Cisco Managed Services for Collaboration: Business Video

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Service Description: Cisco Managed Services for Collaboration: Business Video
Technology Addendum to Cisco Managed Services for Enterprise Common Service Description
This document referred to as a Technology Addendum describes the Cisco Managed Services for
Collaboration: Business Video Offer.
Related Documents: This document should be read in conjunction with the Cisco Managed Services
Common Service Description posted at
Direct Sale from Cisco
If you have purchased these Services directly from Cisco, this document is incorporated into your Master
Services Agreement (MSA), Advanced Services Agreement (ASA), or equivalent services agreement
executed between you and Cisco. In the event of a conflict between this Service Description and your
MSA or equivalent services agreement, this Service Description shall govern.
Sale via Cisco Authorized Reseller
If you have purchased these Services through a Cisco Authorized Reseller, this document is for
informational purposes only; it is not a contract between you and Cisco. The contract, if any, governing
the provision of this Service is the one between you and your Cisco Authorized Reseller. Your Cisco
Authorized Reseller should provide the contract to you.
The Service
Cisco Business Video Managed Services provide monitoring and management of the Customer’s
TelePresence, Remote Expert, and Digital Media devices and applications in a converged network, 24
hours a day, 365 days a year.
This Technology Addendum is designed to be read in conjunction with the Cisco Managed Services
Common Service Description that provides a baseline understanding of and sets expectations about the
Cisco Managed Services, hereinafter referred to as the Service, provided by Cisco. In addition to the
activities and deliverables outlined in the Common Service Description, the Cisco Business Video
Managed Services described herein outline the unique activities and deliverables for the Customer’s
Business Video devices and infrastructure that are being managed by Cisco Managed Services. Both
service descriptions should be read in combination to fully understand the scope of the Service being
The Service described herein, and other optional services are intended to supplement a current support
agreement for Cisco products, and are only available where all Managed Components in a Customer’s
network are supported through a minimum of core services such as Cisco’s SMARTnet and Software
Application Services or Cisco’s TelePresence Essential Operate Service, as applicable. Cisco will provide
the Cisco Business Video Managed Services described below as selected and detailed on the purchase
order for which Cisco has been paid the appropriate fee.
Cisco shall provide a Quote setting out the extent of the Service and the term for which Cisco will provide
the Service. Cisco will receive a purchase order that references the Quote agreed between the parties and
that, additionally, acknowledges and agrees to the terms contained therein. Cisco only provides support
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for Managed Components, unless specifically noted. For any device, component or solution element not
specifically identified as a Managed Component, Cisco shall have no responsibilities whatsoever.
This Technology Addendum describes the services capabilities, elective changes, and reports delivered
with Cisco Business Video Managed Services.
Two managed service packages are available:
 Standard Service Package
Comprehensive Service Package
These service levels are described in detail in the Common Service Description. In addition to these two
service packages, the Customer can also purchase Optional services as needed to augment the selected
package. The table below outlines the specific activities and deliverables provided under the Business
Video offer as well as the Optional Services for the Service.
Remote Monitoring
Business Video Service Desk
Standard Reports
Activities / Deliverables
Advanced Reports
Defined Changes
Custom Scoped Elective
VIP Events
Video Conference Scheduling
Room Service
Client Support (Jabber, MOVI)
1 Business Video Supported User Profiles
User profiles supported under the Business Video Offer fall into the following four categories:
 Immersive
Personal Endpoints
Applications/Devices (for Infrastructure ONLY support)
2 Business Video Remote Monitoring Capabilities
The Service provides real-time monitoring on key Business Video components and proactively declares
Incident events for:
 Codec Connectivity Status (Primary, Secondary and Presentation)
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Camera Status for applicable devices (Primary and Secondary)
Plasma Status for applicable devices (Primary and Secondary)
Critical Peripherals (will vary from system to system)
(1) Touch Panel
(2) IP Phone
System Availability of managed infrastructure and endpoint devices
3 Business Video Standard Reports
The following standard reports are available on the Portal:
 Utilization Report – This report is useful to management level stakeholders who need to track
utilization of their Cisco Business Video solution investment.
Inventory Report – The inventory report lists the servers under management, as well as every
managed Cisco Business Video system on a Customer’s network, with details of each critical
component. This is a good source for registering hardware serial numbers for capital equipment
tracking purposes. This report is also useful during global upgrades, as it can be used to make
sure that all devices were properly upgraded with the most recent software revision. This report
includes details such as: serial number for each codec, software version for each codec, camera
firmware for each camera, display serial number and hardware type, Cisco IP phone MAC address
and software version, and document camera serial number and model, and projector serial
Call Detail Record (CDR) – This report includes all of the data collected in the Cisco TelePresence
Utilization Report with some additional critical call statistics. This report is useful to Customers
who want the flexibility to perform custom analysis of the call statistic. This data is provided in
Excel format via the portal, so that tables, charts, graphs, and formulations can be easily
generated for in-depth utilization and trend evaluation.
4 Business Video Advanced Reports
The following advanced reports are available on a monthly basis. Details can be provided for a rolling 12
month period.
4.1 Data Reports
Incidents Data – The INC data sheet provides the ticket data for a specified month. All
Incident tickets closed in the month appear on this sheet regardless of the date on which the
ticket was opened. All tickets closed with a code of duplicate or merged are excluded.
Call Detail Record (CDR) Data – The Call Detail data sheet provides the actual call data for the
given month. This report is generated from the monitoring platform and posted to the
Customer portal each month. The data is also loaded into the database for use in additional
charts and graphs. Only calls with a call type of TelePresence are included in the enhanced
report. Other calls, such as those with a call type of Audio Only, are excluded.
Scheduled Call Data – The TPMgr data sheet contains the listing of a Customer’s scheduled
TelePresence meetings downloaded from the Customer’s TMS/CTS-Manager. This report is
created for a given month. It is important to note this report is manually configured to GMT
time zone to match the Call Detail Record report. The report has been heavily modified and
allows more functionality than the report the Customer is capable of viewing on the
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TMS/CTS-Manager report. Modifications, such as creating individual rows for all rooms
scheduled in a single meeting, allow for room level metrics that are not possible in the
TMS/CTS-Manager tool.
Inventory Data – The Inventory data sheet contains the management-based inventory for
Business Video Customers. All devices under management, including Business Video devices,
are contained in this report, based on the Customer’s specific support agreement. This report
considers turn-up or go live dates for equipment, reporting on any device that is currently
managed by Cisco.
Change Data – The Change management data sheet provides the ticket data for the given
month. All change tickets closed in the given month appear on this sheet regardless of the
date on which the ticket was opened.
Problem Data – The Problem management data sheet provides the ticket data for the given
month based on the tickets that have been flagged as a problem. All problem tickets closed in
the given month appear on this sheet regardless of the date on which the ticket was opened.
Summary Tables – The Summary tables are a synopsis of all reported data for a given month.
Most of the data represented in this tab are also represented in chart or graph form in
another tab.
Operational Summary Tables – This sheet contains multiple tables to provide additional
views of the report data in table format. This sheet is available in the mid-level version of the
reports only.
Some of the table data can also be found in charts or graphs in a later tab.
4.1.1 Incident Charts
Incident charts graphically represent the incident data found in the INC data tab. Each chart is
clearly labeled and appears one after another. Outlier incidents are not factored nor displayed in
the metrics.
4.1.2 Inventory Charts
This sheet contains chart and table representations of all devices under management, including
Business Video devices. Basic counts and tables identify those elements that were under CMS
management for the given month.
4.1.3 Utilization Charts
This sheet contains all charts regarding utilization for both actual and scheduled data points for
the given month.
5 Business Video Service Desk
The Cisco Business Video Service Desk provides the following services:
 Provides 24x7x365 support for managed TelePresence Users by utilizing the one-touch Business
Video Service Desk button on the IP Phone (if configured), or by dialing a provided support phone
- Provides reactive support of scheduled meetings
- Provides a “How-do-I” Help Desk
Formal or comprehensive training on the use of Business Video equipment is not covered by the
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Incident notification (inbound/outbound)
Provides service work-arounds as available in Customer Operations Manual
First call resolution of Tier 1 issues.
6 Elective Change Management
Customer purchases a block of support hours that can be leveraged across all Defined Change requests
and Custom Scoped Elective Changes that a Customer has under their Business Video CMS contract. The
Customer must have a sufficient balance of support hours on account to cover the requested change.
Additional support hours may be purchased if required.
6.1 Defined Changes
Defined Change Task Description
CMDB – Move a device in CMS database, monitoring platform and management system
CMDB – Changes to a device in CMS database, monitoring platform and management
CMDB – Customer-requested audit of CMS Database or Inventory (per 100 devices)
Activation: Troubleshoot management connectivity to a new device (beyond providing
Ports/Protocols documentation)
Groupware Resync (Sync calendars between scheduling agent and groupware -MS
Configure LiveDesk or Helpdesk button on TP Endpoint
Add/Update User Directory (CUCM, TMS – per block of up to 20 entries)
Reboot Single Device and Health Check (Except CUCM)
CUCM Reboot Single Node, Health Check, Database Sync
CUCM Reboot Multiple Nodes, Health Check, Database Sync
License Audits (Across Network)
License Files/Keys: Configure, Add, Change
Login/Management Credential Change
CUCM: Replace TelePresence Endpoint
CUCM: Configure Call Routing or New Feature, per objective
CUCM: Cluster Security CAPF/CTL Work (May require custom scope instead)
Server: SSL Certificate Update
Any Managed Device: Single Simple Configuration Change
TP Infra: Complex Configuration Change, per objective
TP Endpoint: Complex Configuration Change
TP Endpoint Upgrade, per endpoint
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Defined Change Task Description
TP IP Phone Upgrade (CUCM Registered CTS-controlled IP Phone)
IOS Upgrade (Router/Switch)
SW Release Upgrade for CUCM, per Node
SW COP File Install for CUCM (SW Feature, patch, or device pack), per node
SW Upgrade for VCS/MSE blades (8050,8510, 8710, etc.) / TP Conductor
SW Upgrade of TMS Application*
SW Upgrade of TMS Extensions (PE, XE, XN, AE)*
Virtual Environment Host Admin Tasks (CIMC, ESXi Tasks), per host
Virtual Machine configuration changes (Memory, Disk, OS, etc.) per VM
* Note: All Windows OS components including Windows Server, .NET and Java Frameworks are NOT managed
by Cisco and are the responsibility of the customer to upgrade and maintain
6.2 Custom Scope Elective Changes
Custom Scoped Elective Changes are Customer requested changes initiated by the Customer through
the Portal. Custom Scope Elective changes will require a Statement of Work (SOW) agreement
between Cisco and customer. See the Common Service Description for more details of Customer
Scope Elective Change support. Examples of Custom Scope Elective Change activities include:
 Reboot – CUCM, TelePresence Manager, CTMS, MCU, TelePresence Server, Voice Gateway,
single endpoint
Migrating Business Video endpoints from one CUCM cluster to another
Assisting/consulting with any Day 1 activities / planning / configuration
CUCM – Software Upgrade (2-node cluster)
Business Video Infrastructure – Enable Meeting Encryption capability
CUCM – multiple or intermediate complexity changes to call routing, device or user account
TelePresence Manager System Software Upgrade
Video infrastructure S/W upgrades
Foundation Device Upgrades
7 LiveDesk
LiveDesk support for Cisco Business Video Systems is an extension of the Business Video Service Desk
support that is standard as part of the Business Video Cloud and Managed Service. LiveDesk support adds
an enhanced support dimension for Cisco TelePresence users by providing personalized, live video
support for training, “How To’s”, and Scheduling. LiveDesk Agents are specially trained Cisco resources
available for TelePresence support over a live video link. They are not Technical resources. but provide
training on the usage of Business Video Applications and Endpoints.
LiveDesk services are provided on an event basis. Events may be purchased in quantity and consumed
based on the types of support services detailed below.
 Scheduled meetings not to exceed 25 per month
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High volume scheduling will require the purchase of additional Scheduling SKUs to cover the
larger volume
LiveDesk Tracking is Event Based
Total number of meetings per month cannot exceed 1/6 of the contracted yearly meeting total
Cisco shall provide the following Services to Customer:
 Upon completion of initial installation, the LiveDesk agent will conduct a test call to the
supported TelePresence room to verify lighting and general audio and video quality.
(“TelePresence room” refers to an individual meeting room inside a Customer location where
TelePresence videoconferencing is used by Customer. A given Customer building may contain one
or more TelePresence Rooms.)
Training for new TelePresence users
- Introductory tutorial on scheduling, services, general how-to/ad hoc training or help and
advanced features conducted during a scheduled TelePresence session
- Maximum number of Live sessions limited to 10% of the user base
- Live Sessions may be recorded for replay
- 3 “on-demand” VODs for first 30 days of service
Technology demo for new TelePresence users over video – Consumes 1 Credit per demo
- Introductory tutorial on TelePresence equipment use and advanced features conducted
during a mutually scheduled TelePresence session.
Scheduling Assistance Services – Consumes 1 Credit per call
- Respond to incoming requests for meeting verifications; address user understanding of how
to correctly schedule meetings
- Provide guidance on scheduling new meetings, cancelling existing meetings, modifying
- Research availability of TelePresence rooms for scheduled meetings and create priority cases
for contention issues
o Upon request, assist in resolving scheduling conflicts; leverage customer defined
priorities to resolve conflict and procure alternate meeting room
- Add or remove participants to an ongoing TelePresence meeting provided the customer’s
network supports this functionality
o Once a meeting is in progress, the LiveDesk agent has the ability to add additional
participants to the meeting
o Cisco must have access to the customer’s Cisco TelePresence Management System
- Add audio-only or Webex participants to TelePresence meetings provided the customer’s
network supports this functionality
o LiveDesk agent will assist the caller on how to accomplish adding audio or WebEx
participants to a TelePresence meeting
- Scheduling Dependencies:
o Meetings are scheduled via Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes
o LiveDesk access requirements/permissions are met
o Submission process: email, phone, portal
o Request processing times: 24 hours
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o Technology/hardware requirements are met
Cisco must have access to Customer Outlook or Lotus Notes calendar in one of two ways:
o A Customer provided Microsoft Exchange server and application installed at Customer
o This server will reside on Customer’s isolated Business Video network and will not reside
on Customer’s WAN used for normal email, data, and voice services
o Cisco will access this server and set up email addresses for scheduling purposes
o Access to Microsoft Outlook Web Access remotely.
Perform proactive meeting checks
- Check scheduled meetings 24 to 48 hours in advance of the scheduled conference in search
of errors; ensure at least two rooms are scheduled; ensure meeting acceptance by all
participants; work with meeting organizer to resolve errors
Escalate or open a case on behalf of the customer if an issue is discovered during the course of
working with a customer
- Includes Environmental Issues
- Once the ticket has been opened, the Cisco VNOC (Video Network Operation Center) will
provide all technical support and will follow up with the customer
Initiate on-demand TelePresence meetings – Consumes 2 Credits per call
- Ability to launch TelePresence calls that were not previously scheduled
- Call will be executed within 30 minutes of request
Customer Responsibilities:
 Customer must be willing to supply an on-site resource for instances where issues cannot be
resolved remotely
On-site resource must be available throughout the duration of a planned Special TelePresence
Event that is out-of-the-ordinary scheduled TelePresence meetings and that requires special
attention or support beyond the norm
Customer must have connectivity to a certified Cisco TelePresence Provider for LiveDesk Services
Customer will provide Operator level access to scheduling and bridging / multipoint infrastructure
Customer will provide any bridges required to deliver the service
Hours of Service Operation:
7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. CST for US
Monday through Friday
8 VIP Events
VIP Event support is a service that provides proactive and expedited attention of the Service support
team for a VIP call (such as sales conferences or large media events). Advanced Cisco engineers observe
call metrics in progress and expedited action is taken if an incident arises during the call. The service
model for VIP Event monitoring includes three levels based on expected volume.
 Preventative virtual, remote health check of the involved TelePresence Solution end-points 48
and 24 hours in advance (Customer-designated and accessible) to ensure that there are no open
tickets or incidents associated with that location.
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Preventative verification to ensure the correct room scheduling process has been followed and
that there are no scheduling conflicts
Live call monitoring (up to the first 30 minutes of the start time) and standby support through the
duration of the event
This service will include monitoring of both Intra-company and Inter-company call types
This service is sold on a per event basis in quantities of 15, 30, or 60 events
Cisco Responsibilities
Cisco will, upon receipt of the service request, assign a technical support engineer to the event. This
individual will perform the following actions leading up to the meeting start time:
 Verify the meeting is properly scheduled and remediate any scheduling errors
Run diagnostics on each of the applicable end-points and proactively troubleshoot any associated
issues 48 and 24 hours leading up to the event
Distribute the audio conference bridge three business days in advance of the scheduled meeting
Be available via the audio conference bridge 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting start time
Run periodic checks during the meeting session to verify call stability
Customer Responsibilities
Customer will create a Service Request via the Cisco Management Portal five business days in advance of
the Event that includes the following specific meeting details:
 Meeting confirmation number (if applicable)
Date/Time/Duration of the Event/Scheduled Breaks
All associated Customer sites and end-points that will be joining the event
List of VIP rooms and VIP attendees
Named contacts at each site that will be available for the duration of the event that can assist
with onsite troubleshooting
Customer authorized contacts that should receive an invitation to join the audio support bridge
(Note: requests submitted with less than five business day advance notice are subject to an expedite fee
or denial of service.)
 Customer must be willing to supply on-site resources for each event
On-site resource must be available throughout the duration of the meeting
Notification of cancellation of meeting is required 24 hours in advance. If VNOC is notified within
this timeframe, the VIP event will be credited back to the total block of events for future use.
Otherwise, if notification is not received in this timeframe, applicable charges for the initial event
will apply (i.e., deduction of credit(s).
If the meeting is rescheduled, Customer is responsible for notifying the VNOC and for submitting
a new Service Request to accommodate the new meeting. If reschedule notice is submitted in
less than 24 hours of the originally scheduled event, applicable charges for the initial event will
apply (i.e., deduction of credit(s).
If the meeting is scheduled but no parties show up to conduct the meeting (no show), this will
result in a deduction of credits based on the number of hours the event was reserved. Parties will
be given a 15 minute window after the scheduled start time to show up before the meeting will
be considered a no-show.
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9 Video Conference Scheduling
This service provides the option to have conferences scheduled by the Cisco Business Video Service Team.
Conference scheduling can be requested either by email or phone, or by submitting a service request on
the web portal. Pricing is based on a per event basis.
Customer shall identify a single point of contact to whom communications in regards to the Services may
be addressed and who has the authority to act on all aspects of the Services; shall be available during
Standard Business Hours; and shall authorize a backup contact for when the primary contact is not
Scheduling Work Flow:
 Customer will utilize MS Outlook or Lotus Notes for the scheduling calendar
Cisco must have access to Customer Outlook or Lotus Notes calendar in one of two ways:
- A Microsoft Exchange server and application will be installed at Customer location.
o This server will reside on Customer’s isolated Business Video network and will not reside
on Customer’s WAN used for normal email, data, and voice services
o Cisco will access this server and set up email addresses for scheduling purposes
- Access to Microsoft Outlook Web Access remotely.
Customer can set up as many or as few email addresses that it will take to provide the Service for
the TelePresence rooms that are installed. Additional addresses can be established in the future
for more rooms or people that will manage scheduling.
A Business Video email alias will be created internally to Customer and is an actual user account.
That way the alias is on every room schedule.
Customer has an internal collaboration website or “Wiki” with a prioritization form if internal end
users are looking for escalation for the use of a particular room.
To schedule a meeting more than 24 hours before the start time, Customer can submit a service
request either via phone, email or the web portal o Requests submitted via the web portal will be
processed in the order received.
Requests will be processed the same business day if received during Standard Business Hours
To schedule a meeting less than 24 hours before the start time, Customer will contact Cisco
Service Desk directly by phone.
Customer will establish predetermined policies for room use.
Room conflicts will be resolved by Customer personnel.
B2B Call Handling
B2B (Business to Business) refers to the ability of one organization to conduct TelePresence meetings
with another organization through network exchange services offered by a service provider.
 Customer must be connected to a service provider B2B exchange and have B2B calling enabled
Before submitting a scheduling request, Customer must work with their Partners and/or users to
verify room availability for scheduled calls.
The Cisco Scheduling team will book Customer rooms for the call
Third party organizations will book their rooms for the call
Customer Responsibilities:
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If there is a network issue, the Cisco Service Desk will open a trouble ticket. Customer will work
the issue in an expeditious manner.
Customer will provide escalation support for issues relative to the exchange
Third party issues will be the responsibility of the Customer to resolve since they have contracted
for these services. However, the Customer may be able to assist with trouble shooting
procedures/ideas on a limited basis.
Additional Options:
 Customer may choose to allow users’ direct access to the Microsoft Exchange server to schedule
their own meetings via Microsoft Outlook.
- In this configuration, Cisco assumes no responsibility for incorrectly scheduled meetings and
will not support resolution of scheduling conflicts.
Cisco Service Desk is not responsible for any incident management or resolution activities for the
TelePresence systems, MS Exchange or Outlook
Cisco Service Desk will not provide any reports for the scheduling service
10 Room Service
This on-site service offers periodic visual inspections of the TelePresence environment to adhere to Cisco
room design specifications and best practice guidelines.
The purpose of this room verification service is to provide periodic, sustained conditioning of a Cisco
TelePresence system by:
 Performing a visual check of the environment
Verifying, adjusting and re-calibrating critical TelePresence components as per exhaustive
inspection checklist
Informing the primary contact, by way of inspection report, if spare parts need to be ordered,
shipped and installed or other corrective action taken
Replacing onsite consumables limited to TelePresence components such as remote batteries,
light bulbs, etc. (provided by the Customer). Room Service is a service that provides scheduled,
onsite hardware and software room inspections, focusing on systems operation.
Components Covered:
Components examined during the TelePresence Room Service include (but are not limited to) the
 Video Codec(s)
Plasma Display(s)
Lighting Shroud
Projector (as applicable)
Content LCD
Document Camera (as applicable)
Cisco IP Telephony Phone
Optional Presentation Codec
Auxiliary Control Unit
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Call control devices
Groups 1 and 2 endpoints covered under this service only.
 Camera
- Verify color temperature, alignment and focus
- Check room ceiling lights to ensure uniformity and proper working order
- TelePresence lighting shroud meets installation specifications
- Ensure lighting alcove and display are in alignment
- Test room microphones for audible integrity and physical condition
- Verify live speaker switching
- Evaluate rooms noise, ambient sound levels
- Evaluate noise from adjacent rooms
- Measure sound reverberation
Video Displays
- Ensure cleanliness of plasma displays
- Check physical condition of furniture, other room elements
- Verify availability of power
- Ensure heating and cooling are working properly, and temperature specifications are met
- Ensure that room dimensions meet Design Specifications
Cable Management
- Ensure all cables are in good condition and are properly hidden
- Laptop VGA cable reach extends to both ends of the table
- Cisco IP phone is in proper working order
- Call control devices are in proper working order
Projector/Document Camera
- Projector and/or document camera are in proper working order
Auxiliary Control Unit (ACU)
Ensure ACU is in proper working order System Test
Perform test call or loopback to validate that the solution is in good working order
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Cisco Responsibilities:
Perform room service at agreed upon intervals and preschedule such Service visits at agreed upon
intervals. Each visit shall be scheduled at least 2 weeks in advance, allowing ample time for the Customer
to respond with a reschedule request if necessary.
All scheduled visit dates as well as the last visit date will be viewable from the Portal. Scheduled service
dates will be changeable by the Customer through submitting a change as a Service Request. If an
unavoidable event forces Cisco to reschedule a visit, said visit will rescheduled to the next available date
pending Customer and room availability, not to exceed 3 weeks hence from the original visit date.
Room service technicians shall complete extensive Cisco equipment training as necessary, and shall be
trained on all newly released equipment within 30 days of FCR/product release.
Immediately following a room service visit, a checklist with detailed notes shall be made available to the
Customer for review and formal acceptance.
Customer Responsibilities:
The Customer is fully responsible for each of the following activities, including but not limited to taking
the leadership role and defining processes and procedures, and where required, identifying a Partner to
perform such activities:
 Customer must be willing to supply on-site resource to accompany technician and provide access
to the TelePresence room
On-site resource must be available throughout the duration of the room service
If the visit needs to be rescheduled, Customer is responsible for notifying the VNOC via the web
portal and for submitting a new Service Request to accommodate the new date/time.
Authorized person available to sign-off on the work
Make a reasonable effort to have a test room on the same network available for test calls
Providing current contact information for key Customer IT personnel
Communication of any logical or physical changes to Cisco or responsible Partner to allow Cisco or
Partner to update inventory and support databases
Detailed inventory of devices to be covered for service support
Providing direction to Cisco field services for device replacement, and taking the lead role in
service restoration of a device after replacement
Maintaining stock of consumables such as batteries, light bulbs, etc.
Room Service Assumptions and Dependencies
Room service can be purchased on an annual, semi-annual, or quarterly frequency and service can be
upgraded at any time if the Customer chooses to pay the difference between SKU levels. Unused visits
will not rollover into the next renewal period.
11 Client Support (Jabber, MOVI)
Cisco can provide reactive phone support to address Customer issues related to the Jabber and MOVI
clients and their operation.
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12 General Customer Responsibilities for Business Video Service
Provide Operations Guide approval through a formal sign off on that document and return to the
Cisco Service Activation Manager.
Note: Activation of Cisco Managed Services will not be initiated before a completed and formally
accepted Operations Guide is filed.
 Provide contact details for support personnel knowledgeable of your internal scheduling system
and process, including applicable software and integration of enterprise messaging systems (such
as Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes) and the TelePresence Manager.
Provide maintenance and replacement of any equipment which is not a Managed Component,
such as room lighting, tape back- up, lifecycle maintenance of the projector bulbs and air filters,
in-room desk and chairs, etc.
Implement and manage a back-up media for the Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM) as well as all
other applications supporting the Business Video environment. As part of ongoing support of the
system, the back-ups need to be available to the Cisco technician in the emergency case that a
current “back-up” of the CUCM is required. Cisco recommends using at least 2 tapes to for the
back-up and to rotate them on a monthly basis to ensure the most current data is captured.
Provide lifecycle maintenance and replacement of the Overhead Shroud Lighting on the Plasma
- 5 ft. Bulb (T5, 80w, 4100k, 7000 Lumens) - GE 46804
- 4 ft. Bulb (T5, 54w, 4100k, 5000 Lumens) - GE 46761
Submit notification to Cisco at least 72 hours in advance of any scheduled maintenance that
impacts the TelePresence equipment, such as a scheduled power outage.
Provide and maintain a list (and submit a Service Request via the Portal to inform Cisco of any
changes to the list) of employees who are authorized to do the following:
- Request and approve changes following the Change Management approval process.
- Act as Room Coordinator contact for each end-point, preferably with a back-up Room
Coordinator, to ensure timely resolution. Room Coordinator responsibilities include, but are
not limited to:
o Assisting Cisco with non-technical troubleshooting tasks requiring physical access to
Managed Components.
o Providing assistance when visibility into your scheduling system (Microsoft
Exchange/Lotus Notes) is required for remediation of an incident.
- Act as Hands & Eyes contact for each end-point, preferably with a back-up Hands & Eyes
contact to ensure timely resolution. Hands & Eyes responsibilities include, but are not
limited to:
o Assisting a Cisco engineer with technical troubleshooting tasks such as cable reseating or
test calls.
Create and maintain a distribution email list within your company for receipt of electronic status
updates on Incidents.
Note: Configure the distribution list to allow emails from external senders.
 Provide a contact who can act as Owner of the distribution list for modifications to the list of
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Provide the full email address and Owner(s) to your Cisco Service Activation Manager.
Provide access to the Customer’s scheduling tool so Cisco can provide validation of scheduling for
TelePresence configurations.
Provide the initial list of Customer administrators who shall be granted access to the Cisco
Operations Support Portal.
Note: It is the Customer’s responsibility to maintain and provide support portal access after the initial list
is processed by Cisco.
Controlled Doc. #EDM-119812827 Ver: 1.0Last Modified:4/8/2015 7:52:40 PM