CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name Surname: Oruç Bilgiç 2. Date of Birth: 3. Title: Prof.Dr. 4. Education: Degree 5. Department/Program BS Electrical Engineering MS Electrical Engineering PhD Electrical Engineering Year Technical University of İstanbul Technical University of İstanbul Technical University of İstanbul 1971 1971 1982 Academic Titles: D Date of Associate a Professorship t Date of e Professorship oDate of fProfessorship 6. University Technical University of İstanbul 1992 Yıldız Technical University 1999 İstanbul Kültür University 2009 Theses Administrated 6.1. Master’s Theses 2000 Erhan Küçükgüzel Speed Control of Induction Machine 2001 Aydın Melek Robot Control Through the Internet 2005 Bilsay Çıtak 2006 Bahadır Elmas 2007 Çağatay Başaran Analysis and Design of Power Factor Correction Circuits Phase Controlled High Frequency Switched-Mode DC to AC Converter Study on the output harmonics of voltage fed Inverters 2008 Sadık Algül High Power Flyback Converter Yildiz Tech. Univ. Yildiz Tech. Univ. Yildiz Tech. Univ. Yildiz Tech. Univ. Yildiz Tech. Univ. Yildiz Tech. Univ. 6.2. PhD Theses 1996 Veysel Özbulur 1998 Sabri Çamur 1998 Birol Arifoğlu 2008 Cenk Dinçbakır Torque Ripple Reduction of Switched Reluctance Electronically commutated DC reluctance motor: Design and Control Resonance Mode Operation of Inverse Dual Converter ( IDC ) ‘ Gyrator Design and realization by using inductor coupled full-bridge converters. Kocaeli Üniv. Kocaeli Üniv. Kocaeli Üniv. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi 7. Publications 7.1. Articles published in refereed international journals (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities) 1. Bilgiç, O., “A Synchronous Frequency Multiplier Using Phase-Locked Loop” , International Journal of Electronics, vol.52, no.6, pp.569-573 1982 ( 3 Atıf ), 2. Bilgiç, M.O.; Ehsani, M., “Time-Averaged Behaviors of Single and Dual Flying Capacitor Converters”, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 66, no.4, pp.655-663 1989, 3. Ehsani, M.; Bilgic, M.O.; Patton, A.D.; Mitra, J., “New architectures for space power systems” , IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, v 10, n 8, Aug, 1995, p 3-8, ( 2 Atıf ), 4. Ehsani, M.; Bilgic, M.O.; Khan, S.; Laskai, L.; Jeong, Seung Gi, “Capacitor coupled converter (C3) for high power DC conversion” , IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, v 10, n 4, Jul, 1995, p 511518, Ehsani, M.; Bilgic, M.O.; Patton, A.D.; Mitra, J., “Magnetically inflatable SPS with energy storage capability” , IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, v 10, n 8, Aug, 1995, p 9-14, 5. 6. Ehsani, Mehrdad; Husain, Iqbal; Bilgic, M. Oruc, “Inverse dual converter (IDC) for high-power DCDC applications” , IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, v 8, n 2, Apr, 1993, p 216-223, 7. Ehsani, Mehrdad; Husain, Iqbal; Bilgic, M.O., “Power converters as natural gyrators”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, v 40, n 12, Dec, 1993, p 946-949 ( 16 Atıf). 8. Derdiyok, A. ; Inanc, N.; Ozbulur, V.; Bilgic, M.O. “Improving performance of switched reluctance motor by fuzzy logic controller” , International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, v 9, n 5, Apr, 1999, p 307-317, 9. Derdiyok, A.; Inanc, N.; Ozbulur, V.; Pastaci, H.; Bilgic, M.O., “Fuzzy logic based control of switched reluctance motor to reduce torque ripple” ,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 1226, Theory and Applications, 1997, p 484 7.2. Articles published in other refereed international journals 7.3. Papers presented in international conferences and published in proceedings 1. 2. Koral, A.C., Gürkan, G., Bilgiç, O., “Low Cost Maximum Power Point Tracking Method For Solar Battery Charging”, 55th International Symposium Elmar 2013, 25-27 September 2013, pp. 367 – 369. Dinçbakır, C., Bilgiç, M.O, "Four-quadrant Switch-mode Gyrator,” European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD'2007, p.1022-1025, Seville, Spain, August 2007. 3. Küçükgüzel E.; Bilgiç, O., “3-Phase Induction Motor Drive with PWM Modulator Using a 8-Bit Low Cost Micrcontroller”, 16th International Conference on Electrical Machines, 5-8 September 2004, Cracow, Poland, pp. 297-298, 4. Derdiyok, Adnan, ; Inanc, Nihat; Ozbulur, Veysel; Pastaci, Halit; Bilgic, M. O., “Fuzzy logic based control of switched reluctance motor to reduce torque ripple,” IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference Record, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, IEMDC, 1997, pp. TB1 9.1-9.3 5. M. Ehsani, L. Laskai, and M. O. Bilgic, “Topological Variations of the Inverse Dual Converter for High Power DC-DC Applications,” IEEE-IAS’90, Seattle, WA, October 1990, pp. 1262–1266. 6. M. O. Bilgic and M. Ehsani, “Analysis of Single Flying Capacitor Converter by the State-Space Averaging Technique,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’88), Finland, pp. 1151–1154. 7. M. Ehsani, I. Husain, and M. O. Bilgic, “Inverse Dual Converter (IDC) for HighPower DC-DC Applications,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC’90, San Antonio, TX, June 1990, v 2, 1990, p 814–821.(3 Atıf) 8. M. Ehsani, M. O. Bilgic, and S. Khan, “Capacitively Coupled Converter (C3) for HighPower DC-DC Conversion,” IEEE-PESC’91, Cambridge, MA, June 1991, pp. 27-30. 9. Bilgic, M.O.; Ozbulur, V.; Sabanovic, A. “Torque Ripple Minimization of a Switched Reluctance Motor,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC'95 Conference Proceedings, Dallas, pp. 406– 411, March 5-9 1995. 10. V. Ozbulur, M.O. Bilgic, A. Sabanovic,”Torque Ripple Reduction of a Switched Reluctance Motor,” Proceeding of International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC’95, Yokohama pp. 546 - 550, April 3–7 1995, 11. V. Ozbulur, M.O. Bilgic,”Simulation of a C-Dump Switched Reluctance Motor Drive,” International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, ACEMP'95, Kuşadası/ Turkey, pp. 338-343, June 5-7, 1995, 12. M. O. Bilgic and M. Ehsani, “Analysis of Inductor-Converter Bridge by Means of State-Space Averaging Technique,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC’88), 1988, pp. 116– 121. 7.4. International books and book chapters 7.5. Articles published in refereed national journals 7.6. Papers presented at national conferences and published in proceedings 7.7. Other publications 8. Scientific Projects 9. Administrative Positions 10. Scientific and Professional Memberships 11. Awards 12. Courses taught in last two years Academic Year Term Fall 2012-2013 Course Title Weekly Hours Number of Students Theory Practice Electronic Circuits I 3 0 64 Electronic Circuits Laboratory II 0 2 45 Power Electronics 3 0 20 Electronic Circuits II 3 0 18 Electronic Circuits I 2 2 28 Electronic Circuits Laboratory I 0 2 46 Graduation Project 2 8 1 EE320 Electronic Circuits I 3 0 13 Spring 2013-2014 Fall EE5201 Electronic Circuits II 2 2 21 EE4202 Electronic Circuits II Lab 0 2 34 EE 420 Electronic Circuits II 3 0 13 EE4201 Electronic Circuits I 2 2 32 EE950 Power Electronics 3 0 23 EE4202 Electronic Circuits I Lab 0 2 48 Spring