J Electron Test (2015) 31:537–548 DOI 10.1007/s10836-015-5551-3 Double Node Upsets Hardened Latch Circuits Yuanqing Li 1 & Haibin Wang 1,2 & Suying Yao 3 & Xi Yan 3 & Zhiyuan Gao 3 & Jiangtao Xu 3 Received: 22 May 2015 / Accepted: 2 November 2015 / Published online: 17 November 2015 # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 Abstract A radiation hardened by design (RHBD) latch and its temporally hardened version to tolerate double node upsets are proposed in this paper. C-Elements are used to construct structures for fault correction. The temporally hardened version can further tolerate some single-event transients (SETs) at input port and clock line. Compared with Quintuple Modular Redundancy (QMR), the proposed non-temporally and temporally hardened latches are more area and power efficient with improved propagation delays. Compared with several previously reported temporally hardened latches, the proposed temporally hardened latch may introduce lower performance loss induced as setup time increase. Several multi-node upset tolerant latches are also compared with these two designs in terms of area, power, and delay. A cell level soft error analysis (TFIT) shows that the upset threshold LETs of the proposed latches in 180 nm process are higher than 16 MeV-cm2/mg. Keywords Double node upsets . Latch . RHBD . Setup time . Temporal hardening Responsible Editor: S. Hellebrand * Yuanqing Li yuan-qing.li@hotmail.com Jiangtao Xu xujiangtao@tju.edu.cn 1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada 2 College of IOT Engineering, Hohai University, Changzhou, China 3 School of Electronic Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China 1 Introduction Level sensitive latches are fundamental cells in digital systems, since they are commonly used to build edge triggered flip-flops in the master-slave mode [23]. A conventional latch often uses an inverter-loop to keep logic states, and this structure is proven to be vulnerable to single-event upsets (SEUs) caused by particle strikes [20, 21]. Generally, SEUs would not lead to permanent damages, so they are referred to as soft errors [3]. Radiation Hardness by Design (RHBD) is a category of methods which promise SEUs protection through applying commercial technologies. For storage cells including latches, many well-known RHBD techniques, such as triple modular redundancy (TMR), are expected to eliminate radiation induced faults only at single nodes [1]. However, the aggressively scaled device size in deep-submicron and nanometer technologies can allow the single-event charge to affect multiple nodes simultaneously and cause multi-node upsets (MNUs) [12]. MNUs impose serious threats on electronic circuits, since they can additionally increase the soft error rates (SERs) and may not be fully mitigated by traditional RHBD methods targeting only SEUs. For semiconductor circuits manufactured in advanced technologies, MNUs have become non-ignorable sources of soft errors [7]. Another fault mode caused by radiation is single-event transients (SETs) in combinational circuits [16, 24]. SETs can propagate through logic paths and arrive at sequential elements to cause upsets [5]. Both SEUs and SETs contribute to the total SER [5, 14, 15]. However, it has been identified that SETs can become the dominant factor in the cases where circuits are operated with relatively high clock frequencies [5, 14]. Therefore, the hardness against SETs is also critical for high performance systems developed for radiation environment applications. In this paper, an RHBD latch to tolerate double node upsets (DNUs) is proposed. C-Elements are applied to build this 538 J Electron Test (2015) 31:537–548 2 Proposed Double Node Upsets Hardened Latch Circuits 2.1 Schematics of the Proposed Latches A A O O B B (a) (b) Fig. 1 Schematic (a) and symbol (b) of a C-Element [22] latch for fault mask and correction. When a delay unit is added, this latch is further temporally hardened to tolerate SETs at input port and clock line with relatively less performance loss compared to several previously presented methods. The proposed non-temporally and temporally hardened latches are named NTHLTCH and THLTCH in this paper. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the schematics, fault injection simulation results, physical designs, and timing characterizations of the NTHLTCH and THLTCH. Section 3 provides the comparative analysis of the proposed latches and some other RHBD solutions. Conclusions of this paper are given in Section 4. C-Elements (also called guard-gates or Transition AND Gates) are commonly applied for soft error mitigation [2, 22]. The schematic and symbol of a C-Element are shown in Fig. 1 [22]. A C-Element acts as an inverter if both inputs are identical. If the inputs disagree, the C-Element enters the hold phase with its output floating, and the logic level at the output node is maintained by the capacitance loads [2, 22]. The schematic of the NTHLTCH is shown in Fig. 2. Nine C-Elements (C-Element 1 ~ 9) and three inverters (Inverter 1 ~ 3) are used inside this latch. Switches are built by transmission gates. All these components can be classified into the following groups: {C-Element1, C-Element2, C-Element3}, {C-Element4, C-Element5, C-Element6}, {C-Element7, CElement8, C-Element9}, and {Inverter1, Inverter2, Inverter3}. Each C-Element group has three inputs and three outputs, and each input drives two C-Elements of this group. When one of these three inputs gets upset, the fault is blocked by the following C-Elements. In the cases where two inputs get upset at the same time, the faults can propagate through the C-Element they are both driving. Taking the group {CElement4, C-Element5, C-Element6} as an example, the simultaneous upsets at B1 and B2 can reach C1. However, since B3 is not affected, C2 and C3 are protected by C-Element5 and C-Element6. The analysis above provides an important characteristic of each C-Element group shown in Fig. 2: for single input upset, CK CK CK NCK C-Element 1 C-Element 4 C-Element 7 Inverter1 B1 A1 NCK C-Element 2 C1 C-Element 5 D1 C-Element 8 Inverter2 D B2 A2 NCK C-Element 3 C2 C-Element 6 D2 C-Element 9 Inverter3 B3 A3 NQ Q Fig. 2 Proposed non-temporally hardened negative latch NTHLTCH C3 CK D3 NCK J Electron Test (2015) 31:537–548 539 (a) (b) Fig. 3 Tolerance to double node upsets at (B1, B2) (a) and (C1, D1) (b) of the NTHLTCH no fault appears at the three outputs; for double input upsets, there is only one fault at one of the three outputs. This is helpful for the understanding of the radiation hardness of the NTHLTCH. As shown in Fig. 2, there are 12 internal nodes inside the NTHLTCH, and they can be classified into three groups, {B1, B2, B3}, {C1, C2, C3}, and {A1, A2, A3, D1, D2, D3}, for clearer SEUs/MNUs analysis. The reason why A1~A3 and D1~D3 are located in the same group is that an inverter can be transparent to a change of its input signal. An SET can propagate through an inverter as long as it has large enough magnitude and long enough duration. SEUs hardness analysis of the NTHLTCH is relatively simple, since an upset at any single internal node meets two following C-Elements which stop this fault from propagating, and finally the upset node can be recovered by its front-end component. For example, in the hold phase, an SEU at D1 can propagate through Inverter1 and reach A1, and the fault at A1 is then blocked by C-Element1 and C-Element3. The level at D1 will be recovered by C-Element7, and after this A1 will return to its original state. DNUs tolerance of the NTHLTCH can be analyzed in two scenarios. First, we assume that the two nodes got upset 540 J Electron Test (2015) 31:537–548 CK Delay Unit CK CK I NCK O C-Element 1 C-Element 4 C-Element 7 Inverter1 NCK C-Element 2 D1 C1 B1 A1 C-Element 5 C-Element 8 Inverter2 Inverter MOS Capacitor D A2 Inverter A2 NCK C-Element 3 D2 C2 B2 C-Element 6 C-Element 9 Inverter3 C3 B3 A3 NQ Q CK D3 NCK Fig. 4 Proposed temporally hardened negative latch THLTCH belong to one node group. According to the characteristic of the C-Element group analyzed before, in this case, the two faults can propagate through their driving C-Element group and then be blocked by the next following C-Element group, and finally be eliminated by their front-end components. For example, if B1 and B2 get upset simultaneously, the faults can propagate to C1. Since B3 is still correct, C2 and C3 are not affected. The incorrect level at C1 cannot go on propagating, therefore D1 ~ D3 and A1 ~ A3 keep their original and correct levels. The correct levels at A1, A2, and A3 keep C-Element1 and C-Element2 driving nodes B1 and B2, and the charge deposited at these two nodes will finally be removed. After B1 and B2 are recovered, C-Element4 begins to recover C1. Consequently, all nodes return to their original levels. Second, we assume that the two upset nodes come from different node groups. In this case, two of the three C-Element groups have only one fault at their inputs, respectively, and the inputs of the remaining C-Element group are all correct. The faults cannot propagate through their driving C-Element groups and will be eliminated by their front-end components. For example, when the levels at C1 and D1 are corrupted, the fault at D1 can propagate through Inverter1 and reach A1. This will not lead to any fault at B1, B2, or B3. The correct levels at B1 and B2 keep C-Element4 driving and recovering C1. After C1 returns to the original level, C-Element7 begins to recover D1, and then A1 is corrected by Inverter1. Finally, each node stays in its expected status. The analysis of the two DNU tolerance scenarios above is further verified through fault injection simulation. The schematic shown in Fig. 2 is implemented in 180 nm technology and a single-event induced current pulse is described as a double exponential function. The expression for this current pulse is [25], Q −t=τ α −t=τ β I ðt Þ ¼ e −e : ð1Þ τ α −τ β Here Q is the total amount of charge deposited by a singleevent, while τα is the collection time constant for the junction and τβ is the ion track establishment constant [25]. For the simulation reported in this paper, τα = 200 ps, τβ = 50 ps, and Q = 300fC are used [25]. The results are shown in SET at D D CK Q duration pulse Pulse at Q (a) Fig. 5 Waveform of an SET at D in front of CK edge (a) and simulation results (b) (b) J Electron Test (2015) 31:537–548 541 D CK duration Q pulse SET at CK Pulse at Q (a) (b) Fig. 6 Waveform of an SET at CK (a) and simulation results (b) Fig. 3a for double node upsets at B1 and B2, and in Fig. 3b for upsets at C1 and D1. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the recovery processes for double faults are exactly the same as the analysis given above. In fact, as long as the number of affected nodes is not more than 2, the critical charge of each affected node is theoretically infinite. Figure 4 shows the schematic of the THLTCH, a temporal hardening version of the NTHLTCH. An additional delay unit is added to one input of C-Element1 and C-Element2, and another node A2’ is introduced. The delay unit is constructed by applying two inverters in series and adding capacitance loads to the internal node to adjust its delay to a user-defined value τ [2]. One PMOS and one NMOS of the same dimension are used as the MOS capacitors and connected between the internal node and supply/ground. For the THLTCH shown in Fig. 4, when this latch is transparent (CK = 0) and an SET occurs at D, the incorrect input could propagate through C-Element3 and reach B3. Since the level at A2’ is still correct at this point, B1 and B2 will not be affected temporally. If this SET at D has duration shorter than τ, the incorrect levels at A1, A2, and A3 will disappear before the fault at D propagate through the delay unit and reach A2’. Hence, in this case, even if the fault at D can reach A2’, the correct levels at A1 and A3 then also insure that no more faults occur at {B1, B2, B3} and make C-Element3 recover B3. If this SET at D occurs at the point when CK is driven to HIGH, Inverter1~Inverter3 will begin to recover the levels at A1~A3. Hence, the captured incorrect data will not induce an upset of this latch if the total duration of the wrong levels at A1~A3 is Fig. 7 Layout of the NTHLTCH shorter than τ. For an SET on clock line which makes the THLTCH be incorrectly transparent, the added delay unit also provides protection in the cases where the wrong input does not have enough time to affect A1~A3 and A2’ simultaneously. The tolerance to SETs at D and CK are further verified through circuit simulations. A 500 ps delay unit is applied in the THLTCH. As shown in Fig. 5a, we assume that an SET occurs at D just before the rising edge of CK, and the duration between them is scanned to observe the level change at Q. As one can see in Fig. 4, an SET at D can propagate to Q when the THLTCH is transparent. The pulse widths of Q measured at different durations are illustrated in Fig. 5b. In this sub-figure, when the SET duration at D before CK edge is shorter than 0.6 ns, the pulse width at Q is of a finite value, which means the THLTCH can recover from such SETs at D. However, when the duration increases to be longer than 0.7 ns, the pulse width of Q become infinite, which means these input SETs have caused the upsets of the latch. Given that only a 500 ps delay unit is applied, SETs with 700 ps or longer duration before CK edge can be long enough to be captured by the THLTCH. Figure 6 shows the situation that a negative SET pulse at CK makes the THLTCH incorrectly transparent and leads to a pulse at Q. Similar to the results in Fig. 5, if the SET pulse width at CK is short (<0.5 ns), the temporally transparent state of the THLTCH does not result in an upset. However, the longer duration of SETs at CK can make the THLTCH get upset by allowing the incorrect input data to have sufficient time to enter the circuit. 542 J Electron Test (2015) 31:537–548 Fig. 8 Layout of the THLTCH Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that the THLTCH can provide hardness against internal SEUs/DNUs and some SETs at input port and clock line. The NTHLTCH and THLTCH latches are both static. In the hold phase, all their internal nodes are connected to supply or ground through low resistance paths, and their states are maintained by the feedback structures. This improves noise robustness of each node and avoids leakage induced signal integrity problems. Since each node is driven by a CMOS gate (CElement or inverter), the threshold-drop issue does not exist, and each node has a rail-to-rail level swing. These characteristics help make these two latches applicable on smaller technology nodes. of the relatively narrower size in the vertical direction of their layouts, and M3 must be used to connect nodes which are far away from each other in the horizontal direction. 2.3 Characterization Maximum, typical, and minimum parasitic extractions are executed for the NTHLTCH and THLTCH. The generated circuit netlists are used for timing characterization through Cadence Encounter Library Characterizer (ELC). The products of this step are the timing descriptions in the worst, typical, and best conditions for these two designs in Liberty format. The characterization configuration for each condition is summarized in Table 2. 2.2 Physical Designs Layouts of the NTHLTCH and THLTCH (τ = 500 ps) are depicted in Figs. 7 and 8. These layouts are designed according to the template of a standard cell library developed on the same 180 nm process. Their areas are 166.32 μm2 and 202.9104 μm2, respectively. This 180 nm process provides 4 metal layers (M1, M2, M3, and M4). For the layouts of the NTHLTCH and THLTCH, three metal layers (M1~M3) are used for internal connections. According to the standard cell library layout template, M1, M2, M3, and M4 are expected for routing in the horizontal, vertical, horizontal, and vertical directions, respectively. Most cells of this standard cell library use M1 only for internal connections, while the other metal layers are saved for intercell routings in automatic-place-and-route (APR). Therefore, the layouts of these two latches occupy some routing channels on M2 and M3. The ratios of occupied routing channels on each metal layer for them are summarized in Table 1. For both NTHLTCH and THLTCH, it can be seen in Table 1 that the routing channels on M2 are less occupied, while about half of routing channels on M3 are occupied. This is mainly because 3 Comparative Analysis 3.1 Comparison with Modular Redundancy Modular redundancy with majority voting is a popular method for soft errors mitigation. However, SEUs hardened TMR can be vulnerable to DNUs. To fully tolerate DNUs, quintuple modular redundancy (QMR) is needed. A QMR latch cell consists of five replicas of a conventional latch and a voter to choose the output. TMR and QMR latch cells are designed through Verilog HDL description and synthesis process. Schematic simulations in Spectre are used to calculate the propagation delay and power (when activity ratio = 1) of an unhardened latch, the TMR/QMR latch, and the two proposed RHBD latches. All the area, performance, and power data are normalized to those of the unhardened latch and summarized in Table 3. As listed in Table 3, the proposed latches both perform better than QMR. The NTHLTCH and THLTCH are 5.0 and Table 2 Table 1 Occupied routing channels Characterization configuration Condition Parasitic extraction Process corner Supply Temperature Design Occupied channels on M2 Occupied channels on M3 NTHLTCH THLTCH 18.04 % 19.7 % 44.4 % 55.6 % Worst Typical Best Maximum Typical Minimum Slow-slow 1.62 V 125 °C Typical-typical 1.8 V 25 °C Fast-fast 1.98 V −55 °C J Electron Test (2015) 31:537–548 Table 3 543 Area, delay, and power comparison Design Area Propagation delay Power Unhardened 1 1 1 TMR 3.8 1.01 3.39 radiation hardness, and they both also require setup times of about 2τ [17]. Therefore, the setup times of these three latches in Fig. 9 depend on the maximum SET width to tolerate, which might somehow affect their applications in high performance circuits. For the THLTCH, a setup time of QMR NTHLTCH 10.9 5.0 1.95 1.06 11.20 3.77 t setup ¼ τ þ 3t C−Element þ t Inverter þ t Switch THLTCH 6.1 1.05 5.60 is needed. Here, tC-Element, tInverter, and tSwitch are the delays of a C-Element, an inverter, and an NCK controlled switch, respectively. As shown in (2), only one τ is added to the THLTCH’s setup time. Since the duration of an SET can vary widely from hundreds of picoseconds to longer than one nanosecond [6], the penalty of increased setup time of the THLTCH may be less significant compared to the three latches shown in Fig. 9 when τ is relatively large. The layouts of the three latches in Fig. 9 are also designed on this 180 nm process, as shown in Fig. 10. The same 500 ps delay units (Fig. 4) have been applied for them. The area, power, and setup times of these three latches and the proposed ones are summarized in Table 4 for comparison (area/power data are normalized to those of the NTHLTCH). It can be seen in Table 4 that the three latches in Fig. 9 are all more area efficient than the THLTCH. However, they are all less power efficient than the NTHLTCH. The main sources of their power increase are the delay units they applied. As shown in Fig. 10, the MOS capacitors of delay units consume large gate areas, and consequently much more energy is needed to charge them. Because the latch in Fig. 9a uses the most delay units, it consumes more power than the THLTCH. The latches in Fig. 9 all consume longer setup times than the proposed ones. This result is consistent with the analysis above. 6.1 times larger than the unhardened latch. According to the synthesis result, QMR applies five replicas of the unhardened latch listed in this table. Hence, compared to the two proposed latches, the main area increase of QMR comes from the voter. The complex voter is also responsible for the large propagation delay of QMR. Compared to QMR, TMR requires less latch replicas, therefore its voter circuit can be simpler, which leads to smaller area, lower power, and higher speed. It should also be noticed in Table 3 that the THLTCH consumes more power than the NTHLTCH, and this is because of the application of the delay unit which needs more energy to charge its internal MOS capacitors. 3.2 Comparison with Other Temporally Hardened Latch Circuits In [11] and [17], three RHBD flip-flops are reported (one in [11] and two in [17]). These three flip-flops (with excellent single-event hardness) all apply temporally hardened latches as the masters inside. The simplified diagrams of their master latches are depicted in Fig. 9. Inversed TMR voter is applied to construct the internal feedback of the latch shown in Fig. 9a. The inversed TMR voter has three inputs with one not delayed, one delayed by τ, and one delayed by 2τ. This structure is hardened against SEUs, while is also immune to some SETs at input port and clock line. For correct operation in nonradiation environment, this latch needs a setup time of about a bit larger than τ. However, for full radiation hardness, a setup time of about 2τ is required [11]. The latches shown in Fig. 9b and c both apply C-Element and delay unit for Inversed TMR voter ð2Þ 3.3 Comparison with Other MNUs Tolerant Memory Circuits Recently, MNUs issue has been paid more attention. In the RHBD domain, various designs are proposed to protect memory cells (including latches and static random access memory CK CK CK D NCK D CK NCK D NCK CK (a) NCK (b) Fig. 9 Simplified diagrams of the master latches used by the flip-flops reported in [11] (a) and [17] (b, c) NCK CK NCK (c) 544 J Electron Test (2015) 31:537–548 Fig. 10 Layouts of the three latches shown in Fig. 9 or SRAM cells) against MNUs on the circuit level. In this paper, the MNUs tolerant designs presented in [4], [9], [10], [13], and [18] are chosen to compare them to the proposed designs. For clear description, they are named CELL_01~CELL_05 in this paper. Their schematics and layouts are given in Figs. 11 and 12. The area, power, and propagation delay comparison results among them and the proposed NTHLTCH are summarized in Table 5. As listed in Table 5, CELL_01~CELL_05 designs all have less transistors than the NTHLTCH, which helps make them smaller and consume less power. However, CELL_01 and CELL_02 actually require more power than the NTHLTCH. One reason of this result should be that both CELL_01 and CELL_02 are pseudo-static circuits (the NTHLTCH is static), which means a new data is written into them through overcoming rather than cutting off their internal feedbacks. In such an overcoming process, there can be a temporal Table 4 Comparison among the five latches Design Area Power Setup time for rising/ falling inputs (ns) NTHLTCH THLTCH In Fig. 9 (a) In Fig. 9 (b) In Fig. 9 (c) 1 1.22 1.08 0.74 0.72 1 1.49 1.61 1.15 1.12 0.31/0.28 0.81/0.81 1.12/1.11 1.24/1.22 1.18/1.16 competition between the existed internal feedback and the driving capability outside. Taking CELL_02 as an example, the front-end driving circuit and the clock controlled PMOS transistors have to compete with the internal 6 C-Elements to change the states of n1~n6. This process can introduce temporal conduction paths from supply to ground, which consequently leads to larger leakage power. By referring to the schematics of CELL_01~05, we can see that they are actually all pseudo-static circuits. However, CELL_03~CELL_05 are still more power efficient than the NTHLTCH because they have much less transistors inside. In Table 5, we can also see that CELL_01, CELL_02, and CELL_05 have larger propagation delay compared to the NTHLTCH. This is still partially because of their pseudostatic characteristics, since their internal feedbacks always try to resist the write operation. Another reason is the weakened driving capabilities of their last stage components. For CELL_01 and CELL_02, two- and three-inputs C-Elements are applied to drive the output load. The transistor stacking inside these C-Element circuits reduces the driving current they can provide, which enlarges their delay. For CELL_05, the driving strength of its last stage inverter is weakened by the threshold-drops at its input, because its front-end circuits apply PMOSs and NMOSs in series to provide logic levels. CELL_03 and CELL_04 have shorter propagation delay compared to the NTHLTCH, and this is mainly because of that their output nodes are nearer to the input ports- only a pass transistor or transmission gate is inserted between them. J Electron Test (2015) 31:537–548 545 n4 n1 n2 D N0A N0A N1A N2A N3A n5 n6 Q n3 N2A n2 Q n3 n6 n5 n4 n1 N0B N0B N1B N2B N3B n2 N2B n4 n6 n1 n3 n5 CK D CK (a) CELL_01 CK CK (b) CELL_02 CK CK CK CKN N0A Q N2A N3A a1 D Q a2 CK CK DN CKN CK D (c) CELL_03 (d) CELL_04 Q CK D (e) CELL_05 Fig. 11 MNUs tolerant designs in [9] (a), [10] (b), [4] (c), [13] (d), and [18] (e) The soft error resilience of CELL_01~CELL_05 and the two proposed designs are evaluated through applying TFIT, an SER analysis tool developed by iROC Technologies. TFIT reads in the circuit layout and netlist, automatically recognizes circuit states, and then carries out a series of simulations to analyze the design’s SERs [8]. TFIT supports various radiation environments such as heavy ions, neutrons, and alpha particles [8]. Compared to traditional technology computer aided design (TCAD) simulations, TFIT can provide much higher simulation speed while keeping the expected accuracy. The simulation flow in TFIT is illustrated in Fig. 13. 546 J Electron Test (2015) 31:537–548 (a) CELL_01 (b) CELL_02 (c) CELL_03 (d) CELL_04 (e) CELL_05 Fig. 12 Layouts of the MNUs tolerant designs in [9] (a), [10] (b), [4] (c), [13] (d), and [18] (e) TFIT simulation results show that, with 16 MeV-cm2/mg linear energy transfer (LET), all the RHBD circuits do not present any errors in the normal operations. Given that very few ionizing particles can have LETs higher than 15 MeVcm2/mg in silicon [25], TFIT simulation results verify their superior protection abilities. Because the TFIT simulations also take layout information into account, charge sharing effects can be analyzed. Therefore, the layouts of the proposed designs in Figs. 7 and 8 can be considered as well radiation hardened. It should be noted that CELL_03~CELL_05 have floating nodes inside in the hold phase. Therefore, these cells should J Electron Test (2015) 31:537–548 Table 5 547 Comparison among different MNUs tolerant designs Design Transistor amount Area Power Propagation delay NTHLTCH 60 1 1 1 CELL_01 [9] 30 0.62 1.45 1.53 CELL_02 [10] 38 CELL_03 [4] 16 0.80 0.44 1.24 0.71 3.00 0.21 CELL_04 [13] 13 CELL_05 [18] 20 0.34 0.38 0.29 0.30 0.15 2.46 be frequently refreshed to avoid leakage and noise injection induced signal integrity issues. For CELL_01, CELL_02, and the proposed two designs, refreshing operation is not very necessary since their structures can keep states correctly. Radiation tolerance and refreshing requirement of each design is summarized in Table 6. 4 Conclusion In this paper, an RHBD latch NTHLTCH and its temporally hardened version THLTCH to tolerate single−/double-node upsets are proposed. The radiation hardness of these two latches is implemented by applying C-Elements for fault mask and correction. Double exponential current pulse model is applied for the fault injection simulations, and the simulation results verify and support the DNUs tolerance of these proposed designs. The NTHLTCH is hardened against state upsets in the hold phase, while THLTCH can further tolerate some SETs at input port and clock line. TMR and QMR are taken to compare with the NTHLTCH and THLTCH in terms of area, transport delay, and power. Comparison results show that the proposed latches perform better than QMR in all the terms. Compared with three temporally hardened latches (Fig. 9) applied in three flip-flops reported before, the proposed temporally hardened THLTCH could induce less Fig. 13 TFIT simulation flow [8, 19] Table 6 Radiation tolerance and refreshing requirement of each design Design Upset threshold from TFIT (MeV-cm2/mg) SET tolerance Refreshing NTHLTCH THLTCH >16 >16 No Yes Not required Not required CELL_01 [9] CELL_02 [10] >16 >16 No No Not required Not required CELL_03 [4] >16 No Required CELL_04 [13] CELL_05 [18] >16 >16 No No Required Required performance penalty since it only adds one τ to its total setup time while those three latches all require 2τ. The NTHLTCH is more power efficient than those three latches in Fig. 9 because those three designs use more delay units. TFIT simulations show that the two proposed designs do not present any error with an LET of 16 MeV-cm2/mg. 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Addison-Wesley, Boston, pp 391– 395 Wirth G, Kastensmidt FL, Ribeiro I (2008) Single event transients in logic circuits—load and propagation induced pulse broadening. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 55(6):2928–2935 Zhou Q-M, Mohanram K (2006) Gate sizing to radiation harden combinational logic. IEEE Trans Comput-Aided Design Integr Circuits Syst 25(1):155–166 Yuanqing Li received the B.E. degree in electronic science and technology, M.E. and Ph.D degrees in microelectronics and solid-state electronics from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 2008, 2010, and 2014, respectively. He is now a post-doctoral fellow with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. His research interests include the radiation effects on microelectronic circuits and devices, radiation hardness by design techniques, and large scale digital circuits design. Haibin Wang received the Ph.D degree from the University of Saskatchewan in 2015. He received his Bachelor and Master degrees from Hohai University. His research interests include radiation effects, fault-tolerant IC design, reliability engineering, and embedded system design. He has worked on single event hardened flip-flop and logic design and testing in 28 nm bulk/SOI and 130 nm technologies. Suying Yao is now a Professor with the Department of Electronic Science and Technology, School of Electronic Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. She is the director of the state key discipline Microelectronics and Solid-State Electronics in Tianjin University and the director of the ASIC Design Center, Tianjin University. She is also on the board of directors of the Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE) and a member of the IEEE. Her research interests include the designs of CMOS image sensors and digital/analog integrated circuits, and modeling of semiconductor devices. Xi Yan received the B.E. degree in electronic science and technology in 2013 from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, where she is currently working toward the M.E. degree. Her research interests include the development of radiation-hardened CMOS image sensors, and digital circuits design. Zhiyuan Gao received the B.E. degree in electronic science and technology in 2010 and Ph.D degree in microelectronics and solid-state electronics in 2015 from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. He is now a postdoctoral fellow with Tianjin University. His research interests include the development of CMOS image sensors on advanced processes, digital/ analog circuits design, and TCAD modeling for optical-electronic devices. Jiangtao Xu received the B.E. degree in electronic science and technology, M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in microelectronics and solid-state electronics from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 2001, 2004, and 2007, respectively. He is now an Associate Professor with the Department of Electronic Science and Technology, School of Electronic Information Engineering, Tianjin University. His research interests include the designs of CMOS image sensors, power management circuits, and SOCs for image processing.