2004 - 2005 - Mount Sinai Hospital


Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation

2 0 0 4-0 5

Giving is the

best m e d i c i n e

Annual Report

Giving is The Best Medicine

Throughout our


-year history built on outstanding community support, advances in medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital have underscored our leadership role in providing The Best Medicine for our patients. We are fortunate to have donors whose generous philanthropy fuels Hospital initiatives, care, and innovation, improving the quality of life for our patients – whether it’s leadingedge technology, surgery, or research for fighting disease.

We are proud to be one of the country’s leading academic health centres, with a well-earned reputation for outstanding patient care, innovative teaching, and pioneering research. Mount Sinai is an acknowledged leader in such areas as gastrointestinal and infectious diseases, orthopaedics, internal medicine, heart and respiratory failure, surgical oncology, women’s and infants’ health, urology, emergency and palliative care, it is a recognized centre for high-incident chronic adult diseases such as arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Our dedicated team of nurses, doctors, scientists, staff, and volunteers are united in their desire to improve the quality of life of our patients.

To that end, in the past year, Mount Sinai has:

❖ Treated more than



❖ Treated another



❖ Delivered more than


,ooo babies

❖ Treated


patients in the Emergency Department.

Mount Sinai will continue to create The Best Medicine through the advancement of scientific knowledge at our world-renowned Samuel Lunenfeld Research

Institute. With over


oo researchers, investigators, and staff, the Institute ensures that the latest scientific discovery is translated into the best in patient care now and in the future.

Mount Sinai Hospital is deeply grateful to all the people whose talent, commitment, and generosity create The Best Medicine.

Michael Bregman, Chair, and

Carol Wilding, President,

Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation

Fueling The Best Medicine

At Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation, everything is focused on one objective –

The Best Medicine, which is not just the name of one the most successful fundraising campaigns in Canadian hospital history. Every day, Mount Sinai’s nurses, physicians, scientists, staff, volunteers, and donors make The Best

Medicine a passionate reality.

The Best Medicine campaign relies on the extraordinary generosity of our donors and those who facilitate their philanthropy. Consider our results to date: we have now raised more than $


million toward our $


-million campaign goal. These funds help provide Mount Sinai Hospital with the infrastructure to deliver the best patient care along with ground-breaking medical research.

For more than


years, Mount Sinai has continuously improved delivery of excellence in patient care. In an era of tight fiscal constraints, the support of our donor community is even more essential in allowing Mount Sinai to pursue its mission. Each and every dollar donated is important and warmly appreciated.

We are extremely fortunate that our inspiring donors turn their compassion into action. We pay special tribute to our most generous supporters over the year ended March


ı ,



❖ the Kimel family, long-time donors who contributed once again, with $


million to upgrade our medical imaging department;

❖ Joseph and Wolf Lebovic, who donated an additional $


million to establish the

Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Research Centre;

❖ the Ira Gluskin and Maxine Granovsky-Gluskin Charitable Foundation, which provided $


million to establish the Granovsky-Gluskin Centre for Best Practice in

Family Medicine;

❖ Barry and Honey Sherman and Al and Malka Green, who each pledged new

$ ı -million donations.

Our renowned Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute (


) is ranked among the world’s top ten research centres. Here, philanthropy is fueling international research into gene-based disease as well as other areas, including oncology, diabetes, arthritis, orthopaedics, women’s and infants’ health, and gastrointestinal disease.

Our scientists receive abundant international acclaim, wonderful testimony to the calibre of research conducted at the


, which would not be possible without donor support. From the Surgical Skills Centre to the Marvelle Koffler Breast

Centre to the new home of the Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care, the generosity of our donors is transforming Mount Sinai, and advancing excellence.

This report marks a changing of the guard at the Foundation. It is the first report issued under the leadership of new President Carol Wilding and new Foundation

Board Chair Edward Sonshine, who carry the mandate and possess the qualifications to lead us to greater heights. It also marks Michael Bregman’s final report with the completion of his three-year term as Board Chair. We view the future with great enthusiasm and confidence.

Mount Sinai is a very special and wonderful hospital. It is filled with extraordinary people – clinicians, volunteers, staff, and supporters – who care deeply. They all share the same noble goal of providing patients with The Best Medicine . As this

Annual Report pays tribute to the generosity of donors who help make it a reality and a tremendous success, we have titled it, appropriately, Giving is the Best

Medicine . We thank you.

Michael Bregman

Chair, Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation

Carol Wilding

President, Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation

The Best Medicine

Lawrence Bloomberg

Edward Sonshine

In ı


, Mount Sinai launched The Best Medicine, an ambitious – and highly successful – fundraising campaign under the visionary leadership of Lawrence

Bloomberg. Joining him in leading phase two of the campaign was Michael

Bregman and now Ed Sonshine, Chair of the Foundation Board. Today more than $


million has been generated, funding leading-edge research, improved facilities, and innovative programs.

The Best Medicine campaign has an ambitious goal to raise a total of $


million by



Our donors understand the power of their philanthropy to transform innovative ideas into healthier lives. While government funds the Hospital’s operating budget, it is our donors who provide Mount Sinai funds that allow flexibility and opportunity to innovate, upgrade, and adapt to rapidly changing healthcare delivery. This generosity is the bedrock that supports the best care for our patients – now and in the future.

Inside this Report, you will see how the contributions of thousands of people in the

Mount Sinai family have enabled our skilled and compassionate caregivers to continue providing our patients with the best medicine. While we can profile only a few individuals who have pledged over the last year, we value every dollar from every donor. Our friends in the community help us fulfill our vision of becoming one of the country’s leading patient care, teaching, and research hospitals.

Join us as we thank and pay tribute to those who have helped make Mount Sinai

Hospital synonymous with excellence, The Best Medicine .

Lawrence Bloomberg

Chair, Mount Sinai Hospital

Board of Directors

The Best Medicine Campaign Cumulative Total

Edward Sonshine, qc

Chair, Mount Sinai Hospital

Foundation Board of Directors

■ 2004-05 reached

$250 million

■ 2003 launched

The Best Medicine campaign

Phase II

■ 2001 raised $150 million

■ 1995 launched


The Best Medicine campaign

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Fiscal Year






By 2008

The Best Medicine campaign has the goal of raising a total of $4oo million

Dr. Larry White (left) and the Kimel Family

Seeing Patients in New Ways

Something extraordinary is under construction at Mount Sinai – and it is going to improve how our doctors provide care. It is the Kimel Family Centre for Advanced

Medical Imaging, a state-of-the-art centre for sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. The Centre has been made possible by an exceptional $ 8-million pledge from the Kimel family – Manny and Candice, Ron, Warren and Debbie, and Elkie and Abbie Adler. The Kimel family first contributed to the Hospital in ı


in honour of their late mother, Eva Kimel, who was a grateful patient at

Mount Sinai. Over the years they have supported both Mount Sinai’s Nuclear

Medicine and


facility – so this transformational gift is a generous extension of their continuing interest and commitment. The revitalized facility will not only transform the face of medical imaging, but will revolutionize our doctors’ and technicians’ ability to find, diagnose, and treat disease earlier.

This advanced technology, including two updated Magnetic Resonance Imaging (


) machines and a brand new Computerized Tomography (


) scanner, allows physicians like Dr. Larry White to see inside the human body with powerful new tools.

These include clearer, sharper images, allowing for faster and more accurate diagnosis and treatment. In addition, this sophisticated equipment will improve patient care through faster turn-around times and improved privacy and comfort.

With a state-of-the-art facility like the Kimel Family Centre for Advanced Medical

Imaging, we can see our patients in important new ways to provide them with the most effective care, with The Best Medicine .

Dr. Tony Pawson with

Wolf and Joseph Lebovic

Laying the Foundation for Discovery

Rising behind Mount Sinai is the impressive Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Research

Centre, a building that symbolizes Mount Sinai’s position as a highly respected academic research hospital. Housing a variety of research and clinical centres, this campus was made possible through a transformational $6-million gift from Joseph and Wolf Lebovic, two of the Hospital’s most magnanimous donors.

For more than two decades, Mount Sinai has been the grateful recipient of their generosity – a cumulative gift of $ ı6 million. Together with their father, the late

Harry Lebovic, Joseph and Wolf founded Lebovic Enterprises in ı


. They hope to inspire others to give. Joseph says, “I really get so much pleasure from giving this money away…people should know giving doesn’t hurt… It’s a good investment.”

The Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Research Centre, eloquent testament to their continued support, will house the Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics, a partnership of four Toronto teaching hospitals. This unique facility is dedicated to biological research using mice to determine the genetic basis of disease and cures in humans.

This Centre will advance the Hospital’s renowned Samuel Lunenfeld Research

Institute, led by the remarkable Dr. Tony Pawson, who this year alone has won three prestigious awards for his innovative genome research, which will ultimately provide solutions on a grand scale.

The Lebovics’ generosity will speed the process of genetic discoveries and their application to disease, translating from “bench” to “bedside.” Ultimately, this improves care for our patients, enabling us to offer The Best Medicine.

Ira Gluskin and

Maxine Granovsky-Gluskin with

Dr. David Tannenbaum

The Mark of Family Medicine: Relationships Begin Here

A key to ensuring your own good health comes from forming a trusted relationship with your family physician. In the case of Ira Gluskin and Maxine Granovsky-

Gluskin, that bond with Dr. Warren Rubenstein led them to pledge $ 3 million to our Department of Family Medicine – one of the largest and most respected centres of its kind in Canada.

“ No doctors in Canada are doing this to get rich – especially family doctors,” says

Ira. “There’s no prestige associated with family medicine, really, and it’s a real sacrifice for them. They put in a lot of hours and our society will benefit by having more family doctors take care of us.”

As devoted philanthropists, both Ira and Maxine are valuable supporters of the

Mount Sinai family. Their most recent gift testifies to that commitment, and their belief in the fundamental importance of family-based medical care.

The Granovsky-Gluskin Centre for Best Practice in Family Medicine, led by

Dr. David Tannenbaum, will be housed in the Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Building.

It will bring together Family Health Teams, including research and clinical care, enabling family doctors to apply the latest scientific breakthroughs, at Mount Sinai and elsewhere, to their patients.

An exciting model of multidisciplinary care with teams of physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, support staff, and volunteers, the new Granovsky-Gluskin

Centre for Best Practice in Family Medicine will be a warm, welcoming environment for all patients and their families, a place where they will receive The Best Medicine .

Al Green, Dr. Bernard Zinman, and Malka Green

ARMed with Information

Two of Toronto’s leading philanthropists and long-time supporters of the Hospital are Al and Malka Green, who have been part of the Mount Sinai family for more than



Al wanted to make a gift that would benefit diabetes patients. To that end, the

Greens’ contribution launched an advanced electronic record keeping system – the

Ambulatory Records Management System, known simply as


– which has already started in the Leadership Sinai Centre for Diabetes.

The new


system gives nurses and physicians, like Dr. Bernard Zinman, Division

Head of the Leadership Sinai Centre for Diabetes, immediate access to patients’ entire case histories and medical data. Having such complete and immediate information allows health care providers to focus much more time and energy on their patients. In addition,


offers co-ordinated booking of lab, imaging, and specialist appointments. For patients with chronic diseases like diabetes, who require multiple medical visits, this advancement means appointments are easily co-ordinated, avoiding undue scheduling stress and encouraging faster access.

As a result of the Greens’ latest generous donation, Mount Sinai now stands as a leader in the rapid advancement from a paper-based record system to an easily accessible, computerized database of information. This is just one essential part of providing The Best Medicine .

Barry and Honey Sherman with

Dr. Edward Keystone

Honouring Two Pioneering Doctors

It’s a perfect match: two generous donors honouring two pioneering doctors.

As strong supporters of research, Barry and Honey Sherman, among Canada’s leading philanthropists, paid tribute to the work and careers of Dr. Allan Gross and Dr.

Edward Keystone, two of North America’s leading specialists in orthopaedics and arthritis, respectively, with a $ ı -million gift toward their breakthrough research.

Associated with Mount Sinai Hospital for


years, Dr. Allan Gross has developed advances in orthopaedic transplantation that are now standard practice in operating rooms around the world. As a pioneer in surgical repair of the hip and bone,

Dr. Gross draws patients and surgeons alike from all over the world to learn and benefit from his revolutionary techniques. A visit to Dr. Gross has come to mean an improved quality of life for countless grateful patients.

Dr. Edward Keystone is one of the great champions of new treatments for arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. Among many other positions and honours, he is the Chairman of the Canadian Rheumatology Research Consortium, founder of the Arthritis and Autoimmunity Research Centre, and Director of the Rebecca

Macdonald Centre for Arthritis and Autoimmune Disease at Mount Sinai Hospital.

Advancements in research generated through his work have come to mean an easier, more manageable way of life for thousands of arthritis sufferers.

Benefits of the Shermans’ gift and the work of Drs. Gross and Keystone will be felt by patients receiving The Best Medicine in the community, and – given the sharing of medical advances – around the world, for years to come.

Auxiliary President

Heather Gotlieb and

Nurse Janis Manes

A Labour of Love

Every year, more than


babies are born at Mount Sinai, making ours the busiest obstetrics unit in the country. So it shouldn’t be any surprise that North

America’s largest hospital Auxiliary has embraced Women’s and Infants’ Health, a cause dear to the hearts of its members.

With its $ 6-million pledge recently fulfilled under the leadership of President

Heather Gotlieb, the Auxiliary has set an ambitious new goal to raise $


million – and named it, fittingly, Healthy Babies.

Proceeds will support nurses like Janis

Manes, by providing new fetal monitors and physical improvements for the Neonatal

Intensive Care Unit, as well as supporting fetal and neonatal research at the Samuel

Lunenfeld Research Institute. These funds will have an enormous impact on the provision of high-quality patient care – in this case, for our youngest, most vulnerable patients – for which Mount Sinai Hospital is known.

The Auxiliary is truly the heart of the Mount Sinai family, offering its continued support with enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication to ensure the very best patient care. The Auxiliary, the oldest in Canada, has raised more than $


million since its inception more than


years ago – an achievement built on collective energy and shared vision. Without a doubt, its success will give thousands of high-risk newborns The Best Medicine , and a better chance at a healthy start in life.

Dr. Donald Low, Kenny Albert,

Dr. Allison McGeer, and

Jonathan Pollack. Albert and

Pollack are longtime members of Leadership Sinai

Leading the Way

Leadership Sinai is a respected and energetic member of the Mount Sinai family.

A program to attract and engage younger people, both emotionally and financially,

Leadership Sinai encourages community leaders and young professionals to get involved in philanthropy and in Mount Sinai. This network of talented, committed men and women represents fresh Mount Sinai leadership, and has produced some of our most influential senior volunteers serving on Boards and Committees.

Led by its President, Jordan Sarick, Leadership Sinai raises funds to meet the

Hospital’s needs through membership and a lively roster of events ranging from galas to golf tournaments to speakers’ series that mix philanthropy with fun.

They know that the very heart of The Best Medicine is a promise to be here when our patients need us most. That’s why Leadership Sinai has committed $ ı million to support Mount Sinai’s Highest Priorities, which will provide the financial capacity to respond to our most urgent healthcare needs, especially in times of crisis.

Another ambitious program is helping the Hospital play an increasingly vital role in the struggle against infectious diseases. The Leadership Sinai Centre for

Infection Control, headed by Dr. Donald Low and Dr. Allison McGeer, strives to prevent the spread of infectious disease, as well as implementing preventative actions to help keep the community safe.

Leadership Sinai is having a wide-reaching and long-lasting impact. While successfully generating support for The Best Medicine , its members’ enthusiasm helps cultivate the newest Mount Sinai leaders.

The Best Medicine Campaign

April 1,1995 to March 31, 2005

Individuals listed have shown great philanthropic leadership through their generous support of priority initiatives and research at Mount Sinai Hospital and its Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, enabling us to continue to provide quality patient care, teaching and research. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the following donors who made pledges and gifts during The Best Medicine campaign (April 1, 1995 to March 31,

2005). The names of those who made a new pledge or donation in 2004-05 appear in bold.

Summit Society Founders

( $ 5 Million and Up)

Lawrence S.Bloomberg/National Bank


Manuel and Candice Kimel,

Ronald Kimel, Abbie and Elkie Adler,

Warren and Debbie Kimel

Murray and Marvelle Koffler

The Joseph and Wolf Lebovic


The Samuel Lunenfeld Charitable


The R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation

Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary

Gerald Schwartz and Heather Reisman

Isadore and Rosalie Sharp

Larry and Judy Tanenbaum and Family

Guardians’ Circle – Gold

( $ 3 M illion to $ 5 M illion)

Estate of Benjamin Herbert Birstein

Ira Gluskin and Maxine Granovsky-

Gluskin Charitable Foundation

Leadership Sinai

Rebecca MacDonald

Peter A. Silverman Q.C.

Guardians’ Circle – Silver

( $ 2 M illion to $ 3 M illion)

David and Stacey Cynamon

The Bernard I. Ghert Family Foundation

Ellen and Martin Prosserman and Family

Sam and Judy Pencer and Family

Lionel and Sandra Waldman and Family


Anonymous (1)

Guardians’ Circle – Bronze

( $ 1 M illion to $ 2 M illion)

BMO Financial Group

Geoffrey and Laurie Bledin

Michael and Yetta Bregman and Family

Joseph Burnett

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Morey and Jennifer Chaplick

The Dan Family

Morgan Firestone Foundation

Sydney G. Frankfort

The Freeman Family Foundation

Linda Frum and Howard Sokolowski and


Ira and Irving Gerstein

Abraham and Malka Green


Jay and Barbara Hennick

The Jack and Buschie Kamin Foundation

Bertha Kerbel

Albert and Temmy Latner Family


Jeffrey and Beverly Lipson and Family

The Fred A. Litwin Family Foundation

MDC Corporation/Miles S. Nadal

Nancy Pencer

O & Y Properties Inc./Reichmann Family

Robert Rubinoff and Family

Bernard and Honey Sherman

The Sonshine Family Foundation

TD Bank Financial Group

Mark and Stephanie Valentine

Larry and Marla Wasser

Jack and Anne Weinbaum

Judith Wells

The Max and Beatrice Wolfe

Charitable Foundation

The Ray D. Wolfe Family

Anonymous (1)


( $ 500,000 to $ 999,999)

Henry Bernick

The Edward M. Bronfman Family


Saul Feldberg

The A & B Fogel Foundation

The DH Gales Family Charitable

Foundation of Toronto

Peter and Shelagh Godsoe

Estate of Albert Cummings Johnston

Estate of Helen Dickson Barclay Harris

Estate of James Graham Hunter

Janssen-Ortho Inc.

Robert Lantos

RBC Foundation

Kenneth Rotenberg

Jeff Rubinoff

The Seymour Schulich Foundation

The Hedwig Walch Charitable


Windfields Farm Limited

Anonymous (1)

For more information on The Best Medicine campaign, please visit www.mtsinai.on.ca

The Best Medicine Campaign

2oo4 – 2oo5


The Foundation gratefully received donations in excess of $ 5,000 from the following donors from April 1, 2004, to March 31, 2005.

$ 1,000,000 and up

Manuel and Candice Kimel,

Ronald Kimel, Abbie and Elkie Adler,

Warren and Debbie Kimel

The Joseph Lebovic Charitable Foundation

The Wolf Lebovic Charitable Foundation

$ 500,000 to $ 999,999

Ira Gluskin and Maxine Granovsky-Gluskin

The Samuel Lunenfeld Charitable


Robert Rubinoff and Family

Anonymous (1)

$ 250,000 to $ 499,999

Abraham and Malka Green Foundation

Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary

Jeff Rubinoff

Isadore and Rosalie Sharp

Bernard and Honey Sherman

The Saul A. Silverman Family


Edward and Fran Sonshine

$ 100,000 to $ 249,999

Cerner Canada, Ltd.

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Cinram International Inc.

The Dan Family Foundation

D. Morgan Firestone

The DH Gales Family Charitable

Foundation of Toronto

The B.I. Ghert Family Foundation

Peter and Shelagh Godsoe

Barbara and Jay Hennick Family Fund

Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd.

IBM Canada Ltd.

The Jack and Buschie Kamin Foundation

Murray and Marvelle Koffler

The Fred A. Litwin Family Foundation

Network Appliance Canada

Nortel Networks

Ellen and Martin Prosserman and Family

Purdue Pharma

Janet Rossant

Jeffrey and Beverly Lipson and Family

Larry and Judy Tanenbaum and Family

The Waitzer Family

Lionel and Sandra Waldman and Family

The Jack Weinbaum Family Foundation

Windfields Farm Limited

$ 50,000 to $ 99,999

Kym Anthony

AstraZeneca Canada Inc.

ATU Jerry Fund, Inc.

Leonard and Felicie Blatt

Lawrence and Frances Bloomberg

The Edward M. Bronfman Family


Caledon Commonwealth Ltd.

Cisco Systems Canada Inc

Sabina Citron

Datex-Ohmeda (Canada) Inc.

C.A. Delaney Capital Management Ltd.

Bertrand Gerstein Family Foundation

GlaxoSmithKline Inc.

George and Kay Goldlist and Family

Ned and Anita Goodman and Family

Great-West Life, London Life and

Canada Life

The Miriam and Harold Green Family


The Hanson Family

The Henry White Kinnear Foundation

The Northern Trust Company, Canada

O &Y Foundation for Better Communities

O &Y Properties Inc.

Pfizer Canada Inc.

Philfam Investments Inc.

RBC Foundation

Barrie Rose and Family

Norine Daniels Rose

Kenneth Rotenberg

The Seymour Schulich Foundation

Shandex Group

TD Bank Financial Group

The Hedwig Walch Charitable Foundation

The Whiteoaks Group

Anonymous (3)

$ 25,000 to $ 49,999

Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc.

The Bennett Family Foundation

Joseph and Helen Berman

Cara Operations Limited

Sydney and Florence Cooper Foundation

Malka Fingold

The Willie and Mildred Fleischer

Charitable Foundation

Linda Frum and Howard Sokolowski

Galin Foundation

Charles and MarilynGold Family Foundation

Robert and Catherine Grundleger

The Harweg Foundation

Hofstedter Family Charitable Foundation

HSBC Bank Canada

Janssen-Ortho Inc.

The Julius Kuhl Family Foundation

Robert Lantos

Denis M. Marsh

The Tabachnick Foundation

Orion Securities Inc.

Correen Pacht and Brenda Staroselsky

Nancy V. Pencer

Richard and Karen Pilosof

Thomas and Marjorie Schwartz


The Philip Smith Foundation

Stryker Canada LP

Richard Venn and Carol Mitchell

Michael and Lea-Anne Wekerle

Welded Tube of Canada

Judith Wells

The Max and Beatrice Wolfe Charitable


$ 10,000 to $ 24,999

AIM Trimark Investment

All Gold Imports Inc.

Appel Family Foundation

Asia Pacific Lifts (Canada) Ltd.

Steven and Rita Banach

Geoffrey Bledin/The Equitable Trust


BMO Fountain of Hope, Employees’


The Boiler Inspection and Insurance

Company of Canada

Michael and Yetta Bregman and Family

Clairvest Group Inc.

Colliers International

Coloplast Canada Corporation

Florence Cooper

Harold Corrigan, C.A.

Denton D. Creighton

The Best Medicine Campaign



John H. Daniels Charitable Trust

Angela and Stanely Deluce

Diamond Court Apartments

Morris Diamond

Lisa and Philip Draper

EJLB Foundation

Jack M. Fine

Edward and Sylvia Fisch

Mark Freedman and Judy L. Jacobs

Sandra Gertner

Gluckstein Design Planning Inc.

Gluskin Sheff & Associates Inc.

Goldcastle Investments Limited/

A. Ephraim and Shirley Diamond and Stephen Diamond

The Gilbert Goodman Family Foundation

Al and Malka Green

Nancy Grossman, Lorri Kushnir and

Jodi Molson

Zelda Hershenhorn and Family

Sarah Hisey

Nelson Arthur Hyland Foundation

Icefloe Technologies Inc.

Jay-M Holdings Limited

The Henry and Berenice Kaufmann


KBSH Capital Management

Israel Koschitzky Family Charitable


Henrietta Kostman

Marcia Latowsky

The Harry Leikin Family Charitable


Rebecca MacDonald

Masonic Foundation of Ontario

Mark McCain and Caro MacDonald

McCarthy Tetrault Foundation

MDI Solutions

Merck Frosst Canada Inc.

Miele Limited

Beatrice and Arthur Minden Foundation

Minto Foundation Inc.

Florence Minz and Gordon Kirke

Nachas Homes Limited

Harvey and Barbara Naglie

National Bank Financial Inc.

Katherine A. B. Newman

Neil and Rachel Nisker

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

Donald Philip Owen, Loudon Owen and



Morris and Pearl Perlis

Progress Packaging Limited

Stephen and Suzie Pustil

Carol and Morton Rapp Foundation

Rasch Foundation

The Cyril and Dorothy, Joel and Jill

Reitman Family Foundation

Rocky Bay Investments Ltd.

Gerry and Caren Ruby Family Foundation

Sanofi-Synthelabo Canada Inc.

The Oskar Ascher Schmidt Charitable


Barbara Schnurbach

Gerald Schwartz and Heather Reisman

Sears Canada Inc.

Michael and Jackie Shulman

John and Marcie Suske

The Wayne Tanenbaum Charitable


Kenneth M. and Jennifer Tanenbaum and Family

N.A. Taylor Foundation

Tenet Computer Group

John G. Weir

Alan G. Wigston

Guy Wigston

Burton and Marilyn Winberg

Jonathan and Amal Wolfe

The Leonard Wolfe Family Charitable


World Federation of Neurology

Anonymous (5)

$ 5,000 to $ 9,999

Harold and Margaret Altman

Robert and Mary Pat Armstrong

Artex Systems Inc.

Chico Beharry

Dennis and Laura Bennie

Robert D. Berger and Dr. Marla Shapiro

Gordon and Ruth Berger

Blue-Zone Technologies Ltd.

BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.

Sandoz Cha and May Bo Cheng

Grace K. Chan

Cora Cohen

Cooper’s Iron and Metal Inc.

DHU Corporation

Echo Advertising & Marketing Inc.

Michael and Judy Firestone

First Asset Management Inc.

The Frankel Family (Aron and Miriam


David and Bonnie Goldstein

The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch

Masons of Canada

The Herbert Green Family Charitable

Foundation Inc.

Alexander E. Grossman Foundation

Lawrence Haber and Reena Berlind

Harry Rosen Inc.

Hartley Hershenhorn

Steven M. Hershenhorn

HM Cash Inc.

Interwide Investments Limited

JF Brennan Design/Build Inc.

James and Elaine Kay

Harvey and Milly Kirsh

Mabel Kniseley Nurses’ Endowment


Kwan Yip Wei

Geoffrey Matus

Motorcade Industries Limited

Mr. Sub

The National Life Assurance Company of Canada

Mimi and Sam Pollock

Sheila Pollock

Lionel and Helaine Robins and Family

Louis Savlov

Samuel and Charlotte Schwartz

Charles and Mina Schwarz

Ronald and Joanne Schwarz

Joel and Tammy Seigel

David and Wendy Share

Monty M. Simmonds

Gary Slaight

Paul and Carol Slavens

Louis A. Strauss

Sun Life Financial Company of Canada

Jay and Linda Swartz

TD Securities, Technology Solutions

TELUS Corporation

Towne Garden Homes Limited

Tri City Equipment Rental & Leasing

UBS Securities Canada Inc.

Howard Wetston and Debbie Fischer

The Barbara and Harvey Wolfe Family

Charitable Foundation

Anonymous (5)

Chairs and Directorships

As at March 31, 2005

We are grateful to donors supporting Chairs and Directorships that provide for our doctors and scientists, who are recognized leaders in their field. Funds are invested and income earned supports the research and educational activities of the Chair holder.

Apotex Chair in Molecular Oncology

Morgan Firestone Chair in Psychotherapy*

Sydney G. Frankfort Chair in Family Medicine*

D. H. Gales Directorship for the Surgical Skills Centre

Ira and Irving Gerstein Chair in Neonatal Medicine*

Bernard I. Ghert Family Foundation Chair in Orthopaedics*

Koffler Directorship for the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute

Marvelle Koffler Chair in Breast Research*

Temmy Latner / Dynacare Chair in Head and Neck Oncology*

Leadership Sinai Chair in Surgery*

Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary Chair in Women’s and Infants’ Health Research

Sam and Judy Pencer Family Chair in Diabetes Research*

Sam and Judy Pencer Chair in Applied General Psychiatry*

Heather M. Reisman Chair in Perinatal Nursing Research

Rubinoff / Gross Chair in Orthopaedic Oncology*

Anne Tanenbaum Chair in Molecular and Developmental Biology*

Rose Torno Chair in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Sandra and Lionel Waldman Family Chair for the Physician-in-Chief*

$ 2,162,573


















$ 20,134,289

* Matched by the Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation of Toronto


As at March 31, 2005

Fellowships support development of emerging professional and scientific talent and we appreciate these gifts, which are invested. The income earned is distributed annually to support individuals pursuing advanced medical and research studies.

Irving R. Gerstein Research Fellowship in Cancer

Norm Hollend Fellowship in Oncology Research

Hy Isenbaum Research Fellowship in Oncology

David McColm Fellowship in Lung Cancer Research

$ 409,373




$ 1,667,787

Chiefs-of-Staff at Mount Sinai Hospital with Joseph Mapa (right) President and CEO

Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation of Toronto and University of Toronto Fellowships

As at March 31, 2005

We thank the funders of these programs, established jointly with the University of

Toronto, benefitting those graduate students working at Mount Sinai Hospital and in need of financial assistance.

Canada Life Assurance Company Graduate

Fellowship in Medical Research

Bernard I. Ghert Fellowship in Psychiatry

Government of Ontario/Mount Sinai Hospital

Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology at the University of Toronto

Malka and Al Green Fellowship in Psychiatry

Halbert Family Fund for Breast Cancer Research

Bernard Ludwig Graduate Fellowship in

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute

Graduate Student Fellowships including:

Alan Bernstein Graduate Student Fellowship in

Research Excellence

Monelle Seigal/Gozlan Family Fellowship

The Bank of Montreal Graduate Fellowships in

Medical Research

Judy and Samuel Pencer Fellowship in Psychiatry

Dr. Elliot A. Phillipson –

Department of Medicine Fellowships

The Richard Venn and Carol Mitchell Graduate

Student Fellowships in Women’s Health Research

Mount Sinai Matched by

Hospital University

Foundation of Toronto

$ 100,000













$ 2,466,416










$ 4,932,832













$ 7,399,248

Endowment Funds

As at March 31, 2005

We thank those who made endowment funds a permanent legacy, providing for the future of Mount

Sinai. Gifts of $10,000 or more are invested and the income earned is distributed annually.

$ 1,000,000 and up

Samuel Lunenfeld Charitable Foundation Endowment Fund

Mark and Stephanie Valentine NICU Fund for Excellence

$ 500,000 to $ 999,999

Albert and Temmy Latner Family Foundation/Mount Sinai

Hospital/Sarah Herzog Memorial Hospital Joint Program

Fred A. Litwin Centre for Cancer Genetics

Julius Revich Endowment Fund

Albert D. and Gary L. Segal Endowment Fund for

Medical Research

Larry and Marla Wasser Endowment Fund for the

Wasser Pain Management Centre

$ 250,000 to $ 499,999

Berman Family Foundation Endowment Fund

George and Golda Fine Endowment Fund for

Research in Molecular Immunology and Neurobiology

Samuel Hershoran Lipson Fund for Excellence in Sarcoma

Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary Living Legacy Fund

Endowment in Obstetrical Anaesthesia

Frances and Rossi Rosenthal Family Endowment

Fund for Medical Research

Harold Tanenbaum Endowment for Medical Research

Saul Wagman Endowment Fund for Medical Research

$ 100,000 to $ 249,999

Samya Moranis Chris Lectureship Fund

Esther and Jack Cole Endowment Fund for Cardiology


Freeman Family Foundation Endowment Fund for

Endrocrine Oncology

Paul Grylak Endowment Fund in Memory of Wife Leah

Jay and Barbara Hennick Endowment Fund for

Medical Research

Caroline and Emily Kassie Endowment Fund for

Medical Research

Sidney Liswood Endowment Fund

Earl Mandell Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Fay and Lou Mendelson and Ben Mendelson Endowment Fund

Minnie Nisker Endowment Fund for Cancer Research

J.C. Oelbaum Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award Programme

Irving Pustil and Louis Weinstein Endowment Fund for Diabetes Research

Renée Reichmann Endowment Fund for Nursing Education

Joel and Jill Reitman Endowment Fund

Philip Smith Endowment Fund for Research

Nathan and Toby Starr Endowment Fund for Research in

Mental Retardation

Max and Anne Tanenbaum Endowment Fund for Research

Rose Torno Nursing Scholarship Fund

Penny Tramiel Endowment Fund for Cancer Research

Yorkton Securities Fund for Young Scientists

$ 50,000 to $ 99,999

Jennifer Ivey Bannock Endowment Fund

Dr. David R. Bohnen Endowment Fund for Research*

Dr. Martin Breitman Endowment Fund

Chan Yin Yuan, Chan Veng Jun and Family Endowment Fund

Louis and Molly Chesler Endowment Fund

Jerome S. Cooper Leukemia Research Fund

Ruth and Harry Davis Endowment Fund

William and Celia Eisenberg Endowment

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Fish and Daughters Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Albert and Myra Gallander Endowment Fund for

Kidney Research

Marilyn and David Gluskin Endowment Fund

Samuel and Freda Gotfrid Endowment Fund for

Medical Research

Harold and Miriam Green Research Endowment Fund

Frank H. Guest Endowment Fund

Hugh Mappin Endowment Fund for Pancreatic Disease Research

Morton Mendelson Endowment Fund for Research

Millie Merkur Endowment Fund for Research

Earl Myers Endowment Fund

Nursing Education Endowment Fund1

Howard L. Orfus Endowment Fund

Edwin J. Pivnick Endowment Fund for Medical Research*

Theodore and Florence Richmond Endowment

Fund for Medical Research

Henry S. Rosenberg, Q.C. Ph.D. Endowment Fund*

Sadowski and Davies Endowment Fund

Max and Lena Sharp Endowment Fund

Gertrude and David Sher Endowment Fund

Sala and Pinkus Tepper Endowment Fund

Clare and Gerald Turner Endowment Fund

Ben Ulster Fund for Research in Cardiology

West Family Endowment Fund for Cancer Research

* Established by Resolution of the Board of Directors

Endowment Funds

$ 25,000 to $ 49,999

Gurston S. Allen Endowment Fund*

Eva and Mary Barrer Endowment Fund

Barbara Berger Memorial Endowment Fund

Harold and Esther Berk Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Marie Berris Research Fund

Morley Binstock Endowment Fund for Head and Neck Oncology

Boccia Family Endowment Fund

Eugene and Alice Boccia Endowment Fund

Sarah Bregman Endowment Fund for Cardiology

Anne and David Brill Endowment Fund

David and Lois Buckstein’s Children Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Cardiology Research Fund

Muriel Carlen Endowment Fund

Senator and Mrs. David A. Croll Endowment Fund

Jack and Sophia Ellis Endowment Fund

Jack and Valerie Fine Endowment Fund

Fogler, Rubinoff Endowment Fund in honour of

Lloyd S.D. Fogler, q.c.

James M. Frank Endowment Fund for Cancer Research

Lillian and Harry Freedman Endowment Fund

Wolf and Esther Goldstein Scholarship Fund for Nurses

Nat and Ethel Gotfrid Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Julie Hanson Endowment Fund for Colon Cancer Research

Jacob and Dorothy Hendeles Foundation Fund

Fannie and Saul Hertzman Endowment Fund

Charles and Molly James Endowment Fund

Barney Joseph Endowment Fund

Adam Karpen Endowment Fund

Joseph and Joel Kerbel Endowment Fund

Morris and Miriam Kerzner Family Endowment Fund

Eva Kimel Endowment Fund

Libman Family Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Abbey A. Lipson Endowment Fund

Joseph M. Lubotta Endowment Fund

Bernard Ludwig Fellowship in Maternal/Fetal Medicine

Louis Manpel Scholarship

Nikki McMaster Fund

Harry and Faye Minden Endowment Fund

Miriam Neveren Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Louis and Sarah Neveren Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Edwin J. and Charlotte Pivnick Family Endowment Fund

Dr. Alexander Relle Memorial Lecture Fund

Sam and Luba Richardson Endowment Fund

Samuel and Ethel Roher Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Ron, Cynthia, Dylan and Myles Rosenthal Endowment Fund

Belle and Harry Rotenberg Endowment Fund

Harry Rotenberg Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Joseph J. Schiffer and Dr. Irvine Schiffer Exchange Program in Oncology

Charlotte Schwartz Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Carrie Schwarz Endowment Fund for Leukemia Research

Samuel V. Shefsky Endowment Fund for Diabetes Research

Leonard Simpson and Family Foundation Endowment Fund

Lilly Offenbach and Nathan Strauss, q.c.

Endowment Fund for Medical Research established in memory of her husband,

Nathan, by Lily Offenbach Strauss

Ben and Vera Walker Endowment Fund for Research

Florence Winberg Endowment Fund

Jerold and Gayle Winter and Family and Motorcade Industries

Limited Endowment Fund for Crohn’s and Colitis Research

Louis Yolles Endowment Fund

Rayzel Zuckerman Endowment Fund for Cancer Research

$ 10,000 to $ 24,999

Susan Anne Adams and Andrew Wm. Levine Endowment

Fund for Surgical Research

Agnew Pecham and Associates Endowment Fund in honour of Dr. G. Harvey Agnew

Dr. Dominick Amato Endowment Fund

Larry Andreansky Endowment Fund

Pearl and Samuel Bacher Endowment Fund

Rose and Percy Banks Endowment Fund

Dr. Alan and Leah Bassett Endowment Fund

Jack and Lillian Beale Endowment Fund

Coralia Bennett Endowment Fund for Cardiac Research

Gitel Bergman Scholarship Fund

Anne and Joseph Black Endowment Fund

Daniel Bradley Klar Black Endowment Fund

Mary and Sydney Blinick Endowment Fund

Dr. David R. Bohnen Endowment Fund for Research

Anne and David Brill Endowment Fund

Pearl and Louis S. Brody Endowment Fund

Gertrude and Meyer Bromberg Endowment Fund for

Cancer Research

The Carrie Fund for Autoimmune Diseases

Lillian and Tom Cash and Family Endowment Fund

Dr. Joshua J. and Henrietta Chesnie Endowment Fund for

Cardiology Research

Charles Cloth and Mary Spears Endowment Fund for

Cancer Research

Gwen and Chauncey Cohen Endowment Fund

* Established by Resolution of the Board of Directors

Endowment Funds

Essie and Arthur Cohen Endowment Fund

George A. Cohon Family Endowment Fund

Anne Joan Zeppa Coyne Endowment Fund

Dadouch Family Endowment Fund for Cancer Research

Pearl and Harold Dennis Endowment Fund

Andrew Draper Endowment Fund

Shelby Draper Endowment Fund for Cancer Research

Judith Lynne Duckman Endowment Fund for Colon

Cancer Research

Ruth Easser Psychiatric Endowment Fund

Selma and David Eisen Endowment Fund

Wendy and Elliot Eisen Endowment Fund

Empire Forest Hill Lodge Endowment Fund

David Epstein Endowment Fund

Dr. Joseph Fenton Endowment Fund

Harry and Freda Fogler Endowment Fund

Ida and Sollie Fox Endowment Fund

Ruth and Roy Frankel Endowment Fund

Ted and Judy Freedman Endowment Fund

Ruth and Irving Frisch Family Endowment Fund

Garbe Family Endowment Fund

Goldie Gasner Endowment Fund

Carol and Percy Gitelman Endowment Fund for Family Medicine

Samuel and Sarah Glassman Endowment Fund

Ronald and Charlotte Glick Endowment Fund

Sidonie Goldstein Lectureship on Sepsis

Ellen Goodman Endowment Fund for Research

Lillian and Sydney Goodman Endowment Fund

Senator Jerry and Mrs. Carole Grafstein Breast Cancer

Research Fund

Abraham and Malka Green Arts and Crafts Endowment Fund

Jack Gringorten Endowment Fund for Heart Research

Morris Gross Family Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Fred Grossman Endowment Fund

Helen Grossman Endowment Fund

J. George Gruber Endowment Fund

Caroline Harris Endowment Fund

Jack and Emily Hayward Endowment Fund

Joseph Herman Endowment Fund for Surgical Research

Gertrude Herszzon Endowment Fund

Jack and Saul Hertzman and Harry A. Stone Endowment Fund

Isadore and Libby Hoffman Endowment Fund

Benjamin and Anita Hutter Endowment Fund

Irving and Mina Ingber Endowment Fund

Darrell Isenberg Research Endowment Fund

Albert Jaffey Endowment Fund

Dr. David A. Jordan and Family Endowment Fund

Isaac and Sarah Kaufman Endowment Fund

Norman and Ellin Kert Endowment Fund

Jerry and Karmela Klasner Endowment Fund

Shirley and Hughie Kline Endowment Fund

Henry and Zelda Korenblum Endowment Fund

Harry Korzen Endowment Fund for Oncology Research

Sigmund Kuperstein Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Maryann Lawrence Bursary Fund for ICU/CCU

Jerry and Betty Lefkovitch Endowment Fund

Jacob, Sara, Murray and Adrienne Levinter Endowment Fund for Research

Lou Lokash Endowment Fund

David B. Lubotta Endowment Fund in Honour of His Bar-Mitzvah

Harry Marcus Endowment Fund

Barnet and Gertrude Markson Endowment Fund

Olga and Sam Meister Medical Research Fund

Jack Melman Endowment Fund for Palliative Medicine

Dr. Morris Mannuel and Rita Cecille Mink Endowment Fund for Heart Research

Eunice and David Mouckley Endowment Fund for Research

Mount Sinai Hospital – Fund for Excellence

Allan Noble Endowment Fund

George and Esther Novak Endowment Fund

Russel Alan Ogus Endowment Fund for Psychiatric Research

Samuel Orfus Endowment Fund for Research

Kevin Samuel Paris Endowment Fund for Neonatal Research

Jess and Ingrid Pennelli Endowment Fund

Jacob Perlman Endowment Fund

Dora and Sam Prince Family Endowment Fund

Morris Prousky Endowment Fund

Ida Ragals Research Fund

Norman and Rae Rebick Endowment Fund

Edward I. Richmond Endowment Fund

Adele Ross Endowment Fund

Stanley and Tanya Rossby Endowment Fund

Louis and Minnie Rotenberg Endowment Fund

Lanny Salsberg Memorial Fund

Jennie and Sol Frank Samuels Endowment Fund

Al and Gertrude Sax Memorial Fund

Leo and Ruth Schacter Endowment Fund for Research

Samuel and Helen Schacter Endowment Fund

Rose and Samuel Segal Endowment Fund

Irving and Eva Seligman Endowment Fund

Shirley Shaul Endowment Fund

Endowment Funds

Lynn and Skip Sigel Emergency/Trauma Department

Special Fund

Malack and Esther Simlevitz Endowment Fund

Murray L. Simon Orthodontic Endowment Fund

Isla and John Slavens Endowment Fund

Paul and Carol Slavens Endowment Fund

Carole and Morton Smith Endowment Fund

Harold and Sylvia Smith Endowment Fund

Sara and Leonard C. Smith, q.c.

Endowment Fund

Social Work Department Endowment Fund

Susan Sorokin Endowment Fund for Nursing Education

Speedy Muffler King Endowment Fund

Dr. Sidney Starkman Endowment Fund

Norman B. Stein Endowment Fund

Max and Freda Steinberg Endowment Fund

Dorothy and Harry A. Stone Endowment Fund

Philip and Pearl Stone Endowment Fund for Research

Harry Sversky Endowment Fund

Charles Taylor Endowment Fund

Eleanor and Burnett Thall Research Endowment Fund

Florence and Harry Topper Endowment Fund

Dr. Alan and Dora Track Surgical Research Fund

Andrew Tuvel Endowment Fund

Andrew Tuvel Medical Oncology Research Fund

Van Der Kuijp Westerweld Family Fund

Irwin A. Wallace Endowment Fund

Dr. Irving and Margaret Wayne Research Endowment Fund

Candy Weil Endowment Fund

Anne and Leon Weinstein Endowment Fund

Moshe Joseph Weisfield Endowment Fund

Grace Weiss Endowment Fund for Oncology Research

Sarah and Morry Wingold Endowment Fund for Research

Rosalind Witkin Endowment Fund

David A. Wodlinger Endowment Fund

Ethel Woolfe Endowment Fund

Annette (Denny) and Cecil Yolles in honour of Mary and

Samuel Yolles Endowment Fund

Jack E. Young Endowment Fund

Eliezer and Itta Zeisler Endowment Fund for Heart and

Stroke Research

Carole Herman Zucker Endowment Fund

Total Chairs, Directorships, Fellowships, and

Endowment Funds 49,312,660

Marvelle and Murray Koffler, Rose Wolfe, and Joseph Mapa at the Leadership Donors Appreciation Dinner

Bequests Gifts of Life Insurance Policies

The Foundation gratefully received bequests in excess of $ 1,000 from the following Estates between

April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005.

We are grateful to those donors who contribute by purchasing a life insurance policy and assigning

Mount Sinai as beneficiary.

Estate of Samuel M. Ackerman

Estate of Lillian Altman

Estate of Reta Appelbaum

Estate of Alex Beder

Estate of Edna Teresa Beder

Estate of George Bernstein

Estate of Benjamin Herbert


Estate of Ernest Bradshaw

Estate of Archie Brill

Estate of Cecil E. Brown

Estate of Jennie Feld

Estate of Fella Goldberg

Estate of Ghida Goldsmith

Estate of Murray Greenbloom

Estate of Max Gwartz

Estate of Helen Kathleen


The Gangolf E. Herman


Estate of Rudolph James

Estate of Sidney Klein

Estate of Ernest Litovitz

Estate of Irwin Lyons

Estate of Joan McDowell

Estate of Gail Posluns

Estate of Anna Maria Carmen


Estate of Irwin Rosen

Estate of Diane Esther Selick

The Albert Shifrin Trust

Estate of Louis Spring

Estate of Toby Steiman

Estate of Violet Lillian


Estate of Betty Wasser

Estate of Moshe Zylberman

Anonymous (5)

Julie Albert

Georges Benarroch

Jordan S. Bernamoff

Jack Bernstein

Ivan and Helen Cader

Daniel Chai

Ming Y. Chan

S.K. Betty Chee

Sidney Chelsky

Dr. Zane Cohen

James Crichton

Jon S. Dellandrea

Lyne Dellandrea

Stephen Diamond

Robert and Maxine Fish

Gary Fogler

Gladys Fogler

Lloyd S.D. Fogler, QC

Melvin Gilbert

Peter Godsoe

Gary and Linda Goldberg

Mel Goodman

Tennys J.M. Hanson

Ernie and Rivette Herzig

Leanne Kipfer

Leemoy L. Len

Sharon London Liss

Paul and Pearl Marcus

Jeffrey K. Mawle

Hugh McKay

Barbara Millichamp

Lionel Richler

Robert A. Rubinoff

Eve Violet Rubinstein

Eleanor Shear

Michael Solomon

Sheldon and Susan Taerk

Kenneth Tanenbaum

Gerald P. Turner

Rt.Honourable John N.Turner

Hilary Turnock

Lawrence D. Wilder

Irwin Wortsman

Clare Wright

Anonymous (3)

Leadership Sinai

Leadership Sinai was created in 1993 to encourage and develop the involvement of young people in the

Hospital. Through membership and fundraising,

Leadership Sinai has made substantial contributions to Mount Sinai supporting research, enhanced patient care facilities, new technology, and equipment.

April 1, 2004 through

March 31, 2005

New Members

Robyn Beder

Oz A. Cohen

Joseph Fanaki

Steven Farber

Aliza Fisch

Amnon Fisch

Shaun Francis

Stacy Francis

Benjamin Gerstein

Albert Haddad

Michael Kalles

Vered Kaminker

Jay Klein

Robert Kofman

Michael Kraft

Sidney Lisser

Andrea Rudnick

Simone Seltzer

David Sugarman

Joshua Wise

New Pledges, Pledge

Payments and


$ 10,000 and up

Kenny Albert

Jordan Sarick

Les Sherman

Lisa Swartzman

$ 5,000 to $ 9,999

Geoffrey Bledin

Michael J.R. Nisker

$ 1,000 to $ 4,999

Megan L. Abel

Leonard M. Abramsky

Kenny Albert

Robyn Beder

Ugo Bizzarri

Caroline Bokar

Lev Bukhman

David M. Burton

Oz A. Cohen

Richard J. Cooper

Jerry Cukier

Owen Duckman

Robert Ellis

Joseph Fanaki

Steven Farber

Amnon Fisch

Gary Fogler

Bruce V. Freeman

Frank B. Gerstein

Lindsay Gillespie

Jordan Gnat

Rob Godfrey

Linda H. Goldberger

David Goldstein

Shane Grosman

Rohit Gupta

Vic S. Gupta

Jake Herman

Eric N. Hoffstein

Vered Kaminker

Vikram Khurana

Shawn R. Kimel

Michael D. King

Robert Kofman

The Henry and Zelda

Korenblum Family Foundation

Michael Kraft

Daniel Lawee

Robert Lederri

Elliott Levine

Russell Levy

Anthony Ostler

Kelly Patchet

Jonathan M. Pollack

Paul F. Postiglione

Armand Reale

Jay G. Rosenfeld

Kenneth Rubin

Andrea Rudnick

Daniel Rumack

Daniel Samson

Candy Schaffel


Jordan Sarick

Vice Chairs

Jonathan Pollack

Kenny Albert


Lisa Swartzman


David Sherman


Michael Nisker


Jerry Cukier

Linda Goldberger

Zachary Goldman

Melanie Segal

Daniel Shapira

Warren Shear

David Michael Sherman

Les Sherman

Joshua M. Silber

Christopher Slightham

Joan E. Sproul

Chaim Talpalar

R. Blair Tamblyn

Christine Terashita

Eric Weisz

Joshua Wise

Leadership Sinai Board of Directors

As at March 31, 2005

David Goldstein

Rohit Gupta

Steven Hershenhorn

Eric Hoffstein

Mike King

Caryn Markman

Allan O’Dette

Kelly Patchet

Jonathan Robinson

Chris Slightham

Blair Tamblyn

Christine Terashita

Michael Worb


Gary Fogler

Carol Wilding

Immediate Past Chair

Carrie Orfus Gelkopf

Jordan Sarick, Michelle and Zachary Goldman

For more information on Leadership Sinai, please visit www.mtsinai.on.ca



2 3 4


1. Lionel and Sandra Waldman at the Leadership Donors

Appreciation Dinner


Andy and Gaye Stein of Henry’s, and Susan Taerk, Chair, Henry’s

Tournament Fore Health, benefitting Marvelle Koffler Breast Centre.


Dr. Marla Shapiro co-chair of The Run/Walk for the Best Medicine


Bob Rubinoff, Espie Chan, and Dr. Zane Cohen at the Leadership

Donors Appreciation Dinner


Rob Grundleger, Michael Bregman, Michael Smith at the Mount

Sinai Classic presented by Equitable Trust


Dr. Allan Gross is celebrated at his Tribute Dinner presented in partnership with the Canadian Technion Society

An Eventful Year

Thanks to extraordinary volunteers, corporate sponsors, partners, and participants who supported special events benefitting Mount Sinai Hospital, raising more than $ 2 million between April 1, 2004 and March 31, 2005.

$ 100,000 to

$ 249,999


$ 50,000 to $ 99,999

Geoffrey Bledin/

The Equitable Trust Company

$ 25,000 to $ 49,999

Firm Capital Corporation


$ 10,000 to $ 24,999

Abbott Laboratories (Canada)


AstraZeneca Canada Inc.

Canon Canada Inc.

GlaxoSmithKline Inc.

Janssen-Ortho Inc.

Geo. A. Kelson Company


Loblaw Companies Ltd.

Merck Frosst Canada Inc.

MPG Canada Inc.

Pal Benefits Inc.

Wyeth Canada

$ 5,000 to $ 9,999

Canada’s Research-Based

Rx&D Pharmaceutical


Catalpa Enterprises Ltd.

Compass Group Canada

The Descartes Systems

Group Inc.


Dynamic Mutual Funds

General Electric Canada Inc.

Alexander E. Grossman


Hewlett-Packard (Canada)


Manulife Financial

MDC Corporation/Miles S.


Nikon Canada Inc.

Oxoid Inc.

TD Cornerstone

Town Shoes Limited

$ 2,500 to $ 4,999

Berlex Canada Inc.

The Rae Bobbe

Foundation/Mintz & Partners

Burgundy Asset Management


Extrudex Aluminum

Forest Hill Real Estate Inc.

Fuji Photo Film Canada Inc.

Kodak Canada Inc.

Olympus America Inc.

Otis Canada Inc.

Panasonic Canada Inc.

Procter & Gamble

Pharmaceuticals Canada, Inc.

$ 1,000 to $ 2,499

Elkie Adler

All Stars Courier Service

Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc.

Bioscrypt Inc.

BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.

Al G. Brown & Associates

Budget Car Rentals Toronto


Cresford Developments

Cyberplex Inc.

The Daniels Corporation

DayMen Photo Marketing


Financial Models Company


First Gulf Development


Gentec International

GMP Securities Ltd

Goodman and Carr LLP

Green Realty Limited

Howard Sokolowski/Tribute


Hurontario Centre Limited

Carla Karkheck

Konica Minolta Photo

Imaging Canada Inc.


Kronis, Rotsztain, Margles,


Mememe Inc.

National Bank Financial Inc.

The National Life Assurance

Company of Canada

Pentax Canada Inc.

Posluns Family Foundation

Priestly Demolition Inc.

R.H.G.C. Management Ltd.

The Habour Group – RBC


Research in Motion

Richter, Usher & Vineberg

An Eventful Year

Sandylion Sticker Designs/


Schaeffer & Associates Ltd.

Sherritt International


Rosenberg, Smith and


Softchoice Corporation

Sony of Canada Limited

Speedware Corporation Inc.

Syntax Systems Limited

The Hazcon Group Ltd.

The Toronto Star

Tyson Developments Ltd.

Friends of Mount Sinai Hospital organized events to raise money for either The Best Medicine campaign, or a specific program area of excellence.

Third-Party Events

$ 500,000 to

$ 1,000,000

Mount Sinai Hospital and

Canadian Technion Society –

Dr. Allan Gross Tribute


Israel Cancer Research Fund

& Canadian Breast Cancer

Foundation Gala

$ 50,000 to $ 99,999

Unicorn Dream Dinner

$ 25,000 to $ 49,999

APAS Golf Tournament

Bay Street Hockey


The Christine Wood Grant

Fund Dinner

The National Colorectal

Cancer Campaign

$ 10,000 to $ 24,999

I Survived Toronto t-shirt campaign

Hip Hip Hooray

The Snowflake Ball

For more information on our events, please visit www.mtsinai.on.ca

$ 5,000 to $ 9,999

Duroch’s Annual Golf


Franco Furniture Golfing for

Kids Tournament


Maple Downs Charity Pro-

Am Golf Tournament

$ 2,500 to $ 4,999

Rhett Eyers Memorial Golf


Scotiabank – Breast Cancer

Fundraising Initiative

$ 1,000 to $ 2,499

Cornerstone 52 Foundation

Sunset Shuffle 6k

Friends for Life Society

We thank our Friends for Life Society donors who generously give annually to Mount Sinai Hospital. The

Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation is pleased to present the following list of Society members who have given between $500 and $4,999 from April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005.


$ 2,500 – $ 4,999

Atlantic Packaging Products


Barr Associates Design


Bazil Developments Inc.

The Benjamin Foundation

Howard and Carol Bernick

Family Foundation

Borden Ladner Gervais llp

Harvey Borden, c.a.

Maxie Bluestein, The Samuel and Rose Levy Charitable


Ed and Heather Bryant

Canaccord Capital Corp.

Cassels Brock & Blackwell llp

Chris Steer Insurance Brokers



CIBC World Markets

Children’s Miracle


Marvin Cooper

John D. Coyne and Karen


John and Vera Elder

Graham Farquharson


Joe and Budgie Frieberg

Richard Furst

Len Gill

Golden Gate Wire

Goldman Sachs Canada

The Ralph and Roslyn Halbert


George and Linda Heller

Hydin Limited

IBM Employees’ Charitable


Dr. Brian D. Jafine

Harvey Kalles

Lee Li Wholesale Meat Ltd.

Eleanor Leibel

Michael Lipkin

Lana Merhej

Metropolitan Equities Limited

C. John Nott

Betty D. Phillips

Raymond James

RBC Foundation

Rhett Eyers Memorial Golf


The Jack Rose Family


Alan D. Schwarz


Dr. Judith Shamian

Norman Shnier and Roberta


Smart Lazer Grafix

Sun Chemical

D’Arcy and Virginia Sweeney

Terlyn Industries Ltd.

Michael Thomas

Topper Linen Supply Limited

Westwind Partners Inc.


$ 1,000 – $ 2,499 ı 953o9 Ontario Ltd.

Andrew and Michelle Abbott

Lynn Albert

Algood Casters Limited

Clive and BarbaraAllen

Altet Stucco Ltd.

* Member, Best of Friends monthly giving program

Friends for Life Society

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ander

Irene Anderson

Carmen Antonini

The Appleton Charitable


Jose Araujo

Aronovitch MacAulay Rollo llp

Aufgang Holdings Limited

Alberta Ayriss*

The Ralph M. Barford


N. Marina Barnstijn

Peter Baron

Bayview Secondary School

Benign Essential Blepharospasm

Robert and Eleanor Bennett

Roland Bertin

Dr. Irving I. Betcherman

Lenny and Evie Binder

Herbert R. Binder

Biomet Canada

Mr. and Mrs.Ron Blitstein, c.a.

Erika and Ernie Bloch

Ann Boeckh

Gordon J. Bogden

Hilde Breuer

John Breuer

Stanley Brock

Howard and Roz Brodsky

Myer D. Brody and Mimi


David E. Buck

Patricia A. Burke-Smith*

By Design Fine Jewellery Ltd.

The Cadillac Fairview

Corporation Limited

Laura Cameron*


Capstone Inc.

Rita Carret

Challenger Motor Freight

Inc. Employees Charity Trust

J.S. Cheng & Partners Inc.

Chenstochover Aid Society

Helen Choi Chu Chow

The Beverley and Samuel H.

Cohen Family Foundation

Marshall and Judith Cohen

Michael and Naomi Cohen

M. Earlaine Collins

Arthur Cook

Richard and Gail Cooper

Kenneth G. Copland

Cornerstone 52 Foundation

Warner Cowan

Barry and Sandi Cracower

Ilidio and Mercedes Da Silva

Deloitte & Touche llp

Gertrude Diamond

Patricia Digings

Erika Dovey

Miss Edna J. Dow

Dynamic Fund Foundation

Early Morning Productions Inc.

Dr. Seymor Eber

J. E. Eberle

Bernice Eckler

Allen and Ellen Eisen

Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Eisen

The Elegant Garage Sale

EllisDon Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. Igor Ellyn, q.c.

Embanet Corporation

Philip M. Epstein

Wilfred M. Estey

The Les and Minda Feldman

Charitable Foundation

Ralph and Kathleen Fenik

The Morton and Ethel Fields


First Associates Investments Inc.

Debbie Fischer

Jenkin and Edwina Fok

William A. Foote

Franco Furniture Golf

Tournament for Kids

Franco Furniture Refinishing

Sydney G. Frankfort Trust


Theodore J. Freedman

Herbert and Betty Frieberg

Harvey Fruitman

Ehab Gaber

Edgar A. Garber

Garfinkle, Biderman llp

David Gelman

Bernard Glazier

Mr. and Mrs. Robert


Joseph Gorog

Gertrude M. Gotlib

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Graff

Brian Greenspan

Mr. and Mrs. Joel S. Greisman

Hadesh Foundation

Roslyn Halbert

Stephen and Andrea Halperin

Mike Hammer

K. Pruyn Haskins

Hershman and Burger Family

A.S. Hertz Family Foundation

Alison Himel

The B.A. Himel Family


Ronald and Joan Hogwood

Horner Developments Ltd.

Shirley Hoy

Idea Marketing Corp.

Christopher Igglesden*

Imperial Coffee and Services Inc.

John Noble Septic Services Inc.

Johnson-Rose Inc.

Judith Jordan-Austin

The Morris Justein Family

Charitable Foundation

Hillel and Donna Kagan

Kenneth Karp

Mr. and Mrs. William Kassel

Shayam and Anita Kaushal*

Martin Kelman

Norman L. Kert

Kindwin Development


Paula Kirsh

Olga Koel

Golda Koschitzky

Kal Kuronen

The Albert Abrum Lager


Michael Laine

Leslie B. Lander

Minnie Lebovic

Cleona Lee

Lee-Mar Developments Ltd.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Lefton

Robert G. Leong

Leon's Furniture Limited

Donald W. Lewtas and

Barbara Mitton

Jivco Licov

Lions Delivery Service Limited

Vicki Loftus

The Lowidt Foundation

Ben and Jill Lustig

Thomas G. Lutton

Ronald and Diana MacFeeters

Nicol MacNicol

Dr.David and Dr.Edna Magder

Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Maldoff

Manulife Financial

Ronald Masleck

Gordon and Ann McArthur

John McMahon

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meister

Alexander Kotov and Victoria


Moet-Hennesy Brands Select


Craig and Shirley Moyer

David and Kim Murdoch

Gary Nachshen

Denise Nadalini

Glenna P. Nesbitt

Neil and Gladys Neufeld


North America Construction ı 993 ) Ltd.

Novator Systems Ltd.

Ronald, Lilly & Annette

Oelbaum & Family

OPG Employees’ &

Pensioners’ Charity Trust

Bernard K. Ozawa

John Pantarotto

Participation Holdings Ltd.

Partners in Caring

Stan Pasternak

Robert I. Peacock

Rob and Jacqueline Peeren

Elliott Peranson

David and Debbie Perkell

PF & R Holdings Inc.

Beverley J. Pinchin

Professional Association of

Interns and Residents of Ontario

Raduna Contracting &

Excavating Inc.

RBC Dominion Securities Inc.

RBC Foundation

Redbourne Properties Inc.

Richter, Usher & Vineberg

RNE Realty Limited

Clara Roberts

Roche Diagnostics

Harold and Medora Roe

Rogers Group of Companies

Mr. and Mrs. R. Louis Ronson

Carl Rosen

David and Brenda Ross

* Member, Best of Friends monthly giving program

Friends for Life Society

The Royal Canadian Legion

The Samuel J. and Jean Sable

Family Foundation

Mark J. Sarner

Jennie M. Sawula

Katalin Schafer

Schering Canada Inc.

Myra Schiff

E. Traudi Schlehuber

Joe Schlesinger

Charles and Ruth Schwartz

SCL Imaging Group

Robert I. Scolnick

Shadowcorp Investments Ltd.

Gerald Shefsky

Arnold B. Shniffer

Sico Inc.

Sandra L. Simpson*

Hin Leung So

Gary S. Solway

Doris Sommer-Rotenberg

Robert and Marilyn Spindler

Ronald S. Steinberg

Elise S. Stephenie

Gordon and Joyce Strauss*

Joanne Sulman

Sunset Shuffle 6K

D’Arcy and Virginia Sweeney

Houi and Ann Takounseun

The Frances Tanenbaum

Charitable Foundation

Joan Taylor*

The Teakwood Charitable


The Olde Teddy Bear Shoppe

Lioe Thung

TI Group Inc.

Lloyd Title

Stephen Title

Murray Tkatch

Moses & Temara Tobe

Foundation Inc.

Jocelyn Todd

David Toles

Tony Chaar Salon Inc.

Torstar Corporation

S.E. Tower

Tremco Canada Division

Trenton Cold Storage

Tribute Communities

Tros Aluminum Installations


Ida Tugg

Alina Turk

United Parcel Service Canada


Jim Vassos

Brenda Vince

Mr. and Mrs. Milan Voticky

Sydney K. Wahl

Peter Wallace

Susan H. Walsh

Herman Walter

George Wasserstein

John H. Watson

Margaret Wayne*

Sophie Weimert

A. Michael and Virginia


David Wex

Wilkinson & Co.

Winberg Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wise

Mr. and Mrs.Stanley H. Witkin

Jackein Wong

Timothy and Lynda Wood

Minnie Yack

Leon S. Yolles and Dora

Yolles Charitable Foundation

Marcia Zuker and Jeffery Barnes


$ 500 – $ 999 ıı 749 ı 9 Ontario Inc.

Accurate Fasteners Ltd.

Salem Alaton*

Hasan Albulak

Alliance Capital Services Inc.

Altana Pharma Inc.

Arnold Amber

R. David and Ann Anderson

Jake and Vivian Anhang

Edward Anthony*

Ben Applebaum

Philip and Linda Armstrong

B.C. Music and Consulting

Bank of America Canada

Harold Schwegel and

Anne Barszczewski

James and Marcia Bartlet

Robert Bateman

Edwin L. Beallor

Andre Beaulieu

Margaret E. Beck

Paul and Kaye Beeston

John Patrick Bell*

Penelope Bell

Paul Bellack

Bendale Cleaning

John and Sherrill Berrys*

Bessin Family Foundation

Terrence Hugh Big Canoe

Bijoux Village Fine Jewellers

E. M. Blake and Susan


Blizzard Courier Service


Agostinho Bonanca

J. Allan Boyle

Marion Brancaccio

Sidney and Gladye Bregman

Barbara Brett

Brown Entertainment Inc

Dr. James E. Brunton

Buffet Charbonneau

Charles and Elizabeth Bulloch

Cris Bustos

Lilian N. Campo*

Canadian Moulded Products

Michael Carli

Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Carr, b.a.

CDI Computer Dealers Inc.

Susan Centner-Davidson*

Central Glass & Mirror Ltd.

Century Builders Hardware


Kevork Cerrahyan

Herbert Chang

Channeled Resources Inc.

Ruben and Pui Yuk Cheng

Beverley Chernos

Choi Chu Chow*

Dora C. Chow

Dougal Clark

Danier Leather Inc.


Delta Architectural Hardware


Dino Dilio

Joseph R. Dukovac

Margaret Dumberg

Richard Dumberg

Robert and Helga Dunn

Ronald Durand

Durock Alfacing International


J. Mitchell Dykstra

Norman and Ellen Eckler

Bill Elleker

Gordon R. Elliot

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Enkin

Lieselotte A. Eschenauer

Haron Ezer

Farband of Lithuanian Jews

Mustafa Farooqi

Gilles Fecteau

Bernard Feinstein*

David Feldman

Jonathan Fidler

Martha Finkelstein

Morris Flicht

Michael and Sandra Florence

Family Foundation

Lionel Frankel

D. I. Fraser*

Harold and Ethel Freeman

Joseph M. Fried

Tom Friedland

Friends Enterprises

Ian Fyfe


Sean Gilbert*

Jeffrey and Orly Glatt

Sandra Glaze

Stanley Goldfarb

Jacob and Ellena Gornitzki

Helen Gottschling

Estelle Grant

David Green

Michael S. Grobin

Peter Guselle

Elizabeth D. Hamilton

The Honourable Justice

Monte H. Harris

Roger Hatch

Bronislaw W. Hausman

Diana Hausman

Haymishe Homes Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Arden R. Haynes

D. Hazzoh

Leonore V. Hetherington

Janet C. Heywood

Nancy E. Hill

Dr. Carol Hindmarsh

C. Michael Hine

Harvey and Sharon Hirsh

Dr. Helen Ho

* Member, Best of Friends monthly giving program

Friends for Life Society

Timen Ho and Ling-Hing


Zoltan and Andrea Horcsok

Hydro One Employee’s and

Pensioner’s Charity Trust Fund

Anthony and Anne Marie


Incubed Ltd.

J. Indig Family Holdings Inc.

Industrial Commercial

Packaging Limited

P. Isaac

John and Christine Ivany

Thomas Izzard*

Prithvi James

Karl Janzer

Guy V. Jason

Mikhela Jason

Yael S. Jason

Sherril J. Johnson

Dr. Michael Johnston

Judex Inc.

Gerry and Sandra Kaminsky

Sidney and Margaret Keen

Sharon Kelson

Kenair Apartments Limited

Robert Kepes

Joseph Kerzner

Sandra Kesselman-Hardy

Gladys Kingsland

Patti J. Kirk

Jillian Koplowitz

Jean Kramar

P. Jan and Gail Krog

Maurice J. Kulik

Margaret C. Kwan

Sai-Yiu Kwan

Labyrinth Services Inc.

Philip Ladovsky

Douglas Shu-Tak Lam

W.D. Latimer Co. Limited

Grant Laycock and Rita Houle

Stewart Lee

Helen Leon

Les Modes Klaus Steilmann Inc.

Martin Li

B. H. Lloyd

Vince and Yvette Loconte

Nancy Love

David M. Lukianow

MAC Cosmetics

Allan MacKinnon

Cesare F. Mandarino

Mr. and Mrs. George Mann

Jola Marcon

Mark Lash Designs

David and Faye Markowitz

Jeffrey and Janice Maser

Mastermind Educational

Technologies Inc.

Margaret Matyas

Mary M. Maude

Linda M. McCain

Heather McCallum

Jean McClay

Victoria McCowan

Hugh A. McKay

Tom McLeod

McMillan Binch LLP

Froim and Ruth Merkur

Dr. Michael M. Minden

Abby Minuk

Luigi and Elena Miraglia

Jan Mizrahi

Helen Morgan*

Martha Morris

Rabbi John Moscowitz

Miss Catherine Moulton

Edward D. Murray

Andre Nacawa*

Nadbro Construction Limited*

John A. Nairn

John L. Nanos

Richard C. Nathanson

Reta Newman

Carl and Edith Newton

John and Yvonne Nicholls

Angela Orsi

Dr. Howard Ovens

Raha Mohammad Panah

Paul J. Pape

Paradigm Information

Technologies Inc.

Ilse Pawlik

Rhoda E. Payne

PCL Constructors Canada Inc.

Robert Penteliuk and

Michelle Burjaw*

Mr. and Mrs. Murray Perelman

Brenda Petryna

Barry and Barbara Pickford

Guy Polley

Martine Positano

Prestige Exteriors Inc.

Progress Doors Limited

Lino and Edith Quattrin

Quebecor World Inc.

Anton and Ilana Rabie

Marc Ralsky*

Raoul Wallenberg – Yorkdale

Circle Lodge B’nai Brith 2485

George Ratner

Frank Rea

Rice Brydone Limited

Douglas L. Ludwig and

Karen J. Rice*

Rhonda Richer

Catherine Rimler

Anne G. Ritchie

Cedric E. Ritchie

Maryhelen Robertson

Shirley Robson

Rock A Bye Baby

Ron Pollock Imports Ltd.

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rosenthal

Debbie Ross

Grace C. Ross

Ruth Ross

Aser Rothstein

Leon Rumm

Yuji Sakuma

Kevin and Wendy Samson*

Maureen Sandler

Annalee Sawiak

Joseph and Esterina Schmitt

David M. Schwartz

Sears Employees Charitable


Peter Seto

Nihar B. Shah*

Shared Healthcare Supply

Services Ltd.

Jerry and Barbara Shefsky

Dr. Isaac H. Shleser

Evsei Shnaider*

Shrink Packaging Systems Ltd.

Dr. Bernard Silverman

Randi R. Silverstein

Betty A. Skolnik

Joel E. Slan

Edward and Barbara Smith

Michael R. Smith

Michael Snell

Stanley Sobek

Joan Solway

Roy S. Speares

Margaret Spohn

State of Israel Bonds Canada

Edda Sterner

Frederick and Anne Stinson*

George and Marilyn Stone

Sadie Stren

Anne A. Sudic

Aubrey A. Sugar

Sunview Doors Limited

Geza Szamosi

Marion Tanaka

Miss Ana Paula Tavares*

Telco Community Volunteers –

Toronto Retirees Club

Kevin and Heather Thistle

Kent S. Thomas

Jill Thompson

Ruth Thompson

Harry Todd Construction


Geza Tormasi

Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club

Donald L. Triggs

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tseng*

Tyco Electronics Canada Ltd.

U.B.R.F.I.S.T. International

Union Health &Welfare Fund

Irving Ungerman Ltd.


Algis J. Vaisnoras

Dr. and Mrs.J.David Van Loon

Grace M. Vidal-Ribas

Robert A. Wake

Lance Ward

Jacob Weber

Paul and Susan Weinberg

Glen W. Wenzel

Henry J. Wolfond

Mabel Woo

Dr. Donald B. Woods*

Irving and Sylvia Wortsman

Bernard Young

John Young*

Leo Zaidman*

Dr. Barry and Sharon


Anonymous: 13

* Member, Best of Friends monthly giving program

Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation of Toronto

Summarized Balance Sheet

As at March 31, 2005

ASSETS (in thousands of dollars)


Accounts receivable and prepaid expenses

Investments – at cost

Capital assets – net

Total Assets


$ 2,274




$ 52,767


Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

Funds held under administration

Fund balances

Total liabilities and fund balances

$ 16,405




$ 52,767


$ 1,718




$ 49,194

$ 13,835




$ 49,194

Auditors’ Report on Summarized Financial Statements

To the Directors of Mount Sinai Hospital

Foundation of Toronto

The accompanying summarized balance sheet and summarized statement of revenue and expenses and changes in fund balances are derived from the complete financial statements of Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation of

Toronto as at March 3 ı , 2oo5 and for the year then ended on which we expressed an opinion without reservation in our report dated April

29, 2oo5 . The fair summarization of the complete financial statements is the responsibility of management. Our responsibility, in accordance with the applicable Assurance Guidelines of

The Canadian Institute of Chartered

Accountants, is to report on the summarized financial statements.

In our opinion, the accompanying summarized financial statements fairly summarize, in all material respects, the related complete financial statements in accordance with the criteria described in the Guideline referred to above.

These summarized financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.

Readers are cautioned that these statements may not be appropriate for their purposes.

For more information on the Foundation's financial position, revenue and expenses and fund balances, reference should be made to the related complete financial statements.

Chartered Accountants

Toronto, Ontario

April 29, 2oo5

Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation of Toronto

Summarized Statement of Revenue and Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances

Year Ended March 31, 2005

REVENUE (in thousands of dollars)

Donations, bequests and contributions

Events – net

Investment income

Total Revenue


$ 21,179



$ 25,271


$ 19,331



$ 23,406












Fundraising and administrative

Grants to Mount Sinai Hospital

Excess of revenue over expenses and grants for the year

Fund balance – beginning of year

Fund balance – end of year

$ 4,021





$ 35,407

$ 3,707





$ 33,727








Donations, bequests, and contributions 84%

Events – net

Investment income




Grants for patient care, research

Construction and equipment

Clinical research and programs

Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute

Other programs

Fundraising and administrative



Notes to Summarized Financial Statements

The Foundation is incorporated under the laws of Ontario as a corporation without share capital. The Foundation receives, accumulates and distributes funds and/or the income therefrom for the advancement of medical research, education and improvement of patient care at Mount

Sinai Hospital (the “Hospital”).

The summarized financial statements of Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation of

Toronto (the “Foundation”) are reported using the restricted fund method of accounting for contributions. The

Foundation ensures, as part of its fiduciary responsibilities, that all funds received with a restricted purpose are expended for the purpose for which they are provided.

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities include amounts payable to the Hospital of $15,851,339 (2004 – $13,609,962).

The Foundation is a charitable organization registered under the Income Tax

Act (Canada) and, as such, is exempt from income taxes and able to issue donation receipts for income tax purposes under

Registration Number 11904 8106 RR0001.

During the year, the Foundation submitted a request for re-designation from a charitable organization to a public foundation. Canada Revenue Agency approved the re-designation effective

April 1, 2005.

Investments, including investments denominated in U.S. dollars, are recorded at historical cost and are written down to market value when there is evidence of a decline in value that is other than temporary. The market value of the investments at March 31, 2005 is $52,845,959 (2004 –


Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation of Toronto Board of Directors

As at March 31, 2005

Chair of the Board

Michael Bregman

Vice Chairs

Geoffrey Bledin

Lawrence S. Bloomberg

Robert A. Rubinoff

Howard Sokolowski

Richard E. Venn


Ken Tanenbaum


Stephen H. Diamond


Carol Wilding

Immediate Past


Lloyd S.D. Fogler qc


Suzanne Ivey Cook

David Cynamon

Frank B. Gerstein

Ira Gluskin

Gary Goldberg

Maxwell Gotlieb

Alan Greenberg

Debbie Kimel

Thomas Koffler

Joseph Lebovic

Fred A. Litwin

Michael J.R. Nisker

Neil Nisker

Lesley Binstock Offman

Ron Prosserman

Joel Reitman

Honey Sherman

Mark Waldman

Larry Wasser

Judy Wells

Jonathan Wolfe

Honorary Officers

Irving R. Gerstein cm

Hy Isenbaum fca

Murray B. Koffler oc

Joseph Lebovic

Kenneth Rotenberg

Gerald J. Shear

Dr. Louis Siminovitch oc

Morton M. Smith qc

Ex-Officio Directors

Heather Gotlieb

Thomas E. Kierans oc

Dr. Stephen Lye

Joseph Mapa

Jordan Sarick

Lawrence M. Tanenbaum

Design: Russell Bra nding Copywriting: Ramsay Writes Cover photography: Russell Monk Portrait photography: Sid Tabak

Typography: Dennis Mason Printing: The Print Resource

Mount Sinai Hospital is dedicated to discovering and delivering the best patient care with the heart and values true to our heritage.

Dr. Tony Pawson, award-winning scientist and director of Mount Sinai’s extraordinary centre for scientific discovery, the Samuel Lunenfeld

Research Institute, at home in his lab.

600 University Avenue

Toronto, Ontario, Canada m 5 g 1 x 5

Tel: 416.586.8203 Fax: 416.586.8639 www.mtsinai.on.ca
