CURRENT ENGINEERING Establish Surge Current Capacity Levels: Multiple Benefits for Today’s Suppression Filter System Specifier A publication of the Current Technology Applications Engineering Group As the transient voltage surge suppression industry progresses toward PART I: SERVICE ENTRANCE APPLICATIONS maturity, performance standards for surge suppression products are begin- At electrical service entrances, two ning to take shape. Regulatory agencies separate issues must be addressed to such as NEMA (National Electrical ensure reliable protection: survivability of Manufacturers Association),Underwriters large (“catastrophic”) transients and sur- Laboratories (UL) and IEEE (Institute of vivability of the much more frequent Electrical and Electronics Engineers) are lower-magnitude transients that occur on furthering the establishment of concise a daily basis in most facilities. performance standards by publishing product parameters in a more uniform manner. Typically, a building’s degree of large magnitude transient disturbance exposure is higher at service entrance than at A one-performance criterion that has any other location in the facility. It is an begun to gel is the single pulse surge cur- established fact that lightning is the most rent capacity. NEMA has provided a defi- damaging of high exposure transients to nition for single pulse surge current threaten service entrances. The IEEE capacity that includes tested, rather than Emerald Book graph in Fig. 1 denotes the calculated, surge current values pub- statistical probability of a single lightning lished per mode (L-N, L-G, N-G, etc.) stroke occurring above a specific current Improved product technology and the level and also illustrates the following desire of surge suppression manufactur- probabilities and associated current. ers to provide offerings capable of surviving the most catastrophic surges have prompted single pulse surge current capacities per mode to climb higher and higher over the last several years. In response, a number of manufacturers of lower-rated surge suppression devices have questioned the benefit of high surge current capacity at high exposure service entrance locations as well as in lower exposure panel applications. This article details two primary reasons to conservatively rate single pulse surge current capacities in both service entrance and distribution system applications. 1 CURRENT ENGINEERING % GREATER THAN ORDINATE Fig. 1 Distribution of Lightning Stroke Current (Reproduced from IEEE Std. 1100) •20% of primary strokes are greater than 40 KA in magnitude Keep in mind that a single lightning strike is composed of multiple strokes. •10% of primary strokes are greater than 65 KA in magnitude Each year, 100 million lightning flashes •5% of primary strokes are greater than 100 KA in magnitude strikes hit the ground. Obviously, differ- •2% of primary strokes are greater than 140 KA in magnitude rience a statistically higher number of •1% of primary strokes are greater than 180 KA in magnitude occur in the United States; 20% of those ent geographic areas of the country expelightning strikes than others; an area’s isokraunic (frequency of lightning) rating is one of several factors involved in the probability of a specific facility incurring a damaging lightning episode. 2 CURRENT ENGINEERING SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST 50,000 amp single pulse surge current 100KA N-G will provide protection from capacity rating. Since 19% of primary 99% of initial direct lightning strokes. Regardless of building or utility lightning strokes and 5% of secondary integrity, a lightning strike that reaches strokes are greater than 50,000 amps in HIGHER SURGE CURRENT CAPACITY = the facility or travels very near the build- magnitude, and since the role of surge HIGHER RELIABILITY ing or to nearby ground can force cata- suppression devices at service entrance is strophic lightning currents through the to protect sensitive loads before, during electrical distribution system. Lightning and after catastrophic transient episodes, cal factor for properly selecting surge can produce potentially catastrophic these products do not offer complete or suppression with sufficient single pulse surge current levels to a building’s distri- even adequate protection. The recom- surge current capacity is the relationship bution system not only by directly strik- mended minimum single pulse surge of surge current capacity to lower ampli- ing the facility but also by striking an current capacity for surge suppression tude transient suppression reliability. incoming utility feed, by reaching the products in high-lightning locations is The surge current/reliability correlation surrounding earth or even by occurring 150KA L-N, 150KA L-G and 100KA N-G. applies not only to service entrance pro- cloud-to-cloud above a facility. With the very real chance of the facility being tection that is constantly bombarded by A PENNY SAVED? exposed to a direct or close-proximity lightning strike, today’s service entrance The second and possibly most criti- less catastrophic transients: this relationship is also the foundation for reliability Today’s cost-conscious purchasers of lower exposure surge suppression surge suppression must be capable of would do well to remember that lightning within a facility distribution system. surviving a large magnitude occurrence. strikes are comprised of multiple strokes. Although valid at all exposure levels, the Surge suppression stressed to maximum surge current/reliability connection is capacity has a much greater potential for best highlighted by studying a surge sup- fied into a building and installed under failure during the return strokes and pression device designed for branch the auspices of ideal facility and utility therefore increases the chances of expos- panel application. distribution system conditions. With ing critical electronics to residual light- shining new grounding, recently con- ning pulses. These same individuals (so nected bonds and unblemished utility anxious to shave a few dollars from a PART II: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM integrity, the expected utility lightning project) would be outraged if their per- APPLICATIONS strike magnitude conducted into the sonal insurance agent suggested coverage building is diminished. However, as the for only 80% of their homes or automo- current and reliability, two metal oxide building and utility infrastructure age, biles. varistor-based (MOV) panelboard level Often, suppression devices are speci- surge suppression devices will be com- facility electrical conditions may cease to be ideal. Common distribution system To explore the correlation of surge For geographical areas less prone to pared with single pulse surge current capacities as listed below: aging problems include building ground- lightning, the minimum single pulse ing increasing in impedance, N-G bond- surge current capacity should be 125KA ing with significant impedance or no N-G L-N, 100KA L-G and 100KA N-G. This bonding at all and deteriorated utility level of suppression is sufficient to pro- L-N 80,000A 40,000A conditions. All of these factors further tect critical equipment from the highest L-G 80,000A 40,000A increase an environment’s susceptibility probability of expected lightning magni- N-G 80,000A 40,000A to higher current lightning transients. tudes. As the lightning density increases or a facility’s propensity to conduct light- PRODUCT A PRODUCT B To simplify this example, only one ning becomes greater (high-rise struc- mode of suppression utilizing a multi- anxious to cut corners on project price, tures, overhead utility feeds, etc.), the tude of MOV components will be exam- have been snared by unscrupulous surge single pulse surge current capacity ined, but analysis will apply to all modes suppression manufacturers offering so- should increase as well. A surge suppres- as well as to MOVs and silicon avalanche called “equal” high-exposure service sion device with a minimum rating per diodes. entrance products that carry only a mode of 150KA L-N, 150KA L-G and Many budget-minded customers, 3 CURRENT ENGINEERING Fig. 2 MOV Manufacturer Component Data Graph What is the probability of a medium-to- 2KA impulse may then be easily deter- varistors. The proportions of the basic low exposure branch panelboard mined. relationship of a single MOV hold true for encountering an 80,000A transient? To EXPONENTIAL LIFE EXPECTANCY a multitude of current sharing MOVs. create a real-world scenario, these branch The Harris 20mm MOV data graph in panel suppressors will be exposed to Fig. 2 provides information for a single more frequent lower level events. To MOV. The graph depicts Impulse 20mm MOV pulsed with 20 usec 400 amp keep calculations simple, a lower current Duration vs. Surge Current with each transients should be able to withstand magnitude transient of 2KA with an 8/20- graph line representing expected pulse 1000 pulses. Halving the current to 200 usec standard transient current wave- life. The area circled represents sample amps extends the MOV life from 1,000 form is used as a lower level transient readings to be used for discussion. A 20 hits to 10,000 hits. Similarly, halving the magnitude. Long-term reliability of each usec pulse (as read from the bottom axis) stress on a product utilizing multiple device will be analyzed using the 2KA with a current magnitudes 400A (as read MOVs not only doubles product life transient current and MOV manufactur- from the vertical axis) has a pulse life of expectancy but increases product life er’s component data. By reviewing the 1000 (10E3) (as read from the intersect- expectancy by a factor of 10 as illustrated MOV data sheet, the relationship of cur- ing line of the graph). Although the in Fig. 2. As shown, halving the stress on rent to life expectancy will be discerned. graph shows the response of a single MOVs not only doubles the life of the The same relational proportions to a 20mm MOV, keep in mind the Products A MOVs but increases the life by a factor device with multiple MOVs exposed to a and B utilize a multitude of metal oxide of 10. 4 Review of the graph reveals that a CURRENT ENGINEERING The single pulse surge current capac- Product A 80KA ities of Products A and B are 80KA and 40KA respectively, and Fig. 3 illustrates these capacities along with a 2KA 80,000A impulse indicating the fraction of each Product B 40KA device’s rated maximum. This graph shows that the 2KA transient is 1/20th of 1/40 Capacity 40,000A the single pulse surge current rating of Product B and 1/40th of the rated capacity of Product A. If the relationship 1/20 between an MOV’s number of pulses Capacity before failure and the surge current were linear, the life expectancy of Product A 2,000A would be only twice that of Product B. However, surge suppression devices Fig. 3 Product A and Product B Surge Current using non-linear solid state suppression such as MOVs or silicon avalanche diodes exhibit logarithmic impulse current vs. life expectancy relationships. Therefore, halving the current stress on the surge suppression provides a life expectancy extended by an exponential factor 10. The principal for exponential improvement of life expectancy is applicable to service entrances as well. Rather than utilize two devices rated for 40KA Product C 150KA 150,000A and 80KA, service entrance surge suppression, Product C carries a surge current capacity of 150KA in any single mode, compared to Product D with 75KA. Instead of using a 2KA surge current to Product D 75KA 75,000A extrapolate the device’s percent of capac- 1/15 Capacity ity, a 10KA service entrance current magnitude is used to relate to utility power factor correction, utility transformer 1/7.5 reactance or reclosure switching. Capacity 10,000A Fig. 4 shows the single pulse surge current capacities of service entrance Products C and D along with a 10KA Fig. 4 Product C and Product D Surge Current impulse that depicts the fraction of each product’s rated maximum. As does internal suppression, some service entrance products use only non-linear solid state suppression such as multiple MOVs or silicon avalanche diodes and therefore 5 CURRENT ENGINEERING exhibit logarithmic impulse currents vs. tribution system, the catastrophic tran- nitude does not stress the capacity of the life expectancy relationships. Once sient is still present but less likely to be internal components. In other words, again, Product C will last 10 minutes critical criteria. Instead, the single pulse daily electrical transient activity will have longer than Product D. surge current capacity internally applied less detrimental effect on a more power- suppression devices will directly correlate ful surge suppression device than on a to the life expectancy of the suppressors. less powerful one. And just as critical sit- rent handled by the MOVs to increase life In both service entrance and distribution uations may call for an automobile driver expectancy, some manufacturers includ- system applications, this is an exponen- to accelerate beyond the speed limit, ed an additional surge current path with- tial relationship rather than a line at one. surge suppression devices may call in the product. If Product C features a Devices with higher surge current capaci- encounter extraordinary transient cur- selenium cell that shares current with the ties last exponentially longer than lower rent magnitudes. Better to be equipped MOVs and Product D relies solely on rated devices. and be prepared than to face the results In addition to halving the surge cur- MOV technology, the component life of a catastrophe that could have been expectancy of Product C will be further HORSEPOWER extended. In this situation, Product D is To compare surge capacity ratings, stressed to almost 1/8 of the MOV capacity while Product C implements MOV consider the wide range of horsepower available in today’s automobiles. For technology current sharing with a seleni- many individuals, a major consideration um cell. Should Product C contain MOV in the purchase of a new car is the size of technology only, the current stress on the MOVs would be half that as encountered the motor under the hood. Although often more expensive, cars with greater in Product D; therefore, Product C would horsepower maintain a higher resale have a life expectancy 10 times greater value. Since driving a car faster than 65 than that of Product D. Adding selenium mph is legally prohibited, why is higher and further reducing the current con- horsepower desirable? ducted by the MOVs will further expo- CONCLUSION As detailed in this article, selection of proper single pulse surge current capacity hinges on two critical factors: exposure of the device to high magnitude transients and the desired reliability through lower magnitude transients. Single pulse surge current capacities relate not only to a product’s ability to electrically function following severe transient episodes but are also directly related to the expected nentially extend the expected life of the Horsepower has more performance device. benefits that top speed, such as quicker acceleration, less motor stress over the At service entrance, single pulse duration of the car’s life and better surge current capacity is both a measure responsiveness. Routine acceleration of protection from catastrophic external during city driving is less stressful on a transients and a measure of surge sup- higher horsepower motor than a smaller, pressor life expectancy when subjected to the daily bombardment of lower level lower rated engine. Similarly, a surge suppressor with greater surge current external transients. Within a facility dis- life of the product from low level transients as well. As the surge suppression industry continues to design increasingly higher capacity products, the greatest improvement will come in long term reliability. Meanwhile, specification of high-rated surge current capacity offerings provides the maximum available protection for today’s sensitive loads. capacity lasts longer if the transient mag- ® © 2007, Thomas & Betts Power Solutions prevented. By Thomas & Betts Power Solutions 5900 Eastport Boulevard Richmond, VA 23231-4453 USA Tel: 804.236.3300 Fax: 804.236.4047 All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 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