Xemo R/S Compact Controller

Xemo Controllers
Xemo R/S Compact Controller - User
Motion controller with PLC functionality
Elektronik und Software GmbH
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Systec Elektronik und Software GmbH
Nottulner Landweg 90
48161 Münster
Xemo R/S Compact Controller - User Manual
Doc-No. 625.11-13.0 P/N 4556
Status: October 2015
Translation of the original manual
Copyright and all other rights to this document remain with Systec
GmbH. Systec does not take any responsibility for the correctness
and/or completeness of the contents. We reserve the right to make
technical changes.
You can download this document from the Systec website free of
charge. For this document, Systec GmbH grants you the simple
charge-free right, unlimited in space and time, for all known and not
yet known types of use. All rights with respect to patent grants or
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You may duplicate this document. Distribution is only allowed with
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make it available, you will require prior written authorization from
Systec GmbH.
User Manual
Table of contents
About this manual ............................................................................................ 7
Important symbols in this manual ...................................................................... 7
Product description .......................................................................................... 9
Applications....................................................................................................... 9
Performance features ......................................................................................... 9
Exclusion ......................................................................................................... 12
Safety instructions .......................................................................................... 13
General information ........................................................................................ 13
Qualified personnel ......................................................................................... 14
Contractual use ............................................................................................... 14
Technical safety information ............................................................................ 14
Installation ....................................................................................................... 14
Delivery contents ........................................................................................... 15
Controller ........................................................................................................ 15
Available accessories........................................................................................ 16
Further accessories to be connected via CAN-Bus ........................................... 17
Construction and Function ............................................................................ 18
Construction of the Controller ......................................................................... 18
Construction of the Xemo R Controller ........................................................ 20
Construction of the Xemo S Controller......................................................... 20
Controller functions ......................................................................................... 21
General functioning of the Xemo Compact Controller ................................. 21
Stepping motors, limit and reference switches ............................................. 22
Digital inputs and outputs ............................................................................ 24
Joystick connection ...................................................................................... 27
Encoder connection (X11)............................................................................ 27
Interfaces for programming and auxiliary equipment ....................................... 29
RS232 interface ........................................................................................... 29
USB interfaces ............................................................................................. 30
Ethernet ....................................................................................................... 31
Safety functions ............................................................................................... 32
Description of the connectors .......................................................................... 32
Functioning of the “enable“ input ................................................................ 33
Functioning of the “ready” output .............................................................. 34
Xemo R’s emergency stop switch ................................................................. 34
Protection of the controller’s components ....................................................... 36
Protection of the controller’s electronics ...................................................... 36
Protection of the digital outputs ....................................................................... 36
Protection of the motor power stages........................................................... 37
Temperature monitoring .............................................................................. 37
Operational and display elements................................................................. 38
Arrangement of the operational and display elements ..................................... 38
Description of the display elements ................................................................. 40
Description of the operational elements .......................................................... 42
Getting Xemo ready to run ............................................................................ 44
Mechanical installation .................................................................................... 44
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Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Electric connections ......................................................................................... 45
Selection of the type of cable to be used ...................................................... 45
EMC-compliable operation ........................................................................... 46
Power supply ................................................................................................... 47
General ........................................................................................................ 47
Power supply: Xemo R ................................................................................. 47
Power supply: Xemo S .................................................................................. 48
Connecting stepping motors (X3 – X6) .............................................................. 50
Performance categories ................................................................................ 50
Connection of the motor/brake .................................................................... 50
Cable clamp for shielding the motor cable.................................................... 51
Connection variants ...................................................................................... 54
Problems during start-up............................................................................... 54
Pulse-direction output (X3 – X6) ....................................................................... 55
Limit and reference switches ............................................................................ 55
Digital I/O (X17, X18), Joystick (X11) ................................................................ 55
Interfaces.......................................................................................................... 56
Safety functions and the emergency stop switch ............................................... 56
Wiring the Xemo controller’s enable input ................................................... 56
Emergency close-down chain ....................................................................... 57
7.10 Switching on the controller............................................................................... 60
7.10.1 Operational modes of the controller ............................................................. 60
7.11 Installing MotionBasic on a PC ......................................................................... 62
7.11.1 System compatibility between the controller and the IDE ............................. 62
Programming .................................................................................................. 65
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 65
The programming language MotionBasic .......................................................... 65
MotionBasic software tools ............................................................................... 67
Xemo storage memory ..................................................................................... 67
Software applications...................................................................................... 69
Connecting motors and/or axes ........................................................................ 69
Connecting two-phase stepping motors ........................................................ 69
Programming stepping motors ...................................................................... 71
Pulse-direction output TR501........................................................................... 75
Description ................................................................................................... 75
Construction and function pulse-direction output TR501 ............................. 75
Activating the pulse-direction card................................................................ 76
Limit and reference switches ............................................................................ 77
Types of switches .......................................................................................... 77
Alternative use of limit and reference switch inputs ...................................... 79
Wiring and programming the inputs and outputs ............................................. 80
Digital inputs ................................................................................................ 80
Digital outputs .............................................................................................. 80
Analog PC joystick ........................................................................................ 81
Programming operational elements .................................................................. 82
Programming the LCD display and the function keys .................................... 82
Programming user LEDs ................................................................................ 83
User Manual
Programming the function keys’ LEDs (Xemo R)........................................... 83
Programming the Xemo R’s membrane keyboard ........................................ 84
Consoles OT300 .............................................................................................. 84
Technology Options ....................................................................................... 85
10.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 85
10.2 Option A – CAN1 interface ............................................................................. 87
10.2.1 CAN1 interface ............................................................................................ 87
10.2.2 Installation ................................................................................................... 88
10.2.3 Programming the CAN1 interface ................................................................ 88
10.2.4 MotionBasic functions.................................................................................. 89
10.3 Option AA – CAN interfaces CAN1 and CAN2 ................................................ 92
10.3.1 CAN2 interface ............................................................................................ 92
10.3.2 Installation ................................................................................................... 92
10.3.3 Programming the CAN2 interface ................................................................ 92
10.3.4 System parameters ....................................................................................... 93
10.4 Option E - Encoder output TR501 ................................................................... 94
10.4.1 Description .................................................................................................. 94
10.4.2 Construction and function Encoder output TR501 ....................................... 94
10.4.3 Installation ................................................................................................... 95
10.4.4 Programming of the encoder emulation ....................................................... 96
10.5 Option G – Analog inputs and outputs ............................................................ 98
10.5.1 Construction and Function........................................................................... 98
10.5.2 Installation ................................................................................................... 99
10.5.3 Programming ............................................................................................... 99
10.6 Option N - Pulse output (Special function 8) ................................................. 100
10.6.1 Programming of the pulse output ............................................................... 100
10.7 Option U – Position monitoring..................................................................... 102
10.7.1 Description ................................................................................................ 102
10.7.2 Construction an function of the position monitoring .................................. 103
10.7.3 Installation ................................................................................................. 104
10.7.4 Programming ............................................................................................. 104
10.7.5 Advanced features of encoder card............................................................ 107
10.7.6 Connecting encoders ................................................................................. 108
Maintenance, storage, disposal ................................................................... 111
11.1 Maintenance and repairs ............................................................................... 111
11.2 Storage .......................................................................................................... 111
11.3 Disposal......................................................................................................... 111
Technical Data ............................................................................................. 112
12.1 Rating plates .................................................................................................. 113
12.2 Dimensional drawing..................................................................................... 114
12.3 Declaration of conformity Xemo R ................................................................ 115
12.4 Declaration of conformity Xemo S ................................................................. 116
Appendix ...................................................................................................... 117
13.1 Addressing digital inputs and outputs............................................................. 117
13.1.1 Inputs ........................................................................................................ 117
13.1.2 Outputs ..................................................................................................... 118
13.2 Operational modes of the controller .............................................................. 119
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Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Cable types .................................................................................................... 120
Bibliography ................................................................................................... 121
Up-to-date tips and tricks ............................................................................... 121
Index ............................................................................................................. 122
User Manual
1 About this manual
The characteristics and functions of the Xemo Controller are described in
this manual. It includes the description of the functionality, which is
important for the application programmer. This document also serves
the electrician as a reference for electrical connections. Finally,
operational and maintenance instructions are also contained in this
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Product description
Safety instructions
Delivery content
Construction and function
Operational and display elements
Starting up; modes of operation
Programming the controller
Software applications
Technology options
Maintenance and repair
Technical data
1.1 Important symbols in this manual
indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death
or serios injury.
indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serios injury.
indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
minor or moderate injury.
indicates a property damage message.
About this manual
- 7-
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Identifies an instruction.
Please read passages, which are marked with this symbol, definitely.
Get important information about dealing with these instructions and
conditions or limits for the use of the Xemo R/S Compact Controller.
Learn addition facts and practical tips in sections, which are marked
with this symbol.
The literature abbreviation [SYSTECxxx] refers you to other manuals by
Systec. See the bibliography in Chap. 13.4.
About this manual
User Manual
2 Product description
2.1 Applications
The Xemo Compact Controller is a freely programmable controller for
use in drive and positioning systems. It comes completely equipped with
all necessary control components. Among those are the power stages for
stepping motors, inputs and outputs for sensors and actuators, as well as
operational elements.
Up to four axes can be operated with the controller. Both simple axis
motions (standard) as well as complex continuous paths (optional) are
The Xemo Controller has been programmed in the MotionBasic
2.2 Performance features
Functionality of the
The Xemo Compact Controller comprises a controller for drive and
positioning systems. It combines axis control with the functionality of a
programmable logical controller (PLC).
Up to four motors can be managed with axis control. In the basic
hardware configuration, the controller provides point-to-point-control.
This enables the connection and positioning of a maximum of four
motors independently of each other. Although all of the motors can be
moved at the same time, the trajectory of the tool center point (TCP) is
not defined. Additional technological functions (Description of the
different options s. Chap. 10, from p. 85) are optionally available with
the Xemo Controller. These functions enable even more complex axis
Technology Options A CANbus as master (CANopen)
and AA
to control child devices and the low-level communication with parent
control systems.
Option A: Channel CAN1 (terminal X13) for the connection of external
expansion modules: digital I/O, bus terminals or operator terminals.
Option AA: Additional Channel CAN2 (terminal X12) for amplifier
Details of the CAN1 - interface, see Chap. 10.2, of the CAN2 - interface,
see Chap. 10.3.
Technology Option C Setting action points or trajectory control
An additional continuous path control system can be added to the controller with the Technology Option C. Its strengths lie in the linear and
circular interpolation of up to four axes with uniform speed. These
functions are necessary, for example, to move the axes of CNCmachines or those of a positioning system for applying adhesives along
2.1 Applications
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Xemo R/S Compact Controller
defined trajectories. Also, you can set action points while driving.
For more detailed information see the MotionBasic programming
manual [SYSTEC717].
Technology Option E Encoder emulation
The assembly TR501 can be used in the Xemo R and S compact PLCs. It
forms to an encoder signal from the current speed and direction of an
axis. This can be used by devices with incremental encoder input as
input signal.
For details see section 10.4.
Technology Option G Analog inputs and outputs
With technology option G your Xemo controller has in addition to the
standard digital inputs and outputs 3 analog inputs and 1 analog output.
For details on the technical data, for wiring, and for programming see
section 10.5.
Technology Option N Pulse output
With the technology option N, you can use a digital output as a pulse
output. Learn more about the programming of the pulse output in
section 10.6.
Technology Option U Position monitoring
The Technology Option U allows you, via the TRENI516 encoder card,
monitoring the stepping during the movement and at the final position
of three axes maximum.
Thus, you can use stepper motor axes even in sensitive applications,
where undetected step deviations or errors would damage the product
or tools.
You can find detailed information on connections to the encoder card
and on programming see chap. 10.7.
Operation modes
offline and online
The Xemo Controller provides two operation modes.
“Offline operation” means that a program is created on a PC in the highlevel language MotionBasic. After completion, that program is
transferred to and stored in the controller. The controller can now be
operated as a “stand-alone“ system.
In “online operation”, the controller is constantly connected with a PC.
On the PC, a program is created in a programming language such as
Visual Basic, Visual C etc. and is then run from there.
Housing variants
“Xemo R“ designates the variant with table top housing in 19“
technology. It is closed off and can therefore be operated either
freestanding or in a 19“ cabinet. Power is provided by an integrated
power supply unit. The voltage must lie within the range of 85 to 265 V
AC. All operational elements are located on the front panel; all
- 10 -
2 Product description
User Manual
connectors are found on the rear side of the housing.
Fig. 1 Xemo R Compact Controller
The Xemo S is distinguished by its small dimensions and the ease with
which it can be mounted in a switch cabinet. Just like the connections in
the Xemo R Compact Controller, all connections in the Xemo S are
made via plug and socket units, so no elaborate connection work is
necessary. The Xemo S version has no operational elements. A number
of LEDs indicate the "inner" state of this compact controller.
Fig. 2 Compact Controller Xemo S
Equipment variants
The basic hardware configuration is equally available for both the Xemo
R and Xemo S versions. It includes eight freely programmable LEDs on
the front panel, as well as a number of additional LEDs for status display.
Additionally, all Xemo R devices provide an emergency stop switch on
the front panel, which is included in the Xemo R’s basic hardware
2.2 Performance features
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Xemo R/S Compact Controller
configuration. An additional equipment variant provides an LCD display
and a membrane keypad integrated into the front panel. A supplemental
hand wheel and override potentiometer define the Xemo R as a
compact controller of the another equipment variant.
Motor power stages
The power stages are integrated into the controller. Power stages for
stepping motors are available in various performance categories.
The Xemo Controller is programmed with the especially developed highlevel language “MotionBasic”. MotionBasic combines the “BASIC”
standard language with elements of the programmable logic controller
(PLC) and language elements for numerical controls (CNC).
The development environment IDE (Integrated Development
Environment) contains all of the auxiliary resources such as program
editor, compiler and debugger which are necessary for developing
programs. With IDE, you write a program on your PC, load it into the
controller and test it.
The IDE associated program “Xemo!Go” is the appropriate program for
start-up and testing purposes. Xemo!Go functions as a direct user
interface for the controller. With a mouse click, you can move axes and
set outputs. Similarly, you can send individual MotionBasic instructions
to the controller. These are then carried out immediately.
If you prefer to program the controller with a programming language in
Windows, you have the Xemo Windows DLL at your disposal. All
functions which you need for controlling the Xemo are included in the
DLL. The DLL can be implemented in programming languages such as
Visual Basic, C#, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Visual C, Borland
C, LabVIEW etc.
2.3 Exclusion
Asynchronous or servomotors with their own positioning controls cannot
be operated with the Xemo controller.
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2 Product description
User Manual
3 Safety instructions
It is essential to observe and follow all of the safety instructions and
warnings contained in this document if you wish to assure the safe
installation and operation of the controller by qualified personnel.
3.1 General information
– Please read the operational instructions before starting up and
using the device.
– Before switching on the controller, make certain that the
operational current displayed on the device corresponds to the
operational current of the power supply.
– Systec Inc. guarantees the proper functioning of the device only if
no modifications to the mechanics, electronics and software have
been made.
– Opening the device as well as alignment, maintenance and repair
work may only be performed by appropriately trained technical
– The controller may only be used for the purposes which are
described in this manual. Any usage which goes beyond these is
deemed to contradict the terms of contract. The manufacturer
bears no liability for any injuries or damages which result from such
usage: the user alone bears the risk of such usage.
– The controller is designed for positioning systems. Operational axes
can be dangerous for the operational personnel. The operational
space within which the axes perform is to be protected with the
safety measures necessary to prevent the operational personnel
from being injured.
– Immediately switch the device off if any irregularities occur in
normal operation.
– We wish to emphasize that it is essential to observe and follow all
of the safety instructions and warnings contained in this document
if you wish to assure the safe installation and operation of the
controller by qualified personnel.
3.1 General information
- 13 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
3.2 Qualified personnel
Qualified personnel must be able to properly interpret and implement
the safety information and warnings. Further, they must be familiar with
the safety concepts of automation technology and have undergone
appropriate training. Unqualified modifications to the device or a
disregard of the safety information in this documentation or on the
warning plates attached to the device can result in property damage
and/or personal injury.
3.3 Contractual use
Contractual use is only extant, when
– work on the controller is performed only by personnel qualified in
electronics or by persons fully instructed by and under the
supervision of such qualified personnel.
– the controller is in technically faultless condition
– the controller has only been operated in accordance with this
instruction book.
3.4 Technical safety information
Faultless and safe operation of the product pre-requires proper transport
and storage, correct set-up and mounting, as well as careful operation
and maintenance.
3.5 Installation
Prevailing safety and accident prevention regulations are to be applied
in each individual case.
– Before starting up Xemo R devices, it is necessary to make certain
that the local supply voltage lies within the permissible range of the
Xemo Compact Control.
– The electrical isolation of the low voltage from the network 24 V
DC supply to the Xemo S must be observed
– Supply voltage deviations from the tolerances described in the
devices’ engineering data are not permissible, as they can lead to
destruction of the devices and create dangerous conditions.
– Precautions must be taken to enable re-starting an interrupted
program in case of power interruptions or outages. Dangerous
operational conditions must not be allowed to occur.
– The controller may be operated in dry spaces only.
– All plug connectors on the controller must be screwed down or
locked in place.
- 14 -
3 Safety instructions
User Manual
4 Delivery contents
4.1 Controller
Xemo Controller (individual equipment - see below)
Plug and socket units for the interfaces of the Xemo Controller, inputs
and outputs
At first delivery: Xemo systems manual, including the Systec CD, which
contains e.g. the software “MotionBasic” including the development
environment “IDE” and Xemo!Go.
With the identification key, you can determine the individual equipment
of the controller which you ordered.
Identification key
You will find the identification key to your device on both the front
panel and on the model plate.
4.1 Controller
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Xemo R/S Compact Controller
4.2 Available accessories
Programming cable
The following accessory components are available for the Xemo
Compact Controllers:
The programming cable is needed in order to program the Xemo
Controller via the RS 232 or USB interface with the aid of a PC. Both
types are shielded and suitable for industrial applications.
P/N 8048
Xemo programming cable RS 232
P/N 4821
Xemo programming cable USB (included in delivery of
your DriveSet)
Online cable for
With this special cable for online operation, a remote PC can trigger the
remote maintenance controller’s reset. Only available as RS232 cable. If the PC is accessible
via the Internet, this capability enables the remote maintenance of the
P/N 5940
Xemo programming cable RS232 Reset
Motor connection
The motor connection cables are configured for connecting the Systec
2-phase stepping motors. Other lengths are also available upon request.
P/N 8019
1 m connector cable with connection block
P/N 8020
3 m connector cable with connection block
P/N 8021
5 m connector cable with connection block
Motor connection
cable PI
This motor connection cable specially designed for highly accurate axes
from PI (Physik Instrumente; www.physikinstrumente.com) M413 with
D-Sub type connector.
P/N 8573
1.5 m connector cable with D-Sub connector
Stepping motors
Systec also provides stepping motors suitable for your particular
applications. In addition to the basic models listed here, you can also get
stepping motor variants with mounted holding brakes and gearboxes.
A selection of the stepping motors offered:
P/N 7588
PK264-E2.0A; 0,5 Nm with Bi-polar operation
P/N 7249
PK266-E2.0A; 1,2 Nm with Bi-polar operation
P/N 7576
PK268-E2.0A; 1,9 Nm with Bi-polar operation
P/N 7582
PK296-E4.5A; 2,2 Nm with Bi-polar operation
P/N 6672
PK269JDA; 3,1 Nm with Bi-polar operation
P/N 7584
PK299-E4.5A; 4,4 Nm with Bi-polar operation
Hand wheel
P/N 8139
P/N 7243
2-axes analog joystick with table top housing
external hand wheel, separate housing, 5 m cable
terminals OT300
P/N 3457 o.
P/N 3461
with additional switches
Operational consol with LCD display (4 x 20 characters),
function keys, direction keys and number pad.
With CAN bus and USB connector.
Suited for front panel installation
- 16 -
4 Delivery contents
User Manual
4.3 Further accessories to be connected via CAN-Bus
Further accessories
With the CAN interface, CAN devices can be added to the Xemo
Controller. This provides numerous expansion capabilities in the area of
input and output units.
We are constantly developing a further variety of accessories for the
Xemo Controllers.
For connection of these accessories, you would a bus coupler. Then you
can connect a great variety of additional input and output extensions.
Ask Systec for available possibilities.
P/N 6734
BK5110 bus coupler CAN (CAN-Open) for max. 64 inputs
or outputs
P/N 8947
BK5110 bus coupler CAN (CAN-Open) for max. 255
inputs or outputs
For more information, please see http://www.systec.de .
4.3 Further accessories to be connected via CAN-Bus
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Xemo R/S Compact Controller
5 Construction and Function
5.1 Construction of the Controller
Front view:
Xemo R
Fig. 3 Front view of the Xemo R Compact Controller
Blue operational indicator
Motor-status and user LEDs
Four function keys
LCD display with 4 lines @
20 characters each
Error display
FIFO status display
Power switch
Keyboard with number pad
Four direction keys
Hand wheel
Override potentiometer
Emergency stop switch
Front view:
Xemo S
Fig. 4 Front view of the Xemo S Compact Controller
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5 Construction and Function
User Manual
Rear view:
Xemo R
Fig. 5 Rear view of the Xemo R Compact Controller
Connector - motor 0
Connector - motor 1
Connector - motor 2
Connector - motor 3
Xemo R: 85-265 V AC
power supply
Xemo S: 24 and 48 V DC
power supply
Joystick and encoder
CAN2 (Option)
CAN1 (Option)
Programming interface RS232
Analog inputs and outputs
Digital inputs
Digital outputs
Safety circuit
Programming interface USBSlave
Interface Ethernet
Interface USB-Master
Function selector (mode)
Side views:
Xemo S
Fig. 6 Side views of the Xemo S Compact Controller
5.1 Construction of the Controller
- 19 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
5.1.1 Construction of the Xemo R Controller
The Xemo R Controller’s housing is provided in 19“ technology. The
overall height amounts to 3 PU. The housing is closed off and,
consequently, can be operated as free-standing unit or in a 19“ cabinet.
Attention must be paid to sufficient air circulation.
The operational elements of the controller are easily accessible on the
front panel. The number of operational elements depends upon the
equipment configuration ordered.
All of the controller’s connectors are located on the rear side of the unit.
They consist of plug and socket units, which make extensive connection
work unnecessary. The connectors for the motors as well as for the
digital inputs and outputs are equipped with LEDs.
5.1.2 Construction of the Xemo S Controller
The housing of the Xemo S Controller is conceived for installation in a
switch cabinet and provides corresponding mounting options.
Because it is intended for installation in a switch cabinet, the Xemo S
contains no operational elements. A number of LEDs are located on the
front panel. You can program these, for example, to display system
The controller’s connectors are located on both sides of the housing.
They consist of plug and socket units, which make extensive connection
work unnecessary.
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5 Construction and Function
User Manual
5.2 Controller functions
5.2.1 General functioning of the Xemo Compact Controller
The Xemo Controller is a compact controller which contains all the
components of a true controller. After the motors, sensors and actuators
have been connected, it is run-ready.
Depending on the model, the Xemo can control up to four motors. Each
motor is connected to the controller by a motor cable. Connectors for
one reference and two limit switches are present for each motor and/or
You have eight digital inputs and outputs for sensors and actuators at
your disposal. There are also three analog inputs and one analog output
for the same purpose.
A joystick and/or an encoder can be connected via an additional
If the number of inputs and outputs of the basic equipment is not
sufficient, you have the option of adding more. With the technology
option G you have additionally 3 analog inputs and one ananlog outputs
connecting sensors and actuators. By way of the controller’s CAN
interface, several expansion possibilities are available.
You program the controller via a PC connected to one of the serial
interfaces - RS232 or USB or Ethernet. The programming language is
The Xemo Controller can be operated in two modes, i.e. an online or an
offline mode.
In offline operation, a MotionBasic program is stored within the Xemo
Controller. The controller then functions as a stand-alone system.
In online operation, however, a PC is permanently connected with the
controller via the serial port.
Programming on the PC is done in high-level MotionBasic language; its
individual commands are sent to and executed by the controller.
Mixed online-offline operation is also possible. Individual programs
stored in the controller are called up by a master computer (online). The
execution of such programs is performed by the controller itself (offline).
The controller is equipped with a safety function. In the event of faulty
operation, the controller immediately shuts down in the pre-defined
manner. Error sources can be identified by error codes.
5.2 Controller functions
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Xemo R/S Compact Controller
5.2.2 Stepping motors, limit and reference switches Motors
Two-phase stepping motors can be operated with the Xemo controllers.
At present, the output stages are offered are in 7 performance
categories. You can identify the performance category of your controller
by the middle digit of the 3-digit part number:
2-phase stepping motor
only indication of pulse and direction
max. 24 V/1,5 A phase current
max. 24 V/3,0 A phase current
max. 48 V/1,5 A phase current
max. 48 V/3,0 A phase current
max. 48 V/4,5 A phase current
Xemo configuration
Xemo x x0x
Xemo x x3x
Xemo x x4x
Xemo x x5x
Xemo x x6x
Xemo x x7x
In the performance category 0, the Xemo itself contains no power cards,
but indicates an external stepping-motor power stage pulse and direction.
Pin allocation performance categories 4 to 8 (example X3)
Phase A1
0 V (GND)
Phase A2
0 V (GND)
Phase B1
Lim. +
Phase B2
Lim. X3.5
+ 24 V DC
X3.10 REF
Phase A of the stepper motor is connected to pin 1 and 2, phase B to
pins 3 and 4.
Pin allocation performance categories 4 to 8 (example X3)
0 V (GND)
Not allocated
LIM. +
LIM. X3.5
+ 24 V DC
X3.10 REF
The direction is connected to pin 1 and 2, the pulse on pin 3 and 4. Limit and reference switches
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Connectors for one reference switch and two limit switches are provided
per motor at motor sockets X3 to X6 (for plug connection see Fig. 19).
The connectors for socket X3 (X4, X5 and X6 correspondingly) are
allocated as follows:
5 Construction and Function
User Manual
Pin allocation: motor socket (example X3)
Phase A1
0 V (GND)
Phase A2
Not allocated
Phase B1
LIM. + (for positive trajectory
Phase B2
LIM. - (for negative trajectory
+ 24 V DC
X3.10 REF
Technical data
Maximum output current at connector 5
Maximum input current
Minimum input current for logical 1
Limit switch
Automatic direction-dependent positioning monitoring is in effect for the
limit switch inputs Lim.+ and Lim.-. The limit switch must be connected
at the end of the positive travel direction at input Lim.+.
Correspondingly, the remaining limit switch is to be connected to Lim.-.
If contact is now made with a limit switch, the controller automatically
assures that the motor is immediately brought to a stand-still by an
adjustable emergency stop ramp. Now the motor can only be positioned
in the reverse direction, e.g. in order to free it up.
Reference switch
A reference switch is necessary for establishing a point of reference for
positioning commands. All positionings refer to this point (as a rule, the
zero point). A reference run to re-determine this point is therefore
always necessary after the controller has been switched off. MotionBasic
provides a function with which an automatic reference run for each
motor can be executed. You can find more about this topic under the
keyword “Reference run” in the MotionBasic programming manual
15 mA
5 mA
When a controller has been switched back on, exact repetitive
positioning is only possible after a reference run has been carried out.
5.2 Controller functions
- 23 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
5.2.3 Digital inputs and outputs
Socket arrangement: The connectors for the digital inputs and outputs are located on the
Xemo R
backside of the Xemo R Controller’s housing.
Fig. 7 Connectors for the digital inputs and outputs on the Xemo R Compact
Socket arrangement: The connectors for the digital inputs and outputs are placed on the right
Xemo S
side of the Xemo S Controller’s housing.
Fig. 8 Connectors for the digital inputs and outputs on the Xemo S Compact
- 24 -
5 Construction and Function
User Manual Digital inputs
Digital inputs:
Socket X17 provides 8 digital inputs. The connecting wires with a max.
cross section of 1 mm² are connected to the bolt and nut clamp. The
pins of socket X17 are allocated as follows:
24 V output
In 0 (port 10.0)
In 1 (port 10.1)
In 2 (port 10.2)
In 3 (port 10.3)
24 V output
Pin allocation X17
24 V output
In 4 (port 10.4)
In 5 (port 10.5)
In 6 (port 10.6)
In 7 (port 10.7)
24 V output
In order to activate sensors (e.g. proximity switches) connected to the
inputs, the inputs 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 and 16 of socket X17 are supplied
with a voltage of 24 V DC. The 24 V and 0 V terminals are internally
connected in parallel.
The inputs are not electrically isolated from the system’s power supply.
Destruction of the protective circuits of the 24 V outputs to high
 A maximum of 2 A can be accessed at these clamps.
 Never shortcut the 24 V and 0 V clamps.
Technical data
Maximum output current per 24 V DC terminal
Maximum output current of the 24 V DC connector
Maximum input current
Minimum input current for logical 1
mA Digital outputs
Socket X18 provides 8 digital inputs. The signal leads with a max.
diameter of 1 mm² are connected to the bolt and nut clamp. The pins of
socket X18 are allocated as follows:
Pin allocation X18
24 V DC output
5.2 Controller functions
24 V DC output
- 25 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Pin allocation X18
Out 0 (port 10.0)
Out 1 (port 10.1)
Out 2 (port 10.2)
Out 3 (port 10.3)
24 V DC output
Out 4 (port 10.4)
Out 5 (port 10.5)
Out 6 (port 10.6)
Out 7 (port 10.7)
24 V DC output
A supply voltage of 24 V DC is provided at the connectors 1, 2, 7, 8, 9,
10, 15 and 16 of socket X18 as a power supply for actuators. These 24
V and 0 V clamps are internally connected in parallel.
The inputs are not electrically isolated from the system’s power supply.
Destruction of the protective circuits of the 24 V outputs to high
 A maximum of 2 A can be accessed at these clamps.
 Never shortcut the 24 V and 0 V clamps.
The outputs Out 1, 2, 3, 4 and Out 5, 6, 7, 8 are combined into
individual output groups. For each group, a maximum permissible
combined output current is distributed among the four outputs of a
group. This means that an individual output can deliver the maximum
combined output current, while the others three outputs in its group
deliver no current.
The outputs are protected against short circuits. If the maximum
permissible combined output current of a particular group is exceeded,
the short-circuit LED which is marked “ERR” lights up. The output
current of that particular group is then switched off and will not be
turned on again until the short circuit has been eliminated. Further
information on this topic is located in 5.6 Protection of the controller’s
Technical data
- 26 -
Maximum output current per 24 V DC terminal
Maximum output current of the 24 V DC connector
Maximum output current per output
Maximum combined output current per group
5 Construction and Function
User Manual
5.2.4 Joystick connection
A joystick with two analog potentiometers and two buttons can be
connected to the Xemo Controller. MotionBasic can read out the stick
settings and the button states. When MotionBasic is programmed
accordingly, these can be used to position the motors.
Fig. 9 Connector socket for joystick and/or incremental encoder
Joystick connection
The joystick is connected to the 15-pole Sub-D socket X11 (see Fig. 9 on
page 27). This is allocated as follows:
Allocation Joystick
Joystick Vref (4,096 V)
Joystick button A
Joystick potentiometer X
Joystick potentiometer Y
Joystick button B
VCC (5 V DC)
Allocation Encoder
Encoder track +A
Encoder track –A
Encoder track +B
Encoder track –B
Encoder track +I
Encoder track –I
VCC (5 V DC)
5.2.5 Encoder connection (X11)
All Xemo Compact Controllers are equipped with an input for an
incremental encoder. An incremental encoder or a hand wheel can be
connected to this input and read out in MotionBasic.
The encoder connector X 11, you can monitor the attainment of the end
Encoder connection
Encoder connection: the encoder is connected to the 15-pole Sub-D
socket X11 (see Fig. 9). This is allocated as follows:
Allocation Joystick
Joystick Vref (4,096 V)
Joystick button A
Joystick potentiometer X
5.2 Controller functions
Allocation Encoder
Encoder track +A
Encoder track –A
Encoder track +B
- 27 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Joystick potentiometer Y
Joystick button B
VCC (5 V DC)
Encoder track –B
Encoder track +I
Encoder track –I
VCC (5 V DC)
The encoder inputs are not electrically isolated.
Technical data
Maximum impulse frequency
Maximum input frequency after 4-fold evaluation
Minimum input current for logical 1
Input voltage range
Lead disruption
The Xemo Controller monitors encoder-input lead disruption and shortcircuiting. If either of those two cases occurs, error code 55 is generated.
- 28 -
5 Construction and Function
250 KHz
1 MHz
1 mA
5 to 7 V
User Manual
5.3 Interfaces for programming and auxiliary equipment
For programming the Xemo controls the serial ports - RS232 or USB or
Ethernet – are available. The factory setting is the USB interface. You
change this setting via the system parameter 1407.
The Xemo-compact control is approachable exclusively via the USB
interface on the emergency level (operating modes switch position E).
For information about the optional CAN interfaces see the sections 10.2
and 10.3.
RS232 interface
Communication between the Xemo and a PC takes place via the RS232
programming interface X15 9-pole Sub-D socket. This interface can be
utilized for transferring MotionBasic programs to the controller and
debugging them. Online communication by means of the Windows DLL
takes place via the RS232 interface as well.
It is also possible to read files into a MotionBasic program via the RS232
The RS-232 interface may be used only once within the structure of the
program. If the RS 232 interface is used for reading files into a
MotionBasic program, that MotionBasic program can no longer be
debugged from within the development environment.
Connector allocation
Fig. 10 Pin allocation in the RS232 socket X15
Pin allocation RS232 programming interface X15
Not allocated
Not allocated
Not allocated
Not allocated
Ext. Reset+
Ext. ResetGND
Hardware Handshake A hardware handshake by way of RTS and CTS signals is not supported.
Interface parameters When delivered, the Xemo Compact Controller’s interface parameters
are set as follows:
5.3 Interfaces for programming and auxiliary equipment
- 29 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Start bits
Data bits
Stop bits
Baud rate
19.200 baud
For online operation, the interface parameters can be set at various
values via the parameter 1030 _Mode1.
The individual values for the _Mode1 see the MotionBasic programming
manual [SYSTEC717].
On socket X15 the Xemo controller has a reset circuit. Using an
appropriate cable the reset circuit can be triggered via a PC or modem.
For a reset set a positive signal on pin 4, and a negetive on pin 9. The
voltage difference should be at least 10V, but no more than 24V. The
current must be about 2 mA to trigger the reset.
The reset will remain as long as this voltage is present and the current
flows. The input is protected against reverse polarity, however, must not
be operated with voltages exceeding 24V. During the time in which the
reset signal is present, the control does not operate Xemo.
Is the Xemo controller via RS232 connected to a PC, you have to ensure
for a proper functionality, that no reset is triggered.
Either the cable must perform only the lines Rx, Tx and Gnd or the
handshake signals must be switched on the PC side.
The reset can also be triggered from other devices such as a PLC. A
connection via RS232 is not a must.
5.3.2 USB interfaces USB-Slave
USB-Slave (X20)
- 30 -
A USB 2.0 interface is standard equipment with the Xemo Controller. In
order to use this interface for developing software, you must first install
on your PC a USB driver for the Xemo Controller.
To do this, turn the Xemo Controller on while the USB connection is
plugged in. The Windows software immediately recognizes the
unidentified USB device. The shell then leads you through the
installation. Before calling up the MotionBasic development
environment or Xemo!Go, you must first switch the controller off and
then on again.
5 Construction and Function
User Manual USB-Master
USB-Master (X22)
The implementation of firmware to the USB master interface (X 22) - it
is intended for the connection of E.g. USB, mouse, joystick and
keyboard - is currently still under construction.
5.3.3 Ethernet
The Xemo control unit is equipped with an Ethernet interface (X 21).
Thus, you can integrate the Xemo control via an Ethernet cable to your
network, and also program.
You contact the control module via its IP address.
The address is preset.
We recommend a timeout of 10 seconds for LAN, a larger value for
Wi-Fi networks.
Keep in mind that there can be delays in the reactions of your positionning system in the Wi Fi network.
- 31 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
5.4 Safety functions
All Xemo compact controllers have an integrated safety function. As
soon as the controller detects a fault, the operability decreases. A
connected emergency stop circuit can thus bring the machine to a safe
state. Depending on their configuration, hereby they can achieve
different performance level (PL) according to DIN EN 13849. Also
external error signals are processed and reported, and the operating
mode is produced accordingly.
5.5 Description of the connectors
The safety switch circuit provides one respectively two (variant for Xemo
S) inputs for an “enable“ signal, an output with a “ready“ signal, and a
connector for an external emergency stop switch (Xemo R only). To
operate the controller, the safety switch circuit must be externally
connected. Depending on the controller version, the following
connectors are at your disposal:
Xemo R
Fig. 11 Socket X19 of the Xemo R’s safety switch circuit
Pin allocation X19 on the Xemo R
X19.1 24 V DC
X19.2 Emergency stop switch
X19.3 Emergency stop switch
X19.4 Ready relay common
X19.5 Ready relay closer
X19.6 Ready relay opener
- 32 -
24 V DC
Enable +
Enable -
X19.10 GND
X19.11 Enable 2 +
X19.12 Enable 2 -
5 Construction and Function
User Manual
Xemo S
Fig. 12 Socket X19 of the safety switch circuit of the Xemo S Controller
Pin allocation X19 on the Xemo S
X19.1 24 V DC
X19.2 N.C.
X19.3 N.C.
X19.4 Ready relay common
X19.5 Ready relay closer
X19.6 Ready relay opener
24 V DC
Enable +
Enable GND
Enable2 +
Enable2 -
5.5.1 Functioning of the “enable“ input
2-channal version
If you want to use it in 1-channel operation, switch the two inputs serial,
X19.9 on X19.11, X19.8 positive enable input, X19.12 negative enable
The digital input of the „enable“ can be polled by a MotionBasic
program. If the „enable“ input is eliminated during operation, the
controller automatically generates error code 49: “no enable”. At the
same time, in accordance with the programmed „enable” state, the
power supply to all the motors is switched off and all motor motions are
either immediately stopped or braked down with the emergency stop
ramp. In any case, any positionings which might still be running are
broken off. The „ready“ signal (see below) is also reset. Only after the
error has been confirmed can the “enable” input be re-set to „enable“.
The connector slots X19.8 and X19.9 (Enable1), and X19.11 and X19.12
(Enable2) provide electrically isolated digital inputs by which the Xemo
Compact Controller must be placed in a run-ready state. This input can
be manually toggled via a switch or via external switching, e.g. by a PLC.
Switching off the enable only stops possible movements, but not resets
inputs and outputs.
5.5 Description of the connectors
- 33 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Technical data
Maximum input current
Minimum input current for logical 1
Input voltage
15 mA
5 mA
24 VDC +/- 20 %
5.5.2 Functioning of the “ready” output
Connector slots X19.4, X19.5 and X19.6 provide electrically isolated
outputs over which the Xemo Compact Controller externally reports its
state of readiness. This output is equipped with electrically isolated twoway contact relays changeover contact.
If the controller is in a run-ready state, the contact from X19.4 to X19.5
is closed. In case of the following conditions and events, the controller
changes from run-ready to a non-operable state:
- The “enable” signal drops off
- An error has occurred.
As soon as the cause has been eliminated (“enable” re-set) the controller
is again set in a run-ready state.
You can also explicitly set or reset the ready output by the out
command. You can set the output of course only permanently, if the
control in an operable state.
Technical data
Maximum permissible load current
Maximum switch voltage
30 V DC
5.5.3 Xemo R’s emergency stop switch
Emergency stop
All Xemo R Compact Controllers are equipped with an emergency stop
switch which is integrated into the front panel. The connectors of the
emergency stop switch lead to socket X19. These can be wired in such a
way that pressing the emergency stop switch puts the controller in a safe
state. The state of the integrated emergency stop switch can be polled
via MotionBasic (see MotionBasic user manual, appendix 8.1).
An emergency stop is activated by pressing the red command switch.
After the switch has been pressed in and released, it remains depressed.
To re-activate the unit, the red switch must be manually unlocked by
turning it to the right.
The switching contacts of the integrated emergency stop switch lead to
the connector slots X19.2 and X19.3.
- 34 -
The emergency-stop switch only affects the control, if the terminals
X19.2 X19.3 are wired with the enable input of the Xemo.
5 Construction and Function
User Manual
If the drive is to be switched off or braked by an emergency stop ramp
as soon as the emergency stop switch is pressed, the switch must be
wired as is shown in Fig. 13.
Fig. 13 Switching off drives when the internal emergency stop switch is pressed
If the drive is to be switched off or braked by an emergency stop ramp
as soon as the emergency stop switch is pressed, the switch must be
wired as is shown in Fig. 13.
Technical data
Maximum permissible current load
Maximum switch voltage
30 V DC
All Xemo R compact controllers are supplied ready-made plug X19 as
shown in Fig. 13. The plug X19 of the Xemo S is assembled as shown in
Fig. 13, but the bridge of X19.1 to X19.2 is not due to the missing
internal emergency-stop switch. With the so assembled plug X19 the
control can be put directly into operation for test purposes without
additional wiring of the safety circuit.
Stopping the movement in the fault or emergency! Xemo ready!
 Wire the enable input and the ready output according to the
automation safety concept you selected (see also DIN EN ISO
13849) in your system.
5.5 Description of the connectors
- 35 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
5.6 Protection of the controller’s components
5.6.1 Protection of the controller’s electronics
The controller’s electronics are protected by an electronic resetting
safety fuse. If a defect occurs in the controller’s electronics, it will trigger
this fuse. The fuse can be reset by shutting the device off for five
seconds and then starting it again.
If the device should not be operational after resetting (blue operational
indicator on the front remains out), this indicates a defect in the
controller’s electronics. In this case, please contact your supplier or
Systec Ltd. to arrange for repairs.
5.7 Protection of the digital outputs
Fig. 14: Output socket X18 on the back of the Xemo R Controller
- 36 -
The eight digital outputs on socket X18 are protected against short
circuits. For this purpose, they are equipped with an electronic short
circuit monitor. This monitors two output groups with four outputs each
(outputs 0 to 3 and outputs 4 through 7). Each output group can reach a
maximum combined current. (See page 22 for details about this
maximum combined current. This is the combination of the output
currents of the four outputs which belong to the specific group. If this
maximum combined current is exceeded, the short circuit monitor
switches off the output current of the total group. At the same time, the
5 Construction and Function
User Manual
corresponding ERR-LED (LED 1 or LED 2) on output socket X18 lights
up. The output group will be automatically reactivated when the short
circuit is eliminated or when the short circuited output is reset.
5.7.1 Protection of the motor power stages
Monitoring short
Fuse at the power
All motor power stages of the Xemo Compact Controller are protected
against short circuits. The following kinds of short circuits are monitored:
– Connection of a stepping motor with too little coil resistance
– Incorrect connection of a stepping motor
– Short circuit between sockets A1, A2, B1 or B2
– Short circuit between +24 V and one of the sockets A1, A2, B1
and B2
– Defective motor power stage
The short circuit monitor reacts if an output stage’s rated current level is
more than doubled.
In case a short circuit occurs, the output stage’s current is immediately
switched off, and the ERR-LED on the motor socket lights up red,
indicating an overcurrent. At the same time, the ready status (bit 3 in the
motor status byte) of the respective motor power stage is reset.
This output stage version is equipped with an inert fuse, 6,3 A slow
blow. This is a special fuse which can only be replaced by your supplier
or Systec service.
5.7.2 Temperature monitoring
Each Xemo Compact Controller contains a temperature monitor which
monitors the operating temperature within the housing. Dependent on
the interior temperature, the following actions will automatically be
taken in accordance with the individual Xemo model.
Interior temperature Xemo R: action
T < 40 °C
OK, operating temp.
Xemo S: action
OK, operating temp.
40 °C < T < 70 °C
Ventilator turned on
None, operating temp
T > 70 °C
Output stages are
switched off, error code switched off, error code
54 is set
54 is set
5.7 Protection of the digital outputs
- 37 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
6 Operational and display elements
6.1 Arrangement of the operational and display elements
Front view Xemo R
Fig. 15 Xemo R front: operational and display elements
Blue operational indicator
Motor-status and user LEDs
Four function keys
LCD display with 4 lines @
16 characters
Error display
FIFO status display
Power switch
Keypad with number pad
Four direction keys
Emergency stop switch
Front view Xemo S
Fig. 16 Xemo S front: display elements
- 38 -
6 Operational and display elements
User Manual
Rear view Xemo R
Fig. 17 Xemo R rear view: operational and display elements
Connector motor 0
Connector motor 1
Connector motor 2
Connector motor 3
X17 Digital inputs
X18 Digital outputs
X19 Safety circuit
S1 Function selector (Mode)
Side view Xemo S
Fig. 18 Xemo S side view: operational and display elements
6.1 Arrangement of the operational and display elements
- 39 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
6.2 Description of the display elements
LCD Display (4)
The LCD display can be utilized, for example, to display messages and
menu texts. Four lines of text with 16 characters each can be shown in
the display.
Blue operational
indicator (1)
This display shows that the controller is under current and turned on. It
cannot be turned on or off with a program.
User LEDs (2)
A total of 8 user LEDs are at your disposal on the front panel. From left
to right, they are labeled U0 to U7. These LEDs can be turned on or off
with MotionBasic programs. System conditions which are dependent on
the specific application can be displayed here.
Shortly after the controller is turned on, the user LEDs are switched on as
running lights. This makes the operational readiness more visible,
particularly on Xemo R Controllers without a display or on Xemo S units.
Motor-status LEDs (2) Four LEDs to show the specific motor status are located below the user
LEDs. From left to right, these are labeled M0 to M3. One of these LEDs
is allocated to each motor power stage. Each LED lights up as long as its
specific motor is moving or supposed to be moving.
Error display (5)
This LED (5) signals an error in the Xemo Controller. It remains lighted
until the error has been evaluated and confirmed. The analysis of failures
is described in the MotionBasic user manual.
FIFO-display (6)
The FIFO display (6) signals an overflow of the input FIFO (RS 232).
When this LED is lighted, the Xemo Controller can receive no further
online FIFO commands. At the same time, the FIFO display is
represented by a Xemo-status bit and can be polled. For further
information, see the MotionBasic user manual [1].
Function keys LEDs
Each of the four function keys (3) is equipped with an LED. These LEDs
can be freely programmed and can be used to inform the operator to
use certain function keys.
Motor socket LEDs
(X3 to X6)
Five LEDs are located at each of the motor sockets X3, X4, X5 and X6.
The LEDs have the following meaning:
- 40 -
green = motor power stage activated
red = motor power stage in overcurrent
orange = 24 V applied to LIM+
orange = 24 V applied to LIMorange = 24 V applied to REF
6 Operational and display elements
User Manual
Fig. 19 Motor plug for connecting a stepping motor as well as limit and reference
switches (for one axis).
If LED 1 lights up green, the motor power stage is activated. The
connected motor is then under current with the pre-set current. If LED 1
is not lighted and if LED 2 is off, the end phase is switched off because
the “enable” input of the safety circuit is inactive. When the “enable”
input is activated, the end phase is again activated.
LED 2 lights up when the motor current flowing to the end power stage
output is impermissibly high (overcurrent). At the same time, LED 1 goes
out, and the end phase is switched off to prevent its destruction. At
regular intervals, the motor power stage automatically checks to see if
the cause of the overcurrent has been eliminated. Then LED 2 goes out
briefly. If it goes on again, the cause of the overcurrent is still present,
otherwise LED 1 lights up green again after a little while. The LEDs 3, 4
and 5 make it very simple to test whether the connected limit and
reference switches are functioning. Independent of the programmed
polarity, these LEDs light up if their specific inputs are under 24 V
LEDs digital inputs
(Plug X17)
Eight digital inputs are provided at plug X17. For each input, a yellow
LED signals the input level. If the LED lights up yellow, the specific input
is active. The display refers exclusively to the signal level and is therefore
independent of the programmed polarity of the inputs.
LEDs digital outputs
(plug X18)
Eight digital outputs are provided at plug X18. A yellow LED signals the
output level at each output. All outputs are incorporated into groups of
four each. Each group is provided with a red short-circuit LED, which
signals when the maximum permissible combined total output current
has been exceeded. Total output current means the electricity which all
four outputs together (in total) can send. For more information, see
Chapter 5.2.3.
6.3 Description of the operational elements
- 41 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
6.3 Description of the operational elements
Power switch (7)
The Xemo R is provided with a power switch on the front panel. The
controller is turned on and off with this switch. The blue display in the
Systec logo on the front panel signals the specific operating state.
Membrane keypad
The membrane keypad is located on the front side of the Xemo R
Controller and is divided into 3 sections. Four function keys (3) are
arranged below the display in such a way that a five-character text can
be allocated to each key in the bottom-most display line. This enables
context-sensitive allocation of the function keys, for example to create
an operational menu.
Located next to the 10 numerical keys on the number pad (8) are the
“enter” key and four further keys for entering the algebraic sign,
commas, and the “#“ and “*“ characters. Parameter values or positioning data can be entered with these.
Four directional keys (9) are located below the function keys. By way of
these keys the motors can be run or parameters selected (cursor control)
from a list.
The programming of the keys is described in the Chapter
"Applications“in the MotionBasic programming manual [SYSTEC717].
Handwheel (10)
The electronic precision handwheel (10) with a resolution of one
hundred pulses/revolution is implemented as a low-inertia flywheel.
Precise settings such as position changes or the exact decrease/increase
of parameter values are possible with it.
Depending on the direction of rotation, the handwheel’s impulses are
increase or decreased by an internal meter. The meter reading can be
polled with MotionBasic programs by using the system parameter
The usage of the handwheel is determined via a MotionBasic program.
Potentiometer (11)
The potentiometer (11) integrated into the front panel can be adjusted
at an angle of 270°. The potentiometer setting covers a scale from 0 to
100 and is read in over a 10-bit analog input. This 10-bit value can be
read out by using the system parameter _OvrIn.
An integrated override function links path velocity with the setting of the
potentiometer, so that this can be altered during positioning between 0
and 100 % of the programmable maximum velocity. You will find further
details in the MotionBasic programming manual [SYSTEC717] under the
topic “Override function”.
- 42 -
6 Operational and display elements
User Manual
Emergency stop
switch (12)
The integrated emergency stop switch of the Xemo R features two sets of
contacts: one of these is internally evaluated and the other electrically
isolated contact is available at X19.2 and X19.3. With these two sets of
contacts, the integrated emergency stop switch can be incorporated into
an external emergency close-down chain.
The emergency stop switch is self-locking. If it has been triggered, it can
be unlocked by rotating the red knob in a clockwise direction till it stops.
Function selector (S1) The function selector labeled “Mode” is located on the back of the
Xemo Controller (see Fig. 20).
Fig. 20 Function selector of the Xemo Compact Controller
In section 7.10.1 you find an overview of the starting behavior of the
controller for the various switch positions.
You can read the switch position using the In command as each input. In
section 13.1.1 the return values for the various switch positions are
6.3 Description of the operational elements
- 43 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
7 Getting Xemo ready to run
7.1 Mechanical installation
Installing Xemo R
Installing Xemo S
- 44 -
Xemo R is conceived for either stand-alone operation or for installation
in a 19“ rack-mountable housing. The location or the installed position is
to be chosen in such a way that the unit’s internal forced air ventilation
will not be obstructed. On the Xemo R, the cooling air is drawn in
through the bottom panel and blown out through the rear panel.
Accordingly, the distance between the Xemo R’s rear panel and the
adjacent surfaces must amount to at least one-hundred mm. Stand-alone
units should be set up using the rubber feet attached to the unit at the
time of delivery. For installation into a 19“ rack-mountable housing, the
four rubber feet on the bottom panel must be removed.
The Xemo R’s internal forced air ventilation will automatically turn on
and off according to the unit’s temperature level.
In case of controllers with higher output power, - 3 A output stage –
unobstructed air circulation must be assured. If the system is to be
operated on a laboratory table, no objects may be located under the
housing. When installing a unit in a rack, make sure that there is enough
space below the slide-in module for air to be drawn in. No other source
of heat should be placed at this location. The environmental conditions
which are to be assured relate to the immediate surroundings of the
Without extra preliminaries the Xemo controllers are not suitable to
operate in damp rooms.
Also operation in dusty environment must be avoided, because for
efficiency reasons the forced air ventilation is unfiltered.
Xemo S is designed for wall mounting. Attachment is made with the four
flanges on the unit's sides. As heat emitted by the Xemo S emerges
through the unit's top panel, adequate air circulation along the unit's top
surface must be assured. The controller must mounted in such a way
that the heat produced by the unit can escape by natural convection.
Otherwise, forced convection must be provided.
7 Getting Xemo ready to run
User Manual
7.2 Electric connections
7.2.1 Selection of the type of cable to be used
Please note the information provided in the following sections about
cable types, length and cross section. The requirements of electrical
engineering in terms of flows, cable lengths and cross-sections must be
considered in each case. This is especially true if the limiting currents of
the engines or the digital outputs flow permanently.
power supply
(Xemo S only)
Type of cable
motor circuit inper 1,0 mm2
termediate voltage
I/O voltage supply per 1, 0 mm2
Maximum length
USB interface
referred to
Ethernet interface CAT-5
CAN interface
4 x 0,25 mm2 ,
RS232 interface
Input and Outputs
Connection of the
as short as possible shielded
as short as possible shielded
50 m
ab 25 bis 500 m:
4 x 0,5 mm2
3 x 0,25 mm²,
simple shield
In case of
extremely strong
convert to glassfiber
per 0,14 mm2
per 0,14 mm2
per 0,14 mm2
per 0,14 mm2
unshielded if
distance to
power cables
> 10 cm
per 0,14 mm2
Motor cable
4 x 1,0 mm2 ,
simple shield
Motor holding
2 x 0,5 mm2
Digital I/O
Limit and reference switches
Analog I/O
from 7 m: 4 x
1,0 – 1,5 mm2
from 7 m: 2 x
1,0 – 1,5 mm2
This list of the types of cable necessary for wiring Xemo Controllers with
motors or lineal axes and further components constitutes a
recommendation only. Deviations can lead to poor or even faulty system
behavior. No guarantee of faultless operational capability in individual
cases can be derived from these recommendations.
You find more suggestions in the following chapters, 7.3 to 7.8.
7.2 Electric connections
- 45 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
7.2.2 EMC-compliable operation
To assure EMC-compliable operation of a Xemo Compact Controller,
the following mounting instructions must be followed.
– Except for the power supply and the digital in- and outputs, all
connected cables must be shielded. The surface of the shields
must be fully covered by the plug casings. The plug casings must
be electrically conductive.
– All plugs connected to the controller must be screwed or locked in
– If differences in potential exist in the protective ground of a
machine or system, these differences must be eliminated by
potential compensation cables with corresponding cross sections
(at least 10 mm²).
– The cables for low voltage power supply (24 V) should be kept at
least mm away from all energy cables (e.g. of frequency
converters/inverters, power transformers and motors, as well as Ewelding devices), in order to keep the risk of interference as low as
possible. These power components must be connected with one
another by potential compensation cables with a cross-section of
at least 10 mm².
- 46 -
7 Getting Xemo ready to run
User Manual
7.3 Power supply
7.3.1 General
A Xemo Controller’s power supply differs according to the housing
version. Whereas the Xemo R is equipped to plug into a standard power
supply (ac), the Xemo S is fed with direct current.
7.3.2 Power supply: Xemo R
The power connection is made via a low-head device mains cable
(included) to the low-heat device socket X10 on the controller’s
backside. The current is turned on with the power switch (7) on the front
Fig. 21: Location of the low-heat device socket and fuse on the rear side of the
Xemo R controller unit
Technical date
Supply voltage
Maximum power consumption
Power frequency
Power fuse
A lead-in fuse to safeguard the supply voltage is located in a small
drawer below the low-heat device box. The drawer can be levered open
with a small screwdriver. Dependent on the typical supply voltage feedin, the fuse must provide the following rating:
Typical supply voltage
230 V AC
115 V AC
85 – 265 V AC
150 W
50 – 60 Hz
Fuse rating
A SB (inert)
A SB (inert)
When delivered, the Xemo R Compact Controller is provided with one
1 A SB (inert) fuse. For operation at 115 V AC, the fuse must be
replaced with an appropriate one.
7.3 Power supply
- 47 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
7.3.3 Power supply: Xemo S
All Xemo S units separate the current supply for the motor power
phases, (intermediate circuit voltage) and for the controller’s electronics.
Because of that, the power supply voltage for the motor power
electronics can be varied widely independent of the supply for the
controller’s electronics. Depending on the intermediate circuit voltage
chosen, the connected stepping motors can reach different maximum
revolutions. The higher the intermediate circuit voltage chosen, the
higher the maximum motor revolutions.
The power supply for the controller’s electronics is connected via X10.3
and X10.4 of the bolt and nut clamp. The bolt and nut clamp can
accommodate Litz wire cross sections up to a maximum of 2.5 mm²
(AWG 12).
The intermediate circuit voltage is connected to socket pins X10.1 and
X10.2. The two GND (ground potential) socket pins of clamps X10.2 and
X10.3 are internally connected to each other.
Fig. 22 socket for the Xemo S Controller’s power supply
Power supply pin allocations: Xemo S
+ 48 V DC for motor power stages (intermediate voltage)
+ 24 V DC for the controller’s electronics
Motor circuit intermediate voltage
Conduct the 24/48V DC motor circuit voltage from the primary power
supply via a short cable.
Logic voltage
Conduct the 24 DC I/O- and logic voltage from the primary power
supply via a short cable.
Type of cable
motor circuit inper 1,0 mm2
termediate voltage
I/O voltage supply per 1, 0 mm2
- 48 -
Maximum length Comments
as short as possible shielded
as short as possible shielded
7 Getting Xemo ready to run
User Manual
Contact erosion through sparking!
 Never plug or unplug X10 when under current.
Technical date of the intermediate voltage
Supply voltage range
Remaining noise
Maximum operational power
Sustained short circuit current
18 V DC to 48 V DC
2 V AC
4,5 A for a Xemo unit
output stages each with
6,0 A for a Xemo unit
output stages each with
with four
3A phase
with four
3A phase
The technical data of the intermediate voltage depends on the design
specifications of the individual Xemo controller. Further particulars
about that can be found on page 112.
Technical data of the power supply for the controller’s electronics
Supply voltage range
23,2 – 28 V DC
Maximum operational current
2,5 A
Sustained short circuit current
4,5 A
Destroy the electronics through to high voltage!
The power supply of the motor power amplifiers and control electronics
is not protected internal by a fuse.
 Provide fuse protection of your DC power supply input side.
 Make sure not to reverse the polarity of the cable, if the
intermediate circuit voltage is greater than the supply voltage of
the control electronics!
If the motor power stages are driven by an intermediate voltage of 24 V
DC, they and the controller’s electronics do not need separate power
supplies. One 24 V DC power supply will be enough for both. The slots
X10.1 and X10.4 (24 V DC) as well as X10.2 and X10.3 (GND) can be
Note: for Xemo S controllers with Ethernet interface a decrease of the
supply voltage of the control electronics at 23.2 V DC leads to the switch
off of the enable.
 Select a suitably powerful power supply.
7.3 Power supply
- 49 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
7.4 Connecting stepping motors (X3 – X6)
7.4.1 Performance categories
Two-phase stepping motors can be operated with the Xemo controllers.
At present, the output stages are offered are in 7 performance
categories. You can identify the performance category of your controller
by the middle digit of the 3-digit part number:
2-phase stepping motor
only indication of pulse and direction
max. 24 V/1,5 A phase current
max. 24 V/3,0 A phase current
max. 48 V/1,5 A phase current
max. 48 V/3,0 A phase current
max. 48 V/4,5 A phase current
Xemo configuration
Xemo x x0x
Xemo x x3x
Xemo x x4x
Xemo x x5x
Xemo x x6x
Xemo x x7x
In the performance category 0, the Xemo itself contains no power cards,
but indicates an external stepping-motor power stage pulse and direction, see. chap. 9.2.
7.4.2 Connection of the motor/brake
Motor cable
Use shielded cables for the stepper motor cables (motor phases). Lay the
cable shields full-faced (clip) to the protective earth (PE) at both ends.
Motor holding brake Use shielded cables for the stepper motor brake cables.
Lay the cable shields full-faced (clip) to the protective earth (PE) at both
Connection of the
Motor cable
Motor holding
- 50 -
Type of cable
4 x 1,0 mm2 ,
simple shield
2 x 0,5 mm2
Maximum length Comments
from 7 m: 4 x
1,0 – 1,5 mm2
from 7 m: 2 x
1,0 – 1,5 mm2
7 Getting Xemo ready to run
User Manual
7.4.3 Cable clamp for shielding the motor cable
Interfering signals!
Operation of power electronics and stepper or servo motors.
The power electronics causes from the nature of the engine control
interfering signals. These interfering signals may indicate malfunction of
both Xemo control and other devices.
 Attach the motor cable shielding in accordance to the installation
Protection potential
Lead each shielding - so far technically possible - to the clamps or connections.
Remove the insulation of the cable to a width of about 1 cm and place
the exposed shield with an encompassing terminals or clamp against
protection potential. If possible, the grounding of the shield should be
done at the end of the cable.
Fig. 23 Shield set with prepared motor cable
Controller side
The Systec shield set is used for grounding on the control side.
Shield set
The Systec shielding set (see Fig. 23) consists of a bracket (2.R for Xemo
R, und 2.S for Xemo S), and a clamp (3) per motor cable.
The bracket of the Xemo S is so wide, that you can attach up to 4
terminals (for up to 4 motor cable) to it. For the Xemo R a bracket is
accompanied for each motor.
Xemo S
Fasten the bracket approximately 5 cm (without housing, with
connector housing 3 cm more) from the motor slots of the Xemo.
(see Fig. 26).
7.4 Connecting stepping motors (X3 – X6)
- 51 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Xemo R
1. Screw the bracket to the slots of the motor.
Then prepare the cable.
2. Remove the coating of the motor cable (1.4) up to a distance of
approx. 7 cm from the end of the cable, see Fig. 23.
3. Bend back the shield (1.2) and place it over the remaining
4. Mount the shield using a piece of heat-shrink tubing so that
about 2 cm of the shield remains free at the front end of the
5. Fasten the cable to the motor plug (1.1).
6. Place the clamp from the top on the shield, see Fig. 24.
Fig. 24 Place the clamp on the shield.
7. Slide the clamp(s) over the bracket (XemoS) or into the oblong
holes (Xemo R) and screw it to the bracket, see Fig. 25.
Fig. 25 The motor cable is attached to the bracket using the clamps.
left: Xemo S, right: Xemo R
8. Attach the motor plug (1.1) to the motor slot (X 3 to X 6) of the
Xemo controller, see Fig. 26.
- 52 -
7 Getting Xemo ready to run
User Manual
Fig. 26 Motor cable layed with shield set, left: Xemo S, right: Xemo R
Motor side
A similar enclosing by a conductive metal clamp must be reached on the
side of the engine. The clamp must have a direct and permanent contact
with the protective earth.
EMC conformity
If these mounting requirements are not met in full, EMC conformity
cannot be attained.
EMC compliant wiring information, see chapter 7.2.2.
If you have any questions about EMC conformity in mountings or wiring,
we will be glad to provide you with additional date. You find further
information at our home page address www.systec.de on the internet.
7.4 Connecting stepping motors (X3 – X6)
- 53 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
7.4.4 Connection variants
The Xemo output stages of the stepping motors are driven by bi-polar
technology. As a result, stepping motors with four, six or eight
conductors can be attached. Stepping motors with eight conductors can
be connected optionally in parallel or in series. With the same
revolutions and with higher current input, stepping motors in parallel
connection achieve a higher torque than those in serial connection.
The numbering of the motors (Motor 0 to Motor 3) corresponds to the
programming numbers of the axes (Axis 0 to Axis 3), and the
corresponding connectors are marked Plug X3 to Plug X6. Pin allocation
is defined as follows (shown here with the example of connector X3):
Pin allocation (example: motor plug X3)
Phase current A1
Phase current A2
Phase current B1
Phase current B2
+ 24 V DC
0 V (GND)
Not allocated
Lim. +
Lim. REF
Phase A of the stepping motor is connected to pins 1 and 2, phase B to
pins 3 and 4.
7.4.5 Problems during start-up
Direction of rotation The direction of rotation of a stepping motor is dependent upon the
direction in which the currents flow through phases A and B to each
other. The direction of rotation may be reversed by swapping the
connections to pins 1 and 2 or to pins 3 and 4.
Incorrect connection If the stepping motor does not rotate when started up for the first time,
but instead only jerks back and forth, it has probably been connected
improperly. For example, motor phase A could be connected to pins 1
and 3 and motor phase B to pins 2 and 4.
Motor current
How to set motor current is described in the Chapter 9.1, p. 69.
Short circuits
The output stages for the 2-phase stepping motors are protected against
short circuits. If a short circuit should occur between A1 and A2 or
between B1 and B2, the output stage will be switched off immediately.
You will find a detailed explanation of this topic under 5.7.1
- 54 -
7 Getting Xemo ready to run
User Manual
7.5 Pulse-direction output (X3 – X6)
The pulse-direction outputs are placed on the slots of X 3 and X 6; for
pin allocation see chap., p. 22.
Cable to the pulsedirection output
The cables of the pulse-direction outputs should be laid at a distance of
10 cm to power cables to avoid errors. In addition the cables should be
laid in shielded cables, the screen must be laid on both sides fully
(clamp) on protective earth (PE).
Type of cable
per 0,14 mm2
Maximum length Comments
shielded, pairwise twisted
7.6 Limit and reference switches
The limit and reference switches are also placed on the slots X3 to X6;
for pin allocation see chap., p. 22.
Cables to limit and
reference switches
Install the cables to the limit and reference switches in a minimum
distance of 10 cm to the power cables to avoid interferences.
Alternatively use shielded cables and secure laying the cable shields fullfaced (clip) to the protective earth (PE) at both ends.
Type of cable
Limit and reference switches
per 0,14 mm2
Maximum length Comments
unshielded if
distance to
power cables
> 10 cm
7.7 Digital I/O (X17, X18), Joystick (X11)
Cables to the digital
Install the cables to the external sensors, actuators or devices in a
minimum distance of 10 cm to the power cables to avoid interferences.
Alternatively use shielded cables and secure laying the cable shields fullfaced (clip) to the protective earth (PE) at both ends.
Input and Outputs
Type of cable
per 0,14 mm2
Digital I/O
per 0,14 mm2
Maximum length Comments
unshielded if
distance to
power cables
> 10 cm
7.5 Pulse-direction output (X3 – X6)
- 55 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
7.8 Interfaces
USB interface (X20,
Use shielded cables.
Ethernet interface
Use shielded cables.
RS232 interface (X15) Use shielded cables for connections via RS232 and an electrically
conducting plug casing with connections to the cable shield.
USB interface
Type of cable
referred to
Ethernet interface CAT-5
CAN interface
4 x 0,25 mm2 ,
RS232 interface
3 x 0,25 mm²,
simple shield
Maximum length Comments
50 m
from 25 to 500 m: shielded
4 x 0,5 mm2
In case of
extremely strong
convert to glassfiber
7.9 Safety functions and the emergency stop switch
emergency stop
Type of cable
0,5 – 1 mm2
Maximum length Comments
7.9.1 Wiring the Xemo controller’s enable input
Fig. 27 Activating the Xemo Compact Controller via PLC’s digital outputs
- 56 -
7 Getting Xemo ready to run
User Manual
Fig. 28 Activating a Xemo Compact Controller via an external switch
7.9.2 Emergency close-down chain
Emergency closedown chain
The wiring of multiple emergency stop switches depends on the
controller involved. In a Xemo S, these are led to input X19.8, as is
shown in Fig. 29. X19.9 is connected to the grounding connection
If the integrated emergency stop switch in a Xemo R Controller is not
used, this connection can also be selected.
Fig. 29: Connecting an emergency close-down chain to Xemo S or Xemo R
Controllers (Xemo R without integrated emergency stop)
If a Xemo R Controller’s integrated emergency stop switch is used,
additional emergency stop switches are connected to that in series, as is
7.9 Safety functions and the emergency stop switch
- 57 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
shown in Fig. 30. The connection of the first external emergency-off
switch is made via X19.3; the last of the chain is led to input X19.8.
For the voltage supply of the emergency close-down chain, 24 V are led
from X19.1 to X19.2. The grounding connection is created by a bridge
from X19.9 to X19.10.
Fig. 30: Connecting an emergency close-down chain to a Xemo R Controller using
the integrated emergency stop switch
Emergency closedown chain and
activation via a PLC
- 58 -
If a Xemo Controller is implemented via a PLC transistor output, the PLC
delivers the voltage which activates the Xemo R Controller’s relay. A PLC
output must be connected with input X19.8, while X19.9 leads to the
PLC’s grounding.
As emergency stop handling is programmed into the PLC which
functions as the master controller, the emergency close-down chain
leads to a PLC input. The Xemo R Controller’s integrated emergency
stop switch with its contacts X19.2 and X19.3 will be integrated into this
chain in series. (Fig. 31).
7 Getting Xemo ready to run
User Manual
Fig. 31 The Xemo R Controller’s integrated emergency stop switch as an element in
an emergency close-down chain if emergency-stop handling and the controller are
implemented via a PLC.
7.9 Safety functions and the emergency stop switch
- 59 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
7.10 Switching on the controller
Instructions on how to proceed during the initial operation of the Xemo
Controller can be found in the Xemo!Go manual [SYSTEC775].
There you will find a step-by-step, detailed description of how to get the
stepping motor revolving as early as possible. Some general settings are
described in the following.
Selection of the
For the selection of the interface, see chapter 5.3, p. 29 ff.
7.10.1 Operational modes of the controller
Operational mode
The rotary mode switch has 16 settings which are labeled on the switch
in the hexadecimal counting method from 0 to F. The operational
modes which can be selected with this switch are described in the
following table:
Operation mode
0, 3, 6
Automatic Startup,
Flashing programs and overriding of variables possible
A MotionBasic program
stored in the Xemo will be
started automatically.
1, 4, 7
Automatic Startup with flash
As with switch setting 0.
write protection (No programs
can be transferred to the controller module.)
2, 5, 8
Automatic startup with flash
As with switch setting 0.
and Eeprom write protection
(Variables which have been
defined with the “NonVolatile”
command are protected)
Controller module not runThe new operating system
ready, firmware update
can be transferred to the
possible, no controller module module
Controller module run-ready,
setup parameters can be
- 60 -
Startup behavior
Communication only via USB
(Xemo with Ethernet)
Controller module run-ready
7 Getting Xemo ready to run
A MotionBasic program
stored in the controller
module will not be executed.
A MotionBasic program
stored in the controller
module will not be executed.
User Manual
9, B – D Reserved
Not defined
Programming the controller module (Flashing of programs in the
ROM) is only possible when the switch is in position 0, 3, 6 or F.
Please note that a change of position is only effective after the
controller is switched on (again).
Because the switch settings 9 and B to D – for firmware versions
less 3.49 also 3 to 8 – are not defined, the controller module
should not be started in these positions.
To perform an operating system update, additional PC software
and the new operating system are necessary. In case an operating
system update should be necessary, please contact the Systec
You can read the switch position using the In command as each input. In
section 13.1.1 the return values for the various switch positions are
7.10 Switching on the controller
- 61 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
7.11 Installing MotionBasic on a PC
To determine system compatibility between the controller and the
development environment, the MotionBasic Development Environment
must first be installed on your PC.
You can find this Development Environment on your Systec CD. A
download from the Systec website is likewise possible (www.systec.de).
After double clicking on the file MB_IDE_6.5.5.setup.exe please follow
the installation instructions. You find more detailed information about
this installation in the MotionBasic IDE user manual [SYSTEC875].
Xemo controllers with For Xemo controllers with Ethernet interface, you must replace the
Ethernet interface
following files after installation of the default MotionBasic IDE in the
MotionBasic directory:
You can find these files on your Systec CD-ROM in the folder
Xemo\Xemo_Software\DLLs_Xemo_mit_Ethernet respectively
7.11.1 System compatibility between the controller and the IDE
To enable checking the development status and the compatibility
between your controller and your Development Environment IDE, these
are provided with version and compatibility codes. This applies to the
following components:
– compatibility codes for IDE and controller
– version number of the Development Environment IDE
– version number of the compiler (component of the IDE)
– version number of the Xemo Windows DLL
– version number of Xemo!Go
– version number of the documentation
Version number
The IDE and the Xemo version numbers provide information about the
current status of the IDE and the controller. The versions are sequentially
numbered, e.g. when errors have been eliminated or functions have
been added. For combined operation, the specific version numbers of
the Xemo Controller and the compiler do NOT have to correspond.
They also give no indication of their compatibility.
- 62 -
7 Getting Xemo ready to run
User Manual
Compatibility code
In addition to the version codes, compatibility codes have been
allocated to both the IDE and the controller. These codes indicate
whether the Xemo Controller is compatible with the IDE. For operation
of the controller in conjunction with the IDE, both compatibility codes
must correspond.
Polling the numbers
with MotionBasic
The menu item ”Help/About” in MotionBasic gives you the possibility to
poll both the version and the compatibility codes of the Development
Environment. The MotionBasic window (see Fig. 32) which appears
shows the following information (The version numbers shown here are
only examples; the text sections displayed in italics will not appear in the
Compatibility ID
Xemo DLL
compatibility code
version development environment
version number of the compiler
version number of the DLL
version number of Xemo!Go
version number of documentation
Fig. 32 Display of the version and compatibility codes in the MotionBasic IDE
information window
7.11 Installing MotionBasic on a PC
- 63 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Polling the numbers
of the controller
- 64 -
The polling of the controller’s version and compatibility codes is done
most simply via the user interface Xemo!Go. On the “System” tab in the
topmost line to the left, the version is displayed; after that the
compatibility code is shown in the panel „comRelease“.
Such a display could look like this:
Version 448/1.70 comRelease 500.
The number behind “comRelease” is actually the compatibility code. Do
not be confused by the different kinds of display. The numerical value is
what is important; for example, 500 and 5.00 both mean the same
thing, namely a corresponding compatibility code.
The version and the compatibility codes of the Xemo Controller can be
polled via the system parameters “_Release” and “_ComRelease” with
a MotionBasic program.
Should the IDE be incompatible with the Xemo Controller, this will be
indicated by an error message in the IDE.
You can get current as well as older IDE versions for MotionBasic in the
download area of our home page www.systec.de.
7 Getting Xemo ready to run
User Manual
8 Programming
8.1 Introduction
The Xemo Compact Controller is a freely programmable controller
which combines axis control with the functionality of a programmable
logic controller (PLC).
The controller is programmed with the high-level language MotionBasic.
MotionBasic combines the BASIC language standards with elements of a
programmable logic controller (PLC) and language elements for
numerical controls.
Programming is done on a PC with the development environment IDE.
After connecting the PC to the controller via one of the two serial
interfaces, you can transfer your program to the controller. Error
searches can also be done in this manner. Once you have stored your
MotionBasic program in the controller, you can disconnect the PC from
the controller. The controller will now run autonomously in stand-alone
operation (offline mode).
If you prefer an alternative to the development environment IDE, you
can also program the controller with a different programming language
in Windows. The Windows DLL is available for that purpose. To execute
your program from the PC, it must be constantly connected to the
controller via one of the serial interfaces. Is in this case, the controller is
operated in the online mode.
8.2 The programming language MotionBasic
Just a few short comments about the controller’s programming language
are provided here. You can find information that is more detailed in the
MotionBasic programming manual [SYSTEC717].
MotionBasic is a modern, structured programming language for the
Systec multi-axes, positioning and continuous path control system
“Xemo”. MotionBasic combines BASIC language standards with language
elements for a machine controller system.
System parameters
A machine or positioning controller system is defined by specific
characteristics such as the number of axes, the permissible trajectory
velocity, the performance specifications of the motors, etc. In the Xemo
Controller, these characteristics are regulated by system parameters.
MotionBasic can both read and set these system parameters. Each
system parameter has one registry number and an identifier. The system
parameters are set by allocating appropriate values.
8.1 Introduction
- 65 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
For example, the trajectory velocity of an axis is set with the system
parameter _Speed (Registry no. 2000); e.g. _Speed (_X) = 1000 sets the
trajectory velocity of the x-axis at 1000.
Accelerations and delays can likewise be preset.
Controlling axes
MotionBasic contains specific commands for controlling axes. Absolute
positioning, for example, is programmed with the command Amove. Amove
(_X, 8500) moves the X-axis to the absolute position 8500 at the velocity
pre-set by the system parameter. A short comment about position
values: In MotionBasic they are not given in metric measures such as
mm, for example, but rather in user units.
Other functions
In addition to the commands for various kinds of axis control, there are
also commands for programming input/output devices and control
Hardware interfaces
The programming language MotionBasic accesses hardware interfaces
via port addresses.
In cases of digital inputs and outputs, each input and/or output is the
equivalent of a hardware interface. In MotionBasic, these individual
input/output interfaces are accessed via port addresses. Port address
specification is an element of the MotionBasic commands for
programming such inputs and outputs. Port addresses are described in
the chapter "Applications". An output is set e.g. with the command
Out(10.2,1). In this example, 10 is the port address for the digital
outputs, 2 the bit number of the specific output.
Fixed identifiers are allocated to the controller’s power stages.
Corresponding to the maximum of four axes which the controller can
operate, the axis numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3 and/or the axis identifiers _X, _Y,
_Z and _A are pre-defined.
Technology options
The Xemo Controller’s functionality depends on whether it has been
ordered in the standard kit or with a technology option. The controller’s
functional capability is enhanced by such technology options, (see chap.
10). and more complex axis controls can then be realized. Special
MotionBasic commands are provided for such controls.
- 66 -
8 Programming
User Manual
8.3 MotionBasic software tools
Environment IDE
The integrated Development Environment IDE contains all the necessary
utilities (program editor, compiler, debuggers) for writing a program.
With the IDE, you simply write a program, load it into the controller and
test it.
For more details on the IDE see the user manual [SYSTEC875].
Xemo!Go provides a direct user interface for the controller. With just
mouse click you can, for example, run axes and set outputs. Likewise,
you can send single MotionBasic commands to the controller which will
then be executed immediately.
Xemo!Go makes it easier and quicker to put an application into
operation. You can test axes without having to write a complete program
first. Some commands for such tests are provided in the form of predefined buttons, i.e. you do not have to manually enter such commands.
More information see the Xemo!Go manual [SYSTEC775].
DLL, Library
The Xemo Windows DLL provides all controller commands in the form
of functions and procedures. The DLL can be used by programming
languages such as Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Visual
C, Borland C, LabVIEW etc. That makes it possible to connect the
controller as an intelligent front-end to the PC user interface. The syntax
of the library and DLL functions and/or procedures is described in the
Xemo Windows DLL manual [SYSTEC591].
LabView VIs
Systec also offers VIs for LabVIEW. With those VIs, the programmer
interface LabVIEW can access the Xemo Controller. For information that
is more exact please consult the manual [SYSTEC767].
8.4 Xemo storage memory
The Xemo Controller can be programmed both online and offline.
Enough memory for the program and the data are available for offline
operation. To test a program created in MotionBase 5, it can be
transferred to the RAM storage in the Xemo Controller and run there.
This is a convenient way to test and debug programs. To conclude this
process, the final program version is then transferred to the flash storage
and run there. (For a description of automatic program run, see Chapter
RAM data storage
You have a volatile data memory of 64 kbytes RAM storage at your
disposal. This data memory is used for global variables, arrays and the
stack (maximum 4 Kbytes) in a MotionBasic program. The data in this
RAM memory is lost when the Xemo Controller is turned off.
8.3 MotionBasic software tools
- 67 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
You have a non-volatile data memory of 8 Kbytes of EEPROM at your
disposal. This data memory is used for global variables and arrays in a
MotionBasic program. Data stored in the EEPROM memory remains
stored for a period of 10 years even if the Xemo Compact Controller is
turned off. Data can be written to the EEPROM memory approximately
10,000 times.
Flash program
In the Xemo Compact Controller, the MotionBasic program is stored in a
non-volatile flash memory of 128 Kbytes. It will remain stored there for
more than 20 years even if the Controller has been switched off. Date
can be written to this flash storage up to 1,000,000 times.
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8 Programming
User Manual
9 Software applications
9.1 Connecting motors and/or axes
9.1.1 Connecting two-phase stepping motors
Types of motors
Types of motors: Basically, all two-phase stepping motors can be
controlled. The Xemo Controller is equipped with a bipolar power stage;
i.e. two motor coils are connected by four conductors to the controller’s
power stage. This means that two-phase stepping motors with four, six or
eight conductors can be connected. Examples of such connections may
be found below. Individual coils or coil taps can be connected either in
parallel or in series to such motors with eight conductors. The different
connection variants are listed below:
Fig. 33 Two-phase stepping motors with four conductors (coils are wired in parallel
within the motors)
Fig. 34 Two-phase stepping motors with six conductors (coils are wired internally
in series)
9.1 Connecting motors and/or axes
- 69 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Fig. 35 Two-phase stepping motors with eight conductors (coils are wired
externally in series)
Fig. 36 Two-phase stepping motors with eight conductors (coils are wired
externally in parallel)
Overheating of the motor!
If the motor current is set too high, it will result in the destruction of the
motor by overheating.
 Check the maximum amperage before setting the motor current
and match them to the power amplifier of the Xemo control.
Motor current
- 70 -
The stepping-motor power stages of the Xemo Compact Controller
function as current regulators. With MotionBasic, the desired motor
current can be programmed between 0 % and 100% of the maximum
output current of the power stage. Initially, the current is set at 0% when
the controller is powered up. As a rule, the power current tolerance is
inscribed on the motors as “rated current”. This indicates the rated
current per coil. If the coils of a stepping motor with eight conductors
9 Software applications
User Manual
are wired in series, the motor current should be set at this rated current.
However, if the coils are wired in parallel, the rated current can be
multiplied with a factor of 1.414 (√2) to determine the motor current
9.1.2 Programming stepping motors Microstepping operation
Microstepping operation ensures that the stepping motors are positioned
with fine resolution and very smooth operation. Depending upon the
type of stepping motor involved, the following maximum positioning
resolutions can be attained:
Full-step resolution
200 steps/revolution
Pole pairs Maximum microstep resolution
10,000 steps/resolution
400 steps/revolution
20,000 steps/resolution
The desired microstepping resolution can be programmed with the
MotionBasic command _micro(Axis, resolution parameter) and set in
a range between full-step resolution and the maximum microstepping
resolution. The parameter “resolution parameter” results as a quotient
from the following calculation:
Maximum microstepping resolution / desired resolution = resolution
An example: With a desired microstepping resolution of 4,000 steps per
revolution, the resolution for one stepping motor with one-hundred
poles is to be set at the value 20,000/4,000 = 5. You will find further
information about microstepping programming in the MotionBasic
programming manual [SYSTEC717].
If stepping motors are to be used in a microstepping operation, they
must be suitable for that purpose. The PK motors from the Systec
product palette are all suitable for microstepping operations. In case you
use motors from third-party manufacturers, your supplier can inform you
if they are suitable for microstepping. Scaling motors
By means of scaling, you can program an automatic conversion of motor
steps into user units. After scaling has been completed, all positioning
will then occur in user units. Each specific motor can be set with its own
scaling. You will find further information about scaling under “System
Settings” in the MotionBasic programming manual, [SYSTEC717].
9.1 Connecting motors and/or axes
- 71 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller Reducing current to lower motor heat during stand-by
From Xemo version 1.60 on, current reduction can be achieved by using
_StopCurr (Reg. no. 2052) to set the axis parameter for an axis in the
stand-by mode. Current reduction is indicated as a percentile and refers
to the setting of the motor current.
If a limit of an axis’ current has been pre-defined, the operational
software will automatically reduce the motor current of the specific axis
to that pre-defined value. This will occur after a time lapse of 50 ms
after that axis enters the stand-by mode. Before motion is resumed, the
motor current will be raised again. If the current was reduced for longer
than 50 ms, the power stages need 10 ms to raise the current again.
After that, motor motion will be resumed. If current reduction is
deactivated (0 % reduction), no time lapse will occur.
The current reduction value is set in the axis register _StopCurr. An
example: If the reduction is to be programmed at 80 % of the predefined motor current for the y-axis, enter the following command
when initializing.
sub iniAxis
Aset(_Y,_StopCurr, 80)
end sub
' current reduction Y-axis
'to 80% Controlling braking for vertical-drive cogged timing belt axes
If the holding torque of vertical-drive axes with low friction (cogged
timing belt or ball screw) drops off, the motors will move by themselves
to their lowest position. To prevent this, an electromechanical holding
brake is usually flange mounted to the motor. A holding brake takes hold
when there is no current. To release the brake, current must be applied.
With the Xemo Controller, a holding brake can be controlled via a digital
output to which a special braking function has been allocated. If the
output is deactivated, the brake will automatically take hold and, in that
way, protect the axis from an uncontrolled crash.
With a system parameter, you can define one of the Xemo Controller’s
eight digital outputs as an output for brake control. This output is
controlled by a variable square wave signal (PWM operation). When the
brake is released - in other words when current is applied to the brake’s
coil - a higher performance level than that reached in a static condition
can be attained by simply keeping the brake open.
In the Systec motor cables, two free leads are reserved for a holding
brake connection. If these leads are used for a brake connection, they
must be led out of the cable opening in the motor plug’s shell with a
two-core cable. This two-core cable is to be connected to a GND
connection and to the digital output which you have selected for brake
- 72 -
9 Software applications
User Manual
Brake controlling operates in the following way:
Releasing the holding By setting the proper parameters, you can configure every digital output
as a brake output.
The holding brake will be released, i.e. the specific output supplied with
current when:
– The controller is switched on,
– it is ready for operation, and
– the current for that specific motor output has been programmed.
Activating the holding The holding brake engages or its specific motor output goes dead when:
– The controller is turned off,
– operation ceases,
– an error occurs, or
– the current for that specific motor output is set at 0.
At present, there is a slight time lapse in brake engagement in case of an
emergency shutdown and/or if the current is shut off; i.e. the axis will
drop slightly. How much depends on many parameters (among others
from the used kinematics, by the weight of the load, the type of the
used brake). You should consider this for the system configuration.
Five parameters are used to program a brake. These parameters are
described in detail in the MotionBasic programming manual
Length of a PWM-cycle, specification in ms , default value = 2
The parameter should not be given a value larger than 50, as
the brake will not work effectively then, i.e. it will stutter.
On/Off ratio of the PWM in %, default value = 50
Address and bit number of the brake output
Time lapse between activation of the motor current and
release of the brake in ms., default = 200
Time lapse for releasing the brake (100% PWM) in ms, default
= 400
An example applica- A brake for the y-axis is connected to digital output 2.
The PWM frequency is to be 200 Hz (corresponds to 5 ms) and have a
duty ratio of 75% to 25%. The holding brake is to be released with a
time lapse of 1 s. after motor current programming. For its release, the
brake is to be charged with full current for 700 ms.
9.1 Connecting motors and/or axes
- 73 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
sub iniAxis
set(_BkPwmCycle, 5)
' cyclical time 5 ms
set(_BkPwmDuty, 75)
' on/off 75 %
aset(_Y,_BrkDelay1, 1000)
' release after 1s
aset(_Y,_BrkDelay2, 700)
' length 700 ms
aset(_Y,_brakeoutp, ioaddr(10.2))
' output 2 = brake
end sub
A holding brake is to be treated as an inductive charge. This must be
provided with a spark suppressor diode.
Notice that the data type "IOAddr" is not implemented in the Xemo DLL.
Use the following formula to convert an address in dot notation in a
number equal to Long:
Addr = port adress + 4096 * bit number + 256 * width.
The value for address 10.2 - "10" is the port address and "2" the bit
number – is 8458, resulting with the above formula.
width indicates in this context, how many bits should be addressed. If
you want to address e.g. 10.2..4, width is equal to three, and you get the
value 8970 for our example.
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9 Software applications
User Manual
9.2 Pulse-direction output TR501
9.2.1 Description
For the output of pulse and direction signals in the performance class 0
the assembly TR501 is used on the engine slots of M0 to M3.
The pulse and signal direction signals are differential RS422.
Alternatively they can be provided by soldering jumper settings as 24V
signals. Contact Systec in this case.
In addition to the pulse and direction signal, three 24 V inputs are available on the interface as Lim, Lim - and REF.
9.2.2 Construction and function pulse-direction output TR501 Construction of the pulse-direction output TR501 (Pin allocation)
Fig. 37 Pin allocation of the pulse-direction output, for example terminal X6
Pin allocation of the pulse-direction output
Pin allocation
X3.1 - X6.1
X3.2 - X6.2
X3.3 - X6.3
X3.4 - X6.4
X3.5 - X6.5
X3.6 - X6.6
X3.7 - X6.7
X3.8 - X6.8
X3.9 - X6.9
X3.10 - X6.10
direction /
+ 24 V DC
Lim +
Lim Ref
9.2 Pulse-direction output TR501
- 75 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller Description
The pulse-direction assembly TR501 is built on the motor slots M0 to M3
of the Xemo R or S controller. This slots is labeled with X3 to X6. The
controller internal counting of the motors starts at 0 (motor 0 to motor 3).
Axis identifier
0 or _X
1 or _Y
2 or _Z
3 or _A
If the connected amplifiers don´t have a differential input for the pulse
or direction signal, so also a TTL or 5V connection can be made. In that
case use direction (pin 2) and pulse (PIN 4) as signals and GND (PIN 6)
as reverse signal conductor.
The pulse width for the clock line is 2µs, the level is between + 0.2 V
and + 4.2 V. When selecting the amplifier power amplifiers, make sure
that they deal with the short pulse lengths.
9.2.3 Activating the pulse-direction card
For Xemo controllers with Ethernet interfaces you must activate the
pulse-direction card before using via the parameter _Pulsmode (available
from firmware version 4.31).
'You unlock the pulse direction assembly first set a
'current, assign to the axis.
'Currents are programmed in MotionBasic in %. A current
'setting of 1% is sufficient for activation:
_current(0) = 1
'Setting of the current for the
'1st axis to 1%
'Turn on the pulse direction card via the system parameter _Pulsmode (parameter-no. 2053) on and off.
ASet (0, _PulsMode,2) 'Turning the pulse-direction
'card of the first axis on
ASet (0, _PulsMode,0) 'Turning the pulse-direction
'card of the first axis off
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9 Software applications
User Manual
9.3 Limit and reference switches
Risk of crushing!
• If the limit switches have been connected in reverse, this will not
become obvious until contact is made with one of them. In this
case, braking will NOT occur automatically; the axis will run
through to the stopper. In such a case, it is absolutely necessary
to interrupt the positioning operation. You can do this, for
example, by turning off the controller. It is not possible,
however, to free up the axis by reversing the trajectory direction.
The limit switch connections must first be swapped.
• For safety reasons, the limit switches are to be set up as circuit
openers. That assures that automatic circuit disruption
monitoring is implemented. To ensure this function when using
circuit openers, the individual inputs must be inverted in
• Monitoring of the limit switches for each axis can be switched off
with the parameter _Ldecel = 0. Then it is very simple to bridge
the limit switches for short trial runs. For actual operation,
though, monitoring of the limit switches should be activated.
9.3.1 Types of switches
Various types of switches can be connected as limit and reference
switches. Basically, all kinds of circuit openers or closers can be
connected. The default is set for circuit closers. When using circuit
openers, the specific inputs must be inverted. For polarity settings,
please also consult Chapter 4.1 Parameter _InPolarity in the
MotionBasic programming manual [SYSTEC717].
Passive or active
Both active and passive switches can be connected as limit or reference
switches (proximity switches).
Connection of passive
Fig. 38 Connecting a passive switch(circuit closer) to the reference input of a motor
plug (in example X3)
9.3 Limit and reference switches
- 77 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Connection of active
PNP switch
Fig. 39 Connecting an active PNP switch to the reference input of a motor plug (in
example X3)
Active switches, e.g. inductive proximity switches, provide higher repetition accuracy in reference runs than passive switches.
“Active switches” means, e.g., inductive proximity switches. These
switches are available in PNP and NPN variants. Only PNP switches can
be connected to Xemo Controller inputs, as shown in Fig. 39.
In case NPN switches are to be connected, the signal levels must be
adapted to PNP, as shown in Fig. 40. This is not recommended!
Fig. 40 Connecting an active NPN switch to the reference input of a motor plug (in
example X3)
Reference run
The operational sequence of a reference run is described in the
MotionBasic programming manual [SYSTEC717].
Reference switch
Reference switch polarity can be changed by software. That makes it
possible to connect reference switches as either circuit closers or
openers. What you need to pay attention to when selecting reference
switches is described earlier in this chapter.
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9 Software applications
User Manual
9.3.2 Alternative use of limit and reference switch inputs
Alternative use
The inputs Lim.+, Lim.- and REF are intended for connecting limit and
reference switches. If no limit or reference switch are to be used in your
application, the individual inputs can then be allocated to other tasks.
These are polled via the following ports:
Motor no.
Port address
The inputs of the limit and reference switches can be read in by using
the following bit numbers in conjunction with the port address of the
respective motor:
Port bit no.
Limit switch positive direction
Limit switch negative direction
Reference switch
Run-ready state
sub testInput
If In(3.2)=1 then … 'poll input 2(REF) of motor 3
Lim. REF
If the inputs Lim.+ and Lim.- are used for other tasks than monitoring
the limit switches, automatic limit-switch monitoring must be switched
off. To do this, enter the command _LDecel(MotorNr, 0). For
“MotorNr”, use the serial number of the motor whose connector will be
used for the LIM-+ and Lim.- inputs. The value “0” sets the acceleration
of the emergency stop-ramp to “0” which turns limit-switch monitoring
9.3 Limit and reference switches
- 79 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
9.4 Wiring and programming the inputs and outputs
You see the addresses of all inputs and outputs in chap. 13.1, S. 117.
9.4.1 Digital inputs
Digital outputs are programmed in MotionBasic with the command
“Out“. Both individual outputs (e.g. Out 10.3,1) as well as output groups
(e.g. Out 10.4,10,1) can be set and reset in this way. Output polarity can
be programmed and will be factored in when the outputs are set.
For more information about the programming of the digital inputs, see
Chapter 3.3, Programming the inputs and outputs, in the MotionBasic
programming manual [SYSTEC717].
9.4.2 Digital outputs
Digital outputs are programmed in MotionBasic with the command “Out“.
Both individual outputs (e.g. Out 10.3,1) as well as output groups (e.g. Out
10.4,10,1) can be set and reset in this way. Output polarity can be
programmed and will be factored in when the outputs are set.
Destruction of the digital output by excess voltage when the load is
turned off!
 Protect the digital output by a suppressor diode.
 Implement a suppressor load as shown in Fig. 41.
Fig. 41 Necessary installation of a suppressor diode with inductive loads
- 80 -
9 Software applications
User Manual
9.4.3 Analog PC joystick
Analog PC joysticks can be connected to the Sub-D plug X11 of the
Xemo Compact Controller if these have been modified according to the
circuit diagram in Fig. 42.
With “Vref”, Xemo provides a precise voltage of 4.096 V DC.
The analog input at Pin X11.3 and Pin X11.6 operates with 10-bit
resolution. Through this connection variant and the high input resolution, the stick position can be read in with a resolution of 0.004 V.
The potentiometer’s resistance must lie between 1 and 5 kOhm.
Fig. 42 Necessary internal wiring of an analog joystick for connection to a Xemo
Compact Controller
Reading in a joystick Stick motion and button activation are not allocated to any of the Xemo
Controller’s fixed functions. Instead, the stick position can be read out
by the system parameters _JoyX and _JoyY in MotionBasic. According to
the stick position, a value between 0 and 1023 will be returned.
The two joystick buttons are read in like digital inputs. With In(11.0),
the status of button A and with In(11.1) the status of button B are
Because of the Xemo’s standardized internal wiring, both analog and
digital inputs can also be used for other purposes.
9.4 Wiring and programming the inputs and outputs
- 81 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
9.5 Programming operational elements
9.5.1 Programming the LCD display and the function keys
In the following example, the Printxy functions are used to show texts
at specific locations on the display.
'-----------------------------------------------------' Display present axis position in the display, take on
' that position and leave menu
'-----------------------------------------------------sub teach
dim xpos as string, ypos as string
dim zpos as string, apos as string, txt as string
dim ExitCode
printxy(1,1,"teach start position")
ExitCode = KEY_F1 OR KEY_F4
xpos = dostring(_rpos(_x))
ypos = dostring(_rpos(_y))
zpos = dostring(_rpos(_z))
apos = dostring(_rpos(_a))
txt = "X:" + xpos + "Y:" + ypos
txt = "Z:" + zpos + "A:" + apos
if(keypressed()) then
if(keyread() = ExitCode) then
exit do
end sub
Fig. 43: The Xemo R Controller’s LCD display
- 82 -
Please note that the use of the instructions Ctype and TextAttr is limited
for the Xemo R controller´s default display or the OT300 due to the
9 Software applications
User Manual
Xemo R
For details on the instructions CType und TextAttr see the MotionBasic
programming manual [SYSTEC717].
9.5.2 Programming user LEDs
On the controller’s front panel, eight LEDs are placed which can be
programmed by the user. By means of MotionBasic commands, these
can turned on or off. They can be used, for example, to display
application-dependent system conditions.
In MotionBasic, these LEDs are accessed via port addresses.
LED port addresses
sub testLed
Front panel LEDs
LED „U0“
LED „U1“
LED „U2“
LED „U3“
LED „U4“
LED „U5“
LED „U6“
LED „U7“
'Turn on LED U3
'Turn off LED U3
'Turn on LED U7
'Turn off LED U7
9.5.3 Programming the function keys’ LEDs (Xemo R)
Programmable LEDs are placed in the Xemo R Controller’s function keys
F1 to F4. These LEDs are accessed via port addresses. Various
operational modes can be selected for programming.
LED port addresses
LED function keys
LED Taste F1
9.5 Programming operational elements
- 83 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
LED port addresses
LED function keys
LED Taste F2
LED Taste F3
LED Taste F4
Programming operational modes for the LEDs:
slow blink
fast blink
sub testLed
KeyLed(317,1) 'Turn on LED F3
KeyLed(316,10) 'Slow blink LED F2
9.5.4 Programming the Xemo R’s membrane keyboard
No specific functions are allocated to the keys. Without specific
MotionBasic programming, the keys have no functions. They must be
polled and evaluated from within a MotionBasic program. For that
purpose, numerous MotionBasic-functions are at your disposal. Every
key click is stored in a keyboard buffer. The function Keypressed inquires
whether a keyboard code is available in the keyboard buffer, which can
then be read out with Keyread” You will find more about this in Chapter
6.2, “Keyboard input and text output” in the MotionBasic programming
manual [SYSTEC717].
9.6 Consoles OT300
Consoles OT300
- 84 -
The console OT300 is intended for Xemo Controllers that have no builtin operational elements (keyboard and LCD display) or for applications
in which the operating unit is detached from the controller and placed
at a location that the operator can easily access. One such operational
console per controller can be used.
The operational console is connected via the CANopen interface. As
soon as a console logs in, all terminal functions are diverted to that
console. The Xemo R Controller’s built-in operational elements cease to
as soon as an external console is logged in. A technical description is
provided with each console; programming is described in the
MotionBasic programming manual [SYSTEC717].
9 Software applications
User Manual
10 Technology Options
10.1 Overview
Technology Option A 1-channel version of the CANbus as master (CANopen) to control child
devices and the low-level communication with parent control systems.
The channel CAN1 (Terminal X 13) is intended for the connection of
external expansion modules: digital I/O, bus terminals or operator
Details of the CAN1 - interface, see Chap. 10.2.
Technology Option
2-channel version of the CANbus as master (CANopen) to control child
devices and the low-level communication with parent control systems:
• 1st CAN channel (CAN1 on terminal X13): Channel for the
connection of external expansion modules: digital I/O, bus
terminals or operator terminals
• 2nd CAN channel (CAN2 on terminal X12): Channel for amplifier
Details of the CAN1 - interface, see Chap. 10.2, of the CAN2 - interface,
see Chap. 10.3.
Technology Option C The technology option C setting of action points is available in the case
of the 1-axis system. For a multi-axis system trajectory synchronous
methods (linear and circular interpolation) are also available.
1. Action points means that you can set (back) outputs in
dependence of the travel path. This can be done according to the
trajectory command even while driving.
2. With the Technology Option C, MotionBasic provides trajectory
parameters and commands with which coordinate systems can
be pre-defined and axes allocated. In MotionBasic, a coordinate system means a grouping of one or more axes with the objective
of synchronizing their movements. Axes, which are to be moved
in coordination with one another by trajectory commands, must
be allocated to the same coordinate system. The integrated lookahead function provides for continuous movement of the
contour. It automatically adapts the trajectory velocity to the
radius of curvature. There is a set of trajectory commands for
linear and circular interpolation. For example, Lin (100, 200, 7)
simultaneously positions the X, Y and Z-axes linear to the predefined target position.
The respective MotionBasic commands are described in the MotionBasic
programming manual [SYSTEC717].
Technology Option E The assembly TR501 can be used in the Xemo R and S compact PLCs. It
forms to an encoder signal from the current speed and direction of an
10.1 Overview
- 85 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
axis. This can be used by devices with incremental encoder input as
input signal.
For details see section 10.4.
Technology Option G With technology option G your Xemo controller has 3 analog inputs
and 1 analog output.
For details see section 10.5.
Technology Option N With the technology option N, you can use a digital output as a pulse
output. Learn more about the programming of the pulse output in
section 10.6.
Technology Option U Technology option U, you can set a position monitoring for your
You can find detailed information on connections to the encoder card
and on programming see 10.7.
- 86 -
10 Technology Options
User Manual
10.2 Option A – CAN1 interface
Technology option A 1-channel version of the CANbus as master (CANopen) to control child
devices and the low-level communication with parent control systems.
The channel CAN1 (Terminal X 13) is intended for the connection of
external expansion modules: digital I/O, bus terminals or operator
terminals, for example our OT300.
10.2.1 CAN1 interface
The CAN interface provides two functions. On the one hand, the
functionality of the Xemo Controller can be enhanced by auxiliary
equipment connected to this interface. On the other hand, the
controller can be operated by a superior system (e.g. a PLC) via this
interface. Two CAN open connectors are provided at the 9-pole Sub-D
sockets X12 and X13.
Pin allocation
The two 9-pole SUB-D sockets X12 and X13 are available for simple
connections. The sockets are connected one on one to each other.
Pin allocation X12 and X13
Pin 7: CAN-H
Pin 2: CAN-L
If the Xemo Controller is located at the terminal point of a CAN network
or bus, a 120 ohm resistor must be inserted.
At Xemo S or Xemo R turn it on by setting the MotionBasic parameter
1405 _CanTerm, see Motion-Basic programming manual [SYSTEC717].
Fig. 44 CAN network with terminating resistors at the limit points
10.2 Option A – CAN1 interface
- 87 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
10.2.2 Installation
CAN-Anschluss (X12, Devices with CAN - interface must be completed only with shielded
cable, the shield must be connected to the metal cap of the plug housing
on both sides.
CAN interface
Type of cable
4 x 0,25 mm2 ,
Maximum length Comments
ab 25 bis 500 m: shielded
4 x 0,5 mm2
10.2.3 Programming the CAN1 interface
The following briefly introduces the system parameters and the
MotionBasic functions which pertain to the CAN interface. You will find
a detailed description in the MotionBasic programming manual
[SYSTEC717]. System parameters
System parameters are used for the controller’s basic settings. When
related to the CAN bus, that involves logging on the CAN devices and
selecting the transfer rate.
The baud rate of the CAN bus is set with _CanMode.The baud
rate parameters are:
0 = 1 Mbit/s (default setting);
1 = 800 Kbit/s
2 = 500 Kbit/s
3 = 250 Kbit/s
4 = 125 Kbit/s
5 = 100 Kbit/s
6 = 50 Kbit/s
7 = 20 Kbit/s
8 = 10 Kbit/s
Registration of the control terminals OT300 by its ID number.
With this parameter, devices that are connected to the CAN
interface „CAN2“ (connector socket X5) are logged in. To log
in enter the ID number of the CAN device into the parameter.
At present, only one CANopen device can be entered into the
For controls with software 667, from version 3.36 available.
Registration of a second device. Its ID number must be
unequal the first device.
For description see _Can1Device (1038)
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10 Technology Options
User Manual
By using the setup parameter _CanTerm, the integrated terminating impedance can be switched on or off internally via
_CanTerm = 0
Both CAN interfaces without termination
_CanTerm = 1
1st CAN interface with termination
_CanTerm = 2
2nd CAN interface with termination
_CanTerm = 3
Both CAN interfaces with termination
This system parameter designates the type of bus coupler.
5110 = Default setting for bus coupler 5110.
5120 = When bus coupler 5120 is used.
'Initialize the CAN1
sub init_can1
_CanMode = 2
'Baud rate 500 Kbits/s
_Can1Device = 1
'Register unit 1 (address selec'tion switch is set on the
'device to 1)
_Can2Device = 5
'Register unit 2 (address selec 'tion switch is set on the
'device to 5)
_OtSelect() = 8
'Register OT300 on address 8
_CanTerm = 1
'Connect the terminating resistor
'for CAN1
end sub
Currently you can connect maximum of 2 devices and 1 OT300
operating terminal to your Xemo R or Xemo S-control via the interface
10.2.4 MotionBasic functions
Various MotionBasic functions are available for communicating with
CANopen devices. For CANopen devices, communication as such is set
by various protocols.
The transfer of process data - Process Data Objects (PDO) - is integrated
into MotionBasic commands, for example for programming the inputs
and outputs.
CANopen provides the mechanism of Service Data Objects (SDO) for
changes in the object directory of CANopen devices. SDOs can be used
for making changes in the object directory as well as for status inquiries.
For such communication, there are special MotionBasic commands for
sending and/or receiving data.
For byte-level communication, various MotionBasic commands are
likewise available. With those, you can communicate with each
CANopen device even if the device profile has not yet been
implemented in the controller.
10.2 Option A – CAN1 interface
- 89 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller Service Data Objects
Service Data Objects When CANopen devices are involved, you can access the entries of an
object directory with Service Data Objects (SDOs) via Index and Subindex. The object values can be read and, if permitted, also be changed.
With the SdoRcv function you can read out data, with the SdoTrm
command you can write in data.
SdoRcv (Node, Index, Subindex)
Via SDO data exchange, read out data from a CANopen device.
SdoTrm (Node, Index, Subindex, Daten)
Via SDO data exchange, write in data to a CANopen device.
sub Init (Length as integer)
dim sdo as long
SdoTrm(&H101+length,&H60fb,3, 0)
sdo = SdoRcv(&H101+length,&H60f9,1)
sdo = SdoRcv(&H101+length,&H60f9,2)
sdo = SdoRcv(&H101+length,&H60fb,1)
end sub Byte-level communication
Receive data via the CAN interface.
Send data via the CAN interface.
Configuring the CAN receiver
Before date can be received, you must configure the receive channel
with an address number at least once. When sending data, these are
sent together with the address number and can only be received by a
channel with the identical address number.
Configuring the CAN sender
Before data can be sent, you must configure the send channel with an
address number at least once. When sending data, these are sent
together with the address number and can only be received by a
channel with the identical address number.
Inquire whether data have been received via the CAN interface.
- 90 -
10 Technology Options
User Manual
sub CanIOTest
static CanData(1) as long
CanTrmConfig 0 'Configure CAN send interface
CanRcvConfig 1 'Configure CAN receive interface
if CanRcvState() then
'Inquire if data have been
'received via CAN
CanReceive (CanData()) 'Receive data via the CAN
out 9,0,7, Candata(0)
CanTransmit(CanData()) 'Send data via CAN
end sub
10.2 Option A – CAN1 interface
- 91 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
10.3 Option AA – CAN interfaces CAN1 and CAN2
Technology Option
2-channel version of the CANbus as master (CANopen) to control child
devices and the low-level communication with parent control systems:
• 1st CAN channel (CAN1 on terminal X13): Channel for the
connection of external expansion modules: digital I/O, bus
terminals or operator terminals
• 2nd CAN channel (CAN2 on terminal X12): Channel for amplifier
This chapter describes only the CAN2 interface;
see more details of the CAN1 - interface, ServiceDataObjects (SDO) and
the communication on the byte level in section 10.2.
10.3.1 CAN2 interface
About the CAN2 interface you implement amplifier applications with
external controls. The data, in contrast to the CAN1 interface, are
transferred here in interpolation time to drive clean contours.
The CAN open connector is provided at the 9-pole Sub-D sockets X12.
Pin allocation
Pin allocation
- Pin 7: CAN-H
- Pin 2: CAN-L
If the Xemo Controller is located at the terminal point of a CAN network
or bus, a 120 ohm resistor must be inserted.
At Xemo S or Xemo R turn it on by setting the MotionBasic parameter
1405 _CanTerm, see Motion-Basic programming manual [SYSTEC717].
10.3.2 Installation
CAN-Anschluss (X12, Devices with CAN - interface must be completed only with shielded
cable; the shield must be connected to the metal cap of the plug
housing on both sides.
CAN interface
Type of cable
4 x 0,25 mm2 ,
Maximum length Comments
ab 25 bis 500 m: shielded
4 x 0,5 mm2
10.3.3 Programming the CAN2 interface
The following briefly introduces the system parameters and the
MotionBasic functions which pertain to the CAN interface. You will find
a detailed description in the MotionBasic programming manual
- 92 -
10 Technology Options
User Manual
10.3.4 System parameters
System parameters are used for the controller’s basic settings. As regards
the CAN2-bus that concerns registration by controllers, the selection of
the transfer rate and setting the interpolation clock.
With _Can2Mode, you set the baud rate of the CAN2 bus. The
baud rate parameters are:
0 = 1 Mbit/s (pre-setting)
1 = 800 Kbit/s
2 = 500 Kbit/s
3 = 250 Kbit/s
4 = 125 Kbit/s
5 = 100 Kbit/s
6 = 50 Kbit/s
7 = 20 Kbit/s
8 = 10 Kbit/s
Influence of the CANopen synchronization clock for external
power electronics (controllers)
_IpSyncClk = 4 for Ecostep-, Ecovario controllers (pre-setting)
_IpSyncClk = 5 for MoviDrive controllers
By using the setup parameter _CanTerm, the integrated
terminating impedance can be switched on or off internally via
_CanTerm = 0
_CanTerm = 1
_CanTerm = 2
_CanTerm = 3
Both CAN interfaces without termination
1st CAN interface with termination
2nd CAN interface with termination
Both CAN interfaces with termination
Via its CAN address an external motor end stage is registered as
an axis.
' Initialize the CAN2
sub init_can2
_CanMode = 2
'Baud rate 500 Kbits/s
_NodeID = 1
'Register motor end stage 1
'(address selection switch is set
'on the device to 1)
_IpSyncClk = 5
'MoviDrive controller
_CanTerm = 3
'Connect the terminating resistor
'for CAN1
end sub
10.3 Option AA – CAN interfaces CAN1 and CAN2
- 93 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
10.4 Option E - Encoder output TR501
10.4.1 Description
The assembly TR501 can be used in the Xemo R and S compact PLCs.
It forms to an encoder signal from the current speed and direction of an
axis. This can be used by devices with incremental encoder input as
input signal.
The replica of the encoder consists of the 90 ° phase-shifted tracks A
and B, which are provided as differential RS422 signals.
In addition to the encoder emulation, three 24 V inputs are at your
disposal on the interface.
Assembly TR501
10.4.2 Construction and function Encoder output TR501 Construction of the encoder assembly (pin allocation)
Fig. 45 Pin allocation of the encoder assembly on the Xemo control
Pin allocation
- 94 -
Track A
Track A/
Track B
Track B/
+ 24 V DC
In 0
In 1
In 2
10 Technology Options
User Manual Description
The encoder Assembly TR501 is built on the third or fourth motor slot
of the Xemo R or S controller. This slot is labeled with X5 or X6. The
controller internal counting of the engines starts at 0 (motor 0 to motor
3). The slot of the encoder assembly corresponds to motor 2 or 3.
Axis identifier
0 or _X
1 or _Y
2 or _Z
3 or _A
Encoder slot
In addition to the encoder signals, three 24 V inputs are available on
the board. For a motor board these inputs are used für limit and
reference switches. On the encoder assembly they are available as
digital inputs free of charge. If you use the inputs, the end switch
monitoring of the motor slot must be switched off. For this, the system
parameter _ldecel is used. The shut-off is activated through assignment
of NULL.
_ldecel (2) = 0, if encoder assembly on motor slot X5
_ldecel (3) = 0, if encoder assembly on motor slot X6 Functioning of the encoder assembly
For the emulation of the encoder, a virtual axis is created in
MotionBasic. For passing an axis speed to the encoder emulation, the
real axis is defined as central axis and the virtual as gantry axis. Are
these two axes equally parameterized (step resolution, scaling,
acceleration), they are controlled identically and absolutely parallel
with the movement commands for the gantry axis. The frequency at the
output of the encoder emulation is after quadrupling 0 to up to 150
kHz. The TR501 assembly is used on the motor slots 2 or 3 of the
Xemo controller. To unlock the encoder emulation, a motor current >
0 must be set for the motor (2 or 3).
10.4.3 Installation
Encoder cable
Connect the encoder via shielded cables.
Connect the shielding on both ends with the metal caps of the plug
casing. Lay the shielding at the encoder end on protective earth (PE).
Type of cable
per 0,14 mm2
Maximum length Comments
unshielded if
distance to
power cables
> 10 cm
10.4 Option E - Encoder output TR501
- 95 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
10.4.4 Programming of the encoder emulation
For the emulation of the encoder, a virtual axis is created in
MotionBasic. This virtual axis is associated with the encoder assembly.
For the output of the encoder signal the virtual axis is coupled with an
actual axis. The actual axis is the master axis, the virtual is the slave.
This definition is equivalent to a gantry system used in portal structures.
A gantry function is available in MotionBasic. Thus an output of the
axis speed on the replica of the encoder is reached, by defining the
actual commercial axis and the virtual axis as gantry axes.
The _Gantry parameter is described in detail in Chapter 8.4 of the
MotionBasic programming manual [SYSTEC717]. At this point, there is
only a brief statement. MotionBasic-language elements for the encoder emulation
Basic settings of Xemo controller are made with system parameters.
With the system parameter _Gantry (register no. 2049) you
define a gantry axis and assign a slave axis to the master axis.
The numbering system for the master axis starts at 10. For the
axes 0 to 3, the values thus are 10 to 13.
Fig. 46 Syntax of the axis parameter for the definition of a gantry axis
- 96 -
The system parameter _PulsMode (register no. 2053) switches
the encoder signal on or off. For this, the motor slot, where the
encoder assembly is installed, must be specified.
ASet (3, 2053, 1) -> turn on encoder signal
ASet (3, 2053, 0) -> turn off encoder signal
10 Technology Options
User Manual
'The axes are defined as constants. (The controller
'internal counting of the axes starts at 0 (axis 0 to
'axis 3).
' Define gantry axis:
_gantry(AXIS_4) = AXIS_1 + 10
'The fourth axis - the slot, on which sits the encoder
'assembly for example - is defined as a gantry axis.
'The first axis is set as a master axis.
'You unlock the encoder assembly first set a current
for the virtual fourth axis.
'Currents are programmed in MotionBasic in %. A current
'setting of 1% is sufficient for activation:
_current(AXIS_4) = 1
'The encoder unit is now registered and activated. The
'output signal is switched on and off via the system
'parameter PulsMode (parameter-no. 2053).
const _PulsMode = 2053
ASet (AXIS_4,_PulsMode,1)
ASet (AXIS_4,_PulsMode,0)
'Encoder signal is applied,
'as soon as an axis drives
'no encoder signal, even
'with moving axis
10.4 Option E - Encoder output TR501
- 97 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
10.5 Option G – Analog inputs and outputs
10.5.1 Construction and Function
Technology Option G The Xemo Compact Controller is optionally equipped with three analog
inputs and one analog output. They are located at the Sub-D socket X16
on the rear panel of the Xemo R or on the side of the Xemo S Controller.
Fig. 47 Socket X16 for the analog inputs and outputs Analog inputs
The three analog inputs “Analog In0“ to “Analog In2“ occupy the
following pins on socket X16:
Pin allocation X16
Analog Out +/- 10V
Analog In0-U
Analog In0-I
Analog In1-U
Analog In1-I
Analog Out GND
Analog In2-U
Analog In2-I
Analog 0 to 2 GND
The analog inputs have their common ground on pin X16.9. Each of
these three inputs can be operated selectively as a power input (terminal
marking in_- I) or as a voltage input (terminal marking in_-U). For this,
the signal must be connected to the respective pin.
Technical data
- 98 -
The analog inputs are protected against an over voltage of up to 15 V.
There is no protection against polarity inversion. Consequently, polarity
inversion and/or voltage which exceed 15 V will destroy the inputs.
Maximum input voltage
Maximum input frequency
Voltage range of the voltage inputs in_-U
Current range of the power inputs in_-I
Resolution of the analog inputs
Value range for the system parameters
10 Technology Options
+ 15 V
10 kHz
0 to 10.23 V
0 to 20.46 mA
10 Bit
0 to 1023
User Manual Analog output
Socket X16 provides one analog output.
Pin allocation X16
Analog Out +/- 10V
Analog In0-U
Analog In0-I
Analog In1-U
Analog In1-I
Technical data
Analog Out GND
Analog In 2-U
Analog In 2-I
Analog 0 to 2 GND
The analog output is not protected against foreign voltage. With
application of an external voltage X16.1 to X16.6 it is destroyed.
Maximum output current:
Output voltage range
Resolution of the analog output
Output value range for the system parameter
10 mA
-10 to +10 V
12 bit
-10000 to +10000
10.5.2 Installation
Cables to the analog Use shielded cables to connect sensors, voltage or current sources, or
control inputs of the encoder or devices. Connect the shielding on the
end of the controller with the metal caps of the Sub-D plug casing.
Analog I/O
Type of cable
per 0,14 mm2
Maximum length Comments
10.5.3 Programming Analog inputs
You can allocate analog input signals as you wish. They are not linked to
specific controller functions. In MotionBasic, the values of the analog
inputs “Analog 0” to “Analog 2” can be read out with the system
parameters _SanlIn0 to _SanlIn2. Values between “0” and “1023” can
then be read out which correspondingly represent 0 to 10.23 V or 0 to
20.46 mA. Analog output
The analog output can be programmed as desired in MotionBasic with
the system parameter _AnlOut. In that case, the output value range from
-10000 to +10000 corresponds to an output voltage of -10 to +10 V.
10.6 Option N - Pulse output (Special function 8)
- 99 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
10.6 Option N - Pulse output (Special function 8)
The frequency and the pulse/pause ratio of the output signal can be
programmed for the special function pulse output. The maximum
frequency is 500 Hz. The function can be associated with any digital
An override function can be associated with the pulse output. If it is
active, the programmed frequency is superimposed by the settings of
the override potentiometer.
This function is used E.g. to control units for the ritz or needle marking.
10.6.1 Programming of the pulse output
Selection of the special function.
Set (_IdxFunc, 8) is used to select special function 8.
Data transfer and actions of the special function 8 are
controlled by the numbers 0, 1, 2 and 10.
_IdxFcMode = 0 Turn off pulse output
_IdxFcMode = 1 Turn on pulse output
_IdxFcMode = 2 Pulse output override mode
_IdxFcMode = 10 Program the pulse output
- 100 -
Turn off pulse output
Pulse output function is disabled.
Turn on pulse output
Pulse output function is enabled.
Pulse output override mode
Pulse output and the override mode is enabled.
Program output, pulse duration and pause duration.
The three values are assigned to the registers of 0 to 2.
Reg 0 Port address of the output
Address of the digital output, which is intended
to provide the pulse signal.
Reg 1 Pulse duration
Time interval in which the output is set.
Reg 2 Pause duration
Time interval in which the output is set to zero.
The frequency of the output signal is the sum of
pulse and pause duration.
The parameters are programmed with
Set (_IdxFcMode, 10).
10 Technology Options
User Manual
The program example, the pulse output is assigned to a user led for
demonstration purposes.
const _IdxFunc
= 1120
const _IdxFcMode = 1121
sub main
set _IdxFunc,8
'Select special function 8
set (0, ioaddr (9.0))
'Reg 0 = I/O address UserLed
set (1, 100)
'Reg 1 = 100 Pulse duration
set (2, 300)
'Reg 2 = 300 pause duration
set _IdxFcMode,10
'Load parameters for pulse output
set _IdxFcMode,2
'Pulse output on, override mode
delay 10000
'Delay time
set _IdxFcMode,0
'Pulse output off
end sub
10.6 Option N - Pulse output (Special function 8)
- 101 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
10.7 Option U – Position monitoring
10.7.1 Description
The Technology Option U allows you, via the TRENI516 encoder card,
monitoring the stepping during the movement and at the final position
of three axes maximum.
The hardware of this technology option could optionally monitor the
incremental encoder on the motor and the entire cable route. Cable
breaks or short circuits plus counting errors in the incremental encoder
can be reliably detected and differentiated reported as exclusive-or
counting errors.
Via the parameter 2032 you can determine the allowed deviation
between the actual and setpoint, before an error is detected. Once the
position monitoring detects an error, an error message is generated and
the enable signal of the controller disabled. Thus, the axis movement is
Also, the position can be kept exactly when the motor voltage is
switched off, if the encoder resolution is high enough, so that you don't
have to execute the reference run again.
Thus, you can use stepper motor axes even in sensitive applications,
where undetected step deviations or errors would damage the product
or tools.
Technology option U uses the encoder card TRENI 516, which is
installed on the fourth motor slot. So it is possible to operate up to
three motors with position monitoring.
You can find detailed information on connections to the encoder card
and on programming see manual [SYSTEC8].
Option U offers you monitoring, not regulation.
By default, the encoder card is designed for the following encoder :
- Encoder with index pulse
- Encoder with differential line driver (RS422)
Do you want to use encoders without index pulse or differential line
driver by derogation of this, or additionally monitor the encoder cable
breakage, read section 10.7.5 in this manual.
Input card 516
- 102 -
10 Technology Options
User Manual
10.7.2 Construction an function of the position monitoring Construction of the encoder card 516 (Socket allocation)
The encoder input assembly TRENI 516 (tripple encoder interface) can
be operated only on the fourth motor slot, interface X6 of the Xemo
Fig. 48 Plug-ins of encoder card 516 on the Xemo controller (slot X6)
Standard plug
Encoder Motor 0
Encoder Motor 1
Encoder Motor 2
Motor axis
Track A
Track /A
+5V Supply voltage for encoder X6.1.3
Index I
Index /I
Gnd Supply voltage for encoder X6.1.6
Track B
X6.3.8 Functionality of the position monitoring
When the position control is switched on, the encoder position is set
internally to the target position of the axis (axes).
The values of the target and the actual positions are compared during
the subsequent axis or motor movements in the interpolation mode (1
ms). If the difference between the two values is outside of the set
permissible contouring error, error 114 (contouring error) is generated.
The target position of the axis from the axis parameter "_Apos" and the
encoder position from the axis parameter "_Rpos" can be read in the
position monitoring. Both values are in user units.
10.7 Option U – Position monitoring
- 103 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
If no user units are set, the machine units match the user units.
10.7.3 Installation
Encoder cable
Connect the encoder via shielded cables.
Connect the shielding on both ends with the metal caps of the plug
Lay the shielding at the encoder end on protective earth (PE).
Type of cable
per 0,14 mm2
Maximum length Comments
unshielded if
distance to
power cables
> 10 cm
10.7.4 Programming MotionBasic-language elements for the position monitoring
Basic settings of the Xemo controller are made with system parameters.
There is a group of axis parameters for axis settings. Axis parameters can
be set for each of the four possible axis of the Xemo controller.
- 104 -
With the axis parameter _StpEncoder, you set up position monitoring.
_StpEncoder = 0 Step monitoring switched off (default
_StpEncoder =
Encoder steps which the encoder delivers
per motor or axis revolution. When using
motors with transmissions, please pay
attention to the transmission ratio.
_StpEncoder =
By stating a negative value for the encoder
steps, you can reverse the direction of
In the axis parameter _FErrWin, you set the maximum position
difference (permissible contouring error) in user units. Keep in
mind that - for driving an axis - a certain error must be approved
by design.
10 Technology Options
User Manual Programming example: Application with Xemo R/S controller
Enable position
First, the position monitoring with the axis parameter 2056 "_StpEncoder"
is enabled or programmed. For programming use the MotionBasic
command "ASet" (setting an axis parameter)
ASet (axis number, 2056, encoder resolution)
Axis number
Axis number refers to the output stages 0 to 2 of
the Xemo controller.
Enable the position monitoring system for the
power amplifier to which you have connected the
motor you wish to monitor.
Parameter number 2056 = _StpEncoder
Encoder resolution Number of pulses or increments, providing the
encoder per revolution.
If motor and encoder run in opposite direction, program the encoder
resolution with negative value.
Position deviation
Axis parameter 2032 "_FErrWin" defines the tolerance for the maximum
position deviation (permissible contouring error). This value should be
defined larger for high resolution encoders because of the power load
Motor data:
10,000 steps per revolution
Encoder 80.000 increments per revolution
The motor is connected to the first amplifier, which corresponds to the
axis 0.
When programming the parameters of the axis, the order is important.
Programming the basic settings first, which includes the scaling.
Scaling the
Controlling the motor in axis 0 with 10,000 steps per
_IScale (0) = 10000
Scaling the user
It should be programmed directly with machine
units, therefore set _UScale equal to _IScale:
_UScale (0) = 10000
Thus a motor revolution is controlled with 10000
pulses, a half with 5000 pulses etc.
10.7 Option U – Position monitoring
- 105 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
For example relative movement of the engine with
the MotionBasic command "RMove":
RMove (0,20000)
The axis 0 will be driven with 20000 pulses that
correspond to 2 revolutions of the engine.
'Motor current 100%
'Turn on position monitoring for
'axis 0,
'Encoder resolution = 80000
' permissible contouring error for
'axis 0 is 100 increments
' Motor revolves around 2.5 turns
'(=25000 increments) Programming example: DriveSet with Systec standard software
example for
At DriveSets with standard software, you will find the settings or
programming for the position monitoring in following MotionBasic files:
The technical data for the respective DriveSet are defined in the file
"DriveSet_parms.mb". Position monitoring, the encoder resolution is
entered for each axis and the tolerance of the desired contouring error
'Encoder resolution for position monitoring
'Contouring error [1/100 mm]
const POSITION_ERROR(MAX_AXIS) as long =
- 106 -
The DriveSet is initialized by the MotionBasic file "DriveSet_init.mb".
The encoder resolution, defined in the file "DriveSet_parms.mb" is
assigned to the axis parameter "_StpEncoder" for each axis. Also, the
contouring error is stored in the axis parameter "_FErrWin".
10 Technology Options
User Manual
for axis = MIN_AXIS to NO_OF_AXES-1
' Turn on encoder monitoring for the axes to be moni'tored
if INC_MONITORING_ENCODER(axis) <> 0 then
_FErrWin(axis) = POSITION_ERROR(axis)
next axis Error messages of the position monitoring
Error 59
Error 103
Error 104
Error 114
Function is not available with this hardware.
This error message is displayed if you select the
position monitoring, though the input Board 516 is not
installed in the controller.
Motor encoder antivalence error
The error message is generated for cable breakage or
Motor encoder count error
The position monitoring detects an error at the
entrance of the counts. E.g. dirt on the encoder wheel
can be the reason.
Contouring error too high
The observed position is greater than the specified
10.7.5 Advanced features of encoder card
Encoders without
index pulse
If you – by derogation from the standard defined in section 10.7.1 –
want to use encoders without index pulse or differential line driver, or
in addition to monitor the encoder cable breakage, consist in the
following ways:
- Adjustment of the pin assignment analog of the description in
section 10.7.6,
- Adjustments on the encoder card.
Encoders without
differential line
driver (RS422)
Adjustment of the pin assignment analog of the description in
section 10.7.6,
Adjustments on the encoder card.
Monitoring the cable
Adjustments on the encoder card.
10.7 Option U – Position monitoring
- 107 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
We make adjustments on the encoder card for you. You're welcome to
contact us.
10.7.6 Connecting encoders
Encoder types
You can connect encoders with deviance or single-side signals according
to RS 422. The 90° offset tracks A and B as well as a zero index I are
evaluated. At terminal X11.15 or X11.8, 5 V DC are available for the
power supply of an incremental encoder. The reference potential for this
is provided at terminal X11.4 or X11.5.
If the connected incremental encoder does not provide a zero-index
signal, the non-allocated zero-index input must be wired as displayed in
Fig. 49. Otherwise, system error no. 55 will be generated because of
lead disruption at the zero-index input.
Fig. 49 Connecting an encoder with a TTL signal without a zero index. You can use
X11.8 and X11.4, if your encoder needs a supply voltage of +5 V.
Index polarity
- 108 -
Lead disruption or short circuit monitoring is first activated by the initial
meter inquiry or when the parameters of the encoder input are set.
The encoder’s index signal is used e.g. to monitor the number of
incoming meter impulses (Tracks A and B) between two index signals.
This number must always correspond to the pre-defined
impulses/revolution. Otherwise, signals from Tracks A or B will be lost. In
addition, the index impulse is still needed for further special functions
such as the electronic gearbox.
10 Technology Options
User Manual
So that the index impulse will be recognized, the tracks A and B as well
as the index signal “I” must be connected with the correct polarity. The
following Fig. 50 displays the necessary signal level for recognition of the
index signal:
Fig. 50 Necessary phasing of tracks A and B to “I” so that the index pulse from the
Xemo Compact Controller is recognized.
Changing polarity
The polarity of the deviation signal can be changed by reversing the
positive and negative signals of the respective track. If the polarity of
track A is to be reversed, for example, the connection +A must be
swapped with –A. In the case of encoders with TTL signals, the negative
and positive inputs must likewise be swapped.
Changing rotation
The rotation direction (increment or decrement the encoder meter) can
be changed by swapping track A with track B.
Encoders with TTL
Encoders with TTL outputs can be connected to the encoder’s
divergence input as shown in Fig. 51.
10.7 Option U – Position monitoring
- 109 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Fig. 51 Connecting an encoder with a single-side output
You can use X11.8 and X11.4, if your encoder needs a supply voltage of +5 V.
Connection example In the following, you will find an example of a rotary encoder
Xemo signal
Encoder track +A
Encoder track -A
Encoder track +B
Encoder track -B
Encoder track +I
Encoder track -I
Agilent-rotary encoder (HEDL5540A)
Reading in an
With Xemo, the incremental encoders connected to the encoder input
can be managed in a number of ways. In the simplest case, this is done
by turning a meter up or down via input impulses. This meter can be
read by MotionBasic with the system parameter 1071, _Encoder.
Electronic gearbox
The encoder can also be used as a lead axis to implement an electronic
gearbox. Programming an electronic gearbox is described in the
MotionBasic sample code manual.
- 110 -
10 Technology Options
User Manual
11 Maintenance, storage, disposal
11.1 Maintenance and repairs
Repairs to the devices are to be performed exclusively by Systec
employees. Repairs, which are not performed properly by qualified
personnel, can lead to material damages, physical injuries or death.
Main switches are to be switched off and/or plugs to the current supply
unplugged before a device is opened. When exchanging fuses, close
attention must be paid to the prescribed electrical values. Improper
changes and modifications to the devices void guarantee claims and are
potentially dangerous in unpredictable ways.
Removing dust
If you operate Xemo controllers in a dusty environment, you need to
observe possible dust deposits in the device or the power supplies.
Remove any dust deposits carefully with a vacuum cleaner. Never use
compressed air to clean the controller!
11.2 Storage
Store your Xemo control under the following ambient conditions:
• dry, non-condensing
• 0 – 45 °C
• No aggressive media
11.3 Disposal
Please dispose your Xemo controller according to the local regulations.
11.1 Maintenance and repairs
- 111 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
12 Technical Data
Housing variant
Performance class
Handwheel & override-potentiometer
LCD and membrane keyboard
Emergency stop switch
Connected externally
Intermediate circuit voltage
Created externally
20 V – 48 V 1
Motor phase current
1,5 A / 3,0 A /4.5 A
1,5 A / 3,0 A / 4.5 A
Motor connection
2 phase stepping motor; bipolar, four conductors
Maximum stepping frequency
150 kHz
Microstepping resolution 2
200 – 10,000 steps/revolution²
Reference switch connection
One input per motor at motor plug; PNP connection; 24 V technology
Limit switch connection
Two inputs per motor at motor plug; PNP connection; 24 V technology
Number of stepping motors
Power supply
Housing dimensions (W x D x H)
85 - 265 V AC; 50 Hz / 60 Hz
20 – 28 V DC
449 mm x 340 mm x 132,5 mm
227 mm x 178 mm x 87 mm
2,5 kg
2,8 kg
3,0 kg
0,7 kg
Maximum 85% non-condensing
Type of protection
IP 30
Temperature range
0 – 45 °C
Digital inputs
8 inputs; PNP connection; 24 V technology
Digital outputs
8 outputs; PNP connection; 24 V technology
Maximum output current per output 500 mA; max. 2 A in total3
Analog inputs (option)
3 inputs; 10 bit resolution; 0 – 10 V or 0 – 20 mA.
Analog outputs (option)
1 output; 12 bit resolution; -10 V - 10 V; electrically isolated
Programming interface
RS 232 with 9600 - 57600 Bd
Joystick connection
2 analog inputs & 3 digital inputs at 15 pin SUB-D plug socket
Incremental Encoder
Differential signals or RS 485
Keyboard interface
Controller variant
Xemo Rx3x
Xemo Rx4x
Xemo Rx5x
Xemo Rx6x
Xemo Rx7x
Xemo Rx8x
Xemo Sx3x
Xemo Sx4x
Xemo Sx5x
Xemo Sx6x
Xemo Sx7x
Xemo Sx8x
PS2 connection
Intermediate Voltage
Maximum phase current
24 V
24 V
48 V
48 V
48 V
48 V
24 V
24 V
24 V to 48 V
24 V to 48 V
24 V to 48 V
24 V to 48 V
1,5 A
3,0 A
1,5 A
3,0 A
4,5 A
5,5 A
1,5 A
3,0 A
1,5 A
3,0 A
4,5 A
5,5 A
Maximum power
225 W
225 W
550 W
550 W
550 W
550 W
150 W
200 W
200 W
300 W
500 W
500 W
Connect intermediate circuit voltage externally
on a 50-pole motor
The total transfer capacity is limited. A maximum of 150 W for the motors and the digital outputs combined can be provided. The power
consumption per motor power stage strongly depends on the connected motors and their operational status.
- 112 -
12 Technical Data
User Manual
12.1 Rating plates
You will find the rating plates for Xemo R devices on the back of the
housing. The Xemo S device plates are located on the top of the
Fig. 52: Elements of the rating plates
Description of the elements of the rating plates.
The name of your device (Xemo R272 C).
Part number (in the example "1616") and order number of
the device at Systec GmbH.
The EC level is the "Version number" of the hardware (NOT
of the software). EC means "Engineering Change". The EC
numbers increase as hardware changes are made. For
replacement deliveries, it is important that you provide Systec
with this information as well as the P/N number.
999999 (here) is the serial number of the device. Every
individual device can be identified by this number.
QR-Code Scanning the QR code takes you directly to an email request
form, which you can contact us. We have already registered
your product data.
12.1 Rating plates
- 113 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
12.2 Dimensional drawing
Housing dimensions:
Xemo R
Fig. 53: Dimensions of Xemo R
Depth specification: Clamp size for 48 V intermediate circuit voltage
(Dimensions in mm). In addition, the height is 185 mm (4 Hey) for the
48-V versions.
Xemo S
Fig. 54: Dimensions of Xemo S (Dimensions in mm)
- 114 -
12 Technical Data
User Manual
12.3 Declaration of conformity Xemo R
The manufacturer
Systec Elektronik und Software GmbH
Nottulner Landweg 90
48161 Münster
declares that the following described product (product family)
Function: Controller
Type/model: Xemo R
– in all equipment versions – is in accordance with all the relevant essential requirements
of the Directive 2004/108/EG (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and the essential health and
safety requirements of the Directive 2006/95/EC (Low Voltage).
Applied harmonized standards:
EMC: Immunity for industrial environments;
EMC: Immunity for residential, commercial and lightindustrial environments
This statement applies to all devices bearing the CE symbol and is invalid if changes to the
product are made or the mounting instructions are not followed.
Muenster, Germany, April the 1st, 2012
Tilmann Wolter
(Managing director)
12.3 Declaration of conformity Xemo R
- 115 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
12.4 Declaration of conformity Xemo S
The manufacturer
Systec Elektronik und Software GmbH
Nottulner Landweg 90
48161 Münster
declares that the following described product (product family)
Function: Controller
Type/model: Xemo S
– in all equipment versions – is in accordance with all the relevant essential requirements
of the Directive 2004/108/EG (Electromagnetic Compatibility).
Applied harmonized standards:
EMC: Immunity for industrial environments;
EMC: Immunity for residential, commercial and lightindustrial environments
This statement applies to all devices bearing the CE symbol and is invalid if changes to the
product are made or the mounting instructions are not followed.
Muenster, Germany, April the 1st, 2012
Tilmann Wolter
(Managing director)
- 116 -
12 Technical Data
User Manual
13 Appendix
13.1 Addressing digital inputs and outputs
Addressing described in this chapter is valid for the Xemo controls.
13.1.1 Inputs
Inputs of the axis 0 (x axis)
Bit 0 = positive limit switch
Bit 1 = negative limit switch
Bit 2 = reference switch
Bit 3 = ready
Inputs of the axis 1 (y axis)
Inputs of the axis 2 (z axis)
Inputs of the axis 3 (a axis)
Not available
Operating mode switch (Hex coding switch)
Switch position
0 to 9
A to F
Return value
0 to 9
10 to 15
To get the correct return value, you have to read
the full bit width, In(9.0..3), in each case.
Digital inputs 10.0 to 10.7
Joystick buttons
Bit 0 = Emergency stop switch
Bit 1 = Enable input
Encoder signals
Bit 0 = Track A
Bit 1 = Track B
Bit 2 = Index Signal
Layout PS2 numberic keyboard
Bit 0 = 0
Bit 4 = 4
Bit 1 = 1
Bit 5 =5
Bit 2 = 2
Bit 6 = 6
Bit 3 = 3
Bit 7 = 7
Bit 0 = 8
Bit 1 = 9
Bit 0 = /
Bit 4 = Del
Bit 1 = *
Bit 5 = Enter
Bit 2 = Bit 6 = Num
Bit 3 = +
The inputs are interpreted as shown above regardless of whether Num is active or inactive.
Digital inputs of an external expansion module
which was registered in the system parameter Can
1 device
13.1 Addressing digital inputs and outputs
- 117 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
0 - 15
0 - 15
Analog inputs of an external expansion module
which was registered in the system parameter Can
1 device
13.1.2 Outputs
- 118 -
not available
User LEDs
Bit 0 = U0
Bit 7 = U7
Digital outputs 10.0 to 10.7
Bit 2 = Ready output
Digital outputs of an external expansion module
which was registered in the system parameter Can
1 device
Analog output of an external expansion module
which was registered in the system parameter Can
1 device
13 Appendix
User Manual
13.2 Operational modes of the controller
Operational mode
The rotary mode switch has 16 settings which are labeled on the switch
in the hexadecimal counting method from 0 to F. The operational
modes which can be selected with this switch are described in the
following table:
Operation mode
0, 3, 6
Automatic Startup,
Flashing programs and overriding of variables possible
Automatic Startup with flash
As with switch setting 0.
write protection (No programs
can be transferred to the controller module.)
2, 5, 8
Automatic startup with flash
As with switch setting 0.
and Eeprom write protection
(Variables which have been
defined with the “NonVolatile”
command are protected)
Controller module not runThe new operating system
ready, firmware update
can be transferred to the
possible, no controller module module
Controller module run-ready,
setup parameters can be
Communication only via USB
(Xemo with Ethernet)
Controller module run-ready
9, B – D Reserved
A MotionBasic program
stored in the Xemo will be
started automatically.
1, 4, 7
Startup behavior
A MotionBasic program
stored in the controller
module will not be executed.
A MotionBasic program
stored in the controller
module will not be executed.
Not defined
• Programming the controller module (Flashing of programs in the
ROM) is only possible when the switch is in position 0 or F.
• Please note that a change of position is only effective after the
controller is switched on (again).
• Because the switch settings 9 and B to D – for firmware versions
less 3.49 also 3 to 8 – are not defined, the controller module
should not be started in these positions.
• To perform an operating system update, additional PC software
and the new operating system are necessary. In case an operating
13.2 Operational modes of the controller
- 119 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
system update should be necessary, please contact the Systec
You can read the switch position using the In command as each input. In
section 13.1.1 the return values for the various switch positions are
13.3 Cable types
power supply
(Xemo S only)
Type of cable
motor circuit inper 1,0 mm2
termediate voltage
I/O voltage supply per 1, 0 mm2
Maximum length
USB interface
referred to
Ethernet interface CAT-5
CAN interface
4 x 0,25 mm2 ,
RS232 interface
Input and Outputs
Connection of the
- 120 -
as short as possible shielded
as short as possible shielded
50 m
ab 25 bis 500 m: 4 shielded
x 0,5 mm2
In case of
extremely strong
3 x 0,25 mm²,
simple shield
convert to glassfiber
per 0,14 mm2
per 0,14 mm2
per 0,14 mm2
per 0,14 mm2
unshielded if
distance to
power cables
> 10 cm
per 0,14 mm2
Motor cable
4 x 1,0 mm2 ,
simple shield
Motor holding
2 x 0,5 mm2
Digital I/O
Limit and reference switches
Analog I/O
13 Appendix
from 7 m: 4 x
1,0 – 1,5 mm2
from 7 m: 2 x
1,0 – 1,5 mm2
User Manual
13.4 Bibliography
Xemo Windows DLL, User manual,
Systec 2014, Doc-No. 591-12
MotionBasic Programming manual,
Systec 2015, Doc-No. 717-12, PN 7479
LabVIEW VI (german), Funktionsbibliothek für Xemo,
Systec 2015, Doc-No. 767-22
for more information about LabVIEW refer to the homepage
of National Instruments (www.ni.com)
Technologieoptionen (german)
Systec 2012, Doc-No. 772-12
Xemo!Go manual, Systec 2015,
Doc-No. 775-11
Structured Troubleshooting, Systec 2015
Doc-No. 826-41
MotionBasic IDE User manual, Description
development invironment, Systec 2015,
Doc-No. 875-11
You will find these manuals in your manual folder, on your Systec-CD or also downloadable on
www.systec.de/service/downloads/?L=1 .
13.5 Up-to-date tips and tricks
Up-to-date tips and tricks for putting units into service and programming
them can be found on our home page at
or on our blog http://www.systec.de/unternehmen/blog/ .
13.4 Bibliography
- 121 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
14 Index
_ComRelease ........................................... 64
_FerrWin ................................................ 104
_Gantry .................................................... 96
_Release................................................... 64
_StpEncoder ........................................... 104
Accessory components ............................. 16
Active sensors........................................... 25
Basic hardware configuration ................... 11
Baud rate ................................................. 88
Bus coupler .............................................. 89
Types of ............................................... 45
CAN interface .......................................... 87
CanRcvConfig .......................................... 90
CanRcvState ............................................. 90
CanReceive .............................................. 90
CanTransmit............................................. 90
CanTrmConfig.......................................... 90
Casing variants ......................................... 10
Cold start ......................................... 60, 119
Compatibility code ................................... 63
Connection variants ................................. 54
Connector locations ................................. 19
Consoles .................................................. 84
Construction of the encoder assembly...... 94
Construction of the pulse-direction assembly
............................................................. 75
CType ...................................................... 83
Development Environment IDE................ 67
Dimensional drawing ............................. 114
Direction of rotation................................. 54
Directional keys ....................................... 42
Display elements ...................................... 40
DLL .......................................................... 12
DLL, Library ............................................. 67
EMC compliable operation....................... 46
EMC conformity
CAN ........................................... 88, 92
Encoder ............................................ 95
Endschalter ....................................... 55
Ethernet ............................................ 56
Referenzschalter ............................... 55
USB .................................................. 56
- 122 -
Emergency stop switch ............................. 43
Enable ...................................................... 33
Encoder .................................................... 27
connection example ........................... 110
reading in ........................................... 110
Types .................................................. 108
Encoder card 516 ................................... 103
Advanced features .............................. 107
Error messages .................................... 107
Signals ................................................ 103
Standard functions .............................. 102
Encoder output TR501 ....................... 75, 94
Equipment variants ................................... 11
Error no. 49 .............................................. 33
Error no. 54 .............................................. 37
Error no. 55 ...................................... 28, 108
Ethernet interface ..................................... 31
Firmware update .............................. 60, 119
Full step resolution ................................... 71
Function selector ...................................... 43
Handwheel .............................................. 16
meter reading ....................................... 42
resolution ............................................. 42
Hex switch ........................ Function selector
IDE ........................................................... 12
Initial operation ........................................ 44
Inputs and outputs ................................... 24
analog inputs ........................................ 98
analog output ....................................... 99
digital inputs ......................................... 25
Installation .......................................... 14, 62
Installing Xemo ......................................... 44
Intermediate circuite voltage .................... 48
Joystick ............................................... 27, 81
connection ........................................... 27
Keyboard buffer ....................................... 84
Keyboard code ......................................... 84
Keys ......................................................... 84
Limit and reference switches .................... 22
alternative use ...................................... 79
connections .......................................... 22
Types of switches .................................. 77
Limit switch monitoring ............................ 23
Microstepping operation See Stepping motor
User Manual
Microstepping resolution .......................... 71
Monitoring short circuits ........................... 37
MotionBasic ............................................. 67
Motor connection cable ........................... 16
Shield set .............................................. 51
Number pad............................................. 42
Offline ...................................................... 65
Online ...................................................... 65
Operating and display elements ............... 38
arrangement ......................................... 38
Operating elements .................................. 42
Operational mode ............................ 60, 119
switch ........................................... 60, 119
Override-function............ See Potentiometer
Potentiometer .......................................... 42
Power fuse ............................................... 47
Power input.............................................. 98
Power interruptions .................................. 14
Power supply............................................ 47
Xemo Rx ............................................... 47
Xemo Sx ............................................... 48
Precision handwheel ................................ 42
Display ................................................. 82
Encoder emulation ............................... 96
function keys’ LEDs .............................. 83
membrane keyboard ............................ 84
User LEDs ............................................. 83
Programming cable................................... 16
Programming interface
connection allocations .......................... 29
Ethernet ................................................ 31
Hardware-Handshake........................... 29
interface parameters ............................. 29
RS232 ................................................... 29
USB-Slave ............................................. 30
Protection................................................. 36
of the controller’s electronics ................ 36
of the motor power stages .................... 37
Pulse output
Override ............................................. 100
turn off ............................................... 100
turn on ............................................... 100
QR-Code................................................ 113
Ready ....................................................... 34
Reference run........................................... 78
Reference switch ................................ 22, 23
Safety functions ........................................ 32
Safety instructions ..................................... 13
SDO ......................................................... 90
SdoRcv ..................................................... 90
SdoTrm..................................................... 90
Service Data Objects ................................ 90
Shield set motor cable .............................. 51
Short circuit .............................................. 41
X15 ....................................................... 29
X17 ....................................................... 25
X18 ....................................................... 25
X19 ................................................. 32, 33
X3, X4, X5, X6....................................... 41
Startup behavior ...............................60, 119
Stepping motor ......................................... 50
Microstepping operation ....................... 71
PK motors ............................................. 71
shielding clamp for................................ 51
Storage memory ....................................... 67
EEPROM ............................................... 68
Flash ..................................................... 68
RAM ..................................................... 67
Switching on the controller ....................... 60
System compatibility ................................. 62
System parameters
CAN1.................................................... 88
CAN2.................................................... 93
Technical data ........................................ 112
Technology options .................................. 66
Option A........................................... 9, 87
Option AA ............................................ 85
Option C .............................................. 85
Option E ...................................10, 85, 94
Option G ........................................ 86, 98
Option N .............................................. 10
Option U ................................10, 86, 102
Temperature monitoring ........................... 37
TextAttr .................................................... 83
Tips and tricks ........................................ 121
USB interface ........................................... 30
Master................................................... 31
Slave ..................................................... 30
User units ................................................. 66
Version number ........................................ 62
Visual Basic............................................... 67
Visual C .................................................... 67
- 123 -
Xemo R/S Compact Controller
Voltage input............................................ 98
Xemo ....................................................... 65
- 124 -
Xemo Windows DLL ................................ 67
Xemo!Go.................................................. 67