A D S A N T E C A d v a n c e d S c ie n c e a n d N o v e l T e c h n o lo g y 27 Via Porto Grande, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, 90275. Ph. # 1-310-377-6029. Fax # 1-310-377-9940. ASNT1011 12.5Gbps Digital 16:1 Serializer • • • • • • • • • • Broadband up to 12.5Gbps (gigabits per second) 16:1 Serializer. LVDS-compatible Input Data Buffer. Full-rate CML Input Clock Buffer with a 50Ohm on-chip single-ended termination to VCC. CML Output Data Buffer for a 50Ohm external single-ended termination to VCC. Selectable Clock Output Buffer with CML interface. Clock-divided-by-16 LVDS Output Buffer with 90º-step phase selection. Single +3.3V power supply. Industrial temperature range. Low power consumption of 550mW at 12.5Gbps. 100-pin MLF package. Rev.03; December 2007. 1 ASNT1011 A D S A N T E C A d v a n c e d S c ie n c e a n d N o v e l T e c h n o lo g y 27 Via Porto Grande, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, 90275. Ph. # 1-310-377-6029. Fax # 1-310-377-9940. DESCRIPTION d00 d01 … d15 LS DATA IB MUX 16:1 CML OB qcml HS CLOCK OB cho offcho C phs1,2 ce DIVIDER-BY-16 C16S HS CLOCK IB LVDS CLOCK OB clo ASNT1011 is a digital broadband 16:1 serializer supporting a differential serial output interface that can handle data rates from DC up to 12.5Gbps. The primary application of ASNT1011 is to provide a high-speed output data channel for point-to-point data transmission over a controlledimpedance media of 50Ohm. The transmission media can be a printed circuit board or copper coaxial cables. The functional distance of the data transfer is dependent upon the attenuation characteristics of the transportation media and the degree of noise coupling to the signaling environment. During normal operation, the serializer’s low-speed input buffer (LS DATA IB) accepts external 16-bit wide parallel data words (“d00”-“d15”) through 16 differential inputs. The multiplexer (MUX16:1) then latches the data words using a low-speed clock with a frequency of 1/16 of the data rate, that is generated by an internal divider (DIVIDER-BY-16) from an external full-rate clock (“ce”). The parallel input words are then serialized and transmitted by a differential CML output buffer (CML OB) as a high-speed signal (“qcml”). The low-speed clock generated by the divider is supplied both to the multiplexer (MUX16:1) and to a low power LVDS output buffer (LVDS CLOCK OB). 4 different phases of the second clock signal (C16S) can be selected in order to help facilitate system synchronization. A high-speed clock output buffer (HS CLOCK OB) is included to transmit the serializer’s full rate (C) clock as the “cho” signal. The serializer uses a single +3.3V power supply and is characterized for operation from −25°C to 125°C of junction temperature. Rev.03; December 2007. 2 ASNT1011 A D S A N T E C A d v a n c e d S c ie n c e a n d N o v e l T e c h n o lo g y 27 Via Porto Grande, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, 90275. Ph. # 1-310-377-6029. Fax # 1-310-377-9940. LS DATA IB The Low-Speed Data Input Buffer (LS DATA IB) consists of 16 proprietary Universal Input Buffers. The proprietary Universal Input Buffer (UIB) is designed to accept differential signals with amplitudes higher than 60mV, DC common mode voltage variation between the negative and positive supply voltages, and AC common mode noise with a frequency up to 5MHz and voltage levels ranging from 0 to 2.4V. It can also receive single-ended signals with amplitudes of more than 60mV and threshold voltages between the negative and positive supply rails. The buffer outputs standard internal CML signals with amplitude of 220mV. HS CLOCK IB The High-Speed CML Clock Input Buffer (HS CLOCK IB) accepts differential signals with frequencies up to12.5GHz. It can also accept a single-ended signal with a threshold voltage applied to the “cen” pin. The buffer utilizes on-chip single-ended termination of 50Ohm to the positive supply rail for each input line. DIVIDER-BY-16 DIVIDER-BY-16 includes 4 divide-by-2 circuits connected in series. The high-speed input clock C is fed into the first divide-by-2 circuit that generates an output clock signal (C2) that is half the rate of the input clock. C2 is routed internally to the next divide-by-two circuit and outside of the block to MUX16:1. C4, C8, and C16 are formed and routed to MUX16:1 in a similar way. In addition, C16 is passed onto the LVDS Clock Output Buffer (LVDS CLOCK OB) as the C16S signal. By utilizing the CMOS control pins “phs1” and “phs2”, the phase of C16S can be altered in accordance with the table below. “phs1” “phs2” C16S phase VEE (default) VEE (default) 270° VEE VCC 180° VCC VEE 90° VCC VCC 0° MUX 16:1 MUX16:1 utilizes standard tree-type architecture and latches the incoming data on the negative edge of the C16 clock signal that is supplied by DIVIDER-BY-16. The 16-bit wide data word is subsequently multiplexed by the tree structure using the C8, C4, and C2 clock signals and is delivered to the high-speed CML Output Buffer (CML OB) as a serial data stream running at a data rate up to 12.5Gbps. The latency of this circuit block is equal to roughly one period of the low-speed input clock. HS DATA OB HS DATA OB accepts high-speed data from MUX16:1 and converts it into the output CML signal “qcml” with a single-ended swing not less than 600mV and data rate up to 12.5Gbps. For Rev.03; December 2007. 3 ASNT1011 A D S A N T E C A d v a n c e d S c ie n c e a n d N o v e l T e c h n o lo g y 27 Via Porto Grande, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, 90275. Ph. # 1-310-377-6029. Fax # 1-310-377-9940. normal operation, the buffer requires external 50Ohm termination resistors to be connected between the positive supply rail “vcc” and each output. HS CLOCK OB The selectable HS CLOCK OB can be enabled or disabled by the external CMOS control signal “offcho”. The logic “0” default state corresponds to an operational buffer. The buffer utilizes the same termination scheme as HS DATA OB and can operate at a frequency up to 12.5GHz while producing a single-ended CML output swing of 500mV. LS LVDS CLOCK OB The LVDS Clock Output Buffer (LVDS CLOCK OB) receives the C16S signal from DIVIDERBY-16 and converts it into an LVDS output signal. The proprietary low-power LVDS output buffer utilizes NPN HBTs that are common to standard BiCMOS technologies. It utilizes a special architecture that ensures operation at frequencies up to 2GHz with a low power consumption level of 30mW. The buffer satisfies all the requirements of the IEEE Std. 1596.3-1996 and ANSI/TIA/EIA-644-1995. TERMINAL FUNCTIONS DESCRIPTION TERMINAL Name No. Type chop chon qcmlp qcmln offcho phs1 phs2 vcc vee nc Rev.03; High-Speed I/Os 37 Output CML differential high-speed clock outputs. Require external SE 50Ohm termination to “vcc”. Can be disabled by 36 “offcho”. 43 Output CML differential high-speed data outputs. Require external SE 50Ohm termination to “vcc”. 42 Control Signals 28 LS High-speed clock output disable (active: high, default: low). CMOS 57 LS Low-speed output clock phase selection (default: both low). CMOS 56 Supply and Termination Voltages many PS Positive power supply many PS Negative power supply (Ground node) many Unconnected pin. December 2007. 4 ASNT1011 A D S A N T E C A d v a n c e d S c ie n c e a n d N o v e l T e c h n o lo g y 27 Via Porto Grande, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, 90275. Ph. # 1-310-377-6029. Fax # 1-310-377-9940. DESCRIPTION TERMINAL Name No. Type Low-Speed I/Os cep cen clop clon d00p d00n d01p d01n d02p d02n d03p d03n d04p d04n d05p d05n d06p d06n d07p d07n d08p d08n d09p d09n d10p d10n d11p d11n d12p d12n d13p d13n d14p d14n d15p d15n Rev.03; 31 Input CML differential high-speed clock inputs with internal SE 50Ohm termination to “vcc”. 30 48 Output LVDS low-speed clock outputs. Can transmit four different clock phases as defined by “phs1” and “phs2” signals. 47 61 Input 62 64 65 67 68 70 71 76 77 79 80 82 83 85 86 Universal low-speed data inputs with LVDS internal 88 termination. 89 90 91 93 94 96 97 99 100 5 6 8 9 11 12 December 2007. 5 ASNT1011 A D S A N T E C A d v a n c e d S c ie n c e a n d N o v e l T e c h n o lo g y 27 Via Porto Grande, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, 90275. Ph. # 1-310-377-6029. Fax # 1-310-377-9940. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT COMMENTS V V mW °C ±5% General Parameters VCC VEE Power consumption Junction temperature 3.14 Data Rate Logic “1” level 0.0 -25 3.3 0.0 550 50 3.47 125 LS Input Data (d00-d15) 800 VCC Logic “0” level VCC-0.25 Mbps V V Same for all types of valid input data Same for all types of valid input data HS Input Clock (ce) Frequency Logic “1” level Logic “0” level Duty Cycle 0.0 12.5 VCC 40% VCC-0.4 60% 50% GHz V V HS Output Data (qcml) Data Rate Logic “1” level Logic “0” level Jitter 0.0 12.5 VCC VCC-0.5 15 Gbps V V pS p-p @ 12.4Gb/s GHz V V ps p-p HS Output Clock (cho) Frequency Logic “1” level Logic “0” level Jitter Duty Cycle 0.0 12.5 VCC 45% VCC-0.5 14 50% 55% LS Output Clock (clo) Frequency Interface 0.0 800 MHz LVDS Meets the IEEE Std. 1596.3-1996 CMOS Control Inputs Logic “1” level Logic “0” level VCC-0.4 VEE+0.4 V V Timing Parameters “cho” to “qcml” delay variation Rev.03; December 2007. ±2.5% 6 Over the full temperature range ASNT1011