Yayınlar - Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi

Science Citation Index (Scı) Tarafından Taranan Dergilerdeki Yayınlar:
1. Derdiyok, A. ; Inanc, N.; Ozbulur, V.; Bilgic, M.O. “Improving performance of
switched reluctance motor by fuzzy logic controller,” International Journal of Robust
and Nonlinear Control, v 9, n 5, Apr, 1999, p 307-317
2. Derdiyok, A.; Inanc, N.; Ozbulur, V.; Pastaci, H.; Bilgic, M.O., “Fuzzy logic based
control of switched reluctance motor to reduce torque ripple,” Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, v 1226, Theory and Applications, 1997, p 484
3. Ehsani, Mehrdad; Husain, Iqbal; Bilgic, M.O., “Power converters as natural gyrators,”
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications,
v 40, n 12, Dec, 1993, p 946-949 ( 6 Atıf).
4. Ehsani, Mehrdad; Husain, Iqbal; Bilgic, M. Oruc, “Inverse dual converter (IDC) for
high-power DC-DC applications,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, v 8, n 2,
Apr, 1993, p 216-223,
5. Ehsani, M.; Bilgic, M.O.; Patton, A.D.; Mitra, J., “Magnetically inflatable SPS with
energy storage capability,” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, v 10,
n 8, Aug, 1995, p 9-14
6. Ehsani, M.; Bilgic, M.O.; Khan, S.; Laskai, L.; Jeong, Seung Gi, “Capacitor coupled
converter (C3) for high power DC conversion,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, v 10, n 4, Jul, 1995, p 511-518,
7. Ehsani, M.; Bilgic, M.O.; Patton, A.D.; Mitra, J., “New architectures for space power
systems,” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, v 10, n 8, Aug, 1995,
p 3-8,
8. Bilgiç, M.O.; Ehsani, M., “Time-Averaged Behaviors of Single and Dual Flying
Capacitor Converters,” International Journal of Electronics, vol. 66, no.4, pp.655–663
9. Ehsanı M.; Bılgıc M. O. ; Patton A. D. ;”Magnetically inflatable SPS with energy
storage capability,” Space power (Space power) ISSN 0883-627,1991, vol. 10, no34, pp. 437-447
10. Bilgiç, O., “A Synchronous Frequency Multiplier Using Phase-Locked Loop,”
International Journal of Electronics, vol.52, no.6, pp.569-573 1982 ( 3 Atıf ),
Uluslararası, Hakemli Konferans Yayınları
1. Dinçbakır, C., Bilgiç, M.O, "Four-quadrant Switch-mode Gyrator," European
Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD'2007, p.1022-1025, Seville, Spain,
August 2007.
2. Küçükgüzel E.; Bilgiç, O., “3-Phase Induction Motor Drive with PWM Modulator
Using a 8-Bit Low Cost Micrcontroller”, 16th International Conference on Electrical
Machines, 5-8 September 2004, Cracow, Poland, pp. 297-298,
3. Derdiyok, Adnan, ; Inanc, Nihat; Ozbulur, Veysel; Pastaci, Halit; Bilgic, M. O.,
“Fuzzy logic based control of switched reluctance motor to reduce torque ripple,”
IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference Record, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, IEMDC, 1997, pp. TB1 9.1-9.3
4. Derdiyok A.; Đnanç N.; Özbulur V.;Pastacı, H., Bilgiç M.O.;” Fuzzy Logic Based
Control of Switched Reluctance Motor to Reduce Torque Ripple,” Đnternational
Conference, 5th Fuzzy Days Proceedings, Dortmunth, Germany, April 28-30, 1997
5. Ehsani, M.; Bilgic, O.; Patton, A. D.,"Magnetically inflatable SPS with energy storage
capability, " SPS 91 - Power from space; Proceedings of the 2nd International
Symposium, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Aug. 27–30, 1991 (A92–40401 16-44). Paris, p.
6. M. Ehsani, L. Laskai, and M. O. Bilgic, “Topological Variations of the Inverse Dual
Converter for High Power DC-DC Applications,” IEEE-IAS’90, Seattle, WA,
October 1990, pp. 1262–1266.
7. M. O. Bilgic and M. Ehsani, “Analysis of Single Flying Capacitor Converter by the
State-Space Averaging Technique,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems (ISCAS’88), Finland, pp. 1151–1154.
8. M. Ehsani, M. O. Bilgic, and A. D. Patton, “New Architectures for Space Power
Systems,” 41st Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, Dresden,
GDR, October 1990.
9. M. Ehsani, I. Husain, and M. O. Bilgic, “Inverse Dual Converter (IDC) for HighPower
DC-DC Applications,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC’90,
San Antonio, TX, June 1990, v 2, 1990, p 814–821
10. M. Ehsani, M. O. Bilgic, and S. Khan, “Capacitively Coupled Converter (C3) for
HighPower DC-DC Conversion,” IEEE-PESC’91, Cambridge, MA, June 1991, pp.
11. Ehsani, M.; Bilgic, M.O.; Patton, A.D.; Mitra, J.,”Magnetically Inflatable SPS with
Energy Storage Capability,” Power from Space Second International Symposium,
SPS'91, Paris, August 27-30 1991,
12. Bilgic, M.O.; Ozbulur, V.; Sabanovic, A. “Torque Ripple Minimization of a Switched
Reluctance Motor,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC'95 Conference
Proceedings, Dallas, pp. 406–411, March 5-9 1995,
13. V. Ozbulur, M.O. Bilgic, A. Sabanovic,”Torque Ripple Reduction of a Switched
Reluctance Motor,” Proceeding of International Power Electronics Conference ,
IPEC'95, Yokohama pp. 546 - 550, April 3–7 1995,
14. V. Ozbulur, M.O. Bilgic,”Simulation of a C-Dump Switched Reluctance Motor
Drive,” International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power
Electronics, ACEMP'95, Kuşadası/ Turkey, pp. 338-343, June 5-7, 1995,
15. B. Arifoğlu, O. Bilgiç, “Resonant Mode Operation of the Inverse Dual Converter
(IDC) for High -Power DC-DC Applications,” International Conference on Electric
Ship, ELECSHIP'98 Proceedings, pp. 104–108, Đstanbul, September 1, 1998,
16. M. O. Bilgic and M. Ehsani, “Analysis of Inductor-Converter Bridge by Means of
State-Space Averaging Technique,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference
(PESC’88), 1988, pp. 116–121.
Ulusal Dergi Yayınları
Yazar,A;Bilgiç, M. O.;Demir C.;Erdallı Y. , “Elektrikli Taşıt Araçları Đçin Tasarım
Kriterleri,” Metal Makina, Sayı:62, ss. 57–60, Ocak,1995,
Ulusal, Hakemli Konferans Yayınları
1. Coşkun, N., Yıldırım, T., Bilgiç, M O,“Köprü Tipi Doğrultucularda Çıkış Geriliminin
Genelleştirilmiş Regresyon Ağları Đle Belirlenmesi”, Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve
Uygulamaları Sempozyumu 2004 (ASYU INISTA 2004) bildiriler kitabı, sf. 112-115,
Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi,Đstanbul, 23-25 Haziran 2004.
B. Arifoğlu, O. Bilgiç, “Inverse Dual Converter'in Rezonans Modunda Çalıştırılması,”
Elektrik-Elektronik Bilgisayar Mühendisliği 7. Ulusal Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, ss.
488-491, Ankara,8-14 Eylül1997,
Ozbulur V.,Yağız N., Bilgic O.,Derdiyok A.,Đnanç N., “Anahtarlamalı Relüktans
Motorunun Kayan Kipli Denetim'le Konum Kontrolu,” ZĐS'96, Birinci Ulusal Zeki
Đmalat Sistemleri Sempuzyumu Bildiriler Kitabı , ss. 389–399, Adapazarı, 30-31
Mayıs 1996,
V. Ozbulur, M.O. Bilgic, “Anahtarlamalı Relüktans Motorunun Akustik Gürültü
Seviyesinin Azaltılması,” Elektrik Mühendisliği 6. Ulusal Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı,
s. 314-317, Bursa, Eylül 1995,
Ozbulur V.,Yağız, N., Bilgic M.O., “Anahtarlamalı Relüktans Motoru'nun Kayan
Kipli Denetim'le Hız Kontrolu,” TOK'96,Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı
Bildiriler Kitabı, s. 101–108, Đstanbul, 28–29 Mart 1996,