Nuclear Power: Benefits and Risks H-Holger Rogner Head, Planning & Economic Studies Section (PESS) Department of Nuclear Energy IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Technology options towards a sustainable energy future Improved Energy Efficiency throughout the energy system More Renewable Energy Advanced Energy Technologies: clean fossil fuel technologies including carbon capture & storage (CCS) next generation nuclear technologies IAEA Nuclear power and sustainable development – A controversial issue? Exhaustive debate at CSD-9 Agreement to disagree on nuclear’s role in sustainable development But unanimous agreement that choice belongs to countries NOTE There is no technology without risks and interaction with the environment. Do not discuss a particular technology in isolation. Compare a particular technology with alternatives in a system context and life IAEA cycle (LCA) basis. Pro: Nuclear & Sustainability Brundtland1) about keeping options open Expands electricity supplies (“connecting the unconnected”) Reduces harmful emissions Puts uranium to productive use Increases human & technological capital Ahead in internalising externalities 1) IAEA that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of development future generations to meet their own needs Contra: Nuclear & Sustainability No long-term solution to waste Nuclear weapons proliferation & security Safety: nuclear risks are excessive Transboundary consequences, decommissioning & transport Too expensive IAEA WIPP Economics – Nuclear power Advantages But… Nuclear power plants are cheap to operate High upfront capital costs can be difficult to finance Stable & predictable generating costs Sensitive to interest rates Long life time Long lead times (planning, construction, etc) Supply security (insurance premium) Long payback periods Low external costs (so far no credit applied) IAEA Regulatory/policy/market risks Range of levelized generating costs of new electricity generating capacities 188 Solar PV Offshore wind Onshore wind Hydropower Oil/oil products Natural gas Coal Nuclear 0 5 IAEA Source: Adapted from eight recent studies 10 15 US$/MWh 20 25 Air pollution (PM10) and other impacts Externalities of different electricity generating options HIGH Existing coal technologies Biomass technologies Nuclear power no gas cleaning Natural gas technologies New coal technologies LOW Wind IAEA LOW Greenhouse gas impacts HIGH Source: EU-EUR 20198, 2003 Cost structures of different generating options 100% uranium 90% 80% 70% 60% Fuel O&M Capital 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% IAEANuclear Coal Natural gas Impact of a doubling of resource prices 80 Base costs 70 Double resource costs US$ per MWh 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 IAEA Nuclear Coal Natural gas Fuel as a percentage of marginal generating costs USA - 2005 26% Fuel O&M 78% 94% 91% 6% 9% Gas Oil 74% 22% Nuclear Source: Global Energy Decisions IAEA Updated: 6/06 Coal Environment – Nuclear power Advantages But… Low pollution emissions No final waste repository in operation Small land requirements High toxicity Small fuel & waste volumes Wastes are managed Proven intermediary storage IAEA Needs to be isolated for long time periods Potential burden to future generations Mitigation – Role of nuclear power Life cycle GHG emissions of different electricity generating options 1 800 180 [8] 1 600 a 1 400 [12] gCO2-eq 1 200 gCO2-eq [10] 1 000 [16] 800 600 [4] Standard deviation 160 Mean 140 Min - Max 120 [sample size] [8] 100 [13] 80 60 400 [8] 40 200 20 0 0 lignite coal oil gas CCS [16] [15] [15] hydro nuclear wind solar PV biomass Nuclear power: Very low lifetime GHG emissions make IAEA the technology a potent climate change mitigation option storage Range of carbon dioxide reduction costs for electricity technologies US$/t CO2 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Supercritical Coal Geothermal Nuclear Large Hydro Biomass Steam Wind Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Small Hydro CCS Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Solar Thermal Solar PV 280 - 465 IAEA Note: This graph is for illustrative purposes only, actual costs are site specific Source: World Bank Impact of CO2 penalty on competitiveness of nuclear power 9 Comparative Generating Costs Based on Low Discount Rate 8 US cents per kWh 7 nuclear high 6 5 nuclear low 4 3 2 1 0 CCGT No carbon price Carbon price $20/tCO2 Coal steam IGCC Carbon price $10/tCO2 Carbon price $30/tCO2 A relatively modest carbon penalty would significantly improve the IAEA ability of nuclear to compete against gas & coal Source: IEA, 2006 Nuclear Fuel: Small volumes, high energy contents 1 pellet produces the energy of 1.5 tonnes of coal Each pellet produces 5000 kWh IAEA Wastes in fuel preparation and plant operation Million tonnes per GWe yearly 0.5 Flue gas desulphurization Ash 0.4 Gas sweetening Radioactive (HLW) 0.3 Toxic materials 0.2 0.1 0 Coal Oil Natural gas IAEA Source: IAEA, 1997 Wood Nuclear Solar PV Geological nuclear waste disposal NATURAL BARRIERS Stable rock around the repository Stable groundwater in the rocks Retention, dispersion and dilution processes in the rock Dispersion and dilution processes in the biosphere Waste Container IAEA Buffer or backfill ENGINEERED BARRIERS Solid waste material Waste containers Buffer and backfill materials Seals Disposal tunnels or caverns Seals Access shafts or tunnels FR A L SL IT NC H O U E VA A K NIA BE RE L P. SW GIU E M UK DE BU RA N LG INE AR A R KO M IA RE SLO EN A, VE I A RE N P IA SW HU . O IT NG F ZE AR G RL Y E A CZ RM ND EC A H NY R JA EP. FI P A NL N TA AN IW AN SP D , C AI N H IN A US A RU UK CA SS IA RO NAD AR M A G AN EN I A SO T UT ME INA NE H X TH AF ICO ER RI L A CA N BR DS PA A KI ZIL ST A IN N D CH IA IN A % of electricity from nuclear power Nuclear share of electricity (2006) France 78% 90 80 Belgium 54% 70 Rep. Korea 40% 60 50 Switzerland 37% 40 Japan 30% 30 20 IAEA Russia 16% USA 19% China 2% S. Africa 4% 10 0 Structure of global electricity supply Global electricity generation in 2005: 18,235 TWh Hydro 16.0% Renewables 2.2% Coal 40.3% Nuclear 15.2% IAEA Natural gas 19.7% Oil 6.6% Structure of OECD North America electricity supply Biomass 1.6% Hydro 12.9% Other Ren 0.8% Coal 44.7% Nuclear 17.8% IAEA Electricity generation in 2005: 5,128 TWh Gas 17.6% Oil 4.5% Structure of Latin American electricity supply Other Ren 0.2% Biomass 2.1% Coal 3.4% Electricity generation in 2005: 905 TWh Oil 9.3% Gas 14.7% Nuclear 1.9% IAEA Hydro 68.4% Nuclear power today: On 1 January 2008, 439 nuclear power plants (NPPs) operated in 30 countries worldwide, with a total installed capacity of 371 900 MWe. 400 350 GWe installed 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 IAEA 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 “Where does nuclear power go from here?” Reasons for the mid 1980s stagnation: Energy efficiency improvements Economic restructuring Significant drop in electricity demand Excess generating capacity Electricity market liberalization & privatization Oil (traded fossil energy) price collapse Advent of the high-efficient cheap gas turbine technology (GTCC) IAEA Reasons for the mid 1980s stagnation: Little regard for supply security Regulatory interventions after Three Mile Island High interest rates Chernobyl Break up of the Soviet Union All the above together: New nuclear build out of favour (poor economics and lack of demand) IAEA Development of regional nuclear generating capacities 140 North America 100 100 80 80 60 40 20 20 0 0 90 80 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1965 90 Eastern Europe & CIS 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 1970 Asia 80 GWe GWe 60 40 1965 Western Europe 120 GWe GWe 120 140 0 1965 IAEA 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1965 1970 1975 Development of regional nuclear generating capacities 3.0 140 Latin America 120 2.5 100 GWe 2.0 GWe OEA 1.5 1.0 80 60 40 0.5 20 0.0 0 1965 1970 1975 1980 IAEA 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 45 2,700 40 2,400 35 2,100 30 1,800 25 1,500 20 1,200 15 900 10 600 5 300 0 0 -5 -300 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1982 1980 1978 1976 1974 1972 1970 1968 1966 IAEA Total nuclear power generation in TWh Incremental nuclear power capacity additions in GW e Annual Incremental Nuclear Capacity Additions and Total Nuclear Electricity Generation Global energy availability factor of nuclear power plants 90 85 Equivalent to the construction of 34 NPPs of 1,000 MW each 82.6 82.2 81.9 Percent 80 78.4 75.4 73.7 75 71.3 70.1 70.5 81.1 81.1 80.4 79.6 79.6 75.7 74.3 71.2 70 66.8 65 60 1990 91 IAEA 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Summary of nuclear power today: A proven technology that provides clean electricity at predictable and competitive costs Provides 15% of global electricity supply More the 13,000 years of accumulated reactor experience Operation of nuclear installations have safety as highest priority Lessons learned from past mistakes or accidents have been acted on Nuclear takes full responsibility its waste IAEA Summary of nuclear power today: The industry is alive and vibrant Market liberalization served as a wake-up call The industry is heavily engaged in innovation The political climate towards the technology has begun to change in many countries All credible long-term (>> 2030) demand & supply projections show steep increases in nuclear power IAEA Summary of nuclear power today: But most importantly the global energy map today is distinctly different from the situation of the mid 1980s Fossil fuel prices Energy security Climate change considerations Demand Aging generating capacities IAEA Rising expectations GWe installed Upwardly revised nuclear projections Plans for expansion in a number of countries Entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol Projection of nuclear power for 2030 430 420 410 400 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 2002 2004 2006 Year of projection (WEO, IEA) Proven technology that provides clean electricity at predictable and competitive costs The industry’s safety record is second to none Increasingly favorable commentary from both politicians and the media IAEA Updated nuclear power projections IAEA IAEA: Evolution of low projection 800 700 600 history 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 GW(e) 500 400 300 200 100 0 IAEA 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 IAEA: Evolution of high projection 800 700 600 history 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 GW(e) 500 400 300 200 100 0 IAEA 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 Nuclear power around the globe Countries with operating NPPs Countries with operating NPPs & plants under construction Countries with a phase out policy Countries with operating NPPs IAEA One size does not fit all Countries differ with respect to energy demand growth alternatives financing options weighing/preferences accident risks (nuclear, mining, oil spills, LNG…), cheap electricity, air pollution, jobs, import dependence, climate change All countries use a mix. All are different. Nuclear power per se is not “the solution” to the world’s energy problems and climate change but It surely can be an integral part of the solution! IAEA IAEA IAEA …atoms for peace. The Oklo Mine had a fission reaction… 2 Billion Years Ago IAEA Scientific American, July 1976 The Oklo Mine fission reaction… • 15 natural reactors discovered • 16,000 MW-years • Used 5 tons uranium • 5 tonnes waste • 1.5 tonnes of Pu Scientific American, July 1976 IAEA Relative radiotoxicity Radio-toxicity of spent nuclear fuel Spent fuel (Pu + MA + FP) Natural uranium ore FP MA + FP Time (years) IAEA Time lines….. Relative radiotoxicity INNOVATION: Spent fuel (Pu + MA + FP) Burning of HLW in Fast Reactor in Reducing Radio Toxicity Natural uranium ore MA + FP FP Time (years) IAEA Plutonium and minor actinides are responsible for most of the long term hazards Do not drive into the future by looking in the rear view mirror: Yesterday’s technology is not tomorrow's Innovation ongoing With each new investment cycle technology tends to get better IAEA Innovation: Nuclear power generation Generation I Early prototype reactors Generation II Commercial power reactors Generation III Generation III+ Advanced LWRs & HWRs – Shippingport – Dresden, Fermi I – LWR-PWR, BWR – Magnox – CANDU – VVER/RBMK Evolutionary designs with improved economics and safety for near-term deployment – – – – – AP1000, ABWR, System 80+ – ACR – EPR Gen III 1950 1960 IAEA 1970 1980 1990 2000 Generation IV Gen III+ 2010 2020 Highly economical Enhanced safety Minimal waste Proliferation resistant Gen IV 2030 Innovation: AP 1000 IAEA Integral Primary System Reactor (IRIS) X X X X XX X X X Simplifies design by eliminating loop piping and external components. Enhances safety by eliminating major classes of accidents. Compact containment (2 times less power but 9 times less volume, small footprint) enhances economics and IAEA security. Nuclear weapons proliferation: The genie is out of the bottle Preventing the misuse of nuclear materials for non-peaceful purposes needs special attention It is an area where IAEA has a strict mandate Non-proliferation is a political problem NPT regimes needs strengthening IAEA Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security Nuclear Nonproliferation: To curb and prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, their delivery means, and related materials and technologies. Owner Controlled Area Nuclear Security: The prevention and detection of and response to theft, sabotage, unauthorized access, illegal transfer or other malicious acts involving nuclear material, other radioactive substances, or their associated facilities. IAEA Protected Area Double Fence Protected Area Vital Area Access Control Points Elements of nuclear safety: Defense in Depth IAEA Source: NEA A history of mistaken forecasts “The energy produced by breaking down the atom is a very poor kind of thing. Anyone who expects a source of power from the transformations of these atoms is talking moonshine.” Lord Ernest Rutherford 1933 IAEA A history of mistaken forecasts “It is not too much to expect that our children will enjoy in their homes [nuclear generated] electrical energy too cheap to meter.” Lewis Strauss Chairman US Atomic Energy Commission 1954 IAEA Nuclear Energy and Society Bjorn Wahlström IAEA Nuclear power projections 22,000 20,000 Maximum mean global temperature change < 2oC 18,000 16,000 TWh 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2005 IAEA IAEA IEA 2030 WETO IEA 2050 WETO Typical nuclear electricity generation cost breakdown Decommissioning 1-5% O&M 20% 5% Uranium 1% Conversion Investment 60% Fuel cycle 20% 6% Enrichment 3% Fuel fabrication IAEA 5% Back-end activities Source: NEA Safety – Nuclear power Reality Perception Safety is an integral part of plant design & operation Nuclear power is dangerous Nuclear power has an excellent safety record It can never be made safe Lessons learned from past accidents Safe is not safe enough Safety culture, peer reviews & best practices No room for complacency IAEA Nuclear plants are atomic bombs No public acceptance Nuclear power safety Safety is a dynamic concept Upgrading of older generation reactors & life time extensions Advanced reactor designs with inherent safety features The impact of these ongoing efforts are: Improved availability worldwide Lower radiation doses to plant personnel and fewer unplanned stoppages IAEA Typical barriers confining radioactive materials IAEA Source: NEA Unplanned scrams per 7000 hours critical 2 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.2 0 Units reporting 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 369 404 417 428 419 405 428 425 429 IAEA unplanned scrams per 7000 hours critical Source: WANO 2006 Performance Indicators Industrial accidents at NPPs per 200,000 person-hours worked 1.2 1 1.04 0.8 0.6 0.58 0.4 0.33 0.2 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.21 0.26 0.24 0 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 169 192 203 200 203 201 210 208 209 Stations reporting Industrial accidents per IAEA Source: WANO 2006 Performance Indicators