Assembly-Level Reliability Qualification for Enterprise

iNEMI Assembly-Level Reliability Qualification for Enterprise PCBAs
Final 1/26/2014
New Technologies, Materials or Assembly
Processes: Assembly-Level Reliability
Qualification for Enterprise PCBAs
Revision: Final, Approved 1/26/2014
Aamir Kazi, Dell
Thomas Homorodi, Dell
Fubin Song, Celestica
Mitchell Ferrill, IBM
Jeffrey Lee, iST –Integrated Service Technology, Inc.
Tomy Dong, Lenovo
Vico Duan, Lenovo
Leo Zhao, Lenovo
John Godfrey, Microsoft
Ander Hsieh, Wistron
Jimmy Yang, Wistron
Mark Schaffer, iNEMI
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iNEMI Assembly-Level Reliability Qualification for Enterprise PCBAs
Final 1/26/2014
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ 2
1. Glossary of Terms ....................................................................................................... 3
2. Introduction & Scope................................................................................................... 4
3. Applicability and Scope............................................................................................... 4
4. Reference Documents .................................................................................................. 5
4.1. Assembly Materials Reference............................................................................. 5
4.2. Printed Circuit Board and Assembly Reference .................................................. 5
4.3. Test Procedure Reference..................................................................................... 5
5. Materials and Material Restrictions ............................................................................. 6
6. Assembly, Process & PCB Data Collection ................................................................ 6
7. Qualification Considerations ....................................................................................... 7
7.1. Test Sample Allocation ........................................................................................ 7
8. Qualification Sample Assembly .................................................................................. 9
8.1. Assembly, Rework and Repair Conditions .......................................................... 9
9. Testing ......................................................................................................................... 9
9.1. Overview .............................................................................................................. 9
9.2. Test Menu ............................................................................................................. 9
9.3. Test Vehicle........................................................................................................ 10
9.4. Functional Testing and Interconnect Verification .............................................. 10
9.5. Time Zero Characterization ............................................................................... 10
9.6. Test Menu Details .............................................................................................. 11
10. Accept/ Reject Criteria ........................................................................................... 13
11. Report Template..................................................................................................... 17
APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 18
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iNEMI Assembly-Level Reliability Qualification for Enterprise PCBAs
Final 1/26/2014
1. Glossary of Terms
Accelerated Thermal Cycling
Ball Grid Array integrated circuit
Contract Manufacturer: an entity that is outsourced to build hardware under contract for
another entity, such as an OEM.
A term used to refer to an OEM (in this document).
A grade of composite material, built with woven glass and flame-resistant epoxy resin,
which is then copper-laminated to manufacture PCBs.
High Temperature Bake
Integrated Circuit
In-circuit tester: a bed-of-nails tester using pogo-pin probes to perform multiple
simultaneous electrical-check routines on a PCBA.
Original Design Manufacturer: an entity that designs and builds hardware for an OEM
that sells it under the latter's brand.
Original Equipment Manufacturer: in this case refers to the entity that commissions an
assembled PCBA/ product from an ODM or CM and sells it under its own brand. An
OEM may design the product, and have a CM build it, or may rely on an ODM to
design and build it.
Printed circuit board - unassembled board before soldering processes.
Printed circuit board assembly - board assembly with components after all solder
assembly processes are complete.
Plated Through Hole
The European Union's (EU) Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive: legislation
regulating the use of materials deemed hazardous to the environment or health by the
EU, in electronics manufacturing consumable or non consumable.
Surface Insulation Resistance
Surface Mount Technology
Through Hole
Temperature and Humidity with Bias
Thermal Ship Shock
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Final 1/26/2014
2. Introduction & Scope
This document provides requirements for the assembly-reliability qualification of Printed Circuit Board
Assemblies (PCBAs) on enterprise products. This document is scoped to apply to PCBAs in all enterprise
products (e.g. servers, storage, option cards, network switches, etc.). It serves to establish a common
hardware reliability qualification process for ODMs/ CMs manufacturing computing hardware (servers,
storage and switches) to be deployed in offices, datacenters, as well as environmentally controlled telecom
This document must be used to qualify new aspects of manufacturing and design such as, but not limited to,
new manufacturing facilities, changes in materials, process, and new design elements. It also applies to
repair facilities used for enterprise products employing rework solder processes
It was developed through an iNEMI industry project with the goals of:
 Development of a standardized reliability qualification procedure for enterprise products using
existing industry specs for acceptability and testing of PCBAs.
Create a level playing field and setting consistent expectations across the industry
Resolving ambiguity with qualification processes at CMs/EMs to satisfy their various OEMs
qualification demands.
Have suppliers accept responsibility for qualification work.
Reduce cost for EMs/CMs/ODMs due to varied test protocols/qualification process flows to
comply with variances between multiple OEMs’ qualification requirements for similar hardware.
3. Applicability and Scope
This document IS:
This document IS NOT:
Defining an OEM/industry-wide set of PCBA
reliability qualification methods and processes
(toolbox) for developed products using:
• new suppliers
• new technologies
• new materials
• new processes
… as applies to ODM/CM PCBA manufacturers
- Primary focus is on Enterprise products
(including telecom data centers)
Intended for
• Outdoor-telecom
• Military/aerospace
• Medical
For supplier qualifications intended to evaluate
capability and quality. The document is meant
to qualify new technologies where process
development work is complete.
Early R&D for new technology/process or
materials’ viability; not for process
definition/development or material evaluation
Identification of Best Known Methods/ Practices
in reliability of electronic OEMs for “new”
Utilizes existing industry standards/procedures
wherever appropriate.
Developing new reliability test
standards/procedures/test methods
Testing/materials resources commitment
Regulatory/environmental materials
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PCBA-level qualification, with evaluation of risk
sites on PCBs that depend on solder-assembly
Re-creation of component qualification test
methods and processes
A reliability qualification of newly developed
solder assembly processes, technologies,
materials at manufacturing facilities of new and
existing suppliers.
Failure Analysis requirement/procedure
Definition of test-level failure criteria.
Raw PCB material/ construction evaluation
Definition of qualification-suite level failure
criteria – this is the domain of each OEM, and
defined by them
4. Reference Documents
Listed below are pertinent references which include standards and procedures directly called out in the
succeeding sections as well as indirectly applicable to the assembly level The reader is directed to apply the
latest edition thereof, at the time of application.
4.1. Assembly Materials Reference
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Restriction of the Use of Certain
Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment, refer to latest release
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE Directive)
J-STD-004, Requirements for Fluxes
J-STD-005, Requirements for Soldering Pastes
J-STD-006, Requirements for Electronic Grade Solder Alloys and Fluxed and Non-Fluxed Solid
Solders for Electronic Soldering Applications
J-STD-075, Classification of Non-IC Electronic Components for Assembly Processes
J-STD-020, Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface
Mount Devices
IPC-7095, Design and Assembly Process Implementation for BGAs
4.2. Printed Circuit Board and Assembly Reference
IPC-A-610, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies
IPC-6012, Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards
IPC-6013, Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible Printed Boards
J-STD-001, Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies
4.3. Test Procedure Reference
IPC TM-650, Test Methods Manual
JESD22-A104, Temperature Cycling
IPC 9701, Performance Test Methods and Qualification Requirements for Surface Mount Solder
IPC/JEDEC 9702, Monotonic Bend Characterization
IPC/JEDEC 9704, Printed Wiring Board Strain Gage Test Guideline
JESD22-B112, Package Warpage Measurement Of Surface-Mount Integrated Circuits At Elevated
JESD22-B108, Coplanarity Test For Surface-Mount Semiconductor Devices
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5. Materials and Material Restrictions
Allowable materials and the associated requirements are typically customer specific and therefore will
not be defined in this document. A complete materials list, associated with the product(s) to be
assembled, shall be provided to the customer for review early in the engagement process. Any
customer specific materials and material requirements must also be identified and shared at the same
Materials include, but are not limited to:
1. PCB raw materials – including solder mask and conductor surface coating/finish
2. Solder materials (bars, pastes, wire, preforms etc.)
3. Fluxes (wave, solder pot, touch up, etc.)
4. Adhesives (thermal and component securing)
5. Cleaners
6. Solder mask repair
7. Encapsulants
In general, the following will apply:
1. All materials must be EU ROHS compliant. Verification and documentation pertinent to this
is not within this document’s scope.
2. Materials shall be those commonly used and recognized in the industry. The contract
manufacturer or supplier must have performance data (quality, reliability, yield, etc.) to
support the use of any material.
3. Specific to the PCB,
a. Materials shall be thermally robust to the required assembly temperature profiles.
b. PCB surface finishes shall be chosen to ensure that the product performs to
customer’s required airborne contamination level.
6. Assembly, Process & PCB Data Collection
The ODM/CM shall provide the following assembly process information when submitting test samples for
reliability evaluation to internal labs or third party labs.
 The process profiles for critical assembly processes as shown below. Temperature monitoring
thermocouple location and mounting data may be required for verification.
o Reflow process profile showing ramp rates, peak temperatures and dwell times.
o Wave solder and selective solder process profiles showing preheat temperature, conveyor
speed, peak wave temperature, time over wave and cool down rates.
o Rework process temperature profiles for SMT and PTH components.
 Solder, Solder paste, and flux specifications.
 Assembly location and supplier name including second and third tier sub-suppliers (for plug-in
assemblies, daughter-cards, etc.).
 Rework process specification and procedures, if and when selected components are expected to be
reworked in production for any reason.
The following information shall be provided for each PCBA submitted for reliability evaluation to internal
labs, third party labs, or qualification performed at the supplier. All the listed information might not be
easily obtained; in such circumstances, the OEM may use its discretion to waive part(s) of the information
requests listed below.
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PCB and Component reporting requirements
Documentation of compliance to appropriate internal and external PCB
component engineering spec.
Material description (FR4, Polyamide etc.), Laminate supplier(s) and PCB
Glass transition temperature (Tg,),
Thermal Decomposition temperature (Td),
Heat resistance for PCB (not PCB material only)
Surface finish
Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) data in X-, Y-, and Z-axes; below and
above Tg
Cross-section (stack-up) data showing, core thickness, minimum copper
thickness on surface Cu, PTH, Blind via and micro via
Minimum conductor spacing,
Surface Insulation Resistance (SIR) data
Documentation showing compliance with appropriate customer/ industry specs
for moisture sensitive components and for heat sensitive components
CTE data for SMT components without leads (coefficients X, Y, Z axes)
For packaged IC’s: rated heat resistance per MSL level per J-STD-020/ latest
rev (not applicable for passive/ non-IC components)
Heat resistance/ temperature sensitivity (Package Peak Reflow Temperature
Classification) for specifically sensitive non IC components (per J-STD-075)
Termination / lead finish, BGA Solder Alloy
7. Qualification Considerations
7.1. Test Sample Allocation
The qualification effort requires system and PCBA allocations. Approximate sample allocation is provided
below for budgetary estimation. Final sample sizes will be determined after evaluation of the product under
review; based on the novelty or complexity characteristics of the assembly, additional samples may be
required. Certain test activities are required for all qualifications, while others are optional per table
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Test/ Activity
Visual Inspection
Cross section
Always required?
On all samples built for qualification
On subsets of un-reworked, reworked, and post-test samples
On selected BGAs of subsets of un-reworked, reworked, and posttest samples
On all samples built for qualification
Required at every new design qualification cycle
Temperature and
Humidity with Bias
Optional, based conductor spacing: when reduced from previous
generation; and other new features affecting current density
High Temperature
Bake (HTB)
Optional based on PCB material, solder joint under mechanical
load; adhesives sensitive to LT temperature exposure
Mechanical Shock
Dependent on mechanical design and deployment environment
Dependent on mechanical design and deployment environment
New fluxes/ flux combinations/ surface finish
Dependent on mechanical design and assembly, installation,
deployment, repair/ rework conditions
Required at every new design qualification cycle (unless ICT is not
part of standard process)
Used to measure warp under reflow conditions for certain area
array components susceptible to warp
Used to simulate exposure during product transport (example, in
trucks and airplanes)
Dye and Pry
Accelerated Thermal
Cycling (ATC)
Mechanical Vibration
Surface Insulation
Resistance (SIR)
Bend Testing
In Circuit Test (ICT)
Fixture Verification
Area Array Coplanarity
Thermal Ship Shock
The following chart provides sample sizes for each test:
Minimum Sample Sizes for Required Testing
9 PCBAs,
not re-worked
Functional Test,
Visual Inspection and
X-ray inspection:
All samples
Thermal Cycle:
4 NonRW,
4 RW
Additional Sample Allocations for Optional Testing
All hardware to be inspected (non destructively) and pass relevant
functional/ electrical verification before and after testing
9 PCBAs:
Forced rework
Cross section
2 NRW, 2 RW;
Dye and Pry
2 NRW, 2 RW
ICT Fixture
1 NRW,
1 RW
Temperature and
Humidity with Bias
test-vehicle boards;
2 NRW & 2 RW
High Temp Bake:
2 samples, NRW
2 samples RW
SIR testing
5 or more test
vehicles, with NRW
and RW represented
on test coupons
Bend Testing
Thermal Ship Shock
1 RW
Area Array
1-3 NRW
1-3 RW
Mechanical Shock:
2 NRW, 2 RW
2 NRW, 2 RW
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8. Qualification Sample Assembly
8.1. Assembly, Rework and Repair Conditions
The majority of the qualification samples will be manufactured using the prime / initial assembly
processes (SMT, wave solder, press fit, etc). A subset of the qualification will have pre-selected
components removed and replaced with an identical component (forced rework). Typically forced
rework will be requested on the most complex components / technologies on the PCBA. The table
below provides a list of components that will likely be included in the forced rework plan. It should
be noted that rework of mirrored BGAs (opposite one another on the top and bottom side of the
PCB) is considered to be among the most difficult rework operations and should be included in the
qualification matrix if present. Some of the concerns to be assessed for mirrored BGA designs are:
(a) Confirm there is no degradation of the solder joints opposite to the one being reworked
(b) Verify that no damage is done to the PCB material
(c) Determine if site dress and fluxing of the reworked site results in excess flux flowing through the
PTHs to the component on the opposite side
The forced rework plan must be approved by both the customer and contract manufacturer. The
rework methods / techniques and thermal profiles should be reviewed with and approved by the
customer prior to commencing rework. The detailed rework procedures must be available for each
component type and the operators must be sufficiently trained and certified to perform these rework
If rework / repair is done in multiple facilities, for example both at the original contract manufacturer
and at a warranty repair center, then it will generally be expected that forced rework samples from each
location be included in the qualification matrix.
Large, high I/O BGA
Socket(s) / hybrid LGA
Fine pitched BGA(s)
Memory Connectors
Rework Levels
1X & 2X
1X & 2X
1X & 2X
1X & 2X
1X & 2X
1X & 2X
1X & 2X
1X & 2X
X-ray Inspect
(if possible)
9. Testing
9.1. Overview
When technology, material, process, contract manufacturer, or co mbinations of these factors
warrant a reliability evaluation, eligible tests, which may be requested by the customer, are listed in
the “Test Menu” section below. Accelerated Thermal Cycling (ATC) shall be the minimum test
9.2. Test Menu
The following tests may be required by the customer for reliability evaluation:
Accelerated Thermal Cycling (ATC)
Temperature and Humidity with Bias (THB)
High Temperature Bake (HTB)
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Mechanical Shock
Mechanical Vibration
Surface Insulation Resistance (SIR)
Bend Testing
In Circuit Test (ICT) Fixture Verification
Thermal Ship Shock (TSS)
Thermal Ship Shock, mechanical shock, and mechanical vibration may be requested as stand alone
tests or they may be used as hardware preconditioning steps prior to other tests, such as ATC. The
specific menu items to be executed shall be agreed to between the contract manufacturer and the
9.3. Test Vehicle
The standard reliability test vehicle shall be functional product in a configuration as specified by or
agreed to by the customer. Exceptions are as follows:
1. If SIR testing is requested, the IPC-B52 test vehicle shall be utilized rather than functional product
2. Special test vehicles, such as one with daisy chained components, may be requested for any test
menu reliability evaluation. When this avenue is chosen, specific test and pass/fail criteria shall be
agreed to between the contract manufacturer and customer.
9.4. Functional Testing and Interconnect Verification
Functional testing shall be used to confirm the product is operating properly and as a high level
verification that PCBA interconnects are intact. ICT, when applicable, should be performed during
the product assembly process, as ICT generally provides a more thorough evaluation of interconnects.
Functional testing alone is not adequate to verify PCBA interconnect and therefore a “Pass” is not
sufficient to achieve qualification, unless agreed to by the customer. Post stress test completion,
destructive analysis shall be performed to assess PCBA interconnects integrity. The specific
component locations and interconnects to be evaluated must be agreed to between the customer and
the contract manufacturer. Dye/Pry and cross-sectioning are the standard methods for evaluating
interconnect integrity. For components with a large number of I/O, such as BGAs, the dye/pry
method provides a simple method to evaluate the integrity of all interconnects in the least amount of
9.5. Time Zero Characterization
Time zero characterization, at a minimum, shall include functional testing and visual inspection. Xray and/or acoustical microscopy inspection may also be requested by the customer as additional
characterization methods. Requirements and criteria are to be agreed between the customer and
contract manufacturer.
The visual inspection standard for PCBAs shall be IPC-610 (latest version) to Class 2 criteria. If either
the contract manufacturer or the customer have inspection standards that differ from IPC-610,
especially if the criteria is less stringent than IPC-610 – Class 2, then these shall be discussed and
agreed to prior to beginning the reliability evaluation. Also, if there are inspection requirements above
those specified in IPC-610, these should be highlighted.
1. 100% inspect each board (attempt to identify root cause of any functional fails )
2. Record any defects (should list board #, components, and defects observed).
3. Investigate IPC-610 or functional failures and identify corrective actions; perform analysis as
necessary (with customer agreement)
4. Disposition PCBAs to their designated reliability tests.; if there is fallout for defects (i.e. functional fails and/or inspection fails), the contract manufacturer and customer must agree
as to how to populating the reliability tests
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9.6. Test Menu Details
A.) Accelerated Temperature Cycling
Test Conditions: 0 to 100°C
Test Specification: JESD22-A104 (latest version) – Condition J / Soak Mode 3; Ramp rate
15°C/min or less typical, 10°C to 14°C/minute preferred; Minimum soak time of 10 minutes
each temperature extreme.
- Required Test Cycles: 1000 cycles (minimum – additional cycling may be required by
the customer)
- Functional Readout Times: Time zero, post 250 cycles, post 500 cycles, post 1000
cycles (minimum – additional readout times may be requested by the customer)
PCBAs shall be instrumented with thermocouples and cycling performed to ensure t h e h a r d w a r e
complies with the JESD22-A104, Condition J, Soak Mode 3, and associated ramp rate requirements.
Locations of the thermocouples on individual test samples and which sample locations in the thermal
cycle chamber should be profiled shall be agreed with the customer prior to beginning the profiling work.
The final ATC profile shall be agreed to by the customer prior to proceeding with the thermal cycling
B.) Temperature Humidity with Bias
Test Conditions: 40°C/85% RH
Required Test Hours: 400 hours minimum
Functional Readout Times (if monitoring is not possible in stress chamber): Time zero, post
200 hrs, post 400 hrs.
Functional hardware shall be configured in the stress chamber such that it can be powered and
Acceleration models RH from JEP122g (Failure Mechanisms And Models For Semiconductor Devices)
may be employed.
C.) High Temperature Bake
Test Conditions: 125 -0/+5°C
Test Specification: None
Required Test Time: 1000 hours (minimum – additional test time may be required by
the customer)
- Functional Readout Times: Time zero, post 500 hours, post 1000 hours (minimum –
additional readout times may be requested by the customer)
It should be noted that some components cannot tolerate a 125°C bake for 1000 hrs. The PCBA bill of
materials should be reviewed to determine what components, if any are at risk. If there are components
at risk, the test temperature may need to be reduced and test time increased to values agreed to by both
the contract manufacturer and the customer.
PCBAs shall be instrumented with thermocouples and baking performed to ensure t h e t e s t
h a r d w a r e complies with the specified temperature range. Locations of the thermocouples on
individual test samples and which sample locations in the oven should be profiled shall be agreed with the
customer prior to beginning the profiling work. The optimized profile is to be shared with and agreed to
by the customer prior to proceeding with the HTB test.
D.) Mechanical Shock
Test Conditions: As specified and/or agreed with the customer
Test Specification: As specified and/or agreed with the customer
Required Test Time: As specified and/or agreed with the customer
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- Functional Readout Times: Time zero, post mechanical shock (minimum)
Mechanical shock may be used to simulate two conditions – 1) product shipping shock and 2) product
operational shock. Test parameters will generally vary depending on which type of shock testing is
chosen. When evaluating shipping shock, the various methods that the PCBA can be shipped should
be taken into consideration (examples. – individual shipping box, installed in a higher level assembly
shipped in a box, or shipped installed in a system). PCBAs shall be instrumented such that it is assured
the product complies with the agreed to test conditions.
E.) Mechanical Vibration
- Test Conditions: As specified and/or agreed with the customer
- Test Specification: As specified and/or agreed with the customer
- Required Test Time: As specified and/or agreed with the customer
- Functional Readout Times: Time zero, post mechanical vibration (minimum)
Mechanical vibration may be used to simulate two conditions – 1) product shipping vibration and 2)
product operational vibration. Test parameters will generally vary depending on which type of
vibration testing is chosen. When evaluating shipping vibration, the various methods that the PCBA
can be shipped should be taken into consideration (examples. – individual shipping box, installed in a
higher level assembly shipped in a box, or shipped installed in a system). PCBAs shall be instrumented
such that it is assured the product complies with the agreed to test conditions.
F.) Surface Insulation Resistance
- Test Conditions: 40°C, 90%RH, 5V
- Test Specification: IPC 9202 Conditions as per table 8-1)
- Test Vehicle: IPC-B-52
- Reference Documents: IPC 9203, IPC 9201-A, IPC 5702
- Required Test Time: 168 hours minimum
- Functional Readout Times: As specified in IPC 9202
Test chamber to be set up, profiled, and brought up to test conditions as specified in IPC 9202.
G.) Bend Testing
- Test Conditions: As specified in IPC-9702
- Test Specification: IPC-9702, IPC-9704 (latest versions)
- Required Test Time: As specified in IPC-9702 and IPC-9704
- Functional Readout Times: Time zero, post bend testing
This testing is to be conducted with daisy chained test vehicles as discussed in the latest versions of
IPC-9702 and IPC 9704, which address 4-point bending and spherical bending respectively. As IPC9704 does not prescribe max principal strain limits for SAC alloys, mutually agreed-upon limits shall
be established prior to testing.
H.) In-Circuit-Test Fixture Verification
Test Conditions: Functional product in ICT fixture with multiple actuations
Test Specification: As specified and/or agreed with the customer
Required Test Parameters:
o Test hardware to be instrumented with strain gauges at component/ PCBA
locations mutually agreed to by supplier and OEM. IPC/JEDEC 9704, Printed
Wiring Board Strain Gage Test Guideline, is to be followed for strain gauge
o Minimum requirement: 5 ICT fixture actuation cycles minimum, 1 minute “rest”
minimum between actuations
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Over stress: It is also recommended that at least one sample be exposed to an over
stress condition. Over stress can be induced either by a high number of actuations
cycles or by exceeding the maximum measured deflection/displacement. The over
stress requirements shall be defined by the customer.
Functional Readout Times:
o 5 Actuation cycle test: Time zero after the 5 th actuation cycle (minimum) –
customer may request that full ICT testing be performed on each actuation
o Over stress test: To be defined by the customer
o Measured strain not to exceed previously agreed-to limits generally prescribed by
component manufacturer(s), at any time during the test.
I.) Thermal Shock Stress
Test Conditions: -40 -5/+0°C to +65 -0/+5°C, goal hardware to dwell a minimum of 10
minutes at each extreme (dwell is intended to assure that all hardware equilibrates at each
temp extreme)
- Test Specification: None
- Test Chamber: Two compartment (air to air) style chamber preferred, but if unavailable,
standard one compartment chamber may be utilized with shortest cycle rate possible
- Required Test Time: Number of cycles as specified by the OEM
- Functional Readout Times: Time zero, post thermal ship shock (minimum)
PCBAs shall be instrumented with thermocouples and cycling performed to ensure t h e h a r d w a r e
complies with the specified profile. Locations of the thermocouples on individual test samples and which
sample locations in the thermal cycle chamber should be profiled shall be agreed with the customer prior
to beginning the profiling work. The optimized profile is to be shared with and agreed to by the
customer prior to proceeding with the thermal ship shock test.
J.) Area-array Component Co-planarity
This test is useful to ensure that excessive and undesirable warping of an array-type surface-mount
component does not occur at reflow temperatures, which has the potential to result in solder joints
malformation or opens at the corner solderballs. It is applicable to packages susceptible to to warp
due to their size or type; examples include BGAs, area array connectors, etc.
Follow JESD22-B108A at the (ROHS-compliant/ lead free) reflow profile to confirm that the coplanarity of the package substrate falls within the flatness specification for the component(s) under
consideration at reflow temperature. Thermal Shadow Moiré fringe analysis is recommended for
this test, per JESD22-B112.
Failure criteria for these components shall be set by their component manufacturers, from their
specified limits for maximum warp.
10. Accept/ Reject Criteria
It is advised to be familiar with the latest available release of all applicable specifications and test
procedures and follow the details as described prior to start of any reliability test. Summary information for
each test is provided in the following sections for reference only. A table of criteria follows.
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11. Report Template
Summary results for the qualification activity shall be recorded in an appropriate format,
such as the table provided below:
Test/ Activity
Number of
tested (RW
and NRW)
Result: Pass/
Fail, or NA (if
test is
Remarks/ failure
report storage
link/ location
Time-zero Functional test
Time Zero Visual Inspection
Time Zero Cross section
Time Zero Dye and Pry
Time Zero X-ray
Accelerated Thermal Cycling
(ATC), Interim checkpoint
Functional and FA
Accelerated Thermal Cycling
(ATC), Post Test Functional and
Temperature and Humidity with
Bias (THB), Interim Checkpoint
Test Functional and FA
Temperature and Humidity with
Bias (THB), Post Test Functional
and FA
High Temperature Bake
(HTB),Post Test Functional and
Mechanical Shock, In- and PostTest Functional and FA
Mechanical Vibration, In- and
Post-Test Functional and FA
Surface Insulation Resistance
(SIR), In- and Post-Test
Functional and FA
Bend Testing, In- and Post-Test
Functional and FA
In Circuit Test (ICT) Fixture
Verification, In- and Post-Test
Functional and FA and strain
gauge measurements
Thermal Ship Shock (TSS), PostTest Functional and FA
Area Array Coplanarity Test
Detailed reports shall be linked to from the summary to an appropriate repository.
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iNEMI Assembly-Level Reliability Qualification for Enterprise PCBAs
Final 1/26/2014
PTH solder joint visual inspection : post temperature cycling
Copper Thickness Measurements at Plated Through Hole Knee & Barrel
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