zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 z Port of Southampton Port Users Information And Navigation Guidelines Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 1 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Amendments Introduction Communications VTS Centre Actions Required by Shipowners, Shipping Agents and Berth Operators Liaison Between Owner/Agent and Master of Vessels Shipping Movements in The Port of Southampton Navigation Guidelines In The Port of Southampton Guideline No. 1 – Clear Channel Vessel and Precautionary Area Guideline No. 2 – The movement of inward bound large vessels Guideline No. 3 – Co-ordination of movements of vessels >180m arriving at Hook Buoy and movement of vessels leaving Southampton Docks Guideline No. 4 – Passing points for vessels >180m in Southampton Water Guideline No. 5 – Berthing and manoeuvring limitations in adverse weather(Including Dock Tugs Details) Guideline No. 6 – Fog Guidelines Towage/Berth Guidelines Applicable to Berths 20 - SCT1 Ocean Dock Fawley Berth Manoeuvring Criteria The Jetties Navigation Lights’ Location and Characteristics Minimum Towage Criteria for Fawley Marine Terminal Fawley Station Tugs/Launches and Mooring Criteria Towage Guidelines for BP Hamble (BPJ) Guidelines for Pilotage and Escort Towage for BP Inbound/Outbound Vessels Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 16 18 20 22 23 29 37 37 38 41 49 52 53 58 63 64 Page 2 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 a 8.4 b 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 11. 12. 13. Guidelines for Towage and Limitations of Nominated Berths and Mooring on the Rivers Test, Itchen and Southampton Water Notes to Guidelines River Test River Itchen Notes to Guidelines No. 7 George V Dry Dock Solent Refit Site 68 Fawley Power Station 76 Overhead Bridge Clearances/ Container Crane Dimensions ABP Principal Berths: Suggested UKC Small Ships Anchorages Southampton Water Hamble Cliff Mooring (WGS84 Position 50º51.50’ N 001º21.50 W) Protocol for the use of anchorages in the Solent Emergency Plans/Procedures SOLFIRE Port of Southampton Oil Spill Contingency Plan Port of Southampton Emergency Plan The Port of Southampton Off-site Reactor Emergency Plan Pilotage Arrangements Pilotage Directions for the ABP Port of Southampton Port of Southampton (CHA) Compulsory Pilotage Area Pilotage Charges Ships Requiring Pilots Boarding Points 77 80 83 84 85 89 89 90 91 92 95 95 96 97 97 98 100 Southampton Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Vessel Movement Reporting Procedure Advanced Notice of Entry of Dangerous Substances into the Port of Southampton 13.1 Notice of Entry of Dangerous Substances arriving by sea for discharge or in transit 13.2 Notice of Entry of Dangerous Substances from an Inland source entering the Harbour Area Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines 68 69 71 71 75 76 102 103 104 105 Page 3 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 13.3 Conditions of Entry for Petroleum Ships to any berth owned by ABP for repairs 14. International Ship and Port Security Code (ISPS) 15. ABP Southampton Port Procedure For Aborting Passenger Embarkation/Disembarkation Whilst Cat 4 (or larger) Container Vessels Are Passing Berths 104 To 106 16. ABP Southampton Linkspans Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines 107 108 109 112 Page 4 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Amendment No. Date New Issue 25 March 13 Amendment to Pages 24,46,56 02 April 13 Amendment to Pages 13,23,78 Amendment to Pages 66,67,69,72,78,79,110 Amendment to Pages 14,78 23 April 13 Amendment to Pages 35,37,38,80 New Issue 24 January 14 New Issue 20 March 15 New Issue 01 July 15 Amendment to Pages 4,5,75,109,110,111 13 November 15 Amended By Signature 12 July 13 17 December 13 29 May 14 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 5 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 1. Introduction The following Guidelines have been established and agreed between the Harbour Master Southampton, CHA Pilots and members of Southampton Port Marine Users Group (SPMUG).These Guidelines supersede the Guidelines updated October 2007. The information contained in this booklet is intended to bring to your attention the requirements necessary for the Harbour Master to safely regulate traffic movements in The Solent, Southampton Water and Rivers Itchen and Test by commercial vessels, and to comply with local rules and national legislation. Section 52 of the Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847 is incorporated within the British Transport Docks Act 1969 which sets out the powers of a Harbour Master who may give direction for the following purposes. a) For regulating the time at which and the manner in which any vessel shall enter into, go out of, or lie in or at the Harbour Dock or Pier, and within the prescribed limits, if any, and its position, mooring or unmooring, placing and removing whilst therein. b) For removing unserviceable vessels or other obstructions from the Harbour, Dock, pier and keeping the same clear. The 2003 Port of Southampton Harbour Byelaws are published separately and should be used in conjunction with these guidelines. These guidelines, Harbour Byelaws and ABP Southampton Notice to Mariners can be found on www.southamptonvts.co.uk Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 6 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 2. Communications VTS Centre The Operations Room of the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Centre situated at 37 Berth, Eastern Docks is continuously manned 24 hours a day. a) VHF R/T The VTS Centre Southampton, call sign ´SOUTHAMPTON VTS`, guards channels 9, 12, 14, 16, 20 and monitors channels 71 and 74. b) Telephones: Location ABP Reception Deputy Harbour Master Numbers 023 8048 8800 023 8060 8202 Data Centre 023 8060 8208 VTS – out of hours 023 8060 8208 Hours of Operation Monday-Friday 08001700 daily. Monday-Friday 09001700 Monday-Friday 17000900 Saturday/Sunday 24 Hours c) Facsimile 023 8023 2991 d) Website www.southamptonvts.co.uk www.sotonmet.co.uk www.bramblemet.co.uk Weather e) Email vtssouthampton@abports.co.uk Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 7 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 3. Actions Required by Shipowners, Shipping Agents and Berth Operators The action by Shipowners, Shipping Agents and Berth Operators in implementing the movement of their ships has a great bearing on the coordination of all shipping movements in the Port of Southampton. The following points must be followed to ensure that a suitable and acceptable slot is available for a vessel to manoeuvre within the Port area for either an arrival or a departure passage. a) The Master, Owner, Agent or Berth Operator should make all necessary arrangements in terms of services to be provided, i.e. Pilots, tugs, linesmen etc for their vessel’s movement within the Port. Alterations to ETAs or ETDs must be reported to the VTS Data Centre for confirmation prior to implementation. b) The Master, Owner, Agent or Berth Operator must confirm the ETA times or changes to ETA times and report: i Ship’s name and International Radio Call Sign (IRCS) ii ETA (12 hour and then 3 hours before arrival) iii Fore and aft SW draughts (Passage Planning requirement ) iv Last port of call v Hazardous goods vi Any deficiencies of ship, navigation equipment, machinery and cargo vii Any other relevant information to VTS viii Towage ordered ix ISPS Level c) The Master, Owner, Agent or Berth Operator must confirm the ETD times 3 hours before departure. The Master must reconfirm 30 minutes before departure at which time the Pilot will be dispatched to the ship. Details required: i Ship’s name ii ETD iii Fore and aft SW draughts (Passage Planning requirement ) iv Next port of call v Any other relevant information to VTS vi Towage ordered Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 8 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 d) In cases where a vessel will not be ready to move at the agreed slot time the Owner, Agent or Berth Operator is to inform VTS immediately. The vessel must remain in its present position – safe conditions permitting – until further consultations have resulted in a revised slot time being agreed. Failure to comply may result in the vessel missing her slot time thus resulting in a further delay due to other traffic movements in the Port. e) Decisions made by the Duty Vessel Traffic Services Watch Manager (VTSWM) of the movement of any ship are final. (Reference ‘Section 1 Introduction’) 4. Liaison Between Owner/Agent and Master of Vessels Owners and Agents are requested to ensure: a) Masters of vessels using the Port of Southampton are in possession of relevant navigational information for both the Ports of Southampton and the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth. b) Masters of vessels contact the Southampton VTS Centre (‘Call Sign Southampton VTS’) before sailing, to obtain permission to depart their berth and obtain traffic movements within the Port during the vessel’s passage outward. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 9 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 5. Shipping Movements in the Port of Southampton All movements (and any subsequent amendments) within the Southampton VTS district must be agreed through Southampton VTS Centre before implementation. This information is also available on www.southamptonvts.co.uk Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 10 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 6. Navigation Guidelines In The Port of Southampton General note to Guidelines. The term ‘large vessel’ refers to those vessels >220m LOA unless otherwise stated. i) Passing Moored Vessels Due consideration should be taken when passing other moored vessels within the port and a sufficient wide berth must be given at a minimum speed which is possible to maintain steerage way. If the prevailing weather or tide conditions dictate, the use of a tug should be considered when in close proximity to other moored vessels. ii) State of Readiness of Vessels Alongside Any work which will render the vessel immobile must not be commenced without the approval of the Harbour Master or his Deputy and the terminal/ berth operator. iii) State of Readiness of Berths All berths should be inspected prior to a vessel’s arrival by the berth operator. If the berth is not ready in all respects to receive it, then the vessel should be advised before it passes the South Ryde Middle Buoy. iv) Manoeuvring Equipment The Master should ensure that all maneuvering and mooring equipment is checked as fully as possible prior to arrival at the Pilot Station or departure from the berth to ensure that it is fully operational. Any defects should be reported to Southampton VTS. Engines should also be tested in the astern mode. v) Bunkering Operation Before any bunkering operation can commence, the bunker barge Master is to liaise with the Southampton VTSWM on VHF ch. 12. The planned movement of large vessels will be discussed for the duration of the bunkering operations. The Master of the bunkering barge must be prepared to cease Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 11 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 bunkering operations, and if necessary shift his berth, at short notice, if required to do so for the passage of these large vessels. Port Passage Planning Guidance note (Ref Port Marine Safety Code) The Harbour Authority and Harbour Masters’ powers to regulate the time and manner of ships entry to, departure from and movement within their waters serve to complement port passage planning. Passage plans are therefore to be operated and enforced as an adjunct to the powers of direction. The object of port passage planning guidance, as required by the Port Marine Safety Code, is to ensure that: a) All parties know relevant details of any particular port passage in advance. b) There is a clear, shared understanding of potential hazards, margins of safety, and the ship’s characteristics. Intentions and required actions are agreed for the conduct of the port passage – including the use of tugs and their availability – and any significant deviation should it become necessary. Port Passage Planning (Pilot/ Master Exchange of Information) The careful planning of the movements of every ship in the confines of the port is an essential element of the Port’s Safety Management System. The Pilot/Master exchange of information needs to be both detailed and structured. The VTS supplied information in conjunction with the Pilot and vessel’s passage plan are to be integrated to ensure that both the Pilot and Master have information needed for an agreed Port Passage Plan. It should include as a minimum: b) The provision by the Pilot of relevant VTS traffic information, detailed local navigational knowledge such as number of tugs, intended berth, side to quay, mooring arrangements and minimum UKC. It should also include his recommended passage plan. Such details will assist the Master to update his own passage plan. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 12 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 b) The provision by the Master of precise information, about the ship, its maneuvering characteristics, its equipment, including details of any defects. Passage Planning (Utilisation of Passage Plans) All vessels, whether piloted or PEC, must prepare and utilize appropriately detailed passage plans when maneuvering within the Port of Southampton Harbour Area to International Chamber of Shipping Guidelines in conjunction with IMO Resolution A.893(21). The bridge is to be properly manned as required in regulation 11/1 of the STCW Convention. To help with passage planning tide gauge readings from Dockhead, Calshot and Bramblebank are available from VTS. Information on tide heights, passage planning depths and weather is also available from the website: www.southamptonvts.co.uk Pilots carry aboard Equipment The CHA has provided a number of ADX Navigation – Portable Pilot Units for use aboard large vessels. Such units provide the pilot/s with highly accurate positional and prediction information. Such information is independent of that provided by the ships equipment. The CHA expects pilots to use all available means to determine the ships position and not rely exclusively on one piece of equipment. As such the PPU should be considered to be an aid to navigation. The Bridge Team is reminded of its duty to maintain an accurate check on the vessels position as laid down in the ISM Code, STCW Convention, IMO Regulations & ICS Procedure Guide. Southampton Patrol In the event of Southampton Patrol (´SP`) being unavailable for patrol duties in the Thorn Channel – cover will not normally be sourced from the Nab Launches unless the Pilot and VTSWM agree that it is indeed necessary. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 13 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Moorings to be tended The master of a vessel which is berthed or moored shall ensure that such vessel is securely made fast and that the moorings are adjusted as necessary to allow for the rise and fall of the tide and for the loading and unloading of cargo. (Ref: Southampton Harbour Byelaws Part III No 18) Masters of high side vessels alongside berths in Southampton docks are reminded of their responsibility to ensure the vessel remains securely alongside when strong offshore winds are forecast and/or experienced. Measures to be considered include the adjustment of moorings as necessary, the correct use of tension winches, the use of additional moorings and tug/s to ´Push Up̀ . Safety of Mooring Gangs and Tug Crews - Design and Use of Heaving Lines Masters and crews of vessels using the Port of Southampton are required to use properly constructed heaving lines for all mooring and towing operations. The use of ‘weighted' heaving lines is both illegal and dangerous and may cause serious injury or even death to those on the receiving end ashore or onboard a tug or mooring boat. The Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen, Chapter 25 (25.3.2) states: Vessels’ heaving lines should be constructed with a ‘Monkeys Fist’ at one end. To prevent personal injury the ‘fist’ should be made only with rope and should not contain added weighting material. Additionally, vessels’ mooring parties should always alert shore mooring gangs, tug crews or others in the vicinity prior to throwing a heaving line. Masters are reminded that heaving lines with inappropriate weighting, such as pieces of metal, are not to be used under any circumstances and, if used, appropriate enforcement action will be taken as necessary. Ref: Local Notice to Mariners. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 14 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Safe Use of Mooring Launches in Docks Early communications should be established, with details of the required mooring plan. When using mooring launches, due consideration should be given to wind strength and direction relative to the berth, the position of the tugs and the lines required to be run first. The mooring launch crew, as well as the pilot, have the option to abort/change the mooring plan if they think there could be any danger to the launch crew. The final tie up will be confirmed fore and aft before the launches are dismissed. Testing of Astern Propulsion Pilots and PEC holders are reminded that prior to arrival or departure from any berth, astern propulsion should be tested or verified as operational *, as part of the master/pilot exchange. The test should be recorded appropriately, ideally as part of the record of the pilot/master exchange, or local passage plan. Where the vessel`s ability to engage astern propulsion has not been verified then it should be subsequently tested in a safe, non-critical area prior to undertaking any manoeuvre where it may be required. *(If a vessel is engaged on short sea voyages, and the master can confirm astern propulsion has regularly and recently been effective, this will be suitable verification. For vessels which may have visited a port for some time, or if there is any doubt about assurances received, a test should be undertaken as described above). Vessel Condition Vessels manoeuvring within the Southampton VTS areas should comply with the relevant legislation to ensure that the ship is in all respect safe to proceed on its passage. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 15 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Use of bow and stern thrusters in the Port of Southampton Masters of vessels using the Port of Southampton should, whenever possible, utilize their thruster units in such a way as to minimize excessive wash. The safety of all persons using the port and the protection of the marine environment and infrastructure are of paramount importance. Masters are therefore, urged to avoid using more power on thruster units than required to safely manoeuvre their vessel. 6.1 Guideline No. 1 All vessels navigating within the Port of Southampton shall ensure that all large vessels (>220m) shall be given ‘clear channel’ between Hook Buoy and the Prince Consort Buoy. The term ‘clear channel’ is defined as: ‘A clear channel vessel is one which requires a clear and unimpeded passage ahead when transiting the Precautionary Area’. Vessels may enter the Precautionary Area (see chartlet) maintaining a safe distance astern of a ‘clear channel’ vessel. A vessel experiencing maneuverability problems may request a ‘clear channel’ See Southampton Local Notice To Mariners for further details (Port of Southampton – Precautionary Area (Thorn Channel). Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 16 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 17 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 6.2 Guideline No. 2 The movement of inward bound large vessels a) Attention is drawn to the current Vessel Traffic Services Procedures and Local Notice to Mariners. b) Southampton VTS Centre is to ensure that the movements of all large vessels are monitored throughout their passage, and that they are advised of all necessary information relating to movements of other vessels and their own navigational requirements. c) The Master and Pilot in conjunction with Southampton VTS will agree a passage plan which falls into four main categories: i ii iii iv ETAs at various locations throughout the intended route Co-ordination of passing arrangements with other vessels Abort points on the planned passage Other planned shipping movements d) Insofar as inbound vessels >220m LOA are concerned, the turning points are to be established at the West Bramble and on request at Calshot turn. The vessel must be advised of the distance to run at ONE-cable intervals commencing, as agreed, with reference to the West Bramble turn and upon request for the Calshot turn. An indication of left or right of track may also be given. The Pilot will inform the VTSWM when commencing the turn. e) The West Bramble turning point should be related to the distance to run to the Gurnard Buoy. f) Inward bound the Calshot turning point should be related to the Calshot Spit Lightfloat/Castle Point Buoy transit. g) In the case of a large container ship which may not have an abort berth due to her draught, there should be a clear intention from DP World before the vessel passes the South Ryde Middle Buoy that her berth will be clear. If the berth is occupied by another vessel then clear intention from DP World should be ascertained that this vessel will sail on time in order to facilitate a pass at either Dock Head, Fawley or the Solent. It is the responsibility of the Master of the vessel sailing and DP World to declare any problems that may Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 18 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 prevent berthing of the inbound vessel before it passes South Ryde Middle Buoy. h) If any problems exist with a large vessel or its intended berth, that may prevent the berthing of this vessel, then the vessel will not be permitted to enter the Thorn Channel and will be advised of a suitable anchorage by Southampton VTS in consultation with the Master/ Pilot. It is the responsibility of the Master or intended berth/ terminal operator to declare any problems which may prevent berthing before the vessel passes South Ryde Middle Buoy. This will also apply to any vessel bound for the Fawley or BP Oil Terminals. i) The passage of large tankers bound for the Fawley/BP Oil Terminals will be in most cases planned so that the vessel arrives at the Hook Buoy between 30 minutes before and 45 minutes after first High Water. On occasions a vessel may also be planned to berth during the Low Water period. In all cases the programmed time will be the result of consultation between the Terminal, the Pilot and the Duty VTSWM. j) When two large tankers bound for the Fawley/BP Oil Terminals area are to enter on the same HW, the first vessel will be timed to enter the Thorn Channel as early as practicable in order that the second vessel shall be able to enter in sufficient time to clear the Hook Buoy before the end of the slack water period. Further guidance for Fawley Marine Terminal can be found in section 7.3 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 19 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 6.3 Guideline No. 3 Co-ordination of movements of vessels 180m LOA or greater arriving at Hook Buoy and movement of vessels leaving Southampton Docks Vessels 180m LOA or greater should take account of the following criteria: a) The Pilot and Duty VTSWM should ensure that planned movements are confirmed when the Pilot has boarded the vessel and updated as necessary. b) Inbound vessels 180m LOA or greater shall not enter the Thorn Channel unless the following criteria are observed: i. A berth or an abort procedure is in place for the vessel. ii. Whatever assistance the ship requires to berth – tugs, mooring gang, etc are available and will remain so throughout berthing. iii. Passing points co-ordinated and agreed. c) Two vessels each having a length of 180m or greater shall not pass or overtake each other between Hook Buoy and a line drawn due south of West Bramble Buoy. d) When an inbound tanker 180m LOA or greater is stemmed for the Fawley/BP Oil Terminals, outbound vessels will not normally be planned to pass south of Dock Head until the inbound vessel is in a controlled situation with tugs secured. e) A second inbound vessel 180m LOA or greater will not normally be planned to pass Prince Consort Buoy until: i The inbound vessel 180m LOA or greater bound for Southampton Docks has passed Reach Buoy. ii An inbound tanker 180m LOA or greater for the Fawley/BP Oil Terminals is in a controlled situation with tugs secured. or f) Central Solent passes. Vessels 180m LOA or greater should be planned to pass port to port east of Prince Consort Buoy. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 20 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 g) The Pilot and Duty VTSWM should ensure that when passage planning, due allowances are made for the vessel to be able to safely turn at the West Bramble taking into account sufficient reserve of speed in the prevailing weather and traffic conditions. h) It is recommended that at the West Bramble turn the maximum mean wind speed (in the South West Quadrant) for container ships 180m LOA or greater is as follows: i Draught less than 11 metres 30/35 knots (force 7) ii Draught more than 11 metres 35/40 knots (force 8) This must be dependant on additional towage being available in the Docks area. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 21 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 6.4 Guideline No. 4 Passing points for vessels 180m LOA or greater above the Hook Buoy Passing points for vessels 180m LOA or greater have been established at: Area 1 Fawley Reach Area 2 Gymp Buoy The following points shall be considered when passing at Area 1 and Area 2: a) Adverse weather, tidal conditions and depth of water (see Guideline No. 5). b) Guideline No. 3 c) Vessels shall not be planned to manoeuvre on/off berths adjacent to the passing areas. d) Availability of separate cover for towage. Maximum number of vessels shall be: Fawley Gymp 3 vessels 2 vessels Passes shall be planned and agreed by VTSWM/Pilots concerned before the act commences. It will be the responsibility of the vessels concerned to advise each other as well as Southampton VTS of any alterations to their timings. Additionally, the following are required when passing in the Dock Head Area: a) Separate Towage (2 tugs) for each vessel. b) Vessels on 38/9 and 40 Berth are to be advised of the intended pass. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 22 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 6.5 Guideline No. 5 Berthing and manoeuvring limitations in adverse weather The limitations detailed below set out the operating parameters for ships manoeuvring and berthing (with or without tug assistance) within the Port of Southampton. The existence of these limits does not imply that in more favourable conditions it is safe for a given ship to move or berth. The decision to move or berth, and the safety of the ship during that manoeuvre rests with the Master. However, these limits are to be observed by all vessels unless a specific exemption for a vessel to depart from them has been granted by the Harbour Master. Information on the wind strength and direction at the Brambles Bank and Dockhead can be obtained from VTS on VHF Ch.12 or via the website www.southamptonvts.co.uk The following factors should be taken into account when maneuvering and berthing within the port: - Ship type, draft, windage and handling characteristics Reported ship defects Berth location Visibility Tidal Streams Traffic density Meteorological conditions/forecast UKC Manoeuvring of large high-sided Ro-Ro vessels and large bulk vessels in ballast in the Western Docks should not normally be undertaken when the sustained mean wind speed exceeds 35kts. This will not necessarily preclude the movement of these vessels if sufficient reserves of power (towage, thrusters) are available to facilitate a safe passage. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 23 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Beam on Wind Guidelines for Southampton Docks Reproduced by permission from ‘Tug Use in Port’ Henk Henson Lateral Windage Area 1000 m² 2000 m² 3000 m² 4000 m² 5000 m² 6000 m² 7000 m² 8000 m² 2 tugs 60 tonnes 56’ 38’ 32’ 28’ 25’ 23’ 22’ 20’ Max Windspeed 3 tugs 90 tonnes 66’ 47’ 38’ 34’ 29’ 28’ 25’ 23’ Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines 4 tugs 120 tonnes 75’ 56’ 45’ 39’ 34’ 32’ 30’ 28’ Page 24 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Name LOA Bollard Propulsion Unit & Pull Equipment 2 x Voith Schneider Svitzer Alma 30.0m 61 tonnes Draught 5.5m Units (Tractor) Firefighting capability Svitzer Bargate Svitzer Eston 24.74m 24.74 67 tonnes 65 tonnes Rolls Royce Rolls Royce 2 x Rolls Royce Svitzer Ferriby 24.6m 70 tonnes 5.85m 5.85m 5.4m Azimuthing Thrusters (ASD) Firefighting capability Svitzer 30.5m Sarah Name Vortex LOA 38.7m 53 2 x Voith Schneider tonnes Units (Tractor) Bollard Propulsion Unit & Pull Equipment 70 2 x Voith Schneider Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines 5.5m Draught 6.8m Page 25 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 tonnes Units (Wartsilla) DNV 1A1 Tug,Oil Recovery + Firefighting Capability Apex + Phenix 67 2 x Voith Schneider tonnes Units (Rolls-Royce) 6.9m DNV 1A1 Tug,Oil 38.27m Recovery + Firefighting Capability 80 tonnes Reverse Tractor 5.3m Tug ( 2 x Caterpillar 3516C) ABS+A1 Towing Vessel, Lomax Escort Vessel, Fire 28.0m Fighting Vessel Class 1, Oil recover Capability Class 2, AMS,ABCU 19 Wyeforce Name Wyestorm 19.0m LOA 21.3m Twin screw tonnes Nozzles Bollard Propulsion Unit & Pull Equipment 30 tonnes 2 x Lips Fixed Pitch 2.5m Draught 3.4m Propellers in High Lift Nozzles. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 26 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Wyetow 16.5m Wyepush 14.5m Wyefuel 16.0m Wilanne 16.9m Wilfreedom 19.4m Willpower 19.5m 11 tonnes 8 tonnes 3 tonnes 13 tonnes 11 tonnes 14 tonnes Twin screw Twin screw Single Voith 2.2m 2.0m 2.7m Damen Stantug 106 2.3m – 940hp Damen Stantug 2.1m 1800 – 883hp Damen Stantug 1906- 2.3m 960hp Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 27 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Esso Marine Terminal, Fawley Large vessels proceeding to Fawley are not to enter the Thorn Channel on a flood tide when the wind is in excess of 30 knots. Wind speed is to be taken as mean speed, as recorded at the ESSO Marine Terminal Fawley or at the VTS Centre whichever is the strongest. (See chart ‘Wind Speed Criteria at Fawley Marine Terminal’). BP Oil UK Terminal Hamble Other than in exceptional circumstances and in consultation with the Marine Superintendent, Master, Pilot and VTS a vessel will not be permitted to berth in winds excess of 25 knots (mean). Tankers 60k or greater DWT will not normally depart from the terminal later than 30 minutes before 2nd High Water. UKC must be greater than 10% draft. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 28 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 6.6 Guideline No. 6 Fog Guidelines The following guidelines are intended to provide assistance to mariners navigating within the Southampton VTS area when visibility is restricted: If the Harbour Master (see note 2) has reason to believe that a vessel may not be equipped to enter, leave or transit the area safely in restricted visibility, he may direct the vessel to an outer anchorage or instruct it to remain alongside. Visibility Less than 2 Nautical Miles In the event of the Duty VTS Watch Manager being made aware that the visibility is less than 2 miles, either through visibility sensor equipment or a report received from a vessel within the area, he shall take the following action (see Note 1): 1. Call the Met Office forecaster for a prognosis. 2. Issue a ‘Visibility Warning’ broadcast if the Met Office indicate that the visibility is likely to deteriorate further. (see Note 2 ) 3. Request further visibility reports from other vessels to determine the extent of the reduced visibility and ensure that arriving/departing vessels are kept informed of current conditions and that possible abort berth/anchorages are identified. (see Note 3) 4. Ensure that, prior to boarding, Pilots are informed of current visibility conditions and that Marine Officers are also kept advised accordingly. 5. Planned Fawley and Dock Head passes, of large vessels, shall take account of any Met Office forecast deterioration in visibility. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 29 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Visibility Greater than ½ Nautical Mile but Less than 1 Nautical Mile. Ensure all the above routines have been carried out and in addition: 1. Calshot/Hook fog signals must be switched ‘on’ when visibility in the Fawley/Thorn Channel area is less than 1 nautical mile. 2. High Speed ferries when operating in reduced visibility of less than 1 nautical mile must report to VTS on passing Hook Buoy. 3. Ryde/Fishbourne/Portsmouth/Southsea Ferries must, when visibility between the Forts and the Ryde Middle is below 1 nautical mile, call Southampton VTS on leaving Southsea/Swashway (Southbound) and Ryde/Fishbourne (Northbound). 4. Both Radar surveillance desks in VTS should be permanently manned. 5. Advice on a vessel’s position should, in general, be given as a bearing and distance from a known point. 6. Eastern Inner Pilot Station will be relocated to the St Helens Boarding Area when visibility in the Eastern Solent falls below 1 mile. 7. Thorn Channel – All vessels that are confined by draught to navigating only within the Thorn Channel will be given ‘clear channel in fog’ status (see Note 5). 8. Transits of the River Itchen, above the Itchen Bridge should not be undertaken. 9. Laden vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods in bulk (60,000t DWT or greater) will not normally proceed inwards past the West Bramble buoy or depart from their berth. 10. Fawley and Dock Head passes shall not be planned if the visibility is forecast to remain at this level or lower. 11. Vessels engaged in bunkering alongside, should cease operations, if another vessel is due to pass. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 30 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 12. No vessel shall be permitted to leave a berth or enter VTS limits if, in the consideration of the Harbour Master, it is likely to place one or more vessels at unnecessary risk. In these circumstances the time/manner of entry into port limits shall be adjusted as considered appropriate and the vessel directed accordingly. Visibility Less than ½ Nautical Mile (5 Cables) Ensure all the above routines have been carried out and in addition: 1. Laden vessels carrying dangerous and polluting cargoes in bulk or vessels which are neither gas free or inerted should not enter an area in which the visibility is less than ½ nautical mile, unless agreed between the master, pilot and VTS”. 2. No vessel will be given dispensation to exceed the six-knot speed limit northward of the line between Hythe Pier and the Weston Shelf buoy. 3. All vessels that are confined to navigating only within a navigable channel will be given a ‘clear channel in fog’ status. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 31 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Towage in restricted visibility Tugs may have difficulty making fast and in particular on the bow in visibility of less than 2 cables. Inward vessels requiring tug assistance should consider carefully whether the probability of the visibility reducing to less than 2 cables is such that an abort should be considered before passing the West Bramble buoy. Inward vessels 220m or greater requiring tug assistance should consider carefully whether the probability of the visibility reducing further is such that an abort should be considered before passing the West Ryde Middle buoy and committing the vessel inwards. However, should a large vessel once committed to entering Southampton Water, experience a further reduction in visibility, then it must be understood that while the dock tugs will endeavour to assist they will have great difficulty in making fast safely in visibility of less than 2 cables as described above. Such a decision will rest with the Tug Master. Notes: Note 1: For the purposes of this notice the Southampton VTS area shall include all the waters within the Port in Southampton and that part of the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth which lies to the South of a line between Gilkicker Point, OSB and the Horse Sand Fort. Note 2: In the event these guidelines require a broadcast to be made by VTS, the broadcast shall be made on VHF Channel 14 preceded by a ‘Securite’ announcement on VHF Channels 16 & 12 to warn mariners in the VTS area of the presence or likely presence of restricted visibility in the area. Note 3: If visibility is only restricted in small parts of the VTS area, it will be for the Harbour Master, Pilot and Master to determine the extent to which this routine should be implemented. Note 4: For the purposes of this notice, reference to the Harbour Master shall include his appointed assistants. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 32 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Note 5: A ‘clear channel in fog’ vessel is one that is deemed to require a clear and unimpeded passage ahead whilst transiting the navigable channel. For the purpose of this instruction this will mean that no other vessel should enter a zone around the vessel of 1,000 metres ahead or 100 metres either side of the vessel. Note 6: If the Harbour Master has reason to believe that a vessel may not be equipped to enter, leave, or transit the area safely in restricted visibility, he should direct the vessel to an outer anchorage or instruct it to remain alongside. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 33 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 34 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 35 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 36 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 7. Towage / Berth Guidelines General Vessels Manouvering in Southampton Water All vessels maneuvering in the area between Hook and Cadland Buoys, other than those transiting directly through the area, are required to observe the minimum towage criteria for Fawley and BP Oil Terminals (as at section 7.2 & 7.3. 7.1 Applicable to Berths 20 - SCT1 Notes to Guidelines a) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Guidelines the towage requirement for an individual vessel remains the responsibility of the Master. The number of tugs required may be increased when unfavourable conditions exist or when the handling characteristics of the vessel are in doubt. The Master may, in appropriate circumstances and with the prior approval of the Pilot and/or Harbour Master decrease the number of tugs recommended in these Guidelines. It should be noted however, that in cases where the vessel’s Master refuses to accept the Pilot’s, or in advance of the Pilot being embarked, the Liaison Pilot’s advice in respect of the number of tugs required to facilitate a safe operation, the Harbour Master may impose the required number of tugs by special direction. These tugs will be for the owners account. b) These Guidelines shall be applied when using tugs with a minimum bollard pull of 18 tonnes per tug. Where reductions on account of thrusters indicate a requirement of only 1 tug then an omnidirectional ‘tractor’ type tug with a bollard pull in excess of 30 tonnes must be employed. If tugs are to be used which do not comply with the above criteria additional tugs may be required after consultation with the Liaison Pilot and the Towing Company representatives. c) The recommended number of tugs to be used will be dependant on the maneuverability of the vessel, draught, wind and tidal conditions, dispositions of other vessels and Port infrastructure and where agreement exists between the Master, Pilot, individual company and Harbour Master. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 37 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 d) Bow and Stern thrusters which are in good working order and producing a designed power output in proper proportion to the vessels size and draught may in certain circumstances be considered as equivalent to one tug subject to the agreement of the Master and Pilot. Thrusters on a common hydraulic line with deck machinery are known to be badly affected when winches are operated, and therefore will make the vessel unable to comply with this guideline. e) The Liaison Pilot is a 1st Class Unrestricted Pilot nominated daily and is responsible to the Harbour Master as a focal point for advice on all professional aspects of Pilotage including the planned towage requirements and validating tidal windows. 7.2 Ocean Dock Berthing of large car carriers on 46 Berth, should take place before another is berthed on 43/44. This can be modified bearing in mind the Risk Assessment for the Ocean Dock and after consultation with the Harbour Master. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 38 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Length Overall No. of Tugs Berthing Unberthing 20 – 27 Berths High Freeboard Vessels/Ferries Up to 125m At Liaison Pilots discretion Over 125m 2 2 Miscellaneous At Liaison Pilots discretion Vessels 30 – 33 Berths High Freeboard/Ro-Ro Vessels Up to 125m At Liaison Pilots discretion Over 125m 2 2 34 - 36 Bulk Vessels Up to 125m At Liaison Pilots discretion 125m - 180m 2 2 Over 180m 3 2 High Freeboard/Ro-Ro Vessels and Miscellaneous Up to 125m At Liaison Pilots discretion 125m – 210m 2 2 Over 210m 3 2 Comments See Note a) Depending on prevailing conditions vessels with High Lift Rudders may reduce the towage by prior agreement with Harbour Master, Master and Pilot. 37 All vessels At Liaison Pilots discretion 38 – 41 & 101 - 109 Bulk Vessels Up to 125m At Liaison Pilots discretion 125m – 180m 2 2 Over 180m 3 2 All Other Vessels Except Bulk Up to 125m At Liaison Pilots discretion 125m – 210m 2 2 Over 210m 3 2 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines See Para 7.1a Depending on prevailing conditions vessels with High Lift Rudders may reduce the towage by prior agreement with Harbour Master, Master and Pilot. Page 39 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 No. of Tugs Berthing Unberthing 42 - 49 Bulk Vessels Up to 125m At Liaison Pilots discretion 125m – 180m 2 2 Over 180m 3 2 All Other Vessels Except Bulk Up to 125m At Liaison Pilots discretion 125m – 210m 2 2 Over 210m 3 2 Comments See Note a) 203 All vessels SCT1 – SCT5 Up to 125m 125m – 240m Over 240m* KGV Dock Up to 125m 125m – 200m 200m – 240m Over 240m At Liaison Pilots discretion At Liaison Pilots discretion 2 2 3/2 3/2 Swinging/not swinging At Liaison Pilots discretion 3 3 3 3 4 4 Note 1) For vessels of 60,000 DWT or greater, 1 Tug must have at least 50 tonnes bollard pull. Note 2) For vessels of 240m or greater the minimum bollard pull for tugs must be 40 tonnes. 1 Tug must be of a tractor type. Note 3) Exceptionally large vessels laying up or in for repairs at Harbour Master`s discretion. Note 4) V/L’s that have been laid up for a period of 30 days or more will take an escort tug outward bound until clear of the Prince Consort Buoy. Note5) Category 4 or larger Container Ships (greater than 365m LOA and 45m Beam) require 3/4 Tugs. 1Tug to be 70T others greater than 50T. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 40 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 7.3 ESSO PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED FAWLEY MARINE TERMINAL FAWLEY BERTH MANOEUVRING CRITERIA [The intent of this publication is to bring to the attention of the Master those requirements and limitations of Fawley Marine Terminal, which they should be aware of prior to their vessel arriving alongside]. REVISION 20 May 2014 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 41 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 CONTENTS Page No 3 APPLICATION 4 CAUTIONARY NOTICES 5 GENERAL 6 TESTING OF EQUIPMENT 7 COMMUNICATIONS 8 THE JETTIES 9 NAVIGATIONAL AIDS 10 TOWAGE GUIDELINES 12 STANDY TUG REQUIREMENTS 13 AVAILABLE TUGS 14 MOORING 15 WINDSPEED Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 42 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 APPLICATION FAWLEY MARINE TERMINAL General: Fawley Marine Terminal is located within the Port of Southampton Harbour Area where Associated British Ports (ABP) act as the competent harbour authority. The document, issued by ExxonMobil Fawley should be read in conjunction with the Port Users Navigation Guide issued by ABP (Southampton) www.southamptonvts.co.uk The berthing of all ships calling at Fawley Terminal (FMT) will be subject the requirements and supporting guidelines as contained in this document. Fawley Ocean Berths: Comprise Berths 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. These berths are numbered from north to south and are situated on the outside (eastern side) of the Terminal complex. Fawley Coastal Berths: Comprise Berths 6, 7, 8 and 9. These berths are also numbered from north to south and are situated on the inside (western side) of the Terminal complex. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 43 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 CAUTIONARY NOTICES Masters should exercise caution when maneuvering in the vicinity of the coastal berths, as the strengths and direction of the tide cannot be determined solely on the prediction for the Standard Port of Southampton. The strength and direction of the tide will be affected by the presence of vessels on the ocean berths, especially large vessels on Berth 5 and by the closeness of the coastal berths to the edge of the dredged area. Tidal heights are recorded from tide gauges sited at Calshot and Dock Head Southampton. Current readings are available by contacting “Southampton VTS” on VHF ch.12 Local wind speeds and direction are available from “Esso HQ” (VHF channel 19) utilizing anemometers on Berths 1 & 5, effectively covering the extremities of the Terminal. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 44 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 GENERAL Contact with Esso HQ should be made at the earliest and most appropriate time prior to a vessel berthing. This will normally follow the pilot/master exchange and will relate to anchor away times. Hook Buoy times, the intended side too, mooring plans, connections and the confirmation of towage/launch requirements. A vessels “side too” shall be dictated by the prevailing tidal flow and/or wind direction in order to effect the safest manoeuver. When operational constraints require a deviation to this then it will be subject to full consultation between Esso HQ, Master and Pilots. Large deep drafted vessel`s shall be planned where possible to berth slack water. The vessel`s passage plan should be in accordance with ICS Guidelines in conjunction with IMO Resolution A285 (VIII), with the charts available for viewing by the Marine Superintendent after arrival alongside. We require the bridge to be manned properly as required in Reg II/1 of the STWC Convention. V/L`s GREATER THAN 60,000 DWT BERTHINGV/L`s berthing at berths 4 and 5 would normally be scheduled to approach the Hook Buoy at a time of 30 minutes before the 1st high water and berth SSTQ. If circumstances do not allow the 30 minutes before HW berthing then a broader window of 45 minutes before the 1st HW through to the time of the 2nd HW should be considered. The duty specialist pilot must be consulted by a Marine Superintendent to agree any deviation to the normal 30 minutes before the 1st HW prior to confirming a Hook Buoy time. The timing of the vessel may require the ship to berth PSTQ. Shuttle tankers, which are regular visitors to Fawley and have a draft of 13.0m or less, may be scheduled to be at the Hook Buoy at any time from 30 minutes before LW through to the 2nd HW after consultation with the specialist pilot; other tankers with a draft of 12.0m or less may also be scheduled for this time period. This criteria is dependent on available water in the Thorn Channel. The minimum UKC for an escorted V/L, greater than 60,000 dwt, is 1.3m throughout the transit from the Nab to the berth or from the berth to the Nab. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 45 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 CONTACT SPEED – (At the maximum displacement for that berth) should not exceed 16.32 ft/min (0.16 knots), with a maximum of 21 ft/min (0.21 knots) for berth 5. (See page 9 for maximum displacements) CONTACT ANGLE – is considered to be less than 10 degrees to the berth face. Large vessels berthing on Berths 4 and 5 the angle should be no more than 4 degrees. Other Moored Vessels Due consideration should be taken when passing other moored vessels on the Marine Terminal and a sufficient wide berth must be given. If prevailing weather or tide conditions dictate the use of a station tug should be considered when in close proximity to other moored vessels. State of Readiness of Vessels Alongside Any work which will render the vessel immobile must not be commenced without the approval of the Marine Terminal Business Team Leader or his deputy and the Harbour Master. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 46 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 TESTING OF EQUIPMENT It is the Master`s responsibility to ensure that all maneuvering and mooring equipment is checked as FULLY operational, prior to arrival at Fawley and also prior to departure. Engines should be tested in the astern mode before approaching the Pilot station. Any malfunction of equipment must be reported to Esso HQ (VHF Ch 19) prior to the pilot boarding. When arriving/departing in ballast, a vessel should always have its propeller and thrusters (if fitted) fully immersed. The vessel`s trim should allow full maneuverability of the vessel to the satisfaction of the Master and Pilot. Any delays caused by a vessel being required to take on extra ballast will be entirely to the vessel`s account. ANCHORS – Both anchors should be cleared away prior to approaching the Terminal and due consideration should be given to the use of anchors if the vessel is required to swing prior to berthing. No vessel may lay alongside any berth in the Marine Terminal area with an anchor on the bottom. If anchors are used during the berthing operations, they must be hove home on completion of securing alongside. If for any reason an anchor is lost prior to arrival or cannot be used during berthing, “Esso HQ”/Marine Superintendent must be informed. GANGWAY – To maintain a safe access to and from the vessel, at all states of the tide, all ships MUST be able to provide a safe and secure gangway or accommodation ladder. All means of access must be provided with a properly rigged safety net and with a lifebuoy standing by. The gangway shall be rigged to the satisfaction of the Marine Superintendent. Shore gangways are provided on Berths 1, 2 4 and 5, but they are not suitable for use on all vessels. MOORING EQUIPMENT – Any faults or restrictions in a vessel`s mooring equipment must be communicated to “Esso HQ”/Marine Superintendent, prior to arrival. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 47 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 COMMUNICATIONS CALL SIGN CHANNEL TO BE USED - when approaching the NAB or NEEDLES inbound. - South Ryde Middle Buoy. “Southampton VTS” VHF CH 12 - passing Hook Buoy inbound. “Southampton Pilots launch” 09 “Esso HQ” 19 Launches - “Ibex -“ Asterix” - “Tempest” Primarily VHF Ch 71 or Tugs - “Lomax” - “ Apex” - “Phenix” - at least 15 mins, before leaving a berth or anchorage To contact pilot station, pilot launch and to relay info such as eta`s, boarding position and arrangements - Establish Terminal - Communications - Operational Information - Passing Hook buoy inbound - Prior to leaving Berth - During vessel’s manoeuvres off berth to establish contact with Tugs Launches Berthing Master Secondary VHF Ch 10/74 Berthing Master After initial contact made on Channel 19, with Esso HQ “Berth No (x)” N.B. ESSO HQ WORKS CHANNEL 19 BUT ALSO MONITORS CHANNEL 12 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 48 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 THE JETTIES DEPTH MAXIMUM BERTH BELOW BERTHING DATUM DISPLACEMENT (M) (T) MAXIMUM BERTH LENGTH LENGTHS COMMENTS OF VESSEL (M) 1 200 10.2 51,000 69m Max LOA at max draft 2 12.6 83,000 276 69m 3 12.6 66,000 276 69m 4 14.9 179,000 276 69m 5 14.9 244,000 368 92m 6 5.6 4,900 96 24m See Note* 7 5.6 3,600 96 24m See Note* 8 5.6 3,600 96 24m See Note* 9 6.6 8,200 124 31m See Note* Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 49 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 NOTE; Vessels will be advised on any reduction in advertised depth Minimum distance between ships on the ocean berths is (100 ft) 30.5m and 25m on coastal berths. The distance allowed for berthing vessels between vessels already alongside, will be not less than 1.4 x LOA Vessels must maintain 0.5m under keel clearance while alongside with a minimum of 10% of her draught for berthing and sailing, after making due allowance for tide. Maximum manifold air draft Berth 5 = 24.8m The maximum length indicated for a ship on berths 6,7,8 & 9 is a general guide; this may be increased on a ship by ship basis after assessment. Maximum Manifold Air Drafts: . Berth Spacing`s: Berths 1, 2, 3. Berth 4. Berth 5. 14m 16m 24.8m (Arms 2,4, 6 only) B1-B2, B2-B3, B3-B4 B4-B5 B6-B7, B7-B8 B8-B9 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines 244m 305m 122m 134m Page 50 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 NAVIGATIONAL AIDS NAVIGATION LIGHT`S LOCATION AND CHARACTERISTICS Light No. Location 2 NW end of Terminal Characteristics 2 Fixed Red (Vert) 2m apart 3 4.6m above deck level, S. Pier 6.1m above roof level of Marine Control Building Spill Boom Piles between South Trestle and Power Station Creek Ashlett Creek Buoy Fixed Green. Leading Lights Day - Orange Fixed Green. Leading Lights Day – Orange Alternate Piles – 2 Fixed Red (Vert) 2m apart + Red Can top mark Tug Pontoon 2 Fixed Red (Vert.) 2m apart 4 5 Listed above are the lights to be found on the Marine Terminal. Lights No.s 3 and 4 are leading lights which mark the centre of the dredged approach channel for the Coastal Berths (Berths 6, 7, 8 and 9). This channel is approximately 110m in width from berth face to the edge of the dredged channel. Any alterations/changes to the above will be promulgated through Notices to Mariners in the usual fashion. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 51 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 MINIMUM TOWAGE CRITERIA FOR FAWLEY MARINE TERMINAL SIZE OF VESSEL OCEAN BERTHS (1-5) UNDER 91.5m COSTAL BERTHS (6-9) 1 MOORING BOAT COMMENTS “IBEX” OR ARR “ASTERIX” DEP 91.5m AND OVER. ARR 1 MOORING *1 MOORING BOAT BOAT 2 MOORING BOATS EFFECTIVE BOW THRUSTER, MAY USE “TEMPEST” AS 2ND. BOAT. DEP 1 MOORING BOAT *1 MOORING BOAT N.B.IBEX OR ASTERIX MUST BE USED WHERE 1 MOORING BOAT IS REQUIRED. IF EITHER ARE UNAVAILABLE THEN A SMALL TUG IS TO BE USED IN ADDITION TO TEMPEST ”. * VESSELS 85M SHALL NOT SWING NORTH WEST OF A LINE BETWEEN THE TUG POSITIONS AND ASHLETT CREEK ENTRANCE. EXCEPTIONS MAY BE MADE ONLY AFTER CONSULTATION BETWEEN THE TERMINAL/MARINE SUPERINTENDENT/PILOT/MASTER. DUE ACCOUNT MUST BE MADE FOR WIND,TIDE AND WEATHER AT THE TIME OF THE MANOEUVRE. * THE ABOVE CRITERIA MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE “WIND SPEED CRITERIA” AND PREVAILING WEATHER TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION BEFORE USING TEMPEST” AS SECOND BOAT. THE ABOVE TABLE SHOWS THE MINIMUM CRITERIA; IF A MASTER/PILOT REQUESTS ADDITIONAL TOWAGE THEN IT WILL BE ALLOCATED ACCORDINGLY. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 52 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 MINIMUM TOWAGE CRITERIA FOR FAWLEY MARINE TERMINAL SIZE OF VESSEL ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE 10 - 19,999 DWT ARR/DEP OCEAN BERTHS MINIMUM BOLLARD PULL REQUIRED 30 TONNES 20 - 29,999 DWT ARR/DEP 60 TONNES Minimum bollard pull of individual tugs must be 30t. 30 - 59,999 DWT ARR/DEP 80 TONNES Minimum bollard pull of individual tugs must be 40t. 60 – 109,999 DWT ARR/DEP 100 TONNES Minimum bollard pull of individual tugs must be 40t. 110 – 144,999 DWT ARR 120 TONNES Minimum bollard pull of individual tugs must be 40t. DEP COMMENTS 100 TONNES 145 > 275,000 DWT > 275,000 DWT ARR 160 TONNES(a) DEP 100 TONNES PSTQ DEP 120 TONNES ARR 230 TONNES DEP 100 TONNES PSTQ DEP 160 TONNES Minimum bollard pull of individual tugs must be 40t. Minimum bollard pull of individual tugs must be 40t. NOTES: Tugs that are permanently stationed at FMT shall be used for all berthing/un-berthing operations with additional towage available from Southampton Docks subject to operational requirements. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 53 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 The above criteria is subject to favorable weather/tidal conditions and the ships engines, thrusters and equipment are in good working order. Further towage may be requested at the discretion of the Master, pilot, Marine Terminal Business Team Leader, or his deputy, and informing Esso Marine Control of any requirements. Vessels up to 30,000 DWT with enhanced manoeuvring capabilities, such as thrusters, high performance rudders, azimuth drive propellers etc., may consider each of these enhancements as the equivalent of 30T bollard pull; the requirements in the above table can be adjusted accordingly provided they are fully functional. For vessels between 10,000 DWT and 30,000 DWT and not using station tugs then Asterix may be used in a pushing role only to assist vessels near the berth on arrival and departure. Ibex may be used in a pushing role only for vessels between 16,000 dwt and 30,000 dwt. Communication between the vessel and the launches should be established early to discuss their usage. If there is any doubt in manoeuvring capabilities a station tug should be used. Vessels of 30000dwt or more MUST use tugs to the requirements in the table above even if enhancements are fitted. Subject to availability, tugs for vessels less than 10,000 dwt will be in the 6 to 16 tonne range. All vessels may be required to take a suitable tug if the prevailing conditions require it. All vessels will be provided with 2 launches for berthing. Towage / berthing procedure to be fully communicated by the vessels Master or Pilot and understood by Tug Master/ Coxswain. (a) Subject to favorable weather conditions and at the discretion of the Master, Pilot, Marine Terminal Business Team Leader or his deputy, a North Sea Shuttle tanker, which is equipped with more than one operational thruster need only take 1 x 60t bollard pull tug on departure. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 54 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 ESCORTING Any fully or part loaded tanker in excess of 60,000 dwt visiting Fawley Marine Terminal will be escorted on inward and outward passages from/to the Nab Pilot Station. In adverse weather conditions, in the vicinity of the Nab, the escort pick up/drop off point will be at the discretion of the Master and Pilot. Vessels in excess of 60,000 dwt in ballast will be escorted out of Fawley to the Prince Consort or in to Fawley from the West Ryde Middle. The tug will have a minimum of 60 tonne bollard pull and will be attached by a towing line to the stern of the vessel. NOTE : For maximum loading forces on ships bits for escorting, Section 3 of the OCIMF Guidelines (Mooring Arrangements and Layout) should be consulted. For Example:- Minimum SWL of bitts and chocks on ships of 50,000ts dwt and above, to be 46ts. At 46ts,the maximum rope loading will be 92ts when using the single eye of a tug`s towline. Each fitting which is intended for tug use should be clearly marked with the SWL in tonnes. STANDBY TUG REQUIREMENTS The Fawley station tugs provide waterborne standby services at the terminal and will normally stay on station within an area bounded by the Prince Consort buoy and Netley Dome. There will normally be two tugs on station but this may be reduced to one when a tug is involved in escort duties from the Nab. If a vessel of 60,000 dwt or above is at the terminal and is discharging/ loading or connected to hard arms on Berth 5, two tug cover can be reduced providing: The vessel discharging/loading is a shuttle tanker with proven thrusters which are immediately available. Or Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 55 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 The wind speed off the ocean berths is less than 20kts. If both station tugs are off station at the same time, a tug engaged for stand-by services must have fire-fighting capability. The decision to release tugs from the terminal area is the responsibility of the duty marine superintendent, any additional tugs to be ordered by the tug master as per the towage criteria. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 56 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 FAWLEY STATION TUGS “PHENIX”, APEX” Each has x Voith Schneider propulsion units giving a total output of 6936 bhp, with a bollard pull of 70ts and stopping and steering forces of 150ts at 10kts. “LOMAX” pull 2 x Caterpillar 2350kW propulsion units. Bollard 80ts. FAWLEY STATION LAUNCHES AND TUGS FOR SMALL VESSELS “ IBEX” - is a mooring launch/small tug with 2 x 608 BHP engines and a bollard pull of 15.7 tonnes. “ASTERIX” - is a 664 HP mooring launch/small tug with a bollard pull of 8.3 tonnes. “ TEMPEST” - is a 120HP steel mooring launch designed for rope running duties only. FOR ADDITIONAL TUGS AVAILABLE IN THE PORT OF SOUTHAMPTON SEE THE SOUTHAMPTON PORT USERS NAVIGATION GUIDE Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 57 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 MOORING CRITERIA CLASS OF VESSEL V/Ls UP TO 4,000 DWT V/Ls 4,000 → 8,000 DWT V/Ls 8,000 → 12,000 DWT V/Ls IN EXCESS 12,000 DWT SPRINGS EACH END BREAST LINES EACH END HEAD/STERN LINES EACH END 2 2 2 OR 2 3 OR 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 o Vessels of 60,000 dwt. will have individual mooring plans developed by the Marine Superintendents Group, prior to arrival. o Other mooring patterns may occasionally be used to that shown in the above table but should be discussed with the Marine Superintendent prior to berthing. o Vessels (typically in the range 25 - 45dwt) where maindeck winch to manifold distance is short, may have to run springs from poopdeck and breast lines from maindeck. Berth front staghorns are not suitable for vessels of this size. This should be discussed by Pilot with Master prior to arrival off berth. o Mixed moorings should be avoided whenever possible. Where wires and ropes are to be used, they should be of the same material in the same direction. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 58 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 o Rope tails may be used on wires on all berths provided they meet OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines. o Prior to the arrival off of the berth, the Master should ensure that the eyes of the moorings are OUTBOARD of the fairlead. o Moorings must be regularly tended to ensure the vessel remains in position at all times. The Master`s attention is drawn to the OCIMF publication “ EFFECTIVE MOORING”, in particular to the importance of the correct and reeling of ropes/wires onto mooring winch drums, the condition and testing of winch brakes and the correct use of storage/tension drums on split mooring drums. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 59 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 60 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 61 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 7.4 Towage Guidelines for BP Hamble (BPJ) Escort Towage is required on all loaded or partly loaded vessels as follows: - of 60,000 tonnes or greater Summer DWT inbound and outbound Southampton VTS is to be given as much notice as possible of this requirement, and certainly not less than 3 hours before arrival or departure (See Section 3). Minimum tug requirements are detailed below but, when the vessel is fitted with bow/stern thrusters which allow greater manoeuvrability, the Harbour Master and Terminal may agree to dispense with one tug. Escort inbound will generally be from 4nm south of Nab and escort outbound will be to the Nab. Minimum tug requirement: Vessel DWT 16,000t or less 16,000 – 17,999t 18,000 – 49,999t 50,000 – 59,999t 60,000t or greater Inbound Pilot discretion 2 2 3 4 Outbound Pilot discretion 1 * 2 3 3 Mooring Boats: LOA 87m or less 88m – 120m 120m or greater No. of Boats None One Two * Note: If berthing displacement is greater than 50,000t a 3rd tug will be employed. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 62 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 7.5 Guidelines for Pilotage and Escort Towage for BP Inbound / Outbound Vessels Size of Ship Specialist Pilot Second Pilot Escort Tug Less than 50,000t Loaded Displacement NO NO NO 50,000t or Greater Loaded Displacement YES (In Only) NO NO 60,000t or greater Summer Deadweight (Ballast) YES YES 60,000t or greater Summer Deadweight (Part loaded or Loaded) YES YES YES IN OR OUT P.C. (PRINCE CONSORT) *Note 1 YES NAB *See note 1. 1. Between South Ryde Middle and West Ryde Middle. 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Guidelines for Towage and Limitations of Nominated Berths and Mooring on the Rivers Test, Itchen and Southampton Water Notes to Guidelines: a) Passage planning depths: http://www.southamptonvts.co.uk/admin/content/files/Hydro/Passage%20D epths.pdf b) These Guidelines shall be applied when using tugs with a minimum bollard pull of 4 tons per tug. If tugs of less than 4 tons are being considered the Liaison Pilot must be consulted prior to ordering. c) In reasonable weather and tidal conditions, the number of tugs used will be as specified in the listing below. d) The Guidelines listed below may be altered when unfavourable weather and/or tidal conditions exist, or the efficiency of the ship’s equipment or her manoeuvring capabilities are in doubt. In these cases additional tugs may be used at the discretion of the Master and Pilot or Harbour Master. e) The Liaison Pilot will determine where bow & stern thrusters are fitted that produce their designed power output and are in good working order, may each be considered as equivalent to one tug. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 68 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 8.1 River Test Marchwood Wharf Berth Criteria Length 150m Min depth (approaches) Min depth (alongside) 1.7m 4.0m (2.0m if not swinging) Note: a) Tug requirements at Pilot/Liaison Pilots discretion b) All commercial traffic requires a minimum UKC of 0.3, and on an ebb tide 0.5m. Cracknore (Ex Husbands) Jetty Berth Criteria Length 185.5m Min depth (approaches) Min depth (alongside) 1.9m 4.2m Note: a) Maximum length of vessel 176m LOA. b) Vessels over 61.0m LOA to be provided with 2 tugs for arrival and departure. c) All commercial traffic requires a minimum UKC of 0.3m and on an ebb tide 0.5m. d) Berth subject to siltation. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 69 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Sea Mounting Centre (SMC) Marchwood Berth criteria Berth No. & Name No. 1-2 Mulberry Jetty No. 3-4 Falkland Jetty No. 5 Gun Wharf Jetty No. 6 Gun Wharf Jetty Length 135m 170m Min depth (approaches) 4.9m 8.0m 4.9m 3.0m Min depth (alongside) 4.9m 8.0m 4.9m 3.0m Note: a) Mulberry Jetty accommodates vessels of 125m LOA and 6,000 displacement tonnage. b) Falkland Jetty accommodates vessels of 200m LOA and 15,000 displacement tonnage. c) The Falkland Jetty is marked with distances to the floating Ro-Ro pontoon. d) Gun Wharf accommodates small military/service vessels only. e) Vessels should berth onto fenders with negligible ahead or astern motion and may manoeuvre for position once landed. Tug requirements: f) i) <125m LOA; at Pilot/Liaison Pilot discretion. ii) >125m LOA are to be provided with 2 tugs. This requirement may be amended, after consultation between Master and Pilot once the manoeuvring capabilities of the vessel are known. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 70 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 8.2 River Itchen Notes to Guidelines a) A minimum of 0.5m clearance must be allowed for passing under the Itchen Bridge. Agents handling vessels bound for berths above the Itchen Bridge are requested to ensure that they confirm an accurate air draught from the Master prior to arrival in the Port. The Duty VTSWM & Liaison Pilot should be consulted if doubt exists. b) All commercial traffic requires a minimum UKC of 0.3m and on an ebb tide 0.5m. c) Transits of the River Itchen should not be normally undertaken if the visibility is less than 1 mile. d) When wind speeds exceed 20 knots, transits of River Itchen and associated towage will be at Pilot/Liaison Pilots’ discretion. Princes Wharf Berth Criteria Length 146.3m Min depth (approaches) Min depth (alongside) 1.2m (1.8m not swinging) 2.0m Note: a) Maximum length of vessel permitted is 100m LOA. b) Vessels over 61m LOA to be provided with one tug when swinging. c) Vessels over 67m LOA to be provided with one tug, two tugs when swinging. d) Vessels over 85m LOA, are to be swung off Millstone Pt usually at First High Water, and berthed starboard side to the quay. e) Vessels to depart the berth no later than 30 minutes before 2nd High Water. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 71 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Saxon Wharf Berth Criteria (upstream side of jetty) Length Min depth (approaches) Min depth (alongside) 120m 1.8m 2.5m Note: a) Maximum length of vessel permitted is 80m LOA. b) Vessels are to be berthed and unberthed at High Water with 2 tugs. Dibles (River Berth) Berth Criteria Length 118.0m Min depth (approaches) Min depth (alongside) 2.4m 2.2m Note: a) Maximum length of vessel permitted is 120m LOA. b) Vessels between 84.5m and 100m LOA when arriving loaded to berth port side to quay. c) Vessels 84.5m LOA or greater when leaving and swinging to be provided with one tug. d) Vessels 90m LOA or greater and swinging to be provided with two tugs. e) Vessels between 100m and 120m LOA – i) To be provided with 2 tugs. ii) If in loaded condition, to arrive at the High Water slack period. iii) To be swung south of the Itchen Bridge at either High or Low Water slack period. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 72 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Dibles Gut Berth Criteria Length Effective Breadth Min depth (approaches) 62.5m 14.5m 2.0m Min depth (alongside) 1.3m (inner end) Note: a) Maximum size of vessel permitted is 91.5m LOA and 14.0m beam. b) Vessels to berth at slack water. c) Vessels up to 75m LOA tug requirement at Pilot/Liaison Pilots’ discretion. d) Vessels over 75m LOA to be provided with one tug for arrival and departure. Crown and Leamouth Wharfs Berth Criteria Berth Length Crown Leamouth 90.0m 76.0m Min depth (approaches) 2.4m 2.4m Min depth (alongside) 2.3m 2.2m Note: Tug requirements at Pilot/Liaison Pilots’ discretion. Burnley Wharf Berth Criteria Length 155.0m Min depth (approaches) Min depth (alongside) 2.0m 2.0m Note: Tug requirements at Pilot/Liaison Pilots’ discretion. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 73 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Centenary Wharf (Opposite Ocean Village Entrance). Berth Criteria Berth Length (North) (South) 80.0m 169.5m Min depth (approaches) 2.3m 3.2m Min depth (alongside) 6.3m 6.7m Note: Tug requirements at Pilot/Liaison Pilots’ discretion. 8.3 KGV Dock Dimensions Length overall Length at floor level Width at entrance Depth of dock Depth of sill below chart datum 365.8m 348.0m 41.2m 11.4m 9.8m KGV a) Vessels up to 150m, berth single ship on East side. If 2 ships, West side first in/last out. Towage as required. b) Large Vessels up to 210m, entry HW/LW Slack. 2/3 Dock Tugs + 1 Itchen. c) Maximum Draught 10.65m @ML WN, 9.35m@ ML WS. Note: Floor is concrete. See latest Risk Assessment for more information. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 74 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 8.4a SOLENT REFIT SITE - HYTHE Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 75 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 8.4b Fawley Power Station Berth Criteria: Length 70.0m Min depth Min depth Max beam (approaches) (alongside) 1.5m 2.4m 14.6m Note: a) Maximum length of vessel 68m. This length may be increased to 75m subject to Pilot/Liaison Pilot’s discretion. b) Tug requirements at Pilot/ Liaison Pilot’s discretion. c) All commercial traffic requires a minimum under keel clearance of 0.3m on a flood tide and on an ebb tide 0.5m. d) Berth is subject to siltation. e) Maximum air draft from chart datum is 22.5m. f) Entry into the dock only available during daylight hours. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 76 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 8.5 Overhead Bridge Clearances The following are the heights of the lowest points at the centres of the middle arches in the Port area under which vessels may require to pass. Name of Bridge Itchen Bridge Northam Bridge Railway (Itchen) Cobden Bridge Height Above Chart Datum 28.9m 9.2m 9.0m 9.1m Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines H.A.T 23.0m 4.2m 4.0m 4.1m Page 77 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 78 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 79 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 8.6 ABP Principal Berths: Suggested UKC Note: As all berths are liable to siltation the latest passage planning depths, which can be found at http://www.southamptonvts.co.uk/admin/content/files/Hydro/Passage%20Depths.p df should always be used. Advertised Suggested Comments Depth (m) UKC Itchen Quays 31-32 9.1 0.6 Stable, soft. 33 9.1 0.6 34-36 9.9 0.6+ Empress Dock 20 5.7 0.5 21 1.1 0.5 22-23 6.8 0.5 Stable, used by small vessels, berths generally shallower than approaches 24-25 7.1 0.5 26 7.1 0.5 27 7.1 0.5 Dock Head 37 7.8 0.6 Stable but rarely dredged Test Quays (Eastern Docks) 38-39 10.5 0.6 Well dredged and leveled, but liable to small 40 9.3 0.6 debris over side from quay 41 8.7 0.6 48 7.1 0.5 Small vessels, not liable to heavy siltation 49 7.1 0.5 Ocean Dock 43 11.7 0.6 44 11.7 0.6 All berths liable to siltation, and only rarely 45 10.2 0.6 dredged as required. May be areas of stiffer silt especially in north 46 10.2 0.6 47 11.7 0.6 Berths Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 80 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Western Docks 101/2 10.2 102/3 10.2 103/4 10.2 105 11.7 106 11.7 107 11.7 108/9 11.7 110 10.2 SCT5 16.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 203 0.6 9.1 Well dredged and leveled, all berths higher than adjacent channel, not prone to siltation Partly in exclusion, prone to overspill of bulks In dredge exclusion zone. Partly in dredge exclusion zone and whole quay length prone to siltation. Advertised Suggested Comments Depth (m) UKC KGV Dock 11.4 0.9 Concrete Floor Berths Container Berths SCT4 13.6 SCT3 14.0 SCT2 14.6 SCT1 15.0 0.6 0.6 0.6 Liable to rapid movement of very soft silt. Very mobile area, but well surveyed and leveled Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 81 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Cross-section of King George V Dock Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 82 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 8.7 Small Ships Anchorage Southampton Water Vessels over 91.4m are not permitted to anchor in the anchorage area between Hamble Point Buoy and Coronation Buoy . Inbound vessels are required to call ‘Southampton VTS’ on VHF Channel 12 for permission to anchor in the controlled anchorages before entering the Precautionary Area (Thorn Channel) or the North Channel. Vessels secured alongside intending to anchor or moor in the defined anchorage areas shall obtain permission to do so before getting underway. At no time will more than three gas tankers be permitted to anchor between Hamble Point and Coronation Buoy and no vessel may anchor closer to a gas tanker than a distance equal to twice their combined lengths. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 83 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 8.8 Hamble Cliff Mooring (WGS84 Position 50° 51.50’N, 001° 21.50’W) The following considerations and procedures should be taken into account when a vessel is planned to use the Hamble Cliff Mooring Buoy: - Subject to HM approval. - Liaison Pilot and SMO to plan mooring arrangements plus towage and mooring boat requirements for flood and ebb tides. - SMO to pass anchor positions to Hydrographer for laying marker buoys as close as practicable to vessels ETA. - Weather forecast, particularly wind speed and direction to be taken into consideration and additional towage ordered if deemed necessary. - Good communications to be established between mooring boat, tug(s) and vessel prior to commencing manoeuvre. - Mooring boat to have sufficient rope lashings aboard (SMO to confirm). - Minimum of one slip rope to the buoy. - VTS to issue speed reduction request during mooring/unmooring operation. - UKC needs to be taken into consideration. - Departure to be planned so that vessel stems tide or at slack water. 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More information can be found at www.southamptonvts.co.uk Provision has been made for Marine Emergencies occurring outside the SOLFIRE area of responsibility and under HM Coastguard co-ordination, to gain access to SOLFIRE resources. This plan has been produced jointly by the Harbour Master, Southampton, the Queen’s Harbour Master, Portsmouth, and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, MRCC Solent, in consultation and agreement with the Emergency Services and Local Authorities. The plan is a voluntary scheme intended to provide the command, control and communications structure to draw together and co-ordinate adequate resources to deal with any Marine Emergency occurring within the SOLFIRE command area. This plan will be supplemented by other contingency and action plans held by the Emergency Services, Local Authorities, Commercial facilities and marine related companies which will be activated as necessary. In the event of a Marine Emergency occurring the response provided by the Initiating Authority will be graded according to defined classifications of marine emergency or incident. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 89 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 9.2 Port of Southampton Oil Spill Contingency Plan The Oil Spill Contingency Plan has been developed to conform to the Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation Convention) Regulations 1998, which entered into effect 15 May 1998. The plan is designed to meet the statutory responsibilities placed on the Harbour Authority for responding to oil pollution within the harbour area. The plan is provided to assist the Harbour Authority and other organizations in dealing with an accidental discharge of oil. Its primary purpose is to set in motion the necessary actions to stop or minimise the discharge and to mitigate its effects. Effective planning ensures that the necessary actions are taken in a structured, logical and timely manner. The plan uses a tiered response to Oil Spill Incidents. The plan is designed to deal with Tier One and Tier Two incidents, and to provide guidance for the initial response to a Tier Three incident. Where a spillage is associated with a wider emergency, then additional factors involving the safety of personnel will take precedence over the pollution response. In this case reference will be made to SOLFIRE. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 90 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 9.3 Port of Southampton Emergency Plan The purpose of the Port of Southampton Emergency Plan is, in the event of an emergency, to specify means of raising alarm, summoning assistance, and establishing the role of those organizations involved in order to co-ordinate the activities necessary to safeguard life, property and the environment. It is specifically written to satisfy the requirement of ‘The Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987’ the plan provides a framework for dealing with other emergencies which may occur within the Port of Southampton. In the context of the plan, an emergency means: ‘An unplanned incident such as a serious toxic or flammable vapour emission, fire, explosion or major breach of containment of any dangerous substance, which might lead to a serious danger to persons, property or the environment inside or outside the harbour area’. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 91 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 9.4 Off-Site Reactor Emergency Plan ‘SOTONSAFE’ AS USED IN THE PORT OF SOUTHAMPTON SOTONSAFE is a requirement of the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2001. The plan replaces the previous SOTONSAFE documents and interfaces with the Operator’s Emergency Plan produced by the MOD. The aim of the Plan is to include automatic and pre-planned response actions to mitigate the consequences of an accident involving a nuclear powered vessel within the Port of Southampton. In addition the plan involves the establishment of the required command, control and liaison organisation, at the local and national level, capable of the successful implementation of these early measures. This organisation allows consideration, by all relevant authorities, of the later follow-on and recovery aspects of the accident for which detailed pre-planning is not considered appropriate. The Plan can be found on the following web page: http://www.southampton.gov.uk/living/emergencyplanning/emergencyplans/sotonplan.aspx Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 92 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 93 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 94 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 10. Pilotage Arrangements 10.1 Pilotage Directions for the ABP Port of Southampton, Competent Harbour Authority (CHA) The following is a summary of the Pilotage Directions which apply to vessels bound to or from the Port of Southampton or transiting the Solent navigating in the Competent Harbour Authority (CHA) Pilotage area, as set out in the Pilotage Act 1987. The Pilotage Directions in full are available on www.southamptonvts.co.uk Pilotage in the ABP Southampton Pilotage area is compulsory. a) The following categories of vessels will be excluded from compulsory Pilotage: HM Ships MOD owned/operated ships Naval vessels of commonwealth countries Foreign naval ships All vessels including fishing vessels not exceeding 61m in length, except vessels exceeding 20m in length carrying more than 12 passengers. b) Bona fide Masters and First Mates of all vessels subject to compulsory Pilotage within limits defined in the schedules may apply for and be issued with Pilotage Exemption Certificates for the area, or specified parts of the area, subject to their fitness and qualification both by examination and experience in the appropriate parts of the area. c) Pilotage Exemption Certificates may be revoked if considered justified. In this event, the holder would have a right to appeal to the Competent Harbour Authority. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 95 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 96 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 10.3 Pilotage Charges A copy of the current Pilotage Charges is obtainable from the ABP Marketing Manager at Ocean Gate, (023 8048 8840) or the website www.southamptonvts.co.uk 10.4 Ships Requiring Pilots The Port of Southampton is responsible for providing Pilots throughout the Eastern and Central Solent, Southampton Water and Rivers Itchen and Test. (Pilots are not available in the Western Solent/Needles). Ships requiring a Pilot must inform Southampton VTS not less than 12 hours in advance of ETA. Notification should include: ETA Maximum draught Destination within Pilotage area Boarding position of Pilot A further ETA shall be sent no later than 3 hours before arrival at the Pilot Station by VHF (Channel 9, ‘Southampton Pilots’). ETA’s may be sent by telephone, e-mail or fax at the numbers stated in Section 2 of these Guidelines. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 97 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 10.5 Boarding Points a) Pilot embarkation/disembarkation positions in the Solent i) For vessels ⋝ 61m and <150m LOA and for vessels ⋝20m LOA when carrying more than 12 passengers, the Pilot boarding place will be in the vicinity of North Sturbridge Buoy. ii) For vessels <150m LOA when carrying DANGEROUS or POLLUTING GOODS in bulk the Pilot boarding place will be in the vicinity of St Helens buoy. NOTE: Vessels having carried dangerous or polluting goods, which are neither gas free nor inerted will be subject to the same conditions as specified above. iii) For laden VLCCs (i.e. those requiring escort towage) and deep draught container vessels the pilot boarding place will be 4’ due South of the Nab tower. iv) For all other vessels ⋝150m LOA the Pilot boarding place will be either; NAB WEST Pilot Boarding Area – In an area between 0.5nm and 1.5nm from the Nab Tower, in a sector bounded by bearings of 270° and 195° from the Nab Tower Or Nab East Pilot Boarding Area – In an area between 1.0nm and 2.0nm from the Nab Tower, in a sector bounded by bearings of 090° and 145° from the Nab Tower. v) b) All vessels subject to compulsory Pilotage using the West Solent, the Pilot boarding place is in the vicinity of the West Lepe Buoy. Restricted visibility and traffic congestion In the event of visibility falling below 1 nautical mile or traffic congestion occurring in the vicinity of the North Sturbridge buoy then Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 98 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 the boarding position for vessels referred to in paragraph i) above will be temporarily relocated to the St Helens Pilot boarding area. Southampton Pilots will confirm Pilot boarding arrangements when contact is made with the vessel on VHF Channel 9. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 99 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 11. Southampton Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Station Southampton Vessel Traffic Services Call Sign SOUTHAMPTON VTS Southampton Patrol VHF R/T Communication Schedule Channel Frequency Details MHZ CALLING, SAFETY AND 16 156.30 DISTRESS Continuous Watch PORT OPERATIONS Calling and 12 156.60 Working PORT OPERATIONS secondary 14 156.70 Working Channel All vessels are required to establish communications with Southampton VTS on one of these channels when 10nm from the NAB TOWER or approaching the NEEDLES inbound, when passing SOUTHSEA WAR MEMORIAL outbound from Portsmouth and at least 30 minutes before leaving a berth or anchorage 20 157.00 161.60 71 156.575 74 156.725 16 156.80 12 156.60 All All Call Sign SP PORT OPERATIONS Selected Working and Harbour Radar Information PORT OPERATIONS Manoeuvring – Ship/Tug – Pilot/Berthing Master PORT OPERATIONS Manoeuvring – Ship/Tug – Pilot/Berthing Master CALLING, SAFETY AND DISTRESS Continuous Watch PORT OPERATIONS Continuous Watch MARITIME INTERNATIONAL VHF BAND All channels available as applicable for PORT OPERATIONS and Maritime use Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 100 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Station Pilots Call Sign SOUTHAMPTON PILOT, NAB PILOT, STURBRIDGE PILOT, LEPE PILOT Tug Boats Esso Marine Terminal Fawley BP Oil Terminal Hamble Call Sign BP HAMBLE QHM Portsmouth Channel Frequency MHZ 9 156.45 19 156.95 161.55 71 156.575 74 156.725 12 71 or 156.95 161.55 156.60 156.575 74 156.725 11 156.55 19 Details WORKING CHANNEL WORKING CHANNEL ESSO Marine Terminal Fawley and BP Oils Ltd. Terminals Hamble MANOEUVRING Ship/Tug – Pilot/Berthing Master MANOEUVRING Ship/Tug – Pilot/Berthing Master WORKING CHANNEL WORKING CHANNEL Occasional PORT OPERATIONS Calling and Working – all vessels 13 156.65 WORKING as directed 73 156.675 Alternate WORKING as directed NOTE: Consult DOCKYARD PORT OF PORTSMOUTH Notice to Mariners www.qhmportsmouth.com Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 101 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 12. Vessel Movement Reporting Procedure a) All vessels 20 metres LOA or greater in length, bound to or from or passing through the Port of Southampton, vessels bound to or from or passing through the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth and vessels bound to or from anchorages or other locations in the Solent are required to communicate by VHF with Southampton VTS. b) All vessels 20 metres LOA or greater entering the East Solent are required to report to Southampton VTS on VHF Channel 12 when 10 miles from Nab Tower. When leaving the East Solent vessels are required to report to Southampton VTS Channel 12 when passing latitude 50 degrees 40 minutes North giving their position as a distance East or West of Nab Tower. c) Vessels proceeding to an anchorage for shelter in the Solent or for subsequent berthing, must report to Southampton VTS when anchored, together with their approximate position. Whilst at anchor vessels must maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 12. d) Vessels leaving a sheltered anchorage must also report, at least 30 minutes before getting underway, and must advise Southampton VTS of their intended destination and route. e) Vessels outbound from the Port of Southampton should establish communications at least 30 minutes prior to leaving berth and obtain permission from Southampton VTS before letting go. f) Vessels clearing Portsmouth Harbour should establish communications with Southampton VTS when passing Southsea War Memorial. g) Vessels to/from Portsmouth Harbour are also required to report to QHM. See Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Local Notices to Mariners. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 102 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 13. Advanced Notice of Entry of Dangerous Substances into the Port of Southampton MSN 1817 (M+F) and MSN 1817 (M+F) Amendment 1 Consolidated European Reporting System (CERS). The above Merchant Shipping Notice (effective from December 2007) details the requirements applicable to ships and harbour authorities for compliance with statutory reporting arrangements prior to entry into United Kingdom ports under new EU provisions. The former ‘Hazmat’ notification requirements contained in the Merchant Shipping (Reporting Requirements for Dangerous and Polluting Goods) Regulations 1995 are replaced and enhanced by requirements contained in the Merchant Shipping (Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Reporting Requirements) Regulations 2004 and by information contained in the above named MSN. Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987 ABP Southampton, being the Statutory Harbour Authority, has the responsibility for enforcing these regulations in the Harbour Area against persons other than itself. Regulation No. 6, which falls within Part 2 of the regulations, deals with the notice of entry of dangerous substances into the Harbour Area, and these guidance notes are intended to assist Masters, Shipowners, Agents and Transport Operators in preparing the information required by the Harbour Master. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 103 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 13.1 Notice of Entry of Dangerous Substances arriving by sea for discharge or in transit The following information is required by the Harbour Master, in writing, in respect of he advance notice of entry of all dangerous substances arriving by sea into the Port of Southampton, for discharge or in transit. The advance notice must contain the following information from Masters of vessels or their Agents and must be received at least 24 hours prior to the arrival of the vessel at the Nab/Needles area. In the event of vessels bound to the Port of Southampton whose passage time is less than 24 hours, the report should be sent by fax/email from the last port of call to ensure that the details have been received prior to the vessel’s arrival at the Nab/Needles thus avoiding any unnecessary delay. a) Vessel Details Name and call sign of vessel Nationality of vessel Overall length, draught and beam of vessel Intended destination within the Harbour Area ETA NAB or EAST LEPE Last Port of Call b) Dangerous Substances being carried (specify for discharge or in transit) Correct technical name of dangerous substances UN number Quantity of each substance Classification Details of the number and type of packages to be individually handled (where appropriate) c) In the case of Explosives (specify for discharge or in transit) UN number Class Division Compatibility group Net explosive content Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 104 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 NOTE: NO STORAGE PERMITTED WITHIN HARBOUR AREA 13.2 Notice of Entry of Dangerous Substances from an Inland source entering the Harbour Area The Harbour Master requests the following information. If the substance is to be brought to a berth, the Berth Operator must submit in writing advance Notification of Entry of all Dangerous Substances from an inland source. The advance notice of entry of dangerous substances must contain the following information from the Operator (all modes of transport) and must be received at least 24 hours prior to the dangerous substances entering the Harbour Area. Consideration may be given for a lesser time period; however, it should be reasonable. A zero time factor will not be acceptable and would be ULTRA VIRES to the DSHA Regulations. a) Dangerous Substances (for loading) Correct technical name of dangerous substance UN number Quantity or weight of each substance Classification Name of loading vessel and berth number (if known) b) In the case of explosives (for loading) for Direct Shipment (NO STORAGE PERMITTED) UN number Class Compatibility Group Not explosive content Name of loading vessel Date/time of loading In the majority of cases it is anticipated that the ship’s Masters will provide the notice of entry of dangerous substances arriving by sea, which is included in section 13.1 above. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 105 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 In order that this information is received in advance of the vessel’s arrival, it is recommended that this is transmitted via facsimile or email on the numbers indicated in Section 2 of these Guidelines. In the case of advance notification for the entry of dangerous substances entering the Harbour Area from an inland source, three alternatives are proposed, namely Facsimile, email or letter (or on pre-printed forms available from Harbour Master) delivered to VTS Centre. In the event of any difficulty being encountered by Shipowners, Agents or Transport Operators on these reporting procedures, clarification may be obtained from the Harbour Master’s Office at the VTS Centre. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 106 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 13.3 Conditions of Entry for petroleum ships to any berth owned by ABP for repairs. The above vessels require a valid” gas free certificate” issued by an independent chemist and a completed “T1” form found on the VTS website. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 107 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 14. International Ship and Port Security Code (ISPS) The following ‘International Ship and Port Security Code’ procedures must be followed for vessels bound to or leaving berths within the ABP Docks Estate. As from 1st July 2004 all vessels bound for ABP Docks Estate Berths will, through their Agent, submit 24 hours prior to arrival, a ‘Pre Arrival Information Form’ attached to the ‘Vessel Booking Form’. If the vessel has failed to submit this form prior to arrival she will not be allowed to enter the Port and the Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) must be informed. On receipt of the ‘Pre Arrival Information Form’ the details must be checked in conjunction with the ‘Prior Notification Flow Chart’ and actioned as appropriate. ISPS – SHIPS STORES – SEARCH STATISTICS form. Port Security Level 1. This form must be completed (including a Nil return) by passenger vessels prior to departure.(Form on the VTS website) Port Security Level 2 and above. Form to be completed (including a Nil return) by ALL vessels prior to departure. The form must be received by VTS before permission is given for the vessel to sail. The ABP Dock Estate excludes DP World, BPJ, Fawley Marine Terminal, Marchwood, River Itchen Berths etc. These berths have their own Port Facility Security Officer. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 108 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 15. ABP SOUTHAMPTON - PORT PROCEDURE FOR ABORTING PASSENGER EMBARKATION/ DISEMBARKATION WHILST CAT 4/5 CONTAINER VESSELS ARE PASSING BERTHS 104 TO 106 and 38/9 Berths 104 to 106 (Mayflower terminal) Inward Cat 4(or larger) Container vessel 1. VTS Watch Manager (VTSWM) to telephone Terminal Liaison Officer (TLO) when vessel passes the Ocean Dock (vessel approx 15 minutes away). 2. TLO to advise all parties. Operations (Ops) manager, Ground services (GS) manager, Engineers. 3. TLO to telephone VTSWM to confirm temporary suspension of passenger embarkation/ disembarkation on all gangways. 4. Vessel clear - TLO to resume embarkation/ disembarkation. Outward Cat 4(or larger) Container vessel (Cat 4 (or larger) vessel pstq) 1. VTSWM to telephone TLO when vessel is underway from DP World. 2. TLO to advise all parties. Ops manager, GS manager and Engineers. 3. TLO to telephone VTSWM to confirm temporary suspension of passenger embarkation/ disembarkation on all gangways. 4. Vessel clear - TLO to resume embarkation/ disembarkation. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 109 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Outward Cat 4 (or larger) Container vessel (Cat 4 (or larger) vessel sstq) 1. VTSWM to telephone TLO when vessel is about to commence her swing in the Upper Swinging Ground. 2. TLO to advise all parties. Ops manager, GS manager and Engineers. 3. TLO to telephone VTSWM to confirm temporary suspension of passenger embarkation/ disembarkation on all gangways. 4. Vessel clear - TLO to resume embarkation/ disembarkation. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 110 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 38/9 Berths (Queen Elizabeth 11 Terminal) Inward Cat 4 (or larger) Container vessel 1. VTS Watch Manager (VTSWM) to telephone Terminal Liaison Officer (TLO) when vessel passes the Hound buoy (vessel approx 15 minutes away). 2. TLO to advise all parties. Operations (Ops) manager, Ground services (GS) manager, Engineers. 3. TLO to telephone VTSWM to confirm temporary suspension of passenger embarkation/ disembarkation on all gangways. 4. Vessel clear - TLO to resume embarkation/ disembarkation. Outward Cat 4 (or larger) Container vessel 1. VTSWM to telephone TLO when vessel is passing Cracknore buoy. 2. TLO to advise all parties. Ops manager, GS manager and Engineers. 3. TLO to telephone VTSWM to confirm temporary suspension of passenger embarkation/ disembarkation on all gangways. 4. Vessel clear - TLO to resume embarkation/ disembarkation. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 111 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 Passenger Ship To Shore Airbridge Withdrawal Procedure Passenger vessels are not to sail until the Airbridge has been fully withdrawn. The Duty Terminal Engineer will advise the ship on VHF ch 12 once the Airbridge has been withdrawn, vessel must remain fully secured until confirmation from the Duty Terminal Engineer. Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 112 of 113 zPort of Southampton Issue Date: 13th November 2015 16. ABP SOUTHAMPTON - LINKSPANS Linkspan 25 Berth 30 Berth 105 Berth Capacity 120 te Check with Engineers > 100 te 150 te Check with Engineers > 150 te 100 te Check with Engineers > 60 te 6.5m 6.5m 7m None Max 6m None Floating Wire Rope / Floating Floating 17m 25.4m 18.7m N/A 1.95 to 13.48 above CD N/A 41m 63m 40m 170m 165m 200m+ 22m 32.9m 32.9m 7.1m 9.1m 11.7m 7.4m 9.1m 12.6m Useable Width of Bridge Height Restrictions Type Of Linkspan Door Landing Width Range Length of Bridge Ship Max Loa Max Beam Draft On Berth Approach Pontoon = 6.7m Before obstruction Air draft not applicable to the above linkspans z Southampton March 2015 Port Users Information and Navigation Guidelines Page 113 of 113