TIMES, THE INANGARUA Broadway,Hoefton. well-knowu Hostelry lias t-ntirely repaired and renovated- throughout, mid now offers accommodation i.ot interior tv-,uny Hotel in Rueftou. I Publil Xotoec MILLITARY TAYLOK, resumed business iv ihe pre uiises lately in the occupation o j HAS Mr Normanby. A/ljoiningForsyth and Masters Broadway,Reefton. Splendid assortment of Now Season establishment. Tweeds and cloths The billiard room lias been n^ flccoiatcd, and will lu> found oin* of the most complete and comfortable resorts^ iv tvie Imuigaliua. SPECIAL ATTENTION DEVOTED TO THE QUALITY OF ALL LIQUORS. j rtHE 'IN A .\.\ IIUA TIM S" is published tri- weekly GLASGOW. The Stabliug is unsupassed on the West Const, and includes eight lo<>sk boxes, especially fitted up for the j NOBEL'S PATENT GELATINE-DI'NAMITE'j HOTBL, BLASTING GELATINE AND Night porter in attendance. JAMES ROXBOROUGH, Proprietor. and circulates extensively throughout every district and town of the West Coast, and has in —addition a large Colonial circulation. mHE ahove Hotel is replete with J every accommodation and con- GELATINE AND DYIAIITE I class stables. venience, including first: — DETON.VIOKS. — .Also Mannfttotnr^rs of In connection with the Hotel there is a large Public Hall, fitted with ail SETTLERS PATENT GELATINE- ' the necessary stageaccommodation for WATER-C ARTliIi)GES, ! Lectures public Companies, with safety incoal mines. Blasting Theatrical For , &c, &c. &o. ! A plentiful supply of "Warming Fust class Billiard Table, aud Hand Pans, Bickfords and Swansea Fuse, |r Ball Court. always on liand. RODGEES, — Agencies for the sale and distribution of the Times have been appointed at the following places : BERNARD JJIiiiFTON WLSITOLIT Supplies may l»e' obtained from Messrs Wilkius and Fi.ld, Nelson ; GROSE, Thos. Puild andCo , Wostpoit ; Gallagher Bros. Reef ton ; Foi-syih and Masters, Grfymo.if.il and li<-ef;.on; A. j Foldie, Dil!r::tin's Town; Jas.Eeuton and C. Linnemann, Hokitikn.Staffoid | and Knniava, and various other storekeepers on the West Coast at. Lowest Rates. Sole Agents for Middle Island, ! SHARE and MONEY BROKER SteiuhotTs Buildings, Prinzes-street Dunedin. Stocks Bought and Sold at lowest reinnnerativecharges. Letters and Telegrams promptly replied to. Money advanced ou Batik, Insurance, andMiningStocks. Bills discounted. GRi-.YMOUTfI — NiLSON— alluded to iibove, to consult him either personally or by letter. As a fiypli.loymplier no other rnedu-ai man as h< c i able to have sucb larye experift.ee us he pos.se-»es, and tor oi her allied itttet-tions sucb <is Nervousdisease —no i-iie tti Ihc prui't-saion has enj >yeii s<> uiucb putilic tdt.li ienet'. Dalgety and Company, limited, | . CHRIST CH UB C 11 AND —————— tttE POINT " WITH — I i . . ■ Dr L. L. SMITH. j PRIDE |i' ■ " To the Goodnaiae at home" won by H, Marshall's Household Kemedies. in Dunedin, where the medicines are prepared,there are more of M.Marshall's Household Bern- i dies sold than of all other medicines in the market. t A-C-H-0-0! A-C-H-0-0 !-Don't go around sneezing, spitting, and blowing when you have abad cold in thehead,bat get Mar- iI shall's CoughSyrup ;this remedymeetsevery phase ofCatarrh and soon cures it. 1/6. EDWAEDS & MONTEITH. vertising and registered under the Medical Boardof Victoria,andpractising the last 35 years. CONSULTATION FEE (by letter) €'1 G DEPAUTMENT TIIK JOB PRT NTIN Ini'ludt-s one oi the « AEIGE6T A NDMOSTCOMPLETE JOBBING .ST. ,«^«*» T tippi'i'prisiUiy paekt.M an i mmu.:i(jci ail o»cr m e eiviu>ed '(".'"iiriitt* PLANTS C-N THE W^feT CO DLi, L. L. SiVtirti | BKEWEIti ~r7 and A' l km<ts of ...... — luiitators axi> Imi'OSTOHS. The unqualified success oi Marshall's grei:t com remedy cuka clavahas stimulated, unrcrupuious parlies to ! Engineers, put forth imitations which they endeavor to No. 19, Rattray street Dnm-din. sell onthe reputation of Marshall's Itis an absurdity to speak of themin the samecata- ] Insurance, and Mining gory as the genuine and only original com j cure. If you wiph to get rid of your corns jI Shares, bought and sold at closest use Marshalls's Cura Clava. 1/0. \T Sharebuokpirs and Mining BANK, — Market prices. Quotations supplied ou application. Telegrams and letters| Vrhiiiv- U Lontpawrs, Hankers, ana *>-r<wl*>'- v '*" '* )^f p^ urmtv , mm* / . " " ■ ■■" I ■■:■■ ■ trtf{/ ... " Broadway Refptok. . Dox'iWait until your hair comes out or turns gray before giving theattention needed to preserve its beauty and vitality. Keep on your dressing table Marshall'sHatt. Puomuijsii and usea littfe daily to preserve the natural color aud x>revent baldness. 2/(5. ■ " MiningLamps,"Cables, Wires, &c, and 0 ArcLamp of 3,000 n.c.p. i. ■*es with firm estimates, and particular* free on application. ... -"■■.■"■■■:■" v ""■. n U.~? Plans and specifications drawn, or advice given PiirrLES and ton. ; "CHARLES E. WATKINST BRANCHES. OFFICE, CENT AL AUTHORISED AND LICENSED SURVEYOR, BROADWAY. " REEFTON. Member EngineeringAssociationof 1 I'£.c .etsto make one pint of biood purifier, each. STOvJX asd BHAREBROKERS, ALCTIONEEISS. i;-i !i:.fil Cominib'sion Agents ■■■" children. 1/- M MARSHAL L, liii< .Al' ?i'AY, Re£KTON. Manufacturing Chemist, TO MINEMANAGEES. 119 Geohge-st. and 61Phisces-st., DUNEDIN. "VTO .V ViDiTiJ) and ON SALE at the Direct Importer of Drugs, Druggists' Sunoi at oi thia paperSPECIAL RULES iV dries, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &o. ..lucr tKw- L«bUiation oi Mines Act, 1874, i<>- i <■■ ni the Brace. Also, (printed N.B. It is as well to know that Mr John ■""....■.-...:. i.a s?'jnal» Chiug of Tieefton has theaegoods stocked. .... _, — Gl{ ' \TK! UL — COMFOUrtNG. E P PS S COOUA" H K E If P S A 4 T> ''By a thorough knowledge of th aatural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutritiou, and by a cara New South Wales.) — - - ~ - . COUGHS,, COLDS, Bronchitis Asthma, Oryza,Influenza,Cosutnp* Plans speciallydesigned for ail machinery used for mining purposes. tion, tfec. COMPOUND OF LINSBBSD Aniseed, Seuega,Squill Tolu, <fee Aerial Tramways a Speciality. with Chlorodyne. Can be. seen working at the Globe I/AY'S UOkPOUND a demulcea and Venus mines, Reef ton. IV. expectorant,for Coughs, Colds,an^ Chest Complaints. Mining Engineer for all the principal COMPOUND, lor Coughs and j\_ Colds, is equally serviceable for Gold mines in the Inaugahua Horses and Cattle. and LyellDistricts. TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia,Face acha, <fee. Contain* Geological Reportsmade onNewMines. Quinine,Iron, &c. Cemenc for Broken Office— SHIELSTREET REEFTON. /^OAGULINE. \J Articles, SoldEverywhere Telegraph Office.) (Opposite Sole.Makers : KAY 3ROTJIERB, Ltd.,, For tub Biood is the Life."— Stockport, England CL-iBKE'B WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE ia warranted to cleanse tli6 BANKBUPTCY ACT. bloodfrom all impurities from whateve. cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, for PEOOF OF DEBT on Sale at Skin andBloodDiseases, and S-.res ofall the Olllce of this paper. kinds, its effects are marvellous. Thousands of testimonials. Soldin bottles, 2s 9d. and11s. each by ChemistsandPatent Mudicine Vendors eveiywhere. Sol Printed and published by. the proprietor Proprietors, The Lincoln and Mi.lasw W. J. Potts,- at the office of the pane Cui'NTijss Duvo Co. Lincoln England. Central Broariw? R-atton, $[ Z. TRAY'S THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OFNEW ZEALAND KAY'S - OFFERS GREAT ADVANTAGES b ' malFB lheir wills and desiring to secure the !Qjf Q ?faithful TAPP >1V IO .?"J !t0execuhon of their last wishes, U H p\/l> IVJ X I cu y aud provision — make by marriage contract euirs P KIiSONS TO r (lt ]-> !-^(l\ contemplating the settling of their estate, of or or s or a sum V 1. 1^ T^ 3U I lOU'IX IO sums oi money by trust deed. I\J ir« usof constituting ll rPi J "PI/ U^%i IN f? trusts for charitable or benevolent ■'i.lAljU'i.^ O objects. X VJ X i < TOFOREIGN TK USrEES IS^raLTfi FORMS ' All such should obtain detailed information from the PIIRI iO TDiioxrc' rUDLIL KUSTEE Custom Houbo Quay, Wellington, or from Wm. LLOYD, Local Agent at Westpovi. , . - KAY'S thisCoiony. r atHarvard College,U.S. Hohas devoteda lifetime to andin acknowledged to be the must .expert Phymciao in his specialtyin the UnitedStatus. YoungMm and. Middle-ajied Men, who mißern from Nerroui and: Ph/Kical Debility,Lo-w of Energy.or MemQcy,SJraptiqna on the Fase,MentalDepression,KidneyandBladderTroubles, &c., will do well to consult Dr.Speer. HospiUl Kxperienoe. HavingbeenPhysicianinone..of thelead. ingHospitals of the U.S. enableshimto treatall prirate. troubleH withexcellentresults. He wishesit distinotlf understood thathe does aot claim-to perform impowbilitiea,or tohavemiraculouspower;he claims onlytobs aSkilled andSuccessful Physician,thoroughlyinformed jnhin specialty, chronic Diseases of Men and Women. All applyingto him willreceivehis Honest Opinion their Complaint*. No experimenting.He Trill Ga&ran tee aPositiveCureinEveryCaseheundertakes,or £200. Consultationin Officeor byPost fBEE. N.B. All Medicinesnecessary for a completeeoncan be sent secure fromobservation on receipt of symptoms.. The Doctor's famous Pills Isand2sperbox.Ointment J« 6n perbox. This Qiuttnentpoaitivelycore*irritation' itching,andall Rkin diseases. By post,2dextra. Chargesmoderate. Examrainattouand-Advies ISree. Call or Address-Dr. H.J. SPKEB, NoKTHEnN Chaubebs (Next.EtnpH? SotaJ). Office Hours— lo to 12 a.m.,2to4 and6to 8p.m. gundaysj 10 to 12. P.O. Box 340. N^.— As a zest. . DR. SPEER will send a trial bottle ofUs medioinc freeof charge (carriage excepted) toany pjrson applying to him! who will give full particulars of {heir trouble. This will demonstrate .his unbounded confidence in these wonderful remedies, which are only known U> himself, and which for over two years have achieved ' ' suchunvaiiedsuccess inhisNew Zealandpraciide. of his mediouie. Jntpf;,' All applicantsfor a trialbottle "' enclose 2d stamp for reply. FOR Wateb Ecns Down Hill,and just as naturally aslife, enegy and strength,are gained by using Marshall's JStkcck Gold Bittebs. The toning,purifying arid vitalizing qualities ofthissuccessfulmedicines are feltthrougtiIout the entire system, expelling disease and giving quick healthy aciion to every organ. Bottles, 2s 6d. UseMarshall's Menthol tvv Headache and Neuralgia. 1/t). f Use Marshall's Eucalypti!:-, for colds and akin diseases. 1/'- [ Use Marshall's HiinianieJcs Cerate for Piles. 1/6 1 Give Marshall's Teething powders to you - pIVIL ANDMININGENGINEEE, ! 6d BALLANTYNE & ADAMS, FOUNDKRS^ — Agent for the West Coast. [ the face,forehead or neck, may sgou be rejmovedby using Marshall's Cooling Powder. V- moderate terms. A. D. BAYFEILD, Trafalgar street, Nelson. 150UK BINDING JN ALL ITS — Blotches. So disfiguring to UseMarshall's Vaseline Camphor, etc., for sunburn. 1/UaeMarshall's Odonliilgiccm for Toothache. on Offices 12 Brandon-street, Welling- I TKASS aRKVTMOITIH. DR. SPEER'S Lighting apparatus, including steam - DISPENSARY, Established in Welling 1 ton, engines, Boilers, and Dynamos on PRIVATE for the Soientific and Speedy Corefor chronic and speoial Diseases. The Kiperfr Spedali . Wheel Carriages, with 30 Portable nervous Dr. Speer, is a RegularGraduated Physioiao, edaea CompoundedAnti-bilionsPills and Rhubarb OFFICE— EXCHANGE AND Specialities of Portable Electric . AGENT. Pills are mi'.der in action, but certain and sure. Bowel'coiupluiuts, sour stomach, and sick headiidics aresoonrelieved and cured by their use. 1/- CI*«)S — ■ Steam Ensrnes, Boilers,Turbines, &s. of most approved 'construction wTlhiisdmarsh, O KNGISKUSi, — ■ A Wohd About Pills. We make a line of i Pills that are entirely vegetable. Sonic are j pron-ptiy replied to. strong, mild in action, some are moderately ' and someare real giants. My Poyophsilin Pills are specially prepared for liver and disorders. One pill is often quite aiAREBP.OKER AND MINTKG stomach suilicient lor an adult. 1/- ' Athhit'v _ aTJTpar k,~~ (LCVtrTHID), PANY well-selectedcocoa, Mr^ Eppshas proviii our breakfa.it tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save it many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the GENERAL & CONSULTING judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually builtup GINEEBS, uutil strong enough to resist every en i RE PREPAKED to execute orders deucy to disease. Hundreds of subtle ii for everyDescription of Electric maladies are floating around us ready to Lighting and Tiaiisinissionof Power, attack wherever there is a weak point We may escape many a fatal shaft by &c, &c, on the shortest uotice. keeping ourselves wellfortified withpdri; Mr E. A. Athceoft having jnst ar- blood and a properlynourishedframe." rived from England, has had experi- See article iv the Civil Sero'we Gazette. ence of the most modern develop Made simply with boiling water or,milk Sold in £ft> Packets by Grocers, labe 94 rnents of the science, and having made special arrangements direct with the thus : JAMES EPPS & CO. largest manufacturers, has .every faciHOMEOPATHIC CHBtfldTd, lity for carrying out contracts) on very LONDON, ENGLAND. reasonable terms. 2/6. WANT. OF SLEEP is making many pernersons whoare Otherwise in good health, " PHCEWIX vous,crotchety, and ill-tempered. A judicLower Broadway, Reefton. ious course of* Marshall's Special Tincture of Podophyllin would soon remedy this and i Ales and Porter in bulk and Bottlen makelife worthliving, for. 1/- bottles. orwarded to allparts of the district BUSINESS MEN who do much mental or | office work frequently get liver disorders, All orderspromptly attendedto. iask-ache. constipation, and indigestion. To EDWARDS AND MOATEITt all such we say use Mf-r^haH's Cascara CorProprietors dial and you will soonbee a great change in your health. 2/6. CO EDGAR A. ABHCROFT AND CO., Electrical, KIDNEY TAINS with their dull, aching, cured by taking Marshall's Kidney Cure. POITND.JY 182 Collins Street East, Mklbooknb ful application of the tine properties "> . . .. " . pvtS PATCH The only Legally Qualilied Practitioner ad- ' T>KEWERS, MALTSTERS and ALE lifeless allgone sensation relieved and soon ! and PORTER BOTTLERS, JOHN OH INQ." of tiie human — HOKITIKA —nnd portion ww s .mo im-ra ter oi tiie prolissiitn who devotes his time to thai, General storekeeper, and to none other. For instance, the "chest doctor*' would on no loeount BROADWAY attend an accouchuienl, and the ocutsi would not think v' ssit'hii a broken log; but each would aovioejus patient logo to GOODS snppMßD TO ALL POJi that doctor who is m st iaiued f-»r tiei in« TIONS OF THtt DISTKICT ibe disease requiring »j-ecial skill. At Keet'tou Prices. Dr. L.L. t?mtth asks tdose who require treatment for Weakness, Prosita on, liarienness, and sterility, whose trauies and who*? constitutions an; shattered, tv JAMSS L AISBIf, consult, him as an expert thirty (3iJ) AND SPIRIT MER3 earspractice iv the 'ioiony, witlia pracLice Vlf[Xli: exit*lititni: tbroutilit'Uiuoi only the Cv'.on eput in India,Fiji, and itch in .England, ne CHANT, AND GRVEtUC. STOafi KKKPKK, claims uuuht (<■ Oc sulni-iei.t to cause every iiihii or woman requriujj; such skill as i> Upper F3u "adway, Kbbptos. »ra:i c, has ! Proprietor. NOTICE. ... ... — and in fact evpry I THOMAS 1 — REEFERS' .BOATMAN'S. - Booking MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, & FRIDAYS, Maniifactwrers of accommodation of racing stock. . mTßßA^^^n^?ttim..»oMtthi P. SETTELE EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, ' and^fc^*^*^ " *■ on STUB 1 Advertising Con. WfEtfOßmt traetsfl»itahd«n' Ji|r lagll]*l I nrv\n I uUUU Bl otber neirtiMipers H GOOD IBRAINSMT W sional man, tut (his like most other ' JARTiCLESH caabonadgonta* almi—^ innovatioi.Bit. scintifioamJlay matters Wis " t- foT_\ terraa'at Uio Ad. found rall.er to aid th >n lo'e "infra dig' efE.l Ufa r to that pro e.<sioii, wherein tlie speciality Cfthe I.ewgtMijoyendror^PlreetogrofthaTworiS was i-rnelised. L«l|«>ui>iru: and ■n Krame, «.-H AeK.n, in Xi,Klan litcord. » were for yp»r S cried down by thrir medical bntln'in. Now a»i<l for mtny past years they hare been looked up to, and quoted l>y evftv ninri who prHends 'to Imve any """""■'"^c of the particular br.ineli ot tinpn.l« ssion nhicli these uentlt-raeii spetriiaHv rievoted themsilves to. U was die same with Krasmus W'iU,,n. the "* S-<in MITOHRLti \^D CA.MP«KLr.'S D.-clor," recently ki.i^hied by Her ROYAL \T\TL MHJesty. Years- since. i( was tlie same with D ". L. LINE OP COACHES. L Smiih, ol Mi-lbrurne, who practised (»« didLiilUmandand l.'n-or.l) as a specialist pvsspwaßias a.nl In nil cases of diseases and Imbifs which producf symptoms of Nervous Affections V \ UCRLS through at Lowest lUtei ol Skin Kruf.ti-.ns.'.l l'ro^raiioi.,Hii Iinak- 'Vora R»eMori to Groymoutu and to West' humanbeinas ittrinle or whichunfit tUesn 3 »rt, lave to <any on (lie purposes nt then- beiu^ or wliiih denioiisttaies itself, on the oilier UKKPrON FOR GKKYMOUTrT, Imnd.in Krtipitve Di-easesiu:d SecunJ iry ViaToiara Yhit, Ahauri, Grey Valley Forms of Aflechons. In all of tin-sc cases »nd Hrunnertoii, how ticcessary it isiohuve the Special si who has devoted his wholeInctime l<» tlie ICvpry Tuesday. THUR«oAr. & Sktvslvul. and prmMiKinu in this one br-muh at 7 a.m., sharp, and of his prt'levsioh? lienve. r.»v, afle<- s,, GitKYMOttTH FO!{ IIRKFI'OV, many years, all mituit a nr«» i'dtmli ir to hiui, and symptoms winch (it "* nit un- ICver}' Monday, VVb-)nb-«uay & Fuidiv reasonable to S'ipp st) ra^iy hoi B'nke .he At 7 ii.in., slurp. Gft eraI Practitioner at oiioe. now lro»n constant practice nnd <>b>e< vt!ion make Hooking Offices ■t.L. L. Smith master of the suhj ct. DAVVSoNS HOTtfL 'Ibe uiedical profession— tlmt is, the Cebfton more libera -miudi-d of them— hive \*ms«ho<ttk tiILMRU'd HOTEL likewise reciionise Iliiefact.atifl "pceiilists t.ow in eu-ry branch oculist, aurisis, sjjhilif, mental diseases, chest diseases, Central BroadAvay Reefton* just arrived. - I ihought by ite.hcal men, that to he a Specialisi was derogatory io the prute* THE INANGAFiriA TIMES Known as EICHAEDSON'S BUILDING'S. Elegant dining room, pi-ovirLd witli all the appointments of a first class I I>raio on Nature— she compels you to honor the acceptance. riIHTKTY yearsiiini-e. when Dr. Smitl. i I first cnirjfiiei.i ed prai-tue here, it was i\ bt-t-n Thn bedrooms are lars»>, and fariiishi'd in the very bi-st style. SPECIALISTS"" SPECIALITY 3ETTELE P. rpHE aWe X Public Notice NOTICE OF KKMOVAL. H-jTEL RAILWAY JUNE 25 1888. .