FLIGHT TIME COMPONENTS AND THEIR DELAYS ON US DOMESTIC ROUTES Gerasimos Skaltsas G i Sk l Dr. Peter Belobaba Prof. Amy Cohn MIT GLOBAL AIRLINE INDUSTRY PROGRAM IAB/Industry Consortium Joint Meeting IAB/Industry Consortium Joint Meeting November 4, 2010 Database D t b Database FAA Aviation System Performance Metrics detailed flight g data for 77 Airports p 80% of all scheduled domestic commercial flights in 2009 88% of all domestic enplanements (based on the T‐100 Domestic Segment ) Final analyzed sample 2276 directional non‐stop routes between 72 ASPM Airports operated by 40 US carriers in daily basis 54% of the all scheduled domestic commercial flights in 2009. 2 Carrier‐Routes in the Sample 1600 Nu umber of routes 1400 1336 59% 1200 1000 599 26% 800 250 11% 600 400 200 62 3% 27 1% 4 5 0 1 2 3 Number of carriers 2 6 3679 distinct directional route‐carrier pairs. 59% of the routes are served only by one carrier, and 26 % are served by two In the remaining 15% operate more than 2 carriers. two. carriers We expect that competition affects the schedule padding practices, because the presence of the carriers in the ticket distribution systems depends often on their scheduled block time. time 3 Schedule Padding by Time of Day (ORD – JFK, 2009) (ORD JFK, 2009) Schedule ed Block Time (m minutes) 160 150 25 min 140 130 120 110 100 09‐10 10‐11 12‐13 13‐14 14‐15 15‐16 16‐17 17‐18 18‐19 19‐20 20‐21 21‐22 22‐23 23‐24 Scheduled Arrival Time Airlines lengthen the scheduled block times of their flights to improve • the reliability of their schedules • their “on‐time on time arrival arrival” statistics (a flight that arrives at the gate more than 15 minutes later than scheduled is considered delayed) The time that airlines add to their schedules is called BUFFER. BUFFER = Scheduled Arrival Time – Delay‐Free Arrival Time. 4 Understanding the Measurement of Delay Measurement of Delay 5 Variability in Gate Delays Newark (EWR) – Los Angeles (LAX), 2009 25 10% Relative Frequency 6% 17.4 5 41.2 Gate Delaay (minutes) Average: Median: St. Deviation: 8% 4% 2% 20 15 10 5 0 0% ‐20 ‐10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Gate Delay (minutes) Gate Delay = Actual Gate Departure – Scheduled Gate Departure Time Causes: • • • • Airport congestion at origin or destination (ceiling, visibility, winds) Airspace congestion Propagated delay (aircraft, crew) Airline operations ( boarding, catering, fueling etc.) 6 Variability in Taxi‐out Delays Newark (EWR) – Los Angeles (LAX), 2009 14.8 Average: Median: 10.8 St. Deviation: 16.9 8% 6% Taxi ‐ out Tim me (minutes) Relative e Frequency 10% 4% 2% 0% ‐20 ‐10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Unimpeded Taxi‐out Average Taxi‐out Taxi‐out Delay (minutes) Taxi‐out Delay = Actual Taxi‐out Time – Unimpeded Taxi‐out Time Causes: • Airport congestion at origin or destination (ceiling, visibility, winds) • Airspace congestion • Delays during pushback y gp 7 Variability in Taxi‐in Delays Newark (EWR) – Los Angeles (LAX), 2009 15 Average: 2.5 1.6 Median: St. Deviation: 5.0 12% Relative Frequency Taxi ‐ in TTime (minutes) 14% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 10 5 0 ‐20 ‐10 0 10 20 30 40 Taxi‐in Delay (minutes) 50 60 70 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Unimpeded Taxi‐in Average Taxi‐in Taxi‐in Taxi in Delay = Actual Taxi Delay = Actual Taxi‐in in Time Time – Unimpeded Taxi Unimpeded Taxi‐in in Time Time Causes: • Weather conditions at airport of destination, Runway configuration • Gate unavailability 8 Variability in Airborne Delays Newark (EWR) – Los Angeles (LAX), 2009 360 10% Relative Frequency 6% Airborne TTime (minutes) Average: 22.2 Median: 20 St. Deviation: 19.2 8% 4% 2% 0% ‐20 ‐10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Airborne Delay based on Nominal Flight Time (minutes) 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Nominal Airborne Time Average Airborne Time Airborne Delay = Actual Airborne Time – Nominal Airborne Time Actual Flight Time = Wheels On – Wheels Off Nominal Airborne Time = 10th percentile of Actual Airborne Time Distribution Causes: • Airspace congestion • Winds (strength and direction) 9 Variability in Block Delays Newark (EWR) – Los Angeles (LAX), 2009 Blockk Time (minutes) Relatiive Frequency 10% Average: ‐3.8 Median: ‐6 St. Deviation: 24.1 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% ‐70 ‐50 ‐30 ‐10 0 10 30 Block Delay (minutes) 50 70 400 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC A Average Scheduled Block Times S h d l d Bl k Ti A Average Actual Block Times A l Bl k Ti Huge variability in block delays The average block delay is very close to zero (most often negative) The average block delay is very close to zero (most often negative) The average block delay is larger than the median, because there is a small percentage of flights with excessive delays that moves the average to the right. The block delay distribution is almost symmetric around the median. 10 Percentaage of route‐carrrier pairs Distribution of Block Delays ((January 2009) a ua y 009) 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% Average Block Delay (minutes) Average Block Delay (minutes) 74% of the 3679 studied route‐carrier pairs have negative average block delays 20% have average block delays between zero and five minutes, only l 6% have h d l delays l longer than h five fi minutes i In absence of gate delays, 92% of the flights would arrive on time (with gate delays 80%) Flights on most routes suffer lengthy gate delays (shown next), next) that are difficult to be predicted. This results to significant arrival delays 11 Percentage of route‐carrrier pairs Correlation between Block Delay and Delay Components y p 35% Taxi Out and Block Delay Airborne and Block Delay Taxi In and Block Delay Taxi In and Block Delay 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Pearson product‐moment correlation coefficient Very strong positive correlation between block delays and taxi‐out delays – Taxi‐out delays responsible for the biggest portion of the block delays Strong positive correlation between block delays and airborne delays gp y y – Smaller than the correlation of the taxi‐out delays Small correlation between block delays and taxi‐in delays – Taxi‐in delays are usually very small compared to the taxi‐out and the airborne delays 12 Arrival and Gate Delays Gate Delay ATL ‐ DFW Arrival Delay 15 Gate Delay (minutes)) 20 D Delay (minutes) 20 10 15 10 5 5 0 0 ‐5 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Gate Delay FLL ‐ ATL Arrival Delay (min nutes) 25 Arrival Delay 13 Percentagge of route‐carriier pairs Distribution of Gate Delays (January 2009) (January 2009) 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% Average Gate Delay in January 2009 (minutes) Average Gate Delay in January 2009 (minutes) The average gate delays (Jan 09) of 17% route‐carriers are longer than 15 min The annual range of the monthly average gate delays can be very large and there is no seasonality It is very difficult for airlines to predict the gate delays We expect that this will result to a strong correlation between the gate delay and the arrival delay 14 Percentage of route‐ccarrier pairs Strong Correlation between Gate and Arrival Delays Gate and Arrival Delays 1573 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 713 20% 15% 317 10% 5% 842 38 67 129 0% [0.3, 0.7) [0.7, 0.75) [0.75, 0.8) [0.8, 0.85) [0.85, 0.9) [0.9, 0.95) [0.95, 1) Pearson product‐moment correlation coefficient Very strong positive correlation A delayed pushback results most often to a delayed arrival Gate delays are caused mostly by stochastic factors, such as propagated delays (aircraft, crew) and airline operations (boarding, catering, fueling etc.). Therefore, airlines can not predict them and schedule without taking into account the h variability b l in gate delays d l 15 Taxi‐o out Time (minute es) Destination can affect the Taxi out Times 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 ORD – LGA Unimpeded Taxi‐out ORD – MCO Average Taxi‐out Flights from the same airport (ORD) and by the same carrier (American Airlines) but with different destinations (LGA and MCO) do not follow the same distribution of taxi‐out times The annual range of monthly average taxi‐out times is • 11.3 minutes on the ORD‐LGA route • 2.6 minutes on the ORD‐MCO route We expect that this happens due to the existence of Ground Delays Programs that hold the flights that are destined to LGA on the ground 16 45 Taxi‐ou ut Time (minute es) 40 ORD – LGA by AAL 35 70% 60% 50% 30 25 40% 20 30% 15 20% 10 5 10% 0 0% Unimpeded Taxi‐out Unimpeded Taxi out Percenttage of flights th hat were under a Ground Delay Program Destination can affect the Taxi out Times Average Taxi‐out g The taxi‐out times of the flights from ORD to LGA are affected by the GDPs Mayy and June have the highest g average g taxi‐out times and the highest g percentage of flights that were held on the ground by GDPs September has the smallest average taxi‐out times and the smallest percentage p g of held flights g Only 3 flights that were destined to MCO were held in 2009 17 Buffer (minute es) Buffer in Schedule increases with Distance with Distance January 2009 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 y = 0.0878x + 27.387 R² = 0.3767 0 50 100 150 200 Nominal Airborne Time (minutes) 250 300 350 400 Each point corresponds to the average buffer time and nominal airborne time for a route‐carrier pair in January 2009 Some linearityy between buffer and distance. Carriers hide more delays in the long‐haul flights to handle the increased uncertainty in the airborne times (winds). We expect that the extensive padding of some short‐haul short haul flights compensates the gate delays and the taxi‐out, taxi‐in delays rather than the airborne delays. 18 Conclusions The average block delay is most of the times negative, and close to zero. Taxi out delays, Taxi‐out delays airborne delays and taxi‐in taxi in delays are very effectively hidden in the schedule Very strong Correlation between gate delays and arrival delays. Carriers schedule without taking into account the variability in gate delays because its difficult to predict them Large seasonality in taxi‐out and airborne times. This makes necessary a month basis analysis of the schedule padding practices Limited seasonality and variability in taxi‐in times The congestion in the arrival airport affects the gate delays and the taxi‐ out times through the Ground Delay Programs Linearity between buffer and distance. Long‐haul flights have in average larger delays than short‐haul flights 19 Future Research 1. 2. For two selected months , use • linear regression methods • non‐parametric regression trees non parametric regression trees to study the relationship between the buffer time and the • fight components • distance • ground hold times • time of the day • route competition • carrier type (LCC vs. NLC) Measure quantitatively and qualitatively the benefits and the costs of padding for the carriers and the airports. For airlines: • Crew costs • Utilization costs • Recovery costs/ delay propagation • Presence in ticket distribution systems • Reliability – on time performance For airports: • Delays y • Level of Service • Traffic • Revenues • Cost for investments in terminals, runways, ATC technologies 20