VAR PROCESSES 1 Introduction to Vector Processes Reading on matrices: Chris Orme, Lecture Notes in Linear Algebra, cost £1.00, from Room N.4.3, Dover St. building. Suppose we want to model n related time series |1w> |2w> ===> |nw. Define 5 the 6vector |1w 9 |2w : : (n × 1) yw = 9 7 .. 8 > |nw For example, to analyse monetary policy, might use rate of interest (uw), the output growth (jw) and the rate of inflation ({sw): 6 5 uw yw = 7 jw 8 = {sw Develop a multivariate time series model for yw. 1.1 Vector white noise The n × 1 vector white noise process %w satisfies H(%w) = 0 H(%w%0w) = P H(%w%0v) = 0> v 6= w Thus: • each element has mean zero; • variance-covariance matrix is constant over time; • elements have zero autocorrelations and zero cross-correlations over time. For example, n = 2 & v = w 1, we require H(%w%0w1) = · H(%1w%1>w1) H(%1w%2>w1) H(%2w%1>w1) H(%2w%2>w1) ¸ = 0= Vector white noise has not only H(%lw%l>wm ) = 0> m = 1> 2> ===, but also cross-correlations over time, eg. H(%1w%2>wm ) = H(%2w%1>wm ) = 0> m = 1> 2> ===. Implication: All past elements of %wm are uncorrelated with current %w. 1.2 VAR(S ) processes Vector autoregressive process of order S , or VAR(S ), is yw = + x1yw1 + x2yw2 + === + xS ywS + %w where %w is vector white noise with H(%w%0w) = P. Analogous to AR(s). Note: Any interrelations at w between |lw captured in P; All interrelations over time between |lw & |n>wm captured by VAR coefficients. In lag operator notation: x(O)yw = + %w where x(O) is the n × n matrix polynomial x(O) = In x1O x2O2 === xS OS = Example: VAR(1) with = 0 is yw = + xyw1 + %w= For n = 2: · |1w |2w ¸ · with · |1>w1 |2>w1 ¸ · ¸ %1w %2w · ¸ !11|1>w1 + !12|2>w1 + %1w = !21|1>w1 + !22|2>w1 + %2w = !11 !12 !21 !22 ¸· H(%21w) + H(%1w%2w) H(%2w%1w) H(%22w) · 2 ¸ 1 12 = P= 12 22 H(%w%0w) = and x(O) = I2 xO = · ¸ 1 !11O !12O !21O 1 !22O ¸ Points to note: • For VAR with S A 1, an additional subscript (or superscript) is needed for elements of xm to indicate lag m , in addition to the two subscripts used in a VAR(1) for the equation and the variable. • The VAR(S ) treats each of the n variables in the same way: there is no distinction between endogenous and exogenous variables. • The VAR focuses on dynamic interrelationships between the variables. 2 Properties of VAR Processes 2.1 Stationarity A VAR process is (second-order) stationary if: H(yw) = µ for all w H(yw µ)(yw µ)0 = K0 for all w H(yw µ)(ywm µ)0 = Km for all w and any m Km = H(yw µ)(ywm µ)0 is the autocovariance matrix at lag m . Example: VAR between interest rates & inflation, at lag m = 1 : K1 = H(yw µ)(yw1 µ)0 · ¸ ¤ £ uw u uw1 u {sw1 {s = H {sw {s · H(uw u )(uw1 u ) = H({sw {s)(uw1 u ) ¸ H(uw u )({sw1 {s) H({sw {s)({sw1 {s) Diagonal elements of Km are lag m autocovariances; Off-diagonal elements of Km are lag m crosscovariances. Assume = 0, and recall that, for nonsingular matrix A, 1 A1 = dgm[A] |A| In VAR x(O)yw = %w , yw = x1(O)%w. Premultiply by |x(O)| : , |x(O)| yw = dgm[x(O)]%w where dgm[x(O)] is adjoint matrix of x(O). A determinant is scalar, so same AR |x(O)| applies to each variable. , Each variable in yw is stationary if all roots of ¯ ¯ 2 S¯ ¯ |x(})| = In x1} x2} === xS } = 0 lie outside the unit circle. This is also the stationarity condition for the VAR. Examples: VAR(1) with n = 2 1. !11 = ·1> !12¸= =6> · !21 =¸=5> · !22 =¸=7·. Then ¸ |1w 1 =6 |1>w1 % = + 1w |2w |2>w1 %2w =5 =7 and · ¸ 1 O =6O x(O) = I2 xO = =5O 1 + =7O , ¯ ¯ ¯ 1 } =6} ¯ ¯ |x(})| = ¯¯ =5} 1 + =7} ¯ = (1 })(1 + =7}) + =3} 2 = 1 =3} =7} 2 + =3} 2 = 1 =3} =4} 2 = (1 =8})(1 + =5}) Both roots are outside the unit circle and the VAR is stationary, despite !11 = 1. 2. !11 = =9> ! ¯ ¯ 12 = =1> !21 = =2> !22¯ = ¯=8> ¯ 1 !11} !12} ¯ ¯ 1 =9} =1} ¯ ¯ ¯=¯ |x(})| = ¯¯ ¯ ¯ =2} 1 =8} ¯ !21} 1 !22} = (1 =9})(1 =8}) =02} 2 = 1 1=7} + =7} 2 = (1 })(1 =7})= System is nonstationary. Due to factor (1 }), both |1w> |2w L(1). 2.2 Mean and Autocovariances For stationary VAR(S ), take expectations in yw = + x1yw1 + x2yw2 + === + xS ywS + %w , & hence µ = (I µ = + x1µ + x2µ + === + xS µ n x1 x2 === xS )1 = x1(1)= This is a generalisation of the AR(s) mean result. Stationarity ensures |x(1)| = 6 0> since |x(})| does not have a unit root= Can also obtain Km as function of stationary VAR coefficient matrices x1> ===> xS . 2.3 Moving Average Representation Every stationary VAR process has an infinite order vector moving average (VMA) representation: yw = x1(O)[ + %w] = µ + x1(O)%w 4 X = µ+ [c%wc= c=0 as µ = x1(1) ; note that [0 = In = For VAR(1), x1(O) = (In + xO+x2O2 + ===)> so that yw = µ+(In + xO+x2O2 + ===)%w 4 X = µ+ xl%wl= l=0 and [c = xc. For general VAR(S ), [c is a function of the VAR coefficient matrices x1> ===> xS . 3 Interpreting VARs There are many coefficients in a VAR. Say S = 4 with n = 3; each VAR equation involves 3 × 4 = 12 coefficients plus intercept , 3 × 13 = 39 coefficients in the system. With, n = 6 and S = 4, 6 × (6 × 4 + 1) = 150 coefficients! Dynamic interrelationships in the VAR can be complex. Say VAR(1) in jw> {sw and uw: {sw = 1 + !11{sw1 + !12jw1 + !13uw1 + %sw jw = 2 + !21{sw1 + !22jw1 + !23uw1 + %jw uw = 3 + !31{sw1 + !32jw1 + !33uw1 + %uw What is the effect of u on future {s? • Rate of interest directly affects future inflation through !23uw1. • Also indirect effect through jw (uw1 influences jw and jw1 appears in {sw equation). • Both jw1 & {sw1 affect uw, leading to a feedback effect through uw. Impulse response functions used for VAR interpretation. 3.1 Impulse Response Functions Impulse response function is the dynamic effect of a disturbance %mw. For monetary policy VAR, an interest rate disturbance %uw affects each of j> {s & u. For n variables there are n 2 impulse response functions, one for each of n disturbances on n variables. VMA representation implies Cyw+c = [c C%0w so that C|l>w+c = #clm C%mw where #clm is (l> m)wk element of [c. , impulse response function for |m on |l is #clm > As [0 = In C|lw = C%mw c = 0> 1> 2> ==== ½ 1 0 if l = m = if l 6= m This is response to %mw = 1= Can set %mw = dm and show impulse responses as dm #clm (c = 0> 1> 2> ===). Shock dm often taken as estimated standard deviation of %m . 3.2 Orthogonalised Impulse Response Functions Impulse response functions above do not take account of disturbance covariance matrix P. Effectively take %mw = dm > %lw = 0> l 6= m despite H(%lw%mw) = lm 6= 0= Therefore, transform %mw to xmw that are mutually orthogonal; that is, H(xlwxmw) = 0> l 6= m . Define uw by uw = C%w where C is lower triangular and nonsingular (n × n)> with diagonal elements of unity and H(uwu0w) = D> D diagonal. This is the Cholesky decomposition. Due to orthogonality, no disturbance xmw provides information about another xlv(l 6= m); therefore xmw affects no |lw(l 6= m). As %w = C1uw, VMA is yw = µ+ , 4 X [cC1uwc c=0 Cyw+c 1 = [ C = c Cu0w The orthogonalised impulse response function is for |m on |l is: C|l>w+c c = 0> 1> 2> === Cxmw which is the (l> m ) element of [cC1. In practice, computed with xmw = dm & all other xlw = 0. dm typically equal to estimated standard deviation of xmw. It is important to understand that lower triangular C implies a causal order: • %1w $ %2w; • %1w> %2w $ %3w; • %1w> %2w> ===> %n1>w $ %nw= That is, within w, variables ordered first may cause later ones, but not vice versa. Ordering of variables can have a substantial impact on orthogonalised impulse response functions. Some econometricians and statisticans are sceptical about them. VAR itself gives no information about causal ordering and hence it depends on a priori economic beliefs. Example: Consider again the monetary policy VAR, with variables are ordered 5 as: 6 {sw yw = 7 jw 8 = uw Orthogonalised impluse response functions here implicitly assume: • current inflation may influence current growth; • current inflation & growth may influence current interest rates; • current interest rates & growth do not affect inflation in period w; • interest rates at w do not affect current growth. Estimated VAR(4) model for UK inflation, GDP growth and interest rates. Variable order 1: Inflation, growth, interest rates Variable order 2: Growth, inflation, interest rates ¾Same VAR coefficients Orthogonalised Impulse Responses to one SE shock to GROWTH Effect on INFLATION ******************************************** Horizon Variable Variable Order 1 Order 2 0 0.00 -.15842 1 .09203 .01082 2 -.00937 -.07926 3 .09854 .05633 4 .16212 .09323 5 .12177 .06113 6 .09203 .03498 7 .07004 .02097 8 .06767 .01070 9 .06448 .01914 10 .05878 .01655 11 .05008 .01104 12 .04518 .00893 ******************************************* 4 Modelling Issues 4.1 Estimation and Inference Estimation of a VAR(S ) process is by OLS, separately for each equation. Although H(%w%0w) = P (not necessarily diagonal), OLS is optimal. Comment: Assumes unrestricted VAR (ie, same explanatory variables in each equation and no restrictions between coefficients). Hypothesis tests for individual coefficients use usual w-ratios. A test of, say xS = 0> requires a system test, as coefficients in all n equations are involved. These are based on W 1 X 0 b PS = ewew= W S w=1 with residuals ew (w = S + 1> ===> W ) from VAR(S ). Note: OLS ¯equation by equation can be shown to ¯ ¯b ¯ minimise ln ¯P S¯ = Usual system test is a likelihood ratio test, ¯i ¯ ¯ h ¯ ¯ ¯b ¯ ¯b OU = W ln ¯P(U)¯ ln ¯P(X)¯ b b where P(U)> are the restricted and unrestricted P(X) estimated disturbance variance matrices. When the restrictions are valid, asymptotically OU "2gi with gi = number of restrictions. For testing K0 : xS = 0 unrestricted model is VAR(S ); restricted model is VAR(S 1). d Under this K0, OU "2n2 . [There are n zero restrictions in each of n equations.] 4.2 VAR Order Specification As for AR(s), two approaches for specification of S : 1. "Testing down": Start with maximum order S . Test K0 : xS = 0= If K0 not rejected, move to order S 1 and test K0 : xS 1 = 0= Continue until K0 is rejected. 2. Use a model specification criterion to select between orders 0> 1> ===> S . Most common are and ¯ ¯ 2S n 2 ¯b ¯ DLF(S ) = ln ¯P S¯ + W S ¯ ¯ S n2 ln(W s) ¯b ¯ VLF(S ) = ln ¯P = S¯ + W S Select S that minimises criterion. Note: These are generalisations of criteria for univariate AR(S ), where n = 1.