111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '181S-R/920­ C-08-A-403 1815 BOARD DIPLOMA EXAMINATION, (C-08) APRIL I MAY - 2010 D.A.E. - IV SEMESTER EXAMINATION AUTOMOBILE CHASSIS & BODY ENGINEERING Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 80 PART - A Instructions : (1) (2) 10 x 3 = 30 Answer all questions and each question carries three marks. . Answers should be brief and straight to the point and shall not exceed five simple sentences. 1 Define the terms reversible and irreversible steering. 2 What is the braking efficiency? 3 State any four requirements of automobile brakes. 4 What are the various types of leaf springs? 5 What are the various resistances to motion of a vehicle and its effects on it? 6 What are the types of sections used to make the frame? 7 Enumerate different types frames. 8 Name the various types of doors used in an automobile. 9 What is the necessity of painting a body? 10 State any three advantages if independent suspension system. 1815-R] 1 [Contd... C-OB-A-403 PART - B 5 x 10 = 50 Instructions: (1) Answer any five questions and each question carries ten marhs. (2) The answers should be comprehensive and the criteria for valuation is the content but not the length of the answer. 11 List diffel'ent types of steering gears. Explain the construction and working of a worm and sector steering gear with a neat sketch. 12 (a) (b) 13 (a) (b) Draw a layout of an axle beam steering system and describe the same. Draw the layout of hydraulic brake system and name the parts. What are the types of brakes commonly used in : (i) Trucks (ii) Cars (iii) Scooters Explain the construction and working of a wheel cylinder in a hydraulic brake system. 14 What are the different types of front independent suspensions? Describe wish bone type independent front end suspension. 15 Explain the constructional ft~atures of conventional frame with neat sketches. 16 (a) Write briefly about (i) l'oof of the cal' and (ii) boot of the car. (b) Find the power of a car weighing 11281.5N including 4 passengers, luggage, fuel, lubricating oil and cooling water engine running in top gear at 5000 r.p.m. size of wheel tyre is 0.508m. Crown wheel to pnion ratio = 4.3. Frontal area of body = 2.2 m 2. Take coefficient of rolling friction and air resistance as 0.012 and 0.0007 respectively. 17 Explain the construction of Door with a neat sketch. 18 (a) List various requirements of an automobile body. (b) Explain the compressor clut.ch used in ait-conditioning system. 1815-R] 2 [ 920 ] 1I111 ~IIIIII 111111111 11111111 I IIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII '1816 R/920* C-08-A-404 1816 BOARD DIPLOMA EXAMINATION, (C-08) APRIL I MAY - 2010 D.A.E. - IV SEMESTER EXAMINATION AUTOMOBILE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 80 PART - A 3x 10 =30 1 State and explain Ohm's law. 2 State Faraday's laws and electromagnetic induction. 3 Briefly explain the p type, N type materials formation. 4 List out the active parts of a lead acid cell. 5 Draw the ciruit diagram of a coil ignition system. 6 Explain the need of the voltage and current regulator in charging dynamo. 7 State the functions need of self starter motor. 8 Draw the neat sketch of sealed beam head light and identify its parts. 9 Differentiate between earth return and insulated returned wiring system. 10 What is the purpose of anti-lock braking system? I8I6-R] I [Contd... C-08-A-404 PART - B 5 x 10 = 50 Instruction : Answer_any five questions and all questions carry equal marks. 11 (a) State and explain Kirchoff's laws. (b) Calculate the effective resistance of the below given circuit and also find voltage across 18 n resistance with the applied voltage of 60 V. , (8n­ 3..0.. ~------~6OVo,------------ 12 (a) (b) 13 Explain the operation of a P-N junction diode through its charactelistics. Compare P type and N type semiconductors in six aspects. (a) Explain the chemical reactions during the charging and discharging of a battery. (b) What are the various charging methods of a lead acid c~ll and explam briefly about constant current method of charging with neat circuit diagram. 14 Explain the transistorized ignition system with a neat sketch. 15 Explain the working principle of a cut out relay with a neat sketch. 1816-R] 2 [Contd... C-08-A-404 16 (a) List out the conditions to be fulfilled by a self starter to start an engine. (b) Briefly explain the operation of a solenoid switch. 17 (a) Explain the operation of a trafficator with a neat circuit diagram. (b) Explain the operation of fuel gauge with a neat circuit diagram. 18 Explain the construction and working of a Air bag with a neat sketch. ISI6-R] 3 [ 920 ] 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 *1817-R!92D* C-08-A-405 BOARD DIPLOMA EXAMINATION, (C-08) APRIL / MAY - 2010 D.A.E. - IV SEMESTER EXAMINATION AUTOMOBILE SERVICING & MAINTENANCE [Total Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours] PART - A Instructions : (1) (2) 10 X 3 Answer all questions. Each question carries three marks. Answers should be brief and straight to the point and shall not exceed five simple sentences. 1 Explain about specialist repair shop. 2 Write down the uses of air compressor. 3 Explain method of lubrication of springs. 4 What is a necessity of servicing? 5 Explain daily maintenance schedule of two-wheelers. 6 What is a necessity of over hauling? 7 Describe the causes and remedies of over heating of engine. 8 What is meant by degreasing? 9 Explain decarbonizing procedure. 10 Explain calibration of fuel injection pump. 1817-R] =30 1 [Contd... C-08-A-40S PART - B 5 x 10 = 50 Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions and each question carries ten marks. (2) The answers should be comprehensive and the criteria for valuation is the content but not the length of the answer. 11 (a) (b) What are the factors to be considered a site for while locating service station? List out different types of equipment used in service station. 12 Explain vehicle hoist with neat sketch. 13 Explain different types of maintenance. 14 Write down the periodic checkups of motor cycle. 15 Describe trouble shooting of single plate clutch. 16 (a) (b) Describe the causes of gear box noisy in gear and gear slipping. Explain cylinder honing procedure with neat sketch. 17 Explain crank shaft grinding procedure with neat sketch. 18 Explain any two tests conducted on fuel injector with the help of neat sketch. 1817-R] 2 [ 920 ] 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111 '1813-R!920* C-08-A-401 1813 BOARD DIPLOMA EXAMINATION, (C-08) APRIL I MAY - 2010 D.A.E. - IV SEMESTER EXAMINATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & C LANGUAGE Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 80 PART - A 10 x 3 =30 Instructions : (1) Answer all questions and each question carries three marhs. (2) Answers should be brief and straight to the point and shall not exceed five simple sentences. 1 List any three features of MS-Word. 2 List any three types of charts in MS-Excel. 3 Give the character set of C. 4 Explain printf and scanf statements. 5 Explain the difference between 'break' and 'continue' statements. 6 Write a C program to print the output: * * * * * * 7 Define I-dimensional and 2-dimensional arrays. 8 Difference between structure and union. 9 List advantages of pointers. 10 Define a function and list any two advantages of functions. 1813-R] 1 [Contd... C-08-A-401 PART - B Instructions : (1) 5 x 10 = 50 Answer any five questions and each question carries ten marks. (2) The answers should be comprehensive and the criteria for valuation is the content but rwt the length of the answer. 11 (a) (b) 12 (a) (b) 13 (a) (b) Write the procedure to use spell-check feature in MS Word. Explain briefly about different ways to view a presentation. 5 Explain how to create, open, save a work sheet in MS-Excel. Explain briefly data types in MS-Access. 5 Explain different arithmetic operators with their precedence. Give the structure of 'C' program. 5 14 Explain 'switch' statement with syntax, flow chart and give the example. 15 (a) (b) Write a 'c' program to find whether the given year is a leap year or not. Write a 'C' program to arrange the numbers in ascending order using array. 16 Write a 'C' program to add two matrices. 17 (a) (b) 18 (a) (b) 1813-R] 5 5 5 10 5 10 Explain about different string handling function. Explain recursion concept with example. 5 5 Explain different storage classes in 'C'. Define a structure and give example of a s'tructure variable. 5 5 2 [ 920 ] 1111111111111111111111 111111111111111 11 1111111111111 11111111 ,.. P l . ~ C-08-A-402 1814 BOARD DIPLOMA EXAMINi\TION. (C-08) APRIL I MAY - 2010 D.A.E. - IV SEMESTER EXAMINATION STRENGTH OF MATERIALS & FLUID MECHANICS Tim' : :1 llour. I (Total P RT - A Instructions l\' ]ark~ : ~o 10 x 3 = 30 (1) Ansli:er all qUP.~fl:OIl and each (Jllestioll carries t/u'ee n/a d,s. (2) A.llsu:el's S/Wllili be brief anrl stmighl to fli p pOIIl' and iih(J1/ not xcecd lhw. simple selll 1/ces. L (a) St.ate Hook 's Law. (h) SLate Poi'sion's ratio. 2. ~tatp Parallel axi. th or m . :1, Find the M.l of R "ctallgle GOmm wide and 120mm rlep.p about its cpntroirlal a. 'i· and al ' 0 find the l'adiu ' of gyl'Hlion. 11. Define shear force and bending moment. !1. Define strain and write defel'ent type._ of strain , G. "Vhat 7. Define' the terms At mosphel' \b~olute pre::;sW'f!. 18 1 1-R] .. i~ fluid? And giv . ample!=' , 1 1 11' ::lsure, gauge prp '~ure ailli lContd... C-08-A-402 8. List any three types ad Quid Oo\\'s. 9. CbSSlfy the hydJ.'uulic pumps. 10 . What is nn Actuator? \Vhat are the types of Acluator~ ? PART - B In struc ti ons 5 x 10 = 5 0 er ([IIY { h Ie questions find co,.,.it!s ten morhs. ~adl. question (1) AllSII (,2) Ihe ( msU'el'S ~hould be compI'ehensi pe a1/d the criteria for I'rrluation is the COlIllJlll bllt nut the length of the answer. . 11. A ~tp(>ll'od of 25mm diameter and 6000mm length is subjected to an axial pull of 40 EN find (n) The intC'l1sity of stress (h) Sh'ain (c) Elongation of rod Take :E =2 x 10 N/IllUl 2 12 . Following l'e. ulls Clre obtained [l'om a tenslie :"pecnnen. stre~s on an M .S DiametPl' 0 SpeClI1Wll : ·lOmm Gauge It'ngth : 200mm K · tell~lOn Fli a load of 42 .:) K .N 333 x lO '! mm Load at yield point : ]62 . 1 kN l\1aximulll load: 252 kN Leangth of ~peCillH-'n at h'ar.tutl:' 250mm Diameter at ul'3ck : :35.5mm 181 J-RJ rContd ... Ca/clI/ole : (a) Young's modulus (b) Stress al Vielel point (e) Ulluuate stress (d) Percpnl age elongaLioe (p) 1:3. Percen tage reauction in area Find t.he lVLI. of L section as shown helow about centI'oidal a.·is XX. T 1 L A simply supported beam Gm lung L' carrying l-I uniformly tlisll'.ibuted load of 2 N/l\l OVP1' a length of 8m from the light end. Draw t 11<' SF and BM lliagram~ [or th bl'am and abo calculate maximum B:\l on t he ~er.tioll . Lt> . Pipp A carr1ps a Icquid of specific 6'Tm--ity 1.G. Pipe B carrip~ a 1iquid of' sI>pcific gravity 0 .8:> . Pille B is at a level of GOmm lowpl' than pipe A. The two pi~c..;: c11'(, conncct"leI to the two ends of a manolllPtpl' con1aining TIl Pl'Cl.tl'Y . Finel the pressure differentp betwpcn two pipes if difference of mercul'y Ie Tel is 120mlll and the 1'ai:;p<l mcrcury.levp] on tbE' ~ide of pipe A [all~ 80mm below the C0.lll1'(' of pipp. A. l~l -J-.nJ 3 [Contd ... .' C~08~A~402 Hi . \Vatel' flows through a pipe 200mm in diametpr 80mm long \vilh a Vf~loeily of 3m/s. I'lid the loss of head due to fiction u~ing (,hezy ' ~ formula . As~ume chezv's constant C::::55. 17. Explain constpllctlon and working princiale of vane pump with a Uf'at ~ketb . 18 . (a) List out the basic e]emelltfi of pneumatic: power circuit. (b) Explain con truction and wOl'kingprincipic oflIythauJic ram with a n(~ at sketch. 1811-RJ 4 [ 720 1