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Student and Family Handbook
Handout Version A Parent’s Guide
to the Rules and Regula ons of Opera on
in Palm Beach County Schools
This brief Handout will highlight some important informa on included in the complete version of the 2016‐17 Student and Family Handbook. The complete version of the Handbook can be found online at: h p://www.palmbeachschools.org/Students/StudentHandbooks.asp. Included in this Handout are two forms, Parent/Student Acknowledgments of Student Rules and
Regula ons of Opera ons form that must be returned with your signature and the Student
Par cipa on in Authorized Surveys form that should only be returned if you are not going to give consent. If you are unable to access the complete version of the Student and Family Handbook
electronically, please contact your child’s school for a hardcopy. The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida
Top‐Rated District by the Florida Department of Educa on Since 2005 The School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida
District 1: VACANT District 2: Mr. Chuck Shaw (Chairman) District 3: Mrs. Karen Brill District 4: Mrs. Erica Whi ield District 5: Mr. Frank A. Barbieri, Jr., Esq. (Vice‐Chairman) District 6: Mrs. Marcia Andrews District 7: Debra Robinson, M.D. The School District of Palm Beach County is commi ed to providing a world‐class educa on with excellence and equity
to empower each student to reach his or her highest poten al with the most effec ve staff to foster the knowledge,
skills, and ethics required for responsible ci zenship and produc ve careers. A Message to Students and Parents from
Robert M. Avossa, Ed.D., Superintendent
Welcome to the 2016‐17 school year. With each new school year comes the opportunity for a fresh start! I encourage you to make the most of this year and set yourself on a path to realize your dreams by pu ng in the hard work today that will serve as the founda on for a successful and rewarding life. As an educator with over 20 years of experience, I know the value of se ng clear expecta ons early on to ensure success. It is for this reason that we have been working hard this past year to develop the Strategic Plan for our District that will guide us for the next five years. The intent of our Plan is to align our resources and ac ons to ensure that we provide every student with a world‐class educa on. Our students and families deserve the best educa onal experience that we can provide. The Strategic Plan can be found at: h ps://wcms.palmbeachschools.org/strategicplan/ The purpose of the Student and Family Handbook is to communicate the expecta ons, policies, procedures, and prac ces for the school year for all of our students and their families. The faculty and administra on at each of our schools strive to provide the best educa onal opportuni es that will contribute to all students’ social emo onal growth and academic achievement. As a District, we are charged with crea ng and providing a school climate where students and staff feel safe in an atmosphere of mutual caring, respect, and responsibility. We are a high performing school district and rank among the best school districts in the na on and a top‐rated school district in the state of Florida. It is with great pride that I welcome you to the new school year! Sincerely, Robert M. Avossa, Ed.D. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF OPERATION
For Elementary, Middle, and High School Students We have public schools because American ci zens believe that every person has the right to an educa on. Florida has laws to make sure that children can and do a end school. In Florida, children between the ages of six and sixteen must a end school. Local coun es must provide free public schools for them to a end. Those schools must provide a safe, friendly, and business‐like place to learn. The Student and Family Handbook addresses different rights and responsibili es of students in our schools. Rules about those rights and responsibili es are also included in the Student and Family Handbook. Wherever student responsibili es are described, it is understood that parent(s) jointly share those responsibili es with their children. The numbers in parenthesis are Florida Statutes (F.S. ‐ statute number), School Board Policies (P‐policy number), Florida Administra ve Code Rule (FAC‐rule number), or State Board of Educa on Rules (SBER‐rule number). Throughout the Handbook, when the word “parent(s)” is used, it means “either or both parents of a student, any guardian of a student, any person in a parental rela onship to a student, or any person exercising supervisory authority over a student in place of the parent.” F.S. § 1000.21(5) All School Board Policies are available for review at h p://
The District’s Student Progression Plans (SPPs) are available at your school for your review. The Student Progression Plans h p://www.palmbeachschools.org/studentprogression/ describe the School District’s strategy for student progression from the me of entry into the District un l gradua on. The Plans are used to set student performance standards in rela on to student promo on, reten on, and remedia on. Also included in the SPP are District entry and a endance requirements, educa onal program descrip ons, guidelines for assessing and repor ng student progress, and requirements for gradua on. You can find valuable informa on on the District’s website at www.palmbeachschools.org. In addi on, the following websites provide important school informa on: 
Student Code of Conduct: h p://www.palmbeachschools.org/Students/StudentHandbooks.asp
School Public Accountability Report: h p://doeweb‐prd.doe.state.fl.us/eds/nclbspar/ (At this link, click the link to the latest year’s Repor ng Requirements, then drop down to Palm Beach and click con nue, then drop down to the name of the school and click View This School’s Report)
School Grades: h p://schoolgrades.fldoe.org/
(At this link, click the link for School Grades, then click Open, the scroll down to Palm Beach and then locate the name of the school for the Informa onal Baseline School Grades.) 
School Improvement Plans: h p://www.floridacims.org/districts
(At this link, click Palm Beach, then click the name of the school, then click Download for the SIP for most recent year . Prior to downloading, the page displays the school’s grade and grade history.) A complete list of Palm Beach County Schools and Principals can be found on the District’s website under the SCHOOLS tab then click RESOURCES. CALENDAR FOR 2016‐17
The School Board approved the School Calendar for 2016‐17 and can be found online at: h ps://wcms.palmbeachschools.org/communica ons/wp‐content/uploads/sites/52/2016/04/CR_2016‐2017.pdf IMPORTANT DATES
August 15, 2016 First Day of School December 23, 2016 Teacher Work Day (no students) June 2, 2017 Last Day of School for Students October 21, 2016 Teacher Work Day (no students) February 20, 2017 Teacher Work Day (no students) November 8, 2016 Teacher Work Day (no students) March 17, 2017 Teacher Work Day (no students) HOLIDAYS
September 5, 2016 Labor Day November 11, 2016 Veteran’s Day January 16, 2017 M.L. King’s Birthday October 3, 2016 Fall Holiday November 23 ‐ 25, 2016 Thanksgiving Holiday October 12, 2016 Fall Holiday December 26, 2016 ‐ January 6, 2017 Winter Break April 14, 2017 Spring Holiday March 20 ‐ 24, 2017 Spring Break May 29, 2017 Memorial Day LTM MEETING (HS Late Start) & Professional Development Days (PDD MS/EL Early Dismissal)
August 30, 2016 LTM November 3, 2016 LTM/PDD February 2, 2017 LTM/PDD September 15, 2016 LTM/PDD December 8, 2016 LTM/PDD October 13, 2016 LTM/PDD January 19, 2017 LTM 8 EMERGENCY MAKE‐UP DAYS (EMD) The School Emergency Make‐Up Days are listed in Priority Order. Addi onal EMD’s subject to Superintendent’s approval
October 21, 2016 November 8, 2016 November 23, 2016 December 23, 2016 January 6, 2017 January 5, 2017 February 20, 2017 March 17, 2017 STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT
P‐5.1811, P‐5.1812, P‐5.1813 The policies and addi onal Student Code of Conduct policies are under review and are subject to change.
NOTE: Sec ons of this Handbook contain a summary of the Student Code of Conduct. There is an elementary and secondary version. To view the en re Student Code of Conduct electronically, see the policies on the District’s web‐
site under Chapter 5 at h p://www.boarddocs.com/fl/palmbeach/Board.nsf/Public including P‐5.002 (Bullying and Harassment), P‐ 5.09 (A endance, Absenteeism, and Truancy), P‐5.0921 (Palm Beach County School Board Gang Control Policy), P‐5.1812 (Student Code of Conduct for Elementary Students), P‐5.1813 (Student Code of Conduct for Secondary Students), P‐5.1817 through P‐5.186, 5.81 (Protec ng Student from Sexual Harassment and Discrimina‐
on). We encourage parents and students to review this Student Code of Conduct together and talk about the importance of being safe, responsible, and respec ul at school and in everyday life. The Student Code of Conduct is the District’s policy that creates a safe learning environment to ensure academic success. If this objec ve is to be accomplished, it is necessary that the school environment be a safe and suppor ve community. The “reculturing” of a school to a posi ve school climate supports academic achievement and promotes fairness, civili‐
ty, acceptance of diversity, as well as mutual respect. The School Board of Palm Beach County has adopted and is im‐
plemen ng the framework of School‐wide Posi ve Behavior Support (SwPBS) to assist in these efforts. SwPBS is a proven, research, and evidence‐based discipline program that emphasizes school‐wide systems of sup‐
ports. SwPBS emphasizes teaching students to behave in ways that contribute to academic achievement and school success that supports a safe school environment where students and school staff are responsible and respec ul. SwPBS also emphasizes the need for school staff to promote appropriate behaviors by teaching, modeling, and rein‐
forcing appropriate behaviors and by trea ng minor mis‐behaviors as “teaching moments”. What is the Discipline Guide within the Student Code of Conduct?
The DISCIPLINE GUIDE is a tool for administrators to respond appropriately when students have commi ed discipline infrac ons, per the Student Code of Conduct. This tool is designed to offer consistency at all levels across the District so that students are disciplined fairly from school‐to‐school when their behavior requires discipline beyond the class‐
room. The DISCIPLINE GUIDE does not apply to classroom management as assigned by the teacher, but rather as a progres‐
sive step when a student has broken the rules requiring a principal and/or his designee to assign consequences. Cer‐
tain viola ons of the rules such as weapon possession, assault, sexual harassment, require immediate ini al adminis‐
tra ve ac on.
The DISCIPLINE GUIDE is designed to assist you and your child in understanding the consequences of viola ng school rules. While most parents will have no need to be familiar with the discipline guide, the School Board and the District want to ensure that parents are knowledgeable about the ac ons of its school administrators when students misbe‐
have. The DISCIPLINE GUIDE enables administrators to assign consequences consistently, regardless of the school your child a ends. When a student has mul ple viola ons in one incident, such as figh ng with a weapon, the administrator will impose the more severe consequences. Like the Student Code of Conduct, the GUIDE is reviewed annually by District stakeholders, including parents, teachers, administrators, counselors, and other community representa ves. Discipline Referral Incidents in Palm Beach County are classified as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 or Level 4 infrac ons.
When deciding what disciplinary ac on should be taken, the Principal or designee shall consider the student’s age,
excep onality, ELL status, previous conduct, intent, and severity of the incident.
Administrators are asked to administer discipline in a progressive manner. The underlying principle is to use the
least severe ac on that is appropriate for the misbehavior. Administrators would increase the severity of the ac on
if the misbehaviors con nue.
Behaviors Level 1 Incidents are acts that disrupt the orderly opera on of the classroom, school, transporta on or extracurricular ac vi es 
LEVEL 1 INCIDENTS Tardiness, Habitual* Truancy Out of Assigned Area Leaving School Grounds w/out permis‐
sion Dress Code Viola ons Public Displays of Affec on Chea ng Failure to comply with School Rules Bus Rules Viola on Computer/Technology Misuse (Minor) Disrup ve (Unruly) Behavior or Play Disrespec ul Language Confronta on Lying/Misrepresenta on Cellular Telephone/Technology Viola on Prohibited Items, Unauthorized Use of Medica ons Unauthorized Sale/Distribu on of Mate‐
rials Inappropriate Ac vity Disobedient/Insubordina on 
* Referral to School Based Team Mandatory Range of Correc ve Strategies Prior to
Administering Discipline Range of Discipline Ac ons The principal or designee may select at least one of the following from Level 1 Ac ons. Principals may authorize use of Level 2 Ac ons for repeated, serious, or habitual Level 1 Incidents. Review of Matrix of Expecta ons Re‐teach Behavior Coaching Reflec ve Assignment Apology Le er 
Administra ve Responsibili es Parent/Guardian Contacted (M) Conference with Student (M) LEVEL 1 ACTIONS 
Conference with Parents Referred to School Guidance Referral for Peer Media on Referral for Administra ve Media on Behavior Contract Plan Mee ng (IEP, 504, LEP) Daily Weekly Report Schedule Change Parent Guardian a ends school w/
student Voluntary Res tu on Assigned Bus Seat Silent Lunch/Lunch Deten on A er School Deten on Extended or Mul ple Deten on Saturday School Deten on Confisca on Conflict Resolu on Mentoring Referral to Outside Agency 
M = Mandatory
Behaviors Level 2 Incidents are more serious than Level 1 Incidents. These behaviors signifi‐
cantly interfere with the learning process 
and/or the well being of others 
Range of Correc ve Strategies Prior to
Administering Discipline Harassment * Bus Disrup on Profane or Obscene Language Threat, non criminal * Physical Aggression * Repe ve Disrup ve Behaviors * Repe ve Disobedience Bullying/Cyberbullying * Vandalism <1000 Pe y The or Stealing <300 Possession of Tobacco Products ** Un‐served Deten ons (Regular) Un‐served Deten ons (Saturday) Firecrackers/Poppers * Forgery of Document of Signature Gambling * Sexual Harassment * Possession of Other Instruments or Objects Menacing Statements, Non Criminal * Severe Inappropriate Ac vity * 
*Referral to School Based Team
Inves ga on Witness Statements LEVEL 2 INCIDENTS 
Administra ve
Responsibili es 
Inves ga on Witness Statements Review of Matrix of Expecta ons Coaching Reflec ve Assignment Apology Le er Check in‐Check Out Restora ve Jus ce Ripple Effects Stay Away Agreement Vic m Safety Plan Range of Discipline Ac ons Where appropriate Principal or designees should apply discipline in a progressive manner. The principal or designees can select one of the strategies from Level 1, as well as one ac on from Level 2. Administra ve Responsibili es 
Parent/Guardian Contacted (M) Conference with Student (M) LEVEL 2 ACTIONS 
Media on Behavior Contract Plan Mee ng (IEP, 504, LEP) Daily Weekly Report Voluntary Res tu on Restora ve Jus ce Community Service Loss of Privileges Confisca on In‐School Interven on In‐School Suspension Days Held in Abeyance ATOD Program ** Bus Suspension Out‐of‐School Suspension (OSS) for 1‐
3 days ** 1st Offense – Parent Conference, A erschool Deten on, Referral to School Guidance ** 2nd Offense ‐ Parent Conference, 1 day OSS, Counseling Materials **3rd Offense – 5 days OSS/3 in Abeyance with a endance at an approved Alcohol Other Drug (AOD) program M = Mandatory
Behaviors Level 3 Incidents are more serious than Level 2 Incidents. These behaviors cause significant disrup ons with the learning process. These incidents cause health and/or safety concerns, or damage to school property. LEVEL 3 INCIDENTS
Figh ng Verbal Assault on an Student/Person Verbal Assault on School Board Em‐
ployee  Physical Aggression on a Student / Person (Non‐School Board Employee)  Physical A ack  Extor on/Blackmail/Coercion  Robbery  Physical Aggression on School Board Employee  Hazing  Stealing >300  Vandalism >1000  Breaking and Entering/Burglary  Computer /Technology Misuse (Major)  Reckless Vehicle Use  Motor Vehicle The  Arson ****  Counterfeit or Misrepresented Docu‐
ment  Sexual Assault  Unauthorized use of Prescrip on Medica ons***  Use of Intoxicants***  Alcohol ***  Drug Paraphernalia ***  Drugs/Imita on Drugs Represented as Drugs (possession/use/storage)***  Disrup on of a School  Trespassing  False Fire Alarm/ 911 Call  Bomb Threat ****  Inappropriate Lewd, or Obscene Act  Sexual Misconduct  Possession of a Knife or Other Poten ally Dangerous Item Administra ve Responsibili es 
Inves gate (M) Witness Statements (M) No fy School Police (M) Referral to School Based Team (M) Range of Discipline Ac ons Principal or designees must select at least one of the non mandatory Level 3 Ac ons. 
Administra ve Responsibili es Parent/Guardian Contacted (M) Student Conference (M) LEVEL 3 ACTIONS 
Confisca on (where applicable) Restora ve Jus ce Community Service Loss of Extra Curricular Ac vi es In‐School Suspension Days Held in Abeyance Suspension from School 1‐5 days Recommended for Expulsion **** Alcohol and Other Drugs Offenses *** 1st Offense – 5 days OSS/3 in Abey‐
ance with a endance at an approved Al‐
cohol Other Drug (AOD) program *** Repeated AOD offense – 10 days OS‐
S/5 in Abeyance with a endance at an approved AOD program Principals can request to convene a Disci‐
pline Screening Commi ee on any infrac‐
on that is unique in nature. M = Mandatory ELEMENTARY
Behavior These behaviors are the most serious acts of student misconduct and threaten life 
Administra ve Responsibili es Imminent Threat of Violence, High Level**** A empt a Criminal Act Against a Per‐
son**** Possession of a Firearm, Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun**** Ba ery on Law Enforcement Officer**** Possession, Use, Sale, Storage or Dis‐
tribu on of an Explosive Device**** Sale, Intent to Sell, or Distribu on of Drugs, Imita on Drugs Represented as Drugs, or Prescrip on Medica‐
ons**** Aggravated Assault**** Ba ery or Aggravated Ba ery on Stu‐
dent/ Person (Non‐ School Board Em‐
ployee)**** Armed Robbery**** Ba ery or Aggravated Ba ery on School Board Employee**** Sexual Ba ery **** Kidnapping or Abduc on**** Homicide **** 
Discipline Consequences Principal or designee must use the follow‐
ing Level 4 Ac ons Inves gate (M) Witness Statements (M) No fy Area Supt. (M) No fy Safe Schools (M) No fy School Police (M) LEVEL 4 ACTIONS 
Parent/Guardian Contacted (M) Student Conference (M) Confisca on (if applicable) (M) Suspension from School 10 days (M) ****Recommenda on for Expulsion (M) Principals can request to convene a Disci‐
pline Screening Commi ee on any infrac‐
on that is unique in nature. M = Mandatory
Behaviors Level 1 Incidents are acts that disrupt the orderly opera on of the classroom, school, transporta on or extracurricular ac vi es 
LEVEL 1 INCIDENTS Tardiness, Habitual Truancy Out of Assigned Area Leaving School Grounds w/out per‐
mission Dress Code Viola ons Public Displays of Affec on Chea ng Failure to comply with School Rules Bus Rules Viola on Computer/Technology Misuse (Minor) Disrup ve (Unruly) Behavior or Play Disrespec ul Language Confronta on Lying/Misrepresenta on Cellular Telephone/Technology Viola‐
on Prohibited Items, Unauthorized Use of Medica ons Unauthorized Sale/Distribu on of Materials Inappropriate Ac vity Disobedient/Insubordina on Range of Correc ve Strategies Prior to
Administering Discipline 
Review of Matrix of Expecta ons Re‐teach Behavior Coaching Reflec ve Assignment Apology Le er Range of Discipline Ac ons The principal or designees may select at least one of the following from Level 1 Ac ons. Principals may authorize use of Level 2 Ac ons for repeated, serious, or habitual Level 1 Incidents. Administra ve Responsibili es 
Parent/Guardian Contacted (M) Conference with Student (M) LEVEL 1 ACTIONS 
Conference with Parents Referred to School Guidance Referral for Peer Media on Referral for Administra ve Media on Behavior Contract Plan Mee ng (IEP, 504, LEP) Daily Weekly Report Schedule Change Parent Guardian a ends school w/
student Voluntary Res tu on Assigned Bus Seat Silent Lunch/Lunch Deten on A er School Deten on Extended or Mul ple Deten on Saturday School Deten on Confisca on Conflict Resolu on Mentoring Referral to Outside Agency 
M = Mandatory
Behaviors Level 2 Incidents are more serious than Level 1 Incidents. These behaviors signifi‐
cantly interfere with the learning process 
and/or the well‐being of others 
Range of Correc ve Strategies Prior to
Administering Discipline Harassment * Bus Disrup on Profane or Obscene Language Threat, non‐criminal * Physical Aggression * Repe ve Disrup ve Behaviors * Repe ve Disobedience Bullying/Cyberbullying * Hazing * Vandalism <1000 Pe y The or Stealing <300 Possession of Tobacco Products ** Un‐served Deten ons (Regular) Un‐served Deten ons (Saturday) Firecrackers/Poppers * Forgery of Document of Signature Gambling * Possession of Other Instruments or Objects Sexual Harassment * Menacing Statements, Non‐Criminal * Severe Inappropriate Ac vity * *Referral to School Based Team Manda‐
tory Inves ga on Witness Statements 
Administra ve
Responsibili es 
Inves ga on Witness Statements Review of Matrix of Expecta ons Coaching Reflec ve Assignment Apology Le er Check in‐Check Out Restora ve Jus ce Ripple Effects Vic m Safety Plan Stay Away Agreement Range of Discipline Ac ons Where appropriate Principal or designees should apply discipline in a progressive manner. The principal or designees can select one of the strategies from Level 1, as well as one ac on from Level 2. Administra ve Responsibili es 
Parent/Guardian Contacted (M) Conference with Student (M) LEVEL 2 ACTIONS 
Media on Behavior Contract Plan Mee ng (IEP, 504, LEP) Daily Weekly Report Voluntary Res tu on Restora ve Jus ce Community Service Loss of Privileges Confisca on In‐School Interven on In‐School Suspension Days Held in Abeyance ATOD Program ** Bus Suspension Out‐of‐School Suspension (OSS) for 1‐
5 days ** 1st Offense – 5 days OSS/3 in Abey‐
ance with a endance at an approved Al‐
cohol Tobacco or Other Drugs (ATOD) pro‐
gram ** 2nd Offense – 5 days OSS/2 in Abeyance with a endance at an approved Alcohol Tobacco or Other Drugs (ATOD) program *** Further offenses – 10 days OSS M = Mandatory
Behaviors Level 3 Incidents are more serious than Level 2 Incidents. These behaviors cause significant disrup ons with the learning process. These incidents cause health and/or safety concerns, or damage to school property. LEVEL 3 INCIDENTS  Figh ng  Verbal Assault on an Student/Person  Verbal Assault on School Board Em‐
ployee  Physical Aggression on a Student / Person (Non‐School Board Employee)  Physical A ack  Extor on/Blackmail/Coercion  Robbery  Physical Aggression on School Board Employee  Hazing  Stealing >300  Vandalism >1000  Breaking and Entering/Burglary  Computer/Technology Misuse (Major)  Reckless Vehicle Use  Motor Vehicle The  Arson ****  Counterfeit or Misrepresented Docu‐
ment  Sexual Assault  Unauthorized use of Prescrip on Medica ons***  Use of Intoxicants***  Alcohol ***  Drug Paraphernalia ***  Drugs/Imita on Drugs Represented as Drugs (possession/use/storage)***  Disrup on of a School  Trespassing  False Fire Alarm/ 911 Call  Bomb Threat ****  Inappropriate Lewd, or Obscene Act  Sexual Misconduct  Possession of a Knife or Other Poten‐
ally Dangerous Item Administra ve Responsibili es 
Inves gate (M) Witness Statements (M) No fy School Police (M) Referral to School Based Team (M)
Range of Discipline Ac ons Principal or designees must select at least one of the non‐mandatory Level 3 Ac ons. Administra ve Responsibili es 
Parent/Guardian Contacted (M) Student Conference (M) LEVEL 3 ACTIONS 
Confisca on (where applicable) Restora ve Jus ce Community Service Loss of Extra Curricular Ac vi es In‐School Suspension Days Held in Abeyance Suspension from School 1‐10 days Recommended for Expulsion **** Alcohol or Other Drug (AOD)
Offenses *** 1st Offense – 10 days OSS/5 in Abey‐
ance with a endance at an approved Alcohol or Other Drugs (AOD) program *** Repeated Alcohol or Other Drugs offense (during the calendar school year) REQUIRE ‐ a 10 day out‐of‐school suspen‐
sion and recommenda on for expulsion. Principals can request to convene a Disci‐
pline Screening Commi ee on any infrac‐
on that is unique in nature. M = Mandatory
Behavior These behaviors are the most serious acts of student misconduct and threaten life LEVEL 4 INCIDENTS 
Imminent Threat of Violence, High Level**** A empt a Criminal Act Against a Per‐
son**** Possession of a Firearm, Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun**** Ba ery on Law Enforcement Officer**** Possession, Use, Sale, Storage or Dis‐
tribu on of an Explosive Device**** Sale, Intent to Sell, or Distribu on of Drugs, Imita on Drugs Represented as Drugs, or Prescrip on Medica‐
ons**** Aggravated Assault**** Ba ery or Aggravated Ba ery on a Student/Person (Non‐ School Board Employee)**** Armed Robbery**** Ba ery or Aggravated Ba ery on School Board Employee**** Sexual Ba ery **** Kidnapping or Abduc on**** Homicide**** Administra ve Responsibili es 
Inves gate (M) Witness Statements (M) No fy Area Supt. (M) No fy Safe Schools (M) No fy School Police (M) Discipline Consequences Principal or designees must use the fol‐
lowing Level 4 Ac ons LEVEL 4 ACTIONS 
Parent/Guardian Contacted (M) Student Conference (M) Confisca on (if applicable) (M) Suspension from School 10 days (M) ****Recommenda on for Expulsion (M) Principals can request to convene a Disci‐
pline Screening Commi ee on any infrac‐
on that is unique in nature. M = Mandatory
Policy 5.40
The State of Florida requires that the Pledge of Allegiance be recited at the beginning of the day in every Florida public elementary, middle, and high school. Each student shall be informed by a wri en no ce published in the student handbook or a similar publica on pursuant to s. 1006.07(2) that the student has the right not to par cipate in reci ng the pledge. Upon wri en request by his or her parent through a wri en opt‐out, the student must be excused from reci ng the pledge, including standing and placing the right hand over his or her heart. F. S. § 1003.44(1). 1. A student under the age of 18 who is not emancipated must stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, unless ex‐
cused in wri ng by the parent. An 18 year old or older or an emancipated high school student has personal author‐
ity and cannot be required to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. A student excused from reci ng the Pledge of Allegiance is also excused from standing. In the event of a non‐
par cipa ng student without an opt‐out, the school personnel: a. cannot single out the student in front of the class; b. must counsel with the student (who is not 18 years of age or older, or an emancipated high school student) privately and no fy the parent for parental resolu on, and any conflict between the parent and child should be resolved by the parent; c. cannot discipline a student for failing to stand and/or pledge; d. may issue disciplinary ac on if a student materially disrupts the Pledge. ECONOMIC SECURITY REPORT
Florida Statutes Sec ons 1002.20 (24) and 445.07 require the Department of Economic Opportunity in consulta on with the De‐
partment of Educa on, to prepare, or contract with an en ty to prepare, an economic security report of employment and earning outcomes for degrees or cer ficates earned at public postsecondary educa onal ins tu ons. Each middle school and high school student or the student's parent prior to registra on shall be provided a two‐page summary of the Department of Economic Oppor‐
tunity's economic security report of employment and earning outcomes and electronic access to the report of postsecondary op‐
portuni es. The following links are to the two‐page summary and full Economic Security Report. Two‐Page Summary: h p://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/7750/urlt/TwoPageSummary.pdf Full Economic Security Report: h p://www.beyondeduca on.org/ 