The triangle of arrows with a number in the center, featured on most plastics, simply indicates the type of plastic the item is constructed from. It is not a recycling symbol, it is a code for different chemicals. For example, some plastic bags have a triangle with a #2 or #4, but our local recyclers do not accept them.
F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N V I S I T :
• Paper and cardboard must be dry and free of food debris since food grease and stains contaminate the recycling process. However, paper items with food and grease stains can be composted.
• Remove or loosen caps from cans and plastics
• Empty and rinse all containers
InterMountain Waste and Recycling: (970) 945-2822
Accepts recyclables in one container (single-stream): Co-mingled containers such as cans (tin and aluminum), plastic bottles (#1 – #7), glass bottles and jars, newspaper, magazines, office paper, cardboard.
Mountain Refuse Inc (MRI): (970) 963-3435 | www.mrico.net
Accepts recyclables (single stream but sorted) and compost (in Pitkin County):
Plastics (#1 - #7), mixed color glass bottles and jars, aluminum cans and foil, tin and steel cans
(co-mingled in one container). Place newspaper and magazines inside your bin on top). Cardboard must be flattened and placed underneath your bin.
VIP Trash: (970) 945-9228 | www.viptrash.net
Accepts recyclables in one container (single-stream): Plastics (#1 - #6), newspaper, cardboard, magazines, tin, steel and aluminum cans, glass bottles and jars, paper bags, phone and paperback books, office paper, aluminum, cereal/beer boxes, milk/juice cartons and scrap metal.
Waste Management: 1(866) 909-4458 | www.wm.com
Accepts recyclables in one container (single-stream): Plastic bottles and containers (# 1 - #7), paper, paper cardboard, dairy and juice containers, flattened cardboard and paperboard, glass bottles and jars, junk mail and envelopes, aluminum foil and cans.
NOTE: Do not mix food waste, plastic bags, polystyrene foam cups & containers, hangers or hazardous waste with your recyclables. Compostable containers (plastics marked as
“compostable” are not recyclable).
They must be composted at a certified facility or disposed of in the trash. Compostables that are placed in the recycling can contaminate the waste stream potentially making it so that the recyclable items have to be thrown in the trash.
• The Pitkin County Solid Waste Center (the Landfill): mile marker 32 on Colorado Highway 82 in Snowmass between the Aspen Village traffic signal and the Brush Creek traffic signal.
• The Rio Grande Recycling Center: located on Rio Grande Place across from Obermeyer Place and next to the skate park.
• Waste Management’s transfer station, for residential single stream recycling ONLY: Basalt
Industrial Park, 15 Park Avenue, Basalt
• Accepts cans, plastics 1-7, aluminum foil, recyclable glass, paper including copy paper, mail, paper bags, magazines, phone books, newspapers & receipts and corrugated cardboard, six-pack holders, cereal boxes (with the liner removed), cardboard tubes, etc.
• To ensure your glass is recycled, it must be separated into the bin designated for glass. Glass that is disposed in the comingled container might not be recycled.
• No waxed or food stained items.
Glenwood Springs:
• Town Recycling Center: 1015 School Street
• South Canyon Landfill: 1205 CR 130
You could reduce close to half of your household waste just through composting your food scraps. You can build your own compost bin at home (visit the Glenwood Springs Environmental Programs page to download a compost brochure here: www.ci.glenwood-springs.co.us/departments/publicworks/recycle/GWS_
CompostHome.pdf) or have your food scraps picked up through a commercial hauler.
Commercial composting facilities process items that can’t be easily composted at home such as meat and compostable dinnerware.
Businesses, homeowners, and HOA’s in Pitkin County can receive a free indoor collection bin from the City of Aspen.
• Residents can either bring their compost material to the Pitkin County Landfill and empty it for free or have it picked up curbside by EverGreen Events or Mountain Refuse
Inc. (MRI) (see above for contact information)—each offering a variety of pricing and schedules.
• To receive your free indoor compost collection bin, contact Liz O’Connell, the City of Aspen’s Waste Reduction and Environmental Health Specialist at (970) 429-1831.
Contact EverGreen Events. Offering curbside collection of all your organic materials including meat, bone & dairy, tissue, paper towels, waxed cardboard, pizza boxes, singleuse compostable dinnerware, yard waste and more! Call Evergreen Events to sign up at
(970) 987-1364 or visit www.evergreenevents.net.
Almost half of the food in the
U.S. goes to waste -approximately
3,000 pounds per second.
(Source: http:/recycleacrossamerica.
Plastic Straws cannot be recycled. These are trash.
NOTE: Buy compostable dinnerware instead of plastic for your next party or picnic.Purchasing compostable products is a great way to reduce waste at meetings or events. Many grocery stores now carry compostable plates, cups, and cutlery made from paper, corn, potato, and sugar cane.
Compostable products are oftentimes a better environmental choice than plastic, but they MUST BE composted in order to achieve their maximum environmental benefit. These items can NOT be recycled. Make sure the products are certified by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI).
Locally, EverGreen Events sells compostable products.
Americans throw away enough office paper each year to build a 12 foot high wall from Seattle to New York.
(Source: http://recycleacrossamerica.
Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for 2 hours, power a computer for 3 hours, power a 100W light bulb for 20 hours.
(Source: Waste Management)
Monarch St
A Bank is also located at Aspen
Recreation Center
Mill St
Galena St
Hunter St
Spring St
JT’s Gym
S. Original St
City Hall
Aspen Wine & Spirits
Plastic bags are not recyclable here in the Roaring Fork Valley and are difficult to recycle elsewhere as they can get tangled in the recycling sorting machinery. Separate your bags and take them to a location that transports plastic bags to a recycling facility.
Some grocery stores collect plastic bags to be transported to a recycling facility outside of the Valley.
• City Market in El Jebel
• Safeway in Glenwood Springs
• Wal-Mart in Glenwood Springs
Aspen has a “Bag Bank” system at various locations to allow people to pick up reusable bags and leave clean, reusable (not single-use plastic or paper) bags at no charge. (See map)
In 2013, Colorado passed a law making it illegal to landfill electronic waste or “e-waste,” defined as anything that has a plug or uses batteries. These items contain lead and other toxic materials that can leak out of the landfill and pollute our watershed.
• Aspen: Pitkin County Landfill. Pitkin County residents receive a $100 credit to the landfill each year. Bring proof of residency such as a utility bill or vehicle registration plus your ID.
• Carbondale: Precision Metals Recovery located at 2553 Dolores Way Carbondale.
(970) 963-8877.
• Glenwood Springs: Town Recycling Center & South Canyon Landfill.
• Garfield County Residents: Garfield County citizens may drop off their e-waste from
1:00 - 3:00PM the second Thursday of each month at the Road & Bridge District Shop located at 7300 Hwy 82 Glenwood Springs.
CFL bulbs contain a small amount of mercury and should be recycled.
• Valley-wide: Alpine Bank: In partnership with Holy Cross Energy, all Alpine Bank locations within the Holy Cross Energy service area will collect and recycle burned out CFL light bulbs.
• Aspen: The City of Aspen Environmental Health Department located on the 2nd floor of the
City Hall in Aspen at 130 S. Galena Street.
• Carbondale: The Ace Hardware located in the Crystal Village Plaza Shopping Center at
1101 Highway 133.
• Glenwood Springs: Brite Ideas Bulb Recycling: They will recycle ALL light bulbs, including linear fluorescent, compact fluorescent, high pressure sodium, metal halide and UV lamps, non-PCB electronic ballasts and magnetic ballasts. Located at All Phase Electric Supply at
5392 Cty Rd 154. (513) 504-6887. www.coloradobulbrecycling.com.
Batteries contain heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and nickel, which can contaminate the environment.
• Aspen: The Rio Grande Recycling Center accepts household batteries in small containers labeled
“household batteries”
• Pitkin County Landfill: accepts all types of batteries
• Carbondale: Precision Metals Recovery accepts auto and solar batteries only. Located at 2553
Dolores Way. (970) 963-8877
• Glenwood Springs: – Town Recycling Center
– Brite Ideas: accepts all types of batteries.
• Valley-wide: Each Alpine Bank location is a drop-off point for old cell phones. Bring in your old cell phone (make sure it is inactive) and any accessories. The phones and accessories are refurbished and donated to various community assistance organizations or they are disassembled and recycled.
• Aspen: – Pitkin County landfill
– City of Aspen City Hall on the first floor.
If you would like to suggest another location to place a collection box, please contact Aurelio Rubio at aurelio.rubio@pitkincounty.com.
Waste Management will pay you for your old cell phone. Learn more here: http://www.wmpaystorecycle.
com/. Just go online and select your electronic, receive a quote, ship it for free and you will receive payment.
Clothing that is still in good condition can be taken to a local thrift store. You are encouraged to call ahead and confirm which items they will accept. Clothing, shoes and other textiles that cannot be sold at your local thrift store can be transported out of the Valley and recycled into a variety of products including cleaning rags, carpet padding, rubberized playgrounds and insulation.
Basalt Select Thrift Store: Accepts textiles and shoes including well-worn, torn and even stained items. Basalt Thrift is the Valley’s only textile recycler and each year they keep over a half a million pounds of usable items out of the landfill. 180 South Side Drive in Basalt. (970) 927-6488. www.basaltthrift.org/recycle/
The Snow Sports Recycling Program (SSRP) is a first-in-the-nation pilot program to recycle snow sports equipment. SSRP has a network of drop-off locations with participating retailers in Denver,
Salt Lake City, Seattle, and Portland. So far, they have recycled approximately 500 tons of equipment.
• Glenwood Springs: Recycle your skis, snowboards, boots, poles and helmets at Mountain Sports
Outlet. 205 6th St, Glenwood Springs. 945-5001.
• For Aspen, Snowmass & other locations visit: www.snowsrp.org/getinvolved/drop-off-locations
Your old plastic bottle could become your new fleece jacket? When plastic bottles are recycled, they are shredded into flakes used to create fibers which are, in turn, used in the filling for sleeping bags, as loft insulation and in fleeces, hats, carpets and business suits.
(Source: Waste Management)
The Habitat for Humanity Restore: (970) 945-7733 and www.restorecarbondale.com.
• Basalt: A new Restore will be opening April 22, 2015 at 157 Basalt Center Cir, Basalt
• Glenwood Springs: –7025 Highway 82 on Hwy 82 at mile marker 7
–120 Midland Ave. Just past Target and Lowes on Midland Ave
The Restore will accept household items in new condition including: appliances, cabinets, doors, flooring materials, furniture, light fixtures in working condition, full and 1/2 sheets of plywood, full lengths of lumber, trim in smaller pieces, but not less than 4 feet long, paint, 4’ and over of any type of pipe, and all supplies and fittings, fiberglass tubs, sinks, toilets, all types of roofing material, tools, windows and screens.
They will even pick up your items for free! To arrange pick up, visit: www.restorecarbondale.com/ donation-pick-up-request .
Including oil, miscellaneous household chemicals, spray cans, etc.
• The Pitkin County Landfill: will accept all paints and paint related chemicals, oil, antifreeze, aerosol cans and other liquid.
• Habitat for Humanity Restore: will accept latex paint.
Residents with volumes greater than 55 gallons of paint, motor oil or other hazardous material should call
Jed Miller at 429-2892 or Jed.Miller@pitkincounty.com or Aurelio Rubio at 429-2888 or
Aurelio.Rubio@pitkincounty.com to discuss disposal options.
Medications that are flushed down the toilet are polluting the nation’s drinking water supplies. In 2002, scientists with the US Geological Survey found antibiotics, anti-depressants, birth control, seizure medication, cancer treatments, pain killers, tranquilizers and cholesterol-lowering compounds in 80% of the water they tested. Keep our water supply safe by disposing of old medications properly.
• Aspen: The City of Aspen Police Department will accept medications (prescription or over-the-counter) anonymously. The items are properly destroyed. 506 E. Main St., Aspen (970) 920-5400
• Glenwood Springs: The Glenwood Springs Police Department has a medication drop-off box for nonliquids only. Citizens can bring in their expired or unused prescription medications and dispose of them in the metal container. All the items in the container are then collected and properly destroyed.
Citizens who bring in their medications can do so anonymously without any contact with law enforcement officials. 101 West 8th St. (970) 384-6500.
• Valley-Wide: City Market Pharmacy sells kits for safe disposal of medications. Visit your local City
Market or www.medsaway.com for more information.
• Aspen: Pitkin County landfill
• Basalt: Big O Tires: 100 Southside Drive
• Glenwood Springs: – Big O Tires: 51079 Hwy 6
– South Canyon Landfill
• Aspen: Pitkin County landfill
• Carbondale: Precision Metals Recovery 2553 Dolores Way Carbondale. (970) 963-8877
• Glenwood Springs: – Town Recycling Center
– The Habitat for Humanity Restore accepts 4 feet and over of
any type of pipe, and all supplies and fittings.
Refrigerators must have the freon removed and be stamped as such by a certified freon removal specialist.
• Alltemp: Call 927-8304. $40 if dropped off in Glenwood Springs at 3405 South Grand Ave.
$102.50 for pickup.
• Valley Refrigeration: Call 945-9859. $45 for freon removal or $75 for freon removal and disposal.
• Pete’s Refrigeration: 379-4819
• Xcel Energy: If Xcel is your utility provider, they will pick and recycle your refrigerator, free of charge and could even provide a $50 rebate. From April 1-May 31, 2015 Xcel will recycle your fridge for free and you could be entered to win a new Energy Star refrigerator. Visit https://www.
arcaincutility.com/CO/XCEL/Index.cfm for complete details or? call 1(866)552-8755.
• Aspen: Millennium Pack ‘n Ship accepts recycled packaging materials including clean bubble wrap, foam sheets and peanuts. 465 N Mill St # 12. (970) 920-2204.
• Glenwood Springs: UPS accepts packaging peanuts. Located at 1338 Grand Ave.
(970) 945-1525.
The triangle of arrows with a number in the center, featured on most plastics, simply indicates the type of plastic the item is constructed from. It is not a recycling symbol, it is a code for different chemicals. For example, some plastic bags have a triangle with a #2 or #4, but our local recyclers do not accept them.
Visit www.ecocycle.org/junkmail#. Six Steps to learn how to be removed from junk mail lists. Additionally, you can end phonebook deliveries by visiting www.yellowpagesoptout.com.
Please contact these entities directly for the most current operating hours and fees. Most facilities don’t charge for household recycling.
• Pitkin County Resource Recovery Landfill: 32046 Highway 82, Snowmass Village, (970) 429-2880, www.landfillrules.com
• Town of Glenwood Recycling Center: 1015 School Street, Glenwood Springs, (970) 945-2931
• Garfield County Landfill: 0075 CR 246 Rifle, (970) 625-2516, www.ci.glenwood-springs.co.us/departments/publicworks/recycle/index.htm
• South Canyon Landfill. 1205 CR 130 Glenwood Springs, (970) 945-5375, www.ci.glenwoodsprings.co.us/departments/publicworks/ landfill/sclandfill_neww_2013.htm