Manawatu -- THE OKLY Morning Paper WITHIN FIFTY MILES OF PALMERSTON NORTH. - - - VOL. XXVIII. NO. 854. Times. Daily * ESTABLISHED 1875. " PALMEKSTON NORTH, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1905. "^^rSy^^Mi/^^^Km^A pfS®s|i \^SsSSe^si|ssss : w^|^\V\ \^^%/^|^" n jf n * -' ' "BLUE STREAK" BIGYCLES Manufactured * =£ Several 4 and 5-roomed bouses £300 up 4-roomed house £250, on your own terms New 6 rooms, all conveniences, £450, I j only £10 down | New 7 rooms, near Square, £500, only £10 down 5 rooms, wash house, copper built in, etc., £350, £25 down 4to 6 rooms built to order, £400 up, only £50 cash required. 4 rooms, £320, only £20 down, balance to suit, lets for 13s per week, only three minutes of Square and station. " i^i - '^■vJ^^^Kii^^jw^f^'M' . ini'iiiMmmmi'iil wihiwi—>—bhimwi—nnniwiiiiwiiii '■ by the Pope ManufacturiHg Company 20 Nett Cash< «'~iil|li>ihhiih TENDERS ; 4 rooms, £200 cash, on good street 8 rooms, all conveniences, J-acre, near station, £550, £100 cash, balance to suit. Al dairying and fattening land, from 50 aores up as required, only £15 per acre and upwards, alt level, only £200 cash. Best bargain in New Zealand, Sections on new street, ashphalt footpath and all improvements, at 25s foot Sections on Ferguson street 22s 6d per ft Sections East street 35s per foot Sections near railway station £100 HAWKE'S BAY AGRICULTURAL AND PASTOBAL SOCIETY. autumFshow. |EBg!gaaßra2«iSß3gES^^ ALTERATION OF DATE. CENTAUR'cYCLg C9 COVEMTRVr^ | BICYCLES (Fitted with Freewheel asd2 Bowden akeß) ß; x>onßiwNett £20 . "POPULAR" MODELS From £17 17s. :^=; v cash. and 2 Bowden _Bl^ bl^) £25 Nett Cash. Oft "ROYAL" GRADES £2 2 Nott Cash. j : "CENTAUR" with FEATHERWEIGHT BICYCLES Freewheel (Fitted \ £~\ \ \ iH : : Easy Terms can br^7ranged. Liberal allowances en second-hand Bicycles Taught FREE by an experienced teacher. . SIXTEEN CASH OR (NEXT & LEVIN. TELEPHONE 157- J. B. Wishart and Co | Engravers & Medallists. J P-O. BOX 132- BULBS! BULBS! Manawatu Cycling and Athletic Club i AT SPORTS GROUND Fitzherberfc Street ! Classes of Jewellery manuALL factured on the Shortest 3 Notice. AND GOLD MEDALS. Old-fashionedarticlesre-made into artistic designs to suit patrons. PROGRAMME. Engraving in all its branches. ]150yds Maiden Race, Ist prize L 2, 2nd £1. Post entry 23 Quotations for Masonic Emblems Amateur, Ist prize Gold Medal, ] lOOyda and Designs a speciality. 2nd Silver Medal. Entrance 2s 6d Repairs will receive prompt atten- jHalf-Mile Cycle Handicap, Ist prize L3, tion. 2nd, 30s; 3rd, 20a. Nomination 2s, acceptance 3a All work guaranteed. MAIN Charges compatible with good Boys' Race, under 16 years, Ist prize LI, 2nd 10s. Post entry Is workmanship. ■ prize Ist HuMles, L 310s, 2ndLI, Old gold and.silver bought in any 120>-ds acceptance 10 TTAVE you noticed Bonn's ' X^OR i2a to £50 cash, balance weekly. 1\TEW- 6 rooms' Melsopp & MEDICAL from bacteria ? No. 2. Is aeration or cooling any security for the destruction of bacteria in milk? No. 3. Is pasteurisation of milk at a temperature of 155 Fahr. heat for twenty minutes with a chilling to below 40 Fahr. any security for destruction of bacteria ? Yes. 4. Is the albumen in the milk coagulated or has the digestibility or food value of the milt been adversely affectedby such a process ? No. 5. Is the animal and other bad flavour removed from the milk by such a process ? i ' WILL BECAUSE Ride an 'OSMOND' SPEEDIEST BRITISH BICYCLE. 1905 Models now in Stock. SCOTT MOTOR & CYCLE COMPANY, LTD., THE SQUAKE, PALMERBTON NORTH. THE BEST. THE PUREST. ARE THE MOST DELICIOUS. follows shadow, "As sunshine So laughter follows tears ; And little faces smile again, When Aulsebrook's Milk Chocolate Appears." ■■■■'.-■ ' Hade from the Finest Chocolate, scientifically blended with milk containing all its cream. In Id, 3d, and 6d PACKETS. ft- Article, Much Larger Packets than the Imported IS" r THE, . . FICHE»ST'MAN EULL ... TYEB, -- . 6. WALKEE'S BAZAAR. N. M. PEE SON, . THOMPSON , Fancy Sazaar Now DESIRES ' MANAWATU Aulsebrook's Milk Chocolate OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. MRS " , COMMERCIAL THIS ; Prices. 40 YEAES. AN M A. A. USSANIAN, NONE : 6 Harness '' ~. _____ \ . XTOUSE, 2§ acres, good otebard, «). ,— Specifications can be, seen at the TI7ANTED-50 men to call and bar our tn\W£ 6dgent'sli^bW^?,: Council's Office, Rangitikei street, where tenders closeon Tuesday, 28th inst., at 11 olclock a.m. Let, six rooms with 5 acres U,^ " TO four sections cheap for oash."H^>' Munro, Hereford-street. T. BASTIN, Inspector. 23rd March, 1905. T7IOR Sale or Lease, good conntry■h«^CßfT>TilOR Sale, new and second-hand rtea», J- gas, and oil engines, pumps, belting, oils, pulleys, centrifafffl INDUSTRIAL BCHOOL NEAR , -ftd./[<fc§jf'. .Martin^ engineer, etc., PalmerstonKor^j LEVIN. /^.AILLER'S Education Department, yet? Wellington, 23rd March, 1905., rpENDERS for asphalting at the JL Industrial School works, near SWISS CHO0&:'? MILK If not, hurry up. "^""s.' PHOTOGEiPHIC WANTED WANTED WAITED Goodo-Lowestprioft at aU hours, Hepwotth'a, th« Squ***. Levin, will be received up to noon of agent for Photo Snpply Stores. 80th inst. They are to be addressed to. sell, twenty Hominf to the Secretary for Education, pigeons, all ages, overstocktd.T. Wellington,", and marked " Tender Richards, Main-Btreet East. asphalting." for Specifications may to sell, a littetpf Greyhound ibe seen at the Post puppies, Lord Roberts, ex Mia Office,PalmersMac T; Richarda, ton North, and at this office. The Main-street -B«#^ lowest or any tender not necessarily to sell, a 4 h.p. Rn.lifJ.^ accepted. cycle, absolutely new, in thoroago E. O. GIBBES, order. Trial given; spead up to 45 mils Assistant Secretary. an^hour.. Box 578, G.P.0., Wellington; " r , lady for mtfd Wi&TED-Young .„.. Mery. Mrs Tennant, draper and ' r■milhner^RangitiSei stTeet. "" "-^ TTTANTED-By grocer, situalioiJ.-r^i TV penenced in all branohei, gdjj" salesman, canvasser/ Hustler,*! P&» Office, Palmerston North; " ; ■""■ ;i-tor "JURIES ACT, 1880." ' is hereby given that a NOTICE meeting of the Justices of the Peace will be held at Palmerston; WANTED-About . 4 acres «ui»ablef«poultry farm, near Palmenteo. opposite school, OotUm, Campbell-street. North (at the -Magistrate's .CourtHouse) at 12 o'clocknoon on Friday, Tendws for grubbing and the 7th day of April, 1905, for the clearing 20 to 30 acres, Applyiß^ purpose of revising the Jury List for the distriot of Palraerston North. Wm. MATRAVERS. WANTED— Stevenson's farm, Kairanga. " WANTED "' '"- ■ -Young man to shue-lornished bedroom, centra^UVb«ad piano, 4sper week. W.T.A., TutEsoffifl*. 'WANTED— 2000 gas lampa joatlaad«t from 78 6d. Clarkson^a. -, ladies to know~you-c»p "THE GOVERNMENT VAIiUAVY buy shoes at 3s 6d to 25b Kb TION OP LAND ACT AMENDPayne's Abme Shoe Store. ■"■-■< -s MENT ACT, 1900." Enown, we will dean sad oil your cycle for Is 6d. Clufcis hereby notified that the Dis.'. trict Valuation Rolls for, the son's, Coleman Place. Districts mentioned in the Schedule 'ANTED —To sell |-aer« Terrace, Shannon, hereunder will be open for public shop Plimmer vfik close to'AlbionHdß: inspection at the respective places iprioe and two rooms,Apply £350, terms. named in the schedule, from the sen., auctioneer, Shannon. J. B. SteraSt WANTED IT 27th, day of March until the 10th day of April, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. G. P. C. CAMPBELL, .. . Wellington, 23rd March, 190i. "* '■ schedule. Name of District. " Dick, and Hum WANTED-Tom, to give Manrer, Jeweller, Mag. Street, a call. Valuer General. Valuation Department, *' &~PRICB. WE with~wWfc " SPECIAL LBITTELMEYER, " ''boak' 500yds yds CemeteryRoad,Bunny- 150 thorpe 100yds Cj^^'B ISS MILK-CHOC*!' Lower Aorangi Road: Forma- v /T-,, A ~ BJ Everyone is eollecQn* tion and metalling. ■"""".""' Cailler's coupons. Have you started j*|^ Elliot. men of Palmerston North interviewed about the pasteurisation of milk gave the following answers:— 1. Is the milk in cows' udders ever free STREET, EAST. Coal Yards "* Engineer. ... ... Pahiatua Road Taonui RroiNG: Rangitikei Line ...... Milson'sLine FRESH FOOD AND ICE SUPPLY COMPANY. ABSOLUTELY GENUINE. ''! SenßulT aU convenience!, S E. J. ARMSTRONG, Resident Secretary, Wellington. Bepresentative: F. E. Habb. LocalAgents, Palmerston North : ' IS miia's Board's Office. CHAS. HUME, "DIXON'S" Of Course I Am !!! bargains'? Sale, Snips. Several 4 J 3rd 10s. Nomination Is, 2s6d Caledonian Handicap, valued at £33. Three distances, 100,. 220 and i IS" Note thk Address— 440yas. Cash prizes, aggregating L25 ...NEXT TO CLUB HOTEL... to which will ba added a .Silver Cup Palmebston N, - - Telephone 150 4a, valued at L8Bs,presented by tbfl Sooiety to competitors scoring most points in the three distances. Points to count 5, 3, AERATED WATERS AND CORDIALS Pl_l SVTMEPJTON HOUSE ] acid 1 yds Caledonian Grand Handicap. Especially Prepared SYPHON SODA WATEH FOR (the most popular seaside resort in the 100 First distance. Ist prize L5sa, 2nd L 2 6. Is_ it advisable in New Zealand to ipasteurise colony) 2s, 3rd LI Is. Nomination 2s, accepmilk for human consumption? INVALIDS. now open for convenience of families tance 33 Yes, decidedly: desiring changes of climate. Here ]Half-Mile Handicap, Ist prize L5, 2nd L2. OBTAINABLE AT ALL CHEMISTS. every home comfo.t and attention will be 3rd LI. Nomination 2s, acoeptance 3s. Of course, most people in New Zealand found, cleanliness being an especial feature, ] 1 Mile Manawatu Wheel Eaoe Handicap, TELEPHONE 32. P.O. BOX 51. know the great value of pasteurised milk, and the cooking is under the immediate Ist prize LlO, 2nd L3r 3rd L2. NoiuiMANUFACTORY : as it is supplied in all the chief towns, but supervision of the Proprietress. The house naiion 4s, acceptance 6s sampleswill always be given on application. FITZHERBERT STREET, PALMERSTON NORTH. is charmingly Bituated in ample grounds, ! 220yds Amateur Handicsip, Ist prize Gold We also beg to notify that we have commanding full view of the sea. Visitors i Medal, 2nd Silver Medal. Entrance 2s 661 arranged with the Roiyrotea Butter Factory will find it quiet, restful and healthy. j j.Boys' Race, under 12, Ist prize 15s, for a regular supply of their well-known HOTELS. Address 1-tters 2nd sa. Entrance freo brand of butter which will be delivered The Manager, Plimmerton House. i220yds Grand Caledonian, Handicap, second Terrace End Wood and daily in a fresh and firm condition. Indistance, Ist prize L5ss, 2ndL22s,3rd spection invited. LI Is. Nomination 25., acceptance 3s Handicap, Ist priz c L6,2nd L2, 3rd & (Opposite Princess Hotel.) CARTER AND RAWSTRON, ]1-Mile LI. Nomination 2s, acceptance 4s T. WHITE (late of the Masonic Proprietors, Telephone 240. 2-Mile Novice Handicap., Ist prize 50s, 2nd Hotel, Wellington) announces (Established 1872) E. JOHANSEN 30s, 3rd trophy. Nomination Is, acceptthat she has taken over the above wellPROPRIETOR. ance Is 6d known hotel, and intends carrying on BUTCHERS, THE SQUARE, (Girls' Kace, under 16 -years, Ist prize LI, the business on thoroughly up-to-date preto announce that he is 2nd 10s. Entrance iree pared to deliver firewood and coal to lines. have a large supply of goods Sack Eace, Ist prize 303, 2nd 10s. Post unfc Luncheons a speciality. anypart of the Borough at a liberal entry Is Open. for our customers, including— j ° Luncheon will be served at 11.30 a.m. Girls' Kace, under 12 jears, Ist prize 15s, for cash. No. up ring For terms 219. on for the convenience j Thursdays 2nd of ss. fttee Entrance Ducks, Geese, Fowls, Turkeys OLSEN'S' BUILDINGS, THE Orders and oash oan be left with Mr those wishing to attend the sales. Lamb, Pork and joints of every 440yds Grand Caledonian Handicap, third, distance, Ist prize LSi ss, 2nd L22s, 3rd Bradfield, grocer, the Square. None but the best of and SQUAEE. wines spirits description. he cheap stocked. Good accommodation A large consignment of LI Is. Nomination 525,acceptance 3s for the travelling public. Guests can rely on IJ-Mile Cycle Handicaps Ist prize L4, 2nd Puponga coal to arrive this w^ek. Customers are requested to order 50s, 3rd 30s. Nomination 2s, acceptbeing called in time for early trains, ance 3s 6d early. Night porter in attendance. High Jump, Ist prize L 2, 2nd' Ll. NomiFANCY nation Is, acceptance Is Forced Handioap, Ist prize L 2, 2nd Ll. TelephoneNo. 19. Entry, winners 3s, non-winners Is invitation to the ladies to HOTEL, PAINTER, PAPERHANGER, 3-Mile Cycle Handicap, Ist prize L4100, come and see our stocks. 2nd L 2, 3rd Ll. Nomination 2s, acceptThe Square, SIGNWRITER AND Stationery, ance 3s 6d MILLS CO. Musio Talmerston North. HOUSE DECORATOR. Fancy Goods, and Dancing—Marches 2,Ll, 10s, L BUYERS OF WHEAT IN Strathspeys and Reels L 2, Ll, and 10s, TOM CHILDS, Electroplate Ware, ANY QUANTITIES. Rangitikei street Palmerston N. Highland Fling L 2, Ll, and 10s, Sword Proprietor. Cutlery. Dance L2, Ll, and 10s, Highland Keel Offices: L2, Ll, 103, Sheauntreus L2, Ll, and Stock of all Painters and BAMBOO FURNITURE A been having thoroughly House Broad-street, Palmerston North. 10s, Highland Fling for juveniles 20s, Paperhangers' requisites at THE SPECIALITY. renovated, I desire to notify the. 10s, Sword Dance foe juveniles 20s, 10s ; PAINT SHOP." JAMES McGILL, Manager. Games—Tossing General Public that they will find it Caber 40s, 20s, Throwing Prices reasonable. clean, and healthy. Wellington Hammer 40s, 203, Putting Shot 40s, 20s, Graining and marbling a speciality ; comfortable, Wrestling(Cumberland style) 40.9, 20s FISHING TACKLE Picture Framing. also prize Grand Tug-of-War, first L20r second Visitors attended to for earlymorning Calico Signs executed at the shortest Hairdresser, prize LlO. Teams to consist of 10 memtrains. has been appointed local agent bers nominated as a team. EntranceLl, j notice. for R. Martin's Is Luncheons. Thursdays from 11 Agent (Wellington) for W. H, Tisdall, of Wellington. A nominations close on April 10th. till 2. large stock of new season's FISHING Grand Cadet Competition—Llo 10s .Silver Embossed Work and Lead Lights. experience of 40 years of PharIn connection with the Establishment Gup for Manual and Firing Exercises GOODS ofevery description on hand. Reasonable! Charges. macy in England, on the Con* and Physical Drill Miss Person is showing Borne good Inspection Invited. tinent, and in the Colonies, Nominations close with the seoreiUry, things in Photo Frames, Plaques, etc warrants me Only the very best of Wines^ Spirits, In saying that'although Box 76, Palmerston North, on April 10th, Ihave yet much Inspection invited. etc., are Beers, stocked. 1905. Acceptances on tha ground. Nomilearn, to some little knowledge has been Telephone 276. must be accompanied by the neces ; gained during that period, and clients Fitzherbert Street Coach nations s«y fees and two years' performances. may rely on my dispensing that knowSports will be run under the Feilding Club's ledge to the best of my ability. As the Factory. P.N. Dyeing and Cleaning Works, Rules. profession of a chemist is primarily to George street. Amateurs-Rules under N.Z; Amateow Masonic Hotel, dispense physicians' prescriptions, it is Athletio Assn. Cyoling events under tuo OALPIN & HOLMES. HALL Opposite Railway Station, needless to enlarge on the fact. of Wheelmen Bales. League N.Z. Opposite EROPEIETOBS. Manawatu Stables. Everything pertaining to first-class Palmerston North. F. H. BURBUSH, Handicapper. Pharmacy kept in stock. D. MUNRO, Hon Secretary. TJUBST-CLASS references for all descriphave a large selection of both new R. Proprietor. JD tion of work. MXJLROONET, and second-hand vehicles on view Suits cleaned from 5s 6d. at our show rooms. Ladies' skirts from 3s 6d. but the Best Brands of Vehicles not in stook built to order on Spring: art CHEMIST, A speciality: Ladies' silk blouses and Wines, Spirits, etc., kept in stock. the shortest notiae by a competent staS of vests. Suits dyed from Bs. English and Colonial Qualifications, tradesmen. Medalist in Botany and Materia Medica, Good Accommodation. Our patent adjustable body Elide a CommercialHotel Buildings, Every attention and civility. speciality, fitted to any vehicle. SUITABLEfor milk and creamery Australian Mutual Provident Palmerston North. Telephone carts, is a special line of crars. 110. Society. We are agents for _! FUNERALS UNDERTAKEN; ( Grand PLEASED!!! BITLBsT VWcHTOMS * Huansifcy. We£% S-oaJjS^llo"- Ho*«*^£r " The Largest Collection of Bulbs in this di^iiet on show. ...0N... EASTER MONDAY,APRIL 24,1905. £200 IN PRIZE £200 %mm€ iMrmm SIXPBNCB* Purely Mutual. No Shareholders: ADY requires respectable Head Office for New Zealand: Custom *bk House Quay, Wellington-. The most complete system of Assurance. KAIRANGA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tjj OOKJSr Sticks covered ! LIFE, ACCIDENT, 8 AND (3ICKNESS "tWa. mENDERS are invited for the "The Square ' In One Policy. _L following metalling, work? :— pdNNOISSEDBS and lotok of » enp tf n ease of death by accident doable FITZHEEBERT RIDING : \ \J choice tea are invited to MVe one th the ordinary sum assured is payable. Whitmore Road yds the Grocery Department U.F.0.A., Thai. Maximum of Protection! 100 day, Friday, and Saturday thW'~w«it~ Main Road East Minimum of Cost ! .200jds Comeone, come all. -, T\ .. JjERCEYSFREEST ffeNCE I Manawatu and West Coast Society i Caledonian In conjunction with - | Manufacturing Jewellers, WORDS HALF-CROWN A Taoß^!^ °' LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY,Ltd. March 20,1905. FIREBELL). - aDVERTIBE YOUB IN THIS COLUMJT Masonic Hotel, Palraerston North. Plans and specifications may be £20 down, balance weekly. Senn. *^"& seen at nay office,where tendersclose boarding*6i»tat 12 noon on TUESDAY, 28th inst. PROFITABLE X main street, 11-room near post offibe, in t*O* L. G. WEST, Architect. Abraham and Williams' Buildings, paying Al WIDOWS' FUND N-Z. AGENT- -^-^ BRAN CHES-FEILDING TRUSTWORTHY^ chfap^ienn' AUSTRALIAN Cycling J. B CLARKSON, COLEMAN PLACE - MUCH QUOTED AN "Y°w*S X WANTS — ' IN THIS TERRITOBY. WITH A MISSION WITHOUT A MUZZLE blacksmith bukai^ /^j.OOD Rangitikei street. 11^ to the Easter Holidays, the date of the Show has been altered from WEDNESDAY, 19th, to WEDNESDAY, 12th April, 1905. Entries Pear *b" Square, an amwill now close as under: 31bs SALT BUTTER (Separator and MANAWATU LAND DRAINAGE Non-Separator, 13th March. ROOT CROPS, 24th March. BOARD. GENERAL ENTRIES, 29th MARCH. Entry forms may be had on applica- FTIENDERS are requiredby 10 a.m. tion to— X. on Thursday, the 6th April, G. H. MONRO, 1905, for additions to '.'bridges, afe Secretary. Awapuni, and drain cleaning contracts Nos. 83—84. ''High Water Mark of flans and specifications at the T> BWARD—Lost, bunch otkm(6\ U. Insurance." OWING ;— 9' - "CENTAUR" ROADSTER M JJANTEDS, 7BALANDU TTALL. TENDERS FOR CARTING. Lessee & Manager Mr R. H. Collins. will be received up till Grand Musical Attraction for Wednesday, 2S;t,h inst., for Palmarston. v carfcir umbtsr from Salisbury Mill WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY 29th March 30th. to Asbhurst. Sptcificakions may be seen at the Company's Office. Reappearance of the Famona P.N. SASH,DOOil A TIMBER CO.. FISK JUBILEE SINGERS. OLAF AiOLLER', Manager. New Artist3and Old Favorites. DON'T MISS A MUSICAL TREAT. TO BUILDERS. Prices—Bs, 2s, Is. Plan at Park's. mENDERS are invited for adFRED DAWSON, Representative. J_ difcii.ns and. alterations to the n * PEICE : ONE PENNY THEATRES, &c. I ;'..ij,ijinfh ii'nin THE LEADING PAPER. Place of Deposit. A DVBRTISING money, apeni rigbi.h Jl\. sh investment jnot'an «xpenße. the 'goods at''Umnx the TaOer^ ALL are thoroughly up-to-date ; ea is tte cutter. ' '' ■"■*"' ' -■■"-.■ rnHE time to stop advertising is when X ycu are ready1 to close up yon business. WANTED— 200 to "«&■ Mangaone, Bau- Oroua County black canvas shoes and manga,andMakino '.Council office,- slippers are only 2s6d at Payne's.cashmen ' * Ridings of Oroua Feilding. County. .'.-'"■ ; .; fTTANTED all cych'sts to give us m mil VV for repairs. Clarkson's. "*". Rangitawa Biding, Halcombe Town; office, Oroua County. Board Hal-j you want % fashionable suit of ■ ' . ' know ladies, ; combe. : DO clothes? Well, Usmar can atlite you. Pest Office Store,: Colyton (March; The People of Palmmtan promote it thaa Taoaulßiding, Oroua 27th to Ist April): to known that Usmar is' a Tailor MONEY TO LEND. 1 Post Office Store,;and the only way to knowhim is to try hlai BOON, I County. ''■'■ Bunnythorpe, —next Commercial Hotel. '; * Society is prepared to lend (3rd April to 10th Suppv Fresh Food and Milk Go. Breeching First-class Freehold money on SHOEING April). 100 men to know Bs6d% I now in full swing, carts deliver- I and Country Securities at lowest Ei%l_ sIBt£J HOTEL pair is our price and noredaetio» WHICH does away with crupper City ing produce to all parts of the Hiwi ny i Biding, | Schoolhouse, Hiwirates. current atPayne's Shoe Store and breeching straps. Main Street,Palmerston North. town. The milk sold by us is fresh | Oroua County. | nui. Liberal Mortgage Deed gives power to from Mr Luxford's model dairy, mornrepay portions of loan during term. -Everyone to know flat ;FITZHEBBERT STBEET. (late of Marton Hotel. and evening, and is regularly tested. !Otan ga k i Biding, | Public Library,; Apply direct to the Society's Branch Julius Maurer, Jewellerand WatchC. W. WYCHERLEY & SON, Office, has taken over the aDove hotel. | Medical gentlemen of Palmerston and ! 1 Oroua County. j -Ashhurgfc,. Wellington, or to any of the maker,. has the best selected goods in towa. i A new stock of whiskies, wines and Iveterinary surgeons, and all exdairy Society's District Offices. It cGafcwas m d«e proportion, and ia the Horsb-Shohe and brandies has been opened, and patrons can SADLLERS, ETC., The date for receiving objections Boys' Wear—Booyds strong^ Niw EDWARD W. LOWE, rely on being supplied with all the eading perts have testified to the wholesome* *M most digestible fora, the Stimulating, Zealand Tweed suitable fox knieton ness and cleanliness of our milk and to valuations in the above districts Resident Seoretary. GH NBB A I B Ii A 0 X SJH I T H, brands. The Square, Palmerston North. is hereby extended to the, 10th day (dark'shades), the very thing yon want lor Sireagiheaiag aad Nourishing elements Speoial Feature: First-class Luncheon other supplies. Wellington, Ist June 1908. your boys ; something strong sod cheap; from 12 o'olook to 2 p.m. Go and see the dairy from which we of April. required by-t>ioc4, brain and muscle. only Is6d per yard ; will wear till ft/gftt Upstairs and Dining Boom under super- drawour supplies for yourselves. out of date. De Luen Bros., the Squari. vision of Mrs Devine. Our dairy in Cuba-street is open daily. MAYORALTY. Up-to-date Billiard Boom under capable On Sundays from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m, and Unequalled For BOOKS Marion management. a from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. COHEN'S Committee will shall Offend," A. ;O. " Whosoever Gunter's Man Behind the Door," Bider meet at the old Working Haggard's" The Brethren," Oppenholm'B having become necessary to make you want an old Photograph copied or HIGH QUALITY 6? EXQUISITE FLAVOR. " Men's Cuba Club, street, P.N.R.V. ORDERS. Monday << The Betrayal," Crockett's " The Lovtw' 6t a choice, and having the option of enlarged and made better than the HOTEL, FAMILY at 8 night Kipling's Anne," o'clock. All Miss interested either, we have voluntarily resigned the original " Traffics arid DisMonday, 27th: Company parade. Drill are cordially invited. coveries," A.E. W. Mason's "TheTra^ats1," SEND IT TO BUNTING agency for Buberoid and Giant Building Order, 7.30 p.m. RANGITIKEI LINE. Man," 2s 6d'and Corelli's "God's Good erected an up-to-date plant l Paper in order to retain the agency for W. MATHIESON. A few vacancies for first-classrecruits. 3b 6d. Aitken, bookseller, Main streetadd of machinery, I beg to inform i Malthoid F. and B. Roofing Insulating If you want any Photograph or Picture MOUNSEY, JNO. bookstall. railway favourite hostelry has now come :' my customers and the general public 1 Paper, Faints, etc., madeby the original Framed '" under the proprietorship of Mr T. J. Captain P.N.R.V. T7ILOCUTION.— Mb R. Maxtor that I am prepared to supply sashes, i manufacturers of these materials. SEND IT TO BUNTING X2J Oliver, Elocution, teacher of NOTT. doors or any kind of joinery at the 1 We took this course after folly satisThe house has been thoroughly renoWarburton's Buildings (opposite CourtQuality of Mountings PALMERSTON GUARDS. shortest notice and lowest current rates. fying ourselves that the latter goods nI have the Finest house), Main street. Elocution taught vatedand brought up-to-date in everyway. New Zealand to select from. Shop fittingH a specialty. surpass every other make in quality, and Only the best brands of liquor kept in in all branches. Articulation and voice A large stock of seasoned timber that they will by sheer merit command above Company will parade as production a speciality. Deep breathing. tempted to patronise cheap stock. Do not be TO BUY DAIRY FAKMS as under:— always on hand. all markets. photography, always bear in mind a cheap Lodgers especially catered for. Terms, etc., on application. Hours— Government Friday, and March prepared. parade Plans estimates manufactured the under the FROM 50 AQBEB'UP." goods by Dining-room supervision The o! ! 31: I A trial solicited. 5, and bad photograph is dear at any price, 10 to 1 2 to 7.30 9/ p.m., a.m. to 7.30, dress scarlet with helmets. Mrs Nott. [ Paraffin Paint Company, and known and waste of money. Fines will be strictly enforced for Good stabling available. under the distinctive mark of P. and B. MEETING of citizens who are rjIHE pick of the Manawatu, rich blaak STABILITY, BONUSES, RECORD FOR HOLDS A WORLD-WIDE non attendance. stood the test of years, a.nd the willing to assist in arranging for X loam, all level, best fatteningland is 1 have LIBEEALITY, ECONOMY. NOTT, T. J sales all over the world have rapidly inZealand, 14 miles of Palmezßtoir' H.» J. B. BEALE, Captain, " a suitable send-off to Dr Graham, who New creased and attained enormous dimenPeoerietob. O.C. Palmerston Guards. j is about to leave Palmerston, will be held on exceptionally easy terma. D A. H. .Photographer, ! sions. The brand cannot be legally used in the Empire Hotel at 8 p.m. on MonPIOSI PIOSI PIOSI by any other manufacturers, and the day, March 27th. I BUILDER, 10 Feilding. Palmereton North and jf?'59JM!59 E, BUENS, Hon. Bee. Annnsl Income, over t public are warned against spuriouß """ £63,000,000 W. DIMOCK assuring CO., imitations. & out up in small farms,good metalled over Ltd* JPolicies in Force, Main street Opposite Station. Clear Mountain Air """ roads to all sections, oreamery,port Bonus Additions. Including over £10,000,000 eOoe, ' '-*-*■ will be received at the followlag and sohool on the property. Desirable Holiday Resort Telephone 288. weighing stations as under :— CENTRAL LICENSED baa LAND & ";■<."■ Society Establishment,.in 1849, Since the X) These small farms will be goldat a pyiot £14,000,000 NEW March and Aebil. LABOUR AGENCY, l?«d Death and Matured Claims, over that will assure speedy saleß, obItIQ mi Eongotea (Tuesday) 14th and 28th Main-street (opposite Court House) cent caßh. NEW ZEALAND GOVERNmROUT fishing, Komako and Table i March >"-.The Society has now instituted an Curtis, COAL, GRAIN AND PEOPALMERSTON N. WOOD, 15th and 29th J_ MagnifiFeilding (Wednesday) MENT FIRE INSURFlat Limestone STATE Caves, DEPARTMENT, DUCE MERCHANTS, March Custom, Shipping & Forwarding 8 [ MAIN ST. W., PALMEESTON N. ANCE OFFICE will be prepared to { cent Scenery of the Utuwai Lakes, ExGuaranteed by the whole of the Accumulated Funds. TO LET. Ashhurst (Monday) 20th March and aooept Fire Risks on and after 4th cellent View of Coast and Hawke's Bay V may be ASSURED for a minimum WEEKLY AGENI. Tklephonb CHILDREN Agent. ADULTS AND 228. 310 acres near Palmerston, all grass, 3rd April j from ranges. All places can be visited int January, 1905. *^ PREMIUM: of THREEPENCE. Whujhstox. 5-roomed house, good wool-shed and yardß, Quay, Hoots Oroua 20th March Bridge (Monday) Custom ] ADVANTAGES. one day from hotel. Best accommodawell fenced, 200 acres suitable for dairying. Information may be obtained from any Office or Agent of the Society. and 3rd April Insured Share Profits tion ; plunge and shower baths. Pad- | Palmerston Puoeb forwardedto an]iy fi HEAP—Men's strong cotton worKin^ N. (Tuesday) 21st Maroh Will let for 5 years at 12s 6d per acre. «nd OODB and stabling. /"I Guarantee dock wines and Branch—The Hon. Chaa. John Johnston, M.L.0., State Beat V_y shirts Is 6d and 1b 9d, men's whitt Apply '"i and sth April of the world. 1 Linton Dbeotore of the New Zealand \JT partFUBHITtTBB Lowest Rates spirits. RhMOVBD. matt tennis shirts Is 9d and 2s 3d, boys (Wednesday) 22nd Maroh and Chairman ; A. De B. Brandon, Esq., Depnty-Chahman ; the Hon. E. Richard-dT ICENSED Plumbers, Gai-fitterr, Tin Tariff, Equitable per day. and Settlement 6s Prompt April dti, sth V Good* oondgned to my owe froaa white washing hats 8d each or 3 for Is I A and Copper smiths. Atrial golitgMit H. G. THOMPSON A. J. Box 169. Proprietor. J.&H.M.COPELAND, usually Arnold, sell thus Fall from shops particulars at Ib. Da Fitzherbert street,.next pairj^§K^ foreign or local parts willbe sent on willih other Palmeriton N. Square. Agents Bnnnythorpe. agent, Bros., the ptlnelpu Lutn i QUAY, "WELLINGTON. "--*"« Palmerston North. I promptitude. ; -.; acvthiag precious «!h.aa heaUh, &n&, moaey, can b«y aothing- ir.Oi-s- w'^h zdi &is thai w£3J do snore ; b " " S3I M ||: Smith Patent ■ | | | j i! ; L Harold Hall. A. H. Dufresne. IT PHOTOORAPHY .. ...... ...... ... INDUSTRIAL . %Z. BRANCH—CUSTOMHOUSE ...... ... £20,000000 . . : MR ' W&£iTEX>— WANTED FOR — NEW CrawfO^L'i : « DUFRESNE. A BUNTING, I Over 1000 McMurray & Co. ... James J. BEST CHANCE THE " peoviDENT SOCIETY - . . WANTED— THIS ■ - ... !: " IF HAYING AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL ' P. & B. Notice. | FUKDS O^ER ABE WDEVINE ■ | i|| '"|H ROBINSON & DEVINE'S THIS CRITERION FORGE, :— Limited. APITI HOTEL. THE „ I ' . acrer : PGS A. W. R. Alexander " J.^ENN, Blockley &Lissingtpnj '"■' ' THE MANAWATU DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1905 L. G. West, AEGHITECT. lAISTRICT AGENT Eoyal Exohange JL/ Assurance. Qfflta:Abraham A Williams' buildings. FtiTtts Bssidenca : Primes-street. Bell, Gully and Cooper, Babbistibs and Solioitobs, PALMERSTON NORTH to lend in any approved seourity MONEY OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. THE ADAMS STAR CYCLE CO. GREENSTONE! OF CHRISTCHURCH, HAVE lately secured premises in the new Clarendon Buildings, Palmerlion North, for the sale of Motor Cars,Cycles and accessories. The Repair Department is in charge of a capablemechanic Customers will find prompt attention to their requirements. All work guaranteed up to time. The Cycles stocked are all of English manufacture,and comprise the most reliable and popular machines throughout the world. BEESTON HTJMBERS—Manufactured at Beeston Works, at "west rates. CIVIL ENGINEER AND j | ARCHITE3T, fALDATOR AND ARBITRATOR /"\IFICBB—Law Chambers, The Square. KJ PriTate residence, Duke-street Palj Mftton North. SWIFT ......... England. ROAD RACER ... £18 0 0 ROADSTER ... £19 0 0 LADIES ... £19 0 0 STARS—Made by Component's Cycle Co., England. ROAD RACER ... £15 0 0 ROADSTER ... £16 0 0 LADIES ... £16 0 0 "IFFORD MOORE & BEALE, POPULAR Barristers and Solicitors, removed to their new offices, C.E. HARDEN, All Machines fitted with Palmer, Clipper Reflex or Dunlop Tyres. Easy terms arranged. Deposits from £3 to £5, balance from £1 per month. Humber Motor Cars £225. Motor Cycles from £45. All goods at Christchurch prices. CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, (fete Crown Prosecutor at Westport.) ADAMS STAR .. THE SQUARE, HcYCLE COMPANY, PALMERSTON NORTH. "ffices: Waldegrave's Buildings. BALDWIN & BALDWIN, BARRISTEUS & SOLICITORS, PALMEBSTON NORTH & LEVIN. several sums to lend upon approved town and rural lands at tflnaot rates to suit borrowers. Ajw, money to lend on chattel seourity. HAVE FRANK J. WILSON, ARCHITECT, .WARBTJRTON'S BUILDINGS, FIRST GREAT. DISPLAY OF THE SEASON NOW ON AT VICTORIA HOUSE. The Showroom is full of the very latest produc■;■ DRESSES, FURS, ETC., "DENTAL SUROEON, OXFORD BUILDINGS (Boomß Upstairs) IfAIM Stmit. Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m- IS VERY CHOICE AND EXTENSIVE. can supply the finished article at a price which cannot be approached tor cheapness. Building Mrreya undertakin commend themselves to all ' THE LEADING NORTH ISLAND JEWELLERS PALMERSTON NORTH. DENTAL PALMERSTON SURGEON. TAN DR. " Of Wellington, liwjuLisT in Era, Eab,Nose & Thboit, M»7 be consulted at the Club Hotel, Fmlmiraton North, on Friday, March MttL Two years in New York Hospitals and 18 Months Senior Clinical Assistant at Royal Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorfields). fendonVfiLua Street, WELLINGTON. MS J. A. Taqbabt. v. K. Habmak. TA6GART & HARMAN, SURGEON DENTISTS, :..;■'... COLBMAN PLACE. FRUIT AND JAM SEASON. MASON JAES JOHN ROGERS, Abboo. Memb. Inst. C.E., ARCHITECT, CONSULTING ENGINEER, GtttoU'B Buildings, The Square, Palmerston North. P.0.80x 190. Frivate reiidenoe: "Lyoullin," Cook street. ■ HARVESTING TOOLS IN GREAT VARIETY- SELLERS' WASHERS. GRAVEN. SCHOOL FOB GIRLS. MISS FBASEB, London Dental. Messrs Stockwell Bros., DENTAL SURGEONS. MATCHLESS Dress Materials. Dress Robes. THE NEWEST 6ft.... LEOPOLD MILLAR & GIORGI Have Just Opened 100 Pair of their Hard to Beat Baddle Tweed Trousers at 6/11. Pair Canadian Tweed Trousers 100 at 5/6« A splendid line for '. rough wear. ■■ 100 Pair 4/9. Cotton Cord Trousers at Without a doubt the above Lines KB the best value ever shown in Pilmeraton. Inspection Invited AT Millar & Griorgi's ithe Leading Clothiers, Hatters and Mercers. WAREHOUSE. THE SQUARE, PALMERSTON NORTH. SALE! SALE SALE! STOCK-TAKING SALE. N, MALCOLM, extraction of teeth without FEES MODERATE. SIMMONS' GENERAL DRAPERY "ither gas chloroform or aether. to 6 p.m. Silks & Trimmings. NOW SHOWING AT [A CARD.] R. D. BAGNALL, SOLICITOR, Waldegrave's Buildings, The Square, Palmerston North. SALE! SALE! SALE! [CABD.J first-clasa E.P. and Silver ware. Ali OF kinds of Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery of every description MR F. WV BOND, PRICES: Hours, 9 a m. to 4.80 p.m. Absolutely Painless Dentistry. With or without Gas, Ether, or Chloroform. and even below that. at oost price .... 7/© 4/18ot Gold from .. 25/---18ct Alarms from .. from.. 14/« Famous Workman Watch 25/-, now .. .. 17/6 Rotherham heavy cases) .. .. £3 Gold Brooches from 9ct Gold Bings from Kings Wedding Rings jj/g (with speoial All Clocks and Watches sold will be guaranteed. Not all the stock is Inthe window. Come in andinspect for yourself, DISPLAY ...0F... Cabinetmaker and Upholsterer, 25, 1905. ganui retaining the services of its young male teaohers. In the case under notice a young man was taken away from a local school sixmonthsbefore ...AT... his pupil teacher's probationership was completed, and sent away into the wildbush country in the vicinity of Mt. Ruapehu. This young man had a splendid record, having twice been second and once first in the Watchmaker & Jeweller, Pupil Teachers' Examinations in the THE SQUARE, PALMERSTON N. Wanganui Education District, and at the last sitting he passed his matriculation and solicitor's general knowledge examination and gained a partial "D." One would have thought that every opportunity would have been given this young man to continue his studies and qualify for higher things. But no, he was ordered out into the blackblocks t > teach Maori boys, and as he said to the writer : How is a man to get certificates or "a B.A. degree if IMPORTANT NOTICE. he is out there ?" So, after making protests to the Board, Whiteford's Word Competition. unavailing and receiving Most names required from the words ;< he sin; Ay threwunfavourable replies, teaching up, and is WHITEFOBD, CHEMIST. now in another avocation. ITBBT 00 'JSECONDOO THIBDOI This is a typical, and, we aro inPBIZK 3jO PBIZB 3j& PBIZB*! - - MORTENSEN'S formed, by no means singular Competition closes March 31st. words of the English instance; and other resignations language allowed. Only words of four are pending. Is it any wonder letters and over accepted owing to the that there is a shortage of number of "words to be made from to announce his determination to reduce stock prior to StookWHITEFORD, CHEMIST. Competi- teashera, and that the education of Taking on Ist April, and also to accomplish a record in Furniture tors require to spend at least the sum the young is being handed over to of one shilling at Whiteford's Pharmacy the women ? Every person who Sales in Palmerston North. to receive a ticket for competition. gives the matter a moment's conStartling Reductions and Slaughter Prices sideration must realise that the sendA. C. P. WHITEFORD, ing of young male teachers into Will be the order of the day from CHEMIST. remote country districts is impolitic The Square, Palmerston North. to a degree. It is very undesirable that young immature men should be (INCLUSIVE.) taken from their training grounds Carpet Squares, Hearth Bugs, Linoleums, Mats, Toilet Ware, and given charge of mixed schools in Etc., must be cleared country districts, and Boards which FOR CASH ONLY. pursue this practice are, besides acting in a manner detrimental to the COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. best interests of education, placing temptations and disabilities in the way of these teachers which it is unfair that they should bear. In other districts the practice is to NEW GOODS NEW GOODS! Feilding Agency. secure the servioes of elderly men New Patterns and New Work for schools in remote localities. Of at course these people do not always High-Class Tailor, possess high educational attainments, H. MoLEAN, Bookseller, of but as a rule they Feilding, has been appointed MISS A. MOBTENSEN'S Palmhrston Nobth, Wellington and knowledge thanthehave more general pedagogio novices local agent for the Manawatu Daily Masterton. we have referred to. From the parNEEDLE AND FANOT Tdibs. Papers will be deliveredby Work Depot (near Gommereial runner every morning as usual to Hotel, Main fit you in the latest fashions with ticulars which have been brought street). the most stylish Tweeds, Cloths, etc. under our notice weare satisfied that Feilding residents. Advertisements unless the present system of appointA large stook of the latest to fancy left with Mr McLean will be work just opened up, which is well ments is^revised theresults to educapromptly forwarded to this office. worth inspection. tion in this district will be very Lessons in faaoy wotk of all kinds in V The new premises are next lam serious. Another serious phase of PIERCE 0. PREBTH, given daily, the matter, viz., favoritism, will be Proprietor. i Chambers, The Square. discussed in a future issue. THE SQUARE, PALMERSTON NORTH. BEGS SATURDAY, 11th inst to Ist APRIL , MR . STYLISH SUITS. T. Shields, AET OAK THE WAR. THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION —<to.Tenders, — _ . Exoelleney the Governor; vioepreai- colonist is to eater for the peripatetic Paris without disfavour or apprehension. q, dent, Mr a, Rhodes (Oimaicuurch); retired London draper, and be polite to management committee, Messes D. Q. A. Cooper (Wellington), Haroid Russell (Hawke's Bay), AUan Strang (Ylanawatu), J. G. Hall (Canterbury ), Sidney The Manawatu Daily Times. The Oldest Manawatu Journal. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING Silver and | DISCOURAGINGMARCHTEACHERS. A letter which appears in to-day's Electroplated issue throws some light on WanEducation Board methods, and incidentally explains the diffiWare culty whi3h the Board finds in Stipulations : Only The Wairarapa Standard states thatit is almost a certainty that no-license will Amusements, be carried in the Masterton and Pahiatua Second and Third Pages—Business An- electorates this year. Two handsome silver challenge cups, nounoem. Nts, News of the Day. Foueth Paob Auctions, Land Sales, to be given at the Manawatu sports Jap Squadron Bound West. meeting General Business Notices. on Easter Monday, are at present on view in Mr J. B. Gerrand's Per Press Association.—Copyright. window, at Messrs Waldegrave Bros.' Anew work, Tozar's "Wn-y of the EeceivedMarch 24,10.40 p.m. Cross," will be given during the week "^loiDgs. One of the cups, valued at London. Yesterday. ±10 10s, 13 highly embossed and will be Unconfirmed French advices state preceding Easter by All Saints' choir. presented to the that a Japanesetorpedoer winners of the Cadet preceding the A Maori was sentenced to three The second cup, which is Japanese squadron passed Colombo months imprisonment in Wanganui Competition. at Bs, valued will £8 also be bound west. given Gaol at Shannon yesterday for obtaining to the £1 from a woman under false pretences. athlete who gains ihe most poiucs in the Grand Caledonian Handicap. Significant Orders. The writ for the Wellington bye-elecThe present is the driest season extion was issued yesterday and the elec- perienced in the Manawatu district for Women To Leave Vladlvostion will probably be held on Thursday, many years past. Feed all over the tock, April 13th. country is parched and burnt up, and in The local Justices of the Peace will many instances farmers are carting water Eeceived March 24, 10.54 p.m. meet at the Courthouse at noon on for their stock. The milk supply to London, Yesterday. Friday, April 7th, for the purpose of factories has fallen from 20 to 45 per WoiMon have been ordered to leave revising the jury list for the Palmerston cent below the supply this time last Vladivustock. District. year. The daily output of butter from The "art of cycling" taught free. a factory here has fallen from 80001b or Yesterday's News. 90001b daily to between 60001b and Clarkaon's.* St. Petersburg, Yesterday. "Weather permitting, the Brass and 70001b, and there is every indication The Japanese entered Changtfu on Beed Band will render a selected pro- that it will fall much lower. The milk Tuesday. Large bodies of Russians are gramme in the Esplanade on Sunday yield is decreasing every day. The winter feed has not yet been trenched retreating in disorder north-eastwards afternoon. upon, the along railway. but it will be necessary to do so The local police have been engaged The Eussian cavalry halted three for the past three weeks compiling and before long, unless there is a steady and kilometres north of Chftngtfu. continuous rainfall. revising the jury list for this district. The newspapor Vorwaerts states a Some 1400 names have been added. Ladies' black clofh dress skirts, German arms and ammunition comThe Conference arranged between the " Pirle" finish, 10/9,12/6, 15/6, 18/6. pany is hundreds of machine officers of the Department of Agricul- Specially imported by Gollinson and guns supplying Russia, to and complains at this ture and the flaxinillers and merchants Cunninghaine, Ltd.* infringement of neutrality. has been fiscd to take place in Welling, The whole of the southern heavens The Times' St. Petersburg corresponton on Friday next at the Chamber of were brilliantly illuminated last night dent reports that official circles are cona by Commerce. fire in the direotion of Shannon,fident that the armies will contest every It is notified in another column that which appeared to be of an extensive foot of the road to Harbin. the various district valuation rolls will be nature. Prom the Coleinan Place Toungshhki, the Governor of Chili,is open for inspection from Monday next. firebell tower, the Longburn Freezing proceeding to Mukden. Works could be Been against The date for bearing objections to the silhouetted great clouds of smoke valuation has b<vn extended to April the glare, whilst The Baltic Fleet. rising were visible above the conflagra10th. tion. The seat of the fire is in the TokoA movement is on foot to organise a maru swamp, where the Movements Not Definitely vegetation and citizen's send off to Dr Graham,and an Known. has been dried up like tinder, The flax advertisement is inserted in another outbreak started on Thursday night near Eeceived March 25, 12.5 a.m column calling a meeting of those in- Tokomaru and by yesterday afternoon London, Yesterday terested to arrango matters. a large belt of fire was making steady It is surmised that a portion of The comedy The Guvnor will be progress towards Shannon, the resi" Lyceum Theatre " on dents of which were suffering a good Rozhdestvensky's fleet sailed as oabled reproducad in tbi the night prior to ihe races and on the deal from smoke. As far ac could be on the 10th,and the remainder later. two race nights, April sth, and 6th. ascertained last night, no mills have An Unknown Fleet. Cabled advice has been received by been burnt. The hands were out yesMessrs Mellsop, Eliott, and Co., agents terday afternoon and evening fighting Received March 24,12.3 a.m. of the Shaw b'avill and Albion Comthe fire in order to save as much fibre London, Yesterday. pany, that the Corinthic left Hobart at as possible. A large quantity of the Router's Agency reports that a 5 a.m. yesterday (24th), and iB therefore latter has been destroyed, but no defin- steamer from Colombo reports that off due at Wellington at midday on Tues- ite information as to the extent of the Port Louis she day. The Corinthic will leave the damage could be ascertained last night. 16tb, Russian met, on the night of the colony again for London on April 27th, The fire was extending to the vicinity distance by atorpedoes, followed at a fleet, the nationality of and a large number of passengers have of the Tokomaru station and threaten- which was unknown. already booked accommodation. ing to envelop a large piece of native the station. " Warren" cycles, £10 103; at Clark bush adjoining A BUSH TRAGEDY. son's.* The Poultry Herald, Saint Paul, MinMr S. Barry, D.8.0.A., Eye special- nesota, says :—" The result of the AusWealthy Miner Found ist, arrived in Palmeiston yesterday, tralian laying competition furnishes eviand may be consulted by those desiring dence of what was already certain—that Murdered professional advice regarding defective there is no best breed or variety. Of Press Association—Copyright. eye sight on Monday. He has secured course some variety had to stand at the Received Maroh 24,11.4 p.m., rooms over Mr W. Park's stationery head of tho list, and the pen that did Sydney, Yesterday. shop, which he will occupy until April stand first represented one of our moat The body of William McAullay, a 6th. Mr Barry's stay is necessarily and beautiful varieties; but no one miner, would claim well-to-do has been found in the limited to the period named and those that it is therefore estabwho intend to avail themselves of his lished that the Silver Wyandotte is bush nearGlen Innis. The head was battered in. A stiok presence in Palmerston should do so the best of all varieties for laying. As if for the very purpose of was grasped in one hand and a stona in without delay. The prices of the tenders for the making the breeders of this variety the other as if deceased died in defendr variousrailway bookstallsare as follows: suitably humble, a Sliver Wyandotte ing himself. There is no clue to the murderer. pen stood at the foot of the list. We Napier, George Scarfe, £22 ; Hastings, Deceased left home some days ago in Mary Jane Hall and Son, £6 103; Dan- should be sorry if some variety should search of his horses. nevirke, Thomas Bain, £6 10s; Wood- be able to establish itself as the best of ville, W. L. Aitken, £25; Palmerston all breeds. It would be a blow to the fancy, as one-half of the breeders North, Isabella Essex, £78; Feilding, KING EDWARD. A. H. Maclean, £5; Aramoho, C. L. of standard poultry would not take up this variety. On the other hand, Bridges, £6 10s; Wanganui, JamesLett, it may be said to be established once Able To Drive Out. £10; Hawera, F. 'H. Boaae, £3; New for all that no variety will ever be a Plymouth, Charles O. Hawke, £8 Is; Press Association—Copyright. Wellington, J. W. Bull, £65; Te Aro, B. more useful one than all the rest. We Received March 24, 10.54 p.m. in every variety in the stanI. Hayward, £20; Masterton, C. C. believe dard. All ar6 beautiful and all are London, Yesterday. Aitken, £10. King Edward drove out yesterday, useful, but some, At a meeting of the Auckland City varieties, are morelike the American looking paler than usual. widely bred than Schools Committee yesterday, the ques- the ornamental breeds, and ought to tion arose as to the right of a parent to be. That is take his child from one school and send against the saying nothing- whatever THE KAISER'S VISIT. ornamental varieties. There it to another, without first obtaining a is more in the strain, in the quality of transfer permit. It was argued (says a the individual, A British Welcome. aud in proper handling, Press Association telegram) that the than in the breed or variety." parent could send his child to a differPress Association.—Copyright. Eain no longer feared. The Pirle ent school every week in the year, if he Received March 24,9.25 a.m. " " so pleased, but other members of the skirt will not wrinkle, spoil, or shrink, Tangieb, Yesterday. Sold Collinson by and Cunninghame. committee were emphatic in their The British colony at Tangier is Ltd.* opinion that such a course would erecting a triumphal arch and inscripThanks to the studious advertising of tion in welcoming the Kaiser. speedily result in his penalisation under the Truant Act. the Government, creation now regards At the annual meeting of the New New Zealand as a place specially France Shows No Disfavour. Zealand Polo Association held at Wel- arranged for the delectationand amuseReceived March 24, 10.57 p.m, lington under the presidency of Mr B. ment of tourists, says Ohristohurch S. Abraham (Paknerston North), the Truth. Christendom concludes that they London, Yesterday. following honorary officers -were elected live on the tourist traffic in New ZeaItis stated that the Kaiser's visit to for the ensuing year .-—President, his land, and tha* the whole aim of the Tangier is viewedin official quarters at Page Wanteds, (Commercial Hotel Buildings) MAIN STEEET. By means of a recently-discovered local anaesthetic, Mr Woodlex A. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS Peowsh, Dentist, of Wanganui, is en- "Street Loafer."—You say that "our enabled to extract full sets of teeth Member's energies have been rewithout any pain whatever being expeatedly applied to obtain a verymuch perienaed by the patient. desired alteration in our police proteo Mb Prowsb having opened pertion." Well, but what has he accommanently in premises over EavonhiU'e, plished ? is prepared to execute dentistry in any of its branches, Nurse kept for ladies. ESTABLISHED 1875. Any number of teeth extracted at one sitting under gas. SPECIAL CONTENTS BILL. Fibst JULIUS MAtJRER, Just arrived direct from manufacturers THE SMARTEST OF Buildings, The Square. We also administer gas by every reputable method. Visits Shannon every Tuesday, from 1 OILS. MOST UP-TO DATE W entered into partnership and have removed from our old stand to new ■nd up-to-datepremises in Waldegrave'a Every known method of English and American dentistry practised. LUBRICATING O'BRIEN. SATURDAY, THE LATEST! TT7Ebeg to announce that we have Painless Dr. GREGORY HAY RAKES. CORN SACKS. SEWING TWINE. Principal. First Term for the year 1905 THE will begin on Wednesday, Ist VebrHary. ' [A Cabd.] DONAOHY'S GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE, ROSS'S BINDER TWINE. NOTICE. to new of&cea in Buildings Cuba street, CLOVER FORKS. J. W. the N.Z. agents for the famous RICK COVERS. Soo. Assoc. Mem. Authorised Surveyor, (No. 1 Cosmopolitan Buildings) DANNEVffiKE. removed HASColonial GLASS JELLY JARB. 20 TONS PRESERVING SUGAR (Specially Prepared). BRASS MABTIN PANS. ENAMEL MASTIN PANS. JELLY BAGS. W. S. CHARLSWORTH, Am. C.E., ' ugentß for (Great Variety). HAY FORKS. [A CARD.] taken over Dr Graham's AND WESTGN. ESTEY, SAMES, TTAVING -1-1- practice and Private Houpital, KIMBALL, Ac. may be consulted at usual hours, Duke Reed, Woodwind, Brass, and Btringed Btreet. MASLIN AND PRESERVING PANS In Copper, Brass, and Enamel. [A CARD.] E. J. ARMSTRONG. C.E. JAMJARS. (All Sizes). Hoars—9 a.m. to 5p.m; ■at floor. FESCUES. Very fine line of old pasture RYEGRASS. Prices and samples on application. Buyers of all kinds colonially-grown grass seeds. MESSRS- "■".■' ". Season. TURNIPS, Burdett. M.A. Melb. ; M.8., B. Ch. etc., Univ. Stock only reliable makes. Dublin; F.R.C.S.I. Late 102 Collins street, Melbourne, and Warnambool, Victoria. THUBMER, MONINGTON BBINSMBAD, North. Lawes' Liquid Dip North of Ireland) Powder Dip A.T Chemical Co's I Universal viv LOWEST RATES. Nor% of Ireland) Liquid Dip j Antiseptic Dip Chemical Co's Liquid Dip White's NEW GRASS SEEDS JUST ARRIVED— OLOVERB, RAPE. the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States,may be aeen at the Club Hotel. Leary & Dixon Broad street (next Convent) Palmersion IN STOCK [A CARD.] BEDE ALVA MACGREGOR, "DEPRESENTINa or Organ Cooper's Powder Dip Lawes' Powder Dip SLYKE, _______^_ PIANO in the home is now A an eduoational necessity for young and old. DENTAL SURGEON, NORTH. Sheep Dipping P.O. Bos 124 62 The Bquarb, Palmebston N. 1. DENTAL SURGEON, Palmbbston N. Squabe &GO. Sir Charles accessories stocked. Ul Fi C. Aa VL& W. H. POOLE, A7NASH [A CARD.] AN EDUCATIONAL NECESSITY. YICTOBIA HOUSE. [OABD.] EAELY AND SECURE THE BARGAINS. -*-^ HAS from Special Line in Toilet Sets. Everything Reduced. No Reasonable Offer Refused. J. commenced the practise of his profession in Apiti. Licensed Land Brokers, Fire and Ufe Insurance Agentß. Office : Bangitikei Street. The seen O'CONNOR & TYOEMAN, See Our Window Display. to lend, on freehold secur5 per sums at ity in MONET e«at. any have CALL AND "WHICH ARE BEING SOLD CHEAP. PUBLIC TRUST AGENCY. who them. RUTHERFURD & CONNELL, .. GoldV/- „ „„ „ instruments. TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, AND AXMINSTER y Land transfersurveys and Native land Our Greenstone Hearts Wertheim, and Wheeler and have received a big shipment of wonderful Wilson sewing machines. All duplicates FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Carpet Remnants in Surveyor and O.E. „„ j LEARY & DIXON are F. GILLETT, and rough, consequently we CROCKERY & GLASSWARE Stock at absolute cost price. We herewith enumerate a iew of the leading lines: Scrubbing Brushes lOd, now 6d Cloth Brushes 9d, „ 6d Sandwich Tins 6d, „ 4d Round Oil Brushes 4d, 2d Bannister Brushes 9d, 6d Shoe Sets 1/6 „ 1/. Cups and Saucers 5/6 per doz. 4/. tt Do White and ," 5/6 Egg Cups 1/9, 1/2 Sauce Bottles 1/3, 1/Turn biers 5/6 per doz. 4/Cake Dishes 1/4 lid Cuba Street. Above Miss Watson's Tea Rooms. tions in Main street (opposite Courthouse IMPORTED MILLINERY, COSTUMES, JACKETS, ETC. And the Stock to hand of MR CLAUDE HATNS, Abraham Williams' AUTHORISED PalmerstonNorth. We purchase it in the LADIES £21 0 0 SWIFT POPULAR- Manufactured by Swift Cycle Co. ROAD RACERS £17 0 0 ROADSTERS £18 0 0 LADIES £18 0 0 EADIE STARS—Made by Eadie Manufacturing Co., Redditoh, [Brucb Bbaib HATE Bett's Buildings, Rangitikei street tftftw Manioa andBarr's. our ... £22 0 0 ROADSTER ... £23 0 0 LADIES ... £23 0 0 ROYALS— Manufactured by Swift Cycle Co.,Coventry, England. ROAD RACERS ...... £20 0 0 ROADSTERS £21 0 0 [a card.] & GmroßD Mookb] the next 14 days we "TOURING -L' shall offer the whole of Notts, England. ROAD RACER am on E. LARCOMB, Stock-Taking Sale. Williamson (Poverty Bay); auditor, Mr E. Bueholz ; secretary and treasurer, Mr C. J. Crawford (Wellington). A correspondent writes as follows to the Whangarei Advocate:—With partisan nominee Land Boards and subservient Crown Land rangers to operate on the leaseholders of the different electorates, the present political party can be maintained in power indefinitely, or until natural decay breaks them up. Few leaseholders or Crown tenantß can afford, or have enough backbone, to vote against the wishes of the party in power. This is a force that must be reckoned with in any future struggle. That, with judicious expenditure of money from a party point of view to crash out any independence or refractory spirit that may crop up, will be most effective. Future demands and punishments we may look forward to. At the Dannevirke S.M. Court yesterday morning Hung Chung was charged under the Shops and Offices Act" with keepiDg open after 6 p.m on March 10. The defence was that the defendant was not a naturalised British subject. Therefore he did not come under the definition of " occupier " and was not obliged to close. Mr James, 8.M., held that the limitation of the term " occupier " to a British subject, in Clause 21, only applied to the computation of the majority or shopkeepers who sign a requisition and did not exclude aliens from their obligation to close. As the Gazetta notice covered all shops Dannevirke, a fine of 6s was imposed. The Bench agreed to state a caße for appeal if " requested. At the meeting of the AucklandFoot- the effete British lord. (Consequently, when one or the other of them comes out here, and finds that he doesn't get the hnmble attention and grovelling service the Seddonite advertisements led him to expect, he writes a savage letter to the newspapers. Recently we had the remarkable effusion of Miss Benham, who was furiously angry because she couldn't monopolise the guides at Mount Cook without paying for them, and now we have the excited remarks of Lord Ennismore, who didn't Bucceed in shooting any deer in the Wairarapa, and says the Government ought to provide standing camps for the tourist and that he is "very disappointed at the way things are managed." Evidently this British peer has the prevailing impression thatit is the duty of this country to spend its time looking after him and arranging picnics for him. For which state of mind on the part of the tourist this disgusted colony has to thank its " Government. " democratic The lunatic who escaped from the Auckland Asylum gave his pursuers a lively chase at Matutura, on the West Coast. The constableand asylum attendant who went engaged in the search came across the esoapee on the beach. He was filling a bottle of water at a creek, and happening to glance up the cliff, saw his would-be captors concealed, and immediately made off to a bush extending for about a quarter of a mile up the road. He thus got a start of about 200 yards. Constable O'Grady and Mr Muir followed,but on reaching the spot where the fugitive entered they found the bush there was almost impassable, and over three hours elapsed before they were able to penetrate to the farthermost point, when they endeavoured to find their bearings. They saw the escapee, concealed amongst a clump of flax upon the cliff above them. The constable called upon him to surrender, but he did not reply. He rolled stones down, some weighing over a cwt. The pursuers then drew theirrevolvers, firing four shots immediately over White's head. This had the desired effect, for White then threw up his hands, and came down the cliff and surrendered. The man had a complete camp and a good supply of food,chiefly mussels, whioh he oooked. He had singed his hair to disguise himself. To hide his tracks he had gone on his hands and knees and he stated that had he not been forced to go abroad for water he would have been found. He intended tonever wait until search had been given up and then cross to Sydney, One price for each line, many lines ai SHOT AND ROBBED. Soldiers' Dastardly Action, Harmless Peasants Fired On* A Significant Act. Press Association —Copyright. Eeceived March 24, 9.22p.m. St. Petersburg, Yesterday. A hundred and forty peasants, men women and children quietly assembled in a highway at Kirtno. The police patrol and a company of soldiers, without provocation, fired on them, killing two and wounding fifty, of whom seven since have died and eleven are dying. General Maksimnoff attended tat Orthodox Roman Catholic Cathedral. This is the first time a Governor of Warsaw has been present at a Eoman Catholic servico since 1831. He visited the Archbishop and asked for Catholic support in restoring order. Father John, of Kronstadt, has been warned to cease his propaganda against the revolutionaries. The authorities protect him. AUSTRALIAN MAIL CONTRACTS. Press Association.—Copyright. Received March 25, 1.10 a.m. Melbourne, Last Night. Cabinet has considered the mail con. tracts, but its decision is unknown. MANGAWEKA SENSATION. Charge Of Assault. Two Prominent Settlers Engaged. By Telegraph—Special to Times. Mangaweka, Last Night. The case M. Deighton v. M. Bailey, of alleged assault and using threatening language, with an application for sureties under Section 8 of the J.P. Act, occupied the court all day to-day and created great interest, the court being crowded. Mr Findlay, Wellington, appearedfoi plaintiff, and Mr Esam for defendant. The dismissed the charges and refused the application for securities. A charge for damages is proceeding. APRIL BUTTER. Farmers Want Tenpenoa, "Press Association. Hawbra, Last Night. A representative meeting of factory delegates to the Dairy Produce Ex. change to-day decided to consign April butter to the London markets unless they can obtain tenpence per lb outright* THE VANISHING TRICK. City Alleged Defalcations. Per Press Association, Auckland, Last flight. It is reported thht a clerical employee belonging to a large retail busineßß in the city has disappeared and that in* vestigation has disclosed serious irregu* larities in his accounts. . WELLINGTON BY-ELECTION Date Of Poll Fixed. '" Press Association. Wellington, Yesterday. Nominations for the vacancy m Parliamentary representation close on Thursday next, and the po)l will be taken on the following Thursday, April 6th. SPORTING. Chrlstchupch Scratch .., Per Press Association. ings. OnRISTCmracH. Yesterday. St&rflhoot Wag scratched for theEaster and Autumn Handicaps at 11.45 thi» morning. A Brisbane Outrage. POLO. Man Seriously Wounded. His Assailant Arrested. Press Association—Copyright. Received March 25, 1.20 a.m. Brisbane, Last Night. A man named Munday was stuck up on the Toowong road and shot, the bullet passing through his arm into the abdomen; The robber, hearing assistance com ing decamped. Subsequently an old mad named Wharton was arrested. The arresting constable felled him as he wbb drawing a loaded revolver. Munday is in the hospital in a serious condition. He has identified Wharton as his assailant. . GROWTH OF IMMORALITY. Startling Statements. Manawatu Wins The Gup. Defeats Rangitikel. A Dashing Game, One Goal Margin Press Association. Whllingtok, Last Night, The New Zealand Polo Association was favoured with delightful weatb/«r to-day for the final game of the toom*. ment. Manawatu A team met Be/jri. tikei in the final for the SavilleCup,, and a great exhibition ofpolo was witnessed. Probably no finer game has been »fl en in the colony. The fortunes of eacfa went up and down alternately team as the* various spells proceeded, but as the end drew near it was apparent the Manawatu players had their o'that .pponenta beaten. The margin, however, was only one goal. * Undoubtedly the more da shine c team won. At the end of the third ap^ll, the score was two goals each, P, alrj mple having soored twice for Eang^tkei, andAbraham and A. Strang for /.lanawatu: In the next spell Dairying got two goals for Rangnikei and B. Wilson one, A. Strut also soonng for'Manawatu. In the next two spells th Pi difference was wiped'off by J. and W. Strang, and the score at tbe end of tb c fifth round was five each, with ten mi'autes to play. In the final, Manawatu made i attack, and J. Strang carried Jgorous the ball through and made an opening for Abraham, who scored, thus giving iLaWata th.c advantage of a goal. ' Press Association—Copyright. Received March 25,1.18 a.m. Sydney, Last Night. Clerk Wanted. A deputation from the Public Morals Association asked the the Chief Secre- tary to introduce legislation checking street immorality and suppressing houses of ill-fame. Startling statements were made ot the growth of immorality and the increase in houses of ill-fame. It was alleged that two thousand fallen women were plying in the streets of the cily and many young girls were in the houses. The deputation asked thai the owners be made responsible for the characterof their houses. The Hon. James Hogue promised that the Cabinet would give consideration to the subject which was of the most Abraham immediately followed this difficult nature to deal with. Perhaps up b.Ty driving another goal. Manawatu the evil would reappear in a worse now led by a couple of goals. This was form. reduced by one when JR. Wilson placed » goal to Eangitikei's credit. EVIDENCES OF SHIPWRECK There were now only three minutes ball Association, (soccer) there was some severe criticism of the New Zealand Associationin its treatment of the local centre and its management of the English team's visit, upon which there was a deficiency. The expenses of the team in Wellington for three days were £113, while in Auckland for nine days the to go. Manawatu had much the beat expenses only reached £68. It was of the play during this time and twice Dlsooveny On An Island agreed to ask for a complete statement missed scoring, and the game then of accounts. The meeting was to have ended in favor of Manawatu by one A Hut considered the proposal to sever its conDeserted goal—Manawatu 7 goals, Rangitikei 8 nection with the New Zealand Associagoals. A Seaman's Request. tion, and form, with Taranaki, a sepaIn the final for the Handicap Oup. rate association, but consideration was Wellington A beat Manawatu by 15 Press Association—Copyright. deferredin view of the visit of an Enggoals to 12 goals: Received March 25, 1.35 a.m. lish team, and to obviate any difficulty Sydney, Yesterday. of a match being played in Auckland. The schooner Enterprise from Long Rudge-Whitworth cycles, 1905 models, Island reports that she discovered the £18 18s; at Clarkson's.* beaches strewn with large quantities of Additions To N.Z, Reps. A business man of Woodville has one price Oregon timber. There was evidence of at Payne's.* pointed out to the Pahiatua Herald a wreokof recent date of a large lumber Whfskar Of Manawatu that, according to a recent report from ship, or possibly deck cargo had been Included Addington stock sales, the price of PERSONAL. washed overboard. There were no prime bacon pigs was 4£d to 4sd per lb, marks on the timber that would lead to The Miss Jacobsen, M.A., of Wanganui, identification. Inter-Island Matoh. whilst the North Island Bacon Company is ODiy giving 3£d. After taking has been appointed assistant mistress of The Enterprise also discovered an the into uonsideration the fact that there is Auckland Grammar Press1 Association. abandoned hut on the, island wherein Wellington, Last Nirfrt. Mr Rowley, proprietorSchool. a alight difference in the price of sheep of the wax- was stacked a quantity of timber and At a meeting of the New Zealand between the north and south, owing to works, had a paralytic seizure at Auck- glass. There were no signs of recent the fact that the quality of sheep from land on Thursday, and died yesterday habitation. Amongst some papers found .Kugny Union's committee to-night three the latter are superior for freezing, the morning. He bad previously appar- in the hut was a note dated November, more men were provisionally electedfor colony's team to visit England. paper says : —The difference in quality ently enjoyed good heelth. 1896, signed by the mate of the ketch the They are McKenzie of Auckland, Mr Michael Britt, one of the oldest Siskin, which does not apply to pigs, and it would be was wrecked on the son Thomof Wanganui, and Whisker interesting to know how the Woodville and best known road contractor on the island, stating he and five Kanakas of of aix more men have vet Company accounts for the large loss it Wellington provincial district, died yes- the crew were then leaving for Cook- Manawatu. to be selected. terday is directly responsible for to the farmers morning at his home at Tawa- town, and asking anyone not in need of It was decided not to in the sale of the latter's pigs. There taia, Forty Mile Bush district, at the stores there, te leave as the owner terms offered by the New accept the* is a royalty to be paid to the patentees age of 74. The deceased claimed to expected to come backthem Bouth Wale* and take Union fora visit to Sydnew of the of the " MorePork cure " amounting to have constructed moat of the roads in The only lining creatures seenthem. on the Zealand team on its way to England.New about 3s per pig, but the difference in tne Wairarapa. island were half a dozen goats and a The North v. South Island the price between north and south is oat. matcl* will be played at Wellington from 10s to 15s per head. on WM. PABK'S BOOK, STATIONERY 3rd, to give the selectors of the The sequel to the discovery of the AND FANCY GOODS WABEEngland a final opportunity NEWS child last Saturday night in a parcel on v*"">*»J HOUSE. to adjust their selection the doorstep of the King's Chambers, Amalgamation Cf Companies Very large and well assorted stock of Wellington, was its christening and appearance before the Magistrate yesterday latest books by very best authors, preBoating Accident morning (says the Post). Sub Inspector sentation books, annuals, diaries, best O'Donovan stated that its mother had books on gardening, poultry, etc., all Press Association, Auckland V. Hawke's Bay. not yet been found,and the police there- books and requisites as used in Bohools, Dunbdin, Yesterday. fore desired to have it committed to a books and post cards containing best Arrangements have been made for Press Association, receiving home. He explained that the views of Palmerston, new leather goods, the amalgamation of the New Zealand , L A,UCKIIAND' Laa* Night. police, besides trying to find the mother purses, pocket books, letter cases, chata- RefrigeratingCo., with which the Christwu match The between Auckland an* of the child, had gone to some trouble laine and chain bags, writing caseSj etc., church Meat Co. subject to the con- Hawke's Bay cricket teams in finding for it a name. Inspector cricket, croquet, and tennis material; firmation of the agreement by sharecommence* y land ba"edfirst and m»^ Ellison had suggested that it be called new, natty, and oheap artioles in electro- holders. The Dunedin Co. which was 248 a and_wl>en were draww Chambers King, and the Sub-Inspector plate for presentation; all bright new the first of its kind in the colony ' l Bay had stumps has Hawke's lost seven wickets thought it a good one. The Police goods and extra good value. works at Burnside and Oamaru, »A .Brooke and Smith played chanceMatron,however, had entered her proThe directors of the Duncdin and less innings for Auckland for 112 test against the name, and considered it not We have an established reputation Kaikorai Tramway Co. recommend a out* should be called John Storm. Dt A. for millinery and mantles which we are payment of a dividend of six pet cent McArthur, S.M.,who was amused at the careful Two young men, Jas. Molvor The goods just situation, asked if the oonstable who opened to maintain, out in these departments for Wm. McCallam,about 18 years of ace found the infant wished it named after and winter wear goes to prove left Ravensbourne in a boat yesterday him. The constable, however, was not autumn In the gixth round of the Handicap that our Home buyers know their busi- to go down the harbor on a shootinc m Court, and his consent could not be expedition. They did not return to-day Singles, J. Smith (7) was defeatedness and scored have one more success obtained. The Clerk stated that such for us. Visitors Beareh was made when the Whiteford (5) by 21 to 20. to our mantle and and an action might at some future datelead was found near Port Chalmers boat millinery room are charmed with the the to proceedings being taken against the style, variety, and value. To secure Clarkson's Bike haVhig eVideDtly oonstable for maintenance of the child. first choice of these latest importations After some good-natured Hammond, M.D., Specialist the J. D. banter mfant waß committed to the Welling- early selection is desirable. CM. Bobs Cheap but efteotive. Makawatu Throat and Lungs. Chicago, 111 ■_!« f and direct importers Co., of fashionable ton Eeceiving Home and saddled with and family drapery, the Bon Marohe.— Datm Tims wanted.. Sixteen wordf am glad io recommend the bioy'cie iJ the name Chambers King. its an has been of great benefit Advt. ■lipwiw. Half-crown a week bealth and to many ofmy patients.'*' * ' FOOTBALL. JunJ DUNEDIN l^.iov CRICKET. # *n/Ut and' fo? BOWLING. b£ * SXtd?" Par. toinl- THE MANAWATU DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH &5, 1905. THE SCARCITY OF TEACHERS. ALLEGED CRIMINAL HAUNT (To the Editor.) Sib,—In reading your strictures in yesterday's issue 'on the Wanganui Education Board, I was struck with their great soundness—with their greater truth. It would perhaps be interesting to know what happened to that unhappy bunch of pupil teachers from Campbell street school, whose promo tion (?) caused such an unwarrantable change in the staff. Well, Sir, they were sent at the ripe and inexperienced age of seventeen or eighteen, by the generosity of the board, to take charge of schools in the far away backblooks. One was sent, willing or unwilling, to a plaoe near Euapehu, and finding that the prospect of teaching at a school where the Maoris held predominance over the whites was uot sufficiently inviting to warrant his foregoing all studies, etc., he asked to be allowed to remain a pupil teacher until his term of pupil teachership had expired. His request was ignored, and there being no remedy he sent in his resignation, which was accepted much to his delight. Parents having children who desire to become teaohera have to assist them with board and clothes, and do so in the hope that they are gathering knowledge and experience in lieu of a respectable salary; but before their term has expired they are disposed of as above stated. Is it any wonder that teachers are scarce '? Will it not be a greater wonder if they are not yet scarcer ? The Wanganui Board seems to manipulate the reins of (mis)management which our system affords to a remark able degree. However, in passing judgment pro bono publico, let us not forget that they have some handicaps to start with, being, like Shakespeare's heroes, all honorable men."—! am, etc., A Posteriori. : " RECENT STABBING AFFRAY. Was He Justified P Fop Trial (Before Messrs F. Aisher and J. Gemmell, J.'sP.) The circumstances' surrounding the recent sensational occutrence, details of which appeared in the Daily Times yesterday, was ventilated at the Police Court yesterday] Frederick Hopper, otherwise known bb Hoffer, plumber, of Palmerston, was charged with wounding Leonard Morrison and oausing him actual bodily harm on the 14th March. Accused was a middle-aged man of average stature and his appearance suggested he belonged to a' steady class of artisans. Ella Hopper, aged 13 and daughter of the accused, stated she lived with her mother in Eoy street. One day last week, in theafternoon, her father, from whom they were living apart, asked her logo away with him. Sometime, three or four days, afterwards he came to the fence outside Morrison's place and again aßked her to go away with him. She ran inside and told her mother, who : spare the time involved : tlementsand South Airioa ; also Continent - ; - . * " GOUT GOES GLADLY. The German newspaper National Zeitung reports that the natives in the Eheumo and goat can'tbe in thesystem together. When Bheumo goes in Southern German Cameroons Whole the gout goes out. Mr F. D. Pelling, of have risen ,'ji revolt. this. Writing "With a-vit^wof inducing immigration, Eketahuna, has provedKindly send me the Queensland Government will intro- on Ist July he says:—" mixture, duce a much »\uore extensive scheme for another bottle of your Eheumogout since advertising the land and resources of as I have had no trouble with I have kept it in the house. It gives Queensland. The New Ob«na mine at Bendigo me immediate relief by taking one dose. them. you are respectfully requested to avail yourself < in WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALITY. AMERICAN UrtAND. Telephones 176 and 315. The latest production—something new, something that other shops have not got—American brand ready to wear tailor-made suits. The only "make of suit that has proved a success. Made to fit any stamp of man. Half the price ordinary tailor made.—De Luen Bros., Sole Agents.—Advt. The dress department at the Bon Marche is now replete with all the leading novelties of the autumn and winter seasons in profuse variety. Early selection and placement of orders is recommended, so as to avoid disappointment, as both our dressmaking ordetbooks are rapidly filling up.—C. M. Ross and Co.*,Drapery Importers.— Advt. "The Queen,"a kid glove of exceptional value, 2s lid pair at G. and O,'s. The Ironclad" boys stockings, "specially imported for hard wear. Sizes 4 to 8. Price Is 9d to 2s 6d at Oollinson and Ounninghame's, Broad street, The Bquare.* The visit of the Australian cricketers is attracting great interest, and the results will be eagerly looked for. Eesults of experience with the celebrated Massey-Hams bicycle go a long way towards proving them to be equal to anything on the market for lightness, running, and durability.—O. Piokering, BICYCLE ACCESSORIES SPECIALIST. G.H,BYCROFT«t€# PALMERSTON NORTH. ■ — WM. PARK IN ALL (Registered.) . 21- Peb Pound All Claims Settled on the Spot. Watohmakor, Jeweller And Optician. ARCADIA Bear this in mind and gat TIP TOP TEAS. —— GRAHAM & GORRIE, Invited. (Late Murray.) Electrical Engineers and Contractors. Palmerston North. "CiLEOTRIO Bell, Telephone, Light. ■" ing, and Power installations. All Electrical accessories supplied. WE WANT YOUR CUSTOM, ana are prepared to cater for it. We do not trade at a loss, but sell our goods at the lowest prices possible consistent with a good article. OUR MOTTO : Honesty and Fair Dealing." " We solicit your patronage and promise you our' undivided attention. OUR A. E. CLAUSEN, A special lino of Southern Cross Biscuit Go's TEA BISCUITS LEMON CREAMS MEAL WAFERS ARE GOOD. Come and look at our Enamel & Hardware Goods Which is something out of the common. A splendid assortment of ELECTROPLATE CUBA STREET. 1000 on my 6d table. These tables are marvels. These are remaks made by pleased customers. you have not seen my Large Stock and my Cheap Prices, it will greatly be to your interest to do bo at once, about 25 per cent is the saving you will make. You are all welcome. No one pressed to buy. IF THE thb ( NEW up-to-date. If your eyesight isfailing you, Remember I have a complete stook of optical goods. WELLINGTON, Address— Is now fuUy re-established in all Deparfcmentis in the Tempor- THE LUOKY WEDDING RING SHOP ary Warehouse. Clarendon Buildings, The Square. A.MERRIMAN, Each Department has received a fall complement STOCK NEW STOCK at thh *"" DVI U, # Wbllikgton. MONET TO LEND IN BUMS OF enabliQg *he Company to resume business in £100 to £10,000 all its details as before tne late fire, with the On Country, City, and advantage that every» new, and Suburban Freeholds freshly imported for the present season. AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW RATES Or INTEREST. Jtt^S Materials. which Just one more proof that Eheumo conworld. quers chronic rheumatism. Chemists Inquiries at the Sydney Shipping and SPOETING NOTICE' stores, 2s 6d and 4s 6d per bottle. Exchange, when the Induna message information rewas posted, elicited that Now is the season that the public are J. McKBNZIE garding the name of the informant could eubjeot: "Is competition unchristian ?" not be divulged, but it waß received travelling. Inorder to travel in comfort Sunday school at 2.30. from a very reliable source. It is now you require a good travelling box. J. R. Hairdresser and Tobacconist. proved to havebeen a hoax. The Burns, Graham (late Groves'), of the Cash ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Turf Commission Agent, Philp Company intend to demand an Storeß, has just landed from WolverCHURCH. PalmersionN hampton three cases of trunks ranging The Square ■exhaustive inquiry into the matter. from 10s 6d to 22s 6d. The usual price /110-MORROW—II a.m. and 7 p.m. for these lines are from 15s to 38s, bat X Preacher, Rev Isaao Jolly, M.A. Young men and women1 b Bible class 2.30. Advertisers score when they hit tne we save you the middleman's profit, BUSINESS that is not worth artyerCome these andinspeot and Sixpenny many tieing running. other is no worth Sabbath School 2.30 p.m. btJll'i-eya wttb ft Timh hundred lines.—Advt. Kairanga 7.30 p.m., Mr Billens %»atod> SERVICES J ft IS" IN OUR MANTLE AND MILLINERY ROOM. _ IP"* BEST COAL 8 DRESS SUITS, FROCK SUITS, DINNER COATS, o ° ==s=l jHfc, LOWEST j^ PRICES. Writt to us if you want to know any* thing about coal.. "He who would aohieve success should endeavour to merit it." -.■■■; as is customary with them, *m well prepared for the present season with the Fashionable "Weaves of the- day. Inspection Horseshoer and General Blacksmith, SAM. BROWN, DO IT to inform the resident of WISHES Stoney Creek and sorroaadiaß districts thathe has taken over the StonW Greek Shoeing Forge, and that their Requirements in every department of UMk> gmith'sworkwill receive hia btst atteailia. WELLINGTON. .. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALti. T. T. Kerslake, " "TAILOR... pvESIRES to intimate to hu 6H *-* customers and the public gepac* ally, that he has re-commenced btudnen in Palmerston. His new stock of TWEEDS aaS SUITINGS is now available for Mfo. tion in the premises recently ootnpied by the late Mr Attwood,next Oolw* Music Warehouse and opposite Oom« ; mercial Hotel. . We Dont Worry Neither Do Oar Customer!. - THEY ABE SATISFIED WITH OUR PKICES. Girls Shoes,patent fronts 3/g Ladies. Glace 2-bar Shoes 3/0 Ladies Glace Lace Shoes $fo Ladies Tan Bar Shoes 3/5 Ladies Glace Shoes, patent caps, Louis heel 5/g Gents Black Gol. Balmorals 7/5 Gents Black Butt Boots 9/$ Gents Tan Gol. Balmorals $/6 Gents Box Calf Balmorals H/$ I OAK SUPPLYALL THE... BEST GROCERIES PAYNE'S ..AT THE.. LOWEST RATES. have durng the past year spared A Fall Stock Always on Hand. no expense in endeavouring to Pipe and Tobacco Store. Poli- You get Best Value & Prompt Attention, make onr beer second to none in New Zealand, and can now confidently assert we can tioal pipes for the coming election be filled at your direction. The STEVENS, have suoceeded in doing bo. lowest price for beat quality, consistent Grocer, Fitzberbevt-atreet civility and attention. with We invite all who enjo I WE . H. GOODIN, now! -- OCCIDENTAL -'HAIRDRESSING SALOON. ■ &c, &c. i ■-.-; In NEW ZEALAND^ solicited from visitors to Willington. STEVENS' STORE The Gash Draper. Tailor., Are Admittedly the Best Makers 0f... STONE'S C. SMITH, " 61a LAMBTON QUAT, | '■ W.THBPARK, BQUABE. NOW ON VIEW than £25 can be made at any time on three months' notice. ' THE By Royal Letters Patented " through- i Have you tried the " Sphinx " Cigars. A GOOD GLASS OF BEER Sole Agent for They are good, 5 for Is. GILBBRTSON, XO ASKFOB Palmenton Northand Feilding disto-morrow willbe conducted will give instruction in this phenat li.o and 7.0 by the Rev Sidney tricts, Have you tried Soalpolean" for omenally successful system, which is so Bakar. " Is per bottleat dandruff,a certain cure. simple, a child of twelve can easily master Evening, monthly lecture to young men ; it. Foi those to make a CONGBEGATIONAL CfIOROH, Broad street. i China and Classware. Millinery Government Insurance - M aterial. French & English To Resident Seoretary, Australian Widows' Fund, Wellington. Deab Sib,— New Season's Fashion Book is now Cheque for £50 has been reoeived through your Palmerston North agents. NEW GAPES, ready for mailing. APPLY TO ANY AGENCY OF THE The Society has my heartiest thanks for the prompt manner in which my olaim for NEW partial disablement, due to the amputation Department. of my leg owing to accident, has been met. Manager. A. A. GOBRIGAN, Iwish the Widows' Fund every success, J. H. Richardson. and shall lose no opportunity of making Government Insurance GounmlssJoner. known the value of your combined Life, Aooident, and Sickness Polioy. reputation for Showroom Tours faithfully, Abihub 8. Bbowh. Fitzherbert-st, PalmerstonN., Goods is a very high one. TO BE PUBLISHED IN AUGUST, February 3rd, 1905. 1905. The Millinery, Jackets, eto. TJB who owns a Columbia Cycle and Late of Dunedin) JJL uses it owns a trusty friend who just opened are of a class MAIM STREET EAST, PALMERSTON will drive away his blues, bring him new Wellington, Hawke's Bay pleasures, NORTH, enhance the joy of living, and that will enable us to retain oonfer on him the proverbial " Bound mind and Taranaki to inform tho residents of Palbody":— !aa sound merston that he has commenced this high reputation for Commercial, Munloipal and General business as a BAKER & PASTRYCOOK in the premises reoently ocoupied by Mr J, F. Heaton, and trusts by striot attention to AND NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL, business and the production of a first-olass article, to receive a share of public Fifteenth Year of Publication, patronage AUGUST, 1905. | Edited by John Stoni. And call and nspeot the COLUMBIA CHAINLESS TWO-SPEED, world-wide Bvo.size, containing 1200pages, famous, together with numerous maps, corrected to date, the whole handsomely Yerex, Barker &Finlav, bound in cloth, gilt lettered. Pbopbiktor: GUS MoARTNEY, (Limited.) Price : Ifordered before publication 10/6, (Latesteward of Gentlemen's Club, Nelson) afterpublication, 12/6. THE SQUARE, PALMERSTON N. T>EGB to notify that his premises have A. W. Wols, SON <fe CO., Ltd., JD been thoroughly renovated and PrintersSTONE, Manager, Publishers, and Crawford and brought right up-to-date. He will be Jetty-streets, Dunedin ; and at Greypleased to meet new patrons as well as old Wellington. street, ones. Catering equal to and not ezoelled by London: H. J. King-Potter and Co., 56 Ludgata Hill, E.G. anything in the colony. FmHERBERT STREET. Freeh oysterß a speciality. (Corner of Ferguson-street.) 218. Telephone and sermon. ST. PETER'S—II a.m., 2.30 p.m., and 7 p.m. JUST OPENED. Aehhurst—B a,m. Holy Communion, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. H. JACKSON, Bunnythorpe—ll a.m. and 7 p.m. (Late of Grove's) Linton—ll a.m. Holy Communion. . CUBA STREET. GROCER, Komako—ll a.m. Note—No connection with any other Awahou—2.3o p.m. business firm in town. Kairanga—2.3o p.m THE LANGKR SOHOOL or C. COLERIDGE HARPER, Vicar. DRESBCUTTING & DRESSMAKING Croquet, Cricket and QanSt TAILOR-MADE PALETOTS Repayments of not less Samples New Dress Style, Variety, & Value. The Silver Grid. DEMY, THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT. 9 AND > Leather Goods.' Ware, Clooks, etc., etc. FOR STERLING VALUE I CANNOT BE BEATEN. Bring your watch repairs to an expert. I have all the larest machinery for watch repairing, and a competent staff of workmen. My jewellery workshop is right DIRECTORY CHUBCHEST" SAINTS—B a.m. Holy Communion, 11a.m.Matinsand sermon, ALL 3.45 p.m; Holy Baptism, 7 p.m. Evensong The Lucky Wedding BEGS PARISH OF PALMERSTON WITH POHANGINA. Electroplate. LADIES JACKETS INVERNESS CAPES In Charming Seleotlon A. Russell, 1500 Articles to choose from on my Is table. ...1N... Manufacturing Jeweller, Engraver & Optician. D.I.C. UNDERWEAR, ETC. Crockery and Glassware Merchant, descriptions. Pretty hand-painted Optlift ware. E, B. DAVIS & CO., NEW JACKETS, Our Latest Importations. HAVE a splendid stock of Gold and C. M. ROSS & CO. I Silver Watches, Chains, Rings, Brooches, Greenstone Goods, Electroplate DIRECT IMFOBTEBB. Write for Colonial Buildings Cuba Street, -■ New Annuals Fancy Goods and Toys of rfl THE SQUARE f\ JJ JL»V/« Millinery, square. Prize and Presentation Books It is the law of good economy ip to make the best of everything." T\ T New Season's the i The Bon Marcke Merriman, A. Watchmaker, at We are now showing clarendon"~buildings, DEPABTJfBNffc ...THE.. FURNESS SHOE STORE, NEW STOCK NEW GOODS. BRASS AND ENAMEL PRESERVING PANS All sizes at lowest prices. Ring Shop. THE... Estimate! Given. Ail Woek Guabanthbd. At 1/10 and 2/TOPS THE MARKET. TRY IT. HAS WE shall make this week memorable for all customers. The shoe bargains will enable liberal savings to be made on necessary purchases. Anglo-English Enamelware. The Fnrness Shoe Store is everat Valuegiving, and this Sale sees the values more pronounced than ever. For in- BIG STOCK OP MASON JAM JARS stance:— 4/-, 5/-, 7/- doz. - J. B. GERRAND. IRONMONGER. THE SQUARE just opened up a large shipment of SMART CASHMEKE SLIPPERS for Wellington. Heads of Families LISTEN ! Brand of Tea The Furness Shoe Store. Women, elastic fronts, with bows. All Work Placed in my Hands Worth 4/9. Now 3/6. will Retire Skilful AtAMERICAN GLACE KID AFTERtention. NOON SHOES,low heels, with bow, pump soles. Regular ribbon price 8/6. Sale price 6/11. General Manager, Correspondence 4^i Diaries for 1905. J. B. WILTON, AT WOMEN'S ONE-BAB CHROME SHOEB, strong, durable, and shaped Now Provided, for comfort. Regular price 6/6. Sale price 4/11. O. M. MONTEFIORE, With Coupons.- PURE CONFECTIONERY WORKS (Next Timbs Office.) ANOTHER LIVELY WEEK John B. Gerrand £1,130,516 RAVENHILL & CO., District Agents. T. W. LOVEJOY, -" EEPAIBfI New Yean Shipments £1,126,200 Business transacted by the Corporation : Accident and Sickness Insurance (combined world-wide), Plate Glass Insurance, Employers' Liability, Workers' Compensation, Public Risk Indemnity, Mortgagee Indemnity, Fidelity Guarantee. & IS SHOWING JE1,837,217 £1,387,985 ... Income, 1903 i ARAB BICYCLES SOVEREIGN BICYCLES Palmerston North, Saturday, March 25, 1905. OCEAN Accident & Guarantee Corporation, Ltd. Turner & Turner's TIP TOP TEAS A SS on, D.8.0.A., LONDON (By Exam.) the Gross Assets Invested Funds ?. And clients can depend on prompt afc|n£ tion and satisfaction. Call rod our stock of shooting irons at Onctv«" BEPAIBS to all weapons underitiut and executed without delay,bat to this early as the season ta ftMftn SAMUEL BARRY, EYESIGHT ' MANUFACTTHMHG BUSINESS, I am, Dear Sir or Madam, Yours Respectfully, TF not communicate at once with Tip Top Teas, gout or rheumatics." FIBE-ABMS & AMMUNITItH in connection with their well-know* case at a moderate cost. Are You Insured? Are YourEmployees Insured ? Reserves " HAVE are needed, I am prepared to make them to exactly suit your particular Travelling Agent. Triumph AND CO.. Main Street West, Palnwrtan K"^ determined to do batfMW in all upon receiving the very best advice without charge, and, where glasses Accidents. agent.—Advt. *S- G. H. lyorofl exhaustive tests—and for doing it properly; you can, therefore, rely i ■*■ - - SMILES I have all the necessary appliances for conducting the most Waldegrave'a Buildings. Meals at all hours. Afternoon tea a speciality. ~^ NOW WE SEE of the opportunity thuo offered of an absolutely free consultation. SIGHT TESTIN6 day, 28th March, at 2.30 p.m. The next mail for United Kingdom and Europe via Vancouver, will close at Feilding office on Tuesday, the 18st day of April (due London 24th May), at 11.45 a.m., for specially addressed correspond ence only. Graham* The Square, PalmerstoD H. Many other delicacies tbtMA will not allow us to quote. 6th, AT ROOMS ABOVE MR W. PARK'S STATIONERY DEPOT, and should your eyes stand in need of professionial aid or attention IN AT THE J. E. MY STAY WILL EXTEND FROM MARCH 27th TO APRIL For United States of America, Canada, (17 years with Littlejohn and Son, Japan, West Indies, Central America, West Coast of South America, United Wellington). Kingdom and Continent of Europe, via San Francisco (due London, April 29th), NEW PREMISES WALDEGRAVE'S also Samoa and Hawaiian Islands on BUILDING. Thursday, 30th March, at 11 a.m. Money orders on Wednesday, 29th inst., at 2.30 p.m. addition to my present Boom, The next mail for the United Kingdom next Law I have Special Facilities for and Europe, via San Francisco, will close now opened my Chambers, at the Feilding office, Thursday, the 30th day of March (due London, 29th April) at NEW PALATIAL ROOM 11.45 a.m. Money orders close on Tues- to Etc., Etc. A visit respectfully solicit**. tions, and receiving orders for spectacles from such as may require Luncheon Rooms. at 6.15 a.m. can with confidence recommend ■track gold-bearing quartz at a depth of IRheumo for either YOUNCSON'S London 6th May, and the Australian States (due Sydney 29th March) per Moeraki, on Saturday 25th March, (due 1/6 a journey to Auckland, I am making a visit Birkenshaw & Allen, MAIL £106,365. in to this town for the purpose of conducting Eyesight Tests and Examina- YOUR EYE : , the deepest in the In response to numerous requests from patients who are unable to C. W. Wycherley and Son, PALMER- other. The latter was underneath and £72,070. Thus it will be seen that, was being strangled by her father. Wit- during the period cited, each year has ness saw the blade of the knife in his shown a steady advance in values, as was hand be digging it into Morrithe three years together disclose a - son's head. Tho accused dropped the while total investment to the value of picking by and a flatiron the up knife, £237,551. door, hammered Morrison on the Another pleasing feature is that the shoulder. He then ran away down the class of dwelling now being toad. Morrison, whose head was all erected is very much house superior to that of pouring with blood, went into the bed- a few years back. Whereas three or room and got bis pistol. four years ago the average value per Cross-examined, witness stated she, house (calculated over a period v of aged 10, her brother and her mother twelve months) was between £150 and had been living at Morrison's place £200, it is now as much as £313. Some apartfrom accused, for about three or of the residences erected in the paert year lour months. Morrison's mother was also are particularly fine edifices, costing an invalid. She and witness occupied their owners such amounts as £850, one room, Len Morrison anotber, and £900, and £1000. jher mother and brother the third bedIt is a well known fact, however, jrooin. Witness stated that when the notwithstanding the ,large numberthat of father appeared she ran into the bed- dwelling-houses that have been erected, room where her brother was, and then the demand for residences to rent still went out into the yard and told fat exceeds the supply. This fact our Morrison. The accused stabled Mor- representative was able to learn while ruon a good many times—about seven m conversation with one or two of the or eight. When the latter came out of principal land agents of the town. At the bedroom, he had a revolver, and one establishment he was told that fan out into the street and fired a shot during the past week eight and nine "s the accused was running down the differentenquiries a day had been mad", road Witness said he did not fire at the houses required varying in size from her father, she only know that because four to eight rooms. The average of Morrison toid her :.o afterwards. Wit- enquiries, however, was usually from '"- ness saw the shot, fiVed, but did not see three to four per day. Dwellings suitwhere the bullet went to. able for working men were greatest in Alexander Paterson, medical prac- demand, though these were difficult to titiouer, of Patmerston North, stated obtain, owing chiefly to the high rents he attended Morrison on the 14th inst. asked. An ordinary 6-roomed house in the afternoon. Witness found him brought from 183 to 20s perweek, which lying in. bed with his face and head was about the average race ruling over covered with blood. He had several a radius of say minutes' punctured wounds on the head, and was walk of the Square,tenthough in about and bruised the nose face,/also on street as muoh as 25s 6d was the left shoulder. There were five or Broad being asked for a five-roomed residence. til wounds on the head, some of them For eight or nine rooms in any of being rather large. Two had to be the Borough 30a would have bepart paid. ctitched. Some of the wounds went Very few, if any, such places,to however, down to the bone. Witness did not were available. The working man, who consider they were dangerous. They could not afford to pay more than 10s tnight have been caused by some sharp per week for rent, felt the pinch the instrument such as a knife or chisel. most, for there was hardly a house in Leonard-Morrison, cook, was called. the Borough to be obtained that rent. Witness, who was very short in stature It; would pay a syndicate at of a somewhat ''horsey" appearance, the agent declared, to erecthandsomely, a hundred did not show any signs of the alleged end-on cottages and to let them Stabbing beyond a slight mark on the moderate rent. It would also beatana nose. Witness stated he was coming in act of charity. at the scullery door, when he saw acAnother land agent was emphatic that ■coaedchasing his wife and girl through the: demand for houses to rent was He had a knife 4be house. in his hand undeniably greater now than ever in the and was in. the act of striking his wife, past, and the rates ruling were also grabbed witness when him. Morrison higher than at any time in the history failed to get possessionof theknife in the. of the town. Six and seven-roomed straggle, which lasted about 10 minutes, cottages, he would say, could easily Accused's wife was standing by and cried command a rent of 22s a .vjrat "Don't kill him or you will kill spite of the number of 6d week. In seekers for bouseß .jMs, mother; The accused replied, " I to rent, however, the enquiries for prowill do for you next." Hopper had the perties for sale were just as keen and as best of the struggle on the floor and was numerous' a* ever, and he saw no ton top. Witness held the accused by present indication of a diminution in tho the forearm but in spite of this he future. These views seemedto fully coinmanaged to use the knife and stabbed cide with those of other land agents who him several times in the head. Accused were approached on the matter. v^sn vakied up a flatiron that was used ho 'iv'■"'■"■ ''as kitchen door open and as THE MARKETS. -.;; -^ vr.-ggled to regain bis feet ac.c.".,.".. '"-.-. him on the shoulder with a English Quotes. t" i.<n. He then ran off whilst witoiios went into his bedroom and securPer Press Association—Copyright. ing his revolver came out on to the London, Yesterday. "treet. The acensad was some five or «he chains away by this time. Witness The wool sales closed firm, prices ,xaised his weapon and fired. The Bhot being the highest of the series, The Otekaikei clip realised 10 5-Bd. Was purposely aimed wide. Owing to the small supplies salesmen Cross examined witness admitted told somebody he had anticipate an excellent market for the hg had fired, at Hopper. He also admitted Australian apples during the first half of that there were improper relations the season, but the early spring may Hopper's affeci later shipments. between himself And Wheat—An Australian oargo sold at wife. He could not say whether accused was ayareat it. Witness said he 33a. Eleven thousand quarters, loading had only kept the revolver as a toy and 325. had it less tha.n twelve months. He The American visible wheat supply is denied purchasing jt at the- time Mrs estimated at 40,090,000 bushels. Hopper came to live vith him. He also Sale Of Bikes. denied any knowledge t£at the accused bad come to the house in order to get Speoial is called to the possession of the child, and that in con- auctioa saleattention of bicycles which Messrß "sequence of Mrs Hopper's and witness' Harry Palmer and Co. are holding at 3 interferaoce, the latter got more than he bargained for. Witness also denied that p.m. to-day at their mart, on behalf of Every bicycle is the girl came out into the yard and told Mr J. B. Clarkson. guaranteed in first-class order, and the him accused was in the house.: The Bench, after hearing counsels highest bidder will be the purchaser. address, committed the accused for trial Ahead Of The Time. the next sittings of the Supreme Court "'»* in Palmerston. Hopper, who reserved Messrs Turner and Turner, the up-to■his defence, was admitted to bail. Mr Cooper, at the conclusion of the date proprietors of the well-known Tip proceedings, said he had been instructed Top Teas, now occupy premises adjoini>y the accused to have Morrison bound ing the Times. They evidently recog0-ver to keep the peace, and asked that nise that to be well up to-date they ih police should take charge of the must be "up with the Times." Lorna : rev olyer, pending the trial. The police Boon and their other popular teas may '"'■' ieoe ded te the request. now be .had with coupons at the pretty Arcadia Confectionery Shop. is Will be found the undernoteiK£fgi specially imported for this BSSSOBi Newfoundland Cod Fish. Scotch Ling McConaehie's Fresh Herrings, per dozen.' Kippered Herrings, 9a 6d do^«B. Yallop'sFresh Herrings, 5a 6d do3fe Salmon and Shrimp Paste, 94. Scotch Salt Herrings, 2s doz«m Scotch smoked ditto, Is 63. Sardines in pickles, lOd per ti». DEAR SIR OR MADAM, : saw her he jumped up and chaßed the into '-tie house. Her mother got into the of three years of similar advance, and Kitchen just as Morrison came in at the that the of progress in that margin back door. Witness saw her father period has gone on year by open his knife, and she ran to the front year. In 1902 the increasing number of new door. When she came back, he was houses and business places erected was holding Morrison by the throat with one 179; and in 1904,295. In 1902 the "hand and was stabbing him with the total outlay was £59,116, and in 1903 4162ft, GROVES CASH STORB6 HORSE COVERS AND RUGS Greater evidence of the soundness of of Europe arid United Kingdom viaßrindisi this prosperity lies in tha- fact the her aboveBolidstatistics are quotedatthat end for specially addressed correspondence only, ' AT LOOK ! went out to see him. When the accused YESTERDAY'S CABLES. -LENT 1905-* SALE I PROGRESS Accussd Before The Court Committed LAST FEW WEEKB OF JOHN J. GAUSTAD'S H. Palmer and Co. sell saddlery. of Watches, Clocks Jewellery, Charge Against Billiard Abraham and 'Williams' horse sale, Electro-plate and Optical Goods. Saloon Keeper. p.m. 1 All persons who have left articles to j H. Palmer and Go's sale e£ Clarkeon's be repaired are requested to call for Per Ptobs Association. bikes. April Ist. Wellington, Last Night. H. Calmer and Co's sale of jewellery. same before At the Magistrate's Court to-day Mounsey and Co's sale of Mr 0. Me- j Henry Peacock was charged with being Williams' property. the occupier of premises frequented by reputed thieves. Defendant kept a bilThe Gigantic, Candle ADVERTISING NOTES. liard saloon in Manners street for which In thewindow at he held a license. Members of the Mr E; Maxwell Oliver teaohes elocution CHISHOLM & CO. defcec.ive force gave evidence that the in all branches. This candle will be lighted on Friday room was a resort of all housebreakers Fisk Jubilee Singers at Zealandia Hall morning next at 8 o'clock. Can you and thieves in the city. Defendant had on Wednesday and ThnuJay. guesshow long it will burn ? Citizens asked to meet re send-off to Dr been warned of the character of his First prize, £2;second prize, 10/-; third Graham. prize, patrons, but the place grew worse instead 5/c^pen for inspection. Valuation Eolls Come and see the Candle, judge how long of better. For the defence, counsel conjj Grocer wants situation. burn, it will andyouranswevin to the Ehop tended that the knowledge that persons Tenders wanted for aaphalting at Indus- with your name and address attached. Come were reputed thieves must be proved on trial School, Levin. along und see it lighted at 8 o'clock. the part of the occupkv. The police Mr M. Cohen's committee meet on For the benefit of country patrons who contended that the fact of holding a Monday. cannot see the candle, we givethe following license threw upon the defendant the House and shop to let. Senn. dimensions : Height, 2ft.; thickness, l|in. Ycung lady for millinery. responsibility of taking reasonable preOpen to all. See our circulars. The caution to prevent criminals continually Motor cycle for sale. candle will be allowed to burn until it and Greyhounds pigeons carrier for sale. expires. We will note the time and the hanging about his room. The MagisTip Top Tens at Turner and Turner's. calculations which are nearest will receiTO trate said he would give his decision on Four acres wanted. the prizes. Monday. Meetink of Justices of thePeace. CHISHOLM & CO., Loan and Mercantile Co's Palmerston FISK JUBILEE SINGERS. sale. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, ]j:i'-"'-. of keys lost. (Next Hopwood's, The Bquare.) Furnished bedroom with use of kitchen The old established and popular to let. favourites,the Fisk Jubilee Singers, Election of member for Conciliation will give two of their delightful con- Board. certs in the Z?alandia Hall on WednesThe Manawato Daily Times for fid day and Thursday nights next. Since advertisements. last the company toured New Zealand they have boen augmented by new ALL SIZEB AND JBIXTOKJUb. artists, among whom is Mr Clarence BEST QUALITIES. Tiadall, a young coloured American March Monday, reading 27 : Hamlet at tenor, who is said to possess a voice of V.M.C.A. Clapham Horse Holders. exceptional beauty and purity. An en- Monday, March 27 : H. Palmer and Co's tire change of programme will be made ot MrFoster's furniture. sale on the second evening. One of the Monday, March 27: Tenders close addi- Racehorse Clothing, charms of the entertainments given by tions to Congregational Church. these vocalists is the whole souled Monpay, March 27 Mr M. Cohen's commanner in which all the singerß enter mittee meet re Mayoralty. into their work, Box plan at Park's. Monday, March 27 Meeting of citizen's re send off to Dr Graham. No extra charge made for booking. Tuesday, March 28: Tenders for metalling close, Kairanga County Council. Wednesday, March 29: Tenders close OF carting timberP.N. Sash and Door Co. STON. Wednesday and Thursday, March 29 and SADDLERS. ETC.. 30: Fisk Jubilee Singers at Zealandia Hall. THE SQUARE, PALMERSTON N. Some Building Values. Thursday, March 30: Tenders for drain clearing Aorangi close with Drainage In Twelve Months £106,365. Board at noon. Thursday, March 30: Tenders close for Demand Fop Houses. asphalting, Levin Industrial School. Thursday, March30 Loan and Mercantile Judging by the extent of building Co's Palmeiston sale. operations in the Borough daring the BIGHT HERE! April 5 : Annual and extralast three years, and the amount of Wednesday, ordinary meeting W. and M. Co. money invested therein, the progress of Wednesday and Thursday, April 5 and 6 : TT7ELL NOWI re Furniture; You Palmeraton is being maintained on a Manawatu races; YV want the best. very sound footing. Some figures which Thursday, April 6: Tenders close with We build furniture of every description, illustrate this fact in a remarkable Manawatu Drainage Board foradditions true to design and technically correct to the most minute detail. The finest selected degree were yesterday obtained from to bridges, .10 a.m. the Town Clerk's office by a representa- Friday, April 7 : Election of member for material only used and the beet skilled Conciliation Board. labour in New Zealand. No guess work, tive of the Times. These statistics show that during the period from March 31st, Friday, ApriLV: Justices of the Peacemeet- no boys, and no humbug. Monday, 10; heard April Objections to 1904, to the present date—a few days CHIPPENDALE FURNITURE valuations. shore of the twelve months—l77 dwel- Wednesday, A Speciality. 12 : Hawke's Bay April In Show Cases and Shop-fitting we have ling houses were erected in the Borough Autumn show. them and 68 shops, offices, etc. The 177 Wednesday, all beat! One trial will convince the April 19 : Abraham and Wil- greatest sceptic that we are the dwellings represented an outlay of liams sell Education reserves. £55,552, and the shops, offices,etc., Monday, April LEADING CABINETMAKERS AND Monster sports gather24: SHOP-FITTERS. £42,069. Besides these amounts there ing. was spent in additions to various places already erected £8,744. These figures NOTICES. added together snow that 240 new MAIN STEEET EAST. buildings were added to the town during the twelve months, and that the money asMails will close at Jfalmerston North under:— spent in their erection was no less a sum For Ceylon, India, China, Straits Setthan TO-DAY. Acme Shoe Store, The Square. out Australia and New Zealand. MISS intending business of dressmaking, this method of learning from classes is quite taking the place of the old system of being apprenticed to a firm. All ladies invited to call and inspect system. Classes held in room above Mr Malcolm's, the Square, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Hoars, 10 to 12 and 3to 4. Term! on application. Pupils can join at any time. Evening olasses on Monday and Wednesday, from 7 to 9, at Mrs Cramp's, Gampbell-rirtrt. ' _ STAPLES' BEST. ARCADIA. ARCADIA. On Draught at almost all Hotels in the City and surrounding diatriote, And confidently anticipate their verdiot will be that Staples and Co. have Buoeessfuily removed the reproach that good Beer could WORKS HAIRDRESSER & TOBACCONIST, (Next Timkb Office.) Sweets and Confectionery of OLLIES, T Falmerßton North and Rongotea. U all kinds. Wholesale and Betail. not be brewed in Wellington. > ARCADIA. J. STAPLES & 00. (Limited) MOLEBWORTH and MUKPHY BTBEHTS. BEKT PRATT, THE ARCADIA CONFECTIONERY ■ The Trade specially catered for. THIS IS THE PLACE FOB SWEET ad. sells A GOOD makes good a Morrow. goods to-day and reputation for to.<, I STUFFS. Children Bring Your Parents. Parents Bring foot Children. IILOBTAiNEDi ■Ph am. cx>vHxmts mn ABRAHAM & THIS MAN AW Alb DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY. MARCH Sfi,. 1905 "WILLIAMB Ltd. PALMERSTON HORSE SALE. LOAN & MERCANTILE 00 HAEEY PALMER & CO. PALMERSTON NORTH STOCK AT THE MART THURSDAY, 30fch MARCH, At 11.30 a.m. At 12 o'clock noon. SALE. to-IdaV. SATURDAY,25th MARCH, 1905. reserve 2yr steers, without reserve 2yr steers heifers in calf store ewes 60 | 40 Ltd, 6 300 &~WILLIAMS, ABRAHAM will sell at 1 p.m.— 100 steers 3£yr HARRY sell as usual— Pigs, poultry, produce, etc. PALMER I j 120 2th wethers 200 woolly wether lambs 300 lambs 200 lambs 160 lambs 25 f .m. Romney rams 120 f.f.m. ewes 200 f.m. ewes 300 ewes ABRAHAM S^rrnr^ acres, miles from Palmerston, furniture WITHOUT RESERVE. tables. Oliver typewriter, first-class TO-DAY. SATURDAY,25th MARCH, At 2.30 p.m. &~CO., favoured with MOUNSEY instructions from Mr O. Me Williams is (who FOR LEASE OR SALE. contemplating :— station, 105 acres apple orchard, ex- ---roomed house, tensive cowsheds and outbuildings, firstquality land ; £100 per annum with purchasing clause. This is a very desiiable and complete small farm. Additional land adjoining is procurable. 500 io 1000 acres, Himatangi, in lots from JOOacres upwards. Bent 12s 6d per acre with purchasing clause. land, flat FOIi SALE. and rolling, all ploughable, well watered, 12,000 acres first class bush country, and sub-divided into 18 paddocks, 10- 10,000 acres; in (jras.-. balance bush, carries ---roomed dwelling, wooished, stables, cowshed, etc absolutely g ving it away at £12 25,000 sheep btsid. s cattle. £20,000 cash required. 10s per acre ; terms, £500 cash. 1400 acres splendid fattening land, close If none of the above suit we have to railway, healthy rolling 'and, free from others that may, and shall beyou, glad to for- flood. £12 10s per acre, £4000 cash, ward you particulars on hearing your rebalance 4 per cent. quirements. 600 acres, Carnarvon, in lots from 50 acres upwards, good dairying or cropping land. Price from £14 per acre for sections without buildings, to £25 per acre for Land Agents, Palmerston Ncrth. homestead. Exceptional terms all through. Town sections and'residences in all parts of the town. 8000 acres totara forest close to railway, LAND on low royalty with small sum per acre cash. THE COLONIAL AGENCY CO. 0. R. Pakata] [Wm. Moffatt. Interpreters & Native Agents. I Dips frill be 2s per bale for the first offering, and ll per bale for second offering. AaitHiM Airo Williams, Lid. WABUBAPA FABMEBS1 Go-OPBBATIVE AbBOeuTiOK, Ltd. Daloixt aitd Co., Ltd. Lara ajd Co., Ltd. Vims Fabmsbs 1 Co ofebatite Assoou- j rom, Ltd. R.E. LOAH AND MIBCANTILB AfIBNOT Co., Mercantile < Gilnuth Sucrosine AND COi Beattie, luston. proctor & Go. Ltd.. ENGLAND Bt STOCK— 1 4ft (Jin Thrashing Mill with latest , 12-h.p. Oomp. Engines with 10n GeM ie°lbs pressnre- IoR^ Crossley's Gas and Oil Engines, . ;■"■;" :' 48,000in use. Steel Flax Maohine Fittings. " NEW GOODS Uopper Kettles, Copper and Carpenters' Tools Blacksmiths' Tools Engineers' Tools Builders' Ironmongery General Blacksmith, Tiled Register Grates American Stoves for both coal &wood Garden andFarm Tools (Late E. Humphrey) Poultry. Requisites, T\ESIRES to intimate to his clients JL/ that the price ofg shoeing on and Light Draughts Heavy Draughts Toed and Heeled ...... ".. Agent fob— Nobel' Blasting Gelatine, Dynamite, Powder, Fuse, etc., etc. 5/. Massey-Hams Go's Farm Implements 6/. 7/. 8/- Masterton Implement Co's Wool Presses, etc., etc. Acme Gas and Oil Engines « Brinsley and Co's Champion Ranges Cannon's English Sheep Dips and Branding Oils Direct Importers English, American, and Continental HARDWARE, THE LATEST IN KUBBER TYRES. Firestone Side Wire Tyres ' WHEEL. viz., Incuba- tors, Bone Mills, Clover Cutters,etc None but the very best STEEL and IBON used. FITTED TO ANY SIZED alLsizes Brass%reserving Pans Enamel Ware of evrry description J. ALLEN, Hacks .. Cutlery, by the best makers Electroplated Goods,large selection Lamps and Lamp Ware, splendid value Oil and Spirit Stoves Palmiiston N be as PERMAIN &GILCHRIST .. and.. The Square King-Btreet. THE MOMENT OF HAPPINESS. fTIHE moment of extreme pleasure of en JL tranoing enjoyment to hundreds o women is that moment in the morning WHEN EVERYBODY WANTS THEM. SURATURA TEA KISSES THE LIPS. Sole Agenoy foe Manawatu : J. BETT AND CO., LTD. NOTICE. Aa the warm, delioioue, fragrant liqner trickles past the palate, it tickles the languid body and jaded brain into activity and altertness..- It makes women happy in the morning. Suratura is pure Ceylon tea, and is guaranteed not blended with Indian China, or any cheap or inferior teas. ——————— Mattresses, LEMON_SQTTASH. Lyons, Limited even superior to that of last season. Owing to the phenomenalsuccess of Brooke's Lemon Squash there are now a large number of imitations in the market, but as Brooke's is still absolutely superior to any other make the public will do well in seeing that they get Brooke's Lemon jSquash when they ask for it. Goldingham & Beckett, Falmerston North. Agentr for the Manawatu District CHEAP SALE WHEN YOU SEE All the Year Bound. A " BOHM BUY IT. ■ T^TY HAEEY PALMEE.I [STANLEY S. HUME Get Your Eye Fixed On This ! HARRY PALMER & GO. " PIANO The great strength of a Bohm Piano is owing to its special construction. The iron frame is cast after the manufacturer's own pattern, STOCK OF— WRITE nun, moffatt & co. MR E. HARDEN, T). A "BOHM" PIANO. BARRY'S, Sole Agents— THE DRESDEN PIANO GO,, Wellington. CHEAPSIDE. M. J. BROOKES, North Island Manager. Telephone 172. BUICK&~YOUNG, Bcokbindora, Printers, Stationers, & Rubber Stamp Makers. J. A. RICHARDSON. LATE U.F.0.A., TAILOR, Main str et East (next P. Robert), anA CCOTJNT Books, Offioe Files, F»i, nounces hat he has commencedbnsi. Pencils, kept in atook. *J\ Ink,Books ness ap a TAILOR, and hopes by strict made to any pattern. Account Attention to business and good work* OFFICE REQUISITES A, SPECIAI/TY. mansbip to obtain a share of the public i patronage. Gsnte' own materialmad« up. Gtnu Bxsbiz, PiLUEBBXOR Norm. ■ ! R. LEAHY'S Pharmacy. . I. J. FAKE, A man is alwayß on the G. H. BENNETT AND CO. Booksellers and Stationers THE SQUARE ! TyRECT IMPORTERS OF Books Stationery and CRICKET MATERIAL TENNIS GOODS CROQUET SETS 1000 SHEEP FARM. 2200 Big Sheep 80 head cattle 10 horses All grassed but 75 acres timber reserves 150 acres ploughable land, balance lowrolling hilly country, exceptionally well grassed and free from noxious weeds and spreading gorse. Subdivided into 14 paddooks. Fences—First-class wire and totaraposts. Splendidly watered in every paddock. Buildings—Good house, 6 rooms, up-todate wooished, dip, and yards. Price £9 10s per acre. £8000 may remain at 5per cent, balance ca h. Note-TLe above is a really good sheep place. The stook have all been bred on the place and are a first-class lins. There are now 2200 big sheep and 900 lambs. The wool from the place almost invariably tops the London market. Last shearing the clip was equal to 221bs wool to the acre. We can highly recommend the property. Further particulars apply - BHAW sdt'<£*L. bAVILL ALBION CO., Ltd. I HAVE Rt MOVED rPO JL LEASE. Via Rio De Janeiro or Monte Video and Teneriffe. Splendid up-to-date Passenger Accom- modation. Roomy Cabins and Spacious Decks. BOTCHERS from North. I ESTIMATES BDPPUED. Lambs. WELLINGTON THE is prepared to Purchase PORTABLE COOKING RANGES. MEAT 1'; '■ f c LTD., EXPOET COMPANY, Fat Shbip andi ' Lambs by Weight at graduated prices for the following qualities and grades SHEEP. QUALITY FBEEZEBS BEAND W.M.E.CO 40 to 651b 65 to 701b FIBST ■ MELLSOP,ELIOTT & CO., Palmerstbn North. SECOND QUALITY FBEEZEBS 40 to 70 BEAND NGA FBEEZING EWES BEAND NGA EWE 1 ARE THE -iBBAND W.M.E. Co. Under 421b8 Over 421bs SECOND QUALITY FBEEZERS— BBAND N.G.A. ISO PRIZES All Silver Medals. EEJECTB J. BETT. Lane's Emulsion Makes strong. Managing Direotor. COOKING MADE EASY. you We will presume you are not well and strong. Then you'd like to get your old health and vitality back, wou Id you not? Others who were sick, but to-day are well, tried Lane's Emulsion, and kept right along with it for' one, two, three, or more moaiths, or just as long as it was needed to make them well. Different diseases and varying stages of diseases o<ceupy varying times to be cured, you know. But let us see what a M FROM 15th DECEMBER to 30th APRIL: Wanganui-Pipiriki, depart daily, except Mondays, 7 a.m. Pipiriki-Wanganui, depart daily except Tuesdays. Pipiriki to Upper Reaches, daily, returning in evening. TAUMARANUI PIPIRIKI SERVICE Steamer leaves Taumaranuifor House-boat and Pipiriki, Tuesdaye, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Steamer leaves Pipiriki for Houseboat and Taumaranui, Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Intending paßsengers must book in advanoe with - A HAXBIOK 4 OOi, Wuguinl gOM E BOOKED (ALL LINES. (ALL CLASSES. Send for Sailing List (with Map).' PostedFree. Paaßageß Booked through to South Africa. THOS. COOK & SON, CONDITIONS Economical and Durable Ranges MOST made. HONORS WHEREVER SHOWN. holben"* kirk, Agenis. \^ O ID G) th 1 ■■■m 3j3 0& *^ h o \> u3fc"*" g - the Company or fellmongered oh owner's accountat his option. All sheep to BOR WELLINGTON. Ihe Splendid Borew Steamer mas trade. Queen ofjhe South. . FOXTON T .BAVESThpbs»at " . tfor I _ every Tcibdat, and Satobday. ignt and passage, apply to ; or from any of| at the Company's Offices, the Buyers in the country. The Company also ofiers clients every facility for freezing on their own account DILNOT SLADDEN,Secretary. Wellington, 16th Ma , 1904. J. OVEREND, Agent. v The above steamer has splendid p»B eenger accommodation, there being 1 separat ladies Baloon 081 **6 a AGRICULTURAL LIME I men* railways, for anT up to 100 miles, to bonp g da farmßra for fertiUsing their [ LONGBUKN Prices on " Application; NCESSIONS TO SPE?^L LAEGE" TjuBOHASEBS. G. B ; HULL, Secretary, 9i Johnston street, Wellington The N.Z. Express Co., was complete/,y gone. (LIMITED.) From TAIHj'iPE-Laae's Emulsion OfSoe : Main street, opposite Raiiww soon cures any cough or cold that Station. * attacks me,, it's a good medicine FABM AND( to keep m the house all the time. Customs Shipping:. From WAI JGANUL—Lane'sEmulAgents & Foreign sion has d one my AND A BRAHAM, chest more good i\_BBAHAM, than any medicineIhave ever ABBAUD AND pABCELS, furniture,eto., forwarded M I heartily recommend Lane's.taken a°y Pftrt of PalmebbtonH., Kiildihg, oolonieß daily. through AND . rates. AU olasaes of .«] From S'/APIER—For 5 years I DakNETEBKE. shipping business suffered greatly from bronchitis. undertaken. Iropb: hand your documents to us and youV Lane S Emulsion built up my lungs Agents for— l°g wllreceivepromptattention, and I am now quite cured. MoCobmick Harvesting Maohinery.' and piano removing a speciality. Ltd, G /Ood Booth, and MacDonald Co's, Storage at reasonable rates dlf noticed a "T, WHANGAREI.-I Farm Implements and White Oil improvement in myappetke m <Safety 'Prompt^de^ Engines. after taking three bottles of line* Bc y EmuUton. My stomach trouble Andrew and Bbavbn Ohaff-outters and Seed Cleaners. . Manager., Bamsombs, Sims, & Jbffjirihs Traction and Portable Enginea and ThreehFrom IMPLEMENTS MACHINEBY. BAEBAUD . whenever a cough or cold is about. s .. SPLENDID QUALITT Co. ty J -. We could continue multiplying but need not. The fact tnat Lane's Emulsion has done muoh good is sufficient. Its excellence as a lung healer, as a cure for chronic coughs, as a general prai^as, Forwarding: ,> Carriers. £ 5 SS* f" l!E Custom^ ?fSI 0o:om r:' *"L bgmaohines. f ® IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. Or The Company is willing to purchase at: THE a straighteut price per head as heretofore. Mauriceville Lime Prices can be obtained on application Can now supply in any quanta" From TIMARU.—For a lotttg time I suffered with broncfeial trouble and feared consumption. Boctor advised Lane's Ermiiteion. It healed CHEAP MANURES the soreness, stopped the cough, Of High Manurial Value. and I am now quite -well. BOOT MANURE—Prioe £5 per ton on From HASTINGS.-My baby suftruoks, Ldbgburn. fered frightfully from whooping PURE BONE MEAL—Price £6 10s per ton on truoks, Lonsburn. cough. I bought a bottle of Lane's and before it w.asfinished'her cough STRATFORD.-I havekept wf S *Lmulsion « the house durItcuredmyfeoy o&K^66^?5Ugh after measles a»d is SL'iY ua>d by Cn all members of the' family go 2 I-J'f ■■■■ sg Zts "" Gilchrist, SOLE AGENTS, THE BQTJAEB PALMEBSTON to be prime of their class, and to be delivered at Freezing Works at owner's cost and expense. Price and payment to oe on the FBOZEN WEIGHT marked biscuits andconfeoiionery for the Christ' Permain , ;! Fat and Skins to be the property ol the Vendor, the Companypaying for the former the current value per lb of the day, and the latter may be either soldI FREEZING WOKKS. LUKES EXCELSIOR COOKING RANGES. PASSAGES BY] ALL ROUTEB. Will be paid for at time values. some of tjhese cured people say : Looal LAMBS. FIRST QUALITY FBEEZERB- CHAMPION MAKERS. R.N.R.. agents. »» the pnblio generally that they nave opened up an entirely new stock of MODEL BAKERY, Main street. CHAMPION Freezing Sheep and , D. O'RIELLY, Licensed Plumber and Gasfitter, rBroad street Palmerston Limited. Wellington. Speoial facilities given to residents in the colony to bring out friends from Home either by pre-payment of passage money in New Zealand or by guarantee. For further particulars apply to the WhMiINGTON. delivered to any part of the Borough daily. Ring up Telephone 87. AGENTS: WELLINGTON. J. Bett & Co., ATHENIC. 12,234tons (t *in screw), Capt C. H. Kempton, 30th March, 1905, Next to Montague's Arcade. Orders for seasonable goods will receive prompt attention. Bread and small goods of finest quality will be all Storekeeper* JOSEPH NATHAN & Go„ Ltd. and E. Tiagey's, in Broad street. in all its branches, executed by a com. petent staff at reasonable rates. WANGAN OI RIVER per lb. B. Obtainable from Tinsmiths' Work WANGANUI. Thomas at 2s up-to-date premises opposite SOLE PlumbiD.F. Gasfittine: and Agents, WHOLESALE A RETAIL QUALITY Eqoal to any In Nb Zealand. VEHICLE. The .Direct Line of Steamers for Plymouth & London. LEWIS & CO.. Land & Rbai Estath THE SQUARE BUTCHERY, CRESCENT BLEND TEA appeals IRON. premises to Over 701b 228 acres good land, 70 acres suitable for dairying, 12 acres in crop, balance good sheep and cattle country, 5-roomed house, 10-bail cowshed, pig-styes, etc., metalled road right np to gate, 1£ miles from creamery. Rent 10s an acre. Will give purchasing clause at £9 10s an acre if £200 deposited, on which amount rebate will be allowed. This is a property Felicitates the Palate. well worth inspecting. Fot further The conspicuous characteristics of this particulars apply to HUDSON & EASTHER, conspicuous tea are its delicious flavor, Land & Estate Agents, Levin, the ambrosia, aroma, and the rich, strong liquor. The best tea from the best gardens in Darjeeiing - teas remarkable for their robust charaoter— are scientifically blended with the fine delicate teas grown on the hill slopes Parkins, of sunny Ceylon. to evejy lover of good tea, " MADE IN ENGLAND, GOOD FARM NEAR LEVIN FOR rPOURIST Steamer Time Table- CRESCENT BLEND TEA Galvanised Corrugated TELEPHONE....239. WINTERED LAST YEAR... ' WindmiU Best Best Telephone.. ..29. SURROUNDED ALEXANDER. M ensure attention to late arrivals. ■ Ring as up for orders. Prompt attention. Pbopbiki-ob. p.m. respectively. CROWDS. FOR SALE. O. G. HAYCOCK, The Kimbolton and Waituna Mail Coaoheß leave the Stables daily at 9 a.m. and 4 ADMIRING /GOVERNMENT inspected meat of the \JT finest quality. FEILDING. orioket teams and pionie parties), and ■addle horses on hire. SHOWS YOUR ATTENTION. CARBINE STABLES, and single baggies, gigo,DOUBLE coaches (suitable for football and . . . G.H.Bennett & Co., Agents, Palmeraton North, 5/^~EACH. BULBS 1/6 BOX, QEED " steel wire. There are three Malino & Johnston, strings to eaoh note in the Imported directfrom the makers we tieble; they are tuned in "re selling as CHEAP as, and some Bakers & Confectioners, unison. lines CHEAPER than, procurable in Wellington warehouse., TELL YOUR FRIENDS TTTISH to notify their patrons and TO BUY " ! Abraham, Ltd. S. A. PRERCE I Co., sound board, or frame. The strings are made of the toughest, finest,and strongest " Auctioneers & House Furnishers. s Pakaerotan North, FeilaW and" Dannevuko. 1 and gives great strength and Sold By All Storekeepers rjiHE best house in town for tbe prime; firmness to the wrest plank, A. meat Spoons, Porks & Cutlery HARRY PALMER & CO., ENGLISH S\PHOJS. OATS— stock, etc., for sale. Free monthly Stock, Land and Commission Agent, Dresser, Tables, Couch, nery, Dana (Near cj irculation, 6000. KIMBOLTON Feilding.) Chairs, Kitchen Sundries, White Tartariana Feilding Address: P.O. Box 34. Canterbury Telephone No. 22. Etc. Black Scotch Grown WELL WORTH LOOKING AT: Sparrowbill / For Sale—looacres, good bouse and outRoseberry, special sample from buildings, fencing in good order, 8paddocks, ALFRED COOK, Land and ComMoeraki Estate, Oatnaru mission Agent, begs to inform well watered, all in grass, nearly all flat. from Oamaru owners of property andreal estate, also inPrice £16 per acre, only £250 cash reCanadian, Algerian, from Hawke's Bay tending purchasers, that ha has opened an quired, balance can remain for 5 years at 5 BEED WHEAToffice in Tattersall's Stables' building, -AND, FINANCIAL AJXU GENERAL per cent. Tuscan and Poarl, from the Cheviot Bangitikei-street, and will be glad to reFor Sale—2so aores within short distAGENTS AND LICENSED ance ceive particulars of properties for sale or of two good townships, nice house and ?SEED POTATOKS— INTERPBETKES. orchard, 5 paddocks, good water supply, Derwi'iu.B, from Jease. Clients may, where necessary, de- 1 well grassed. Price £10 5s per acre, only pend on having their business kept strictly Ashleaf, Kidney and Early Eose FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. confidential. Printed forms for either city, £300 cash required. from Canterbury suburban, or country properties will be' A,C\C\ acres splendid sheep country, To Lease—soo acres, half fiat, good White Elephants, Up-to-date and posted to any address. Inquiries for native *UU limestone formation, house, close to creamery and township, Magnum Bcmuui wintered' splendid land will be given every attention. Every 1200 big sheep; 65 aores level frontage grass land, lease for (fifteen) 15 CAPE BARLEY— effort will be made to select suitable pro- balance very easy hills; good 6-roomed years at 10s per acre, purchase clause to First Prize at Winter Show perties for bona fide purchasers. Commis- house, soullery, bathroom, wooished, dip, good man, no goodwill. sion charges according to ruling scale, or yards, etc; situated 11 miles from good byarrangement. town and railway station. Price £9 per I will meet clients as arranged and drive acre. Only £750 cash required. 4109 them to view properties. AT ALL acres Kairanga land, rich all in 19(\ JLtJyJ grass, about 1£ acres been THESE ARE WORTH... THE ploughed and laid down again, fenced Bix paddocks, watered by artesian wells; situYOU SEE THEM ated about 6 miles from Palmerston ; school and creamery close by. Price £30 per BY 144Jacres, 3 miles from town boundary, acre. Terms. 4110 BRICKLAYER 4 CONTEACTOB. first-class dairy farm, good 7-roomed house, aores fattening land, all G)H f\ in B°°d Broad Street. 16-bail cowshed and all necessary build- «|u grass except 50 acres in crop, ings, close to creamery. Only £22 10s per fenced 6 paddocks, level land, mostly acre. Sfhcultihs—Sheep Dips, Bakers swamp; 5-roomed house, cowshed 120 acres, lease for 5 years at 17s6dan drained bails, trapshed, 4-stall stable and large Ovens and Tubular Boilers built in. aore. Splendid dairy farm, olose to 8shed; situated railway station, oreamery, school, etc Price for goodwill school and 4 miles from 2 miles, good level Lloensod Drain Connector of lease, 40 cows and all necessaryplant road. Price creamery £15 10s acre. Terms. 4098 to the Borough. £625 and only £250 oash. COACHES 40 acres, long lease, with purchasing O A acres, good dairy farm, Jevel land, All Work Guaranteed. 13" paddocks olause. OU several well watered; BUGGIES bathroom, and other conOtherproperties equally as good to seleot 6-roomed house, veniences, large cowshed with concrete from. bails, grounds well laid out round the PHAETONS house ; also about 7 acres crop; situated W. R. FRED ATTFIELD, handy to school, creamery, and town by DRAYS level road. Price £1500. Terms arranged. CENTRAL LAND AGENOY. MAIN STREET Main Street (opposite Court House) Stock can be taken at valuation. 4117 And Every Kind Of (Opposite Empire Hotel) At all prices. to hand, a fresh supply of JUST this season's make of Brooke's NEW DIARIES FOR 1905. intimate that they Lemon Squash, which will be found ; & ABRAHAM, LTD., Palmerston N., Feilding and Dannevirke. To Fishermen! for Farmers' Budget (free), Toilet Ware, Duchess Stock notes and articles of Chest, Dressing Tables, interest to farmers. Land investments Washstands, Cheffioner, from Mokau to the Manawatu. Machi- variety. BROOKE'S Telephone 164. 164 KINgTuP 164 EVERY TIME. BARRAUD 5 Crates Brass Bedsteads Ba^raud and .... .. BROAD STREET STABLES. taken over the above stables formerly carried on by Mr E. Stevenson, and trust by a careful consideration of the public's nqairements to receive a fair share of their support. Good saddle horses, vehioles of "vary description on hire. Bobber tyrod carriages a specialty. Agents : TURNER, Fancy Goods RETAIL PRICES NOW Reward and and SURATURA 6d perlb are SURATURABA QUALITY 1b Presentation Books 1 per QUALITY B 9d lb timinded that the Manawatu Daily SURATURA D QUALITY 2b Od per lb New Books A Periodioals Thns, which contains all the latest SURATURA X QUALITY 2s 4d perlb By Each Mall Steamer. j Cable news, is delivered on the day of SOLD BT ALL STOREKEEPERS PHOTO Frames, Brackets, Inkstands, publication at their residences. Dressing Cases, Writing Cases and Desks, Purses, Pooket Books, Leather —____________ Bags, Music Stands and Cases in great QETTLERS in the Apiti 0 -and Bangiwahia districts JL/' have this overwhelming preference given to COOPERS ? Because it pays its users best. Ip "' & Go. stocks of the following Engineer. Millwright iron and Brass Founder. after the present date will follows:— (Excepting Three) Used Cooper's Dip! s SPENCER PIANOS AMERICAN AND ENGLISH ORGANS Are now showing extensive F. Martin, A. Tbuphoxb 204. Mini strhit East, The Winners A!f ! HARRY PEEMAIN Auto RosGrve :— GILCHRIST Without Double Bedsteads, over 1 12 and 14-h.p. Doubla Cylinder OBNT 207 PRIZES WERE OFFERED IN THE SHEEP CLASSES. DESIRES£~on... 2 AL THE LAST EOYAL SHOW OP ENGLAND 330/52 F. M. ROSS Material. improvements. More Sheep Than All Other WE , HARRY PIG Engines. Is annually used on Manufactured DIPS Put Together. 100acres adjoiningcreamery, houae, good land. Very cheap at5-roomed £15 an acre. Easy terms. 244 4£ acres, large 8-roomed house in commanding position, every convenience, good surroundings. Easy terms or will exchange. 6-roomed house close to Squaie, good section, sewerage laia on, everything quite new, let for 15s a week. Price £550 ; only £35 cash wankd. 204/24! | FOll SALE. have been instructed by Mr Dahl to spII the whole of his valuable frontages to Princess, Ferguson and Church streets, without buildings, on easy terms. Call at our office and ku-pect plans"; 45 feel sections. LEASEHOLD—A BARGAIN. 247 aores, all in grass, well fenced and watered, 7 roomed bouse and good outbuildings, 35 head of dairy cows, plough, etc. Six years to run, rent 14s per acre. p.o, £14. Price for lot only £225. 4J miles from railway station, Manawatu Line. SWIFT & CO, ' TO-DAY^ dMeofaale. the charge on wool offered,but not sold, . COOPER'S SHEEP DIP [H. G. Bagsall. we beg to refer clients. acres, close to Karere Beil Bros., a trip to England), will sell as above— PALMER & CO. will All that piece or parcel of land sell to-day (SATURDAY) being part section 218, the Mart, at on account of a Saddlery Kairanga Survey District,, Firm closing their business comprising 102 acres, 86 6 sets buggy harness perches, more or less, to- 1 5 sets spring cart harness gether with 5-roomeddwel4 sets heavy dray harness ling and all outbuildings 2 sets expensive show harness erected thereon. Situated Saddles,bridles, winkers, sunin Fitzherbert East. Title dries, &c, &c. Land Transfer. 1 ladies' English side-saddle Also— " J-acre section; 6 rooms; conveniences. Situated in 2 5th SATURDAY, MARCH, Church-street, in the town2 At o'clock. ship of Palmerston North. PALMER & CO. will sell on account of a jeweller, the balance pf his stock-in-trade, MOUNSEY & CO. consisting of— Silver and rolled gold watches AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, VALUERS, Eio. in perfect working order, watch chains, alberts, gold- i plated and silver brooches, j AGENTS— E.P. cruets, cutlery, biscuit Wertheim Sewin? Machines barrels, jam dishes, &c, &c. CO. The Square, Palmerstoh North. Bankers : Bank of New Zealand, to whom Palmerston North. 51 & Ravenlrill & Co., Agency. ; AT THE MART. G. W. Ratbnhim,] Manawatu Land 60 7 and 1 mile from school, ere mery, and railway station, an up-to-date little farm in every respect, good 6-roomed dwelling, large cowshed, loft, etc.; price £28 10s per acre; terms, £150 cash. 450 acres, 3 miles from Makerua station (Company's Line), good railway the orchards. Pigs, poultry, produce Large consignments household HARRY NON-POISONOUS OSmmenoing at noon. Catalogues olose on Monday before the Ltd. MELLSOP, ELIOTT & CO., BAVENHILL Land and Commission Agents, TO LEASE. to inform the public George-street, next Woodfield's Stables. acres, 200 Kongotea, 3 miles from townMURTON'S that he has taken over the ship, level land, creamery on property; i CAN'T be Beaten. will carry about 90 milking cows all the 50 acres, 5 paddocks, all level, 6-roomed Livery Stablesopposite the New Zeayear round; to lease for 7 years at 18s an house, cow bails, nice little dairy or crop- land Loan and Mercantile Offices, In Dins acre; rental with compulsory purchasing ping farm. Price oniy £28 per acr about Kimbolton Road, Feilding, known as clause at £20 an acre. Will lease in blocks I j £500 cash. McDOUGALL'S of 100 acres to suit. 216 acres, 100 acres in good milling bmh. the Horse Bazaar, and trusts to reSTILL LEADS 192 acres, Mangamaho, J-milefrom rail- Rent £13 a year, purchasing clauso at £7 ceive a fair share of public patronage. The Stables will in future be called TTAVE way station, 180 acres in grass, balance in 10 per acre in 8 years, or £5 10s per acre JUST LANDED EX SUFFOLK— bush, subdivided into 6 paddooks, ring now. "Victoria Stables," and patrons may N.Z. Loan & 6-rootned housp nearly new, bath-room, rely on the fenced, rolling land, will winter 100 head best of Feeds for their Agency Co,, Ltd, cattle, creamery one mile ; house, pantry, wash-house, copper, and tubi, hot horses at Is and excellent stands at i bathroom, 2-roomed whare,5-roomed large cowshed and cold water. GGit by 4£ chains. Price Sole Agents. All the latest designs and styles. We can sell these from and stable, watered byrunning streams and ( £750, only £270 cash. A nice property 6d. £2 to £10. dams. To lease for 7 years at 12s acre; and cheap. 242a There is a convenient Ladies' OVER ONE HUNDBED TO SELECT FEOM. 2 section, |-acre each, level, £85 each, Waiting with compulsory purchasing clause at 12s Room, and all classes of an acre; goodwill £400. Terms £200, half cash, very cheap. We have on hand, made at our own factory—Wire Mattrasses, Spring 1section 66ft x 3£ chains, £75, only £10 Vehicles and Saddle and Harness balance 5 per cent. THE... down~ Mattrasses, stuffed with Flax, Kapoc, Flock or Hair; Kapoc, Flax or Flock. Horses are on hire. FOR SALE. 1 section 54ft x 4 chains deep, £200, No 66 acres, Pitzherbert West, 60 acres in If you want a stylish turn-out for Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, Feather Pillows, Hair Beds made to order. grass, balance orchard and bush, level land, cash if you build. a drive, ring up TelephoneNo. 18. 44 miles from Palmerston N. Buildings We Invite Inspection. We Know We Can Please, consist of 6-roomed house, dairy, two outhouses, men's whare, stable, trapshed, 10---bail cowshed, brick floor pig styes. Price ARRY PALMER & CO. will Reasons for making: Soda Water £29 an acre. Terms £350 cash, balancs at sell to-day (SATURDAY) at j (Sent. Stock—about at Home in an per 5 30 odd 3 Raisers who are using this their Auction Mart, at 3 p.m.— horses, and 15 weaners at valuation.head, food, speak in the highest G)f\ New and second-hand bicycles, acres, 68 3 miles from level SPARKLET terms as to its land, well subdivided, goodPalmerston. £i\J on behalf of Mr J.B. Clark6-roomed house, etc , cowshed, close to creamery son, and school. FUST opened new stock of Catalogues, Lists of Town Prothe well-known cycle importer. FEEDING VALUE. Cheap at £30 an acre. Every machine will be guaranteed perties and Dairy Farms on applica Terms. acres, Pohangina, 122 acresin grass, CLEANLINESS. 178 It is twice the value tion. in first-class order. The Syphon being filled and charged at 3 running streams through property, situFishing of pollard. home its cleanliness can be assured. are ated about 5 miles Pohangina Instructions to sell Absolutely trom townNO RISK OF INFECTION. ship ; 7 miles from Ashhurst. Price £614s COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD Without Reserve. an acre. Easy terms can be arranged. [ When a Syphon is not your own proFUHNISHEES. 12 acres, $ mile from railway station: ; perty you cannot tell who was the last ON THE PREMISES. Lang 5-roomed i user. cottage. Price £450. A. Regular Sales Every Saturday. (Audrew Young-st.) BUTCHERY BUSINESS. ; CONVENIENCE. Fob Particolabß. THE SQUARE. Shop, dwelling, corner, with all necessary Sparklel Syphons in your house: j Withcan MONDAY NEXT, MARCH 27th, machinery, 3 carts, inoluding all in conyou rely upon obtaining aerated ! At 1 o'clock. business; nection with the water at any time and under any splendid turnATKINSON & ATKINSON. over. Price £200. circumstances. They are light and oan PALMER & Co. have [A. be carried anywhere. The bulbs conMILLING TIMBER. Atkinson, H. Feilding.J 1000 to 10,000 acres rimu, matai, and tain the purest gas for olmrging the received instructions from Mr C. Atkinson, Hawera.l totara; cutting rights from 21 to 42 Syphons. I'oster to sell the whole of his House- STOCK [Alfred years: s AND STATION ...AND... close to railway. AGENTS hold furniture and effects,Absolutely For further particulars apply to— FEiLDING AND HAWERA. SYPHONS * RoBEBTS MOUAT, MELLSOP,ELIOTT ft CO. mo LEASE— 200 aores, near Palmerston, J- a good dairy or fattening farm complete; rent 10s per acre. 100 acres,Linton, rich flat land adjoining railway, good buildings; price 10a inoludiD ß 30 8°odoows; £25 terms, sell as K £500Cre'u cash. dessert apples, 10 cases cookers, 3 cases tomatoes, 3 casea pears. Direct from " bacon, onions, fruit, vege- violin. Large quantity of second-hand furniture, including tables, Austrian chairs, couch, toilet set, 2 occasional tables,hearthrugs,crockery, cooking utensils, kit of car- FOR SALE AND LEASE. 115 acres in the heart of the KaiSpecial Entries—Bs cases ranga Block, less than half afamous mile from peaches, 10 boxes grapes, school anu creameries, grows grass that will 20 eases plums, 15 cases 111'0^ 5 PrlCe £3°per 6 entries pigs, weaners, stores, slips and porkers 30 pair fowls, 20 pair ducks, geese Specials—3 tons prime potatoes, i-ton pig potatoes, 20 trusses clover hay, 30 sacks Without Reserve. 200 Romney ewes 6 fat cows In POISONOUS CO. will penter's tools, 2 ladders, pair steps, sundries, etc. 50 ewes Wellington wool SALES. V/■mis following are the dates fixed by the JL'" Wellington Wool Brokers' Associationfor this season's sale :— 4th Sale 16th February, 1905 & MART. TO-DAY. At 1 p.m. Too. will MOUNSEY usual— oats, 20 sides and rolls 80 18mos mixed oattle (good FEILDING BALE. colours) 40 2£ to 3yr steers FEIDAY, 31st MABCH, 1905. 60 mixed sheep mHE N.Z. LOAN AND MER170 4 and 6th Leicester ewea , 180 Leicester lambs -L CANTILE AGENCY CO., Ltd., will sell by public auction, as above, at 12.30 p.m.— WOOL SALES. & WILLIAMS, Lta., beg to notify their clients and ethers that they have joinedtheWoolbrokers' Association and will hold rtgular sales of wool at Wellington, ■nd will also ship woolto England on Owners' account. Liberal advances Bade on clips either for sale in New Inland or shipment. AT THE TO-DAY. A BRAHAM & WILLIAMS, Ltd. OL will sell at 1 p.m.— rrtHE N.Z. LOAN & MEROANDraughts, harness horses, hacks, X TILE AGENOY COMPANY, and ponies. Ltd., will sell by public auction as above, at 11.80 a.m.— FAIiMERBTON SALE YARDS. 50 good 2^yr steers, without THURSDAY, 80th MARCH. MOUNSEY As CO, Catalogues for the asking and Exper Advice freely given. HARVEY, SON 5 uft CANNOf j TIN> IR°VoS « «p» SMYTH AND DAY/SON, GENERAL CABBIEBS & EXPRESSMEN, Agents for B. - W> Cheo] ? pmnpfc Iksph Suooessor tonic for to STB AM nerve and.stomach weak„?&....* OCEANIC orioN jjjVxm Di ■■-;sTfc*giafrii#nesses, as a builder of health and AGENT SHIP CO. BAKER « SONS. Adr Note the. AND A, LINB. irsss "j strength in children, should weigh .^nyQ3gf~* Palmbbston N. TO LKHD od fjAA with you. ailment your Olf\ Whatever 27 DATS TO LONDON. Bwwninf/bßniUinmi i|«Ui-rt« l-| SOIV/«vyvyVy mortgage on is we hope you will try Lane's will be our earnest endeavourto Steamer 6,000 tons, 17 knots. est give every Emuwion to-day, and urge you to «t 5| per Mnt. satisfaction to our The Manawatu Daily Tins v now ITIHE Sierra sails from Aaokland CD be careful to takenone but Lane's. numerous customers in Tows Property. Sold in two sizes, 2/6 and 4/6 per offering clients something extra vpeeiftl X February 17, 1905. PALMEBSTON NOBTH, passages apply For n ih« way of Wanteda fox Siuimoi, ii WASTE PAPBB JPOB 'JBALB bottle. r Chemists and stores. BABRA.UD & ABRAHAM, Lid. "nd ao secure a continuance of their Oaib, HaW'A-Omwi a wisk Pftlmmton. FtUilngADsoaoTlrki, AT THE THfHB OFFICE. Offlw°SS: »* W" * «gi*«i * 146 fatronage, eowii, of K»i»ng«f n -aw kt C. E. WALUEGRAVE ■■"■""l'tiA ""<:(<.. UaND and t'OMM I-.1 -H *ni AnJLLA. . ...L E V1N,... > ■ QLBAH IT iiS »>?