Daniel Maloney Deputy CSO Verizon STRATEGY AND ROADMAP / INSIDER THREATS Dan Maloney, Deputy CSO, Executive Director, Insider Threat Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized company personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. Insider Threat in the News “Edward Snowden Used Inexpensive „Web Crawler‟ to Hack NSA Networks” – HGN News… “Home Depot hackers used vendor log-on to steal data, emails” – USA Today… “Target Earnings Slide 46% After Data Breach” – Wall Street Journal “AT&T Admits Insider Illegally Accessed Customer Data” – securityweek.com… “F.B.I. Failed to Act on Spy, [Robert Hannsen] Despite Signals, Report Says” – NY Times… “Encryption Faulted in TJ MAXX Hacking” – Washington Post… “Fallout from Sony hack may alter how Hollywood conducts business” LA Times… These issues were end results of existing weaknesses. Proprietary and Confidential – Not for Disclosure Outside of company 3 Insider Threat, Supply Supply Chain Study Chain Findings Foreign company ownership Offshoring provisioning non-compliance Subcontracted without approval Expired contracts Fraudulent transactions Don’t rely on a contract for compliance Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized company personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 4 Insider Threat. Vulnerability Study • On 6/4/2015 – A Verizon senior leader received a text message on his personal (unpublished) cell phone – Anonymous researcher claims to have found an exploit that exposed customer information – Claimed he “didn‟t know who to call so…” – Offered to “show us how it was done” • Researcher wouldn‟t reveal his identity • Wanted money for his information – Stated that if we didn‟t have a bug bounty program he wasn‟t interested and would move on Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 5 Insider Threat, Social Engineering Attacker Calls from 5/15 to 10/16 _____________________________________________ Attacker came after Verizon from May thru October 2015. Most active period of attacks was August thru Oct. During Victim at the two of this period, the attacker was primarily focused on 1, though would pivot to the other names on the list same time. During one period, we had a compromise on the VIP accounts on the same day. Including this issue, this is the 4th significant incident with VendorX in the 18 months, of which two have been in Philippines Concerns: 1. Had the attacker stayed low and slow and out of the public eye, he could have used Victim1 account at his discretion for unknown period of time. 2. Prevention tools are necessary, though must be combined with continuous monitoring for VIP and designated accounts. Any offshore agent who is savvy enough to recall customer VIP account password could access even after they leave Verizon. (Recall AT&T, April 2015) Bad Actor Calls Rollup Critical Path: 13 calls from 5/15 to 10/12 Recommendations/Options: There are 4 confirmed instances where information was given. 1. Having high value info, in least protected environments remains concern. Tools will assist, though human factor remains. Thus: 2. RBAC VIPs in US (Segregated WS). Use Higher paid, higher qual agent. Higher retention. 3. Tools will provide “Prevention” though once “inside” we pivot to “detection”. Options such as 100% Smart Auditor/Continuous Monitoring and onsite Security as we now utilize in certain VES and CMS and Wireless locations. Video reviewed daily for anomaly and out of bounds behavior. 4. Immediate response in event of breach is provided. • • • • Vendor/Employer breakout Vendor • 1 call/1 failure Vendor • 1 calls/1 failures AOL Breach Vendor • 2 calls/1 failure Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. • • • • Vendor • 1 call/1 failure VZ Breach Vendor • 1 call/ 0 failures Vendor • 1 call/0 failures Verizon • 6 calls/0 failures 6 Protecting Our House Historical Approach Changing Landscape Insider Threat is a reality in Public and Private Sectors Softening Perimeter - Demand for remote access Focus on governance from contract through end of life. Expanded Geographic Presence Bring Your Own Device / Mobile Computing Loss of Intellectual Property Evolving Security “Lock the doors and windows” Understand what “good” looks like and look for meaningful differences Environment analysis and base lining Anomaly detection and response Big data analytics Intelligence fusion Comprehensive Security, Monitoring, Logging and Digital Analytics Proprietary and Confidential – Not for Disclosure Outside of company 7 Timeline Prior to 2006, the security of data assets was To address growing concerns, Security treated as to anprovide ‘add-on’enhanced after the support businesstowas expanded already in operation. the business. Security instituted additional internal legal, monitoring, and assurance It was primarily focused on preventing services which could address insider threats external attacks through traditional site from vendors, contractors and employees. monitoring (cameras and badges). The focus of security was primarily on the physical perimeter. Data was protected by weak controls and was not treated as a valued asset. Auditing of the environment was random and typically in response to an issue that had already occurred. Security assurance was unsustainable & unpredictable. Global clearance council increases focus on offshore data control and access. GSOC institutes monitoring services capable of detecting malicious activity internationally. V&V begins regular reviews of control effectiveness globally to provide dedicated and adhoc support to the business Proprietary and Confidential – Not for Disclosure Outside of company 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 8 Converged Solution Security Corporate Security consists of 6 major functional departments: Legal Compliance; Domestic Investigations; Wireless Security; Domestic Physical Security, Travel Security and Cyber Security Cyber Security consists of 6 major functional units under Corporate Security: Business Risk Team, ISG, GSOC, V&V, Fraud and Forensics, and Security Technical Support These combined elements form a converged solution set, which provides a multi-layered, worldwide, global security support capability to company End to End Business Coverage Contract Security Operational Incident Implementation Pre-Security Development Engagement Response Launch Center/Operation launches and security hasuses Traditionally, Legal Contract Business Vendors When department’s a security are work caseselected security development plan, incident Global which from teams isincludes Clearance an detected includes are approved notsecurity involved funding by team the list ora/in day-one controls-based baseline off of which Security requirements, the cost submitted V&V vendor planning team Risk to or sourcing Profile the iffor isthe implemented security Business project in process. partnership requirements Risk reports Aby Team project the awith concern, (BRT) Project may Security for measurements, auditing, and reporting will be teams team. move evaluation. the Investigation through to Security establish BRT its controls searches team lifecycle project provides are and specific for built recent only an into conditions appropriate engage or the pending performed collaboratively by“red-lines” security teams. and infrastructure security litigation, response applicable when and relationships is as an controls able the incident operation to with leverage andoccurs. foreign iscompliance turned However, entities, up. the contracts damage and several reports to toto address the other ensure company components root security causes. is already standards to determine done. are the present. risk posed to Verizon by using that vendor. RFP Vendor Contract Implementatio n Selection VZ VZ VZ VZ Operational Launch VZ Proprietary and Confidential – Not for Disclosure Outside of company Incident Response VZ 10 Architecture of the Insider Threat Program Audit AP Active Sync IM GOOD USB DLP VPN HR/EEO Email Proxy CITRIX Partnerships Domestic 3rd Party Team Domestic/International Corporate Policies Baselines Environmental Legal Best Practice Proprietary and Confidential – Not for Disclosure Outside of company Government 11 Cyber capability evolution…Silo to Integrated Analytics categorizes Secured Digital issues by type and Evidence Collection & severity in order to Analysis analyze trends in controlInvestigation Support Forensics/ FORENSICS vulnerabilities based on 2nd Level Forensics geography and / 2nd Level ownership. Investigate FraudV&V verifies that the controls defined by a Allegations project‟s governance Technical Resource for exist in the Legal, HR, Privacy, FRAUD implementation space, etc. Fraud Fraud and validates that those controls are working effectively to prevent the egress of sensitive V&V information Corporate The results of analysis Analytics V&V Analytics Security often allow us to take corrective measures STS GSOC V&V is able to influence before a problem occurs. mitigation strategies by This has led to an STS GSOC working with project overall decrease in the owners to find solutions number of exposure Secure Data Storage Enterprise Network which will meet their opportunities as well as Sensitive Application Content Inspection The capabilities of the Insider Threat Program are being deployed in operational goals and stronger compliance with Development Cyber Event Analysis the known high risk vendors and locations.High Risk User enable the business toGSOC company standards. Maintenance and STS function more securely. Support of Critical Monitoring The Program Systems is not everywhere, and does not cover all locations, or high risk vendors or environments. Proprietary and Confidential – Not for Disclosure Outside of company 12 Identifying the Threat Event log: Active Directory 2014-03-10:22:01:02 Host Name: dummyhost Assigned IP: User: V123XXX Event Type: Type: Event Windows Successful Successful Windows Logon: V123XXX Logon Host: dummyhost MY\Domain Event log: Symantec 2014-03-10:22:04:22 Host Name: dummyhost User: V123XXX Filename: company_Secret Sauce Process Name C:/Windows company_Secret Log files written to SauceUSB written to USB drive drive Event log: PROXY 2014-03-10:22:06:15 Source IP: User: V4123XXX URL: http://dropbox.com ACTION: UPLOAD Category: Online Storage Event log: Content Inspection 2014-03-10:22:06:16 Source IP: URL: http://dropbox.com/ Filename: company_Secret Sauce File CONTENT: CONFIDENTIAL Category Policy: Confidential Correlated data creates the bigger picture: Correlated data 2014-03-10:22:06:20 User: V4123XXX Host Name: dummyhost URL: http://dropbox.com/ ACTION: UPLOAD Filename: company_Secret Sauce File CONTENT: company CONFIDENTIAL “The whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts.” Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized company personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 13 V&V: Extending the Security Ecosystem V&V MISSION V&V verifies that the controls defined by a project‟s governance exist in the implementation space, and validates that those controls are working effectively to prevent the egress of sensitive information or the intrusion of unauthorized persons into the network. V&V‟s directive extends that of the typical audit function to implement appropriate mitigation responses that will support the mission of the business. V&V deploys embedded regional IST program managers and operational personnel in a “tactical spread” fashion in order to have proximity and capability in areas with high volume of VZ business activities. Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized company personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 14 Primary Responsibilities & Capabilities Proprietary and Confidential – Not for Disclosure Outside of company 15 Performance Indicators • Significant year to year increase in global security reviews • Overall reduction in all categories of findings • Reduction in severe findings globally • Higher rate of sustainable compliance • Significant reduction in mean time to repair (MTTR) • Predictable Security Posture when adopting appropriate and measurable controls Building a more security conscious culture Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized company personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 16 Improvement – 2012-2014 When Corpsec engages with a Tier 1 model of support, there is substantive and sustainable cyber and physical “controls” improvement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reviews increase due to targeted usage. Includes all aspects of security which could impact business globally Findings have mandatory response requirements based on severity Findings initially spike, then level off over time Both MTTR and OTR (On time Resolution) improve due to process adoption over time Importantly, findings “Severity” decreases categorically and in volume, as business becomes accustomed to security “norms” Proprietary and Confidential – Not for Disclosure Outside of company 17 Insider Risk Reporting New vendor engagement Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized company personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 18 Program Evolution The Corporate Security Insider Threat Program (ITP) began in its current form in 2010 with the addition of the V&V program. The program shifted from silos to an integrated framework based on the 13 traditional U.S.CERT elements of a formal ITP. Sub-Category VZ Corporate Security (1) Initial Planning (2) Identify Stakeholders x x (3) Achieve & Sustain Leadership Buy-in (4) Risk Management Process (5) Detailed Project Planning (6) Governance Structure, Policies & Procedures (7) (8) (9) Communication, Establish Data & Tool Training & Detection Requirements Awareness Indicators x (10) Data Fusion (11) Analysis & Incident Management x x (12) (13) Management Feedback & Reporting Lessons Learned x x When the ITP is engaged, especially in environments that have not gone through the traditional clearance process, we see immediate evidence of non-compliance in all categories. As the ITP is embedded with the business and matures, we see sustainable categorical improvements, severity of issues decrease or level off and business response to issues improves: • Global finding to review ratio decreased 30%. On-time resolution of findings increased by 32% • Occurrence of severe issues reduced from common to rare • Mean time to resolve issues dropped below target from a peak average of 70 days to an average of 2.3 days. Occurrence of top four categorical finding types continues to decline Proprietary and Confidential – Not for Disclosure Outside of company 19 Missteps which lead to Insider Threat • Assuming that Serious Insider Problems are in someone else‟s organization • Disproportionate reliance on background checks, policy or contracts, assuming these will care for potential concerns. • Assuming that indicators will be interpreted properly…or assuming that all environments have indicators to interpret. • Relying solely on periodic quality checks, or assuming that Cyber Security Rules are followed because of vendor agreements. • Assuming employees or vendors are aware and savvy around security controls • Assuming that only intentional actions will cause damage • Relying on a heavy, reactive response capability in lieu of an integrated, preventative programmatic approach. • Not knowing the security posture of day to day activities in international vendor environments Proprietary and Confidential – Not for Disclosure Outside of company 20 WRAP-UP PTEXXXXX XX/14 Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized company personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement.