10 ELECTRODEPOSITION OF ZINC AND ZINC ALLOYS RENÉ WINAND Zinc has a standard reversible potential [0.76 V/standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)] that is more negative than that of iron (Fe/Fe2 þ —0.44V/SHE). For this reason zinc is used for sacrificial cathodic protection of steel against corrosion. According to Fischer [1], in metal electrodeposition, zinc can be considered as an intermediate metal, giving rise to medium values of overpotentials due to secondary inhibition resulting from adsorbed hydrolized species. In acid sulfate solutions without an organic additive, BR metallographic cross-sectional structures are obtained (BR: basis reproduction; coherent deposits with coarse crystals whose diameter increases with the deposit thickness; see Fig. 10.1). In chloride electrolytes, even coarser grains are observed, because of the more activating character of chloride ions against sulfate ions [2] and despite the complex formation in solution [3, p. 464]. In cyanide baths, on the other hand, much finer grains are obtained, and the deposits pertain to the FT (field-oriented texture: coherent deposits, with elongated crystals perpendicular to the substrate, with almost constant diameter throughout the deposit thickness) or UD types (UD: unoriented dispersion type; coherent deposit, with small crystals showing three-dimensional nucleation to occur all the time during electrodeposition). Figure 10.2 shows a deposit obtained in a cyanide solution without an organic additive: the structure is initially FT, but it becomes progressively bad. Going from a cyanide bath to a noncyanide alkaline bath should result in still worse deposits because electrolyte complexation decreases [3] and exchange current density increases [4, pp. 528–543]. Accordingly, when rather thick deposits are needed and/or if a bright surface is required, organic additives are always present at high concentration (1 g L1 or more). This always occurs in barrel-and-rack plating of small pieces of equipment, because the local current densities will vary over a wide range. For continuous plating on steel sheets or wires, constant current density and rather good hydrodynamic control may be achieved over the whole cathodic surface, and organic additives are not so much in use. Whatever the pH, zinc is always more negative than hydrogen [5]. In electrolytes where zinc is complexed, its standard reversible potential is still more negative; for instance, for cyanide baths, the reversible potential for reaction ½ZnðCNÞ4 2 þ 2e $ Zn þ 4CN in alkaline solution is 1.26 V/SHE [6]. Consequently hydrogen evolution occurs at the cathode as a competitor to zinc deposition, resulting in a decrease of current efficiency and eventually in some atomic hydrogen diffusion into the substrate. Finally, in industrial processes electrolytic plating is an alternative to hot-dip galvanizing. Both processes have advantages and disadvantages. Continual technological improvements make it difficult to conclude in favor of one process over the other. However, hot dip always includes some surface alloying by diffusion, and the deposit thickness is less easily controlled than in electroplating. In this chapter, barrel-and-rack plating will be discussed separately from continuous plating on sheets and wires. The reason is that the electrolytes and required properties of the deposits are different. Of course some overlap is inevitable. Since the third edition of Modern Electroplating [7], the main trends in zinc and zinc alloy plating are as follows: . Replacement of cyanide baths in barrel-and-rack plating by noncyanide alkaline baths or by acid baths Modern Electroplating, Fifth Edition Edited by Mordechay Schlesinger and Milan Paunovic Copyright Ó 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 285 286 ELECTRODEPOSITION OF ZINC AND ZINC ALLOYS about 4 million tons of zinc and, in the case of sheets, more than 40 million tons of steel. Electroplating of steel sheets covers between 25 and 30% of zinc production [8, 9]. 10.1 FIGURE 10.1 Zinc electrodeposited from a sulfate electrolyte (400). After [1], p. 619—BR deposit. . . Large development of high-current-density plating of zinc and zinc alloys on continuous steel sheets or wires with a very active competition against hot dip Enforcement of environmental constraints BARREL-AND-RACK PLATING [7, 10–13] Zinc is often used for coating iron and steel parts when protection from either atmospheric or indoor corrosion is the primary objective. Without subsequent treatment, electroplated zinc becomes dull gray after exposure to air, so that bright zinc is always given a chromate conversion coating or a coating of a clear lacquer (or both) if a decorative finish is required. Commercial zinc plating is accomplished in cyanide baths, alkaline noncyanide baths, and acid chloride baths. In the 1970s most commercial zinc plating was done in conventional cyanide baths, but the strong international effort to lower pollution emissions has led to the development of other processes. Today alkaline noncyanide and acid chloride baths comprise most of the production. 10.1.1 Cyanide Zinc Baths Bright cyanide zinc baths can be divided into four broad classifications based on their cyanide content: . It should be emphasized that approximately half of the world’s consumption of zinc is used to coat steel by various processes. This is a huge business, representing each year . . . Regular cyanide zinc baths Midcyanide baths Low-cyanide baths Microcyanide baths Table 10.1 summarizes the various compositions of cyanide zinc baths [10]. Normally temperature ranges from 20 to 40 C. In barrel plating, the average current density is 0.6 A dm2 with 12–25 V. In rack plating, the current density is between 2 and 5 A dm2 with 3–6 V. As can be seen in the table, most cyanide baths are prepared from zinc cyanide, sodium cyanide, and sodium hydroxide, with sodium polysulfide acting as a bath purifier and thus precipitating heavy metals such as lead and TABLE 10.1 FIGURE 10.2 Zinc deposited from a cyanide electrolyte without organic additive (400). After [1], p. 476—Initial FT deposit progressively degenerated. Composition of Cyanide Zinc Baths (g L1) Constituent Regular Mid Low Micro Zn(CN)2 NaCN NaOH Na2CO3 NaxSy Brightener 60 40 80 15 2 1–4 30 20 75 15 2 1–4 10 8 65 15 — 1–4 —a 1 75 — — 1–5 a Zinc anodes are dissolved to the desired concentration of zinc metal in solution, that is, 7.5 g L1. BARREL-AND-RACK PLATING cadmium that enter the bath as soluble anode impurities. In looking at the chemistry of these baths, it should be emphasized that zinc cyanide is practically insoluble in water. Nevertheless, when added to sodium cyanide, the zinc cyanide dissolves to produce a complex salt, sodium zinc cyanide, as follows: ZnðCNÞ2 þ 2NaCN ! Na2 ZnðCNÞ4 On the other hand, when used with sodium hydroxide, zinc cyanide yields sodium zincate and sodium cyanide: ZnðCNÞ2 þ 4NaOH ! Na2 ZnðOHÞ4 þ 2NaCN Clearly, an equilibrium exists in solution between the cyanide zinc complex and the zincate ion according to Na2 ZnðCNÞ4 þ 4NaOH $ Na2 ZnðOHÞ4 þ 4NaCN 287 be considered mixtures of two different solutions: pure cyanide and pure zincate. The dissolution constant of 9 20 ; see [1, ZnðCNÞ2 4 is very low (in the range of 10 –10 2þ p. 174]), and the concentration of free Zn ions in solution is very low. In zincate solutions at high pH, if some dissociation of ZnðOHÞ 3 and Zn(OH)2 is observed, the concentration of free Zn2 þ ions in solution is also very low, as shown in Figure 10.3 [3, p. 464]. An investigation of the cathode reaction mechanism at a mercury electrode has shown that in cyanide and in alkaline noncyanide baths the reacting species at the surface of the electrode remains the same. Therefore the reaction mechanism was suggested to be as follows [4, pp. 536, 539]: For cyanide baths, ZnðCNÞ2 4 þ 2OH $ ZnðOHÞ2 þ 4CN ZnðOHÞ2 þ 2e ! Zn þ 2OH For noncyanide alkaline baths, or 2 ZnðCNÞ2 4 þ 4OH $ ZnðOHÞ4 þ 4CN Thus the addition of sodium hydroxide reduces the amount of cyanide zinc complex and increases the zincate ion concentration. Accordingly the cyanide baths may FIGURE 10.3 ½ZnðOHÞ4 2 $ ZnðOHÞ2 þ 2OH ZnðOHÞ2 þ 2e ! Zn þ 2OH A more detailed examination of the cathode mechanism revealed that in the reaction ZnOH is adsorbed [3, pp. 477,480]. Relative concentrations of basic zinc and zinc chloride species in aqueous solution as a function of pH. 288 ELECTRODEPOSITION OF ZINC AND ZINC ALLOYS Therefore the second reaction in each above-mentioned formula is replaced by ZnðOHÞ2 þ e ! ½ZnðOHÞ2 ½ZnðOHÞ2 $ ZnOH þ OH ZnðOHÞ þ e ! Zn þ OH In this last row of reactions at low current density (or overpotential) the chemical reaction is the rate-determining step, whereas at high current density (or overpotential), the last electrochemical reaction is rate determining. From a practical point of view, passing from regular to low-cyanide zinc baths is a continuous process without drastic changes in bath behavior. In every case the current efficiency drops from about 90% at 1 A dm2 to less than 60% at 6 A dm2. This achieves very good throwing and covering power. Microcyanide baths represent essentially a retrogression from alkaline noncyanide baths; cyanide acts as an additive that can be replaced by organic ones. Zinc plating bath brighteners are almost exclusively proprietary mixtures of organic additives, usually combinations of polyproxyamine reaction products, polyvinyl alcohols, aromatic aldehydes, and quaternary nicotinates. Quaternary pyridinium compounds are also used as brighteners [14]. All additives are formulated at high concentrations in order to achieve brightness at both low- and high-current-density areas and to maintain stability at elevated temperatures. 10.1.2 Alkaline Noncyanide Zinc Baths These baths are a logical development in the effort to produce a nontoxic cyanide-free zinc electrolyte. Initially these baths were considered as able only to give spongy or powdery deposits, which were of interest mainly for electrochemical power sources. The same type of electrolyte was used to investigate the dendritic electrocrystallization of zinc [15] with exchange current densities in the range of 10 A dm2. From a more practical point of view, it was shown in a flowthrough channel cell that various types of deposits (flat, bulbous, or dendritic) could be obtained as a function of current density and Reynolds number [16]. Further research on the subject concentrated on the deposit morphology [15–23], with the aim to improve the control of surfaces with powdery deposits, and also on the quality of dense deposits made, first, by pulsated current or by superimposing alternating current (ac) on direct current (dc) and, second, with organic additives or on the electrode mechanism [24–32]. To summarize, because of the high value of the exchange current density (see [30, p. 2657]; values in the literature are between 2 and 31 A dm2), surface diffusion should not be rate determining; diffusion in solution is more likely to play this role [18]. Avery important role is played by good hydrodynamic control, and it is also important to concentrate on brighteners that are necessary in industrial TABLE 10.2 Composition Characteristics or Alkaline Noncyanide Zinc Baths (g L1) Constituent LC Zn NaOH Proprietary additives 6–9 75–105 HC 13.5–22.5 120–150 (as specified, 1–3%) practice. A drawback is that some contamination of the zinc deposits is possible, and these may be up to 0.3 and 0.5% carbon originating from the additives. This is 10 times the amount of carbon found in deposits using the cyanide system. Table 10.2 summarizes the composition characteristics of alkaline noncyanide zinc baths. They pertain to two different ranges of concentrations, called low chemistry (LC) and high chemistry (HC) [11]. Operating temperatures are between 15 and 45 C (optimum 25–30 C; see [3, pp. 477–480]). For barrel plating, cathode current density ranges from 2 to 4 A dm2 with cell voltage 12–18 V. For rack plating, cathode current density is around 0.6 A dm2 with 3–6 V. In comparison with cyanide systems, noncyanide alkaline zinc baths have a narrower range of optimum operating zinc concentration. For instance, if the zinc metal content is around 7.5 g L1 (LC) at 3 A dm2, a bright deposit is obtained at 80% current efficiency. However, at 5.3 g L1 zinc, at the same current density, the current efficiency is already lower than 60%. Still, raising the zinc content above 17 g L1 will result in dull gray deposits. Also increasing sodium hydroxide concentration increases current efficiency but causes metal buildup on sharp-cornered edges [10, p. 246]. Accordingly, for the adopted two types of composition—low chemistry and high chemistry—the zinc and sodium hydroxide concentrations are increased at the same time. Of course additives are essential [14, pp. 33–35]. In the first commercial alkaline noncyanide zinc baths, it was necessary to replace the complexing effect of cyanide ions by other complexing agents like ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), gluconate, tartrate, and triethanolamine. However, this created new effluent problems (e.g., EDTA can prevent precipitation of zinc following pH adjustement and can also delay precipitation of other metals in mixed effluents). This approach has fallen out of use, and the alkaline noncyanide zinc baths may now be considered zincate baths. The deposition of zinc from such an electrolyte follows a four-step mechanism [36]: ½ZnðOHÞ4 2 $ ½ZnðOHÞ3 þ OH ½ZnðOHÞ3 þ e ! ½ZnðOHÞ2 þ OH ½ZnðOHÞ2 $ ZnðOHÞ þ OH ZnOH þ e ! Zn þ OH The second step is the rate-determining step, and it reduces the rate of the reaction to give zinc time to form a dense deposit instead of powdery nonadherent deposits. BARREL-AND-RACK PLATING Organic additives fall in two categories: carriers and brighteners. The most commonly used carrier is poly vinyl alcohol (PVA). Owing to the polarity of the carbon–oxygen bond, it is possible for this material to be present in significant amounts in the cathode film, forming a weak physical barrier that hinders zinc deposition. More efficient carriers are polyaliphatic amines, aliphatic polyamines containing tertiary or quaternary nitrogen atoms, and heterocyclic amines (imidazole, pyrazole with epichlorohydrin, etc.). When tertiary and particularly quaternary nitrogen atoms are introduced into the polymer chain, extreme brilliance is obtained, even at high current densities. Less effort has been put toward studying brighteners, and hence aromatic aldehydes are still in use. At the start of the 1980s, zincate plating had not proved to be as reliable as plating from cyanide baths. Four main problems remained to be solved; . . . . Intermittent deposit blistering (due to initial considerable hydrogen evolution and adsorption into the steel base). This was solved by efficient pretreatment and activation of the substrate, higher solution temperature, higher NaOH/Zn ratio, and avoiding additives with excessive cationic character leading to high carbon content in the deposits that are highly stressed. Burning or pitting. This was solved by solution agitation and higher solution temperature. Zinc anode passivation [37, 38] due to saturation of the surface by ZnðOHÞ2 4 and ZnðOHÞ3 forming a solid film progressively converted to ZnO1x(OH)2x, OH doped ZnO, and finally Zn-doped ZnO. This can be solved by solution agitation and by choosing not too high a value for the anode current density. Chromating problems. This was solved by a very efficient rinse of the plated parts to eliminate any residual zincate plating solution. Today zincate plating is a highly successful process. In 1970, only 4% of zinc electroplating was achieved by this method, and in 1990, 30%. During the two decades cyanide plating decreased from 97 to 20%; the large percentage is now covered by acid plating, mainly from chloride solutions [39]. Other comments in this direction can be found in [40–43]. 10.1.3 Acid Chloride Zinc Baths This type of bath radically changed the technology of zinc plating since the early 1970s and constitutes about 50% of all zinc baths for rack-and-barrel plating in most developed nations. Despite zinc complexation in solution shown in Figure 10.3 [44], it was recognized rather early that the 289 exchange current density was high in concentrated solutions: at 2 g L1ZnII ; J0 ¼ 0:7aZnII in A cm2, resulting in J0 ¼ 70 A dm2 if aZnII is unity (in [45] values ranging from 5 to 10 A dm2 were found at pH 2–3.5, after converting from 102 to 1 mol L1 ZnII). Concerning the cathode reaction mechanism, it was considered [46] that a fraction of the electrode is covered by adsorbed atomic hydrogen, partially consumed during hydrogen evolution: H þ þ e ! Hads H þ þ Hads þ e ! H2 For zinc electrocrystallization, ZnIads adions weakly bound to the metal and able to diffuse along the electrode surface were considered, undergoing the following reactions: ZnII þ ZnIads þ e $ 2ZnIads ZnII þ e ! ZnIads ZnIads þ Hads ! Zn þ H þ ZnIads þ e ! Zn The last two reactions led to the growth of the deposit. Other growth sites were also considered, but this is beyond the scope of this chapter. Because of the high values of the exchange current density, noncoherent deposits (dendritic or powdery) are expected if organic additives and/or close hydrodynamic control are not in use [47–50]. In fact, this type of electrolyte was used to study the growth of zinc dendrites [51]. Even for electrowinning, the need of organic additives was recognized [52–55], also at high current density (up to 31 A dm2; see [56]). However, while for electrowinning rather low concentrations of organics are enough (less than 0.1 g L1), such is not the case in plating if bright deposits are required. Table 10.3 gives the composition and operating characteristics of acid chloride zinc plating baths [10, p. 251; 11, pp. 330–335]. These are the electrolytes used at temperatures ranging from 15 to 55 C; the pH values are between 5 and 6. In barrel plating, at current densities between 0.3 and 1 A dm2, the cell voltage is between 4 and 12 V, while in rack plating, at current densities between 2 and 5 A dm2, the cell voltage lies between 1 and 5 V. Although organic additives are proprietary, brighteners are again subdivided into two categories [57–61]: carriers (polyalcohol, polyamine, fatty alcohols, polyglycolether, and quaternary nitrogen bonds) and primary brighteners (aliphatic, aromatic, and heterocyclic carbonyl bonds). Carriers, acting as wetting agents, are often necessary to solubilize the primary brighteners. Bright chloride acid zinc baths have a number of intrinsic advantages: . Waste disposal is minimized (neutralization at pH 8.5–9). 290 ELECTRODEPOSITION OF ZINC AND ZINC ALLOYS TABLE 10.3 Composition and Operating Characteristics of Acid Chloride Zinc Plating Baths (g L1) Constituent Zn NH4Cl KC1 NaCl H3BO3 Carrier brightener Primary brightener . . . . . Potassium Chloride Sodium Chloride No Ammonium, Potassium Chloride 15–30 120–180 — — — 4 vol % 0.25% 15–30 30–45 120–150 — — 4 vol % 0.25% 15–30 30–45 — 120 — 4 vol % 0.25% 22–38 — 185–225 — 22–38 4 vol % 0.25% Current efficiencies are high, even at high current densities. In the presence of organic additives, leveling ability is obtained, resulting in superb out-of-bath brightness. Cast iron, malleable iron, and carbonitrided parts, almost impossible to plate in cyanide and zincate baths, are readily plated in acid zinc baths. Electrical conductivity is much higher, resulting in substantial energy savings. Hydrogen embrittlement is reduced. There are however a few drawbacks: . . Low Ammonium All Ammonium Chloride Acid chloride electrolyte is very corrosive. Eventual bleed-out of entrapped solution in the deposit will ruin the part so that special care should be taken when plating complex assemblies. have high current efficiencies (above 95%) over a wide range of current densities, while cyanide electrolytes, especially the zincate electrolytes, show a sharp decrease in current efficiency at increasing current density. The throwing power, especially for bright deposit, can be estimated by penetration inside a tube [42, 68]. Table 10.4 [42] gives some properties of the bright zinc deposits. Further readings on the subject are in [69, 70]. Internal stresses were studied in [71, 72]. Pulsated or periodically reversed currents were assumed to decrease the grain size and increase brightness, eventually without additives [73–77]. Interestingly, the multilayers of zinc are obtained both by pulse plating [77] and by selfoscillations of current at constant cathode potential [78]. Ultrasonic agitation was considered to smooth the surface [79, 80]. The influence of impurities and additives in As can be seen in Table 10.3, acid chloride baths are principally of two types: with ammonium chloride or with potassium chloride. Ammonium-based baths were developed first. They can be operated at high current density, but ammonium ions act as complexing agents for nickel and copper in waste streams and can require expensive chlorination for disposal. This is the main reason for the development of the potassium chloride baths. Other acid baths were developed: sulfate [10, p. 253; 58,59,62], fluoborate [10, p. 253], sulfamate, acetate [63], perchlorate [64], and even very low melting point molten salts [65–67], They are not much in use in barrel-and-rack plating, except for the sulfate bath for specific applications (e.g., complex assemblies). 10.1.4 Some Further Considerations Concerning Zinc Barrel-and-Rack Plating The main characteristics of the various processes used for zinc barrel-and-rack plating can be compared: cyanide, zincate, and acid chloride baths. Figure 10.4 [42, 68] shows that acid electrolytes (including the sulfate high-acid one) FIGURE 10.4 Current efficiency as a function of current density for various electrolytes used in zinc barrel-and-rack plating. 1: acid chloride; 2: acid sulfate; 3: cyanide; 4: noncyanide (zincate). 291 BARREL-AND-RACK PLATING TABLE 10.4 Properties of Bright Zinc Deposits Bright Deposit from Noncyanide Parameter or Property Crystal structure Deposit structure Crystal diameter Microinternal stress Macrointernal stress Micro–Vickers hardness Ductility Dimension Acid Chloride Alkaline Cyanide — — nm N mm2 N mm2 — % Hex UD 70 30 80 40 100 30 0.5–7.5 Hex FT-UD 90 40 120 þ 80 130 3 0 1–5.5 Hex FT-UD 130 50 150 40 140 40 0.2–3.2 Source: Paatsch [42, p. 2635]. solution was studied especially in acid sulfate solutions, where electroplating conditions are not very far from electrowinning [81–101]. From a more technical point of view, special care must be taken in plating tank construction, especially for acid chloride baths. Tanks may not be constructed of unlined steel in this case, whereas steel is suitable for alkaline noncyanide and for cyanide baths [11, p. 328]. 10.1.5 Zinc Alloy Plating In barrel-and-rack plating, pure zinc remains the principal coating material for steel [12; 10, p. 285, and 39]. However, during the last three decades alloys were introduced to meet demands for higher quality finishes and longer lasting finishes. The push came mainly from the automotive industry and from the aerospace field in its demand for fastener and electrical components. Today, there is talk to replace cadmium because of its toxic nature [102]. Zinc alloy plating will be discussed further in the continuous plating section. In this section, only the characteristics and properties specific to barrel-and-rack plating will be considered. Zinc–nickel alloys can be plated from acid or alkaline noncyanide solutions. The acid bath yields a higher nickel content than an alkaline bath (10–14% vs. 6–9%). Corrosion protection of steel increases with increasing nickel content up to approximately 15%. Beyond that level, the deposit becomes more noble than the substrate, losing its sacrificial properties. Also above 10% the deposit becomes more passive and accordingly less receptive to form a good chromate conversion coating. Finally, the deposit from the acid bath has a poor thickness distribution, and significant alloy variation is observed from low- to high-current-density areas. On the other hand, the plating rate is lower with the alkaline bath. Finally, the columnar structure of the alkaline bath is preferred to the laminar structure of the acid bath, especially when the part must be mechanically formed after plating. Table 10.5 summarizes bath parameters for both types. Zinc–cobalt alloys are plated from conventional lowammonium or ammonium-free acid chloride baths, with the addition of a small amount of cobalt. The alloy contains generally up to 1% cobalt. The current efficiency is high and so is the plating rate. There is reduced hydrogen embrittlement compared with alkaline systems, but the thickness distribution varies with the current density. An alkaline bath is also available. Zinc–cobalt alloys accept blue, bright yellow iridescent, and nonsilver black chromate conversion coatings. Table 10.6 summarizes bath parameters for both types of baths. Zinc–iron alloys are mainly used for their ability to produce a nonsilver black chromate. At iron concentrations between 0.3 and 0.9%, they proved to have a very good resistance to the new methanol fuel blend [39]. They are mostly deposited from alkaline baths. Table 10.7 gives the bath parameters. Tin–zinc alloys [12] are deposited from acid, alkaline, and neutral baths. In general, alloys range from 70 to 75% tin and TABLE 10.5 Bath Parameters for Zinc–Nickel Barrel-and-Rack Plating (g L1) Acid Baths Parameter Rack Barrel Zinc chloride Zinc metal Nickel chloride Nickel metal Potassium chloride Sodium hydroxide PH Temperature ( C) Cathode current Density (A dm2) Anodes 130 — 130 — 230 — 5–6 24–30 0.1–4 120 — 110 — — — 5–6 35–40 0.5–3 Zinc and nickel separately, eventually with separate rectifiers Source: Budman and Sizelove [12]. Alkaline Bath — 8 — 1.6 — 130 23–26 2–10 Mix: nickelplated steel 70%– zinc 30% 292 ELECTRODEPOSITION OF ZINC AND ZINC ALLOYS TABLE 10.6 Bath Parameters for Zinc–Cobalt Barrel-and-Rack Plating (g L1) Acid Baths Parameter Rack Barrel Alkaline Bath Zinc metal Potassium chloride Ammonium chloride Caustic soda Cobalt metal Boric acid PH Temperature ( C) Cathode current Density (A dm2) Anodes 30 180 30 225 6–9 — 45 — — — 1.9–3.8 15–25 5–6 21–38 0.1–5.0 — 1.9–3.8 15–25 5–6 21–38 1–50 75–105 0.03–0.05 — Pure zinc Pure zinc Steel (passivated) 21–32 2–4 are accordingly more on the tin side. They have excellent resistance to SO2 atmospheres, frictional properties, and ductility allowing forming after plating. However, they are very soft and so are susceptible to mechanical damage. They have low electrical contact resistance and do not undergo bimetallic corrosion. As a result they are used for steel fasteners for aluminum alloy panels. Brass (zinc–copper alloy) [10, p. 285] can be plated from pure zinc to pure copper. It is used in many applications: . . . For bright decorative finishes on wire goods, picture frames, cosmetic items, builders’ hardware as a thin layer on bright nickel or on other bright plates For antique or other dark finishes, in heavier thicknesses on items that are then burnished, brushed, or buffed For engineering applications as a good drawing lubricant on steel sheet and to provide good adherence of rubber to steel (e.g., steel tire cord wire) Source: Budman and Sizelove [12]. TABLE 10.7 Alkaline Bath Parameters for Zinc–Iron Alloy Barrel-and-Rack Plating (g L1) Parameter Value Zinc metal Iron metal Caustic soda Temperature ( C) Cathodic current Density (A dm2) Anodes 20–25 0.25–0.50 120–140 18–23 1.5–3.0 Steel (passivated) Source: Budman and Sizelove [12]. Commercial brass plating solutions are cyanide based. Noncyanide solutions usually suffer from a lack of stability, resulting in difficulties with alloy control on wide ranges of current density. It should be remembered that the reversible standard potentials of the two metals differ by more than 1 V. Some sodium carbonate may be added to the cyanide bath to achieve some buffering action and thus keep the color of the alloy constant. The critical factor is the ratio of cyanide to zinc. The copper content is usually between 15 and 30 g L1 and the zinc content between 4 and 10 g L1. Current density ranges from near 0 to 16 A dm2 at temperatures between 30 and 80 C (according to the bath composition) at pH 10. Proprietary additives arc available, but if plated on a bright base metal, brass deposits are fully bright up to a thickness of FIGURE 10.5 Fields of stability of the main deposit metallographic structures. CONTINUOUS PLATING 293 2.5 mm. Alkaline tartrates [103, 104] and glucoheptonates [105, 106] have been evaluated to replace the cyanides. 10.2 CONTINUOUS PLATING Considerable interest has developed over the last 30 years in high-current-density continuous plating of zinc on steel sheets. Current densities ranging from 90 to 150 A dm2 are currently used, and values up to 300 A dm2 were successfully used at large pilot scale for 5–15 mm thick deposits [47– 49, 107, 108], while 450 A dm2 was reported for lower thicknesses, around 1 mm [47]. These processes, used now at large industrial scale, are mainly for protecting car bodies against corrosion, and they require close control of current density and hydrodynamic conditions at the surface of the continuous plate. For this reason equipment design and process control become essential. Electrocrystallization studies have shown that in simple acid baths with no organic additive, the zinc deposit metallographic structure remains the same up to very high current densities, provided that the ratio of the cathode current density to the diffusion limiting current density is kept constant. In Figure 10.5 the fields of stability of the main zinc deposit structures are a function of this ratio, and if the inhibition intensity stays at the same position while the current density and agitation are increased simultaneously, the point characterizing the electrodeposition conditions stays at the same position [109, 110]. Further studies on hydrodynamics related to high-current-density plating can be found in the literature [111–117]. Many electrolytic cells were designed, respecting more or less the above-mentioned condition on the whole surface of FIGURE 10.6 Radial cell (U.S. Steel) [112]. The electrolyte is injected in the middle and flows in directions co- or countercurrent to the steel sheet: 1, steel sheet; 2, electrical brushes; 3, electrolyte outlet; 4, cathode conducting cylinder; 5, anodes; 6, electrolyte inlet; 7, electrolyte tank. FIGURE 10.7 Carosel cell (U.S. Steel) [112]. The electrolyte is also injected in the middle and flows in directions co- or countercurrent to the steel sheet but overflows directly in the electrolyte tank: 1, steel sheet; 2, electrical brushes; 3, cathode conducting cylinder; 4, anodes; 5, electrolyte inlet; 6, electrolyte level; 7, electrolyte tank. the cathode. Some of them are shown in Figures 10.6–10.17. There are four main types of cells: . Those where the steel sheet is pressed against a rotating conducting cylinder feeding the current directly inside the electrolytic cell (radial cell [112], carosel cell [112], and Kawasaki KC cell [118]: Figs. 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8). FIGURE 10.8 Kawasaki KC cell [118]. The electrolyte is injected on one side in countercurrent to the steel sheet. 294 ELECTRODEPOSITION OF ZINC AND ZINC ALLOYS FIGURE 10.9 Sumitomo vertical cell [119]. FIGURE 10.11 Rasselstein VHC cell [121]. 1: Titanium anode basket, containing eventually granulated zinc and nickel if operated in the soluble anode mode; if not, the basket is provided with a perforated insoluble anode; 2: nozzle in anode basket through which the electrolyte is injected between the steel sheet and the anode; 3: electrolyte inlet; 4: electrolyte in anode/cathode gap; 5: anode current supply; 6: cathode conductor rolls; 7: deflector roll; 8: steel sheet. FIGURE 10.10 Andritz-Ruthner Gravitel cell [120] with hollow anode boxes through which the electrolyte is fed by overflow on the upper side of the channels between the steel sheet and the catalytic anodes. The electrolyte flows by gravity in these channels. FIGURE 10.12 Nippon steel jet cell [112]. A: Lateral view; B: transverse section. 1: Steel sheet; 2: electrolyte inlet. 3: electrolyte outlet; 4: insulators; 5: anodes; 6: cathode conducting rolls; 7: electrolyte tank; 8: electrolyte; 9: side masks. CONTINUOUS PLATING . FIGURE 10.13 Nippon steel liquid cushion cell [112, 122, 123]: 1, steel sheet; 2, anodes; 3, electrolyte injectors (the electrolyte flows in co- or countercurrent to the steel sheet); 4, cathode and anode feeders. . . Those where the steel sheet moves vertically between anodes, the current feeder rolls being outside the electrolytic cell (Sumitomo vertical cell [119], Andritz–Ruthner Gravitel cell [120], and Rasselstein vertical hydrojet cell [121]: Figs. 10.9–10.11). Those where the steel sheet moves horizontally between the anodes, the current feeder rolls being outside the 295 electrolytic cell (Nippon steel jet cell [112], Nippon steel liquid cushion cell [112, 122, 123], Sumitomo horizontal cell and its modified version [124], Cockerill-Sambre flash cell [47]: Figs. 10.12–10.16). Those where the steel sheet moves horizontally, pressed against a cathode feeder facing the anode directly in the electrolytic cell (Cockerill-Sambre belt cell [47]: Fig. 10.17) Most electrolytic cells are able to deposit zinc only on one side of the steel sheet. This has proved to be an advantage for spot welding [125–129]. Electrolytes are acid, chloride, or sulfate, usually without organic additive. Solutions can be either highly acidic (pH lower than 1: eventually 130 g L1 H2SO4) or slightly acidic (pH around 3.5). In the latter case, salts of aluminum, sodium, or ammonium are added to increase conductivity. Chloride electrolytes have higher electrical conductivity, but they have the drawback, unlike sulfate baths, that they cannot operate with the insoluble anodes because chlorine evolves. Owing to high electrolyte agitation (Reynolds numbers between 15,000 and 60,000 are currently achieved), diffusion-limiting current densities are very high (from 210 to more than 900 A dm2). At the same time, due to the high hydrogen overpotential on pure zinc, cathodic current efficiencies higher than 95% are obtained, as shown in Figure 10.18 [107, 110], despite rather high temperatures (50 C). Figure 10.19 [47, 108] shows very dearly how a surface structure of 10-mm-thick zinc deposits is improved at high current density compared with low-current-density plating in the same electrolyte without the organic additive. It should be emphasized that bright deposits are not required. A good phosphate conversion posttreatment is always applied for good paint adhesion. It is important to remember that electroplated steel sheets are rarely used in that form. In most applications (automobile, construction, household, electricity, etc.) they undergo FIGURE 10.14 Sumitomo horizontal celL [124]. Initial design with central upstream flow nozzle and lateral cross-flow nozzles. 296 ELECTRODEPOSITION OF ZINC AND ZINC ALLOYS FIGURE 10.15 Sumitomo horizontal cell [124]. improved design with central support roll to avoid oscillations of the steel sheet and counterflow nozzle for injection of the electrolyte. FIGURE 10.16 Cockerill-Sambre flash cell [47] designed for very high current density fully covering thin films. surface conversion (phosphatation, chromatation) and are painted. To evaluate the characteristics of an electroplating process, the properties of the electroplated sheets must be checked according to the manufacturing system creating the final product and according to the market requirements for this final product [130]. For instance, Figure 10.20 shows a picture of a generalized multilayer coating system for automotive body panels. The steel sheets are stamped or deep drawed after electroplating prior to surface conversion, and the surface morphology of zinc influences the forming accuracy. The zinc deposit surface consists of a collection of discrete hexagonal-shaped grains (Fig. 10.19), and their size and orientation influence the friction coefficient with the tooling. The grain size usually decreases with increasing current density, all other factors being fixed. The crystal orientation in sulfate electrolytes is strongly influenced by pH [131] and by electrolyte flow rate [115, 132]. The surface microroughness is influenced also by zinc ion supply (agitation) and current density [133]. Studies were made of the die-sheet metal friction for zinc deposits whose grains are oriented with basal planes parallel or approaching normal to the substrate surface. Using a light mill oil lubricant a higher friction coefficient (0.19) was measured with the basal planes parallel to the substrate (0.13 in the other case). The more efficient lubricant reduced the difference. Other authors observed similar results and noted the higher degree of surface galling associated with the parallel basal orientation [134, 135]. The characterization of the surface of the FIGURE 10.17 Cockerill-Sambre belt cell [47] reproducing a rectangular flat flow-through channel cell with perfect control of the ratio of the current density to the diffusion-limiting current density. CONTINUOUS PLATING FIGURE 10.18 Cathode current efficiency as a function of current density for zinc plating for 80 g L1 Zn2 þ ; 135 g L1 H2SO4, channel cell all at 50 C and electrolyte speed at 4 m s1. Theoretical deposit thickness: (1) 5 mm; (2) 10 mm; (3) 25 mm; (4) 50 mm; (5) 100 mm; (6) 200 mm. electroplated sheet is therefore very important [136]. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss in detail all the other factors that must be considered in terms of deposit integrity after forming and problems connected to spot welding (especially electrode life), phosphatation [phosphophyllite ZnFe2(PO4)2 4H2O is preferred to hopeite Zn3(PO4)2 4H2O, and commercial attack solutions now contain the nickel, iron, and/or manganese ions to regulate 297 crystal nucleation and growth; the results are independent of the zinc crystal size and orientation], and painting (priming by electrophoresis generates crating if a threshold voltage of about 250 V is exceeded on zinc-coated substrates instead of 400–450 V for cold-rolled steel; interaction of the curing of the base and top coats can occur in the phosphate layer and/or the electrodeposit). Corrosion studies are also beyond the scope of this chapter. A number of alloys were electroplated [137], and research in the field is still very active, with the aim to improve the general behavior of the plate in connection with customer requirements, mainly deformability, weldability, paintability, and corrosion resistance after surface conversion and painting. Zinc–nickel alloys were at first investigated at low current densities (up to 5 A dm2). A complete study of the system in sulfate solutions was performed [138–144]. It was shown that in a large field of composition (relative zinc concentration between 0.1 and 0.8) the cathode deposits have a complex structure corresponding to the so-called c phase. A flat and rather bright surface was obtained that had a silvery white appearance. This c phase behaves like a monometallic electrode, has a higher hydrogen overpotential than pure zinc, is electronegative versus iron, and has compressive internal stress. This alloy was considered as a possible substitute to cadmium [102, 145, 146]. More recently FIGURE 10.19 Surface of 10 mm-thick zinc deposit on steel. Pure sulfate solution: 80 g L1 Zn2 þ , 135 g L1 H2SO4, 50 C. Electrolyte flow rate: 3 m s1. I: 10 A dm2 (a) 100; (b) 1000. II: 200 A dm2 (a) 100; (b) 1000. 298 ELECTRODEPOSITION OF ZINC AND ZINC ALLOYS FIGURE 10.20 Generalized multilayer coating system for automotive body panels [130]. the same alloy was prepared at high current densities from various electrolytes: sulfates at medium pH 121, [147–150] (Ni2 þ : 50–70 g L1; Zn2 þ : 15–30 g L1; Na þ : 20–30 g L1; pH 1–3), at low pH [151, 152] (Ni2 þ : 30–40 g L1; Zn2 þ : 40–50 g L1; H2SO4: 35–50 g L1), or chloride [153– 156]. Again, a zinc–nickel alloy pertaining to the c phase at about 13% nickel was found to show the best corrosion resistance among the nickel–zinc alloys and was said to be four times better than pure zinc. Moreover coating adhesion and weldability were excellent [157]. However, current efficiencies were lower than for zinc deposition due to hydrogen evolution, 75–90%. Phosphatability and paintability were somewhat poorer. It was easy to obtain almost constant composition of the alloy over a wide range of electrodeposition conditions. Though more difficult to plate than zinc–nickel, zinc–iron alloys were also studied, mainly with the idea of improving phosphatability and paintability, the two weaknesses of zinc–nickel alloys. Again, various electrolytes are possible: sulfates at moderate pH [150, 158–164] (FeSO47H2O: 300 g L1; ZnSO47H2O: 200 g L1; Na2SO4: 30 g L1; CH3COONa 3H2O: 12 g L1; pH 1–3; 50 A dm2; 50 C; flow rate of electrolyte: 0.7–3 m s1), at low pH [109, 110, 151, 152, 165–167]. FIGURE 10.21 Metallurgical properties of zinc–iron alloys versus their iron content [174]. FIGURE 10.22 Performance after painting of zinc–iron alloys versus their iron content [174]. CONTINUOUS PLATING FIGURE 10.23 Cathode current efficiency as a function of current density for zinc–iron alloy plating. Channel cell. Deposit thickness 5–10 mm. Electrolyte velocity: 2 m s1 for 0.2 M H2SO4. T ¼ 50 C [110]. (Zn2 þ : 15–35 g L1; Fe2 þ : 40–60 g L1; H2SO4: 3 5–60 g L1; Fe3 þ : <4 g L1), or chlorides [168, 169]. Without going into the details [159, 164, 170–172], Figures 10.21 and 10.22 show that if excellent workability and corrosion resistance are achieved in the range of iron content between 299 15 and 25%, good paintability is obtained when the iron content is higher than 50% [173, 174]. Accordingly dual-layer iron–zinc alloys were considered: a first layer at about 18% iron and a top layer at more than 50% iron; and eventually a first layer of nickel–zinc alloy and a top layer of the iron-rich zinc alloy [137, 175, 176]. Close control of the hydrodynamic conditions was found to be essential in order to achieve alloy composition homogeneity on the steel strip [177]. Figure 10.23 shows the difficulties associated with zinc–iron alloy electroplating. Current efficiency is very sensitive to current density and electrolyte composition at constant electrolyte flow rate. Figures 10.24 and 10.25 illustrate metallographic structures and Figure 10.26 their field of stability. Their surface microscopic structure is given in Figure 10.27 [110]. Zinc–cobalt alloys were also investigated, at first at low current density (lower than 7.5 A dm2) and in two ranges of cobalt concentrations in the alloy (higher than 1.5% [178] and lower than 0.9% [179]). Alloys at low cobalt concentration, around 0.3%, show already interesting properties, and they have been considered for high-current-density plating in a ternary zinc–nickel–cobalt alloy [180]. On further research performed in the field, see [181–192]. More fundamentally all the zinc alloys with a metal from the iron group (nickel, iron, cobalt) are obtained under socalled anomalous codeposition [193], that is, with preferential deposition of the less noble zinc. Recent investigations on the mechanism of the reaction [149, 165, 167, 194–208] show that this phenomenon is linked to a local rise in pH at the surface of the cathode, due to hydrogen evolution, resulting in some zinc hydroxide adsorbed species through which the discharge of the iron metal is slowed down. Moreover, these FIGURE 10.24 Various metallographic structures observed in the system Fe–Zn: N, RL, FT, and pseudo U (later shown as BR) structures are observed: (a) nodular (N); (b) rhythmic lamellar (RL); (c) field-oriented texture (FT); (d) unoriented dispersed (UD) [110]. 300 ELECTRODEPOSITION OF ZINC AND ZINC ALLOYS FIGURE 10.25 Detail of a metallographic structure obtained for a multiphase Fe–Zn deposit at 35% Fe [110]. alloys show large discrepancies of crystal structure with thermal equilibrium ones, as shown in Figure 10.28 [196] and Figure 10.29 [110]. Zinc–manganese alloys have recently received attention for their extremely high corrosion resistance without the aid of painting, for the formation of dense corrosion product of c-phase Mn2O3, for their excellent corrosion resistance after painting with thin alloy coating layers, and for their excellent paintability properties allowing them to meet the requirements for both interior and exterior surfaces of autobody panels [209]. Electroplating needs complexation because zinc and manganese have reversible potentials different by more than 0.4 V and the system Zn–Mn does not show anomalous deposition. Citrate is usually used as the complexant in solutions of sulfates [210–215]. The difficulties arising from low cathode efficiency and poor bath stability seem to explain why no commercial applications have appeared so far. In the field of multilayer electrogalvanized steel sheet, zinc–chromium oxide (so-called Zn–Cr–CrOx or zincrox) is worth mention [216–218]. This coating is made of a first layer of sacrificial zinc (99% of the coating weight); a second layer of a metal capable of protecting zinc from too early sacrificial corrosion, from acid atmosphere, and from contact with the welding electrodes and consisting of chromium (0.9% of the coating weight); and a final layer of a very effective paint bonder, consisting of chromium oxide (0.1% of the total coating weight). All layers are obtained by the continuous electrolytic process. It should be added that the zinc thickness is in the usual range of about 3–11 mm (18–80 g m2), the chromium layer (0.5 g m2) is only 70 nm thick, while the chromium oxide is in the range of 5–10 nm thick as in stainless steel. So-called composite layers are also mentioned in recent literature. The objective is to improve the mechanical properties of the electroplated zinc or zinc alloy to facilitate forming and also to obtain better temporary protection before phosphatation. This can be achieved by two different methods: . FIGURE 10.26 Cross section of metallographic structures of zinc–iron alloy deposits as a function of current density and composition. Channel cell: 0.2 M H2SO4 with Fe2 þ and Zn2 þ as sulfates at 50 C. Electrolyte speed: 2 m s1 [110]. . Include in the zinc or zinc alloy deposits tiny particles of oxides, chromates, carbides [219–227], or even polystyrene [228]. (Or more easily) Place a thin layer of some organic composite on top of the zinc or zinc alloy deposit [137, 229–232]. CONTINUOUS PLATING 301 FIGURE 10.27 Surface microscope examination of various Zn–Fe deposits. Channel cell: 0.2 M H2SO4 with Fe2 þ and Zn2 þ as sulfates at 50 C. Electrolyte velocity 2 m s1. Current density 100 A dm2. (a) Fed ¼ 1%; (b) Fed ¼ 10%; (c) Fed ¼ 13%; (d) Fed ¼ 36%; (e) Fed ¼ 54%; and ( f ) Fed ¼ 100%. Zinc–nickel and zinc–cobalt alloys have been electrodeposited on steel wires to replace the current brass coating [233, 234]. Zinc–manganese coating has been used as reported [235]. Hydrogen embrittlement of the steel substrates, especially for high-strength low-alloyed steel, is a matter of concern. However, it was shown that the substrates are mainly contaminated by atomic hydrogen during the period when full coverage by the first layers of zinc (or zinc alloy) is not achieved. Zinc and zinc alloys constitute a good diffusion barrier to hydrogen. If full coverage is readily achieved, this is an advantage. It can be a drawback, however, if the substrate is charged with atomic hydrogen. As the hydrogen is removed by heat treatment, blistering occurs [236–251]. Acid baths and high-current-density plating aid in decreasing the hydrogen embrittlement risk. Insoluble lead-based anodes have been replaced by catalytic dimensionally stable anodes for oxygen evolution. IrO2-based catalytic layers appear to be favored on titanium substrates [252–256]. They might be challenged by Magneli phase titanium oxides [257]. Finally, some effort has been devoted to zinc plating on aluminum substrate. The objective is to allow phosphatation of car bodies made partly of steel and partly of aluminum. Surface conditioning is a critical step [258, 259], 302 ELECTRODEPOSITION OF ZINC AND ZINC ALLOYS α A β′ δ γ γ′ γ+δ α B α + β′ β′ γ′ β′+ γ ′ γ γ ′+ γ α C δ+η δ γ η γ+η α+γ α D 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Percent Zn, by weight γ γ 70 γ δ+η γ+η γ+δ 80 90 100 FIGURE 10.28 (a, b) Phase versus composition diagrams for pyrometallurgically and (c, d) electrochemically prepared Zn–Ni alloys (no phase determination reported in hatched regions) [196]. in combination with pulse plating [264–275]; texture and surface morphology of zinc and zinc alloys deposited on low carbon steel substrate were further investigated [276–278]. η ξ ξ+δ1 η δ1 + δ1 + ξ 100 × Ihkl/ΣIhkl 100 +α η α A REFERENCES a(Fe,Zn) δ1 B 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Iron (%) 90 100 FIGURE 10.29 Comparison of (b) electrodeposited phases with (a) thermal equilibrium for iron–zinc alloys [110]. 10.3 RECENT RESEARCH ADVANCES During the last decade, research remained very active in the field. 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