such high spinning velocity, but we still present this for the sake of completeness and for the sake of a more thorough comparison. 5.2.1 Discrete-Time PID Controller A typical computer implementation of a discrete time PID controller considers forward Euler approximation for the discretization of the integral part, and backward Euler approximation for the derivative part. Moreover, a low pass filter is used for the derivative term in order to attenuate high frequency noise coming from the encoders. A PID algorithm is described below. Ideal PID Algorithm - Computer Implementation P-part yp [k] = e[k] I-part (Forward Euler) yi [k] = yi [k − 1] + Ki Ts e[k] D-part (Backward Euler) h yd [k] = Kd yd [k − 1] + e[k] − e[k − 1] i Ts − yd [k − 1] 1/N + Ts Ts PID output uP ID [k] = Kp (yp [k] + yi [k] + yd [k]) By taking the Z-transform of the last expression of the above algorithm one can derive the PID described by Equation 5.6, which is the one we used for the inner and the outer loop. It is also the PID one can find in Simulink. 1 N UP ID (z) = Kp 1 + Ki Ts + Kd E(z) (5.6) z z−1 1 + N Ts z−1 Chapter 5. Controller Implementation 5.3 57 Cascade PID Control - Tuning The way we tuned the cascade PID controllers is the following. We first tuned the inner loop while having the outer loop in manual mode (open loop). Then, considering the inner loop as part of the plant, we closed and tuned the outer loop. One rule of thumb is to keep the inner loop at least five times faster than the outer one, so as for the disturbances to be attenuated before occurring in the output. Furthermore, we usually use a P or a P I controller for the inner loop. Considering high frequency disturbances, the derivative term in the inner PID controller would cause stability problems. In general, a P I controller would drive the steady state error (offset) to zero and it would also track set points and reject disturbances better. However, such a sophisticated controller for the slave-loop might have the tendency to oscillate. Thus, it might be wiser to start only with P for the inner loop, at the cost of having a small steady state error. More on the cascade control can be found in [2]. Table 5.1 shows eight different PID settings and their respective performance. We have defined three measures of quality to characterize the respective performances. tφset and tαset represent the times until the roll angle of the vehicle and the gyroscopic angle respectively, enter and never exceed the error band ±0.5o . The third measure of quality is the maximum precession angle of the gyroscopes and we denote it with |α|max . The quality of the performance decays as |α|max approaches the physical boundaries. The sampling period of our discrete-time PID controllers in Simulink is Ts = 1ms. It is directly linked to the speed of the control loop of our C++ code. Given that we tried to avoid reaching close to the boundaries of the precession angles, we initialized our vehicle from a tilted position that never exceeded the range (−18o , 18o ). At this comparison stage we have neglected the external disturbances. Figure 5.4 and Figure 5.5 illustrate the behaviour of each setting so that the reader can get an intuition on the effect of each PID gain. In general, not only we want to stabilize the vehicle on its upright position, but we also want to drive the gyroscopes to their horizontal position as fast as possible, so they can compensate disturbances that might occur. However, we have to be careful on how fast we will drive the gyroscopic angles to zero because we want to avoid producing significant counter-torque at this stage. Otherwise, we would harm the stability of the vehicle. Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Loop Inner Outer Inner Outer Inner Outer Inner Outer Inner Outer Inner Outer Inner Outer Inner Outer Kp 800 1.2 800 1.2 800 1.2 900 1.2 900 1.2 900 1.2 1100 1.2 1200 1.3 Ki 0.09 0.1 0.09 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.7 1 0.7 1 0.7 0.6 Kd 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 N 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 |α|max (deg) 39.5 tφset (s) 2.4 tαset (s) 7.8 40 4.5 8.5 39.6 2.1 5.2 38.6 1.97 5.9 39.5 4.6 6.5 39.8 3.8 5.35 38.3 2.8 5.2 37.7 2.3 4.65 Table 5.1: Cascade PID Performance for Different Settings 58 5.3. Cascade PID Control - Tuning Cascade PID Response Cascade PID Response 50 50 φ α1 α2 deg deg φ α1 α2 0 -50 0 5 10 0 -50 15 0 time (s) Cascade PID Response 5 10 50 50 φ α1 α2 deg deg φ α1 α2 0 -50 15 time (s) Cascade PID Response 0 5 10 0 -50 15 0 5 time (s) 10 15 time (s) Figure 5.4: Cascade PID responses corresponding to Case 1(upper left), Case 2(upper right), Case 3 (lower left) and Case 4 (lower right). Cascade PID Response Cascade PID Response 50 50 φ α1 α2 deg deg φ α1 α2 0 -50 0 5 10 0 -50 15 0 time (s) Cascade PID Response 5 10 Cascade PID Response (Ω = 4000 rpm) 50 50 φ α1 α2 deg deg φ α1 α2 0 -50 15 time (s) 0 5 10 time (s) 15 0 -50 0 5 10 15 Figure 5.5: Cascade PID responses corresponding to Case 5(upper left), Case 6(upper right), Case 7 (lower left) and Case 8 (lower right). These simulation results coincide with the PID theory. Whenever we increase the integral gain Chapter 5. Controller Implementation 59 Ki the settling time is decreased but at the cost of larger overshoots. Furthermore, the more we increase the Kp gain the faster the response becomes up to a certain extent where we do not have oscillations. Finally, the derivative term is responsible for suppressing the overshoot from the integrator, but at the cost of introducing some oscillations. It is also verified that only P gain for the inner loop (case 8) led to a less oscillatory response with a steady state error eφ ≈ 6 · 10−4 . 5.3.1 Disturbance Rejection Test Depending on what one considers more important, one can choose any setting from the Table 5.1. Here we will test the robustness of the 8th case when a disturbance occurs. We will consider two types of disturbances. The first one will be an impulse-disturbance (i.e., someone pushes the vehicle instantaneously), whereas the second will be a more persisting one (i.e., side-wind). Figure 5.6 illustrates the performance in each case. We also present the respective disturbances (see Figure 5.7), so the reader will have a better understanding of how aggressive they are. Our simulated vehicle manages to confront both types of disturbances and it gets stabilized in its upright position. Therefore we can claim that the system successfully rejects disturbances. Cascade PID Response (Ω = 4000 rpm) Cascade PID Response (Ω = 4000 rpm) 50 50 φ α1 α2 deg deg φ α1 α2 0 -50 0 -50 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 Figure 5.6: Cascade PID response under impulse disturbance (left) and under persisting disturbance (right). Disturbance 10 5 0 0 5 10 time(s) Disturbance 15 Force (N) Force (N) 15 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 time(s) Figure 5.7: Impulse disturbance (left) and persisting disturbance (right). 5.4 Enhanced Model with Asymmetry Included As we have already discussed in chapter 3, the servo motors brake the asymmetry of our system. If we consider the potential energy described in Equation 3.6, we take a more accurate differential 60 5.4. Enhanced Model with Asymmetry Included equation describing the particular system. Equation 5.2 can now be re-written as 0 k gsφ + hB Fd cφ + k8 gcφ 2k5 φ̇cαsα − 2ΩcαIG33 φ̈ = 6 + α̇, k4 + k7 + k1 c2 α + k3 s2 α k4 + k7 + k1 c2 α + k3 s2 α (5.7) where 0 k6 = hB mB + 2hG (mG + mC + mGB ) + 2hs ms cφs k8 = 2hs ms gsφs , (5.8) with φs denoting the angle of the servos with respect to the yaw axis, when the vehicle is stabilized on its upright position. With this asymmetry introduced in our model we expect to have an equilibrium different than zero. Therefore, the cascade PID controller, designed and implemented above, will stabilize the system on the roll angle associated with the revised equilibrium. Figure 5.8 verifies this hypothesis, which also coincides with what we expect to happen in practice. Table 5.2 presents the setup we used for plots appearing in Figure 5.8 as well as the characteristics of the responses, based on the analysis conducted above. We have assumed φ(0) = 15o and φs = 45o . Case 9 10 Loop Inner Outer Inner Outer Kp 750 1.1 1150 1.2 Ki 1.5 0.7 1 0.6 Kd 0.45 0.42 N 8 8 |α|max (deg) 37.13 tφset (s) 3.68 tαset (s) 5.18 33.96 2.86 3.07 Table 5.2: Cascade PID Gains with asymmetry introduced Cascade PID Response (Ω = 4000 rpm) Cascade PID Response (Ω = 4000 rpm) 40 40 φ α1 α2 20 deg 20 deg φ α1 α2 0 -20 0 -20 -40 -40 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 Figure 5.8: Cascade PID responses corresponding to case 9 (left) and case 10 (right). Assuming α̇∗ = α∗ = 0, the roll angle on the equilibrium is described by φ∗ = tan−1 −h F − k g B d 8 . 0 k6 g (5.9) Chapter 6 Experiments with the Prototype “By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox.” Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642 In this chapter we present some experimental results. We first identify the parameters of the servo motors by taking some input-output data, a step of crucial importance for increasing the validity of our model. Then we present the low-pass filter we used for the noisy encoder-measurements. Finally, we try to tune the cascade PID controller for the C++ code, but since PID-tuning is a time consuming process, this stage is not completed. The conclusions that can be drawn though are quite promising. 6.1 Servo-Parameters Identification In this section we will try to identify some of the parameters of the DC motor which is part of the servo-mechanism. Figure 6.1 illustrates the sub-parts of the digital servo motor. For the sake of completeness we present the DC motor Simulink model in Figure 6.2. The gains of the inner PID controller are unknown to us, but we can estimate them together with the DC motor’s parameters by considering the servo motor as a black box. Figure 6.3. shows the input-output relationship for the servo motor. The input is a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal. The width of the pulse signal can be translated into position (rad) of the shaft attached on the DC motor. The convention we are using is the following: • 1ms is associated with -π/2 rad • 1.5ms is associated with 0 rad • 2ms is associated with π/2 rad Figure 6.1: Block Diagram of the Servo Motor. 61 62 6.1. Servo-Parameters Identification Figure 6.2: Block Diagram of the DC motor. Servo input-output relationship (RC mode + Low Pass) 1.5 rα α 1 rad 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Time(sec) Figure 6.3: Input-Output relationship for the servo motor - Estimation. The acquisition of the input-output data illustrated in Figure 6.3 is done with the remote controller. So, we observe what is the desired angle, determined from the width of the applied P W M signal, and what the measured angle from the encoder is. At this point it should be mentioned that we use an off-line low pass filter to cancel out the high-frequency noise, coming together with our measurement data. The low-pass filter is an 10th order FIR filter. Via Simulink we managed to identify the parameters of the DC motor together with the PID gains. The data we used to fit this model are called estimation-data. The identified parame- Chapter 6. Experiments with the Prototype 63 ters are presented in table.6.1 and they were calculated via the Parameter Estimation toolbox in Simulink. The way this Toolbox works can be summarized as follows. First we initialize the parameters to be identified. Then we take some input-output data from our physical system and we feed the same input into our simulated system. Since, the dynamics behave in a similar manner, what we usually observe in the simulated output is a scaled version of the measured output. Finally, the Parameter Estimation toolbox optimize the selected parameters so that we have a satisfactory fit of the simulated and the measured output. Pservo is the servo gain that bounds the gyroscopes within the range (−50o , 50o ). Since the gyroscopes are attached on the servo motors during the identification process, the values of these parameters will change drastically if we substitute or completely remove the gyroscopes. Parameter Moment of inertia Armature’s Inductance Armature’s Resistance Damping Coefficient Back EMF constant P gain I gain D gain Derivative Filter Coefficient Servo-Gain Symbol J L R γ Ke Kp Ki Kd N Pservo Estimated Value 8.8112 · 10−6 7.388 0.65627 3.0971 · 10−4 0.10837 1.5215 0.0769 0.14319 8.0743 0.6 Unit kg · m2 mH Ω N · m · rad/s V · s/rad - Table 6.1: Servo Motor - Estimated Parameters Figure 6.4 illustrates the performance of our model on new experimental data. Those data are called validation data. We can claim that our model mimics well the true system. Angle of the Shaft 0.5 rad simulated true 0 -0.5 0 500 1000 1500 2500 3000 3500 2000 2500 3000 3500 PWM input 1.8 Pulse-width (ms) 2000 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0 500 1000 1500 time (s) Figure 6.4: Input-Output relationship for the servo motor - Validation. In general, the digital servo motor behaves in a similar manner as the analogue one with one main difference; instead of feeding the DC motor with voltage signals every 20ms (50Hz), it instead feeds its respective DC motor with voltage signals every 3.33ms (300Hz). The pulses will be shorter in length of course, but with so many voltage pulses occurring, the motor will speed up much quicker 64 6.2. Filtering of the Measurements and provide constant torque. The modelled discrete PID controller that we assume it is inside the servo-mechanism is described by Equation 6.1. P ID(z) = Kp + Ki Ts 1 N E(z) + Kd z z−1 1 + N Ts z−1 (6.1) where E(z) is the Z-transform of the error e(t) = r(t) − y(t). For N → ∞ the derivative part is the one we already know. But if we use some values within the range (1,20) then we successfully cut-off the high frequency noise. In order to get a better intuition on how the filtered derivative works, we present the bode diagram of the PID controller of the servo with and without derivative filter (Figure 6.5). Servo PID Bode Diagram Magnitude (dB) 100 PID with derivative filter PID with no derivative filter 50 0 -50 Phase (deg) -100 0 -90 -180 10 -6 10 -4 10 -2 10 0 Frequency (rad/s) Figure 6.5: Bode Diagram of PID controller. 6.2 Filtering of the Measurements Although we have not spent that much time yet, the filtering of the measurements is equally important as the tuning of the cascade PID controller. The measurement corresponding to the roll rate (φ̇) of the vehicle is filtered with the help of the AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System) library which combines measurements from the accelerometer and the gyroscope, which are inside the ArduPilot board. We will not go through all the details, but we should mention that in general the measurements from an accelerometer are trustworthy when the gravitational force is the only force applied on the accelerometer. If this is not the case a gyroscope is used to calculate a high accuracy estimate of the acceleration. Many tutorials on how one can combine the above mentioned together with IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) devices can be found on the internet. Regarding the measurements corresponding to the precession angles of the gyroscopes a low pass filter must be used to attenuate the high frequency noise. Unfortunately every filter introduces delay to the signal. The better attenuation of the noise one tries to achieve, the more delay one introduces in the system. In this project we decided to use a low order FIR filter which very successfully managed to attenuate the high frequency noise coming from the DS37 Netzer encoders. Chapter 6. Experiments with the Prototype 65 Before one uses a low pass filter, one first has to minimize the probability of vibrations into his system. So, before proceeding in the filtering process we carefully tested that all the sub-parts of the vehicle were mounted properly, in order to eliminate probable source of vibrations. Then, we realized that a 4th order FIR filter was enough to attenuate the high frequency noise coming from the encoders. Unfortunately, due to the limited amount of time, we have not managed to identify the source of this noise, so inevitably we had to use the filter. The filter we used is a linear phase Type I 4th order FIR filter and it can be described by Equation 6.2. (6.2) h[n] = {0.0362, 0.2592, 0.4092, 0.2592, 0.0362} Figure 6.6 illustrate the impulse response and the transfer function of this filter. FIR(4) 10 0 0.4 10 -1 |H(f )|(dB) 0.5 h[n] 0.3 0.2 FIR(4) 10 -2 10 -3 0.1 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 10 -4 -0.5 0 0.5 normalized frequency Figure 6.6: FIR(4) with Kaiser window. We have used a Kaiser window to suppress the side-lobes that are caused due to the poor approximation of the ideal filter. For the sake of a more thorough comparison we have implemented the filter both in Matlab and in C++ and we can compare the off-line with the on-line processing. In Figure 6.7 we observe that they behave in a similar manner and they both introduce delay in the filtered signal. Precession angle G1 (fc = 1H z) Precession angle G2 (fc = 1H z) 3 4 Original F IR(4) − C + + F IR(4) − M atlab 2 Original F IR(4) − C + + F IR(4) − M atlab 3 rad rad 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 0 1 2 3 Time(sec) 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time(sec) Figure 6.7: FIR(4) with Kaiser window for both gyroscopes. Apparently the filtered signals from the C++ code (on-line filtering) and the Matlab code (off-line filtering) coincide. Since we use a 4th order filter the delay is two samples (order/2). We tested the filtering process of the precession angles in isolation and we realized that the average time between two consecutive measurements was 6ms. Therefore the delay introduced by the filters is 66 6.3. Validation of the C++ code roughly 12ms. Figure 6.8 displays a zoomed-in version of Figure 6.7 so that the reader can notice the approximate 14ms delay introduced by the filter. Precession angle G1 (fc = 1H z) Precession angle G2 (fc = 1H z) 1 X: 3.723 Y: 0.92 0.95 X: 1.681 Y: -0.765 -0.75 X: 3.736 Y: 0.92 0.9 X: 1.694 Y: -0.765 rad rad -0.7 0.85 0.8 -0.8 Original F IR(4) − C + + F IR(4) − M atlab 0.75 0.7 Original F IR(4) − C + + F IR(4) − M atlab -0.85 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 3.6 Time(sec) 3.65 3.7 3.75 3.8 Time(sec) Figure 6.8: FIR(4) with Kaiser window for both gyroscopes. 6.3 Validation of the C++ code Although we did not have enough time to experiment with the physical system, we verified that the C++ code we developed behaves in the desirable manner. As we did with the theoretical analysis, we first try to tune the slave loop. We have already explained the reasons we will try either a P or a P I controller. In particular we will avoid the I term which led to oscillatory behaviour. The control scheme will now look like Figure 6.9. Figure 6.9: Block Diagram of the Cascade PID controller (master loop in manual mode). The PWM signal we are feeding our servos comes directly from the output of the PID controller, and it is a scaled version of the roll-rate signal (φ̇). The PWM values should be interpreted as the desired angles the gyroscopes should move into, in order to generate the necessary balancing torque. When we exceeded a certain value for the Kp gain, the behaviour of the vehicle started being very oscillatory. We notice that this gain is far away from the respective gain of our theoretical analysis. So, we cannot just use the gains we came up with in our simulated system. We only had time to experiment with the slave loop. Figure 6.10 and Figure 6.11 illustrate how the inner loop behaves for certain Kp gains. For Kp = 400 we observe that the PWM signal becomes a very high frequency signal. There are two main reasons one would avoid such high frequency signals. First, the servos’ temperature will increase rapidly with the danger to get burned. Second, the low pass filter smoothens erroneously the precession-angle signal, and therefore we will feed back the wrong Chapter 6. Experiments with the Prototype 67 signal in the master-loop at a later stage. So, out of this experiment we get that the inner loop Kp gain should be Kp < 400. Tuning of slave-loop with Kp = 150 Tuning of slave-loop with Kp = 50 5 φ̇ rad/s rad/s 5 0 φ̇ -5 -5 0 2 4 6 8 0 10 2 4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10 6 8 10 PWM ms PWM ms 2 2 1.5 X: 2.19 Y: 1.2 1.5 1 1 0 1 2 4 6 8 0 10 1 α rad rad X: 2.19 Y: -2.141 0 0 2 α X: 2.21 Y: -0.524 0 -1 -1 0 2 4 6 8 0 10 2 4 time(s) time(s) Figure 6.10: Tuning of slave loop for Kp = 50 (left) and Kp = 150 (right). Tuning of slave-loop with Kp = 200 Tuning of slave-loop with Kp = 400 5 φ̇ 0 rad/s rad/s 5 X: 3.18 Y: 1 -5 φ̇ 0 -5 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 2 ms ms X: 3.18 Y: 1.7 0 4 6 8 0 1 α 0 X: 3.2 Y: 0.296 -1 0 2 4 6 time(s) 8 10 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 1 10 rad rad 2 6 1.5 1 1 4 PWM PWM 1.5 2 α 0 -1 0 time(s) Figure 6.11: Tuning of slave loop for Kp = 200 (left) and Kp = 400 (right). Moreover, we can confirm that the control-loop of our C++ code lasts less than 1ms, whereas the sensor-loop lasts roughly 20ms (6ms calculations + 14ms delay from the filter). It is reminded here that the P W M signal is the output of the control-loop and the precession angle is the output of the sensor-loop. We have just picked a random peak of the signal φ̇ and we checked when the respective peak occurred in the P W M signal and in the measured-filtered precession angle α. In order to confirm once more that our simulated model of the servo mechanism, behaves in a similar manner as the true one, we feed our servo model with the P W M signals from the Kp = 50 and Kp = 150 cases respectively, and we generate the simulated angles. Figure 6.12 illustrates the simulated angles against the true ones. Apparently the simulated signals have no high frequency noise. Since we do not filter the simulated signals, there is no delay either. Given that we have used a 4th order FIR filter, the measured signals have a two-samples (order/2) delay. 68 6.3. Validation of the C++ code Tuning of slave-loop with Kp = 50 Tuning of slave-loop with Kp = 150 0.4 measured simulated 0.4 0.2 rad rad 0.2 0 0 -0.2 -0.2 measured simulated -0.4 -0.4 -0.6 0 2 4 6 time(s) 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 time(s) Figure 6.12: Validation of Modelled Servo Motor. Given the limited amount of time we had to experiment with the concept vehicle, we have not managed to stabilize it. However, we have brought the project to the final stage, which is the fine tuning of the cascade PID controller. The C++ code including the control loop, the sensor loop, and the communication with the ArduPilot ports to receive data from the encoders is developed. Furthermore, one could implement and experiment with the LQG and Glover McFarlane controllers we have designed in chapter 4, and make a fair comparison with respect to the performance of the physical system. Chapter 7 Conclusions and Remarks “In so far as a scientific statement speaks about reality, it must be falsifiable; and so far as it is not falsifiable, it does not speak about reality.” Karl Popper, 1902-1994 In this master thesis, the gyroscopic stabilization problem is studied thoroughly. We derive the nonlinear equations of motion which describe the concept vehicle, using Lagrangian mechanics. Since we only test the control dynamics of the static vehicle, we accordingly simplify the equations of motion to fulfil our purpose. We linearize the dynamics about an equilibrium. After analyzing the stability of the open loop system we verify that, although unstable, the system is controllable. Then we design three controllers; a cascade PID controller, an LQG controller, and a GloverMcFarlane controller. For each one, we adjust properly the model of the vehicle. The LQG and the Glover-McFarlane controller are only studied from a theoretical point of view. We implement the cascade PID controller and we test its functionality on the experimental platform. It is the first time such controllers are proposed for a small-scale gyro-stabilized amphibious commuter vehicle. Most state-of-the-art papers have been focusing on the state feedback controller, the PID controller, Lyapunov-based controllers and on the sliding mode controller. In addition, the cascade PID controller has never been used before to gyroscopically stabilize a two-wheeled vehicle. Finally, by using two mirrored gyroscopes, we managed to produce double gyroscopic momentum, whilst keeping the dimensions of the gyroscopes reasonably small. With respect to the strategic objectives defined in the chapter 1, all of them are met except for the last one. The fine tuning of a cascade loop requires significant amount of time. However, before one reaches the PID tuning stage, one has to guarantee that he has properly setup and synchronized all the rest beforehand. This is what we actually achieved in this project. Both a thorough theoretical analysis, and the implementation of the respective C++ code, with fine tuning of the PID being the last task to be accomplished. In case one would like to take this project to the next level, we provide some tips on what should be taken into account before proceeding. 7.1 Modelling and design-based considerations (i) Backlash: In this project we neglect the backlash effect. In general, backlash is present in most mechanical systems and it sometimes induces oscillations (limit circles). Backlash appears in the hardware as an inability to switch the gimbal rate instantaneously. For more information on how one can treat such nonlinearities see [13],[10],[20]. One suggestion for the impatient reader is to introduce a phase lead compensation which is known as linear controller design. 69 70 7.2. Hardware considerations (ii) Anti-windup for the PID integrator: A careful reader must have already noticed that the PWM signals we feed our servos with, are saturated due to physical constraints. When we deal with saturated control inputs, we have to assure that the integration state in the PID controller tracks the proper state. The integral windup of the inner loop can be handled relatively easy. Unfortunately, the avoidance of windup in the outer loop is not the most trivial task. More on the anti-windup and the tuning of cascade loops can be found in [2]. (iii) Servo motors’ Placement: One could change the current setup so that that servo motors do not harm that significantly the symmetry of the vehicle. In most applications the gyroscopes together with their respective power suppliers (servos) are placed such that the symmetry of the system is not broken. One could also use counterweights to eliminate the effect of the servos in the symmetry of our system. The design of the vehicle is still on an experimentation stage, so there is plenty of space for improvements. (iv) Vehicle’s Height: If we increase the height of the center of mass of the vehicle, then the dynamics will become somewhat slower, thus easier to get stabilized. One way of doing this is by using larger wheels. An analogous paradigm is the inverted pendulum. The length of the pendulum plays an important role on the control effort required to stabilize the pendulum on its unstable equilibrium. (v) DC Motor: One could slightly change the design of the current setup by using more powerful DC motors to spin the gyroscopic flywheels faster. In general as Ω increases the flywheel becomes more resistant to a change in vehicle’s orientation and thus, the gyroscopes will produce larger balancing-torques. Hence, we would be able to stabilize the vehicle at greater initial tilt angle and in the presence of more aggressive disturbances. 7.2 Hardware considerations (i) Hardware: Initially the cables coming from the encoders appeared to have problems due to sensitive soldering on the respective printed circuit board (PCB). When we substituted the sensitive PCB with a new one, we realized that it was not the board, which made our task extremely difficult, but the very thin encoder-cables. One could use some silicone glue on the PCB where the cables are soldered as well as a plastic cover to protect them. Worst case scenario; buy new encoders with less sensitive cables. Furthermore, we had to recalibrate the sensors in our code, as the chips we used for the new PCB were different. In general, one should be aware that embedded programming and interaction with a physical system takes significant amount of time. (ii) Noisy and Delayed Measurements: When we tested the encoder-measurements on an Arduino board there was no high frequency noise in the signals. Unfortunately, this was not the case for the ArduPilot board. Given the limited amount of time we had, we did not manage to detect the source of this noise. Thus, we decided to use a low order low-pass FIR filter to compensate with this noise. The drawback of using an on-line lowpass filter is the introduced delay, which, fortunately, was not that significant. Delays on systems with fast dynamics should be minimized. A word of wisdom is to always put some time on detecting the source of noise before proceeding with unnecessary signal-filtering. 7.3 Future Research During my work on this project I have come up with some promising extensions. I will try to summarize some of them. (i) Trajectory Tracking: In this thesis we only studied the control dynamics of the static vehicle. This is indeed the most challenging part of the active gyro-based roll-stabilizer. Imagine yourself trying to balance on a static bicycle. After deriving the proper controller for the Chapter 7. Conclusions and Remarks 71 static case (regulator problem), the next step is to explore the full dynamics of the vehicle and track a trajectory (servo problem). The faster the speed of the vehicle is, the less balancing torque will be required from the gyroscopes. Consider the bicycle case again. (ii) Water-travelling: As we have stated in chapter 1, this project is part of the ongoing NEWT project. Thus, after having guaranteed the stability of the vehicle on land, we can focus on the water travelling. The vehicle shall be slightly modified to fulfil certain requirements for this case. For instance a propeller should be installed to convert the rotational motion into thrust and so enable the water mode of the concept vehicle. One might think that it is easier to stabilize the vehicle on water. However, there are other parameters that should be taken into consideration such as the waves and their periodicity. (iii) Large-scale Vehicle: Having met all the above specifications, the next step is to study and investigate gyro-based stabilizing controllers for a large scale prototype. (iv) Gyroscopic Stabilization Applications: In this project we have focused on the transportation perspective. However, there are several applications waiting for the gyro-stabilizers to be exploited. Take for instance the gyroscopic camera stabilizers. Two gyroscopes can be used to control the horizontal and vertical orientation of the camera. Self balancing robots can also use gyro-stabilizers to hold a reference orientation. 72 7.3. Future Research Bibliography [1] Temitope Akinlua, Dmitry Dryga, Adam Gunnet, Jon Montague, and Elobuike Oji. Gyroscopic stabilization of unstable vehicles. 2007. [2] Karl J. 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[9] Torkel Glad and Lennart Ljung. Modeling of Dynamic Systems. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1994. [10] Torkel Glad and Lennart Ljung. Control Theory: Multivariable and Nonlinear Methods. Taylor & Francis, 2000. [11] P. Jorgensen. Gyroscopic stabilization of unstable dynamical systems. Research and Participants, Land, Air, and Space Robotics Laboratory Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Aerospace Department, 2012. [12] Dean Karnopp. Tilt control for gyro-stabilized two-wheeled vehicles. Vehicle System Dynamics, 37(2):145–156, 2002. [13] Hassan K Khalil. Nonlinear Systems. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle river, 2nd edition, 2002. [14] Daniel Kee Young Kim, Kevin Bretney, and Andrew L. Tsang. Gyroscopic stabilized vehicle. Patent No:8706390, Issued date: 22 April 2014. [15] John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis. Digital Signal Processing. Pearson Higher Education, 1996. [16] A. Rao. Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies: A Systematic Approach. 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Gyroscopic stabilization of unmanned bicycle. Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2014. Appendix A Hardware In this project we used the Futaba servo motors as the first type of actuators, shown in Figure A.1, to produce the stabilizing torques required to balance the vehicle in its equilibrium. The only drawback is the high power consumption. For more details on the technical characteristics see Futaba BLS172SV. Figure A.1: Futaba Servo Motor. From the technical characteristics one can find that at 7.4V this servo yields back a Tst = 37kgcm2 ≈ 3.63N m stall torque and a 0.11sec/60o ≈ 9.5rad/s no-load maximum speed. Some basic torque-speed curve knowledge is required. We consider that on the operating point the servo can yield back at maximum 5rad/s. This is just a draft approximation which can be used in the analysis made in this project. Therefore, we can consider that the maximum precession rate of the gyroscopes will be |α̇|max ≈ 5rad/s. For safety reasons the boundary values of the precession angles are chosen to be ±45o . The Netzer DS-37 encoders (Figure A.2) attached on the the opposite side of the DC motors measure the angular velocity of the gyroscopes. For more details on the technical characteristics of the encoders see Netzer DS 37. 75 76 Figure A.2: The Netzer DS-37 Encoder. Moreover, a 14.8 battery (Figure A.3) is placed on the vehicle’s base in order to achieve autonomy. For more details on the technical characteristics of the battery see Graupner. Figure A.3: Graupner Battery. The motor we used to control the spinning velocity of the gyroscopic flywheels is the MT3506 from T-MOTORS series seen in Figure A.4. For the sake of completeness we provide a table with some characteristics (see Figure A.5). Since we work with a 14.8V battery, we only focus on the lower half of this table. As we typically run on half throttle, it seems reasonable to choose Ω ≈ 4000rpm as our spinning velocity. This motor works as our second actuator. We first feed the DC motor with a certain rpm value via a PWM signal. The DC motor accelerates the speed until the flywheel reaches the desired velocity Ω. Then, the flywheel spins with velocity Ω. Given that we consider Ω a constant parameter of our system, we have modified our C++ so there will be some delay before the main-loop starts. It was found that four seconds were enough for the flywheels to reach the desired spinning velocity. For more technical characteristics one could see MT3506. Appendix A. Hardware 77 Figure A.4: The MT3506-Motor. Figure A.5: MT3506-Table. Finally the CPU we will base are calculations on will be an ArduPilot board presented in Figure A.6. The particular board is massively used for applications related to control of vehicles, helicopters, planes, ships, robots, etc.. For more details on the technical characteristics of the ArduPilot see 78 ArduPilot. Figure A.6: The Ardupilot. Appendix B Simulink Models CONTINUOUS GLOVER 0 ROLL REF .. ... num(s) den(s) num(s) den(s) Glover W1 num(s) den(s) . -K- plant Manual Switch3 -K- G4 DISCRETE GLOVER -K- deg2rad 2 Step Gain7 roll angle x' = Ax+Bu y = Cx+Du State-Space num(z) den(z) num(z) den(z) In1 Out1 Glover_d W1d DAC 2 Group 1 Voltage Signal Builder1 Figure B.1: Glover Mc-Farlane Controller - Simulink model. rad2deg 0 u[k] -K- y[k] Roll Ref Gain6 roll angle (yellow) precession angle (purple) Discretized Linearized Vehicle contr1 My Kalman Filter K_dlqr* u xhat[k] Discrete LQR Controller u[k] yhat[k] L[k+1] y[k] Discrete Stationary Kalman-Filter Figure B.2: LQG Controller - Simulink model. 79 80 1 Discrete Transfer Fcn Phi xhat[k|k] A_full_d* u 1 xhat[k] xhat[k+1|k+1] 1 z xhat[k+1|k] B_full_d* u u[k] Gamma L(k+1)*(y[k+1]-Hxhat[k+1|k+1]) H D_full_d* u C_full_d* u Matrix Multiply Matrix Multiply D 2 3 yhat[k] L[k+1] y[k]-yhat[k+1] 2 Constant y[k] L_Kalman L(k+1) Figure B.3: Kalman Filter - Simulink model. roll angle (yellow) precession angle (purple) 1500 Precession Angle (rad) Horizontal Position Precession Rate (rad/s) PWM limits Complete SERVO SYSTEM 1 -K- Gain4 PWM DAC rad2deg 0.5 0.5 Gain5 precession rate roll angle In1 Out1 PWM precession angle ... Precession Angle (rad) 3000 disturbance Desired Position (pwm) roll rate Precession Rate (rad/s) Mirrored signal Vehicle Dynamics Complete SERVO SYSTEM1 Transport Delay 2 RollRate Fd Disturbance1 Product1 Transport Delay1 1 Aver.PrecAngle Group 1 Signal 1 Signal Builder1 0.7 Gain6 Figure B.4: KTH Vehicle - Simulink model. Appendix B. Simulink Models sin u2 Trigonometric Function Math Function cos u2 Trigonometric Function1 Math Function1 81 k3 Gain2 k1 Gain1 Add k4+k7 Constant 1 2*Omega*I_G33 precession rate VEHICLE DYNAMICS Gain4 2 sin 2*k5 precession angle Trigonometric Function2 Product6 Divide Gain3 Product4 cos Add2 cosinus sin Product5 k6 sin5 Constant2 g Gain7 d1 3 Product2 1 s 1 s Integrator Integrator1 1 roll angle Add3 Constant1 2 disturbance cos1 Add1 Divide1 Product3 cos 0 Product1 cos Gain5 Constant3 . g Trigonometric Function4 Constant4 k_asymmetry Constant5 ASYMMETRY INTRODUCED Figure B.5: Vehicle Dynamics - Simulink model. servo_dist roll rate 82