HCAG & S O N S * 300K BINDER. SPRINGPOfU, MICHIGAN 49284 The Grand Valley Ledger Serving Lowell Area JtS lume 11, Issue 11 Reader* Since 1893 January 28, 1987 well Students kick off State Sesquecentennial Michigan Sesquiccntcn;lebration got underway ly. Several events were I in Lowell to commemorate All classes at the RunElementary School were to bnng in a cake for a project. Parent volun• M j l Ellen Lietzke, Lori Smith, Joanne Groeneweg and Nancy Shortsle then fashioned the cakes into a huge map of the state that mciLsttrcd approximately six feet [Six feet. Throughout the day ts from the various classdecorated the cake with indigenous to certain There were cherries for TVaverse City, navy beans for Bad Axe, a car for Detroit, Furniture for Grand Rapids and. of course, a Showboat for Lowell. There were even gobs of frosting to depict Beaver, Mackinac. Manitou. Drummond and other Islands. Each class planned to get a look at the completed cake on Ibesday, then it was time to break out the plates and forks for a taste of the edible masterpiece. To coincide with the cake project, Runciman third grade teacher Linda DeCator had her class paint a giant birthday card for the gymnasium wall. Along Main Street Af BB LET S GO SKATING! new skating rink at Creekside Park is now open! The lighted open to the public from 4:00 until 10:00 p.m. The lights i turned off at 10:00 each evening. ST. MARY'S T O CELEBRATE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Mary's will join with Catholic Schools across the nation week to celebrate "Catholic Schools Week." February 2 h 8, 1987. Each day carries a different theme. Monday, ry 2 is "Caring for Family and School day." Tuesday, Feb3 is "Serving our Community day." Wednesday, February itizens of our Country day ." Thursday, February 5 is "Conn to the World day." And Friday, February 6 is "Catholics ing a Caring World day." SURPLUS COMMODITIES • lus food stuffs will be distributed at the Lowell Moose at 210 E. Main Street on Thursday, January 29 from 10:00 ntil 5:00 p.m. OFF THE BLOTTER • " Aicar owned by Mike Dekubber of Grand Rapids, struck and ^ ^ ^ • ^ e d four parked cars on Broadway St., north of Main St., evening, January 16. The parked vehicles involved were I by David Hochkins of Saranac, Gail Kloosterman of Lowell, Reed of Comstock Park and David Strouse of Lowell, il Clous. 24. of Ionia struck the rear of a car driven by Stouffer, 40, of Lowell on Tuesday, January 20. The ;nt occurred on Main St. near Amity. There were no injuries, in Hemerline, 34, of Unionville, Ml, backed the semi truck driving into a car owned by James Barber, 28, of Ionia ig extensive damage to Barber's car. The January 22 accident at the intesection of Broadway and Main Streets. There no injuries. ;ven Strouse, 20, of Lowell collided with a car driven by Leo U 28, of Ionia Friday afternoon, January 23. Strouse attempted a left turn off Water St. onto M-21. There were no injuries I. ited and taken to the Kent County jail for driving while suspended Thursday evening, January 22, was Robert 24, of Ionia. Nagy pled guilty in court and received 10 in jail and a large fine. 16-year old juvenile was apprehended January 19 by store )yees at Johnson's market for shoplifting. The Lowell youth referred to probate court. ^rested on warrants out of a Grand Rapids court Monday, iry 19, were Mike Dekubber and Barb Scott both of Grand ids. Lowell officers made the arrest. pested by Lowell officers early Sunday morning, January 25 |riving while license suspended was Timothy Stewart. 29. of Hi Rapids. All students at St. Mary's Catholic School took part in the Sesquicentennial. One group of students fashioned 150 candles from construction paper and arranged them into the shape of the state. Enough cupcakes for the whole school were arranged into the number 150 and special classroom assignments were scheduled for Monday. In response to the question. "Why do you like living in Michigan?", second grader Stacy Klahn wrote. "I like living in Michigan because snow is fun to play in for me . " The steeple bells at the Methodist Church were rung at noon on Monday to acknowledge the Sesquicentennial celebration. Events such as these marked the beginning of the Michigan Sesquicentennial that will be celebrated with hundreds of events around the state in the coming months. Lowell will be part of the celebration with events planned for the weekends of June 19 and 20, June 26 and 27 and July 4. Plans now call for a Showboat performance on June 19 and an Antique Fire Equipment Muster on Saturday, June 20. On Friday, June 26 the Lowell Area Arts Council will host Candice Anderson with a musical program relat- Several Runciman students gather around a huge Michigan-shaped cake in celebration of the state's Sesquicentennial. The cake is actually several cakes that were furnished by each of the with frosting. ing to state history. On June 27 the Lowell Senior Neighbors are planning a picnic at Recreation Park complete with old fashioned games and contests, On the Fourth of July a parade v_ will be held at 7:30 p.m. to be everywhere. For more informafollowed by various activities in tion call Dolores Dey at the LowRecreation Park including a fire- ell Chamber of Commerce/Lowworks display. Plans for these ell Arts Council office weekday events are now being made, and afternoons at 897-8545. volunteers are needed nearly Lowell High Students of the Month Amidst wrapping up final exams and first semester details, LHS faculty members gathered Friday afternoon, January 16, to select students-of-the-month for January and February. Representing the senior class are Amy Davis and Becki Mitchell. Amy, the January selection, is the daughter of Roy and Faye Davis of Lowell. Amy plans a career in journalism or creative writing. It is not surprising she is editor of the yearbook. Her academic work has qualified her for the National Honor Society. In addition. Amy is president of the Student Council and is the student representative to the School Board. Her activities include debate, forensics, band and volleyball. Amy was a Girls' State delegate last summer and has recently been named to receive the Daughters of the American Revolution award. Becki is the February studentof-the-month. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Mitchell of Lowell. Becki has a very fascinating interest - firefighting. She has been a Cascade Fire Explorer for four years and was named Fire Explorer of the Year. In February she graduates from Phase IA Firefighting School and will qualify as a volunteer firefighter. Becki plans a career in law enforcement. She has been a member of the explorer officer association for two years. PRECISION & FASHION HAIRSTYLING - For both men and women. Man's World Hairstyling. Phone 897-8102. Students of the month for the months of January and February are (left to right) freshmen Carrie Lipkea and Betsy Dommer, sophomores Ben Richmond and Tony Hojnacki, juniors Matt Newhouse and Lori Esdi, and seniors Becki Mitchell and Amy Davis. Becki is a library aide, the volleyball manager, and a forensics team member. Becki s responsiblility to each of these jobs was stressed in her nomination. Representing the junior class are Lori Esch and Matt Newhouse. Lori, the daughter of Fritz and Sandy Esch of Lowell, is the January selection. Lori is very active in many areav This year she is chairman of the junior-senior prom, co-drum major and band number, a member of the Teens Involved planning committee, treasurer of the Medical Explorer Group at Butterworth Hospital, a member of the UMYF planning committee at the Lowell Methodist Church, and a swim instructor in Birmingham and he has defor the Lowell YMCA. She is signed the cover for the 1987 looking forward to being on the yearbook. Matt is a member of track team in the spring and both the debate and the forensics lifeguard duty for the Y in the teams, his church youth gnmp. and the Science Olympiad team. summer. Matt Newhouse. the February- He is a band member and last selection. is the son of Mark and year earned a first division rating Betty Newhouse of Lowell. Matt at solo and ensemble competihas talent in several areas. He tion. He is a member of the Nahas been class representative of tional Honor Society and has rethe Art Club twice in his three ceived an academic achievement years. He won honorable men- award. Sophomore representatives tion in a statewide art competition held -it Cranbn)ok Institute are Ben Richmond and Tom Hojnacki. Ben. the Januar> selecAppointments not always tion. is the son of Jeuold and needed at Vanity Hair Fash- Diane Richmond of Lowell Ben ions. Open six days Lowell, 897-7506. cont'd, back pg. Grand Valley Ledger - Wednesday, Jan. 28, 1987 . Page 2 BROWN - Mrs Nenie I. Brown of Spuria, ami formerly ol Hamilton, passed away Tuesday, Januan 21). 1^87 at ihe age of 80 She is survived by her children. Eugene Bmwn. Bern Brxmn. Belly and James Olden hurger. all of Grand Rapids. Margaret and Clare Frosi of Gobies and formerly of Hamilton. Jack jQd Barbara Brown of Spana; 12 grandchildren. 20 great-grandchildren; a sister-in-law. Mrs Margaret Metcalf of Lowell; several nieces and nephews. Funeral Services were held Friday. January 23 at the Reyers North Valley Funeral Chapel. Imerment in Blylhefield Memory Gardens ville; six grandchildren; his brothers and sisters. Richard and Gertrude French, Alta Ulrich, all of Amble. Ml. Elsie and Joseph Matless of Morley; several nieces and nephews Complete Funeral Services were held Wednesday. January 21 at the CookGrandville Funeral Home, with Rev. Phillip Bongardofficiating. GREENWALD - Mrs. Julia Greenwald. nee Urban, passed away Thursday morning, January 22, at the age of 75. She is survived by her children, Jerry and Diane Greenwald of Lowell, Robert and Sandra Greenwald of Los Angeles; 12 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren; a brother, Alex Urban; and several nieces and nephews Funeral Services were held Saturday. January 24 at the Barto & Son Funeral Home Interment SS Peter & Paul Cemetery. FRENCH - Mr Ira (Mike) French, of Ada. passed away Sunday. January 18, 1987. at the age of 64, He is survived by his wife, Lois: his children, Robert. Ronald and Melissa French, all at home: his step-children. Richard and Janice Femer of ANDREWS - Mr. Douglas W, Grandville. Mark and Linda Andrews, of Walker, passed Femer of Wyoming, Kevin and away Tuesday, January 22,1987 Cindy Femer of Big Rapids. at the age of 47. He is survived Joseph and Lisa Femer of Grand- by his wife, Carol Andrews; his Obituaries son, Todd and wife Susan Andrews of Kentwood; his mother, Mrs. Neoms Henning of Largo. FL; his brother, Albert and wife Marva Andrews of Lowell; his sisters, Patricia McShane of Kaleva, Ml, Mania and husband Richard Sousley of Grandville, Gloria and husband Gary Shoudy of Grand Rapids; several nieces and nephews Funeral and Committal Services were held Sunday. January 25 at the Fairview Reformed Church with the Rev. Ralph Robrahn officiating. Interment in Blythefield Memory Gardens Rapids; brother. Mr Jerry Ditra pani and wife Susan; mother-inlaw. Mrs Mary Guasta of Niles, IL; aunts and uncles, Mr. and Mrs Cossie (Ruth) Pirouo, Mrs Rose ( P t o u o ) Spica. Mr and Mrs. John (Anne) Gentile, Mrs Margaret (Pimzzo) Carlstrom, Mr and Mrs. Sam (Mary Ann) Pirozzo, all of Grand Rapids Mass of Chnstian Burial was offered Saturday. January 24 at the Immaculate Heartof Mary Church, Fr Philip A. Shangraw of Christopher House, Celebrant. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. GUASTA - Mrs. Jennie V. Guasta, of Grand Rapids, passed away Wednesday, Janaury 21, 1987 at the age of 61, She was preceded in death by her husband, Vincent N . and her mother Giroloma Ditrapani. She is survived by her children. Mrs, Kathleen Hudley and husband Tom of Cascade. Steven Guasta of Grand Rapids; grandchildren, Jason and Jonathan Hudley of Grand Rapids; father. Jim Ditrapani and wife Margaret of Grand SHERMAN - Mr Charies J Sherman, of Baroda. Ml, formerly of Mame, passed away. Wednesday, January 21, 1987 at the age of 59. He is survied by two children, Karen Sink of Laurel, MD, and Charles D. Sherman of Witchita Falls. TX; five grandchildren; three brothers. Bill of Mame. Jerry of Kalkaska. Jim of North Carolina; three sisters, Elizabeth Faulkner and Onalee Gildas of Alden. Ml, Mrs. Herb (Millie) Ray of Cascade; several nieces and nephews Funeral Services were held Saturday. January 24 at the Throop Funeral Home, Cooperiville, Pastor mLaVem Haas officiating. Intermci?ni Mame Cemetery. ^ I V Star Trek extended Due to the unprecedented popularity of "Star Jtck: The Planetarium Show," the Chaffee Planetarium has decided to extend the show two additional weeks, and to offer two additional performances each week. Originally scheduled to end on February 8, the program will now run through Sunday, February 21. Also, the program will be presented each Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 p.m., in addition to the 3:30 p.m. show already scheduled The 8:00 p.m. Thursday through Saturday shows will also remain on the schedule through February 20. The family show "Exploring SUITS and Planets,** will continue I al 1:30 p.m. on both Swunlas and Sunday, and at 11:30 a m on Saluiday. This eliminates the 2:30 perfonnance of this pmj. ram to make way for "StarTrtk The programs "Every htxh Talks About h...Weather and "Voyage Through the Milky Way," which were originally scheduled to begin in mid-Feh raary, will begin the last week of Ihe month instead Further de tails on this will be issued at a later dale. Admission fees ait $2.00 for Adults .51.50 for Children A Senior Citizens The Chaffee Planetarium is a facility of Ihe Grand Rapids Public Museum Notices in the Ledger s " Coming Events" are free of charge to any non-profit organization In the Lowell, Ada, Alto, and Saranac araa. We prefer such notices to be Kept brief and to be submitted by mail, but will accept notices by phone at 897-9261. WOMEN OF THE MOOSE Chapter night meeting is held the first Monday ol each month, at 8 p.m. WOMEN OF THE MOOSE Business Meeting is held the third Monday of each month, at 8 p.m. EVERY TUESDAY Flat River Woodcrafters meet from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Lowell YMCA New members welcomed. EVERY SECOND TUESDAY The Lowell Area Fishing Club now meets at the Flat River Snowmobile Clubhouse on Potters Road, just East of Montcalm Ave, at 7:00 p.m. All prospective I HEALTH I By Or. Paul Gauthtor Coming Events members or interested individuals are cordially welcome. MON., FEBRUARY 2: Runciman/Riverside PTO meeting at 7:00 p.m. Riverside Building. Officers meeting at 6:30 p.m. Public welcome QUA-KE-ZIK SPORTSMEN'S CLUB meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at the Club building at 11400 Foreman Road, Lowell. MON.. FEBRUARY 2-10 Parents can shop with child or anytime Monday or at PTO meeting Monday night. Can we buy more books than last year? Last year we bought the highest number yet. Come and help us beat last year's total. All profits go to purchase books for Runciman/Riverside library. EVERY THIRD THURSDAY Pack Meeting, Cub Scout Pack 3188 will meet at Runciman School, beginning at 7:00 p.m. This is a family event. Future activities will be discussed and awards presented. MON., FEBRUARY 2: lokemo District - District Meeting - All officers, Committee members, Membersat-large, 7:30 Belding City Hall. THUR., JANUARY 29: Commodities (cheese) will be distributed at the Moose Lodge 210Vfc E. Mam from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. TUES., FEBRUARY 3: lokemo District - Exploring Committee, 7:30 p.m. State Bank, Greenville. MON., FEBRUARY 2; The next Bushnell PTC meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. in the Kiva. Mrs. Truax will be giving a presentation on the gifted and talented programs in Lowell. WED., FEBRUARY 4: lokemo District. Ionia County Boy Scout Government Day, Court House 10:00 a.m., Ionia. Dr. Jkn Lang Hov v Will The Tkx Reform Act of 1986 Affect Your IRA In 1987? Tacos w/meat, cheese, lettuce, Jonny cake w/honey, salad or vegetable, assorted fruits or jello, milk. TUESDAY Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwiches or Cheeseburgers, tossed salad w/dressing, steamed com or peas, choice l l « FMB State Savings Bank; SAT., FEBRUARY 14: St. Mary's Valentine's Dance. 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. St. Mary's School. Dance to the music of Lite & listen. Beer, food and set-ups provided. $7.50 single. $14.00 couple. For tickets call Robynne. 897-9816. SAT., FEBRUARY 14: West Michigan Shores Council Scout Sabbath. THUR., FEBRUARY 26: The Grand Rapids Satellite of the National Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis is hosting a theater party at Studio 28. The N.F.I.C. was formed to help find a cure for these intestinal diseases which affect over two million Americans. Studio 28 has graciously donated the opening night of T H E HOOSIERS" which stars Gene Hackman and Barbar Hershey, to the N.F.I.C. for a fundraiser There will be a pre-party with food and beverages at 7:00 p.m. followed by the movie at 8:00 p.m Persons wishing to purchase tickets or businesses willing to contribute may contact Dave or Pam Jones at 897-5069 or the N.F.I.C. office at 5380219. " T h e n x e n r SAT, JULY 25: ATTENTION LOWELL HIGH SCHOOL classes of '54- 59 Come join the 50s reunion. The more the merrier! 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. Dinner at 7 p.m. Double R Ranch. Smyrna Camping and motel rooms available. Call 897-9462 for information. Urban pollution fighters art taking to the trees in their battle against dirty air, according to National Wildlife magazine. Recent research has demonstrated that some trees absorb huge amounts of pollutants. Red maple and white birch, for example, seem almost to thrive on sulfer dioxide, while white oaks are especially good at absorbing ozone. Los Angeles city planners say that by the year 2000, the million trees planted for the 1984 Olympics will remove 200 tons of dust and smoke from the air each day tax chanyes arc t h e ITUM s w e e p i n g in historv. put on H 6 v R vour Thi^ vear Bku k Mde." 1~ i *l of fresh or canned fruit, bars or cookies, milk. THURS., FEBRUARY 5: lokemo Distict - Roundtable, all Unit leaders. Den Mothers, Unit Committee Members, 7:30 p.m., Congregational Church, Greenville. TUE., FEBRUARY 17: Senior Citizen night out. Join the "Ageless Arrows" to watch the Lowell Red Arrows play basketball. Transportation provided. Call 897-8434 for more information. Swiss Steak or Ground Steak, mashed potatoes or rice SAT., FEBRUARY 7: lokemo Distnct - Cub Scout Winter Carnival. Unit Leaders. Den Mothers, Pack Committee Members. Parents, Ionia County Hunting and Fishing Club. 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Bertha Brock Park. West of Ionia. SAT., F E B R U A R Y S : West Michigan Shores Council Annual Eagle Scout Luncheon. 12:00 Grand Rapids Elks Club. and gravy, buttered green beans or sweet potatoes, dinner rolls or bread, jello w/whip or fruit, milk. THURSDAY Lasagna or Ham & Noodle Casserole, cabbage salad or mixed veggies, French bread w/honey butter, chilled fruit or pudding, milk. I • FRIDAY Fishwiches or Hot Dogs, potato chips and pickles, FEBRUARY 8-14: West Michigan Shores Council Boy Scout Week, Scout Sunday. salad or soup, fruit or jello, cookies or bars, milk. Price of lunches to students includes milk. Elementary 85^, Middle and Senior High 90^. H&R BLOCK H6LR Block's trained tax preparers understand the new tax laws. Well answer your questions and find you the bluest refund you're entitled to. This year get back everything you've got coming. THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE " N E W LOCATION" 112 N. JEFFERSON Suite 3 897-8947 WHERE MORE AMERICANS FIND A BIGGER REFUND. Have the best of both worlds financially. MON., FEBRUARY 9; Butterworth Hospital's volunteens are holding an informational meeting from 6:00 p.m. VALENTINE'S OFFER Free Bracelet! Shop todoy ol HoHmork ond "* Grand Valley Ledger Diane, Ann or Lu THURS., FEBRUARY 12: lokemo District • District Commissioner and Staff Meeting. 7:30 United Methodist Church. Greenville WEDNESDAY The flying lemur of Southeast Asia glides from tree to tree by spreading the folds of skin that connect its neck, legs and tail. 1 MON., FEBRUARY 9: West Michigan Shores Council * Uniform Day. all Scouts and Scouters. SAT. FEBRUARY 28: West Michigan Shores Council Commissioners Conference. SAT., FEBRUARY 21: West Michigan Shores Council • Showcase Ticket Chairmen. Service Center. 7:30 p.m. MONDAY SPECIAL See Your IRA Specialist At THURS., FEBRUARY 5: lokemo District - Montcalm County Boy Scout Government Day, Court House 10:00 a.m., Stanton. HOT LUNCH MENU WEEK OF FEBRUARY 2, 1987 GOUT Gout is a medical condition caused by an excess of a substance called uric acid in the bloodstream. Uric acid is present normally in our bodies, but when it accumulates in higher than normal amounts, it may crystallize and give the signs and symptoms of gout. When uric acid crystals form in the blood they may collect in certain parts of the body, usually where the blood flow is not strong enough to move them away. Crystals often collect in the joints of the fingers and the toc», most particularly in the big toe Once in the joints, crystals cause the charactenstic pain, swelling, and redness of gout. We think of gout as being caused in one of two ways: - Your body is producing too much uric acid, or - Your kidneys are not excreting the uric acid well enough in the unne If your doctor suspects that you have gout, he will perform blood and unne tests to determine the cause of the gout. Therap> with medication is directed at lowering the level of uric acid in the blood. Some medicines (Zylopnm") will cut down the production of uric acid while other medications (BenemuT. Anturanc'i will help the kidneys remove the uric acid from the bloodstream These medicines may be needed on a long term basis to keep ihe uric acid level normal. Diet can play a role in healing gout also: - Don't eat large amounts of foods that are very high in purines (anchovies, bacon, salmon, sardines, trout, turkey, venison). -- Don't eat red meals more than 2-3 times a week: they aa* high in purines. -- Don't have more than 1-2 alcoholic beverages per day. - Dnnk at least 2 quarts of fluid per day. Keeping urine diluted helps prevent the kidneys from uric acid crystal damage to 7:00 p.m. in the Guild room. Teens and .staff will present information about what volunteens do in the hospital, commitment, uniforms. a typical day. etc. Interested teens between 14 and 17 years are welcome to come to this meeting. Parents may also attend. For further information about teen or adult volunteer programs at Butterworth Hospital, please call 774-1804 and talk with Kay Sterken. Grand Valky Ledger • Wednesday, Jan. 28, 1987 • Page 3 ( U S P S 453-830) is published weekly for $7.50 a year in Kent I r You can have the best of both worlds financially with a Franklin Centurion Insurance plan. Centurion combines traditional features of participating whole life with benefits of guaranteed universal life. This means you're able to take advantage of current Interest rates while having the security of insurance protection and fixed premiums. Always before It was an "either/or" situation. Now the choice is clear. Centurion. For the benefits of guaranteed universal life and the security of traditional whole life Insurance protection, contact your local Franklin representative about Centurion. get this gold-tono brocolot — free with ony $ 5 . 0 0 Volentine purchosa. limit o n * p o ' customer. While supply losts. ^ County. $10.00 a year outside the coonty by the S Grand Valley Ledger Publishing Company. 105 N. Broadway St., Lowell. Michigan 49331. p | | D tIMM±«0«rMM f• d i € OMOtTUWlff O—t.m—f STATE ROGER K. BROWN savings BANK ^ (616) 897-9261 J ^ Second-Class Postage Paid at Lowell, Michigan S Published Every Wednesday ^ POSTMASTER: Send address change to The | ^ I Grand Valley Ledger, P.O. Box 128, Lowell, Ml 49331 ^ M LOWELL • ROCKFORD EDITOR & PUBLISHER "vvST GAHpffQIFT • Auto • Home •Health • Commercial e Life HOURS: J Mon. • Sat., 10am-6pm Wednesday, 10am-8pm <> t « 7 Maimarti C»rds_inc m PATT0N-JRB AGENCY, INC. O 835 W. Main, Lowell, Ml Ph. (616) 897-9253 Franklin LIFE INSURANCE C O M P A N Y Grand Valley Ledger • Wednesday, Jan. 28. 1987 • Page 4 Wright/Nelson united In marriage, September 13, 1986 News from St. Patrick's The Si. Palrick s While team was victorious again on Saturday. January 17, when they played St. Mary s Lowell with a score of 26-19 bert and Rusty Robaeh each cootributed two points The White team remains undc, r *n wl,h a , By Aaron Laux The top scoter was Aaron Laux with nine points. Other team members that scored were; Chad Dunn seven poinls. Greg Jannenga six points. Patrick Al- United in marriage 3 Bonnie Marie Heennga and Steven Edward Billock exchanged wedding vows on October 25, 1986 at Mount Olive Lutheran Church Parents of the newly weds are John and Darlene Heennga of Lowell and Roger and Pat Billock of Walker. Maid of Honor was Gina Scott. Junior Bride was Suzie Heermga. Bridesmaids were Winkie O'Connell, Angela Ale- xander. Madonna Harrall and Shannon Sessink Flower girls were Enn O'Connell and Kristi Humes Best Man was Mike Cloud. Groomsmen were Manuel SotoLongo. John Schwaiger. Pal Mitchell and David Billock. Junior Groom was Jason Billock. Ushers were John and Fred Heeringa The couple reside in Comstock Park. The St. Patricks Green team lost to St. Andrew s (Red team) with a score of 22-12. St. Patrick's played well but couldn't Grand Valley Ledger • Wednesday, Jan. 28. 1987 • Page 5 . The Grand Valley Ledger's... claim a victory. Their record now stands at 1-4. Top scoters for the game were Cameron Covell and Mike Nfaj. ciakowski. each scoring four points. Other scorers were Tim Couturier and Shawn Evans who each scored two points By Mike Wojciakowski I | IN THE SERVICE Lt. Col. E. James Boyd, formerly of Lowell, was home to visit friends and lamily lor a week. He is the son of Mr and LISTING MAGAZINE Mrs. E. J. Boyd of Lowell. Boyd has been with the Air Force for 16 years and is now stationed in Manila. Philippine;s # G Fw I nxkon of that the sufferings this present time mv not worthy to he compared with the glory which shall he revealed in us (Romans 8: Iff). There is something fascinating about jigsaw puzzles. Once I've begun to put one together I can scarcely leave it until every piece is in place. When the many pieces of a puzzle are emptied out of a box, they look like nothing more than a jumbled mess of bits of cardboard. But. as these pieces are fitted together one by one. they "work together" to become a beautiful picture. God is not the author of discord but of harmony. When we are sincerely seeking His will. Wnghi. sister of the Bride. Best Man was Tim Cook, friend of the Groom. Ushers were Chris Wnght. brother of the Bride and Jim VanOosten. Master and Mistress of Ceremonies were Jim and Sue VanOosten. friends of the Bride. After a short honeymoon, ihe couple returned to Lowell where they are currently residing. & Mrs. Steven Edward Billock AREA CHURCH DIRECTORY ALTON BIBLE CHURCH MISSIONARY CHURCH Lincoln Lake Ave and Three Mile Rd Lowell 897-5648 Sunday School 10 00 A M Morning Worship 11:10 A M Family Bible Moor 7:00 P M Wednesday Ministries 700 P M Applying God s Word to Daily Ufe and God s '.ove to Hurting Lives 10501 SeWewood Ph 897-7185 Sunday School 9 45 A M Worship Service IIOOAM Evening Service 6 00 P.M Prayer and Bible Study-7 30 P M Wednesdays GLENN H MARKS Foreman Road 897-9110 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ALTO Comer of 60th Street & Bancroft Avenue Sunday School 10:00 A M Morning Worship 11:00AM Jr -Sr High Young People . . . . 6 30 P M Evening Worship 7 00 P M Wednesday BMe Study 7 00PM ADA CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 7152 B n d M d St . S E 676-1686 REV BRIAN P BOSSCHER Morning Worship . ; 9:30 A M Sunday School 11.00 A M Evening Worship 600 P.M BETHANY BIBLE CHURCH 3900 East Fulton REV RAYMOND E BEFUS Morning Worship 9:50 A M (Broadcast 10 A M WMAX 1470) Sunday School 11:15 A M Evening Service 6 00 P M Wednesday Service 7:30 P M (United Church of Chnst) 125 Bridge Si Saranac Ml DIAL A PRAYER-642-9659 Morning Worship 10 00 A M Sunday School 1115AM ALLEN H HERMANSADER INTERIM PASTOR 642 6322 ST. MARY S CATHOLIC CHURCH 402 N Amity MSGNR JAMES MORAN NEW HOURS Saturday Mass 5 30PM Sunday Mass . 9 00 & 11 00 A M CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE OF LOWELL 9213 Elmdaie Rd Claftsvtle 201 North Washington Street Rev Rick Upcurch Church School 1000 A M. Mormng Worslup 11.00 A.M. Evening Service 600 P.M Wednesday Mid-Week Service Jr Teens. Adults 700 P M. Nursery -Come & Worship With Us 1000 A M Morning Worthy) 1100AM Evening Worship 600 P M Wednesday Night Worship 700 P M REV GREGORY A FREED PASTOR (616) 868 7292 Everyone Welcome FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF LOWELL GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH 10305 Biuewater Highway Morning Worship 1000AM Sunday School & Adult Bible Class 9 00 A M JOSEPH FREMER. PASTOR 897-8307 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF LOWELL 2275 Wesl Mam Street 897 7168 Sunday School Sunday Wwsh.o Services Awana Wednesday Wednesday Prayer Meeting 945 A M 11 00 A M & 6 0 0 P M ... 6 50PM . 7 00 P M 621 E Mam Street 897-5936 REGULAR HOURS Morning Worship 9 0 0 A M and 1045 A M . Church School 9 30 to 1030 AM, REV WILLIAM AMUNDSEN. MINISTER Nursery available at both services Barrier • Free Entrance FRIENDSHIP COUNTRY CHAPEL Old Grange Hall 1019 Grand River Ave Sunday Services 10 3 0 A M Wednesday Bible Study . 7 00 P M BOBROUSH PASTOR 897 7489 DR DARRELL WILSON 897 5300 DAVID COBB YOUTH PASTOR 897 6348 JL 7227 Thomappte Rrver Dr 676-1032 Pastor JERRY L JOHNSON Mormng Worship i0O0 A M Sunday School 11.20 A.M. Evening Worship e 00 P M. WE INVITE YOU TO MAKE THIS * COMMUNITY CHURCH YOUR CHURCH HOME WELCOME TO ALL ELMDALE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Sunday Schooi 868-6403 or 868-6912 SARANAC COMMUNITY CHURCH ADA COMMUNITY REFORMED CHURCH FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF LOWELL (United Church of Chnst) 404 North Hudson 897-5906 Worship and Church School . . . 10 00 A M Barrier-Free Nursery Provided Rev David Hagens Minister Eleanor Martin Director of Education Carol McNaliy Director of Music FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 48 Lafayette SE (1 block S of Fulton) Grand Rapids Ml Sunday Service & Sunday School 10 30 AM Wednesday Evening Service . . 8 00 P M (Child Care Provided) Reading Room at 24 Division N (Weekdays 9 lo 5 00 Saturdays 10 to 2 00) ALL ARE WitLCOME • S o e c i a l S o o r t i G G SpGciai Daily MGviG Listings G Listings C g I i m I c I g With NumbGrs On # Your Tuner # G C a m p l G t e A Easy To Usg ^ # WWMT WUHQ WXMI WLNS WFSL WOTV WILX Koto ma zoo, Ml Battle Creak, Ml Grand Rapids. Ml Lansing. Ml Lansinf, Ml Grand Rapids. Ml Jackson, Ml wave • He leadeth me! Oh. blessed I' t h o l . Oh, words with heav nly comfort fraught! What-e'er I do, wher-e'er I be. Still 'lis God's hand thai leadeth me. JOSEPH HENRY GILMORE « II AII WKAR WZZM HBO WTBS CINEMAX USA DISNEY CBN WON ESPN CNN NICK -i-l^ CD S) (ffi m CD (9 Ail (8) f . Lansing, Ml Grand Rapids, Ml Home Box OfBce Atlanta, GA ft (9 [HBO] (MAX] Cinema* CONTAINS LISTINGS FOR FRIDAY, JANUARY30 THRU THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1987 USA Netwofk Disnoy CBN Cable Notwrk Chicago, H t" , , „ 1 . — Nickelodeon/A A l 9 LyMkM Johnsoo (Randy Qvaid) and his wile. Lady Bird (Patti LuPone), prepare to faee the nation in "LBJ: The Early Yean," The tkree-hoar movie, which chronicles Johnson's rise to political power from obscurity to the presidency, airs Sanday. Feb. 1. on NBC. i » LOWELL CAR WASH TrrrrrrrrrrrrrTrrr JANUARY 28: Kris Strcmlcr. Ryan White, Arlene Haich. Gloria King. Kathe Biggs. Jean 1 nie Dintaman, Carla East mead. JANUARY 29: Brenda K m sey, Erin Johnson. Joy Hoc hi. Stacey Collins. Bob NVarncr. Margaret Ramsdell. JANUARY 30: JanK-> Johnson. Chad DeWili. M''r> Willyaid. Susan Roudabush JANUARY 31: Sieve Idcnw. ( Curtis Tannincj Salon n "We're Safer Than The Sun • 3 CAR BAYS With Foaming Brush Wi • R.V. & TRUCK BAY Over 1,000 ib. Pressure! |At 1/1 Pn. r STUDENT •PIECE SUITS PRE-SOAK wash your car without scrubbing Dan C. Wingeier. Fran FEBRUARY I: ^ Wright, Lila Grummet. Chns 11 lison, Andrea Bishop. Gilbert Grams. C o n i p l o t e Listings # we can rest assured that He w ill fit the pieces of our lives together m a perfect pattern He can work all things together for our giNxi and His glory. We may not under stand all His leadings There may be limes when we shall be temp ted to doubt that everything is working out as it should Bui. sooner or later, we shall come to see the pieces of our life fall into place, one by one After the picture is completed, we shall be able to stand off and admiie the perfection of His harmonious designing-just as we admia* completed "jigsaw puzzles Prayer: Heavenly Father. I do not understand many of ihe perplexing circumstances which come into my life. But I believe Thou art working out Thy will in my life and although Ihe picture is still incomplete, some da> I expect to be able to see Thy perfect design Amen. VanWeelden. FEBRUARY 2: Joyce Sullivan. G i t g Briggs. Kevin Baker. FEBRUARY 3: Marly Vredenburg, Julie Johnson. Ken Lippert. Dale Phillips. L i n d a F e a t u r e i Listings G# L o w g I I CabiG TV ChannGit On A Daily Basis. By Pauline Spray Lisa Ann Wright and William Michael Nelson were united in marriage on September 13, 1986 at ihe First Congregational Church of Lowell with Rev David Hagens officiating. Parents of tht Bride are Frank and Mary Kay Wright of Lowell and parents of the Groom are William and Juanila Nelson, also of Lowell. Maid of Honor was Debbie f mm.-** Homespun Devotions Mr. & Mrs. William Nelson f AMAZING M IT Engine Degreaser crNew Whitewall Cleaner fifrj* soiAIUI THE BEST THERE IS! Call Now For Appointment 897-9809 m kf tfom HiaW.NAm, L O W f L L ^ MCH o ( f i t ) as? S! Grand Valley Ledger • W e d n e s d a y , Jan. 1 / 3 0 / 8 7 ^ A f \ M iklLMkAS* m y * w w 6 00 O • 30 «:00 a O (MAX) M O V * That Nrtyto man (HBO) M O V * W m f r t h * I ft (HBO) MOVH •!•*»> and 1:00 t 3:00 D A Y ' 400 S V I I ( M A X ) THo MOVM SKOW: THO (CQ. I Oung He (CQ. AAZNlilK ' In® Tt, ^ nounnnf BAAeeeeitiWI MOVIt: « A coreMy ttltcltd group « introduced to tngMtnmg momltsla ham ol Ike wpemrtural Juke Har m. Clowe Moom, Richard Jokmon 1943. O ® M O W : Tko Fkk tkat Saved PHtakurfk' A 1 2 ^ ^ 2? Busmott Pile (MAX) M O W O n tko Track USA M O W Tko Wonder of It AT I Big VoBey Pacta of life up to aid the fading p*tburgkba* ketbaM team Stockord Ckonieng. Jukut trving, Jontfkon Wirdeo. 1979. O GD O ( 9 Miami Vke (t) ki 6:05 4:30 PtIOAY I/30/B7 K Nigktly B 4:00AM O [HBO] - Teky and CD [ M A X ] •:00AM [HBO] - 9:00AM [MAX] - Tkat Walertkip Outlaw [HBO] - 9:30AM Tko 435 7:00 KWfcq 9:30 — 'Tramp at tko Deer 10:05AM war rt 11:00AM C D [ M A X ] — Tkat • Dancinff 12:00PM m [ H B O ] — Mommie Dearest' 0D — 13:30PM O 1:00PM - 6 ) - C D I M A X ] — 'Ske Wore a Yellow Rikkon' 5:30PM C D [ H B O ] — Shaker Run' 4:00PM CD [ M A X ] - i t sary (CQ. Port 1. C) MAX! M O W : O (HBO) kK do tko NPl In B Bm w^w sm wm Oi . I »i- ana.i noravovTM Bsmay MiBor — Tko Wonder el It AH S d ) O CD McOanott (R) (MAX) M O W 'Code ol SB»'(CQ DTV Night Tracks ki Stereo ( 9 Newt M O W Tko DekioGtBis 1:30 1:30 3:00 CD (HBO) Insidt tko NPl In •« 5:00 • 5 20 5:30 4*0 I Y O U G n i T d o Tkat on Televii Sanford and Son Mow HoBywood Divorce Court Taxi AR Now Dating 4 © !$ J u p t d y Off tko Record onons America's Cup ChaHengo Downunder: Tko Final Four CrettAre 0 | ' U — 'Tho Haunting 9:00PM O ® ) — 'Tko Pish that Saved Pittsburgh SI - '14 Days of Olery ( 9 [HBO] — vongo' (CQ Nightmare on B m Street, 10:00PM CD [ M A X ] — Richard Pryor • Here and 11:00PM C 8 3 S 11:30PM 6 3 - 3: Freddy's (CQ Indiscreet CaR Me Mister 7:35 Hot lymoon Zone 11:40PM C D [ M A X ] — Prank and r 13:00AM O ® - •:00 The Secret War of Harry Fngg CD O CD Mrs. Kina (RV D O ( 9 WoktNr (CQ. Coustoou Odyssey Ouincy C 0 (10 Stingray In Stereo. CB 2t Washington Week In Review O (HBO) M O W A Night- C D ( H B O ] — ken Eagle (CQ In Stereo ® 12:30AM © — Stevio' - Tko Boos 1:10AM C D [ M A X ] — Code of Silence' (CQ 1:30AM Q ) 2:55AM O Tko Black Hole [MAX] - Tkiof C D [ H B O ] — Tko Mean Season' (CQ I D (MAX) M O W : Outlaw Blues Riptide Five Milt Crook ^ DvfTWify i^I iBiona M O W : Tko Train Rokkers A hard drinking widow bands together with a group of cowboys to clear her ton't name. John Wayne, @ 3 — World for Ransom' 3:30AM Q ) - Tko Wonder of H AM 4:00AM 6 B — 'Laura' © I — 'The Inspector General 4:30AM S I — The Woman and tho Hunter' 4:50AM C D [ H B O ] — Shaker Run' BUSINESS & ACCOUNTING CENTER John J. Richards, C.P.A. 112 N. JefforBon, Lowell 897-8947 B L U E /-LK CROCODILE O K ) CERAMICS ouZom ARTISTS SUPPUIS 0TNIB CfBAMK B AATIfT MATIMAiS QftEENWARE CLASSES ^ n ^ 897-5859 5OS W f S T M A I N 3:10 3:30 3:30 Up oa tko Plants 4:35 4:30 O Nigkt Tracks ki Sltreo 0 M O W Tko Wonder ol It AT *T«ie e PAINTS e STAINS . pAp^a e BffUSHlS e GLAZES e CANVAS e TOOLS * S*USMIS This space for rent! Only $3.35 per week Tko Mon- -nco'lCQ CKnmffWsrsoKkM )M» • I ilT ptwr >r rvr«fTlinc| Oa For Your Dreams: Cotk Mew l i p e (-?) Dumke's Circus ® Love Your Skin ( 9 U.l S Night Tracks ki Stereo Skowkil To<iay ^VkfMan CNN N e w t Donald Duck rg Daybieofc fYmrtwni y sjv Kids Writes (HBO) M O W : 3 4:00 I CC 0 ( 9 Oummi Boars (MAX) M O W -Oatckol- 700 O u k 1 M O V » I m m f A dMMM fait in b v t wdk a murdtred worn an t porlrad Gone Tiemey Dana Andrews. CSflon Webb 1944. Larry K i a f Overnight MOW 'Tko kispacter Ooaoiar Tko cdiiom ol o Ruaiow wRage matako a aeoRlowii bul loon far a powerful bureaucrat travtkng in dnguise. Danny Koye, WaBtr Slesak. Eko lancke^. 1949. In Slereo Tko tko Huntei' On a talari deep m Afrka, an unscrupulout woman gets lumutdkuRy invoked witk a big game hunter and Oopt at no Iking to got her way. Ann Skendon. David Farrar, Jokn loder. 1957 O V i M i y k o i . Tournament ol Tennis: Pringlei Lifkt ProColokrity O a t t k (R). C MM ffsWYTI^CjT t r> w*e IiM^viiw D ~ ~• V9 aITSpOf « 4:30 4:30 4:50 ©^BoTmOW 4:45 7:00 In • jD a n n Teaa Wolf (It) O d l Pound Puppies 471 Nuclear Otekos C 0 ( 9 AlvktA tkeCkip. ( » Tkis Old House (CQ. (MAX) O n e m a i Sostions fr *«er i •• iy'lxjsi 4ia I4ii A^irr y *XI yf W f Well Outdoors O MOW Tko Kids Wko Knew Tee Muck O Wild Kktadom ® Stylo Wltk Ura Klonech THOMET CHEVROLET & BUICK 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1250 W. Main St.. Lowell BUS. 897-9294 BILL ELLISON PH 897-9548 A U T O C C E n S N Sioote Ion.4 Ml 49848 PM 527 3190 P S S A R O R 111 Ltttyette GreonviNo M. 48836 PH 754 3861 iUIOMOIIVE SUPPIY.IHC F a i n t B o d y S h o p T S I E & S 1450 W M e * SI Loweti Ml 49331 PM (616) 697 9231 a n d S u p p l i e s O ® Bodywatck: Twin ReffecHeas (CQ. O (HBO) M O W Sotamo * t mA < vtwWfVvve P''Ao^#>le v^P^^rsBF ITtvtjr Waa# 9wtWv Bird' (CQ In « i a €iri S Tko M O W Tko Fighting Kerf tuck ion' In 1B10. o former comand courts a C3yW9^ U 'wtw NCjisrOfl, Hardy 1949 O BowBna 0 Tractor PuMng rights activist Dr. Martin lulker King. Jr.. one of tko prime movers in ike dosegregcdlon process of ike 60't, is dramaniod Paul WtnRtld, Cecily Tyson. Onie Davis. 1977 Part 2 n $.p9- xilt S Salt W ^cjrk#t to I (MAX) M O W t \ undtrtakes tht rtnavqtion of a broktn-down ranch to that die can go into the iheep business Doris Day. Ptltr Graves. Georgt Kennedy 1940. O ® M O W ' U a f ' T k o career - i* ^A,^ _i mrw%M.w . . . . — -icnrvi w r^ron rnew wmntoy 11:30 O CD O CD CBS Wkck-Cat (9(9 leave It to Punky « 11 U K a n t aad CD C D O C (DX I baR: Iowa at I • You I I 41 Con Ye Bo Tkinner? O a D O ( 9 i later Tag Academy Spectrum (K) Michigan O u t d o o r MdoufkHn Group 9 Bugs Bunny and I Runner iRokert Klein Time idkon Twins Ouns ol WM Sonnett You Can Bo Thinner I (MAX) M O W Head Office Tom Mann Outdoors NCAA Pootkafl Provie M O W : Tko marran Strip GoM Maxda O a t t k live. 13:30 AFTERNOON 13:00 o CD O CD HuBi Hetan's Reck 'a' Wreetftng # J t f Leave k to Beaver You Can Look "'VO'MW t^P Oa Comer Inside tko POA Tour 7:15 730 9:10 9 30 Buyer's Forum Jam I f s Your Business O • 00 I Health Wook '-4fl 47 Awart ( 8 Poet in tko Door rT9BBn9 Donald Duck Protonl Zola Levitt CD O C D i c a © ( 9 Tko Wuxilos (CQ. Outdoors America WaR Street Journal Roi m Monty Wook ( £ a ( £ N * W m - i Ptay Add Cincmax* to pay TV and... watch out! For dynamic entertainment full of surprises. From heavyweight cinema smashes, classics and justdiscovered sleepers. To brash comedy. Unspeakably outrageous late-night entertainment. And offbeat Cine max programming, like Max Headroom. It's a 24-hour bargain. That expands your choices. And lets you see things your neighbors only wish they could. ./iiC', :... ''Cumni Tumtci CwflJ Iw&Vmfi Oiek i/W Htrry kmktimkt I -4 {jinOwmK • O ffi) O C 9 Bool Okostkustors (CQ. O ( f t M O W : One Mom Train to Rek' A rtformed robber, just :coupon X iffa * I t 'The only PT phr ftifinf L-j |* rvALUABLE COUPON ) O w n o n s t r a l o r t in ttw 1963 M a r c h o n W a s h i n g t o n deO I L a n d ries " E y a s o n t h a Prize: A m e r i c a ' s Civil Rights Years, v e h i c l e * t l i g h t l y higher. DARWIN THOMPSON HOURS: 9-5 Thur. & Fri. Sat 9-3 prtiljl - ^—> Rlpair Ordir No. 897-9261 L.A. Trim 897-6546 THE HI TOTAL S P E C I A L P W C E - P A R T S M T LABOR $ 1 1 . 9 5 i^luality U S S ^ B O D Y W O R K CoftbMi Vtvi* To oentb sCNBCheS 4 repaired by eiperis Glass msiaiied INSUMANCE W O R K m c r a f t oil filtsr a n d installation. D l « » a l - * q u i p p ^ l local listings.) • Carpeting • Wallpaper • Linoleum • Counter Tops 9328 Freeport Ave. Phone 765-5157 Alto. Michigan OIL FILTER S P E C I A L I n d u d M u p t o 6 q u a r t * o f M o t o r e r s f t oO. M o t o r 1 9 5 4 - 1 9 6 5 . " It a i r s W e d n e s d a y , F a b . 4 , o n P S 8 . ( C h e c k THOMPSON INTERIOR SERVICE Danny Oetifo in iuiOffiu M O T O R C R A F T VAUO JANUAimRRUAlY, l f t 7 , ANT APPUCAftl TAX» KTIA. 1 is M? mfhiti ——f M'*.. COUPON) A FREE ESTIMATES E L E C T R O N I C to Jot) too Swan Let tht Expert f* yours E N G I N E BRISTOL 'S BODY SHOP 897-3126 i A N A L Y S I S E l e c t r o n i c a c o p * c h e c k o f e n g i n e Alao i n c l u d e s c h e c k J o f b a t t e r y , hoaes. b e l t s , w l p e r a . a n d t i r e w e a r . m y.Mff... onrnmnman to THE M A X ! $ 1 2 . 9 5 i r »00^ w . Maiu 831-5488 LOWELL CABLE Mon. - FrI. 12-9 Sat.-11-9 VAUO iAHOAlY-FWiOAtY, 1ft7 ANY AffUCAMI TAX* IXT1A. Sun.-12-6 M LirLTIMl SCRVICI CUARANTll Thlt limited warranty covara v ^ hiclat in normal u t r And excludes routine rrwntananca parti, bolts hoses, sheet metal end upholstery Specialists in Cylinder Head Reconditioning Engine Block Reconditioning Piston and Rod Reconditioning Disc and Drum Brake Service We Use Only Quality Perfect Circle Parts L O W H J . lCASLE T t L i ' TV DEPARTMENT 1 2 7 CNwrnniomoiai r • • 11979 East Fulton Soles 897 8431 o. 897 7934 lowell, Michi90|i Serv,ce: 897 5335 N . B r o a d w a y , L o w e l l -- 1:00 O • ® IKn? Daffy Duck's 1987 • Page 7 Mousorciso m a n d a n a n d t o r a c i a l d i s c r i m i n a t i o n i n t h s s i x - p a r t se- Lett Empires (CQ. Port 1 1 m Skowkii Wook #• 1 28, I (MAX) M O W Carton Qty' L Dukes ol H a n a r d Hardcastio and McCormick Honeymoon ers America's Cup Challenge Downunder: Tho Final Four Live Moneylin^ © BuHalo BiH 11:30 O Q P Ask Dr. Ruth O 41 High School Basketball Paw Paw at Kolamoiee Hock- (9) Tonight Skew In 10 10 O 10:30 O O O 0 ( De k Yourself Skew Wktd In tko WIBows Tko lane People to Auto Racing 'B4i Off Ow wVeWF C ^ , 9*0 10:00 8 I i A (HB01 M O W Longekot M O W Tko Time Mackino Tko inventor of the time machine undertakes a journey into Ike infinity of tko fourth dimension. Rod Taylor. Yvette Mimieui, Alan Young. 1940. BM Story Tenons . CD ^01 Muppots Pr:r>A # /\ t f T\irvi^c I W«A//-rMir\t ^ * - JvJriiirtv^ i Ban's Big Top Got Smart Shaker Run' ^ Odd Couple O Dave Allen at Largo (S) M O W indbefoef This comedy recounts the ups and downs ol a European hostess romance with an American diplomat. Gloria Swonson, Ben I yon, Arthur Lake. 1931. © (HBO) Don Johnson: Tho Making of Heartbeat In Stereo MMIOB E UOOUR riitjm H Ledger • Wednesday, Jan. € | 3 D ABC Weekend Spodak A Different Twkt (CQ. (R). O (ffi M O W Tko Ballad ol « ikn Vernon. 1971, Capital Connection Tko Brain U p Quilting BO) Mtldo tko NPl In Valley Cluisliuu Scienrn Mom 11:00 i 0 C D 0 C D 0 C D 0 ( 9 0 NTS M#A*S#H *I1Milw I ««4mwoeW^w •• ^C11—• •• _'B IV|Iamm I CJ' '•M ^Wfi ts i i Slereo. c r a . Catch tko Spirit (CQ. Tko World CNN News i NBA Basketball: Soattie Su1 C»_»_ oa• -i-i wt^BwwIMm. Three's Company c ol Pkotofrapky Christian " I i J i tor Rtaorts Sports Close up 1005 Murpkys TOTAL SPECIAL PRICE A S DESCRIBED A owboat O (MAX) M O W kseaf Defenders ol ToBi el tko T. U.S. Farm Roport 'Rkkard (CQ Any day or evening by sppomtmeni LOWfU i (HBO) M O W Young Universe t't Heroes You and Mo, Kid Can You Bo Thinner? DIRECTORY 0 m • 30 10:30 Outiow Blues f i « ^ . . 100 1:10 (MAX) M O W . 'Tkiof iHHO) M O W 'Tko Mean ~'<CQ OMfklFN.. O M O W : World lor Ransom A prolessiond adventurer ten out to *op Ike kidnapping at onucltot Dan Duryea. Gtnt lock ric Knowles. 1954. Odd Couple 6 3 [ H B O ] — 'A Nightmare on Bm Street' S 3 — 'Tko Train Rokkers' 3:00AM ^ LA On the Rigkt Track CD [ M A X ] — 9:30PM t r ini 13:30 9 O GD O ® PHday Night VW does In Stereo. Boet ol Oreucke M O W Tko Boot'Tke poor biRty is wpiorod ihof o tupenor breed of kiBtr boot could presold JJ3Ut7 '13) Wheel el Fortune 'Tko Black Hole 3:00PM 3:SS 3:00 ken l a f b ' f out of prison, 90k out to Rnd Hit Kistyfur i N. 9 upon to froo capknod AHiod gtnoroH Paul Nowman. Syka Kowna, Andrew Duggan I W lwcws A ABon y,i,i,n^ht M O W 'Stovie' An EngMt pool lacuie* ker verses on Ike beauty ol •mak Me Glendo Jack •on, Mono Wcakbome, Tteeor H a ward. 197B 13:30 O Night Tracks Power Play ki SATURDAY Stereo. 'Turk 1B3' (CQ 3:30PM •:05PM I O S. I Love You' C 3 [ H B O ] — ken Eagle (CC) In Slereo •:00PM Pakan Oast (CQ. tarman (CQ. Crime Story In Walk Proud ® OD [ M A X ] - ® I Stery el Ing lish OB tko Record i : ATAT Pokkk Mortal Pro-Am (R). M O W '14 Days ol Olery 700 Oub LarryKina live (lj) O ^ Dads (CQ. ft; MSU Mageont (HBO) M O W Nifktmare B m Street. Part 3: Freddy's 10:00 M*A*S*M 1200 700 O a k Tracks ki SHfo (t). ToHBfkt Zona 3:30 3:30 (MAX! M O W fmnk and I (T) 1 3 ® On Ountn (ffi M O W TKo Sacra* War o l h a r f Y W H Ounng World War 11:40 (HBO) M O W n Wall Street With Toe Oeto for Cemlort 4Aaa#l^iLi AAmm ^ .h S ® Bamoy MrfU» M O W : C a i Mo Magnum, P.I Spam Tonifkt Jokn Forwlko 1953 ffi) O ( 9 Mr. NVlwe M O W : Tko Black NtAt CoBtae O i w i i t Tech (R). O If Jack Pratt O (HBO) M O W Iron Bofte In Sltreo. O Wera a o ' 1(MAX) M O W ^ O • 05 M*A*S*M Uttio Comtron, LOUIM Sortl. 1971 O (S) Frotty't Wonderland O (MAX) M O W Turk 1B3' M S ward ^ • M O W bcofo koai Fort Bravo' A Conl^tfaN lymparf*!* , kw kanct and od*^ Sowd* pmontn kooi a Uwon »o<f. S G D 0 9 ) 0 ( 1 ) 9 ( 9 i f 1:30 3:30 Awto Racing U IMRA Drag •R Nationak (R) HO tl V ^• HI»i» y 10AA I ' wwM*nt i11119r — f ^.»-«n mrx•fti / B^ • (U Vf v9f w< tiflAfi If • OoM ATAT M W t Baach Notional Fro-Am livo. (HBO) Survival Sorm Ann-Margrot. Rod Toytef 1^73 L.Tlt ^1 Mama f f i rTlfwiw •^•Wa i-D M O W 'S^vto An fngW. 00 poo* locum ho* tx^uty ol R n * * ^ OUndo Jockion. Mono Wodibomo, Trow H a Who Moko Than* © 1fB4 In tor national Watonki Tavr (R). • (HBO) M O W Skafcor Run 530 13:30 • M O W : -B S I lava Yaw An odwrtmng •xocutivo tnturtt kit mo by succumbing to tko toduc tiom of O l#molo OMCUfivv, Keod o' •no ton at UCLA (R) 9 30 O (HBO) M O W Tko namKM' ICQ M O W Tr O kM O W : ioknny Bokndo A doal mult giH n rapod by a buWy n n t i i^i C PM1 OWWtH^fVO uy rng pfODirn>\ tko mult now fact. J ant Wyman. Ckarlti Bkkford. low Aytrv 1948 1 1 0 0 o (MAX) M O W Tkat i Dane I 4:30 5:00 m M O W : 'Wait A young Owcono gang member -.•ruy^fpt among ioyolti#t to gong, .i , 19*0 • - -t - fff J. "OC/Uy ,Va__ wVt ton. Sarah Hokomb 197* Ocoon Sproyt Bodies in Mo- « R 4:00 11:00 O (HBO) M O W : MUmmi* 0 ^ I B (MAX) TH« MUYM Sh«w Th« ^eepte Wh* Mailt TKom C ri • • # • ^ am A (MAX) M O W : Outiow F 3 30 ^Ti«yi99yi Awl* l o c m f 16 RaNy Roc • 00 Grand 1987 • Page 6 11:30 O (HBO) FlMhteck: T I m Mmd.nbw-g i) D#Om • SmIMi ^ Moido FRIDAY 5 00 28, 897-8405 Above titles may be seen on certain STV systems i m h u i unto Dy C i M IV wd uttctM ipalmml liuMaigs ant pnvile tnidencn C 111? Honw Boi OlSct. Inc 'Registered (laSwnaft 4 Home Boi OWict. KK G r a n d Valley Ledger - Wednesday. Jan, 28, Ledger • W e d n e s d a y . J a n . 2 8 , 1987 • Page H S O MO VII Hmp* VolUv FT A A young mo»ri#d woman cKol tengct a group of wnaM town hypo crrttt Sofboro Edtn Non®«« Fo broy, Ronny Coi 1978 41 Dane* ftvm 1 30 300 THw OM Vktvry Gordon ® MOVIf; 'Tarian't Foitl' Two convtctt etcope Irorn a jungle (Oil and pkm to kill Tartan leu Barktf Virginia Mutton. George Mo cready 1931. 6 9 Style With EUa Klontch O X O X Cottoge Batkot bail SyracwM at Goorgotown live O £ $ O J I ^ra Bowler* Tovr Greater lot Angolot Open live O GT O 19 CoHoge Batkot baN: Kontat at louitvtllo live m Magk ol Oil Famtmg (MAX) MOVIf: Beyond tho Fosoidon Adventure WOd BiH Htckok America « Cup ChaNongo Qownunder Bring Bock tho Cup MS 200 i Covot Story I Nowtmokor Sotwrdoy I 41 Monoy - Mow to Moko it I i f MOVIf; Horo Como tho Tigort' A toom ol I.ttW loogv* t m hh ttrugglot to go«n o wmmng too ton lor thoH cood» w4k> * o rooAit cop RicKord ImcoK Jo»no» Zvonui Somantho Groy 1978 i4f Frotty i WintOf )f W-o,!y. $hop ff M O V * Or Who: I t o i Oporotion Tom Bokor 0 13 Gono Ftthmf Q (HBO) MOVIf tho Ovnon' 9 MOVIf Cftom Vompiro Muntor A ftorWit p«rv Killer and hn hunchback wdtk «k kwo low motdont from o lot# wono than dtoth Mont Jomon. iohn Carton 1972 ® MOVIf Wtfchot a n d tho Grinnygog Thrto wrtchot are dit turbed Irom their r«tt when on idol they guard It moved by thrte f O 5:30 0 47 Snkei A fbort A tho Moviot 35 Tho Tripod 2 3 Deal MOMMC Guntmoko 5. At\ > I1wY |3 W » - •''O U Sw mm 6:00 a C C O C D O C E O C S O H Now* O '411WWF Suporttart of Wrot- Turkey dT f i t ^ baN. Minnesota at livt O H MOVIf Or Who: logo- Mork A Mmdy Battle line (HBO) MOVIf: Murphy s •artce* (CQ AirwoM Bast of Oiiie and Harriot BigVaBoy Charles in Charge » Newton • Apple (CQ. (HBO) MOVIf Wokomo ig kidi Moalth Wook ^ i v d w o w o r ChaNonfo Saturday Cartoon faproM MOVIf: Homestretch Soul Train CoMege Basketball: Virginia at Clemson live Sports Ooso up You Can't Do That on Television CD Saltwater Angler with Wip S ® Jack Frott )5 Juttm WiUon t Louittarto Cook in i | Outdoor America (MAX) Craiy About tho Movtot Groat Screen Romoncot ® MOVIf The Girl Noit Door « « 4:20 I. IKJ-^. W1 WuTvn OS Championship 6:05 6:30 CBS Evening News Tod Knight Show SPECIALS W H E E D A Y CBS Newt < 9 Wide WorM of Donmt tho Monaco At tho Moviot i fehin With Orlando WiKon It i a living Nowsmakor Saturday Your Monoy Twenty-four Hourt of Day- 4:00 R L ^ ABC Mow* My Friend FUcko Scholastic Sportt Amorko 7.00 Solid Gold Charles in Charge M'A#S*H H i a living Foftni 0 Wheal of fortune ' Austin City limits ^ Secrets of a Desert Sao (MAX) Cinomai SOSSMOS w Everybody Soy Yeohl" Ripfi^s M O V * The Shaggy Dag L I G N M E N Fetor lorre, Frank Votper. 1934. • MOVIf: Heaven With a Gun' An ex-convict trades hit gun for the gospel Glenn Ford, Cora lyn Janet, Barbara Menhey. 1969, U ® Sledge Hammer! (CQ. O X CD ^ Storyteller In T 8:30 S $ P E C 2 I A L I B ® Wild America: Family Fot#d (CQ. ( S i It's r ' i a living s College BosketbaN AN-Star 2 Excludes Foreign 8:45 9:00 Cars o I X P I R E S J A N U A R Y 3 1 , 1 9 8 7 m ( G( o p ,. f . o S r •• * O I L G r e a s e Oil C H c a A m i N . G 0TV d ) MOVIf: The I ® Roam Upstairs' A lonely and itolated woman who runt an ottb<?o' boarding house findt romance with her newest tenant, a withdrawn CVMIIT nop«ng TO owfcoinv o foiniiy tragedy. Stockord Chanmng, Sam Waterston, Undo Hunt. 1987 ® C0I (9) Ohora (CQ. 4J Hawaii Ftve^) S O (9)The Golden Girls (CQ. In Stereo. $ i ^ 9 &• 8:00AM O [HBO] - Murphy's Romar 8:30AM O [MAX] - Gotcha! (CQ 10:00AM Q ® E X C L U D E S F O R E I G N & D I E S E L 10:30AM S ) - 11:00AM f D [ H B O ] B ® - The BaHod ol iosie' O ® - 'King' Fort 2. 12 30FM O © 1 00FM o 10:10 10:30 10:50 iioo UENNEN LOWELL. M I C H I G A N 897-9281 WKRF in Cincinnati Skkel A Ebort 4 CHRYSLER Oadgo S PLjmoutfi I f Wild, Wild West fc Soundstago 73 Amorkan Ptoyhouso: Mkkoy (CQ. Maooka tiyn? EL^La riign? - John Ankorborg TwiBghl Zone Amorka s Cup Challenge Downunder Finnade TopQuclily to m o p o r StHWCE USCOCARS E x c e l l e n c e " SALES HOURS: M o n . fr W t d . . Tutt.# Thurg. b ffi.. l a f n - i p m Saturday. 8:30am-3pm S E R V I C E Er P A R T S : M o n . t h r u FH.. l a m - S p m W a d n e a d a y till 7 : 4 S p m 11:30 Seeing Things M O V * : Straw Dogs A young mathematKion teekmg revenge for hit wife't rope, tumt into a violent killer Duttm Hoffman, Su von George. Dav»d Warner 1971. O 17 M O V * : Hurrkane' The With This Ring s c e jmm B Funfottic T 735 745 8:00 a a e Eddie and tha Cruisors — Totion'i P«rir ^ — -J I U ^ P,'** [MAX] - D D«ywna ifw S A Y ' S [ M A X ] — 'Hanky Panky' [HBO] - a M O V I I % 12:00PM I 1:00 \ ri > t\\ • i l A Mnvwfifvww a live. Chance [ M A X ] — 'Xanadu' 1:00PM — 'Catharine the Great' 6D - (CQ (CQ •< lit* C«** (CQ HI Stano OMchal' ( C Q Pr^Kf X' ® — "AM Mint M Ofy. ® — 'TIM M M Who Kiww T M Much' • 05PM With a Gun' CD O ( £ - ' T h e Boom Upstairs' S ) — Barn Free' [HBO] - Apology' (CQ In Slereo I B [MAX] 11 30PM O 4} - Straw Dogs O 17) - Hurricane' O (X) - 'Bom to Bo Sold- CD [ M A X ] - (2) - 2:30PM 2:00AM O SS ~ The Car' — 'The Girl Next Door' 2:45AM © [MAX] - Moan Stroats (CQ 3:05AM © [HBO] - The GBttor Dome (CQ 3:30AM Q ) - Bom Free (S)- QD - High Midnight' Champ far a Day' '13 Rue Madslsins ( H B O | — 'As Summers Die' (CQ In Stereo [MAX] - Fraternity Vocation' (CQ Custer • Last Stand' - Zoom . Tho White Dolphin - Tho Gkf Most likely [ H B O ] — 'Night ol the Comet (CQ GD - Tho Fas' Topper — 'Dot and the Koala' 4:10PM 5 oopm a [ M A X ] — l a d y h a w k e ' (CQ - 'Bod Man el D s a d w s s d ' 6:15PM [ H B O ] — 'A Shining Season 7:00PM - 'BiBy the K y [MAX] - My Science Preioct' (CQ 8:00PM - 'Nancy Goes to Rie ( D € B ( 8 ) - I B J : The Early Years (CQ In Slereo. 9:00PM [HBO] Out Of Africa (CQ 00) © O ) The Man with the Golden Gun (CQ (R). [MAX] - 11:00PM B ( H B O ] — Act ol Vengoance' (CQ In - 3:30PM — 'The Man Who Know Too Much' 1:35AM O 'The UBer Who Wouldn't Die' 4:00PM Tholagocy' * Altar Hours' (CQ - [ M A X ] - [ H B O ] — The Fork Is Mine' (CQ In Stereo ( X ) ~ 'live Again, Dio Again' Vanishing Wilderness 3:00PM Hood Offka (CQ 6 8 — 'The Magnifkont Savon' 12:00AM tt (4? - The Shakiest Gun in the West [HBO] - - - n w ShottT 0 ^ ' C0 [ M A X ] - — 'OBy OBy Oxen Free' — 'Tho Hound of the BaskerviBes ON to S taught to tolve the mystery of a tupematural hound that threatem the life of a Dartmoor baronet Bawl Rath bone, Nigel Bruce, Richard Greene 1939 Golf M a i da floisic live. m 11:30PM [HBO] - 6:15 i o g g o d Edge' (CQ M O MOV*: Tha KiNer Who WouMn't Die' The toorch for the kiNer of an undercover agent olmatt cods Ihe detective hn life. Mike Carman, Samontha Eggor, Clu Gulager. 1976. O MOV*: Custer's last Stand White renegades mislead the Indi ant into making war. Rex lease, William Famum. 1936. Wook in Review MOV*: Zoom: The White Dolphin' A while dolphin and hit fnendt encounter many mysleriout adventures. 2:30 O ® Futtin on the Hits <D (MAX) A h u m Flash: OBvio wo^e^^^raeoi Seal Island MOV*: Tha GiH Mast Ukely' A romance-minded girl who dreamt of marrying a wealthy, handsome man must choote between three tuitorv Jane Powell, CWf Robertton. Kaye Ballard 1957. 3:00 O ® U f ^ t y l s s o f t h e R k h a n d Famous O GE) In Celebration of Black Culture Part 1. SpertsWorid Tax Break '87 , (MAX) MOV*: The Fox I Best of Wcdt Disnoy Prasonts: 3:30 - 'Cat on a Hot T m Roof 12:30AM I I S O A M B [ M A X ] — Hokrolt Covenant 5 30AM 9 - J45AM 8 [MAX] - 3:00AM B [HBO] - The Final Terror South F a d l k Out e l Control' 'lust in t h e Dust (CQ - Crashout The Ox-Bow Incident 4:00AM © - 4:30AM O [HBO] - Windy O t y (CQ 4:40AM © [MAX] - l o d y h o w k o (CQ 4:00 « O (HBO) MOV*: Night el the Comet' (CQ O ffl) ( 0 ( 9 Wide Werid of o (41) Star Search I I MOV*: 'Tapper' An auto accident tumt George and Marian Kirby mto madcap ghottt Cory Grant, Contlance Bennett, Roland Young. 1937. (HBO) MOV*: 'A Shining CBS Evening CBS News 5:00 5:30 NBC News 6:30 7:00 2:10 2:30 The World Tomorrow Lottery Busters Best of 7 0 0 O u b Money Week I Randy N e w m a n a t Odsen © DTV O Larry Jonas 199 Tax loophelet MONDAY 7:00 O (MAX) MOV*: Pee Wee's Big Adventure' (CQ 2/2/87 8:00 O 8:30 ^ (MAX) MOVIE Where Do We Go From Here SportsCenter Golf: M a i d a O a s s k (R) MOVIE Three CoboNeros • • X ) Q ( l ) 6 0 Minutes Sunday ® O I L Disney DTI Movie: You Ruined My life (CQ. O 17 Street Hawk O 47 Star Trek O X O ( 9 Our House In r pq Newton's Apple (CQ. In Recital I M O V * : 'BiNy the K y The kfe of the famed outlaw and evenh leading to hit death are dramahied. Robert Taylor, Ian Hunter, Brian Danlevy 1941, O (MAX) MOV*: My Science Preioct' (CQ sot wm y i»i tu • t MOVIE: 'Nancy Goes to Rio' Quest! (HBO) M O V * ReNer Beo- S Ocean Sproyt ion CD (HBO) Family of Strangers CROSSWORD 1 2 3 4 S • 9 13 IB r IB IS IB 10 11 12 • 7 20 I22 SporftCi?nfi*f Sports Sunday Owl/TV (CQ. 7:30 8:00 NHL Hockey: Boston Bruins a t Now York Rangers live. 6 0 My Three Sons O ( 1 ) O ( X Murder, She ICQ. ( 9 ) Skkel A Ebort A the 0 *7 Shako Zulu O G D O ( 9 M O V * : 'LBJ: The Early Years (CQ Lyndon Barnes 1 ^ — - —--,e^e r\r\ 11•,/ , ^ i , . , I kte\nr\ jonnsoo nset TO(ApoifYKCji ana nnancial power from hit early Hart in 1934 to his eventual inauguration at President m 1963. Randy O i a y , Patti LuPone, Morgan Brittany 1987. In Stereo. O d l ) O (8) Nature (CQ. (R) In O (HBO) MOV*: O u t Of Af- « rko'(CQ O v a l Jungle lifostyios of the Rkh a n d Fo- « 3:05 reswsffioew junoay 2:00 New leave It to Beaver Animals in Action Futtin' on the Hits I _ Mitt Stt* Wkhrto Wing, at St. l e u k Steamars live Larry King Weekend Twenty-Four Hours of Daytana live. O CD O GD o®*- ATAT Pebbis Beach Notienol Fro Am live. O X ^ Celebration af Black Culture Part 2. O (8) Spirit * Spirit: Nikki 1:10 130 Make a Million Ed Young I 5PV & O ® Firing lino O (HBO) MOV*: *Caal Hand l u k e [HBO] - S 6:30 Zoo Fondly o l bum live. O (ffi M O V * : 'The Shakiest Gun in the West' A dentht leovet Penntyfvania to tot up practice on the wettem frontier. Don Knotts, Barbara Rhoadet, Jackie Coogan 1968 Futtin' on the Kids Great Performances: The Gospel at Colenus (CQ. (R). Fortress (CQ [MAX] d j - 1:30AM O • Go For Your Dreams: Cash Flew Expo Look a t Me N e w At t h e Movies O Telephone Hour: The American Song O Health Weak News (R). ABC N e w s Dance Fever O ( 9 News (HBO) MOV*: The Final 8 « i Danger Bay Alias Smith and Jones Subaru Wory Cup Skiing Championship Newswatch O M O V * : 'Dakota' Crookt ore trying to bum out wheat farmert John Wayne, Vera Rohlon, Walter Brerman. 1945 1:30 O O Championshi (HBO) laser Toko AN 1 Guns of WiN Sonnett 2:00 z 1907 Love Boat Solid Gold MOV*: Cool Hand Luke' A gutty pmoner on a chain gang, with an Hwatiable appetite for freedom, defies Ihe brutal crew leader. Paul Newman, George Kennedy, J.D. Cannon 1967 O ( 9 M O V * 'Cot en a Hot Tin Roof Film version af the Tennettee Williamt clastic about a woman and her akaholk husband Eliia both Taylor, Paul Newman. Burl Ives 1958 & Off t h e Record I' ll) Lifestyles of the Rkh a n d Famous O C D O C E O G D O O News S 'Real Gon-us' (CQ South Facrfk 1130 i learn/ I ® F.qnThe Masti Catharine the MOV*: Groat The lone Ranger M O V * : The Hound el the ^ » - * GI. —I- -1— n Thk i (ffi Voyagers Bosom Buddies I » j Golden Years of Televi- S Real Genius (CQ 12:30PM Dl. Wh, [ H B O ] — 'TIM fvpr? NICK Rocks X O d D i Houston Rockets at Atlanta Hawks live. . Telephone Auction ^ Superstars of Wrestling ® C H i ® CeNegs Basket^ 1;- - norw C » — _or• M•. IVWIII v^iioiina Out Of Africa (CQ [ H B O ] — 'The Purple Rase of Cairo' (CQ •;:D America's C u p ChaNongo Downunder live. Sonchoi of Bel Air Wind in the Willows Newsmaker Sunday S GuNrvor t Travels ® • • S ED R» ^ • « mic n»i|an \j\Jiaoori I (HBO) MOV*: Fortress (CQ loors Sports Page (MAX) MOV*: »'(CQ f 6:00 A Shining [MAX] - gffi Skkel A fbort A the 8 1982 S 10:35AM I 1:05PM © D 7 00AM 2:00PM 4:45AM © N 9:00AM ffl — 'Hwiwmkli' ® U [HBO] - 1 9 [HBO] - 4:00AM O Spertsconter Sunday: Thk ok in Sports Spartakus and the Sun Bo- 6:30AM Tho GiH Next Dear' CD ( S ) - ® Bunyip (CQ. O 4 ( Superbaek Oub Newt (ffi O Tolas from the Dark V Entertainment Happy Days Again INN News Tony Brown's Journal ^ forid Vision (HBO) On location: Foul Redriguot John Ankorborg Keys to Success MOV*: X a n a d u ' John Osteon Charles in C h a r g e Style With flsa Klensch Rising Damp 12:50 O (MAX) MOV*: Hokroft Covenant' 1:00 O IT Wall Stroot Journal I Cossman $$ Secrets Dancin' to t h e Hits 1X0X0X0(9© 11:00 Route 66 DTV Gimme 0 Break Charles in Charge (HBO) Fraggls Reck (CQ. In Slereo. 1 9 World Championship Wres- ( 9 This Wook With D a v y delay MA a; MOV*: Xanadu Vary [ M A X ] — 'High Anxiety' ® O Mclaughlin Group Wnmkiiti W wW ,m•!in^W '1woomrt^jrpfg n : 0 0 O GD O (I) Church of God Lorry JanOS Oral Roberts GaH or and Hk Golden 10:30AM - 11:40PM © 5:15 5:30 SUNDAY 3/1/37 'Or. Who: Ribos Oporotion' & 10:00PM o 12:30 (CQ. O (MAX) M O V * . Real Genius' (CQ ® MOV*: Guftver s Travels O Davey A Goliath Jem C , r\ 1 rt • 11 r C r v / v # • « MmwrHu A . f rr xnuvuvifv j^ofif Newtmaker Sunday »—: - I w -l-J nnyiiffTioui S.IIMI vf ia 10 35 O M O V * : Firaeoak' A farmer with a part-time fob at theriff findt himtelf face to face with a gang of outlaw driftert. Jomet Stewart, ^O^CY1RO f— . A INO#F ,» AJF .WCVW 4.^NT I-TOO 1 OAU NC NA You and Ma, K y Throe Score/Community Calendar Big Story Out of Control T»—1 ,,,,vv^ Ja f.Ianit. iwn A VB ' W "Tn^eo What's Nu? 8 9 Robort SchuNer R ® v Stan y It Is Written Paw-Paws o ® CQ (9 Sunday Cartoon fxpress Dumbo's Circus OsceRU — 'Witches and the Grkinygog' O Hunt On the Menu Can You Be Thinner? Children Caught in the CroesBro O (ffi Funtastk Wertd of Hanna Barbera Real to Reel Day of Discovery To Be Announced. Real Advns of Sherlock Jones A Procter Watson: The Case of the Dag Gone Dog (CC) Reck AKve Subaru Ski WorM You Can't De That en Televi- Wind in the WIBows Uoyd Ogdvie B 8:30 © 4:00PM 9:00PM 0 ( 9( 9) nThe Wertd Ti (HBO) MOV*: The Purple Raeo el Cairo'(CQ AN Buck Rogers Perkins Family Owl/TV Robert SchuNer (CQ — 'Captain Kronas: Vampire Hunter' (3 0 Great Performances: The Gospel at Colenus (CQ. (R) Q(MAX)MOV*:'l.Ht,^n^^ (CQ ® Check It Out! O M O V * : Bad Man of Deadwood' A reformed villain's peaceful life with a travelling thaw is threatened when tomeone recog* niiet him. Roy Rogert. Gabby Mayes, Solly Payne, 1941. 1 05 ® o 10:00 10:10 10:30 Here Come the Tigars' 1:05 AM I D [ M A X ] ' ' D e d i c a t e d O Hood Offka (CQ Mufphy . r CHRYSLER C O R P O R A T I O N r G E N U I N E PARTS ® 3 oofM 8 1 O (H (HBO) MOVIf: Apology' g ) In Stereo (MAX) MOVIf: 'Bast Re p I Your Church e l the Ak » « • 3 • r lv r.f y People Undo I Sunday Morning Rural Routa 10 Today's Business B Is Written (MAX) M O V * : Hanky 12 30 O X Week ii ACROSS 1 — Strangefs 8 Aclreas Glenn (ffi Check It Out! W a n t o d : Dead er Alive Rising Damp DTV 8:30 8:45 9.00 O X) O (X O ® O O MOV*: The Man with t h e Golden G u n ' (CQ Jomet Bond retumt to fight a villamout hit man who livet on an island with a volar energy plant and an elaborate thooting gallery Ro ger Moore, Qirittopher lee, Brin Ekland 1974. (R). Q i f World Cup Skiing: FreesW IB © ifl) Masterpiece Notienol Geographic f x - STMAX) MOVIf: Real Genius' ( C Q Robert Klein Time MOVIf: South Pacific In Touch i Giving Them W h a t They Want wo • i i tfe m — : Telephone Hour: The Ameri10:00 O X) O X Hard Copy PRf- John Ankorborg Mother a n d Son MARVIN By DANIEL 49 Electrical unit 51 Ripening agent 55 Singer M e l — 57 H i g h n o t e 59 R o b e r t - of Qulncy 6 0 R y a n or latum 6 1 Pernell or Tanya 63 M e t h o d s 64 — Kramer 13 B o i s l e r o u s 14 A r a n g e of t h e Rockies 15 L a r g e vase 16 — L a n k a 17 H e l i c o p t e f pan 18 R e n d 20 T e r m i n a l DOWN 22 W e a l t h y 1 Danube people tributary British slang 2 Ireland 2 3 Either s 3 — Barrett partner 4 Mr 25 Helper Tarkenton s 27 J a n e — monogram 30 Spiking 5 Dawn 34 C a r i b b e a n goddess witchcraft 6 Healthy 3 5 Inits. for Miller remedy 3 7 N o t e of s c a l e 7 C i t y in C h i n a 38 Hosp t e r m 8 Mongrel 39 C o m e d i a n 9 Actor Don — Slander 42 Approaches 10 T o a p o s i t i o n 44 E u r o p e a n on capital 11 S t a k e 45 Map abbr 12 C o r n u n i t s 46 Jewish m o n t h 4 1 Suzanne — 4 3 Bart ok or Gabor 46 D o r s or Ross 4 7 Finiahed 4 8 Locality Search — 50 C o n a p l r a c y Tomorrow K i m o n o sash 52 Now Natl Feminine 53 Education suffix Council 5 4 W o r d with Miss Lupino c h e e k s or Neither s f u t ure partner Raised 56 H e l i u m , for railways one Arab robe 58 Loki's Printer's 62 daughter measure Harvey - 19 — Steiger 2 1 W a t c h face 24 Singer Lou 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 36 40 1 o 7:00 Harper Valley FTA' CQ [ H B O ] - 1:00PM Your Money Turkey Television «—i- Newman 1030 of the BO'S O O A B Creatures Great and .TL Klensch Randy Mr. Wlsard's Wo'U Andy Griffith Donald Duck Presents I CNN Naws 5:00 « — The Fighting Kontuckian' I B (S) - 7:00PM ® 9 30 (MAX) A^um Flash: OBvio Newton-John 6 9 — 'The Badlandors O Do yt •ak BaBe A S« Jim A Tammy Five Mile Creek H Sneo Synctironol R*ni»<)nh lorry Jones • • *•yt*••^m' •1 ^ka I^A— 11"-A—^— , a> m The Get Along Gang ft *| CTm1r\i r% u (HBO) M O V * : 'A Shining Sesame Street Fresonts. FoBew THat Bird' (CQ In CD [ M A X ] - 1:15FM I B 2 00FM (ffi M O V * OBy OBy Oxen Frae' An eccentric junk dealer with a Raw for the lontothc tporttt ad »enhKe for herself and her compa mom Katharine Hepburn. Kevin McKenne. Demvt Dimsler 1978 CB (Tl ^ «-> 2K Tmi r 11 35 • 1200 O CD e [HBO] Stereo. This Week With Davy Wokomo to Pooh Corner h Cspsland SchuBor Beck (CQ. In 12 00FM O 4:30 G ) Cft Oral O (HBO) M O V * : Out Ol Afri«'(CQ (MAX) M O V * : High An.- Dally Duck's Movio: I B [HBO] - CNN News _ Aristocrats CQ Mote:week Illustrated O ® Fantasy Island 3 1 Alfred Hitchcock Fresonts f f t Night Tracks Chartbusten In Sf^r^o O X O ® O X ) ©10;© 9S MM HM, N. TWM 12:00 Rated K O look at Me Now M O V * Matilda A prue fighting kangaroo hopt into the life of a theatrical agent Elliott Gould, Robert Mitch um. Give R evil I. 1978 Lou Grant ® In Recital Cover Story AFTHNOON Anuinos ID O O Night Tracks In Stereo GDm — 'The Time Machine' 11:30AM G D [ M A X ] - 6:00PM 3 1 , 1 9 8 7 • I K Generation at Risk M O V * : Man Froi A tale turvivor of the Alamo dit coven that American renegade* dretted at AAexkan toldiers were retpormble for the massacre Glenn Ford, Juke Adamt. 1953. All«*<l ^•Yf w^o rvlf C rsCOCK n^vwv#e I MOV*: Dot and the Koala Wagon Train i Msiiege hem Cahranf CBS Sunday Night Tracks In Stereo Manoy Wook (S) Lava That Bob 520 530 600 noath the Sea 11.101(& CNN Trawl i 11:30 I f ] q n p ^ o the O 11) This W JE J A N U A R Y Bast el Walt Disney Prasonts: a , - la i longshet SwMt Alfred Hitchcock Fresonts Hardcastio and McCormick 505 The Kids Who Know Too Much CD [ M A X ] - C A R S W a r y Cup Skiing: Mans O One Mare Train la Bab' 5 00PM C a s h or C h e c k Only E X P I R E S - This Wook in Country Oil S 7 0 M O V * ThoCar Amyt teriout dnverieu automobile ter ran ret a tmaR Utah lawn James Rrokn, Ronnie Coo. Kathleen Uoyd 1977. ' M O V * : "The Oof Next Door 2:05 3:30 [ M A X ] — Carson Qty' CrifW 7 8 / Donay Duckl Now Sight '87 6:45AM Q [HBO] - 5 1 Good Meming Mkkeyl Heritage el Faith 1986 Intamatianal Wotorski Tayr(R) Crossfire Danger mouse A iarty and F r i M * CBS Morning Naws You Write tho © Musk O 4 7 Superstars of O S C I F C D T1®OToday D A ! at 35 5 00 f 4:10PM I n c l u d i n g P a r t s 3:00 Can You Bo ThinnorT M O W : Tho Magnifkont Savon' A gunftghter rocruitt tix rvgged men to defend a group of MexKan peatants from bandits Vul Bryimor. Eli WaBach. Steve McQueen 1960 2:30FM ( l u b e ) Filter ffi) 1 _J Coustoou Odyssey _ l MOVIE: 'Bam Froo' 9:10 , __ 9:30 O CE I B 3 $ fasy Street In Stereo. This Weak in Japan Int^nri^isj a#VOrOO inivrvtvw. mKno#i P 10:00 i® • ( 9 Sponsor: For Hoe S E CNN Spobol Report Mkhool Korda I.4S JHM 0O S U N D A Y Off tho WoN MM Farrow, Jaton Robordt 1979. O X MO VIE Bom to Be Sold A locial worker endongert her life by uncovering an iHegol baby teRing ring lynda Carter, Harold Gould, Darmo WiB^s 1981. m ( t m m Saturday Night live In Stereo, ( 9 Star Trek (MAX) M O W : "Hood 0 # k o S f M u A S i t I 30 Sports Tonight S.qnutui* What a Countryt (MAX) M O V * : 'Mean 1 1 4 0 O (HBO) M O V * The Fork Is Sfortscontor Saturday • H ' (CQ Mine(CQ In Slereo C U m A , t\ \ <>pwwe Night Flight 11:55 O Night Tracks In Slereo I You Can't Do That on Bast el 700 Oub 12:00 O *7 M O V * : The legacy An SCTV Amorkan couple are among those 7:05 O Wary Championship Wrostummoned to a British mormon be GoM: Maida dassk (R) Hing caute of a tupematural legacy Ko 7:30 thorme Rots. Sam ERwt ' 9 ^9. I—-A^t I I I HBO) M O V * 'The Glitter dD Fugitive M O V * Heartland' Throb My Childron Are Dying Tracks In Slereo Ghosts of tho Groat i l AWA Wrestling kjww sWr»eef^ee • r*»rs h >f w (9 . This Week in M O V * : The Man Who nvj TT wfriy i o Kin a SlOMOf Ul l» Knew Too Much A Bntith family, At the Movies vacationing in Switierlond. learns 4 r M O V * High Midnight When the wife and child of a con of an ossastination plot from a C N N Invostigottve Roport ttruction worker are kiBed in a dymg tecret agent Lethe Bankt, drug raid, the man tett out to to Peter lorre, Frank Votper 1934 ( D Outlaws BKX) cure justice. Mike Connors. David 12:30 O C M SNvy Sidakkks (CQ. U^_u c.i I AM.Laik,,!! Bkney. 1979. Ghost Stories ntgn ZpCff#w •O»*WSIMIH. O M O V * : 'Otamp for a Day A ® Evans and moo Lay Norrix at Kalafighter from Brooklyn avenges hit Oty, U S A. 1:00 O Q D M U S K I C Control Tape Delayed live Again, Die manager Iriend't brutal murder O X MOV*: S ® The Boy King The tcientifk method of Alex Nkol, Audrey Totter. Chorlet OGDO(9FactsofLifo(CQ. Winranger. 1931 Cryonks • tuspended life through In Stereo. O M O V C : 13 Rue Madeleine the act of freenng • it dealt with O (8) Wonderworks: Hector t along with its ptychological eiectt During World War N. OSS ogenh (CG. attempt to locale a German mittile Walter Fidgeon, Donna MJt. CWR I Froftles of Nature ute in France. James Cagney, An Path 1974. ^ Throb w naboBa, Richard Come 1947 ( 9 Dukes of Hoi lord O (HBO) MOVIf: The Clan of I Night Tracks In Slereo Larry King Weekend tho Cave Boor' (CQ In Slereo To Ba Announced Victory CD (MAX) MOVIf: Gotcha! Roller mania Night Tracks In Stereo (CQ Turkey T ele vi i io11 I (MAX) M O V * : After Hours' 1:05 f ® MOVIf: 'Prefect X' A tec ret (HBO) M O V * : As Summert government agent rtturnt from the m Die' (CQ In Stereo. Orient in the year 2118 with the 1:10 fQ CNN Travel Guide (HBO) M O V * : Act of O (MAX) M O V * : 'Fraternity cryptic mestage that the world will 1:25 O Vengoance' (CQ In Stereo (CQ be destroyed within two weekt. Christopher George, Greta Raid win. 1968 T h e w o r d " s a l a r y " c o m e s f r o m t h a R o m a n w o r d for "salt m MOVIf: AN Mine to Give A m o n e y , " w h i c h w a s h o w d e b t s w e r e paid in ancient family braves frontier hardshipt in times. the Witcantm wildemett Glynit Johns, Cameron Mitchell, Fatty McCormick 1956. S A T U R D A Y ' S M O V I I S • College BosketbaN: DeFaul at laSaNo SATURDAY MOVIf: The Man Who 1/31/aj Know Too Much' A Rritnh family, vacationing in Switierlond, learnt 5 00AM QD [ M A X ] The Manhunt of an astatsination plot from a 6:25AM O [ H B O ] - WMrose dying tecret agent leske Bankt, 8:05 A daughter of a Naval commander itartt a pastiooate romance with o Polynesian tribal chief while a do V impirot (CQ. Fart 1. (MAX) MOVIf: Sweet ICQ Chock It Out! 1W W WW W W fcl Mw i WUT V I n K, R^v I 3:30 U O 3D GaH livt Smoll Wond«f Ploato Lot Mo live S 3 15 • T 23 MSU Magatmo (HBO) MOVIf: Oitton Wagon Tram Big Story I S 3:10 330 4:30 A 1987 - Page 9 i 1 Valley 1 Grand •HBCIDDD •• V 3 •DCBDBQ OD BOD QDB BdQBn m• HV v oa • N 1 A V 3 N• s i 3[Thj • J H 1 V N 3 0 1 V a N 0 N • s d 0 i 0 V 1 N 1 m 0 1 d 3 9 0 m m v i n u •T d s||S n o j j 0 1 hf n 9 s "o 1 0 B l 0 3 i d T G r a n d V a l l e y L e d g e r - W e d n e s d a y , J a n . 2 8 , 1987 - P a g e 10 ! toikirt Oorit Do> Rob*n Mon« Ttrry Thomot, 1968 11 00 © Jimmy U M O * C^mwMoido Spo.t»looi 1 fC1M Ohio S»oto Liwo 13 00 O (HBO) MOVII Coooy • SKo 8 (MAX) MOVIf: MOVIf: T m Oomg to bo Fo mom A group ot octort uto ovor> moont ot f W dnpotoi to got port* m o itvofC' movio productton Dick Sorgont Morodilk Mocfoo lo*tyn Koid 1981. © Ocoon M i o t in Mo- 8 You Cont Do THot on ToWvii 'stiiiftiiii ivrtti *\4\e\ »lli»rr>tii UflU Hollywood Dtvorco Court Toxi AH Now Doting ( 0 [9 Jeopotdy Sproyt Wondorworkt: Hoc tor • . . (CQ. (HBO| MOV*: Bottor Off d' (CQ ID (MAX) MOV* -WMdcoH CD Sknng US notionol not GrMotto Wory of Sportt 4 30 (HB01 Fomdy of Strongort 500 Amonco * Cup CHoMongo i Downundor Bring Bock tKo Cup Riptyo My Frtond Hkko fii 5 30 CD (MAX) Ooiy About tho Moviot Funny to Footuro* U _ MOV*: Ooudt Over furopo' Spto* ore lurking around 8ri toM * aircraft but ikey ore faded by o tett pilot and o crafty Scotland Yard mon Laurence Okvier, Valerie Hobton. Raiph Rkkordton 1939 8 0 5 9 MOV* A Gothoring el faglet An Air Forte wife, tkocked by ker ku*bond't crihcivn of the men in kit command, decide* to loovo him. Rock Hudton, Rod Taylor, Mory Pooch 1963. 8:30 O ( D O 3D Wy Sifter Sam (CQ0 GD CD 10 A mo ting Storm ^ . l n Stereo. Hore t Boomer CeBegt BotketboM: North Corelino State at DePoul Newhort (CC). 9:00 MOV*: Single Bort. Single Men (CQ A group 01 wnglt and divorced mon hope* to knd love ond undorttandmg in tho world ol unglo bar* Ed Mori naro. Mo> GoM. Janet Margokn 1987 O ( 9 MOV*: The Pope el Groonwkh Village Two dittantly related buddie* pull off an ill conceived tafocracking |ob that got* them mto hot water with a local crime kmgpm Enc Robert*. Mickey Rourko, Kenneth McMillan. 1984 O CD CD rift MOV*: Convktod: A Mother t Story (CQ A woman imprisoned for ombozzlo mont struggle* to keep ker lamily together dotprte her pri*on *enl once Ann Jillian. Kiel Martin. d a - O X O T O W I B • • M-A'S'H Uttio Houm on i f Too Oom for Comfort H MocNorUohror Now.hf i 2$ BuunoM Filo l (HBO) MOVIf: Oroomchiy I (MAX) MOV*: Btf Wodnoo»' USA Cortoon Eiprott MOV* Tho Srlont Ono* Big VoMoy Focti of lifo Mo i do SportUook FWVwil* Www Now Loovo H to Boovor CC CBS Now. WKRf in Cmcinnoti 605 6 30 6:35 700 S f CD 19 NBC Now* Nightly Butinots Roport ABC Now* Sport*Contor Showbix Todoy NICK Rock* Sofo ot Homo In Storeo X Intortoinmont Tonight 41 Judgo 17 MOVIE: Tho Ulond ot tho Top of tho World' At tko turn ol tho contury. lour mtropid o«plor or* ombork on on oirvhip oupodi tion to the Arctic where thoy on counter o lo*t Viking colony A "Wondorlul World ol Di*ney " pro ventation Oovid Hartman Donald M O N D A Y ' S M O V I I 7 00AM CD [ M A X ] — Roo Woo * Btg Advonturo (CQ 8 00AM 1 9 [ H B O ] - RoHor Boogio 8:30AM CD [ M A X ] — Whoro Do Wo Go From Horo' 9:30AM ® — Throo Co bo Hero* 10:00AM CD [ H B O ] — Bottor Off Dood' (CQ CD [ M A X ) — Summer of 'AT (CQ 10:05AM | 9 l — Whoro Woro You Whon tho Lifhf* Wont Out?' 12 OOPM I D [ H B O ] — Cotoy * Shodow I B [ M A X ] - Dtono a — I'm Going to bo Fomout' 12:30PM B (S) ~ Skylork I OOPM ® - Tho Groot Coruto 2:00PM CD ( H B O ) — Mommio Doorotf CD [ M A X ] — Fnondthtp*, Socrott ond liot' 4:00PM CD [ M A X ] — Sovogo Horvott 6 00PM CD [ H B O ] — 'Droomchiy CD [ M A X ] — Big Wodnotdoy' ffl — "Tho SiUnt Ono' 7 00PM O ® - Tho Mond ot tho Top of tho Wory Port 1 of 2. 8 00PM CD [ H B O ] - Bottor Off Dood' (CQ CD [ M A X ] - WOdcott (CQ 8 D ~ CWudt Over furopo 8 05PM I B — 'A Gothoring of Eoglot' 9 00PM O SD CD ( 3 ) - S«nglo Bort, Smglo Mon (CQ 0 3® — Tho Popo ol Groonwkh Villogo' O S CD 9 $ — Convktod: A Mothor t Story' (CQ In Storoo ffl — 'Booi Brummol' 10 OOPM CD [ H B O ] — Mommio Doorott CD [ M A X ] - Crootor II 30PM ffl — 'Tho liltlott Horto Thiovot' 11 50PM CD [ M A X ] — Portonol Botf 13:00AM ffl — Ooudt Ovor furopo 12-15AM CD ( H B O ) — Nighfmoro on Elm Stroot, Port 2: Froddv't RoMCQ 12 3 0 A M ® — Suddonly Lott Summer f y ) — Tho Fothor Knowt Bott Reunion' 1:10AM o o ( D — Mott Helm' 1 45AM 1:55AM 2 05AM CD CD IB 300AM ffl 3 20AM CD 3 45AM CD 400AM ffl - Blue Steel' O 4 3 0 A M ffl — 'Hifhwoymon town at Si. John t (R). (HBO) MOV*: CriHert (HBO) Recce t Star (MAX) MOV*: 'Toon Weff* Subaru Wory Cup Skiing impienthip (R). (HBO) MOV*: 'No Big Deal' (MAX) MOV*: WBdcott A Y ' S USA MOV*: Unko in the kland el Magk' BigVaBoy Factt el Ufe 6:05 6:30 WKRP in Cincmnaf• ABC Newt (MAX) MOV*: "Trancort SperttCentor >nOwOiI f#ooy NICK Reckt Andy Griffith Entertainment Tonight ImAmt 6:35 7:00 S Judge I MOV*: Tho kland ot the Top of the W o r y At tko turn of the century, four intrepd o*plor or* embark an an o^tkip e«pedi tion to Ike Ardk where Ikey tncaunler a lott VAmg colony. A "Wonderful World of Dkney" pro sentohon David Hartman. Donald M O V I I S — Aloha Meant OtBdbyB' [ M A X ] - Zulu Dawn' - CaR Me Mkter [ H B O ] - Crittert [ M A X ] - Teen Wolf [ H B O ] - No Big Deaf [ M A X ] - Zoo Gang [ H B O ] — Rain tree County' 6:00PM ffll — Unko ki the kland of Magk' 6:30PM CD [ M A X ] — 'Trancort' (CQ 7:00PM ffl j^) — 'Tho kland at the Top of the World Port 2 of 2. 8:00PM O [ H B O ] - The Man With Ono Rod Shoe' (CQ CD [ M A X ] - Out Of Africa (CQ 9:00PM O ( D O CB — G"*Y * Innocence: The LaneB Geter Story' (CQ O ® - Sdonce of the North ffl — Homottretch IOOOPM CD [ H B O ] I a 20PM C S — Akarei KeBy' 11:00PM CD [ M A X ] — Sweet Dreamt' (CQ 11:30PM ffl — The GiH Neil Doer II 35PM CD [ H B O ] - Crittert 12:35AM CQ> — Dead Ringer [ M A X ] — 'Sooot Admirer' (CQ 4:15AM 4:30AM 4:35AM I S O A Y ' S M O V I I S MNaw ( 9 Tonight Show m S 1 NoHmo (CQ. (t) ki Botnty MiBor MOV*: The Gkf Ne«t Deer PX I — 'Spatmt' [ M A X ] — The Perik of Gwendoline — Adventure in Baltimore [ H B O ] — Creature' (CQ In Stereo — Chate Through The Night' ffl ffl ®l QD CD ffll CD — Xanadu' - The Cardinal - Leukiana Purchate - The Lady Sayt No [ M A X ] — Dance With a Stranger' (CQ - Lott Crooked Mile [ H B O ] — 'The Mon With One Red Shoe' (CQ 0 11:35 \7M Burnt A ABon I Amerka t Cup Downundor Continued, Live. > ) 11:35 CD MOV*: i)oorf Birtfer' A tn Honoyme ter taket a man away from ker twin ^^WWwDwT w * LJ' ~ v • I Fw^^iwww ( t ) Q 6 Wiiard ® fi 1J Wha t the Bees? (CQ._ FaN Guy Ouincy Matlock In Stereo. © 21 Neva: Why Plonot O a t h (CQ. CD (HBO) MOV*: The Man With One Rod Shoe' (CQ O (MAX) MOV*: Out Of Africa' (CQ by utmg a fahe pregnancy daen Belle Dovn, Karl Maiden, Ptler Lowford. 1964. (MAX) MOV*: Sooot Ad(CQ Prime Time WrettBng i o l s a Port 1 of 2. In Slereo. • » In tho Face ol Torrerkm: 3.30 m#afferTansan Part 2. CD (23) Frontline: Earthquake k Coming iHBO) MOV*: i HBO) i tiptide Newt CNN N CM4 Newt 10:20 m MOV*: MOV* Alvaros Kelly' A reneaade odventurer brmoino a herd of cattk from Mesko, it kidnappe a oy coniooeraro guennat. William Holdon, Rkkard Widmark, Janice Ruk. 1966. 10:30 Celebrity Cheft 10:40 CD DTV 4:00 11:00 0 C D O ( X ) 0 ( I ) ® 9 ® 4.30 i 9:00 (CC) k Stereo S f d l fthkt en Trial MOV*: Tho Uvot el Jenny " (9 MOV*: throe CabaMoret Magnum, P.I. 11 i <.•••« mt t« y— jek%t iwnicpft' 1 1 : 5 0 # (MAX) MOV*: Tuff Turf 11:00 • m at Deion' A retired reporter return* to work k hopes of unearthing tko plot behind Ike governor'* ottatti rwitwwt . ^>KirimLi i aI-,i L D • ••VDpnen r^wwwi MCKW Burnt A ABon httido the POA Tour ftgrd. Jokn Garin. 1975. 20th Contury I American MVarl.ot Place Off* 11:30 (9 Late Night with tw Newly wed Game OWHMMHRTWM 1 ! Edge el Night Bast el Orouche MOV*: 'Murder k faty' f T) Bquakior Part 1 of mtppfe McNod / 11 vacationing k Europe, on Riven B ® Odd Coupk Q Dave ABon at Large QOTonke I D (MAX) MOV*: Sweat Dreamt' (CQ l Alfred Hitchcock Hour Adventuret of Ozzie ond « ! rlordccn'L and McCormkk Heneymaenert Amerka't Cup ChaBonge Downunder Live. f D Meneyli Or. Buth 1H 2: 3 00AM GD — ' t a p e and Mwilugi: The Ridoout [ M A X ] — 'The Manhunt' — 'Catherine the Groot' — 'Tho Latt el the Secret Afonta — The Man k Armed S mo 4:15 4:35 . ' i > ory. 'Boy in Blue' (CQ S ® WKRP in Cincinnati CBS Newt Moviot: Funny to Feoturet 5:30 O Ocean Sproyt Bediot in Me6:00 CD(MAX)MOV*: Sunday Dinner for a Seyier 7:00 | (HBO) Vefveteen Rabbit 7:30 | (MAX) MOV*: O b t a t f l « D A Y ' S M O V I I S I 6:00AM CD [ M A X ] — 'Sunday Dinner for a Soldier' 7:30AM CD [ M A X ] - -Obtottien s.rmAAA 0 UUAM n WD [ H B O ] - Cotoy t Shadow 9:30AM o [ M A X ] - The yoknaker' a t - *16 Dayt of Gkry (CQ 10:00AM CD [ H B O ] - Night of the Comet' (CQ 10:05 AM B - Groan Piro' 1130AM o [ M A X ] — 'The Mutk Man' (CQ 12:00PM 0 [ H B O ] - Out Of Africa' (CQ 01 •al - 'Only When I Larf« 12:30PM O ® - 'Urol' 1:00PM - 'Nancy Goat lo Rk' 2.00PM o [ M A X ] — That't Dondngi' 3:30PM o [ H B O ] — 'Plotyput Cava' 4:00PM o [ M A X ] - Member of tho Wedding 5:00PM [ H B O ] - Murphy't Romance' (CQ 5:30PM Q [ M A X ] - 'Obteetien 6:00PM - 'Tho Kidt Who Know Too Much' 7:00PM a ( 2 ) — 'The Boy and the Brenc Butler Port 2 of 2. a W0 [ H B O ] - Mad Mai: Beyond Thundordeme' (CQ k Stereo 7:30PM © [ M A X ] — 'Sunday Dinner for a Soldier' mmm 8:00PM Swamp THihq % 8:05PM 0 - Jh* Dirty On** 9:00fM ( 9 ) - Sword el the VaKant' • • • # o « P e o p l e w o r k i n g in t e m p e r atures above 90 degreet F a n d humlditieB above 40 percent s h o w higher rates of e r r o r i n w o r k p e r f o r mance and a notable de c r e a s e In s h o r t - t e r m m e m - R F • • O O A 11:00PM O O 11:05PM o 11:30PM 9 r * v M 12:30AM 9 12 40AM CD 1:00AM 9 1:05 AM ffi 1:10AM O o 1 30AM 9 1:45 AM 9 2:15AM 9 2:50AM ffi 300AM 9 mx 3:15 AM 3 30AM 3 55AM 4:00AM f 4:30AM 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 [HBO] - Mktmg In Action H: Tho Beginning (CQ [ M A X ] — 'The Ambattader' - "The Great Cars/to' [ H B O ] - -Out Ol Alrica (CQ [ M A X ] — Stand Alone' - 'Captain Nemo and the Underwater Oty' - 7:35 8KW 'The 10 [ M A X ] - Final Jutlko — 'Nancy Goat to Rk' — Badman t Territory GD - Honeyboy C£) — Suntel Umoutino — 'Only Whon I Larf [ H B O ] — 'The Final Terror' [ M A X ] - Protocter (CQ — Marine Raidert k-d A r » r t I/-* I* ."i — nwoffiana — 'The Royal African Rifkt [ H B O ] - Mad Mai. Beyond Thundordeme (CO In Stereo — 'Shadow Mountain [ M A X ] - Tho Idelmaker — The Latt Weekend — Tha Big Treat' — -Ride a Vkknt Mik 1 tiewsumeti (DCBGD O ® 1 0 9 Perfect Slrongert q & (® HJ ® • • I S Ohcmr: Th. 20th Contury 8:05 m MOV*: 'Scaramauche' The exciting tak of a legendary 18th century twordtman ond kh many adventure*. Stewart Granger, Janet Leigh, Mel Ferrer. 1952. 8:30 O (9) ® ( 9 Head of the Oatt (CQ. WKRP in Onckmati 635 7A0 ABC Newt WKRP in Cincinnati Port 1. jpor f^V-#ni#r i oa a y MCXBackt Andy Griffith I MOV*: Tho Boy and tho Brenc Buttar' k Ike 1880*1. a vouna boy idolize* a rodeo circuit rider ond later dncavert that he it 1— aA Tvono^fTvi k—X- .1 womwa Tor nKiro#f. VA/rwiji " ••ono Or uixney . prwi^nfanof) Vincent Van Patten, Earl Holliman. 1972. Port 2 of 2. O QD M # A # S # O AT Wonderful Wonderf Werid el Dk* 0^ m evening j» OT0 rn# Bott el O u k and Adi Dr. Ruth 11:05 11:30 Throa t Company Alice O ($) Tonight Shew k 9 $ Neva: Why Plonot Oath misfit* and criminal* for a tukidal commando ray. Lee Marvm, Emett Chariot Bronton 1967. 8:30 O Q D I D ( 9 Family Tkt (CC). Part 1 of 2. k Slereo ( 8 Thk O y Houte (CQ. Oty Aiiett: Vancouver 9:00 GD O X Simon A Simon 3 • S Cefcyt (CQ. ® MOV*: Sword el the Valianf The medieval legend of Sk Gawain and the Green Knigkt. MBm O'Koefe, CyrieBe Ooire. Leigh Lawton. 1985. I^MWZmIM (9 Cheert (CQ. Part l o l l ki CD Myttory: Return ol Shor(CQ. & Auttin Qty Umkt (HBO) MOV*: Mrssinq lr A r tm ^P nvt H. If. Tl.f » — i1. 1ling' 11f ri V(CQ | Q (MAX) MOV*: 'The « iS MiO Tom Mann Outdoort Oattlire I Africa I MOV*: 'Bunny Laka k Mke> 1:05 ing' A young mother, jutt arrived from America, put* ker 4-yeor-oy daughter k o London day school ond Ike gkl vankko*. Laurenco Ofcnor, Carol Lynky, Kok DuReo 1965 1:10 a d ) MOV* k o c h N m l - Two *pedol police team* mutt elude a deadly tmper and capture o fugitive drug puther Chrktine DoUtk, Richard HiR, Jonathan Fraket 1979. O ® MOV*: t o p . and Macriago: The Ridoout Case' An enraged w i k b r i n g s charge of rope ogomtt ker kutband, for whom die still harbor* tendemett. Undo Hamikon, Mickey Rourko. Rip Tom. 1980 1:30 'CD Newt Dobk GiBk NBA Today 1:45 m (MAX) MOV*: 'The Man. 2:00 CB700 0 u b CD 3^ Eyet on the Priie. Amerka't Ovil Righlt Yoart 1954.1965 CD ( 9 Barney Miller ® MOV*: The Badlondert © Magnum, P.I. Tonight 12:00 tt CD Night Hoot (R) ABC Newt Nightline t j ® Jeffertoi t ' M wek* nmoj Mm* n«ignf Star Trek gnat Burnt A A Hen Amerka't Cup ChaNongo D o w n u n d e r Continued, Live. 12:30 Jane fyre Port 3 of 7. American Market CHiPt CD ( 9 Late Night with Davy Letterman In Slereo. S BaLo^ 12.00 m (HBO) MOV*: -Out 01 Africa' (CQ CD MOV*: 'Only When I Larf A trio of Britkh con men attempt to fkece a rmkant African d^lomat. Richard Atttnborougk, Davy Hemming*. 1968. " - i in Ma12:30 ® ® M O V * : Fool'A ing forett fke. started by a convict to divert uttenkon from kk mcape, threatem lo dekroy 0 mounlam community. Emek Borgnmt, Voro Milet, Pally Duke Adm. 1977. MOV*: Nancy Goat to Ho' 1:00 n , n •fan aba n mas | j . .i, " "•eliisi y Copkak at Now York Rangort « 2:00 (MAX) MOV*: Thaft Dane- im M afw iX I VWWW M^tirmls fiW WK fvW 'l M I WW ww 9*1m 9:30 • CE • vorone' A group of commando* jomt force* for a mysterious mission behind Nazi line*. Horriton Ford, Robert Show, Edward Fa*. 1978. S Oty Attoit: Vancouver (MAX) MOV*: 'Pinal Jus. tko' (9 Night Court k 1 1040 C i CD CD CD Knott Landing (CQ) ® ID 10/10 (CQ. at Virginia Tech Live. ® 7:05 Sanford and Son 7:30 ® CP New Htiywead tea Court Taxi AB Now Dating ( © (3) Jeoowdy 5:00 © HBO) MOV*: 'Murphy't Romance (CQ CD Mark Satin't Salt Water Journal 5:30 9 (MAX) MOV*: -Obtottien' g p Tom Mann Ouldtsrt 7:35 III Heneymeenert 8:00 0 ( £ B GD ShoC Game ® D) Our Werid (CQ. In Stereo Tho Brain at Florida Live. CD Sotl of Waft Dknay Protonlt: Country Coyote Goat to Holly S Doktari MOV*: 'Swamp Thing' A powerful plant creature bottle* to save a shapely government agent from murder. Ray Wko, Adrienno Barbeau, Louis Jaurdor. 1982. ! Jane fyro Port 3 of 7. 8:05 CD MOV*: 'The Dkty Deion' A tough major it assigned a group of e LJyw j _ _ Ww - i iai_u* mgnr MOVftMNancy Goat to Rk' Oottfire Trebk 1:05 0 MOV*-. •aOman t CNN Newt 10:30 21 Tony Brown's Journal BM Cosby Shew 11:00 KEOCEOCDBOB M'A*S - H I Late Shaw: Starring Jean A marshal ho* to put up with tko mott notoriou* outlaws in tko west k a territory outside Ike control of -— — — — — * D ^CwVff #-« i C, .-.ee TTtc ^ -vw*nfttwnT. Nonaoipn Gabby Haye*. Steve Brodk 1946. 1:10 CD GD MOV*: Honeyboy A young boxer pay* o high price for hit fame ond fortune when he ritet to bo a contendor lor the middkweight chompionthip. Erik Estrada, Morgan Fairckild. Hector Elizondo 1982 Rkert • ^ O d d Coupk ID IS) Dave ABon at large ( g j)) Mapp A Lucia (R). O (HBO) MOV*: Out Ol Alrieo'(CQ • (MAX) MOV*: Gunsmoke Story el a Poopk O ( 9 Cetby Shaw (CQ. 1:00 101 LA. Law k Stereo. S You Can' *De That en Televi- trf mi Meaek# iwi^iii Bott el Orouche MOV*: Force 10 hem No. Sloreo Hardcottk and McCermkk Mkhigcn C I (MAX) MOV*: 'Sunday Dinnor for a Soldier' (J) CBS Evening Newt i [HBO] MOV*: Mad Max: (CQ k 3:30 S t (HBO) MOV*: 'Plotyput Cava' 4:00 9 (MAX) MOV*: Member ol lr># WWWuuin^ 9 Werid Oatt 6:00 0 i x i a ( i ) a c D a a a N#wt ® M*A-S#H i f Uttk Haute en the r.^irie o (If) Tee Oeto for Comfort fi) (8) MocNeiUehrw Newthour 0 23) Mechonkol Unkerte USA Cartoon fiprott ® MOV*: The Kidt Who Knew Too Much' Big Valley Factt of Ufe Maida SperttUek Monkeet MOV*: The Groat Carute 700 Oub CoBeae Corekno-Chopol HiR Live Larry King Uve CD 1$ Whool ol Fortune m Mu«k»ki r^pnrry •---i Ww#nvvB RW^/VY'I Tho • MOV*: 'Delta Foi' The Della Fob embark t on a dangerous mn won tramportmg ilkgal funds acrot* *oBe Knot. Richard Joockel, Stuart Whitman, PrkciBo Bamet 1978 MOV*: O (HBO) MOV*: -The d a n el the Cave Boar' (CQ • ANred Hitchcock Hour ® Horde at rie and McCormkk 9 Heneymoaneit © Amerka't Cup Downunder Live. o \ m A X ] MOV*: Ohetlbuf »' (CQ Riptfdw I fditon Twint Bring f m Back ABve MOV*: '16 Dayt el Gkry' 11:30 CD (MAX) MOV*: The Mutk Man' (CQ © Maida Sporttiooic « Odd Coupip Dove ABon at Large Mf^aM mi e-i O (HBO) MOV*: Boy in Blue' 8.00 O (HBO) MOV*: Catey't Shadow' 8:30 ® S por fsCenter 9:00 © Subaru Ski Werid (MAX) MOV*: The 9:30 ID I Werid Cup Skiing: Freettyk Champtenthips (R). 10.00 O (HBO) MOVNb Night el tha Comet' (CQ 10:05 ID MOVIE: Groan Fbo' The owner of a coffee pianlalion and a mining tngineer foil k love. Stewart Granger, Grace KeBy, Paul Dougkn. 1955. 10:30 m Stave Garvay Tonnk Oattk SpiaBh: Swawwoai '87 10:35 m MOV*: Dt. JekyB and Hyde' A korribk personality •merge* when a doctor experi mtnh witk separating the good ond evil k himtelf Spencer Tracy, kgrid Bergman, Lana Tumor. 1941 ninnX m %e ^^^%e^^W-e ^la^We^^^^P W 11:00 CDO(l)CIGDCD(9CD vt M#A*S#H Late Show: Starring Joan Mo. O GD CD ( 9 Haaven (CQ. In Slereo. (HBO) MOV*: 'A Ftath el Green' i (MAX) MOVNb 'The Slery of THURSDAY 1/5/87 I (R). once at Lerey Levet New York ® IMOV*: Leukiana Purchate In Ihit comedy, tome *kody pokh dam, tome congrettmtn, and a Yankee *enalor go to New Orkam to inve*hgale some odd pokhc*. Bob Hope. Voro Zorina, Dona Drake 1941. Larry King Overnight MOV*: The Lady Sayt No' A young woman can't make up ker mind about men due to feminkt view*. Dovd Niven, Joan Caulfkld 1952 CD (MAX) MOV*: Dance With 0 Stronger (CQ C i MOV*: Lott Ooeked MBe A detective (kKOvert tome turpri* ing fact* about a bank robber'* gkffrknd Adek Mora, Donay Barry, Ann Savage. W46. O (HBO) MOV* 'The Men With Ono Rod Shoe' (CQ Wory at Lorgo U CapHak ot Now York Live. M 6:05 6:30 CNN Newt 10:30 _ BSttS Q c c o c c a c s M a a vt M#A*S#H Uttk Haute on the |USA How to Bo a Perfect Perton in Jutt Throe Dayt BigVaBoy Factt of life Masda I p t m l t t k 12 40 # (HBO) Den Making e l H H 12.45 • B DTV on 1:00 • a •|HIO|b<SMNhWri»WM. AWA WretlBng (HBO) Survival — 'Magnificont Roughnecks H 1954-1965 • (HBO) On Tail Al Now Dating I HariBand 1981. CD Mark Satin't Salt Water 21 Beat en tha PritoOvi Righk Yoart (] MOV*: [ H B O ] - •C.H.U.O.' [ M A X ] - McCab. and Mn MUhr' — 'Tho Ban titi of Wimptk Street' — Tko Private Ufa of Henry V* MORNING T 1 Toe Oeto for Comfort MacNed Lehrer Newth- 2 / 5 / 8 7 >) whereabout* of a murderer BiR Bkby, Letky Anne Down, OBvio do (t). (MAX] MOV*: 'Street Neva' (HBO) MOV*: 'The Purpk Rate el Cabo'(CQ 3 00 1987 Budvisksi Truck and Trader PuB Otampienthlpt (R). 3:30 • ( M A X ) MOV*: " M0 r vMm,klima t vj r it Star Trek jtwmy 11:30 m W MOV*: A •moB4own dtenR k forced lo opPote an oy friend who moket kk Ikkg robbing traim. Dean Martk, Hudton. Sutan dark. 1973. 100 9 MOV*: - The Uvot el ionny Dekm — Catharine the Great [ M A X ] - WBdcott (CQ - Or Jokyfl and Mr Hyde' [ H B O ] - The Oan el the Cave Boar' (CQ - Throe CabaBerat [ M A X ] - 'Tuff Turf (CQ - Murder k iaty' - Doha Pas' — 'Bunny Lake k Mktmg QD - Saach Patrol I A or Stuart Whitman, PrkdNa 1978 ! H B O ) — 'Tho Purple Base ol Cako (CQ [ M A X ] — 'Cakno Boyak [ H B O ] - A F W i el Groan I M A X ] — 'Tho Story el WM Regort ( S ) - The Boy and the Brenc Butter Part I ol 2. [ H B O ] — -Bey In Blue' (CQ [ M A X ] — Ghottbutiert (CQ [HBO] - (X) C i GD Addorly Wonderful Werid el Dk- YtMch Lmmk' (CQ THURSDAY « $ M*A*$#H r\ |Mifv —^ — CL.^ wtBalIrfv^pMJVOfl m > U SfeWr* Thn u, i*,- 1:05AM 1:10AM 430AM 4:45AM S n 1: 3:30*8 9 6iOOfM 0 CD 7mm • O CD 8:05PM C P 9:00PM • ffl 1O:00fM a IO:35fM C B 11 00PM CD 11 30PM 0 1150PM CD 12:30AM • 3:05AM 3:15AM 3:20AM 4:00AM 1:00 1:05 Q (HBO) MOV*: AHantk Oty MOV*: X a l Me Mkter MO CD CD MOV*: The Courage A I:1,,U,,mrt R^minnh(im at W»tl t IMJ I f' CJ • ' ' ' *y ' " • ww wwt and tho Paiilin' A group of tett Virginia Live. pilot* allow their job* to affect their portonol relahomkip*. Don MereHofl Town dith Deti A max, Jr.. Vince Ed„ o ; , I t*v>yi r• H nKw CrvA/ .rt i I|fca iwOfowvvwl •'* Jv.tuc word* 1978. p. nlrian Ama wt mI IT«l«irninn O GD MOV*: Spatmt A dewow^W monk make witk tupematural __ NBA BotketboM: Botton Cel8:05 powers terronios a community , tkt at Atlanta Hawkt Live. Okver Reed, Peter Fonda, Kerrk 8:30 O SD O ( 9 Growing Paint Koane. 1983. 1:30 O d D N o w t 9:00 O CD CD d) MOV*: 'Oudty el Dobte Gillit Innocence: The LeneH Geter r^vwint^tit Story' (CQ Young engineer LeneH 700 Owl 2:00 Geter batik* Ike judkioi system 2:30 when ke it sentenced to kfe behind bar* for an armed robbery he did Zona 2:35 not commit Dorian Harowood, (MAX) MOV*: 'The Perik el 2:40 Dabnoy Coleman. Hoyt Alton. 19B7. 2:50 O MOV*: 'Adventure in BaltiO 3D a » ( 9 more' A immttor's daughter keep* L ^ nwf L. IUltMiy ^ tit wvt/f wr,w•v-•w AYa, lWweflevi OFIQ (® MOV*: Silence ol the oy oiriog vwwi mat ofw too nwxiEffi North' A young woman grapple* for Ike 1900*. Robert Young, Shkwith tko lonelinet* and hardship of ky Tempk. Jokn Agar. 1949 Ike Canadian wilder no**. Ellen Bur styn, Tom Skorntt, Gordon Pintent. 2:55 O (HBO) MOV*: 'Creature 1981. ICQ In Slereo Shako Zulu 3:00 3 1 MOV*: Chate Through The GD ® G9 H* Stroot Bluot Night' Six resident* of an Aut55 Frontline: farthquake k trakan town take stops to make C O m I ft a sure that the bonk robber* who've CD ^ The Planet forth (CQ. taken them hostage don't leave town. Alan Dargm, Ron Bkmckard, MOV*: 'Homettrelch' Nkok Kidman 1983. 700 Oub MOVMb Xanadu MOV*: The Cardinal' A to^ at Satan HaN live. dkr commit* a murder and impltcaw vofCWKH i orotmrr cnc ^ Larry King Live Portman, Juno Duprez. 1940. 9:30 O (HBOI Talk Shew Odd Couple 10:00 o ® • O Jock ond Sport»Contor O mm4m * • 30 O MOV* T k , H ABC Newt AB' Intide tho POA Tour S (HBO) MOV*: Threthey <hmitrkU ^fwwwil iiMHiy 10:05 ©MOVKfc Bringing Up Baby NICK Reckt An arckeologkl tno* to p omole a 6:35 Andy Griffith mrtlion dollar* for ka muteum and 7:00 fntortoinmont 9tH mked up wdk a dkxy *oaoty Judge gkl and a b.,by leopard Cory MOV*: The Boy and the Grant, Kalkahne Hspbum, Ckork* •rone Butter' k the 1880'*. a Ruagk* 1938 young boy idokzet a rodeo circuit C D l M i ^ H 10:30 m (MAX) MOV*: French Lotrider and later dhcovert that ke « ton' (CQ wanted for murdtr A "Wonderful 1 1 0 0 ^ NBA Today World of Dkney" protentahon H 30 # Maida SoertiUek Vincent Van Patltn, Earl Hofkmon 1972. Part 1 ol 2 Dutino < (R) In Slereo 11:30 [MAX] [HBO] [MAX] - $mm Lerey Uvot New York I HBO] MOV*: Xritton O GD T.J. Hooker (R). Feud 6 O CD CD CD 9 10 30AM a 11 ocfM Q • 1 * ^ (CQ. (9 12:00 m (HBO) MOV*: Funny Lady' • (MAX) MOV*: Animatt Are xrtiluf Poeple MOV* D^ta Pas'Tko Ddta Foi [MAX]- 11:30 ifXKMni in [ M A X ] - (NmAuMm (CQ [ H B 0 | — I W y lack' In Storao [ M A X ] - THot Fonyt* Womoo - H n W m * . W k Af [ H B O ] - ThrMlMU- U You Can't Do Thai en 1:05AM CD [ H B O ] — AHantk Oty' ffl . CaN Me Mkter 1:10AM £ * QD — 'The Courage and the Pattian 2:40AM 2:50AM 2:55AM 3;00AM N * J0 ® tplHlClillW • 00 • w » « * In Mo- 13 jeoporay - The Shaggy Dog [ H B O ] — 'The Oklahoma Oty DeBt' (CQ [ M A X ] - Out Of Africa' (CQ - Whe t Minding the Mint?' [ H B O ] - lengthol' — 'Chate Through The Night' ® D IOOSAMS - ' ^Bofo Batketbai: Providat Bet ten Colefe Ike. Toe Oeto far Comfort »•« .1 • KI, t", mocnow-tenrer iwwm- 5:25AM CD [ M A X ] - Wildcott (CQ 6:00AM CD [ H B O ] - No Big Deal 8:00AM CD [ H B O ] — 'American Dreamer' (CQ CD [ M A X ] — Sweet Dreamt' (CQ 12:30PM O 1:00PM CD ffl 1:30PM CD 3:00fM CD 3:30PM CD 4 30PM CD 5:00PM CD i i ihroatenod, a privet eye takes the cote ordy to find kemoff mvohed tn an mlemalionol biacfc market r - M'A'S'H Utile TUfSDAY 1/3/87 9:30AM ffi 10:00AM CD CD 10:05AM O 12 OOfM CD ffl a (HBO| MOVIf (Mk' In Stereo. ™ - <1 Craiy About the Mjvkt: Funny to Feoturet ^ (MAX) MOV*: That FertyH woman . 12:30fM ™ wolf Haidcatlk and McCormkk m s n . 6:00 • ( s a c E a c c a a CdTmAX) MOV*: 'Zulu Dawn MOV*: CaN Me Mkter College BotketbaN: GeorgeD Robed Young. Jane Wyolt, Efcnor Donahue 1977 C I CC MOV* Mrtl M * . 9 l i t W M * hrtwM m Mi mIi tli i®VoetwW»e Rii«ina«»^lannrt t^e^HTiy p^WO MacNeif lohror Newth- Scheiottk Sport* 12 30 CD i t ) MOVIf: Aloha Meant Goodbye' A girl witk a rare blood type ditcover* that she i* to bo an unwilling heart donor Solly Struth or*. Jame* Franckcu*. Joanna S I 6:00AM 0 1:00AM O 1:30AM 0 9:30AM • IOtOOAmS 1:10 m CD MOV* The Father Knowt Bott Botmien The Ander M « 12:00 CD (HBO) MOV*: Ungthet KD MOV*: Chate Through The Night' Sa revdont* of an Auttralian town toko *tep* to make sure that the bonk robber* *ko've taken them hostage don't leave town. Alan Dargm. Ron Bkmckard. Nkok Kidman. 1983. rD Ocean Sproyt Boditt in Mo- i In Motkn 6:00 m (RRAX) MOV*: Ghottbuv tort (CQ *99*t W a n k WBNBOAY 1/4/17 Sindon. Moko \97A Part 2 of 2. M'A'S'M Wonderful WeHd el Dit- (MAX) MOV*: Zoo Gang (HBO) MOV*: County' NBA Today 6:00 00 O l (HBO) MOV*: No Big Deal 7 30 & (MAX) Screen legondi oo O (HBO) MOV*: 8.00 (CQ r/AKi MOV*: O arm' (CQ SperttCentor Golf: Maida Oattk (R). MOV*: Tht Shafiy > • ' _ (HBO) MOV*: T f o Okiohoma Qty DoBt' (CQ 0 (MAX) MOV*: Out Ol Africa (CQ 10:05 O MOV*: 'Whe t Minding the Mint?' A motley crew of counter fetter* keipt a treawry worker break mto the U.S. Mint to repioco money ho hod acodonloRy dot troyed Jim Hulton, Dorotky Provmo, Milton Berk. 1967 11:00 CD 1986 Wory Pre Ski Champienthip (R) MaidaSpoHilooi 11 30 9 Mali .AFTERNOSN U MOV* Ooudt Ovor fvropo Sptet are lurkmg around 8ri tain'* aircraft, but Ikey ore foiled by a lott pilot and a crafty Scotland Yard man laurenco Ofcwer. Vafene Hobton. Ralpk Rkkordton 1939 12:05 G t t i a p h i r f«- am 5:30 T W0 5:30 W •"•If: BESSi 5 00 O Action Ouldoort with iukut 100 lUISL S Amorkan Market Place V 3 / 8 7 5:15 O W Davy loltermon (R) b Skreo Edge el Night Best el Orouche MOV*: Sudrfinfy. Imt Summer' A beouidul gkl « com ^ 1. o mw-al mrtilul«n witnotung Ike wolsnl docdk of ker 11:15 C M H t O ) MOV*: Nightmare en Dm Street, Part 1: Freddy t TUESDAY 4:00AM 3 3 0 A M ffl C l ^ ^ M A*S*H IkAl• w Ci. I im r i r\ ^^^^ovt !/• n «iPev^wtPr . ^t\i S MONDAY 1/1/87 1 3 0 A M ffl MMy Oooofcro Dongormouto Honoymoonori Moutotori CD (MAX | MOV* Socrott and Uot 4 00 CD(MAX|M0V* *00 10 Botf el Carton In # (CQ MocGyvor (CQ. Murphy Shoko Zulu G ) 15) A.l.F. In Storeo THo Plonot forth (CQ. S WEDNESDAY - w 11:30 Sooctal ioJiS 10:351 iiiM S C D a i G D O C D I 4/ INN Newt Ak Fewer Woman Watch (MAX1 MOV*: 'Portonol Botf 12:00 i l GD O GD Simon A Simon 1:00 (MAX) MOV*: CNN Newt UiVHrjOy d l © ® ChongmgHobitt BilCetby Shew 10:30 l (CQ. Port I. 9 AIM A Adventuret el Otsio ond t-t f fAMT!fWv and McCwhikIi ' • C u d Cheiefw# f:30 10:00 iB l( S iO Xl ) Cogney ft Locey (CQ. ® O Otwt A Ruby: be (HBO) MOV*: Rock (CQ ki 12 30 9 IT MOVIf: S k y M Wkon o Kutbond't bownoti crowd* out lko»r iovo. o young wifo crootos o trion gk ond tko troubk* bogtn Clou dotto Cotbort. Roy MiMond, Brwn A horn* 1941. 1 00 I'D MOVIf THo Groot CoruM NHl Hockoy l o t ton Irumi ot Now York longort (R) 2 00 O I HBO) MOVIf Mommio Oo- i i m AirwoM LAO' C I Jt I#% .1-f __J QOO««-<"- Odd Couple D m ABon ol Lorgo Prime Time Wrotriing MOV*: 700 Oub College rn ot Si. John't Live 1 3 U WKool ol Nrtwno S T * •vwnww pwpw• MafNetl Nwwth wi#i onotKer giri during O pOw«f 11:30 In Sltreo loring. 1987 1 l ® f e Smim. Moko 1974 Port 1 of 2. O I M*A*$#H O l r WofMi^vl WorM •< On cm (HBO| MOV* (CQ o (MAX) MOVIf Swmmw •* *2' (CQ 10 05 0 MOV* WHw« W*f« You WK#n UfKtt W«nt Ovl? A Iroodwoy «tor fcndt huibond 1000 WEDNESDAY MONDAYcont. G r a n d V a l l e y L e d g e r - W e d n e s d a y , J a n . 2 8 , 1987 • P a g e I I O CD MOV*: Suntot Umoutino' An otpkiog comk sots out to change hit reputation by taking a job a* a limousine chauffeur Jokn Ritter, Sutan Dey, Paul Rotter. 19B3. Bill W • Oij rvlfCnCOC* fwWf AA MITT I ! Adventuret ol Oizk and McteilrmatlM 4i i ^ '1 norocoirfw una mcvofmfc* Honey meonert Amerka't Cup ChoBenge Downundor Live. 1:30 2:15 M O V * : Only When I Larf A trio of British con men attempt to fkece a militant Afrkon diplomat. Richard Attenborough, David Hemmmgs. 1968. Debk Gillit Newtnight Update CD (HBO) MOVIf: The Fsnal Iflrror 6D 700 O u b 6 9 Soundt Magnifkont CD (MAX) M O V * : 'Protector 2:30 !O£ PCD ^ Newt 11:05 © M O V ^ c L p t a i n Nemo ond the Underwater Oty' Survivor* of o shipwreck are rescued by a futuristic submarine and taken to an underwater city of gold. Robort Chuck Carman 1970 11:301 DAtkDr. Ruth Threa t Company Alke I D ( 9 Tonight Show In OS) 1 vS 2:00 2:45 2:50 S (R). ® Sportt Latenight (5) DTV CD M O V * : Marine Raidert Grand Valky Ledger - Wednesday. Jan. 28, 1987 • Page IKooiman/Bergy 12 announce wedding plans PORTS AT A GLANCE ntoAV 1 30/17 5 0 0 A M FFI — Alft* Racing 16 RoHy Racing |R) • 30AM 0 — SpofttC«nt*f 9 00AM 0 — €•»•§• aotkefboH WotKmgten at UQA (R) '•lU w<4ft ICP1I 11 30AM • 9po«T%iO^OP noofM © — Ocean Spray* Bodiet i LOOFM O 3 OOPM © — — — — — — C»R<n iaUerboH Ouk* ot O — f o loci* (R) Awta Racing 16 IMRA Drag Racing Fall Nationals (R). SodybuiWing: I9R6 Mont International Compotition (R). OoH: ATAT Pebble Beach Nattonal Pro-Am live. 19i6 International Watertiii Tear (R) Maida SportUook ffl a ffl 3 30PM 4 OOPM 5 OOPM 6 00PM o ffl 7 30PM • 30PM 9 00PM ' 10 05PM 11 OOPM 3:00AM © - — — — — 3:30AM © 4 00AM B - GoM Maida Oatok (R). - AH Amerkan Wrettiing America § Cup Challenge Downundor: The Final Fovr Top Rank Beiing from Lot Vegat, NV live. OoH: ATAT Pebble Beach National Pro-Am (R). NSA laUotball Seattle Soportonict at Gelden State Wor- - Steve Gorvey Tennn ClattK |R) — VeUeybaM Tournament of («)• SATURDAY 1/31/17 5 30AM © - 6 00AM © 6 30AM © 7 30AM © - Rainbow Iron Kidt Triathlon (R) — Tennit: Prmglet Light Pro-Celebrity O a t t k iR). - SperttCentor 10 0 0 A M © — Jimmy Ballard GoM Connection (2) — World Wide Wrettiing — Intide the PGA Tour — Action Outdoort with Juliut Borot [ H B O ] — Intide the NFl In Stereo © 11 0 0 A M © 11 3 0 A M S I © 12 00PM © — — — — — 9 30AM © 12 30PM © 1 OOPM O Auto Racing 16: Off Road Racing (R). Mark Satin't Salt Water Journal Babe Winkleman t Good Fithing Tom Mann Outdoort Sporttcenter Saturday 10 - Ocean Sproyt Bediot in Motion 9:00AM © GoM: Maida O a t t k (R). 11 O O A M B Jimmy BaHard GoM Connection 11 30AM B 12 00PM B la © — GoM: Maida Clattic Live 1 30PM C O Babe Winkleman t Good Fithing 200PM © i j — Gone Fithing 3 OOPM O 3 Live. Q 6 — College BotketbaN Syracute at Georgetown O 3!; © live. O © 8 © 10 — CeNege BotketbaN Kantat at LouitviMe live — America t Cup Challenge Downunder Bring Back the Cup {R| 3:15 PM © 400PM O (Jj) - Pro Bowler, Tour: Greater Lot Angolot Open — Twenty-Four Hourt of Daytona 17 B State live © 47 — CoHoge BotketbaN: Mmnetota at Mkhifon — College BatkotbaN Virginio at Oomton live — Sportt Gete-up — Saltwater Angler with FKp Pallet 4:20PM 4:30PM 5:00PM S:30PM 9 j ) tfD ( 3 ) - W ^ e World of Sportt C D O H } - G o M live ( 1 $ — Motorweek _ Kftokm r i » n i n lifuk w i i r n v / r K i n o o iAili WNMfl • 6:00PM ® — WWF Suporttart of Wrotriing — World Chompionthip — Schelattic Sportt Aim Sporttcenter Saturday 7:0SPM 7 30PM — Werid Chompionthip •:00PM ( S ) - Hifh b h w l HoU.tboK Kalomoia* Uy N«N. loiee Central Tape Delayed — CoHoge BatkotbaN: DePoul at LaSoHo ® — Suporttart of Wrettiing — Motorweek iNuttrated 10 00PM O 10 10PM Q 11 00PM 0 — 11 30PM S — — 12 0 0 A M © — 1 00AM Q — © 2:00AM © 2 30AM — Maida SperttUek — SperttCentor © 9 3 00AM America t Cup ChaHengo Downunder Sporttcenter Saturday Sportt Tonight AWA Wrettiing RoHermania © — Sportt Latenight — GoM: Maida Clattic (R) SUNDAY A/I/B7 5 00AM © B — World Cup Skiing Mont Slalom — Sportt Review 6 00AM © • 00AM © - College BatkotbaN Virginia at Oomton (R) SperttCentor • 30AM © 9 30AM © — 19B6 International Watertki Tour (R). - Fnhm Nolo 1 0 : 3 0 A M © — SchelattK Sportt AmerKa 11 00AM ffl — Sporttcenter Sunday: Thn Week in Sportt 1 1 : 3 0 A M B ® — Thn Week m Bronco Sportt £ 8 - CNN Sporttweek 12:00PM O C £ - Bowling ® ffl 12 30PM ffl I 00PM O B O ffl 2 00PM O 3 00PM e College Batketball 19B2 Final Four Highlightt 3 O 6 J — NBA BatkotbaN Heutten Reckett at Atlanta Hawkt Live 47, — Suporttart of Wrettiing 8 © 101 — College BatkotbaN: North Corekna State at Notre Dome live. — GoM: Maida Clattic live 41 © 15J — College BatkotbaN Nevada-Lot Vegat at Auburn live © I ! * - SporttWerld G (t). Visit Ye Olde Christmas & Country Shoppe For Unique Gifts & Christmas Decorations Odd Coupl. Sue Kooiman and Mike Bergy CoHoge BatkotbaN: North CoroHna State at DePoul Prime Time Wrettiing B CoHoge BatketbaH: Georgetown at St. Jahn't Ike. Amerka't Cup ChaHengo Downundor SperttCentor C . * • iQn-q" T ^ | Toko 7 Ptttyli CD I B CD Young ond © - CoHoge BatkotbaH: Minak at Ohio State live. * . Mayborry R.F.O CBS M o r n i n g N e w t \t Hooked en Atrobici Tom A Jerry and Friendt That Girl Moutercke Faith Twenty Nat ion't Butinett Today C ^^PWeT® V» w^O f wv - . Adventuret of O H I O and LA • rfumwi Twilight Zone Getting Fit with Denke Aut- « 1:00 O CiD AN My Children Dick Van Dyke O 10; Doyt el Our livet 3-3-1, Contact (CQ. Morning CoHoge BotketbaN: IHinr .t at Ohio State (R). AN American Wrotriing !- -i ^ vanoa rrogromt GiHette World of Sportt la I- e ..i . .i 3:00AM 400AM O (9 Wardploy 20 Minute Workout I nseok• LUirnign 6:45 Donnk the Menace Weather Farmer t Daughter TUfSDAY 2/3/B7 7:00 Action Outdoort with Juliut Borot Ocean Sproyt Bediot in Motion • 30AM © - SperttCentor 9 00AM © - GoM: Maida O a t t k (R). 1 1 : 0 0 A M © - 19B6 World Pre Ski Championthip (R). 11:30AM B - Maida SperttUek 12:00PM © - Ocean Sproyt Bediot in Motion 1:00PM CoHoge BotketbaN: Georgetown at St. John t (R). 300PM Subaru World Cup Skiing Championthip (R). booklet 4:00PM n»nin not# 5:00PM NBA Today 5:30PM Scheiottk Sportt Amorko 6:00PM Maida SperttUek Crs*** J j * - if J e* r 6:30PM 700PM CoHoge BatketbaH: Providonce at Batten College Live. • OOPM College BotketbaN: Alabama-Birmingham at Watt Virginia Live •:05PM NBA BotketbaN: Batten Celtkt ot Atlanta Hawkt live. 9:00PM S - CoHoge BatketbaH: Syracute ot Satan HaH Ike. 11:00PM B - Amerka't Cup ChaHengo Downundor Live. 11:30PM B ~ f J JO' f ^ — — - — » 1:00AM 13 Good Morrvng 105 130 « Centennial Port 5. CD O ( D At the World Turnt O jf/ I Dream el Jeannte 1 9 & Inttructionol Programt © PtmyOuke Shaw O ® ) t D O One Life to Live Superfriendt Of ( 9 Anetl Dork Doy! 7.15 7:30 Dkk Von Oykel l^wWMHiy | A.M. Weather O CD Morning Program Todoy't Special CD B (D Cop Donnk the Menace Underttanding Human Behavior Welcome to Pooh Comer BiHCa^yB Andy Griffith BoHo A Sabothon Today 8:00 Amerka't Cup ChaHengo Downunder Continued, Ike. Prime Time Wrettiing — SperttCentor — CoHoge BadntbaH. Pi evidence at (t). WIDNISOAY 1/4/B7 • 05 B:30 /\r^eeei C r fOf iy^* tlCV •O^119 • IO AJ ajlP•w•O •' r"a,' ' ' V- " « ' • ft i 5:30AM — Top Rank Baling from lot Vegat, NV (R). — NBA Today — Maida SperttUek i^^^Mwo in — CoHoge BotketbaN: Syracute at Seten HaN (R). — 19B7 Budweker Truck and Tractor PuN Championthipt (R). — AWA Wrettiing — Maida Sporttloek 12:00PM 1:00PM 3:00PM 4:00PM 6:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:30PM • 35 9:00 — Intide the PGA Tour — SperttCentor ( S ) — Sporttweek — CoHoge BatketbaH: La SoHo ot Notre Dame — NHL Hockey: Wothington Capitok at New York Rangort live. I S ) B ® — College BotketbaN: Mkhigan State at Indiana live •:00PM 11:00PM 11 30PM 12:00AM 13:30AM 1:00AM 1:30AM 2:00AM 2:30AM © @ 3:00AM B — — — — — — — — Amerka't Cup ChaHengo Downundor Ike. SperttCentor Sportt Tonight Intide the PGA Tour Mark Satin't Salt Water Journal Tom Mann Outdoort NBA Today Maida Sporttloek 905 930 9:35 10:00 — SperttCentor — Sportt Latenight - 10:30AM© 11 3 0 A M © 12:00PM © 100PM © 4:00PM B Plnwheel Down to Earth BuNwmkle lave Boot Imtructienol Programt Voriad Programt Movie Haiol ,i;H n^QfnCMn Uve Lucy «~ J**»y Rophaol 700 Oub 1^) Sole el the Cen129,000 Pyramid © Falcon O a t t Top Rank Bating from Lot Vegat, NV (R). ( 9 $1,000,900 O w n c W . lite time Cionn tS . #9 IIPsaOT l/S/BJ © B B B O O Oproh Winfrey Jim A Tommy Joyco and the Wheeled r» Donahue Trapper John, M.D. Diff rent Strekot Today't Spackri (CQ. Ocean Sprcyi Bediot in Motion tj-jpU' I « V.V Ml vf Subaru Ski World World Cup Skiing: Freottyle Championthipt (R). Steve Gocvoy Tenhk O a t t k (R) Maida Sporttloek Ocean Sproyt Bediot in Motion NHl Hockey: Wothington Capitah at New York Rangort (R). World O a t t Chompionthip Wrettiing 4:00 Welcome lo Pooh Corner Caurtthip el Bijcii Bunnv Turley Telm Donahu Smurft Thundorcoti little Houte on the Great Space You ond Me. Kid Fothor Knowt Bott THURSDAY 5:30AM " 30AM 9 00AM 9:30AM [D Amorko (CC). (17) My little Pony CBS Morning Newt GoBott CD Today In Storeo Varied Programt Form Day USA Cartoon l i p r e t t Good Morning Mkkoyi Jimmy Swaggnrt Muppett 5:00AM ffl 5:30AM © - 11 Flat River Antique Mall Atk Dr. Ruth Fecut on Society Mickey Mouto Oub P i B n G e t t i n g Fit w i t h D # n . » « A u » • B 11:1 M Today't Butinett 20 Minute Workout NIC Newt ot Sunrka ABC Newt Thk Meming . i ..i. •:30PM 9:00PM ffl HOURS: Mon. Tuet & Thura. Ssm-Spm Wed.-Fri., 9Bm-8pm Sat. 9am-5pm Sunday 10om-5pm 1 ® Jkn A Tommy Andy GrtfftthB Variod| *t pnowoii leaay ® o f or •:30AM 9:00AM X , | Wheel of Fortune M o i d o S p o r i \ i oofc ffl © The beauty OPEN 7 DAYS CrettfireH VwM © - 12:30AM © 1:30AM B 200AM 2:30AM M and charm of the past 4 mrnmMml rTw^oum^ Wait Ditn»v_Preumlt Amerka't Cup ChaHengo Downundor: Bring Bock tho Cup m A W •iiriva-i NHl Heckay: Batten Bruim at Now York Skiing: US Mon t Pro International wiwwifw if wHJ w% *y>0' » 11:00PM © 11:30PM © Antique **4 6:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 2:30AM 3:00AM © 3:30AM © P- Lisa will be a 1987 graduate of Lowdl. Kelly was a 1986 graduate of Lowell. Kelly is employed by Abraham & Sons of Grand Rapids. An August 29th wedding is being planned. 4 (t). — AN American Wrettiing — SperttCentor - 1 2 : 0 0 A M © — Amerka't Cup ChaHengo Downunder Continued, Live. 2:30AM B - Sportt Latenight 3:00AM B - SperttCentor Ocean Sproyt Bediot in Motion 12 0 0 A M ffll - 6:0SPM 6:30PM 700PM l_ Wolverine Batketball 3 O 6 - College BotketbaN Iowa at Michigan live. O 8 © 10 — College BatkotbaN Oklahoma at North Carolina State Live Mr. & Mrs. Al Roe of Lowell arc pnmd lo announce the upcoming marriage of their daughter Lisa Ann lo Kelly James Potter The groom-elect 's paients arc Connie and Rick Taylor of Lowell and Kevin and Mindy Potter of Alio — Tom Mann Outdoort SperttCentor S:30AM B • 30AM B 1:00PM B 4:00PM © 4:30PM © 5:00PM ffl- Mark Sotin't Salt Water Journal © - Maida SperttUek B — SperttCentor B - CoHoge BatketbaH UuitviHe at Virginia Tech Ike. f D — CeHtgt BatkotbaN: Georgia at Florida live. © - CoHoge BatketbaH North Carolina-Chapel HiH at North Catellna State live 11:00PM B - America t Cup ChaHengo Downunder Ike. 11:30PM 6 Q — Sportt Tonight 5:00AM ^ d f ^ ii • 30AM ffl live - 6:00PM 6:30PM 7 00PM •:00PM 9:00PM MONDAY i/a/B7 Maida SperttUek • 00AM I B — Chompionthip Wrotriing 900AM - NML Hockey: Botton Bruim at New York ( S ) - World Cup Skiing: Freottyle - Subaru Ski WorM — Coort Sportt Page [ H B O ] — Intide the N H In Slereo 2 00AM © [ H B O ] - Intide the NFl In Stereo 3;30AM 6 0 — Sportt Latenight 3:00AM © — SperttCentor 3 30AM © 4:30AM © Q3 O © Hi — SperttCentor * Cup Challenge Downunder; The Final Four Live ^1) — High School BatketbaN Paw Paw at Kalomaiee Hockett 11 30PM 7:30PM 9 00PM 10:30PM 11 OOPM — Subaru World Cup Skiing Chompionthip © — Amerka't Cup ChaHengo Downundor Live 11:30PMB 2:30AM B - 6 30PM 7 00PM 3 05PM 3:10PM 4:00PM 5:00PM B 5:30PM © — MWl Soccer: Wkhito Wingt at St. U u « Steamert live — Twenty Few Hourt el Daytona live. l £ 0 ^ - G o M ATAT PebWe Beach National Pro-Am live (41) ® ( 3 ) — Wide WorM el Sportt S:MPM 6:00PM 7:00PM n OOAM 6 9 S^OPM Engagement told Grand Valley Ledger - Wednesday, Jan. 28. 1987 • Page 13 10:05 10:30 !o CD O Sharkt CD The New Cord CS ($', Block butt ort Imtructienol Programt 10:45 11:00 Anything 4 Money Variad Programt H i QD Price b ^«ne. Fortune onTllIm- ( 9 Peeple't Court Jackpot Mkkoy Mouto Oub Haul 405 4:30 You Con'l De That en Televti Scaeby Dee 9 Superiet Court Chain Reaction Donald Duck Proton tt Fothor Knowt Bott Smurft 4.35 5:00 The Hour Moooiine Andy Griffith B 0 .1. Jaa Hart to Hart Mark A Mindy Fortt al Ufa ffcA^%^kno im ^ i I Mr. Rogert S S^woro One TV (CQ. I OV» vennecTWn (~/»nI» U t ' t Make a Doal Kidtcone Green Aaet Voriad Progrom Newt watch Donnk the Menace Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kooiman of 3015 Lincoln Lake. Lowell, are proud to announce the eneagement of their daughter. Sue lo Mike Bergy. Parents of the groom elect arc Mr. & Mrs. Domld Bergy of 6855 Hastings Koad. Lowell. Both are 1981 graduates of Lowell Senior High School. Sue is currently working at Hartford Insurance, while Mike is working at Labeltape Meditec. A September 12, 1987 wedding is being planned 212 W. Main St (616) 897-5360 Lisa Ann Roe & Kelly James Potter Heart Smart at Alto cozy comer for Valentine's Day by Roger Brown Super Bowl XXI is now history By the way. that XXI means twenty one. for those of you who have as much trouble with Roman numerals as I do. If you can remember Super Bowl I, then you are really dating yourself. Unfortunately, I remember it. The Green Bay Packers played the Kansas City Chiefs, if my memory serves me. The Packers won easily. I was sixteen, and was really into lootball. The following year the Packers won in it again, but I don't recall who they played. Heading into the third year, everybody was talking about NFL dominance over the AFL. The NFL's Baltimore Colts played the New York Jets with their upstart quarterback, Joe Namath. Broadway Joe promised a Jets victory to the media, and to everyone's surprise, he delivered. I remember that game vividly. I was at a friend's house, and a bunch of us young guys and our dads sat around the tube hooting and hollering for our favorite teams. As I recall there were only a couple of us with money on the Jets and their big mouth quarterback. To the best of my recollection, that's the last time I won any money on a Super Bowl. My enthusiasm for the sport, especially the Super Bowl, has waned over the years. I can probably attribute my attitude to the fact I've been a loyal Lions fan all this time, with never a glimmer of hope of ever seeing them in the Super Bowl. Last year my interest was tweaked just a little because my number two team, the Chicago Bears, were playing in it. Apparently I wasn t too excited, because I went skiing that weekend. I did listen to the game on the way home, though. Consequently, I couldn't have been less interested in Sunday s contest between the Giants and Broncos. I did my usual Super Bowl Sunday thing, and went skiing. We skied near Traverse City, and planned on leaving about game time. 1 figured I could listen to the game on the radio if I found a decent station. If not. I d plug in a Jimmy Buffett tape and forget about il. No big deal. As things turned out, I got a chance to watch the game anyway At least the first half. One of my nieces had gone skiing with us, and just before it was time to pack it up, she took a nasty tall and hurt her leg. The Ski Patrol people took her to the first aid .station for an examination. The area below her right knee was bruised, and possibly broken. They sent us to a Traverse City Hospital tor x - r a y s . Terese stayed with my niece while Casey and I sat n out m the Emergency Room waiting area. It was a terribly busy place. A young couple brought in their two year old daughter to have a nasty cut by her eye stitched up. I here was a woman whose husband had been in a snovsmo i c accident. She had been waiting for over two hours for some word on his condition, and was understandably distraught. A shaken lamily listened to a doctor explain the condition of the n ^ e r who had suffered a heart attack and was still in a coma. There seemed to be a never ending parade of people with all sorts ol injuries and illnesses. Throughout all this drama. Casey and sat Muietly in the comer watching the Super Bowl, trying to say inconspicuous. 1 guess I felt kinda sitting around watch «ng a football game while everybody else is suffering through some s t u p i d j u s t son of a dilemma. » , i,, Finally, the x-rays were completed, and my niece was o u have only a bad bruise. The doctor wrapped her eg , n bandage, and we were on our way home at hall l ' m ^ ..c_ part of the third quarter, but turned it oil when the Ciia s 'he game open. Even though I tried to ignore it. I m sure bupcr Howl XXI will be one Super Bowl I'll always remember. Alto Elementary School will diologist and LIFE EMS. Our 300 students in kindergarbe having their first Health Fair on Friday. February 13th. This ten through fifth grade will parwill be an alternative to their ticipate in fourteen healthy actraditional Valentine s Day Party. tivities between 9:30 a.m. - 2:50 The staff at Alto has decided to p.m. (If you visit the fair at lunch promote a healthy heart rather time ((11:50-12.30)) please feel than a candy heart. Their theme free to partake in "healthy foods.") is "Heart Smart." The Alto staff is very excited The Alto Health Pair will consist of a day of health education about the upcoming Health Fair with presentations from the fol- and they are extremely pleased lowing organizations and indi- with all the volunteer participaviduals; Amencan Cancer Soci- tion and assistance that it has reety, Optometrist. American ceived. It is their hope that you Heart Society, Junior College will become a part of Heart Dental Students, St. Mary s Hos- Smart 87. If you have any questions, pital. Medical Doctor, Butterdon't hesitate to call Alto Princiworth Hospital, Aquinas College. Metropolitan Hospital, pal. Jim White, at 868-6111. Kent County Health Dept, Au- GVSC Dean's List Six hundred thirty-four students at Grand Valley Sute College were named lo the Dean's List for the 1986 fall semester. Students must maintain a 3.5 grade point average or higher while earning 12 or more grade point credits. Area students who were named on the Dean's List were, from Ada: Marilyn Bosscher and Thomas McGovem; from Alto: Timothy Dobson; from Lowell: Leslie Eliacher. Klass Kwant, Kim McFall, Beverly Pcrshaand Susan Samiak; and from Saranac, Teresa Novak. CAFEEUROPA In Ihe Rat RMT Antique Mai • NOW OPEN • Enjoy European Favorites in Downtown Lowell • Quiche • Spinach Pie o German Weiners • Several Deli Items • Soups, Bagels, Baked Goods Monday thru Friday, 11:30am till 2:30pm Saturday ft Sunday, 11:30am till 6:00pm S E R V I N O C O F F E E ft B A K E D G O O D S Dally, f:00am till 5:00pm Take Out Orders Welcome 897-5360 '"the Pountry L •4 Our retirement home is at the foot of rolling, wooded hills and near a tranquil pond with ducks and other wildlife. • Friendly, caring staff • Registered nurse and helpers on duty 24 hours a day • Well-balanced, home-cooked meals • Private or semi-private rooms Come and visit for lunch and a tour. umberland Retirement Village 11535 East Fulton, Lowell 616-897-8413 Arlin Maas, Owner Grand Valley Ledger • Wednesday, Jan. 28. 1987 - Page 14 Arrows lose tough match to East By Denny Bhugh Jeff Phillips the Anowi* starling It was great how we came forward after Ibesday night's together lo play to a team." said 102-44 romp over Beidmg. "Il *** close at halftime bul in the ihird and founh quarters it all came together for us/' Phillips / Lowell Red Arrow senior Mike Dumas goes up high for a shot in lasl Friday^ loss lo Ihe Pioneers from Easl Grand Rapids. Lowell gave ihe league-leading Pioneers a real contest, bul came oul on ihe short end of a 78-71 decision. LEGAL NOTICES STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Kent Probate Court JUVENILE DIVISION STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Kent Probate court JUVENILE DIVISION TO: UNKNOWN FATHEP In The Matter Of: Stephanie GALES Hearing: February 19, 1987 at 11:00 a.m. TO: DAVID BELBOT AND TAMMY WALKER In The Matter Of: Trisha Ann WALKER Hearing: February 10, 1987, at 9:00 a.m. A neglect temporary wardship petition has been filed in the above matter. A hearing on the petition will be conducted by the Court on the date and time stated atove in Kent County Juvenile Court, 1501 Cedar NT, Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is therefore ordered that you personally appear before the Court at the time and place stated abovt. Ttus hearing may result in a tenporary or permanent loss of your rights to the child(ren). A petition for termination of parental rights has been filed in the above matter. A hearing on the petition will be conducted by the Court on the date and time stated above in Kent County Juvenile Court, 1501 Cedar KE, Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is therefore ordered that you personally appear before the Court at the time and place stated above. This hearing may result in a permanent loss of your rights to the child(ren). Dated: January 21# 1987 Dated: January 21, 1987 JOHN P. STEKETEE JUDGE OF PROBATE JOHN P. STEKETEE JUDGE OF PROBATE GRATTAN TOWNSHIP NOTICE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SPECIAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing of the Grattan Zoning Board public appeals will be held on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4th at the Grattan Township Hall at 8:00 p.m., at which time the following subjects will be considered, and at which time any interested persons will be heard. Mr. Robert Griles requests a variance to erect a commercial building 20 feet from the rear lot line. Property located at 10391 5 Mile Rd.. Ada, Ml, Parcel No. 4 M 2-30-400-006. Sec., Grattan Zoning Board Peggy Gurney C11 said. He dumped in twelve points, pulled down four rebounds. and had three steals. Paul Stroosnyder added twelve poinls, pulled down three rebounds and had three steals. Mike Dumas led all scoring with 14 and he pulled down three rebounds and had five steals. The Arrows had an O.K. While Conference matchup Friday as East Grand Rapids traveled to Lowell lo take on the homestandmg Arrows. Going into the game the Easl Grand Rapids Pioneers were in the honorable mention category in the stale rankings From the tipoff the game was fast and physical with the two teams trading baskets up and down the court, and at half-time the score was 33-33. By the end of the third quarter the Am>ws were down by two. and in the fourth the Arrows were outscored 25-20. Al the buz/er the Arrows had lost to the league leading Pioneers who increased their record to 6-0 in the league and K-2 overall. The loss dropped Lowell lo 3-3 in the league and 5-5 overall. The Arrows travel lo Northview January 27 for an O.K. White matchup and are home against Forest Hills Central Friday. January 30. Both games start al 7:45. The Lowell Varsily Basketball team would like to thank the Red Arrow crowd for their enthusiasm and support in Friday's game against Easl. STATE OF MICHIGAN IN THE PROBATE COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF KENT PUBLICATION OF CLAIMS NOTICE FILE NO. 06 144.327 SE Estate of GEORGE A. KERR. Deceased TAKE NOTICE: On November 20. 1986, in the probate courtroom, Grand Rapids. Michigan, before Hon. A DALE STOPPELS, Judge of Probate, a hearing was held on the petition of ESTHER STAAL for administration of this estate The decedent. who died on 4/12 29. a resident of 11569 Bailey. Lowell. Michigan. Administration was granted to Esther Staal, Personal Representative. Creditors of the deceased are notified that all claims against the estate must be presented on or before 4/6/07 to Esther Staal. 003 Avery. Lowell. Ml 49331, and proof thereof, with copies of the claims, filed with the Court. Notice is further given that the estate will be thereafter assigned to the persons appearing of record entitled thereto Dated; January 6. 1987 ESTHER STAAL 803 Avery Street Lowell, Ml 49331 MICHAEL J. TUMMINO, JR. Bar No. P21618 311 East Main Street Lowell. Ml 49331 Telephone (616) 897-5931 Florida has become a haven for unwelcome wildlife from other countries, according to National Wildlife magazine. These "exotic" species include rhesus monkeys descended from the stars of earlv Tarzan w movies filmed in the state. Many exotic parrots and parakeets dine on the state's citrus and other crops. Among the most bizarre species is a giant South American marine toad that secretes a strong poison and likes to lay its eggs in swimming pools. Gnnd Valley Lfd^er • Wednesday. Jan. 28. 1987 • Page IS Wrestling increases record 13-0 overall By Denny Bkmgh The Arrows only meet last week was with the O.K. While rival Wyoming Park Vikings. The Arrows defeated the Vikings lo increase their league record lo 5-0 and 13-0 overall. After the first six weight classes the score was lied 12-12. Kyle Gildea wrestling at 138 was next. Gildea was up 14-0 in the second period when an injury default was awarded to the Wyoming Park Grappler Lowell was down by six. with the score 1812. Malt Nauta was next al the 145 pound weight class and won by a decision. Lowell never looked back at that point with Kh the next five wrestlers winning by falls. They were Mike Nugent at 1 ^ 155, Tom Nugent al 167, Brian Fox at 185, Mark Anderson at 198 and al Heavyweight Jim Johnson. Lowell defeated Wyoming Park 45-18. 'This next week will separate the men from the boys*,** said Coach Gary Rivers referring to this week s schedule of Jenison J Hudsonville. and Catholic Central on Tuesday. January 27. East Grand Rapids Thursday, January * 2^ and Belding on Saturday. January 31 for a very tough invitational meet S Personals Business S Services BINGO C A S H FOR l A N D C O N T R A C T S Every Friday night, 730 P.M. Lowell VFW Hall. 4> to win second game By Denny Bhugh The Arrow Hockey team won its second game of a rough season in a contest with Grand Rapids Christian. The Arrows won 5-4 in the Thursday. January 22 game al the Kentwood Ice Arena, The Arrows were led in scoring by Scolt Whaley with two goals. Whaley was assisted by Darl DeCator on both scores. DeCator had one unassisted goal. Scott DeVries had one goal as- e sisted by Whaley. and Rich Mar vin scored the winning goal assisled by DeCator. The Lowell annual alumni Hockey game was held at the Kentwood Ice Arena on January 17. The alumni were victorious over the Varsity team. The Arrow Hockey team skates against the Bulldogs of Grandville Wednesday. January 28 and Easl Grand Rapids on Saturday. January 31. East Main St.. Lowell Ft'sl N.iitona A c c e p t a n c e Co TFN LEGION OF THE MOOSE Tuesdays BINGO!! Early Birds 6:00 P.M. Regular Bingo 7:00 P.M. 1320 E. Fulton TFN BINGO Every Saturday night 7:00 PM. LOWELL MOOSE BINGO Earty Bird Bingo at 6:00 P.M H O / GMAC U FINANCING W / U AVAILABLE GMC TRUCKS ' * 6 0 0 REBATE Loaded with full power Including windows and door looks UST •16,886 SALE PRICE M 5,698 REBATE *600. YOU PAY ONLY MSB fi\ Sportsmans Club plus costs. Early Bird Bmgo 630 P.M. Bankruptcy from 3500 Regular Bingo 700 P.M. including costs: Que-Ke-Zik Clubhouse Simple Will S45: 11400 Foreman Road Adoption 8200: Jim Cook. Jr. AUCTIONEER All Types of Sales (616) 897-8872 ^ fOldsmoblle - Pontlac - GMC Trucks Open: Mon. & Wed. 9-9, Tuee., Thurs., Fri. 9-6, Sat 9-3 IQWFLL 897-9227 QEE •••• INCOME TAX PREPARED - Individual/Business. Attorney Richard J. Heath. 1125 W. Main St., Lowell. 8979480 or 241-2292. TFN from 8250: Drivers License Restoration. 8300 Landlord Tenant. Probate. Workmans Compensation. Real Estate. & Personal Injury. RICHARD HEATH LOWELL - 897-9480. G R A N D RAPIDS 241-2292. FOMENT FOR RENT - 2 bedroom duplex, $325 per month. 897-9253 after 5:00 p.m. weekdays and weekends, ACCURATE SERVICE AND SHARPENING - Complete sharpening service, circular saw. mower blades, scissors, knives, chisels, axes, planer blader. chain saws, drills and more. Ask about pick-up and delivery, (616) 897-8072. C4-11 HELP WANTED - Experienced Nurse Aides, parttime positions now open. Apply at Lowell Medical Care Center. 350 N. Center. Lowell. 897-8473. C11-12 HELP WANTED - GOOD MONEY! Weekly! Processing mail! Information? Rush SASE to: The Powney Co."; Dept. C; 1219 Hamilton. N.W.. Grand Rapids. Ml 49504 CTFN HELP WANTED - Mature person to handle every day operation of CAFE EUROPA, 212 W. Main, located inside Flat River Antique Mall. Experience necessary. Call 897-5360 for appointment. CTFN Lost Si Found LOST - Fox Terrier - small, white, tan and black. Vergennes Township/Lowell area. Call 897-6263. P11 FOR SALE - Wood bunk beds, come apart. $170: also Sears Sewing machine and cabinet. $200: large couch and chair, $500: woman's riding leather coat, size 8. $50; woman's leather pants, size 5, $50: woman's riding boots, size 7, $20. All like brand new, only a year old. Call 897-7039 C11 1984 HONDA ACCORD - sedan, automatic, fully equipped, safety checked and ready to go! Thomet Chevrolet Bulck, Lowell, 897-9294. FOR SALE-FORD TEMPO GL, 1985, 4 door, 5 speed, AM-FM stereo, air conditioning. power steering and more. Gently driven by my wife. $5,195. Phone 8975560 or 897-9277 and ask for Chuck. NCTFN 1983 OLDS TORON ADO - equipped with V8, leather trim, all the options and rustproofed. Thomet Chevrolet Bulck, Lowell, 897-9294. S For Sale S FOR SALE-1975 Ford LTD - 351 Karma, 63,000 miles, runs excellent, dependable transportation. Call 8977648 after 5:00 p.m. C11 1985 BUICK ELECTRAT-Type sedan, this luxury touring car is fully equipped, all power, leather interior, inspected and ready to go! Thomet Chevrolet-Bulck, Lowell, 897-9294. FOR SALE - 1977 GMC V4 ton pick-up truck, $1,650 or best offer. Very good running condition. Body's fair to good shape. Call 691-8030. C11-12 897-7067 NC/TFN Si/sms SSeniceS Help WM 1965 MERCURY GRAND MAROUIS coupe, probably the finest one in the area! Fully equipped and only 17,000 miles! Thomst Chevrolet Bulcl(,Lowsll, 897-9294. ' Drunk Driving. Plus Costs; (Am tax WITTENBACHl Incorporation, from 8200: ^ KEEP THAT GREAT IQM FEEUNG WITH GENUINE GM PARTS Divorce, from 8150 MIXED HARDWOOD - by cord or box. Orchard Hill Farm. Clarence Klahn, 9896 Cascade Rd, Lowell, 868P 7229 TFN #1048 103 E. Main St. Lowell Ph. 897-6411 Qu*Ke-ZH( NEED A D.J.? We play your favorite music for all occasions 1} All types of music to choose from. Ute & Listen I Sound Systems Call: 897-4336 NCTFN UMC PFALLER'S RIVERFRONT CLOTHING, INC. ATTORNEY SERVICES TFN •500 1987Jimmy 4x4 WEDDINGS OR OTHER SPECIAL OCCASSIONS MONDAYS o WGI! nnICnIydf 1 1987S-1S Pkkup N f e f t f y Equipped SALE PRICE *6896 #1001 Complete Formal Wear Rental TFN ON SELECT MODELS OF REBATE WANTED - House, apartment or rooms to rent for about five months while building a home starting April 1. Call days. 247-3078, nights. 532-4263. C11-12 Early Bird Bingo at 6:45 P M 1320 E. Fulton 0 * ^Hqu'S Call Free l.ftuO .'9» 1SS0 Arrow hockey skates past Grand Rapids Christian An* !,pf piopHM, any^hfw,* •nVichiqan SFOHSALES WANTED TO BUY Complete or partial sets of antique dinnerware. Call 897-5360, ask for Laura. TFN WANTED TO BUY - Antiques of all kinds - one piece or entire households. Flat River Antique Mall 897-5360 CTFN 1985 CUTLASS CRUISER - wagon, V6, air, tilt wheel, stereo and much morel Thomet Chevrolet-Buick, Lowell, 897-9294. FOR SALE - Dune Buggy: fiberglass body on 1963 VW Chassis. Runs great, needs T.L.C. and a mechanic's touch Make offer. Call 8979261 days ask for Roger, 897-5381 evenings. NCTF Put casters on a drawer from a discarded dresser to make a toy or storage bin that can be rolled under the bed. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE BONDS TO ELECTORS AND TAXPAYERS OF THE CITY OF LOWELL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT THE CITY OF LOWELL Intends to issue bonds In s maximum amount not to exceed $3,500,000. The bonds shall be Issued for the purpose of defraying a portion of the cost of acquisition and construction of sanitary sewer system facilities consisting of secondary treatment facilities, and of repair and rehabilitation of certain collection and transmission sewers of the City's sanitary sewer systsm. The bonds of this issue shall mature within the maximum term permitted by law with interest on the unpaid balance at a rate not to exceed the maximum rate permitted by law. The bonds shall be Issued pursuant to Act 94 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1933, as amended. SOURCE OF PAYMENT The principal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable from the net revenues derived from the operation of the sanitary sewer system facilities. In addition, the bonds may be secured by the full faith and credit of the City as limited by applicable constitutional and statutory limitations of the City 's taxing power. RIGHT OF REFERENDUM The bonds will be issued without a vote of the electors approving said bonds, unless, within 45 days from the date of publication of this Notice of Intent, a petition, signed by not less than 10% of the registered electors residing within the city limits of the City of Lowell shall have been filed with the City Clerk requesting a referendum upon the question of the issuance of said bonds, then the bonds shall not be Issued until approved by the vote of a majority of the electors of the City qualified to vote and voting thereon at a general or special election. This Notice Is published pursuant to the requirements of Section 33 of Act 94 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1933, as amended. Ray E. Quada City of Lowell C11 'Even If you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. * Will Rogers The first concrete road in the U.S. was laid in Detroit in 1908. AFRICA WWfRf The surface of the Moon has about the same area of Africa. M* •5e7M0llW6"fe»0/a»»5*7Mo O'*/ iFACmFieURESi SfcTitOltY+Jfr-retOft7#«o 1 1 * 4 * t T f t o i i t t f A T M t t r v f S t T mg. nicotine). King Size Every day, nearly 1,300 Carlton Menthol took first people move to California— place for lowest menthol king the largest population in(1 mg. tar and 0.1 mg. nicocrease of any state. tine). And. finally, Carlton * * * 1208 took top prize for lowest The world's first regularly tar 120*8 (7 mg. tar. 0.6 mg. scheduled airplane passenger nicotine). service began in 1914 in the • • • U.S. The St. PetersburgEvery day. the U.S. Postal Tampa Airboat Line carried System handles 176 million one passenger and made two brand took lowest tar and first class letters. About 800 flights a day. linking the two nicotine honors in four differof them are reported lost by cities. ent categories: Carlton Box either the sender or receiver. * « * <i • • was unbeaten for lowest tar About 1.2 billion people in of all cigarettes (less than 0.6 Has Mickey made a monkey the world do not have access mg. tar and 0.05 mg. nicotine out of Americans? At least to safe drinking water. —nobody tested lower). five million things that are « • « Carlton lOO's Menthol Box shaped like Mickey Mouse, or In the latest Federal Trade ranked as lowest tar menthol have a picture of Mickey Mous*» Commission report, one (less than 0.5 mg. tar and 0.05 on them, are sold even* day. Grand Valley Ledger - Wednesday, Jan. 28, 1987 - Page 16 Arts Council bestows "Arty" Award on Brian Doyle Al \ls annual meeting on Wedncsday. January 21. the Lowell Area Arts Council awarded its highest honor, the Arty, to Bnan Doy le. outgoing Chairman of the Board of Directors. This is ihe sixth vear this annual honor has heen awarded. Bnan. vice-president of King Milling Company, has served the LA AC as Chairman for two years, and was on the board for four more years previous to that He has also served the arts council in many other capacities, providing important leadership as NORGAS m PROPANE A promise you can count on. & GAS GRILLS Propane G a t • Firm • Indus try GAS RANGES wiTT THE RIGHT CHOICE 12312 East Fulton Rd.. NORGAS P O. Box 227, Lowel, Ml 49331 .*OPAN6 PHONE (616)897-9348 In 1774t John Wedgwood—the man who founded a company still famed for its tableware—made a service of nearly 1,000 decorated pieces for Catherine the Great of Russia. Chairman of the Board of Managers during the first crucial year of the new LA AC Center. Brian and his wife, Cheryl, could be found behind the scenes of many yearly events such as the Winter Play and the Fallasburg Fall Festival. In addition. Brian proudly look a pan in the renovation work of the building which King Milling Company provided for use as an office, gallery and LA AC Center. Brian. Cheryl, and their two children live in Alto. In other business at the annual meeting five new members and two incumbents were elected to serve on the Board of Directors. Those elected were Hanni Dried ger. Lori Ingraham. Sue Andrzejewski, Dave Durkee. Jean Hagens. Norene Martin, and Chuck Myers. They will join eight others who will serve their second year of two year terms to make up the board of fifteen. Following the meeting, refreshments were enjoyed and Jan Johnson led the group on a viewing of the gallery exhibit, paintings by Manha Barnes and the pottery of Mary Doezma. 1979 GRANADA, 4 door 1976 OLDS OMEGA, 4 door 1979 CHEVY PICKUP 1981 AMC EAGLE 1981 FORD F150 PICKUP 1982 CHEVY CITATION1983 FORD BRONCO, sharp1984 ESCORT, 2 door1984 CHEVY CHEVETTE1984 PONTIAC 6000 1984 BRONCO I I 1984 ISUZU, 4 x 4 1985 CHEVY SPRINT1986 MUSTANG L X / has been on the honor roll since starling High School and has also played basketball two years and football one year. He is a member of the FFA and 4-H. Tony, the February selection, is the son of Donald and Gloria Hojnacki of Ada. Tony enjoys lifting weights and is a member of the weight club. Tony's teacher nominator praised his dedication to the weight workouts. Tony also bowls in the Eastbrook Lanes bowling league and is an acolyte at his church, St. Paul's Espicopal Church in Grand Rapids. $ 99500 00 $ 995 $ 79500 $3,795°° $2,495°° $3,995°° $3,295°° $8,995°° $3,995°° $3,995°° $7,495°° $8,995°° $6,995°° $4,995°° $6,995°° Harold Zetgler FORD T M . , TTEF.. fri. LOWELL Brian Doyle receives the sixth annual Arty award from committee members John Harper and Jill Van Antwerp. L.H.S. Students of the Month, cont'd. WEEK'S SPECIALS 1978 FAIRMONT WAGON - r 897-8431 642-6167 Representing the freshman class are Betsy Dommer and Carrie Lipkea. Betsy is the January selection. She is the daughter of Bill and Denise Dommer of Lowell. Betsy was on the honor roll her first marking period at LHS. She is very involved in sports. In cross country this fall she received honorable mention as most valuable player. She plans on going out for track. She is Cosgrove named to National Board Hugh Cosgrove, president of Showboat Automotive, Inc., 1450 W. Main St. in Lowell, has been named to serve on the newly formed PARTS PLUS National Jobber Advisory Council. He has 22 years expenence in the auto parts business, and the store has been affiliated with the PARTS PLUS national program for four years. The purpose of the ninemember National Jobber Advisory Council is to provide representation of the viewpoint of PARTS PLUS Autostorcs throughout the United States. Members' suggestions will be used by the organization's national management group in developing future national PARTS PLUS marketing programs. Cosgrove will attend the first National Jobber Advisory Council meeting February 5-7 in Jupiter, FL. During two days of sessions. members will review 1987 marketing plans as well as current wholesale and retail programs. Cosgrove was nominated by Jobbers Warehouse Service, Inc. in Grand Rapids. The jobbers selected represent a cross-section of PARTS PLUS Autostorcs by size, region of the country and retail/wholesale business mix. PARTS PLUS is the fastest growing automotive program group in the country, with over 2,300 PARTS PLUS Autostorcs nationwide. Aluminum pots may darken from spinach or potatoes or other alkaline foods. Brighten by boiling two teaspoons of cream of tartar to one quart of water. also a member of Teens Involved and has given volunteer time to the Lowell Area Arts Council. Carrie, the February selection. is the daughter of Tom and Janet Lipkea of Murray Lake. Came has also been on the honor roll at the high school and achieved distinction in sports. She is a member of the gymnastics team. When the gymnastics season is over, Carrie will spend her spare time at the Academy of Gymnastics. Carrie, like all ^ i of the honored students, was praised for her responsibility and dedication to her schoolwork and her extracurricular activities. The faculty, administration, and staff at LHS arc proud to announce these eight studentsof-the-month and congratualate them for their contributions to £ * the pride and respect of LHS. Ledger Entries . . . O of 75,50 and 25 Years Ago By| Priscilla Luasmyer 75 YEARS AGO IN THE LEDGER - JANUARY 25, 1912 The $13,000 paving bond issue passes, 246-22. Pavement will be brick on a concrete foundation from Hudson to the "Lowell house on the East side." $9,350 will be paid by property owners. Frank J. McMahon, popular Light and Power manager, has an appendectomy in Grand Rapids. A bold thief robs St. Mary's church on Friday noon of $50$75 worth of chalices and other items, even stopping at the barbershop on his way out of town. The theft is discovered at 2:00 p.m. The Blue Valley Creamery Co. holds free educational meetings throughout the state, with stereoptican slides and a speaker. Lowell will get its turn February 2. 50 YEARS AGO IN THE LEDGER - JANUARY 2 8 , 1 9 3 7 The Ohio River has the worst floods in history, which are moving toward the Mississippi, Lowell collects money and clothing to help out. Rev. Hoolsema of the Baptist Church creates some seasation with his sermon series on sin, declaring that he will talk about local sin and that society's standards have completely broken down. The lighted skating rink south of the high school is in use and very popular. Perfect attendance of pupils for the past month is listed, along with eighth grade honor roll. 25 YEARS AGO IN THE LEDGER - JANUARY 25, 1962 The warmly contested proposed sale of rural lines by Lowell Light and Power wins, 401-71. Larry C. Wittenbach is general chairman for Michigan Tech's 62 Winter Carnival in Houghton, titled "It's a Cold World." Lowell is leading in Tri River Conference wrestling, and the Lions Club basketball team is unbeaten in five games. €