Vol. No: I, Issue: 1, 2005 SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETIC ENERGY STORAGE Dr. S.C. Tripathy Department of ECE and EI Abstract Operating Principle Research and development in the field of superconducting magnets has been going on for many years leading to consideration of very large electromagnets with superconducting windings as a medium of energy storage in power system. However, because of the high cost of extremely low temperature (4.5 Kelvin ) superconducting material and difficulty in converting energy between electrical and magnetic forms, application to utility system was not possible till l981. In l982 a 30-MJ superconducting magnetic energy storage device was built and field tested by the Bonneville Power Administration in the U. S. A. In this paper the design and test results are presented. The elements of the complete electrical assembly are depicted in Figure . Electrical energy is stored in the magnetic field of superconducting inductor coil, which is connected to the ac power system through the inverter/converter unit. Each converter is of conventional 6-pulse type. Two such converters are connected as shown provide a 12-pulse arrangement outside the dewar with only the inductor L as a load on the dc side. Introduction The major components of a SMES unit are its superconducting coil, the non-magnetic vacuum vessel, the cryogenic system with liquid helium refrigerator the ac/dc thyristor converter and the local control system. In this paper we discuss only the low temperature superconducting device. The coil made of NbTi is immersed in a superfluid helium bath supplied from helium refrigeration system and is contained in a helium vessel maintained at a low temperature of 1.8 Kelvin (Critical temperature of the material). The helium vessel is called a cryostat. The helium vessel is surrounded by and supported from a vacuum vessel in nitrogen shroud surrounding the helium vessel. The vacuum vessel assembly is known as Dewar. Basic ckt. elements for SMES unit for power system applications The interfacing of I-C set between the ac system and SMES inductor magnet consists of conventional thyristor bridge(12-pulse type). However, voltage source inverters consisting of IGBT devices can also be used in SMES application . The control of power from ac system to the SMES unit and vice versa can be achieved by varying the commutation angle a of the thyristor controlled inductor-converter set. To have a control over the operation of SMES unit, delay angle of commutation a is varied which The superconducting coil once charged with dc current from ac/dc converter supports a magnetic field of approximately 1.2 Tesla without any losses. 11 Vol. No: I, Issue: 1, 2005 Cryogenic System produces variation in bridge voltage Ed throughout a wide range of plus and minus values. A SMES system is based upon the nondissipative feature of superconducting material carrying dc current. For the 30-MJ coil, the superconducting material is the ductile alloy NbTi embedded as fine filaments in a copper matrix. Small eddy current and hysteresis losses do occur in superconducting cables as a result of the magnetic field variation when the SMES coil is charged and discharged. Other heat loads to the 4.5 Kelvin liquid helium bath are from radiation and conduction through the containing dewar and heat conduction down and I2R or Joule heating in the helium vapour cooled leads that deliver the power from the ambient condition to the coil at 4.5 Kelvin. These heat loads are compensated by a CTI Model 2800 helium refrigerator. The refrigerator also is to cool the storage coil from ambient temperature to 4.5 K and to liquefy the helium for the coil immersion bath. Nevertheless the problem of heat loss necessitated the design of a nonconducting dewar made of fiberglass-reinforced epoxy to hold the SMES coil. Neglecting the losses, then Ed may be described as below in accordance with converter theory. Ed =Ed’ Cos a - Id Xc /2 Where, Ed ‘ =no load per unit bridge voltage Id = per unit dc current of the bridge Xc = per unit commutating reactance The dc voltage Ed across the inductor can be expressed as L dId/dt, where t is thetime in second. The response of dc current is Id = Id0 + (1/L) ò Ed dt Where Id0 is the initial value of current in the SMES coil having an inductance L . For charging the coil at maximum rate Ed should be held at its maximum value which corresponds to the rectifier operation of the converter with delay angle of the thyristor firing a equal to zero. Current Id then builds up as a linear function of time t until the rated current value Id = 1.0 per unit is reached. Then the firing angle is increased slowly so that the dc current is kept constant. Design Data Table - I Stored Energy = 30 MJ =8.4 kWh Peak Power = 10 MW Firing angle settings beyond 140 degrees are possible, but there is a risk of commutation failure. In the buck-boost mode of control each α can be controlled independently and apparent complex power equation is S=1.35 EId(1/2)[(cos 1+cos 2)+ j(sin 1+ sin 2)] SMES coil current = 4.9 kA Operating frequency = 0.35 Hz (charge and discharge rate of SMES) Where E is the input ac voltage to the thyristor bridge. The firing angles of the two 6-pulse thyristor bridges are controlled independently. At any time during the charging period, the stored energy in per unit system is given by Coil material : Niobium Titanium NbTi Embedded in copper strands Cu : NbTi Coil maximum operating temperature= 4.5 Kelvin Inductance of superconducting coil L= 2.5 Henry Maximum magnetic field = 2.85 Tesla Maximum coil terminal voltage = 2.1 kV Refrigeration is done by liquid Helium Table –II SMES Coil Ampere Turns = 4.51x 106 Number of layers in the coil = 40 WL = (1/2) L Id2 It should be noted that L is a inductance of the coil in Henry which is a measure of the size of the SMES. Number of turns per layer = 23 12 Vol. No: I, Issue: 1, 2005 Ido = Intial dc current flowing in the coil Coil Configuration = 20 Double Pancake Coils Average Coil Diameter = 2.7 m (inside) = 3.38 m (outside) Coil height = 1.21 m NbTi Filament dimension = 6.5 micro-meter dia. Zo = Rating constant of the SMES device Tdc1 = Time constant of the converter S = Laplace transform complex variable Commissioning Test Copper strand dimension = 0.511 mm dia. Number of NbTi filaments = 1464 Modulation of the SMES unit addresses control objectives similar to those of HVDC modulation at the BPA Celilo converter station, but its capabilities and operating environment are substantially different. The SMES unit is sized for small signal use, and SMES modulation signal is a random one with time variable statistics, so management of stored control energy reserves and effect of sustained operation near the device limits must be considered in overall controller design. A key element is the relative sensitivity of power system dynamic response to real and reactive components of complex power modulation at the substation site where the SMES is installed. Protective System 1. In case of fault in the transformer or converter, the circuit breaker on the ac side should be opened. 2. Bypass thyristors must be connected immediately after the 12-pulse converter for circulating the coil current. 3. One bypass thyristor valve must be provided for each 6-pulse thyristor. One 6-pulse thyristor converter unit is supplied from Y-connected transformer and the other 6-pulse thyristor converter unit is supplied from Delta-connected transformer unit. Each of the two SMES converter bridges presents a variable complex power load to the ac system. With parallel control of the two converter bridges with same firing angle, a reactive power signal is produced that varies nonlinearly with the real power. This mode of operation is not likely to raise serious difficulties during normal operation because the expected level of real power modulation and associated reactive power signal are small. The reactive power signals will act mainly as an unwanted noise peaking at twice the ac intertie swing frequency near 0.7 Hz. High signal levels are required during system response tests because ambient noise on the ac intertie can approach 10 MW rms and the gain presented to test inputs is quite low at some frequencies. 4. In case of internal trouble like break in the SMES coil conductor, energy should be dumped in a separate resistor. 5. For prolonged disconnection of SMES in case of permanent fault, a superconducting switch must be provided inside dewar. Coil current will circulate through the closed switch. 6. To protect against overvoltage transients like lightning, surge arrestors must be connected at the coil terminals outside dewar. Transfer Function The transfer function of the coil when it is connected to the frequency controller of power system is given by the following equation: dPd =df (Ido Zo)/(Tdc1S + 1) Model studies indicate that operation of the SMES unit according to the buck – boost logic with different phase and control signals to each of the converter bridges could hold the reactive power where, dPd = Power deviation due to change in load df = frequency deviation of the utility due to change in load 13 Vol. No: I, Issue: 1, 2005 constant at + or - 8 MW for a possible preferred mode of operation. storage hydro scheme has found general acceptance as an important component for long range planning and operation. Conclusions References This paper presents the basic concepts, circuit requirements, and terminal operating characteristics of energy storage inductor-converter units for power systems. Such units, properly controlled, would provide significant power system benefits. Because of the inherent quick response characteristics of the inductor-converter units, damping capabilities are excellent. Improvements in transient stability may also be realized. 1. H. A. Peterson, N. Mohan and R. W. Boom, “Superconductive Energy Storage Inductor-Converter Units for Power System”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems”, Vol. PAS-94, No. 4, July/August 1975, pp. 1337-1346 2. J. D. Rogers, R. L. Schermer, B. L. Miller, andJ. F. Hauer, “30-MJ Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System for Electric Utility Transmission Stabilization”, Proceedings of IEEE, Vol. 71, No. 9, September 1983, pp. 1099-1107. While other kinds of energy storage have received some attention at various times, only the pumped Take Heart Wilma Rudolph was the 20th of 22 children. She was born prematurely & her survival was doubtful. When she was four, she contacted double pneumonia and scarlet fever which left her with a double paralyzed left leg. At the age of nine she removed the metal leg brace she was dependent on & began to walk without it. By 13 she had developed a rhythmic walk, which doctor said was a miracle. That same year she entered a race and came last. For the next few years every race she entered, she was last. Everyone told her to quit, but she kept on running. One day she actually won a race and then another. From then on she won every race she entered. Eventually this little girl, who was told she would never walk again, went on to win 3 Olympic gold medals. 14